15 Ways to Find Your Purpose of Life & Realize Your Meaning

Purpose of Life

“ You don’t find meaning; you create it ,” was my answer to the question, what is meaning?

Drawn in by the unforgiving directness of the existentialist philosophers, I was (perhaps naively) attempting to respond to the question that Albert Camus said must be answered before all others: Is there meaning in life ? Or, to state it more clearly: Is a life worth living? (Camus, 1975).

This article explores a few of the questions central to the vast and complex topic of meaning and purpose in life and introduces techniques and tools to help clients find answers.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Meaning and Valued Living Exercises for free . These creative, science-based exercises will help you learn more about your values, motivations, and goals and will give you the tools to inspire a sense of meaning in the lives of your clients, students, or employees.

This Article Contains:

What is the purpose of life a philosophical and psychological take, how to find the purpose of your life, 10 techniques to help yourself and others, 4 useful worksheets, a note on finding meaning after trauma, divorce, and others, positivepsychology.com’s resources, a take-home message.

In The Myth of Sisyphus , Albert Camus (1975), when faced with what he saw as the meaninglessness of existence, suggested we live life to its fullest rather than attempt an escape.

For Camus, as with his contemporary Jean-Paul Sartre, existentialism concerns itself with the uniqueness of the human condition (Sartre, 1964). According to the existentialist formula, life has no inherent meaning. We have free choice and, therefore, choose our values and purpose.

But where did existentialism come from?

The sense of freedom that existentialism offers is crucial – jolting us out of a comfortable malaise. It builds on Friedrich Nietzsche’s thinking that there are no universal facts and that man is isolated. He is born, lives, and dies – alone (Nietzsche, 1911; Kaufmann, 1976).

Rather than dictating how the reader should live, Nietzsche tells us we should create our values  and our sense of purpose.

And yet, if cast free, how do we create meaning and purpose?

Existentialism is indebted to Edmund Husserl’s work on perception to answer this and other questions. Writing in 1900, Husserl regards meaning, along with perception, as the creation of the individual. Meaning is not objective – to be found in the external world – but built up from our mental states (Warnock, 1970).

Martin Heidegger – often described as the first true existentialist – picks up on this idea in the heavy-weight Being and Time , written in 1927. For us to be authentic – following a state of anxiety born out of a realization that we are free – we must take responsibility for our actions, our purpose, and our meaning (Heidegger, 1927/2013).

Existentialism and the struggle for meaning

Sartre continues this line of thinking in Being and Nothingness (1964):

“…every man, without any support or help whatever, is condemned at every instant to invent man.”

Separate from the world, we must realize the horror that we are free to do and create meaning . And yet, to avoid bad faith  (or inauthenticity), we must accept that we are responsible not only for ourselves but also for all people.

To the existentialist, our sense of meaning and purpose comes from what we do.

But can science and psychology help us find either? Yes, probably .

Meaning and psychology

Increasingly, psychologists have begun to realize the importance of meaning to our wellbeing and happiness.

Recent research suggests that people with increased meaning are better off – they appear happier, exhibit increased life satisfaction, and report lowered depression (Huo et al., 2019; Ivtzan, Lomas, Hefferon, & Worth, 2016; Steger, 2009).

Nevertheless, meaning is a complex construct that can be approached from multiple angles; for example, cognitively, appraising situations for meaning, and motivationally to pursue worthwhile goals (Eysenck & Keane, 2015; Ryan & Deci, 2018).

While there are many definitions of meaning  in psychology, Laura King, a psychologist at the University of Missouri, provides us with the following useful description (Heintzelman & King, 2015):

Meaning in life “may be defined as the extent to which a person experiences his or her life as having purpose, significance, and coherence.”

Whether meaning is derived from thoughtful reflection or only as a byproduct of cognitive processing, it is vital for healthy mental functioning. After all, we only attach importance to an experience and see it as significant if it has meaning. Similarly, a sense of meaning and purpose is crucial to create an environment for pursuing personal goals.

A fascinating study in 2010 took a very different perspective, bringing us closer to our initial, philosophical discussion. The realization that there is only one certainty in life – death – can cause great anxiety for many.

The Terror Management Theory (TMT) suggests that features that remind us of our mortality are likely to heighten fear around death (Routledge & Juhl, 2010). However, TMT also suggests that a life “ imbued with meaning and purpose ” can help stave off such angst.

Philosophically and psychologically, it is clear that meaning is a fundamental component of our human existence.

How to find the purpose of your life

Meaning refers to how we “ make sense of life and our roles in it ,” while purpose refers to the “ aspirations that motivate our activities ” (Ivtzan et al., 2016).

The terms are sufficiently close to saying that in the absence of either, our life lacks a story. As humans, we need something to strive for and a sense of connectedness between the important moments that make up our existence (Steger, 2009).

Sometimes, seeing the bigger picture or recognizing our place in the broader scheme can bring great insights and even play a role in our experience of meaning in life (Hicks & King, 2007).

Share the following ideas and insights with your clients:

Mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam

In 1990, astronomer Carl Sagan convinced NASA to spin the Voyager 1 Space Probe around to take one last look at Earth as the probe left the solar system. The picture it took was unlike any other before or since. Roughly 3.7 billion miles away and traveling at 40,000 miles per hour, it captured Earth as a small pale blue dot  against a band of sunlight.

The image either leaves you with a sense of deep horror at our insignificance in a vast, uncaring universe or a sense of wonder at how we came into being in such a “ vast cosmic arena .”

This realization is captured beautifully in Carl Sagan’s words and this stunning computer simulation.

Broadening the mind

Alternate points of view that broaden the mind may help an individual experience an increased sense of meaning in life (Hicks & King, 2007). With that in mind, work with your client to widen their outlook and experience others’ thoughts to challenge what they know and think.

Ask your client to:

  • Read widely . Explore new ideas and beliefs that reach beyond your comfort zone.
  • Widen your group of friends and contacts . Seek out those who have unique ways of looking at things – positive people who will encourage you to grow.
  • Learn the methods of evidence-led, scientific thinking . Rational thinking can provide the opportunity to free yourself from biased judgments.

Finding meaning through growth

Adopting a growth mindset can also lead to increased purpose in life. Help your client move away from a fixed mindset and open up to finding new purpose through exploration and challenge (Lee, Hwang, & Jang, 2018; Smith, 2018).

Work with your client to:

  • Find and build on their strengths . Try out some free online questionnaires such as the Values in Action Inventory  or the CliftonStrengths Assessment . Once identified, see how they can use their strengths more regularly in daily life.
  • Explore weaknesses . If they aren’t holding the client back, help them to accept their weaknesses. If weaknesses prevent the client from living the life they wish to lead, try out techniques to build resilience and adopt a growth mindset .
  • Help the client understand that the meaning they give to life is subjective and just as valid as anyone else’s.
  • Accept that mistakes are part of learning.
  • Encourage them to find ways to motivate themselves by building on intrinsic factors such as tasks that they feel related to, autonomous in, and can grow in competence (Ryan & Deci, 2018). After all, meaning is fundamental to motivation (Heintzelman, 2018).
  • Help others . Work for charities or provide support where needed.
  • Studies have shown that fostering a sense of awe, gratitude, and altruism can help strengthen a sense of purpose.
  • Ask the client to listen to the positive things people have to say about them.
  • Writing or reading about personal experiences can help develop a shared understanding of meaning. Not only does it build a sense of who we are, but it also makes sense of our experiences.

3 meaning valued living exercises

Download 3 Meaning & Valued Living Exercises (PDF)

These detailed, science-based exercises will equip you or your clients with tools to find meaning in life help and pursue directions that are in alignment with values.

Download 3 Free Meaning Tools Pack (PDF)

By filling out your name and email address below.

The sources of meaning and a sense of purpose in our lives are highly personal, subjective, and will vary throughout our lives.

Promotion of happiness themes

The following activities and techniques can promote key themes in our lives as sources of meaning (Ivtzan at al., 2016):

  • Support others (and receive others’ support) by joining clubs – strengthening bonds and building relationships .
  • Share feelings, desires, hopes, goals, successes, and failures with a close friend or significant other to increase intimacy .
  • Focus outside yourself on causes, pursuits, and responsibilities to self-transcend .
  • Pursue goals and strive for achievement in areas aligned with your values.
  • Become comfortable in who you are. Feel the satisfaction of meaning by practicing self-acceptance .
  • Express and experience respect and fairness .
  • Obtaining materialistic desires can be significant and meaningful for some.
  • Working towards professional goals can be purposeful for many.
  • Pursuit of pleasure and happiness brings meaning and purpose to many but can be short lived.

Reflect on your sources of meaning

Having shared the above list with your client, ask them to:

  • Rank on a sheet of paper their personal sources of meaning (italics above).
  • Review which ones are central and most influential.
  • Reflect on the opportunities to strengthen the ones that rank less highly.

The following tools and techniques are taken from our Positive Psychology Toolkit© and can support your work with clients in their search for purpose and meaning. The exercises are briefly explained, and can be access with a subscription to the Toolkit, which contains over 400 useful tools.

Living a meaningful life can be facilitated by a greater awareness of core values and the thoughts behind them. The insights provided by understanding personal values can help regain a sense of meaning to improve motivation.

Values represent what we consider essential and what we live for in life. They combine both the core psychological needs of the self and society’s norms.

Work with your client to identify what is most valuable to them before they commit to action; for example, being creative, learning, or showing compassion to others.

The Value Cards group exercise provides 42 values (plus some blanks) that can be cut out to form a deck of cards.

Ask each person in the group to:

  • Lay the value cards out in front of you.
  • Study and reflect on each one.
  • Identify the five cards that best represent your core values.
  • If comfortable, share your core values with others in the group to see what each person has chosen.
  • Once completed, select the card that represents your strongest  value.
  • Explain to another person in the group why it is your strongest value and offer examples (enjoy this celebration of successes).
  • Select another value that you would like to live into more and discuss with another person in the group.
  • Select and share your core  value with the group.

Life domains

Some values are specific to life domains. For example, productivity may be more suited to our professional life and compassion in our home life; as our domains change throughout our lives, so too can our values.

A Values Vision Board can provide an excellent visual means for clients to become more aware and connect to their values.

  • Create a vision board, using pictures cut from magazines and stuck to paper or software such as Powerpoint or Keynote.
  • Try grouping the images by domain or in order of overall life values.
  • Work on it through feeling rather than rational thinking, with no goals in mind.
  • Share your thoughts about the vision board with the therapist or a close friend.
  • Place the vision board somewhere it can be seen daily. Regularly return to the board to see if values have shifted and whether life is still balanced with the core values.

Emotion and goal-driven behavior

Despite the importance of our values, they can easily be ignored or even avoided.

Powerful emotions often overtake our values in directing our behavior. We fear writing the book we have always wanted or doubt our ability to commit to a relationship.

While goals can be vital to meeting our long-term plans, they can cause us to lose sight of what is important. We may be so focused on finding a partner, owning a house, or starting a family that we lose sight of enjoying life and building a group of friends.

The Values-Based Goal Setting exercise can help translate values into committed action.

Ask the client to:

  • Choose a life domain, for example, parenting, relationship, work, etc.
  • Think about what you would like to change in that domain.
  • Consider why it is essential to make that change.
  • Write down beside each reason what value it underpins, for example, work/life balance, love, etc.
  • Use the SMART acronym (specific, meaningful, adaptive, realistic, time-framed) to translate these values into concrete goals.
  • Review regularly to confirm that these are your goals (not someone else’s) and that your core values remain unchanged.

Shifting and replacing values

Near-death experiences are frequently associated with a re-assessment of a person’s values, including increased concern for others, an appreciation for life, and a decrease in materialism.

Considering our mortality (while challenging) can improve our awareness of what is genuinely important.

The My Gravestone exercise is a powerful tool for reevaluating how we spend our time on Earth. If appropriate to the client’s circumstances, ask your client to:

  • Imagine their life is over.
  • Using the shape of a tombstone, write out their name, birth date, etc.
  • Write a couple of sentences or phrases that capture how they would like to be remembered and how they would like to have spent their time.

This is an extremely difficult exercise for many and should only be performed if the client is ready and willing to cope with the emotions that may arise.

Finding meaning and purpose

A near-death experience, serious illness, separation, or loss of a loved one can all shake our sense of who we are and force us to reevaluate our core values, life purpose, and sense of meaning.

Indeed, research on trauma survivors has observed post-traumatic growth and the capacity to extract meaning from adversity (Routledge & Juhl, 2010).

what is the purpose of my life short essay

17 Tools To Encourage Meaningful, Value-Aligned Living

This 17 Meaning & Valued Living Exercises [PDF] pack contains our best exercises for helping others discover their purpose and live more fulfilling, value-aligned lives.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

Our Masterclass on Meaning and Valued Living© provides an intuitive and accessible way to apply positive psychology.

This excellent online program is for therapists, psychologists, counselors, coaches, and practitioners who want to help their clients find meaning and discover their values, connecting them to their ‘why’ so that they can bear the ‘how.’

if you’re looking for more science-based ways to help others discover meaning, this collection contains 17 validated meaning tools for practitioners. Use them to help others choose directions for their lives in alignment with what is truly important to them.

The meaning we attach to our self, the world around us, and our role within it form our narrative. Our purpose – our aim and goals – motivates the activities that take us through it.

Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that both meaning and purpose are vital to our wellbeing as well as crucial to who we are.

If we accept the existentialists’ view, then we are free to lead a life according to our values, assign a meaning to what we see as vital, and pursue a unique purpose.

As Sartre points out, this realization may begin with anguish and spiral to a sense of vertiginous nausea before we act. After all, it is like being dropped at a cliff’s edge, without the option of going back and an uncertain future ahead.

Instead, we must choose our values and the meaning we assign to who we are, how we live, and what we do. Our goals are personal, and we must decide whether to follow them or let them drift out of sight.

But failing to act authentically and live according to the meaning and purpose we have chosen would result in a less-well-lived life. So, try the exercises within this article – if only to better understand who you are, your core values, and your place in your surroundings – and explore potential yet to be written.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Meaning and Valued Living Exercises for free .

  • Camus, A. (1975). The myth of Sisyphus . London: Penguin Books.
  • Eysenck, M. W., & Keane, M. T. (2015). Cognitive psychology: A student’s handbook . New York: Psychology Press.
  • Heidegger, M. (2013). Being and time (J. Macquarrie & E. Robinson, Trans.). Malden: Blackwell. (Original work published in 1927 and translated in 1962)
  • Hicks, J. A., & King, L. A. (2007). Meaning in life and seeing the big picture: Positive affect and global focus. Cognition & Emotion , 21 (7), 1577–1584.
  • Huo, J.-Y., Wang, X.-Q., Steger, M. F., Ge, Y., Wang, Y.-C., Liu, M.-F., & Ye, B.-J. (2019). Implicit meaning in life: The assessment and construct validity of implicit meaning in life and relations with explicit meaning in life and depression. The Journal of Positive Psychology , 15 (4), 500–518.
  • Ivtzan, I., Lomas, T., Hefferon, K., & Worth, P. (2016). Second wave positive psychology: Embracing the dark side of life . London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kaufmann, W. (1976). The portable Nietzsch e. London: Penguin Books
  • Heintzelman, S. J. (2018). Eudaimonia in the contemporary science of subjective well-being: Psychological well-being, self-determination, and meaning in life. In E. Diener, S. Oishi, & L. Tay (Eds.), Handbook of well-being . Salt Lake City, UT: DEF.
  • Heintzelman, S. J., & King, L. A. (2015). Meaning in life and intuition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 110 (3), 477–492.
  • Lee, C. S., Hwang, Y. K., & Jang, H. Y. (2018). Moderating effect of growth mindset on the relationship between attitude toward tourism and meaning in life. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics , 120 (6), 5523–5540.
  • Nietzsche, F. (1911). Beyond good and evil  (H. Zimmern, Trans.). Edinburgh: Darrien Press.
  • Routledge, C., & Juhl, J. (2010). When death thoughts lead to death fears: Mortality salience increases death anxiety for individuals who lack meaning in life. Cognition & Emotion , 24 (5), 848–854.
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2018). Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness . New York: Guilford Press.
  • Sartre, J. (1964). Being and nothingness: An essay in phenomenological ontolog y. New York: Citadel Press.
  • Smith, J. A. (2018). How to find your purpose in life. Greater Good Magazine. Retrieved October 5, 2020, from https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_to_find_your_purpose_in_life
  • Steger, M. F. (2009). Meaning in life. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), Oxford handbook of positive psychology (2nd ed., pp. 679–687). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Warnock, M. (1970). Existentialism . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Noel Victor Mason

We obviously don’t exist in a vacuum so we have a stack of existing phenomena to analyse and interpret. Emanuel Kant said “Two things fill my mind with ever new and increasing admiration and reverence …. the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.”


Excellent Article. The way ‘ meaning’ and ‘Purpose’ is differentiated is giving clarity to many who get caught in a hazy situation.Purpose is constant and meaning may shift along the journey of life.Purpose is Values driven and Meaning is Actions driven. Enjoyed a lot

Barb Petsel

Excellent article. I especially liked the differentiation of “meaning” and “purpose” and ways to explore these and become more self-aware. Such poignancy and a great invitation for a deeply meaningful life.


Excellent article. I loved the included YouTube video and funnily enough this is a practice (visualizing myself “zoneing out”- like in the video) I use to ground myself. Refreshing 🙂

Timothy Rothhaar

The term “existentialism” was given by Catholic existence philosopher Gabriel Marcel to Jean-Paul Sartre’s version of existence philosophy. Nietzsche is not an existentialist, rather, a vitalist. Kierkegaard preceded him and has more existential themes later philosophers like Heidegger built on. “Existentialism” was later associated with Sartre and his followers with “existential phenomenology” being more Heidegger’s suit.

Meaning is objective for Husserl insofar as the laws of logic, morality, and mathematics are independent of the human mind.

Tawanda S Murray

Wow, what an insert to capture. I was in a Ministry meeting last night and it was the first one. I listened to several of the ladies say they have no idea of their purpose. So to read this today is a Godsend to share in the next group. This is so profound and just in learning to live.

Niki Vettel

Thanks for this — especially meaningful at this time of year, in this year. I shared The Blue Dot video to my FB page. But how can we download and share your essay?

Nicole Celestine

Glad you liked the article! Unfortunately, we don’t currently have a download button for our posts, but if you hit ‘Yes’ on the ‘Did you find this article useful?’ button (near the reference list), a range of sharing options will appear. 🙂

– Nicole | Community Manager

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Essays About Life: Top 5 Examples Plus 7 Prompts

Life envelops various meanings; if you are writing essays about life, discover our comprehensive guide with examples and prompts to help you with your essay.

What is life? You can ask anyone; I assure you, no two people will have the same answer. How we define life relies on our beliefs and priorities. One can say that life is the capacity for growth or the time between birth and death. Others can share that life is the constant pursuit of purpose and fulfillment. Life is a broad topic that inspires scholars, poets, and many others. It stimulates discussions that encourage diverse perspectives and interpretations. 

5 Essay Examples

1. essay on life by anonymous on toppr.com, 2. the theme of life, existence and consciousness by anonymous on gradesfixer.com, 3. compassion can save life by anonymous on papersowl.com, 4. a life of consumption vs. a life of self-realization by anonymous on ivypanda.com, 5. you only live once: a motto for life by anonymous on gradesfixer.com, 1. what is the true meaning of life, 2. my life purpose, 3. what makes life special, 4. how to appreciate life, 5. books about life, 6. how to live a healthy life, 7. my idea of a perfect life.

“…quality of Life carries huge importance. Above all, the ultimate purpose should be to live a meaningful life. A meaningful life is one which allows us to connect with our deeper self.”

The author defines life as something that differentiates man from inorganic matter. It’s an aspect that processes and examines a person’s actions that develop through growth. For some, life is a pain because of failures and struggles, but it’s temporary. For the writer, life’s challenges help us move forward, be strong, and live to the fullest. You can also check out these essays about utopia .

“… Kafka defines the dangers of depending on art for life. The hunger artist expresses his dissatisfaction with the world by using himself and not an external canvas to create his artwork, forcing a lack of separation between the artist and his art. Therefore, instead of the art depending on the audience, the artist depends on the audience, meaning when the audience’s appreciation for work dwindles, their appreciation for the artist diminishes as well, leading to the hunger artist’s death.”

The essay talks about “ A Hunger Artist ” by Franz Kafka, who describes his views on life through art. The author analyzes Kafka’s fictional main character and his anxieties and frustrations about life and the world. This perception shows how much he suffered as an artist and how unhappy he was. Through the essay, the writer effectively explains Kafka’s conclusion that artists’ survival should not depend on their art.

“Compassion is that feeling that we’ve all experienced at some point in our lives. When we know that there is someone that really cares for us. Compassion comes from that moment when we can see the world through another person’s eyes.”

The author is a nurse who believes that to be professional, they need to be compassionate and treat their patients with respect, empathy, and dignity. One can show compassion through small actions such as talking and listening to patients’ grievances. In conclusion, compassion can save a person’s life by accepting everyone regardless of race, gender, etc.

“… A life of self-realization is more preferable and beneficial in comparison with a life on consumption. At the same time, this statement may be objected as person’s consumption leads to his or her happiness.”

The author examines Jon Elster’s theory to find out what makes a person happy and what people should think and feel about their material belongings. The essay mentions a list of common activities that make us feel happy and satisfied, such as buying new things. The writer explains that Elster’s statement about the prevalence of self-realization in consumption will always trigger intense debate.

“Appreciate the moment you’ve been given and appreciate the people you’ve been given to spend it with, because no matter how beautiful or tragic a moment is, it always ends. So hold on a little tighter, smile a little bigger, cry a little harder, laugh a little louder, forgive a little quicker, and love a whole lot deeper because these are the moments you will remember when you’re old and wishing you could rewind time.”

This essay explains that some things and events only happen once in a person’s life. The author encourages teenagers to enjoy the little things in their life and do what they love as much as they can. When they turn into adults, they will no longer have the luxury to do whatever they want.

The author suggests doing something meaningful as a stress reliever, trusting people, refusing to give up on the things that make you happy, and dying with beautiful memories. For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

7 Prompts for Essays About Life

Essays About Life: What is the true meaning of life?

Life encompasses many values and depends on one’s perception. For most, life is about reaching achievements to make themselves feel alive. Use this prompt to compile different meanings of life and provide a background on why a person defines life as they do.

Take Joseph Campbell’s, “Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning, and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer,” for example. This quote pertains to his belief that an individual is responsible for giving life meaning. 

For this prompt, share with your readers your current purpose in life. It can be as simple as helping your siblings graduate or something grand, such as changing a national law to make a better world. You can ask others about their life purpose to include in your essay and give your opinion on why your answers are different or similar.

Life is a fascinating subject, as each person has a unique concept. How someone lives depends on many factors, such as opportunities, upbringing, and philosophies. All of these elements affect what we consider “special.”

Share what you think makes life special. For instance, talk about your relationships, such as your close-knit family or best friends. Write about the times when you thought life was worth living. You might also be interested in these essays about yourself .

Life in itself is a gift. However, most of us follow a routine of “wake up, work (or study), sleep, repeat.” Our constant need to survive makes us take things for granted. When we endlessly repeat a routine, life becomes mundane. For this prompt, offer tips on how to avoid a monotonous life, such as keeping a gratitude journal or traveling.

Many literary pieces use life as their subject. If you have a favorite book about life, recommend it to your readers by summarizing the content and sharing how the book influenced your outlook on life. You can suggest more than one book and explain why everyone should read them.

For example, Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” reminds its readers to live in the moment and never fear failure.

Essays About Life: How to live a healthy life?

To be healthy doesn’t only pertain to our physical condition. It also refers to our mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. To live a happy and full life, individuals must strive to be healthy in all areas. For this prompt, list ways to achieve a healthy life. Section your essay and present activities to improve health, such as eating healthy foods, talking with friends, etc.

No one has a perfect life, but describe what it’ll be like if you do. Start with the material things, such as your house, clothes, etc. Then, move to how you connect with others. In your conclusion, answer whether you’re willing to exchange your current life for the “perfect life” you described and why.  See our essay writing tips to learn more!

what is the purpose of my life short essay

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Good Example Of Purpose in Life Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Life , Choice , Culture , Psychology , Human , Understanding , Society , Human Services

Published: 08/12/2021


During the early years in life, I struggled with the issue of finding a purpose for my life since I drew inspiration from different individuals in different fields. However, as I grew up and began interacting with more people, I began to understand the different roles of people in society. The most impactful experience in my life was during a church activity where we volunteered to help feed and clothe the homeless within the community. The fulfillment I got from this activity was the life-changing experience that made me determine what my purpose in life would be. I knew that my purpose in life was to help the vulnerable people in society, put a smile on their faces, and make positive lasting impacts in their lives. I decided that every day, I would strive to ensure that I touched a life, however little it was to ensure that these individuals felt loved. My purpose in life, therefore, is to share love and compassion with the people who need it most.

In the recent past, the three choices I have made in my life include the choice to pursue a career in the human service profession. The second choice I have made is to improve my understanding of the different cultures across the globe and improve my capacity to interact with individuals from a variety of cultures. The third choice I have made recently is to do more individual research on human psychology.

The three choices I have made were all congruent with the purpose I have in my life. The choice of pursuing a career in the human services profession provides me with a chance to help individuals in a structured and legal way. It will ensure that I have an improved capacity to help vulnerable individuals get organized, get back on their feet and overcome the challenges that life has presented to them. This choice ensures that I can contribute to the establishment of a better society. It will ensure that I have an opportunity to create a link between those in need and the relevant resources that help them meet the needs that make them vulnerable members of our society. In addition to that, I will be contributing to a positive environment in a society where individuals and families do not live in fear of crime because of the need for vulnerable individuals to acquire resources in an illegal way. As such, my choice to pursue a career in the human service profession is congruent with my purpose in life.

Additionally, my choice to have a better understanding of the different cultures across the globe is also in congruence with the purpose I have in life. In the United States and other parts of the globe, communities are becoming increasingly diverse. Individuals from a variety of cultures are living within the same communities and sharing the same resources. Cultural competence has been seen as one of the most important skills that a human service professional should have to effectively practice in the field (Jani et al., 2026). As such, this choice will help me in understanding the different cultures and the preferences of individuals from these cultures. It will ensure an improved understanding of how different persons from varied cultures perceive their issues and the best way to develop solutions that align with their cultural needs. Thus, the choice to study other cultures is also congruent with my purpose in life.

Other than that, the choice I made to perform personal research on human psychology is also in congruence with my purpose in life. It is important to understand that in addition to material needs, most individuals are also deprived of emotional and psychological needs. It has been noted that technological developments and other issues have greatly contributed to an increase in mental health cases, especially among the young (Twenge et al., 2018). This means that individuals are increasingly becoming vulnerable to mental and emotional health issues. Therefore, my choice to seek a better understanding of human psychology is central to my capacity to understand the most appropriate ways of addressing the emotional and psychological needs of these individuals. It is on this basis that this choice is in congruence with my purpose in life.

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Jani, J. S., Osteen, P., & Shipe, S. (2016). Cultural competence and social work education:    Moving toward assessment of practice behaviors.  Journal of Social Work Education ,  52 (3), 311-324.

Twenge, J. M., Joiner, T. E., Rogers, M. L., & Martin, G. N. (2018). Increases in depressive symptoms, suicide-related outcomes, and suicide rates among US adolescents after 2010   and links to increased new media screen time.  Clinical Psychological Science ,  6 (1), 3-17.


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Purpose in Life, Its Importance and Meaning

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How to Write a Life Story Essay

Last Updated: May 28, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Alicia Cook . Alicia Cook is a Professional Writer based in Newark, New Jersey. With over 12 years of experience, Alicia specializes in poetry and uses her platform to advocate for families affected by addiction and to fight for breaking the stigma against addiction and mental illness. She holds a BA in English and Journalism from Georgian Court University and an MBA from Saint Peter’s University. Alicia is a bestselling poet with Andrews McMeel Publishing and her work has been featured in numerous media outlets including the NY Post, CNN, USA Today, the HuffPost, the LA Times, American Songwriter Magazine, and Bustle. She was named by Teen Vogue as one of the 10 social media poets to know and her poetry mixtape, “Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately” was a finalist in the 2016 Goodreads Choice Awards. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 100,955 times.

A life story essay involves telling the story of your life in a short, nonfiction format. It can also be called an autobiographical essay. In this essay, you will tell a factual story about some element of your life, perhaps for a college application or for a school assignment.

Preparing to Write Your Essay

Step 1 Determine the goal of your essay.

  • If you are writing a personal essay for a college application, it should serve to give the admissions committee a sense of who you are, beyond the basics of your application file. Your transcript, your letters of recommendation, and your resume will provide an overview of your work experience, interests, and academic record. Your essay allows you to make your application unique and individual to you, through your personal story. [2] X Research source
  • The essay will also show the admissions committee how well you can write and structure an essay. Your essay should show you can create a meaningful piece of writing that interests your reader, conveys a unique message, and flows well.
  • If you are writing a life story for a specific school assignment, such as in a composition course, ask your teacher about the assignment requirements.

Step 2 Make a timeline of your life.

  • Include important events, such as your birth, your childhood and upbringing, and your adolescence. If family member births, deaths, marriages, and other life moments are important to your story, write those down as well.
  • Focus on experiences that made a big impact on you and remain a strong memory. This may be a time where you learned an important life lesson, such as failing a test or watching someone else struggle and succeed, or where you felt an intense feeling or emotion, such as grief over someone’s death or joy over someone’s triumph.

Alicia Cook

  • Have you faced a challenge in your life that you overcame, such as family struggles, health issues, a learning disability, or demanding academics?
  • Do you have a story to tell about your cultural or ethnic background, or your family traditions?
  • Have you dealt with failure or life obstacles?
  • Do you have a unique passion or hobby?
  • Have you traveled outside of your community, to another country, city, or area? What did you take away from the experience and how will you carry what you learned into a college setting?

Step 4 Go over your resume.

  • Remind yourself of your accomplishments by going through your resume. Think about any awards or experiences you would like spotlight in your essay. For example, explaining the story behind your Honor Roll status in high school, or how you worked hard to receive an internship in a prestigious program.
  • Remember that your resume or C.V. is there to list off your accomplishments and awards, so your life story shouldn't just rehash them. Instead, use them as a jumping-off place to explain the process behind them, or what they reflect (or do not reflect) about you as a person.

Step 5 Read some good examples.

  • The New York Times publishes stellar examples of high school life story essays each year. You can read some of them on the NYT website. [8] X Research source

Writing Your Essay

Step 1 Structure your essay around a key experience or theme.

  • For example, you may look back at your time in foster care as a child or when you scored your first paying job. Consider how you handled these situations and any life lessons you learned from these lessons. Try to connect past experiences to who you are now, or who you aspire to be in the future.
  • Your time in foster care, for example, may have taught you resilience, perseverance and a sense of curiosity around how other families function and live. This could then tie into your application to a Journalism program, as the experience shows you have a persistent nature and a desire to investigate other people’s stories or experiences.

Step 2 Avoid familiar themes.

  • Certain life story essays have become cliche and familiar to admission committees. Avoid sports injuries stories, such as the time you injured your ankle in a game and had to find a way to persevere. You should also avoid using an overseas trip to a poor, foreign country as the basis for your self transformation. This is a familiar theme that many admission committees will consider cliche and not unique or authentic. [11] X Research source
  • Other common, cliche topics to avoid include vacations, "adversity" as an undeveloped theme, or the "journey". [12] X Research source

Step 3 Brainstorm your thesis...

  • Try to phrase your thesis in terms of a lesson learned. For example, “Although growing up in foster care in a troubled neighborhood was challenging and difficult, it taught me that I can be more than my upbringing or my background through hard work, perseverance, and education.”
  • You can also phrase your thesis in terms of lessons you have yet to learn, or seek to learn through the program you are applying for. For example, “Growing up surrounded by my mother’s traditional cooking and cultural habits that have been passed down through the generations of my family, I realized I wanted to discover and honor the traditions of other, ancient cultures with a career in archaeology.”
  • Both of these thesis statements are good because they tell your readers exactly what to expect in clear detail.

Step 4 Start with a hook.

  • An anecdote is a very short story that carries moral or symbolic weight. It can be a poetic or powerful way to start your essay and engage your reader right away. You may want to start directly with a retelling of a key past experience or the moment you realized a life lesson.
  • For example, you could start with a vivid memory, such as this from an essay that got its author into Harvard Business School: "I first considered applying to Berry College while dangling from a fifty-food Georgia pine tree, encouraging a high school classmate, literally, to make a leap of faith." [15] X Research source This opening line gives a vivid mental picture of what the author was doing at a specific, crucial moment in time and starts off the theme of "leaps of faith" that is carried through the rest of the essay.
  • Another great example clearly communicates the author's emotional state from the opening moments: "Through seven-year-old eyes I watched in terror as my mother grimaced in pain." This essay, by a prospective medical school student, goes on to tell about her experience being at her brother's birth and how it shaped her desire to become an OB/GYN. The opening line sets the scene and lets you know immediately what the author was feeling during this important experience. It also resists reader expectations, since it begins with pain but ends in the joy of her brother's birth.
  • Avoid using a quotation. This is an extremely cliche way to begin an essay and could put your reader off immediately. If you simply must use a quotation, avoid generic quotes like “Spread your wings and fly” or “There is no ‘I’ in ‘team’”. Choose a quotation that relates directly to your experience or the theme of your essay. This could be a quotation from a poem or piece of writing that speaks to you, moves you, or helped you during a rough time.

Step 5 Let your personality and voice come through.

  • Always use the first person in a personal essay. The essay should be coming from you and should tell the reader directly about your life experiences, with “I” statements.
  • For example, avoid something such as “I had a hard time growing up. I was in a bad situation.” You can expand this to be more distinct, but still carry a similar tone and voice. “When I was growing up in foster care, I had difficulties connecting with my foster parents and with my new neighborhood. At the time, I thought I was in a bad situation I would never be able to be free from.”

Step 6 Use vivid detail.

  • For example, consider this statement: "I am a good debater. I am highly motivated and have been a strong leader all through high school." This gives only the barest detail, and does not allow your reader any personal or unique information that will set you apart from the ten billion other essays she has to sift through.
  • In contrast, consider this one: "My mother says I'm loud. I say you have to speak up to be heard. As president of my high school's debate team for the past three years, I have learned to show courage even when my heart is pounding in my throat. I have learned to consider the views of people different than myself, and even to argue for them when I passionately disagree. I have learned to lead teams in approaching complicated issues. And, most importantly for a formerly shy young girl, I have found my voice." This example shows personality, uses parallel structure for impact, and gives concrete detail about what the author has learned from her life experience as a debater.

Step 7 Use the active voice.

  • An example of a passive sentence is: “The cake was eaten by the dog.” The subject (the dog) is not in the expected subject position (first) and is not "doing" the expected action. This is confusing and can often be unclear.
  • An example of an active sentence is: “The dog ate the cake.” The subject (the dog) is in the subject position (first), and is doing the expected action. This is much more clear for the reader and is a stronger sentence.

Step 8 Apply the Into, Through, and Beyond approach.

  • Lead the reader INTO your story with a powerful beginning, such as an anecdote or a quote.
  • Take the reader THROUGH your story with the context and key parts of your experience.
  • End with the BEYOND message about how the experience has affected who you are now and who you want to be in college and after college.

Editing Your Essay

Step 1 Put your first draft aside for a few days.

  • For example, a sentence like “I struggled during my first year of college, feeling overwhelmed by new experiences and new people” is not very strong because it states the obvious and does not distinguish you are unique or singular. Most people struggle and feel overwhelmed during their first year of college. Adjust sentences like this so they appear unique to you.
  • For example, consider this: “During my first year of college, I struggled with meeting deadlines and assignments. My previous home life was not very structured or strict, so I had to teach myself discipline and the value of deadlines.” This relates your struggle to something personal and explains how you learned from it.

Step 3 Proofread your essay.

  • It can be difficult to proofread your own work, so reach out to a teacher, a mentor, a family member, or a friend and ask them to read over your essay. They can act as first readers and respond to any proofreading errors, as well as the essay as a whole.

Expert Q&A

Alicia Cook

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  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201101/writing-compelling-life-story-in-500-words-or-less
  • ↑ Alicia Cook. Professional Writer. Expert Interview. 11 December 2020.
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About This Article

Alicia Cook

A life story essay is an essay that tells the story of your life in a short, nonfiction format. Start by coming up with a thesis statement, which will help you structure your essay. For example, your thesis could be about the influence of your family's culture on your life or how you've grown from overcoming challenging circumstances. You can include important life events that link to your thesis, like jobs you’ve worked, friendships that have influenced you, or sports competitions you’ve won. Consider starting your essay with an anecdote that introduces your thesis. For instance, if you're writing about your family's culture, you could start by talking about the first festival you went to and how it inspired you. Finish by writing about how the experiences have affected you and who you want to be in the future. For more tips from our Education co-author, including how to edit your essay effectively, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to find your purpose in life, are you struggling to discover your purpose that may be because you feel isolated from other people. here's how you can overcome that..

Do you have a sense of purpose?

For decades, psychologists have studied how long-term, meaningful goals develop over the span of our lives. The goals that foster a sense of purpose are ones that can potentially change the lives of other people, like launching an organization, researching disease, or teaching kids to read.

Indeed, a sense of purpose appears to have evolved in humans so that we can accomplish big things together—which may be why it’s associated with better physical and mental health. Purpose is adaptive, in an evolutionary sense. It helps both individuals and the species to survive.

what is the purpose of my life short essay

Many seem to believe that purpose arises from your special gifts and sets you apart from other people—but that’s only part of the truth. It also grows from our connection to others, which is why a crisis of purpose is often a symptom of isolation. Once you find your path, you’ll almost certainly find others traveling along with you, hoping to reach the same destination—a community.

Here are six ways to overcome isolation and discover your purpose in life.

Reading connects us to people we’ll never know, across time and space—an experience that research says is linked to a sense of meaning and purpose. (Note: “Meaning” and “purpose” are related but separate social-scientific constructs. Purpose is a part of meaning; meaning is a much broader concept that usually also includes value, efficacy, and self-worth.)

In a 2010 paper , for example, Leslie Francis studied a group of nearly 26,000 teenagers throughout England and Wales—and found that those who read the Bible more tended to have a stronger sense of purpose. Secular reading seems to make a difference, as well. In a survey of empirical studies , Raymond A. Mar and colleagues found a link between reading poetry and fiction and a sense of purpose among adolescents.

“Reading fiction might allow adolescents to reason about the whole lives of characters, giving them specific insight into an entire lifespan without having to have fully lived most of their own lives,” they suggest. By seeing purpose in the lives of other people, teens are more likely to see it in their own lives. In this sense, purpose is an act of the imagination.

Many people I interviewed for this article mentioned pivotal books or ideas they found in books.

The writing of historian W.E.B. Du Bois pushed social-justice activist Art McGee to embrace a specific vision of African-American identity and liberation. Journalist Michael Stoll found inspiration in the “social responsibility theory of journalism,” which he read about at Stanford University. “Basically, reporters and editors have not just the ability but also the duty to improve their community by being independent arbiters of problems that need solving,” he says. “It’s been my professional North Star ever since.” Spurred by this idea, Michael went on to launch an award-winning nonprofit news agency called The San Francisco Public Press .

So, if you’re feeling a crisis of purpose in your life, go to the bookstore or library or university. Find books that matter to you—and they might help you to see what matters in your own life.

2. Turn hurts into healing for others

Of course, finding purpose is not just an intellectual pursuit; it’s something we need to feel. That’s why it can grow out of suffering, both our own and others’.

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Want to help high schoolers find purpose? The GGSC's Purpose Challenge for students, educators, and parents incorporates cutting-edge science into videos and interactive exercises. Students can get help with their college essay and win up to $25,000 in scholarship money.

Kezia Willingham was raised in poverty in Corvallis, Oregon, her family riven by domestic violence. “No one at school intervened or helped or supported my mother, myself, or my brother when I was growing up poor, ashamed, and sure that my existence was a mistake,” she says. “I was running the streets, skipping school, having sex with strangers, and abusing every drug I could get my hands on.”

When she was 16, Kezia enrolled at an alternative high school that “led me to believe I had options and a path out of poverty.” She made her way to college and was especially “drawn to the kids with ‘issues’”—kids like the one she had once been. She says:

I want the kids out there who grew up like me, to know they have futures ahead of them. I want them to know they are smart, even if they may not meet state academic standards. I want them to know that they are just as good and valuable as any other human who happens to be born into more privileged circumstances. Because they are. And there are so damn many messages telling them otherwise.

Sometimes, another person’s pain can lead us to purpose. When Christopher Pepper was a senior in high school, a “trembling, tearful friend” told him that she had been raped by a classmate. “I comforted as well as I could, and left that conversation vowing that I would do something to keep this from happening to others,” says Christopher. He kept that promise by becoming a Peer Rape Educator in college—and then a sex educator in San Francisco public schools.

Why do people like Kezia and Christopher seem to find purpose in suffering—while others are crushed by it? Part of the answer, as we’ll see next, might have to do with the emotions and behaviors we cultivate in ourselves.

3. Cultivate awe, gratitude, and altruism

More on purpose.

Explore the difference between a happy life and a meaningful one .

Learn how helping others can help you finding meaning in life.

Discover the health benefits of having a purpose .

Jeremy Adam Smith explores how the science of purpose could help explain white supremacy .

Certain emotions and behaviors that promote health and well-being can also foster a sense of purpose—specifically, awe , gratitude , and altruism .

Several studies conducted by the Greater Good Science Center’s Dacher Keltner have shown that the experience of awe makes us feel connected to something larger than ourselves—and so can provide the emotional foundation for a sense of purpose.

Of course, awe all by itself won’t give you a purpose in life. It’s not enough to just feel like you’re a small part of something big; you also need to feel driven to make a positive impact on the world. That’s where gratitude and generosity come into play.

“It may seem counterintuitive to foster purpose by cultivating a grateful mindset, but it works,” writes psychologist Kendall Bronk, a leading expert on purpose. As research by William Damon, Robert Emmons, and others has found, children and adults who are able to count their blessings are much more likely to try to “contribute to the world beyond themselves.” This is probably because, if we can see how others make our world a better place, we’ll be more motivated to give something back.

Here we arrive at altruism. There’s little question, at this point, that helping others is associated with a meaningful, purposeful life. In one study , for example, Daryl Van Tongeren and colleagues found that people who engage in more altruistic behaviors, like volunteering or donating money, tend to have a greater sense of purpose in their lives.

Interestingly, gratitude and altruism seem to work together to generate meaning and purpose. In a second experiment, the researchers randomly assigned some participants to write letters of gratitude—and those people later reported a stronger sense of purpose. More recent work by Christina Karns and colleagues found that altruism and gratitude are neurologically linked, activating the same reward circuits in the brain.

4. Listen to what other people appreciate about you

Giving thanks can help you find your purpose. But you can also find purpose in what people thank you for.

Like Kezia Willingham, Shawn Taylor had a tough childhood—and he was also drawn to working with kids who had severe behavioral problems. Unlike her, however, he often felt like the work was a dead-end. “I thought I sucked at my chosen profession,” he says. Then, one day, a girl he’d worked with five years before contacted him.

“She detailed how I helped to change her life,” says Shawn—and she asked him to walk her down the aisle when she got married. Shawn hadn’t even thought about her, in all that time. “Something clicked and I knew this was my path. No specifics, but youth work was my purpose.”

The artists, writers, and musicians I interviewed often described how appreciation from others fueled their work. Dani Burlison never lacked a sense of purpose, and she toiled for years as a writer and social-justice activist in Santa Rosa, California. But when wildfires swept through her community, Dani discovered that her strengths were needed in a new way: “I’ve found that my networking and emergency response skills have been really helpful to my community, my students, and to firefighters!”

Although there is no research that directly explores how being thanked might fuel a sense of purpose, we do know that gratitude strengthens relationships —and those are often the source of our purpose, as many of these stories suggest.

5. Find and build community

As we see in Dani’s case, we can often find our sense of purpose in the people around us.

Many people told me about finding purpose in family. In tandem with his reading, Art McGee found purpose—working for social and racial justice—in “love and respect for my hardworking father,” he says. “Working people like him deserved so much better.”

Environmental and social-justice organizer Jodi Sugerman-Brozan feels driven “to leave the world in a better place than I found it.” Becoming a mom “strengthened that purpose (it’s going to be their world, and their kids’ world),” she says. It “definitely influences how I parent (wanting to raise anti-racist, feminist, radical kids who will want to continue the fight and be leaders).”

Of course, our kids may not embrace our purpose. Amber Cantorna was raised by purpose-driven parents who were right-wing Christians. “My mom had us involved in stuff all the time, all within that conservative Christian bubble,” she says. This family and community fueled a strong sense of purpose in Amber: “To be a good Christian and role model. To be a blessing to other people.”

The trouble is that this underlying purpose involved making other people more like them. When she came out as a lesbian at age 27, Amber’s family and community swiftly and suddenly cast her out. This triggered a deep crisis of purpose—one that she resolved by finding a new faith community “that helped shape me and gave me a sense of belonging,” she says.

Often, the nobility of our purpose reflects the company we keep. The purpose that came from Amber’s parents was based on exclusion, as she discovered. There was no place—and no purpose—for her in that community once she embraced an identity they couldn’t accept. A new sense of purpose came with the new community and identity she helped to build, of gay and lesbian Christians.

If you’re having trouble remembering your purpose, take a look at the people around you. What do you have in common with them? What are they trying to be? What impact do you see them having on the world? Is that impact a positive one? Can you join with them in making that impact? What do they need? Can you give it them?

If the answers to those questions don’t inspire you, then you might need to find a new community—and with that, a new purpose may come.

6. Tell your story

Reading can help you find your purpose—but so can writing,

Purpose often arises from curiosity about your own life. What obstacles have you encountered? What strengths helped you to overcome them? How did other people help you? How did your strengths help make life better for others?

“We all have the ability to make a narrative out of our own lives,” says Emily Esfahani Smith , author of the 2017 book The Power of Meaning . “It gives us clarity on our own lives, how to understand ourselves, and gives us a framework that goes beyond the day-to-day and basically helps us make sense of our experiences.”

That’s why Amber Cantorna wrote her memoir, Refocusing My Family: Coming Out, Being Cast Out, and Discovering the True Love of God . At first depressed after losing everyone she loved, Amber soon discovered new strengths in herself—and she is using her book to help build a nonprofit organization called Beyond to support gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Christians in their coming-out process.

One 2008 study found that those who see meaning and purpose in their lives are able to tell a story of change and growth, where they managed to overcome the obstacles they encountered. In other words, creating a narrative like Amber’s can help us to see our own strengths and how applying those strengths can make a difference in the world, which increases our sense of self-efficacy.

This is a valuable reflective process to all people, but Amber took it one step further, by publishing her autobiography and turning it into a tool for social change. Today, Amber’s purpose is to help people like her feel less alone.

“My sense of purpose has grown a lot with my desire to share my story—and the realization that so many other people have shared my journey.”

About the Author

Jeremy Adam Smith

Jeremy Adam Smith

Uc berkeley.

Jeremy Adam Smith edits the GGSC's online magazine, Greater Good . He is also the author or coeditor of five books, including The Daddy Shift , Are We Born Racist? , and (most recently) The Gratitude Project: How the Science of Thankfulness Can Rewire Our Brains for Resilience, Optimism, and the Greater Good . Before joining the GGSC, Jeremy was a John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University.

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The Meaning and Purpose of My Life, Essay Example

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In determining the meaning and purpose of my life, I believe that it must fulfill qualities within myself and cater to others.  That is, I believe that we must strive to be the best human beings that we are able to be, while contributing to society and being able to help others.  Purpose in my life is found in intertwining the needs of others from what I am able to do and share.

In regards to my life, I believe that I should remain optimistic and positive in all walks of my life.  While I will falter, this is something that is important and that I continue to strive after.  Using my talents and abilities to these ends is also important for me, so that I may be successful, accomplish my goals, and be able to contribute to those around me.

Ultimately serving others is essential.  It would be unethical or immoral to believe that I can find meaning or purpose in my life, if I am not making others’ lives easier and more meaningful as well.  Personally and through my work and other endeavors, I wish to be able to serve others’ needs and desires to be able to contribute to society.

I believe a large part of meaning in life is dynamic.  Here and now I don’t believe that I can summarize the meaning and purpose of my life, as this is ever changing and evolving according to the dimensions and experiences of my life.  Therefore, to a certain extent, I am still figuring out the purpose of my life.

Wherever life takes me, I believe it is vital nonetheless to hold on to certain high standards.  Making the best of myself and opportunities presented to me, I believe, is one important aspect of finding meaning in life.  Additionally, I see being able to share gifts and talents with others is crucial in living a meaningful life as well.  In these standards I hope to find the constantly changing meanings in my life and life experiences.

Personally I find Plato’s Theory of Forms and Allegory of the Cave particularly engaging.  These two concepts are very interesting to approach academically as well as in a personal light.  In this I have found a couple of ways that it has impacted the way I view reality and life in general.

Theory of Forms

One engaging aspect of the theory of forms is its dual meaning.  On one hand, according to Plato, the Theory of Forms is ontological.  However, on another, it is metaphorically and accurately true pertaining to knowledge and its pursuit.  In these two views the Theory of Forms has a number of implications.

I believe there are personal implications to the ontological view of the Theory of Forms.  For instance, when we are younger, we certainly ascribe to the concept of a “perfect person” and try to emulate it in some way.  Perhaps for some, like myself, this carries on into later stages of life as we try to be perfect, at least in beneficial ways.

In this manner, the Form can allow us to see something real, even if we do not believe in an ontological reality of something perfect existing.  For instance, perhaps there is not a perfect person or a perfect love, at least outside of religious contexts, yet people in all walks of life seem to hold on to the Form of something.  Why?  Even if it can only exist in our minds, it is certainly relevant, applicable, and positive for our lives.

In this manner the ontological reality of Plato’s form can be metaphorically applicable to one’s life.  One doesn’t have to hold that all things truly have a Form, a perfect construct of something.  Yet it can certainly hold meaning, even if it exists only in the mind.

From this I find the Theory of Forms enlightening in the pursuit of knowledge.  It is perfectly reasonable to hold the ideal of a concept or state of being in one’s mind.  It can certainly allow us to move forward and grow as a person.

Allegory of the Cave

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave also presents a number of interesting implications in one’s life.  It certainly provides those along the same lines of the Theory of Forms, as it is of course interrelated.  In regards to how it has changed my thinking, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave I believe has allowed me to appreciate the pursuit of knowledge more fully.

In regards to the essence of the Allegory of the Cave, in more practical terms we certainly find ourselves in limited knowledge at times.  At time we may only see the shadows of a situation, and are often led to wrong choices and observations at times in our life due to ignorance.  Quite simply, in keeping with philosophy in general and the Allegory of the Cave, we must realize the worth of knowledge and more accurately, wisdom.

To this end in itself the Allegory of the Cave is quite interesting.  I think we can all recall a difficult time in our lives, or a wrong decision that could have been made better with wisdom.  While this can be certainly made into a generalization if we perpetuate this line of logic furthermore, it serves as an example of why wisdom is important.

The Allegory serves as a lesson in times of insecurities.  Relative to personal and more general terms, we often find ourselves lost in certain situations.  For instance, one can find himself or herself lost with regards to politics, or the turmoil of a personal relationship.  Yet, in a sense, we often see the shadows of the situation.

In this we are called to realize our own limitations.  We must realize the place of true knowledge and wisdom, which is, as Plato expresses, not of this world.  In responding to personal and general situations, we must find true knowledge from within, and not necessarily in reaction to events in the temporal world.

I chose these two concepts from Plato as they certainly link to the meaning of one’s life.  In my life these two concepts, when applied, allow me to see the significance and purpose of my life.  When these are used the purpose of my life is better clarified.

The Theory of Forms represents the way in which I can strive to be a better person.  I hold to the ultimate concept of something, the Form.  In the Form, such as becoming the “perfect” version of myself, in regards to my goals and standards, I can adhere to some extent in this way.

The Allegory of the Cave also allows me to view the limitations of one’s knowledge.  As I develop my knowledge and wisdom in my life, a part of this involves knowing one’s limits.  We must, out of our own wisdom, realize that we lack it in some respects.  While this is certainly reminiscent of Plato’s “knowing that I know nothing at all,” I think this can hold true for all of us.  We must realize that we only see the shadows in life at times, and strive after the Form of what we are attaining.  That is how we are better able to clarify meaning and purpose in life, and certainly in my life.

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21 Life Purpose Examples To Help You Write Yours

As kids, we are asked what we want to be when we grow up.

At that age, our answers are often simple: doctor, fireman, scientist.

Once we get to college or start working, our outlook on the future becomes more complicated.

Our goals are less oriented towards purpose but rather towards success.

However, to live happily, our views of success should align with a sense of purpose.

There are many different kinds of purposes of life to pursue, but it’s essential to find something that brings joy and fulfillment to your life.

To visualize and actualize your future goals, consider writing a life purpose statement.

We have put together fifteen life purpose statement examples to inspire you to write yours.

Why You Should Write a Life Purpose Statement

1. making a community contribution, 2. prioritizing home and family, 3. finding career success, 4. living authentically, 5. enjoying creative expression, 6. inspiring others, 7. fostering connections, 8. living mindfully, 9. achieving life balance, 10. protecting the environment, 11. raising successful children, 12. living with joy, 13. leaving a legacy, 14. making others happy, 15. teaching children.

Writing a life purpose statement can help focus your goals and motivate you to pursue them. Finding this motivation and channeling it into reality is easier when you explicitly articulate what you want to achieve.

Here are a few of the benefits of writing a life purpose statement: 

  • Increased drive and motivation
  • Focused mindset to achieve your goals and purpose
  • Clear path to success based on your “why”
  • Sense of fulfillment knowing you're guided by something vital and meaningful

21 Life Purpose Examples

Now that you're convinced writing a statement reflecting your life purpose, here are a variety of examples.

Each one focuses on an area of life that may be meaningful to you.

If you resonate with more than one of these statements, consider combining them to expand your own to include a broader purpose.

“My life purpose is to stand up for issues that I believe in and to contribute positively to my community. I want to leave the world knowing that I made it a better place.”  

If you care deeply about social issues or giving back to your community, this life purpose statement may work for your goals.

women talking in office Life Purpose Examples

In your own statement, feel free to get more specific about how you plan to contribute to your community. 

“I hope to build a loving home with my family and to care for my children. I want to support their endeavors while still leaving time for my passions. I will be the best version of myself so that I can lead my children by example.”

For those who find a strong sense of purpose from family, consider a statement like this. Ask yourself how you are personally fulfilled through family, and what you want your life to look like. 

“My life purpose is to find success in my career. I would like to be a notable person among my peers and be valued for my contributions to my field. My hope is that I will retire feeling fulfilled with what I have accomplished.”

Many people’s life purposes are centered around careers, as they find happiness through achieving success and contributing to society.

It may be helpful to specify your particular field, the goals you may have, and why your career gives you a sense of purpose.

“The purpose of my life is to be my true self , uninhibited by fear. I want to inspire others to live authentically and with passion.”

This statement is an example for those who value being honest, open, and living their truth. Start by questioning what your passions are and how they empower you. 

Define what living authentically means to you and how you hope to achieve that.

“My goal in life is to harness my creativity and imagination to unearth truths about myself, my community, and society at large. I want to pose challenging ideas through my art.”

Many artists have specific mission statements attached to their work. As you grow as an artist, you may find that elements of your statement change, but the central core of your life’s purpose will usually remain the same. 

“The purpose of my life is to be a source of light to other people and radiate positivity. I hope to find an inner strength that is inspiring to others.”

Finding peace and modeling that for others is a compelling goal to motivate your self-growth. Many people dedicate their lives to self-improvement and receiving wisdom to pass it on to others. 

woman looking at her phone Life Purpose Examples

“My goal in life is to love others unconditionally and foster meaningful connections with people. I want to walk through life with an open hand, being available to form new friendships.”

If you thrive through your connections, this purpose statement may resonate with you. Think about what you are giving to these relationships versus what you are receiving.

How does that impact your purpose? 

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“I envision a life where I take things slowly and stop to smell the roses. I never want to miss out on an opportunity to find joy in the little things. I will explore my world with open curiosity and be fully present with all experiences.”

women at gym Life Purpose Examples

Not everyone enjoys living in a fast-paced and career-oriented environment.

This statement is an excellent example for people who admire beauty, value small treasure, and find meaning in living a more mindful and engaged life.

“In my life, I want to achieve a harmonious balance between my career, my family, and fun. I plan to work hard but also seek excitement and adventure where I can.”

You can have it all. Some of you may be working out how to balance many different elements in your life.

Writing a life purpose statement like this one is an excellent place to start when figuring out how to achieve your goals. 

“My life’s purpose is to be a caretaker of the Earth by living a life of zero waste and reducing my carbon footprint.”

Climate change and environmental causes are a valuable focus for a life purpose for many people.

Collaboration and community are a central component of this goal. If you find inspiration from this example, consider fleshing out specific examples of how you can contribute to helping Mother Earth. 

“My purpose is to raise a family of caring, passionate, and independent children who will find success in their own way and with integrity. I believe that being a parent is the joy of my life.”

Here is another example of a family-oriented life purpose statement, There are many different ways to center your family life in your personal goals, and each parent or family member will have their own view. 

“I want to live enthusiastically. I want to marry my best friend and settle into a long life together. I want to be fulfilled in my work and find meaning through art. I want to die knowing I lived the best way I knew how.”

This example shows that you can have many different types of goals in one mission statement.

Your goals can be oriented towards career, family, marriage, or anything else.

You don’t have to dedicate your life to any singular thing. We are complex creatures with many desires and interests. 

“I hope to achieve great things in my life. My life’s purpose is to leave a legacy behind me. I want to have the highest quality of life, and live abundantly.” 

Some personal statements are more qualitative, describing the type of life you want to lead.

It is not necessary to list specific goals, but rather, you can paint a picture of the direction you're headed. 

“My purpose in life is to make others laugh. I want to leave a smile on the faces of those I love, those I meet, and those who remember me long after I am gone.” 

Other life purpose statements are joyfully simple. If you wish to lead a joyful life, consider this example. When reflecting on your statement, think of the ways you can apply this perspective in your life.

How can your sense of humor and happy demeanor contribute positively to your career or your relationships? 

“My goal in life is to be an educator and help students reach their greatest potential. I want to help young kids find great success.”

This example is perfect for teachers whose profession is their main passion in life.

When we have found careers that genuinely make us happy, our life purposes are often shaped around finding success within them. 

16. Pursuing Knowledge and Wisdom

“My goal in life is to continuously seek knowledge and wisdom, always striving to learn more about the world and myself. I want to absorb as much as I can, turning every experience into a learning opportunity.”

If you are naturally curious and find joy in learning and personal growth, this purpose might speak to you. Consider how your quest for knowledge enriches not only your life but also how it can positively influence those around you. 

How does this pursuit shape your interactions and decisions?

17. Promoting Health and Wellbeing

“My life's mission is to promote health and well-being, both for myself and others. I aim to be a beacon of healthy living, inspiring and guiding others towards a balanced lifestyle.”

If you are passionate about health and believe in the transformative power of a healthy lifestyle, this purpose could resonate with you. Reflect on how your actions and choices can contribute to a healthier community and how this commitment to well-being influences your sense of purpose.

18. Advancing Technological or Scientific Innovation

“I am dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology and science to create solutions that improve our lives. My purpose is to innovate, discover, and contribute to the progress of humanity through my work.”

If you are driven by a desire to innovate and solve complex problems, this purpose statement may align with your aspirations. 

Think about the impact of your innovations on society and how they reflect your personal values and purpose.

19. Championing Social Justice and Equality

“My purpose is to champion social justice and equality, to stand up for what is right, and to make a tangible difference in the fight against inequality. I am committed to creating a more just and equitable world for all.”

If you are moved by a sense of fairness and a desire to advocate for those who are marginalized, this purpose might resonate deeply with you. 

Consider how your actions can contribute to lasting change and how this pursuit aligns with your core beliefs.

20. Exploring and Preserving Cultural Heritage

“I am passionate about exploring and preserving cultural heritage, ensuring that the rich tapestry of our past is celebrated and maintained for future generations. My purpose is to connect with history and share its lessons and beauty with the world.”

Do you have a deep appreciation for culture and history and want to ensure its preservation? If so, this purpose statement could speak to you. 

Reflect on how this passion helps you connect with others and the past, enriching your life and those around you.

21. Fostering Spiritual Growth or Enlightenment

“My life's goal is to foster spiritual growth, both in myself and in others. I seek enlightenment and a deeper understanding of the spiritual aspects of our existence, hoping to share peace and wisdom along the way.”

Maybe your path is deeply intertwined with spiritual exploration and growth, and this purpose might align with your innermost values.

Think about how your spiritual journey influences your relationships, your approach to life's challenges, and what it means for your overall purpose.

How Do You Write a Purpose Statement for Your Life?

Crafting a purpose statement for your life might seem like a tall order, but it's really about digging deep and reflecting on what truly drives you. It's your guiding light that helps you navigate through life's ups and downs. Think of it as your own personal North Star, keeping you aligned with what matters most to you.

Here's how to get those thoughts down into a coherent, powerful purpose statement:

1. Reflect on Your Passions

Start by thinking about what gets you out of bed in the morning. What activities make you lose track of time? This isn't just about hobbies; it's about the core drives that give your life meaning and joy. Jot these down, no matter how big or small they seem.

2. Identify Your Values

Your values are the bedrock of your purpose statement. They define what you stand for and what you won't stand for. So, take a moment to list out your top values. Are you all about honesty, creativity, family, independence? Knowing these will help shape your purpose statement.

3. Consider Your Impact

Think about how you want to affect the world around you. What mark do you want to leave on your community, your family, or even the planet? This isn't about grandiose achievements but the real, tangible difference you want to make.

4. Draft Your Statement

With your passions, values, and desired impact in mind, start drafting your statement. Keep it simple and clear. It should resonate with you deeply, almost like a personal mantra that you can turn to in times of doubt or decision-making.

5. Refine and Evolve

Your first draft might not be perfect, and that's okay. Life is dynamic, and so are you. Allow your purpose statement to evolve as you grow and learn. It's a living document, not set in stone.

Remember, your purpose statement is deeply personal. It's for you, about you, and should reflect your unique journey and aspirations. So, take your time, be honest with yourself, and let your true self shine through in your words.

How will you use these life purpose examples?

If you are ever asked the question, “What is your purpose in life?” you now have a better idea of what that answer might be.

Your statement should be personal and specific to your interests and motivations. Use these examples to help craft your personal life purpose statement.

Here are a few different ways to utilize this exercise:

  • Use it as a professional statement in your resume. Many job applications require a personal mission or professional statement in your resume. Craft your purpose statement to support your career goals.
  • Write it in a journal, and return back to it when you need to refocus your energies. Just the act of writing your statement reinforces it in your mind.
  • Discuss it with your significant other. Relationships often work for the long term when both parties share a similar sense of purpose and want to share in each other’s goals. 

Refer to your life purpose statement regularly as you make critical decisions or plans for your life.

Use it as your compass to guide you through life's ups and downs, reminding you of the higher reason you live on this planet.

May your purpose in life inspire everything you do today and always.

Study Paragraphs

Life Is Short – Goals & Values in Life

What is your life’s purpose? What are your goals? Is the meaning of life the pursuit of happiness? These questions and many more have been debated for centuries. In this essay, you will be challenged to think about these questions in a new way.

Essay On Life Is Short | Purpose & Goals Of Life


We all have goals in life, whether we realize it or not. For some, these goals might be to get a good job, make more money, or become a better person. But what if your goal is something that you don’t even know exists? That’s what I encountered when I set out to find my purpose in life.

I had always known that I wanted to help others and make a difference in the world, but I wasn’t sure how to go about doing that. So I decided to take on the challenge of figuring out what my true calling was. And after spending countless hours reading books, talking to experts, and exploring different paths, I finally realized that my true purpose was to help others find their own personal mission in life.

Now that I know what my goal is, it’s important for me to stay focused on it. If I ever lose sight of my purpose, I can easily fall into complacency or drift away from the things that matter most to me. But by staying true to my call and working hard every day towards realizing it, I know that everything will eventually fall into place.

Value of life

The goal of life is to be happy. This may seem like a simple statement, but it is one that can be difficult to achieve. Happiness is something that we can never guarantee, but we can endeavor to find it within ourselves. There are many different ways to achieve happiness, and each person has their own way of doing things. However, there are some general principles that can help us be happier.

One important principle is to have goals. Having goals gives us a focus in our lives, and it provides a means of measuring our progress. It also helps us set boundaries and resist temptation. Without goals, our lives can become aimless and unfulfilling.

Another key principle is to take care of ourselves first. When we take care of ourselves, we are able to take better care of others as well. We are also more likely to enjoy life and make the most of opportunities that come our way. Self-care includes things like eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. When we take care of ourselves, we are able to live fuller lives and be happier people in the process.

Importance of goals in life

Everyone has different goals in life, but all of them have something important to them. Goals give you a sense of purpose and direction, which can help you stay focused and motivated. Without goals , your life can feel aimless. Here are some reasons why goals are so important:

1. Goals keep you accountable. If you don’t have any goals, it’s easy to forget why you started working out or trying to improve your finances. When you set specific goals, you’re more likely to stick with your plan and see results.

2. Goals give you hope. When you have a goal in mind, you know that there is something worth fighting for. Even if the goal seems impossible at first, because it’s based on something worthwhile, that determination can get you closer to success.

3. Goals inspire creativity. When you set a goal, it opens up possibilities for new ideas and approaches that may not have occurred to you before. This can lead to new opportunities and discoveries, which can bring about real change in your life.


We all know that life is short, but what does that mean for us? For many people, the shortness of life can be a motivator to do better and work harder. Don’t forget to enjoy life while you have it!

When we think about our goals in life, it’s important to not only focus on what we want to achieve, but also what we want to leave behind. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and forget about the things that matter most. Make sure to take time for yourself every day and enjoy your life.

Remember, life is too short to waste time on things that don’t matter. Make sure your goals are based on what will make you happy and satisfied in the long run. When you stay focused on your goals, you’ll be able to attain them no matter how short life may seem.

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Discovering your purpose can take time. It’s not always clear and may change as you grow. You can start by thinking about what you love to do, what makes you feel good, and how you can make a positive impact on the world.

The Joy in Purpose

When you find your purpose, life becomes more meaningful. You feel a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. This joy can motivate you to work harder and achieve your goals. It’s like a guiding light that leads you through life.

Living with Purpose

To live with purpose, you need to follow your heart and stay true to yourself. It’s about making choices that align with your beliefs and values. Remember, your purpose is unique to you. So, embrace it and live life to the fullest.

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250 Words Essay on Purpose Of Life

What is the purpose of life.

Life is a precious gift, and everyone has their unique way of living it. Some people think the purpose of life is to be happy, while others believe it is to help others.

Finding Happiness

Many people believe that the purpose of life is to find happiness. This could mean doing things that make us feel good, like playing games, eating our favorite food, or spending time with friends and family. It is about enjoying every moment and making the most of our time.

Helping Others

For others, life’s purpose is to help people. They find joy in making others happy or making the world a better place. This could mean doing volunteer work, helping a friend with homework, or simply being kind to everyone around us.

Learning and Growing

Some people see the purpose of life as a chance to learn and grow. They want to gain knowledge, learn new skills, and become better people. This could mean studying hard at school, reading lots of books, or trying new things.

In conclusion, the purpose of life can be different for everyone. It could be about finding happiness, helping others, or learning and growing. It’s about finding what makes you feel fulfilled and doing that. Remember, the purpose of life is a journey, not a destination. So, enjoy every step of your journey.

500 Words Essay on Purpose Of Life

Understanding ‘purpose of life’.

The ‘Purpose of Life’ is a big idea that everyone thinks about at some point. In simple terms, it is the reason why we are here. It is what gives our life meaning and direction. It is like a personal goal that guides our actions and choices.

Individual Purpose

Everyone has their own purpose in life, which can be different from others. This purpose can be anything that makes you feel happy and fulfilled. For some, it could be becoming a doctor and saving lives, while for others, it could be becoming a painter and creating beautiful art. It is not about what others think is important, but what you feel is important.

Common Human Purpose

While each person has their own purpose, there are also common purposes that all humans share. These include learning, growing, and contributing to the world. We all want to learn new things, grow as people, and make the world a better place. These common purposes can help bring us together and create a sense of community.

Finding your purpose in life can take time and is often a journey of self-discovery. It involves understanding your passions, values, and strengths. You can start by asking yourself questions like, “What do I love to do?”, “What am I good at?” and “What do I feel strongly about?” The answers to these questions can help guide you towards your purpose.

Living Your Purpose

Once you find your purpose, it is important to live it. This means making choices and taking actions that align with your purpose. For example, if your purpose is to help others, you might choose to volunteer at a local charity. Living your purpose can give your life meaning and make you feel fulfilled.

The Importance of Purpose

Having a purpose in life is important because it gives our life direction and meaning. It helps us make decisions and set goals. It also gives us a sense of fulfillment and happiness. Without a purpose, life can feel empty and meaningless.

In conclusion, the purpose of life is a deeply personal and important idea. It is the guiding force that gives our life meaning and direction. While each person’s purpose is unique, we all share common purposes of learning, growing, and contributing to the world. Finding and living your purpose can bring great joy and fulfillment to your life.

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My Vision and Mission in Life: the Purpose of My Journey

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Gurnek Bains Ph.D.

Using Purpose and Meaning to Improve Your Well-Being

A simple approach to the complex questions can generate numerous benefits..

Posted March 19, 2024 | Reviewed by Michelle Quirk

  • Meaning and purpose are distinct concepts with useful and independent roles to play in our lives.
  • Some simple reflections can help us identify our honest answers to these complex questions.
  • Meaning and purpose are invaluable and positively influence our physical, mental, and social health.

Thanks to recently watching "Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones" on Netflix, I have been continuously mulling over a missing routine in so many of our lives. Although I’d like to report that it is drinking mineral-rich, locally made Greek wine every day with friends, I’m referring to the Japanese practice of ikigai , which describes an individual’s "reason for being" and, subsequently, how beneficial individually determining our meaning and purpose in our lives is.

We have always been fascinated by ikigai and its synonymous philosophies, but we have also always been confused. Too often than not, meaning and purpose get conflated when they shouldn't. In this increasingly chaotic and turbulent world, we must recognise that these are no longer philosophical laments, but essential components of our internal experiences, with functional roles for navigating our lives.

So how do we understand meaning and purpose, and how do we begin to think about them more personally?

Broadly speaking, meaning is what gives you the sense of your life being set against a greater context. It is built from who you are, what you perceive as important in the world and in your life, and/or what sustains and nurtures you. It is multifaceted and doesn’t aspire to anything but your recognition.

One could find meaning in something lofty like nature or religion. On the other hand, you could find meaning in your friendships or in the simple act of running each day. Personally, I find meaning in my family and in good food from around the world.

In my book Meaning Inc. , I talk about meaning in the context of work. However, you can start the process of discovering meaning in your life more broadly by

  • Feeding your passions: These are the activities, people, or things that interest and motivate you.
  • Nurturing your relationships: Social connections have repeatedly been linked to a heightened sense of meaning.
  • Taking stock of your moods: Not only are our moods and emotions indicative of our unconscious appraisals of different contexts and tasks, but encouraging positivity can also increase further meaning.

Purpose is the motivational and cognitive process that draws on your skills, experience, and ambitions for yourself and the world around you. It is more targeted than meaning and aspires to fulfill itself. Some theorists see it as entirely distinct to meaning, while others believe it is compartmental to it. No matter how you map it, it pertains to the role(s) you want to play in your life.

For many, this will refer to their purpose as a parent or an activist. For others, it may refer to the sense of purpose they get from discussing the issues they care about with people around them or tending to their garden each day.

More so than meaning, purpose can apply directly to one’s work. At Global Future, we help develop purpose-driven leaders because we know that it not only makes them better leaders but it makes them and their teams happier, too. Put simply, we ask leaders to spend time considering the following:

  • Reflect on your "journey"—i.e. the choices you’ve made in life so far, and why—so you may learn a bit more about what you’ve been trying to achieve.
  • Identify your strengths and where you have shown potential.
  • Consider the gaps in your life or the world more broadly so you may identify the areas in which you can have an impact that you will find most rewarding.

Meaning and purpose are by no means straightforward. They can be obvious or covert, simple or complex. We must be prepared to think deeply and constantly workshop our answers, recognising that they—and we—are dynamically engaging with our worlds.

Though it may sound like tiring work, the payoff is invaluable. Meaning and purpose are irreplaceable facets of well-being and have been shown to mediate our suffering , improve our sleep , and increase happiness, life satisfaction, and perceptions of control . Plus, if "Live to 100" is anything to go off, they quite literally give you life!

Gurnek Bains Ph.D.

Gurnek Bains, Ph.D., is currently the Managing Partner of Global Future, a psychologically based consulting firm, as well as CEO of Global Future Think Tank.

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Happier Human

19 Life Purpose Examples to Find Your True Purpose

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Since the dawn of time, philosophers and common people alike have mused over the idea of a “life purpose.”  

But what defines one’s life purpose? And what should yours be?

In simplest terms, a life purpose is your reason (or reasons) for getting up in the morning.

True purpose can guide your decisions.

It will influence your behavior and help you prioritize goals to make room for what really matters.

Purpose can offer a sense of direction… and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to a vocation- meaningful, satisfying work.

Ancient Greek classicists called it a “telos,” or the ultimate goal of life.  They believed that a life purpose should be was one’s central focus on their journey through time on earth. 

Modern thinkers conceptualize it as that what they were meant to do or be… what they were made for.

Whichever way you prefer to think about it, having an idea of your greater aim in life makes every day more significant and precious. It allows you to harness your energy into something bigger than just yourself.

In this article, I will provide 19 life purpose examples that may help you take one step closer to eudemonia… or “Living the Good Life”.

Table of Contents

Exercises to Find Your Life Purpose

Self-inquiry and examination through good habits help you center your thoughts and really focus on what you enjoy most in your life and gives you meaning.

Everyone has different skills and talents that make them great… and taking the time to analyze what you excel at can give you further direction to what you can call your life purpose.   Pro tip: you can have more than one!

Journaling what matters most to you

Creative journaling has many proven health benefits . From writing down your crazy dreams,  to taking note of interesting flowers you've seen that day, it gives your left brain a chance to express itself… or your right brain time to make sense of the day.

Consistency is what is important. 

If you choose a narrative approach, you give your loved ones a valuable record and tool to peer into the daily life of your family.

When you select a creative approach, such as poetry or sketching, you can get a glimpse into your subconscious and the themes of your life.

Either method works… and many of the world's most successful minds practice journaling . 

You can also start using your journal as a tool to implement your life purpose. Everything from affirmations, inspiring quotes, or a daily to-do list will be able to help you navigate the waters of setting sail in the direction of your dreams.

Writing a life purpose statement

Are you feeling bold?

If so, sit down and write down a mission statement of the purpose of your life. You might be surprised what you think of!

For your first draft, don't put too much thought into it and let the feeling of what you want to most express flow through you. Be true to yourself and don't be shy; you don't have to share it if you don't want to.

Later, revise it and flesh it out. Write out a personal manifesto if you want to. Let the written word inspire you to greater things and pay attention to the most vivid details.

Don't think too much about it, either. You can have a seemingly small or narrowed down purpose, such as becoming a vegan.  Or you may discover something greater, like becoming a human rights activist or uncovering a musical talent.  

Take what you learn from this exercise and use it to make bigger and better choices for your life.

Find good literature or media to support your new vision, and if you are really feeling inspired, volunteer or take classes to improve. 

Verbalizing to someone else what matters most

Talking about things to a compassionate listener helps our minds process what's going on in our life.

Even the process of listening to ourselves talk can help make what's going on “real” and, more importantly , give us some ideas of the right action steps to take.

Just talk about what matters.

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Always wanted to get a higher degree? Was your dream to be a painter?

Find a trusted person and talk to them about it. The enormous healing properties of letting someone know your secret desires will always shed light on those corners of your life and give you hope and a different perspective.

Visualizing what is most important in their life and what may be lacking.

Looking within helps you to clarify what's important and minimize distractions.

For example, if being healthy is important to you… you might change your diet, learn new recipes, or start a daily exercise plan.

If having more fun with your community is a goal, then you might be on the lookout for opportunities to meet new people.

Visualize what your ideal life would be like, and take steps every day to achieve it!

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” -Walt Disney

Take a deep breath, light a candle, and close your eyes. Relax and think:  where could my life go? What would I have? Where would I be? What would it feel like?

Now, let yourself write out what an ideal day would be like. Let your imagination go wild. Where would you vacation? What would you eat? What gifts would you buy the people you love?

You get the idea.

Now, ground yourself, and let yourself figure out a realistic way to align yourself to the life choices you could make to more embody that lifestyle.

It's easier than it sounds, and you can be amazed at all of the resources that reveal themselves to you when you're open and ready to receive or when you go out there and take action.

People from all walks of life benefit from the power of visualization.   From CEOs to elementary teachers, walking yourself through the necessary steps in your mind's eye helps guide you to techniques or tools for an improved life.

It can be anything from a power color to a special spot in nature from which you draw inspiration. 

19 Life Purpose Examples You May Draw Inspiration From

1. having a strong sense of family.

“I will always work to do what is best for my family. Without neglecting myself, I will seek to meet their needs. I will seek to understand their insecurities, and give them the support and unconditional love to make them feel special, important, and irreplaceable.”

Around the world, “family” ranks as the top choice when selecting one’s purpose in life. It's the foundation from which people come from… and where many people return. If you feel that friends and family are priceless treasures that can never be replaced, this purpose is definitely for you.

2. Helping Children

“I want to be a positive role model for children. Whether it's with tangibles like food or clothing, or by giving emotional support… I want to give children what they need to feel wanted, loved, and secure. I want to give children what they need to be healthy, happy, and productive.” 

Whether you're a parent or not, if you're passionate about helping children, there are many ways to achieve this goal. The obvious is to provide financially by giving food, clothing, and shelter. You can also give your time and support in other ways.

Helping with homework, listening when a child needs to talk, donating to children's causes, or volunteering are some examples.

3. Giving Back to the Community

“I want to contribute something to my community that will leave it better than it was before my contribution. I want to show others that connecting with your community is important and vital.” 

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Communities don't exist without individuals, and individuals cannot exist without being a part of some type of a community. We are interdependent beings. If you have a sense of appreciation for the significance of community, there are many ways to meet this purpose. 

You can enhance it aesthetically, or participate in other activities. You may want to take a more interpersonal approach, like being a mentor or helping a neighbor.

4. Helping Animals

“All creatures deserve to be treated with kindness. I want to show compassion to animals through caring acts that help protect them and help them survive.”

It’s no coincidence that veganism and vegetarianism grow in popularity every year. Whether it's by aligning yourself with groups like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), or adopting a pet , you, too, can contribute to ensuring animals are treated humanely.

5. Living a Healthy Lifestyle

“I will prioritize taking care of myself by putting my health first. I will take care of my physical and mental health needs by being mindful of what I put in my body, and focusing on my emotional and mental well-being. Self-care activities will be a part of my regular routine.”

Self-care is one of the essential ways that health can become part of a life's purpose. In order to meet any other goals in life, you must first be in good mental and physical health. 

6. Prioritizing Fitness

“I will feed the inside and outside of my body with the nourishment it needs. The right food is an obvious necessity, but I will also make sure I feed it physical exercise, and prioritize being physically fit.”

Fitness goes hand in hand with living a healthy life. It may be for medical reasons, or your aim may be to achieve a certain physical appearance or build  strength . This life purpose is for you if you're passionate about the physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of exercise.

7. Incorporating Music

“I will make music an integral part of my life. I will use it as a source of healing and enjoyment. I will also use it as a way to connect with others, and to connect more deeply with myself.”

If you feel drawn to music, incorporating it into your life more will give many emotional benefits.

In every culture,  music  seems to be the thread that binds people. Whether you're a musician, a dancer, or simply someone who loves to listen… there is so much meaning and purpose that can be gleaned from music.

8. Appreciating Art

“I will appreciate the beauty of art. I will find ways to include it in my life, by being both a spectator and finding ways to explore my own artistic talents.”

Art has many forms and expressions, and whichever one you feel “drawn” to is totally up to you and entirely beautiful. Many people have amazing latent artistic gifts that they go their whole lives regretting not having explored further.  

You can take advantage of  adult learning  or community college opportunities to enhance your artistic skills.

9. Embracing Spirituality

“I will be a spiritual person and connect to something higher than myself. I will concern myself with being the best person I can be for myself and others. I will be guided by thoughts and actions that are kind and in my best interest, and the best interest of others.” 

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Being spiritual  can be a powerful way to embrace a larger identity and life purpose. If your focus is to grow and develop to be the best person you can be, and live a life where you show compassion to others, this mantra is ideal. 

10. Living a Happy and Ethical Life

“I will first and foremost do what it takes to make myself happy. With this continued state of being, I will be able to treat others in a respectful and kind way. My happiness will lead to actions that are just, fair, and ethical for others.”

We've probably all heard the saying, “Hurt people hurt people.” It would then follow that we can say the opposite is also true. If you're in a state of contentment, you'll give off a sense of peace that will positively affect others. 

This statement probably hits home for you if you're someone who's mindful about existing in the here-and-now. It's definitely for you if you're self-aware and value the multitude of health benefits from having a harmonious emotional and spiritual state. 

11. Empowering Others

“My life purpose is to help others see their own power and strength. I want to make each person I encounter feel better about themselves and have an added sense of self-efficacy and self-confidence.”

Here's a statement that takes infecting others with happiness and peace to a different level. The drive to empower others is ideal for someone who loves interacting with people. It requires being able to see the positives and helping individuals identify their strengths. 

12. Being True to Myself

“I want to live a life where I present to myself and others my authentic self. I want to maintain my true self while being genuine and sincere in all of my relationships and interactions with others.”

If you are someone who values your individualism, this example falls right in line. Being true to yourself may include maintaining your own unique fashion sense, dietary choices, or spiritual beliefs.

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It can be more interpersonal, where you value remaining true to another purpose you have in life, no matter what others think or say. For example, you may want to stay true to living a life as a starving artist, rather than conform to the American standard of climbing your way up the corporate ladder.

Or, it may mean holding onto independent thinking that sets you a part from the rest, and not changing your opinions or methods of expression to please others or to fit in.

At any rate, being your authentic self in all areas of life helps to achieve a healthy mental and emotional state.

13. Achieving a Meaningful Career

“I will continuously pour into myself the tools needed to be the best at what I do. I want to have a career that improves the life of others and society in some way.”

Many people choose careers based on their skills, passions, or natural talents. This purpose can help you decide what career to pursue and, therefore, what actions you need to follow to achieve it.

It can help you determine if you need to pursue a higher degree, what region you may need to live in, and even give you a realistic picture of what your income may be. For example, if you're on the fence about whether to become a social worker or a marketing executive, you may decide that a social worker better meets the task of improving lives.

14. Cultivating Healthy, Reciprocal Relationships

“I will treat others as I want to be treated. I will make sure I give as much as I receive. I will communicate with others to understand and give them what they need, instead of going off of my assumptions of their needs, so that I am truly treating them in a manner that makes them feel important and respected.”

Any time you're having multiple interactions with someone, you're having a relationship. Whether it's close friends, relatives, or co-workers, interactions with others that are built on respect and mutual give-and-take are the most productive and healthiest.

If you appreciate the value of relationships and the positive rippling effects they can have on all aspects of life, this statement may speak to you.

15. Reaching My Fullest and Highest Potential

“Realizing self-actualization means reaching your fullest and highest potential. I will use self-reflection to understand my thoughts, behaviors, patterns, talents, and skills. I will also identify my growth areas (I will not call them weaknesses). I will seek to educate myself and increase my knowledge through research, and by engaging in meaningful discussions with others who hold different viewpoints than my own. I will use all of these avenues to improve all aspects of who I am.”

If you are dedicated to self-growth and self-development , this example does a great job of summarizing many of the components necessary to accomplish a higher state of self. 

You may have more than one purpose. This one goes hand-in-hand with “Being True to Myself.” To accomplish both, you must be ready to accept the self-discovery that comes from honest self-reflection. Achieving self-actualization also requires accepting the actions or changes you find you need to make as a result of those self-discoveries.

16. Bringing Others Joy

“Simply put, I want to make others laugh. Laughter is healing. I want to give people the good feelings, relief, and connection that comes with sharing a good laugh together. Even when there's sadness, laughter can provide a glimpse of hope and joy. I want to provide the light at the end of the tunnel.”

Some purpose statements are more serious, some will take a little work, and others will take a concerted amount of time to achieve. This one is just pure fun.

If connecting with others and enjoying life are what gets you out of bed in the mornings, this example is the perfect fit. We can choose happiness , and help others to choose it, too.

17. Helping the Less Fortunate

“I will help someone who is hurting or going without. I will give my assistance in some way to help someone else gain what they are missing, to help them have a better quality of life.”

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This is for the altruistic. Helping the less fortunate takes the life purpose of contributing to the community to the next level, by getting a little more specific. It requires you to identify or consider a type of person or group of people, and the resources they need.

18. Sharing Wisdom

“As I learn and grow from my experiences, I want to share that wisdom with others.” 

This example is great for teachers, religious leaders, mentors, or anyone who enjoys articulating the lessons of their failures, successes, and life journey. Knowledge is priceless. Because everyone's experiences are different, we all have a little bit of knowledge we could share with someone else.

19. Appreciating the World Around Me 

“I will embrace nature and all of its wonders. I will take the time to enjoy what cannot be bought and sold, but what gives us its beauty and utility every second of every day, unconditionally. I will appreciate the small things, and do my part to preserve the natural reserves that make life possible.”

If you enjoy nature and the simpler things in life, and see the environment as something that needs protecting, this may resonate with you. It incorporates both appreciation and action. Like some of the others, this purpose statement is also integral to mindfulness. There's an indirect sense of benevolence, too. Without the beauty and necessities of nature — like water, land to grow fruit and vegetables, and the many valuable things that only an ecosystem left intact can provide — human life cannot exist.

Final Thoughts on a Life Purpose

No two people have the exact same life purpose… even if they value the same things, like family, they may share different visions of how that life looks.

You can use this list of 19 life purpose examples as a springboard to launch your own journey towards finding your “why.”

While these are some of the most common themes that bring meaning to many people, that isn’t to say they are your true purpose.

Which ones stand out most to you?

Has a lightbulb of inspiration appeared over your head?

Have you thought about an interest or passion that could further enrich your life?

If so… follow that fire! Don’t let it burn out!

When you take the right steps, you can make big changes with daily choices in the right direction. With these life purpose examples, you can be well on your way to developing a life you're truly proud of.

Finally, if you want to increase your happiness and life satisfaction, then watch this free video that details the 7-minute habit for planning your day to focus on what's important .

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My Life's Purpose

Updated 24 November 2021

Subject Work ,  Workforce

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Category Economics ,  Life ,  Sociology

Topic Job ,  Job Description ,  People

A decade from now

I will be an X-Ray Technician after having efficiently completed my studies. Moreover, I look forward into beginning a health care facility that will specialize in radiology services. My quality world would see me become a revered person in the society. Being an X-ray Technician, I would have earned respect from people. I will be industrious while upholding ethics in my profession. It's a occupation from which I will get a lot of satisfaction from. Since childhood I have been dreaming on how to be of help to humanity whilst making the world a better place through imparting X-Ray services to the community.

The core barrier

That could that is making my path to my future world to be quite hard is lack of focus. Since when I was in high school, I have had the problem of lacking focused direction towards what I have set and thus preventing me from reaching my desired future goal. Such of focus contributes to disruptions by life's obstacles. Despite implementing the steps to go forward, the obstacles keep pushing me back. Such barriers are also caused by friends who seem to derail me from my core focus.

To address this barrier

Towards achieving my future world, I would participate in empowering programs in the college that aims at giving students assistance on how to reach their goals. These programs are quite useful to students as they develop in their careers. Next, I would I would avoid the people and activities that seem to interfere with my core focus.

Self-regulating myself

Would be a very crucial component in ensuring that I meet my goals in life. Such would entail putting all my actions in a measurable scale so as to decide on how far I am from the goals. On the other hand, the most important strategy in overcoming the lack of focus problem is to ensure that I prioritize on my set goals and always accomplish one goal before moving to another goal. This strategy would involve reevaluating my goals often to ensure that I am in the course of achieving them and if I realize that I have gone outside the course, quick measures would be appropriate. Aligning my goals to vision would also be a good move in ensuring that I am on the right track.

College education

Will play a very crucial role in ensuring that I achieve my goals and dreams. The interactions I have with my teachers and fellow students at Brookhaven College will greatly affect my achievement of the set goals. My teachers will teach me the course to ensure that I get the knowhow of how to become an X-Ray Technician, while a positive environment in the college will motivate me towards achieving the set goals.

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Find your purpose, students told

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Mustapha (centre) witnessing the handing over of a RM1,500 mock cheque from Prof Mushtak (far right) to Malaysian Mental Health Association representative Prof Datuk Dr Andrew Mohanraj during the recent "Driven by Purpose" campaign launch.—SHAARI CHEMAT / THESTAR

THE key to learning a tough life lesson like resilience is to know your purpose, says Vice Chancellors’ Council for Private Universities chairman Prof Mushtak Al-Atabi.

“If you attempt something and fail, without understanding your purpose, you will most likely quit. But if you know your why – your purpose – you are more likely to be resilient.

“It is about understanding the element of resilience within a purpose-driven education philosophy, which can be taught.

“However, it may be challenging as it needs trained instructors, investment and patience,” Prof Mushtak, who is also Heriot-Watt University Malaysia (HWUM) provost and chief executive officer, said.

He was speaking at the launch of the varsity’s “Driven by Purpose” campaign in Putrajaya on Feb 24.

The campaign was an initiative to recalibrate Malaysia’s higher education sector by fostering resilience and equipping students with essential skills for future success.

Central to the campaign is the adoption of “Purpose-Driven Education” initiatives, which are designed to develop holistic purpose-driven leaders who excel academically while contributing to societal progress.

Prof Mushtak said a purpose-driven education is the philosophy that education should focus on three elements: delivering academic excellence, building character and personal effectiveness, and developing resilience and well-being (see infographic).

Anchored by a clear sense of higher purpose, he said, one will flourish and deliver success and impact.

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“There are many ways to build resilience and understand challenges. Sending our children to volunteer is one option,” he said, adding that engaging in positive community activities helps one value what one has.

“Some may send their children to boarding schools for them to cultivate resilience, while others find different ways, as not everyone has access to that option,” he said.

Agreeing, Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Mustapha Sakmud, who was also present at the event, emphasised that the best way to nurture resilience in students is to allow them to volunteer and join non-governmental organisations.

“Coming from the background of a youth leader, I find that training young people to participate in prosocial behaviours that involve helping another person, group or cause fosters independence and resilience,” he said, adding that this can be achieved through various methods.

“Sending children to boarding schools is an option favoured by parents for cultivating this trait in their children.

“But parents must prioritise openness, ensuring their children understand that experiencing hardships is not about punishment, but rather about acknowledging the realities of privilege.

“The most effective approach is to build resilience in students through a purpose-driven education, which includes encouraging them to volunteer,” he said. — By JAAYNE JEEVITA

Tags / Keywords: HWUM , education , purose , education , resilience , character , snowflake generation , Gen Z

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