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 World Lion Day Speech Topics, August 10

Exploring the majesty of the king of beasts.


Lions are one of the most notable animals in the world, and have been used as symbols or courage and nobility. World Lion Day on August 10th is an opportunity to  educate ourselves and others about preserving these iconic animals for future generations. Whether you're a student, teacher, or public speaker, World Lion Day Speech Topics provide captivating and contemporary ideas that can engage and inspire your audience. This article will provide you with a comprehensive list of informative, persuasive, impromptu, and fun speech topics related to World Lion Day, along with resources to help you prepare a compelling speech.

Informative Topics

Persuasive topics, impromptu topics.

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informative speech topics block

Informative Topics: Unleashing the Fascinating World of Lions

  • The Evolutionary History of Lions: Tracing the Origins of the King of Beasts
  • Lion Behavior and Social Structures: Insights into the Inner World of Pride
  • The Ecological Role of Lions: Balancing Ecosystems in the African Savanna
  • Threats to Lion Conservation: Human-Wildlife Conflict and Habitat Loss
  • The Role of Zoos in Lion Conservation: Preservation Through Captive Breeding
  • Lion Hunting Practices: Exploring the Ethics and Impact on Lion Populations
  • Lion Communication: Roaring, Purring, and Non-Verbal Expressions
  • The African Lion vs. the Asiatic Lion: Contrasting Subspecies and Habitats
  • Lionesses: The Backbone of the Pride
  • Conservation Success Stories: Lions Making a Comeback
  • The Importance of Protected Areas for Lion Conservation
  • Lions and Cultural Significance: Symbolism in Art, Mythology, and Literature
  • The Lion's Mane: Significance and Function of the Majestic Crown
  • The Lion's Diet: Unveiling the Secrets of a Carnivorous Predator
  • The Impact of Trophy Hunting on Lion Populations
  • Lion Research and Tracking: Advancements in Studying Wild Lions
  • The Lion's Habitat: Exploring the African Savannah and Beyond
  • The Lion in Captivity: Challenges and Solutions for Zoo Management
  • Lions in Captivity vs. the Wild: Debating the Ethical Dilemma
  • Coexistence between Humans and Lions: Successful Case Studies from Around the World

persuasive speech topics block

Persuasive World Lion Day Speech Topics That Are Roaring for Change

  • The Urgency of Protecting Lions: A Call to Action
  • The Economic Value of Ecotourism: Supporting Lion Conservation through Responsible Travel
  • The Role of Government Policies in Lion Conservation: Strengthening Legal Frameworks
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices: Reducing Human-Lion Conflict and Habitat Destruction
  • The Impact of Wildlife Trade on Lion Populations: Advocating for Stricter Regulations
  • Promoting Lion-Friendly Products: Consumer Choices for Conservation
  • Empowering Local Communities in Lion Conservation Efforts
  • The Role of Education in Shaping a Generation of Lion Protectors
  • Women in Conservation: Empowering Female Leaders in Lion Protection
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Encouraging Businesses to Support Lion Conservation
  • The Role of Media in Shaping Public Perceptions of Lions and Wildlife
  • Raising Awareness: Engaging Social Media Campaigns for Lion Conservation
  • Alternative Livelihoods for Communities Near Lion Habitats: Promoting Sustainable Development
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: Strengthening Global Efforts for Lion Conservation
  • The Role of International Wildlife Organizations in Lion Protection
  • Strengthening Anti-Poaching Measures: Combating the Illegal Wildlife Trade
  • Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflict: Strategies for Coexistence
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Lion Habitats: Urgent Steps for Adaptation
  • Lion Conservation as a Global Responsibility: The Need for International Cooperation
  • Preserving Lions for Future Generations: Fostering a Sense of Stewardship

impromptu speech topics block

Let A Lions' Majesty Inspire You with These Impromptu Topics

  • If lions could speak, what would they say to humans?
  • How would the world be different without lions?
  • You are a lion conservationist - convince the audience to donate to your cause.
  • Describe the feeling of encountering a lion in the wild.
  • If you could spend a day as a lion, what would you do?
  • Explain why lions deserve to be called the "Kings of the Jungle."
  • Imagine you are a lion researcher - share an exciting discovery you've made.
  • Convince your audience to visit a wildlife reserve to see lions firsthand.
  • Describe the impact of losing lions on the African ecosystem.
  • What can we learn from lions about leadership and teamwork?
  • You are a lion advocate - persuade the audience to boycott lion tourism attractions.
  • Share an interesting fact about lions that most people don't know.
  • If you had the power to solve one threat to lion conservation, what would it be?
  • Convince your audience to support a lion adoption program.
  • Describe your emotions if you witnessed a lion cub's first steps.
  • Why should we celebrate World Lion Day every day?
  • What would be the consequences of removing lions from the African food chain?
  • Share a personal story about a lion encounter that impacted your life.
  • How can we involve children in lion conservation efforts?
  • Persuade your audience to watch a documentary about lions to raise awareness.

fun speech topics block

Fun Topics: Roaring with Laughter

  • The Secret Life of Simba: A Lion's Perspective
  • Lion Jokes: Bringing a Smile to Your World Lion Day Celebration
  • The Lion's Fashion Show: Discussing the Latest Mane Styles
  • Lion Pop Culture: From The Lion King to Lion Mascots
  • Roar-aoke: Singing Lion-Themed Songs to Celebrate World Lion Day
  • "Lion-telligence": Fun Facts and Trivia about Lions
  • The Lion Olympics: Competitions Fit for the King of Beasts
  • Lion vs. Tiger: The Ultimate Debate
  • The Lion's Playlist: Creating a Lion-Inspired Music Collection
  • A Lion's Guide to Etiquette: Manners for the Kings and Queens Among Us

Sample Speech Outline for World Lion Day

To assist in fleshing out ideas for World Lion Day Speech Topics take a look at this sample "Roaring through Time: The Cultural Legacy of Lions".

Roaring through Time: The Cultural Legacy of Lions

I. Introduction

  • Engaging opening: Share a fascinating lion-inspired artwork or quote
  • Introduce the topic: Lions as symbols in various cultures and throughout history
  • Thesis statement: Explore the rich cultural significance of lions in art, mythology, and literature
  • Go into detail of the significance for Lions and their impact through history
  • Egyptian mythology and the lion-headed goddess Sekhmet
  • The Lion of Babylon: Symbolizing Power in Mesopotamian Culture
  • Leonardo da Vinci's "Study of Lion Anatomy" and its Influence on scientific illustration
  • The symbolism of lions in European heraldry and coat of arms
  • The Nemean Lion: Hercules' first labor and its symbolic meaning
  • The Lion Dance: A Traditional Chinese cultural performance
  • "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis: Examining Aslan's role and symbolism
  • Lions in contemporary fantasy and adventure literature

III. Conclusion

  • Recap the significance of lions in art, mythology, and literature
  • Inspire the audience to appreciate and celebrate the enduring cultural legacy of lions
  • Memorable closing: Share a lion-related quote or call-to-action for lion conservationConclusion

World Lion Day Speech Topics provide a fantastic opportunity to explore lions and educate others about the importance of their conservation. We have provided a comprehensive list of speech topics related to World Lion Day to help you find the perfect subject for your speech. Conduct thorough research, gather reliable resources, and make your speech engaging and memorable by incorporating storytelling, visuals, and personal anecdotes. Let your voice be heard as you join the chorus of lion advocates worldwide,  declaring the importance of the protection, and preservation of these majestic creatures!

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World Lion Day: Celebrating the king of the jungle

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World Lion Day is celebrated on August 10th every year and is a global campaign aimed at raising awareness about the majestic predator, the king of the jungle. Lions are an iconic species, but they face various challenges in the wild, including loss of habitat, conflicts with humans, and dwindling prey populations.

World Lion Day seeks to inform the public about the decline of lion populations in the wild and the efforts being made to stop them from becoming endangered. It is also an opportunity to celebrate lions’ cultural significance and the important role they play in ecosystems.

Various organizations, governments, and wildlife enthusiasts participate in this day through educational programs, awareness campaigns, and fundraising events. These efforts aim to support conservation projects and foster an environment where lions can thrive in their natural habitats. By focusing on these issues, World Lion Day hopes to inspire action to protect and preserve these magnificent animals for future generations.

The Importance of Lions

Lions are apex predators and play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of their habitats. They regulate prey species, keeping a check on herbivorous animals like zebras and wildebeests, which in turn impacts the vegetation. Without lions, these herbivores would overgraze, leading to soil erosion and other environmental issues.

The cultural significance of lions is also profound. They are depicted in art, literature, and folklore across various cultures. From the ancient sphinxes of Egypt to the emblematic lions in heraldry, these big cats have been a symbol of strength and nobility.

The Plight of the Lions

Despite their symbolic importance and ecological role, lions are facing severe threats:

Habitat Loss

Urbanization, agriculture, and human settlement expansion have led to the fragmentation of lion habitats. This not only reduces their territory but also leads to conflicts with humans.

Human-Wildlife Conflict

Lions occasionally prey on livestock, leading to retaliatory killings. Such conflicts can decimate local lion populations.

Poaching and Hunting

Trophy hunting and poaching for body parts are other significant threats to lions. While some countries have regulations in place, illegal hunting still occurs.

Lions are also susceptible to diseases, some of which may be transmitted by domestic animals.

Climate Change

Changes in climate can affect prey availability and lion habitats, leading to further stress on their populations.

World Lion Day: A Global Movement

World Lion Day aims to bring these issues to the forefront. Through education, awareness campaigns, and fundraising, it mobilizes support for lion conservation. Activities include:

Educational Programs

Schools, zoos, and wildlife organizations conduct workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions to educate the public about lion conservation.

Media Campaigns

Social media, television, and print media are utilized to spread the message far and wide.


NGOs and other organizations conduct fundraising events to support on-ground conservation projects.

Community Engagement

Local communities are engaged in efforts to reduce human-lion conflicts and promote coexistence.

World Lion Day is not just a celebration; it’s a mission to preserve one of the Earth’s most iconic species. It reminds us of our responsibility to protect the fragile ecosystems that lions inhabit. Through collective efforts, we can ensure that future generations will continue to be inspired by the grace and majesty of the King of the Jungle.

Whether it’s supporting a local zoo’s conservation program, donating to a wildlife charity, or simply spreading awareness, every effort counts. Join the global community this World Lion Day and become a part of the movement to protect these magnificent creatures. The survival of the lions depends on our concerted action and sustained commitment.

More about lions

Lions, known as Panthera leo, reign supreme in the animal kingdom as one of the most revered and iconic big cats. Their striking appearance, social behavior, and hunting prowess have captured the fascination of humans for centuries. This article takes a comprehensive look at the anatomy, social structure, diet, and conservation issues related to lions.

Physical Appearance

The physical appearance of lions is distinguished by their robust build, muscular bodies, and attractive coats that vary in color from pale yellow to deep brown. Male lions are especially notable for their majestic manes, which grow darker and more extensive as they age, signaling strength and maturity. These manes provide an intimidating display, making the males appear larger to other animals and rival males.

Adult male lions typically weigh between 330 to 550 pounds, whereas females are slightly smaller, ranging from 265 to 395 pounds. Lions also have powerful jaws equipped with sharp teeth and retractable claws that assist them in hunting and taking down prey.

The striking physical appearance of lions, particularly the males with their prominent manes, has contributed to their reputation as the “King of the Jungle,” even though they primarily inhabit grasslands and savannahs.

Social structure

The social structure of lions is unique among big cats and is organized around groups known as prides. Here’s a detailed look at the elements that make up a lion’s social structure:

A lion pride typically consists of 15 to 20 members, including a few adult males, several adult females, and their cubs. The pride is not just a social unit but also a functional one, with each member playing a specific role.

Males and Their Role

Within a pride, one or more males, often brothers or close relatives, hold dominance. They are responsible for defending the territory from rival males. They mark their boundaries with scent and use their roaring, which can be heard up to 5 miles away, to ward off intruders. The dominant males also mate with the females within the pride.

Females and Their Role

Females in the pride are closely related, often consisting of sisters, mothers, and daughters. They are the primary hunters, working together to stalk and capture prey. Their cooperation extends to raising the young, with females often nursing and caring for each other’s cubs.

Cubs remain within the pride, cared for by all the females, until they reach maturity. Male cubs eventually leave the pride to form their own coalitions, either alone or with brothers or cousins, and seek to take over another pride. Female cubs generally stay within the pride they were born into.

Social Interactions

Lions are social animals, and interactions within the pride include grooming, playing, and communicating through various vocalizations and body language. These interactions strengthen social bonds and help maintain harmony within the pride.

Challenges to the Social Structure

The lion’s social structure can be turbulent, particularly when a new coalition of males takes over a pride. This often leads to the killing of existing cubs, as the new dominant males aim to sire their own offspring with the females.

In summary, the social structure of lions revolves around the pride, with complex roles and relationships defining their daily life. This communal living arrangement is key to their survival, enabling them to hunt effectively and raise their young in a cooperative environment.

Lions’ Diet

The diet of lions is primarily carnivorous, consisting of large mammals that they hunt or scavenge within their habitat. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what lions typically consume:

Primary Prey

Lions mainly prey on large herbivores such as:

  • Wildebeests: These animals often form a significant portion of a lion’s diet, especially during migrations in regions like the Serengeti.
  • Zebras: Lions also frequently hunt zebras, using their powerful bodies and teamwork to take them down.
  • Buffaloes: Though more challenging to hunt, buffaloes are a valuable food source for lions. They require a coordinated effort from several lions to successfully capture.
  • Antelopes and Gazelles: Depending on the availability, lions will also prey on various species of antelopes and gazelles.
  • Giraffes: Occasionally, lions will attempt to hunt giraffes, although this requires significant effort and risk.

In addition to hunting, lions are opportunistic scavengers. They often take advantage of kills made by other predators, such as hyenas, cheetahs, or leopards. By using their size and strength, they can drive other predators away from a kill and consume it themselves.

Feeding Behavior

Lions’ feeding behavior demonstrates the hierarchy within the pride. Typically, adult males eat first, followed by the females, and finally the cubs. A large kill can feed a pride for several days.

Occasional Variations

Though large mammals form the core of their diet, lions are opportunistic and can consume smaller prey like birds, rodents, or reptiles if the opportunity arises. In some rare circumstances, they may also eat vegetation, although this is not a regular or significant part of their diet.

In summary, the diet of lions consists mainly of large herbivores, supplemented by scavenging. Their preference for specific prey depends on geographical location and availability. Their ability to work together as a pride enables them to tackle larger and more challenging prey, ensuring that they have a consistent food source to support the group.

Lion Conservation Status

The conservation status of lions is a matter of growing concern, as their population has been on a significant decline. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies the African lion (Panthera leo) as “Vulnerable,” while the Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica) is classified as “Endangered.”

Factors Contributing to Decline

Several factors have contributed to the decline in lion populations, including:

  • Habitat Loss: Human expansion into lion territories for agriculture, settlements, and other developments have led to a reduction in the lions’ natural habitat.
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict: As human populations grow and move closer to lion habitats, conflicts occur, often resulting in the killing of lions to protect livestock or human lives.
  • Poaching and Trophy Hunting: Illegal poaching for body parts and legal trophy hunting in some regions have also contributed to the decline.
  • Disease: Diseases such as canine distemper and feline immunodeficiency virus can have devastating effects on local lion populations.
  • Prey Depletion: Overhunting and habitat alteration have led to reduced prey availability, making it more challenging for lions to find food.

Conservation Efforts

Various organizations, governments, and communities are working to protect lions through different strategies:

  • Establishing Protected Areas: Creating and maintaining national parks and reserves helps provide safe habitats for lions.
  • Community-Based Conservation: Engaging local communities in conservation efforts can foster coexistence and reduce human-lion conflicts.
  • Anti-Poaching Measures: Enforcing laws against poaching and implementing strict monitoring within protected areas are vital for protecting lions from illegal hunting.
  • Research and Monitoring: Ongoing research and population monitoring help in understanding the needs of lions and implementing effective conservation strategies.

Despite these efforts, challenges remain. Balancing human needs with conservation, securing adequate funding, and dealing with political complexities often hinder progress.

The conservation status of lions is a critical issue requiring immediate attention and concerted efforts. The decline in lion populations symbolizes a broader challenge of preserving biodiversity in an increasingly human-dominated landscape.

The continuation of existing conservation initiatives and the development of new, innovative approaches are vital to ensure that this iconic species does not slide further toward extinction.

Lions, with their majestic appearance and intricate social structure, are among the most compelling creatures on Earth. Their survival, however, hangs in the balance.

Comprehensive conservation strategies, respect for their habitats, and continued research are crucial to ensuring that future generations can witness the beauty and grandeur of these incredible animals.

The ongoing relationship between humans and lions will undoubtedly shape the fate of this iconic species, demonstrating the interconnectedness of all life on our planet.


NG Explorers On a Mission to Help Lions

NG Kid Reporter Charlotte Jones talks to Beverly and Dereck Joubert about World Lions Day, which is August 10.

Published August 4, 2014

by Charlotte Jones, NG Kid Reporter

I interviewed National Geographic Explorers-in-Residence Beverly and Dereck Joubert in honor of World Lion Day, which is August 10. The Jouberts take pictures of and film documentaries about lions and other animals. They want to talk to a lot of people on World Lion Day—and every day—to make sure that we help save the lions so that the lions can live free and wild. 

The Jouberts worked with National Geographic to start a program to save the lions called the Big Cats Initiative. They also worked with people in South Africa to make bracelets to raise awareness about the problems facing the lions. If we don’t do something now, by the time we are adults, there might not be any more lions in the wild.

Kids can help save lions by learning all about them and why they are in danger. They should talk to their parents about lions or write letters to support lions.

Photograph by NG staff; Kid Reporter's dress donated by Tea Collection

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World Lion Day

World Lion Day

Make a Donation

Give Monthly

If you want to ensure lions have a stable future, monthly giving is your most impactful option. But if you’re not ready to commit, consider an urgent one-time gift instead. There are 240 West African lions — and 24,000 lions across the continent — who will be positively impacted by your support.

Let Lions Live

World Lion Day aims to raise awareness about the plight of lions and gather support for their conservation. With only approximately 24,000 wild lions left in Africa, Panthera is protecting lions by increasing connectivity between their habitats and improving coexistence with the communities who live alongside them.

Saving Senegal's Last Lions

In May 2022, Panthera announced it had fitted six lions with GPS collars — the first-ever in Senegal. Using this new GPS data, Panthera is developing an action plan built on information collected on lion density, habitat use, the structure of lion prides and their hunting patterns.

At the core of this project is Mouhamadou Mody Ndiaye, a Technical Assistant. A native to Senegal, he spends his days collecting vital information on these lions. These photos offer a glimpse into his day-to-day responsibilities.

First, Let's Find Some Lions!

Technical Assistant Standing on Landcruiser Roof with Antenna

Next, We Snap Some Photos of the King of the Jungle

A Senegal lion sitting in tall grass

Finally, We Ask — What's Next on the Lion's Menu?

Common antelopes in Senegal

In honor of World Lion Day, learn more about the threats facing lions and how Panthera is responding.

The Living with Big Cats Initiative

Female lion and cub in Kenya

In June 2022, Panthera and WWF launched the Living with Big Cats Initiative to protect wild cats, their habitats and the communities who live alongside them. The Initiative will center on three species: the lion, jaguar and snow leopard — chosen for their strong recovery potential. The expertise of our two leading wild cat conservation organizations will be employed to assess, recover, connect and sustain wild cat populations and their habitats. Learn more.

Tracing the Origins of Gabon's Last Lion

World Lion Day is a day to dedicate ourselves to conserving a cat whose numbers have been declining in Africa. One such place where that has occurred is the country of Gabon. In the forest-savanna complex of Plateaux Batéké National Park in the country’s southeast, leopards, gorillas, chimpanzees, forest elephants and African golden cats roam. But there remains a carnivore species even bigger than leopards in this area — the lion. 

In 2015, a male lion was captured on a camera trap in Gabon. He is believed to be the last lion in the country. Watch this video to learn about how Panthera scientists got right to work, studying this lion and which lions elsewhere in Africa may be best suited for reintroduction into the Central African country: 

Wild about wild cats?

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speech on world lion day

World Lion Day 2021:History, significance, and celebration

Here is all you need to know about the king of jungle on world lion day 2021..

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World Lion Day 2021:History, significance, and celebration

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Photo: Dr. Mohan Ram IFS

Celebration of World Lion Day

First published on august 09, 2021.

By Mohan Ram, D.T. Vasavada and Karshan K. Vala

Courtesy: Wildlife Division, Sasan-Gir. This video of a lioness with her two cubs was shared by the Wildlife Division, Sasan-Gir on World Lion Day (August 10, 2020)! In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was celebrated virtually on social and broadcast media.

The Gir forest , home of the Asiatic lion Panthera leo persica , is a unique and vibrant ecosystem located in Saurashtra on India’s western coast. The Asiatic lion was once widely distributed in Asia, covering Mesopotamia, Arabia, Persia and the Indian subcontinent, where it was fairly abundant until the end of the 18 th century. The last lion surviving in the wild outside Saurashtra was reported in 1884. Indiscriminate hunting and habitat loss wiped out the Asiatic lion from the rest of India. Timely protection measures by the erstwhile Nawab of Junagadh, provided a respite from hunting. Following the government’s conservation efforts post-independence and people’s support,  a sizable population of these magnificent cats thrive today in the Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary and its surrounds viz. Mitiyala Wildlife Sanctuary, Pania Wildlife Sanctuary, Girnar Wildlife Sanctuary, coastal areas, Savarkundla, Liliya and adjoining areas of Amreli and Bhavnagar Districts, collectively known as the Asiatic Lion Landscape. Presently, 674 individuals are distributed in nine Saurashtra districts, covering a sprawling expanse of ~30,000 sq. km. (as of June 2020). The majestic big cat is re-colonising its lost territories for the past three decades.

speech on world lion day

Dedicated conservation efforts including local people’s support led to Asiatic lions being moved from the critically endangered to ‘endangered’ category by the IUCN in 2008. Multiple strategies, including participatory and community-based initiatives to encourage harmony, have contributed to this conservation success story. Over the years, nature education camps, training camps, workshops, seminars, Vanyaprani Mitra, and Samvand Sethu’s have made a huge difference. Since 2016, ‘World Lion Day’ has been celebrated on August 10 to spread awareness about Asiatic lions and strengthen the social fabric of coexistence in the landscape. Besides the Forest Department, the education department, NGOs, eco-clubs, eco-guides, Vanyaprani Mitras, researchers, nature enthusiasts, wildlife/nature lovers, local communities, print and electronic media, have participated in this celebration.

For World Lion Day, the Wildlife Division, Sasan-Gir involve local institutes and schools in conducting a rally.  Participants wear Asiatic lion engraved face masks and the rally route resounds with slogans such as “ Hun Gir Saathe Chhu, Hun Sinh Saathe Chhu ” (I am with Gir, I am with lion). Pamphlets with information on the Asiatic lion in vernacular languages are distributed. The rally is followed by a small documentary film screening on lions and an informative speech by participants on the importance of lion conservation. Participants then join in a pledge committing to lion conservation.  The Wildlife Division, Sasan-Gir supplies a kit with all the above material for the event.

In 2016, the event was a huge success with 3,048 educational institutions in three districts (Junagadh, Gir-Somnath, Amreli) participating with 5.05 lakh individuals. In 2017, the event was organised in four districts (Junagadh, Gir-Somnath, Amreli, Bhavnagar) with 4,193 institutions with 8.35 lakh participants. In 2018, it was further extended to five districts (Junagadh, Gir-Somnath, Amreli, Bhavnagar, Botad) with a participation of 11.02 lakh individuals. The event gained further support and strength with 5.000 educational institutions and more than a million (11.37 lakh) people participating in 2019. The World Book of Records, London, UK, certified this event for creating a world record on organising a mass awareness event for conservation of a single species at multiple venues in a single day. The previous celebration (2017) was also recognised and recorded in the Asia Book of Records. In 2020, the virtual celebration was appreciated by India’s leaders including the President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind. The virtual campaign reached more than ~7.5 million people.

speech on world lion day

Mohan Ram, IFS, PhD, is the DFO, Wildlife Division, Sasan-Gir Gir National Park & Sanctuary, D. T. Vasavada, IFS , is the Chief Conservator of Forests, Wildlife Circle, Junagadh, Gir National Park & Sanctuary, and Karshan K. Vala is a Training Assistant, Wildlife Division, Sasan-Gir, Gir National Park & Sanctuary.

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speech on world lion day

Positively Kimberly

Positively Kimberly

World Lion Day: Celebrating the Majesty and Conservation of Lions

lion lying on green grass

Welcome to World Lion Day, a special occasion dedicated to honoring the king of the savannah and raising awareness about lion conservation. On this day, we come together to celebrate the majesty of lions and recognize the importance of protecting these majestic creatures for future generations. Let’s delve into the world of lions, their conservation challenges, ongoing efforts to protect them, and how you can contribute to their preservation.

The Majesty of Lions

Lions are referred to as the king of the jungle because they exude grace, power, and beauty. These majestic creatures are known for their distinctive manes and powerful roars that can be heard from miles away. Lions are social animals, living in pride consisting of females and their cubs, while male lions form coalitions. They play a vital role in ecosystems, helping to control prey populations and maintain a balance in nature.

close up shot of a lion

Conservation Challenges

Despite their iconic status, lions face numerous challenges in the wild. One of the most significant threats to their survival is habitat loss due to human encroachment and urbanization. Additionally, conflicts with humans, such as retaliatory killings by farmers to protect livestock, pose a severe threat to lion populations. Poaching and illegal wildlife trade also contribute to the decline in lion numbers.

Conservation Efforts

Thankfully, several organizations and initiatives are dedicated to protecting lions and their habitats. They work tirelessly to implement conservation strategies, including habitat restoration, anti-poaching patrols, and community-based conservation programs. By collaborating with local communities, these efforts aim to find sustainable solutions that benefit both lions and people.

How You Can Help

As individuals, we can play a crucial role in lion conservation. One way to support these efforts is by donating to reputable conservation organizations working to protect lions and their habitats. By contributing, you directly assist in funding vital conservation projects on the ground. Moreover, raising awareness about lion conservation within your community and on social media can have a positive impact in spreading the message far and wide .

The Impact of World Lion Day

World Lion Day has already made significant strides in raising awareness and advocating for lion conservation. Through global campaigns and educational events, more people are becoming aware of the challenges lions face and the importance of protecting them. As a result, there have been successes in halting the decline of some lion populations and restoring their habitats.

Coexistence and Harmony

The future of lions depends on striking a balance between conservation and the needs of local communities. Implementing solutions that mitigate human-wildlife conflict, provide alternative livelihoods for communities, and foster a sense of coexistence is essential for the long-term survival of lions. By working together, we can create a world where humans and lions coexist in harmony.

As we celebrate World Lion Day, let us take a moment to appreciate the majestic beauty of these incredible creatures and recognize the urgency of their conservation. By supporting conservation efforts, raising awareness, and advocating for lions, we can make a difference in securing their future. Let us stand together to protect the king of the savannah and ensure that future generations can continue to admire these magnificent beasts in the wild.

“The lion is, however, rarely heard – much more seldom seen.” John Hanning Speke

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By Kimberly Rochelle

Kimberly Rochelle is the founder and CEO of Positively Kimberly. She loves spreading positivity and joy wherever needed but is also here as a spiritual development guide for those who may need her. She has written and published several books, including Sunflower and Confessions of a Self-Declared Princess, and has made it her life's purpose to enhance the lives of those she encounters, no matter how brief.

speech on world lion day

Everything you need to know about lions on World Lion Day

speech on world lion day

Known as the King of the Jungle, the Lion is celebrated the world over on  August 10 annually . This year,  The World Sustainability Foundation  is marking the day by sharing with you all there is to know about Lions, scientifically known as  Panthera Leo.

Lions are mammals which are part of the Felidae family, they are the second biggest member of the family with tigers taking the first place. 

This specimen can reach 1.8 to 2.1 meters in fully grown males, weighing up to 230 kg. Females, called lionesses, are slightly smaller, reaching 1.5 meters and weighing 120-180Kg. Having short coats that vary from light yellow to orange-brown with the tip of its tail darker than the rest of the body, the male’s mane is its most outstanding feature.

Like domestic cats, lions have retractable claws used only in defense or to secure and help cut its prey. This majestic mammal is one of the most unique cats; being the only one that lives in groups, also known as pride. Their group may consist of 4 to 37 members; mainly females, that will hunt, feed and protect the cubs with one adult male. There are also groups which comprise only young males.

Lions are strict carnivores, meaning they will feed only on living prey hunted in groups, or steal from hyenas and cheetahs. Their preys consist of a variety of animals, like Cape buffalos (Connochaetes sp), baboons (Papio sp), and occasionally lonely old elephants.

Primarily, the lionesses are the only ones in a regular group that will be seen hunting, though lone males or male-only groups need to secure their own food. But a lioness never eats first, the leading male even without any effort in hunting, will be the first to taste the food, and he will eat until full. The remaining carcass is then left for other members of pride.

A pride hunt is a demonstration of raw force but with little strategy, hence why only 25% of the hunts have successful kills, and this number goes down with smaller groups.


Reaching sexual maturity at age three, lions in the wild breed once every two years, on rare occasions. However, when in captivity they can breed every year, due to the abundance of resources in comparison to the wild.

Both sexes are polygamous particularly the males, with the lioness being restricted to the leading male of the group. When receptive, they copulate up to 50 times a day, for 3 to 4 days straight; stimulating the female’s ovulation and securing the lion’s paternity.

The lion to mate will most certainly be the leader of the pride, but once in a while a foreign male will try its luck with the lioness of pride, or even challenge the dominant male in a brutal fight to earn its group. In this case, the loser is not only unable to mate, but most likely eventually dies due to injuries sustained during the crash.

The gestation lasts about 108 days with litters varying from one to six cubs, they are then looked after by the entire group; feeding, and teaching them how to fight and hunt. Most of them will be forced out of the pride after reaching sexual maturity, hence the lonely male or males only pride.

Ironically, although widely known as the “king of the jungle”, lions’ natural habitat is in the savannahs, ecosystems of bushy lowlands with few trees. The biggest part of the population is in sub-Saharan Africa, but there’s a small group living in the Gir Forest in India, a dry deciduous forest full of Tectona grandis, also known as Tea.

They can also be found in the Northern Namibian deserts, living close to the four rivers: Hoanib, Barab, Obab, and Ugab.

All subspecies are listed as Vulnerable and decreasing in number, by the IUCN’s (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species.

Threats include the destruction of their natural habitats, urban development, farming and cattle expansion; causing not only habitat destruction, but also making them the “bad guys” to farmers for eating livestock, which serves as their last source of nutrition.

Pollution of land and water bodies, human disturbance such as hunting, animal trafficking and pseudo-science, witchcraft uses of fur, paws, teeth and claws for aphrodisiacs and cure, as well as to attract power, are all threats to the Lions’ existence.

Here are some fun-facts about the Panthera Leo 

*There are currently three living subspecies of Lions: Panthera leo leo, known as the   Northern Lion, Panthera leo melanochaita, the Southern Lion, and the most   numerous one the Panthera leo persica, the Indian Lion.

*Most lions subspecies were extinct about 2,000 years ago when they used to be   hunted and thrown in the Roman coliseums for combat.

*Captive lions can reproduce with other giant cats, such as tigers. The offspring  of a male lion with a female tiger is known as Liger and the offspring of a male  tiger with a lioness is known as a Tigon. Ligers are often bigger than both  parents, while the tigon is the same size, if not smaller.

*The older the male, the darker his mane gets. The mane is used to attract

females and also to protect the neck and head from injuries during dominance  fights.

*An adult lion can eat up to 40kg of meat per meal, almost a quarter of their  weight.

*They will hunt more during storms. Since they are not the most brilliant

strategists, lions use the storms in their favour to hide their smells and sounds.

*Lions have disappeared from over 90% of their historical range (Africa,

Palestine, and India)

Now that you’ve discovered all there is to know about the majestic Lion, join Friend of the Earth in our efforts to save the Panthera Leo species, by supporting the Save the Big Cats Campaign.

Support Save the Big Cats Campaign

The World Sustainability Foundation through the Save the Big Cats Campaign seeks to preserve the Panthera genus (lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, and the snow leopard). By supporting our initiative you will help to forestall the threats facing big cats; such as habitat loss and degradation, poaching, trophy hunting, amongst others. 

Together, let’s protect prey populations by raising funds and awareness, as we preserve big cats which play a vital role in maintaining ecosystem functionality. 

Happy World Lion Day!

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speech on world lion day

Lion Mentality (Powerful Motivational Speech) by Fearless Motivation

Lion mentality (motivational speech) fearless motivation.

Download or Stream the speech now, on Spotify , Apple Music ,  iTunes , YouTube Music , Deezer , Amazon Music LION MENTALITY (Motivational Speech) – Copyright:  Fearless Motivation Speakers: Jovan Glasgow, Chris Ross

Transcript – LION MENTALITY – Fearless Motivation

Osho said: “The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a LION. A great roar arises in your heart… the roar of freedom.”

Sheep have no freedom. The sheep live with FEAR and UNCERTAINTY… EVERY DAY.

A sheep never leads. A lion never follows.

A lion is in complete control of his, or her life. The lion does not accept scraps and does not get told what to do or where to go.

The lion goes about his business FEARLESSLY and with extreme competence.

You will never lead a lion to the slaughterhouse! They will lead you!

The lion is the king of the jungle… and it’s not because the lion is the biggest… it’s not because the lion is the fastest… it’s not because the Lion is blessed with any great advantage over other animals… It’s the MENTALITY of the lion that makes the lion the KING OF THE JUNGLE!

What is the lion mentality?


Bravery is a key trait of the lion. The lion will NEVER SURRENDER. 
The lion will never lie down and die, not even if surrounded by 10 hyenas – the fight is NEVER over until it is over!

Maybe you’re not surrounded by hyenas… maybe you’re just buried by bills… maybe you need to stand up for something you believe in that NO ONE around you agrees with…
 BE FEARLESS in going after what you really want in YOUR LIFE!

Maybe you’ve been at it for years and NOTHING has worked… YET…
 Maybe you’re tired of hunting your goals and seeing no rewards…
 You must keep fighting!

You have no guarantees of success if you keep going, but you do have POSSIBILITY!
 There is a CHANCE!
 The only guarantee comes with quitting… and that is the guarantee of missing out on the life you really want!

KEEP FIGHTING for the life YOU MUST HAVE… regardless of the hyenas… regardless of the problems, the setbacks. NO SURRENDER.


The lion is certain. The lion never second guesses. When the lion goes in… it goes in ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!
 There is nothing half hearted about the lion.

How great could your life be if you lived with the CERTAINTY of the lion?

What if you just started BELIEVING in YOURSELF… and your own abilities?
 How far could you go with UNBREAKABLE SELF-BELIEF?

Who could you become if there was NO DOUBT in you. If you trusted your intuition and just went for EVERYTHING you want in life with the same ruthless certainty as a lion hunting its prey?

You can’t rely on other people to achieve the results YOU want in life. YOU are the only one responsible for YOUR RESULTS!
 Take responsibility. Take ownership. Take action.

Only YOU know what is best for YOU in YOUR LIFE.
 Only YOU know which path to take in each moment of your life.
 You must make those decisions with CERTAINTY!


The lion has freedom because the lion DEMANDS FREEDOM.

The lion has freedom because he FIGHTS FOR FREEDOM. His very nature says he will die for that freedom.

Perhaps there is no more valuable asset on this earth than FREEDOM… something you could only understand if you’ve experienced a lack of it.

In your own life, you must fight for FREEDOM. Your own, and that of others.

The freedom to speak your mind. The freedom to be who you want to be. The freedom to live on YOUR TERMS.

FREEDOM means fairness for all. The freedom to be who you must be while allowing all others to be who they are going to be.

There is no greater value. FIGHT FOR YOUR FREEDOM.


The lion is protective of EVERYTHING of value. The Family. The pack. Dinner…
 If you threaten anything of value to the lion you better be prepared to fight.

What do you need protect? What are you willing to fight for in your life – not physically – MENTALLY… EMOTIONALLY…

What are you willing to sacrifice your time for? 
 What or WHO keeps you going? What is your PURPOSE? What or who gives your life MEANING? 


Lions are said to sleep around 20 hours a day… still they NEVER GO HUNGRY.

They get up… and they get the job done!

They EARN their rest. They EARN their success. They EARN their freedom.

There are great rewards for competence.
 In life, if you provide more value to others than anyone else, in a shorter space of time… you will be rewarded, and you will be rewarded WELL… and OFTEN.

It does not matter HOW LONG you work… it matters HOW GOOD that work is.

It doesn’t matter how many hours you’ve put in… it only matters how much VALUE you have created.

Develop yourself into a competent machine!
 Work on what matters in your life with LASER FOCUS… RUTHLESS DETERMINATION and a BURNING DESIRE to do everything to the very best of your ability.

That builds PRIDE and RESPECT for yourself.

lion mentality

You might be smarter than me… You could well be stronger than me… You might have more luck than me… but,

You will not DEFEAT ME You will not DETACH ME FROM MY PURPOSE You will not DISTRACT ME FROM MY GOALS You will not DETHRONE ME And you will never DESTROY ME

I wake up with INTENTION ALERT. READY. FOCUSED! Whatever I WANT…. I GO AFTER… Whatever I go after…. I GET! If it matters to me: I WILL GET IT I WILL HAVE IT I WILL BE IT


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Hii, can i use your videos for my YouTube channel

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Hey can I use your script in my video? I just loved this.

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Hello, you have produced a wonderful motivation video. Thank you!!!

I am a 61 year old Karate Master and want to produce my own teaching video about my experiences in severel styles. The quintessence is that one need the mentality of the lion to win. Please give me a feedback on short notice. Thanks in advance Thomas

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  • World Lion Day

10th August - World Lion Day

Every year, the 10th of August is celebrated as World Lion Day to raise awareness about this majestic and courageous animal, and to mobilise support for their protection and conservation. The theme for World Lion Day 2022 was “Asiatic Lions”. The theme for the 2023 World Lion Day is yet to be announced.

Over the past one hundred years, the number of Lions across the world has seen a decline of around 80%. Conserving and preserving this species of big cats and spreading awareness about their conservation led to the initiation of this day, a few years back. 

Such important days, that hold some significance of national or international interest are also important for the IAS exam and other competitive exams conducted in the country. More often, objective type questions based on the theme, day and its significance can be asked in the paper. 

World Lion Day [UPSC Notes]:- Download PDF Here

Thus, candidates must once go through the List of Important Days and Dates for UPSC prelims preparation. 

History and Background of World Tiger Day

  • It is since 2013 that World Lion Day is being observed to spread awareness about conserving and protecting the majestic Lion
  • There had been a rapid decrease in the number of lions across the world that had resulted in observing this day to mark its importance and significance of the aminal for the environment and ecosystem

Significance of Lions & This Day

  • According to the World Wide Fund (WWF) , lions were once found throughout Africa, Asia and Europe but their numbers have significantly dropped over the years in these continents 
  • These majestic cats that symbolise courage, ferocity, and power are threatened by extensive habitat loss
  • Thus, to protect them and their habitats, measures are being taken by concerned communities and other organisations  

As far as India is concerned, it is home to the majestic Asiatic Lion , which inhabits the protected territory of Sasan-Gir National Park. 

Other related links:

Key Facts on Lions and their Status

  • African lion – Panthera leo leo
  • Asian Lion – Panthera leo persica
  • Listed in Schedule I of Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972
  • Appendix I of CITES
  • Endangered on IUCN Red List
  • Status of African Lion-
  • Vulnerable on IUCN Red List
  • Significant threats of poaching
  • Illegal wildlife trade
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict
  • Habitat loss and fragmentation

Status of Lions in India & Conservation Initiatives

  • India is home to the majestic Asiatic Lion, and their protected habitat is the Gir National Park in Gujarat
  • The Asiatic Lion Reintroduction Project was introduced by the government of India to protect the remaining population of the Asiatic lion through relocation to other parts of the country via reintroduction
  • Six new sites apart from the Kuno-Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary have been identified under Project Lion by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 15, 2020. The programme has been launched for the conservation of the Asiatic Lion, whose last remaining wild population is in Gujarat’s Asiatic Lion Landscape (ALL)
  • Madhav National Park, Madhya Pradesh
  • Sitamata Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan
  • Mukundra Hills Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan
  • Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh
  • Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan
  • Jessore-Balaram Ambaji WLS and adjoining landscape, Gujarat

Lions are carnivores and have no natural predators besides man, which makes them apex predators or keystone species. Thus, it plays a key role in the food chain of the ecosystem. 

The extinction of Lions can severely impact the entire ecosystem and the existence of various other species. 

Thus, by marking out a special day for Lions, the authorities intend to spread awareness about their existence and conservation across the globe for a healthy environment and life cycle. 

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PM greets all those passionate about lion conservation on World Lion Day


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has greeted all those passionate about lion conservation on World Lion Day.

In a series of tweets, the Prime Minister said;

“The lion is majestic and courageous. India is proud to be home to the Asiatic Lion. On World Lion Day, I convey my greetings to all those passionate about lion conservation. It would make you happy that the last few years have seen a steady increase in India’s lion population.

When I was serving as Gujarat CM, I had the opportunity to work towards ensuring safe and secure habitats for the Gir Lions. A number of initiatives were taken which involved local communities and global best practices to ensure habitats are safe and tourism also gets a boost.”

The lion is majestic and courageous. India is proud to be home to the Asiatic Lion. On World Lion Day, I convey my greetings to all those passionate about lion conservation. It would make you happy that the last few years have seen a steady increase in India’s lion population. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 10, 2021
When I was serving as Gujarat CM, I had the opportunity to work towards ensuring safe and secure habitats for the Gir Lions. A number of initiatives were taken which involved local communities and global best practices to ensure habitats are safe and tourism also gets a boost. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 10, 2021

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The Five Minutes That Brought Down the Francis Scott Key Bridge

When a massive cargo ship lost power in Baltimore, crews scrambled to control the ship and to evacuate the bridge lying ahead. But it was too late.

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By Annie Correal ,  Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs ,  Campbell Robertson ,  Michael Forsythe and Mike Baker

Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs and Campbell Robertson reported from Baltimore, Annie Correal and Michael Forsythe from New York, and Mike Baker from Seattle.

Follow our live coverage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore .

“Hold all traffic on the Key Bridge.”

The terse command from an officer in Baltimore’s busy commercial shipping port was one of the first warnings of a disaster that experts now predict will transform shipping on the Eastern Seaboard and change how ships and bridges function around the world. But after the cargo ship Dali lost power early Tuesday, there were precious few minutes to act.

In those minutes, many people — from the ship’s crew, who sent out a mayday signal, to the transportation authority police officers, who stopped traffic heading onto the Francis Scott Key Bridge — did what they could to avert catastrophe, most likely saving many lives.

And yet — no matter what anyone did — several factors made catastrophe all but inevitable. When a ship of this size loses engine power, there is little to be done to correct its course, even dropping an anchor down. And the Key Bridge was particularly vulnerable. As long ago as 1980, engineers had warned that the bridge, because of its design, would never be able to survive a direct hit from a container ship.

The collision and subsequent collapse of the bridge swallowed up seven road workers and an inspector who could not be alerted and pulled off the bridge in time; two were pulled alive out of the water, but four others are still missing and presumed dead. Two bodies were retrieved on Wednesday, authorities said.

Also caught up in the disaster were the ship’s 21 crew members, all from India, who had prepared for a long journey to Sri Lanka on the Dali. While none of them were hurt, they would be held on board for more than a day as the ship sat in the harbor, the ruins of the bridge tangled around it, as authorities began their investigation.

The accident, the deadliest bridge collapse in the United States in more than a decade, will have a lasting impact on the Port of Baltimore, with its 8,000 workers, and industries that rely on the port, which is the leading American hub for auto and other wheeled equipment, said Pete Buttigieg, the U.S. transportation secretary, on Wednesday.

“It’s difficult to overstate the impact of this collision,” Mr. Buttigieg said.

He compared the Dali, roughly as long a city block, to the size of an American aircraft carrier.

“A hundred thousand tons, all going into this pier all at once,” he said of the impact on the bridge support structure.

Officials from the National Transportation Safety Board, which is leading the investigation into the accident, boarded the Dali on Tuesday night to gather documentation. They obtained data from the voyage data recorder, the equivalent of an aircraft’s black box, hoping that it could help investigators determine what led to the accident.

Mr. Buttigieg said that any private party found liable in the accident “will be held responsible.”

The ship left the Port

of Baltimore around

1 a.m. on Tuesday.

Ship called for

tugboats to return

Francis Scott

Alarms sounded on ship

Traffic onto bridge was halted

The ship hit

at 1:28 a.m.

Alarms sounded

Traffic onto bridge

Sources: MarineTraffic, Google Earth

By Agnes Chang, Weiyi Cai, and Leanne Abraham

It was about half an hour past midnight on Tuesday when the Dali, loaded with cargo containers, departed its dock, guided by two tugboats, as is customary. On board was a local harbor pilot with more than 10 years of experience and deep familiarity with Baltimore’s port, as well as an apprentice pilot in training.

The sky above the Patapsco River was clear and still, lit by a full moon.

At 1:25 a.m., after the two tugboats detached and turned back, the Dali had accelerated to about 10 miles per hour as it approached the Key Bridge. But just then, according to a timeline released by the National Transportation Safety Board on Wednesday, “numerous audible alarms” started sounding on the ship.

For reasons still being investigated, the ship’s powerful propulsion system stopped. The lights flickered out.

The ship had a “complete blackout,” according to Clay Diamond, head of the American Pilots’ Association, who was briefed on the account of the pilot of the Dali. (The chair of the N.T.S.B., Jennifer Homendy, said officials were still trying to determine whether the power failure was complete.)

The harbor pilot noticed the ship starting to swing right, in the direction of one of the piers holding up the Key Bridge. At 1:26, he called for the tugs to return; he urged the captain to try to get the engine back up and directed the crew to steer hard left. As a last ditch measure, at 1:27, he ordered the crew to throw down the port anchor.

One of the tugboats, the Eric McAllister, turned around and raced back toward the ship.

But the failures onboard were cascading. The emergency generator had kicked on, sending a puff of thick smoke belching from the ship’s exhaust stack and briefly restoring the lights, radar and steering. It did not help. With no effective propulsion, the 95,000-ton ship had become an unstoppable object, drifting toward one of the most heavily traveled bridges in Baltimore.

On land, officers with the Maryland Transportation Authority moved swiftly into action. “I need one of you guys on the South side, one of you guys on the North side, hold all traffic on the Key Bridge,” someone is heard saying on the audio recording of emergency radio traffic that night. “There’s a ship approaching that just lost their steering. So until they get that under control, we’ve got to stop all traffic.”

Vehicles were held on either side of the bridge as the ship continued its inexorable drift toward the 1.6-mile-long span.

A minute later, the officers turned their attention to several workers, some of them immigrants from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico, who were still laboring on the bridge in the chilly darkness, taking advantage of the light traffic at night to fix potholes.

“There’s a crew up there,” one officer is heard saying on the audio recording of the radio exchange between officers. “You might want to notify whoever the foreman is, see if we could get them off the bridge temporarily.”

But even then, the ship was striking the bridge. Almost at once, the pier buckled and collapsed, twisting over the ship, with its cargo containers stacked high on the deck. Then the rest of the bridge went, breaking into sections as it plummeted and splashed into the dark river waters below.

“The size and weight of these ships make them really difficult, even with propulsion, to stop them,” said Stash Pelkowski, a professor at State University of New York Maritime College and a retired Coast Guard rear admiral. With no power, he said, “There was very little the pilot or the crew on the Dali could do.”

The collapse had happened in seconds. Except for the stumps of the piers, the central span of the bridge had plunged into the frigid river — where divers would spend the whole day searching amid twisted metal for survivors — by 1:29 a.m.

“Dispatch, the whole bridge just fell down!” an officer called out. “Whoever, everybody, the whole bridge just collapsed.”

Stray ships had long been seen as a risk to the Key Bridge. Just a few years after the Baltimore structure was constructed in 1977, a vessel crash knocked down the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Tampa Bay, Fla., killing 35 people.

Officials acknowledged that the Key Bridge would not be able to withstand that kind of direct hit from a heavy cargo vessel. “I would have to say if that ship hit the Bay Bridge or the Key Bridge — I’m talking about the main supports, a direct hit — it would knock it down,” John Snyder, the director of engineering for the state Toll Facilities Administration told the Baltimore Sun at the time.

But building a bridge that could withstand such an impact was simply not economically feasible, he said. When the bridge was built, cargo ships were not the size they are today. A much smaller freighter did hit the bridge in 1980 , but the bridge stood strong.

Minutes after the bridge collapsed on Tuesday, both tugboats that had accompanied the Dali arrived on scene, followed soon by the Coast Guard and the Baltimore City Fire Department.

Two of the workers who had been on the bridge were rescued from the water. The others could not be found.

Jack Murphy, who owns Brawner Builders, the company whose workers had been on the bridge, got a phone call about the collapse and raced to the area, about a 30-minute drive away. He stayed by the bridge all night, and eventually began making calls to the men’s families.

Two workers’ bodies were discovered in a red pickup truck found near the bridge debris, police said Wednesday. They were identified as Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes, 35, an immigrant from Mexico, and Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera, 26, a native of Guatemala.

About two miles from the bridge, Andrew Middleton had been lying awake when he heard the crash. He first thought it was thunder, maybe a low-flying jet.

It was only when he awoke a few hours later that he saw the news of the collapsed bridge. “I thought to myself, I was just with those guys yesterday,” he said.

Mr. Middleton, who runs Apostleship of the Sea, a program that ministers to sailors coming through the port, had driven the ship’s captain and a few crew members to Walmart on Monday to stock up on goods for the 28-day voyage ahead — toothpaste, snacks, clothes, Bluetooth speakers.

He recalled the captain telling him their next port was Sri Lanka, but that they were taking a longer route, down around South Africa, in order to avoid recent Houthi attacks on cargo ships in the Red Sea.

Mr. Middleton immediately messaged the crew on WhatsApp after hearing the news on Tuesday, he said, and “they responded within a few minutes saying that everyone was OK,” he said.

Around the site of the bridge collapse, firefighters and rescuers in diving gear were swarming around the shore, followed by news crews. John McAvoy, who owns a nearby restaurant, had driven over with hot meals — chicken, crab balls and pretzel bites — to hand out to the crews.

But by nightfall on Tuesday, officials had called off the rescue efforts and said they would switch to searching for bodies. “The water’s deep, visibility’s low, it’s cold as I-don’t-know-what,” said Kevin Cartwright, a spokesman for the Fire Department.

The signs of all that had changed were only starting to become clear on Wednesday. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it was mobilizing more than 1,100 specialists to clear the wreckage of the bridge and unblock the Port of Baltimore’s shipping lane. In the meantime, Mr. Buttigieg, the secretary of transportation, said the East Coast would have to rely more heavily on ports outside Baltimore.

Mr. McAvoy said the tragedy would ripple over the port for years.

Fishing crews always have found their way home following the Key Bridge, he said. “It’s going to change a lot of things for a lot of people.”

Reporting was contributed by Daniel Victor , Jacey Fortin , Zach Montague , Eduardo Medina , Miriam Jordan and Judson Jones . Susan C. Beachy contributed research.

Annie Correal reports from the U.S. and Latin America for The Times. More about Annie Correal

Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs reports on national stories across the United States with a focus on criminal justice. He is from upstate New York. More about Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs

Campbell Robertson reports on Delaware, the District Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia, for The Times. More about Campbell Robertson

Michael Forsythe a reporter on the investigations team at The Times, based in New York. He has written extensively about, and from, China. More about Michael Forsythe

Mike Baker is a national reporter for The Times, based in Seattle. More about Mike Baker

speech on world lion day

New Walt Disney World Baseball Jersey, Disneyland Opening Day Speech T-Shirt, & More Arrive at Magic Kingdom

A new Walt Disney World baseball jersey, Walt Disney World Spirit Jersey, and Disneyland opening day speech T-shirt have arrived at the Magic Kingdom.

We found all three new items in the Emporium .

Disneyland Opening Day Speech T-Shirt – $34.99

Though we found this shirt at Magic Kingdom, it’s inspired by Walt’s original park. The shirt has a white and gray tie-dye pattern. The Disneyland “D” logo is in blue on the chest.

Walt Disney’s dedication speech from the opening day of Disneyland is on the back of the shirt in black lettering. The blue “D” logo is repeated and there’s a blue image of Disneyland including the Main Street, U.S.A. train station and Sleeping Beauty Castle. In front of the park are the silhouettes of Mickey and Walt holding hands, inspired by the Partners statue.

The shirt erroneously states “To all that come to this happy place” instead of “To all who come to this happy place.” Here is the full text:

To all that come to this happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America… with hope that it will be as ource of joy and inspiration to all the world.

Walt Disney World Spirit Jersey – $79.99

This new Spirit Jersey has a relatively simple design. It’s white with the cursive Disney “D” logo on the left breast in navy.

“Est. 1971” (the opening year of Walt Disney World) is below the logo.

“Walt Disney World” is across the back, with Walt’s name in Disney’s signature cursive font. “Walt Disney World” is printed in dark blue.

Walt Disney World Baseball Jersey – $74.99

The baseball jersey is short-sleeved and buttons up the chest. It’s heather gray with thin white lines around the buttons, neck, and sleeves.

The retro Walt Disney World globe logo is white and black on the chest.

A patch near the hem reads “Walt Disney World EST. 1971.”

“Walt Disney World” is printed across the back.

The outline of Cinderella Castle is on the right sleeve.

Will you be adding any of these new apparel items to your closet? Tell us your favorite of the set in the comments.

For the latest Disney Parks news and info, follow WDW News Today on  Twitter ,  Facebook , and  Instagram .

The post New Walt Disney World Baseball Jersey, Disneyland Opening Day Speech T-Shirt, & More Arrive at Magic Kingdom appeared first on WDW News Today .

A new Walt Disney World baseball jersey, Walt Disney World Spirit Jersey, and Disneyland opening day speech T-shirt have arrived at the Magic Kingdom. We found all three new items in the Emporium. Disneyland Opening Day Speech T-Shirt – $34.99 Though we found this shirt at Magic Kingdom, it’s inspired by Walt’s original park. The ... Read more

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility,   2024

On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives.  

I am proud that my Administration has stood for justice from the start, working to ensure that the LGBTQI+ community can live openly, in safety, with dignity and respect.  I am proud to have appointed transgender leaders to my Administration and to have ended the ban on transgender Americans serving openly in our military.  I am proud to have signed historic Executive Orders that strengthen civil rights protections in housing, employment, health care, education, the justice system, and more.  I am proud to have signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law, ensuring that every American can marry the person they love. 

Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation.  Whether serving their communities or in the military, raising families or running businesses, they help America thrive.  They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.  But extremists are proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families — silencing teachers; banning books; and even threatening parents, doctors, and nurses with prison for helping parents get care for their children.  These bills attack our most basic American values:  the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to make your own health care decisions, and even the right to raise your own child.  It is no surprise that the bullying and discrimination that transgender Americans face is worsening our Nation’s mental health crisis, leading half of transgender youth to consider suicide in the past year.  At the same time, an epidemic of violence against transgender women and girls, especially women and girls of color, continues to take too many lives.  Let me be clear:  All of these attacks are un-American and must end.  No one should have to be brave just to be themselves.  

At the same time, my Administration is working to stop the bullying and harassment of transgender children and their families.  The Department of Justice has taken action to push back against extreme and un-American State laws targeting transgender youth and their families and the Department of Justice is partnering with law enforcement and community groups to combat hate and violence.  My Administration is also providing dedicated emergency mental health support through our nationwide suicide and crisis lifeline — any LGBTQI+ young person in need can call “988” and press “3” to speak with a counselor trained to support them.  We are making public services more accessible for transgender Americans, including with more inclusive passports and easier access to Social Security benefits.  There is much more to do.  I continue to call on the Congress to pass the Equality Act, to codify civil rights protections for all LGBTQI+ Americans.

Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans:  You are loved.  You are heard.  You are understood.  You belong.  You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility.  I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth.

                             JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.

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What is World Water Day? 

Hands and running water.

Access to clean, safe water remains elusive for millions around the world. Image:  Unsplash/mrjn Photography on

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speech on world lion day

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A hand holding a looking glass by a lake

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Stay up to date:, climate and nature.

  • World Water Day is held every year on 22 March to raise awareness of global freshwater challenges and solutions.
  • This year's theme is Water for Peace, exploring the links between water and instability and conflict.
  • The World Economic Forum's UpLink platform showcases how innovation and entrepreneurship can help conserve and protect freshwater.

World Water Day is held every year on 22 March, and is a United Nations (UN) day focused on raising awareness of the importance of freshwater.

This year's theme is Water for Peace. The aim is to highlight the tensions that can emerge over resources like water, leading to potential instability and conflict, but also the role that water can play, if carefully managed, in promoting peace.

World Water Day 2024.

Water security – both sustainable supply and clean quality – is a critical aspect in ensuring healthy communities. Yet, our world’s water resources are being compromised.

Today, 80% of our wastewater flows untreated back into the environment, while 780 million people still do not have access to an improved water source. By 2030, we may face a 40% global gap between water supply and demand.

The World Economic Forum’s Water Possible Platform is supporting innovative ideas to address the global water challenge.

The Forum supports innovative multi-stakeholder partnerships including the 2030 Water Resources Group , which helps close the gap between global water demand and supply by 2030 and has since helped facilitate $1Billion of investments into water.

Other emerging partnerships include the 50L Home Coalition , which aims to solve the urban water crisis , tackling both water security and climate change; and the Mobilizing Hand Hygiene for All Initiative , formed in response to close the 40% gap of the global population not having access to handwashing services during COVID-19.

Want to join our mission to address the global water challenge? Read more in our impact story .

Why does World Water Day matter?

The stats around freshwater speak for themselves:

  • Over 2 billion people still live without safely managed drinking water.
  • Diarrhoea caused by dirty water and poor sanitation kills a child under 5 nearly every 2 minutes.
  • Three in ten schools globally don't have a basic water service .
  • In 2021, more than 2 billion people lived in water-stressed countries . This is expected to be made worse as a result of climate change and population growth.

And so World Water Day has been observed since 1993 to highlight the work that remains to ensure everyone on Earth has access to clean drinking water. And while it's a high-profile issue – check out our podcast with Matt Damon below – the figures above emphasize the challenges that remain, especially with freshwater usage increasing each year .

The World Health Organization warns that "historical rates of progress would need to double" for the world to achieve universal coverage of basic drinking water services by the end of the decade.

From climate change to urbanization and demographic changes, water supply systems face numerous risks. Indeed, the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 lists "natural resource shortages" as the 4th biggest risk over the next decade.

That's why raising awareness on conserving and protecting freshwater for everyone on Earth is vital, especially as the world looks to find – and implement – solutions.

Top 10 risks

What's the link between water and peace?

With billions of people without water access and a global system under pressure from numerous evolving threats, the potential for scarcity or pollution to spark tensions is all too clear.

More than 3 billion people depend on water that makes its way across national borders, the UN explains . And yet, just 24 countries globally have cooperation agreements for all the water they're sharing.

Water, therefore, has the potential to trigger instability when different users clash over finite resources. As well as potentially being weaponized during conflicts, access to clean drinking water can also be hit as a result of attacks on vital infrastructure.

But, if freshwater can be managed sustainably and equitably it can also be a catalyst for peace, say the UN. As UNESCO explains in a new report, Water for Prosperity and Peace , "Cooperation over water resources has generated positive and peaceful outcomes, ranging from participatory, community-led initiatives that have relieved local tensions, to dispute settlement and peacebuilding in post-conflict settings and transboundary watersheds."

Find out more about the challenges in the session below from our Annual Meeting in 2024 – Out of Balance with Water .

Innovation to help improve water security

Innovation and entrepreneurial thinking can also help conserve and protect freshwater sources. The World Economic Forum's UpLink platform, along with partner HCL, has run a series of challenges seeking solutions to this issue.

The latest – the Zero Water Waste Challenge – was focused on conserving freshwater from supply to demand and helping move the world towards zero water waste. Find out more about the winners in the video below.

Collaboration between public and private sectors has a significant role to play in providing clean water for all, and ensuring a sustainable, resilient global water system. As global leaders explain in this video from 2023, global water supplies face numerous challenges, but solutions do exist.

Have you read?

Here are 8 ways the world can tackle water scarcity, how can we ensure water resilience in a climate-altered world, water to the people: a pathway through innovative technology and public-private partnerships, don't miss any update on this topic.

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World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.

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speech on world lion day

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The world wastes more than 1 billion meals every day, UN report finds

More than one billion meals are wasted worldwide every day. That's as almost 800 million...

(CNN) - More than one billion meals are wasted worldwide every day.

That’s as almost 800 million people go hungry across the globe.

The conclusion comes from the United Nations’ food waste index report. According to the report,1.5 billion tons of food went to waste in 2022. Households were responsible for 60% of that amount.

The food service industry is on the hook for nearly 30%.

The UN’s report finds that for the average person every year, roughly 174 pounds of food ends up in the trash can instead of a stomach.

There are also environmental effects of food waste.

Researchers say most thrown-out food ends up in a landfill, which generates the greenhouse gas methane as it decomposes.

Copyright 2024 CNN Newsource. All rights reserved.

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  2. World Lion Day 2022: Quotes, wishes, messages to celebrate king of the

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  3. August 10: World Lions Day 2021

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  4. World Lion Day 2021: Date, History, Significance And Interesting Facts

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  5. World Lion Day Messages

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  6. World Lion Day 2021 Theme, Quotes, Status, Images, Slogans, Poster

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  1. World Lion Day Speech Topics

    World Lion Day on August 10th is an opportunity to educate ourselves and others about preserving these iconic animals for future generations. Whether you're a student, teacher, or public speaker, World Lion Day Speech Topics provide captivating and contemporary ideas that can engage and inspire your audience.

  2. World Lion Day: Conserving the 'King of the Jungle'

    Depicted frequently across traditional and modern culture, the Lion is often associated with bravery, courage and royalty earning it the title 'King of the Jungle'. Image credit: Edward Selfe. Yet, this majestic species is in dramatic decline: a century ago, there were as many as 200,000 wild lions in Africa, compared to as few as 20,000 today.

  3. World Lion Day: Celebrating the king of the jungle •

    World Lion Day is celebrated on August 10th every year and is a global campaign aimed at raising awareness about the majestic predator, the king of the jungle. Lions are an iconic species, but they face various challenges in the wild, including loss of habitat, conflicts with humans, and dwindling prey populations. ...


    August 10, 2024. World Lion Day on August 10 aims to raise awareness about the plight faced by lions. Scientifically known as 'Panthero Leo,' lions are one of the most well-known and popular animal species out there. They are called the 'Kings of the Jungle' due to their arresting and fearsome personalities created by their great bodies ...

  5. World Lion Day

    This year is the 10th World Lion Day. It was founded in 2013 by Derek and Beverly Joubert with the intention of raising awareness about the challenges lions face in the wild. Prior to this, the Jouberts also partnered with National Geographic to create the Big Cat Initiative. Again, this initiative focused on trying to stop the rapid decline in ...

  6. World Lion Day

    Published August 4, 2014. by Charlotte Jones, NG Kid Reporter. I interviewed National Geographic Explorers-in-Residence Beverly and Dereck Joubert in honor of World Lion Day, which is August 10. The Jouberts take pictures of and film documentaries about lions and other animals. They want to talk to a lot of people on World Lion Day—and every ...

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    Lions love nothing more than a good snooze, sleeping for up to 20 hours a day! 2. They're all about girl power. When it comes to lions, the ladies are in charge. Lionesses do nearly all of the ...

  8. World Lion Day

    World Lion Day is a day to dedicate ourselves to conserving a cat whose numbers have been declining in Africa. One such place where that has occurred is the country of Gabon. In the forest-savanna complex of Plateaux Batéké National Park in the country's southeast, leopards, gorillas, chimpanzees, forest elephants and African golden cats roam.

  9. World Lion Day 2021:History, significance, and celebration

    New Delhi, UPDATED: Aug 10, 2021 10:31 IST. World Lion day is observed every year on August 10 to raise awareness about the conservation of lions. The lion is an endangered species on the IUCN Red List. The 5 biggest cats are found mostly in India, including the Royal Bengal Tiger, Indian leopard, Clouded Leopard, and Snow leopard.

  10. Celebration of World Lion Day

    This video of a lioness with her two cubs was shared by the Wildlife Division, Sasan-Gir on World Lion Day (August 10, 2020)! In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was celebrated virtually on social and broadcast media. ... The rally is followed by a small documentary film screening on lions and an informative speech by participants ...

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    Welcome to World Lion Day, a special occasion dedicated to honoring the king of the savannah and raising awareness about lion conservation. On this day, we come together to celebrate the majesty of lions and recognize the importance of protecting these majestic creatures for future generations. Let's delve into the world of lions, their ...

  12. Everything you need to know about lions on World Lion Day

    9 August 2023. Known as the King of the Jungle, the Lion is celebrated the world over on August 10 annually. This year, The World Sustainability Foundation is marking the day by sharing with you all there is to know about Lions, scientifically known as Panthera Leo. Lions are mammals which are part of the Felidae family, they are the second ...

  13. World Lion Day 2023: Theme, Significance, Quotes

    Significance of World Lion Day 2023. World Lion Day raises awareness about this animal species and the threats it faces. Here are some of the reasons why this day is so important: Cultural Importance - Lions play a vital role in the history and culture of our country and others. In fact, this incredible species is depicted on all four sides ...

  14. Lion Mentality (Powerful Motivational Speech) by Fearless Motivation

    Osho said: "The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a LION. A great roar arises in your heart… the roar of freedom.". Sheep have no freedom. The sheep live with FEAR and UNCERTAINTY…. EVERY DAY.

  15. World Lion Day [August 10]

    When is World Lion day celebrated? What was the theme for world lion day 2023? Know the history, significance and facts about this day, download notes PDF for UPSC 2024 preparation. ... Speech Topics For Kids; Slogans for Kids; English Grammar. Parts of Speech; English Grammar Exercises; Academic Questions. Physics Questions; Chemistry Questions;

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    "NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby ...

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    A new Walt Disney World baseball jersey, Walt Disney World Spirit Jersey, and Disneyland opening day speech T-shirt have arrived at the Magic Kingdom. We found all three new items in the Emporium ...

  26. A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility, 2024

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim ...

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  28. What is World Water Day?

    World Water Day is held every year on 22 March to raise awareness of global freshwater challenges and solutions. This year's theme is Water for Peace, exploring the links between water and instability and conflict. The World Economic Forum's UpLink platform showcases how innovation and entrepreneurship can help conserve and protect freshwater.

  29. The world wastes more than 1 billion meals every day, UN report finds

    (CNN) - More than one billion meals are wasted worldwide every day. That's as almost 800 million people go hungry across the globe. The conclusion comes from the United Nations' food waste ...

  30. Myanmar holds annual parade of strength despite unprecedented

    BANGKOK (AP) — The head of Myanmar's ruling military council marked Armed Forces Day on Wednesday with a speech claiming that the nation's youth were being tricked into supporting the resistance against army rule, and that ethnic armed groups allied with the resistance engage in drug trafficking, natural resources smuggling and illegal gambling.