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Brett Larkin Yoga

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Yoga Business Plans (With Template)

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If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been teaching for a bit and started to think…this is tougher than I thought! I mean, how am I supposed to actually support myself doing this?? I feel like something’s missing…

Well, that something is most likely…

The business-side!


Did you just make a face as though you just sucked on a lemon? 

Or maybe your belly did a backflip? 

You’re not alone! 

Business totally wasn’t my thing in the beginning either!

Between wanting to bury my head in the sand and not think about it, to not seeing the value in it…let’s just say it’s been a loooong journey to get to where I am today! 

And that’s why I’d LOVE for you to benefit from my struggles and make your journey to becoming a successful yoga business owner shorter than mine was!

I’m excited to tackle this important topic head-on because it daunts most if not ALL yoga teachers at some point in their journey. 

We’ll explore what to think about before starting a yoga business, what a yoga business plan is, why you need one, how to make one, types of yoga businesses, and some common FAQs.

The more you are cringing, the more I encourage you to dive right in! So EXHALE and let’s go!

using spreadsheets for filing taxes as an independent contractor

What To Think About Before Starting A Yoga Business ?

First, let’s get on the same page in terms of what we mean by “yoga business”. Some examples of yoga businesses are:

  • Yoga studio owner
  • Co-op yoga space owner/partner
  • Online yoga teacher
  • Private yoga teacher
  • Yoga retreat leader
  • Workshop leader
  • Yoga and wellness coach
  • Contract yoga teacher ( corporate yoga , yoga at schools, events, health clubs, pop-ups, festivals, etc.)
  • Specialty yoga teacher (kids, disabled populations, elderly, veterans, disenfranchised populations)
  • Yoga teacher training leader
  • Continuing yoga education provider
  • Yoga podcasting
  • Yoga writing
  • New teacher mentoring
  • Yoga school owner
  • Selling yoga products

And really, whatever ideas you can dream up! 

If more than one of these sparks your interest, that’s great! I often recommend building a yoga business with multiple revenue streams.

Now, onto what you’ll want to consider before building your yoga business. Some questions to ask yourself are:

  • What is your risk tolerance?  Do you have a day job that can support you as you transition into being a new business owner? If so, read why I suggest holding onto that gem! Are you the sole breadwinner with a newborn baby and a partner out of work? Or maybe you’re single with few financial responsibilities and a large amount in savings so you can handle more risk?
  • Are you ready to say goodbye to some free time?  If you already have no wiggle room in your schedule for things like self-care, you might want to question the timing or scale of your vision.
  • Are you ready to change your relationship with yoga?   Turning a passion or side-hustle into your bread-and-butter will change your relationship with it. Are you ready to leave the dewy-eyed honeymoon phase with yoga and enter into a committed marriage with it through sickness (hopefully less of this haha) and health?
  • Are you down to level up your yoga practice?  Having a yoga business means your personal practice needs to be on point! Having a dedicated personal practice while staying up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in the yoga world will support you in your entrepreneurial journey as well as keep you on your A-game so you can better serve your clients.
  • Are you ready to face your fears and work on your money mindset?  Being a successful business owner takes a bit more than the law of attraction and magical thinking. It requires getting down into the muck of your limiting beliefs in addition to learning the nitty-gritty of running a company.

What Is A Yoga Business Plan?

Before we dive into what a yoga business plan is specifically, let’s start with “Business 101” and talk about what a business plan is at all!

A business plan is defined as a document that describes a company’s core objectives, business activities, and how it plans to achieve its goals. 

The exact layout will depend on its intended use and audience (whether it’s just for you or to seek funding from potential investors for example), but basically, it’s a road map! 

In order to get to where we want to go, we have to know where we’re going and have at least a rough idea of how to get there, right?

That’s why behind most successful companies is a business plan—it’s KEY in turning dreams into reality.

yoga teacher

While a yoga business plan is generally the same as any other business plan, there is one noteworthy difference…the typical yogi mindset! Often the main thing in the way of a successful yoga business is the yogi behind it! 

Yoga teachers are known to have this idea that yoga and business aren’t compatible and that yoga business is bad and un-yogic because it’s “selling a spiritual practice” blah, blah, and aaaall the baggage this mindset brings with it. So keep in mind two things:

  • Be aware of what comes up for you as you write your business plan. What inner fears, objections, and past traumas get stirred up? These reactions could present future obstacles to your success so note them and use your own yogic tools to work through them or enlist help (see #2).
  • Your business plan might need to include spending some resources on this mindset work in the form of hiring a business mentor or coach . I personally coach each student in my Yoga Business + Entrepreneurship Teacher Training on their business plan. Talking it through with your peers and a professional is invaluable! 

Why Do You Need A Yoga Business Plan?

At least part of you is currently thinking, that sounds nice and all, Brett, but I know that I PERSONALLY don’t need this for what I want to do.

Not so fast my friend! Because I recommend that EVERY yoga teacher who wants to earn a living in the yoga industry begin with some basic business planning. Here’s why:

It shifts your mindset 

As a yogi, you know it’s pretty literally all in your head because your mindset links your internal beliefs to your external actions. So if you want to believe and act as if you run a company, then a business plan will spark the perspective shift that will have a ripple effect on everything else!

It helps you know if you ACTUALLY want what you think you want  

Writing a business plan asks you to get really real with what you want. Crunch the numbers, do the market research, go through paperwork, etc. You might get part of the way through this due diligence and realize…this isn’t what I want! 

Maybe the time commitment, up-front investment, potential revenue, etc. aren’t actually what you thought. Well…great! What better time to discover that than BEFORE pouring tons of time, energy, and money into it. This teaches you more about what you really want so you can pivot to a more aligned direction that you can feel better about committing to.

It helps you focus and make decisions 

Having a clear roadmap makes decisions about time and money management, choosing aligned partnerships, marketing, and more, way easier. #worthit

yoga business plans

It helps you attract money and partners

Having a business plan ready to go will help you greatly in your quest for funding or partners if that’s something your yoga company needs.

It gives you confidence

Having a clear vision in your mind (and on paper) and an idea of how to get there will help give you the clarity and courage you need to get you over those bumps along the entrepreneur road. 

It increases your likelihood of success

While doing your market research , SWOT analysis, and marketing plan might make you groan upfront, your future badass business self will absolutely thank you for it! These will help you avoid potential pitfalls and up your chances of creating a thriving business.

Expect your yoga business planning to:

  • Scare you . You’re going to avoid it, but once you get started, it’ll be easier than you thought.
  • Anchor you into reality . Ideas are great. Realities are better. A business plan will help you take the real-world steps towards building your own dream business while providing you a practical reference to guide you along the way.
  • Motivate, inspire, and embolden you . Often, all it takes to ignite us into action is getting clear on the vision and the path. 

How To Create A Yoga Business Plan: Step-By-Step (With My Template Worksheet)

yoga business plans

I’m stoked to show you that creating your own yoga business plan is much simpler and less scary than it seems! Let’s walk through it.

1. Executive Summary

Think of your company summary as the Cliffs Notes of your business. Make it shiny and polished so that others could take a quick peek and know what your business is all about. It’s helpful to start here because it gets your wheels turning on the rest of the plan elements. Once you complete the rest of the sections, you can revise the summary as needed. 

Some things to include are:

  • Your business name
  • Your mission (A few sentences on why your business exists, who it serves, and how it does that)
  • Your vision (The ultimate dream of where you see your business going)
  • Your “Unique Selling Proposition” or USP (What makes your business different from your competition?)
  • Goals and plans (A brief sketch)
  • Your team and organization (Could be business partners or a support team like social media marketers, coaches, accountants, even babysitters, and your home team!

2. Market & Customer Analysis

It’s great to tackle this section early on as it helps inform the other business plan categories. The market analysis piece includes an industry description (trends, growth rate, etc.), analysis of competitors, how you will stand out, and research on what your target market wants and needs. 

If this part is boggling you, a fun way to get to know your customers is to just have conversations with your people! What do they need and want in their lives? The customer analysis further includes the demographic of your target market, size of the audience, and their purchase potential. 

3. Products & Services

For many yoga instructors, this is the fun part because it’s all about what we share and how we serve people! Write a full description of what exactly you offer and the prices.

4. Funding & Financial Summary

For yoga people, this is usually one of the cringiest elements of the plan, and so I tell you this out of love: no one gets too far in business without at least a basic financial plan. 

The full version of this section includes startup costs, ongoing and long-term investments, and financial projections. 

But here’s the good news: You can make a quick and dirty business plan just by getting real about your cash flow! How? In my 300-hour yoga teacher training , I’ve got you covered. In the course, I walk you through cash flow and profit as well as how to avoid the mistake that causes many businesses to fail in the first year (hint: it has to do with working capital). 

5. SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Doing a SWOT analysis before building your business helps you foresee and avoid potential problems and brainstorm strategies for success. See the business plan template for the full deets!

6. Sales & Marketing Plan

While you don’t have to become a social media influencer to have a successful business, you do need a marketing and sales strategy to promote your business and attract potential customers! 

To most yogis, sales and marketing are the same, but they do have some differences. Your marketing strategy gets you in front of your customer and piques their interest while your sales strategy relates to the actual selling of your products or services. 

This section includes your marketing ideas, sales strategies, associated costs, and rollout timelines. 

Yoga Business Plan Template

Woot woot! As a little reward for getting through all of this business talk so far, I’ve made you a template so that you can get started right away!

It is PACKED with helpful exercises that will guide you into clarity so that you can create a business plan that WORKS.

Because launching a business is hard…

…but it doesn’t have to be. Especially when someone who has already done it SUCCESSFULLY gives you the exact steps to doing it.

This worksheet will help you address all the details of your yoga business, both big and small.

In fact, it is SO helpful that it’s actually a part of my 300-hour yoga teacher training curriculum .

And I’m sharing it with you here, for FREE.

Because I honestly believe that everyone deserves a chance at success 🙂

Save Hours with my Proven Formula. FREE Yoga Business Plan Download & Checklist 👇

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Save Hours with my Proven Formula. FREE Yoga Business Plan Download

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Different Types Of Yoga Businesses

Now that you’re (hopefully) feeling more excited about making your own yoga business plan, I’m going to hook you up even more and share some extra considerations to keep in mind while making a plan for your specific type of yoga biz.

yoga business plans

Online Yoga Business  

For online yoga businesses, consider and include in your plan:

  • A market analysis specific to online offerings . What will make you stand out online right now? Can you offer something different?
  • Offering platform . How will you make your offerings? Will you invest in a course software platform or keep things simple to start? 
  • Drop-in or membership basis . Are your offerings drop-in or on a monthly or annual membership basis? 

yoga adjustments

Yoga Studio Business 

Some things to think about and include in your yoga studio business plan:

  • Location analysis . Is there a market in the area you’re looking at? Is there a lot of competition in the area? Does the location have good visibility or will it require more marketing? 
  • Space size & lease cost . How many people do you want to accommodate? Can you realistically afford the rent based on the capacity, what you want to offer, and how much you want to charge?
  • Retail inventory . Will you also sell yoga products in your studio? If so, which values will determine what you sell ?
  • Yoga instructor recruiting & retention . How will you find and keep quality teachers?
  • Community building & client retention . How will you cultivate a thriving community and keep your loyal students coming back for more?

yoga business plans

Yoga Teacher Business 

This general category can include many offerings ( many examples of how to make money as a yoga teacher are listed here ). Some things to keep in mind include:

  • Address each offering in your plan . If you have multiple offerings, include all of them in your plan as well as separate sections on market research, SWOT analysis, etc. as needed.
  • Rank your offerings . Will you focus on all of your offerings equally or emphasize some over others? You might assign a percentage value to each of your offerings and focus on those in the sweet spot where your passion and revenue potential overlap and those that are natural marketing funnels for others. Prioritizing will help you focus your energy, money, marketing, etc. so you don’t spread yourself too thin. 

Co-Op Yoga Business 

Some things to take into account as you write your plan for a co-op yoga business structure include:

  • Offering scope . How broad or narrow are the offerings? Will it be all one style like Hatha or power yoga ? Or is the aim to create a space with diverse offerings? Will you open it to other related healing modalities like massage or energy work?
  • Business ownership . How will ownership and responsibility of the facility be shared? Whose name(s) will be on the lease?
  • Financial division.  What is each party financially responsible for? How is revenue shared?
  • Marketing responsibility . Will marketing be done jointly or individually? 
  • Partnership scouting and terms . How many co-op partners do you need to be sustainable? Do you already have enough? If not, how will you find these people? How long are partners committed to the space for?

business launchpad

FAQs About Creating Yoga Business Plans

If you were one of the “cringers” as you started this article and you’ve made it this far with questions, it’s a sign your mind is opening to the idea of running your own yoga business and making a plan for it. Congratulations! This is the most crucial step (see, it’s so easy that it’s already happening!)

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Yoga Business?

Short answer: From a couple hundred to several thousand dollars.

Long answer: It depends on your business! Obviously, opening a brick-and-mortar yoga center has a significantly larger start-up cost than a pop-up studio. Or if you want to offer online yoga classes and have a large email list your start-up costs might be limited to some management software and an online platform. 

This is where your business plan will help you! As you explore your mission and vision and get real about the potential costs, you can pivot if the financial investment isn’t aligned right now and see if there’s a way to make your business happen in a more cost-effective way. 

How Much Money Can I Make As A Yoga Instructor?

This is a big topic, my friends! So big that I suggest checking out the entire post that I’ve written about how much yoga teachers make .

As with most things, it depends on you! If you’re mainly into teaching yoga classes and want to teach a few times a week, making $31 per class brings in $6,500 annually. This could range up to around $40K per year if you teach 20 classes a week at $40 per yoga class. But if you’re willing to expand your offerings and your business knowledge, you could earn $100K and up! 

The main barrier to a high income is usually YOU, your mindset, and your willingness to put in the work!

Is Yoga A Profitable Business?

It can be! There are MORE opportunities for yoga teachers now than ever before and lots of room for you to be creative in your yoga service! Just like with anything, you can do the bare minimum and get paid accordingly or if you’re passionate about teaching yoga AND living your best life, that’s totally possible too. 

In my advanced yoga training , I walk you through two key aspects to making what you want from your yoga business (hint: the math and your thoughts). We basically map out how to earn $100k per year as a yoga instructor by figuring out how much you need to earn per student. You could sell one high-priced item or lots of lower-priced items! It’s actually simple math. 

yoga business plans

Then we go into exactly how to do that and what you could create in order to earn that amount per student/customer. It’s the way that I grew my own profitable business as a yoga instructor so I know that you can do it too!

Why Do Yoga Studios Fail?

According to this 2018 IHRSA article , 81% of fitness studios close within the first year 😱 . 

Maybe a yoga studio doesn’t seem like a fitness business, but for these stats yoga studios are lumped in with the health and fitness industry. If your heart is still longing to join the ranks of yoga studio owners and to provide yoga classes at your own facility, don’t throw out your dream just yet! Just do your due diligence on the yoga studio biz to inform your decision first.

Some common mistakes made by first-time yoga studio owners include:

  • Choosing friends instead of business partners
  • Not prioritizing quality yoga instructors and quality instruction
  • Not having a business strategy or vision
  • Not focusing on community building and client retention
  • Poor money management
  • Not doing market research
  • Poor leadership and organizational skills
  • Not actively attracting new students
  • Not choosing the right location

How Much Space Do You Need For A Yoga Studio?

Of course, this depends on your vision, goals, and budget. Do you dream of a small basic studio with a tight-knit community or a big booming hub? (Hint: this should be in your business plan!) 

To give you an idea, if you’re crafty, a 250-square foot space could be enough for you, up to 10 students packed in, and some props. 

How Much Space Do You Need Per Person For Yoga?

The common estimate is about 21 square feet per yoga practitioner. This is the equivalent of an average 2′ x 6′ yoga mat plus about 6 inches on all sides. That’s less than a hand width between you and your neighbor which is pretttty cozy so tweak this number as needed.

Can I Be A Yoga Teacher If I’m Not Flexible?

Short answer: Heck yes and please do!

Long answer: In fact, I dare to say if you aren’t flexible but are passionate about sharing your love for yoga…the world NEEDS you! We need more yoga instructors to shatter the common misconception that yoga is only stretching for already bendy people and mostly women. So if you don’t exactly fit that description, please get out there and show potential future yogis that pretzel-ability is not a requisite for yoga.

Can You Teach Yoga With A 200 Hour Certification?

Short answer: Absolutely!

Long answer: It’s common to not feel ready to teach the first year after finishing your 200-hour yoga teacher training (read more about that and what to expect with a 200-hour certification ). 

However, you absolutely can start teaching and earning money with a 200-hour certification as you continue to learn and dial in your personal style. It’s easy to feel like there’s always more to learn because…well…there is! News flash: that feeling doesn’t go away no matter how much you study because yoga is a rich and deep life-long study and practice. But a 200-hour training is the starting point, so don’t wait…get started! 

Next Steps:

  • Explore my Yoga Teacher Resource knowledge hub for more tips about how to grow your yoga business.
  • Download my sequences for a jumpstart on your upcoming yoga classes!
  • For more detailed tips, processes, and worksheets to supercharge your yoga business, download my yoga business launchpad course !

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How To Start a Yoga Business: A 5-Step Guide To Success

Published by caroline @ wellness creative co on 3 july 2023 3 july 2023.

Interested in how to start a yoga business? Perhaps you’re an experienced yogi that wants to start a studio or a yoga teacher with an incredible product idea. Whatever your startup dream, we’ve got you covered. 

In this guide – learn how to start a yoga business in 5 simple steps, from developing the plan and securing funding to marketing and launching.

We’re a specialist fitness marketing agency with 15+ years of industry experience, so we know first-hand what works (and what doesn’t!). We’ve helped yoga studios, teachers, and online content creators to launch and grow their businesses, so our strategies are tried and tested.

How To Start a Yoga Business

These are the five steps to starting a yoga business which are proven to work for studios, freelancers, and online businesses too…

  • Come up with an idea
  • Develop a business plan
  • Source funds
  • Secure a location & equipment
  • Launch with a bang

Let’s explore each of these steps and what they involve…

How To Start a Yoga Business

1 – Come Up With Yoga Business Ideas

Step one is to come up with your business concept – what is your idea? What will you offer to customers? Why will it be different to or better than the competition? 

Some people will have a clear business idea from the outset but others may not be there yet. You might know that you want to do something yoga-related but be unsure of exactly what. Or unclear of the best business model to turn your passion into a profitable venture.

Do some research into the yoga industry , the top trends , and gaps in the market. This can help you identify potential business opportunities or where there will be strong demand for something.

Yoga Market Sectors

Here’s a list of popular yoga business ideas to get you started…

  • Classic yoga studio
  • Boutique fitness club
  • Yoga franchise 
  • Pilates or meditation studio
  • Yoga clothing brand
  • Online yoga business
  • Yoga equipment or accessories distributor
  • Mobile yoga classes
  • Workplace yoga instruction 
  • Yoga influencer
  • Home yoga business
  • Yoga affiliate marketing website
  • Yoga blog monetised through ads or online courses

List of Yoga Business Ideas

At this stage it’s also important to put some real thought into whether setting up a yoga business is the right way forward. A passion project might sound appealing but it can also suck the joy from your favourite hobby.

Owning a yoga studio and starting a business can be exciting, but it can also be tough. Working in the yoga industry may mean that it becomes a chore instead of an escape. So think carefully and weigh up the pros and cons so that you make an informed decision.

You might also like… What’s it like to be a Pilates teacher?

Yoga Industry

2 – Develop a Yoga Business Plan

The next step is to develop your yoga business plan . This enables you to map out your idea and test the financial and practical viability.

Creating a professional plan is crucial to the success of your yoga business. Research shows that founders with business plans are almost twice as likely to secure funding and make it work.

“Business plans double the chance of success”.

A good yoga studio business plan should cover these elements…

  • Executive summary
  • Industry and local market analysis
  • Company overview
  • Products and services
  • Sales and marketing strategy
  • Financial information
  • Implementation plan

By working through these points, you’ll know if that there’s sufficient demand for your yoga business idea. It also enables you to define a clear target market and quantify the precise start-up costs involved. At this point, you should also come up with a unique name for your yoga business .  

Learn more about writing a fitness business plan here (includes examples). Or get the start-up planning cheat sheet as part of our Fitness Business Templates bundle…

3 – Source Funds For Your Yoga Business

A solid business plan will allow you to source funding for your yoga startup. Depending on your model, this may require anything from $50 to over $1 million.

Based on  Entrepreneur.com data , here are some yoga studio startup costs for different business types…

  • Cost to start a yoga class business – $2000-$7000
  • Boutique yoga studio start-up costs – $575,000-$1.5m
  • Cost to start a fitness studio (e.g. Pure Barre) – $198,000-$446,000
  • Pilates studio start-up costs (e.g. Club Pilates) – $168,000-$280,000
  • Online yoga business start-up costs – $50-$2000

As you can see, the funds needed to start a yoga business can vary a lot. Location, equipment, and overall quality will all affect the costs involved.

If you’re wondering how to start a yoga business with no money, then the key is to start small . Running independent classes, selling online yoga programs , becoming a fitness influencer are all low-cost options. There’s almost no investment needed in equipment, rent, or staffing since you can take care of everything yourself.

For those of you looking to secure funding for your yoga business, the most popular options are…

  • Traditional bank loans
  • Personal savings
  • Online lenders

Once you have the money to start your business, you can move on to making it a reality…

4 – Secure a Location & Equipment

This applies to both physical and online fitness businesses . If you’re starting a yoga studio, then you’ll need to find the best possible location. Likewise, if you’re launching an online yoga business, then you’ll need to build a blog or website .

For physical studio locations, look for areas where your target market already spends time. Passing traffic is important but their demographics matter more. There’s no point being somewhere busy if none of those people are interested in yoga. 

You might also like… Our gym start-up guide which includes a comprehensive section on choosing the right location for a fitness business .

Once your yoga studio location is secured, you can start to kit it out. This needs to happen quickly so that you can open ASAP and start generating income to pay those overheads. Think about…

  • Scale floor plan 
  • Electrics and plumbing
  • Interior design and decoration
  • Changing areas, toilets, and shower facilities
  • Yoga equipment and accessories

If you’re wondering how to start a yoga business from home, then some of these factors will still apply. You’ll need a space with the right atmosphere, decor, and equipment like mats, blocks, and straps.

For those wanting to learn how to start a yoga business online, it’s slightly different. You can begin with a minimum viable product and then scale up once the money is coming in. You don’t need to invest as heavily upfront as a web address and hosting cost less than $100.

Learn more… How to create a yoga website .

5 – Launch Your Yoga Business

Starting your own yoga business is about more than just teaching. It involves sales, marketing, and customer service. Successful yoga studios are never short of clients because they have strong sales funnels and impressive retention rates.

Marketing is vitally important during your pre-sales period. It’s essential to sell as many memberships as possible during this time to maximise cash flow from the start.

  • Offer a limited time discount to encourage people to sign up early.
  • Run online ads to generate a steady flow of leads. 
  • Organise a launch event to celebrate the opening and invite local media.

Opening a yoga studio (or other type of yoga business) with a bang will get it off to the best possible start. Check out our article on yoga marketing ideas and strategies for more inspiration. 

Open Your Own Yoga Business

Now you know exactly how to build a yoga business. Starting your own yoga studio or online business can be a fun and rewarding experience. As a growing trend in the fitness industry, there’s never been a better time to get into the sector.

By following these steps, you’ll maximise your chances of success from the start. If you’d like a little help along the way, then check out our Fitness Business Templates . They include a business planning cheat sheet, 50+ creative brand name ideas , and loads of sales and marketing resources too.

Steps To Start a Yoga Business Pinterest

Caroline @ Wellness Creative Co

Qualified personal trainer (BSc Sports Science) & nutritionist (MSc Human Nutrition) with 15+ years of fitness & wellness marketing experience working with global brands.

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How to Write a Yoga Studio Business Plan (+ Template)

Business Plan-DG

Creating a business plan is essential for any business, but it can be beneficial for yoga studio s that want to improve their strategy or raise funding.

A well-crafted business plan outlines your company’s vision and documents a step-by-step roadmap of how you will accomplish it. To create an effective business plan, you must first understand the components that are essential to its success.

This article provides an overview of the key elements that every yoga studio owner should include in their business plan.

Download the Ultimate Business Plan Template

What is a Yoga Studio Business Plan?

A yoga studio business plan is a formal written document describing your company’s business strategy and feasibility. It documents the reasons you will be successful, your areas of competitive advantage, and it includes information about your team members. Your business plan is a key document that will convince investors and lenders (if needed) that you are positioned to become a successful venture.

Why Write a Yoga Studio Business Plan?

A yoga studio business plan is required for banks and investors. The document is a clear and concise guide of your business idea and the steps you will take to make it profitable.

Entrepreneurs can also use this as a roadmap when starting their new company or venture, especially if they are inexperienced in starting a business.

Writing an Effective Yoga Studio Business Plan

The following are the key components of a successful yoga studio business plan:

Executive Summary

The executive summary of a yoga studio business plan is a one to two page overview of your entire business plan. It should summarize the main points, which will be presented in full in the rest of your business plan.

  • Start with a one-line description of your yoga studio  
  • Provide a short summary of the key points in each section of your business plan, which includes information about your company’s management team, industry analysis, competitive analysis, and financial forecast, among others.

Company Description

This section should include a brief history of your company. Include a short description of how your company started, and provide a timeline of milestones your company has achieved.

You may not have a long company history if you are just starting your yoga studio. Instead, you can include information about your professional experience in this industry and how and why you conceived your new venture. If you have worked for a similar company or been involved in an entrepreneurial venture before starting your yoga studio firm, mention this.

You will also include information about your chosen yoga studio business model and how, if applicable, it is different from other companies in your industry.

Industry Analysis

The industry or market analysis is an important component of a yoga studio business plan. Conduct thorough market research to determine industry trends and document the size of your market. 

Questions to answer include:

  • What part of the yoga studio industry are you targeting?
  • How big is the market?
  • What trends are happening in the industry right now (and if applicable, how do these trends support the success of your company)?

You should also include sources for the information you provide, such as published research reports and expert opinions.

Customer Analysis

This section should include a list of your target audience(s) with demographic and psychographic profiles (e.g., age, gender, income level, profession, job titles, interests). You will need to provide a profile of each customer segment separately, including their needs and wants.

For example, a yoga studio’s customers may include:

  • Working professionals who are stressed and seek yoga as a form of relaxation
  • Seniors who want to stay active and improve their flexibility
  • Expectant mothers who want to prepare for childbirth through yoga
  • Athletes looking to improve their performance
  • Yoga students of all levels who want to deepen their practice

You can include information about how your customers make the decision to buy from you as well as what keeps them buying from you.

Develop a strategy for targeting those customers who are most likely to buy from you, as well as those that might be influenced to buy your products or yoga studio services with the right marketing.

Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis helps you determine how your product or service will be different from competitors, and what your unique selling proposition (USP) might be that will set you apart in this industry.

For each competitor, list their strengths and weaknesses. Next, determine your areas of competitive differentiation and/or advantage; that is, in what ways are you different from and ideally better than your competitors.

Below are sample competitive advantages your yoga studio may have:

  • Offerings: You may offer a unique type of yoga not found at other studios, such as aerial or hot yoga.
  • Location: You may be the only studio in your town, making it convenient for people who live or work nearby.
  • Size: You may have a small, intimate setting that makes students feel comfortable, while competitors have large, impersonal studios.
  • Atmosphere: You may have a calm and relaxing atmosphere, while competitors are high-energy and fast-paced.
  • Teachers: You may have experienced and certified teachers, while competitors have less qualified instructors.

Marketing Plan

This part of the business plan is where you determine and document your marketing plan. . Your plan should be clearly laid out, including the following 4 Ps.

  • Product/Service: Detail your product/service offerings here. Document their features and benefits.
  • Price: Document your pricing strategy here. In addition to stating the prices for your products/services, mention how your pricing compares to your competition.
  • Place: Where will your customers find you? What channels of distribution (e.g., partnerships) will you use to reach them if applicable?
  • Promotion: How will you reach your target customers? For example, you may use social media, write blog posts, create an email marketing campaign, use pay-per-click advertising, launch a direct mail campaign. Or you may promote your yoga studio via word-of-mouth marketing.  

Operations Plan

This part of your yoga studio business plan should include the following information:

  • How will you deliver your product/service to customers? For example, will you do it in person or over the phone only?
  • What infrastructure, equipment, and resources are needed to operate successfully? How can you meet those requirements within budget constraints?

The operations plan is where you also need to include your company’s business policies. You will want to establish policies related to everything from customer service to pricing, to the overall brand image you are trying to present.

Finally, and most importantly, your Operations Plan will outline the milestones your company hopes to achieve within the next five years. Create a chart that shows the key milestone(s) you hope to achieve each quarter for the next four quarters, and then each year for the following four years. Examples of milestones for a yoga studio include reaching $X in sales. Other examples include adding new locations, launching a new website, or hiring additional staff.

Management Team

List your team members here, including their names and titles, as well as their expertise and experience relevant to your specific yoga studio industry. Include brief biography sketches for each team member.

Particularly if you are seeking funding, the goal of this section is to convince investors and lenders that your team has the expertise and experience to execute on your plan. If you are missing key team members, document the roles and responsibilities you plan to hire for in the future.

Financial Plan

Here, you will include a summary of your complete and detailed financial plan (your full financial projections go in the Appendix). 

This includes the following three financial statements:

Income Statement

Your income statement should include:

  • Revenue: how much revenue you generate.
  • Cost of Goods Sold: These are your direct costs associated with generating revenue. This includes labor costs, as well as the cost of any equipment and supplies used to deliver the product/service offering.
  • Net Income (or loss): Once expenses and revenue are totaled and deducted from each other, this is the net income or loss

Sample Income Statement for a Startup Yoga Studio

Balance sheet.

Include a balance sheet that shows your assets, liabilities, and equity. Your balance sheet should include:

  • Assets : All of the things you own (including cash).
  • Liabilities : This is what you owe against your company’s assets, such as accounts payable or loans.
  • Equity : The worth of your business after all liabilities and assets are totaled and deducted from each other.

Sample Balance Sheet for a Startup Yoga Studio

Cash flow statement.

Include a cash flow statement showing how much cash comes in, how much cash goes out and a net cash flow for each year. The cash flow statement should include:

  • Cash Flow From Operations
  • Cash Flow From Investments
  • Cash Flow From Financing

Below is a sample of a projected cash flow statement for a startup yoga studio .

Sample Cash Flow Statement for a Startup Yoga Studio

You will also want to include an appendix section which will include:

  • Your complete financial projections
  • A complete list of your company’s business policies and procedures related to the rest of the business plan (marketing, operations, etc.)
  • Any other documentation which supports what you included in the body of your business plan.

Writing a good business plan gives you the advantage of being fully prepared to launch and/or grow your yoga studio company. It not only outlines your business vision but also provides a step-by-step process of how you are going to accomplish it.

By going through the process of creating a business plan, you will be able to determine potential challenges and solutions and anticipate what lies ahead.  

Finish Your Business Plan in 1 Day!

Wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

With our Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

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How to Start a Yoga Business in 2024

Learning how to start a yoga business involves more than just being passionate about yoga; it requires a strategic and well-planned approach to turn your passion into a profitable venture.

How to Start a Yoga Business

This yoga business start up guide is designed to lead you through the essential steps of launching a successful yoga business. From defining your unique yoga business concept and drafting a comprehensive yoga business plan to choosing the right location for your yoga business (online or in-person), acquiring certifications, and implementing effective yoga marketing strategies, we’ve got you covered so you can learn how to build a yoga business that brings you money and fulfillment for years to come.

Just like there are many different ways to make money from yoga , did you know there are many different types of yoga businesses you could start?

You could open a yoga studio …

You could create a yoga app …

Des B Fit

You could teach yoga classes online (live or pre-recorded)…

Gym Livestreaming Software

Maybe you you could start a mobile yoga business. You could start a mobile fitness business that is yoga centric and travels to meet people on-site for yoga classes.

You could offer a yoga membership platform with online yoga challenges, an online yoga community, and more.


Be sure to check out our guide to choosing your yoga niche and then read on to learn how to start a yoga business.

Then learn how Exercise.com’s versatile yoga business software can be a game-changer in managing and scaling your yoga business, whether online, in-studio, or both. Get ready to embark on a fulfilling journey as you bring your yoga business dream to life!

Fitness Income Ideas

Read the guide to starting a yoga business below and then put the steps into action with a platform that empowers you to build your own yoga brand by learning how to make a yoga app , and using some of the best apps for yoga teachers , all with the best yoga studio software that can help you with many ways to make money from fitness .

There are many ways to make money from yoga , but you need a professional platform to power your yoga business. See how you can run your entire yoga business on the Exercise.com platform.

yoga business plans

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How to Start a Yoga Business: A Step-by-Step Journey to Success

Starting a yoga business is an exciting venture for any yoga enthusiast looking to share their passion with others. Whether you’re aiming to open a studio, teach classes online, or launch a yoga app , there are many ways to make money from yoga , but careful planning and execution are key to your success. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you start your yoga business, with an emphasis on how Exercise.com can enhance your journey.

Step #1: Define Your Yoga Business Concept

Begin by clearly defining the concept of your yoga business. Determine what type of yoga services you will offer, such as studio classes, online sessions, or a combination of both. Consider your unique selling proposition – what makes your yoga business different from others?

  • Identify your yoga style and the services you plan to offer.
  • Define your target audience and what needs your business will fulfill.
  • Consider the scale of your business – will it be a small local studio or a larger online platform?

Read More: Yoga Niche Ideas

Step #2: Create a Solid Yoga Business Plan

Draft a comprehensive yoga business plan that outlines your business goals, target market, revenue model, marketing strategy, and operational plans. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your business and can be crucial for securing funding or partnerships.

  • Include a financial plan with projected revenue, expenses, and break-even analysis.
  • Develop a marketing plan detailing how you’ll attract and retain customers.
  • Outline your operational plan, including location, equipment needs, and staffing.

Step #3: Obtain Necessary Yoga Certifications and Training

Ensure you have the necessary certifications to teach yoga professionally. This may include completing a registered yoga teacher (RYT) program and obtaining any additional certifications that align with your business concept.

  • Enroll in a reputable yoga teacher training program.
  • Consider specializing in areas like prenatal yoga, kids’ yoga, or therapeutic yoga.
  • Stay updated with continuing education courses to enhance your skills.

Step #4: Choose a Suitable Location or Online Yoga Platform

For a physical studio, find a location that is accessible and appealing to your target market. For an online business, choose a reliable platform that allows you to stream classes and interact with clients effectively. Exercise.com offers robust software solutions for managing both in-studio and online yoga businesses.

  • For a physical location, consider factors like rent, size, and proximity to your target audience.
  • For online classes, choose a platform like Exercise.com that offers streaming, scheduling, and payment processing capabilities.
  • Ensure your online or physical space reflects the ambiance and experience you want to offer.
  • Best Yoga Studio Software
  • Best Software for Fitness Influencers

Step #5: Get the Necessary Licenses and Permits

Research and obtain all necessary business licenses and permits required to legally operate your yoga business. This may include business registration, a studio permit, and liability insurance.

  • Check local and state regulations for running a yoga business.
  • Obtain liability insurance to protect your business and your clients.
  • Ensure compliance with any health and safety regulations, especially for a physical studio.

Step #6: Set Up Your Business Infrastructure

Invest in quality yoga equipment and technology needed for your business. This includes yoga mats, props, sound systems for a studio, or a reliable computer and camera for online classes. Exercise.com’s software can be integral in managing bookings, payments, and client communication.

  • For a studio, create a welcoming and functional space with all necessary yoga equipment.
  • For an online business, invest in quality technology for streaming high-quality classes.
  • Use Exercise.com’s software for seamless management of class schedules, client profiles, and payment processing.

Step #7: Market Your Yoga Business

Develop a marketing strategy to attract and retain clients. This could include social media marketing, email campaigns, partnerships with local businesses, or offering introductory deals. Exercise.com’s marketing tools can help streamline this process.

  • Utilize social media platforms to build your brand and engage with potential clients.
  • Offer special promotions or introductory classes to attract new customers.
  • Use Exercise.com’s marketing tools to create targeted email campaigns and manage client interactions.

Step #8: Launch and Iterate

Launch your yoga business and be open to making adjustments based on client feedback and business performance. Continuously assess and refine your offerings, pricing, and marketing strategies to ensure the growth and success of your business.

  • Host a grand opening event or launch special to create buzz around your new business.
  • Collect feedback from clients and use it to improve your services and offerings.
  • Regularly review and adjust your business plan and strategies as needed.

Starting a yoga business is a journey that requires passion, planning, and the right tools. Exercise.com provides an all-in-one software solution to help you manage your yoga business efficiently, whether it’s in-studio, online, or a combination of both.

Interested in taking your yoga business to the next level? Get a demo from Exercise.com today and discover how our comprehensive software solution can support your business every step of the way. Our platform is designed to provide yoga professionals with the tools they need to effectively manage their business, engage with clients, and expand their reach in the yoga world.

  • How to Start a Yoga Business Online
  • How to Start a Yoga Business from Home

Yoga Business Software to Grow Your Yoga Business

Create a yoga app that is custom branded to your yoga business.

Custom Branded Apps

Sell yoga routines, sequences, and workouts with the yoga sequence builder and workout creator.

Workout Logger

Sell digital yoga products online or in-person.

Gym Payments

To learn more about how Exercise.com can help transform your yoga passion into a new yoga business in different yoga niches , schedule a demo today.

Erica Nangle Fitness

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yoga business plans

Creating a Zenful Business: Crafting a Successful Yoga Studio Business Plan

Are you a yogi with a passion to set up your own business ? Or an entrepreneur who’s been bitten by the yoga bug?

Now is an excellent time if you’ve been thinking about opening your own yoga studio .

Interest in all things yoga continues to grow exponentially as people seek ways to improve their physical and mental health .

Before starting this incredible journey, you must take some time to craft an insightful yoga studio business plan .

This will be your roadmap for success , helping identify who needs what services while outlining crucial elements like market analysis, financial projections, operations management, and much more !

In this blog post, we’ll help you create the best business plan to make your competitors green with envy. So grab your mat, and let’s get started!

Why Every Yoga Studio Needs a Business Plan

As a potential yoga business owner , It’s important to create a business plan right away.

Without a plan, you will not be able to grow your yoga business successfully.

A business plan is necessary if you plan to expand your studio, hire additional instructors , or secure financing .

Remember, a business plan is a guide, not a guarantee , and will evolve over time.

Having an outline to start with will help you move forward and make adjustments to reach your yoga business goals.

Create a Killer Executive Summary

As a potential yoga business owner , you need to make sure your yoga studio business plan includes all the essential components that potential investors and lenders are looking for in the executive summary.

What Should My Executive Summary Include?

An effective executive summary should include information such as:

  • The type of yoga will you teach Hot yoga, power yoga, etc.
  • A brief overview of your yoga business plan.
  • Your yoga business mission statement .
  • What sets your yoga studio apart from competitors ?
  • How will you make a profit and how do you see your business in the long run ?
  • If you require funding, what type of investment are you seeking?

By including these key points in your executive summary, you give investors or potential business partners an overall view of what they can expect from your yoga business and build trust by showing them that you are knowledgeable about the yoga industry and have done their due diligence.

As such, potential investors will be more inclined to consider investing in your yoga business plan when they understand the unique offering and value of your yoga studio.

It’s better to start with the executive summary at the end, once you have all your information for the perfect yoga business plan.

Now, let’s dive into more detail on each of the other components to help you with those next steps to include in your business plan template.

Understand Your Yoga Business Market

Before you have your own yoga business , you need to understand your market .

When creating a business plan for a yoga studio, it’s important to conduct a market research to understand the yoga industry and identify potential customers .

You need to define your research objectives and determine your research methods .

There are several methods available, such as online surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one interviews .

Once you have selected the appropriate research method, you need to identify your target audience .

By considering factors such as age, gender, income level, and location , you can gather information about your audience’s preferences, trends, and behaviors .

Also, Your target market will depend on the specific services you offer and the unique value proposition of your yoga studio business plan.

Types of Target Market To Choose From For Your Yoga Studio:

  • Beginners: People who are new to exercise or looking for a low-impact way to improve their physical health.
  • Advanced: Experienced yogis who are seeking to deepen their practice and learn new techniques.
  • Athletes: Runners, cyclists, and other athletes who want to supplement their training with yoga.
  • Older adults: Retirees or older adults with health conditions who need a gentle form of exercise .
  • Busy professionals: Professionals who work long hours and are looking for a way to unwind and de-stress with more relaxation techniques .
  • Families: Parents and children who are looking for a fun and healthy way to bond and spend time together.

Know Your Rivals

Analyzing your competition is also an essential part of market research.

You can research your competitors by visiting their studios, attending their classes, and reviewing their websites and social media profiles.

Identifying your competition can help you to differentiate your business and provide a unique service to your target audience.

Conducting market research, identifying your market, and offering a unique service can help you create a successful business plan that aligns with your vision and goals for your yoga studio.

Build Your Yoga Business Services

If you’re a new business owner planning to open a yoga studio, it’s important to consider the various services you’ll offer to attract clients interested in yoga.

Developing a comprehensive yoga studio business plan that includes a range of services can help you stand out in the competitive yoga business market.

Types of Yoga Classes You Can Offer In Your Studio:

Some of the most common services offered by yoga studios include yoga classes led by experienced yoga teachers.

These yoga classes may be available in different styles, levels, and formats , including group and private sessions such as:

  • Hatha yoga: This is a gentle and slower-paced form of yoga that focuses on basic postures and breathing techniques .
  • Vinyasa yoga: This is a more vigorous and dynamic style of yoga that involves a continuous flow of postures linked with breath .
  • Ashtanga yoga: This is a challenging and disciplined style of yoga that involves a set sequence of postures.
  • Iyengar yoga: This style of yoga emphasizes proper alignment and uses props such as blocks, straps, and blankets to assist students in achieving the correct posture.
  • Bikram yoga: This is hot yoga that involves practicing in a room heated to 105°F with a humidity level of 40% .
  • Restorative yoga: This is a gentle and relaxing style of yoga that focuses on calming the nervous system and releasing tension in the body .
  • Yin yoga: This style of yoga involves holding postures for a longer period of time to increase flexibility and improve circulation.

Workshops, Events, And Programs to Offer For Your Yoga Studio Business Plan:

Yoga businesses often organize workshops and events focusing on specific areas such as meditation, yoga philosophy, or yoga postures .

It would help if you thought about what you could offer to make your yoga studio stand out when making your yoga studio business plan.

These events provide an opportunity to learn from experienced instructors and help clients deepen their yoga practice.

Offering Programs such as teacher training programs can help grow your business by training individuals to become certified yoga instructors.

In addition to these offerings, some yoga businesses may also provide wellness services, including massage, acupuncture, or nutritional counseling to help clients maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Do You Want To Go Virtual?

When developing your yoga business plan , you should consider whether you want to provide online services for your yoga studio.

With the increased use of technology , many yoga studios have adapted by offering online classes, videos, and other resources through an online platform.

This service can be convenient for clients who prefer practicing yoga in their homes or who cannot attend in-person classes .

By offering a combination of these services, a yoga studio can build a thriving business that meets the needs of a wide range of customers.

Incorporating these services into your yoga studio business plan is essential to create a successful and profitable business.

Come Up With a Marketing and Promotion Plan

Creating a marketing strategy is an important step for your yoga business plan.

It’s crucial to explore both online and offline channels in order to expand your reach and attract a diverse range of clients.

By incorporating a blend of online and offline marketing techniques, you can effectively promote your business to a wider audience , while simultaneously strengthening your connections with your current clients.

Online channels include social media , email marketing, online advertising, and website optimization.

Traditional marketing methods such as flyers, posters, and print ads , as well as partnerships with other businesses and participation in local events, can be used for offline channels.

Consistent branding and messaging across all channels and regular analysis of effectiveness are crucial.

Using a combination of online and offline channels, your yoga business can effectively promote and attract new customers for growth and success with a marketing strategy.

You can learn more about marketing your yoga business here .

Pricing and Revenue Model

When starting a yoga business, it’s essential to decide on a pricing strategy for your services and outline a revenue model that aligns with your business goals to include in your yoga studio business plan.

You can choose to charge per class or offer class packages and manage memberships for your yoga studio. It’s also important to consider the local market and the prices of other studios in the area.

In addition to pricing, you should outline a revenue model that accounts for all sources of income including:

Merchandise sales, private sessions, and workshops.

Understanding your revenue model will help you make informed decisions about your pricing and ensure that your yoga studio business is financially sustainable in the long term.

Financial Projections For Your Business Plan

To create financial projections for your business plan, you should begin by forecasting the revenue you expect to generate from your yoga classes and other services.

To ensure your revenue forecast is realistic, consider your target market’s size, competition, and pricing strategy.

After estimating your revenue, you should focus on forecasting your expenses .

Types of expenses for a yoga studio:

  • Equipment-related costs

Understanding your expenditures is critical for determining the break-even point when your revenue covers all your expenses.

Lastly, it would help if you created a cash flow projection that approximates the amount and timing of cash inflows and outflows for your business plan.

This will enable you to anticipate times of low cash flow and ensure that you have the necessary resources to cover your expenses during such periods.

Although creating financial projections may seem like a complicated process, it is a vital step in your business plan.

By developing realistic revenue and expense projections , you can gain an understanding of your yoga business’s financial well-being and make informed decisions for its future.

Where Will Your Yoga Studio Be?

Choosing the right location for your yoga studio can make or break its success and is another step when coming up with your yoga studio business plan.

The following are factors to consider with finding the perfect location for your yoga studio:

Zoning Regulations

Zoning regulations are one critical factor to consider.

For example, some areas may not permit certain companies to operate in residential zones , while others may require additional permits for specific types of businesses.

Being aware of these regulations can save you from legal troubles in the future.

Rent And Lease Agreements

Rent and lease agreements are other factors to consider.

For example, setting up a studio in a trendy area may be appealing, but the high rent may not be sustainable for your business in the long run.

Examining the lease agreement’s terms and conditions can help you avoid being hit with unexpected costs and fees .

Convenience For Your Target Audience

Convenience for your target audience is crucial in choosing a location for your yoga studio.

For example, if you are targeting busy professionals , setting up in a business district may be an ideal choice .

Understanding your target audience’s demographics can help you identify their most convenient location , leading to more satisfied clients.


Accessibility is another key consideration.

For example, a studio that is easily accessible by public transport or has ample parking facilities can attract more clients.

A location that is difficult to reach can discourage potential clients from attending your classes.

In conclusion, selecting the ideal location for your yoga studio requires careful consideration of several factors, including zoning regulations, rent and lease agreements, convenience for your target audience, accessibility, and safety.

By thoroughly analyzing these factors, you can identify a location that will set up your business for success in the long run.

Staff For Your Studio

If you decide to own a studio, you definitely need staff to help you run your studio.

Staffing is an essential aspect of any successful studio.

When deciding on the staffing needs for your business, you must consider the size and scope of your business, your budget, and your goals.

One of the most crucial positions in any yoga studio is the instructor .

Hiring qualified, experienced, and certified instructors will ensure that your yoga classes are of the highest quality and will help attract and retain clients.

Additionally, you may need front desk staff to manage client registration, scheduling, and payment processing.

Other support roles, such as cleaning and maintenance staff, may also be necessary to ensure that your studio remains c lean, safe, and welcoming for your clients.

It is important to carefully consider your staffing needs and budget to ensure that you have the necessary staff to run your yoga studio effectively.

Risk Management

Developing a risk management plan is a crucial aspect of a yoga studio business plan.

This plan should address potential hazards and liability issues that may arise in your yoga studio.

A risk management plan outlines the steps you will take to minimize or avoid risks, prevent accidents, and protect your own business from potential lawsuits.

It should include safety protocols for your clients and employees, such as proper equipment usage and emergency procedures .

Having a comprehensive risk management plan not only ensures the safety and well-being of your clients and employees but also protects your business from potential financial losses and legal issues .

Will Your Studio Be Sustainable?

When creating a yoga studio business plan, it is essential to consider how to incorporate sustainable practices into the business model.

One way to do this is to use eco-friendly products and reduce waste .

For instance, you can use natural cleaning products and install energy-efficient lighting systems to reduce energy consumption.

Additionally, you can encourage students to bring their own reusable water bottles to reduce plastic waste.

By incorporating sustainable practices into your yoga studio, you not only contribute to a healthier planet but also appeal to environmentally conscious customers who prefer to support eco-friendly businesses .

Future Growth And Expansion

One important aspect to include in a yoga studio business plan is future growth and expansion .

By outlining plans for the future, such as:

  • New services
  • Additional locations
  • Other opportunities for expanding the business and setting goals to work towards this.

This not only helps with long-term planning and strategy, but it can also attract potential investors and stakeholders who are looking for a business with growth potential .

Additionally, having a plan for future growth can help the business stay competitive and adaptable in a constantly changing market.

It is important to regularly review and update the plan to ensure that it is aligned with the business’s goals and vision.

In conclusion, creating a comprehensive business plan is critical for the success of a yoga studio.

The plan should encompass all aspects of the business, including the mission and vision, financial projections, marketing strategies, location, staffing, legal and regulatory considerations, risk management, and sustainability practices.

By developing a business plan, you can identify potential challenges and opportunities, set realistic goals, and establish a roadmap for achieving long-term success.

Moreover, the business plan serves as a valuable tool for securing funding, attracting investors, and guiding the day-to-day operations of the studio.

Ultimately, a well-crafted business plan can help you create a thriving and sustainable yoga studio .

Creating a successful business plan will meet the needs of your clients while also fulfilling your vision for the business.

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Tamara Ruiz

Digital Marketing US/UK

Tamara Ruiz works in US/UK digital marketing at Virtuagym. She loves learning new things and has a passion for fitness and health, which she shares through her blog posts. Tamara is currently pursuing her bachelor's degree in Marketing at Hogeschool van Amsterdam, with a minor in Cross-Cultural Business Skills.

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Yoga Studio Business Plan

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How to Write a Yoga Studio Business Plan?

Writing a yoga studio business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan:

1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first section of the business plan intended to provide an overview of the whole business plan. Generally, it is written after the whole business plan is ready. Here are some components to add to your summary:

Start with a brief introduction:

Market opportunity:, mention your services:, management team:, financial highlights:, call to action:.

Ensure you keep your executive summary concise and clear, use simple language, and avoid jargon.

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2. Business Overview

Depending on what details of your business are important, you’ll need different elements in your business overview .  Still, there are some foundational elements like business name, legal structure, location, history, and mission statement that every business overview should include:

About the business:

Provide all the basic information about your business in this section like:

  • The name of the yoga studio and on which concept will it be based: will you teach only power yoga or every type of yoga or some other classes too?
  • Company structure of your studio whether it is a proprietorship, LLC, partnership firm, or some other.
  • Location of your studio and the reason why you selected that place.

Mission statement:

Business history:, future goals:.

This section should provide an in-depth understanding of your yoga business. Also, the business overview section should be engaging and precise.

3. Market Analysis

Market analysis provides a clear understanding of the market in which your yoga studio business will run along with target market, competitors, and growth opportunities. Your market analysis should contain the following essential components:

Target market:

Market size and growth potential:, competitive analysis:, market trends:, regulatory environment:.

Some additional tips for writing the market analysis section of your business plan:

  • Use a variety of sources to gather data, including industry reports, market research studies, and surveys.
  • Be specific and provide detailed information wherever possible.
  • Include charts and graphs to help illustrate your key points.
  • Keep your target audience in mind while writing the business plan

4. Products And Services

The product and services section of a yoga studio business plan should describe the specific services and products that will be offered to customers. To write this section should include the following:

List the services:

  • Create a list of the services that your studio will offer, which may include yoga classes, private yoga sessions, workshops, events, or any additional services.
  • Describe each service: For each service, provide a detailed description of what it entails, the time required, and the qualifications of the professionals who will provide the service. For example, a personal trainer for advanced-level yoga classes.
  • Retail: Many yoga studios sell yoga-related products such as mats, props, and clothing. Consider whether you will offer retail products and if so, describe what you will sell and what will be the quality of those products.

Overall, the product and services section of a business plan should be detailed, informative, and customer-focused. By providing a clear and compelling description of your services, you can help potential investors and readers understand the value of your business.

5. Sales And Marketing Strategies

Writing the sales and marketing strategies section means a list of strategies you will use to attract and retain your clients. Here are some key points to include in your marketing plan:

Marketing strategies:

Sales strategies:, membership programs:, customer retention:.

Overall, the sales and marketing strategies section of your business plan should outline your plans to attract and retain customers and generate revenue. Be specific, realistic, and data-driven in your approach, and be prepared to adjust your strategies based on feedback and results.

6. Operations Plan

When writing the operations plan section, it’s important to consider the various aspects of your business operations. Here are the elements to include in an operations plan:

Hiring plan:

Operational process:, technologies:.

By including these key elements in your operations plan section, you can create a comprehensive plan that outlines how you will run your yoga studio business.

7. Management Team

The management team section provides an overview of the individuals responsible for running the yoga studio. This section should provide a detailed description of the experience and qualifications of each manager, as well as their responsibilities and roles.

Key managers:

Organizational structure:, compensation plan:, board of advisors:.

Describe the key personnel of your company and highlight why your business has the fittest team.

8. Financial Plan

When writing the financial plan section of a business plan, it’s important to provide a comprehensive overview of your financial projections for the first few years of your business.

Profit & loss statement:

Cash flow statement:, balance sheet:, break-even point:, financing needs:.

Remember to be realistic with your financial projections, and to provide supporting evidence for all of your estimates.

9. Appendix

When writing the appendix section, you should include any additional information that supports the main content of your plan. This may include financial statements, market research data, legal documents, and other relevant information.

  • Include a table of contents for the appendix section to make it easy for readers to find specific information.
  • Include financial statements such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. These should be up-to-date and show your financial projections for at least the first three years of your business.
  • Provide market research data, such as statistics on the size of the yoga studio industry, consumer demographics, and trends in the industry.
  • Include any legal documents such as permits, licenses, and contracts.
  • Provide any additional documentation related to your business plans, such as marketing materials, product brochures, and operational procedures.
  • Use clear headings and labels for each section of the appendix so that readers can easily find the information they need.

Remember, the appendix section of your yoga studio business should only include relevant and important information that supports the main content of your plan.

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This yoga studio business plan sample will provide an idea for writing a successful yoga studio plan, including all the essential components of your business.

After this, if you are still confused about how to write an investment-ready yoga business plan to impress your audience, then download our yoga studio business plan pdf .

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Frequently asked questions, why do you need a yoga studio business plan.

A business plan is an essential tool for anyone looking to start or run a successful yoga studio. It helps to get clarity in your business, secures funding, and identifies potential challenges while starting and growing your yoga studio.

Overall, a well-written plan can help you make informed decisions, which can contribute to the long-term success of your yoga studio.

How to get funding for your yoga studio business?

There are several ways to get funding for your yoga studio business, but one of the most efficient and speedy funding options is self-funding. Other options for funding are!

  • Bank loan – You may apply for a loan in government or private banks.
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) loan – SBA loans and schemes are available at affordable interest rates, so check the eligibility criteria before applying for it.
  • Crowdfunding – The process of supporting a project or business by getting a lot of people to invest in your yoga studio, usually online.
  • Angel investors – Getting funds from angel investors is one of the most sought options for startups.
  • Venture capital – Venture capitalists will invest in your business in exchange for a percentage of shares, so this funding option is also viable.

Apart from all these options, there are small business grants available, check for the same in your location and you can apply for it.

Where to find business plan writers for your yoga studio business?

There are many business plan writers available, but no one knows your business and idea better than you, so we recommend you write your yoga studio business plan and outline your vision as you have in your mind.

What is the easiest way to write your yoga studio business plan?

A lot of research is necessary for writing a business plan, but you can write your plan most efficiently with the help of any yoga studio business example and edit it as per your need. You can also quickly finish your plan in just a few hours or less with the help of our business plan software.

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Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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How to make a yoga studio business plan.

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Whether you’re a new business owner or are looking to update your current yoga studio business plan, you’re in the right place! Having a proper foundation and set of goals is vital to the success of your organization. Think of your yoga studio business plan as a compass, keeping your facility on course and always pointing you in the best possible direction.

Without a proper framework for your business, you may as well be lost. It’s important to have a plan to lay out your targets and establish what your business wants to accomplish year after year. This also helps you understand the ins and outs of your yoga studio and where your weaknesses and strengths lie. Your yoga studio business plan can help you work on the ways to evolve and establish the best possible methods to bring your facility to its highest potential .

Take your time when drafting your business plan, as it needs careful thought and consideration. If you have partners or a team, make sure to include everyone’s input as each may add their own sense of expertise. This is essentially a reflection of your yoga studio, so make sure that you are covering all aspects of your business and considering all elements.

What to Include in Your Yoga Studio Business Plan

Not sure how to get started creating your yoga studio business plan? Here are the steps we suggest.

1. Solidify your base

The first thing your plan must do is solidify the foundation of your business. With an accurate definition of your yoga studio’s core, you will be able to clearly describe it and explain to others what makes your facility unique.

The base of any business is its mission statement and vision . It’s important to understand the purpose of your yoga studio and what you want to offer people in your community. How is your facility going to improve the lives of others and what problems will you solve? Once you’ve clearly articulated these elements, you can start to decide how you’ll achieve your business’s vision.

Next, provide a proper description of your company. How did your company get started and how long has it been in business? Is your yoga studio specific to one certain type of teaching or do you include all different types of yoga? What types of services do you offer? How are these services unique at your studio? By answering all these questions, you can highlight the crucial elements of your facility.

Lastly, a strong base wouldn’t be complete without a description of how your studio is different than all the others. What makes yours stand out? How will you offer your members something new? This takes careful thought, as you want to make sure that your yoga studio is one of a kind.

With a proper yoga studio business plan, you can establish exactly what makes your facility in a class of its own.

2. Set goals and establish targets

Now that you’ve laid the foundation of your yoga studio, you can start to build on it by setting goals and establishing your targets. Whether you are writing a one or five-year plan, you must outline the direction you would like to take your facility.

yoga studio business plan, yoga class in the park

This portion of your business plan is essential as you are outlining your path to success. It’s important to make sure the goals you’re setting are realistic. Try to be practical when setting your objectives, bearing in mind that your yoga studio may be new and just starting out.

Make sure that your goals are also specific. If your targets are too general, such as achieving a high client retention rate, then you’ll have no way of measuring them. Be more precise by saying that you would like to achieve a client retention rate of at least 60% within the first six months of your business. By being detailed, you can easily measure your success year after year.

Once you achieve your targets, it’s vital to set new ones. There is no true end point when managing your own business. Your yoga studio should always be growing and evolving to new heights with every target you hit. If you stop setting goals and get too comfortable with your present state, your facility will stagnate, so always think about the next big challenge and how you’re going to accomplish it.

3. Describe your management team

A description of your management team is another important piece of your yoga studio business plan, especially if investors are going to be taking a look at it. Highlight the members involved in your business and provide a brief summary of each.

When writing this portion, include job title, previous experience, as well as previous successes. Show that you have the right people helping you run your business and that their expertise is adding to your establishment.

This is also essential for all staff to know exactly what their job title and responsibilities are. With everything written down and in the open, there’ll be less confusion and more clarity when it comes to running an efficient business.

If your business is just starting out and you haven’t hired all key members of your team yet, include this in your plan. Think about providing a time frame for when you’d like to have all staff on board and make it a priority to hire the best team for your yoga studio .

4. Design your marketing plan

Now it’s time to come up with a strategy to market your yoga studio . This requires market analysis so you can get to know your competitors and the best possible ways to promote your facility.

First, you must become familiar with your target audience. Who are the types of people you want to market your yoga studio to? Think of age demographic, location, occupation, and challenges your customers may face. Next, begin to design an approach to effectively reach them and make your yoga studio’s presence known.

This can be done in several ways from email marketing to the use of social media. Email marketing is an effective method to promote your business, so compile a list of emails of the clients you currently have. Send monthly emails to keep them in the loop of what’s new at your studio and of any promotions you may be offering. Social media is another strong advertising tool, as it puts you in direct contact with your clients and prospective members. Everyone is active in the digital world these days, so join them and benefit from this free advertising space! Come up with creative posts to capture your target audience’s attention and engage them by regularly uploading new content.

When designing a marketing plan, it’s also important to know your competitors in the industry. Who are they and how is your studio different than theirs? This is also a great way of getting to know your studio’s strengths and weaknesses in comparison to others. By studying these factors, you’ll be able to develop strategic methods to set your studio apart and rise above the competition!

5. Devise a cash flow statement and revenue projections

Your yoga studio business plan must contain a cash flow statement and revenue projections to calculate the amount of money you need to keep your business afloat and your forecast earnings in the future. This will help you keep track of your facility and measure your success.

yoga studio business plan, yoga business

Cash flow statements are important to keep track of the money flowing in and out of your business. How much are you spending in order to maintain your facility? Being wary of such costs will help you sustain the livelihood of your yoga studio by ensuring that you are able to cover all expenses such as rent, staff salaries, and facilities. Capital expenditure is also important to note in this section, which is essentially the money you have put into the launch of your yoga studio. Logging these records will help you manage your financial costs and keep track of profit loss over time.

Revenue projections are an essential part of your yoga studio business plan as well. This is the amount of money which you predict your business will make month after month, year after year. This can help you devise targets and adjust certain aspects of your business to gain more revenue and return on your investment.

6. Invest in business management software

When measuring costs and efficiency of your yoga studio, consider including a section in your yoga studio business plan concerning investments you are willing to make to lead your business to success. For instance, why not put your money into an efficient business management software which will help streamline your facility ?

With WellnessLiving’s all-in-one yoga studio software , you can focus on the bigger issues while we handle the day to day tasks and logistics. For instance, with our exclusive software we can offer you a unique staff and client app to help take care of your organization. Our Elevate Staff App will help you manage your business on the go! From booking and cancelling appointments, to receiving payments and analyzing data, our app can simplify your daily tasks. Our Achieve Client App gives your clients the opportunity to manage their own schedules and rewards points. They can manage their accounts and interact with your studio in a fun, unique way.

Not only can we help you with such tasks, but we can also make your studio’s popularity soar with the help of our automated marketing options! Choose from seven campaign types to increase your client retention rates and achieve your marketing goals.

What’s Important to Remember is…

Having a yoga studio business plan is vital to the success of your company, from helping you define exactly what the purpose of your facility is, to allowing you to keep track of costs. Only by looking at your plan, can you measure how well your business is doing and set new goals for the future.

This is not to say that everything will always be outlined. Running a business comes with a lot of ups and downs and things will not always go according to plan. Remember to stay positive when things get hard and stay humble when things look up. If you are flexible and go with the flow, your business will stand the test of time.

We’ve only just touched on the ways that WellnessLiving’s yoga studio software can help your business. Curious to learn more? Book a free, no-commitment demo with us today!

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Yoga Studio Business Plan Template

If you want to start a yoga studio business or expand your current one, you need a business plan.

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their yoga studios.

Below are links to each section of your yoga studio business plan template:

Next Section: Executive Summary >

Yoga Studio Business Plan FAQs

  • What Is the Easiest Way to Complete My Yoga Studio Business Plan?

Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily complete your Yoga Studio Business Plan.

  • What Is a Yoga Studio Business Plan?
  • A yoga studio business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your yoga studio business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.
  • Why Do You Need a Business Plan?
  • If you’re looking to start a yoga studio, or grow your existing yoga studio, you need a business plan. A business plan will help communicate your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. Your Yoga Studio Business Plan should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.
  • What Are the Sources of Funding for Yoga Studios?
  • Yoga Studios are typically funded through small business loans, personal savings, credit card financing and/or angel investors.

Start Your Yoga Studio Plan Here


  • Yoga Studio Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Company Overview
  • 3. Industry Analysis
  • 4. Customer Analysis
  • 5. Competitive Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan
  • 10. Appendix
  • Yoga Studio Business Plan Summary

Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

Use This Simple Business Plan Template

Yoga Studio Business Plan Template & Guidebook

Are you looking to launch a yoga studio but unsure of how to turn your vision into reality? Developing a comprehensive business plan is essential for success, and the #1 Yoga Studio Business Plan Template & Guidebook offers an easy-to-follow template to get you started. Discover the key elements of creating a successful business plan to help make your dream business a reality.


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  • How to Start a Profitable Yoga Studio Business [11 Steps]

How to Write a Yoga Studio Business Plan in 7 Steps:

1. describe the purpose of your yoga studio business..

The first step to writing your business plan is to describe the purpose of your yoga studio business. This includes describing why you are starting this type of business, and what problems it will solve for customers. This is a quick way to get your mind thinking about the customers’ problems. It also helps you identify what makes your business different from others in its industry.

It also helps to include a vision statement so that readers can understand what type of company you want to build.

Here is an example of a purpose mission statement for a yoga studio business:

Our mission at [Yoga Studio] is to provide an inviting, safe, and peaceful environment where individuals of all ages and backgrounds can come to practice yoga. We strive to offer a variety of yoga classes and approaches that can help our students develop physical strength, mental clarity, and emotional balance. We seek to build a supportive community that creates an atmosphere of acceptance, respect, and connection.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

2. Products & Services Offered by Your Yoga Studio Business.

The next step is to outline your products and services for your yoga studio business. 

When you think about the products and services that you offer, it's helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is my business?
  • What are the products and/or services that I offer?
  • Why am I offering these particular products and/or services?
  • How do I differentiate myself from competitors with similar offerings?
  • How will I market my products and services?

You may want to do a comparison of your business plan against those of other competitors in the area, or even with online reviews. This way, you can find out what people like about them and what they don’t like, so that you can either improve upon their offerings or avoid doing so altogether.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

3. Build a Creative Marketing Stratgey.

If you don't have a marketing plan for your yoga studio business, it's time to write one. Your marketing plan should be part of your business plan and be a roadmap to your goals. 

A good marketing plan for your yoga studio business includes the following elements:

Target market

  • Who is your target market?
  • What do these customers have in common?
  • How many of them are there?
  • How can you best reach them with your message or product?

Customer base 

  • Who are your current customers? 
  • Where did they come from (i.e., referrals)?
  • How can their experience with your yoga studio business help make them repeat customers, consumers, visitors, subscribers, or advocates for other people in their network or industry who might also benefit from using this service, product, or brand?

Product or service description

  • How does it work, what features does it have, and what are its benefits?
  • Can anyone use this product or service regardless of age or gender?
  • Can anyone visually see themselves using this product or service?
  • How will they feel when they do so? If so, how long will the feeling last after purchasing (or trying) the product/service for the first time?

Competitive analysis

  • Which companies are competing with yours today (and why)? 
  • Which ones may enter into competition with yours tomorrow if they find out about it now through word-of-mouth advertising; social media networks; friends' recommendations; etc.)
  • What specific advantages does each competitor offer over yours currently?

Marketing channels

  • Which marketing channel do you intend to leverage to attract new customers?
  • What is your estimated marketing budget needed?
  • What is the projected cost to acquire a new customer?
  • How many of your customers do you instead will return?

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4. Write Your Operational Plan.

Next, you'll need to build your operational plan. This section describes the type of business you'll be running, and includes the steps involved in your operations. 

In it, you should list:

  • The equipment and facilities needed
  • Who will be involved in the business (employees, contractors)
  • Financial requirements for each step
  • Milestones & KPIs
  • Location of your business
  • Zoning & permits required for the business

What equipment, supplies, or permits are needed to run a yoga studio business?

  • Yoga Studio Space
  • Yoga props (blocks, blankets, straps, etc.)
  • Heating and cooling system for comfort of the clients
  • Sound system
  • Business license and insurance

5. Management & Organization of Your Yoga Studio Business.

The second part of your yoga studio business plan is to develop a management and organization section.

This section will cover all of the following:

  • How many employees you need in order to run your yoga studio business. This should include the roles they will play (for example, one person may be responsible for managing administrative duties while another might be in charge of customer service).
  • The structure of your management team. The higher-ups like yourself should be able to delegate tasks through lower-level managers who are directly responsible for their given department (inventory and sales, etc.).
  • How you’re going to make sure that everyone on board is doing their job well. You’ll want check-ins with employees regularly so they have time to ask questions or voice concerns if needed; this also gives you time to offer support where necessary while staying informed on how things are going within individual departments too!

6. Yoga Studio Business Startup Expenses & Captial Needed.

This section should be broken down by month and year. If you are still in the planning stage of your business, it may be helpful to estimate how much money will be needed each month until you reach profitability.

Typically, expenses for your business can be broken into a few basic categories:

Startup Costs

Startup costs are typically the first expenses you will incur when beginning an enterprise. These include legal fees, accounting expenses, and other costs associated with getting your business off the ground. The amount of money needed to start a yoga studio business varies based on many different variables, but below are a few different types of startup costs for a yoga studio business.

Running & Operating Costs

Running costs refer to ongoing expenses related directly with operating your business over time like electricity bills or salaries paid out each month. These types of expenses will vary greatly depending on multiple variables such as location, team size, utility costs, etc.

Marketing & Sales Expenses

You should include any costs associated with marketing and sales, such as advertising and promotions, website design or maintenance. Also, consider any additional expenses that may be incurred if you decide to launch a new product or service line. For example, if your yoga studio business has an existing website that needs an upgrade in order to sell more products or services, then this should be listed here.

7. Financial Plan & Projections

A financial plan is an important part of any business plan, as it outlines how the business will generate revenue and profit, and how it will use that profit to grow and sustain itself. To devise a financial plan for your yoga studio business, you will need to consider a number of factors, including your start-up costs, operating costs, projected revenue, and expenses. 

Here are some steps you can follow to devise a financial plan for your yoga studio business plan:

  • Determine your start-up costs: This will include the cost of purchasing or leasing the space where you will operate your business, as well as the cost of buying or leasing any equipment or supplies that you need to start the business.
  • Estimate your operating costs: Operating costs will include utilities, such as electricity, gas, and water, as well as labor costs for employees, if any, and the cost of purchasing any materials or supplies that you will need to run your business.
  • Project your revenue: To project your revenue, you will need to consider the number of customers you expect to have and the average amount they will spend on each visit. You can use this information to estimate how much money you will make from selling your products or services.
  • Estimate your expenses: In addition to your operating costs, you will need to consider other expenses, such as insurance, marketing, and maintenance. You will also need to set aside money for taxes and other fees.
  • Create a budget: Once you have estimated your start-up costs, operating costs, revenue, and expenses, you can use this information to create a budget for your business. This will help you to see how much money you will need to start the business, and how much profit you can expect to make.
  • Develop a plan for using your profit: Finally, you will need to decide how you will use your profit to grow and sustain your business. This might include investing in new equipment, expanding the business, or saving for a rainy day.

yoga business plans

Frequently Asked Questions About Yoga Studio Business Plans:

Why do you need a business plan for a yoga studio business.

A business plan for a yoga studio business is essential because it outlines the strategy for setting up and running the business, provides a roadmap for success, identifies potential challenges, and contains vital financial information such as estimated start-up costs, break-even analysis and profit projections. Additionally, having a comprehensive business plan demonstrates to potential investors that you have done your research and are prepared to make a commitment to the venture.

Who should you ask for help with your yoga studio business plan?

You should ask a business consultant, accountant, lawyer, or mentor in the industry who has experience with yoga studio businesses. You may also want to look into local resources such as your chamber of commerce or small business development center for assistance in creating a plan.

Can you write a yoga studio business plan yourself?

Yes, it is possible to write a yoga studio business plan yourself. Writing a business plan can seem daunting, but with a bit of research and organization, it is possible to create a comprehensive and effective business plan for your yoga studio. It's important to consider all aspects of your studio such as defining your target market, developing a marketing plan, creating financial plans and purchasing the necessary equipment. Additionally, having an understanding of the local market and competition can help you create unique offerings and get an upper hand over competitors.

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How to write a yoga studio business plan

Set your new yoga business up for success by learning how to write a powerful business plan.

Starting your yoga business with a detailed business plan to guide you can jumpstart your journey to success. Before diving right into offering classes and building your client list, it's important to organise all of your goals, strategies, and plans in one place to keep you on track and ensure you are not overlooking any valuable factors that can make your business succeed.

Having a business plan for your yoga studio can help you identify key target markets, what is lacking in your local area that your business can fulfil the needs of, what types of services to offer and how, and how to afford it all and make an income. In this guide, you'll learn every detail and section your yoga business plan should entail and how to write a solid plan that will entice your readers and set you up on the path for a successful yoga business. Let's get started.

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What is a yoga business plan?

A business plan is a written document that includes all of the necessary information about your business, strategies and financing. Typically business plans at least 10-20 pages in length, with sections dedicated to goals, strategies, your mission, where your classes and services will be held, your financial obligations and requirements, where you will operate, and how you will grow your business including marketing strategies.

While your business plan serves as a roadmap for you to help you monitor your growth and strategy success, it also gives potential influential players for your business such as banks, investors, property owners and landlords, and potential business partners a way to learn about your business and assess its potential in the market.

You want your plan to be clear and easy to read and digest, professional and informative, and encourage your reader to want to get involved in your business in some way, whether as a customer, investor, or partner, anyway, that can support your new venture and its success.

The importance of business plans for new yoga businesses

If you're wondering if it is really even necessary to document your initial goals and ideals for your business when they can grow and expand over time, and the answer is yes. A well-written business plan shows that you are legitimate and intend to run a successful operation no matter how short or long it takes to achieve what you have set out to in your plan. Compiling your goals and objectives will help you identify if there are any gaps in your plan and what you need to do to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. Have a business plan, and set yourself on the roadway to success. Forgo a business plan, and end up making mistakes that could prove irreparable for your business in the future.

While all businesses will use a similar structure for their plan, each plan is unique and should focus on how you stand out and why your business is necessary for the market. If you want your new yoga business to earn value and be known as a credible studio from the moment you launch and help you make the best decisions for your studio and business's present and future, you need a business plan.

The contents of a business plan for yoga studios

Over time as your business grows, your business plan will also grow and evolve, but the contents and what needs to be included in your plan will remain the same. All business plans must include the following sections:

  • Executive summary

Mission statement

Industry analysis, competitor analysis, customer analysis, financial plan, products and services.

  • Marketing plan and analysis

Facility and location

Management team.

Each of these topics will include its own section in your plan with details and a thorough explanation for each. Even if as a new owner you don't have all the answers for every single section, that's ok. What business plan readers really want to know is how you will rise to meet the expectations and demand of your immediate and larger market, the industry, and what makes you different from businesses already offering similar services.

Even if some of the things you mention in your business plan are future items, your readers will appreciate that you have thought ahead and are thinking big picture as well as what is necessary to get you up and running and fully operational in the now. With evidence to support you, well thought out arguments and claims, not only will your readers support you, but you'll have an excellent resource to guide you through the process of being a business owner and managing your yoga business.

To get started on writing your business plan, here is a breakdown of the information and details to include in each of the necessary sections:

Executive Summary

The first section of your business plan is the executive summary, a synopsis of your entire plan and a brief description of the points and topics to be discussed in the upcoming sections. Your executive summary should clearly state what will be covered in each section with 2-3 sentences on each, and a clear statement about your goals, strategies, market, and projections that will be elaborated on in each section.

Your readers should be able to clearly identify what your full plan of action is for launching your business and the costs you will require in order to move forward and get started. Remember that this section should be neat and concise and every point can be expanded later on in your plan in the appropriate sections.

One of the main topics to be discussed in your executive summary is your mission statement. Your mission statement is the purpose and reason your business exists, who you are serving, and how you will achieve your mission. For example,

TeamUp's mission is: to empower fitness businesses and to provide the best management software for fitness studios, boxes, and gyms .

In our statement you clearly see what we want to do: provide fitness businesses with the best and empower them, for who: fitness studios, boxes, and gyms, and how: with the best management software.

A reader wants to be able to read your mission statement and know exactly who you are speaking to and for. Your mission statement doesn't have to be flawless but it should effectively communicate to your readers and future customers, the business you want to be for them. You can find some inspiration from these great mission statement examples .

In the industry analysis section of your business plan, you will share your research and knowledge of the yoga industry. Here you will discuss your business in relation to the industry, market, and what has influenced you to launch a yoga business. Imagine your reader knows nothing about yoga. What would you write to inspire them to take interest in your business and believe it can make a difference in comparison to the already existing yoga businesses. Include some history, how the industry has impacted you, discuss trends, and use factual data to support your desire to joining the market.

Your competitor analysis supports your industry analysis. In this section, you'll go into more depth on how you offer from other yoga businesses in your marketplace, both local and on a larger scale. Whether you are running your own online, physical or on the go business, in a studio, from home, these factors play a role in how you differ from others and it's important to show your readers you know it. Explain how your business makes you unique and differs from what is already established and available.

A good way to make this section very digestible to your readers is to make stark comparisons and pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses, what you offer versus what your competitors offer. Do some research and give concrete examples to support your differences and even your similarities.

Your customer analysis should discuss everything your reader needs to know about the types of clients and customers you desire to attract and why they are the perfect type of person suited for your business. Who are they? How do they spend their disposable income? What is their demographic? What is their profession? Creating profiles for your customers real or fictitious can give your readers a good idea of how you will find and attract business. It will also help remind you who your ideal client is and why you should focus your efforts on finding those clients for your business as opposed to anyone. Your ideal clients are the clients best suited for your business and who will benefit most from your services. The readers of your business plan will appreciate that you are confident you know who this person is and how to find them in the market.

Marketing strategy and sales forecast

Understanding and implementing marketing strategies is a vital part of growing your business and something your readers will definitely looking for some good insight on. Discussing concrete strategies that you intend to put in place to attract new customers, grow your business, gain exposure for your services, and retain customers can help you stay on track and make sure you achieve your goals. Explain how you plan to use these strategies to make a splash in the market and why using these strategies a customer would choose your business over another. Why do these techniques work to grow and establish a successful business and how will it affect your studio?

Include popular market trends and strategies that are already successful and you know will work for your business, but also get creative and consider new ideas that have yet to be tried and tested. You'll want to get as specific as possible and even if a strategy doesn't work once in motion, you'll be able to explain and support why that didn't work and how you'll pivot to something different. Explain what you want to achieve and how and your readers will respond with their support.

Finally, the products and services section. What services will you offer? Classes, appointments, outdoor yoga boot camps, you name it, this is where you need to dig deep and dive into everything your reader needs to know about what your customers will gain by being a member of your business or your client. Share your experience here, why you want to teach this type of yoga over another or why another style of yoga or why you are choosing to meet with clients one on one as opposed to offering classes in a group style.

All of the information you want to share about your classes or appointments, how you will offer and deliver these services and any type of membership or subscription model you intend to offer your customers to attend classes should be detailed here. You will also want to include any products you intend to sell or offer too that will contribute to the customer experience and your core services, as well as any additional expenses you'll have to offer your services, such as yoga studio management software to organise your classes, CRM, and payments.  

In the financial section of your business plan, it's time to talk money. In this section, your readers want to know all about how much you intend to earn and charge for your business. How much will your classes be, will you offer one on one private yoga lessons, what costs do you foresee needing to cover in your first year, and so on. Having a good idea of your expected or forecasted revenue and how you will use that revenue to earn an income, pay for expenses, maintain your business, and grow it will help readers better understand if you have the financial support and weight to last. It will also help them identify what size loan or investment you would need in order to run your business. You will also need to break down your budgets, how you plan to spend and save on a small period basis as well as into the future, and how marketing, targeting, and operations equate into your budget and expenses.

Start-up costs for a new yoga can quickly increase, especially when taking rent or a mortgage into consideration. Considering whether you will run your business online, rent from an existing studio, rent a space to convert into a studio, or purchase your own facility should all be discussed and detailed in this section of your document. Giving your investors and readers a strong idea of where and how you will run your business will help them make a better analysation of the market and the likelihood of your business surviving and thriving.

Taking into account that your readers have launched businesses before or are in the business of helping people launch their own. They'll know whether or not your business will be able to stand on its own feet in a certain location or afford a certain price for the facility, but no one knows you or what you can offer your customers as you do. Include logistics, what you need in order to open a studio or rent a space, and how you intend to reach your customers and them you. You could even go as far as to state how much of your forecasted revenue will be dedicated to paying for your location and facility costs.

In the management team section, you will detail your plan to hire staff or other teachers. Even if you do not plan on hiring additional team members during the initial stages of launching your studio, stating whether or not you intend to will help investors and readers consider the expenses and financial needs you will have when you do. You will include details regarding salary, where and how you will recruit, the positions you would like to fill, and where your staff and teachers will work from (this information helps if your business is online or working from a facility such as a physical studio).

Writing your yoga business plan: getting started

Although launching a yoga studio, writing a business plan, organising your finances, and getting all the pieces to come together might seem like a large challenge, with the proper organisation, planning, and strategising you have everything you need to achieve your goal. With your business plan in hand to guide you and lessons to learn along the way, you're well on your way to establishing a successful yoga business. All you have to do is get started.

To learn more about launching a yoga business with TeamUp, check out our guides here:

  • How to launch your yoga studio with TeamUp software
  • Launching your online yoga business: TeamUp's keys to success
  • How to manage your yoga studio using booking software

And don't forget to sign up for TeamUp to redeem your free 30-day trial .

Thanks for reading!


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How To Write A Yoga Studio Business Plan (Templates Included)

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Do you want to start a yoga studio? If so, you will need a yoga studio business plan.

Business planning is a key to success in any industry. It is a framework that outlines business targets and sales and marketing projections.

A yoga studio business plan identifies strengths and weaknesses within the business.

A yoga studio business plan template is a predesigned plan of action. The business owner follows this plan from the first year onward.

The plan outlines:

  • Marketing ideas to bring in clients
  • The style of yoga offered
  • Additional products and services
  • Projected yearly profits
  • The target market, etc.

Writing A Yoga Business Plan

yoga business plans

Writing a yoga studio business plan requires patience and an eye for detail. All members of the team should have a voice, as each person’s input is a reflection of the yoga studio.

This will ensure all bases are covered, leading to a better business plan. This article examines the essential elements of a yoga studio business plan.

Market Research

Do market research before opening a yoga studio. Studio owners can thus discover elements that will make their studio better than the competition.

Include this information in the yoga studio business plan.

Competition Analysis: What To Look For

Competitor analysis is important, especially when it comes to pricing and finding the right location to host yoga classes. When searching for market information look for things like:

  • The projected growth of the yoga industry in your area
  • Current best practices used by most studios
  • Gaps in the market that your yoga business could fill
  • Upcoming trends that can make your studio stand out
  • What the competition is doing, but you think you can do better

Remaining Relevant

Market research helps to give studio owners a competitive advantage in the industry. This step in a yoga studio business plan never ends.

To remain relevant , use studio management software and continue to do research. Also , try to answer these questions year after year:

  • What am I looking for from my company?
  • What kind of yoga studio business do I want to run?
  • More importantly, what kind of yoga studio does the target audience want?
  • Who is the primary target audience?
  • How can I offer something different from my competitors?
  • What kind of yoga studio is missing in the area?
  • Are clients interested in that style?
  • Can I offer a range of yoga styles to attract a wider audience?
  • Will there be enough interested clients to make doing this sustainable?
  • Should I stick to one yoga style to reach a niche audience?

To decide what type of yoga and branded products to offer, follow these market research methods.

Mystery Shopping

yoga business plans

Check out the competition. If there’s a yoga studio or a yoga teacher in the area check them out.

Are they teaching similar yoga styles? Learn more about them by stopping by their studio.

This will provide insight into what can set your business apart.

Social Media & Online Reviews

Check out the digital reviews that competitors have gotten. Check platforms that you would use if you were a customer searching for a yoga teacher.

For instance, check reviews using online platforms like:

Do a SWOT Analysis

yoga business plans

A SWOT analysis is the best way to thoroughly research the competition. SWOT means:

  • S for Strengths
  • W for Weaknesses
  • O for Opportunities
  • T for Threats

Executive Summary

yoga business plans

An executive summary is an important part of a yoga studio business plan. It highlights your yoga studio and tells people what makes the business unique.

It helps to set the foundation by listing the major elements of your yoga studio business plan.

The summary gets potential investors interested in your yoga studio. It makes them want to read the rest of the business plan.

It helps to solidify, organize, and pitch your ideas to the reader. The executive summary includes:

  • Your reason for teaching yoga
  • The types of yoga you plan to offer
  • How your yoga studio differs from others
  • The definition of the ideal customer base/ Target market
  • How the yoga studio benefits the community
  • The projected success of the business
  • Branded goods and extra services you plan to offer

After you’ve written the plan, information for the executive summary becomes identifiable. This is because the executive summary is a highlight of the rest of the business plan.

Describe Your Yoga Company

Detail how the company got started and how long it’s been in operation. Include in this description details on:

  • The type or types of yoga your studio offers
  • Additional services offered by the yoga studio
  • How your services are unique

Detailing this information outlines your competitive advantage and the company’s core elements. It identifies the benefits your business will bring, e.g. improved health of the community.

It identifies who the main students are. For example, local community members who are health conscious.

When writing the company description seek to answer these questions:

  • What makes my yoga studio different from the competition?
  • How many years of experience and training do I have?
  • Is the yoga studio located in a convenient or populated location?
  • Does the yoga studio offer training workshops or teacher certifications?
  • Does the business have a unique vibe or offer member benefits?
  • Who are the officers that hold key positions in my yoga business?

Be sure to include the company’s goals and add details about the management team.

Products & Services Offered By Your Yoga Studio

yoga business plans

This is the fun part for many yoga instructors. It’s a full description of all that their studio offers and how they serve people.

Ensure that the yoga studio business plan doesn’t seem generic as this makes it hard for an investor to read it. For instance, adjust a ‘Bikram yoga studio’ business plan template to personalize the services offered.

Specify the type of classes taught. State whether there are classes for different fitness levels or age groups.

For example, the target market might be ‘affluent women’. So specify whether there are classes for subgroups, like:

  • Pregnant women
  • Yoga poses for two

In this section of the yoga studio business plan be sure to include anything that brings in revenue .

Will the studio be selling additional products? If yes, include these.

Think about all of the possible sales touchpoints of your yoga business. Describe the studio’s sales cycle, how a client journeys from discovery to membership.

Here are some relevant elements to include in this section of your yoga studio business plan:

1.The type of yoga practice/ fitness business

  • This may include Hatha, Vinyasa, Bikram, or a mix of styles

2. Yoga class name based on its purpose , for example:

  • Teacher Training
  • Series Class

Be sure to include details about the activities planned for retreats and training workshops.

3. How students book classes

  • Include details about how clients can book classes. For example, do they rent a yoga mat to reserve a space for a session?

4. What items you will sell

  • Specify what branded or general merchandise you will sell.

5. How your yoga studio collects revenue

  • Include all activities that will help make a profit – even if it’s renting out lockers.

6. Patents and licensing

  • Tell whether you are using a trademarked style of yoga or a form you created and want to license.  

Customer Analysis

yoga business plans

Customer analysis is an important part of a yoga studio business plan. It helps you discover people’s interest level in yoga.

It shows which classes they prefer, their available times, and their reason for doing yoga. Analyzing potential customers impacts sales and the growth of your yoga business.

Confirm People’s Interest In Yoga

Be sure to verify that people in the planned area of operation have an interest in yoga. Analyzing the potential client base highlights what people want from a yoga business.

By doing customer analysis early in the business plan, one can discover what will motivate students to attend your yoga classes. This information can help to build your yoga business around their needs.

Determine The Target Audience

Once familiar with the general audience in the area, determine the target audience. Identify the types of people you want to market the yoga studio to.

Focus on their location, age demographic, occupation, and any challenges they may face. Think about the type of student that you want to attract, as this will impact the yearly profit.

Tailor Your Services

Plan how to market your yoga studio to the target audience. To reach a wider audience, you could offer a range of classes.

Otherwise, tailor the classes to a more niche audience.

For example, if operating in a college town, tailor classes to suit younger members. Whereas, within the retirement community, offer more restorative/gentle yoga styles.

Here are a few tips for carrying out customer analysis:

1. Identify current or potential customers

  • To gain insight, get as many details as possible about what current and potential customers want. Split them into sub-groups according to their similarities, like:
  • Motivations  

2. Identify the needs of each customer group

  • The information acquired in step one will give insight into this

3. Identify how your yoga studio business meets the needs of each customer group

  • Think about what you can do to meet their needs. What added products and services you can offer.

yoga business plans

This step of a yoga studio business plan template outlines how you will attract customers and promote the yoga studio. This is important as a yoga studio will not survive if people don’t know about it.

Depending on resources and available time, there are a variety of marketing methods to attract new business. These include:

  • Building a social media following
  • Influencer marketing
  • Sponsored social media ads
  • Content marketing (blogs & videos)
  • Hosting local community events
  • Word of mouth
  • Partnership with similar non-competing businesses

Today, almost everyone is plugged in digitally. So, it makes sense to use this free advertising space to reach people.

Use creative posts to capture their attention. Engage them by uploading a regular stream of fresh content.  

yoga business plans

If seeking funding from an investor, the yoga studio business plan template needs details about the sales journey .

Creating a sales roadmap is useful even if the yoga studio business plan is for personal use. It should include:

  • How customers discover your yoga studio business
  • How they enquire about your yoga business
  • Your Business’s sales points

This has to do with how customers can book classes and buy products. For example, through Facebook, Instagram, a website, in-person, or via your branded app.

  • What you plan to do to ensure customers return

This has to do with what you will do to turn a customer into a lifelong member.

yoga business plans

The cost structure of the business plan depends on marketing and business location. Is the yoga studio located in a more affluent area?

What is the volume of customers that the marketing strategy pulls in? Do you operate in a space with little to no competition?

All of these are factors that help determine your prices.

There are two pricing options. A per class/ per session rate and a membership rate .

The per class/session rate is a flexible option for the students. But, a membership package is an effective strategy to ensure client retention.

A New Strategy

It’s possible to form a new strategy by incorporating both options . This can be done in two ways:

  • Offer a discounted rate for booking classes in bulk
  • Offer a discount incentive for committing to membership

Restricting customers to one pricing option could lead them to abandon your studio.

Some may prefer the flexibility of a per session cost. Others may prefer the lower rate of a membership/ loyalty package.

But, combining the advantages of both may prove to be the most profitable move.  

Funding And Financial Projections

The final part of a yoga studio business plan focuses on funding and financial projections.

Writing a financial outline helps to manage spending. It further convinces investors to fund your business.

This is the heart of your yoga studio business plan. Every other section of the business plan relies on this solid financial outline of projected costs and revenue.

In terms of costs, make a 5-year timeline of the financial obligations. This should include the following elements.

Costs Associated With Starting A Yoga Studio

The start-up costs associated with a yoga business include:

Licensing fees

  • To verify which licenses you need, check out the local yoga studio regulations in your area.
  • This includes equipment expenses, etc.
  • Sales inventory
  • Hardware & Software

Fixed Costs Associated With The Business Plan

These include:

  • Rent deposits
  • Employee salaries
  • A security system
  • Access control

Variable Costs

These include:  

  • Future advertising
  • Inventory restocking
  • Miscellaneous expenses

Another important aspect of a yoga studio business plan is the revenue projections. This is a prediction of the amount of cash the business will make monthly or yearly.

This forecast of earnings helps to calculate the cash needed to keep the business afloat.

With information about the expenses and income, you will be able to create a cash flow statement. Cash flow statements keep track of monies flowing in and out of the business.

This will help to measure the success of the yoga studio.

Yoga Studio Business Plan Templates

Here are a few examples of a yoga studio business plan template:

  • Check out  this free template for a yoga studio business plan example.

yoga business plans

  • Click this link to view the Hatha Yoga Center Business Plan

yoga business plans

  • Click this Yoga Studio business plan template link to get the core elements to create a winning Yoga Studio business plan.

yoga business plans

  • The Yoga Lunch Box link takes you to a great yoga studio business plan template.

yoga business plans

  • This Yoga Studio Business Plan Sample link is from a yoga studio business plan startup named ‘Kelly Yoga’.

yoga business plans

  • A Sample Yoga Studio Business Plan Template . This link is a great example of a yoga studio business plan template. It includes a feasibility study report that one can use for free.

yoga business plans

Ending thoughts on how to write a yoga studio business plan

A yoga studio business plan contributes to the success of your business. It tells clients the purpose of your business, the products/ services you offer, and why.

A yoga studio business plan will help to discover what works and what doesn’t. This will empower studio owners to set innovative goals and make changes as needed.

Running a business has its ups and downs. So, one must expect that things won’t always go according to plan.

Stay positive and don’t give up. Try to be flexible and do what you can to improve the situation.

When things start going well stay humble and enjoy the fruits of your labor. If you formulate a business plan and remain flexible, your yoga business will be a success.

Now that you know how to write a yoga studio business plan, don’t hesitate. Go ahead and write your own business plan or use one of the templates in this selection.

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If you enjoyed reading this article on creating a yoga studio business plan, you should check out this one with yoga business names .

We also wrote about other yoga-related subjects like starting a career in yoga , yoga colors to use in the studio, yoga franchises , teaching yoga without certification , yoga studio software , yoga studio owner salary (curious?), and yoga marketing ideas you could use

We also have articles on yoga websites ,  and how to start a yoga business .

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Yoga Center Business Plan

Start your own yoga center business plan

Garden Way Yoga Center

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">.

Hatha Yoga is an ancient discipline that explores, develops, and integrates the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga systematically stretches and strengthens muscles throughout the body, increases circulation to internal organs and glands, quiets the nervous system, and improves concentration. This ancient system of self-care brings vitality, health, deep relaxation, and peace of mind.

The style of Hatha Yoga taught is the Anusara method. Anusara Yoga is a new style of yoga that is heart-oriented, spiritually inspiring, yet grounded in a deep knowledge of optimal body alignment in the poses. Instructors encourage students to listen to their body, respect its wisdom, and to progress at their own pace.

Deep relaxation is taught in each class after completion of the postures. The intention of the instructors at Garden Way Yoga Center (GWYC) is to assist students in the development of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being: a truly priceless health advantage.

The Garden Way Yoga Center offers 8 eight-week sessions of classes per year. Courses offered include Anusara-style Hatha Yoga plus workshops in related topics. The Yoga Center features well-trained, professional instructors, progressive teaching methods, a non-competitive and encouraging atmosphere, and a beautiful light-filled facility.

The Garden Way Yoga Center also has a boutique that will sell workshop clothing and yoga training aides.

Jill Gordon, Ph.D., founder of The Garden Way Yoga Center, is one of Anusara Yoga’s leading teachers. She conducts workshops and teacher trainings nationally and internationally, and has previously established yoga training centers in Santa Barbara, CA; Denver, CO; and Charlottesville, VA. She co-founded and co-developed the Four Winds Yoga Center in Portland, OR, which offered instruction to nearly 1,000 students per week. She has been a yoga practitioner since 1985 and a meditator since 1989. Jill is a certified Anusara instructor and one of the few Designated Teacher Trainers in the Anusara style of Hatha Yoga. She is registered with the national Yoga Alliance at the highest 500-hour level.

Yoga center business plan, executive summary chart image

1.1 Objectives

The objectives of Garden Way Yoga Center are the following:

  • Acquire 300 customers by the end of the first year of operation.
  • Achieve sales in excess of $60,000 from the boutique.
  • Increase customer base by 25% by the end of the second year of operation.
  • Increase sales by 15% by the end of the second year of operation.

1.2 Mission

The mission of Garden Way Yoga Center is to give the student, whether a beginner or advanced a place to practice Anusara. It is our intention to keep the teaching of Anusara as close to the way we have been taught as possible. It is incumbent for the teacher to always act responsibly and with the student’s interest in mind. No matter what we learn or from whom we learn the real and only teacher is within.

Company Summary company overview ) is an overview of the most important points about your company—your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure.">

The Garden Way Yoga Center offers Anusara-style Hatha Yoga plus workshops in related yoga topics. The Yoga Center features well-trained, professional instructors, progressive teaching methods, a non-competitive and encouraging atmosphere, and a beautiful light-filled facility.

GWYC will be located in the commercial downtown section of Monroe, in the renovated Millman Center. GWYC’s goal is to build a large base of yoga students from the thousands of office workers that are employed downtown. 

Besides the training, the Garden Way Yoga Center also has a boutique that will sell workshop clothing and yoga training aides.

GWYC will operate as a sole proprietorship.

2.1 Company Ownership

The Garden Way Yoga Center is owned by Jill Gordon.

2.2 Start-up Summary

The start-up expenses for the The Garden Way Yoga Center are focused primarily on workshop setup and equipment, and inventory for the boutique and bookstore.  Jill will invest $60,000.  In addition, GWYC will secure a $80,000 long-term loan.

Yoga center business plan, company summary chart image

2.3 Company Locations and Facilities

The Garden Way Yoga Center is located in downtown Monroe, in the renovated Millman Center.  The facility is quickly accessible to the over 50,000 urban professionals that GWYC considers potential members. 

With five large workshop rooms, men and women’s dressing rooms, and a boutique, GWYC offers plenty of floor space for multiple classes being conducted simultaneously.  In addition, parking is not a problem.  GWYC is within easy walking distance from any building in the downtown area.  If a customer does decide to drive, the Millman Center has parking space for up to 2,000 vehicles.

Products and Services

The Garden Way Yoga Center’s services and products are as follows:

  • Yoga 1/Beginner is an introductory class for students who are new to Yoga. This class focuses on poses to stretch and strengthen the legs, back, and shoulders. Emphasis is given to the basic alignment of the standing poses.
  • Fundamentals of Vinyasa Yoga  will prepare students for a vigorous flow style of yoga (Vinyasa) that synchronizes breath with movement. It will offer a balance of strength, flexibility, and endurance to challenge the fitness enthusiast. The course will begin with instruction on the alignment of the poses and move toward linking all the poses together in a continuous flow by the end of the session.
  • Gentle Yoga is designed for those who prefer a class less vigorous than Yoga 1. It includes gentle stretches and breathing as well as simple movements designed to systematically increase the range of motion of every major joint and increase energy. This class is ideal for students with chronic symptoms such as muscle/joint pain, stiffness, weakness, or fatigue. 
  • Yoga 1-2/Continuing Beginner is a continuation class for Yoga 1. The emphasis of this course is on refining and building endurance in Yoga 1 and Yoga 2 standing poses. It does not include the shoulder stand. The basic Anusara Yoga principles of alignment are presented. This class is suitable for students who have practiced other styles of yoga, but it is not suitable for those who have never studied yoga before.
  • Yoga 2/Intermediate focuses on refining the standing poses and learning basic sitting postures, simple back bending poses, and the shoulder stand using the Anusara Yoga principles of alignment. It is recommended that students complete both Yoga 1 and Yoga 1-2 before taking Yoga 2. 
  • Yoga 3/Advanced continues with refinements to poses studied in Yoga 2 and introduces full arm balance (handstand), headstand, and forearm balance. Additional back bend poses are also included. Regular yoga practice outside of class is strongly encouraged. Permission of the instructor is required.
  • Workshop Clothing: Shirts, shorts, athletic bras and pants. 
  • Workshop Equipment: Balancing balls, belts, weights, and mats.
  • Yoga training aides: Video tapes, instructional manuals, inspirational books.

Market Analysis Summary how to do a market analysis for your business plan.">

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Jill Gordon will be a positive draw for those who have some experience with yoga instruction. The key to the success of GWYC will be attracting new people to yoga instruction.

4.1 Market Segmentation

The Garden Way Yoga Center will focus on two customer groups:

Middle Income Urban Professionals : This group is the core segment of potential students of GWYC.  Their demographic characteristics are the following:

  • Center’s selling point: Close to work.  The session lowers stress.  Can be attended with workmates as group activity. 

Upper Income : The upper income customer is a secondary target group.  Their demographic characteristics are the following:

  • Center’s selling point: Close to work.  The session lowers stress.

Yoga center business plan, market analysis summary chart image

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

Everything GWYC does must be tailored to work within the time constraints of the target customer.  Yoga classes can be no longer than 45 minutes and must be scheduled to fit the break and rolling lunch schedules that exist in the downtown businesses. The focus of the instruction will also have to be tailored to a clientele that will be seeking maximum relief from the pressure of work and then returning to the workplace.  If GWYC can create a noticeable difference in the customers’ sense of well-being, then the customer will come to depend on instruction as a escape during the day.  These kinds of experiences will create a tremendous word of mouth and bring in more first time students.

4.3 Service Business Analysis

Typically, yoga centers are located away from the city’s commercial/business center.  GWYCs are less focus on serving a large number of beginners and is more focused on obtaining long term students.  Students are attracted to a specific type of yoga and the reputation and skills of GWYC’s leader.

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

“Stars do it. Sports do it. Judges in the highest courts do it. Let’s do it: that yoga thing. A path to enlightenment that winds back 5,000 years in its native India, yoga has suddenly become so hot, so cool, so very this minute. It’s the exercise cum meditation for the new millennium, one that doesn’t so much pump you up as bliss you out. Yoga now straddles the continent – from Hollywood, where $20 million-a-picture actors queue for a session with their guru du jour, to Washington, where, in the gym of the Supreme Court, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and 15 others faithfully take their class each Tuesday morning. “

– The Power Of Yoga, Time.com April 15, 2001

Yoga is a growing trend.  It was popular in the seventies and has come back full force into vogue in the 21st century.  Movie stars such as Madonna, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts and Sting are advocates of the discipline.

The key to competition within the yoga business is the quality of the instructor.  There are a number of instructors around Monroe who are well respected, and Garden Way Yoga will strive to attract these teachers to its facility.  The location, quality and ambiance of the facility is the real competitive advantage for Garden Way.  Because it has the best most attractive facility in town teachers will want to teach here and clients will want to “get away” here.  Garden Way Yoga Center will focus of presenting GWYC as the perfect place to learn yoga skills that will improve the student physically and reduce the daily stress of the work world.

Other “schools” in the area will be able to match the quality of instruction, but are often held in church halls, community centers, fitness centers, etc. and do not have the relaxing ambiance that is so important to the discipline.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

The Garden Way Yoga Center will market through the numerous downtown fitness clubs, beauty salons, tanning salons and boutiques.  The Garden Way Yoga Center will offer the free open workshop for beginners.  In addition, GWYC will initiate a program that will give 25% session discount to members who successfully recruit new members to GWYC.

5.1 Competitive Edge

The competitive advantage of Garden Way Yoga Center is location and the quality and ambiance of the facility. Based in the heart of Monroe, we offer our members excellent instruction that fits into their busy day, providing them a sanctuary from daily pressure.  Our facility is a perfect compliment to our brand image.

5.2 Sales Forecast

The sales forecast outlines sales of instruction time as well as sales of products through the boutique located in the facility.  Instructions is sold in the following three ways:

  • Private lessons;
  • Eight week courses;
  • Drop-in sessions.

The boutique will sell clothing, books, posters, books, DVDs and videos, mats, and other props for yoga. In addition it will sell healthy pre-bottled drinks and healthy energy food.  In the beginning all food will be pre-packaged, since Jill does not have the facility or expertise to run a cafe facility.  If the facility becomes more of a destination, she will research adding a cafe.

The Garden Way Yoga Center anticipates that sales will be slow for the first and second month of operation. After that point, sales will increase as membership grows.

The following is the sales forecast for three years.

Yoga center business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

5.3 Milestones

The accompanying table lists important program milestones, with dates and managers in charge, and budgets for each. The milestone schedule indicates our emphasis on planning for implementation.

What the table doesn’t show is the commitment behind it. Our business plan includes complete provisions for plan-vs.-actual analysis, and we will be holding follow-up meetings every month to discuss the variance and course corrections.

Yoga center business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

5.4 Marketing Strategy

The key to the marketing strategy is to get the downtown lunch traffic off the streets and into GWYC. GWYC will offer free instruction and will have refreshment available for visitors.  The instruction segments will be 45 minutes and focus on exercises that will produce the maximum release of tension.

Personnel Plan

In addition she has excellent business experience having previously established yoga training centers in Santa Barbara, CA; Denver, CO; and Charlottesville, VA.  She co-founded and co-developed the Four Winds Yoga Center in Portland, OR, which offers instruction to nearly 1,000 students per week. She has been a yoga practitioner since 1985 and a meditator since 1989. 

Jill is a certified Anusara instructor and one of the few Designated Teacher Trainers in the Anusara style of Hatha Yoga. She is registered with the national Yoga Alliance at the highest 500-hour level.

Jill was the business manager Four Winds Yoga Center.  GWYC started with four employee and 20 students.  Within three years, GWYC had a staff of 25 and over 1,000 students.  She was an effective manager of the growth of Four Winds Yoga Center.

The Garden Way Yoga Center’s personnel will be the following:

  • Jill Gordon, director;
  • Teachers (5 half-time);
  • Boutique Staff (1).

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

The following is the financial plan for Garden Way Yoga Center.

7.1 Break-even Analysis

The monthly break-even point is $14,492.

Yoga center business plan, financial plan chart image

7.2 Projected Profit and Loss

The following table and charts highlight the projected profit and loss for three years.

Yoga center business plan, financial plan chart image

7.3 Projected Cash Flow

The following table and chart highlights the projected cash flow for three years.

Yoga center business plan, financial plan chart image

7.4 Projected Balance Sheet

The following table highlights the projected balance sheet for three years.

7.5 Business Ratios

Business ratios for the years of this plan are shown below. Industry profile ratios based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 7997, Membership Sport and Recreation Club, are shown for comparison.

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Creating the Best Business Plan for Your Yoga Studio [Template Included]

Gymdesk Library /

Katie Lusnia

yoga business plans

Most people who open yoga studios do so out of their passion for the practice, not their entrepreneurial spirit or love of business management. However, passion alone cannot power a business. It is important to create a thorough yoga studio business plan to concisely summarize your goals and strategy for your yoga studio. 

By putting together a business plan for your yoga studio, you will have all the information in one place. A business plan is a summary of your services, sales and marketing strategies, funding requests, and financial projections. This document can be presented to potential lenders, business partners, or other necessary parties during the start-up phase. More importantly, it allows you to keep all your plans in one document. 

Overview of Business Plan Sections

Executive summary.

  • Product & Services
  • Business Operations & Structure
  • Target Market

Location Breakdown

Sales & marketing strategy, funding plan, financial analysis, benefits of creating a business plan for your yoga studio.

The main benefit of creating a business plan for your yoga studio is looking at all the facets of your business and compiling all the information in one place. Instead of jumping in without a plan, you have already taken the time to analyze and strategize the different components of your business. When opening a gym or studio, it is best to go over detailed plans instead of just brainstorming the basics. 

Additionally, other people may ask to see your business plan on your path to opening your yoga studio. Lenders, property managers, and potential business partners sometimes want to see a business plan. This allows them to see that you have a complete plan in place. They can quickly and easily get all the information they need. A business plan can be especially important if this yoga studio is your first business. Sometimes, it is the thing that helps someone decide to take a chance on you and your studio. 

How to Write a Yoga Studio Business Plan

Use our yoga studio business plan template to put together all your business information into one document. You may need to consult with any business partners (such as an accountant, marketing team, etc) to paint a complete picture within your business plan. Yoga studios and gyms do not operate like most service or retail businesses. A complete yoga studio business plan makes it easy to explain your business structure, financial projections, and other components. 

The executive summary is an overview of your entire business plan. It highlights the most important information in an easy-to-read manner. First, include your “elevator pitch.” This is a short description of your business and why it is special. 

Follow up with quick blurbs about the most important topics. This can be bullet points, a table of information, or paragraphs. If you are looking for lenders or business partners, this section must catch their eye. Like skimming an applicant’s resume, this section should grab someone’s attention and entice them to keep reading. 

Depending on your situation, there are a few different things you can include in your executive summary. Some options include:

  • Target market
  • Mission and vision statements
  • Growth and sales projections
  • Services offered
  • Location demographics
  • Short biography of owner or manager
  • Funding requests
  • Marketing and sales strategy

Generate Revenue with Product & Services

This section should include the types of yoga classes you offer (Bikram, Vinyasa, Hatha, etc.). Additionally, you can include class times and length, hours of operation, and any other information about the product you will be providing. 

If you have already determined your pricing information, include it here. List drop-in fees, cancellation fees, personal class rates, and membership rates. You should include as much information as possible. 

In addition to class and pricing information, feel free to list why your product is superior to competitors. Explain what sets you apart from other yoga studios. Furthermore, explain your plans for client retention. 

Business Operations/Structure

Your business operations and structure will outline your staff and procedures. This includes the studio owners, managers, yoga instructors, and any other employees. Include information about required certifications or training for your yoga teachers. Also, you should outline which staff members are considered employees and which are independent contractors. Check your local regulations for rules about employees versus independent contractors. 

This section can also include plans for opening hours, staffing schedule, who will have keys to the studio, any incentives for employees, sales expectations or commissions, and pay rates. If you are planning to have an employee handbook, you can include a link to a PDF copy. Any projected dates for hiring and training can also be included in this section. 

Target Market for Yoga Studios

There are a couple of different ways that you can break down your target market in your yoga studio business plan. The first is to outline your ideal client. Not every client will fit into this description, but it can help remind you who you are doing this for and explain to other people your target client. Include why your dream client wants to go to your yoga studio.

If you don’t want to be that specific, you can also list a few different market segments that your business is geared towards. For a yoga business, this can include groups like fitness enthusiasts, stay-at-home parents, and retirees. By breaking down your location demographic into segments, you can work to target your marketing more specifically. 

Another option for outlining your target market is to include the current market demographics for your location. The breakdown can include topics like median income, population, male to female ratio, number of competitors, and anything else pertinent to your market. From there, you can explain which segments of the market you plan to target. Additionally, include any obvious obstacles (like median income or high competition) and how you plan to overcome them. 

Your location breakdown should first outline the general area of your yoga studio. This would be the neighborhood, town, or city where it is located. If you have not yet chosen your specific location, describe the general area where you are hoping to open your yoga studio. Include the location demographics like population, prominent industries, median income, etc. 

From there, you can narrow in on the type of studio space you would like to have or already have. Is it in a strip mall or a stand-alone business? Or, are you renting out class times in an existing gym space? Include any location challenges such as traffic flow or limited parking. 

This section can also include any renovation or build-out plans for your studio space. Newly constructed commercial buildings are typically left as blank slates until the first tenants move in. The developer may even offer a build-out budget to get the space ready. Include what work needs to be done in the space and your renovation budget. Be as specific as possible and make conservative estimates for your budget. 

Start by explaining how you plan to handle your marketing and advertising. Will you be handling it in-house, hiring a consultant, or working with a firm? You may be doing a combination, such as working with a design firm for branding but handling a social media marketing plan yourself. 

Make sure you include any specific marketing strategies such as print ads, social media accounts, events, online ads, and sales promotions. Grand opening events or pre-opening special offers should also be listed here. 

You can also include your brand identity in this section. Explain the imagery, colors, and phrases you plan to use in marketing material. You can include photos and links if branding has already been created. 

Your social media and website information should also be included. Today, an online presence can be the greatest marketing tool for reaching potential customers. Business partners or lenders will want to know if you are capable of keeping up with social media apps that are constantly evolving. If you are planning to hire a website designer, website manager, or social media manager, include that here. 

Content marketing is also a powerful strategy to use with yoga. Since yoga is visually appealing, and short video content can be produced indefinitely, you should be sharing useful content across your socials and website.

Be sure to use local hashtags or boost posts to local views only. And include a prompt to sign up for more information or take a free class.

Your business plan is frequently used when you are working to gain funding for opening a yoga studio. As the business owner, you need to be able to provide accurate numbers for necessary funding. If you already have a lender or other funding in place, include that information here. Any funding provided directly by the owners should also be listed. All obtained and requested capital should be clearly stated because potential business partners or lenders will want the numbers upfront. 

This section can also include your estimated start-up costs, ongoing costs, and project break-even date. Try to be as specific but conservative as possible. Even well-projected dates can be off because of variables out of your control once the business opens. 

In this section, include the cost to open a yoga studio . Start with your expected upfront costs, like location renovations, business permits, equipment, and studio deposits. Then, list out your expected ongoing costs, such as rent/mortgage, payroll, taxes, and yoga studio management software . 

Make sure you include as many specific examples of expenses as possible. Lenders or business partners will need to see how the funding is being used. They will and ongoing operation costs. As the business owner, your salary or profits will depend on the projected growth rate and break-even point. Include a cash flow analysis with as much information as you have currently. 

In terms of projected growth and profits, you will need to do your best analysis. Specific numbers will depend on your location, expected costs, membership rates,and other factors. If you have an idea of what you expect your salary to be or how it will change with studio growth, include these numbers. 

Some of those costs will include:

  • Electricity & utilities
  • Phone & internet
  • Yoga management software
  • Website hosting
  • Initial startup costs (furnishing, mats, flooring, etc.)
  • Cost of goods to sell each month

Be realistic when projecting your expected revenue. It is easy to be too optimistic and assume quicker growth than you will most likely have. Look at all of your yoga studio revenue streams , including memberships, merchandise, and additional services like corporate wellness. Realistic projections allow you to see when your expected break-even date is. After that, you can see how your revenue will increase with a growing membership base and/or additional revenue streams. 

As you get closer to opening your business or once you are operating your studio, update this section whenever you are sharing your business plan with anyone. It is important to provide the most up-to-date information.

Tips for Writing Your Business Plan

  • Get Help : Use free resources, such as our yoga studio business plan template or advisors like SCORE. These aids can help you to create the best business plan for your fitness business.
  • Be Detailed : Since your business plan will be presented to potential landlords, investors, and business partners, it is imperative to include as many details as possible. This allows them to get the best understanding of your business and your plans.
  • Include Personality : The numbers and strategies are important, but you should also be sure to inject your personality into the business plan. Business operations can be adjusted but the business owner is the heart of the company. 

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How To Craft The Perfect Yoga Studio Business Plan (FREE Template Inside)

A woman doing yoga by the beach

Are you looking to start your own yoga business? Or, are you someone who already owns one and are looking to take it to the next level? The first step in achieving either of these goals is planning! 

And the best way to do that is by making a solid yoga studio business plan!

A business plan is essentially a roadmap for your studio which entails everything from marketing to business management, by defining its various aspects in detail. It also includes a business summary, talking about the aims and objectives of the business for the future. Simply speaking, it is a blueprint for your business.

Now you might be wondering why you need a business plan. Here’s why:

  • A business plan can help you get funding from investors and help your business expand.
  • It will help you to figure out what you want your business to offer, where you aim to take your growth , what kind of people you want to cater to, and who you’re competing against .
  • It can help you make more informed decisions and boost productivity by having a clear roadmap with milestones of what you want to achieve out of your business.
  • It is easy to write and even easier to update!

So what goes into this plan we keep talking about? Listed below are the highlights. Read on to find out!

  • Analyze the market
  • Figure out products and pricing
  • Identify your vision and mission statement
  • Make an executive summary
  • Plan your operations
  • Think about finances
  • Make strategies for marketing

1. Analyze the market

yoga business plans

The yoga market size is rapidly growing and is projected to reach $66,226.4 million by 2027 . While that is great news, you need to be prepared to take advantage of this growth and set your business up in the most profitable way possible. 

In order to do that, you need to do some research before getting to the finer details of the business.

A. Industry-wide Research

You need to take a deeper dive into the industry by looking at what are the best practices that are followed by yoga studios currently and how you can implement them. 

After that, you can look into the current trends within the industry in order to gain an extra edge in the market. For example, some studios offer online yoga classes in order to prioritize convenience and comfort. 

A good starting point for keeping yourself updated on trends is by using online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube. Join highly-followed communities and follow popular bloggers to stay up to date on the latest information.

B. Competitor Research

Where there is a great demand, there is also a large supply. At the end of the day, you want to stand out and not get lost in the shuffle! 

Figuring out your competitors’ strategy gives you a necessary nudge in the right direction to take your yoga center business plan forward. It gives you a better idea of what is working in the locality as well as what are the problems that exist in the locality that you can solve and stand out within the business. 

I. What to look for in your competitors?

  • Find out what the other yoga studios in the area are doing successfully or poorly.
  • Get a rough idea of the type of yoga classes they offer, their pricing as well as how the services are offered.
  • Identify how many yoga studios provide services that focus on a specific niche and do not serve a wide group of customers.
  • Find out the industry-specific challenges they are facing that you may also face while running your own studio.
  • Look into how they are branding and marketing themselves.
  • Try to identify what are the issues customers face when going to these businesses.

II. How to look for the information?

  • Visit your competitor studio’s websites.
  • Follow them on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) to get an idea of their influence and reach. 
  • Look into reviews on Google, Yelp, etc. to look at things from a customer’s perspective. 
  • Visit the other studios in the market as customers, to get an idea of their quality of services.

C. Customer Research

A yoga studio can offer services for all genders and age groups. 

Your target audience can include working professionals, college students, homemakers, senior citizens, and even children. While that is great, each group will require different types of services that are tailored towards them.  

So it is important to look into the type of customers that exist in your area and what could be the services that can cater to them best. In order to do this effectively, you can segment your potential customers .

Divide the clients interested in yoga using categories such as age, gender, ethnicity, and income . Then look for patterns like which age group has a preference for what type of services and how much are they currently willing to pay for it. 

A good way to look for this is by using social media to see which type of community follows and interacts with yoga bloggers and influencers. For example, power yoga is preferred by the working population as a way to work out.

2. Figure out products and pricing

Group of people doing yoga

Now that you have the data using your market research, it is time to plan how to best fit into the industry. At the end of the day, you want to set up classes in a way that you get maximum clientele and efficient use of your investment. In order to do that:

  • Setup services for maximum activity. Use your customer research to spread out niche services across timings to ensure maximum efficiency. For example, old people prefer early mornings for gentle yoga, executive clients prefer slow yoga during lunch hours, etc.
  • Try to establish a base crew that shows up for all services. You can do this by offering packages that cover all services and give incentives to people for showing up to all classes. It is important to do this as no one wants to be the only person in class and having more people increases your chances of retention.

While looking at a pricing strategy, do not forget to refer to your analysis to factor in what people are willing to pay. And also factor in that you’d need to be able to cover operating costs while making a profit.

  • Per class/ per session rate  The per class/ session rate is a flexible option for the students and allows them to decide which services they want to opt for. This allows for a more flexible but unreliable revenue stream as there is a larger chance of people dropping out.
  • Membership subscription rate The membership subscription rate offers access to multiple services and access to the studio for a fixed number of sessions/ days at a fixed price. This allows for higher retention amongst clients, however, lesser signups.
  • Hybrid subscription Some yoga studios offer a hybrid pricing model that combines both per service as well as membership. They do this by offering both but giving incentives for a membership like a discount. This has become a trend because some customers prefer flexibility and others prefer lower rates offered by membership. Combining both allows you to target both types of clients.

If you want a more detailed blog that talks about the nitty-gritty of planning your prices, check out our yoga pricing guide .

3. Identify your vision and mission statement

yoga business plans

Before you hit the ground running, you need to first identify what you want to do with the business and where you see yourself taking the business.

A. Mission Statement

It articulates the immediate purpose of your yoga center . Under this, you can state all the short-term goals that you plan on achieving with your studio within 6 months, stretching up to a year. 

Within this include your inspiration for opening the studio as well as what value you plan to provide to your potential clients. It is important to keep these goals realistic and achievable .

B. Vision Statement

This is where you can be ambitious and talk about where you see yourself in the next 5 to 10 years . Think of it as a roadmap with all the milestones you want to achieve.

  • Set up the strategies that you wish to set out for yourself in the long term and keep in mind the trends and how the industry will impact your vision.
  • Map out how your clients will benefit from your vision.
  • Link how it will affect the end goals of your business. For example, you see yourself creating a franchise and expanding to other locations, or acting as a special attraction in one location.

4. Make an executive summary

After you write the mission and vision statements, you can summarize everything you aim to achieve with your studio under an ‘Executive Summary’. 

A good executive summary will explain the business aims and objectives, as well as other important information, such as where you plan on basing your business. It is important to keep everything concise as it can be explained in later sections of your yoga studio business plan in detail. 

Key questions you need to answer in your executive summary include:

  • How are you trying to achieve recognition in your target market?
  • What is your vision statement?
  • What is your market statement?
  • Which demographic is your studio targetting?
  • How are your services aligned with your target market?
  • What products and services is your studio offering?
  • What is the unique selling point of your business? For eg: The unique ambiance of your studio.
  • How are you different from your competitors? For eg: Is it the lower cost of services of your studio, or the vast range of services that make you stand out? 
  • What is the studio costing you? List down the projected expenses and costs that come from daily operations, for, let’s say, the first 6 months. After that, factor in the continuous stream of revenue that’ll go into maintenance and overhead once the studio is well-established as well.
  • What is the cash flow and how much profits are you bringing in for the initial 6 months? This is completely variable and the reaction of your target market to your studio decides this. So, aligning your services with them is of utmost importance. 
  • If your yoga center needs financing, then why do you need it? For eg: you can convey that you’re trying to meet the anticipated demand of the industry in your studio in the market.

5. Plan your operations

A group of people discussing operational plans

The operations plan describes the day-to-day operations of your business. A proper operations plan ensures that everything you do on a daily basis is aligned with your long-term goals .

A well-written operations plan will streamline your workflow and ensure that things run smoothly and efficiently. Things that you need in an operational plan include:

A. Hiring employees

You will need to hire the right employees in order to run your business well. Some things to keep in mind while factoring in who to hire are:

  • The number of services you wish to provide
  • How much you can afford to spend on staff wages 

While interviewing, you can:

  • Look for qualities and values that align with your business 
  • Make sure they have a strong work ethic
  • Check if they are dependable and responsible prospects
  • Ensure that they have good communication skills 
  • Confirm that they are good team players

B. Setting up a training plan

  • Develop a training plan, as having a plan in place well ahead of time will help you train your employees properly, even in the busiest of times. It should include training sessions on different yoga sessions and good customer service.

C . Use technology

  • Set up your Google My Business listing Getting listed on Google ensures that when a customer searches for “yoga studio near me”, your business pops up! The reviews and ratings that your business will accumulate in the future will add to the trust factor in the community as well. 
  • Integrate a Point Of Sale (POS) system A POS system is critical to your business in managing day-to-day finances. Along with POS, setting up a few different payment methods such as – Square, Stripe, and PayPal makes payment easy for your customers and gives them the freedom to choose their payment option.
  • Adopt a scheduling software A yoga appointment scheduling software will be an enormous help to boost your productivity. It helps you automate scheduling, reminders, payments, trainer management, marketing, and much more!

6. Think about finances

Person Holding Paper Bills while Using a Calculator

This is the heart of your yoga studio business model. Every other section of the business plan relies on this solid financial outline of projected costs and revenue.

In terms of costs, make a 5-year timeline of the financial obligations for your yoga business plan. This should include the following elements:

A. Costs associated with starting a yoga studio

The start-up costs associated with a yoga business include:

  • Licensing fees
  • Equipment expenses
  • Sales inventory
  • Hardware & Software

B. Fixed costs associated with the business plan

These include:

  • Rent deposits
  • Employee salaries
  • A security system
  • Access control
  • Future advertising
  • Inventory restocking
  • Miscellaneous expenses

Additionally, in order to break even and not shut down your studio within the first 3 years, it is important to ensure that your net profits are greater than losses. In order to do that use:

I. Prospective profit/ loss sheet : This is the overall sheet that tabulates your revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specific period of time. It shows the ability of your business to generate profits by increasing revenue and reducing costs.

II. Prospective balance sheet : This indicates the financial future of your business. Using your profit and loss spreadsheet, you can project what your balance sheet will look like at the end of your first year.

III. Break-even analysis : This indicates when your business will be able to cover all of its expenses and begin making a profit.

7. Make strategies for marketing

yoga business plans

Now you have to think about how to market in a way that makes people take an avid interest in your studio. You want to reach a point where your customers end up marketing for you!  

Here are some ways you can market your yoga business:

  • Your studio should show up on Google. Make sure you are listed on online directories like Google My Business, Yelp, etc.
  • Create a website with all clearly available information. Make sure that there is a way to take appointments on your website .
  • Leverage influencer marketing to your advantage. Clients already have established trust with influencers so getting them to promote your business can significantly increase your reach.
  • Offer discounts and promotions to get people to try your studio.
  • Spread out to all social media platforms to promote your business so that your customers can get to know your business. Connect with your business community by following other small businesses in the area. Actively engage with your target market and share targeted content based on trends. Add a book now button to your social media handles like Facebook and Instagram to get more bookings.

Want to pull off a great marketing campaign for your yoga business but don’t know where to start? For more details, check out our blog on 9 Effective Yoga Marketing Ideas to Grow your Business .

You don’t need to follow these exact steps when creating your yoga studio business plan. Pick and choose those topics that you find most relevant to your business. 

To help you avoid spending a lot of time on creating the design of your plan, we’ve gone the extra mile for you! Here is a free yoga studio business plan template to get you started. All you need to do is enter your email below and you’ll get your very own printable copy!

How To Craft The Perfect Yoga Studio Business Plan

Download the free yoga studio business plan template!

Save it or print it out and use it to create a robust business plan!

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Remember, a business plan for a yoga studio may not be necessary to start a business, but a well-written one can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. We wish you the best of luck in your new endeavor!

About Appointy We at Appointy, help business owners grow and run their businesses with our online scheduling software. This blog was a part of our ‘Manage your Business’ category, where we provide expert tips, and resources, or simply talk about the challenges that small and medium businesses face every day.  If you have any thoughts on this blog or would like to chat about your business struggles and achievements, let us know in the comments below.  We love a good talk!

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Executive Summary of a Yoga Studio: Template & Example

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  • January 3, 2024
  • Business Plan , Executive Summary

Executive Summary Slide of a Yoga Studio(Example)

A yoga studio business plan needs a straightforward executive summary . This part of your plan is the first thing investors and partners see, and it should clearly outline what your yoga studio is all about. It’s where you explain what makes your yoga studio different and worth investing in.

We recommend using a two-slide PowerPoint format for this summary. The first slide should cover the basics of your business and the market you’re entering. Here, you detail your yoga studio’s offerings, location, and what sets you apart from others. The second slide focuses on your management team and your financial plans, highlighting the people behind the business and how you expect the yoga studio to grow financially.

This simple, two-slide approach ensures that your executive summary is easy to follow and covers all the essential points about your yoga studio business.

the business plan template for a yoga studio

Yoga Studio Business Plan

Download an expert-built 30+ slides Powerpoint business plan template

Yoga Studio Executive Summary: Page 1

Executive Summary Slide of a Yoga Studio(Example)

Business Overview

The executive summary introduces key facets of your yoga studio, including its name, location, and primary offerings.

These foundational elements pave the way for highlighting the studio’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP), setting it apart within the yoga community. Whether it’s the diversity of yoga styles, the nurturing ambiance, or the flexible membership options, the USP should vividly illustrate the studio’s distinct value.

Example: “Yoga Bliss Studio,” nestled in [location], serves as a serene haven for a diverse community seeking wellness. Offering an extensive range of yoga styles—Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, and Meditation—led by certified instructors, our studio provides over 50 classes weekly. Spanning [X,000] sq. ft., our space fosters tranquility, equipped with premium yoga mats, props, meditation areas, changing rooms, showers, and a cozy lounge for post-practice relaxation.

Market Overview

Understanding the yoga studio market’s scope, growth trajectory, and competitive landscape forms the cornerstone of a comprehensive market analysis . Highlighting industry trends, such as the increasing demand for diverse yoga practices and the evolving preferences of wellness enthusiasts, provides a comprehensive view of the dynamic yoga landscape.

Equally vital is evaluating the competitive sphere. Identifying key competitors and delineating your yoga studio’s unique positioning in this vibrant market environment is paramount.

Example: The US yoga studio industry, valued at $9.9 billion, demonstrates a robust CAGR of +9.6% from 2021 to 2027, representing a flourishing sector witnessing consistent growth. With approximately 48,500 studios nationwide, the industry embraces diverse practices, catering to a broad spectrum of practitioners. “Yoga Bliss Studio” strategically distinguishes itself within this dynamic market by offering a wide range of yoga styles, a serene ambiance, and flexible membership options, catering to the diverse needs of our clientele.

Yoga Studio Executive Summary: Page 2

Executive Summary Slide of a Yoga Studio(Example)

Management Team

Showcasing the expertise and roles within the management team bolsters confidence in the studio’s potential for success.

Profiles outlining the experiences and qualifications of key team members, including certified yoga instructors with extensive training and management professionals well-versed in business administration and community health, validate the studio’s credibility and capability.

Example: “Yoga Bliss Studio” boasts a team of certified yoga instructors deeply trained in various styles and wellness. Additionally, the studio benefits from a management professional with a degree in Business Administration and a profound understanding of community health, contributing to business growth, partnerships, and a holistic studio experience.

Financial Plan

Summarizing the studio’s financial objectives and projections, including targeted yearly revenue and profit margins, outlines the financial trajectory.

Example: “Yoga Bliss Studio” aims to achieve $2.0 million in yearly revenue by 2027, targeting a 22% profit margin ( EBITDA ). Our strategic approach focuses on maintaining high-quality yoga instruction, fostering community engagement, and offering diverse membership plans, propelling sustainable growth and a thriving studio ecosystem.

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15 men brought to military enlistment office after mass brawl in Moscow Oblast

Local security forces brought 15 men to a military enlistment office after a mass brawl at a warehouse of the Russian Wildberries company in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast on Feb. 8, Russian Telegram channel Shot reported .

29 people were also taken to police stations. Among the arrested were citizens of Kyrgyzstan.

A mass brawl involving over 100 employees and security personnel broke out at the Wildberries warehouse in Elektrostal on Dec. 8.

Read also: Moscow recruits ‘construction brigades’ from Russian students, Ukraine says

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  2. Yoga Business Plan Essentials [With Studio Template & Samples]

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