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Biology Long Essay Free Response Questions

9 min read • january 6, 2021

Jessica Nadzam

Jessica Nadzam

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Overview of the Long Essay (FRQ) Questions

The AP Biology exam used to consist of eight long-form free response questions, but in 2019 it was redesigned to consist of only six free response questions. Two of those questions are in the “long” form, and these consist of 50% of the free response score, or 25% of your total score.

Long story short, those two questions make a biiiiiiiiig impact on your score! 

The long essay questions will always be the first two on your exam, so you’ll see them as soon as you open the test booklet. You have to write in blue or black ink (for all things that are good, please do not use a pencil), so have a few of your favorite pens ready. You’ll have lots of pages to write on (if you use all of them, you may have written too much), and you’ll be given a copy of the Formulas and Equations sheet for any calculations you need to do. 

Questions are between 8-10 points apiece, and they typically contain content and problems concerning multiple content areas. You could initially respond about protein structure in the first part and then end up describing the evidence of evolution by the end of the question. There’s a lot of points on the table, and CollegeBoard will make you work for them. 

There is one guarantee on the long essay portion, and that is that one of these questions will ask you to graph something, but IMHO, this is the easiest part. Graphs are usually just that - graphs! And they’re worth three whole points just for plotting some information from a table - woohoo! I always tell my students to go straight to the graph and complete it, if possible. Just remember that when you complete that graph, you must:

Scale your graph appropriately

Label the axes and use proper units (if you don’t list your units, this point won’t count)

Plot the actual data 

Pretty simple, right? 

Response Grading (from a former AP Reader)

There are almost twenty points in this section, and they make up 25% of your AP Biology score. So, how are those points calculated and scored? CollegeBoard is fantastic at writing rigorous questions, but they’re also very good at training their graders (called AP Readers) how to objectively score the questions. Readers spend a whole day training to grade just ten points worth of questions, and then spend a whole week grading only those questions, eight hours a day . 

A well-oiled machine may be an understatement. The bottom of the line is, AP Readers know exactly what they’re looking for when they’re grading. They read a hundred tests a day (minimum), and if you don’t have the answer they’ve been told is the right answer, they tend to move on pretty quickly. 

While this seems intimidating, it’s actually good news for you - but only if you pay very close attention to the next section on verbage. You see, the bolded verbs in AP free response questions are just hints as to what AP Readers are looking for in an answer. If you know those verbs backwards and forwards, you will know what type of response AP Readers want. And if you know that, you don’t have to worry about writing something that may be right content-wise, but still missing a point on a technicality. 

Essential Verbiage

There are a lot of verbs used in AP exams to pose questions for students to ponder and rip their hair out over. 

To keep all that hair on your head, we’ve made you a table. It’s pretty easy - if you know exactly what to do when you encounter each bolded verb , you know exactly what to do to answer the question the way the Reader wants to see it. You know how many points it's worth, and therefore can figure out how much time to spend on it. 

Side note - keep in mind that if a question asks you do something more than once - maybe to describe two factors or explain three phenomenon, you should multiple that # Points by however many things it expects you to do.

Strategies for 5able Responses

Do you want a 5 on this test? Then here’s what you need to know and be able to do: 

Read. The. Question. Care. Fully. Seriously. You don’t know how many students miss points because they were skimming and missed a critical word. It’s a heartbreaker for Readers, who want to give you that point, but can’t. Also, read the directions carefully. Your papers always say something about how responses on the actual question page will not be scored. Do not write on the question page . You can for brainstorming or outlining as scratch paper, but if your words aren’t written on lined paper or a graph or table, they won’t be scored. So make sure you put your answers in the right place! 

Complete. Sentences. Unless it’s an identify or construct or calculate question, you need a capital letter and a period, or the Reader will not grade that response. Period. Outlines, bulleted lists, and drawings won’t be graded unless specified in the question’s directions. 

Circle your bolded verbs . Find them. Figure out which are worth the most points, the least points, will take the longest, will be the quickest, etc. Then, figure out which ones to answer first. 

When you start the test, you don’t have to go in order. If your mind goes blank on question one, skip it . It’s not going anywhere, you can come back to it. But don’t waste time on it when there are others you can definitely answer later in the booklet. 

Skip around to answer these types of questions first, as they are worth the most points and/or are the quickest to answer: Construct a graph, Design an experiment, Identify, Graph/draw. Most other question types take longer just to read the question and write out the full answer, so these are the quickest and most bang-for-your-buck question types. 

Time yourself. You get 90 minutes, but it goes by fast. Keep a digital watch that does not beep , and refer to it regularly. Plot how long you want to spend on each question so you don’t waste time in one area and lose points on another question you could have easily answered. 

This is not AP English. The graders are not English teachers. They don’t care how pretty your introduction is or how thought-provoking your thesis statement is, so don’t write these. Skip the fluff and go straight to the point. Don’t restate the question or introduce the topic or regurgitate random knowledge - it won’t get you extra points, it’s a waste of time for you, and the Readers get bored sorting through all your thoughts and writing. 

Label your responses . While you still have to write in complete sentences, please label each response with a, b, c, etc. if the essay question has multiple parts. You don’t even have to go in order, but this helps Readers find your answer so they don’t have to sift and guess what you meant. 

COMMIT TO YOUR ANSWER . Readers don’t like wishy-washy papers. Erase the words “might” and “possible” and “I think” from your vocabulary. You could be completely wrong, but if you’re writing about a purple hippopotamus, COMMIT to that purple hippopotamus. Don’t say “I think the purple hippopotamus might possibly maybe do photosynthesis if it feels like it.” That’s wishy washy, and Readers don’t accept that as an actual answer, so they won’t give points for it. Be committed , and loudly proclaim “This purple hippopotamus does photosynthesis!” Ta-da! 

If possible, always give an example. We said earlier not to mind dump and regurgitate, but examples are usually a good way to sweep up an extra point or two if you have budgeted your time wisely and can accurately apply it to the scenario. Examples should be a demonstration of the phenomenon you’re describing. ~For example~ if you’re asked to describe the differences between natural and artificial selection, a good example of artificial selection would be to discuss the development of different dog breeds for different traits and features. 

Now that’s we’ve passed on the knowledge, let’s take it out for a test drive. Below you will find a sample question with tips to apply to maximize your time and points for that Fiveable 5 score! 

Sample Question

Soybeans, or Glycine max , are grown and harvested in the American delta. They are a popular crop and are used in a variety of foodstuffs including soy milks, tofu, and other added ingredients. As a high protein bean, they are very popular and fast to grow, with only sixty days from planting to harvest. However, they are very sensitive to their environments, and farmers frequently worry about frost destroying their crops. Also, they do not work alone. Soybeans rely on fungi in their roots (mycorhizzae) to exchange nutrients and fix nitrogen.

a) Construct a graph of soybean grown between days 1 and 60. 

b) Draw and label a line for your prediction if the mycorhizzae were not present in soybean roots. Explain why this would occur. 

c) The mycorhizzae in plant roots are responsible for fixing nitrogen that plants need. Identify the type of relationship that occurs between the plants and the mycorhizzae, and make a claim as to why it is beneficial or harmful.

d) Botanists recommend rotating soybean fields every three years or so. Typically, farmers will alternate soybeans and corn in different fields. Describe why this is done and how it benefits the plants and their environments. 

Sample Question Answer Key

Phew. That’s a lot of words, a lot of scientific terminology, and a lot to answer in approximately twenty minutes - the maximum amount of time you should spend on one FRQ. Remember, you don’t have to answer questions in order and you can pick and choose parts to answer each time, but for the sake of this example, I’ll be moving from a-d. 

Before we answer, let’s do some quick recon. It’s question one, so we know it’s a long FRQ. It’s got four parts, and six parts are bolded. We tally it up, and we find this question is worth 10 points . But we don’t panic, because we know how to tackle these AP verbs! 

Part A is pretty simple, and I recommend doing it first. Draw and label the graph. I’ve linked my example below. Notice that I labeled my axes and made sure to include my units ( 1) , and the scales on my graph are equidistant and accurate ( 1 ), and I plotted my points correctly ( 1) . Ding ding ding, that’s three points right there!

Moving on to Part B, we’re asked to draw a line. Okay, cool, we can do that. But where do we draw the line? Remember, this is only 1 point, so it’s okay to skip it for now if you aren’t sure. Definitely don’t waste your time wracking your brain if it baffles you. But, if you were to draw it, you’d have a flat line on the bottom of the X-axis. Why? Because mycorrhizae are essential for plant growth. Without them, the plant wouldn’t survive.

We’ve got 4 points total and two more parts to go, so there’s going to be a lot expected from these questions. Part C wants you to identify a relationship between a plant and a fungus - that’s Ecology 101 again, and the answer is “mutualism.” Remember, since this is an identify question, we don’t need complete sentences, just the one word answer to get our 1 point. Yay, time saved! For the make a claim portion, explain this relationship. Why is it good or bad? Well, it’s mutualism, which means both parties benefit. For this one, you do need complete sentences, but since it’s just 1 point, one complete sentence defining mutualism should suffice.  Finally, we get to the finale - Part D. The Describe question. Students typically love or hate these, because they leave a bit of wiggle room in the answer, but they also take a lot of time. Since this one is worth 2 points, we want to take the time to answer it correctly. Why do farmers rotate their crops? The key part to a describe question is identifying the phenomenon or concept, and then explaining it or illustrating it with an example. So in this case, we want to identify that crops are rotated to keep nutrients from being overused, and then provide substance to that answer by saying what nutrients are needed for, how they rebuild over time, etc.


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Biology Worksheets, Notes, and Quizzes (PDF and PNG)

Biology Notes, Worksheets, and Quizzes

This is a collection of free biology worksheets, notes, handouts, slides, study guides and quizzes. Most content targets high school, AP biology, genetics, anatomy/physiology, immunology, and biology 101 and 102 in college. There is also biochemistry and physics for biologists. However, some resources are at the grade school and middle school level.

The files are PDF, PNG, JPG, and formats using Google Apps for Google Classroom. Most of the time, these formats are interchangeable. So, if you see something you like, but want a different format, just let us know. Print these resources, make transparencies and slides, etc.

In the interest of quick load time, not all of the images are shown. If you’d rather see them all, just contact us!


Understanding the Differences Between RNA and DNA - Worksheet

[ Google apps worksheet ][ worksheet PDF ][ answers PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

Enzymes Worksheet

Enzymes Definitions

[ Google Slides worksheet ][ worksheet PDF ][ answers PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

  • 20 Amino Acids [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Amino Acid Side Chains [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Identifying Type of Biological Macromolecules [ Google Slides worksheet ][ worksheet PDF ][ answers PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]
  • Disaccharide Examples [ PNG ]
  • Products of Photosynthesis [ JPG ]
  • Anabolism vs Catabolism [ PNG ]
  • 3 Parts of a Nucleotide [ PNG ]
  • Fermentation Definition and Examples [ PNG ]

General and Cell Biology

Major Organelles and Their Function Worksheet

Organelles and Their Functions

Parts of a Plant Cell Worksheet

Parts of a Plant Cell

Anatomy of a Chloroplast Worksheet

Label Parts of a Chloroplast

[ Google Apps worksheet ][ worksheet PDF ][ answers PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

Anatomy of the Mitochondria Worksheet

Label Parts of a Mitochondria

Animal Cell Worksheet

Label the Animal Cell

[ Google Apps worksheet ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes Worksheet

Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes Worksheet

Stages of the Cell Cycle Worksheet

Steps of the Cell Cycle

Stages of Mitosis Worksheet

Steps of Mitosis

Membrane Transport Worksheet

Membrane Transport Terms and Definitions

Membrane Transport Worksheet 2

Membrane Transport Worksheet #2

The Plasma Membrane Worksheet

The Plasma Membrane

Bacterial Cell Anatomy Worksheet

Label a Bacterial Cell

  • Label a Bacteriophage [ Google Apps worksheet ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]
  • Evidence of Evolution Worksheet [ Google Apps worksheet ][ Worksheet PDF ][ Worksheet PNG ][ Answers PNG ]
  • Evolutionary Processes Worksheet [ worksheet Google Apps ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]
  • Major Receptor Families [ Google Apps worksheet ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]
  • Label a Bacterial Cell Membrane ( E. coli ) [ Google Apps worksheet ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

Anatomy and Physiology

These worksheets are only a portion of the available anatomy and physiology worksheets. Human anatomy and physiology worksheets have their own section.

Anatomy of the Heart Worksheet

Label the Heart

Anatomy of the Eye Worksheet

Label the Eye

[ Google Apps worksheet ][ worksheet PDF ][ answers PDF ][ worksheet PNG ]

Types of Blood Cells Worksheet

Types of Blood Cells

[ worksheet Google Apps ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

The Main Anterior Muscles Worksheet

Label the Muscles

[ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

Anatomy of the ear worksheet

Label the Ear

[ Google Apps worksheet ][ Worksheet PDF ][ Worksheet PNG ][ Answers PNG ]

Anatomy of the Lungs Worksheet

Label the Lungs

Anatomy of a Kidney Worksheet

Label the Kidney

Anatomy of the Liver Worksheet

Label the Liver

Anatomy of the Large Intestine Worksheet

Label the Large Intestine

Anatomy of the Stomach Worksheet

Label the Stomach

[ Google Apps worksheet ] [Worksheet PDF ][ Worksheet PNG ][ Answers PNG ]

External Nose Anatomy Worksheet

External Nose Anatomy

[ Worksheet PDF ][ Worksheet Google Apps ][ Worksheet PNG ][ Answers PNG ]

Anatomy of the Nose Worksheet

Parts of the Nose

The Skeletal System Worksheet

Label Bones of the Skeleton

Anatomy of a Lymph Node - Worksheet

Label the Lymph Node

Anatomy of of the Brain Worksheet

Label the Parts of the Brain

Lobes of the Brain Worksheet

Label the Lobes of the Brain

Anatomical Directions of the Brain Worksheet

Brain Anatomical Sections

Arteries of the Brain Worksheet

Arteries of the Brain

Anatomy of the Pancreas Worksheet

Label the Pancreas

Anatomy of the Spleen Worksheet

Label the Spleen

The Digestive System Worksheet

Label the Digestive System

The Respiratory System Worksheet

Label the Respiratory System

Anatomy of a Neuron Worksheet

Parts of a Neuron

Lip Anatomy Worksheet

Label the Lips

Anatomy of the Skin Worksheet

Label the Skin

The Circulatory System Worksheet

Label the Circulatory System

The Excretory System Worksheet

The Urinary Tract

[ Worksheet PDF ][ Worksheet Google Apps ][ Worksheet PNG ][ Answer Key PNG ]

Anatomy of the Bladder Worksheet

The Bladder

  • The Female Reproductive System [ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet Google Apps ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

Parts of a Flower Worksheet

Parts of a Flower

Anatomy of an orchid Worksheet

Label the Orchid Plant

[ Worksheet PDF ][ Worksheet Google Apps ][ Worksheet PNG ] [Answer Key PNG ]

Parts of an orchid flower Worksheet

Parts of an Orchid Flower

Parts of a monocot seed Worksheet

Parts of a Monocot Seed

Parts of a fern Worksheet

Parts of a Fern

Parts of a tree trunk Worksheet

Parts of a Tree Trunk

Parts of a Tree Worksheet

Parts of a Tree

[ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet Google Apps ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

Basic Anatomy of a Mushroom Worksheet

Parts of a Mushroom

Parts of a Shark Worksheet

Label the Shark

Anatomy of a Fish Worksheet

Label the Fish

Parts of a Bird Worksheet

Parts of a Bird

Basic Anatomy of a Bird Worksheet

Bird Anatomy

Life Cycle of a Frog Worksheet

Frog Life Cycle

Basic Mosquito Anatomy Worksheet

Parts of a Mosquito (Insect)

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Bones of the T. rex Skull

[ worksheets PDF ][ worksheet Google Slides ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

biology essay questions pdf

Holes of the T. rex Skull

  • Label the T. rex Skeleton [ worksheets PDF ][ worksheet Google Slides ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]
  • Label Human Teeth [ Worksheet PDF ][ Worksheet Google Apps ][ Worksheet PNG ][ Answer Key PNG ]
  • Monocot vs Dicot Seeds [ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet Google Slides ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]
  • Label the Moss [ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet Google Slides ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]
  • Diagram of the Human Eye [ JPG ]

Use a completed worksheet as a study guide.

Cells of the Immune System Worksheet

Cells of the Immune System

Immune Cell Functions - Worksheet 1

Immune Cell Functions

[ worksheet Google Apps ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG #1][ answers PNG #1][ worksheet PNG #2][ answers PNG #2]

Methods to Study Virus Structures Worksheet

Methods to Study Virus Structures

[ worksheet Google Slide ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

Icosahedral Virus Capsids Worksheet

Icosahedral Virus Capsids

Human DNA Viruses Worksheet

Human DNA Viruses

Human RNA Viruses Worksheet

Human RNA Viruses

This is selection of worksheets relating to DNA, RNA, transcription, translation, genetic crosses, plasmid mapping, etc. See the full collection of genetics worksheets if you’re don’t see what you need.

DNA Replication Worksheet

DNA Replication

Types of Mutations Worksheet

Types of Mutations

Monohybrid Cross - Worksheet #1

Monohybrid Cross Worksheet #1

Monohybrid Cross - Worksheet #2

Monohybrid Cross Worksheet #2

Monohybrid Cross - Worksheet #3

Monohybrid Cross Worksheet #3

Monohybrid Cross 4 Multiple Alleles - Worksheet

Monohybrid Cross #4 – Multiple Alleles

  • Monohybrid Cross Worksheet #5: Multiple Alleles [ worksheet Google Apps ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

Monohybrid Cross 6 Sex-Linked Inheritance Worksheet

Monohybrid Cross #6 – Sex-Linked Inheritance

Sex-Linked Inheritance Worksheet

Monohybrid Cross #7 – Sex-Linked Inheritance

Dihybrid Cross - Worksheet #1

Dihybrid Cross Worksheet #1

Dihybrid Cross 2 - Worksheet (8.5 × 11 in)

Dihybrid Cross Worksheet #2

Dihybrid Cross 3 - Student (8.5 × 11 in)

Dihybrid Cross Worksheet #3

Dihybrid Cross 4 - Student (8.5 × 11 in)

Dihybrid Cross Worksheet #4

Dihybrid Cross 5 Epistasis Worksheet

Dihybrid Cross #5 – Epistasis

Dihybrid Cross 6 Epistasis Worksheet

Dihybrid Cross #6 – Epistasis

Incomplete Dominance - Worksheet #1

Incomplete Dominance Worksheet #1

Incomplete Dominance - Worksheet #2

Incomplete Dominance Worksheet #2

Natural Selection Worksheet

Natural Selection Worksheet

Convergent vs. Divergent Evolution Worksheet

Convergent vs Divergent Evolution Worksheet

Pedigree Worksheet 1 Worksheet

Intro to Pedigrees Worksheet #1

Pedigree Worksheet 2 (Student)

Pedigrees/Genealogy Worksheet #2

Pedigree Worksheet 3 (Student)

Pedigrees/Genealogy Worksheet #3 – X-Linked Dominant Traits

Pedigree Worksheet 4 X-Linked Recessive Traits (Student)

Pedigrees/Genealogy Worksheet #4 – X-Linked Recessive Traits

Pedigree Worksheet 5 Autosomal Dominant Traits (Student)

Pedigrees/Genealogy Worksheet #5 – Autosomal Dominant Traits

biology essay questions pdf

Pedigrees/Genealogy Worksheet #6 – Autosomal Recessive Traits

Pedigree Worksheet 7 (Student)

Pedigrees/Genealogy Worksheet #7 – Comprehension Skills

Pedigree Worksheet 8 Worksheet

Pedigrees/Genealogy Worksheet #8 – Identifying Inheritance Patterns

Autosomal vs Sex-Linked Inheritance Worksheet

Autosomal vs Sex-Linked Inheritance

Plasmid Mapping Worksheet 1 (Student)

Plasmid Mapping

  • Genotype vs Phenotype [ PNG ]
  • Genetic Codon Chart [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • RNA vs DNA [ JPG ]

Use labelled diagrams as study guides.

Ecosystem Worksheet 1

Ecosystems Worksheet

Levels of organization in ecology Worksheet

Levels of Organization (Ecosystem)

Levels of Primary Succession Worksheet

Primary Succession

Levels of Secondary Succession Worksheet

Secondary Succession

Parts of the Insect Worksheet

Label the Insect

Anatomy of a Bee Worksheet

Label the Bee

Life Cycle of a Chicken Worksheet

Chicken Life Cycle (Basic)

Life Cycle of a Bird Worksheet

Bird Life Cycle (Basic)

Frog Life Cycle Worksheet

Butterfly Life Cycle

  • Biotic and Abiotic Factors [ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet Google Apps ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]
  • Kingdoms of Life Graphic [ PNG ]
  • Autotroph vs Heterotroph Graphic [ PNG ]
  • Commensalism Definition and Examples [ PNG ]
  • Difference Between Butterflies and Moths [ JPG ]
  • Difference Between Bugs and Insects [ PNG ]


Schistosome Life Cycle Worksheet

Schistosome Life Cycle

Adult Schistosome Worksheet

Schistosome Anatomy

  • Giardia Life Cycle [ worksheet Google Apps ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]

Physical Science for Biology

There is also an entire section devoted to physical science worksheets and study guides.

  • Adhesion vs Cohesion Graphic [ PNG ]
  • What Is Entropy? [ PNG ]
  • Freezing Point of Water [ PNG ]

Biology Labs

  • How to Extract DNA From a Banana [ PNG ]

Biology Word Search Puzzles

  • DNA Replication Word Search
  • Gel Electrophoresis Word Search
  • Citrus Fruits
  • General Biology Word Search Puzzle [ PNG ]
  • Life Science Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Cell Biology Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Amino Acid Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Biome Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Environmental Science Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Photosynthesis Word Search [ PNG ]
  • Human Skeleton Bones Word Search [ PNG ]
  • Dinosaur Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Different Dinosaur Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Wild Cats Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Shark Word Search [ PNG ]
  • Trees Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Flowers Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Butterfly Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]
  • Genetics Word Search [ PNG ][ PDF ]

Miscellaneous Biology Notes and Resouces

  • How Long Can Germs Live on Surfaces? [ PNG ]
  • 10 Radioactive Foods [ PNG ]
  • Examples of Organic Compounds [ PNG ]

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You are welcome to print these resources for personal or classroom use. They may be used as handouts or posters. They may  not  be posted elsewhere online, sold, or used on products for sale.

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Profile image of Martin Otundo Richard

Describe the digestion of a starchy meal along the human alimentary canal. S (13 mks) Answer-Starch in food is first broken down in the mouth by action of teeth/ chewing; This increases the surface area exposed enzyme action; saliva contains salivary amylase which breaks down some starch to maltose; saliva has a slightly alkaline pH which is optimum for the enzyme; The food moves down to the oespophagus and stomach; where the acidic pH, due presence of dilute Hcl, prevents further action of salivary amylase; In the duodenum, pancreatic amylase continues digestion of starch to maltose; Pancreatic amylase is produced in the pancrease; and enters the duodenum through pancreatic ducts; the acidic chyme is neutralized by the sodium bicarbonate in bile/ pancreatic juice; Maltose digestion continues in the ileum; whose walls secrete succus entericus/ intestinal juice; which contains enzyme maltase; which breaks down maltose to glucose; (Max 13 marks) (b) Describe the process of urea formation. (7marks) answer Excess amino acids / proteins; are transported to the liver 2. (a) Describe how gaseous exchange occurs in terrestrial plants. (13 marks) Answer Gaseous exchange takes place in a spongy mesophyl During the day air diffuses into large air spaces of spongy mesophyll; through stomata; the Carbon (IV) Oxide in the air diffuses into Photosynthetic cells; in solution form; during photosynthesis Carbon (iv) Oxide is used while oxygen is produced. Oxygen diffuses out of the leaf; through stomata; During the night; air diffuses into the air spaces (of spongy mesophyll), the air dissolves into film of moisture; then oxygen diffuses into the cells; and is used in respiration during which carbon (iv) oxide is produced, the Carbon (iv) Oxide diffuses out of the leaf; through stomata; due to concentration/diffusion gradient; Gaseous exchange takes place through epidermis (of young leaves and stems); epidermis of the root carries out gaseous exchange with air in the soil; some plants have pneumatophores/breathing roots; in which gaseous exchange occurs through lenticels; (found in

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Biology KCSE Essay Questions and Answers Paper 2; Over 1,000


  a). Describe how insect pollinated flowers are adapted to pollination ( KCSE1995)

  • Progesterone
  • Luteinizinghormone
  • Describe how excretion takes place in: ( KCSE1995)
  • MammalianKidneys
  • Greenplants
  • a).Explainhowthemammalianskinisadaptedtoperformitsfunctions (20marks; KCSE 1996)

b). Describe how new plants arise by asexual reproduction (20 marks; KCSE 1996)

  • a). What is parasitism? (KCSE1997)

b). Describe how the tapeworm is adapted to a parasitic mode of life (KCSE 1997)

  • a). What is meant by the term digestion? (KCSE1997 )

b). Describe how the mammalian small intestine is adapted to its function (KCSE 1997)

  • Discuss the various evidences, which show that evolution has taken place (20 marks; KCSE 1998)
  • Explain how the mammalian intestines are adapted to perform their function (20 marks; KCSE 1998)
  • a). Describethe:
  • Process of inhalation in mammals ( KCSE 1999)
  • Mechanisms of opening and closing of stomata in plants (KCSE1999)

b). Explain how the various activities of man have caused pollution of air (20 marks; KCSE 1999)

  • a). Describe the role of hormones in the human menstrual cycle (20 marks; KCSE2000)

b). How are leaves of mesophytes suited to their functions (20 marks; KCSE 2000)

  • a). State the functions of the following parts of the mammalian ear; (KCSE2001)
  • Tympanicmembrane
  • Eustachiantube
  • Earossicles

b). Describe how semicircular canals perform their functions (KCSE 2001 )

  • a). Describe the process of fertilization in a flowering plant ( KCSE2001)

b). State the change that take place in a flower after fertilization ( KCSE 2001)

  • a). Describe the role of hormones in the growth and development of plants (20 marks; KCSE 2002)
  • a). Name three types of skeletons found in multicellular animals ( KCSE2002)

b). Describe how the cervical, lumbar and sacral vertebrae are suited to their functions

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(KCSE 2002)

  • a). Describe the functions of the various parts of the human eye (20 marks; KCSE2003)

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(b). Describe how fruits and seeds are suited to their modes of dispersal (20 marks; KCSE 2003)

  • a). How is the mammalian skin adapted to its functions? (20 marks; KCSE2004)

b). Explain how a biotic factors affect plants (20 marks; KCSE 2004)

  • a). Describe how gaseous exchange takes place in terrestrial plants (20 marks; KCSE2005)

b). How is the human eye adapted to its function? (20 marks; KCSE 2005)

  • a). Describe how human kidney functions (20 marks; KCSE2006)

b).Describehowwatermovesfromthesoiltotheleavesinatree (20marks; KCSE2006)

  • a). Describe the structure and functions of the various parts of the human ear (20 marks; KCSE 2007 )

b). Describe causes and methods of controlling water pollution (20 marks; KCSE 2007 )

  • Describe the nitrogen cycle (20 marks; KCSE2008)
  • a). State four characteristics of gaseous exchangesurfaces

b). Describe the mechanism of gaseous exchange in a mammal (16 marks; KCSE 2008)

  • a). How are flowers adapted to wind and insect pollination? (20 marks; KCSE2009 )

b). Describe the role of the liver in homeostasis in the human body (20 marks; KCSE2009)

  • a). Describe the process of fertilization in flowering plants (20 marks; KCSE2010)

b). Describe how a finned fish such as tilapia moves in water (20 marks; KCSE 2010)

  • a). Describe the exoskeleton and its function in insects (13 marks; KCSE2011)

b). Describe how accommodation in the human eye is brought about when focusing on a near object (7 marks; KCSE 2011)

  • Using a relevant example in each case, describe simple and conditional reflex action (20 marks; KCSE2012)
  • a).Usingarelevantexample,describehowanallergicreactionoccursinahumanbeing

(10 marks; KCSE 2012)


  • a). Describe the process of blood clotting in human beings (10 marks; KCSE2013 )

b).Howarerespiratorysurfacesinmammalsadaptedtotheirfunctions? (10marks; KCSE 2013)

  • Describe the role of the following organs in excretion andhomeostasis
  • The liver (10 marks; KCSE2013)
  • The skin during hot environmental conditions (10 marks; KCSE2013 )
  • a). Explain how each of the following factors affect the rate ofphotosynthesis:
  • Temperature (2 marks; KCSE2014)
  • Chlorophyll concentration (2 marks; KCSE2014 )

b). Describe the process of carbohydrate digestion in human beings (16 marks; KCSE2014)

  • a). How does excretion take place in plants (4 marks; KCSE2014)

b). Describe the role of the human skin in homeostasis (16 marks; KCSE 2014)

  • a).Explainthevariouswaysinwhichseedsandfruitsareadaptedtodispersal (20marks; KCSE 2015)

b). How is a mammalian heart structurally adapted to its function? (20 marks; KCSE2015)

                                                                                                                                         2 | P a ge

  • (a).Usingarelevantexampleineachcase,describesimpleandconditionalreflexaction

(20 marks; KCSE 2016)

b). Describe how the mammalian heart is structurally adapted to its function (20 marks; KCSE 2016)

  • a ) Explain the importance of protecting the forest ecosystem with reference to the following (20 marks; KCSE 2017 )
  • a) Climate change
  • b) Biodiversity


d)Water conservation

  • e) Pollution
  • b) Describe how a mammalian eye is structurally adapted to its functions (20 marks)
  • a) Describe the mode reproduction in a named fungus (5 marks)
  • b) Describe the roles of hormones in the menstrual cycle (15 marks; KCSE 2018 )
  • a) Giving examples, describe the following among organisms (20marks; KCSE 2019 )
  • Predator-prey relationship
  • b) Explain the effect of increased physical activity on the following organ system (20 marks)
  • a)(i)Explain the role of the liver in blood regulation (3 marks ; KCSE 2020)
  • Describe how a mammalian heart is adapted to its functions (17 marks)
  • b) (i) Explain how the presence of chloroplast in guard cell affect the opening of the stomata (5marks)

(ii) Describe how various environmental factors affect the rate of photosynthesis (15marks)

  • a) (i) Explain the role of placenta during pregnancy(10 marks) ( KCSE 2021)
  • ii) Explain features and mechanisms that hinder self pollination and self fertilization(10 marks)

b)( i) Describe how xylem is structurally adapted to its functions  (5marks)

(ii) Describe the functions of mammalian blood in the human body(15 marks)

  • a i) Describe how plants eliminate waste products(8 marks; KCSE2022 )

ii)Describe the structure and function of mammalian nephron (12marks)

  • b) i. Describe five tropic responses and their survival values (15marks)

ii)Describe how mammalian heartbeat is controlled                (5mks)

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