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Liz Murphy

By Liz Murphy

Oct 14, 2019

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How to create a digital marketing strategy (+ examples)

How to create a digital marketing strategy (+ examples)

How to create a digital marketing strategy

  • Digital marketing strategy assessment.
  • Align your company on a new way of doing business.
  • Create content that drives revenue.
  • Create the seven types of marketing and sales videos guaranteed to generate results.
  • Integrate content into your sales process through 'assignment selling.'
  • Evaluate your company website against the seven 'perfect inbound website' principles.
  • Report regularly on content wins to your team.
  • Understand what companies that see the most digital marketing success all have in common.

Who is this article for?

  • You're a new digital marketer who has been tasked with creating a digital marketing strategy (usually content or inbound marketing-based) for the first time, and you don't know where to start, OR
  • You're a seasoned marketing leader who knows something needs to change. Your current strategy isn't bringing in the results leadership and sales want to see, and you're looking for a proven approach that will increase traffic, leads, and sales.

Important note: Whether you call it digital marketing, content marketing, or inbound marketing, you're in the right place.

What will this article teach you?

You know what really grinds my gears? Articles that promise to teach you how to do something big, but then ends up being fluffy search engine-bait that isn't detailed enough for you to take action in any sort of meaningful way. 

So, my promise to you is that I won't do that.

In fact, based on the principles of They Ask, You Answer , here is exactly what you'll know how to do by the end of this article:

  • How to assess your current digital marketing strategy.
  • How to gain buy-in from sales and leadership and get everyone excited about participating in your strategy, since a lack thereof is the #1 killer of digital marketing success.
  • How to create a content strategy that targets the topics that are guaranteed to not only increase website traffic, but also generate more qualified leads that, ultimately, translate into more sales.
  • Why video is critical to your digital marketing success, and how to create a video strategy around the top marketing and sales video types that get results.
  • How to integrate your content into the sales process as part of your digital marketing strategy — we call this "assignment selling."
  • The seven essential ways you need to update your company website so it becomes your top sales team member.
  • How to showcase and highlight wins, as a part of your digital marketing strategy.

🔎 Related: What is They Ask, You Answer?

What this article is not

If you're looking for a simple, turnkey digital marketing strategy here, you're not going to find it. Don't worry, I'm going to give you everything you need to create an effective digital marketing strategy for your company, outlined in detail, step-by-step.

But you're going to have to do some heavy-lifting. Because, if you want to crush your most aggressive sales and marketing goals, you can't approach the creation of your digital marketing strategy with any degree with passivity.

So, this is your last warning that this article is not for the faint of heart.

It's dense. It's meaty. It's my attempt to give you everything you need to absolutely kill it in 2020, because I believe all marketers deserve a chance to be the hero at their company. 

Ready? Let's do this. 🔥

1. Assess the effectiveness your current digital marketing strategy ( 100% optional step )

It's virtually impossible to determine what (if anything) should change with your digital marketing strategy if you don't know where you stand right now. That's what this step is all about.

As a digital sales and marketing company that's spent the past 10 years helping hundreds of companies from around the world (from all industries, B2B and B2C), we've seen what works and what doesn't, up close and personal. 

So, earlier this year, we released our totally free Digital Sales and Marketing Scorecard :  

This scorecard quite literally scores your current digital marketing strategy by evaluating the six components of your business that are proven to have the most impact on your success:

  • How well your company is aligned around your approach to digital marketing.
  • The scope of your content strategy , based on data we've collected over 10 years of what topics drive the most revenue.
  • Your current marketing technology stack — because if you don't have the right tech to measure the ROI of your digital marketing, you'll never be able to prove the efficacy of your strategy.
  • How much your sales team is (or isn't) involved in your efforts — time and again, we've seen digital marketing strategies soar (or crash and burn), based on sales engagement in the process.
  • Your use of video as part of your digital marketing strategy. (Video is proven to shorten the sales cycle and build trust faster than any other type of content.)
  • Finally, we help you assess your company website for the six core features of what we call the Perfect Inbound Website .

In addition to receiving a numerical score, we'll tell you how well you stack up against other world-class companies who have seen remarkable digital sales and marketing results, and provide you with the exact Inbound Success Playbooks you need to focus on first, based on where you are currently.

( Fun fact: All of our Inbound Success Playbooks are ungated and do not require an email address to access them.) 

Because I hate fake-outs, here is an important note about our Digital Sales and Marketing Scorecard

Yes, you need to provide your email address in order to see your Digital Sales and Marketing Scorecard results.

However, while I am highlighting the scorecard as the first step to creating your strategy, it is 100% optional to complete it. Not filling out the scorecard will in no way prevent you from completing any of the steps that follow for creating your digital marketing strategy .

I actually considered writing this article without including this step. But, ultimately, I felt like I was going out of my way to exclude it, since it can be a powerful evaluation tool for companies, should they choose to take advantage of it.

So, just know that I am only including the scorecard for genuinely "pure of heart" reasons. (And everything else I will link to below as an additional resource is completely ungated and ready for your use.)

2. Get sales and leadership buy-in for your digital marketing strategy

I've been kicking around the digital marketing world for almost six years — in the good ol' days, I had to walk uphill (both ways) in the snow if I needed to smash the publish button on an article.

But while a lot has changed since I defected from publishing to join the marketing industry, there are two things that haven't:

  • Marketing is often viewed by sales and leadership as an expense , rather than a profit center; and that's only become even more true, with the rise of content and inbound marketing — which feels like homework with very little payoff. 
  • Unfortunately, #1 is, more often than not, the kiss of death for marketers. Because if you don't have buy-in from sales and leadership, your digital marketing strategy will fail , plain and simple. Or, at the very least, you'll never be able to realize the full growth potential of your traffic, leads, and sales, were your whole team bought in on what you're doing.

That's why earning the buy-in of your sales and leadership teams is a critical initial step in achieving success with your digital marketing strategy.

In short, you need to initiate a cultural revolution within your own company. 

Facilitate an inbound culture workshop to create alignment and build excitement

Creating a company culture wherein your sales, leadership, subject matter experts, and so forth are all on-board with your digital marketing strategy isn't something you can accomplish with an email or a short announcement at an all hands meeting. 

Moreover, if you've already been dabbling with inbound or content marketing, you can't expect to get your sales reps, subject matter experts, or anyone else at your company excited about creating content without bringing everyone to discover the why behind becoming the most trusted voice in your space, and how you're going to do it. 

So, in this step, you will bring everyone together for something we call an Inbound Culture Workshop .

Why do we recommend an Inbound Culture Workshop? And what should you cover in your own Inbound Culture Workshop?

In this video interview, I MPACT Director of Inbound Strategy and Video Training Zach Basner answers both of those questions in detail:

(If you're short on time, here's a handy-dandy "Cliff's Notes" version of this conversation .)

This is a workshop we facilitate for companies as an unbiased third party — which can sometimes be a smart move — but there are also distinct advantages to facilitating the workshop on your own, as the digital marketing owner or leader at your company. 

🔎 Related: What should be covered in an Inbound Culture Workshop?

It doesn't matter how you choose to facilitate your workshop, so long as you have one. Trust me when I say making this a priority will determine how successful you are going forward through the rest of this process. 

3. Create a content strategy laser-focused around topics guaranteed to drive revenue

OK, now it's time to get down to business. The goal of the content you create for your digital marketing strategy is simple — to establish your company as the most trusted voice in your space by answering all of the questions of your potential buyers as honestly and transparently as possible . 

So, if you have a topic that doesn't do exactly that, you need to cut it from your editorial content calendar. It's useless fluff.

What should you be creating content about?

As IMPACT's content director, I know more than anyone how much of a struggle it can be to build editorial content calendars for a digital marketing strategy. 

How do you know what content you should be creating?

And which content topics should be prioritized over others?

We've found that there are five very specific topic categories of buyer questions that are proven across all industries (B2B and B2C) to move the revenue needle for companies. 

We call these topics The Big 5 , and they are:

  • Pricing and cost ( How to create a perfect cost article )
  • Comparisons ( Comparison article best practices )
  • Problems ( How to create a perfect problems article )
  • Reviews ( How to write about your competitors on your website )
  • "Best of" ( "Best of" article example )

Why these topics? We, as consumers, are obsessed with finding answers to the questions that fall into those five categories, more than any other.

Think about the last few purchases you've made as a consumer, large and small. 

You likely researched your potential purchase online first because you want to know how much something will cost before you buy it. You want to compare your options before making a decision. You don't want to be surprised with problems down the road, so you research them in advance. You want to know what other people think about an item or service you're considering, so you know you're making a good choice. And, finally, you want to know what's really the "best" product, service, strategy, and so forth.

I'll be honest with you — some of these topics are going to make you feel downright uncomfortable. You don't want to talk about pricing. You don't want to breathe a word about your competitors. And you certainly don't want to talk about potential problems with your products. 

But if you don't, you won't be controlling the conversation — someone else will be, and that "someone" will likely be your competitor. 

More than that, you will see the results you want with this content strategy. So, trust me when I say your discomfort is a good thing. Or, if you don't trust me, trust these companies who embraced The Big 5 and saw huge returns from it.

And yes, The Big 5 can fit into your pillar content strategy  easily.

🔎 Related: The ultimate blogging tips guide for digital marketing teams

Priority and pacing for your content

If you're just starting out with a content-based digital marketing strategy, we recommend that you do the following:

  • Make a list of the products and/or services that have the most influence over your bottom line. Focus your content efforts on these first.
  • For those products and/or services, brainstorm topics with your team that fall under The Big 5. (Sales should be involved.)
  • Next, focus your content creation efforts on topics that are toward the bottom of the funnel, such as cost topics. 
  • Plan to produce between two and three pieces of content at minimum per week.

Honestly, even if you've been doing content or inbound marketing for awhile, I'd recommend you follow some version of that process I just outlined. You'll likely have some content gaps you'll need to fill in, and those should be prioritized by your most important products and services. 

🔎 Related: Free content calendar template (+ getting started tips)

4. Create marketing and sales videos that are proven to get results

Research shows that video is the most trusted resource for consumers at each stage in the buying process. Not only that, our buyers are spending a vast majority of their time online watching videos. Bottom line, video is powerful .

Video will build trust and captivate your audience more than any other type of content. Not only that, the strategic use of video during your sales process will compel people to take action and shorten your sales cycle:

assignment digital marketing

How much of your website is currently video-based?

We’d wager the answer is probably somewhere between 0 and 10%.

The good news is that your competitors are likely in the same boat. That means there is no better time than right now to fully embrace video as a sales initiative through visual selling. In fact, the mindset we teach all our clients at IMPACT — which consistently yields the greatest results (traffic, leads, and sales) — is:

We are all media companies, whether we like it or not.

When done correctly, video will be a powerful addition to your toolbox, proven to not only establish trust more quickly with your buyers but also shorten your sales cycle.

Here are the 7 types of videos you need to be creating

The Selling 7 are seven types of sales and marketing videos that — like The Big 5 — have proven time and again to move the revenue needle for B2B and B2C companies. 

80% videos are those that answer the most common questions all your prospects ask about your products and services — and probably proactively answer a few they haven’t thought of.

🔎 Related: How to make amazing 80% videos (+ examples)

Employee bio videos

These are short videos where your team speaks directly to the camera and introduces themselves, which allows your prospects to see, hear, and know your team before they even meet.

🔎 Related: How to make amazing employee bio videos (+ examples)

Product and service page videos

These videos significantly reduce the burden placed on your buyers to take the time to understand how your product/service will help them, while also breaking through the “noise” of all the words on your site.

🔎 Related: Example of a service page video

Landing page videos

Every landing page with a form on it needs a video that builds trust by addressing any questions or doubts someone might have — “Should I complete this form? Are they going to be spamming me after I fill it out?”

🔎 Related: 3 examples of great landing page videos that convert

“Bad fit” videos

When you’re honest about who you shouldn’t work with (and explain why), you not only become dramatically more attractive to your good-fit prospects, you show you’re transparent and trustworthy.

🔎 Related: Why you need to talk about who you're not right for (+ examples)

Customer journey videos

In this video, your customer will share the problem they were looking to address, the journey they took to fix that problem (with your company), and where they are today because of that journey.

🔎 Related: Examples of customer journey videos

“Claims we make” Videos

How many claims do you make that your competitors also make? For example, “Our people are the best.” Back up those claims by showing them with video, because words are not enough.

🔎 Related: 6 examples of "claims we make" videos we love

5. Integrate your content into the sales process with 'assignment selling' 

Assignment selling is the act of purposefully sharing written, video, and audio content that is educational about your products and/or service with the express goal of addressing any pressing concerns and questions your prospects may have. 

That way your prospects are much, much, much more prepared for any sales appointments they have with your team. And the conversations become much more focused around their specific challenges and goals, and how you can hep them, rather than wasting time answering the questions every single prospect has, regardless of their situation.

🔎 Related: How to implement assignment selling (+ examples)

6. Evaluate your website for the 7 key elements of the 'Perfect Inbound Website'

What works and what doesn't on company websites is always changing as trends, aesthetic preferences, and technology are constantly evolving.

We've found, however, there are seven fundamental elements that, when executed correctly, transform a company's website from a static digital billboard to its #1 sales rep . And they are:

  • Homepage design and messaging
  • Self-selection and configuration tools
  • Obsess over honest education
  • Premium education
  • Textual   and visual content mix
  • Social proof

To be honest, evaluating and updating your website so it is the Perfect Inbound Website is a complex and comprehensive process unto itself.

So, to help you, we've created this comprehensive (ungated) playbook about building the Perfect Inbound Website .

It reviews each of the above items in detail, including what you should be looking for, how to evaluate your current site for those items, and the strategic steps you need to take to get your website where it needs to be. 

7. Recognize content wins in visible ways to the rest of the company on a regular basis

One of the best ways to keep your team motivated and excited about participating in creating written and visual content for your digital marketing strategy is to spotlight what we call "content wins" with your company on a regular basis. 

For example, at IMPACT, we have a weekly, company-wide "all hands" meeting. During that meeting, IMPACT Head of Editorial Content Ramona Sukhraj and I have a dedicated time in the agenda to share:

  • The top five new articles (by views) from the previous week. We include their photo and the title of the article on their slide.
  • A closed deal highlight, where we walk through all of the content a contact (or contacts) consumed before their deal closed. (A recent deal from a few weeks back featured a contact who consumed 250+ pieces of content!) 
  • How much influenced revenue can be attributed to our pillar content strategy . (We're at $850,000+ and climbing.) 

That way we're making team members feel valued and proud of the work they're creating, and we're constantly reinforcing the value of our strategy by tying those efforts directly to bottom-line gains.

How you implement this at your company will likely look different, based on what opportunities you have at your disposal. That said, you should consider this step and indispensable part of your digital marketing strategy, as recognition of your colleagues will keep the spark of excitement for your digital marketing strategy alive .

Finally, here is what companies that see the most digital marketing success all have in common

Whew — that was a lot, wasn't it?

Still, you can't expect big results from your digital marketing strategy if you aren't willing to put in the effort. But before I send you on your way to digital sales and marketing glory, I want to leave you with some insight that will inspire you going into 2020.

Over the past 10 years, in working with hundreds of companies around the world, we’ve discovered there are seven characteristics companies that see the most success with their digital marketing strategies all share.

They understand that buyer expectations have changed

They know the “old school ways” of advertising no longer work. Now, potential buyers turn to the internet for every single question they want answered.

They are the absolute best teachers in their space

All employees embrace a mindset of: “I want to be viewed as the best teacher and most trusted resource in our industry. I want people, when they have a problem, to think of our company.”

They create the content that drives traffic, leads, and sales

They understand buyers are obsessed with finding answers online to questions about pricing, problems, comparisons, reviews, and “best of” lists, when making a purchasing decision. (These are The Big 5 we talked about earlier.)

They have a dedicated content manager

They get that unless someone is the designated “owner” of their inbound and content efforts, those efforts will be deprioritized and nothing will get done.

They understand the power of video

They understand video is a win for both sales and marketing — it builds trust with your audience faster and more effectively than any other type of content, and it shortens the sales cycle.

They've invested in the right technology

They know if they can’t generate revenue with inbound, it’s not worth the investment. But they also know they need to right technology in order to prove the financial ROI of their efforts. (We're a big fan of HubSpot for driving digital success in this arena.)

They've built the 'Perfect Inbound Website'

They have a fast, data-driven website with a clear homepage design, compelling messaging, self-selection tools, premium education content, textual and visual content, and social proof.

Now, it's your turn to write your own digital marketing success story .

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Top 101+ Digital Marketing Project Topics For Students

digital marketing project topics

Digital marketing is a universe of endless possibilities, and for students, choosing the right project topic is like picking the perfect star from the vast galaxy. In this blog, we’re about to embark on a journey through some of the most compelling and contemporary digital marketing project topics that promise not only academic excellence but also a hands-on exploration of the dynamic world of online promotion.

From decoding the mysteries of social media strategies to unraveling the complexity of search engine optimization, we’ll be your guide through the digital landscape. So, gear up for a ride where creativity meets strategy and projects go beyond the mundane.

Get ready to discover the top digital marketing project topics that can turn your academic endeavor into a captivating adventure!

About Digital Marketing Project

Table of Contents

Digital marketing projects open doors to a realm where creativity meets strategy. It’s not just about hitting textbooks; it’s a hands-on exploration of the ever-evolving landscape of online promotion. From dissecting social media dynamics to mastering the art of SEO, these projects are a gateway to practical, real-world skills. In this blog, we unravel the top digital marketing project topics—each a unique journey for students seeking not just academic success but an immersive experience in the dynamic world of digital marketing. Get ready to transform your learning into a thrilling adventure of creativity and innovation.

Why Choose the Right Digital Marketing Project Topic?

Choosing the right digital marketing project topic is pivotal for several reasons:

  • Relevance and Currency: A well-chosen topic ensures your project aligns with current industry trends.
  • Engagement and Motivation: Opting for a topic that genuinely interests you keeps you motivated throughout the project, leading to a more enjoyable learning experience.
  • Real-world Application: A relevant topic allows you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing practical skills.
  • Career Alignment: Selecting a topic aligned with your career aspirations helps you build a portfolio that stands out in the competitive landscape of digital marketing.
  • Innovation and Creativity: The right topic encourages creative thinking and innovation, fostering a deeper understanding of digital marketing strategies.

In essence, choosing the right topic is not just about completing an assignment; it’s about setting the stage for a meaningful and enriching learning journey.

List of Digital Marketing Project Topics For Students

Here is a complete list of digital marketing project topics for students in 2024:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Projects

  • Keyword Research Strategies
  • On-Page SEO Optimization Techniques
  • Off-Page SEO Tactics for Link Building
  • Local SEO Optimization for Businesses
  • SEO Audit and Analysis Tools
  • Voice Search Optimization Strategies
  • Mobile SEO Best Practices
  • Video SEO Optimization
  • E-commerce SEO Strategies
  • SEO for WordPress Websites
  • Advanced Schema Markup Implementation for SEO

Social Media Marketing (SMM) Projects

  • Social Media Content Calendar Planning
  • Influencer Marketing Campaigns
  • Facebook Advertising Strategies
  • Instagram Marketing for Business Growth
  • Twitter Engagement Tactics
  • LinkedIn Marketing for B2B
  • Pinterest for E-commerce Promotion
  • Snapchat Marketing Strategies
  • TikTok Advertising Campaigns
  • Social Media Analytics and Reporting
  • Instagram Reels Marketing Strategies

Content Marketing Projects

  • Content Strategy for Brand Building
  • Blogging for SEO and Engagement
  • Video Content Marketing Campaigns
  • Podcasting as a Content Channel
  • Infographics for Visual Storytelling
  • Content Repurposing Techniques
  • User-Generated Content Strategies
  • Email Marketing Content Optimization
  • Interactive Content Creation
  • Content Marketing ROI Measurement
  • Virtual Events as a Content Marketing Channel

Email Marketing Projects

  • Email Campaign Automation
  • Segmentation and Personalization in Email Marketing
  • A/B Testing for Email Optimization
  • Email Drip Campaigns for Lead Nurturing
  • Email Deliverability Improvement Strategies
  • Mobile-Optimized Email Designs
  • Email Marketing Analytics and Metrics
  • GDPR Compliance in Email Marketing
  • E-commerce Email Marketing Strategies
  • Email Marketing for Event Promotion
  • Personalized Email Recommendations for E-commerce

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Projects

  • Google Ads Campaign Management
  • Bing Ads Strategies for Businesses
  • Display Advertising for Brand Awareness
  • Remarketing Campaigns for Conversions
  • Shopping Ads for E-commerce Sales
  • YouTube Advertising Campaigns
  • Programmatic Advertising Implementation
  • Ad Copywriting Techniques
  • Landing Page Optimization for PPC
  • Budget Management in PPC Campaigns
  • Geo-fencing in Localized PPC Campaigns

Analytics and Data Projects

  • Google Analytics Setup and Configuration
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Analysis
  • Customer Journey Mapping with Analytics
  • Social Media Analytics Tools Comparison
  • Data-driven Decision Making in Marketing
  • Predictive Analytics for Marketing Trends
  • Attribution Modeling in Analytics
  • A/B Testing for Website Optimization
  • Data Visualization for Marketing Reports
  • Heatmap Analysis for User Behavior
  • Cross-Channel Data Integration for Holistic Insights

Mobile Marketing Projects

  • Mobile App Marketing Strategies
  • SMS Marketing Campaigns
  • In-app advertising for User Engagement
  • Mobile Website Optimization
  • Geotargeting in Mobile Marketing
  • Mobile Coupons and Discounts Campaigns
  • Push Notification Strategies
  • Augmented Reality (AR) in Mobile Marketing
  • Mobile Game Advertising
  • Wearable Technology in Marketing
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) Marketing Strategies

E-commerce Marketing Projects

  • Product Page Optimization for Conversions
  • Cart Abandonment Recovery Strategies
  • Customer Retention in E-commerce
  • E-commerce Marketplace Advertising
  • Reviews and Ratings Management
  • Subscription Box Marketing
  • Cross-selling and Upselling Techniques
  • E-commerce Email Automation
  • Social Proof in E-commerce Marketing
  • E-commerce SEO for Product Pages
  • Chat Commerce for E-commerce Sales

Influencer Marketing Projects

  • Identifying and Contacting Influencers
  • Micro-Influencer Campaigns
  • Influencer Marketing ROI Measurement
  • Authenticity in Influencer Collaborations
  • Industry-specific Influencer Partnerships
  • Long-term Influencer Relationships
  • Nano-Influencers in Local Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing Contract Negotiation
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations in Influencer Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing on Emerging Platforms
  • Co-creation of Content with Influencers

Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing Projects

  • Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
  • Voice Search and Virtual Assistants
  • Blockchain Technology in Digital Advertising
  • 10.4.Interactive and Shoppable Content
  • 360-degree Video Marketing
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences in Marketing
  • NFTs in Digital Marketing
  • Sustainable Marketing Practices
  • Social Media Trends and Futuristic Marketing Strategies
  • Metaverse Marketing Strategies

Benefits of Digital Marketing Project Topics

Engaging in digital marketing project topics yields a spectrum of benefits:

  • Practical Skill Development: Projects provide hands-on experience, honing practical skills crucial in the digital marketing landscape.
  • Industry Relevance: Tackling real-world challenges ensures relevance, aligning projects with current industry practices and trends.
  • Critical Thinking: Project work fosters critical thinking as students analyze, strategize, and solve problems within the digital marketing context.
  • Portfolio Enhancement: Successful projects contribute to a robust portfolio, showcasing practical applications of theoretical knowledge to potential employers.
  • Networking Opportunities: Collaboration on projects often involves networking with industry professionals, opening doors to valuable connections and insights.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Exploring diverse topics cultivates creativity, encouraging students to think innovatively in devising effective digital marketing strategies.
  • Preparation for Industry Challenges: Projects simulate real-world challenges, preparing students for the dynamic and competitive nature of the digital marketing field.

In essence, digital marketing projects go beyond academia, serving as a transformative bridge between classroom learning and professional proficiency.

Future of Digital Marketing

The future of digital marketing is poised for exciting transformations:

  • AI Integration: Artificial Intelligence will play a pivotal role in automating processes, enhancing personalization, and optimizing marketing strategies.
  • Video Dominance: Video content will continue to dominate, with short-form videos, live streaming, and interactive content gaining prominence.
  • Voice Search Optimization: As voice-activated devices proliferate, optimizing for voice search will be imperative for digital marketers.
  • Data Privacy Focus: With increasing concerns about data privacy, digital marketing will see a heightened focus on ethical practices and transparent data usage.
  • Emergence of New Platforms: Evolving social media landscapes and emerging technologies will introduce new platforms, influencing the way brands connect with their audiences.

In summary, the future of digital marketing promises a dynamic landscape driven by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and a continuous quest for innovative strategies.

In conclusion, the world of digital marketing project topics offers students a unique canvas to paint their creativity and analytical skills. The carefully chosen project topics are not mere academic exercises; they are portals to the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of online promotion. As students delve into social media strategies, SEO intricacies, and innovative marketing trends, they not only enhance their theoretical knowledge but also cultivate practical, real-world skills. 

The digital marketing journey is a two-fold achievement—academic success and a stepping stone towards becoming adept digital marketers. So, embrace these projects with enthusiasm, for they are not just assignments; they are invitations to shape the future of digital marketing.

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20 BEST Digital Marketing Project Ideas For Students [2023]

Digital Marketing Project Ideas

Having theoretical knowledge is not enough in digital marketing.

You also need to execute and practice what you learn if you want to stand out from other digital marketers.

key benefits?

From applying for a digital marketing job to improving your skill, practical projects will give you an edge over others who only have a course completion certificate.

This is why I have created this complete list of digital marketing project ideas for students, freelancers, and beginners.

I have categorized these digital marketing topics and project ideas by the following categories:

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Digital marketing project ideas

Here are some project ideas for digital marketing students and beginners:

1. Build a website and start omnichannel marketing to drive traffic and generate leads

Why do this project :

You may greatly increase your exposure, reach, and credibility in the competitive digital marketplace by executing an omnichannel marketing strategy. This also helps you plan and find productive methods for your clientele. 

What you will learn from this project

  • Master key aspects of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Adopt valuable web development skills
  • Generate excellent and relevant content
  • Engage with your followers and how to market to them
  • Create email marketing campaigns and nurture leads through the sales funnel.
  • Measure and track key metrics using tools like Google Analytics

How to get started

Step 1: Identify Your Target Market

Determine your ideal clientele and learn about their wants, pain spots, and preferences. This understanding will influence your marketing strategy and content production.

Step 2: Create Your Website

Make a professional, user-friendly website that highlights your services, portfolio, testimonials, and contact information. Make sure it is mobile-friendly and search engine optimized. You can use easy-to-setup platforms like WordPress to build your website.

Step 3: Create a Content Strategy

Create a content strategy that addresses the interests and problems faced by your target audience. This might include blog articles, videos, infographics, and other media.

Step 4: Use SEO Techniques

Improve the visibility of your website and content in search engine results by optimizing it with relevant keywords, meta tags, and backlinks.

Step 5: Create a Social Media Presence.

Choose the social media sites that are most relevant to your audience and interact with them regularly. Share useful things, participate in debates, and create an influential online community.

2. Grow your personal brand on LinkedIn (get more followers and engagement)

Why do this project

By devoting time and effort to expanding your profile on this professional social network, you may boost your reputation, broaden your professional network, and open doors to new prospects.

  • Establish and promote your unique value proposition, talents, and expertise. 
  • Make your material more desirable to your audience.
  • Engage with your contacts and creating relationships with other professionals on LinkedIn 

Step 1: Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

Create a professional profile that displays your talents, expertise, and achievements. Add a clear and pleasant profile picture and an engaging title that highlights your skills.

Step 2: Establish Your Brand Identity

Determine what distinguishes you from others in your sector and create a distinct brand identity. Determine your specialty, significant abilities, and the value you provide customers.

Step 3: Content Planning

Create a content plan consistent with your brand identity and appeals to your target audience. Decide what information you’ll provide, such as industry insights, suggestions, success stories, etc.

Step 4: Reliable Posting

Share useful data that are engaging and informative on your LinkedIn feed regularly to keep your audience interested and updated. Aim for a combination of original and curated material and industry news.

Step 5: Interact with Others

Comment, like, and share other people’s stuff to interact with it actively. This will assist you in developing connections and increasing your exposure inside your network.

3. Perform audience research and plan a marketing strategy accordingly

By undertaking this project, you may design marketing strategies that connect strongly with your audience and learn more about their wants and preferences. This method raises the chances of getting high-quality consumers interested in your services.

  • Obtain a thorough grasp of your target audience
  • Study the competitive environment and find gaps and opportunities
  • Understand data to make educated choices and improve marketing efforts

Step 1: Determine Your Target Market

Use surveys, interviews, and internet tools to do in-depth audience research. Collect data on demographics, interests, pain areas, and preferences to construct thorough audience profiles.

Step 2: Examine Your Competitors

Investigate other freelancers or companies in your field to uncover market gaps and possibilities. Understand their techniques and look for ways to set yourself apart.

Step 3: Create a USP 

Create a convincing USP based on your research that emphasizes what differentiates you from rivals and why prospective customers should select your services.

Step 4: Determine Marketing Channels

Choose the best marketing methods to reach your target demographic. Concentrate on platforms and tactics corresponding to your target audience’s tastes and behavior.

4. Prepare a case study of a failed startup – understand what went wrong. 

This project aims to provide a detailed and data-driven case study that details the important elements that contributed to the startup’s failure, giving you practical information to improve your business strategy and avoid standard mistakes.

  • Discover the precise issues committed by the startup’s founders or staff 
  • Find gaps in understanding consumer demands, market trends, or competition analyses. 
  • Discover the significance of aligning your company model with the market and making it flexible to changes.

Step 1: Choose the Failed Startup

Select a failed company that is relevant to your interests and sector. Ascertain that sufficient data is accessible for a thorough investigation.

Step 2: Gather Data and Information

Gather pertinent data, reports, and articles on the startup’s path from inception to final collapse. For reliable information, use credible sources.

Step 3: Examine Important Factors

Determine and assess the important elements that led to the startup’s failure. Market research, competitive analysis, operational concerns, marketing tactics, and financial data may all be included.

Step 4: Examine Successful Cases

Compare the case study to successful businesses in the same sector or niche. Recognize the distinctions between approaches and tactics.

Step 5: Draw Inferences and Lessons

Synthesize the collected data to derive meaningful findings and lessons that can help you enhance your business activities.

Further digital marketing resources

  • The complete guide to getting your digital marketing internship
  • Best digital marketing courses (compared) in India
  • Download the digital marketing syllabus

SEO project topics

Here are some practical SEO project ideas that will help you build a portfolio and improve your skills.

1. Breakdown the SEO strategy of a high-performing website

By studying a high-performing website’s SEO approach, you may obtain useful insights into the best practices and methods that lead to its success. This project offers an unparalleled opportunity to learn about the exact SEO tactics and approaches that create organic traffic and search engine exposure. 

  • Optimize the pages of your own website for higher search engine ranks.
  • Uncover areas where you can gain a competitive edge and distinguish your website.
  • Learn about the website’s SEO tools and resources 

Step 1: Identify a High-Performing Website

Choose a website that performs highly in search engines for relevant keywords and receives much organic traffic. This may be a competitor’s or a top-performing website in your field.

Step 2: Investigate Content Strategy

To discover successful content optimization tactics, investigate the website’s content strategy, including keyword utilization, content quality, blog frequency, and engagement strategies.

Step 3: Assess SEO Factors

Examine the technical SEO components of the website, such as site performance, mobile friendliness, URL structure, XML sitemap, and canonicalization. Examine the website’s backlink profile as well.

Step 4: Examine Competitors

Compare the SEO techniques of high-performing websites against those of rivals to find distinct strengths and chances.

Step 5: Create a Comprehensive Breakdown 

Compile all of the research and conclusions into an organized, organized breakdown that offers actionable insights.

2. Competitor analysis for identifying content and backlink gap

This project will provide a data-driven study that identifies content possibilities and backlink prospects, allowing you to strengthen your content marketing and link-building tactics for increased online exposure and authority.

  • Learn about the various content forms used by other companies
  • Develop unique and useful material to set you apart from your competitors.
  • Locate high-quality backlink prospects for your website.

Step 1: Gather Information and Insights

Gather information about your rivals’ material, such as blog entries, articles, videos, and social media postings. Identify their referring websites by analyzing their backlink profiles using SEO tools.

Step 2: Examine the Performance of the Content

Examine their content’s engagement data, such as social shares, comments, and organic search traffic, to find their best-performing articles.

Step 3: Determine Content Gaps

Compare your content subjects and formats to your rivals to identify places where you may develop unique and quality material on issues they do not cover.

Step 4: Assess Backlink Quality

Examine the authority and relevancy of their backlinks to identify prospective backlink chances that correspond to your area or sector.

Step 5: Create a Workable Strategy

Based on the findings, create a thorough content marketing and link-building plan that capitalizes on the recognized chances to boost your online exposure and authority.

3. Perform a technical SEO site audit

You may detect and solve technical problems that may be affecting your website’s search engine rankings and general performance by performing a comprehensive audit. 

  • Identify and correct any technical flaws on your website
  • Determine if your website uses structured data markup appropriately. 
  • Find out whether your website is eligible for and using rich snippets 

Step 1: Gather Resources and Tools

Gather the SEO tools and resources needed to execute a technical site audit, such as website crawlers, speed test tools, and mobile-friendliness testing.

Step 2: Explore the Website

Use a website crawler to examine the structure of the website and find any broken links, redirect chains, or crawling difficulties.

Step 3: Examine Various SEO Factors: 

  • Indexing and Crawlability: Check that search engines correctly index the website and that there are no crawlability problems that prohibit search engines from accessing and indexing the material.
  • Assess Website Speed: To find areas for improvement, use speed testing tools to assess the website’s loading performance.
  • Check for Mobile-Friendliness: To guarantee a great user experience, examine how the website looks and performs on different mobile devices.
  • Analyze URL Structure and Site Architecture: Examine the URL structure and site design of the website to verify that it is logical, user-friendly, and readily comprehended by search engines.
  • Check for Duplicate Content: Identify and fix any instances of duplicate material that may have an adverse effect on search engine results.
  • Check the SSL and security: To ensure a safe surfing experience for visitors, ensure the website has a valid SSL certificate.
  • Examine the XML Sitemap and the Robots.txt file: Examine the XML sitemap and the robots.txt file to verify they are set up correctly to help search engine crawlers.
  • Examine Internal Linking: Examine the website’s internal linking structure to verify that it allows for simple navigation and link equity distribution.

Step 4: Create a Comprehensive Report

Compile all of the audit results into a thorough report that includes practical suggestions for enhancing the technical SEO of the website.

4. Execute an email outreach strategy for link building

You may get high-quality backlinks that indicate trustworthiness to search engines and increase organic traffic by contacting relevant websites and blogs in their industry. 

  • Learn how to locate and investigate relevant websites, blogs, and influencers.
  • Creating unique and captivating email templates that connect with recipients.
  • Express the worth of your content and website to prospective link partners.

Step 1: Determine Your Link-Building Objectives

Determine precise link development goals, such as the number of backlinks to gain, the categories of websites to target, and the domain authority increase required.

Step 2: Create a List of Targeted Outreach Contacts

Conduct extensive research to find relevant websites, blogs, and influencers in your business or area who may be interested in your material.

Step 3: Create Customized Email Templates

Create unique email templates that develop a relationship, explain the value of your material, and ask for link placement.

Step 4: Carry out the Outreach Campaign

Begin sending outreach emails to your selected recipients according to best practices for email outreach and establishing connections with possible link partners.

Step 5: Track Responses and Follow-Up

Monitor the replies to your outreach effort, follow up with those who have shown interest, and stay in touch to obtain link placements.

Social media marketing topics

Here are some social media marketing topics and project ideas focused on improving your digital marketing skills.

1. Build a content repurposing strategy for social media channels

The goal of this project is to create a well-defined content repurposing strategy that effectively turns existing data into compelling social media posts, resulting in greater audience engagement, follower growth, and brand authority.

  • Learn how to repurpose your original information into multiple media.
  • Keep consistent branding throughout your social media postings
  • Learn how to cross-promote your repurposed content across various social media platforms.

Step 1: Inventory and Analysis of Content

Compile a list of your existing material, sort it by format and subject, and analyze its performance to uncover standout pieces.

Step 2: Reusing Concepts and Formats

Consider several creative repurposing ideas for each sort of material, taking into account how to adapt it to multiple forms appropriate for each platform.

Step 3: Create Visual Branding Guidelines

To maintain consistent brand representation throughout your social media postings, create visual branding standards that include color schemes, typefaces, and layouts.

Step 4: Customize Content for Each Platform

Use the repurposing ideas and guidelines to optimize your content for interaction and reach on each social media site.

Step 5: Implementation and Monitoring

Begin executing your content repurposing plan, review performance indicators on a regular basis, and make improvements as required to maximize outcomes.

2. Prepare and execute content calendar for the next 30 days

This project’s particular objective is a completely established content calendar with a thorough plan for content topics formats, and distribution across numerous platforms, resulting in improved website traffic, social media followers, and overall success in digital marketing activities.

  • Understand the importance of strategic planning in content marketing.
  • Create a content calendar fosters a habit of consistency in delivering valuable content.
  • Gain valuable insights into your audience’s preferences, interests, and pain points.
  • Learn how to diversify your content to cater to various audience preferences and keep them engaged.

Step 1: Establish Content Objectives and an Audience

Determine your content marketing objectives and target audience to ensure that your content schedule is aligned with particular goals and audience interests.

Step 2: Inventory of Content and Idea Generation

Create a list of current material and fresh ideas for the next 30 days, encompassing a variety of themes and styles.

Step 3: Determine Dates and Themes

Assign precise dates to each piece of content to ensure a balanced mix of subjects and formats throughout the month.

Step 4: Create Visuals and Content

Create material in accordance with the content calendar, ensuring that it is consistent with the planned themes and platforms.

Step 5: Plan and Promote

Schedule the material for publication on the appropriate channels and put the content marketing methods described in the calendar into action.

3. Analyze the best-performing social media posts in your niche

The primary goal of this project is to provide you with a data-driven insight of the most popular social media content in your niche, allowing you to adjust your own content strategy for improved performance and brand exposure.

  • Learn what kind of material your target audience prefers
  • Highlight the most popular and engaging content themes and subjects within your niche.
  • Understand the best times and days to publish to get the most interaction.

Step 1: Choose Your Social Media Platforms

Choose the social media channels relevant to your specialty for the study (for example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn).

Step 2: Identify the Highest-Performing Posts

Determine the top-performing content by identifying the articles with the greatest engagement numbers.

Step 3: Analyze Content Themes and Formats

To detect patterns and preferences, group the top-performing articles based on similar themes, subjects, and content types.

Step 4: Understand Messaging and Calls to Action

Analyze the messaging and CTAs used in successful articles to learn how to connect successfully with your audience.

Step 5: Determine the Most Effective Posting Times

Determine trends in posting times and days that are associated with better engagement and change your content plan appropriately.

4. Perform an organic lead generation campaign on LinkedIn for the next 7 days

A LinkedIn organic lead generation campaign allows you to interact with new customers, create key connections, and increase your client base. Engaging the proper audience and demonstrating expertise enables you to create high-quality leads and explore new business prospects.

  • Learn how your target audience reacts to your outreach efforts.
  • Understand how a professional and appealing profile may influence lead-generating success.
  • Track important engagement data such as profile views and connection acceptance rate

Determine your target audience by specialty, industry, and the sort of clients or consumers you wish to attract.

Step 2: Create a Content Strategy

Prepare quality campaign material, such as educational articles, entertaining blogs, or relevant resources that illustrate your experience.

Step 3: Request for Personalized Outreach and Connection

Send individualized outreach messages and connection requests to prospective prospects, indicating a genuine desire to engage and provide value.

Step 4: Interact in Your Network

To create rapport and visibility, interact with your network by commenting on posts, replying to messages, and engaging in relevant topics.

Step 5: Follow-up and Lead Nurturing

Follow up with leads who have shown an interest in your services, engage in meaningful discussions, and nurture the connection to get them closer to becoming clients or customers.

Email marketing project ideas and topics

Here are some email marketing project ideas that will help you improve your skills as a email marketer.

1. Write email subject lines for a newsletter and measure open rates

You can assess the success of your subject lines and adjust them to create more engagement and connection with their audience by tracking open rates. 

  • Learn which sorts of subject lines are most appealing to your audience and result in better open rates.
  • Measure open rates to determine how interested and engaged your audience is with your email content.
  • Learn how to perform experiments to determine the most successful subject lines.

Step 1: Know Your Audience

Develop a thorough grasp of your target audience’s preferences, pain issues, and hobbies in order to create subject lines that will pique their attention.

Step 2: Create Variations on the Subject Line

Make numerous subject line alternatives that correspond to the content of your mail, making sure they are brief, engaging, and relevant.

Step 3: Segment Your Email List

Segment Your Email List Divide your email list into smaller groups to perform A/B testing on various subject lines and ensure accurate comparisons.

Step 4: Conduct A/B Testing

Track open rates for each campaign by sending multiple subject line variants to each group of your email list.

Step 5: Examine the Results

Examine the A/B test findings to see which subject lines resulted in the best open rates and audience engagement.

2. Execute a drip sequence for a D2C brand

Implementing a drip sequence for a direct-to-consumer company is an effective digital marketing technique that allows you to automate and enhance their email marketing operations.

  • Observe how potential customers interact with the brand’s email content
  • Understand the value of personalizing communications to certain audience groups.
  • Learn about charting the customer journey via many phases.
  • Discover the relevance of email marketing timing and frequency.

Step 1: Learn About the D2C Brand

Learn all you can about the D2C brand’s goods, target demographic, unique selling factors, and overall marketing goals.

Step 2: Establish Customer Segments

Create personalized drip sequences for each component of the brand’s email list depending on consumer behavior, demographics, or interests.

Step 3: Create interesting Email Content 

Create interesting and relevant email content that addresses the consumer segments’ pain points, requirements, and preferences.

Step 4: Configure Email Automation

Schedule and deliver drip sequence emails at predefined intervals using an email marketing automation tool.

Step 5: Put Conversion Tracking in Place

Implement monitoring capabilities to assess drip sequence conversions and attribute sales to individual email campaigns.

Copywriting project topics

Here are some copywriting project ideas to practice your copywriting skills and build a portfolio to showcase to your clients and employers.

1. Re-write a landing page copy and measure the conversion rate

This initiative is intended to develop your digital marketing abilities by concentrating on enhancing landing page text for higher conversion rates.

  • Copywriting approaches for creating convincing and interesting content Understanding of user behavior and interactions on the landing page A/B testing and content optimization experience
  • Understanding of successful call-to-action (CTA) techniques
  • Capability to evaluate and analyze conversion rates in order to make data-driven decisions

Step 1: Examine the Existing Copy

Evaluate the existing performance of the landing page text, finding strengths and flaws to drive your re-writing plan.

Step 2: Establish Specific Objectives

Establish project objectives, such as reaching a minimum [specified percentage] increase in conversion rate.

Step 3: Make a New Copy

Rewrite the landing page text, paying special attention to clarity, appealing language, and a clear call to action.

Step 4: Put Changes in Place

Update the landing page with the updated copy, making sure that all changes are reflected correctly.

Step 5: Monitor Conversion Rate

Implement monitoring measures to correctly assess the conversion rate of the landing page.

2. Write product page content to improve sales

This initiative attempts to improve freelancers’ digital marketing abilities by concentrating on enhancing product page content to increase sales and conversions.

  • Copywriting tactics for persuading prospective consumers
  • The value proposition of the product is well communicated.
  • Emotional triggers and narrative components are used to create greater relationships.

Step 1: Research the Product and the Target Market

Learn about the product’s features, advantages, and unique selling factors, as well as the target audience’s preferences and problem issues.

Step 2: Determine your key selling points.

Determine the product’s major selling points that connect with the target audience and fit with their wants and desires.

Step 3: Write Captivating Product Descriptions

Create convincing and entertaining product descriptions that emphasize the advantages of the product and how it answers consumers’ problem concerns.

Step 4: Including Emotional Triggers

In order to develop a better emotional connection with prospective clients, include emotional triggers and narrative components in the material.

Step 5: Fine-tune the Call-to-Action (CTA).

Make sure the CTA on the product page is clear, prominent, and appealing, urging visitors to act.

Web analytics topics

Here are practical and skill-based web analytics project ideas to improve your digital marketing skills.

1. Prepare SEO content update strategy using Google Search Console

This project is intended to provide you with the knowledge and abilities necessary to improve website content for increased search engine exposure and organic traffic. 

  • Data from Google Search Console is used to analyze website performance.
  • Content gaps and areas for improvement are identified.
  • Keyword optimization strategy for improved search engine visibility.

Step 1: Configure Google Search Console

Ascertain that Google Search Console is correctly configured and linked to the website.

Step 2: Examine the Search Console Data

Examine the data in the Search Console, such as performance reports and search queries, to find content possibilities and places for development.

Step 3: Perform a Content Gap Analysis

Determine content gaps and subjects that correspond to user search queries but are not already covered on the website.

Step 4: Keyword Research

Improve current content by including relevant keywords and phrases that correspond to user intent and search queries.

Step 5: Track Organic Traffic

Regularly monitor organic website traffic and search rankings to measure the effect of content revisions on performance.

2. Create a marketing report using Google Analytics’s demo account

You may obtain hands-on experience studying website performance, user behavior, and marketing insights by working with actual data in a controlled environment.

  • Knowledge of how to navigate and use Google Analytics
  • Examining key performance indicators and website traffic data
  • Understanding user demographics, behavior, and interests

Step 1: Log in to the Google Analytics Demo Account

Gain access to a Google Analytics demo account to experiment with actual data in a safe setting.

Step 2: Establish Key Metrics and Goals

Determine important performance measures and marketing objectives that are in line with the aims of the website.

Step 3: Examine the Website’s Performance

Examine website performance statistics, including as traffic, user interaction, and conversion metrics, to have a better understanding of current marketing performance.

Step 4: Investigate User Behavior

Analyze user demographics, interests, and behavior to learn more about your target audience.

Step 5: Evaluate Traffic Sources

Investigate traffic sources to assess the efficacy of different marketing tactics.

Performance marketing project topics

Find the practical performance marketing project ideas that will help you stand out from others who only have an academic qualification.

1. Prepare and optimize the performance marketing campaign

This project intends to assist college or digital marketing MBA students improve their internet presence, raising personal brand awareness, and laying the groundwork for future employment options.

  • Setting goals and outlining quantifiable objectives
  • Identifying the target market
  • Creating a content strategy

Step 1: Establishing Goals and Identifying Your Audience

Define distinct and measurable campaign objectives. Do you want a specific amount of website visitors, followers, or leads?

Step 2: Content Planning and Development

Produce high-quality content in a variety of formats, including blog entries, videos, infographics, and social media updates.

Step 3: Optimize Your Website and Social Media

Implement relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions to boost search engine presence.

Step 4: Paid Promotion and Advertising

To target specific audiences and increase content reach, use paid advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or LinkedIn Ads.

Step 5: Analyze and Improve

Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) like as website traffic, social media engagement, conversion rates, and lead generation on a regular basis.

2. Find the effectiveness of various marketing channels

This project intends to assist students in optimizing their marketing efforts, properly allocating resources, and maximizing their return on investment (ROI). 

  • Determine the most successful marketing channels for certain goals.
  • Learn about the preferences and behavior of your target audience.
  • Maximize ROI through optimizing resource allocation and budgeting.

Step 1: Establish Specific Objectives and Metrics

Define the precise marketing goals you wish to achieve, such as increasing website traffic, generating prospects, or increasing sales.

Step 2: Identify and Select Marketing Channels

Research and identify the many marketing channels available, such as social networking platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), email marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), influencer marketing, and so on.

Step 3: Configure Tracking and Analytics

Implement tracking methods for each marketing channel in order to correctly monitor its performance.

Step 4: Conduct Controlled Experiments

Conduct controlled trials for each marketing channel, such as A/B testing different ad creatives, email subject lines or content formats.

Step 5: Analyze and Interpret Data

Analyze the data to uncover patterns, trends, and critical insights about channel effectiveness.

I hope you find the complete list of digital marketing topics and project ideas useful.

What are all topics in digital marketing?

Digital marketing encloses various topics, including, but not limited to: 

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  • Web Analytics
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing. 

Additionally, emerging trends such as Voice Search, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing, and Augmented Reality (AR) marketing are gaining prominence in the field.

How GrowthAcad makes you job-ready with practical digital marketing projects

Samiksha Ghode - Ex GrowthAcad student

GrowthAcad makes you job-ready with practical digital marketing projects by providing hands-on experience through real-world projects. You’ll learn essential digital marketing skills, including SEO, PPC, Social Media, Content Marketing, and more while working on real campaigns and strategies. 

With personalized feedback from industry experts, you’ll gain valuable insights and knowledge to excel in the field. By completing these projects, you’ll demonstrate your proficiency to potential employers and be fully prepared for a successful career in digital marketing .

Fatema kachwalla ex growthacad student

Article by Harshit Gupta  Harshit Gupta is a digital marketing specialist and growth marketer with over 9 years of experience in the industry. He is the founder of GrowthAcad, where he and other mentors have trained 10,000+ students in the past 5 years. Harshit started his digital marketing journey with a startup called Hash & Karma, a performance-based digital marketing agency, where he scaled the company from zero to 50 clients in just two years. Connect him over LinkedIn & Twitter .


GrowthAcad is India’s first cohort-based digital marketing training institute in India integrated with generative AI. We offer digital marketing training classes in Pune and Nagpur.

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Home » Blog » Digital Marketing » 10 Ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Assignment Writing Skills

10 Ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Assignment Writing Skills

10 Ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Assignment Writing Skills

Are you overwhelmed with digital marketing assignments with your poor academic writing skills? If so, read everything you need to know to improve your digital marketing assignment writing skills in the upcoming lines. 

In the current century, digitalisation has taken over every aspect of our lives, and its advancement is rapidly increasing, including marketing. Marketing is one of the essential aspects of today’s era, mainly digital marketing. 

What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is a crucial component of traditional marketing techniques in which marketers use online-based digital technology containing mobile devices, personal computers, and laptops for running digital marketing campaigns through social media marketing and websites while using the internet.

Also, developing new strategies and digital marketing plans for online marketing and online advertising products. 

According to Oxford Reference: 

“Using digital technologies such as websites and multimedia, e-mail and digital media including mobile, and wireless, and delivering digital television for promotion, development, and distribution of a brand product and services is called Digital Marketing.”

Ever-Rising Scope of Digital Marketing 

Marketing is the most essential part of our society, and no business or brand can be successful without it. As a dynamic and promising career, digital marketing is increasing rapidly. In any case, you have seen ads on the Internet like “ do my chemistry homework ” or something similar, this is an example of marketing in fast-growing niches.

Noble Desktop represents its growing charm:

“The field of digital marketing is projected to grow up to a 10% growth rate from 2021 to 2031, with advancements in artificial intelligence, email marketing and content marketing, virtual and augmented reality for driving more revenue. Digital marketers increase the average wage of a beginner is $51,000 with 0-1 years of experience, $55,000 for 1-3 years, $61,000 for 4-6 years, and $68,000 for 7-9 years.”

All the facts and figures attracted many students to specialising in marketing, and most of them enrolled in digital marketing courses, seeking employment in sales and marketing. Even some of those who come without any prior background in marketing eventually learn the skills and knowledge to make ends meet by working in marketing departments. 

But when they encounter assignment writing, they find it hard to manage and seek a detailed guide and some proven tips. Furthermore, they can also get help from assignment writing services to tackle all the assignment writing hurdles. 

10 Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Assignment Writing Skills

Yes, you can get professional help from Digital Marketing Assignment writers to make your writing process effortless. But before that, you can follow our top 10 ways to improve your digital marketing assignment writing skills to get high scores. So let’s first with the most essential one: 

1. Know the Prompt and Instructions

Before you get started, it is essential that you have a complete understanding of the question that is being asked in the assignment. To understand the prompt, read it multiple times and focus on the critical phrases and action words.

Also, look over other instructions that mention the guidelines. If you find something confusing, ask your professor through email or communication for better calcification. 

2. Plan Your Digital Marketing Writing Process 

Most of the students skip this part and then try to complete the assignment with ambiguous planning till the date of submission. Therefore, it is crucial to make a schedule or a plan by dividing your whole process into small sections.

RMIT University Library represented a writing process planning followed by multiple steps from analysis to submission, shown below. 

assignment digital marketing

This section will allow you to address your research question logically. You can also make a Grant chart of sculling assignments by giving these tasks a dedicated time to complete them. 

3. Choose Topics Wisely 

Topic selection seems like a tiny step in writing a digital marketing assignment, but it is the only step determining the rest of the assignment writing process. Because a wrong topic selection creates difficulties for your assignment completion, this is why students should give their full attention while selecting a topic.

For this purpose, you need to consider the following aspects: 

  • Your personal interest and expertise 
  • Fulfil the assignment requirements 
  • Your instructor’s expectations and suggestions 
  • Available research sources 
  • Complete before the due date 

Further, here are some digital marketing fields you can consider to choose the topics:

  • PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing

By focusing on these steps, you will be able to select the best topic on which you can write your assignment easily. 

4. Brainstorming and Mind Mapping 

After selecting a topic, critically think about the topic, gather more and more digital marketing project ideas related to the prompt and then create a mind map. In this step, just sketch your brain, thinking about how your mind relates your ideas with the main topic. For generating a strong mind map, develop three to four main ideas around the subject matter. 

Draw lines by connecting each map idea to its supporting details and brainstorm digital marketing assignment ideas, tasks, and questions for each. As a sample, you can see the below mind map example presented by Agus Masrianto in “Model for Improving Firm Digital Marketing Capabilities Based on Adoption Eco-system Readiness and Digital Transformation.”

assignment digital marketing

5. Conduct Extensive Research 

Conduct extensive keyword research on your specific topic to cover every query relevant to the subject matter. While doing research, collect both types of data: 

  • Primary information 
  • Secondary information 

Your primary data is first-hand data for better evaluation that comes from your self-observation. On the other hand, utilise secondary sources of information, which include internet search engines, library books, encyclopaedias and databases. 

6. Follow a Global Assignment Structure 

While writing any type of assignment, from essay to case study, there is a general digital marketing assignment structure that is standard to compose an effective academic paper. It includes three main sections: 

  • Introduction
  • Main body paragraph 


Begin with a captivating introduction by stating your personal statement, continue it with a detailed explanation in the main body paragraph, and finally, conclude your assignment on digital marketing by summarising all the key points and emphasising the importance of your topic and its application. 

7. Add Reference and Citations 

If you want to make your work more authentic and trustworthy in front of your reader, then add references and citations. It is one of the best tips that enhance the worth of your assignment. There are different types of citation styles that are mostly used by institutes, such as: 

  • Vancouver 
  • Chicago 
  • Harvard 

But in cases where your professor is guiding you to follow a specific referencing style, then make sure to follow the instructions. 

8. Filtered Your Digital Marketing Assignment 

After completing the writing process, do not submit it for revision multiple times. Filtered your assignment first against minor mistakes you skipped while drafting your work. In this step, look over the following: 

  • Grammatical flaws
  • Punctuation 
  • Capitalisation 
  • Typos errors
  • Spelling mistakes

After removing all the above mistakes, you create a refined form of your digital marketing assignment to impress your professor. 

9. Check Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the most serious offence that can result in various serious consequences. To overcome all the barriers to stand out from the rest of the class, you must cross-check your content against plagiarism. Checking plagiarism is not a task to handle manually. But for this purpose, you can use a plagiarism checker or a detector. 

Submit your document by uploading it from your computer, or you can also copy and paste content. Go to get a percentage of unique and plagiarism content with just one click. You will get plagiarism reports in just a few seconds. If work is caught as plagiarised somewhere, remove it and create plagiarism-free content. 

10. Ask For Feedback 

Our last tip that makes a big impact is to look for a third eye for a bird’s eye view of your assignment. For this purpose, ask for feedback from your class fellows or any other expert. 

If you want to check your work from a professional in digital marketing, make an impressive email to deliver your message with a humble request and ask for honest feedback. This is the best way to improve your mistakes and learn from your flaws. 

Digital marketing assignment writing is a most technical process because, with the advances of digital marketing, its theory concepts and technologies become more advanced, giving a tough time to most students. Students face many difficulties in understanding its prompts and composing a good piece of paper because of a lack of good academic writing skills. 

If you are one of them and struggling with your assignment on digital marketing, follow the above ways to improve your digital marketing writing assignment skills. But if it still makes you upset, then avail yourself of beneficial assignment writing help from a suitable firm.

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10 Best Digital Marketing Project Ideas & Topics for Beginners / Students [2024]

10 Best Digital Marketing Project Ideas & Topics for Beginners / Students [2024]

As someone who has navigated the dynamic realm of digital marketing for years, I understand the challenges that beginners face when trying to kickstart their journey. The digital landscape is vast, ever-evolving, and can be overwhelming to newcomers. That’s why I’m excited to share my insights and experiences with you in this guide on digital marketing project ideas for beginners.  

Throughout my career, I’ve learned that practical experience is key to mastering digital marketing concepts. It’s not just about understanding theories; it’s about rolling up your sleeves and diving into real-world projects. That’s why I’ve curated a list of digital marketing project ideas tailored specifically for beginners like yourself. These projects will not only help you grasp fundamental concepts but also provide you with tangible skills and experiences that you can showcase to potential employers or clients.  

Whether you’re a student eager to explore the world of digital marketing or a professional looking to transition into this exciting field, these project ideas will serve as valuable steppingstones in your journey. So let’s dive in and uncover the top digital marketing project ideas that will set you on the path to success.  

In this article, you will learn about the 10 best digital marketing project ideas & topics for beginners.

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  • Customer Satisfaction for a Digital Marketing Agency
  • Return on Investment for Various Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Google Search Engine Marketing Case Study Analysis
  • Analysis of New Product Launch Using Google Double Click
  • Social Media Strategies for Online Shopping Cart
  • Analytical Comparison of Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing
  • Facebook Analytics For Targeted Marketing
  • Customer Preferences on Coupon Code-Based Promotional Activities
  • Report on Tools to Analyze Digital Marketing Competitors
  • Analysis of Visual Keyword Tools for Search Engine Marketing

Read more to know each in detail.

Digital Marketing Project Ideas

Digital marketing is all about delivering advertising over an electronic medium such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. As you start working on digital marketing project ideas, you will not only be able to test your strengths and weaknesses, but you will also gain exposure that can be immensely helpful to boost your career. In this tutorial, you will find 10 best digital marketing project ideas for beginners to get hands-on experience in digital marketing.

While study materials will give you all the knowledge you need to know about digital marketing, you can never really master digital marketing unless you invest your time in real-life practical experiments – projects on digital marketing.

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If you want to get into digital marketing, certifications can kickstart your career. Read more on how can digital marketing certifications can help your career. 

Digital marketing is the most rewarding career opportunity today. There are several courses by reputed institutes, and most of them will require you to complete a project on digital marketing. Below are some ideas for the same. 

The following article will contain some of the best digital marketing projects for students pdf , as well as some digital marketing topics for BBA pdf. 

Top 10 Digital Marketing Project Ideas for Beginners

This list of digital marketing project ideas for students is suited for beginners, and those just starting out with Digital Marketing in general. These digital marketing project ideas will get you going with all the practicalities you need to succeed in your career as a digital marketing professional.

Further, if you’re looking for Digital Marketing Project Ideas to land on a good job, this list should get you going. So, without further ado, let’s jump straight into some digital marketing project ideas that will strengthen your base and allow you to climb up the ladder.

1) Customer Satisfaction for a Digital Marketing Agency

One of the best ideas to start experimenting your hands on digital marketing projects for students is Customer Satisfaction for a Digital Marketing Agency. Online marketing agencies might use different digital marketing strategies to drive sales. Customers usually are more satisfied when they get instant gratification for their money spent. Digital marketing is so vast that some strategies work best in the long term, so best in the short term, some works best with specific industries, etc. Doing a customer satisfaction survey for a digital marketing agency helps you understand the most accepted strategies in digital marketing.

Learn more: Digital Marketing Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide To Become an Expert

2) Return on Investment for Various Digital Marketing Strategies

As part of this project idea, you can contact different companies and understand the budget they spend on digital marketing and analyse the return that they are expecting. Few metrics you can collect are Future Value, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return. Adding this as your digital marketing projects  can help your resume look much more interesting than others.

3) Google Search Engine Marketing Case Study Analysis

Search engine marketing is the use of search engine optimization (SEO) technique to rank the client’s website first on google search for the target keyword. This drives organic search traffic into the client’s site, some of which will ultimately convert to a sale. You can run a campaign to analyze different SEO strategies and compare them with other digital marketing strategies. 

4) Analysis of New Product Launch Using Google Double Click

DoubleClick Digital Marketing (DDM) is an integrated advertising platform allowing businesses to create and manage digital marketing campaigns across multiple online media channels. Thus Google DoubleClick gives a holistic platform, especially for new product launches to create the initial hype across the entire internet.

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5) social media strategies for online shopping cart.

So, why not use your skills to develop an impressive digital marketing project based on social media?

Today’s advanced digital marketing strategies revolve around remarketing and retargeting. Remarketing is a way to connect with the users who previously interacted with your website. Consider a situation in which a user came to your website, added his favourite products to cart but didn’t checkout.

Remarketing allows you to retarget him with the ads of products that he has in his cart. Targeted remarketing gives the user a very tempting second thought making the chances of conversion much higher. Google Ads Remarketing and Facebook pixel are the best known remarketing platform which you can use as case studies for your project.

6) Analytical Comparison of Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing

There are lots of differences between conventional marketing strategies and digital marketing and the returns that you make. Few items you can analyse are total marketing expense, ability to measure ROI, ability to receive feedback, conversion ratio, interaction with the audience.

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7) facebook analytics for targeted marketing.

Facebook Analytics was rolled out in May 2018, and not many businesses have started using it yet. It helps advertisers understand the entire journey of a targeted user across all facebook channels like desktop, mobile app, messenger facebook lite etc. Analytics is a powerful addition to Facebook Ads Manager that helps to analyse Ad viewers at a complete granular level.

8) Customer Preferences on Coupon Code Based Promotional Activities

Coupon code is a sophisticated digital marketing tool helping to drive sales, improve customer loyalty and build the brand. Coupons usage data has become vital information for various AI-based e-commerce algorithms to predict customer behaviour.

Thus coupons offer a 360-degree marketing strategy. As part of the project, you can collect data from different companies on how and when they supply coupons, the ROI when it comes to discounted prices, how they use the coupons data etc. 

9) Report on Tools to Analyze Digital Marketing Competitors

The easiest way to design your marketing strategy is to analyze your competitors, emulate them and outperform them. There are different tools for different digital marketing platforms to analyze the respective competition. For example, SpyFu, SimilarWeb, SEMrush are for SEO competitor analysis and InfiniGraph, SroutSocial, Phlanx are for social media platforms. 

In-demand Digital Marketing Skills

10) analysis of visual keyword tools for search engine marketing.

Countless keyword analysis tools in the market are capable of connecting to search engine APIs, get all the data related to organic searches, perform analysis and present the best combination to users. There is a rising demand for keyword research tools that present the data in a way that’s pleasant to the viewer’s eye, i.e., giving importance to the visual representation of the data.

For example, LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords can be shown linked to the original keyword forming tree-like branches. Some of the popular tools are Keyword Eye, Thesaurus, Google Wonder Wheel, Google Trends, Microsoft adCenter Labs Keyword Research etc. For the project, you can make an initial list of tools, sign up for all these tools and use them to analyse their presentation styles, User experiences, data accuracy etc. 

Also read: Digital Marketing Interview Questions

Digital Marketing Topics For BBA

There are plenty of digital marketing topics for BBA pdf that are available online. The list below contains some of the trendiest digital marketing project topics for students pursuing BBA. 

  • Social Media Campaign Analysis

The first one to make it to the list of the top digital marketing project topics includes an analysis of social media campaigns. Campaigns are one of the most followed techniques by every brand owner. It can be either paid or organic. Depending on the results, brand owners then make their future decisions that ultimately determine the profit or loss of a business. 

  • SEO Studies Of Websites

The second trendy topic to make it to the list of digital marketing projects is SEO studies of websites. SEO is by far one of the most important elements for a business, to make a website more visible and boost traffic and lead. Therefore, conducting an in-depth SEO study on any website of your choice can actually add that extra value to your resume. You can also prepare SEO reports accordingly, based on the websites that you have analyzed. 

  • SEM Case Study

This is yet another interesting topic that can be added to the digital marketing topics list . SEM, also known as Search Engine Marketing is especially beneficial for driving traffic to websites and is a key metric for most businesses. However, before working on these kinds of topics, you need to have a detailed understanding of Google AdWords and only then can you work on the different SEM strategies for the paid advertising of brands on search engines. 

  • Keyword Research

Here is another interesting topic to make it to the digital marketing topics list. There has been a constant demand for tools that can generate business-relevant keywords. You can pick out any website of your choice and then work accordingly. It will not only enhance your basic knowledge of keywords, but also help you to understand the importance of the same in increasing the visibility of a brand or website, and also in increasing sales. 

  • Blogging 

Blogging can be a great way, especially if you are new to the SEO world. You can create your own blog domain on different platforms like WordPress and Medium. It will definitely be one of the best ways to ensure a hands-on experience in trying to market your blog organically so that when you later move to better clients, you will feel not only confident but also have extensive knowledge. You can perform a basic keyword search, and you will get to know what are the other keywords being searched with regard to the topic you have chosen. 

If you are still not satisfied with this list, you can also refer to other digital marketing projects for students pdf or digital marketing project topics for BBA pdf, that are available online. 

  • ROI Digital Marketing Strategies

In this project, you must determine the ROI obtained through different digital marketing strategies. The ROI refers to the returns of investment for a particular project that you have worked on. This is not only an exciting project but also one of the most vital marketing project topics. 

Here, you get to learn how to communicate with different firms and businesses. Besides, you also stand to learn more about the different digital marketing strategies they make use of. So, you find out the ROI that they make based on that. 

Moreover, you require data on future value, rate of return, and net present value. This is why you have to learn about the proper digital marketing methods to get the ROI for your social media marketing project.

  • PPC Marketing Strategy

PPC is also known as pay-per-click marketing, which is a great advertisement ideas for students. It is a strategy where a company or business has to pay a certain amount for the ads to be clicked. This enables them to bid for advertisements for their website.

These advertisements are displayed on the front search page of the search engine. As soon as a user types in the keywords, the resultant front page displays the PPC websites. You can either design your website or find out from a small business how they make income through PPC.

Typically, large organizations or businesses don’t make use of this marketing method. Instead, it is mainly used by small to medium businesses. It is an interesting topic nonetheless. 

Email Marketing with ROI

As the name implies, a business has to communicate directly with its current set of clients and potential clients through email. Why send an email? Well, an email is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy for any business or firm, specifically mba marketing project topics. 

That is because it contains vital information about a product or service. Perhaps, the company is releasing a new product, or they are offering a discount on a popular product or service for a specific period of time. Emails form 

a practical part of communication with clients. Millions of people use their email on a regular basis. So, the chances of them bypassing the email stand quite rare. 

Email marketing can provide firms with a very high percentage of ROI (4000%), to be specific. That is a high figure to be ignored. To do that, you have first to make a list of your current clients and potential clients with a project report on digital marketing. 

Usually, companies make use of an active campaign. The emails are then distributed and then tracked using the email service provider, making it easier for the firm to take note of things. We are sure this project will help you understand more about the nuances of digital marketing.

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Final thoughts and conclusion.

Here’s a comprehensive list of digital marketing project ideas. Some will involve reaching out to other businesses for data collection, while others can be completed independently. These serve as a starting point for tailoring your own projects. Choose one that resonates with you and enjoy exploring it. Hands-on experience with such projects is crucial for excelling in digital marketing.  

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Only through working on digital marketing projects can you truly understand search engine functionality, utilize available tools, and implement various strategies in everyday tasks. Utilize the project ideas provided to develop your own digital marketing projects.  

Finding the right digital marketing certification is crucial for determining your placement and salary potential. Consider MICA’s PG Certification in Digital Marketing and Communication Program to gain MICA alumni status.  


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Our Popular Digital Marketing Course

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, you can use a lot of these projects mentioned for your MBA assignment, they are relevant from that point of view.

These projects are very basic, someone with a good knowledge of Digital Marketing can easily manage to pick and finish any of these projects

Yes, as mentioned, these project ideas are basically for Students or Beginners. There is a high possibility that you get to work on any of these project ideas during your internship.

Digital marketing is the most in-demand skill in today’s world. For beginners in digital marketing, projects in domains like social media, search engines, analytics, campaign launch, paid advertising, customer satisfaction study, keywords research methodology, content writing and various digital marketing tools will help you to learn various aspects of digital marketing. The selection of projects should be based on your area of interest that will help you to strengthen your knowledge base and succeed.

For any business, digital marketing has three primary purposes, lead generation, leap capturing, and lead nurturing. In the lead generation segment, activities like search engine optimization, search engine marketing, and social media marketing techniques are used. For lead capturing, means like websites, landing pages, forms are used. And, at last, for lead nurturing, using various marketing technologies, nurturing campaigns, and personalisation of content techniques are used.

The digital marketing space is evolving and requires learning and adapting to the evolving changes to be competitive in the market. Some of the trending digital marketing research topics in 2021 include Artificial Intelligence, conversational marketing, voice search optimization, video marketing, influencer marketing, social commerce, micro-moments, social media stories, browser push notification, augmented reality and immersive technologies, predictive analytics, SERP position zero, etc. With a fast-evolving digital marketing space, the learning and the unlearning process is quite rapid for which you are required to be curious and flexible.

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5 Steps to Create an Outstanding Marketing Plan [Free Templates]

Rebecca Riserbato

Published: January 04, 2024

Do you take a good, hard look at your team's marketing strategy every year?

marketer using a free marketing plan

You should. Without an annual marketing plan, things can get messy — and it's nearly impossible to put a number on your budget for the projects, hiring, and outsourcing over the course of a year if you don't have a plan.

Download Now: Free Marketing Plan Template [Get Your Copy]

To make your plan's creation easier, we've put together a list of what to include in your plan and a few different planning templates where you can easily fill in the blanks.

To start, let's dive into how to create a marketing plan and then take a look at what a high-level marketing plan has inside.

In this article, we're going to discuss:

  • What a High-Level Marketing Plan Includes

How to Create a Marketing Plan

  • Marketing Plan Templates You Can Use
  • Simplified Marketing Plan Template
  • Plus — Social Media Plan Templates

assignment digital marketing

Free Marketing Plan Template

Outline your company's marketing strategy in one simple, coherent plan.

  • Pre-Sectioned Template
  • Completely Customizable
  • Example Prompts
  • Professionally Designed

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

Fill out this form to access a free marketing plan template.

Marketing plan outline.

free marketing plan outline

Download This Marketing Plan Outline for Free

The above marketing plan outline will help you create an effective plan that easily generates buy-in from stakeholders and effectively guides your marketing efforts.

Marketing plans can get quite granular to reflect the industry you're in, whether you're selling to consumers (B2C) or other businesses (B2B), and how big your digital presence is. Nonetheless, here are the elements every effective marketing plan includes:

1. Business Summary

In a marketing plan, your business summary is exactly what it sounds like: a summary of the organization. It's essential to include this information so that all stakeholders, including your direct reports, learn about your company in detail before delving into the more strategic components of your plan.

Even if you’re presenting this plan to people who’ve been in the company for a while, it doesn’t hurt to get everyone on the same page.

Most business summaries include:

The company name

Where it's headquartered

Its mission statement

Our marketing plan outline also includes information on marketing leadership, which is especially helpful for companies with large marketing teams.

2. SWOT Analysis

Your marketing plan's business summary also includes a SWOT analysis , which covers your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It’s essential to include this information so you can create targeted strategies that help you capitalize on your strengths and improve upon your weaknesses.

In my experience, you need a lot of patience when doing a SWOT analysis; it requires market research and competitive analysis to become truly accurate. I tend to revisit this section periodically, adjusting it as I discover more information about my own business and competition.

3. Business Initiatives

marketing plan template for hubspot

The business initiatives element of a marketing plan helps you segment the various goals of your department. Be careful not to include big-picture company initiatives, which you'd normally find in a business plan. This section should outline the projects that are specific to marketing. You'll also describe the goals of those projects and how those goals will be measured.

Every initiative should follow the SMART method for goal-making . They should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, a broad goal might be something like, "Increase my Facebook following." But a SMART-ified version of this goal could be, "Increase my Facebook following by 30% by June." See the difference?

4. Customer Analysis

marketing plan customer analysis template

In this part of the marketing plan outline, you get plenty of space to share all the data you collected during your market research . If your company has already done a thorough market research study, this section of your marketing plan might be easier to put together. Either way, try to do your research before synthesizing it in a shareable document like this one.

Ultimately, this element of your marketing plan will help you describe the industry you're selling to and your buyer persona . A buyer persona is a semi-fictional description of your ideal customer, focusing on traits like:

Personal challenges

Triggering event

5. Competitor Analysis

marketing plan competitive analysis template


Market share

Our marketing plan template includes space to list out the specific products you compete with, as well as other facets of the other company’s strategy, such as their blogging efforts or customer service reputation. Keep this part of your plan simple — your full competitive analysis should be done separately. Here are a few competitive analysis templates to get started.

6. Market Strategy

marketing strategy for business lan

Your market strategy uses the information included in the above sections to describe how your company should approach the market. 

For instance, when I'm filling out this section, I always pull insights from my SWOT analysis, my competitive analysis, and my general market research. This helps me write targeted, effective descriptions of my strategies.

Here's an example: if you found that one of your competitors employs stronger social media marketing strategies , you might add "We'll post 3 times per week on our social media profiles" under "Promotion."

In our full-length marketing plan outline, the market strategy section contains the "seven Ps of marketing" (or the “ extended marketing mix ”):

Physical Evidence

(You'll learn more about these seven sub-components inside our free marketing plan template, which you can download below.)

marketing plan Budget template

When I created my first marketing plan, I made the mistake of confusing the marketing budget section of my plan with my product's price and other financials.

Here's a better way to think of this section: it should describe how much money the business has allotted the marketing team to pursue the initiatives and goals outlined in the elements above.

Depending on how many individual expenses you have, you should consider itemizing this budget by what specifically you'll spend your budget on. Example marketing expenses include:

Outsourcing costs to a marketing agency and/or other providers

Marketing software

Paid promotions

Events (those you'll host and/or attend)

Knowing the budget and doing analysis on the marketing channels you want to invest in, you should be able to come up with a plan for how much budget to invest in which tactics based on expected ROI. From there, you'll be able to come up with financial projections for the year. These won't be 100% accurate but can help with executive planning.

Remember: Your marketing plan only includes a summary of the costs. We recommend keeping a separate document or Excel sheet to help you calculate your budget much more effectively. Here’s a marketing budget template to get started .

8. Marketing Channels

marketing plan marketing channels template

Your marketing plan should also include a list of your marketing channels. While your company might promote the product itself using certain ad space, your marketing channels are where you'll publish the content that educates your buyers, generates leads, and spreads awareness of your brand.

If you publish (or intend to publish) on social media, this is the place to talk about it. Use the Marketing Channels section of your marketing plan to map out which social networks you want to launch a business page on, what you'll use this social network for, and how you'll measure your success on this network.

Part of this section's purpose is to prove to your superiors, both inside and outside the marketing department, that these channels will serve to grow the business.

Businesses with extensive social media presences might even consider elaborating on their social strategy in a separate social media plan template.

9. Marketing Technology

marketing plan outline: marketing technology

Last, but certainly not least, your marketing plan should include an overview of the tools you'll include in your marketing technology (MarTech) stack . These are the tools that will help you achieve the goals you outlined in the previous sections. Since all types of marketing software usually need a generous investment from your company’s leadership, it’s essential to connect them to a potential ROI for your business.

For each tool, describe what exactly you’ll use it for, and be sure that it’s a strategy that you’ve mentioned elsewhere. For instance, we wouldn't recommend listing an advertising management tool if you didn’t list “ PPC Advertising ” under “Marketing Channels.”

  • Conduct a situation analysis.
  • Define your target audience.
  • Write SMART goals.
  • Analyze your tactics.
  • Set your budget.

1. Conduct a situation analysis.

The first step I take when creating a marketing plan is conducting a SWOT analysis. It helps me uncover the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing my business.

Additionally, I need a good picture of the current market. How do I compare to my competitors? Doing a competitor analysis can help.

In doing so, I can identify the gaps (and opportunities) in a competitor's approach. What are they missing? What can I offer that'll give me a competitive advantage?

Answering questions like this should help you figure out what your customer wants, which brings us to step number two.

2. Define your target audience.

If your company already has buyer personas , this step might just mean you have to refine your current personas.

But if you don't have a buyer persona, you should create one. To do this, you might have to conduct market research.

Your buyer persona should include demographic information such as age, gender, and income. However, it will also include psychographic information such as pain points and goals. What drives your audience? What problems do they have that your product or service can fix?

Once you have this information written out, it'll help you define your goals, which brings us to step number three.

3. Write SMART goals.

My mother always used to tell me, "You can't go somewhere unless you have a road map." Now, for me, someone who's geographically challenged, that was literal advice.

However, it can also be applied metaphorically to marketing. You can't improve your ROI unless you know what your goals are.

After you've figured out your current situation and know your audience, you can begin to define your SMART goals .

SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This means that all your goals should be specific and include a time frame for which you want to complete them.

For example, your goal could be to increase your Instagram followers by 15% in three months. Depending on your overall marketing goals, this should be relevant and attainable. Additionally, this goal is specific, measurable, and time-bound.

Before you start any tactic, you should write out your goals. Then, you can begin to analyze which tactics will help you achieve that goal. That brings us to step number four.

4. Analyze your tactics.

At this point, you've written down your goals based on your target audience and current situation.

Now, you have to figure out what tactics will help you achieve your goals. Plus, what are the right channels and action items to focus on?

For example, if your goal is to increase your Instagram followers by 15% in three months, your tactics might include hosting a giveaway, responding to every comment, and posting three times on Instagram per week.

Once you know your goals, brainstorming several tactics to achieve them should be easy. That said, you may not be able to pursue every tactic on your list (unless you have an unlimited budget, which, if so, jealous ) — which brings us to step number five.

5. Set your budget.

Before you can begin implementing any of the ideas that you've come up with in the steps above, you have to know your budget.

For example, your tactics might include social media advertising. However, if you don't have the budget for that, then you might not be able to achieve your goals.

While you're writing out your tactics, be sure to note an estimated budget. You can include the time it'll take to complete each tactic in addition to the assets you might need to purchase, such as ad space.

Now that you know how to create your marketing plan, let's dive into creating a marketing campaign outline that will help you reach the goals outlined plan.

Marketing Plan Timeline

Rolling out a new marketing plan is a big lift. To make sure things are running smoothly with all of your projects, you'll want to create a timeline that maps out when each project is happening.

A marketing plan timeline allows your team to view all projects, campaigns, events, and other related tasks in one place — along with their deadlines. This ensures everyone on your team knows what’s due, when it’s due, and what’s up next in the pipeline. Typically these plans cover marketing efforts for the entire year, but some companies may operate on a bi-annual or quarterly basis.

Once you’ve completed your analysis, research, and set goals, it’s time to set deadlines for your assignments. From new blog posts and content initiatives to product launches, everything will need a deadline. Take into account any holidays or events taking place over the course of the year.

While setting deadlines for the entire year may seem daunting, start by estimating how long you think each task will take and set a deadline accordingly. Track the time it actually takes for you to complete similar types of projects. Once you’ve completed a few of them, you’ll have a better idea of how long each takes and will be able to set more accurate deadlines.

For each project, you’ll want to build in time for:

  • Brainstorming : This is the first phase where your idea comes to life in a project outline. Decide what you want to achieve and which stakeholders need to be involved to meet your goal. Set a due date and set up any necessary meetings.
  • Planning : This can include determining the project’s scope, figuring out how much budget will be allocated for it, finalizing deadlines and who is working on each task. Map out any campaigns needed for each project (social media, PR, sales promotions, landing pages, events, etc.).
  • Execution : This third phase is all about your project launch. Decide on a date to launch and monitor the progress of the project. Set up a system for tracking metrics and KPIs.
  • Analysis : In this final phase you will analyze all of your performance data to see whether or not your marketing efforts paid off. Did you meet your goals? Did you complete your projects on time and within budget?

HubSpot marketing plan calendar tool

All projects and their deadlines should be in a central location where your team can access them whether that’s a calendar like HubSpot's tool , shared document, or project management tool.

One-Page Marketing Plan Template

As demonstrated above, a marketing plan can be a long document. When you want to share information with stakeholders or simply want an overview of your plan for quick reference, having a shorter version on hand can be helpful. A one-page marketing plan can be the solution, and we’ll discuss its elements below.

HubSpot one-page marketing plan template

Include your company name, list the names of individuals responsible for enacting the different stages of your plan, and a brief mission statement.

business summary example

2. Business Initiatives

Business Initiatives example

3. Target Market

Outline your target audience(s) that your efforts will reach. You can include a brief overview of your industry and buyer personas.

Target Market example

This is an overview of the money you’ll spend to help you meet your marketing goals. Create a good estimate of how much you'll spend on each facet of your marketing program.

marketing plan budget example

5. Marketing Channels

List the channels you’ll use to achieve your marketing goals. Describe why you're using each channel and what you want to accomplish so everyone is on the same page.

marketing plan marketing channel example

Free Marketing Plan Template [Word]

Now that you know what to include in your marketing plan, it's time to grab your marketing plan template and see how best to organize the six elements explained above. The following marketing plan template opens directly in Microsoft Word, so you can edit each section as you see fit:

free marketing plan template

Download your marketing plan template here .

Marketing campaign template.

Your marketing plan is a high-level view of the different marketing strategies you’ll use to meet your business objectives. A marketing campaign template is a focused plan that will help achieve those marketing goals.

A marketing campaign template should include the following key components:

  • Goals and KPIs: Identify the end goal for each of the individual campaigns you’ll run and the metrics you will use to measure the results of your campaign when it ends. For example, conversion rates, sales, sign-ups, etc.
  • Channels: Identify the different channels you’ll use to enact your marketing campaign to reach your audience. Maybe you run a social media campaign on Twitter to raise brand awareness or a direct mail campaign to notify your audience of upcoming sales.
  • Budget : Identify the budget you’ll need to run your campaign and how it will be distributed, like the amount you’ll spend on creating content or ad placements in different areas. Having these numbers also helps you later on when you quantify the success of your campaign, like ROI.
  • Content: Identify the type of content you’ll create and distribute during your campaigns—for example, blog posts , video ads, email newsletters, etc.
  • Teams and DRIs: Identify the teams and people that will be part of enacting your marketing plan from start to finish, like those responsible for creating your marketing assets, budgets, or analyzing metrics once campaigns are complete.
  • Design: Identify what your marketing campaigns will look like and how you’ll use design elements to attract your audience. It’s important to note that your design should directly relate to the purpose of your campaign.

Digital Marketing Plan Template

A digital marketing plan is similar to a marketing campaign plan, but, as the name suggests, it’s tailored to the campaigns that you run online. Let’s go over the key components of a digital marketing plan template to help you stay on track to meet your goals.

  • Objectives: The goals for your digital marketing and what you’re hoping to accomplish, like driving more traffic to your website . Maybe you want to drive more traffic to your website, or
  • Budget : Identify how much it will cost to run your digital marketing campaign and how the money will be distributed. For example, ad placement on different social media sites costs money, and so does creating your assets.
  • Target audience: Which segments of your audience are you hoping to reach with this campaign? It’s essential to identify the audiences you want to reach with your digital marketing, as different channels house different audience segments.
  • Channels: Identifies the channels that are central to your digital marketing campaign.
  • Timeline: Explains the length of time your digital campaigns will run, from how long it should take to create your assets to the final day of the campaign.

Many people use social media in their digital campaigns, and below we’ll discuss some ideas you can use for inspiration.

Social Media Marketing Plan Templates

As your marketing department grows, so will your presence on social media. And as your social media presence grows, so will your need to measure, plan, and re-plan what types of content you want to publish across each network.

If you're looking for a way to deepen your social media marketing strategy — even further than the marketing plan template above — the following collection of social media marketing plan templates is perfect for you:

Download 10 social media reporting templates here .

In the above collection of marketing plan templates, you'll get to fill in the following contents (and more) to suit your company:

  • Annual social media budget tracking
  • Weekly social media themes
  • Required social media image dimension key
  • Pie chart on social media traffic sorted by platform
  • Social media post calendar and publish time

Below, let's review the social media reporting templates, and what you'll find in each one.

1. Social Media Questions

Social media publishing analysis and questions

This template lists out questions to help you decide which social media management platform you should use.

What We Like

Once you know what social media tactics you're going to implement in your marketing plan, it's time to figure out what channels are right for you. This template will help you do that.

2. Facebook Live Schedule

facebook live schedule for marketing

If Facebook Live is one of the marketing tactics in your plan, this template will help you design an editorial calendar. With this template, you can organize what Facebook live's you want to do and when.

Once you've decided on dates, you can color-code your FB calendar and coordinate with your editorial calendar so everyone can see what lives are running in relation to other campaigns.

3. Instagram Post Log

Instagram post log for social media publishing management

Are you going to begin using Instagram regularly? Do you want to increase your following? With this template, you can organize your Instagram posts, so everyone on your team knows what posts are going live and when.

This is more than just a content calendar. You can use this doc to collaborate with your team on messaging, landing pages linked in your bio, and campaign rollouts.

4. Paid Social Media Template

paid social media template for annual budgeting

With this template, you can organize your annual and monthly budget for your paid social media calendar.

With this spreadsheet, all you need to do is plug in your numbers and the formulas will do the works for you. I recommend using this in conjunction with your marketing plan budget to make sure you are not overspending and funds are allocated appropriately.

5. Social Media Audit

Social media audit template

Conducting a social media audit? You can use this template to help you gather the right analytics. Tracking the results of your marketing efforts is key to determining ROI.

Use this template to track each of your campaigns to determine what worked and what didn't. From there, you can allocate funds for the strategies that deliver the results you want.

6. Social Media Editorial Calendar

Social media editorial calendar template

With this template, you can organize your social media editorial calendar. For example, you can include social media posts for each platform, so your team knows what's going live on any given day.

This calendar makes it easy to track activity across every social media platform, since each platform is assigned a specific color. 

7. Social Media Image Sizes

Social media image size template

With this template, your team can have the latest social media image sizes handy. This template includes image sizes for all major social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Having a resource like this readily available for your team ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding image sizes and prevents delays.

8. Social Media Marketing Proposal

Social media marketing proposal template

With this template, you can create an entire social media marketing proposal. This will outline the social media goals, the scope of the work, and the tactics that you plan to implement.

This proposal functions as more of a deep dive into the marketing channel section of your marketing plan. It's relatively straightforward and contains all the essential sections of a proposal.

9. Social Media Reporting Template

Social media report template

With this template, you'll gain access to a slide deck that includes templates for social media reporting.

If you plan to implement social media in your marketing plan, these reporting templates can help you track your progress. If using the social media audit above, you can add all of your data here once it's been collected.

10. Hashtag Holidays

Social media hashtag holidays

If you're going to lean into social media in your marketing plan, you can use hashtag holidays to generate ideas.

These holidays are a great way to fill out your social media publishing schedule. With this template, you'll get a list of all the hashtag holidays for the year. Once you've come up with content ideas, you can add them to your social media calendar.

Simple Marketing Plan Template

Of course, this type of planning takes a lot of time and effort. So if you're strapped for time before the holidays, give our new Marketing Plan Generator a try.

This tool simplifies yearly planning by asking prompted questions to help guide your process. You’ll be asked to input information about:

Try our free Marketing Plan Generator here .

  • Your annual marketing mission statement, which is what your marketing is focused on for the year.
  • The strategy that you’ll take with your marketing throughout the year to accomplish your marketing goals.
  • Three main marketing initiatives that you’ll focus on during the year (i.e., brand awareness or building a high-quality pipeline) metrics you’ll use to measure your success.
  • Your target goals for those marketing initiatives like generating 100 leads per week.
  • Marketing initiatives that are not aligned with your current strategy to stay focused on your goals and activities that will help you be successful.

Once you input all information, the tool will spit out a table (as shown in the image below) that you can use to guide your processes.

simple marketing plan template

Pro Tip: If the tool doesn't work, clear your browser's cache or access it in incognito mode.

Start the Marketing Planning Process Today

The best way to set up your marketing plan for the year is to start with quick wins first, that way you can ramp up fast and set yourself (and your team) up to hit more challenging goals and take on more sophisticated projects by Q4. So, what do you say? Are you ready to give it a spin?

Editor's note: This post was originally published in December 2016 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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  • The need for centralized online strategy
  • Why we quit our day jobs
  • How are we different from an ad agency?

Typical digital marketing assignments

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The Duffy Agency

The Duffy Agency Blog

Our projects always have two things in common: They involve marketing across borders and a digital-first approach. Beyond that, common requests include helping a CEO or brand manager to create a more cohesive online brand presence and to structure their efforts to build brand equity  and audience across multiple markets. 

Typically we’re called in before the ad agency to define the optimal position for the brand in the local market and to develop a digital strategy (including content and social strategies) and tactical plan to achieve it. At the same time, we work with the brand on a global level to craft a universal brand story and set of values. The aim is one brand identity that resonates globally combined with positioning and tactics that address the unique target mindset and competitive environment found in each country.

  • Brand Creation & Positioning This may be for a start up company or a new brand of an existing company.  
  • Brand Articulation The brand exists, but has never been adequately defined in words in a way that resonates with employees or customers. 
  • Brand Strategy The brand exists but is not actively developed to increase brand equity.
  • Market Investigations The first step for most of our projects. We use desk-top research, in-depth interviews, focus groups and surveys to mine actionable insights.
  • Web Presence Optimization Today brands are expected to have a globally integrated web presence beyond their web site. We create a coordinated presence that is run locally but controlled centrally.   
  • Website Development and Management The role of branded web sites has changed dramatically in recent years. We consider the brand's web site the hub of the brand's digital universe and help design and manage it accordingly.     
  • Online Content Strategies At the heart of developing a strong online audience is providing content that is relevant to them. We help map personas and their content needs across the buying cycle 
  • Social Media Strategies We build a social media presence for clients that is centrally monitored, locally run, and fully integrated with brand strategy.
  • Social Media Management & Training We train clients to run their own social media programs. Alternatively, we can manage parts or all of the program for them. 
  • Local Adaptation & Management We provide a turnkey solution for rolling out centrally produced content and campaigns across multiple markets. It includes managing local language adaptation, production and media. 

Learn how we bridge strategy and tactics into creative execution for our clients. 


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