15 Power BI Projects Examples and Ideas for Practice

Master Power BI Skills By Gaining Hands-on Experience on These Amazing Power BI Projects in 2022 | ProjectPro

15 Power BI Projects Examples and Ideas for Practice

Preparing for your next BI developer interview? Check out these Power BI projects that will blow your mind with Power BI’s interactive dashboards, exceptional graphs and charts, and many more features.

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We will look at some intriguing sample Power BI projects in this blog to help you better understand the role of Power BI in Data Science and how it can help businesses thrive.

Table of Contents

What is power bi, what is power bi used for, how to do visualization in a power bi project, 15 power bi project examples , 1. customer churn analysis, 2. product sales data analysis, 3. marketing campaign insights analysis, 4. financial performance analysis, 5. healthcare sales analysis, 6. anomaly detection in credit card transactions , 7. automl cashflow optimization for insurance company , 8. global health expenditure analysis, 9. loan application analysis, 10. movie sales visualization, 11. airport authority data analysis, 12. covid-19 insights analysis , 13. construction permit data analysis, 14. global energy trade analysis, 15. life expectancy data analysis, 16. twitter analysis dashboard, 17. ott media dashboard, 18. adventureworks database analysis, retail analysis power bi report example, global covid-19 analysis power bi report example, inventory stock analysis power bi report example, cancer analytics power bi report example, customer analysis power bi report example, master data visualization with these power bi projects.

  • What projects can I do with Power BI?
  • How do you practice Power BI?
  • Where can I get practice data for Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI is a Business Intelligence service that enables you to create visually rich and interactive dashboards and reports based on the raw business data acquired from various sources. Apart from the variety of apps, connectors, and services offered by Power BI, there are three basic elements integrated into Power BI- 

Power BI Desktop (a desktop version),

Power BI Service (an online SaaS service), and

Power BI Mobile Applications for several platforms.

Business users utilize these services to collect data and generate BI reports. These three components are all meant to assist in building, exchanging, and leveraging business insights in the most efficient way possible for any business. Some of the benefits of leveraging Power BI include-

Easy Interaction with Existing Applications: Power BI makes it far easier to implement analytics and reporting abilities since it seamlessly connects with your current business environment.

Customized Dashboards: The information dashboard can be tailored to meet the demands of a company. The application can simply include Power BI dashboards and reports to create a smooth user experience.

Advanced Analytics with R Integration: R programming language has several packages focusing on data mining and visualization. Data scientists employ R programming language for machine learning, statistical analysis, and complex data modeling . Data models created in R may be easily integrated into Power BI dashboards and turned into visualizations.

No Storage or Performance Limits: There are no memory or speed constraints when migrating an existing BI system to a robust cloud environment with Power BI integrated, ensuring that data can be fetched and analyzed efficiently.

Securely published reports: Power BI enables automatic data refresh and publishes reports securely, allowing users to access the most up-to-date data.

New Projects

There are various tools and techniques for analytics and machine learning in the fascinating and extensive realm of data science. Power BI is a high-level, all-in-one solution for data analytics in data science. Data science aids in the discovery of relevant and productive trends and insights. It involves analyzing the data and also assists us in identifying entirely new features in it. Business intelligence is sifting through data to extract meaningful organizational ideas and insights. BI enhances and strengthens the business infrastructure to get desired or projected results.

Many data sciences and analysis tasks can be automated with Power BI, eliminating the need for spreadsheets and static presentation tools. One of Power-most BI's most impressive features is its ability to create stunning visualizations. The software is packed with excellent and eye-catching visualization templates. The integration of Power BI into Data Science holds great importance for businesses. This allows for smooth and effective data visualization, which plays a vital role in an organization’s success. 

With the help of Power BI, visualization in Data Science can be taken a notch further. Businesses and Data Scientists rely heavily on Power BI-aided data visualization for various projects. Numerous visualization types and charts are available in Power BI for creating effective visualization for data science projects .

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There are two ways to generate visualization in Power BI. First, add items to Report Canvas from the right side pane. Another way you can do this is by dragging the fields from the right sidebar to the value axis under Visualization. By default, Power BI selects the table type visualization. To each axis, you can add as many fields as necessary. You can also click and drag your visualization to rearrange it on the reporting panel. You can easily toggle between various charts and visualizations from the Visualization window. Your specified fields are transformed to the new visual format as accurately as possible.

Let us now understand how one can perform data visualization in Power BI.

The first thing you need is data. Power BI can connect several data sources- Excel, Web, etc. The options from which data can be imported into the Power BI desktop are all visible once you click the Get Data icon. You can view the data in the Fields pane once it has been loaded.

After loading the sample data into the Power BI desktop, you can modify it with the help of Query Editor. Regardless of the data source, query editors are helpful for editing datasets . In the query editor, you can perform changes like renaming a dataset and removing one or more columns, among other things.

In Power BI, removing columns from the dataset or modifying the data types in the columns is relatively easy. You can remove columns by simply choosing the Remove Columns option after selecting the desired column. Likewise, the query editor makes it simple to perform a wide range of actions like removing and adding rows, transposing, pivoting, and splitting.

Once the dataset is complete and has undergone all necessary modifications, you can move on to creating the dashboard. Both bubble and shape maps are available for map visualizations in Power BI. To plot measure values, Power BI offers several combination chart types. Suppose you want to display overall sales and revenue on the same chart. The ideal option for this type of scenario is combination charts.

You can change the colors in the charts in BI dashboards. There is a color selection option when you choose any visualization.

Additionally, the application has an analytics feature that allows you to draw lines for data visualization according to your preferences. Power BI also has the option to add various shapes, texts, and images when visualizing data.

This blog lists 15 Microsoft Power BI projects for you. We have categorized these Power BI examples into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. You can choose any of these power bi projects for practice to upskill yourself in the Data Science domain. 

The 15 Best Project Ideas Using Power BI 

Beginner-Level Power BI Project Basic Examples

In this section, we have included some Power BI projects for students. These simple Power BI projects will enable you to understand business intelligence applications and build a successful career as a data scientist.

The customer churn analysis project is one of the easiest and most popular Power BI sample projects. Customer Churn Analysis reveals regional customers' product sales and profits. Analytical users can use it to analyze regional business growth across geographies to gain valuable insights and distribute profits among customers. They can receive extensive data by using the right visualizations and data structure. The project includes regional cash inflows and product-specific customer churn over time.

For this beginner-friendly project, use the customer segmentation dataset available on Kaggle. In the analysis overview page, you could use Combo Charts, Cards, Bar Charts, Tables, or Line Charts; for the customer segmentation page, you could employ Column Charts, Bubble Charts, Point Maps, Tables, etc.

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Businesses must keep detailed records of their sales for a variety of reasons. However, if there is too much data, it often becomes difficult to keep track of everything. Analyzing sales data allows companies to keep track of their sales and answer all critical questions regarding their performance.

This sales data analysis project entails analyzing a company's sales data and indicating profit by product, sales, and other significant factors that might influence the company's performance. You can use Microsoft's sample dataset . The data set must be connected to Power BI Desktop to remove irrelevant data before visualizing and exporting the filtered data as dashboards. The dashboard could leverage Power BI visualization types such as Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Doughnut Charts, Funnel Charts, etc.

The project idea is to showcase the efficacy of various marketing campaigns and the performance of product groups and platforms using any marketing analytics dataset. This project is an excellent approach for a marketing manager to assess the success of marketing campaigns.

Use the Marketing Analytics dataset available on Kaggle for this beginner-level project. For the data visualization dashboard, you can explore many of the Power BI visualization types, such as Bar Charts for category-wise expenditures, Column Charts for campaign success rate, Smart Narratives for displaying the key highlights of the campaign, Bubble Charts for customer-wise spending, Cards for showing individual data insights, etc.

Financial performance analysis is one of the most intriguing Power BI project ideas for beginners. This business intelligence project approach is based on optimizing financial analysis for a firm that provides accounting services to clients who seek timely delivery of critical financial reports. You can set up the analysis to quickly access reliable financial data. The project might be used to: migrate traditional financial reporting from Excel to current BI dashboards and provide customers with an effective tool to track their financial health and productivity.

Power BI Project Idea to Analyze Financial Performance 

Refer to the multi-company financial dataset available on Kaggle. You can leverage Power BI data visualization in this project for three different cases-

- for the summary/overview page, you can use Funnel Charts, Combo Charts (Column Charts, Line Charts, Waterfall Charts); 

-for the income statement page, you can use Cards, Funnel Charts, and Combo Charts (Line Charts and Column Charts); and

- for the balance sheet page, you can use Cards and Tables.

This business intelligence project idea enables those in the Animal Healthcare sector to efficiently track the sale of products dedicated to treating minor animal species. Businesses may instantly compare product sales in top-ranking and bottom-ranking cities. The project could generate a thorough report on therapeutic group-wise sales and the sales trends for any specified period.

You can refer to the pharma sales dataset available on Kaggle. For the data visualization on Power BI, you might use Tables for displaying the therapeutic group-wise sales, Column Charts for monthly sales trends; Bar charts for top and bottom-ranking cities; and also, you can include Treemaps, Cards, Smart Narratives, etc. You can also check out the Microsoft Power BI community for some beginner-friendly power bi project examples.

Learn more about Big Data Tools and Technologies with Innovative and Exciting Big Data Projects Examples.

Intermediate-Level Power BI Project Ideas

If you’re already well-versed with the Power BI data visualization tool and are willing to strengthen your data analytics skills further as a Data Scientist, here are some power bi projects for resume-

The first Power BI project idea we have come up with is Anomaly Detection in Credit Card Transactions. Anomaly Detection is a machine learning technique for detecting unusual things, events, or observations that differ considerably from the rest of the data and look suspicious. You can implement this machine learning method in three ways- supervised (for labeled datasets), semi-supervised (for normally trained datasets), and unsupervised (for datasets without any labels).

For this project, you can use the credit card dataset by Delaware available on their open data platform itself or the credit card fraud detection dataset from Kaggle. You must first import the dataset into the Power BI desktop, maybe via a web connector. You can then leverage Power BI to train your anomaly detector or use a pre-trained model. To label outliers in Power BI, you'll need to run a Python script in the Power Query Editor and use the get_outliers() method. Finally, Power BI Dashboard can be used to visualize it. You could also train your anomaly detection model in any IDE or Notebook and then pass it to Power BI for labeling. You can do the data visualization in the Power BI dashboard with the help of Line Charts, Bubble Charts, TreeMaps, etc.

Automated machine learning (AutoML) is the technique of automating machine learning's time-consuming, iterative processes. It enables data scientists and analysts to rapidly create machine learning models while retaining model quality. Any AutoML solution's ultimate goal is to identify the optimal model based on performance metrics.

In this business intelligence project, you can work with the medical cost personal dataset from Kaggle. The business problem involves an insurance company that wishes to improve its cash flow projections by precisely estimating patient charges through demographic and primary patient health risk variables at the time of hospitalization. The first step is accessing Power BI Desktop, loading the dataset, and replicating it. The Python script may then be executed in Power Query, where the compare_models() method can be used to train different models, compare them, and evaluate their performance data. You may also use the automl() function to find the best-performing model out of all of them. For the resulting dashboard, you can leverage Power BI dashboard features such as Bar Charts, Bubble Charts, Tables, etc.

One of the most helpful Power BI project ideas is the Global Health Expenditure Analysis. This project idea is based on implementing clustering analysis in Power BI using PyCaret. Clustering is a method for bringing data items together that have similar features. These classifications help study a dataset, detect patterns, analyze data, and data clustering help in identifying underlying data structures.

In this case, use the current health expenditure dataset from the WHO Global Health Expenditure database. From 2000 to 2018, the dataset includes health expenditure as a percentage of national GDP for over 200 nations. Also, you could use the K-Means clustering algorithm for the clustering analysis. Visualize the cluster labels in Power BI Dashboard to gain insights after you have loaded the dataset in Power BI Desktop and trained your clustering model in Power BI. For the summary page dashboard, you might choose visualization chart types such as Filled Maps, Bar Charts, etc., while for the detailed visualization, you can use Point Maps.

This project concept entails evaluating loan application data to find abstract 'topics,' which are then used to assess the impact of specific topics (loan types) on the default rate. It is based on implementing the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic model in Power BI. Topic modeling aims to automatically analyze a collection of documents and determine their abstract ‘topics’.

For this project, you can use the Kiva dataset on GitHub, which covers loan data for 6,818 accepted potential borrowers. The loan amount, nationality, gender, and some text data from the borrower's application are included in the dataset. Once you have loaded the dataset in Power Bi desktop, trained your model, and the topic weights are added to the original dataset in Power BI, you can visualize it in the Power BI dashboard by employing the Word Cloud feature, Pie Charts on basic maps, Bar Charts, Scatter Charts, etc.

The movie sales visualization project is one of the most exciting Power BI project ideas. This project aims to take a dataset that shows movie sales over time and turn it into an interactive visual experience. You can use the IMDb dataset for 2006 to 2016, available on both IMDb and Kaggle. The dataset includes a list of movies having an IMDb score of 6 or higher and the parameters Budget, Gross, Genre, and Scores. 

You can create a custom Radial Bar Chart and use Slicers to pick Genre, Country, and score range to be integrated directly into PowerBI. This would display parameters such as Average Score and Gross Collections for the selected set. Plotting a Histogram on the score variable using year and genre as slicers will show the frequency distribution of the IMDb scores. A KDE plot can provide a density graph and insights into the average rating for a specific genre and distribution for a given timeframe.

Advanced-Level Power BI Project Ideas

Lastly, we have listed some of the best power bi projects for professionals who need some interesting power BI projects with dataset to try their hands on. 

The Airport Authority Data Analysis project aims to provide a clear picture of all the significant airport data. The total number of flights (incoming and departing flights), the total number of flight delays (arrivals and departures), ground processing time, and the passenger feedback section can all be included in the summary page of this project’s dashboard. In case of flight changes, emergencies, or delays, this analysis could assist airport management authorities in making timely data-driven choices.

Power BI Project Idea to Analyze Airport Authority Data 

For this project idea, you can use the Airline delays and cancellation dataset available on Kaggle. The dataset includes multi-year airline data from 2009 to 2018 to provide more time-series insights. For flight analysis, you can use Power BI visualization options like Cards, Bar Charts, Flow Maps, TreeMaps, and Tornado Charts. For passenger feedback, you might prefer to use Bar Charts, Column Charts, or Cards.

Covid-19 Insights Analysis is one of the most popular Power BI project ideas among individuals. The project aims to thoroughly overview the Covid-19 pandemic's essential parameters, the latest situation, and detailed country-level evaluations. You can create a dashboard that gives valuable information regarding cases (active, deceased, or recovered), mortality, and recovery rates by nation and timeframe. Also, the dashboard might even include a management summary of the most important KPIs and a thorough analysis of individual report pages.

Refer to the Covid-19 dataset available on Kaggle for this project idea. As for the Power BI data visualization features, you can use- Bar Charts, Point Maps, Line Charts, and Column Charts for the overview page; Doughnut Charts for category-wise case analysis; and Decomposition Trees for country-wise case analysis. You might also use Heat Maps to enhance your project’s dashboard visualization.

Explore Categories

The project idea is to help construction firms better understand the industry by allowing them to dig deeper into the specifics and research relevant incidents. You can focus your project on details such as investment growth over time, investment concentrations in specific areas if the investment is impacted by Category, Contractor, or Individual, market status, and which categories, individuals, and permits are driving the market.

Power BI Project Idea to Analyze Construction Permit Data

For this project idea, use the Seattle building permits dataset from Kaggle. You can perform  Power BI data visualization with the help of Regional Maps, Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Tables, Cards for the main page, Bar Charts, and Line Charts for depicting contractor competitions and category-wise growth, etc.

One of the most unique power bi projects ideas is the Global Energy Trade Analysis. This project concept includes various topics concerning global energy exchange and production. It addresses several topics, such as the expansion of wind energy, energy consumption as a different basis for comparing national economies, etc.

For this unique project idea, use the international energy statistics dataset from Kaggle. The resulting dashboard could display total energy statistics on production, exchange, and usage of primary and secondary energy, conventional and non-conventional energy sources, and new and renewable energy sources. For the dashboard, you can use Power BI visualization types such as Bar Charts, Flow Maps, Cards for the overview page, Ribbon Charts, Treemaps, Bar Charts for the energy production and exchange pages, etc.

This project will analyze life expectancy data by looking at factors such as immunizations, mortality, finances , social factors, and other health-related issues. It will make it easier for a country to identify the predicting factor contributing to a lower life expectancy value. This will also aid in recommending to a country which areas should be prioritized to effectively raise the population's life expectancy.

Use the life expectancy dataset by WHO on Kaggle for Life Expectancy Data Analysis. Power BI visualization types such as Gauge Charts, Pie Charts, Line Charts, and Point Maps can be used for the overview page, while Tornado Charts, Doughnut Charts, Treemaps can be used for depicting country-wise data, etc.

Power BI Projects Github

Here are a few unique project ideas from GitHub that will help you better understand the various applications of Power BI.

Power BI Project Idea to Analyze Twitter Data

This project entails implementing an end-to-end Twitter data analysis/ETL pipeline. For this Power Bi project idea, use the Twitter data from Github . After extracting the data, you will transform it from JSON to CSV and create all the necessary derived attributes. You will then use NLP analysis to classify the tweets' content and determine their sentiment score. Once you finish the ETL process, you can move on to visualize your data using Power Bi reports. For creating the dashboard, you will use pie charts, bar graphs, line charts, tree maps, doughnut Charts, etc.

Power BI Project Idea to Analyze OTT Media Data

This unique Power BI project entails visualizing various information related to multiple OTT platforms such as Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon Prime, etc. You can access this project's entire OTT media platform dataset from Github. Use the Query Editor in Power BI for data cleaning and preparation. Once your data is ready for visualization, you can display the visuals using various plots, graphs, cards, etc.

Suppose you have learned all the basics of Spark. What’s next? Start exploring ProjectPro’s repository, where you will find different Spark Projects for Practice.

Power BI Project Idea to Analyze AdventureWorks Database

You can work with the AdventureWorks data available on GitHub for analysis & visualization. Perform the query editing in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and use Power BI for the visualization part. Also, use MS Excel and Power BI's query editor for analysis.

Power BI Report Examples

Below are a few interesting Power Bi report examples to help you understand the power of data visualization using Power BI.

Power BI Report to Analyze Retail Data

The retail analysis report presents a dashboard that analyzes product sales data from various retailers across various regions. The metrics include new-store analysis and a comparison of this year's performance to last year's in terms of sales, units, gross margin, and variation.

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Power BI Report to Analyze Covid-19 Data

With interactive visualizations based on readily accessible data, the Global Covid-19 Analysis Report contributes to fully disclosing COVID-19 trends worldwide. The report includes maps showing Vaccinations, Progress to Zero, Rt, Spread Analysis, Testing, and Risk Levels.

Power BI Report to Analyze Inventory Stock Data

The inventory stock analysis report contains additional details on stock inventory and represents an analysis of stock inventory for 2018. Using this dashboard, you can forecast "Availability of Stock" and "Time to Replenish Stock" using information from the fulfillment cycle and markdown variance.

Power BI Report to Analyze Cancer Data

The Cancer Analytics report offers a brief overview and a thorough analysis of cancer patients in the US. It enables you to evaluate the mortality rates of each type of cancer, divided according to several factors. You can use the Cancer Analytics Dashboard to make well-informed decisions about the growing number of cancer patients in America.

Power BI Report to Analyze Customer Data

The Customer Analysis Report highlights product sales and profit for local customers. It can be helpful for analytical users to gain valuable information on customer profit distribution and business growth across areas. The main highlights of the Customer Analysis report dashboard are the region-specific cash inflow and the clients' product-specific turnover.

These real-time power bi projects will help beginners and professionals upskill and master the ability to integrate business intelligence into Data Science. By working on these project ideas, you will gain a deeper understanding of leveraging Power BI for a data-driven approach to various data science industries and becoming job-ready. In case you are looking for some free Power BI projects for practice with solutions, you can head to open-source platforms like GitHub or Kaggle . ProjectPro offers more than 250 end-to-end project solutions around Data Science and Big Data, including some interesting data visualizations. 

Get FREE Access to Data Analytics Example Codes for Data Cleaning, Data Munging, and Data Visualization

FAQs on Power BI Projects

1. what projects can i do with power bi.

Some of the projects you can do with Power BI are

Energy Trade Analysis

Covid-19 Analysis

Customer Churn Analysis

Movie Sales Visualization

2. How do you practice Power BI?

You can practice Power Bi by working on some unique and easy real-time Power BI examples available on ProjectPro, Github, Kaggle, etc.

3. Where can I get practice data for Power BI?

You can get practice data for Power BI in the platform itself, as the Power BI service has pre-built samples available.

Sign in to the Power BI service.

Browse to the workspace where you want to install the sample, whether it is My Workspace or another.

Select ‘Get data’ in the bottom-left corner. Choose Samples from the Get Data page that appears.

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About the Author

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Daivi is a highly skilled Technical Content Analyst with over a year of experience at ProjectPro. She is passionate about exploring various technology domains and enjoys staying up-to-date with industry trends and developments. Daivi is known for her excellent research skills and ability to distill

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Top 10 Power BI Project Ideas for Practice

What is power bi, why power bi, top power bi projects, power bi projects for beginners, 1. product sales data analysis, 2. marketing campaign insights analysis, 3. financial performance analysis, 4. customer churn analysis, intermediate level power bi project ideas, 5. global health expenditure analysis, 6. energy trade analysis, 7. anomaly detection in credit card transactions , advanced level power bi project ideas, 8. covid insight analysis, 9. airport performance analysis, 10. life expectancy data analysis, additional resources.

Data has become a ubiquitous part of business today, making it essential for businesses to understand how to gain value from the wealth of raw data available to them. The right information must be gleaned from the data and presented clearly for making well-informed business decisions. Because of this, business intelligence (BI) systems have gained tremendous traction that can assist an organization in discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making. BI is a system that analyzes data, provides actionable information, and helps users to take informed business decisions. As a proven technology leader, Microsoft has propelled itself to the forefront with the introduction of its powerful analytics tool, Power BI. 

Microsoft’s Power BI toolkit transforms your data into meaningful information, making it one of the most popular business intelligence tools in the world. The increasing popularity of Power BI has led to an increased demand for Power BI professionals and business analysts.

Are you intrigued? If so, we’ve created this detailed guide for you. In this article, we will discuss some Power BI projects ideas that you can use to boost your chances of becoming a Power BI professional. But before we start exploring Power BI projects and Power BI projects for practice, let’s take a look at exactly what Power BI is and why it is so important.

Confused about your next job?

Power BI is a Business Intelligence and Data Visualization tool designed to analyze, visualize, and process enormous volumes of raw business data and transform them into actionable and interactive insights that help business managers, corporate executives, and other users to make better informed business decisions. Raw data can be stored in an Excel spreadsheet, cloud-based databases, or on-premises data warehouses. But, Power BI makes it easy to connect to your data sources, visualize it to find out what’s important, and share it with others. Using it, you can gain insight, draw conclusions, and share results across departments in the form of analytical reports or interactive dashboards.

Power BI is a BI solution by Microsoft that provides a simple yet powerful interface that even non-technical users can use to create dashboards and analysis reports. Besides offering easy drag-and-drop functionality, the tool also provides a range of interactive data visualizations for creating interactive reports and dashboards. Among all the apps, connectors, and services provided by the Power BI platform, the following key components stand out:

  • Power BI Desktop (a Windows desktop application)
  • Power BI service (an online SaaS (Software as a Service) service)
  • Power BI mobile applications (available for different platforms such as Windows, iOS, and Android devices)

With these three elements, you can build, exchange, and leverage business insights in a way that’s efficient and impactful for any business.

Now that you know what Power BI is, let’s look at what makes it so valuable for analytics.

The following are some of the reasons why Power BI is widely considered one of the best business intelligence tools worldwide:

  • Integrates seamlessly with existing systems: Power BI enhances analytics and reporting capabilities by seamlessly integrating with your existing business processes.
  • Connect seamlessly with data sources: Power BI can connect to a variety of data sources, making it possible to align data sets from different sources and generate compelling reports on the basis of that data. Over 70 connectors are available for extracting data from sources like Azure Data Warehouse, , Excel, CSV, OneDrive, Google Analytics, Dropbox, SQL databases.
  • No memory or speed constraints: Migrating a BI system to a robust cloud environment with Power BI integrated does not create memory or speed constraints, enabling the data to be retrieved and analyzed efficiently. Power BI uses the pivot data modeling engine, a columnar database that reduces data sizes from about 1GB to about 200MB, thereby improving performance.
  • Reports published securely: Power BI automatically refreshes data and publishes reports securely, ensuring that you always have access to the latest information.
  • Custom visualization: PowerBI offers a variety of predesigned data visualizations allowing you to create interactive reports or dashboards. In addition, we can add customized visualizations created by Power BI community members to enhance the reports.

Next, let’s talk about Power BI project ideas you can work on and include in your portfolio. Furthermore, these projects allow you to practice and acquire practical experience with the various tools used for data visualization.

In order to help you broaden your knowledge and enhance your skills in Power BI, we have listed 10 Power BI project ideas based on your level of expertise. Newbies can browse through the list of Power BI projects ideas for beginners, whereas intermediates and advanced users can browse through the list of Power BI projects for intermediates and advanced users. For practice, you can select any of these power bi projects for upskilling in the Data Science space and improving portfolio. 

For beginners, it’s important to improve data analytics and visualization skills, as well as how to use different techniques to make reports more appealing. Here are some Power BI project ideas for beginners:

Businesses should keep detailed records of their sales because these records can provide valuable insight into how well their business is performing, which items are proving successful, and what changes can be made. Businesses with good records are more likely to succeed. The problem arises when there is a lot of data, and keeping track of everything can become a challenge. This is where Power BI came into play. 

Using Sales Data Analysis Project, companies are able to keep track of their sales and get answers to all of their questions about how they performed. As part of this project, we’ll be visualizing Microsoft’s sample dataset to show a profit by product and sales, as well as other key factors that may affect a company’s performance. However, the data set needs to be connected to Power BI Desktop so that irrelevant data can be removed before visualization and exporting of the filtered data as dashboards. There are various Power BI visualization types you could use for the dashboard, including Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Doughnut Charts, Funnel Charts, etc. Using the same sample dataset (Microsoft’s sample dataset), more Power BI projects can be developed and advanced visualizations can be made.

Source Code: Sales Analysis

An effective marketing campaign is a great way to reach consumers, clients and leads. An analysis of your campaign data can provide you with valuable insight into your target audience, marketing channels, and budget. Then you can figure out how (or how not) to run your next campaign. This is where Power BI came into play.

We propose this project to show off the efficiency of various marketing campaigns and the features performance analysis of products and platforms can be done. ​You can use this project to assess the success of marketing campaigns and various activities carried out under his management. This beginner-level project can be done with the Marketing Analytics dataset (this project provides insight into the customer’s profile preferences and channel performance). This dataset can be used for EDA, statistical analysis, and visualizations.  A Power BI dashboard could have several types of visualization, such as Bar Charts for category-wise expenditures, Smart Narratives for highlighting key aspects of the campaign, Bubble Charts for customer-wise spending, Column Charts for campaign success rates, Cards for highlighting individual insights, etc.

Source Code: Marketing Campaign Analysis

Microsoft Power BI is used for financial analysis to gather and analyze KPIs (Key Financial Indicators), charts, and financial statements. The purpose of this BI project is to optimize financial reporting in a firm that provides accounting services to clients seeking timely delivery of critical financial reports. Through this analysis, you will be able to access reliable financial reports quickly and efficiently. Multi-company financial datasets may be utilized for this project. 

The project outlined here can also be applied to the migration of traditional financial reporting from Excel to BI dashboards, allowing customers to track their financial health and productivity more effectively. ​In this project, Power BI data visualization options can be utilized for three scenarios as given below: 

  • Funnel charts, combo charts (such as column charts, waterfall charts, line charts) for the summary page or overview page; 
  • Cards, Funnel Charts, and Combo Charts (such as Line Charts and Column Charts) for the income statement page; 
  • Cards and Tables for the balance sheet page.

Source Code: Financial Analysis

A major challenge that modern enterprises face is customer migration (churn). Churn, or customer attrition, is the act of customers stopping purchasing from a business or interacting with it. What can we do to overcome this challenge? The idea is to know the reasons why customers churn, the factors that impact that, so that appropriate measures can be taken to retain them. This is where Power BI comes into play.

Through this Customer Churn analysis project, one can uncover what causes your customers to stop using your product or service. Business leaders, managers, or analytical users can use this Power BI project to analyze regional business growth and the profit distribution among customers. With the right visualization and data structure, they can receive extensive data. As part of the project, regional cash inflows will be considered, as well as product-specific churn over the course of time. To complete this beginner-friendly project, you will need the customer segmentation dataset .  ​In this project, Power BI data visualization options can be utilized for different scenarios as given below: 

  • Combo Charts, Bar Charts, Line Chart, Cards, Tables, etc., for overview page.
  • Column Charts, Bubble Charts, Point Maps, Tables, etc., for the customer segmentation page.

Source Code: Customer Churn Analysis

You may already be familiar with the Power BI tool and are interested in strengthening your skills further as a Data Scientist . Check out these Power BI project ideas for your resumes:

A global health expenditure analysis provides comparative data on health expenditure for 192 countries over the last two decades. In this project, PyCaret (Machine learning library in Python) is used for implementing clustering analysis in Power BI. Clustering involves gathering data items having similar features. These classifications aid in examining datasets, detecting patterns, and analyzing data, while data clustering assists in identifying underlying data structures.

For this project, you can use the current health expenditure dataset from the WHO (World Health Organization) Global Health Expenditure Database. You could also use the K-Means algorithm to conduct your clustering analysis. Once the dataset has been loaded in Power BI Desktop and trained your clustering model has in Power BI, you can visualize the cluster labels in Power BI Dashboard in order to gain insights. You might choose visualization chart types such as Bar Charts, Filled Maps, etc., for the summary page dashboard, while you can use Point Maps for the detailed visualization.

In this project, various aspects of global energy production and exchange are covered. Several topics are analyzed in this project, including the expansion of wind energy the use of energy consumption to compare national economies, and many more.

Make use of the international energy statistics dataset for this project idea. ​ As a result of this effort, Power BI dashboards will display total energy statistics, including production, exchange, and usage of primary/secondary energy, new/renewable energy sources, as well as conventional/non-conventional energy sources. ​In this project, Power BI data visualization options can be utilized for different scenarios as given below: 

  • Bar Charts, Cards, Flow Maps, etc., for the overview/summary page; 
  • Bar Charts, Ribbon Charts, Treemaps, etc., for the energy production and exchange pages, etc.

Credit cards are being used more and more these days, which has led to an increase in fraudulent transactions (unauthorized access to an individual’s accounts or payments). Credit card fraud detection is one of the most important applications of anomaly detection. This is where Power BI comes into play. Anomaly Detection in Credit Card Transactions Project is basically a method used to identify the suspicious occurrence of data or events (outliers) that may pose problems for the concerned authorities. It is a machine learning technique used to find unusual events, things, or observations that seem suspicious during credit card transactions. There are three ways you can apply this method as given below: 

  • Semi-supervised (for trained datasets)
  • Unsupervised (for datasets without any labels)
  • Supervised (for labeled datasets) 

If you are working on this project, you can either use the card fraud detection dataset or the credit card dataset. The first step is to import the dataset into the Power BI desktop, possibly through a web connector. Power BI can then be used to train your anomaly detector or you can use a pre-trained model. Outliers in Power BI can be labeled by running a Python script in the Power Query Editor and then using the get_outliers() method. After that, the Outliers can be visualized in Power BI Dashboards.  Line charts, bubble charts, treemaps, etc., are all can be used in Power BI dashboards for data visualization.

Source Code: Credit Card Fraud Detection

Finally, we’ve listed a few Power BI project ideas for professionals who are looking for some interesting projects to work on:

Covid-19 wreaked havoc on the entire human civilization, which we all know. Due to the sudden outbreak across all countries, global leaders were forced to take drastic measures to prevent the disease from spreading. This is where Power BI comes into play.

This Covid insight analysis project seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of the pandemic’s essential parameters and a detailed account of the situation at the national level. A Power BI dashboard can be created which displays valuable information regarding active cases, deceased cases, and recovered cases, as well as mortality and recovery rates by nation and timeframe. A dashboard can even provide a detailed analysis of the individual report pages, along with a management summary of the most important KPIs. It is an excellent project and makes you aware of how things are going. Heat Maps can also be used to enhance the dashboard visualization of your project.

For this project idea, you can use the Covid-19 dataset. As given below, Power BI data visualization options can be used for different scenarios in this project: 

  • Bar Charts, Point Maps, Line Charts, Column Charts, etc., for the overview page
  • Doughnut Charts for category-wise case analysis 
  • Decomposition Trees for country-wise case analysis

Source Code: Covid Analysis

Globally, the aviation industry saw massive growth in passenger numbers. Right now, there are over 5,000 aircraft taking passengers and cargo around the world. However, maintaining these flights requires a lot of planning and quick decision-making. This is where Power BI comes into play.

In the Airport Authority Data Analysis project, airport data will be analyzed to provide a clear picture. On the summary page of Power BI dashboards, you can see the number of flights (incoming and outgoing), the number of delays (arrivals and departures), feedback from passengers, and ground processing times. Airport management authorities could use this type of analysis to make timely decisions when flight changes, emergencies, or delays occur. The Airline delays and cancellation dataset can be used for this project idea. As given below, Power BI data visualization options can be used for different scenarios in this project: 

  • Cards, Bar Charts, Tornado Charts, TreeMaps, Flow Maps, etc., for flight analysis. 
  • Column Charts, Cards, Bar Charts, etc., for the passenger feedback.

A key metric for measuring population health is life expectancy. It is beneficial to analyze life expectancy data when considering the health of a population, its characteristics, and when studying human diseases and natural population fluctuations. This is where power BI comes into play.

In the Life Expectancy Data Analysis project, factors like immunizations, mortality, finances, social issues, and other health-related issues will be considered. This will allow countries to determine the predicting factor impacting a lower life expectancy. It will also be useful in helping a country determine which areas should be prioritized to increase life expectancy. For this project, you can utilize the WHO  life expectancy dataset . As given below, Power BI data visualization options can be used for different scenarios in this project: 

  • Pie Charts, Gauge Charts, Line Charts, Point Maps, etc., for the overview page 
  • Treemaps, Doughnut Charts, Tornado Charts, for depicting country-wise data, etc.

Source Code: Life Expectancy

Power BI is one of the most powerful business intelligence tools for analyzing and visualizing data. Throughout this article, we discussed what Power BI is, why it is important, and the top 10 Power BI project ideas you can implement to improve your data analysis and visualization skills. Power BI project examples generally aid companies in gaining actionable insights from better visualization of their data. Using Power BI, users can create interactive dashboards and share them across the internet. Power BI also allows you to collaborate with other users and stakeholders on separate projects.

These Power BI project ideas will allow beginners, intermediates, and professionals to hone their skills and learn how to truly integrate business intelligence and data science. ​As you work on these project ideas, you’ll gain a greater understanding of how Power BI can be used for a data-driven approach towards various data science industries.

Is Power BI going away?

Sol: Power BI is one of the most popular business intelligence tools in the world that converts data into meaningful information, and therefore its popularity will never dwindle. In addition, it is a Microsoft product, which has been a dominant force on the market worldwide. It will continue to be one of the most competitive BI tools among its rivals like Tableau, Qlik Sense, etc. 

Is Power BI used for project management?

Sol: Yes, it is possible to use Power BI for project management. Essentially, Power BI is a tool that delivers actionable insights for business leaders and project managers based on internal and external research data. Through Power BI, project managers can gain a clearer picture of their projects, track them more effectively, eliminate manual report generation, and devote more time to their teams.

Is Power BI a good career?

Sol: As the leading business analytics tool among all BI tools, Power BI is a key contender. The increasing popularity of Power BI has led to an increased demand for Power BI professionals. Among the highly sought-after Power BI career prospects are Power BI developers, consultants, and analysts. As such, Power BI has a bright future and is a popular career field to switch into

  • Power BI Interview Questions
  • Power BI Resume
  • Power BI vs Tableau
  • Free Data Science online course
  • Power BI Projects

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17 Best Power BI Projects for Beginner Practice! (2023)

Are you just getting started with Power BI and looking for some project ideas to practice?

In this blog post, we will discuss the top 17 power BI project ideas you should try! For each of the ideas, we will provide an explanation and who should undertake the project.

By the end of this post, you will have a good understanding of what power BI projects you can work on to improve your skills!

Let’s have a look!

What Are The Best Power BI Projects for Beginners?

Read on to find out more details about each of these Power BI project ideas!

1. Online Retail Dashboard

First up in our list of the best Power BI project ideas involves tracking retail sales from E-commerce data.

This power BI project is ideal for those interested in learning data analysis, as it requires leveraging a large dataset to analyze customer behavior and sales trends.

The dashboard can include all the key metrics related to online retail, such as:

  • product sales volume
  • return/retention rate
  • conversion rate

I’d recommend fully utilizing all the features within Microsoft Power BI Desktop, which is free for all Windows computers. For example, use this project to explore the data structure of your data set using Power BI or experiment with the different data visualizations available.

Who Should Create This Project:

This project is best for people who understand e-commerce, retail, and marketing analytics.

Who Would Use This Dashboard:

This dashboard can be used by e-commerce businesses that want to gain insight into their customers, sales trends, and other metrics related to online retail.

In a real-world setting, a project like this can provide good business intelligence that can be used to make decisions on how to better market products or adjust pricing strategies.

You’ll be able to share your work through Power BI reports on the Power BI Service, an online sharing platform used within an organization.

2. Customer Churn Analysis Project

Customers are the backbone of any business, so understanding them and their behavior is key to success.

This next power BI project idea is ideal for those interested in understanding the customer better and finding ways to improve their experience.

The dashboard should include all key customer metrics, such as:

  • demographics
  • purchase frequency
  • customer lifetime value

This project best suits those working in customer analytics. It’s also suitable for beginners with an interest in customer insights.

This dashboard would be used by product managers who require feedback on how customers use products. This information might also be useful for marketing teams.

3. KPI Monitoring Dashboard

This power BI project is perfect for those who want to learn how to create an interactive dashboard that tracks key performance indicators (KPIs) or key financial indicators.

The dashboard should include all the essential KPIs, such as:

  • sales volume
  • number of units sold
  • conversion rates

You can provide a simple and effective KPI tracking report using the Power BI dashboard feature.

You should limit the number of Power BI visualization types in a KPI dashboard to keep things focused for your users.

This Power BI project best suits most Power BI enthusiasts. It’s also suitable for beginners who want to learn Power BI.

Since you won’t be doing any complex data modeling, most data analytics beginners can try this out!

Different departments would use this dashboard in a business, such as marketing, sales, finance, and operations. It’s also really useful for executives who need an overall view of the organization’s performance.

In my personal work experience, KPI dashboards were mostly used by management for a quick overview. For example, KPI dashboards can be used to analyze regional business growth.

4. Sales Performance Dashboard

sales project

This next Power BI project focuses on tracking sales performance and providing insights into how sales are progressing. This sales data analysis project can be used to monitor how each sales rep is performing.

The dashboard should include raw business data such as:

  • sales volume by product/customer segment
  • revenue growth rate
  • number of units sold per month

This project is best suited for power BI users with an understanding of sales data analysis. For those who enjoy creating interactive reports, this idea is also for you.

Sales executives and managers would greatly benefit from a project like this. Product teams can also use it to understand the impact of new product launches on sales performance.

5. Financial Dashboard

Finance projects are also an ideal option for Power BI projects because they can complement and improve traditional financial reporting methods.

The power BI dashboard should be able to track key financial metrics, such as:

  • profit and loss
  • account receivable aging

All businesses require some form of financial analysis. Therefore, a project on financial reports would be highly sought after by hiring managers.

This project best suits power BI users with interest in exploring financial analysis. This includes investment analysts, accountants, finance managers, and even CFOs.

This dashboard can be used by financial teams to track the company’s performance. It would also be helpful for CFOs and executives who need a quick overview of the organization’s finances.

Power BI dashboards like these should also include visualizations to compare budget vs. actual expenditure and revenue. This comparison helps quickly spot any deviations in performance.

This project idea is excellent for learning power BI data visualization. It’s also a good starting point for beginners who want to get acquainted with Power BI in the financial domain.

Ideally, such dashboards should be put into mobile-friendly formats, so they can be compatible with Power BI mobile applications. This will allow CFOs to view their critical financial reports on the go.

6. Customer Segmentation Dashboard

phone screen analysis

This power BI project is ideal for those who want to learn how to use power BI visuals and features to create customer segments.

The power BI dashboard should be able to track customer segments, such as:

  • geographic location
  • purchase behavior

For segmentation, you might want to try out clustering visualizations to aid in better understanding.

This project is best suited for power BI users with an understanding of customer segmentation and an interest in marketing analytics.

It’s also suitable for power BI beginners who want to explore the capabilities of Power BI visuals through customer segmentation clustering.

Aspiring data scientists and business intelligence analysts can also work on such Power BI projects since they involve some data science.

Marketing teams can use this dashboard to understand customers better. It would also be helpful for product managers who need to identify different customer segments and target them with specific campaigns.

7. Social Media Analytics Dashboard

assignment for power bi

A social media analytics dashboard is the perfect way to track how your organization’s social media accounts are performing. This makes for a good Power BI project idea too!

For example, you will likely need to learn how to load a social media marketing analytics dataset to your Power BI Desktop application.

You’ll also need to learn how to filter out irrelevant data from all the noise on social media platforms.

Your Power BI dashboard should be able to track metrics such as:

  • engagement rate
  • number of followers/subscribers
  • number of comments and likes

You can get datasets from these platforms:

Social media marketers or beginners who want a unique project should try this out.

Social media managers can use this dashboard to constantly track their organization’s social media channels for social listening. It would also be helpful for content marketers who want to understand the success of their campaigns.

8. Sales Funnel Report

Sales funnel reports are vital for any company looking to maximize its sales. Go ahead and try creating a project like this if you’re interested in sales analysis.

A Power BI report should be able to track the different stages of a sales process, such as:

  • leads generated
  • conversion rate from lead to customer
  • average revenue per sale

This project is ideal for most beginners. Sales reps can also do a simple project as well.

Sales teams would benefit from such a power BI dashboard, as it allows them to track their performance and better understand the sales process. It would also be helpful for business owners and marketers who want to track their sales funnel performance.

9. Inventory Management Dashboard

Inventory management is essential in any organization, so why not create a power BI project to help power your inventory tracking?

Your power BI dashboard should be able to track key metrics such as:

  • inventory levels
  • inventory turnover rate

This power BI project is best suited for power BI beginners and those with some experience in inventory management. A data analytics project like this will help gain some relevant background in the logistics field.

Business owners and operations managers would benefit from such a power BI dashboard, as it allows them to track their inventory performance.

It would help warehouse managers manage the day-to-day operations of their warehouses.

10. Manufacturing Analytics Dashboard

Manufacturing analytics dashboards can provide insights into how a manufacturing plant performs and what changes could improve its performance.

These power BI projects should be able to track key metrics such as:

  • cost of production
  • production efficiency
  • number of products produced

Anyone with interest in manufacturing efficiency. Manufacturing engineers and plant managers can work on projects like these. Although not the simplest to understand, beginners can also try this project for a unique dashboard.

Manufacturing teams, business owners, and operations managers.

It would also be helpful for quality control teams to ensure that products are made as per specifications.

11. Budget Forecasting Dashboard

Creating a power BI budget forecasting dashboard is another great project idea that many can benefit from. The Power BI dashboards created can help track and manage the budget for any organization.

  • total revenue
  • cost of goods sold (COGS)
  • research & development costs
  • gross margin

Financial planning and analysis managers.

This dashboard is essential for business owners, finance teams, and anyone who needs to track their budget performance.

Financial analysts could also use such Power BI dashboards to forecast future budgets and plan accordingly.

12. Stock Market Visualization and Analysis

This power BI project is a great way to learn Power BI Desktop, analyze stocks, and visualize stock market data. Through the use of Power BI, you can explore the nature of stock data and their data models.

Your power BI dashboard should include the following:

  • stock prices
  • market capitalization
  • volume of trading

Anyone interested in tracking the stock market. Experienced power BI users can create more detailed Power BI projects related to stocks as well.

Traders and investors, business owners, market analysts, and finance teams.

13. Web Traffic Analysis and Visualization

assignment for power bi

For businesses that rely on their website for marketing and sales, having a Power BI dashboard to track web traffic trends can provide invaluable insights.

Power BI projects like these are simple use cases where raw business data is used for data analytics and business intelligence .

This project will teach you how to connect integrations from Power BI Desktop to Google Analytics.

  • number of visitors
  • bounce rates

14. HR Analytics and Visualization

HR business departments need power BI projects that help them understand employee performance, team performance, and other important metrics.

Power BI projects like these can help track key metrics such as:

  • employee retention
  • turnover rate
  • time to hire
  • diversity of the workforce

In this project, you can consider doing a statistical analysis to measure turnover rate, and presenting it in an index on your dashboard.

15. Healthcare Analytics Dashboard

Analyzing healthcare data is another interesting project, as it helps medical teams make more informed decisions. You can analyze life expectancy data, electronic health records, and hospital operations data.

Your dashboard should include the following:

  • patient satisfaction ratings
  • hospital readmissions
  • cost of care per patient
  • length of hospital stay

If you’re looking to do a deeper analysis of the entire healthcare industry, you can consider doing a global health expenditure analysis. You should also get data from the Global Health Expenditure Database. Access their data here .

Another common dashboard you can consider doing that’s related to the healthcare industry is a COVID insight analysis project. You can use the many databases available online in Kaggle to create a simple cases tracker.

16. Geospatial Data Visualization and Analysis

Geospatial Power BI projects can help visualize data with a geographical component, such as population density and climate trends.

This means that you’ll have to learn more advanced features for overlaying your data onto map layers. Since geospatial data is more complicated, you might need to process your data to uncover underlying data structures before creating any charts.

Your Power BI report should include the following:

  • geographical coordinates

17. Project Management Analytics Dashboard

Project managers and executives need power BI projects to track key performance metrics. You can consider starting a simple that can give an overview of the progress of a company-wide project.

  • costs per project
  • time between milestones
  • quality of deliverables
  • total number of projects completed successfully

18. Email Marketing Campaign Insights Analysis

This power BI dashboard will track the performance of email campaigns by measuring opens and clicks per campaign and customer engagement.

You’ll likely need to connect your email client with Power BI desktop to access your data.

If you’re looking for power BI projects to learn how to connect integrations from Power BI Desktop, then you can consider this power BI project.

Your power BI report should include the following:

  • number of emails sent
  • number of opens
  • number of clicks
  • customer engagement rate

I would say that this is a beginner-level Power BI project, since not much cleaning would be require before crafting a dashboard.

Related Questions

How long does it take to complete a power bi project.

Power BI projects can take a few hours to several weeks or even months. The amount of time needed to complete a power BI project will depend on the project’s complexity and the user’s skillset. Generally, power BI projects can take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks or even months.

What is Power BI mostly used for?

Power BI is mainly used for creating visually appealing data analyses and visualizations. It’s a powerful business analytics tool that can be used to develop reports, dashboards, and other insights.

Power BI can also analyze large data sets, create predictive models, and automate processes. Additionally, Power BI is often used to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and build data-driven decisions.

Is Power BI easier than Python?

Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool that is easier to learn than Python. However, Power BI does come with a learning curve and requires knowledge of SQL queries and other data manipulation techniques.

On the other hand, Python is a more flexible tool that can be used for various tasks, including data visualization, web development, and data cleaning.

Can Power BI learn in 2 days?

Although it is possible to learn the basics of power BI in 2 days, it may take longer to become an expert power BI user. It is important to understand that power BI projects require knowledge of SQL queries and data manipulation techniques. Therefore, learning power BI will require practice and dedication.

Final Thoughts

That’s all the Power BI project examples I have!

If you want to become an expert power BI user, then these projects will provide the perfect starting point.

I hope these ideas inspire you to create beautiful, comprehensive dashboards.

Thanks for reading!

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I'm a tech nerd, data analyst, and data scientist hungry to learn new skills, tools, and software. I love sharing content with my years of experience in data science, marketing, and tech startups.

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Get Job Ready: Power BI Data Analytics for All Levels 2.0

This practical beginner’s course lets you learn Power BI from scratch, preparing you for the data analyst, business analyst, or Power BI developer job market. The course provides an end-to-end Power BI project, carefully curated to offer you real organizational experience and business context.

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Last Updated: Dec 7, 2023 1:56 AM

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Ambarish Khatavkar

Cluster Manager - Operations

Abhay Banugariya

Site engineer, DK Group, Nashik

Ashok Kumar

Production Planner And Analyst

Raj Chavan

Accountant, Unicorp utilities strainers PVT LTD, Mumbai

chandan Singh yadav

Service Manager (Mahindra Power Genset)


Thank you for well-managed and customized course. Its so nicely explained even a beginner will be hassle-free while learning it. This course is highly recommended to those who either wants to learn data analysis or are on the verge of building a portfolio(like me).

saumya verma

Data Analyst

My experience with Codebasics' Power BI Data Analytics course was truly valuable and rewarding. The course content was comprehensive, well-structured, and easy to follow, making it accessible for learners of all levels. What I appreciated the most: Clear explanations: The instructor provided clear and concise explanations for each topic, making it easy to grasp the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios. Hands-on exercises: The practical exercises and examples throughout the course were extremely helpful in solidifying my understanding of Power BI. I felt confident in using the tool to analyze and visualize data effectively. Real-world applications: The course emphasized real-world applications, which was crucial for me to see how Power BI could be used in various industries and business scenarios. Engaging instructor: Dhaval's teaching style was engaging and kept me interested throughout the course. The pace was just right, allowing me to absorb the information without feeling overwhelmed. Accessible resources: The additional resources provided, such as datasets and sample projects, were valuable in practicing and honing my skills even after completing the course. Overall, I can confidently say that Codebasics' Power BI Data Analytics course has prepared me well for data analysis and visualization tasks. It's an excellent resource for anyone looking to level up their Power BI skills. I will definitely recommend it to others interested in learning Power BI. Once again, thank you for the fantastic learning experience! Keep up the excellent work, and I look forward to exploring more courses from Codebasics in the future. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Ankit Shrivastava

Hi, This is Himanshu Singh. I have taken Power BI course and this course is offering the best way to learn Power BI, with real-time business cases. It is really helpful to clear the concept with practical use cases during the course. Thank you for the awesome content.

Himanshu Singh

Sr. Market Research Analyst

Had a great learning experience, this was my 2nd course after SQL. This course covers all the basic to advanced topics. Dhaval sir really makes every topic easily understandable and all those stakeholder meetings and discussions with Hemanand sir are really helpful, it's helpful for a beginner on how should we proceed with problems and what should be our thought process.

Riya Vashishtha

Technical Functional Consultant

I appreciated the clarity of the content. Concepts were explained in a straightforward manner, making it easy for me to follow along.The hands-on exercises were particularly helpful. They provided practical experience and helped solidify the theoretical concepts covered in the lectures. I enjoyed the real-world examples and case studies incorporated into the course. It helped me understand how Power BI can be applied in different scenarios. The course was well-structured, with a logical progression of topics. This made it easy to build on my knowledge as I moved through the modules. Your teaching style was engaging, and your enthusiasm for the subject matter was evident. It made the learning experience enjoyable.

Shubham Gujar

Course Curriculum

122 Lectures   |   20hr : 33min

Welcome to The Power BI Experience 6 Lectures

Welcome to Power BI 2.0

How Learning Power BI Can Help You in Your Career?

How This Course is Different From Other Courses Online

How to Get Support if I Have a Question?

Who Can Take this Course?

System Requirements

Enhance your learning experience 2 lectures.

Join Discord

Video Resolution

Power BI Basics: Getting Started 13 Lectures

Install Power BI

Power BI: Tool Introduction

Power Query: Intro & Column Transformations

Power Query: Merging and Appending

Power Query: Best Practices

Introduction to DAX

Introduction to DAX - II

Introduction to Data Modeling

Introduction to Creating Visuals

Tony asks Peter to Fix Data Holes

Practice Exercise

Chapter Summary

Project Planning and Scoping 9 Lectures

Problem Statement

The Email that Started this Project

Project Kick-off Meeting

Learn how a ‘Project Charter’ is Used in Companies

Project Kick-off: Session Debrief

Senior Data Analyst Sets Up the Next Steps with Junior Data Analyst

Simplified: Profit and Loss Statement

Power BI Basics: Data collection, Exploration & Validation 10 Lectures

Simplified: Data Warehouse, OLTP vs OLAP, Data Catalog

Install MySQL and Import Data

Simplified: Data Exploration Using SQL, Star Schema, Fact vs Dimension Tables

Load and connect data with MySQL (instructor)

Create a Date Dimension Table

Validate Data against Benchmark Numbers

Tony’s Valuable Advise to Peter

Power BI Basics: Data Transformation in Power Query 8 Lectures

Review Finance View Mockups

Transform Data in Power Query Editor

Create Calculated Columns in Power Query Editor

Power Query Best Practices

Peter Gets His Hands Dirty

Get Your DAX Fear Removed 9 Lectures

Peter's Fear for DAX

DAX Behaviour: Filter Context

DAX: Using Calculate to Change Filter Context


Direct Filters and FILTER Function

DAX Calculated Column

Power BI Advanced: Data Modeling & Calculated Columns 11 Lectures

Power Query or DAX for Generating Calculated Columns?

Data Modelling: Star and Snowflake Schema

Data Modeling: Connect Dimensions with Fact Tables

Simplified: Why Do We Need Dimension Tables?

Mentor Talk: Congratulations! You are Levelling Up!

Create Calculated Columns Using DAX

Easy Way to Verify Your Numbers in Power BI

Assignment: Optimize Report and Reduce File Size by 25 %

I Need a Favour

Power BI Advanced: Build Finance View 15 Lectures

Finance View: Prepare a List of Metrics

Simplified: Calculate Function & Filter Context

Finance View: Creating Metrics

Finance View: Create P&L Table Structure

Finance View: Create Last Year (LY) Column

Finance View: Build an Ultimate DAX Measure for P & L Table Structure - I

Finance View: Build an Ultimate DAX Measure for P & L Table Structure - II

Finance View: Create ‘Quarters’ & ‘YTD/YTG’ Slicers

Mentor Talk: Figuring Out Solutions

Finance View: Create a Line chart to Show Performance Over Time

Finance View: Build Top Product, Market & Region Visuals

Intermediate Review: I Met Product Owner Nick and He Gave this Feedback!

Finance View: Add Net Profit

Power BI Advanced: Build Sales, Marketing & Supply Chain View 10 Lectures

Review Sales View Mockup

Sales View: Build Top Customers & Performance Matrix Visuals

Sales View: Build Product Performance & Unit Economics Visuals

Build Marketing View

Simplified: Supply Chain Basics

Supply Chain View: Review Mock Up

Supply Chain View: Build Key Measures

Supply Chain View: Build Visuals

Power BI Advanced: Designing an Effective Dashboard 9 Lectures

Simplified: Dashboard vs Report

15 Design Rules for an Effective Dashboard

Finalize Page Layout Design

Create Home Page

Design Finance Dashboard

Add Key Elements to Finance Dashboard

Copy the Design to Sales, Marketing & Supply Chain Dashboard

Power BI Advanced: Data Validation Set Up in PBI Service 6 Lectures

Create a User Acceptance Test report

Create a Power BI account

Create a Workspace in Power BI

Create a Live Excel Report from Power BI

Stakeholder review & Feedback implementation 16 Lectures

Stakeholder Analysis and its Significance

Peter Recalls the Stakeholder Mapping Meeting

Stakeholder Review Meeting: How did it Go?

This is the secret to be ‘Job Ready’!

Practice Exercise: Quick Fixes

Quick Fix: Chg% formula

Practice Exercise: Implementing Dynamic Benchmark

Practice Exercise: Adding Dynamic Slicer to Filter Visual

Practice Exercise: Create a Toggle Button to Switch between Two Visuals

Practice Exercise: Create a Tool Tip to Show Trend

Learn: Adding Market Share Data

Practice Exercise: Create an Executive Dashboard

Learn: Performance Optimization

Learn: Fix Data Quality Issues

Deploying the Solution: Power BI Service 7 Lectures

Power BI Service Overview, Report Sharing, and Apps

How to Set Up Automatic Data Refresh: My SQL

How to Set Up Automatic Data Refresh: Excel

Simplified: Collaboration, Bookmarks, and Insights in Power BI Service

Driving the Extra Mile: Documentation and Maintenance

Portfolio, Resume and Job Application 9 Lectures

Get a Shareable link for your Power BI project

Share Your Power BI Project with Potential Recruiters

Differentiate Your Work with New Design

How to differentiate your work - Expert Webinar

Write an Amazing Resume

Job Application Tips

Interview Tips

Interview Checklist

Practice Exercise Solutions 11 Lectures

Solution: Quick Fixes

Solution: Implementing Dynamic Targets (Add Targets)

Solution: Implementing Dynamic Targets (Create a dynamic switch between Targets and LY)

Solution: Implementing Dynamic Targets (P & L visuals to compare Target or LY based on selection)

Solution: Adding Dynamic Slicer to Filter Visual

Solution: Create a Toggle Button to Switch between Two Visuals

Solution: Create a Tool Tip to Show Trend

Solution: Create an Executive Dashboard (KPI Visuals)

Solution: Create an Executive Dashboard (Key Insights by Subzone )

Solution: Create an Executive Dashboard (Market Share Visual & Conditional Formatting)

Solution: Create an Executive Dashboard (Final Enhancements)

More Practice 6 Lectures

One more practice Project

Feature Request from Mr. Haryali

Interview Scenarios

Interview Scenario 1

Interview Scenario 2

Interview Scenario 3

PBI Monthly Update Tasks 3 Lectures

Feature Update Task

Task Solution

Course Completion Test 1 Lecture

What you'll learn.

  • Power BI Essentials (DAX, Power Query, Data Modeling & Visualization)
  • Dashboard Designing Techniques
  • End-to-end Power BI project process (Scoping to Deployment)
  • Effective Communication Techniques to Business Stakeholders
  • Advanced Power BI Tricks
  • Business Function Fundamentals (Finance, Sales, Marketing & Supply chain)
  • Consumer goods business domain knowledge
  • Problem solving mindset
  • We recommend you install the Power BI desktop app (It’s free) from the Microsoft App store and check if your PC meets the below requirements.
  • OS: Windows 10 version 14393.0 or higher
  • Architecture: x64
  • Memory: 4 GB or more (Recommended)
  • Processor: 1 GHz or faster (Recommended)
  • Display: 1440*900 or larger display resolution (Recommended)

Course Instructors/Creators

Dhaval Patel

Dhaval Patel

Data Entrepreneur (12+ Years), YouTuber, Ex - Bloomberg, NVIDIA

I have 17 years of experience in Programming and Data Science working for big tech companies like NVIDIA and Bloomberg. I also run a famous YouTube channel called Codebasics where I pursue my passion for teaching.

Hemanand Vadivel

Hemanand Vadivel

Ex- Data Analytics Manager, 8+ Years in Europe, Microsoft Certified, Certified Supply Chain Professional

I’m a Mechanical Engineer who transitioned to a full-time Data & Analytics Manager in the UK & Germany. I have delivered 30+ analytics projects over 15+ countries and trained professionals at different levels to equip them with valuable analytics skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. i already know basic power bi, what benefit do i get by taking this course.

This course is taught through a true end-to-end project in a Consumer goods company involving all the steps mimicking the real business environment, so you will learn how to execute end-to-end projects Power BI projects successfully along with the business fundamentals. You will learn a lot of extra things such as Project management tools, effective communication techniques & organizational nuances.

2. Will the course help me in PL - 300 Microsoft exam preparation?

Yes, this Power BI course will certainly help because we cover the majority of the skills measured in the PL-300 exam in this course. However, please be informed that this course focuses on Job ready aspects and not on all aspects required to clear PL - 300 exam. In addition to this course, you might need to visit the official learning material designed by Microsoft which is available for free -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/certifications/exams/pl-300?tab=tab-learning-paths

3. Will the course be upgraded when there are new features in Power BI?

Yes, the course will be upgraded periodically to ensure you're learning the latest in Power BI. When new features roll out in Power BI, we update the course material. Learners who have already enrolled in the course will have free access to these upgrades, continuing their journey to learn Power BI.

4. How can I contact the instructors for any doubt/support?

We've designed every lecture to facilitate your path to learning Power BI in an easy-to-understand manner. However, chapters 6-8 introduce real-time job concepts, which might be more challenging. While working on these chapters, it's possible to encounter doubts or errors. We encourage you to develop problem-solving skills by googling and trying to find the answers. If you hit a wall, we've got you covered! Join our active discord community (https://discord.com/invite/aWpq9S5qge) under the "codebasics - power - bi - data - analytics - course" channel. Here, you can discuss and clear your doubts with fellow learners and mentors. Additionally, you can enroll in a video group discussion session at the end of the course, a bonus feature. We hold these sessions as per demand and my availability. Feel free to ask any course or career-related questions in these sessions.

5. What to do if I get this error 'this connector requires one or more additional components to be installed before it can be used' when trying to import data from MySQL data to Power BI?

When the error pops up - click the learn more, and it will take you to the page where you have to download the .net file. After you download it and run the file - restart the computer. You should be good after that.

6. I use tableau, can I take this course?

Absolutely, even if you primarily use Tableau, you can greatly benefit from this Power BI course. It covers concepts outside of the specific tools, including business context, problem-solving, and project management tools. Additionally, it provides a valuable opportunity to learn Power BI, which can broaden your analytics skill set.

7. Power BI or Tableau which one is better?

This question depends on context. If you're discussing pure visualization capabilities, Tableau has a slight edge. However, both tools offer robust data connectors, modeling, and transformation features. Power BI is cheaper and offers tighter integration with the Microsoft environment, which many companies prefer due to their existing use of Excel and other Microsoft tools. As such, there's a significant movement towards Power BI, and job opportunities are growing at a higher rate for those who can effectively learn Power BI. Moreover, Power BI has been leading Gartner’s magic quadrant in BI as the industry leader for the last few years.

8. What dataset is used in this Power BI course? Is it some toy dataset or something that mimics a real-world business problem?

The dataset we use in this course to learn Power BI is crafted from scratch to replicate real-world business scenarios, drawing on our years of industry experience. It includes over a million rows and covers multiple facets of business data such as sales, finance, targets, forecasts, products, etc., offering a realistic and comprehensive learning experience.

9. Does Power BI work in Mac OS/Ubuntu?

Power BI desktop works only in Windows OS. Please look into the system requirements section on this page. However, you can use a virtual machine to install and work with Power BI in other Operating systems.

10. I don’t have a laptop, can I take this Power BI course?

We recommend learning by doing, especially if you're enrolling in our Power BI course. To effectively learn Power BI, it's crucial to have a laptop or PC with at least 4 GB of RAM for hands-on experience.

11. What business concepts and domains are covered in this course?

We have covered the core functions such as Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Supply Chain with their fundamentals related to this course. The domain you will learn in this course is consumer goods which is projected to have more openings and high data analytics requirements at least until 2030.

12. I’m not sure if this course is good enough for me to invest some money. What can I do?

We got you covered. Go ahead and do the lighter version of this course which is still available on YouTube for free. If you like that course and want to learn further, this course is the perfect extension.

13. Will this course guarantee me a job?

We've had great success with a lighter version of this course available for free on codebasics YouTube channel, and many participants reported securing jobs after completing it (see testimonials). This paid course, where you can learn Power BI in-depth, is at least 5x better than the YouTube course, boosting our confidence that you can land a job after completing it. However, we want to be honest and refrain from making impractical promises. Our guarantee is to prepare you for the job market by teaching the most relevant skills, knowledge, and timeless principles good enough to fetch a job.

14. Can I add this course to my resume? If Yes, how?

Absolutely, we have a section in this Power BI Certificate course explaining how you can add the learnings from this course to your resume in a way that will appeal to the hiring team.

15. Is there any prerequisite for taking this course?

The only prerequisite is that you need to have a functional laptop with at least 4GB ram, internet connection and a thrill to learn data analysis.

16. What is different in this course from thousands of other Power BI courses available online?

Most of the courses available on the internet teach you how to build x & y without any business context and do not prepare you for the real business world. This course is rather an experience in which you will learn how to use Power BI & other non-technical skills to solve a real-life business problem using analytics. Here you focus on solving a business problem and in that process learn how Power BI can be used as a tool. This is how you will do the work when you start working as a data analyst/ Business analyst/ Power BI developer in the industry. This course will prepare you for not just fetching the job but, shine in it & grow further.

17. I have never done programming in my life. Can I take this course?

Absolutely! This Power BI course is the perfect starting point for anyone who has never done coding and aims to build a career in the IT/Data Analytics industry. It's equally valuable if you simply aspire to perform better in your current job or business by leveraging data.

18. How long is the Power BI course duration?

The Power BI course consists of 17 hours and 24 minutes of on-demand video content. Through this format, we have made sure that you learn at your own pace, ensuring that you grasp all the concepts effectively.

19. What is the fee for this Power BI course?

The fee for this Power BI course is Rs. 2700. This is an investment towards enhancing your skills and understanding of Power BI, making you more competitive in the job market.

Get Certified


When You Complete This Course

You receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ signed and addressed personally by me, your guide and mentor – Dhaval Patel

Add and Share this certificate with your Resume/ CV or on your LinkedIn Profile

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Introduction to Power BI

  • What is Power BI – Getting Started with Microsoft Power BI

Power BI Tutorial: A Step by Step Guide with Examples

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  • Power BI Desktop: Visualize Data Like Never Before
  • Power BI Reports : A Beginner's Guide to BI Reporting
  • Power BI Dashboard – Creating Dashboard In Power BI From A Report
  • Starting out with DAX in Power BI
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BI and Visualization

assignment for power bi

The concept of Business Intelligence is something that is alien to very few people these days. With newer tools emerging every day to help solve the crisis of data management, most organizations have already moved in or have plans to use Business Intelligence in solving their crisis. Power BI is Microsoft’s latest BI tool mainly aimed to help everyone analyze and visualize their data. This Power BI tutorial for beginners will give you a complete insight into Power BI in the following sequence:

  • What Is Business Intelligence And Why Do We Need It?
  • What Is Data Visualization And Its Importance?

Need For Power BI

  • What Is Power BI?
  • Components Of Power BI

Architecture Of Power BI

  • Features of PowerBI

Data Sources in Power BI

Companies using power bi.

  • Steps for Installing Power BI
  • Building Blocks Of Power BI
  • Creating A Report Using Power BI

Power BI Use Case: Wirepas

Difference between power bi and tableau.

Difference between Power BI and SSRS

Difference between Power BI and MSBI

History of power bi, pros and cons of power bi.

  • Power BI Tools

Who uses Power BI

  • Key Terms used in Power BI

You may go through this Microsoft Power BI recording where our Power BI Course expert has explained the topics in a detailed manner with examples that will help you to understand the concepts better.

Power BI Tutorial For Beginners | Power BI Training | Edureka

This video will help you to understand what is BI as well as Power BI. Then moving on in this video we have discussed the components and building blocks of Power BI.

Power BI Tutorial for Beginners

Let us begin this Power BI tutorial by addressing the most essential and fundamental question, what exactly is Business Intelligence?

What Is Business Intel ligence (BI)?

In an age where Business Intelligence has become a bigger domain than most trending technologies if you ask twenty people what the term business intelligence means, you are likely to get ten different answers. So let me put it in the simplest terms without losing the technicality of it. Business intelligence (BI) is the set of techniques and tools for the transformation of raw data into meaningful and useful information for business analysis. To put it simply, Business intelligence is the technology that gets the right data to the right people, at the right time so that they can make more effective business decisions.

The image below shows the benefits of Business Intelligence. 

O ver the years, the process of business intelligence has grown and adapted to help solve almost all the challenges while dealing with data by involving newer tools and techniques. The change that Business Intelligence has seen over the years can be divided into 3 waves, so let us continue with our Power BI tutorial and take a look at these three waves.

1st Wave: Technical (IT To End User)

During the first wave of business intelligence, the end-user had to be dependent on the IT department for data insights. This is because it was not possible for end-users to create visualizations/ reports on their own as tools available required technical knowledge. This dependence on the IT department for insights resulted in more effort and time consumption to get the updates done.

2nd Wave: Self-Service (Analyst To End User)

The second wave gave analysts access to BI. Now, people with some knowledge of analytics could use the BI tools. This meant more teams had access to BI and more people could have better data insights, this eased the role of IT teams.

3rd Wave: Everyone (End User)

The third wave has made it easier to access data and create reports, visuals to get better business insights. The introduction of tools like Power BI made this transition easy. Now anybody who has basic understanding of the data can create reports to build intuitive and shareable dashboards.

This was about BI, now let us continue with our Power BI tutorial and understand another important topic that is associated with  BI.

What Is Data Visualization And Its Importance?

Even though data visualization has been termed as the key skill for research in the twenty-first century, it goes way back. It existed in the late 18th century and can be traced back to when William Playfair  invented geometrical charts. His bar charts were used to represent Scotland’s imports and exports of 17 countries in 1781. These bar charts constituted a pure solution to the problem of discrete quantitative comparison.

Why Is Data Visualization Important?

The way, human brain processes information, it is easier to use images, charts, or graphs to understand and to visualize large amounts of complex data than to go through spreadsheets or reports. Take any image, for example, we all know the phrase ‘An image is worth a thousand words. This is completely true because images aren’t just a mere collection of pixels, they also hold a lot of information. This information in visual form is easy to understand than reading the same facts in text form.

Data visualization is a quick and easy way to convey concepts or information in a universal manner.  Data visualization can help to:

  • Identify key areas and hidden patterns.
  • Get factors that give better customer insights.
  • Analyze and associate data and products properly.
  • Make proper predictions.

This was about data visualization. Next, in this Power BI tutorial, we would see why is Power BI important.

The following points make Power BI one of the prominent tools for data visualization. This Power BI tutorial would be incomplete without understanding these points.

  • Spot trends in real-time: Traditional BI tools like Tableau or Qlikview restrict you to historical analysis. By using Power BI you can access real-time information so you can identify trends early. By doing so, you can identify issues and improve performance. 
  • Automatically search hidden insights:  With Power BI, you can auto search data sets for hidden insights in seconds with Quick Insights.  Users can simply ask questions and Power BI Q&A will answer their questions with immediate effect.
  • Custom  visualizations:  With Custom visuals, Power BI allows you to visualize data in almost every possible way you can imagine. Thus you are not limited to something that lies in the box.
  • Enterprise-ready: With Power BI and Power BI Desktop, you can securely connect to your own on-premises data sources. With the  On-premises Data Gateway , you can connect live to your SQL Server and other data sources . It gives secure, scalable, and reliable enterprise-grade information technology.

The above-mentioned reasons make Power BI very important in the context of data visualization. Let us continue with this Power BI tutorial for Beginners and understand What is Power BI.

What Is Power BI?

Power BI, well this name has been in the BI market for quite a long time. Microsoft team has worked for a long time to build a big umbrella called Power BI, this umbrella is a combination of a strong visualization, data analysis, and a cloud-based tool.

To define it, Power BI is a business analytics service provided by Microsoft. It provides interactive visualizations with self-service business intelligence capabilities, where end users can create reports and dashboards by themselves, without having to depend on information technology staff or database administrators.

Power BI also gives you cloud-based BI services, known as “Power BI Services”, along with a desktop-based interface, called “Power BI Desktop”. It offers data warehouse capabilities, including data preparation, data discovery, and interactive dashboards. In March 2016, Microsoft released an additional service called Power BI Embedded on its Azure cloud platform which enables the user to analyze data easily, perform various ETL operations and deliver reports with Power BI .

Power BI gateways let you connect with SQL Server databases, Analytical Services, and many other data sources to your dashboard  in Power BI and r eporting portals, embed Power BI reports and dashboards to give you a unified experience.  The image below shows Power BI’s general workflow.

Components Of Power BI

Power BI has the following components: 

  • Power Query: It can be used to search, access, and transform public and/ or internal data sources.
  • Power Pivot : It is used in data modeling for in-memory analytics.
  • Power View: You can analyze, visualize and display data as an interactive data visualization using Power View.
  • Power Map: It brings data to life with interactive geographical visualization.
  • Power BI Service:  You can share data views and workbooks which are refresh-able from on-premises and cloud based data sources.
  • Power BI Q&A:  Ask questions and get immediate answers with natural language query.
  • Data Management Gateway:  By using this component you get periodic data refreshers, expose tables and view data feeds.
  • Data Catalog : User can easily discover and reuse queries using Data Catalog. Metadata can be facilitated for search functionality.

Now that we have seen the above mentioned components. Let us continue with this Power BI tutorial and understand Power BI’s architecture. 

The following image shows Power BI’s architecture.

Power BI’s architecture has three phases. The first two phases partially use ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) to handle the data. Let us take a look at these phases one by one:

1. Data Integration

An organisation can be required to deal with data that comes from different sources. The data from data sources can  be in different file formats. The data is first extracted from different sources which can be your different servers or databases etc. This data is then integrated in a standard format and then stored at a common area called as staging area.

2. Data Processing

The integrated data is still not ready for visualization because the data needs processing before it can be presented. This data is pre-processed or cleaned. For example, missing values or redundant values are removed from the data set. After the data is cleaned, business rules are applied to the data and it is transformed into presentable data. This data is then loaded into the Data Warehouse.

3. Data Presentation

So once the data is loaded and processed now it can be visualized much better with use of various visualizations that Power BI has to offer. Use of reports, dashboards help one represent data in more intuitive manner. These visuals, reports help business end users to take business decisions based on the insights. 

Find out our Power BI Training Course in Top Cities

Features of Power BI

  • Visualizations:

Power BI offers the functionality to visually represent our data or a subset of it so that it can be used to draw inferences or gain a deeper understanding of the data. These visuals can be bar graphs, pie charts, etc. Following are some examples of basic visual options provided in Power BI-

  • Card – It is used to represent a single value such as Total Sales, etc.
  • Stacked bar/column chart – they combine a line chart( which joins points representing some values with a line) and a bar/column chart(which represents a value against the purpose and other optional fields).
  • Waterfall chart – It represents a continuously changing value where increase or decrease in value may be represented by differently colored bars.
  • Pie chart – it represents the fractional value of each category of a particular field.
  • Map -It is used to represent different information on a map.
  • KPI -It represents the continuous progress made towards a target.
  • Slicer – A slicer has options representing different categories of a field. Selecting that category shows only the information specific to that category in other visuals.
  • Table – A table represents data in tabular form, i.e rows, and columns.

The following is an example of 4 basic visuals(Slicer, table, pie chart and stacked column chart) created using Power BI.

Apart from these basic visuals, there are options of obtaining more visuals as well. By clicking on the ‘Get more visuals’ option we obtain the following options-

  • Custom visual files – Custom visuals can be coded and stored in files with .pbiviz extension. This option enables users to import such visuals.
  •   Organisational visuals – This option can be used to import visuals specific to the user’s organization.
  •   Marketplace visuals -It is used to import visuals from Microsoft and its fellow community members.

Datasets in Power BI can be sourced from a  variety of sources.

Some common examples of data sources are-

  •         Excel
  •         Power BI datasets
  •         Power BI dataflows
  •         SQL Server
  •         MySQL database
  •         Analysis Services
  •         Azure
  •         Text/CSV
  •         Oracle
  •         PDF
  •         Access
  •         XML
  •         JSON
  • Datasets Filtration

While sourcing the data, instead of importing the entire dataset, the user can source a subset of it. This subset may be as per the user requirement. Data may be integrated with Excel, SQL database, Azure, Facebook, MailChimp, etc.

Data can be sourced from either a single source or from more than one source. The following is an example of a dataset sourced in Power BI-

Click on Transform data.

The user can choose the rows or columns as required by him and thus create the desired subset. This selection can be based on a condition such as selecting rows containing values for a particular field in a specific range.

The following image shows a filter applied to the Pclass field in the above dataset.

After applying the filter it shows only the rows belonging to Pclass 2 and 3.

A collection of visualizations relevant to a particular topic in Power BI form a dashboard. A combination of these dashboards forms a report.  A report contains visuals related to a particular topic. The user may add any number of pages in the report. Each page is a single screen containing the visuals. The pages can be arranged in the order as required by the user.

The image below shows a sample report.

  • Dashboards:

All the visuals appearing on a single Power BI page form a dashboard. It is a single page in a report. The visuals can be arranged in any order or position. Since it is a single page a dashboard generally contains only the most important or relevant visuals. Each dashboard can be shared with other users as well.

  • Flexible Tiles

In Power BI, a tile is a single visualization found in a report or on a dashboard. A tile can be thought of as a square or rectangular boundary containing a single visual.

The height and width of each tile are adjustable. The order or position of each tile on the dashboard is adjustable as well.

  • Navigation Pane

The Navigation pane is present on the top of the Power BI screen. It has the following tabs-

  •         File
  •         Home
  •         Insert
  •         Modelling
  •         View
  •         Help

There is a range of options in each tab to work with.

8.     Q & A Box

Click on the Q&A button in the Insert tab. The Q & A question box is available where users can type any question related to the data in natural language. Power BI will automatically try to auto complete the question using techniques like rephrasing, autofill, suggestions, etc. The answer is returned in form of visual or text. The user has the option of converting the Text reply to a visual as well.

The below image shows a question asked in natural language (spelling corrected automatically) and its answer in number which can also be converted to a visual.

The following image shows the answer converted to a visual.

9.     DAX Data Analysis Function

To perform functions on data, the user can use some predefined DAX Data Analysis functions. There are currently around 200 DAX predefined functions available in power BI. DAX or Data Analysis Expressions is a language used to interact with data on platforms like Power BI, PowerPivot and SSAS. It is simple and easy to learn and use.

10.   Support  & suggestion

In the help tab, the user has a variety of options including support to resolve any query. the user can also give feedback or suggestions for improvement..

  • Integration with R

Power BI can be integrated with R scripts as well. This helps in data cleaning, data shaping and thus obtaining advanced analytics.

Power BI provides robust security where access to each member is controlled. It provides quick responses to security threats. It also provides features like continuous monitoring, reporting, data protection, and unified endpoint management.

A collection of data that can be imported in PowerBI is known as a dataset. Through the Get Data feature, Power BI users can select from a range of data sources. The data sources can range anywhere from on-premise to cloud-based, unstructured to structured. New data sources are added every month. Data may be sourced from one or many different sources that can be combined together.

To source the data, click on the Get Data icon on the top of the screen. The data sources available for each category are as follows-

File category:

  • SharePoint folder

Database category

  • SQL Server database
  • Access database
  • SQL Server Analysis Services database
  • Oracle database
  • IBM Db2 database
  • IBM Informix database (Beta)
  • IBM Netezza
  • MySQL database
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Sybase database
  • Teradata database
  • SAP HANA database
  • SAP Business Warehouse Application Server
  • SAP Business Warehouse Message Server
  • Amazon Redshift
  • Google BigQuery
  • Actian (Beta)
  • AtScale cubes
  • BI Connector
  • Data Virtuality LDW
  • InterSystems IRIS (Beta)
  • Jethro (Beta)
  • Linkar PICK Style / MultiValue Databases (Beta)
  • MariaDB (Beta)
  • Amazon Athena (Beta)

Power Platform category 

  • Power BI datasets
  • Power BI dataflows
  • Common Data Service (Legacy)
  • Power Platform dataflows (Beta)

Azure category 

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure Synapse Analytics (SQL DW)
  • Azure Analysis Services database
  • Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure Table Storage
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Azure Data Explorer (Kusto)
  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1
  • Azure HDInsight (HDFS)
  • Azure HDInsight Spark
  • HDInsight Interactive Query
  • Azure Cost Management
  • Azure Databricks
  • Azure Time Series Insights (Beta)

 Online Services category 

  • SharePoint Online List
  • Microsoft Exchange Online
  • Dynamics 365 (online)
  • Dynamics NAV
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central (on-premises)
  • Microsoft Azure Consumption Insights (Beta)
  • Azure DevOps (Boards only)
  • Azure DevOps Server (Boards only)
  • Salesforce Objects
  • Salesforce Reports
  • Google Analytics
  • Adobe Analytics
  • appFigures (Beta)
  • Data.World – Get Dataset (Beta)
  • GitHub (Beta)
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator (Beta)
  • Marketo (Beta)
  • Mixpanel (Beta)
  • Planview Enterprise One – PRM (Beta)
  • QuickBooks Online (Beta)
  • SparkPost (Beta)
  • SweetIQ (Beta)
  • Planview Enterprise One – CTM (Beta)
  • Twilio (Beta)
  • Zendesk (Beta)
  • Asana (Beta)
  • Assemble Views (Beta)
  • Automation Anywhere
  • Emigo Data Source
  • Entersoft Business Suite (Beta)
  • eWay-CRM (Beta)
  • FactSet Analytics
  • Palantir Foundry
  • Hexagon PPM Smart API
  • Industrial App Store
  • Intune Data Warehouse (Beta)
  • Projectplace for Power BI
  • Product Insights (beta)
  • SoftOne BI (beta)
  • Spigit (Beta)
  • TeamDesk (Beta)
  • Webtrends Analytics (Beta)
  • Witivio (Beta)
  • Workplace Analytics (Beta)
  • Zoho Creator (Beta)
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Insights (Beta)

Other categories

  • SharePoint list
  • Active Directory
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Hadoop File (HDFS)
  • Python script
  • Acterys : Model Automation & Planning (Beta)
  • Anaplan Connector v1.0 (Beta)
  • BQE Core (Beta)
  • Bloomberg Data and Analytics (Beta)
  • Cherwell (Beta)
  • Cognite Data Fusion
  • EQuIS (Beta)
  • Information Grid (Beta)
  • Jamf Pro (Beta)
  • MicroStrategy for Power BI
  • QubolePresto (Beta)
  • Roamler (Beta)
  • Shortcuts Business Insights (Beta)
  • Siteimprove
  • Starburst Enterprise
  • SumTotal (Beta)
  • SurveyMonkey (Beta)
  • Microsoft Teams Personal Analytics (Beta)
  • Tenforce (Smart)List
  • TIBCO(R) Data Virtualization (Beta)
  • Vena (Beta)
  • Vessel Insight (Beta)
  • Zucchetti HR Infinity (Beta)
  • Blank Query

The following are some of the companies currently using Power BI-

  • Rockwell Automation
  • Compass Group

Steps for Installing Power BI 

2. Click on the Download  Free Button. The following Page appears.

3. Choose the language and click the Download button. The following page appears-

  • Select the file to download and click Next. The Power BI setup is downloaded.
  • Open the Power BI setup.
  • Click Next.
  • Accept the terms and click next.
  • Select the Destination folder as required and click next.
  • Click on Install.

The setup is installed.

12. Click Finish.

 Power BI desktop installation is complete.

Now I am going to take this Power BI tutorial a step further with a demonstration of creating a simple report using Power BI. However, there are few prerequisites to get started. First of all you need a ‘Power BI Desktop’ installed on your system, this is an interface where you can create reports. It can be downloaded for free. You may use this link to download Power BI Desktop.

You will be required to login with an organisational email ID like an institute Email ID or your Email ID of the organisation which you work for. It is important you create an account, because this will give you access to Power BI Service which is a must to publish your reports and create dashboards.

Once you have downloaded the Power BI Desktop. You would be needing a data set to visualize it. I would be using the finance data set created by Microsoft and it can be downloaded using this link .

Creating A Report Using Power BI

The image below shows how a Power BI Desktop’s interface looks. The highlighted section in blue colour, on the left panel shows the report, data and relationship workspaces. By default,   the report worksp ac e will open. This is where you create reports. Below the reports workspace is the data workspace which is used to see the imported data sets. Last tab is the relations tab which gives you relationship between different variables in a data set, if they are well defined. On the right side, you will see visualizations and field workspace.

Power BI Tutorial: Importing Data 

So let us import the finance data set in Power BI. You can click on the G et Data tab which is highlighted in the image below and load the data for usage. 

I have gone ahead and added the finance data set. Power BI will ask you whether you want to load data or edit it. I have simply loaded it because the data set won’t be needing any editing.

You can view by clicking on the data tab on the left hand corner of the interface. If you have taken a look at the data you would understand it is simple data about few countries and their sales in general. In the right corner of the screen, you can see all the fields the data set has. Use the image below for reference.

Power BI Tutorial: Creating Visualizations

Let us go back to our report workspace and create a simple report. The first step is to select a visualization. I would be using a clustered column chart visualization. When you click on the desired visualization, a template is created in the report workspace.

Now that we have selected a visualization, I am going to visualize sales and profits on Y-axis and date on X-axis. Since you are using Power BI, you don’t have to worry about complexities of choosing the axis. You just select the fields and it is reflected in the graph. Refer the image below.

You can even drag and drop fields on the visualization and the changes would be reflected immediately. In the image below, I have dragged the ‘profit’ field.

You can resize these visualizations by just dragging the borders or even move the image by just clicking and placing it anywhere in the workspace.

You can even change graphics based on timelines by just clicking. I have changed the yearly representation of the sales data in the above graph to monthly representation. And the insights have changed completely. You can refer the image below to see those changes.

Below the visualization panel you have fields and format tabs. You perform statistical operations like calculating mean, median, sum and even filter data for various parameters by using fields tab. You can use different colour schemes to to make your visualization more appealing and insightful by using the  format tab. The image below shows how you can change the colour of the fields used in the visualization.

We have successfully created a visualization. Creating visualisations in Power BI is as simple as this. I hope by now, you are comfortable enough to create visualizations on your own. You can even go ahead and publish your reports to the web. The image below shows how to publish a report in Power BI.

Once you publish a report, Power BI will give you a link. You can click on that link and view your report after it is published. For your reference, I have created few other visualizations in a report and published it. You can that report in the form of GIF below. The following have been visualized:

  • Clustered column chart for sales and profits representation
  • Map representation of countries for gross sales
  • Card visualization for sales price
  • Tree map for units sold by different countries.
  • Pie chart for quarterly sales

When you create a report like this in your Power BI Desktop, you will get insights and you can drill-down into the stats. This can be achieved by clicking on different fields that are present in your visualizations.

You may choose the visuals that suits your requirement and experiment accordingly. There are a lot of visualizations to try and experiment. Also, when it comes to visualization, no two individuals visualize data in the same way, so your reports may turn out differently. So this is how you can create reports and edit them using Power BI.

Let us now move ahead and take a look at the last topic of this Power BI tutorial. 

Let us take a look at this use case and understand how Wirepas used Power BI  to visualize a massive amount of sensor-collected data quickly, easily, and effectively.

About the company

Wirepas focuses on providing the most reliable, optimised, and scalable device connectivity to its customers. With Wirepas, customers can digitalise their current business processes and innovate for new disruptive models. Wirepas has its headquarters in Tampere, Finland, and offices in France, Germany, South Korea and the United States and was established in 2010 in Tampere.


Wirepas technology collects a wide variety of data through its connectivity service. Every wireless device built on Wirepas software technology can collect and send a huge amount of data. This data is collected in several ways and then stored in database. Visualizing this data is key to getting an overview of the current state of “things” tracked by the technology. Wirepas had following obstacles to overcome: 

  • The data was collected from millions of sources and in different formats
  • There was difficulty in displaying the large sensor data collected for a parcel tracking service
  • Finding which parcel was at what location and when
  • What was the parcel’s status
  • How could end users understand the collected IoT data

Wirepas used Power BI to overcome all the above mentioned challenges. Let us take a look at the solution.

Solution and delivery

Acquire the data

The data was imported from different sources and cleaned up using Power BI and Query Editor.

Design the report using Power BI Desktop

After importing and cleaning up the data from 1 million sensors, Power BI  was used to design dashboard that enabled the customers, to get overviews of all data and enable them to drill down to one single parcel and the parcel history . 

Create a Power BI workspace

To create the Power BI workspace in Azure, the Power BI-CLI  was used. Back then, there was no UI available to create workspaces for Power BI in Azure. Therefore, they used the Power BI command line tool for managing Power BI Embedded workspace collections.

Embed Power BI in a web app

Power BI Embedded enabled developers to embed reports in almost every kind of app. This was the easiest way to embed the report into a website.

The following architecture was used to overcome the overall problem:

This was a smart way for Wirepas to bring their IP to the cloud in an easy and fast implementation. The whole project needed limited calling time, consulting, and implementation.

For Bosch Connected World, this was an easy demonstration of complex data based on Azure and Power BI Embedded.  Since the workshop, Wirepas has won several new customers who are using its products and dashboards powered by Power BI Embedded. 

If you need a detailed understanding of this use case then you can refer this link , which will direct you to the page where the actual case study was published.

It uses DAX language for calculating and measuring columns

  • The Power BI application idea was first proposed by Thierry D’Hers and Amir Netz at Microsoft.
  • The original project name was Gemini. 
  • It was released as an excel add-in in 2009 named ‘PowerPivot’.
  • It slowly became popular.
  • In 2010 it was named project Crescent.
  • It was available publicly on July 11, 2011.

Power BI tools

The following are the various Power BI tools available-

  • Power BI Desktop -It is the primary tool of Power BI used to generate models and reports from scratch. It is open source and free to all.
  • Power BI service -It is an online Power BI service and it can be accessed on the cloud. The data models and reports are hosted on Software as a Service (SaaS). Managing and sharing of reports, etc are done through the cloud. It is a paid tool.
  • Power BI Data Gateway -They are used to access in premise datasets eg.DirectQuery, Import, Live Query, etc. on the cloud. Gateways are installed by BI Admin.
  • Power BI Report Server -It is used to host paginated reports, KPIs, mobile and desktop based reports. It is installed and managed by the IT team. It is updated every 4 months.
  • Power BI Mobile Apps -This tool is used for viewing reports on Mobile including iOS, Android, and Windows applications. The reports are stored on Power BI Service Report Server. It is managed through Microsoft Intune.

Power BI is used by these types of profiles:

  • Data analysts
  • Business intelligence professionals
  • Naive users without a technical background

Power BI is often used by management to draw insights and inferences about a company’s forecasts, customer behavior, etc. It can also be used to track an organization’s internal employee performance, etc.

Microsoft Power BI is most often used by companies with 50-200 employees and 10M-50M dollars in revenue.

Key terms used in Power BI

The following are some of the key terms used in Power BI

  • Dashboard -A dashboard is a single page in Power BI that displays the visuals. Each visual is called a tile. The tiles may be arranged in any position or order as required by the user.
  • Drill down – There can be a hierarchy in which topics are maintained on a dashboard. The drill-down facility provides the user the option of expanding any one topic visualization without leaving the page by clicking on a particular level topic.
  • Drill through -Drill through facility enables the user to navigate from one report to another by clicking on a part of a visual in a report. A well designed dashboard contains the broader topics which may be expanded by drill through in other reports.
  • Data model -Data models are used to optimize the data. They store the data in a table format. They also show the relationship between the data sources. It can be used to create more sophisticated dashboards and reports.
  • Data mart -Data mart is a relational database where data required for modeling is stored. It can be a subset of a larger data warehouse as well.
  • Power BI Embedded – Power BI Embedded is a product used by developers to embed the Power BI dashboards and reports into their own apps, sites and tools.
  • Power view – It is a highly interactive and easy to use tool used to create dashboards and reports. Power View requires Analysis Services cubes, tabular models or PowerPivot models. It cannot be used for data in a relational database.
  • SQL Server – It is used to store and manage data. It is used for transactional/operational databases.
  • Analysis Services – This technology is used to store, optimize, and model data used for creating dashboards and reports. It can deal with either tabular or multidimensional data.
  • On premises – On-premise resources are those resources that are located in an organization’s own facilities rather than being accessible for all on the web.
  • Publish – When a user in Power BI publishes a report, the report is sent to the Power BI service in .pbix format. These .pbix files can be shared with other users.
  • SaaS – It is an acronym for Software as a Service. It is used for delivering applications on the web.
  • Correlation – Correlation refers to how 2 things are correlated. A positive correlation means that when one quantity increases, the other also increases. While negative correlation means that with the increase in the first thing’s quantity, the second thing’s quantity decreases.
  • Cross-filter – Applying filters on one visual by selecting a type in another visual is called cross-filtering.
  • Gateways – Gateways are used to connect to on-premises data sources. Access to the in-premise data is provided to cloud or mobile-based services through a gateway.

There are several other keywords as well, that you should know of. Please check the following link for more keywords:


This brings us to the end of this blog. I hope you liked this Power BI tutorial blog. This was the first blog of the Power BI  series. This Power BI tutorial will be followed by my next blog, which will focus on Power BI Dashboards, do read that as well.

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Category: Power BI Assignments

Power bi management insights dashboard assignment, management insights dashboard assignment.

  The leaders of a company want to develop Comparing Dashboards for the management of the organization. These dashboards will provide a transparent and dynamic representation of the organization’s most important metrics, such as Revenue, Costs, and Profits, which can then be used for additional analysis or decision-making.

Data Model:

The management team at the company supplies the information in the excel file titled “ Management_Insights_DataModel.xlsx ” and the corresponding data diagram can be viewed below. This Excel spreadsheet includes separate sheets for “Sales Data”, “Customer Data”, “Products Data”, and “Regions” data.

Both the “ Sales Data ” table and the “ Customer Data ” table can be connected via the “ Customer Name Index ” column and the “ Customer Index ” column, respectively.

Both the “ Sales Data ” table and the “ Products Data ” table can be connected via the “ Product Description Index ” column and the “ Index ” column, respectively.

Both the “ Sales Data ” table and the “ Regions ” table can be connected via the “ Product Description Index ” column and the “ Index ” column, respectively.

Both the “ Sales Data ” table and the “ Dates ” table can be connected via the “ OrderDate ” column and the “ Date ” column, respectively.

assignment for power bi

Business Requirement:

The executives of a company have requested that we develop an interactive and lively dashboard similar to the one seen below.

When the Year / Quarter of the selected Key Metric is clicked, the relevant data visualization should load up in order to facilitate improved decision-making.

Example Report:

assignment for power bi

Functional Requirements:

  Data Gathering / Requirement:

Prepare a report using a variety of visuals in order to display management insights on a single page as effectively as possible. Feel free to use your imagination to create the most accurate representation of the facts you have.

  • Customer Data
  • Product Data

Create a mechanism that will load all of the tables from the “Management_Insights_DataModel.xlsx” into a respective table.

In order to give the data segregation, you should first create a new table called “Metric Selection” and then fill in the information that is listed below.

Table Name: Metric Selection

 2. Data Modeling:

Establish the relationships between all of the tables that were uploaded from Excel as defined in the data model.

assignment for power bi

  • DAX Calculations & Visualizations :

  Total Sales : Calculate a new measure in the “Sales Data” table, by summing the “Total Revenue” column and displaying it on the Power BI Visual “Card” on the Report.

Total Cost: Calculate a new measure in the “Sales Data” table, by multiplying the “Order Quantity” with “Total Unit Cost” and displaying it on the Power BI Visual “Card” on the Report.

Total Profits: Calculate a new measure in the “Sales Data” table, by using the previously created measures Total Revenue – Total Cost and display it on the Power BI Visual “Card” on the Report.

Profit Margin%: Calculate a new measure in the “Sales Data” table, by using the previously created measures that “Total Profit” % “Total Sales” and display it on the Power BI Visual “Card” on the Report.

Create a new Power BI Visual Slicer – “Year” on the report using the Year column from “Dates” Tables to select year information. Connect all of the previously constructed “Total Sales,” “Total Cost,” and “Total Profits,” as well as the “Profit Margin%,” to this “Year” selection. Changing the criteria in the selection of this Metric Values, the corresponding information should be displayed.

Power BI Visual Slicer – “Year”, should show the buttons for the user to selection

Button background color should be changed on Click of a button

Create a new Power BI Visual Slicer – “Quarter” on the report using the Quarter column from “Dates” Tables to select Quarter information. Connect all of the previously constructed “Total Sales,” “Total Cost,” and “Total Profits,” as well as the “Profit Margin%,” to this “Year” selection. Changing the criteria in the selection of this Metric Values, the corresponding information should be displayed.

Power BI Visual Slicer – “Quarter”, should show the buttons for the user to selection

 Create a new Measure “MetricSelection” on the “Metric Selection” table. The “Metric Selection” table should be displayed on the Power BI Visual “Slicer” “Metric” on the report.

Power BI Visual Slicer – “Metric”, should show the check box for the user to select

Create a new Power BI Visual “Clustered Bar Chart” on the report using city-wise data from sales data tables and connect this with “Metric”, “Year” & “Quarter” report components. Changing the criteria in the selection of this Metric/Year/Quarter the corresponding information should be displayed.

X-Axis – City

Y Axis – Selected Metric

Create a new Power BI Visual “Donut Chart” on the report using “Channel” wise data from sales data tables and connect this with “Metric”, “Year” & “Quarter” report components. Changing the criteria in the selection of this Metric/Year/Quarter the corresponding information should be displayed.

Legend – Channel

Value – Selected Metric

Create new Power BI Visual “Donut Chart” on the report using “Warehouse Code” wise data from sales data tables and connect this with “Metric”, “Year” & “Quarter” report components. Changing the criteria in the selection of this Metric/Year/Quarter the corresponding information should be displayed.

Legend – Warehouse Code

Create a new Power BI Visual “Donut Chart” on the report using “Date” Column data from Dates data tables and connect this with “Metric”, “Year” & “Quarter” report components. Changing the criteria in the selection of this Metric/Year/Quarter the corresponding information should be displayed.

Legend – Date

Create a new Measure “CumulativePerformance” on Selected Metric (previously calculated) on sales Data tables and display the results in Power BI Visual “Area Chart”

X Axis – Date

Y Axis – CumulativePerformance

Create a new Power BI Visual “MAP” on the report with data from the “Territory” column of the Regions tables, and then connect this to the “Sales Data” table in order to present the sales broken down by territory when the user selects an area on the MAP.  

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Roles in workspaces in Power BI

  • 14 contributors

Workspaces are places to collaborate with colleagues and create collections of dashboards, reports, semantic models, and paginated reports. This article describes the different roles in workspaces, and what people in each role can do. For more information, see workspaces in Power BI .

To create a new workspace, see Create a workspace .

Screenshot of setting roles in the Access dialog of the workspace.

Roles let you manage who can do what in a workspace, so teams can collaborate. Workspaces allow you to assign roles to individuals, and also to user groups such as security groups, Microsoft 365 groups, and distribution lists.

To grant access to a workspace, assign one of the following workspace roles to a user group or individual: Admin, Member, Contributor, or Viewer. For more information, see Give users access to workspaces .

Everyone in a user group gets the role that you've assigned. If someone is in several user groups, they get the highest level of permission that's provided by the roles that they're assigned. If you nest user groups and assign a role to a group, all the contained users get that role's permissions. All these capabilities, except viewing and interacting, require a Power BI Pro or Premium Per User (PPU) license. For more information, see licensing .

Workspace roles

1 Contributors can update the app that's associated with the workspace , if the workspace Admin delegates this permission to them. However, they can't publish a new app or change who has permission to edit it.

2 Contributors and Viewers can also share items in a workspace or an app, including semantic models, if the app creator selected Allow users to share the semantic models in this app . See the Create and manage multiple audiences section of "Publish an app in Power BI."

3 To copy a report to another workspace, and to create a report in another workspace based on a semantic model in the current workspace, you need Build permission for the semantic model . You also need at least the Contributor role on the source and destination workspaces. For semantic models in the original workspace, if you have at least the Contributor role, you automatically have Build permission through your workspace role. For details, see Copy reports from other workspaces .

4 Keep in mind that you also need permissions on the gateway. Those permissions are managed elsewhere, independent of workspace roles and permissions. For details, see Manage an on-premises gateway .

5 If the items are in a workspace in a Premium capacity, you can view and interact with items in the Power BI service even if you don't have a Power BI Pro license.

6 To subscribe yourself or others requires a paid (Power BI Pro or Premium Per User (PPU)() license. When you subscribe others, those recipients also need a paid subscription, unless the items are in a workspace in a Premium capacity. B2B guest users can't subscribe others, only themselves.

7 If your admin has enabled this feature, see Manage featured content .

8 If your admin has enabled this feature, see Users can try Microsoft Fabric paid features .

9 If you want your users with the Viewer role to Analyze in Excel or export underlying data from the datasets in the workspace, you need to also give them Build permission on the appropriate datasets.

  • You can assign users to roles, either alone or in a group, even if they can't use the role. In other words, you can assign users who don't have Power BI Pro or PPU licenses to a role that requires a license. See Licenses for details.
  • Use the Viewer role to enforce row-level security (RLS) for users who browse content in a workspace. You can also enforce RLS without giving access to the workspace, publish an app and distribute it to those users, or use sharing to distribute content .
  • Members can add users to a workspace with lower permissions, but can't remove users from any workspace roles.

If one of the workspaces is in a shared capacity, everyone you add to it needs a Power BI Pro or Premium Per User (PPU) license. These users can all collaborate on the dashboards and reports in the workspace. If you want to distribute content to others inside your organization, either assign Power BI Pro licenses to those users or place the workspace in a Power BI Premium capacity.

When the workspace is in a Power BI Premium capacity, users with the Viewer role can access the workspace even if they don't have a Power BI Pro or Premium Per User (PPU) license. However, if you assign these users a higher role like Admin, Member, or Contributor, they're prompted to start a Pro trial when they try to access the workspace 8 . If you want users without Pro or Premium Per User (PPU) licenses to use the Viewer role, make sure they don't also have other workspace roles, either as individuals or as part of a user group.

Publishing reports to the workspace enforces existing licensing rules. If you try to publish from Power BI Desktop or other client tools without a Pro or Premium Per User (PPU) license, you see the error, "Only users with Power BI Pro licenses can publish to this workspace."

Power BI US Government isn't available as a Free license. For licensing details, see Power BI for US government customers .

Guest users

Microsoft Entra B2B Guest users who have been assigned a workspace role or granted specific item permissions, will be able to perform the operations permitted by those roles or permissions.

Guest users who have been assigned workspace roles or specific item permissions will continue to have those roles and/or permissions, even if the Allow Microsoft Entra guest users to edit and manage content in the organization tenant setting is disabled.

Considerations and limitations

A limitation to be aware of:

  • A person with a Power BI Pro license can be a member of a maximum of 1,000 workspaces.

Related content

  • Create workspaces in Power BI
  • Give users access to workspaces
  • Questions? Try asking the Power BI Community

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  • Paginated Reports

Get data with Power Query available in Power BI Report Builder (Preview)

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We are pleased to announce the ability to use the Get Data experience and connect to 100+ data sources such as Snowflake, Databricks and AWS Redshift from Power BI Report Builder. You can transform the data and select the M-Query to be used for the paginated report. All you need is the latest version of Power BI Report Builder Install Power BI Report Builder from the Microsoft Download Center.  

For this blog, we are creating an NYC Taxi Report paginated report with data in a Snowflake backend. To do this, l aunch Power BI Report Builder and navigate to the “Data” tab.

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Select “Get Data” from the toolbar.  

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This will launch the “Get Data” experience.

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You can search for the data source that you want to connect to or “ View more ” .  

assignment for power bi

For this blog, I selected a S nowflake data source. Enter the server, warehouse and, credentials . You can use organizational accounts as well. Have questions ? Learn more about the Power query online experience .  You can either “Create a new connection” or use a shareable cloud connection. Learn more about shareable cloud connections.

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Choose data and s elect the table(s) that you want for your M-query . Select the “Transform data” button.  

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Once you “Transform data ”, the power query editor window will open. 

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You can perform power query operations such as transforming and combining the data . The M query can also be modified in the editor. Learn more about Power Query . Select the “Create” button once you have the Query that you want as the dataset in Power BI Report Builder.  

assignment for power bi

Create the paginated re po rt of your choice with the data from the data source supported via th e Get Data experience.   

assignment for power bi

Once you create the report, you can Publish the report to the Power BI service. Learn more about publishing a paginated report to the Power BI service .

You can share this report with others as well from the Power BI service.

Prefer watching a video?

Want to edit the dataset ? You can right click on the dataset name and “Edit Mashup.. ”  

assignment for power bi

This will open the Get Data experience. Make updates that you want and select “Create”. The dataset will be edited based on the changes that you make.  

All functionality such as parameters and filters work like they do for any other data source in Power BI Report Builder.  

A few notes…

This feature is currently not available to Sovereign clouds and will be available when generally available.  

With this version, we have limitations. The main ones are listed below. Learn more about current limitations and considerations.  

  • When there a multiple mashup queries in the editor, the last one is used for the dataset creation.    You can add additional datasets from the same data source by going through the Get Data experience a second time and moving the intended M-query to the end of the “Queries” list. 
  • Parameters must be manually mapped by name between the mashup and the dataset.  
  • We currently do not support gateway connections.  
  • Learn more about connecting to new data sources from Power BI Report Builder
  • Give us feedback at ideas.fabric.microsoft.com . Please add “Power BI Report Builder” or “paginated” to the title and give us enough information to make improvements to meet your requirements.
  • Data Sources
  • Dynamic M Query Parameters
  • paginated reports
  • Power BI Report Builder
  • Recent Data Sources


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  1. Free Power BI exercises

    You are welcome to try any of the 111 Power BI exercises listed below, but please do not distribute them in any form without asking for our written permission first. Create a basic report to show a simple table of Abba songs. Create a matrix and return some appropriate images above. Create a report listing Game of Thrones episodes, importing ...

  2. 15 Power BI Projects Examples and Ideas for Practice

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  3. Top 10 Power BI Project Ideas for Practice

    As given below, Power BI data visualization options can be used for different scenarios in this project: Cards, Bar Charts, Tornado Charts, TreeMaps, Flow Maps, etc., for flight analysis. Column Charts, Cards, Bar Charts, etc., for the passenger feedback. 10. Life Expectancy Data Analysis.

  4. Power BI Projects that Inspire and Empower [2024]

    Develop Your Power BI Skills. Explore our Power BI Projects for practical assignments in data visualization, business analytics, report generation, and dashboard creation. These projects are designed to hone your skills and prepare you for a vibrant career in business intelligence and data analysis.

  5. Get samples for Power BI

    Download the Power BI report files (.pbix). Download the Excel workbook files ( .xlsx ), then upload them to the Power BI service. Or explore the Excel files in Excel itself. The company obviEnce ( www.obvience.com) and Microsoft teamed up to create samples for you to use with Power BI. The samples use anonymized data.

  6. Data Analysis and Visualization with Power BI

    The Power BI data analyst is a combination of both of these roles. They work closely with business stakeholders to identify business requirements and collaborate with enterprise data analysts and data engineers to identify and acquire data. ... To access graded assignments and to earn a Certificate, you will need to purchase the Certificate ...

  7. Retail Analysis sample for Power BI: Take a tour

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  9. Power BI Learning Overview

    Get started with Power BI. Build personalized visualizations that resonate with your audiences. Start free. Learn new skills with Microsoft Power BI training. Our hands-on guided learning approach helps you learn Power BI and meet your goals.

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    1. Online Retail Dashboard. First up in our list of the best Power BI project ideas involves tracking retail sales from E-commerce data. This power BI project is ideal for those interested in learning data analysis, as it requires leveraging a large dataset to analyze customer behavior and sales trends.

  11. Artificial Intelligence sample for Power BI: Take a tour

    Open the Power BI service ( app.powerbi.com ), and make sure you're in the Power BI experience. Select Learn in the navigation pane. On the Learning center page, under Sample reports, scroll horizontally until you see the Artificial Intelligence Sample. Select the sample. Power BI saves the report and dataset to your My workspace.

  12. Data-Driven Decisions with Power BI

    Learners can download a course dataset and engage in numerous hands-on experiences to discover how to import, connect, clean, transform, and model their own data in the Power BI desktop application. Learners will investigate reports, learn about workspaces, and practice viewing, creating, and publishing reports to the Power BI service.

  13. 13 Best Datasets for Power BI Practice

    List of the Best Datasets for Power BI Practice. 1. Sample Superstore Sales. The Sample Superstore Sales dataset provides sales data for a fictional retail company, including information on products, orders and customers. This dataset includes the following variables: Order ID - A unique identifier for each order.

  14. Get Job Ready: Power BI Data Analytics for All Levels 2.0

    This practical beginner's course lets you learn Power BI from scratch, preparing you for the data analyst, business analyst, or Power BI developer job market. The course provides an end-to-end Power BI project, carefully curated to offer you real organizational experience and business context. 4.9. (477 ratings)

  15. Microsoft Power BI Tutorial for Beginners from Scratch

    Power BI Desktop -It is the primary tool of Power BI used to generate models and reports from scratch. It is open source and free to all. Power BI service -It is an online Power BI service and it can be accessed on the cloud. The data models and reports are hosted on Software as a Service (SaaS).

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  17. Data Analysis and Visualization with Power BI

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  18. Power BI Assignments

    Task 3.2. Create a new Power BI Visual Slicer - "Year" on the report using the Year column from "Dates" Tables to select year information. Connect all of the previously constructed "Total Sales," "Total Cost," and "Total Profits," as well as the "Profit Margin%," to this "Year" selection.

  19. Sanjesh12/Power-BI-Assignment

    Sanjesh12/Power-BI-Assignment. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. About. Hello everyone, I'm Sanjesh Chourasia. Currently, I am learning PowerBI. You can find my PowerBI assignments and solutions here. Topics. data-science data powerbi dataanalytics

  20. Roles in workspaces in Power BI

    Feedback. Workspaces are places to collaborate with colleagues and create collections of dashboards, reports, semantic models, and paginated reports. This article describes the different roles in workspaces, and what people in each role can do. For more information, see workspaces in Power BI. To create a new workspace, see Create a workspace.

  21. Getting Started

    Available M-F 6 AM to 3 PM PT. Call 1 855-270-0615. Getting started with Microsoft Power BI is easy. Try Power BI for free to learn how to build and share Power BI reports and find insights in your data.

  22. Get data with Power Query available in Power BI Report Builder (Preview)

    All you need is the latest version of Power BI Report Builder Install Power BI Report Builder from the Microsoft Download Center. For this blog, we are creating an NYC Taxi Report paginated report with data in a Snowflake backend. To do this, l aunch Power BI Report Builder and navigate to the "Data" tab. Select "Get Data" from the toolbar.