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Take Ownership of Your Future Self

  • Benjamin Hardy

what is your ideal future for yourself essay

Change is inevitable — but it’s not out of your control.

Your personality, skills, likes, and dislikes change over time — but that change isn’t out of your control. What can you do to become the version of yourself that you most want to be? Start by acknowledging the differences between your past, current, and future selves. Next, imagine your desired future self: Set goals that are as clear and specific as possible to maximize your chances of achieving them. Finally, develop (and re-develop) an identity narrative consistent with the person you want to become — and share that story with others! Your identity drives your behavior, which over time creates your personality. So start acting like the best version of yourself, and you will become that person.

In his TED Talk “ The Psychology of Your Future Self ,” Harvard psychologist Dr. Daniel Gilbert explains a bias that almost all of us have: We tend to think that the person we are today is the person we will always be.

  • BH Benjamin Hardy is an organizational psychologist and the author of Willpower Doesn’t Work and Personality Isn’t Permanent . His blogs have been read by over 100 million people and he is a regular contributor to Inc. and Psychology Today . From 2015-2018, he was the #1 writer in the world on He and his wife Lauren adopted three children through the foster system in February 2018 and, one month later, Lauren became pregnant with twins, who were born in December of 2018. They live in Orlando.

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Mental Wellbeing

Future Self Visualization: How to Use This Technique to Create the Life You Want

  • July 1, 2022

Do you have goals you would like to achieve but don’t know how to get there? Maybe you feel like you’re stuck and don’t know how to make a change. If this sounds like you, future self visualization may be the solution that you’ve been looking for! In this blog post, we will discuss future self-visualization and how to use it to create the life you want. We will also provide tips on visualizing your future self like a pro to reach your desired goals.

what is your ideal future for yourself essay

When we were young, we used to get asked a lot:

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

We used to spend a lot of time daydreaming about who we wanted to be and pretending to be them. We would imagine ourselves as successful businesswomen, teachers, doctors, world-famous authors, singers, TV presenters, or even the president of the United States.

While these ‘fantasies’ were fun to indulge in, they also helped some of us to develop a clearer picture of who we wanted to become. As we got older and began to explore our interests and talents, we may have found that many of our ‘fantasies’ were not as far-fetched as we had initially thought.

Through our ‘fantasies’ we were able to gain a better understanding of what we wanted out of life. In truth, those “fantasies” were the earliest glimpses of our future self visions.

In recent years, future self visualization has become a popular tool for self-discovery.

By picturing ourselves in the future, we begin to understand our deepest desires and biggest fears. We also get a better sense of the choices we need to make in the present to achieve our future goals.

So, if you are feeling lost or uncertain about your life path, future self visualization may be a helpful tool for you to use on your journey of self-discovery .

>>Read more: The Self Discovery Process That Will Change Your Life

future self visualization

What is future self visualization and How does it help you achieve your goals?

It’s no secret that the future can be a scary place. But what if you could get a glimpse of your future self?

A future self visualization is a powerful tool that can help you on your personal growth and self-discovery journey . By picturing yourself in the future, you can start to see what’s possible for your life. You can envision your ideal future and your higher self and begin to take steps toward making it a reality.

Future self visualization can also help you identify your values and priorities.

  • What kind of future do you want for yourself?
  • What kind of person do you want to be?

Asking yourself these questions can help you gain clarity about who you are and what you want out of life.

>>Read more: Powerful Questions To Ask Your Higher Self to Help You Figure Out Who You Need To Be To Succeed In Life!

So, what is exactly future self visualization?

In a nutshell, future self visualization is the act of seeing your future self to create a better future .

But what does that even mean?

Seeing your future self can mean different things for different people. Maybe it means visualizing yourself in a successful career, traveling the world, or picturing yourself happily married with kids. Perhaps it’s a combination of them all! Who knows! The point is, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Whatever it is that you want for your future self, you can use visualization to achieve any goal, big or small.

Just see it, believe it, and make it happen !

By visualizing yourself achieving your goals, you can create a roadmap to follow and stay on track. In addition, future visualization can help you stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve.

Science proves future self visualization does influence reality.

I know what you are thinking; that this is just some new-age mumbo jumbo but it’s not! In fact it’s completly backed by science.

Indeed, several neurological studies have demonstrated that visualizing stimulates activity in particular brain areas.

Research on Olympic athletes found that those who visualized their performance beforehand improved by an average of 23%!

Also, a new study has shown that visualization for future does indeed influence reality. The study found that people who visualize themselves achieving their goals are more likely to achieve them.

What’s even more interesting is that, according to Dr. David R Hamilton :

“what you imagine to be happening is actually happening as far as your brain is concerned.”

Yep, I had the same reaction the first time I heard this!

But the thing is that when you visualize something, what happens is that your brain automatically records it as a memory; as something you have done , regardless of whether it has really occurred or not.

That is because the same parts of the brain are activated when you’re doing something and when you’re imagining doing something – your attention, perception, memory, motor control, and planning are all affected by visualization.

That is why you are more likely to manifest the things and the life you want to have when you supply yourself with mental imagery of what it is you desire. Because when you see your future self, you’re training your brain to create a visualized reality . And what happens is that when you try to execute it in real life, your brain is already prepared because that has already happened in your brain. As a result, there is no need for your brain to panic.

Therefore, when you visualize something, for your brain that is something that really happened (even if you just imagined it).

This is the power of visualization.

When we can see what we want, we are much more likely to achieve it.

So, visualization is a powerful tool that you can use to increase your chances of success at anything—from getting a promotion at work to finally quitting smoking. And the best part is, it’s free and easy to do. 

what is your ideal future for yourself essay

How to create a future self visualization

Now comes the fun part!

How to visualize your future self and start manifesting your goals?

Well, you’ll have to put in a little work if you want to see results. But don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as it sounds. And I promise it will be worth it in the end.

Remember, the more effective your visualization technique is, the better your chances of achieving your goals.

So let’s get started and learn how to make this process work for you.

Tips for Visualizing your future self like a Pro

#1 write it down..

You must first begin by outlining in great detail what it is you hope to accomplish or who you hope to become.

  • What does your future self look like ? 
  • What are they doing?
  • What do they have that you don’t have now? 
  • What does your life look like?

When you write out your visualization rather than just visualizing it, it becomes more than just a mental exercise; it becomes something tangible that you can refer to and read aloud daily. This can be done through journaling .

#2 Be specific.

The future is a foreign country; they do things differently there. That’s why, when you’re writing your dreams down and trying to visualize them, it’s important to be as specific as possible.

The more detailed and vivid your description, the easier it will be to see yourself achieving those dreams.

After all, if you don’t know what you want, how will you ever get there?

So, take some time to really think about what you want out of life, and then write it down in as much detail as possible. Only then will you be able to truly see yourself achieving your dreams.

#3 Be thorough and real.

Future self-visualization is not just about dreaming but putting those dreams into action.

For example, if you want to be wealthy, you need to save and invest your money. If you want to be healthy, you need to exercise and eat right.

It’s also important to be as realistic as possible.

For example, it is not enough to visualize yourself becoming wealthy; you must also imagine yourself managing your new wealth wisely. That means thinking about how you would spend your money, what kind of lifestyle you would lead, and how you would give back to others.

Future self-visualization requires you to think about the future as a whole, including all the changes that would result from achieving your goal. Doing this makes your vision real enough to have significant effects.

#4 Embody it.

Envision yourself exactly where you want to be: w hat you will look like, how you will feel, what you will be wearing, and who you will be with?

Then, take a step into that future version of yourself; How does it feel? Do you feel more confident? More empowered? More alive?

Whatever it is that you want to feel in your future, start embodying it now. Because, the more you can see and feel like your future self, the more likely you are to make decisions that will lead you down that path.

#5 Use all your senses.

The majority of the time, when people try to see something in their minds, all they can think about is how it would look. And while vision is undoubtedly important, you don’t want to rely solely on this one sense.

You have five senses – sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste .

Get as many of them involved as you can.

Can you smell what it is that you desire? Is it possible to taste it? What does it sound like? What does it feel like?

The more of your five senses you can involve in the visualization process, the better.

Your senses are strongly tied to your emotions. That means the “why” is more evident when you attach all your senses to the visualization process because you make an emotional investment.

#6 Practice Multi-perspective visualization.

What is multi-perspective visualization?

Multi-perspective visualization is where you see yourself from the outside as if you are watching a video of yourself.

Studies show that sports stars often improve their skills most effectively by seeing themselves in their visualizations. That is because they can identify areas where they need to make adjustments and see how their body moves in relation to the rest of the world.

Hence, multi-perspective visualization is a powerful tool for achieving your desired goals. By seeing yourself from the outside, you gain a new perspective on your situation and can better identify opportunities and potential pitfalls.

This technique can help you to achieve your goals by: 

  • Allowing you to see the big picture and develop a clear plan of actio n
  • Helping you to identify your blind spots and areas of improvement
  • Giving you a boost of confidence and motivation
  • Encouraging you to take risks and think outside the box

what is your ideal future for yourself essay

#7 Use vision boards.

How about creating a vision board to make this visualization process even more powerful?

A vision board is either a physical poster board, corkboard, or some other platform where you post pictures of what it is you desire. Or you can also do a digital one using Pinterest, Canva, etc.

By doing so, your visualization is not just in your mind. You can see it clearly with your own two eyes. The important thing is to keep your vision board in a place where you see it every day.

Another tip is to make a copy of the vision board and keep one at work and one at home for a double dose of motivation.

#8 Use what comes to you.

While visualizing, you’re likely to feel certain emotions. It’s essential to be aware of the emotional response you have to your visualization. These emotions are the key to predicting your ultimate success.

If you’re feeling confident and excited, that means you’re on the right track. However, if you experience any negative emotions, it’s essential to note them.

What is causing these negative feelings? Is it something you can address?

Make a plan to deal with whatever issue is causing these negative emotions. You’ll be one step closer to achieving your goals by taking care of the problems that arise.

When deep down you know that you are capable of greatness, there is no force strong enough to stand in your way.

#9 Believe in yourself

The future is always unknown and often seems scary.

What will happen? What if I’m not good enough? Will I be successful?

The truth is that every single person on this planet has these types of thoughts at some point in their lives. But the key is to not let them consume you.

One thing that will help you stay connected with your higher self is to believe in yourself.

When you have faith in yourself, anything is possible.

Every single person on this earth is capable of overcoming any obstacle if they set their mind to it. So, no matter what life throws your way, always remember to believe in yourself !

Success is yours if you put in the effort and have faith that you can accomplish everything you set your mind to.

So, believe in yourself and know that you are capable of anything. You’ve got this!

#10 Visualize frequently.

As the old saying goes, “practice makes perfect.”  

You can’t expect much if you only practice once in a lifetime or just randomly when you happen to remember.

The thing is that every time you visualize, what you are doing is programming your subconscious mind to work towards your desired outcome.

So, the more you visualize, the more likely you are to achieve your goal.

If you want to make visualization a part of your daily routine, a good rule to follow is to practice at least twice a day. And there are two times of the day when visualizing is particularly compelling: first thing in the morning and shortly before going to bed.

These are times when your mind is more open and relaxed, making it easier to receive visualizations. 

what is your ideal future for yourself essay

If you’re serious about achieving your dreams, don’t just daydream about them – read and listen to them like your life depends on it.

That’s the advice I followed when I was working to achieve my goals, and it really made a difference.

Reading your visualization aloud, or even better, recording yourself reading it, will help to ingrain the vision in your subconscious, making it more likely to come true .

And if you really want to maximize the effect, make sure to really feel the emotions involved as you’re reading or listening. As I previously stated, embodiment is essential if you want to succeed with this. That way, you’ll be tapping into the power of your subconscious mind and increasing the odds that your dream will become a reality.

If you can see it in your mind, you can make it happen in real life !

Just remember: it’s important to remember to visualize your entire life with the new change in place, not just the change itself — the more complete the visualization, the better the results.

what is your ideal future for yourself essay

Benefits of future self visualization

As I’ve mentioned throughout this post, future self-visualization has many advantages, but here are my top three:

  • Helps you create a plan

Future self-visualization is a powerful tool that can help you achieve anything you want in life. By picturing your future self and visualizing yourself taking steps to achieve your goals, you can create a roadmap for success.

  • Keeps you motivated

One way future self visualization can help you is by keeping you motivated. When you see yourself achieving your goals in the future, it can give you the motivation you need to keep going, even when things get tough.

  • It keeps you focused.

In addition, visualization for the future can help you stay focused on your goals. It can be easy to get sidetracked and lose sight of what you’re trying to achieve. But if you have a clear image of your future self, it will be easier to stay on track and achieve your goals.

Additionally, it can help to increase your commitment to achieving your goals. When you see yourself already living the life you want, it becomes much more real and attainable.

So, if you’re looking for a way to stay motivated and focused on your goals, future self visualization is a powerful tool that can help you achieve anything you want. Start picturing your future self today and see how much closer you get to achieving your desired goals!

Here are several people who claim their success to the power of visualization.

what is your ideal future for yourself essay

Final thoughts

If you’re looking for a way to achieve your goals, future self visualization may be the solution you’ve been searching for. This technique can help you stay motivated and on track while working towards your desired outcomes.

It is important to remember that to achieve your goals, you need to take action and experiment with different things. With a bit of patience and exploration, you can continue to discover new things about yourself and grow in your journey of personal growth.

I hope that you found this blog post helpful and that I inspired you to try future self visualization for yourself.

So, are you ready to create the life you want? What are some goals that you would like to achieve? How will you use future self visualization to help you get there?

Let me know in the comments below!

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Ambitiously Alexa

35 Future Self Journal Prompts for Becoming Your Best Self

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day chaos that is life. With so much to think about in the short-term between work, maybe school, running errands, self-maintenance, and taking time for yourself, it’s challenging to step back and be intentional when thinking about the long-term.

Before you know it, the month just flies on by! Didn’t the new year just start like two days ago?! Then it’s the month after, and the year after… and…oops! You realize you didn’t give the future much thought and now it’s catching up with you all at once.

If this sounds like you, don’t fear! These future self journal prompts are your go-to journaling guide for getting clear on what you want out of the future and how you define “your best self.” 

I know that when life gets busy, I get comfortable living in the present because the present is plenty enough of a chore on its own! But don’t let that be you. Taking time to reflect on these future self writing prompts and examples will allow you to map out your goals and feel reassured that you are on the right track.

Table of Contents

35 Future Self Journal Prompts to Figure Out Your Ideal Self

Feel like you have no idea where you’re going? Has keeping up with the day-to-day made you neglect long-term planning? I’ve got you covered with this future self journaling guide ! All these journal questions will get you feeling way more clear on who you want your future self to be.

  • In one big brain dump , describe all the traits, habits, and lifestyle design your future self will possess.
  • What is your #1 goal for a year from today? In 5 years? 10 years? 
  • What is the biggest challenge you foresee in the next 5 years?
  • What kind of encouragement and support do you think your future self would give to you right now?
  • Which current struggles do you think your future self will overcome/manage better?
  • What would you value having in your daily life most?
  • What would you like your morning and night routines to look like?
  • Where would you like to live one day?
  • What’s keeping you stuck right now?
  • Name 3 good habits you’d like to start doing and how you’ll work them into your routine.
  • Name 3 bad habits you’d like to drop and how you can work toward letting them go.
  • What are you most grateful for right now?
  • What do you have in your life now that your past self would be proud to see?
  • What was something your past self dreamed of or wished for that actually came true?
  • What’s been your biggest struggle when it comes to sticking to goals?
  • What kind of self care routine would your future self have?

RELATED: 24 Unusual Self Care Ideas You Probably Haven’t Tried

what is your ideal future for yourself essay

Psst…make self care quick and easy by downloading my (free!) printable daily self care check in! Grab it to start adding a little self reflection into your morning + night routines.

You will receive your daily self care check in shortly.

  • How will your future self prioritize her mental and physical health?
  • What are some much-needed boundaries your future self will enforce?
  • What would a better version of yourself look like?
  • Looking back, what do you wish you’d done differently?
  • What has been the most pivotal thing you’ve learned about yourself in the last few years?
  • What are three daily affirmations you can tell yourself each day for self love?
  • What would you like your social circle to look like?
  • What would you like your love life or family life to look like?
  • What new hobbies or interests will your future self pursue?
  • What skills or knowledge will your future self have?
  • What are some unhelpful behaviors you need to change to become your best self?
  • What is one habit you can realistically start today that will help you get on track?
  • Describe/visualize your biggest hopes and dreams for the future without holding back
  • How do you feel (honestly) when you think about the future?
  • In what ways are you not looking forward to the future?
  • In what ways are you fired up and excited about the future?
  • What new opportunities do you foresee yourself having in the future?
  • What place will you be at with your journeys? (i.e: fitness journey, wellness journey, spiritual journey, etc.)
  • What will you enjoy the most about your future life?

RELATED: 101 Self Reflection Questions You Need to Be Asking Yourself

What does it mean to practice future self journaling?

Simply put, future self journaling is asking yourself questions to help you better-envision your future, your goals, and your values. 

It’s asking yourself: what is the best version of myself and what is it that makes them the “best”?

With such a broad question, you might not know where to start, and that’s totally fine. That’s what future self journal prompts like the ones in this post are for, allowing you to ask this question across many areas of your life to break things down.

Getting Started with Future Self Journal Prompts

1. identify: who is your ideal self.

First things first, and this question is quite open-ended so just take note of whatever comes to mind, who is your ideal self? Who do you want to be when you see yourself next year? In 5 years? In 10 years?

Does she feel secure and content with where she’s at in life? Does she avoid stressing over what she can’t control? Is she put-together in all the right ways? Elaborate on what this means for you, and be sure to consider every category of your life. Your home, your career, your mental health, your hobbies, and so on!

RELATED: Hobbies for Women in Their 20s: 100 Fun & Interesting Ideas

2. Visualize: What does your ideal self do?

Now that you’ve pinned down some basic traits about your future self, now think about what that future version of you is doing.

What’s their morning routine like? What do they like to do in their free time? Do they live in a cabin in the woods, or right on the beach? Do they work a comfortable 9-5 or did they venture out as an entrepreneur? What makes them feel alive?

So think in terms of both mindset and attitude as well as habits and activities when going through these future self journal prompts.

3. Implement: Plan out the actionable steps you’ll take for your future self

Turn these observations of how you view your future self and restructure them into specific goals. If one of your ideas is “I see my future self living on the coast of Maine,” you can get more specific by saying “I will save $x amount per year so that in 5 years, I can move to Maine.”

Remember, always tie each goal to its accompanying habits. Goals are great, but how often do we make goals like New Year’s Resolutions, only to stop after a month because we made the goal but not the habits? I’ll show you what I mean in the next example.

Future self journaling example

Identify: In 5 years, my future self will have her anxiety down to a manageable level with solid coping tools in place.

Visualize: My future self journals every time she feels overwhelmed, without even thinking twice. She makes meditation a priority. She also goes to therapy and has made significant progress in taming her anxious thoughts and behaviors.

Implement: Each time I feel things piling up too much, I will make that my cue to grab my journal. I will meditate each night right after I get in bed to wind down from the stress of the day. I will find the best therapist for me and make time for my appointments once a week every week.

This creates a nice little funnel from desires > goals > habits. You can try this template with any goal of yours!

Why should you start future self journaling?

1. it helps you identify goals that align with your values.

Finding the right goals for you that align with what you value is a must.

It might feel tempting to copy someone else’s goals or make impulsive decisions about what you want for yourself, but making things intentional and personal to YOU without worrying about society’s expectations is far more beneficial.

Studies also show that your conception of your future self has a large impact on the long-term choices you make.

Take that in for a second.

If you’re feeling stuck or hopeless about the future, and you let that mindset bleed into your actions and habits, that can harm your future self. If your knee-jerk reaction is to prepare for when you fail, you won’t be supporting your chances of success.

If you believe you can achieve something, you’re offering yourself the (much needed) self-support to improve your chances of reaching a goal.

All in all, get clear on what you value most at the end of the day and create your goals with your values as the driving force! That’s when these future self journal prompts will work their magic.

2. It helps you map out a game plan for achieving your goals

This part is SO important. You have to have a strategy in place in order to make goals that actually stick. Making mindless goals with no plan on how you’ll actually go about achieving the goal is a recipe for disaster.

If you always seem to be making goals only to get demotivated and give up, you would really benefit from my printable goal planner .

This goal planner will help you map out ANY goal for ANY area of your life from A-Z, zoning in on all the nitty gritty details to make the perfect game plan for identifying your values, setting your goals, nailing down the right habits, and ACTUALLY ACHIEVING THE GOAL!

You are 100% capable of setting goals and reaching them. You just haven’t implemented the right strategy. That’s where the printable goal planner can help you!

future self journaling template pdf

3. It helps you stay accountable

And staying accountable is half the battle, am I right? You’d be surprised at how much something as simple as clarity can help you stay accountable.

Clarity on who you are, who you want to become, and how you’ll get there will help you avoid losing sight of the long-term goal because you’ll begin viewing the process toward a goal as an ongoing journey. Using future self journal prompts can be a game changer for this.

4. It helps you visualize your success

Research shows us that when you visualize yourself reaching a goal, your brain believes the imagery to be reality. This creates new neural pathways to support that reality.

So visualizing your success really is a proven way to help you achieve it. By practicing future self journaling, you guide yourself by fully immersing yourself in all the details of your ideal future life!

Biggest takeaway: using future self journal prompts changes your mindset

Kay, so what’s the best thing about using future self journal prompts?! The mindset shift.

The best benefit of all is learning how to change your mindset in terms of your outlook on the future. I mean, shoot, the future can be a little scary to think about sometimes because of all the unknowns at play.

But while we can’t exactly control everything that happens in the future, we can create the best roadmap possible for ourselves by knowing exactly where we’re going and how to get there. With these journal questions as your guide, you’ll be on the right track.

Good luck in your future self journaling journey!

More Journal Prompts You’ll Love

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Founder & Content Strategist

Hey there! I'm Alexa, and I'm a self-care enthusiast and mental health advocate. At Ambitiously Alexa, I'm here to support women like you who are on a mission to achieve allll the things they're passionate about and make time for self care. I make this balance possible through journal prompts, positive affirmations, and self care ideas you'll love! Here's more about me, including my B.A in Psychology...

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How thinking about the future makes life more meaningful, research suggests that thinking about the future—a process known as prospection—can help us lead more generous and fulfilled lives..

Mindfulness is all the rage these days, and for good reason. Focusing on the moment can improve our well-being , foster compassion , and help our relationships . What about going beyond the present moment? Yes, thinking about the future can trigger anxiety—but a growing body of research suggests that it can also make our lives more meaningful.

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But prospection’s unique benefits to humans extend beyond that of other animals. Not only do we fantasize about our next vacation or decide whether it would be better to take the stairs or the elevator, but our prospection can cast far into the future: We might save for our children’s education or plan for our retirement decades from now. We can make predictions about our own futures based on what we’ve learned about other people’s experiences and even from characters in books and movies. And we can consider multiple directions our futures might take.

what is your ideal future for yourself essay

It is this remarkable ability to simulate our possible futures that makes prospection special. Just like gold prospecting may literally make you rich, studies suggest that prospecting about your future can enrich your life in at least four ways.

1. Helps us make more prudent decisions

Perhaps one of the most fundamental and important functions of prospection is that it helps us decide how to act: Thinking about what the future likely holds helps us decide what course to take in the here-and-now. Several studies have examined how thinking about the future shapes our decision-making. 

Researchers have been particularly interested in the psychology that drives our process of deciding between receiving something now versus receiving something of greater value later. In general, people tend to choose smaller but more immediate rewards over larger rewards that they have to wait for, a phenomenon known as “delay discounting.” 

But they don’t always choose short-term rewards over long-run gains. For instance, studies have shown that present-day connection to a possible future event can counteract delay discounting. In one study from the United Kingdom, participants were told either to vividly imagine spending 35 pounds at a pub 180 days from now or to simply estimate what they thought could be purchased for 35 pounds. Participants in the former condition showed an increased willingness to wait for a larger future reward than the participants in the latter condition. In other words, visualizing a specific possible future counteracted the effects of delay discounting.

Another study showed that participants who felt closer to their future selves were more willing to wait for a larger reward than those who anticipated changing; the same was true when they were asked to make decisions on behalf of a fictional character who they knew would go through a life-changing event (like a religious conversion or returning home from war).

While interesting in its own right, this research could have important personal ramifications. If people could be made to feel a more immediate connection to their eventual retirement (and consequent drop in income), they may be more motivated to make prudent decisions.

In fact, one experiment found that manipulating how people think about the time until their retirement—in days rather than years—caused them to plan to start saving for retirement sooner, because the shift in time perspective made the participants feel more connected to their future selves. A 2014 study found that viewing realistic computer-generated images of what they may look like in the future decreased their discounting of future rewards and led them to contribute more to a hypothetical retirement account.

2. Motivates us to achieve our goals (if we do it right)

Prospection has another important application: It motivates us to achieve our goals. But the relationship here is not a simple one. Work by psychologist Gabriele Oettingen and colleagues shows that whether thinking about the future helps us actually reach our goals depends on how we think about the future.

In fact, research has found that positive thinking about our future can backfire . The more people positively fantasize about successfully reaching their goals, the less effort they actually put into realizing them. For example, in one study , the people who fantasized more about successfully losing weight actually lost less weight. Another study found that students who fantasized about their transition into a professional career were less successful in their job search and students who dreamed more about their crush were less likely to start a relationship with their crushee.

Importantly, both of these studies found the opposite effect for having positive expectations (“judging a desired future as likely”). People who expected to lose weight were more likely to actually lose weight; students who expected they would find a job were more likely to actually land one; and students who expected to enter a relationship with their crush were more likely to actually do so.

It makes sense that having positive expectations—optimism, essentially—could increase our ability to achieve our goals, but why might fantasizing about the future actually decrease the chance of achieving what we want? Because, write Oettingen and Klaus Michel Reininger, positive fantasies “lead people to mentally enjoy the desired future in the here and now, and thus curb investment and future success.”

But often our goals come from our fantasies. We want to excel at work, find Mr. or Mrs. Right, or run a marathon. How do we turn these fantasies into behaviors that can help us reach our goals? Research suggests that while optimism is important, it is also helpful to draw a contrast between our fantasies and our current reality, which allows us to see barriers that must be overcome.

For example, one study asked students to mentally contrast their positive fantasies about benefiting from a vocational training program with aspects of the program that could impede their progress. This reflection caused students who expected to do well in the program to commit themselves more, and those who expected to do poorly to commit themselves less—again pointing to the importance of optimistic expectations to success. But the mental contrasting was also key: Positive expectations did not increase commitment in participants who were not assigned to compare their present situation with their future desires.

Results from a later study suggest that the effectiveness of mental contrasting is due to “energization”—meaning that, when people have high expectations for succeeding at something, considering what might impede their goals gives them energy to try to overcome those barriers. In other words, it helps to stress yourself out a little bit.

Mental contrasting, particularly when used in conjunction with “implementation intentions”—making plans to help move past potential barriers—has been shown to help people reach their goals. To describe this process, Oettingen and colleagues use the acronym WOOP : Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan. In studies, WOOP-type interventions have helped people break a bad snacking habit , get more exercise , and improve academic performance .

Thus, research suggests that thinking about the future can motivate us to take the steps necessary to reach our goals—but only if we take obstacles into account.

3. Improves psychological well-being

Besides helping us make decisions and reach our goals, there is evidence that prospection may improve psychological health more generally. It might even help people who are struggling with depression and those recovering from trauma.

Indeed, some researchers pose a link between poor prospection and certain psychological disorders such as depression.

“We see faulty prospection as a core underlying process that drives depression,” write psychologists Martin Seligman and Anne Marie Roepke in the book Homo Prospectus . In particular, they note that people with depression imagine possible futures that are more negative than people without depression. Moreover, people with depression tend to overestimate risk and to have more pessimistic beliefs about the future.

More on Goal-Setting

Explore how to get better at achieving your goals .

Discover the four stages of change .

Find out how to set up the right environment for changing your habits .

How to choose goals that make you come alive .

That might be why research suggests that targeting negative beliefs about the future can be helpful. Some techniques used in cognitive behavioral therapy, for example, involve correcting how people think about the future, and some studies have shown that cognitive behavioral therapy can improve prospection . There is a 10-week program called “Future Directed Therapy” that induces participants to spend less time dwelling on the past or on current struggles. Instead, they are asked to spend more time thinking about what they want from the future, while developing skills to reach those future goals. A nonrandomized pilot study found that patients with major depressive disorder who completed this intervention showed significant improvements in depression, anxiety, and quality of life compared to patients who completed standard cognitive behavioral therapy.

For people recovering from trauma, a 2018 study suggests that writing optimistically about the future—an intervention called prospective writing—might encourage post-traumatic growth (that is, positive psychological growth following a traumatic life event). In this study, adults who had recently experienced trauma were randomly assigned to a prospective writing intervention group, a factual writing control group, or a no-writing control. Throughout the study, those in the prospective writing group showed greater improvement in surveys measuring aspects of post-traumatic growth, including relationship quality, meaning in life, life satisfaction, gratitude, and religiosity-spirituality. The other two groups did not show the same progress.

There’s another technique that may help anyone improve their psychological health: “anticipatory savoring.” Taking time to simulate and enjoy a positive experience in advance—whether it be an upcoming meal, visit with friends, or vacation—can allow you to derive benefits for the experience twice. One 2018 study found that taking the opportunity to savor an upcoming experience actually heightened people’s enjoyment both during the unfolding of the experience and when remembering it later. 

One way to engage in anticipatory savoring, suggested by Roepke and Seligman in a recent review article , is to modify the “three good things” gratitude exercise. Instead of writing three good things that happened today, you can write three good things you anticipate happening tomorrow and what you can do to make it more likely that those things actually happen. For people who are struggling, they suggest also writing down three methods that could be used to mitigate disappointment if the good things do not actually happen. These could include coping strategies (exercise, reaching out to a friend, etc.) or alternative strategies to making the good thing happen (e.g., if a friend cancelled lunch, you could suggest lunch next week). 

4. Makes us more kind and generous

How we think about the future doesn’t just influence our own lives. It can also influence how we treat other people.

In particular, picturing yourself helping someone in the future may make you more likely to actually do so. For instance, a 2018 study found that participants reported being more willing to help other people who needed help (such as a person who was locked out of their house or who lost their dog) if they had previously been asked to imagine helping a person in a similar scenario. People who were asked to imagine the helping scenario more vividly—by picturing the event occurring in a familiar location—were even more willing to help. One experiment even found that people who imagined helping actually gave more money to people in need when given the opportunity.

Another study found that when people think more broadly about the future consequences that could come from helping others, they might feel inspired to behave in more prosocial ways. In one experiment, researchers asked people who had volunteered for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts to imagine the meaning and consequences of their trip—or to think concretely about how they would be helping. Those who imagined the consequences of helping predicted that they would have a more rewarding trip than those who thought concretely about their actions. A second experiment replicated this finding: People predicted that giving money to someone they had never met would be more rewarding when they were asked to think about the more abstract meaning and consequences of their actions (e.g., how this decision fit in with their life’s past and future experience) than when they were asked to consider a more concrete perspective.

Could this abstract-versus-concrete effect have real-world consequences? The researchers think so:

We believe that our results suggest an intervention that could be used to prompt and sustain prosocial behavior. To the extent that people avoid or cease prosocial actions because of concrete costs, inviting people to construe those actions abstractly could help them persist at prosocial actions that have enduring personal and social benefits.

While there’s a lot left for researchers to discover about prospection, you don’t need to wait for their published studies. You can try your own experiments right now, to see if prospection helps you to live a more generous, happier, and more meaningful life.

About the Author

Summer Allen

Summer Allen

Summer Allen, Ph.D. , is a Research/Writing Fellow with the Greater Good Science Center. A graduate of Carleton College and Brown University, Summer now writes for a variety of publications including weekly blog posts for the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She is also very active on twitter: follow her , or just reach out and say hello!

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What is your ideal future?

teen thinking

Imagine yourself ten years from now. You have accomplished everything you set out to and your dreams have come true. You are happy and successful. Think about how you did it all and how proud you are of your achievements. When you imagine your future self think about:

  • Your fashion
  • Your location what kind of place you are living in
  • What you are doing for a living
  • What a typical day looks like
  • Your favorite things to do
  • Who your friends are
  • Where is your family
  • What you value

What nickname would you give to your future self?

Answering these questions and thinking about your future self will help you realize how unique your personal aspirations are. You may also realize that your ideal future self is within your reach. Is there any action steps you are taking want to start taking to ensure your future is how you pictured? What is one goal you can set to make sure you are working towards the future you imagined?

What message does your future self have for you? 

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Patrick Heck Ph.D.

Predicting the Ideal Future for Ourselves and for Others

Our predictions for the future depend on who we are thinking of: self or other..

Posted September 5, 2019 | Reviewed by Matt Huston

Photo by Patrick Heck

Imagining the City of the Future in 1484

Baltimore’s Walters Art Museum houses a five-century old painting that helps explain some of the psychology underlying how we think about the future for ourselves and for others. The Ideal City (pictured left; larger image here ), painted by Fra Carnevale (ca. 1484), reveals one artist’s take on what the city of the future might look like. Although the painting is technically beautiful, Carnevale’s prediction wasn't a very good one. Streets and architecture clash in style and scale, and the design and décor serve no apparent function. Maybe others wonder, as I did: where are all the people? Our idiosyncratic vision of the perfect or ideal future often gets it wrong, due in part to an overreliance on the assumption that what everyone's future will look like years from now is what my world looks like today.

Prediction and Projection

Five hundred years later, we continue to paint an image of the future that is rooted in our own experiences and preferences. In other words, people project. Carnevale may have adored coliseums and arches, assumed that one would look good next to the other, and believed that others would share his opinion. While useful in many cases (Dawes, 1989; Krueger, DiDonato, & Freestone, 2012), the tendency to project can give rise to an unavoidable tension between what people want for themselves and what they believe the group or society at large wants for itself. If people vary in their preferences and beliefs, and if people project these preferences onto others or into the future, then many predictions for the future must be wrong due to random variation alone. The psychological processes underlying how we think about ourselves and others (i.e., projection and egocentrism), combined with the uncertainty of the future, can therefore lead to mispredictions and seemingly incoherent beliefs about what is yet to come.

Predicting What Types of Jobs will be Automated in the Future

To illustrate this point, take Pew Research Center’s (2017) recent discovery that a majority of Americans believe that computers and robots will soon fill occupations traditionally held by humans. A majority of those surveyed held this opinion for occupations including fast food work, insurance claims, and software engineering, while fewer than half of participants felt this way for legal work, construction, education , and nursing. Still, 77% of Americans reported that it is “realistic” that computers and robots will someday fill many jobs traditionally worked by humans.

So where is the forecasting error ? We won’t know how many of the Pew survey’s respondents are right or wrong until decades have passed. But one supplementary (and psychologically rich) finding from this survey reveals the motivating influence of the self in respondents’ predictions for the future. When these same survey respondents—who had just endorsed the belief that most jobs will someday be automated—were asked whether they believe that robots or computers will perform respondents' own jobs during their lifetime, only 30% agreed. People believe that automation is coming, they just don't believe that it is coming for them. It’s unclear whether this belief is the result of overconfidence, self-enhancement, self-serving bias , motivated reasoning , or any other of a horde of psychological phenomena, but what is clear is that many of these respondents will turn out to be wrong.

Predicting Who (or What) will Replace Humans in the Workforce

A second example of how thinking about the future is unavoidably enmeshed in thinking about the self was published last month in the journal Nature Human Behaviour . Granulo, Fuchs, and Puntoni (2019)* found that research participants tended to endorse the belief that a firm seeking to replace its employees should choose human replacements over robots. Assuming that these firms had already made the decision to cut costs by replacing employees, 67% of university students, 63% of MTurk’s “Master Workers” (who are highly qualified to complete online work), and 60% of typical MTurk workers preferred replacing these employees with humans over robots.

In a clever experimental twist, however, Granulo et al. asked half of their research participants to instead imagine that they were the employee slated to be replaced. Now, the majority of participants (60%, 60%, and 62% of the groups described above) chose robots as the preferred replacement. Just like in the Pew Research survey, participants’ preferences reversed when thinking about their own future instead of someone else’s future. In eight more probing studies, Granulo et al. go on to argue that people would prefer that their own jobs are replaced by automation because this results in less self-threat: that it doesn’t feel as bad to be replaced by a robot as it does to be replaced by a human (who is perhaps more skilled than you).

People often make sweeping, grandiose plans for the future, and yet, little is known about the psychology of futuristic concepts like automation, artificial intelligence , genetically modified foods, and large-scale policy change. Despite this lack of knowledge, however, we continue to make flashy, certain and confident predictions for an ideal future (that a universal basic income will solve poverty in the U.S., for example, or that building a border wall will stop people from entering the country illegally). Yet it is clear that people cannot divorce their own preferences and beliefs from their predictions for the future. Like Carnevale’s bizarre amalgamation of preferences into his image of The Ideal City , occasional incoherence between predictions for our own future and for others’ futures can keep a clear image from appearing before us.

* I commend the authors for making their data and materials freely and openly available to the public . Pew Research makes its data available as well.

Dawes, R. M. (1989). Statistical criteria for establishing a truly false consensus effect. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 25(1), 1-17.

Granulo, A., Fuchs, C., & Puntoni, S. (2019). Psychological reactions to human versus robotic job replacement. Nature Human Behaviour. doi: 10.1038/s41562-019-0670-y

Krueger, J. I., DiDonato, T. E., & Freestone, D. (2012). Social projection can solve social dilemmas. Psychological Inquiry, 23(1), 1-27.

Pew Research Center (2017). Automation in Everyday Life. Available from

Patrick Heck Ph.D.

Patrick Heck, Ph.D. , is a Research Scientist in the interdisciplinary Meyer-Chabris lab at Geisinger Health System.

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15 Personal Vision Statement Examples

Now that you recognize it's time to approach your life proactively, you need to create a personal vision statement .

Clearly defining the vision you have for your life requires more than just thinking about it. You need to write it down.

The act of writing something down and then reading it daily reinforces the message and makes it more real.

Even better, print out your personal vision statement and post it where you can see it frequently.

This reminder will increase your motivation and foster the self-growth you desire.

What Is a Personal Vision Statement?

How to write a personal vision statement, final thoughts.

A personal vision statement is a clear, concise summary of your personal goals and dreams for the future . It serves as an anchor when life pulls you in different directions.

It is also a guide for making decisions based on your values, and it helps you stay focused on the goals you want to achieve.

The process of writing one compels you to think about the purpose of your life and how to achieve that.

You'll identify your most important guiding principles and describe how you intend to apply them to your life.

Your statement also introduces you to the power of setting concrete goals. Research by psychologist Gail Matthews found that people who wrote down their goals succeeded 33% more often than people who only thought about their goals.

If you want to live the life you envision, you need to avoid the trap of abandoning your dreams in the realm of the abstract. Writing down your vision is the best way to actualize it.

To get started, you can study personal vision statement examples to get ideas about how to write yours.

Writing a personal vision statement begins with free writing. At this point, you simply ask yourself questions and write down whatever comes to mind. Don't impose any judgments at this point because you want to uncover your hopes and dreams for the future.

  • List your personal strengths .
  • List your personal weaknesses.
  • Write down your core values .
  • Think about how your values should guide interactions with family, at work, and within your community.
  • Consider the best uses for your life energy based on your inner compass and values.
  • Identify some specific goals that you want to pursue.
  • Imagine the legacy of your purpose, goals, and actions.
  • Examine your notes to see what jumps out as most important.
  • Compose a paragraph that summarizes your priorities in the form of a vision statement.

It's important to keep your vision statement as a single paragraph. This way, you'll be able to read it easily and frequently.

If you want to write more paragraphs to address specific goals, that's fine, but these would be supplemental to your main vision statement.

Here are several vision statement examples you can use to help you brainstorm your own. There are no strict rules here related to the words you choose and the concepts you include.

man sitting at desk with computer personal vision statements

But if any of the statements in these examples resonate with you, feel free to make them your own and rewrite them to suit your goals and dreams.

I want to be a source of stability and inspiration for my family. I commit myself to succeed in my career while balancing my emotional needs with those of family members. I want my actions to promote harmony and increase everyone's chance for future happiness. When stress threatens to overtake me, I consciously take time to calm down to prevent acting with hostility or annoyance toward others. I also express my needs and seek support from others instead of letting my problems stew inside me as I've been prone to do in the past.
My life's work has a greater purpose beyond my own material needs. I identify a problem in my community and take responsibility for contributing to its solution. My purpose is to serve others in a way that best matches my skills and values, and I am committed to making choices in my personal and professional life that furthers that purpose.
My personal vision recognizes that I am a small part of a living Earth. I want to live in a way that represents authentic participation in a sustainable ecosystem. My guiding principle is reducing my negative impact on the environment. I direct my spare time toward regenerative practices that nurture the soil, such as gardening and tree planting. I control my consumption by choosing a modestly-sized home and reducing my production of plastic waste through conscious consumer choices and actions. I become an example to others for the purpose of spreading a greater appreciation for green living.
My vital role in the lives of my children automatically means that I have a great purpose in life. Instead of dreaming about the world seeing my value, I strive every day to be the hero of my family. My job as a parent is to mindfully raise my children in an environment of acceptance, love, and affirmation.
Advancing my career is important for me at this point in life. If I achieve my career goals, I'll have greater financial stability and peace of mind. To make these things happen, I intend to set certain standards for my professional life and only make strategic compromises. I want to keep myself accountable for my career instead of falling back into the habit of blaming others for my disappointments. I cannot control everything that influences my career, but I can persist after setbacks and focus on what I can do to improve my skills and increase my value. This means that I should seek continuing education and make time for networking with colleagues. I must put myself out there to connect with opportunities.
My rough childhood has inspired me to choose a career in teaching. I accept the challenges of this occupation with grace because children need positive adults in their lives. For some children, a caring adult within their community can give them hope when things aren't good at home. I believe that this purpose helps me be content with my life and heal the wounds from my past.

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Upon much reflection and consultation with those who know me best, I accept that my stubbornness is both my greatest strength and weakness. To take advantage of it as a strength, I intend to volunteer with my local legal aid office, where my experience as a paralegal can benefit people who lack resources to cope with legal challenges. Legal issues often require patience and persistence, and these two traits are reflected in my stubborn nature.
Although I value my introverted nature, I intend to experience more human connections in my life. I recognize the value of stretching myself and interacting with more people. To this end, I am setting the goals of joining a book club and hosting dinner parties twice a year.

woman smiling outdoors personal vision statement

My whole life I imagined myself with children, and the time has come for me to make family a priority. I plan to devote more time to dating in the hopes of finding lasting love and building a happy, healthy family life in the next five years.
My personal vision statement places faith at its center. Attending religious activities gives me a deep sense of spiritual connection with others. I want to learn more about my religion and provide comfort to people in their times of need. As a result, I intend to join a place of worship, attend services, and participate in at least one outreach program.
I see now that I could be in much better financial shape if I had been thoughtful earlier in life. My mission now is to value financial responsibility above impulsive purchases. I make money decisions related to how they benefit me instead of how they provide short-term gratification. This helps me alleviate financial stress and improve my well-being.
My lifetime goal is to master the art of non-judgment. Seeing the best in every living thing and viewing situations gracefully and compassionately is essential. Part of the journey is acknowledging my faults and learning to love myself – flaws and all. I choose to let kindness light my path and appoint empathy as my faultless guide. Spreading joy and understanding is my mission and something I can control. I pray my efforts lighten others’ emotional loads.
Learning to be a mentally healthy, admiringly responsible, financially independent adult will be a journey filled with peaks and valleys. But I can reach the summit by being mindful of my budget and living at or below my means. Not internalizing cultural messages and comparing myself to others on social media is vital to my success. A happy, healthy, stress-reduced life awaits if I adopt these guiding principles and learn to love what I have instead of coveting what I don’t.
Growing up, my parents, teachers, and other kids told me I wasn’t smart enough. But now I realize my learning style didn't mesh with my school's tactics. With dedication and patience, I can conquer any academic goal I set. I will no longer listen to the naysayers. Instead, I’ll take things one step at a time and make progress at my own pace. If I learn to control my thoughts and develop a solid work ethic, my horizons will expand, my reading and writing skills will improve, and from there, I’ll be able to develop fresh and exciting ideas.
I acknowledge that psychological issues, unaddressed toxic trauma, and fraught family dynamics caused me to behave poorly and act selfishly in the past. But it’s a new day, and I give myself permission to move on from the past and treat people better. Nobody is perfect; I will falter at times. But I know if I’m mindful, generous of spirit, and never take advantage of others, my relationships will flourish, and I’ll find happiness rooted in kindness, compassion, and mutual respect.

Are you ready to write your personal vision statement?

Philosophers may argue about the existence of a free will, but the truth is that you have plenty of control over the direction of your life.

The time that you invest in crafting a personal vision statement will keep you grounded amid the endless distractions of life.

As you can see in the personal vision statement examples presented here, your vision doesn't have to follow any particular direction.

Let your heart define your purpose and values, and then use your mind to pursue your values-based goals.

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What Is Future Self?

Mature woman contemplating at home

“Thinking deeply about your choices and actions from the stance of your future self can serve as both a motivational and a corrective force.” — Cheryl Strayed

Your journey of self-transformation begins with envisioning your Future Self.

What is Future Self?

I’ll explain Future Self in simple terms and why you might care… Your Future Self is simply you in the Future.

Your Future Self could be you tomorrow, you next week, you 30 days from now, you 90 days from now, you 1 year from now, you 10 years from now, etc.

You can use your Future Self to visualize the self you would like to become.  You can also use this image of your Future Self to motivate yourself and guide your decisions and actions.

This article explores the significance of understanding, connecting with, and harnessing the power of your Future Self to guide your decisions, ignite your motivation, and lead you towards a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Your “Future Self” is the version of you that exists beyond the present moment, representing the person you aspire to become in the days, weeks, months, or years ahead.

It’s a dynamic concept that involves visualizing your future achievements, growth, and desired characteristics.

Embracing your Future Self empowers you to make decisions, set goals, and take actions that align with your long-term aspirations and create a bridge between your current reality and your envisioned future.

Why Connect with Your Future Self?

The concept of the Future Self comes with a treasure trove of benefits that can transform the way you approach life and your goals:

  • Motivation Magnet: Your Future Self becomes a powerful source of motivation. Visualizing the successful, accomplished “you” in the future can ignite your drive to take action and work towards your aspirations.
  • Guiding Light: Your Future Self serves as a guiding star. By aligning your present choices with the person you aspire to become, you create a roadmap for your journey toward your long-term goals.
  • Decisions with Depth: The Future Self lens adds depth to your decisions. It prompts you to consider the long-term impact of your choices, ensuring that your present actions contribute to your future fulfillment.
  • Overcoming Short-Term Bias: Overcoming the tendency to prioritize short-term gratification becomes easier. You’re less likely to give in to fleeting impulses when you’re focused on the lasting benefits your Future Self will enjoy.
  • Empowered Planning: Planning becomes more strategic. You’re not just planning for today; you’re setting the stage for the triumphs and accomplishments your Future Self will cherish.
  • Enhanced Resilience: Connecting with your Future Self boosts resilience. You’re better equipped to weather challenges and setbacks when you’re driven by the desire to create a better future.
  • Focused Growth: Your Future Self directs your growth. Your choices are guided by the question, “Will this benefit the ‘me’ I’m becoming?” This focus drives personal development.
  • Accountability Anchor: Your Future Self holds you accountable. When you connect emotionally with your future aspirations, it’s harder to veer off track or make decisions that deviate from your goals.
  • Empathy Amplifier: Establishing a strong bond with your Future Self fosters empathy. You’re essentially treating your future self as a friend, making decisions that consider their best interests.
  • Life Enrichment: Ultimately, your Future Self enriches your life. You’re investing in a future that’s fulfilling, successful, and aligned with your deepest desires and ambitions.

Incorporating the power of the Future Self into your mindset not only enhances your decision-making but also propels you toward a life that’s more purposeful, intentional, and rewarding.

Former Self, Current Self, and Future Self

Distinguishing between former self, current self, and future self is crucial for personal growth, self-awareness, and intentional development.

Here’s why:

  • Reflection and Growth: Your former self represents your past experiences, choices, and growth. Reflecting on your former self helps you learn from your successes and mistakes, enabling continuous improvement and growth over time.
  • Self-Awareness: Understanding your current self, including your beliefs, values, strengths, and weaknesses, provides self-awareness. This awareness is essential for making informed decisions, setting goals aligned with your true self, and recognizing areas for improvement.
  • Direction and Purpose: Your future self represents your aspirations, goals, and the person you strive to become. Distinguishing this version of yourself provides a sense of direction, enabling you to set purposeful goals and work toward a vision that aligns with your values and desires.
  • Motivation: Connecting with your future self can be motivating. When you visualize the positive outcomes of your efforts, it fuels your determination and persistence, helping you overcome challenges and setbacks.
  • Decision-Making: Considering your former, current, and future selves when making decisions helps you make choices that are aligned with your growth trajectory, values, and long-term aspirations.
  • Intentional Planning: By recognizing the evolution from former to current to future self, you can plan intentionally for your personal development journey. This involves setting achievable milestones, building on strengths, and addressing areas of improvement.
  • Consistency and Authenticity: Aligning your actions with your values across your former, current, and future selves fosters authenticity. It ensures that your choices reflect your true identity and create a consistent narrative of growth.

Distinguishing between these aspects of yourself allows you to navigate life with purpose, stay true to your values, and make decisions that lead to a meaningful and fulfilling journey of self-discovery and development.

The Psychology of Future Self

In psychology, the Future Self research explores the processes and consequences of thinking about yourself in the future, and it’s part of a broader concept called “Possible Selves”.

Possible Selves are multiple alternative versions of yourself, that include past and future selves.   Together these Possible Selves characterize your fantasies, fears, and regrets of who you might have been and who you may become.

The psychology of the Future Self explores how individuals perceive, relate to, and make decisions based on their Future Selves. It’s a fascinating aspect of human behavior that explores the interplay between present actions and their anticipated outcomes in the future.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Possible Selves: This concept suggests that individuals have multiple “Possible Selves” — different versions of themselves that could emerge based on choices, circumstances, and aspirations. These Possible Selves include not just positive outcomes but also potential regrets and missed opportunities.
  • Temporal Discounting: Humans often exhibit “temporal discounting,” where they place less value on rewards or consequences that are farther into the future. This can lead to prioritizing short-term gains over long-term benefits.
  • Identity and Continuity: People view their Future Selves as an extension of their current identity. This sense of continuity influences their decisions and actions, as they aim to align their behavior with their envisioned future.
  • Empathy and Connection: Establishing a psychological connection with the Future Self involves feeling empathy for that future version of oneself. This connection enhances decision-making by considering the long-term implications of choices.
  • Cognitive Dissonance: When the actions of the present self don’t align with the goals of the Future Self, individuals can experience cognitive dissonance. This psychological discomfort motivates them to bridge the gap between their present and future identities.
  • Visualization: Creating a vivid mental image of the Future Self can enhance commitment to long-term goals. Visualization taps into the power of imagination to make future outcomes more tangible and achievable.
  • Impact on Behavior: Research suggests that people who feel a strong connection to their Future Selves are more likely to engage in behaviors that benefit their long-term well-being, such as saving money, adopting healthy habits, and making ethical choices.
  • Time Perspective: Individuals have varying time perspectives that influence their relationship with their Future Selves. A future-oriented perspective emphasizes long-term planning, while a present-oriented perspective prioritizes immediate gratification.
  • Goal Setting: The psychology of Future Self can inform effective goal-setting strategies. By connecting actions with envisioned outcomes, individuals can set goals that are both realistic and aligned with their future aspirations.

Understanding the psychology of the Future Self provides insights into why people make certain choices, how they envision their growth over time, and what motivates them to align their present actions with their long-term visions.

By exploring this dynamic interplay, you can make more informed decisions that lead to personal development and a more purposeful life journey.

Imagine Your Desired Future Self

Imagine this: it’s often simpler to stick with how things are right now instead of picturing a new and exciting future for yourself.

But if you don’t spend time imagining the person you want to become, you might just end up adapting to whatever life throws at you. Studies have revealed that crafting the person you’ll be in the future involves something called “deliberate practice.”

This means you actively work on becoming the version of yourself you’re aiming for. It’s like practicing a skill to get really good at it.

Without a clear idea of where you want to go, you can’t really make progress or grow effectively. Just like how you need a destination to plan a journey, you need a clear goal to shape your personal growth journey.

Imagine Limitless Potential

This scene in “Limitless” captures the essence of Eddie Morra’s transformation from a struggling and uncertain individual to a confident and brilliant person who now possesses limitless potential.

This transformation is a result of him taking a mysterious pill that enhances his cognitive abilities to an extraordinary degree.

In the scene, after taking the pill for the first time, Eddie’s perception of the world around him changes dramatically.

The camera work, lighting, and visual effects are used to depict his heightened senses and increased mental acuity.

As Eddie walks through the city streets, everything seems to slow down, and he gains an uncanny ability to process information, predict outcomes, and solve complex problems effortlessly.

The transformation is conveyed through rapid edits, quick flashes of imagery, and dynamic shifts in color and perspective. This visual representation of Eddie’s transformation helps the audience understand the profound impact the pill has on his mind and abilities.

You don’t need a pill to transform.

What you need is a new personal identity narrative.

Change Your Personal Identity Narrative

Think of your identity as a powerful force that shapes how you act and think. Over time, these actions and thoughts become your personality.

Your personality is like a mix of how you consistently behave and what you believe in. It’s a result of your identity guiding your behavior.

Your identity narrative is the story you tell about yourself – your history, your present state, and your future aspirations. If you anchor your identity solely in your past and present, it can create a mindset that feels unchangeable.

But when you shift your focus to envisioning the person you want to be in the future, rather than being overly focused on your current self, you unlock the potential to reshape your identity narrative.

Becoming Someone Else…

In the TV show “Arrow,” the main character, Green Arrow, goes through a profound transformation in his journey as a hero.

He embraces the idea of “becoming someone else, something else.”

This phrase reflects his realization that to make a true difference and overcome his challenges, he needs to evolve beyond his current identity and limitations.

It’s not just about the actions he takes, but about fundamentally shifting his mindset, skills, and purpose to become the hero Star City needs.

This theme of transformation highlights the idea that our present self isn’t fixed, and we can consciously shape our identity to become the person we need to be in order to fulfill our potential and make a positive impact.

The main character, Oliver Queen, transformed from a reckless and wealthy playboy into the vigilante superhero known as Green Arrow.

Initially, Oliver was portrayed as a carefree and irresponsible individual.

However, after being stranded on a remote island for five years and experiencing various trials and hardships, he underwent a profound change. He honed his physical and mental abilities, gained survival skills, and developed a strong sense of justice.

When he returned to Star City, he adopted the identity of the Green Arrow to fight against crime and corruption, using his skills to protect the city and its people.

This transformation represents his journey from a self-centered and aimless individual to a dedicated and purpose-driven hero.

Connect with Your Future Self for Better Results

You think about your Future Self similarly to how you think about other people.

In fact, the further in the future your project, the more your brain shuts down and treats your Future Self like a stranger.

Yet, the more connected you feel to your Future Self psychologically, the better you treat your Future Self today.

When this connection is strong, you extend kindness to your Future Self today—just as you would to a dear friend. This connection is pivotal, influencing the choices you make and the way you treat your future prospects.

Imagine feeling deeply linked to your Future Self—it’s a vantage point that empowers you to make choices that resonate across time. From financial decisions like retirement savings to opting for health-conscious choices and ethical behaviors, this connection fuels a keen awareness of the consequences your choices bear on your Future Self.

Some view this bond with the Future Self as one of the most potent tools in the arsenal of personal development. It becomes a vehicle not only for self-improvement but also for unlocking untapped potential and navigating the winding pathways of growth.

Examples of Connecting with Your Future Self

Here are a couple of case studies and examples that highlight the impact of connecting with your Future Self:

Case Study 1: Retirement Savings

Scenario : Sarah, a 30-year-old professional, often struggled to save money for retirement. She was focused on immediate expenses and didn’t prioritize long-term financial planning.

Future Self Connection : Sarah attended a financial planning seminar that emphasized connecting with her Future Self. She visualized her life as a retired individual, enjoying financial security and pursuing her passions.

Outcome : The emotional connection to her Future Self motivated Sarah to start a retirement savings plan. She set up automatic contributions to her retirement account, aligning her current actions with her future aspirations. Over time, her consistent efforts resulted in substantial savings, providing her with peace of mind for her retirement years.

Case Study 2: Health and Wellness

Scenario : Mark, a 45-year-old executive, often neglected his health due to a demanding work schedule. He struggled with maintaining a healthy lifestyle and making mindful dietary choices.

Future Self Connection : Mark participated in a wellness workshop that encouraged participants to connect with their Future Selves. He envisioned an energetic and vibrant older self, leading an active and fulfilling life.

Outcome : The emotional resonance of his Future Self’s vitality prompted Mark to prioritize his health. He incorporated regular exercise, made conscious dietary choices, and adopted stress-reduction practices. Over time, he experienced increased energy levels, improved overall health, and a greater sense of well-being.

Example 1: Olympic Athletes

Scenario : Olympic athletes often use visualization techniques to connect with their Future Selves and mentally prepare for competitions.

Future Self Connection : An Olympic swimmer visualizes herself standing on the podium, receiving a gold medal, and hearing the national anthem play.

Outcome : By emotionally connecting with her Future Self’s triumph, the athlete enhances her motivation, focus, and confidence. This practice helps her channel her efforts towards achieving her desired outcome.

Example 2: Entrepreneurial Success

Scenario : An aspiring entrepreneur dreams of launching a successful startup but struggles with self-doubt and fear of failure.

Future Self Connection : The entrepreneur envisions a future self confidently managing a thriving business, inspiring a team, and making a positive impact.

Outcome : By consistently connecting with this empowered Future Self, the entrepreneur takes calculated risks, persists through challenges, and builds a successful business. The emotional bond fuels resilience and fosters a growth mindset.

These case studies and examples demonstrate how connecting with your Future Self can inspire positive changes, drive action, and lead to meaningful outcomes in various aspects of life, including financial planning, health, career pursuits, and personal development.

How To Practice Embracing Your Future Self

Practicing the concept of Future Self involves a blend of visualization, intention-setting, and actionable steps. H

ere’s a pragmatic approach to embracing your Future Self:

  • Envision Your Future Self: Take some quiet time to imagine your ideal self in the future. What achievements have you unlocked? What skills have you mastered? How do you feel? Paint a vivid mental picture.
  • Set Long-Term Goals: Translate your vision into concrete long-term goals. Break them down into milestones, making them achievable steps on your journey to becoming your Future Self.
  • Connect Emotionally: Forge an emotional bond with your Future Self. Think of them as a dear friend whose interests you deeply care about. This emotional connection fuels your commitment.
  • Decision Alignment: Whenever you face decisions, big or small, ask yourself how your Future Self would approach them. Will this choice benefit the “you” you’re working to become?
  • Create a Future Journal: Keep a journal where you write letters to your Future Self. Reflect on your progress, share your aspirations, and document your growth. It’s a personal dialogue across time.
  • Practice Visualization: Regularly visualize your Future Self thriving in their achievements. This practice reinforces your connection and primes your mind to make choices in their best interest.
  • Actionable Microsteps: Break down your long-term goals into smaller actions you can take today. These microsteps bridge the gap between your present and future selves.
  • Celebrate Progress: Celebrate each step toward your Future Self. Recognize your achievements, no matter how small. It reinforces the connection and boosts your motivation.
  • Future Self Reminders: Use visual cues—a photo, a symbol, or a phrase—to remind yourself of your Future Self’s presence. Place these reminders where you’ll see them regularly.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular moments to check in with your Future Self. Reflect on your progress, recalibrate your goals, and reaffirm your commitment to their vision.
  • Practice Patience: Embrace the journey’s pace. Remember that becoming your Future Self is a process. Cultivate patience while maintaining consistency.
  • Course Corrections: If you veer off track, don’t be disheartened. Your Future Self forgives. Use setbacks as opportunities to reevaluate and realign your path.

By weaving these practices into your daily life, you not only strengthen your connection with your Future Self but also harness its transformative power to guide your decisions, shape your growth, and realize your potential.

Your Future Self is Your Trusted Friend

In the fascinating journey of self-discovery and growth, the concept of Future Self emerges as your powerful ally. It’s not a crystal ball or a mystical prediction; rather, it’s a pragmatic tool that empowers you to bridge the gap between the person you are today and the person you aspire to become in the future.

Your Future Self is your own guiding star, a wise mentor from the future that helps you navigate the vast sea of choices, challenges, and opportunities. It’s your aspirations given form —a tangible reminder that the actions you take today shape the path toward a more purposeful and fulfilled tomorrow.

By forging a connection with your Future Self, you tap into a wellspring of motivation that fuels your journey.

This connection isn’t about pie-in-the-sky dreaming; it’s about practical, intentional decisions that resonate across time. Whether you’re striving to make healthier choices, build financial security, or excel in your pursuits, your Future Self is there to provide insight and guidance.

Remember, the bond with your Future Self i sn’t just a fleeting exercise; it’s an ongoing dialogu e that empowers you to make choices in line with your long-term aspirations.

It’s about the small steps you take today that compound into the strides you’ll make in the future.

So, as you embark on this adventure of self-mastery , consider your Future Self not as a distant acquaintance, but as a trusted friend.

The decisions you make, the habits you cultivate, and the mindset you foster today all contribute to the legacy you’re building for your Future Self.

It’s a journey of intention, growth, and the art of becoming the person you’re excited to meet .

Get the Book on Future Self

Be Your Future Self Now is available on Amazon:

Be Your Future Self Now by Dr. Benjamin Hardy

Be Your Future Self Now is an approach that encourages you to adopt the mindset, behaviors, and actions of your desired future self in the present moment.

The idea is to bridge the gap between who you are today and who you aspire to become in the future by embodying the qualities, habits, and attitudes that align with your envisioned self.

Key Takeaways:

  • Future Self Mindset: Embrace the mindset of your future self by envisioning the characteristics, achievements, and values you want to embody. Think and act as if you’ve already become that person.
  • Behavioral Alignment: Align your actions with your future self’s behaviors and habits. This involves making choices that reflect your long-term goals and aspirations.
  • Incremental Change: Implement gradual changes that move you closer to your future self. Focus on small shifts in behavior that accumulate over time and contribute to lasting transformation.
  • Visual Cues: Use visual reminders, such as notes, symbols, or images, to prompt you to make choices that align with your future self’s identity and goals.
  • Decision Filters: When faced with choices, consider how your future self would approach the situation. Use this perspective as a filter to guide your decisions toward alignment with your desired outcomes.
  • Intentional Growth: Embrace growth-oriented practices that reflect the values and achievements of your future self. Engage in learning, personal development, and experiences that align with your aspirations.
  • Consistency: Consistently practicing the behaviors and mindset of your future self is key to internalizing these changes and creating lasting transformation.
  • Patience and Persistence: Embrace the journey’s pace and remain patient with yourself. Becoming your future self is a gradual process that requires persistence and self-compassion.

Be Your Future Self Now is about taking ownership of your personal growth journey and using your future self as a compass to guide your choices and actions today. By consciously aligning your present with your desired future, you create a path of intention, growth, and authenticity.

You can also read my book summary  Be Your future Self Now Book Summary.

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How to Write an Essay About My Goal: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Write an Essay About My Goal: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving journey of life, setting clear objectives and ambitions is crucial. Whether these goals are short-term or stretch into the far reaches of our future, they act as guiding lights in our journey. This guide will assist you in articulating and expressing these ambitions effectively, especially when it comes to writing them down.

Understanding the Importance of Goal Setting

Setting life goals is a combination of introspection and foresight. It demands an understanding of one's current standing and a clear vision for the future. By penning down your goals, you not only provide yourself a clear road map but also make a commitment to yourself to achieve them.

How To Write An Essay About My Life Goals

  • Introduction : Initiate with an engaging hook—be it a quote, question, or anecdote—that aligns with your goal.
  • State your main goal : Elucidate on what your primary life objective is. Be it professional success, personal achievement, or societal contribution, clarify your aim.
  • The 'Why' behind the goal : Delve into your motivations. Discuss the driving forces behind this ambition.
  • Steps to achieve : Provide a roadmap. Enumerate the steps you'd undertake to transform this goal into a reality.
  • Potential Challenges : Highlight potential obstacles and your strategies to navigate them.
  • Conclusion : Summarize and re-emphasize your dedication towards your objective.

Career Goal Essay Definition

It's essential to differentiate between life goals and career goals. While the former encompasses broader objectives, a career goal essay underscores your professional aspirations, detailing why they matter and how you plan to attain them.

How Long is a Professional Goal Statement?

A professional goal statement's length can vary but should be concise. Ranging typically from 500 to 1000 words, it should capture your aspirations succinctly. Always adhere to specific guidelines if provided.

What to Avoid While Writing Your Career Goal Essay

• Ambiguity: Always be specific. • Unsubstantiated lofty goals: Your ambitions should be grounded in reality. • Neglecting personal growth: Showcase how your past has shaped your future. • Reiteration: Stay succinct and steer clear of repetition.

My Future Goals Essay: 12 Models

  • Entrepreneurial Aspirations : Launching a sustainable fashion startup by 2030.
  • Technological Goals : Developing an AI-driven community healthcare system.
  • Educational Objectives : Attaining a Ph.D. in Quantum Physics.
  • Artistic Pursuits : Holding a solo art exhibition in a renowned gallery.
  • Societal Contributions : Establishing a foundation for underprivileged children's education.
  • Scientific Aspirations : Contributing to renewable energy research.
  • Medical Goals : Becoming a pediatric surgeon and researching rare childhood diseases.
  • Travel Objectives : Visiting every UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Sports Ambitions : Completing an Ironman Triathlon.
  • Literary Goals : Publishing a trilogy of fantasy novels.
  • Environmental Aims : Pioneering a city-wide recycling initiative.
  • Leadership Aspirations : Becoming the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

Articulating one's life and career goals requires introspection, clarity, and foresight. This guide offers a structured blueprint to ensure your essay not only adheres to academic standards but genuinely resonates with your aspirations and dreams. Whether you're grappling with questions like "what should I write in my college essay?" or "how to draft a goal statement?", this guide is here to light the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the ideal structure for a future career essay? Start with an engaging introduction about your aspirations. In the body, detail the steps you plan to take, experiences that have guided you, and why you chose this career. End with a conclusion summarizing your determination and future vision.
  • How do I ensure my career goals essay stands out? Incorporate personal stories or experiences that shaped your goals. Be specific about your aspirations and how you plan to achieve them.
  • How can I relate my past experiences to my future career in the essay? Highlight skills, lessons, or challenges from your past and demonstrate how they have directed or prepared you for your future career.
  • What should I avoid when writing an essay about my career goals? Avoid being too vague about your goals. Steer clear of clichés, and ensure your goals are realistic and grounded.
  • How long should my essay about my goal be? This depends on the requirement. Usually, personal statements are between 500-700 words. Always adhere to the specified word limit.
  • Can I include short-term and long-term goals in my essay? Absolutely! Detailing both shows planning and vision. Highlight how short-term goals will pave the way for long-term objectives.
  • How do I conclude my essay about my goals effectively? Reiterate your dedication to these goals, reflect on the journey ahead, and end with a note of optimism and determination.

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what is your ideal future for yourself essay

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what is your ideal future for yourself essay

6 Steps To Achieving Your Ideal Future

Dean Graziosi with a quote

Your Ideal Future

What comes to mind when you think about your ideal future? Do you feel like it’s just wishful thinking or a far-off dream? Maybe you think your ideal future is within reach, but you aren’t sure how to get there. 

In this article, Dean Graziosi shares how you can get where you want to be through preparation and action. With these tips, your ideal future will finally be within reach. 

Remove the Roadblocks

A person can have all the necessary skills to achieve their ideal future and still fall short. According to Graziosi, there’s one important step to take before diving into learning that can make all the difference. Master your mindset by having a plan on how you’ll handle doubt.

Doubt can happen to anyone. You may start to think that getting to this ideal future will be too hard, or that you’ll fail before you can achieve your goals. Without a plan on how you’ll handle doubt, you’ll be much more likely to give up when doubt begins to creep in. 

You must also set reasonable expectations for yourself when it comes to time. It takes time to learn the skills necessary to get where you want to be. Don’t let that hold you back. 

“Guess what?” Dean Graziosi says. “Time’s gonna happen anyway.” You may as well spend it working towards your goals.

women sitting in front of a wondow

Appreciate the Journey

Throughout our lives, we hope every day will be a little better than the last. However, this isn’t realistic. Instead of placing unrealistic expectations on yourself, compare where you are today by where you were when you started. There have probably been more than just a few bad days or tough situations. Despite these difficulties, look at how far you’ve come. 

Life is full of ups and downs. Regardless of what your goals are or what you’re working towards, there will be highs and there will be lows. Don’t let a fear of hard times stop you from trying to achieve your goals and take back control of your life. 

We all want to make our lives better and improve our lives. Let this motivate you through the hard times that you may experience while working to achieve your ideal future. Set your sights on the destination that is full of more happiness, joy, and freedom in your life.

Be Honest With Yourself 

“All change starts with being honest with yourself,” Dean Graziosi tells us. Before you are able to get what you want, you must be honest with yourself. If you aren’t honest with yourself and don’t have a clear vision for what you want, how can you get there? 

First, be honest about what you’re struggling with. Maybe you have fears or insecurities that are weighing you down. Don’t be afraid to admit those struggles and begin to work through them. 

Second, be honest about things that are keeping you from getting where you want to be. Are there people in your life who don’t support your goals or see your vision? Acknowledge that these opinions are weighing on you. Then, begin to adjust so that these opinions aren’t keeping you from your dreams. 

Third, be honest about what it is that you want and what your goals are. What are you working towards? If you don’t know exactly where you want to be, you’ll never be able to get there. Be honest and thorough in your thinking about your goals. Complete honesty with yourself is essential to meeting your goals. 

Envision Your Ideal Future

Once you’ve been honest with yourself about where you are, you must figure out your ideal future. Knowing the specifics of your goals and ideal future will help you figure out how to get there. 

It can be difficult to be specific in detail about something you don’t yet have, but there’s a trick you can use to help us figure out what your ideal future looks like. Dean Graziosi tells us to ask ourselves, “If it was a year from now, and this had been the best year of your life, what did that look like?” 

Having a specific vision will also guide you as you work towards your ideal future. Dean Graziosi tells us that knowing your destination is like having a GPS that allows you to focus on the destination rather than just avoiding the potholes. With your ideal future in mind, you can work towards things you want rather than just avoiding the things you don’t want.

You need to examine where you want to be. What kind of impact would you like to make? What do you want to be able to do? Maybe you want to be in a place financially where you can donate to certain charities or pay for your childrens’ college educations. Maybe your goals are to have more time available to spend with family or volunteering. 

a hand putting a pen down on a table

Determine Your Why

Determining the driving force behind achieving your ideal future comes after being honest with yourself and figuring out your vision. Now that you have a compelling future, ask yourself why you want to get there. Why do you want to achieve this? 

When trying to determine your driving force, it is important to dig deep. Think beyond surface-level reasoning. Achieving your ideal future will be life-changing, and most likely it’s about more than just money or recognition. So what’s the real reason you want it? 

The three reasons Dean Graziosi works as hard as he does for what he wants is because:

  • He doesn’t want to go backwards
  • He wants his kids to have choices
  • He wants control over his life 

These three reasons are what have pushed Graziosi to where he is today and what continue to push him towards the ideal future he has for himself. 

If you find that you aren’t passionate about the driving force behind your ideal future, it probably isn’t really your driving force. Your driving force is something that really motivates you and pushes you towards getting where you want to be. Whatever it may be, lean into what is motivating you and let it push you towards achieving what you really want in life. 

Determine Your How

Now that you’ve been honest, made a vision, and figured out what’s motivating you, you must figure out how you’re going to do it. How will you go from where you are now to your ideal future? 

Dean Graziosi believes the key to determining how you’ll get to your ideal future is to narrow your focus. Narrow whatever it is you are wanting to achieve down to what you are comfortable and familiar with. Having too broad a focus can be overwhelming. This will build your confidence and help keep you from becoming overwhelmed. 

Next, do things one step at a time. If you try to go from where you are now to where you want to be all at once, you’ll become stressed and tempted to give up or fail. Going from point A to point B in one step just isn’t realistic. Doing things one step at a time, however, will get you to your destination. It will take time, but if you let your ideal future and driving force motivate you to keep going, you will get to where you want to be. 

Finally, be willing to figure things out as you go. All the steps to your ideal future may not be clear from where you stand now, and that’s okay. The path to achieving your ideal future is going to look different than someone else’s. Everyone has different goals, so there is no set path to get to where you want to be. 

someone walking upstairs

More with Dean Graziosi

Listen to the entire episode on “How To Achieve Your Ideal Future” now on The Dean Graziosi Show in the iTunes store , or on PodBean , Spotify , or Stitcher . For more inspirational stories and messages like this, check out Dean’s website at or watch his videos on YouTube at .

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Writing About Your Future Plans – A Complete Guide

A lot of people wonder if writing about your future plans is worth it. 

Can’t you just imagine what you want to do, and then do it? 

Can’t you just make a plan in your mind, and then pursue that plan in your life? 

These are great questions. 

However, they speak to a fundamental question that’s vitally important to understand when it comes to goal setting. 

The statistics show us that people who write down their goals are statistically more likely to succeed at those goals than people who only make plans in their mind.

There are many reasons for why this is the case. 

But I generally like to describe it as follows. 

When you write down your goals instead of just keeping them in your head, you’re fulfilling an important part of the process of taking the dreams that are in your imagination and manifesting them in the real world. 

And then, when you actually break down those goals and make a cohesive plan of action, what you’re actually doing is creating a roadmap to success that’ll equip you to accomplish whatever you want to achieve in life. 

But this leads to another important question. 

How do you do it?  

How do you set yourself to the task of writing about your future plans?

And perhaps even more importantly, where do you start? 

These are actually the most important questions to ask yourself.

And in this post, you’re going to learn a nine-step process for helping you to write down your future plans in a cohesive format. 

That will give you a much better chance for success. 

Let’s break it down.

How Do You Write A Future Plan?

Writing a future plan basically consists of making a plan for your future, and then writing that plan out as a set of goals. 

Of course, this will require you to blend long-term goals with medium and short-term goals. 

  • Ideally, you would want to set long-term goals to solidify a picture of what you’re ultimately aiming for. 
  • Then, you’d break those long-term goals down into medium-term goals to figure out what you need to do in the next three to five years. 
  • And then, you’d break those medium-term goals down into short-term goals—which will tell you what to do on a daily and weekly basis. 

But also, before you can even begin this process, you need to answer another important question.

What Are Your Plans For The Future?

Dr. Henry Link write down a plan

It’s helpful to understand what success looks like to you before you begin the process of pursuing success. 

Now, this isn’t always an exact science. 

Sometimes, it’s difficult to know exactly where you’d like to end up one day. 

Therefore, a bit of flexibility is most definitely called for. 

However, it’s also important to be as specific as you can be. 

The more specific you are, the more on-target your efforts will tend to be.

Think of it like shooting an arrow. 

If you know exactly where the target is, and if you can see the target clearly outlined and marked down-range, then you’ll basically have a much better chance of hitting the target with the arrow. 

By contrast, if you have no idea where the target is, and everything is dark, then the best you can do is this—you can really only point in any direction and shoot—trusting fully in luck, and understanding that there’s only a very small chance that you’ll actually hit what you want to hit. 

Knowing which direction the target is in, and/or at least knowing the general vicinity of the target in relation to where you are, definitely gives you a better advantage than not knowing where it is at all. 

But of course, the more specific you can get—and the more information you can glean about it—the better off you’ll be. 

How Can I Write About My Future?

You can only write about your future when you come up with some kind of plan, direction, or vision for how you’d like your future to look. 

This is really the first step.

So once you solidify some kind of vision or idea for what you’d like your future to look like, you’ll be ready to start writing about your future plans using the following nine-step guide.

Keep in mind, this process doesn’t have to be perfect. 

If you’re struggling to figure out what you want for your future, read this post about how to live your life on purpose. 

Now, let’s dive into it and talk about it.

9 Steps – How To Write About Your Future Plans

1. determine where you want to be in life.

Anne Frank quote

This is a pretty simple and straightforward thought process. 

It’s in your best interest to identify the target before releasing the arrow.

This could mean deciding on a particular type of career you’d like to have, or focusing on what you’d like your purpose in life to be. 

You should get as specific with this as possible. 

If you don’t know the specifics, of course, just figuring out a general direction is a great way to start.

Need some additional guidance with this? Check out this post: 12 Steps To Finding Your Passion And Purpose In Life .

2. Choose A Journal

You’re definitely going to want to use a journal, a goal-setting book, a goal achievement system, or even just a notebook to start writing down your goals.

To help choose the perfect journal for you, check out our resource page . We use that page to keep a list of our favorite journals and goal achievement systems. We also review systems on that page to help you choose the journal that’s best for you. 

Once you’ve decided what you’re going to use, you’ll be ready to move on to the next step.

3. Write Down Your Major Life Goals

Jim Lovell quote make things happen

This is the part where you start with your long-term goals. 

  • What do you want to achieve in your future? 
  • What kind of career do you want to have? 
  • How much money would you like to make? 
  • What would you like your family life to look like? 
  • What would you like to accomplish in life? 
  • What would you like to be known for? 

These are all important questions to ask as you dream about the future, turn those dreams into goals , and then write them down.

And make no mistake— writing them down is actually a very crucial part of the process . 

If you figure out an answer to one of the above questions (or to a different question that helps you to define what one of your major life goals is), make sure to write it down in your journal . 

Always write it down, even if you’re not quite sure you understand it or that it’s even correct. 

Remember, this is all a part of the process of getting those dreams out of your head and manifested in the real world. 

This is the first step toward turning your goals into reality.

Need some extra help with this step?

You can also sign up for my email list to get my  free  Goal-Setting Essentials Starter Kit .

4. Back-Engineer Those Goals To Figure Out What You Need To Do To Get There

When you write out a long term goal, it’ll probably seem almost impossible to achieve at first glance. 

It’ll probably be very big, and it’ll likely involve many steps. 

So the first thing that you’ll need to do is to back engineer that goal and figure out what it’ll take to get from where you are now to the finish line.

This is the process of breaking long-term goals down into medium-term goals.

Need some help with these more intermediate goal-setting skills? Read our quick-start guide to SMART goals . 

5. Break Those Goals Down Into Monthy, Weekly, And Daily Milestones

Jim Ryun quote write down your plans

This is where writing down your short-term goals becomes incredibly important. 

Once you start to break down those medium-term goals, you’ll realize that there are steps that you’ll need to take every day, every week, and every month to help carry you toward the realization of those goals. 

But here’s the thing. 

It takes hard work to stick to goals like this. That’s why it’s so important to make this part of the process a habit!

Download my weekly goal-setting sheet , print out a few, and give it a try.

You can also read our quick-start guide on how to make goal-setting a habit in your life . 

6. Write Down Your Goals On A Consistent Basis

At this point, I might start to sound like a broken record. 

But I can’t stress this enough. 

Every single day, when you wake up in the morning, spend some time writing down your daily goals to figure out what you have to do today to help carry you toward your medium and long-term goals in the future. 

Ideally, we want to make sure that hardly a day goes by where we don’t make progress on our long-term goals in some form or fashion. 

See, this is why writing down your goals is so important. 

It helps you to stay intentional—and to use your time, energy, effort, and resources to help you achieve what you really want in life. 

All too often, people waste their valuable resources reacting to life and chasing things that aren’t going to carry them toward the future they really want for themselves . 

Maintaining the discipline to write down your daily goals helps you to avoid this trap and instead helps you to focus on the things that really matter.

7. Stick To Your Plan And Start Working Toward Your Dreams

Ray Kroc quote requirements for success

The first day or two of goal setting may seem new and exciting.

But if you’re like most people, it’ll very quickly become not only ‘normal,’ but even perhaps a little bit dull and boring . 

Eventually, it’ll start to feel like a grind. 

You’ll start to feel like every day kind of blends into the next day, in the sense that while you’ll be knocking out short term daily goals, you may start to feel like your medium and long term goals are a long way off. 

And this is where a lot of people stop writing down their goals and just give up on the process. 

But here’s the thing:

It’s so important to stick to your plan and to keep working toward your dreams.  

Writing about your future plans is only part of the equation.

It’s also vitally important that you adopt a diligent work ethic and make sure to stay consistent with the plan as you move forward.

8. Review, Revise, And Adapt As Needed

Sometimes, once you get started pursuing a goal, you’ll realize that you might want to review, revise, and adapt that goal. 

Sometimes, you may discover new information that leads you in a different direction.

Or sometimes, you might get started on a goal and realize that it’s not what you really want. 

In such cases, you may be tempted to slightly revise your goals, adapt your methods, or even pivot to something completely new. 

It’s really important to understand that this is a fundamental and natural part of the process. 

As we continue on our journey, we’re all going to change.

We’re all going to learn new things and evolve along the way.

Don’t fight this. Make sure that you understand the difference between giving up and pivoting . 

Giving up means to cease all effort and to retreat back to the state of your previous comfort zone, effectively deciding that you’re going to stop trying to make any progress whatsoever.

Pivoting means deciding to invest that effort in a new or revised direction because you’ve determined that this new updated direction is actually a better use of your time and fits in better with your passion and your purpose.  

So don’t be afraid to review, revise and adapt.

9. Never Give Up

And finally, we reach what is perhaps the most difficult part of the process:

Never giving up!

Babe Ruth may have said it best. 

“You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.”

However, there are many quotes by many successful people that demonstrate an understanding of the fact that if you wish to succeed in life, giving up must never be an option. 

For example, Winston Churchill said:

“Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”

And Dale Carnegie once said:

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”  

See, even uttering the phrase “never give up” might sound cliche. 

But it’s a simple truth. 

And it can’t be overstated. 

The road to success isn’t always easy . 

There are going to be challenges, pitfalls, trials, and difficult times. 

And there’s a 100% guarantee that you’re going to feel like giving up at least a few times along the way. 

However, it’s also vitally important to understand that the only true way to fail is to give up .

If you care about something, are willing to adapt, and you keep learning and keep striving forward to achieve it, you’re bound to make progress. 

And as long as you continue to make progress, you’ll continue to increase the odds that you’re going to succeed at it. 

At that point, it’s really just a simple math problem. 

It might take a while, but that’s okay. It’s never too late to succeed.

Conclusion – What Is Your Plan For Life?

Hopefully, this post has inspired you to consider writing about your future plans and creating goals for yourself. 

Turning your dreams into goals, and then turning those goals into reality, is a process that many people think about—but very few end up following through on.

And the reason for that, honestly, is because it’s not always easy. 

If you follow these nine steps, you’re bound to start making progress.

And at the end of the day, you might actually be really surprised by how much progress you’re capable of making if you do your best and don’t give up. 

In conclusion, I’ll leave you with a quote I recently heard by Jordan B. Peterson that I think fits perfectly with this conversation. 

It was recently shared on his Facebook Page . 

“Then, when you wake up in the middle of the night and the doubts crowd in, you have some defense: “For all my flaws, which are manifold, at least I am doing this. At least I am taking care of myself. At least I am of use to my family, and to the other people around me. At least I am moving, stumbling upward, under the load I have determined to carry.””

This is such a profound quote! 

I hope you’ll take it to heart and understand that it actually matters. 

You can do it. 

I believe in you. 

Now, it’s time to start writing about your future plans and turning those dreams into goals. 

You’ve got this. 

Best wishes…

Jay O’Donnell

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Imagine Your Best Possible Self

" A meta-analytic review of 29 studies concluded that psychological interventions can increase dispositional optimism, and that the strongest effect was achieved when  applying the Best Possible Self method."

Join our Change of Seasons "My Best Self" Meditation and Shared Reflection

by Victor Perton, Author of "Optimism: The How and Why"

Visualisation and daydreaming are powerful human tendencies. They are very healthy and can be harnessed to make you more infectiously optimistic.

Imagine Your Best Possible Self.

Your Experiment: Set aside 15-20 minutes without distraction and find a comfortable place. 

Pick a future date, ideally several years away - perhaps five years?

Assume you have accomplished everything you plan to do: Imagine everything has gone as well as possible.

Now, imagine yourself in the mirror five years from now, content after fulfilling your plans and still fostering aspirations for new adventures and experiences.

Visualise the deepened relationships with your family and the joyous moments you share.

Imagine your friends standing beside you, their company enriching your life's journey.

In your professional sphere, see yourself contributing to a field you're passionate about, reaping satisfaction from your accomplishments.

Envision your future home as a sanctuary that reflects your personality, offering tranquillity amidst a week full of rewarding experiences.

In your free time, picture yourself joyful as you engage in activities you love, filled with enthusiasm and contentment.

Then, write a diary entry for that day in your life five years hence.  

Spend ten minutes writing, vividly portraying your ideal day in the future.

Delve into your surroundings - have you chosen a holiday paradise, a dynamic workplace, or the comfort of your home?

Who is there sharing this perfect day with you?

How does the weather contribute to the ambience, and is a gentle breeze adding freshness?

Are you savouring your favourite meal, perhaps accompanied by a cold, refreshing drink?

If it's a workday, what fulfilling tasks are you absorbed in?

Paint a picture of this perfect future day, detailing each enriching experience contributing to its perfection. Be creative. Be vivid. Use doodles if you like.

Handwriting on paper, in a journal or on a computer? The general view is that it's better to handwrite, and it's whatever you prefer and where you'll best find it when you want to reread it.

Then spend at least five minutes reflecting on that future day - go for a walk, sit in a chair, have a cup of coffee or tea and look out the window, imagining that day.

Practising this exercise now and again improves your positive feelings, your feelings of optimism and the infectiousness of your optimism. How often? Hard to say; perhaps every three months or so would be reasonable.

Will you change your plans to build on this exercise? Will it become the basis of a new or renewed life plan?

Why does this work?

At its simplest, one of the experts in the field, Professor Martin Seligman, says, "The important thing about imagination is that it gives you optimism."

Psychologist Dr Tom Muha has written, "The Best Possible Self positive psychology exercise is one of the most recognised methods for boosting happiness. Researchers find it has long-term effectiveness and people report that it's immediately beneficial. The exercise has been shown to boost people's positive emotions, happiness levels, optimism, hope, improve coping skills, and elevate positive expectations about the future."

More Insights on "Your Best Possible Self" Exercises

Jakob Weitzer ,  Kyriaki Papantoniou ,  Clara Lázaro-Sebastià n,  Stefan Seidel ,  Gerhard Klösch ,  Eva Schernhammer in "The contribution of dispositional optimism to understanding insomnia symptomatology: Findings from a cross-sectional population study in Austria"

"Dispositional optimism can be promoted through training. A meta-analytic review of 29 studies concluded that psychological interventions can increase dispositional optimism, and that the strongest effect was achieved when  applying the Best Possible Self method."

Dr Suzy Green

"One of best-researched and widely used positive psychology strategies is the ‘Best Possible Self’ exercise, which has been shown to boost mood, primarily by increasing hopefulness and specificity about what needs to change. It’s pretty simple to do. First set aside some time out (in meditation, ideally) to reflect on your ‘ideal self’ or the person you want to become, noting how you’d be ideally thinking, feeling and behaving, what values you’d be living and how others would know you were at your best. Next write your answers down and keep your ideal self template somewhere where you can regularly refer to it. Once you have this wish-list, you can create an action plan to make it happen. This part can be tricky as it’s hard to change thoughts, emotions and behaviours by yourself – no matter how headstrong you are. Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from a professional, which can be one of the best investments in yourself you could make. The fringe benefit of closing the gap between your actual and ideal self is that you’ll begin to feel more authentic and experience a boost in wellbeing. I hope you’ll give this a try this month as life really is too short to be less than your best possible self."

Heather Craig, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University  

"Imagining your "best possible self" may initially awaken hesitancy, as a result of self-limiting beliefs or societal expectations. However, by actively creating and picturing in detail the day where our dreams have become, or are becoming, a reality, and our deepest wishes are coming to fruition, we fill our hearts with hope and optimism. The steps we need to take to get to this day can become clear."

Sharon Esonis, Ph.D.

“Each of us has an internal, ongoing conversation—we talk to ourselves. We tell ourselves why things happen, who is to blame for the darkness, who is to credit for the light, what the past means and what might happen in the future. The content of your internal dialogue goes a long way in determining whether your approach is optimistic or pessimistic, whether it will serve you well or hold you back, whether it will bring you possibilities or disappointment, whether it will make you feel powerful or impotent. The choice is yours.”   

Sandee LaMotte, CNN

"One of the most effective ways to increase optimism, according to a meta-analysis of existing studies , is called the "Best Possible Self" method, where you imagine or journal about yourself in a future in which you have achieved all your life goals and all of your problems have been resolved."

Susan Shain in   "How to Be More Optimistic"

Imagine your dream life in 10 years — what would it look like? How would it feel? Now sit down and write about it: once a week, for six to eight minutes, for one or two months. Spend each session focusing on your “best possible self” in a single domain, such as family, career, romance or health.

Though it might sound like wishful thinking,  dozens of studies show  that imagining your ideal future can actually boost your levels of optimism.

Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychology professor at the University of California, Riverside and author of “ The How of Happiness ,” has employed this exercise with hundreds of subjects. It works, she said, because you’re strengthening your “optimistic muscles” by “thinking about all your dreams coming true as opposed to worrying about the worst possible outcome.”

Kira M. Newman, the Greater Good Science Center, in How Optimism May Keep You Alive Longer

"Luckily, research suggests that optimism is something we can cultivate - by practicing gratitude, envisioning our “Best Possible Self,” or doing certain types of therapy. And that makes the future look a little bit rosier."

Dr Randy Cale

" Research strongly supports the notion that we will experience increased optimism, happiness, and success by visualizing the best possible version of ourselves that we can imagine. In other words, we envision a life where everything has unfolded in the way we want, and in the process, we have evolved to be the best person we can be. Now come up, imagine being that person. Imagine being that happy, that kind, that free to enjoy and respond to whatever life gives you with enthusiasm and competency."

Nilgin Yusuf

"Whatever life’s perceived limitations, frustrations or problems, take time to write down and imagine the ideal you. “Where would you like to be five years from now” is a common interview question. A test of vision, imagination and thereafter manifestation, it can foster a more positive mindset. Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, believed that “authentic happiness derives from raising the bar for yourself, not comparing yourself to others”.

Jessica Pryce-Jones

"Imagining the future best self can be, as you've read, a hugely powerful catalyst for change. And all it involves is imagining yourself in the future after everything has gone as well as it could. You've worked hard, accomplished goals, are realizing your dreams and your potential. You simply tune into the best possible way that things might turn out in life. At the same time you ideally you picture them happening and, having done this, write down your thoughts.

"In fact psychologists have found that imagining or writing about the ‘best possible self' can enhance positive emotions, increase optimism and grow resilience.

"But it does something more important than that. It also changes the expectations you have of yourself, allowing you to break out of shackling and limiting beliefs. If you can connect to the best of yourself and bring that to work, it will not only make you happy in the present, but enable you to deliver on great things in the future."

Tara Schmid, Mayo Clinic

"Asking yourself what is your “best possible self?” comes from positive psychology. This is meant to be a simple exercise that forces oneself to visualize accomplishing goals at a future time and consider what strengths are needed to make the goal(s) reality. It has been shown to bring about hope, increase happiness, improve coping skills, and bring about positive expectations for the future."

Adam Bowcutt, Mental Health Advocate & Author 

"Imagining your best possible self is critical because it’s the first step towards creating your future. Utilising the immense power of your mind, in this simple way, almost guarantees its realisation. We all have individual psychological agency to choose which thoughts we give power to. Create your best future self right now!"

Irene O'Garden

Pilot your imagination.  Our imagination is our primary instrument of creativity. It has such a powerful effect on our behavior that some people make it their life’s work to hijack it for their own purposes or profits. But the ship and the ship’s wheel are ours. Use your strong desire as fuel and steer it into the physical life you want to create. Nothing fortifies our optimism more than creating the world we want, one action at a time. For example, I love when a cashier gives me back too much change. The world I want to create is peopled with honest folk, so I always return it. “You’re so honest,” they say. What’s fun is that not only have I reinforced an honest world for myself, but I have created tangible evidence for another person, thus expanding that honest world. We can constantly build our stash of evidence for ourselves and others.

Adaptions of the Best Possible Self Activity

Dr. Tom Muha, Psychologist

The Best Possible Self  positive psychology  exercise is one of the most recognized methods for boosting  happiness . Researchers find it has long-term effectiveness and people report that it’s immediately beneficial. The exercise has been shown to boost people’s positive emotions, happiness levels,  optimism , hope, improve coping skills, and elevate positive expectations about the future.

Here are the steps for creating your vision of you at your best:

  • Take a few minutes to select a future time period (e.g., 6 months, 1 year, 5 years from now) and imagine that at that time you are experiencing your best possible self. Visualize your best possible self in a way that is very pleasing to you and that you are passionate about pursuing.
  • Imagine in vivid detail that you have worked hard and succeeded at accomplishing your life goals. You might think of this as reaching your full potential, hitting an important milestone, or realizing one of your life  dreams . The point is not to think of unrealistic  fantasies  such as winning the Superbowl, but rather, things that are positive and attainable within reason.
  • After you have a fairly clear image, write about the details. Writing down your best possible self helps to create a logical structure for the future and can help you move from the realm of foggy ideas and fragmented thoughts to concrete, real possibilities.

Courtney E. Ackerman in "My Pocket Positivity: Anytime Exercises That Boost Optimism, Confidence, and Possibility"

IMAGINE YOUR BEST POSSIBLE SELF: This exercise can help you set goals for your future, determine which strengths you will need to cultivate to get there, and motivate you to put in the time and effort to improve yourself. As an added bonus, it can also boost your sense of hope and optimism!

  • Grab your journal or a notebook and set aside a few minutes to sit in a quiet place and think. 
  • Settle on a specific point in the future (such as six months from now, five years from now, or even ten years from now) and imagine yourself at this point in time; however, instead of thinking about how your life will most likely be at this point, imagine your best possible life and best possible self at this point. 
  • Imagine that you are meeting or have met all of your goals, you are successful and happy, and you have your dream job, a wonderful relationship with your loved ones, fulfilling hobbies, and/ or anything else that is important to you. 
  • Note as much detail as possible, and paint as vivid a picture as you can of your future self. 
  • Now, think about the strengths you will need to apply to get to this point. 
  • Will you need to maximize your persistence? 
  • Engage in lots of strategic planning? 
  • Use some truly excellent people skills? 
  • Write down the strengths, skills, and traits you will need to use to get where you want to be, and commit to enhancing or improving them.

Laura Kubzansky, co-director of the Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in  Thoughts on optimism

Create a mental image of your best possible self.  Where do you see yourself in five or 10 years? This exercise helps you address three essential questions:

  • What are you doing now?
  • What is important to you?
  • What do you care about and why?

The answers can help you focus on new goals and areas of improvement you’ve always wanted to pursue, but couldn’t because of other life obligations, like work and raising kids.

"This can help turn your attention toward something stimulating and exciting, which can increase your sense of great possibilities and a more positive future." 

Leslie Ralph, Ph.D in "5 Ways to Boost Optimism"

Angela Priestley 

"Take the ‘Best Possible Self’ exercise

"The BPS intervention offers an approach for developing an optimistic mindset, and it’s been widely studied and  used by psychologists  to help in immediately improving the moods and outlooks of those who use it.

"The exercise involves spending a few minutes with pen and paper imagining your ‘best possible self’ in some kind of potential future, say a month, a year, five years, ten years from now, whatever works. Write down what happens when everything goes right in your relationship, in your leadership, business and career.

"What happens when you achieve those goals? Keep it brief or go into detail, just make sure it includes a vision that is actually obtainable, over wild fantasy scenarios. Picture yourself in that successful future scenario, and consider how it feels.

"This exercise seems far too simple to create results, but multiple studies have proven it (at least temporarily)  results in optimism boosts in participants ."

The Greater Good Science Center's "Best Possible Self for Relationships - Build the kind of relationships you want by fostering optimism"

Take a moment to imagine your life in the future, and focus specifically on your relationships. What is the best possible romantic, social, and family life you can imagine? This could involve, for example, having a supportive partner, good relationships with your children or parents, and a close group of friends. Think about what your best possible relationships would look like for you.

For the next 15 minutes, write continuously about what you imagined about these best possible future relationships. Use the instructions below to help guide you through this process.

  • It may be easy for this exercise to lead you to examine how your current relationships may not match the relationships you’d like to have in this best possible future. You may be tempted to think about ways in which achieving the relationships you want has been difficult for you in the past, or about financial/time/social barriers to developing these relationships. For the purpose of this exercise, however, we encourage you to focus on the future—imagine a brighter future in which you are your best self and your circumstances change just enough to make these desired social connections happen.
  • This exercise is most useful when it is very specific—if you think about having a better relationship with your parents, for instance, describe exactly what would be different in the ways you relate to each other; if you think about having a partner or new friend, describe how they interact with you, what you might do together, and so on. The more specific you are, the more engaged you will be in the exercise and the more you’ll get out of it.
  • Be as creative and imaginative as you want, and don’t worry about grammar or spelling.

Optimism: The How and Why Cover


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Essay on My Future Goals In Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Future Goals In Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Future Goals In Life

My educational goals.

I aim to finish school with good grades. This means working hard and studying well. I want to understand what I am taught, not just remember it for exams. Learning should be fun, and I plan to enjoy finding out new things.

My Career Ambition

After school, I wish to have a job that I love. I am not sure what it will be yet, but I want to help people and make a difference. It’s important to me that my work feels meaningful.

Personal Development

I also plan to keep improving myself. I want to be kind, patient, and a good friend. Reading books, playing sports, and traveling will help me grow. I will strive to be healthy and happy.

Community Service

Lastly, I hope to give back to my community. Volunteering at local places like libraries or shelters is something I look forward to. I believe even small actions can make a big impact.

250 Words Essay on My Future Goals In Life

My dream job.

When I think about my future, the first thing that comes to mind is my dream job. I want to become a teacher. My goal is to stand in front of a class and share knowledge with lots of students. Teachers help children learn new things and become smarter. I love the idea of helping kids achieve their dreams by teaching them.

Helping My Community

Another important goal for my future is to help my community. I want to do things like clean up parks and help people who do not have homes or enough food. It feels good to help others, and I want to do my part to make my town a better place for everyone.

Staying Healthy

Staying healthy is also a big goal for me. I plan to eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and to exercise by playing sports or going for runs. Being healthy will help me have the energy to reach my other goals.

Learning Every Day

My last goal is to keep learning new things all my life. I want to read lots of books and maybe even travel to different countries to learn about other cultures. The world is full of interesting things, and I want to know as much as I can.

In conclusion, my future goals are to become a teacher, help my community, stay healthy, and keep learning. These goals will make me happy and will be good for the people around me too.

500 Words Essay on My Future Goals In Life

Introduction to my future goals.

Everyone has dreams about what they want to do in the future. I am no different. I have many goals that I want to reach as I grow up. These goals help me stay focused and work hard. In this essay, I will share some of my future goals in life.

Education Goals

Firstly, my education is very important to me. I want to do really well in school. My goal is to study hard and get good grades. I believe that if I can do this, I will be able to go to a good college. Going to college will help me learn more and get ready for the job I want in the future. I also want to learn different things, not just what we learn in school. Reading books, watching educational videos, and talking to experts are all ways I can learn more.

Career Goals

After finishing college, I want to have a job that I love. I am not sure what job that will be yet, but I know I want it to be something that makes me happy and helps other people. Maybe I will be a teacher, a doctor, or an engineer. No matter what, I want to work hard and be good at what I do. I also want to keep learning new things even when I am working. This will help me do my job better.

Health and Fitness Goals

Being healthy is also one of my goals. I want to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. Playing sports, going for walks, and riding my bike are fun ways to stay fit. Being healthy will help me have the energy to reach my other goals. I also want to learn how to cook healthy meals. This way, I can take care of my body and feel good every day.

Personal Goals

I also have personal goals. I want to be a kind person who helps others. I can volunteer at places like animal shelters or help clean up parks. Being kind also means being a good friend and family member. I want to spend time with my family and friends and make good memories with them.

Travel Goals

I love to see new places and learn about different cultures. So, one of my goals is to travel. I don’t need to go far. Even exploring new places in my own country is exciting. Traveling helps me understand the world better and meet new people.

Conclusion: Staying Positive and Working Hard

To reach all these goals, I know I need to stay positive and work hard. Sometimes things might be tough, but I will keep trying. I will also ask for help when I need it. Teachers, family, and friends can all help me stay on track. I am excited for the future and all the things I will learn and do. These goals are like a map for my life, and I am ready to follow it.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on My Favourite Weather
  • Essay on My Favourite Subject History
  • Essay on My Favourite Subject English

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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How to answer “Why do you deserve this scholarship?” essay prompt (with examples!)

When you’re applying for scholarships, you’ll see tons of different essay prompts. Two of the most common are “Why do you deserve this scholarship?” or its variant “Why are you applying for this scholarship?” While these might seem like intimidating questions, don’t overthink them! These are straightforward questions that you can easily answer. Here’s how.

What’s the scholarship committee looking for?

Tips to consider.

  • Examples of “Why I Deserve It” scholarship essays

Variant: “Why are you applying for this scholarship?”

Variant: “why do you need this scholarship”, ready to start answering an essay prompt like this.

Student answering why you deserve this scholarship essay

Scholarship providers want to give the award to the most deserving student. So by including these prompts, they’re basically asking: Why should it be you?

In particular, they want to know:

  • What makes you unique? What are your particular interests and motivations?
  • How do your strengths and goals fit in with this particular scholarship? For instance, why you might deserve an athletic scholarship might be different from why you deserve a financial need scholarship . 
  • How will you make use of the scholarship funds? Scholarship providers want to know their awards will make a difference. Show them how this money would really help advance your goals.

Link your passions to the scholarship

One of the first things to consider is to express who you are in your writing. Show scholarship providers why you deserve this scholarship by painting them a picture of who you are and what drives you. But remember to keep it related to the scholarship. For example:

  • If you’re applying for a journalism-related scholarship, explain how you became interested in journalism, and what kind of journalism you hope to pursue.
  • If you’re applying to a community service scholarship , explain what kind of community service you do and why you’re committed to it.

Student pointing to computer screen

Show your grit

This is where your scholarship essay might get personal . You might deserve this scholarship because you have persevered through some personal struggles. Those struggles might be more serious–for example, related to family income (growing up poor) or physical obstacles (a disability or injury). Or it might be a more fleeting personal circumstance (like not getting that student organization position you were vying for).

In any case, focus on how you overcame these difficulties–and how the experiences have shaped who you are today. Also remember to focus it back on the scholarship topic at hand.

For example, if you’re applying to an arts scholarship, you might say:

Although I always loved art, growing up poor in a rural area made it difficult to have access to the fine arts museums (far away) or materials (too expensive). So I made do in other ways. I borrowed art books from the library and did virtual tours of the Met and the MOMA from my home computer. And since I couldn’t afford a fancy SLDR camera, I learned all the iPhone photography tricks I could, and used open-source software to do post-production on my photos.

This kind of statement shows how much the student loves art and the lengths the’ve gone to, in order to explore the medium, despite obstacles. A scholarship committee might read this and think: “This student is particularly deserving of our scholarship.

Share what you plan to do with the scholarship award

Why you are deserving doesn’t just have to do with your past achievements; it also has to do with your future plans and goals. Scholarship providers want to fund students who will go on to achieve great things or who wish to give back to their communities.

For instance, in scholarship winner Michelle Marie Charles’ essay, she explains how the award money will be put to good use:

My wish is to help guide undocumented people to obtain a job in a foreign country, and to fight for them to stay in the country. […] Once I am an attorney, I will seek new opportunities to expand the help provided to immigrants. I will create programs that specifically target undocumented people to know their own voice and to educated themselves about the law. […] I know the long journey that lays ahead of them and know how difficult the process of transferring to undocumented to citizen is, but I want to be there so they know that they still have a choice.

Examples of “Why I Deserve It” scholarship essay s

In general, there are three ways we’ve seen Going Merry students successfully tackle this essay. 

1. Treat it like a résumé, in paragraph form.

Since it’s asking you to brag about your strengths, some essay answers simply describe the applicant’s multiple accomplishments (either in chronological order, or grouped by interest/category – like academics, sports, research, student clubs). This is a particularly good strategy if the scholarship application doesn’t ask for a résumé or list of extracurricular activities. In that case, this essay is your opportunity to discuss those.

An example version of this might read like this :

“I [have been committed] to programs that would further develop my view of the world. I have been involved in Choir and Music Club. I have also been a member of the Red Crescent club for 3 years, which has expanded my exposures to other cultures by learning another language and studying multiple customs. I have been the captain of both the varsity golf and softball teams for two years, developing my leadership skills. My involvement in both my school and community prove that I am a student committed to developing a promising future.”

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2. Treat it like a personal statement. 

Maybe you deserve the scholarship because of the type of person you are: someone who has overcome adversity, thinks deeply, is passionate about a specific subject, or wants to contribute to their community. In that case, you might simply be able to reuse your personal statement , tweaking it slightly to be able to explain how your personal characteristics or narrative make you a deserving scholarship recipient. 

One example of this is Going Merry winner Jesús Adrian Arroyo-Ramirez’s essay , which discusses how he overcame the obstacle of his immigration status. He writes:

I was illegally brought to this country when I was just six years old. At the time I had no clue that I was breaking any laws, and I did not realize the fact that my life was going to change forever. Growing up with a different citizenship situation than my peers was and still is the biggest challenge I have to face in my life. Looking back there is not a single thing that I would change. Knowing that I had to work harder than everyone else led me to be the person that I am today. I took that fire inside of me, pushed myself, graduated first in my class with a cumulative 4.0 GPA, became a Kansas Scholar, and graduated High School with a semester’s worth of college credit. In November of 2016, everything began to look up for me. I received a work permit and a social security card all thanks to the DACA program. I was finally able to get my license, get a job, and most importantly attend college. I plan to continue my success in the classroom and do everything to the best of my ability as I know that under my current circumstances it can all be ripped away from me at any moment. Growing up with my situation has taught me to not take advantage of a single opportunity. 

3. Treat it like a career and/or academic goals essay. 

You’re likely using your scholarship money to attend college or grad school, so that you can pursue certain academic or career interests. You can discuss those, and then explain how scholarship funding would allow you to continue down that intended path, just like this short essay did : 

“The scholarship award will only push me further towards my Accounting degree and my dreams of one day having a successful career as an Accountant. […] Five years from now I see myself employed at a large local firm, crunching numbers, evaluating,and solving certain financial matters. I just feel blessed that I am given the opportunity to be awarded a scholarship to help fulfill my dream and I will prove that I do have what it takes to not only be a successful student, but an outstanding accountant.”

Here’s a guide on writing a career goals essay , and another guide for writing an essay on your academic goals . 

Student on computer outdoors

Is this the same question as “Why do you deserve this scholarship?” Yes and no. Both questions get at the same core idea (why are you relevant and deserving of the scholarship money), so for both essay prompts, your essay should describe your strengths and future plans. 

However, to properly answer this “why are you applying” question, you’ll need to more explicitly address your interest in the scholarship topic (e.g. if it’s a scholarship for nursing, why are you interested in nursing), as well as information about your financial situation (you are likely applying because you have need for the money, to pay for college or grad school). 

What about this one? Is this the same question?

Nope! This is a question about financial need. Although it may be uncomfortable to discuss, this prompt is asking you directly about your financial situation and why additional funding is necessary for you to pursue your academic or career plans.  Here’s more information about how to write a statement of financial need .

Also, check out this helpful list of the 10 most common scholarship essay topics to get started!

Top 10 Most Common Scholarship Essay Prompts Graphic

Now that you’ve got a better grasp on how to answer a prompt like, “Explain why you deserve this scholarship,” we think you’re ready to start writing and applying to scholarships! Get started by signing up for a free profile with Going Merry . You can write your essay and apply to thousands of scholarships . Just think of us as your one-stop shop for all things scholarships, including essay writing resources.

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