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AP®︎/College US History

Course: ap®︎/college us history   >   unit 10, ap us history periods and themes.

  • AP US History multiple choice example 1
  • AP US History multiple choice example 2
  • AP US History short answer example 1
  • AP US History short answer example 2
  • AP US History DBQ example 1
  • AP US History DBQ example 2
  • AP US History DBQ example 3
  • AP US History DBQ example 4
  • AP US History long essay example 1
  • AP US History long essay example 2
  • AP US History long essay example 3
  • Preparing for the AP US History Exam (5/4/2016)
  • AP US History Exam Prep Session (5/1/2017)

AP US history periods and themes

Example ap us history problems, key terms, documents, and court cases to know, primary documents:.

John Winthrop, “City on a Hill” / “A Model of Christian Charity”
Jonathan Edwards, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
Thomas Jefferson, “Declaration of Independence”
James Madison, “Constitution of the United States”
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, “Declaration of Sentiments”
Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”
Harriet Beecher Stowe, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” (main ideas)
Abraham Lincoln, “House Divided” speech, Second Inaugural Address
Sojourner Truth, “Ain’t I a Woman?”
Andrew Carnegie, “The Gospel of Wealth” (main ideas)
Josiah Strong, “Our Country” (main ideas)
Upton Sinclair “The Jungle” (main ideas)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address, December 8 1941 address
George Kennan, “Long Telegram”
Martin Luther King Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, “I Have a Dream” speech
Betty Friedan “The Feminine Mystique” (main ideas)
Ronald Reagan “Evil Empire” speech

Supreme Court cases:

Marbury v. Madison
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Plessy v. Ferguson
Brown v. Board of Education
Roe v. Wade
Bush v. Gore

Foreign policy doctrines:

Monroe Doctrine
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
Truman Doctrine
Nixon Doctrine
Bush Doctrine
virgin soil epidemic
salutary neglect / benign neglect
judicial review
Jacksonian Democracy
popular sovereignty
Jim Crow segregation
mass production
labor union
laissez-faire economics
liberalism (economics/politics)
Soviet Union
Domino Theory
non-violent protest (Civil Rights)

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Studying for the AP US History course is an exercise in memorization and critical thinking. Multiple-choice questions ask you to read and analyze documents based on your historical knowledge. Essay questions require similar skills but with the added challenge of synthesizing your ideas into a coherent argument that incorporates both outside knowledge and evidence given to you.

In this comprehensive AP US History study guide, we will provide all the resources and strategies you need to prepare for the AP exam and any other test that comes your way in this course !

What's the Purpose of This AP US History Study Guide?

This guide will help you prepare for the AP US History test and other assessments you encounter throughout the school year in your AP US History class. It includes instructions for creating an effective study plan, a few helpful study tips, an overview of the content covered in the AP course, and a list of resources for practice questions.

This article is a one-stop-shop for all the information you need to master the AP US History curriculum.

Creating a Study Plan for AP US History: 5-Step Guide

You should start studying sooner rather than later for the AP US History exam because there's s o much information to remember. Ideally, you'll build on knowledge throughout the year and regularly review to avoid forgetting earlier parts of the course.

We recommend doing a holistic review after each in-class test that covers everything you've learned up to that point. You can then begin your final review for the AP test in March or April, which will give you an  entire month or two to spread out your studying.

Below are the steps we recommend following to prep for the AP US History test. The whole process should take you about 11 hours and 30 minutes .

Step 1: Take a Full-Length Practice Test

Time: 3 hours 15 minutes

The first step is to take a full, official AP US History practice test under realistic conditions. Time yourself in accordance with the actual test and write out both essays (DBQ and Long Essay) completely. Mark any multiple-choice questions you had to guess on—it's crucial to go over this information later even if you happen to guess correctly.

When you're done, score your practice test to see how well you would do on the real AP exam if you were to take it right now.

Depending on how much you're hoping to improve your AP US History test score, you might have to budget for more or less study time. If you're already scoring close to 5 (or a low 5), you might complete these steps once and find that you're satisfied with your results.

If you're scoring 2 or more points lower than you'd like, plan on going through this process several times.

Step 2: Catalog Your Mistakes and Guesses

Time: 1 hour

After you score your practice AP US History test, go through your mistakes and lucky guesses. Try to categorize the mistakes by content area so you can look for patterns and determine which parts of the course you need to study the most.

Once you've identified what you need to learn, move on to reviewing the actual content. Make a list in descending order of the topics that correspond to the highest number of missed multiple-choice questions and missed points on short-answer and free-response questions.

Step 3: Study Relevant Content Areas and Practice Multiple-Choice Questions

Time: 2 hours

Use the list you made in the previous step to guide your review of the AP US History content. Start with the areas for which you need a little refresher, and work your way up to the big issues you had on the diagnostic test .

When you're satisfied that you've fixed the gaps in knowledge that led to your errors, you should do some practice APUSH multiple-choice questions to make sure you really know your stuff (you can find them in review books or on one of the sites listed later in this article).

Step 4: Practice Planning and Writing Essays

You'll need to practice writing essays before taking the AP US History test so you feel comfortable with the time constraints and requirements. This is especially true for the Document-Based Question , which has a unique format.

After examining the problems with your essays from the original diagnostic test, practice your skills on additional free-response questions . For the sake of saving time, you don't necessarily need to write out entire essays, but you should at least make rough outlines that include all the components of a successful essay .

If you struggled a lot with time on your initial AP practice test, then we'd recommend going through another timed free-response section in full, so you can practice moving more quickly.

Step 5: Take a Second Full Practice Test

Once you've gotten more familiar with the APUSH material, take a second full AP practice test to assess your progress . If you find that you've improved to a satisfactory level, you might stop there and just do some light review until the exam.

If you're still not happy with your results, repeat this process , and make sure that you're really absorbing the material as you study.


3 Essential AP US History Study Tips

The following tips for AP US History will help you make the most of your time as you work your way through the process outlined above. The APUSH exam assesses your historical knowledge differently than other tests you might have taken in the past do. Make sure your study methods lend themselves to the format!

#1: Make Thematic Connections

The ultimate goal of AP US History is for you to be able to connect individual events to the main themes of the course and draw conclusions about historical trends based on your analysis.

As you study, don't just look at events in isolation— e xamine how they relate to other events of the time and how they might've resulted from different cultural and political attitudes . What were the outcomes of particular events, and how and why did they feed into other, larger trends?

Ask yourself to dig deeper. Doing so help you on both in-class assessments and the AP test.

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#2: Read and Repeat

When you read content notes for AP US History, you might think you have a fact committed to memory but forget it when it appears on a test. The best way to combat this is to pause every couple of minutes and try to remember the facts that you just reviewed without looking back at your notes ; you'll immediately know whether you're absorbing the information or not.

If you're having trouble remembering a particular fact, try to make a distinctive connection with something else that's easier to remember.

For example, say you were trying to remember which items were taxed by the Townshend Acts. (It was glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea.) You could think of the mnemonic GuLPP iT to remember them. It also makes sense because all the taxes were repealed except for the one on tea, which you can gulp!

Maybe this sounds super weird, but we often find that the weirder the method of remembering something is, the more likely it will stick in your mind .

#3: Practice Writing Essay Questions

The free-response section is the biggest challenge on the AP US History exam because you have to plan and write two coherent essays (one DBQ and one Long Essay) in less than two hours. It's imperative that you do lots of practice before the AP test to prevent your essays from being disorganized or lacking in focus. You can consult the College Board site for links to past AP US History free-response questions .

Make sure you always have a strong thesis statement and all the points in your essay relate directly back to it. Plan out your essay before you start writing to keep yourself on track.

You should also t ry to include relevant outside knowledge but only if it pertains directly to your argument and the question itself. Don't just spew out everything you know about the topic!


AP US History Course Content: Themes and Units

AP US History covers history in what is now the United States from 1491 to the present. There are eight main themes in the course separated into nine units, or time periods. For each of these themes, we'll go over the main historical topics associated with it.

Before that, though, here's a quick overview of the AP US History units and what percentage of the AP exam they each make up:

Source: 2019-20 AP US History Course and Exam Description

Theme 1: American and National Identity

Focuses on how and why definitions of American and national identity and values have developed among the diverse and changing population of North America as well as on related topics, such as citizenship, constitutionalism, foreign policy, assimilation, and American exceptionalism.

Theme 2: Work, Exchange, and Technology

Focuses on the factors behind the development of systems of economic exchange, particularly the role of technology, economic markets, and government.

Theme 3: Geography and the Environment

Focuses on the role of geography and both the natural and human-made environments in the social and political developments in what would become the United States.

Theme 4: Migration and Settlement

Focuses on why and how the various people who moved to and within the United States both adapted to and transformed their new social and physical environments.

Theme 5: Politics and Power

Focuses on how different social and political groups have influenced society and government in the United States and how political beliefs and institutions have changed over time.

Theme 6: America in the World

Focuses on the interactions between nations that affected North American history in the colonial period and on the influence of the United States on world affairs.

Theme 7: American and Regional Culture

Focuses on the how and why national, regional, and group cultures developed and changed as well as how culture has shaped government policy and the economy.

Theme 8: Social Structures

Focuses on how and why systems of social organization develop and change as well as the impact that these systems have on the broader society.


AP US History Content: Notes and Outlines

In this section, we'll give you notes on the AP US History course content so you can study the facts and connect them to the themes above.

The content is divided into nine units and historical periods. Under each time period, we'll list important topics with links to notes you can use. Every period also includes a link to at least one timeline of significant events. It's helpful to have these handy, so you get a better grasp of the chronology (which will be very helpful for free-response questions).

The timelines are from AP Study Notes , while the rest of the notes are from a different site called APnotes.net , which gives a more succinct overview of the content, with key dates and major events in bold. Overall, this resource is great for a quick review.

We recommend looking at the chapter outlines on AP Study Notes  to see a longer, more detailed description of historical trends and events in the United States.

Period 1: 1491-1607

  • Timeline of Significant Events (1650 and earlier)
  • "New World" beginnings
  • Early English settlement

Period 2: 1607-1754

  • Timeline of Significant Events (1650-1750)
  • Settlement of the Northern colonies
  • American life in the 17th century
  • Colonial society leading up to the Revolution
  • The fight for control of North America

Period 3: 1754-1800

  • Timeline of Significant Events (1750-1775)
  • The road to the American Revolution
  • Timeline of Significant Events (1775-1800)
  • Seceding from the British Empire
  • The Confederation and the Constitution
  • Starting up a new government

Period 4: 1800-1848

  • Timeline of Significant Events (1800-1825)
  • The Jeffersonian Republic
  • Nationalism and the second war for independence
  • Formation of a national economy
  • Timeline of Significant Events (1825-1850)
  • The rise of a mass democracy
  • The ferment of reform and culture
  • Controversy over slavery

Period 5: 1844-1877

  • Timeline of Significant Events (1850-1875)
  • Manifest destiny and its legacy
  • The sectional struggle
  • Leading up to the Civil War
  • Civil War Part 1
  • Civil War Part 2
  • Reconstruction

Period 6: 1865-1898

  • Timeline of Significant Events (1875-1900)
  • Politics in the Gilded Age
  • Industrial progress
  • Development of cities
  • Agricultural revolution and the West
  • American imperialism

Period 7: 1890-1945

  • Timeline of Significant Events (1900-1920)
  • America on the world stage
  • Progressivism and Theodore Roosevelt's presidency
  • Wilsonian progressivism at home and abroad
  • World War I
  • Timeline of Significant Events (1920-1940)
  • The Roaring Twenties
  • Economic Boom and Bust
  • The Great Depression and the New Deal
  • FDR Presidency and the Road to WW2
  • World War II

Period 8: 1945-1980

  • Timeline of Significant Events (1940-1960)
  • Start of the Cold War
  • Eisenhower Era
  • Timeline of Significant Events (1960-1970)
  • Political and social unrest in the sixties
  • Timeline of Significant Events (1970-1980)
  • Stagnation in the seventies

Period 9: 1980-Present

  • Timeline of Significant Events (1980-1990)
  • Resurgence of Conservatism
  • Clinton presidency and post-Cold War era
  • Timeline of Significant Events (2000-Present)
  • The start of the new century

Quick Reference Sheets

Here are some quick reference sheets you can use for further AP US History prep.

APUSH Teacher Creations

  • Interactive timeline of major historical events in the US through 2015


  • Political parties in US History
  • Important political documents in US History
  • Important Supreme Court cases


Additional AP US History Resources to Test Your Knowledge

Here are some print and online resources you can use to review for the AP US History exam and smaller portions of the curriculum throughout the school year.

AP US History Review Books

Though not free, AP prep books can be excellent resources for your prep. Here are a few books we recommend getting your hands on :

  • The Princeton Review's Cracking the AP US History Exam, 2022 Premium Edition
  • Kaplan's AP US History Prep Plus 2020 & 2021
  • REA's AP US History Crash Course for the 2020 Exam, 5th Edition

Read our full article on the best review books for APUSH for more details and advice!

Official College Board Materials

The following AP US History practice questions come directly from the College Board, so they're the most accurate representations of what you can expect on the actual test. Try to save these resources for later in your studying to get an accurate reading of your strengths and weaknesses when you're about to take the exam.

Note that older materials (pre-2019) are not aligned with the current exam format , so you will have to tweak your prep a bit to make them work.

  • 2020 AP US History Course and Exam Description
  • 2017 APUSH Practice Exam
  • APUSH Free-Response Questions, 2015-2020 and 2021

Get more guidance on how to use official practice resources in our collection of APUSH practice tests .

Unofficial Practice Materials

Although College Board materials are the gold standard when it comes to APUSH prep, there are some good-quality unofficial resources you can make use of, too. Here are the best ones.

Quizlet Flashcards and Quizzes

These student-created sets of flashcards cover every single aspect of AP US History. You can study different sets depending on where you are in the course or which areas need the most improvement. After studying the terms, you can play games to review them and test your factual recall!

Historyteacher.net Mini Practice Quizzes

This site offers mini practice quizzes for every topic covered in the APUSH course . There are multiple-choice questions as well as "short-answer" questions (you get a drop-down menu of 12 answer choices). These won't help much with the more analytical elements of the test, but if you want to test your knowledge of facts, they'll serve you well.

Albert.io AP US History Practice Quizzes

Albert provides a series of quizzes on every topic in the current APUSH curriculum. As you go through them, the site gives you stats showing how you performed on questions of varying difficulty levels . This should help you figure out whether you've truly mastered the material.

Practice Quizzes for The American Pageant , 12th Edition

This helpful site contains chapter-by-chapter practice quizzes based on an old edition of The American Pageant APUSH textbook. Questions are multiple choice and true/false. This resource is more helpful for factual recall than for analysis questions.

CourseNotes AP US History Practice Quizzes

CourseNotes offers a total of six pages of multiple-choice quizzes on all the topics you need to know for the AP US History exam. Nice!

Varsity Tutors AP US History Practice Quizzes

A well-known test-prep company, Varsity Tutors has short multiple-choice practice quizzes on every APUSH topic as well.

Matching and Multiple-Choice Short Practice Quizzes

This website has sets of matching and multiple-choice questions for every period in US History.


They've got questions; YOU'VE got answers!

Wrap-Up: Making the Most of This AP US History Study Guide

AP US History covers eight major themes across nine time periods. It's hard to study this much material, which is why it's good to have a game plan!

To recap, the steps we recommend taking for your APUSH prep are:

#1: Take a full practice test #2: Catalog your mistakes #3: Study relevant content areas and practice multiple-choice questions #4: Practice planning and writing essays #5: Take a second full practice test

You can repeat these steps as necessary depending on how much you need to improve. As you review, also keep a few key tips in mind:

  • Make thematic connections
  • Read and repeat
  • Practice writing essays frequently

Use the AP US History notes and resources provided above to get yourself up to speed. Also, make sure to start studying for the final exam at least one or two months before test day, so you're not going to be forced to cram for it!

What's Next?

Want more practice with Document-Based Questions? We've got an in-depth article on the best resources for DBQs that you can use in your studying.

Need even more APUSH study materials? Check out our complete list of free AP US History practice tests .

You can also check out our complete study guide to the New York US History Regents Exam . If you take it right after the AP US History exam, you might not need to study much at all!

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Get eBook: 5 Tips for 160+ Points

These recommendations are based solely on our knowledge and experience. If you purchase an item through one of our links, PrepScholar may receive a commission.

Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar.

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APUSH Research Paper

Background reading.

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  • Topic Selection
  • American National Biography Online This link opens in a new window Biographies of significant, influential or notorious figures from American history. Gift of the Alcorn Fund.
  • Biography Reference Center This link opens in a new window Comprehensive collection of full-text biographies from top-ranked reference collections and magazines.
  • Oxford Dictionary of National Biography This link opens in a new window Biographies of significant, influential or notorious figures who shaped British history

General Reference

  • Credo Reference This link opens in a new window General reference source to start your research. Use the MIND MAP and SUBJECT features to explore your topic. Gift of the Levin Family Fund
  • Encyclopedia Britannica Academic Edition This link opens in a new window General reference source suitable for background reading. Gift of the Helen Hope Barton and Parcells Funds
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library This link opens in a new window Authoritative full-text reference ebooks covering a variety of subjects. Suitable for background reading.
  • History Reference Center This link opens in a new window Hundreds of specialized reference books, history periodicals, maps, photos, videos and historical documents. Reference sources for background reading.
  • Modern World History Online This link opens in a new window See TOPIC CENTERS. 1550 to present. Reference sources for background reading. Gift of the John Livingston '52 HGS History Fund
  • Oxford Research Encyclopedias This link opens in a new window Comprehensive collections of in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries on a wide range of topics in multiple disciplines. Reference sources for background reading.
  • Salem History Online This link opens in a new window General reference source suitable for background reading.

Subject Reference

  • African American History Online This link opens in a new window Topic centers, controversies, and landmark legislation. Primary sources. Reference sources for background reading. Gift of the Edward Petraiuolo III Memorial Fund
  • American Indian History Online This link opens in a new window Topic centers, controversies, and landmark legislation. Primary sources. Reference sources for background reading. Gift of the Edward Petraiuolo III Memorial Fund
  • Issues & Controversies, Current Events This link opens in a new window Objective analysis, key facts, arguments, history, and context of current issues in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture. Gift of the Edward Petraiuolo III Memorial Fund
  • Issues & Controversies in History This link opens in a new window Key events in history arranged by REGION, ERA, and SUBJECT. Reference sources for background reading including timelines, editorial cartoons and video. Gift of the E. Wight Bakke Fund

Limit your search results to reference books. Go to COLLECTION on the left-hand side and select REFERENCE.

Dewey Classification  

  • 000-099:  General Works
  • 100-199:  Philosophy and Psychology
  • 200-299:  Religion
  • 300-399:  Social Sciences (Political Science, Economics, Military, etc.)
  • 400-499:  Language
  • 500-599:  Science and Math
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  • 700-799:  Arts and Recreation (Art, Architecture, Film, etc.)
  • 800-899:  Literature
  • 900-999:  History and Geography
  • AP US History Topics Outlines
  • Credo Reference This link opens in a new window
  • Digital History
  • Encyclopedia Britannica Academic Edition This link opens in a new window
  • Gilder Lehrman AP US Study Guides
  • History Central

Focus Your Ideas

  • Time period - era, age, date
  • Geographic location  - country, empire, region          
  • Affected Population  - age, race, gender, nationality, religious sect 
  • Specific Event - war, battle, treaty, law, document
  • Point of View - cultural, political, military, social, artistic, technological
  • Compare and contrast -  ideas, important events, policies, outcomes
  • Cause and effect  -  o f an event, war, political movement, document

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  • Last Updated: Mar 1, 2024 11:08 AM
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170 AP Research Topics For Your Paper

170 AP Research Topics

As you may already know, AP Seminar is across multiple disciplines of study. It primarily explores how students can achieve critical thinking abilities through collaboration and thorough academic research. AP Seminar also helps the student understand real-world issues from different lenses.

This way, you get to understand how the world works through multiple perspectives. AP Seminar usually covers team projects, individual papers, oral presentations, and the exam at the end of the course. How do you prepare for your project, paper, or oral presentation without essential AP research paper topics?

It would help if you have AP research topics ideas and perhaps, AP research questions. You need AP seminar topics that help you develop your analytical and creative research and writing skills. You will find them in this content. However, before that, what must be found in a good AP research paper?

Characteristics of a Good AP Research Paper

Writing a good research paper requires analyzing previous academic papers and improving your knowledge about what you want to write. While writing your research paper, take notes of these:

  • A Good Papers Must be Relevant in the Long Term This means you should not write on something that will no longer be relevant in two years. In other words, think about Shakespeare. Or better still, think about writing something that many other writers and researchers will reference. Your logic must have no noticeable unclear gap. Your research must also pass through a thorough assessment process to ascertain that everything in your paper is relevant to the present and the future. If you are writing something about history, you should apply logic and thought to the sources you pick and write about them.
  • Backup Your Research with Valid Sources Every research paper without an external source is poor. Especially when you quote facts, your good sources make your paper appealing and worthy of application or study by different generations. Your paper must include all the facts it needs to pass each point. This is also important because having solid references means that you consulted excellent sources and adopted their information while writing your paper.
  • Have Great Research Questions Research questions sometimes turn your paper around. This is because your AP research questions must be well thought of and dynamic to the issues you’re writing about. When you choose from AP seminar themes available to you or the AP research topic ideas of your choice, asking yourself questions your research will answer makes it easy to focus. Your research questions influence your research, and they make writing easy too.
  • Your Research Must be Specific You can only master how to stay relevant by writing on specific issues. For example, if you want to write about coronavirus, you should not make the mistake of treating a general topic. Instead, narrow it down to your environment or a controversial issue. The Atlantic recently published a long-form essay about a hospital overwhelmed with patients. They eventually had to use their ambulances for some operations. That is an example of a research that treats a specific issue, not a generic one.
  • Your Research Must be Well Structured and Concise This is perhaps the most critical part of your work. If you have an excellent paper, it will only reflect when you have a great structure. As you know, your paper must have an introduction, the main body, and the conclusion.
The introduction is where you discuss the general concepts and the target of your paper. You can also discuss why it is essential to examine the topic; this could be your problem statement. Your main body is where you disassemble and reassemble your facts, make your arguments, and pass your message. Note that you will answer all your research questions in this section, which is why the section is most important while writing a paper. It will help if you back every fact up with solid references. Your conclusion is where you sum everything you’ve raised and discussed. You may attach a quick call to action to the necessary authorities, depending on what you’ve written. However, if you have just sensitized your readers with your project, your conclusion should end with a perfect sentence or paragraphs that stays with your readers.

Now that you know all these, consider these AP seminar research paper topics for your project, paper, or oral presentation. On the other hand, remember you can buy thesis online from our professional helpers team and never worry about your grades.

AP Seminar Themes

AP Seminar themes are the usual subject of discourse that often appear in any AP Seminar. These themes unite all the courses you study during your one year long course. You can consider these AP research topics:

  • The ethics of algorithms on social media
  • Controversial supreme court ruling based on public opinion
  • Environmental injustice and consequences on real estate
  • The challenges of typo errors
  • Overview of genetics
  • The cause of food waste
  • Universal adult suffrage and the fault in the system
  • #MeToo movement and the challenges
  • The issues on wealth inequality
  • Agree or disagree with Francis Fukuyama’s The End of History.”
  • Social class exists in communist societies
  • Communism is the feasible system of the future
  • Art and education
  • Music and education
  • The significance of entertainment in the workplace.

AP Seminar Topics

These are direct AP seminar research topics that you can use for your paper. The best topics are often intriguing enough to impress your teachers for your dissertation or thesis. You can use these to create the perfect paper:

  • Food waste management in Ukraine
  • How the naval power of China is not enough over Taiwan and its allies
  • Low lying islands and global warming
  • The differences in Chinese GDP between 1978 and 2020
  • How global warming affects countries that contribute less to it
  • The rise in the creation of energy-efficient cars
  • Genetically modified plants ruin nature: discuss
  • Pesticides cause more harm than good: discuss
  • Saving money in college is underrated
  • Significance of electric cars to the future
  • A study on three robots and the prospects for the future workplace
  • Gun control is impossible: discuss
  • Intensive farming may not end hunger: discuss
  • Examine the output of three countries and their wealth
  • How much has the world achieved gender equality?
  • Discuss why the demand for tech is a challenging issue
  • Compare and contrast the labor market in the US and Germany
  • Would you say China is the superpower of sustainable batteries
  • Study the rising sectors in the world and their consequences
  • Will petroleum, not batteries, be vital in 2030?
  • Homework is overrated
  • What are the controversies around the statement “I am self-taught.”
  • Significance of noise pollution
  • Quantum entanglement: discuss
  • China and its tech products
  • UK and software growth
  • Is Africa forgotten?
  • Challenges between black Americans and African Americans
  • Aside from COVID-19 and omicron, what are globally threatening issues?
  • Abortion is unethical: discuss.

AP Research Topic Ideas

As a research student, you may also want to consider good ideas to develop for your paper. Your AP research topic ideas must aid your analytical skills. It should also help you create interesting perspectives about issues. You can consider:

  • How the ozone layer protects the planet
  • The best way to address global warming
  • A study of Elon Musk’s education system
  • A study of the Swiss educational system
  • Challenges of education in the UK
  • Challenges on education in the US
  • Study how prison changes people
  • Discuss recent aquatic discoveries
  • How to answer to Brazil’s deforestation
  • The effects of deforestation on global health
  • The rise and evolution of taxes
  • Is the US the world police?
  • Trace world religions: is there a peaceful religion?
  • Discuss how Jews weaponized the Holocaust narrative in Palestine
  • Discuss why some courses are compulsory
  • Examine the problem with obesity
  • Discuss what it means to be in denial
  • Analyze US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan
  • Human right over national security: discuss
  • Is the EU sustainable?
  • Discuss the activities of CNN’s Jeff Zucker
  • Why is history important?
  • Is philosophy a foundational discipline for all disciplines?
  • Examine measures to prevent a WWIII
  • Lessons from the failure of Right 2 Respond in Syria
  • Discuss the challenges of mandatory service
  • Was the Cold War indeed a cold war?
  • What does the world know about Antarctica?
  • Debt diplomacy: discuss
  • An overview of terrorism.

AP World History Research Paper Topics

World history can be broad yet interesting. World history is interesting when you apply rational thought and philosophy into the aspects of the past that matter and those that don’t. These are some good AP world history research paper topics:

  • Effects of the industrial revolution
  • The evolution of German industries
  • The Crusaders are the same as the Jihads: discuss
  • The struggle for democracy
  • French revolution and consequences on Europe
  • The US independence and consequences on Europe
  • The decolonization of Europe led to the colonization of Africa
  • British imperialism and challenges
  • Mongols and relevance in history
  • What are the similarities and differences in the civilizations of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
  • Discuss the hegemony of the Ottoman Empire
  • Discuss the evolution of contemporary politics
  • Examine history and religion
  • How Hitler could have won WWII
  • How Asia changed post-WWI
  • The symbols in Ancient Egypt
  • The symbols in Mesopotamia civilization
  • How agricultural revolution affect the world
  • The rise of industries in Japan
  • The growth of armament and present challenges
  • Water challenges in the Middle East
  • The Middle East is a vital region to the globe: discuss
  • Would you say Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was a great leader?
  • Examine the disunity in the Arab League
  • Mortification in Ancient Egypt
  • The Jews and the world
  • The cyclical nature of history
  • Sexual revolution and trends
  • Nudity and its politics
  • Child trafficking in India.

AP US History Research Paper Topics

To engage in more direct research, you may want to integrate your thoughts into interesting AP research topics. These are topics about current and past events in US history:

  • Differences between presidents Trump and Clinton
  • The US and the Great Depression
  • US interference in the Suez Canal crisis
  • US foreign policy to Libya under Gaddafi
  • The US before and after 9/11
  • Religions of the Native Americans
  • The fiction in Salem Witch Trials
  • Women’s role in America’s independence
  • Women’s role in the Renaissance Europe
  • Sexual revolution as feminism
  • Industrial revolution in America
  • The causes of slavery in the Americas
  • America will always fight wars: discuss
  • The reasons why America built up its armies
  • The evolution of labor unions in America
  • An overview of the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • The US and social media policy
  • US and gender inequality
  • Corruption in the US
  • Gangsterism in the US
  • George Floyd and the consequences of his death
  • The effects of the Mississippi River Flood
  • CIA and the murder of Congolese Patrice Lumumba: justifiable?
  • Ideological challenges in US history
  • Indigenous technology in the American Civil War
  • The effect of Hurricane Katrina
  • An overview of a mass shooting in any location of your choice
  • Environmental crisis in the US
  • Was the Cold War necessary?
  • Criticize the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

AP Capstone Research Topics

AP Capstone involves the assessment and overview of all the courses during your AP Seminar. It examines your knowledge of different theories and how you can apply them. You can choose these topics for your paper:

  • The US and its ethnicities
  • US and religious duplicity
  • Vaccines and their benefits in the US
  • How does the US control the UN
  • Bullying and its impacts
  • How social media affects students
  • Food insecurity and challenges of the contemporary world
  • The future of the automobile
  • The future of automation
  • Does Elon Musk do something similar to Mark Zuckerberg?
  • Extreme sports: what’s the thrill?
  • The history of vaccines
  • Is America truly democratic
  • Discuss the overaction of lawmakers on the Janet Jackson Superbowl performance saga
  • Is the UN a toothless bulldog?

AP Biology Research Topics

Biology is an integral part of the world and a relevant course in your AP Seminar. You can choose to discuss any of the following interesting topics:

  • Critically analyze how the human body works.
  • Discuss the correlation between the way Ancient Egyptians preserved their dead and the way it is done today
  • How has the research and writings of the Romantic Era achieved some changes in the biology of contemporary society?
  • What is the most common thing that weakens the human immune system?
  • The HIV/AIDS epidemic and the vulnerability of the human society
  • The scientists’ struggle in preventing the spread of the virus before, during, and after COVID-19
  • Assess the importance of genetics, if any, in the creation of robots with emotional abilities like humans
  • Assess how stress affects the immune system and how a strenuous activity as sex helps ease stress
  • Speak with any five persons and evaluate why some people have refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine
  • Discuss how bacteria affect the body and its consequences
  • Evaluate how animals communicate
  • Trace the evolution and trends in the discovery that the heart controls human life, not the brain
  • A study of how white blood cells work and fight diseases
  • Should DNA tests be made accessible for the public?
  • Cell division and how to teach how it works to pupils
  • Examine the process of photosynthesis on plants
  • The trends and discoveries of cancer treatments
  • Read five pieces of literature on different perspectives on genetics and appraise them.
  • Analyze how the red blood cells convey oxygen
  • Appraise the structure of the human body.

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The Top 10 Most Interesting AP Research Topics

College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) program can improve your academic performance and earn you college credits while in high school. If you participate in the AP Capstone program, you’ll have to conduct research in the second course, AP Research. To succeed, you’ll need to use your academic research skills to select your AP research topics.

Selecting a topic can be the most critical part of your research project, and it can also be the most difficult. To make it easier for you, we’ve provided some of the best examples of AP research topics as well as AP research questions.

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What makes a strong ap research topic.

A strong AP research topic is well-defined. Because it will form the basis of your research, it should be clear enough that your target audience will be able to understand your project. It should also address a real-world issue relevant in the 21st century.

Tips for Choosing an AP Research Topic

  • Choose what interests you. Don’t just go with what’s popular or what you think will get you the highest score. Make sure the topic you select is one you clearly understand and will be able to continue even when the research process becomes difficult.
  • Make sure you understand the course requirements. Repeatedly refer to your assignment as you come up with a project idea. This will ensure that you have a clear grasp of what is expected of you.
  • Consider the timeframe of your research process. A lot goes into the research process, so make sure you start looking for a topic as soon as possible. It may not seem this way at the beginning, but the course will go by quickly.
  • Consider your research sources. Select a topic with a wide range of sources that you can draw from to build credible and valid evidence-based arguments.
  • Consult your AP advisor. Whenever you have any questions about the research process, don’t be afraid to turn to your advisor for clarification. If you find it too difficult to narrow down a topic, you can also ask for help from other students.

What’s the Difference Between a Research Topic and a Research Question?

A research topic is the main idea for a research project. For instance, voting apathy is a general topic from which you can derive various history research paper topics such as “voter apathy among young people.”

A research question, on the other hand, is a question that your research seeks to answer. It is more specific than your research topic. It answers the how, what, and the why of your research. For example, for the research topic above, one research question could be “What are the effects of voter apathy among young people on civic participation?”

How to Create Strong AP Research Questions

A strong AP research question should be clear and precise. In other words, the question you are posing should be focused on a specific area and the language should be simple enough that the reader doesn’t require any further explanation of what you are trying to say. However, it should not be so narrow that it can be answered with a simple yes or no.

Top 10 AP Research Paper Topics

1. 3d-printed prosthetics for amputees.

In recent years, the field of 3D printing has made great strides, especially in the medical field. From prosthetics to 3D-printed skin for burn victims, scientists have figured out ways to help those who have physical challenges. If selected as a research topic, this would be an interesting way to discuss the future of rehabilitation and assistive devices.

2. The Pros and Cons of Subsidized Housing in the US

Subsidized housing is a housing policy aimed at giving low-income families access to affordable housing. This real-world issue has become quite a controversial topic. However, it is a great topic for your school project, especially if it has already been discussed in your AP Seminar course as one of the seminar topics.

3. Impact of Ocean Conservation on Climate Change

Global warming and climate change have become important topics all over the world. From a discussion of renewable energy to a study of the increase in wildfires, there are many approaches that you can take. Ocean conservation has become an important strategy in fighting climate change and would therefore be a perfect topic for an AP research paper.

4. The Role of Art Education in 21st Century Curricula

The importance of art in education has often been taken for granted. In recent decades, however, emphasis on STEM fields has raised questions about the role of art education and other humanities disciplines in modern education. Your research could focus on the benefits of art education for STEM students.

5. Food Waste Solutions in the US

According to the USDA, food waste accounts for 30 to 40 percent of the total food supply. This shows that food waste is a major environmental and economic problem. This is one of many real-world topics that would allow you to take an interdisciplinary approach, combining social sciences and environmental sciences, for instance.

6. Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms on the Environment

A genetically modified organism is a plant, animal, or other organism whose DNA has been artificially altered through bioengineering. There are many interesting albeit complex issues that can arise in research into the potential impact of GMOs on the environment.

7. Factors Contributing to Wealth Inequality in the US

Wealth inequality refers to the dissimilarities in the distribution of assets among people or groups of people. This research topic can be narrowed to focus on whether increasing minimum wages can decrease wealth inequality or on strategies for reducing the number of homeless children.

8. The Future of the Automotive Industry

Global car sales are expected to grow in the coming years. As the automotive industry is changing, this topic would be a great way to discover what these changes look like and how they will affect the industry. Selecting this for your project proposal would be a good way to build on what you learned in your AP Physics C: Mechanics class.

9. The Relationship Between Cyber Security and Ecommerce

Ecommerce is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the economy. However, as more people and businesses move to online transactions, there is growing concern about cyber security threats. A first step if you choose this topic would be to familiarize yourself with cyber security terminology .

10. Youth Voting and Civic Participation Patterns

This is an interesting research topic through which you can discuss the relationship between voting and civic participation in young people, the influence of social media on voting patterns, and whether voting trends are affected by the socioeconomic conditions of a particular youth group. One common research question is whether the voting age should be changed.

Other Examples of AP Research Topics & Questions

Ap research topics.

  • Effects of stress on the human body
  • The fall of the Roman Empire
  • The rise of cryptocurrency and its effect on the banking industry
  • The relationship between social media and bullying in schools
  • Homeschooling versus traditional schooling

AP Research Questions

  • How does emotional stress manifest physically in the human body?
  • What political developments led to the fall of Rome?
  • How has cryptocurrency affected the banking industry in the 21st century?
  • How has social media influenced the rise of cyberbullying?
  • What are the effects of texting on grammar skills?

Choosing the Right AP Research Topic

As we have seen above, there are many AP research topics to choose from for your research assignment. The research paper is your primary performance task in the AP Research course, so you should take care to select a strong topic.

Completing the College Board’s AP Capstone is a significant academic achievement that will put your academic writing skills and research abilities to the test. Choosing the right AP research topic is therefore paramount in helping you build your college profile, especially if you want to get into an Ivy League School .

AP Research Topics FAQ

Your AP research paper should be between 4,000 and 5,000 words. Your evaluation will be based on not only the word count but also your introduction, content, structure, conclusion, and use and documentation of sources.

The AP research assignment is graded on a scale of one to five, depending on how well you do on your academic paper and oral defense. You can visit the AP Research student page for further information about grading.

No, there are no AP research topics that are off-limits. The AP Capstone program aims at developing students who are independent critical thinkers, so don’t shy away from a topic just because it’s controversial.

The difference between AP and AP Capstone is that AP Capstone is a two-year diploma program that requires you to take the AP Seminar and AP Research courses, whereas AP is a general term for the Advanced Placement program. College Board offers both programs.

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Home » 300+ American History Research Paper Topics

300+ American History Research Paper Topics

American History Research Paper Topics

American history is a vast and complex subject that encompasses a wide range of events, movements, and individuals who have shaped the country’s past and present. From the struggles for independence and civil rights to the exploration and settlement of the continent, American history provides an abundance of topics for research papers . Whether you’re interested in politics, social issues, cultural trends, or military history, there are numerous topics to choose from that will help you delve deeper into the fascinating story of the United States. In this arcticle, we will explore some of the most compelling and thought-provoking American history topics that you can choose to explore in your own research .

American History Research Paper Topics

American History Research Paper Topics are as follows:

  • The Salem witch trials: religious hysteria and persecution.
  • The California Gold Rush: immigration and economic boom.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: cultural movements and African American creativity.
  • The Stonewall riots: LGBTQ+ rights and activism.
  • The Underground Railroad: abolitionist movement and escape from slavery.
  • The New York City Draft Riots: racial tensions and class conflict during the Civil War.
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn: Native American resistance and US expansionism.
  • The Scopes Monkey Trial: evolution and religion in the public school system.
  • The assassination of Abraham Lincoln: political upheaval and the aftermath.
  • The Bracero Program: labor migration and Mexican American relations.
  • The Japanese American internment: civil liberties and government policies during WWII.
  • The Black Panthers: civil rights and revolutionary politics.
  • The Montgomery bus boycott: racial segregation and nonviolent protest.
  • The War of 1812: US-British relations and national identity.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: US involvement in Vietnam and presidential power.
  • The Trail of Tears: forced relocation of Native Americans and government policy.
  • The Louisiana Purchase: westward expansion and territorial acquisition.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation: Abraham Lincoln and the end of slavery.
  • The Boston Tea Party: colonial resistance and the American Revolution.
  • The Haymarket Riot: labor movements and the struggle for workers’ rights.
  • The Sacco and Vanzetti trial: political prejudice and the justice system.
  • The Nixon administration and Watergate: political corruption and media coverage.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg: turning point in the Civil War and military strategy.
  • The United States’ entry into WWI: neutrality and international relations.
  • The assassination of JFK: conspiracy theories and the impact on American politics.
  • The Montgomery GI Bill: post-WWII veterans’ benefits and education.
  • The 1968 Democratic National Convention: anti-war protests and police brutality.
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster: NASA and government accountability.
  • The Wounded Knee Massacre: Native American activism and government response.
  • The Oklahoma City bombing: domestic terrorism and extremism.
  • The Pentagon Papers: government secrecy and media freedom.
  • The American eugenics movement: racial science and government policy.
  • The Zoot Suit Riots: racial tensions and discrimination in WWII-era Los Angeles.
  • The Tet Offensive: turning point in the Vietnam War and media coverage.
  • The 1920s: flappers, jazz music, and cultural transformation.
  • The Seneca Falls Convention: women’s suffrage and gender equality.
  • The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.: civil rights and the struggle for racial justice.
  • The Tea Party movement: conservative populism and political polarization.
  • The space race and the moon landing: US-Soviet competition and national pride.
  • The Gulf War: US military action in the Middle East and international relations.
  • The Hurricane Katrina disaster: government response and racial inequality.
  • The Rodney King verdict and LA riots: police brutality and racial justice.
  • The Iran-Contra scandal: government corruption and foreign policy.
  • The civil rights movement and the Freedom Riders: nonviolent protest and desegregation.
  • The Flint water crisis: environmental racism and government negligence.
  • The Occupy Wall Street movement: economic inequality and social justice.
  • The AIDS epidemic: public health crisis and societal attitudes.
  • The American Revolution: causes and consequences.
  • The impact of slavery on the development of the United States.
  • The Reconstruction Era: successes and failures.
  • The Civil War: social, political, and economic impacts.
  • The women’s suffrage movement: progress and setbacks.
  • The rise of industrialization and its impact on society.
  • The Progressive Era: reforms and political changes.
  • The New Deal: success or failure?
  • The impact of the Great Depression on American society.
  • The Second World War: America’s involvement and impact.
  • The Cold War: the US and Soviet Union’s global influence.
  • The civil rights movement: leaders and strategies.
  • The Vietnam War: political, social, and cultural impacts.
  • The Watergate scandal: corruption and the presidency.
  • The Reagan Revolution: conservatism and change.
  • The Gulf War: America’s role in international conflict.
  • The 9/11 terrorist attacks: effects on domestic and foreign policy.
  • The Obama presidency: achievements and controversies.
  • The rise of Silicon Valley: technology and innovation.
  • The labor movement: unionization and workers’ rights.
  • The Trail of Tears: the forced relocation of Native Americans.
  • The Mormon migration: religious freedom and settlement.
  • The gold rush: economic and social impacts.
  • The women’s liberation movement: progress and setbacks.
  • The rise of the suburbs: lifestyle changes and the American Dream.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: cultural and artistic movements.
  • The Dust Bowl: environmental disasters and migration.
  • The Ku Klux Klan: racism and terror in America.
  • The rise of the Christian Right: religion and politics.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: America and the Soviet Union on the brink of war.
  • The Manhattan Project: the development of nuclear weapons.
  • The Bay of Pigs invasion: US foreign policy in Latin America.
  • The Space Race: America’s competition with the Soviet Union.
  • The Black Power movement: self-determination and political activism.
  • The Stonewall riots: the birth of the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement.
  • The War on Drugs: the impact on minority communities.
  • The rise of hip hop: cultural expression and social commentary.
  • The Iraq War: America’s intervention in the Middle East.
  • The Tea Party movement: populism and conservative politics.
  • The Dakota Access Pipeline protests: Indigenous rights and environmentalism.
  • The #MeToo movement: sexual harassment and assault in the workplace.
  • The 2020 presidential election: controversies and historical significance.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic: social, economic, and political impacts.
  • The climate crisis: America’s role in mitigating global warming.
  • The opioid epidemic: public health crisis and government response.
  • The gig economy: labor rights and the changing nature of work.
  • The immigration debate: policies and social attitudes towards immigrants.
  • The Black Lives Matter movement: racial justice and police reform.
  • The Battle of Antietam: bloodiest day in American history and its impact on the Civil War.
  • The Salem Witch Trials: causes and consequences of the infamous witch hunt.
  • The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: examining the unethical medical study conducted on African American men.
  • The Stonewall Riots: analyzing the LGBTQ+ rights movement and the impact of the Stonewall uprising.
  • The Bay of Pigs Invasion: evaluating the failed US attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro’s regime in Cuba.
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn: examining the conflict between the US Army and Native American tribes.
  • The Red Scare: analyzing the fear of communism in the US during the Cold War.
  • The Manhattan Project: evaluating the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.
  • The Seneca Falls Convention: examining the first women’s rights convention and its impact on American society.
  • The My Lai Massacre: analyzing the massacre of Vietnamese civilians by US soldiers during the Vietnam War.
  • The Treaty of Versailles: evaluating the impact of the treaty that ended World War I.
  • The Dust Bowl Migration: examining the migration of farmers from the Great Plains to California during the Great Depression.
  • The Black Lives Matter Movement: analyzing the movement for racial justice and police reform in the US.
  • The Oregon Trail: examining the westward expansion of the US and the impact of the Oregon Trail.
  • The 1968 Democratic National Convention: evaluating the protests and violence that occurred during the convention.
  • The Indian Removal Act: examining the forced relocation of Native American tribes in the 1830s.
  • The Great Society: evaluating the social and economic reforms of President Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • The Wounded Knee Massacre: analyzing the US Army’s killing of Native American men, women, and children in 1890.
  • The Ku Klux Klan: examining the rise and fall of the white supremacist group.
  • The Gadsden Purchase: evaluating the US acquisition of land from Mexico in 1853.
  • The Second Great Awakening: analyzing the religious revival of the early 19th century and its impact on American society.
  • The Haymarket Riot: examining the labor unrest and violence that occurred during the 1886 Chicago labor rally.
  • The Dust Bowl Art: analyzing the art and literature inspired by the Great Plains drought.
  • The Roe v. Wade Decision: evaluating the impact of the landmark Supreme Court decision on abortion rights.
  • The Salem Customs House: examining the significance of the customs house in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel “The Scarlet Letter.”
  • The Homestead Strike: analyzing the violent labor dispute that occurred at the Carnegie Steel Company in 1892.
  • The War of 1812: evaluating the US conflict with Great Britain and its impact on American society.
  • The Sacco and Vanzetti Trial: examining the controversial trial of two Italian immigrants in the 1920s.
  • The Scopes Monkey Trial: evaluating the trial that pitted science against religion in the 1920s.
  • The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty: examining the US treaty with Panama that led to the construction of the Panama Canal.
  • The Bonus Army: analyzing the World War I veterans who marched on Washington, D.C. to demand government benefits.
  • The O.J. Simpson Trial: evaluating the impact of the high-profile murder trial on American culture.
  • The Iran-Contra Affair: examining the political scandal that involved the US selling weapons to Iran and using the profits to fund anti-communist rebels in Nicaragua.
  • The Buffalo Soldiers: analyzing the history of the African American soldiers who served in the western frontier.
  • The American Civil War: examining the factors that led to the conflict.
  • The New Deal: evaluating the impact of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s economic policies.
  • The Space Race: the competition between the US and Soviet Union to explore space.
  • The Vietnam War: analyzing the US involvement in the conflict.
  • The American Revolution: evaluating the role of key figures like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
  • The Civil Rights Movement: examining the fight for racial equality in the US.
  • The Gold Rush: exploring the impact of the California Gold Rush on American society.
  • The Watergate Scandal: the political scandal that brought down President Nixon.
  • The Great Migration: analyzing the movement of African Americans from the South to Northern cities.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: examining the cultural and artistic movement of the 1920s.
  • The Trail of Tears: evaluating the forced removal of Native American tribes from their lands.
  • The Cold War: analyzing the political and economic tensions between the US and Soviet Union.
  • The Industrial Revolution: examining the changes brought about by industrialization in the US.
  • The Boston Tea Party: evaluating the impact of the colonial protest against British taxation.
  • The Underground Railroad: analyzing the network that helped slaves escape to freedom.
  • The Women’s Suffrage Movement: examining the fight for women’s right to vote.
  • The Dust Bowl: evaluating the environmental and economic impact of the Great Plains drought.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation: analyzing Lincoln’s decision to free slaves in Confederate states.
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade: examining the forced migration of Africans to the US.
  • The Louisiana Purchase: analyzing the impact of the US acquisition of Louisiana from France.
  • The Spanish Flu Pandemic: examining the global pandemic that killed millions.
  • The Attack on Pearl Harbor: evaluating the impact of the Japanese attack on the US.
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott: analyzing the nonviolent protest against segregated public transportation.
  • The Panama Canal: examining the construction of the canal and its impact on international trade.
  • The Salem Maritime Trade: analyzing the economic and social impact of maritime trade in the colonial period.
  • The Cuban Revolution: examining the overthrow of Batista and the rise of Fidel Castro.
  • The Iraq War: analyzing the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.
  • The New York City Draft Riots: evaluating the racial and class tensions that led to the riots.
  • The Black Panther Party: examining the political and social impact of the Black Panther movement.
  • The American West: analyzing the expansion and settlement of the American West.
  • The Berlin Wall: examining the construction and fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • The 19th Amendment: evaluating the impact of women’s right to vote on American society.
  • The United States and the United Nations: analyzing the US involvement in the UN.
  • The Jim Crow Laws: examining the laws that enforced racial segregation in the US.
  • The Bracero Program: analyzing the US-Mexico labor agreement during World War II.
  • The Korean War: evaluating the US involvement in the conflict.
  • The Alamo: examining the battle that became a symbol of Texas independence.
  • The Assassination of JFK: analyzing the impact of the assassination on American politics and society.
  • The Great Chicago Fire: evaluating the impact of the fire that destroyed much of Chicago in 1871.
  • The Americanization Movement: examining the movement that sought to assimilate immigrants into American culture.
  • The Spanish American War: US imperialism and expansion in the late 19th century.
  • The Red Scare: political repression and the fear of communism in the 20th century.
  • The National Parks system: conservation and environmentalism in the US.
  • The Women’s Liberation Movement: feminism and gender equality in the 1960s and 1970s.
  • The Brown v. Board of Education decision: landmark ruling on desegregation in public schools.
  • The Gulf of Mexico oil spill: environmental disaster and corporate responsibility.
  • The American Revolution: causes, major events, and legacy.
  • The Great Depression: economic crisis and government response in the 1930s.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964: legislative landmark in the struggle for racial justice.
  • The Dust Bowl: ecological disaster and its impact on American agriculture.
  • The Waco Siege: government overreach and religious extremism.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire: workplace safety and labor reform.
  • The Black Lives Matter movement: police brutality and racial justice in the 21st century.
  • The Homestead Strike: labor dispute and the fight for workers’ rights.
  • The Panama Canal: engineering marvel and US influence in Central America.
  • The Marshall Plan: US aid to Europe after World War II and the Cold War.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: nuclear brinksmanship and US-Soviet relations.
  • The Montgomery Improvement Association: nonviolent resistance and the bus boycott.
  • The Roe v. Wade decision: reproductive rights and the women’s movement.
  • The My Lai Massacre: war crimes and US military conduct in Vietnam.
  • The Salem-Keizer school desegregation case: busing and the limits of integration.
  • The Flint sit-down strike: labor unrest and unionization in the auto industry.
  • The transcontinental railroad: westward expansion and economic growth.
  • The Iranian Hostage Crisis: US foreign policy and Middle East tensions.
  • The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty: US control of the Panama Canal and sovereignty issues.
  • The Black Sox Scandal: corruption and gambling in Major League Baseball.
  • The Freedom Summer: civil rights activism and voter registration in the South.
  • The Salem maritime trade: piracy and international commerce in the colonial period.
  • The Stono Rebellion: slave rebellion and resistance in South Carolina.
  • The Alaska Purchase: US acquisition of Alaska and its impact on Native Alaskans.
  • The United States and the League of Nations: US foreign policy and internationalism.
  • The Chicago Seven trial: political dissent and government repression during the Vietnam War.
  • The Reagan Revolution: conservative politics and the changing face of American politics.
  • The American Indian Movement: Native American rights and activism.
  • The Battle of Bull Run: first major battle of the Civil War and its impact.
  • The Wounded Knee Occupation: Native American sovereignty and government response.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion: taxation and the limits of federal authority in the early US.
  • The Iran-Iraq War: US involvement and Middle East politics.
  • The United States and the Cold War: US-Soviet relations and the arms race.
  • The Ku Klux Klan: white supremacy and domestic terrorism in American history.
  • The Battle of Midway: turning point in World War II and military strategy.
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott: analyzing the civil rights movement and its impact on segregation in the South.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: evaluating the US and Soviet Union’s tense standoff in 1962.
  • The Trail of Tears: examining the forced removal of Native American tribes from their lands in the 1830s.
  • The Space Race: analyzing the competition between the US and Soviet Union to explore space.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation: evaluating the impact of President Lincoln’s proclamation on slavery during the Civil War.
  • The Black Panthers: examining the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party in the 1960s and 1970s.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: analyzing the cultural movement that celebrated African American art, literature, and music in the 1920s and 1930s.
  • The Korean War: evaluating the US and UN’s conflict with North Korea and China in the 1950s.
  • The Boston Tea Party: examining the protest that sparked the American Revolution.
  • The National Parks System: analyzing the history and impact of the National Parks System in the US.
  • The New Deal: evaluating President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s economic reforms during the Great Depression.
  • The Black Codes: examining the laws passed in Southern states after the Civil War to restrict the rights of African Americans.
  • The Watergate Scandal: analyzing the political scandal that led to the resignation of President Nixon.
  • The War on Drugs: evaluating the US government’s policies and actions to combat drug use and trafficking.
  • The McCarthy Hearings: examining the anti-communist hearings led by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s.
  • The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake: analyzing the disaster and its impact on the city and American society.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: examining the tragedy that led to significant labor reforms in the early 20th century.
  • The Rodney King Riots: analyzing the 1992 riots in Los Angeles following the acquittal of police officers in the beating of Rodney King.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad: evaluating the construction of the railroad and its impact on American transportation and commerce.
  • The New York Draft Riots: examining the violent protests against the Civil War draft in New York City in 1863.
  • The Tulsa Race Massacre: analyzing the 1921 race massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma and its aftermath.
  • The 1918 Influenza Pandemic: examining the deadly global pandemic and its impact on American society.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg: evaluating the pivotal Civil War battle and its impact on the war and American history.
  • The Mexican-American War: analyzing the US conflict with Mexico and its impact on American expansion.
  • The American Indian Movement: examining the Native American organization and its activism for Indigenous rights.
  • The War in Iraq: evaluating the US-led war in Iraq and its impact on US foreign policy.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964: analyzing the landmark legislation that prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • The Jim Crow Laws: examining the laws that enforced racial segregation in the South after the Civil War.
  • The Women’s Suffrage Movement: evaluating the fight for women’s right to vote in the US.
  • The Anti-Vietnam War Movement: analyzing the protests and activism against the US involvement in the Vietnam War.
  • The Donner Party: examining the ill-fated wagon train journey and its impact on westward expansion.
  • The Great Migration: analyzing the mass movement of African Americans from the South to the North and West in the early 20th century.
  • The Red Scare: examining the anti-communist hysteria in the US during the Cold War era.
  • The Alamo: evaluating the 1836 battle in Texas and its significance in American history.
  • The Cuban Revolution: analyzing the revolution led by Fidel Castro and its impact on US-Cuban relations.
  • The Dust Bowl: examining the environmental disaster that devastated the Great Plains in the 1930s.
  • The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.: analyzing the impact of the civil rights leader’s death on American society.
  • The California Gold Rush: evaluating the rush of people to California in search of gold in 1849.
  • The Salem Witch Trials: examining the 1692 witch hunt and its impact on American society.
  • The Reconstruction Era: analyzing the period of US history following the Civil War that aimed to rebuild the South and integrate newly freed slaves into society.
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster: evaluating the tragic 1986 event that claimed the lives of seven astronauts.
  • The Great Society: examining President Lyndon B. Johnson’s domestic policies in the 1960s and their impact on American society.
  • The Bataan Death March: analyzing the brutal forced march of American and Filipino prisoners of war by the Japanese in World War II.
  • The Detroit Race Riot: examining the violent 1967 riots in Detroit and their impact on American race relations.
  • The Wounded Knee Massacre: analyzing the 1890 massacre of Sioux Indians by US troops and its impact on Native American relations with the US government.
  • The Spanish-American War: evaluating the US conflict with Spain in 1898 and its impact on American imperialism.
  • The Cold War: examining the geopolitical tensions between the US and Soviet Union from 1945-1991.
  • The Underground Railroad: evaluating the network of secret routes and safe houses used to help enslaved people escape to freedom in the 19th century.
  • The Tuskegee Airmen: examining the all-Black fighter squadron that served in World War II and their impact on American history.
  • The Boston Massacre: analyzing the 1770 event in which British soldiers killed five colonists and its impact on American revolutionary sentiment.
  • The 1968 Democratic National Convention: examining the protests and clashes between police and anti-war demonstrators during the convention.
  • The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision: evaluating the landmark decision legalizing abortion in the US in 1973.
  • The Louisiana Territory: analyzing the US acquisition of the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803.
  • The Stock Market Crash of 1929: examining the causes and impact of the crash that led to the Great Depression.
  • The Lusitania sinking: analyzing the 1915 sinking of a British passenger ship by a German submarine and its impact on American entry into World War I.
  • The Second Great Awakening: evaluating the religious revival movement in the US in the early 19th century and its impact on American society.
  • The Black Panthers: analyzing the impact of the Black Panther Party on the civil rights movement and American society in the 1960s.
  • The Mexican-American War: examining the US conflict with Mexico in the 1840s and its impact on US expansionism.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: analyzing the 1911 tragedy and its impact on workplace safety regulations.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad: evaluating the building of the railroad in the late 19th century and its impact on American transportation and economy.
  • The Stono Rebellion: examining the 1739 slave uprising in South Carolina and its impact on American slavery laws.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg: analyzing the 1863 battle and its significance in the Civil War.
  • The Black Sox Scandal: evaluating the 1919 scandal in which members of the Chicago White Sox baseball team were accused of throwing the World Series.
  • The Oregon Trail: examining the westward expansion of American settlers to the Pacific Northwest in the 19th century.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964: analyzing the landmark legislation outlawing discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • The Indian Removal Act: evaluating the 1830 law that authorized the forced removal of Native American tribes from their lands in the Southeastern US.
  • The Battle of Antietam: analyzing the 1862 battle and its impact on the Civil War.
  • The Iran-Contra Affair: examining the political scandal involving the Reagan administration’s secret arms sales to Iran and illegal funding of Contra rebels in Nicaragua.
  • The Pullman Strike: analyzing the 1894 labor strike by railway workers and its impact on American labor laws.
  • The 1920s: examining the cultural, social, and political changes that occurred during the “Roaring Twenties.”
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn: analyzing the 1876 battle between US forces and Sioux and Cheyenne warriors and its impact on Native American relations with the US government.
  • The Montgomery GI Bill: evaluating the legislation that provided education and training benefits to US veterans after World War II.
  • The Black Codes: examining the laws enacted in the South after the Civil War that restricted the rights and freedoms of newly freed slaves.
  • The Korean War: analyzing the US involvement in the conflict and its impact on American foreign policy.
  • The Seneca Falls Convention: evaluating the 1848 convention advocating for women’s suffrage and its impact on the women’s rights movement.
  • The Bay of Pigs Invasion: examining the failed 1961 US attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro’s government in Cuba.
  • The Homestead Strike: analyzing the 1892 labor strike by steelworkers and its impact on American labor relations.
  • The Gadsden Purchase: evaluating the US acquisition of land from Mexico in 1853 and its impact on American territorial expansion.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: examining the cultural and artistic movement in the 1920s and 1930s that celebrated Black creativity and identity.
  • The Fourteenth Amendment: analyzing the constitutional amendment that granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to all persons born or naturalized in the US.
  • The Battle of New Orleans: evaluating the 1815 battle in which American forces led by Andrew Jackson defeated British troops and its impact on American nationalism.
  • The Birmingham Campaign: analyzing the 1963 civil rights campaign in Alabama and its impact on the movement.
  • The Pullman Palace Car Company: examining the company’s history and impact on American railroad travel and labor relations.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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50 Argumentative Essay Topics

Illustration by Catherine Song. ThoughtCo. 

  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

An argumentative essay requires you to decide on a topic and take a position on it. You'll need to back up your viewpoint with well-researched facts and information as well. One of the hardest parts is deciding which topic to write about, but there are plenty of ideas available to get you started.

Choosing a Great Argumentative Essay Topic

Students often find that most of their work on these essays is done before they even start writing. This means that it's best if you have a general interest in your subject, otherwise you might get bored or frustrated while trying to gather information. (You don't need to know everything, though.) Part of what makes this experience rewarding is learning something new.

It's best if you have a general interest in your subject, but the argument you choose doesn't have to be one that you agree with.

The subject you choose may not necessarily be one that you are in full agreement with, either. You may even be asked to write a paper from the opposing point of view. Researching a different viewpoint helps students broaden their perspectives. 

Ideas for Argument Essays

Sometimes, the best ideas are sparked by looking at many different options. Explore this list of possible topics and see if a few pique your interest. Write those down as you come across them, then think about each for a few minutes.

Which would you enjoy researching? Do you have a firm position on a particular subject? Is there a point you would like to make sure to get across? Did the topic give you something new to think about? Can you see why someone else may feel differently?

50 Possible Topics

A number of these topics are rather controversial—that's the point. In an argumentative essay, opinions matter and controversy is based on opinions, which are, hopefully, backed up by facts.   If these topics are a little too controversial or you don't find the right one for you, try browsing through persuasive essay and speech topics  as well.

  • Is global climate change  caused by humans?
  • Is the death penalty effective?
  • Is our election process fair?
  • Is torture ever acceptable?
  • Should men get paternity leave from work?
  • Are school uniforms beneficial?
  • Do we have a fair tax system?
  • Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?
  • Is cheating out of control?
  • Are we too dependent on computers?
  • Should animals be used for research?
  • Should cigarette smoking be banned?
  • Are cell phones dangerous?
  • Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?
  • Do we have a throwaway society?
  • Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago?
  • Should companies market to children?
  • Should the government have a say in our diets?
  • Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy?
  • Should members of Congress have term limits?
  • Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?
  • Are CEOs paid too much?
  • Should athletes be held to high moral standards?
  • Do violent video games cause behavior problems?
  • Should creationism be taught in public schools?
  • Are beauty pageants exploitative ?
  • Should English be the official language of the United States?
  • Should the racing industry be forced to use biofuels?
  • Should the alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased?
  • Should everyone be required to recycle?
  • Is it okay for prisoners to vote (as they are in some states)?
  • Is it good that same-sex couples are able to marry?
  • Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school ?
  • Does boredom lead to trouble?
  • Should schools be in session year-round ?
  • Does religion cause war?
  • Should the government provide health care?
  • Should abortion be illegal?
  • Are girls too mean to each other?
  • Is homework harmful or helpful?
  • Is the cost of college too high?
  • Is college admission too competitive?
  • Should euthanasia be illegal?
  • Should the federal government legalize marijuana use nationally ?
  • Should rich people be required to pay more taxes?
  • Should schools require foreign language or physical education?
  • Is affirmative action fair?
  • Is public prayer okay in schools?
  • Are schools and teachers responsible for low test scores?
  • Is greater gun control a good idea?
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best apush research paper topics

125 Best Research Paper Topics of 2021

best apush research paper topics

When you get into high school, you are not aware of the number of responsibilities you might have to face over your academics, making you feel clogged and exhausted, especially when writing and submitting research papers on time.

One of the most challenging parts of writing a research paper is to find a perfect topic to write. Luckily, we have done all the hard work for you and have created a list of 125 fascinating research paper topics.

For your further convenience, we have organized the topics into different categories covering a wide range of subjects so you can easily choose the best topic according to your interest and knowledge.

Besides the list of good research topics, I have also talked about selecting a good research topic and how you can use your subject to start writing an excellent paper.

How to Select a Perfect Research Paper Topic?

Before you start writing, you need to make sure you choose a great topic. Below mentioned are the three crucial factors to contemplate before selecting the best research paper topics.

Choosing a field, you are interested in

It is difficult to find a research paper topic because most high-school students are confused about selecting their major. However, you can always select an area of interest.

There are always specific research topics on trending. Many people seem interested in writing about the buzzing topics; never feel tempted or go with the crowd and make it your subject unless you genuinely have some interest in it.

There is enough information to foster your research.

Once you have chosen the best research paper topic and you're happy to write about it, it is still challenging to produce a good paper if there isn't enough information about the subject. 

This is possible for very particular or specialized topics, and sometimes some topics are too new to have enough research conducted on them at the moment. Simple topics will always have more than enough information to write a full-length paper. Writing a research paper on a topic that does not have enough information is extremely hard. Before you take up a topic, do primary research and make sure you have all the essential information to write your research paper.

The research paper fits your teacher guidelines. 

Always note down any specific requirements or restrictions your teacher may have implemented on some research topic ideas. If you are writing a research paper on a political science topic, deciding to write about technology’s impact on sports won’t be allowed. Still, there can be some sort of flexibility.

For example, if you want to write about the “Portrayal of minorities by Media” and your teacher wants you to write about “History,” you can combine both topics and develop something relevant. Like “How the portrayal of minorities by media go a long way back.” You can also use companies, like do my essay , to help you write your research paper.

For your convenience, we have organized the topics into different categories. It will also make it easier to find the type of research paper topics you're looking for.

Simple research paper topics

  • How important is diversity within the team, and why?
  • What makes one sport more accepted than another?
  • How would the world be different without the discoveries of Albert Einstein?
  • Rise of anime; what made anime admired worldwide?
  • Is the traditional music of a country foremost than the international music that is popular around the world?
  • What causes people to change their leisure time activities as they get older?
  • What is the best way to deal with procrastination?
  • What are hobbies more favored with children and adults in your area?
  • Are there hobbies you can easily do in your own country but not so comfortable when you go to another country? Why?
  • What are stereotypes of people from your country, and how true are those?

Interesting research paper topics

  • How true is it that older people are wiser and correct, always right in their choices?
  • Can technology cause a gap between generations?
  • How different are friendships between men from friendships between women, and why?
  • Can amusement parks have an educational motive aside from an entertaining one? 
  • What things make people in your country happy?
  • What are the pros and cons of plastic surgery?
  • Does beauty, in general, decide how much a person will be happy and successful in life?
  • What other common sayings such as “Actions speak louder than words” exist in your language, and what life lessons they teach?
  • What makes Nordic regions happier and more prosperous than others?
  • Ways to communicate better with family, friends, colleagues, and strangers?

Controversial topics for research paper

These topics might stimulate terrible responses from some people because most of these subjects are controversial and are likely to raise some issues. Be careful before writing about such topics.

  • What is the context of all terrorist attacks in the world?
  • How to deal with a large number of immigrants?
  • How to prevent a rise in the number of homeless children?
  • What is the proper punishment for serial killers and rapists?
  • Will religion survive the future? Explain

Aggressive research topics

  • Are video games the reason for more antisocial people?
  • What makes communism the best political system in the world?
  • How will a rise in the minimum wage help increase economic mobility?
  • Should steroids be allowed in sports?
  • What can things be done on an individual level to prevent cyberbullying?

Research topics by different fields of study

In different fields of study, you can tell your brain to perform innovatively. Here, you can carry out extensive research to put forward new opinions.

  • What were the devastating impacts of British rule in India ? 
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • Was it necessary to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  • Who was responsible for the Iran-Contra situation ? 
  • What caused the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan ?
  • What are the important events in the history of Latin America? 
  • How did Greece become a huge philosophical hub in ancient times?
  • How did people study foreign languages before the 19th century?
  • Who profited the most from wars in the Middle Ages?
  • What caused Hitler's rise to power?

Sample History research papers


  • How deadly is the Earth’s climate change in the past few decades?
  • How have previous oil spills changed regulations and cleaning methods?
  • Make a detailed analysis of deforestation rates globally over a while.
  • Impacts of Paris Climate Agreement on environment
  • How to improve access to clean water around the world?
  • Should developed countries rely more on nuclear energy?
  • What to do to save amphibian species which are presently at risk of extinction?
  • What impacts has climate change had on coral reefs?
  • How are black holes created?
  • Why has the number of natural disasters increased in the past few decades?

Sample Environment research papers 

  • What can health issues be caused by emotional stress?
  • What are the most effective ways to treat depression ?
  • What are the advantages and drawbacks of the Keto diet?
  • How do the healthcare plans of different countries vary from each other?
  • How to lower blood pressure using natural herbs?
  • Is it appropriate for parents to skip vaccination?
  • How can you encourage obese people to change their lifestyles?
  • What are the cons of genetically modified foods?
  • Explain the history and impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
  • How much work out/ exercise should the average adult be getting each week?

Sample Health research papers

  • How is business etiquette changed in the past decade?
  • How can the understanding of culture change the way you do business?
  • Who are the exceptional businessmen in the 21st century?
  • Who are the exceptional businesswomen in the 21st century?
  • What are the traits of team leaders, and how to become one?
  • Why is the cause in the rise of the popularity of stock markets?
  • What are the pros and cons of an all-female working environment?
  • The difference in Islamic banking systems from traditional ones?
  • What are the effects of gold and diamonds on the economy?
  • How do offshore bank accounts work – the case of Panama papers?
  • Analyze the history and future of self-driving vehicles.
  • How the invention of drones changed surveillance and warfare methods?
  • Why has social media made people less connected to reality?
  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence? Explain
  • Do smartphones improve or reduce workplace productivity?
  • What are the most effective ways to use technology in the classroom?
  • How is social media manipulating and causing depression?
  • What is the history behind the Internet of Things?
  • Can everything be solar-powered?
  • What is the distinction between open and closed systems?

Sample Technology research papers

  • Why did we stop believing in multiple gods?
  • Are religion and spirituality connected?
  • What is Karma?
  • Why are teenagers less religious than older people?
  • How are terrorist attacks affecting religion? 
  • What are the new ideologies becoming popular?
  • How are Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism connected?
  • Teachings of Hinduism (you can choose any religion)
  • What influence do religions have on the perception of right and wrong?
  • Can other religions help to change the view of women in Arabic cultures?

Social Media

  • Are social media making us lonely, empty from the inside, and unsociable?
  • How to protect children online?
  • What are some techniques to identify pedophiles on social media?
  • Why do people have the want to post everything online?
  • How to prevent cyber-bullying?
  • Can LinkedIn help people find jobs or further education?
  • How to make a break from social media?
  • Why are more adolescent generations obsessed with the number of followers and likes?
  • How bad is social media addiction?
  • Who are world-famous influencers on social media?
  • What is causing the rise in popularity of classical music?
  • Why are world-famous musicians more prone to become drug abusers?
  • History and the rise of hip-hop culture
  • Why do people listen to sad music when they do not feel good?
  • What happens to your mind when you listen to 432 HZ frequency music?
  • How is the US education system different from the education systems in other countries?
  • Impact of college debt on the future life choices of students?
  • What benefits do physical education classes have on students' health?
  • Do children who attend preschool excel in school in the future?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Montessori Method ?
  • Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • Do students who get free meals at school get higher grades than those who do not receive any free meal?
  • Impact of technology on studies
  • What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind act?
  • Homeschoolers VS Traditional school; who performs better in the college 

Current Affairs

  • How have the motives of feminists changed over the decades?
  • What are the impacts of China’s one-child policy?
  • What factors gave rise to the current decline in the rate of unemployment?
  • Difference between US immigration laws and immigration laws of other countries
  • Explain the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea.
  • Explain Brexit
  • What factors contributed to China becoming a superpower?
  • How has the “Black Lives Matter” movement affected the view about racism in the world?
  • How will India become a superpower in 2050?
  • History and rise of Bitcoin and another cryptocurrency 


Make sure to do your research before you start writing. You do not have to make a mistake to start writing your research paper and then learn that there is not enough information to foster your research. 

In some cases, your research can contradict the points you are trying to explain. Get most of your research done before your start writing. Create an outline to understand your flow. This will help keep your paper clear and structured, and you will get clarity to produce a strong report.

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162 Great AP Research Topics To Ace Your Paper

ap research topics

AP Research is an area of study that equips you to build a career in research. It is part of a two-year program that was developed by the College Board, known as AP Capstone. This program includes two subjects, AP Seminar, and AP Research. AP Research comes after AP Seminar. As part of this course, students are expected to carry out a 12-month long research program after choosing from a list of AP research topics of their choice.

How To Write A Good AP Research Paper?

AP Research papers are quite challenging. This paper is a representation of all the skills that you have accumulated as an AP Seminar student. During the AP Seminar course, you will have to write several small research papers. This equips you with the lengthy AP research paper. In order to write a good paper on AP capstone research topics, you need some important skills:

  • Analyzing sources effectively.
  • Formulating the right argument backed by enough evidence.
  • Examining an issue from various perspectives.

The challenge with AP Research is that there are so many AP research questions and themes to choose from that it gets confusing, you might even need some college paper help . In this article, you will not only learn how to write an AP research paper, but you will also get a list of topics from different fields of study.

Guide On How To Write An AP Research Paper

Wondering how to write an AP Research paper? Check out these steps:

Start by identifying research topics that are of personal interest to you. You can even get some ideas from your AP seminar topics. This will give you a head start as you have already done some research. Gather as much initial information to prepare the background and introduction for your research paper. Choose a research methodology that is suitable for you. Look for resources that will help you develop a strong research proposal. Submit this proposal to your university before starting the inquiry stage. Gather as much information, evidence and data as possible using the research method that you have chosen. It is a good idea to connect with an expert specific to the discipline that you have chosen. Record your entire inquiry process and maintain a portfolio.

In your paper, you are expected to:

Introduce the AP research paper topics and provide some context and hypotheses about the topic. Review previous works and ideas on this subject. Provide insights into their perspective and argument. Explain the research method that you have chosen and why you have approached the question in this way. Present all the findings and interpret the significance with respect to your research question. Provide a detailed list of the limitations and implications of your findings. Give some insights into the possible next steps on this issue based on your findings. Complete the bibliography as per the format expected by your university.

Best AP Biology Research Topics

AP Biology research topics cover a wide range of subjects, giving you a lot to choose from:

  • The effect of human behavior on animal forms globally.
  • Ecological and environmental factors affecting animal behavior.
  • The influence of hormones on behavior and the human mind
  • Are allergens just a mild irritant or the sign of a serious immunity-related disorder?
  • What are auto-immune diseases and what are their effects on the body’s immune system?
  • Is it ethical to carry out DNA modifications in human beings to eliminate immune disorders.
  • The different perceptions of vaccines in our society and how they affect the community.
  • What if animals also photosynthesized like plants?
  • The future of cancer treatments. How will they become more effective?
  • Is it possible to write computer programs into the DNA of humans?
  • The relationship between neurobiology and mental health.
  • Is having the ‘perfect child’ using gene therapy on the fetus ethical?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of gene therapy?
  • Can ecological damage be reversed?
  • The unseen consequences of biodiversity loss.
  • Why were prehistoric animals so large in size?
  • Is veganism for pets ethical?
  • The effects of acidification on aquatic environments.
  • The different camouflage mechanisms in nature.
  • The navigation mechanisms used by blind fish.
  • The best methods or techniques that can be used to restore coral reefs.
  • Jellyfish never die, they are immortal. Support this with evidence.
  • The world in the next five years and the consequences of Covid-19.
  • Has the immune system of humans evolved over the last few decades?
  • Why is AIDS/ HIV not talked about as much in the world today?

AP US History Research Paper Topics

AP US History research paper topics are among the most interesting ones as they give you a chance to delve deeper into the significant events that shaped the nation.

  • The impact of colonization by Europeans on the Native Americans.
  • What are the theories available to explain the lost colony of Roanoke?
  • What is the relationship between Native American religion and the environment?
  • Write in detail about the methods and goals of Utopian colonies.
  • What factors led to the failure of the Utopian colonies.
  • What were the reasons for the passing of the Indian Removal Act?
  • The impact of the Trail of Tears on US history.
  • What were the primary causes of the westward expansion of manifest destiny?
  • How did the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 shape American history?
  • What was the Dawes Act and how did it affect the reservation policies of the US.
  • Provide a detailed analysis of the impact of harnessing electoral power with respect to the evolution of the US into a superpower.
  • Choose any significant invention in American history and provide all the details of the impact the invention had and the challenges faced during its completion.
  • What were the main economical, philosophical, and social factors that led to the formation of Labor unions in 1800?
  • What is the Gilded Age and why did the late 1800s get this name?
  • How did the Chinese Exclusion Act impact the relationship between the two countries?
  • The impact of Muckrakers journalism on the progressive reforms in American society.
  • Is it right to justify imperialism in the 19th and 20th centuries?
  • Thomas Nast’s political cartoon and the influence that they had on public opinion.
  • What were the main reasons for the development of Urban political machines? What is the legacy?
  • What were the main causes and effects of the Spanish-American war?
  • Write in detail about the anti-German sentiments in the United States during the First World War.
  • What was the Black Sox scandal and why did the players participate?
  • The main causes of the Harlem Renaissance and how it affected the United States.
  • What were the main causes of the stock market crash of 1929?
  • What prompted the formation of the Bonus Army and how did it impact the community?
  • What were the main causes and effects of the Dust Bowl of 1930?
  • The impact of the New Deal on the arts.
  • How did racism affect the outcome of the Scottsboro Trial?
  • The founders of the Women’s suffrage movement and the methods used by them.
  • The role of discrimination on the train and verdict of the Sacco-Vanzetti case
  • The effect of the Mississippi River Flood of 1927 on the farmers.
  • What really happened to Amelia Earhart.
  • Could the US have predicted Pearl Harbor and would they enter the Second World War if it had been prevented?
  • What is Japanese Internment and how did it affect the Japanese-Americans?
  • The reasons for the No Gun Ri Massacre and why it was kept a secret.
  • The impact of the baby boom on American society.
  • The effects of McCarthyism and why it happened.

AP World History Research Paper Topics

The best thing about AP World History Research Paper Topics is that they give you a diverse set of subjects to work with. Here are some interesting topics for you to choose from:

  • Analyze the social relationships in Medieval Europe.
  • The influence of nuclear weapons on a military development in the world.
  • The reasons for the quick development of Japan and China in the last century.
  • Factors that contributed to the greatness of the Roman Empire.
  • The role of Mahatma Gandhi in the establishment of World Peace.
  • How did apartheid come to an end in South Africa?
  • The influence of smallpox on American colonization.
  • How did western society develop social stratification?
  • The reasons for the term ‘Lost Generation’ for the generation that followed the First World War.
  • The role of the United States in the formation of Panama.
  • Compare the roles of Russian serfs with peasants in Western parts of Europe.
  • How does a pandemic disease affect the development of the world? Provide evidence referring to the biggest pandemics before Covid.
  • How was Jamaica’s history shaped by slave rebellion and slavery?
  • The contribution of the Catholic Church to the social structure in medieval Europe.
  • How was World History affected by the Cold War?
  • The Panic of 1819 and its effects on the economy of the United States of America.
  • Why did the British Empire collapse?
  • The status of marriage and the impact of the Medieval Canon law.
  • How did the culture of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome affect each other?
  • European governance and the impact of the Catholic Church.
  • The most violent events in the history of Jamaica.
  • What were the primary factors that contributed to William the Conqueror becoming the king of England?
  • The most important events in the history of the Ottoman Empire.
  • How did the First World War and The Second World War affect the world and the connection between the two?
  • The Chinese empire and the impact of Buddhism.
  • Analyze life in the bronze age.
  • What measures could have prevented the Second World War from occurring?
  • The main changes in European society were brought about by the Bubonic Plague.
  • How did abolition influence the development of the United States?
  • The effect of ancient conquest in the formation of the modern world.
  • Did the Golden Age influence the development of Western Civilization? How?
  • Was the outcome of the Second World War affected by the alliance against Nazi Germany?
  • Top lessons for the modern world from the two World Wars.
  • The positive and negative impact of the French Revolution on World History.
  • The importance of the patronage system in fueling the Renaissance.
  • The most crucial discoveries were made during the Bronze Age.
  • How did the Battle of the Seas affect Spain and Britain?
  • The role of religion in shaping the global map as we know it today.

Interesting AP Research Topic Ideas

These topics help you learn about the world around you and also give you a lot of information and data to work with:

  • How has texting affected the grammar skills of the modern generation?
  • The best solutions to tackle food waste.
  • How mathematics is used in extreme sports
  • Write in detail about the future of automotive and its influence on the global economy.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of Genetically modified organisms.
  • Why is it important for youngsters to vote?
  • The primary causes of wealth inequality and the benefits of socialism in managing it.
  • The advantages of 3D printing in developing prosthetics.
  • Is there any connection between music and chemistry?
  • Subsidized housing and the environmental injustice caused by them.
  • How is academic achievement impacted by sleep deprivation?
  • The rise of K-pop music.
  • How does popular opinion impact the decisions made by any justice system?
  • The main problems in the education systems across the globe.
  • Discuss the gun control laws in the United States.
  • Is Quantum entanglement real?
  • Write in detail about dark matter theories and their impact on the scientific community.
  • What are some examples of the practical applications of biophysics?
  • What is the role of the ozone layer in protecting the earth?
  • Is the cosmic collision theory true with respect to the formation of the Earth and the moon?
  • What are the best solutions to climate change and the resulting issues?
  • The main causes for the extinction of the Dodo bird and how it impacted our environment.
  • The main causes for the decline of population in Eastern Europe.
  • The worst effects of improper and poor policies for immigration.
  • Discuss any political pattern in recent times.
  • Analyze India’s cultural geography.
  • The state of the people in North Korea.
  • What is the importance of health geography?
  • Analyze Australia’s rural geography.
  • Is it good to make military service mandatory?
  • The importance of starting a War on Drugs.
  • A list of the oldest European settlements and their impact on the world.

Easy AP Research Questions And Subjects

Here are some simple AP research topics to get you started on your paper:

  • Are exams necessary?
  • Should grades be important in determining the career of an individual?
  • The importance of social media in the modern world.
  • Should advertising for children be banned?
  • Fusion physics and its importance.
  • Should drug consumption be legalized?
  • Practical applications of nanotechnology.
  • GDP growth in the European Union.
  • How inflation affects the banking system.
  • International finance and the effects of Covid-19.
  • Brexit and the impact on international trade.
  • Unemployment in the USA.
  • Banks and their role in creating a healthy economy.
  • The state budget of the United States in 2023.
  • Sustainable economic growth solutions.
  • Data mining and its impact.
  • Big data and its impact on banking.
  • The role of the Internet of Things.
  • Is the death penalty ethical?
  • The need for subsidized housing.
  • Abortion laws and the need for reform.
  • Analyze China’s wealth inequality.
  • Has the monarchy of Europe affected the modern world?
  • The causes for the 30 years’ war.
  • Gene modification and the contribution to modern medicine.
  • Analyze polymers
  • Can emotions be chemically induced?
  • The science behind forecasting weather.
  • Contact sports and the best methods to prevent brain injury.
  • How did the Great Depression affect the world?

Get Paper Done With Paper Writing Service

So, it’s not a simple task to write a paper for a high grade. Sometimes every student need a professional help with research paper writing. Therefore, don’t be afraid to hire a writer to complete your assignment . If you are looking for professional, expert writers to help you with your AP research paper, get in touch with us today. Just write a message “Please, write custom research paper for me” and get time to relax . Get fast, budget-friendly cheap solutions instantly. You will get high quality online writing help be it for college or school needs. 

Persuasive Research Paper Topics

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144 AP Research Topics For Your Excellence

AP Research Topics

Are you looking for the best AP research topics? We know that most students don’t know what makes a topic excellent. In fact, most students don’t even bother to look for great ideas. But did you know that the quality of your topics can significantly influence the grade you get on your research paper? AP research papers are not easy to write, so you need all the help you can get.

In this blog post, we will discuss the AP seminar course and provide you with 144 topics for your next research paper. All our topics can be used for free, so don’t hesitate to pick one right now.

Whast Is AP Seminar?

So, what is the AP seminar course and why do you need topics for it? The AP seminar is an interdisciplinary course that aims to teach students critical thinking skills, as well as strong academic research and writing skills.

The final exam is more difficult than the average test because you need to write an essay. It goes without saying that this research paper should be written perfectly if you are to get a top grade.

The Best 144 AP Seminar Topics

Since the exam consists of a research paper, you should make sure you have access to the best AP seminar topics. These topics need to be original and very interesting if you want your essay to stand out from the rest. The good news is that we have a list of 144 awesome AP research topics right here on this page. And yes, you can use any of these ideas for free. Check out our list below:

Easy AP Seminar Topics

If you are looking to get the job done as quickly as possible, we recommend you give our easy AP seminar topics a try:

  • The best food waste solutions in the US
  • Discuss a genetically modified plant
  • Analyze the future of the Snow Leopard population
  • The effects of pesticides
  • Discuss the rise in GDP in the EU
  • What is the role of art in modern education?
  • Discuss global warming effects in Asia
  • The effects of climate change on oceans
  • Best ways to save money in college
  • The advantages of an electric vehicle
  • Research pollution caused by intensive farming
  • Negative effects of noise pollution
  • Discuss gun control in the United States

AP Physics Research Ideas

If you are enrolled in an AP physics course, you may be very interested in the following list of AP physics research ideas:

  • Discuss Einstein’s Photoelectric Effect model
  • Research wave particle duality
  • What is quantum entanglement?
  • Research dark matter theories
  • Talk about the unified field theory
  • Analyze an energy system of your choice
  • Discuss practical applications of biophysics

Interesting AP Research Topic Ideas

Are you looking for the most interesting AP research topic ideas? You have arrived at the right place. Here is our list of ideas for students enrolled in an AP course:

  • The idea of free medical services for everyone
  • Current problems in the US education system
  • Saving the Javan rhinoceros
  • Environmental disasters caused by deforestation
  • Saving an endangered species of your choice
  • Best way to solve the climate change problem
  • The role of the ozone layer
  • Saving the Blue whale
  • The best way to care for autistic children
  • A sure fire way to reverse global warming
  • Saving the Dodo bird

AP Human Geography Topics

Are you interested in writing an essay for your AP human geography course? Pick one of these great AP human geography topics right now:

  • Research the population density increase in the US
  • Population decline in Eastern Europe
  • Research the immigration policies of China
  • Worst effects of poor immigration policies
  • The causes of immigration in Afghanistan
  • Immigration in Mexico
  • Discuss a political pattern of your choice
  • Research the historical geography of Greece
  • Discuss rural geography in Australia
  • What is health geography?
  • The cultural geography of India
  • The economic geography of North Korea

Best AP Research Questions

Our team of expert writers and professional editors has put together a list of the best AP research questions for students. Check it out below:

  • What are effects of texting on high school students?
  • Is math required for the exploration of space?
  • What’s wrong with a genetically modified organism?
  • Should we increase the voting age in the US?
  • What was the worst war in the Middle Ages?
  • Why is the War on Drugs important?
  • Should military service be mandatory in the UK?
  • What are some good habits for improving physical wellbeing?
  • Which is a better pet, a cat or a dog?
  • How can you improve your grades in college?
  • How can you improve your academic writing skills?
  • What are the oldest human settlements in Europe?
  • Is Instagram good for marketing?
  • Should we ban advertising to children?

Great AP Seminar Themes

Are you looking for a list of great AP seminar themes? No problem, we have some excellent ideas for you below:

  • Discuss practical applications of optical physics
  • Practical application of nanotechnology
  • Methods to obtain plasma
  • The basics of fusion physics
  • Should cigarettes be illegal?
  • The negative effects of dieting
  • The negative effects of homework

AP Macroeconomics Topics

Looking for a nice topic for your AP macroeconomics course? Take a look at our AP macroeconomics topics and pick the one you like:

  • Analyze the national income of an Asian country
  • Discuss unemployment in the United States
  • International trade relations of the UK post-Brexit
  • Research international finance during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The role of inflation in the banking system
  • Output and consumption of bread in a country of your choice
  • Research GDP growth in the European Union
  • Research sustainable economic growth in the US
  • The balance of payments equilibrium in the United Kingdom
  • Discuss the state budget of the US in 2023
  • Reducing the impact of inflation in the EU
  • The role of banks in a healthy economy

AP Computer Science Topics

Of course, we have more than enough awesome AP computer science topics for students. Take a look at our ideas and select the best one for your needs:

  • Best sorting algorithm in 2023
  • Discuss a data encryption algorithm
  • Research the risks posed by ecommerce
  • Computer programming best practices
  • Data mining in 2023
  • The role of Big Data in the banking industry
  • Research the Internet of Things

Complex AP Seminar Research Topics

If you want to write about a more complex topic, you can do so. Here are some complex AP seminar research topics you can choose from:

  • Benefits of using 3D printers for prosthetics
  • Analyze wealth inequality in China
  • Subsidized housing in the United States
  • The abolishment of abortion in the US
  • The ethics of the death penalty

AP World History Research Paper Topics

We have some topics for students enrolled in an AP world history class. New AP world history research paper topics are added weekly:

  • Weapons in ancient times
  • The colonization of South America
  • Research the roman concrete
  • What caused the 30 Years war?
  • The effects of the crusades on Europe
  • Industrial advancements in ancient Rome
  • The benefits of monarchy in Europe

AP Biology Research Topics

Our list wouldn’t be complete without these interesting AP biology research topics. Choose one of them and start writing your paper today:

  • Research the first occurrence of the Covid-19 virus
  • Best ways to recover an endangered species
  • Analyze the practical application of astrobiology
  • The biology of cancer
  • Research the osmosis effect
  • Carbohydrates versus lipids in the human body

AP Chemistry Research Topics

We know, chemistry is not an easy subject to write a paper about. However, our AP chemistry research topics are relatively simple:

  • The atomic structure of carbon
  • Love as a chemically-induced feeling
  • The effects of acids on your teeth
  • Analyze a polymer of your choice
  • Talk about gene modification in 2023
  • Discuss the photocatalysis effect
  • Are emotions a result of chemical reactions?

AP Capstone Research Topics

Looking for a great topic for your capstone? Our team managed to compile a list of unique AP capstone research topics right here:

  • Discuss the future of the automotive industry
  • The effects of social media on teenagers in the United States
  • Prevention of brain injury in contact sports
  • Discuss the best global food security strategies
  • Research the science behind weather forecasting
  • Discuss the concept of imposed democracy in Africa
  • The impact of the United Nations on world peace

AP US History Research Paper Topics

Students who are enrolled in an AP United States history course will be thrilled to learn that we have a list of excellent AP US history research paper topics:

  • What led to the Cold War?
  • Research major battles in the Mexican-American War
  • The effects of the Great Depression on the American economy
  • Research the effects of Europeans on Native Americans
  • Social movements during the prolonged war in Vietnam

Our Latest AP Research Paper Topics

Check out our latest AP research paper topics and choose the one that you think will earn you the best possible grade:

  • Why did Americans start celebrating Halloween?
  • Problems posed by increased numbers of homeless children in the UK
  • Why can communism be considered one of the best political systems?
  • How can students manage student loans after graduation?
  • The increasing accessibility of stock markets (and inherent dangers)
  • The greatest scientific breakthrough in 2023

AP Microeconomics Topic Ideas

Interested in writing about a topic in microeconomics? Remember, all these AP microeconomics topic ideas are 100% free to use:

  • Discuss the delicate balance between supply and demand in the EU
  • Define and describe the concept of perfect competition
  • What is the economy of uncertainty? (provide examples if possible)
  • Research the labor market in the United States of America
  • Research the basic principles of microeconomics

AP Psychology Research Topics

In case you want a few good ideas for your next AP psychology essay, we recommend you take a look at our exceptional AP psychology research topics:

  • Discuss the most important ways social anxiety affects people
  • The causes of gender discrimination in African countries
  • The effects of racism in the United States of America
  • Analyze the concept of social cognition (provide examples)
  • Best 3 ways to become immune to stress
  • The effect of rising temperatures on human mental health

AP Environmental Science Research Topics

Are you looking for the best AP environmental science research topics? Don’t worry, you have arrived at the right place. Here are our ideas:

  • Pick a geographic information system and analyze it
  • An in-depth analysis of the causes of noise pollution
  • Discuss the link between rising temperatures and wildfires
  • What can we do to stop climate change by 2030?
  • Pro and cons of renewable energy (solar and wind in particular)
  • Loss of biodiversity in oceans caused by overfishing

Get Help From Our Expert Writers

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What public k-12 teachers want americans to know about teaching.

Illustrations by Hokyoung Kim

best apush research paper topics

At a time when most teachers are feeling stressed and overwhelmed in their jobs, we asked 2,531 public K-12 teachers this open-ended question:

If there’s one thing you’d want the public to know about teachers, what would it be?

We also asked Americans what they think about teachers to compare with teachers’ perceptions of how the public views them.

Related: What’s It Like To Be a Teacher in America Today?

A bar chart showing that about half of teachers want the public to know that teaching is a hard job.

Pew Research Center conducted this analysis to better understand what public K-12 teachers would like Americans to know about their profession. We also wanted to learn how the public thinks about teachers.

For the open-end question, we surveyed 2,531 U.S. public K-12 teachers from Oct. 17 to Nov. 14, 2023. The teachers surveyed are members of RAND’s American Teacher Panel, a nationally representative panel of public K-12 school teachers recruited through MDR Education. Survey data is weighted to state and national teacher characteristics to account for differences in sampling and response to ensure they are representative of the target population.

Overall, 96% of surveyed teachers provided an answer to the open-ended question. Center researchers developed a coding scheme categorizing the responses, coded all responses, and then grouped them into the six themes explored in the data essay.

For the questions for the general public, we surveyed 5,029 U.S. adults from Nov. 9 to Nov. 16, 2023. The adults surveyed are members of the Ipsos KnowledgePanel, a nationally representative online survey panel. Panel members are randomly recruited through probability-based sampling, and households are provided with access to the Internet and hardware if needed. To ensure that the results of this survey reflect a balanced cross section of the nation, the data is weighted to match the U.S. adult population by gender, age, education, race and ethnicity and other categories.

Here are the questions used for this analysis , along with responses, the teacher survey methodology and the general public survey methodology .

Most of the responses to the open-ended question fell into one of these six themes:

Teaching is a hard job

About half of teachers (51%) said they want the public to know that teaching is a difficult job and that teachers are hardworking. Within this share, many mentioned that they have roles and responsibilities in the classroom besides teaching, which makes the job stressful. Many also talked about working long hours, beyond those they’re contracted for.

“Teachers serve multiple roles other than being responsible for teaching curriculum. We are counselors, behavioral specialists and parents for students who need us to fill those roles. We sacrifice a lot to give all of ourselves to the role as teacher.”

– Elementary school teacher

“The amount of extra hours that teachers have to put in beyond the contractual time is ridiculous. Arriving 30 minutes before and leaving an hour after is just the tip of the iceberg. … And as far as ‘having summers off,’ most of August is taken up with preparing materials for the upcoming school year or attending three, four, seven days’ worth of unpaid development training.”

– High school teacher

Teachers care about their students

The next most common theme: 22% of teachers brought up how fulfilling teaching is and how much teachers care about their students. Many gave examples of the hardships of teaching but reaffirmed that they do their job because they love the kids and helping them succeed. 

best apush research paper topics

“We are passionate about what we do. Every child we teach is important to us and we look out for them like they are our own.”

– Middle school teacher

“We are in it for the kids, and the most incredible moments are when children make connections with learning.”

Teachers are undervalued and disrespected

Some 17% of teachers want the public to know that they feel undervalued and disrespected, and that they need more public support. Some mentioned that they are well-educated professionals but are not treated as such. And many teachers in this category responded with a general plea for support from the public, which they don’t feel they’re getting now.

“We feel undervalued. The public and many parents of my students treat me and my peers as if we do not know as much as they do, as if we are uneducated.”

“The public attitudes toward teachers have been degrading, and it is making it impossible for well-qualified teachers to be found. People are simply not wanting to go into the profession because of public sentiments.”

Teachers are underpaid

A similar share of teachers (15%) want the public to know that teachers are underpaid. Many teachers said their salary doesn’t account for the effort and care they put into their students’ education and believe that their pay should reflect this.

best apush research paper topics

“We are sorely underpaid for the amount of hours we work and the education level we have attained.”

Teachers need support and resources from government and administrators

About one-in-ten teachers (9%) said they need more support from the government, their administrators and other key stakeholders. Many mentioned working in understaffed schools, not having enough funding and paying for supplies out of pocket. Some teachers also expressed that they have little control over the curriculum that they teach.

“The world-class education we used to be proud of does not exist because of all the red tape we are constantly navigating. If you want to see real change in the classroom, advocate for smaller class sizes for your child, push your district to cap class sizes at a reasonable level and have real, authentic conversations with your child’s teacher about what is going on in the classroom if you’re curious.”

Teachers need more support from parents

Roughly the same share of teachers (8%) want the public to know that teachers need more support from parents, emphasizing that the parent-teacher relationship is strained. Many view parents as partners in their child’s education and believe that a strong relationship improves kids’ overall social and emotional development.

best apush research paper topics

“Teachers help students to reach their potential. However, that job is near impossible if parents/guardians do not take an active part in their student’s education.”

How the U.S. public views teachers

While the top response from teachers in the open-ended question is that they want the public to know that teaching is a hard job, most Americans already see it that way. Two-thirds of U.S. adults say being a public K-12 teacher is harder than most other jobs, with 33% saying it’s a lot harder.

And about three-quarters of Americans (74%) say teachers should be paid more than they are now, including 39% who say teachers should be paid a lot more.

best apush research paper topics

Americans are about evenly divided on whether the public generally looks up to (32%) or down on (30%) public K-12 teachers. Some 37% say Americans neither look up to or down on public K-12 teachers.

A bar chart showing that teachers’ perceptions of how much Americans trust public K-12 teachers to do their job well is more negative than the general public’s response.

In addition to the open-ended question about what they want the public to know about them, we asked teachers how much they think most Americans trust public K-12 teachers to do their job well. We also asked the public how much they trust teachers. Answers differ considerably.

Nearly half of public K-12 teachers (47%) say most Americans don’t trust teachers much or at all. A third say most Americans trust teachers some, and 18% say the public trusts teachers a great deal or a fair amount.

In contrast, a majority of Americans (57%) say they do trust public K-12 teachers to do their job well a great deal or a fair amount. About a quarter (26%) say they trust teachers some, and 17% say they don’t trust teachers much or at all.

Related: About half of Americans say public K-12 education is going in the wrong direction

How the public’s views differ by party

There are sizable party differences in Americans’ views of teachers. In particular, Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents are more likely than Republicans and Republican leaners to say:

  • They trust teachers to do their job well a great deal or a fair amount (70% vs. 44%)
  • Teaching is a lot or somewhat harder when compared with most other jobs (77% vs. 59%)
  • Teachers should be paid a lot or somewhat more than they are now (86% vs. 63%)

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In their own words

Below, we have a selection of quotes that describe what teachers want the public to know about them and their profession.

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About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts .


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    How the U.S. public views teachers. While the top response from teachers in the open-ended question is that they want the public to know that teaching is a hard job, most Americans already see it that way. Two-thirds of U.S. adults say being a public K-12 teacher is harder than most other jobs, with 33% saying it's a lot harder.