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Can Essay Titles Be Questions? A Guide to Writing Effective Essay Titles

Can essay titles be questions? Discover our guide to see when it makes sense to use a question as an essay title and when to avoid it.

The title is an important part of the piece when writing a research paper or essay for an academic writing situation. You may be wondering, “can essay titles be questions?” The answer is yes, but only if they are well-written and suitable for the topic of your essay.

A good title is relevant to the arguments within the essay and the thesis you create, and if a question fits that well, then it can be your essay title.

Argumentative Essay

Persuasive essay, narrative essay, college essay, analytical essays, using questions as high school of college essay titles, how to write a strong essay question, 1. look at your research question, 2. write the title last, 3. grab the attention of the reader , 4. add keywords, 5. make the title specific, 6. format the title properly, 7. avoid “yes” or “no” question titles, 8. set the tone, 9. test the title on other people, tips to create a good essay title, examples of question-based essay titles, using a question as an essay title.

The purpose of essay and research paper titles is to grab the reader’s attention and show a little bit about what the piece of writing will cover. Creative essay titles can make the reader want to read your piece, giving you a small place to showcase your writing skills. No matter what type of scientific or academic essay you write, you will need a title. Using a question as an essay title depends mainly on the type of essay you write. Some types lend themselves well to question titles, and others do not. Here are some common types you may need to write.

The essay title can be a question when writing an argumentative essay with two possible arguments. First, posing the question, you’ll be arguing in the title guides the reader to your opening paragraph and thesis statement. In addition, it can get the reader thinking about the question you’ll be arguing. On the other hand, if there are not two possible arguments, then the title should state your position, not ask a question. Thus, argumentative essays can have question titles sometimes, but sometimes they do not make the most sense.

If you are writing a persuasive essay, a question may not work as well as the title. Instead, you’ll want a statement to summarize the thesis statement. Remember, your goal is not to get the reader to think about two sides of an argument with this type of essay. Instead, your goal is to persuade the reader that your position on the topic is the right one.

A narrative essay is another place where you might be able to title an essay with a question. A question could make the entire essay more intriguing in this type of essay. It pauses the reader and invites them to read your narration to discover the answer.

A college essay is one place where you’ll often see a question as the title. In these essays, admissions teams want to see that you know how to answer a question thoughtfully, so using that question as the title makes sense.

In analytical essays, a question often makes the essay weaker. While it can work well in certain circumstances, most analytical essays need a statement of the problem or the solution the writer will analyze.

Many students are looking for creative essay titles, but it can be a bit of a challenge. A few reasons why  you might have a difficult time coming up with the best essay title include:

  • You might have difficulty finding an adequate title that accurately reflects all the information you will cover in your essay.
  • You might be concerned that the best title for your essay has already been taken, causing you to get worried about plagiarism.
  • You might be trying to formulate your essay title before you write the rest of the essay. As a result, you might have to change the title when you realize what your essay is about.

If you are having trouble finding a solid title to summarize your piece of writing adequately, you may want to consider using a question. You can use an essay title that is a question as long as it is appropriately framed to suit the topic on which you are writing. You must make sure that the question you use to title your essay is still relevant to the arguments you make in the essay. It should also adequately reflect the thesis statement.

A question title might be appropriate if you feel like there are multiple perspectives on your topic that you need to cover. On the other hand, if you are writing an argumentative or persuasive essay, you might want to turn your essay title into a statement. Therefore, a question title can be a solid option for an academic essay, but it is not necessarily appropriate for every type of essay.

Whether you use a question or not, writing a good title is essential in essay writing. Both types of titles, whether phrases or questions, need to summarize the main ideas of your essay. They should be short but practical because the main focus is on the content, not the title. They also should be catchy and creative, which is why a question can work well if appropriate to the essay. 

Your research question should not be the essay title but can give you a starting point. If you are given a  research question, use it to start some initial research and form a preliminary thesis statement. This can help you write your title.

If you can, write the title of your essay last. This allows you to see where your arguments take you, so you can focus on a well-developed essay first, then tailor the title to it.

Ultimately, you need a catchy title that will grab the reader’s attention. This does not mean you need something pulled from social media, but the title should spark enough curiosity that the reader will want to read the essay.

Can essay titles be questions?

Keywords should be pulled from the essay, and tell your reader what they will read in the piece. These are not keywords for online marketing purposes, but if your title uses keywords from your piece, you will more easily write a title relevant to the rest of the essay. Keywords can be helpful if you eventually have your essay published in an online database. In addition, research conducted at college and university levels often becomes a part of online databases; thus, learning how to use keywords in the title will help the essay find more readers in the future.

Next, you should ensure that your title is specific. Remember that your essay has to be an accurate reflection of what is covered. If it is too general, your readers will have difficulty figuring out what the essay is about. For example, the statement “Concussions in the NFL” is far too general. There are a lot of different opinions on concussions in the NFL , and research has changed significantly during the past few decades. Instead, you may want to choose a title such as “What Is the Impact of Repeated Concussions in the NFL on Player Safety?” This is a much more specific statement that will give the reader a better idea of what your essay covers. 

As you write your title, make sure you format it correctly. Use these rules:

  • Capitalize the first and last words, as well as most other words. Do not capitalize articles and short prepositions.
  • If you use questions for titles, end them with a question mark, but do not end statements with a period.
  • Do not add additional punctuation, except if the title includes the title of a published work, in which case you punctuate the title of the published work according to the appropriate rules.

If you decide to use a question as the essay title, do not phrase it so that it has a yes or no answer. For example:

  • Does Cell Phone Use Impact Social Communication?

The answer is probably yes, and you would not need much explanation. Instead, format the title so that it invites more discussion.

  • How Has Cell Phone Use Impacted Social Communication?

Here you have room to develop several points as you explore the answer to the question.

Essays all have a tone. For example, academic essays tend to be severe and factual, while narrative essays can have a more humorous tone. You can set the tone of your essay in your title so the reader knows what to expect as they read the work.

Finally, getting an outside perspective on your title could be prudent. Just as you may want to have people read your essay to identify confusing statements, typos, or grammatical issues you may have overlooked, you should also ask people for their opinions on your title. See if they can figure out what the essay is about based on the title. Find out if they have more creative ideas you can incorporate into the title of your essay. Remember that you are not obligated to follow their advice, but it could be helpful to see what other people have to say. 

Tips to create a good essay title

Regardless of the essay title you choose, it must be relevant to the essay’s contents. Here are a few tips to consider when writing your essay title.

  • Summarize: Your essay title should summarize the essay’s main ideas. That is why it might be smart to wait until the essay is written before developing your essay title. Then, you can look at your thesis statement, analyze your topic sentences, and develop a title that adequately summarizes the essay’s main ideas.
  • Concise: You should keep your title as short as possible. Even though you need to include enough words to adequately describe what is covered in your essay, you do not want the title to be too long. The shorter your title is, the easier it will be for people to be hooked by your essay title. 
  • Specific: You should also ensure that your essay title is specific. If your title is too general, people may have difficulty figuring out what your essay is about. You do not want to leave them guessing. But, on the other hand, you want people to know what your essay is about right away.
  • Creative: Finally, your essay title should be creative. Remember that your essay title is responsible for the first impression you will have on your reader. It would help if you hooked your reader’s attention right away. Otherwise, they will not read the rest of the essay. You need your title to do exactly that. You can convince someone to keep reading if you use a curious, profound question.

Remember that you may want to try multiple titles before you decide which one to use. You must find the one that best describes your essay’s contents while grabbing potential readers’ attention.

The best essay title is the one that fits the essay you are writing. Sometimes questions work, and sometimes they do not. Here are some examples of essay titles that work well in question format:

  • Are Cameras in Public Places Good Security or a Violation of Privacy Rights? (Argumentative essay)
  • Why Is Social Media a Threat to Modern Teenagers? (Argumentative essay)
  • Does Paying Children for Their Grades Help? (High school essay)
  • What Parenting Style Is the Most Effective? (High school essay)
  • Is “Fake News” Real, and How Does It Affect People’s Political Views? (College essay)
  • How Has Cell Phone Technology Changed the Way We Communicate? (College essay
  • What Are the Top Benefits of Antioxidants: The Research (Research paper)
  • Do Violent Video Games Cause More Violence in Society? (Research paper_
  • What Role Did the Marshall Plan Play in Rebuilding Europe After World War II? (High school essay)

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

can title of essay be a question

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can title of essay be a question

Best Tips on How to Title an Essay

can title of essay be a question

How to Make a Good Title for an Essay

The success of an essay heavily depends on its title. This may not come as a surprise given that the essay title is the first aspect to provide the reader with a sneak peek into the text. It piques our interest to read the paper in the first place and gives us a preview of what to expect from the author.

Our research paper writing help prepared a thorough guide on how to title an essay. Here you may find tips and tricks for developing an effective APA or MLA essay title. So, let's dive straight into the article for more exciting details!

Essay Title Format

During your essay writing process, ensure you know the stylistic requirements before beginning an essay. Knowing the format you need to employ is crucial because different style manuals may have varying requirements. Mostly, you could have used an APA or MLA essay title format. Our service, where you can buy essay online , explains these two in more detail below.

Essay Title MLA

If you're required to create an essay title MLA format, check whether your instructor wants you to make a separate cover page. If not, put a heading at the beginning of your work that includes your name, the name of your professor, the course ID, and, lastly, the date.

On the other hand, if you must present a cover page for your essay title MLA, then you need to include the following:

  • The name of the college
  • The title of your paper
  • The subtitle of your paper, if applicable
  • Your first and last name
  • Your teacher or professor's name
  • The class name or course number
  • The date the paper is due

The formatting instructions are as follows:

  • Double-spaced
  • Times New Roman font
  • Size 12 font
  • Apart from very short terms, each word's initial letter should be capitalized. The initial word, however, must always be uppercase.
  • The title page shouldn't include a header with the page numbers.

Essay Title APA

Having discussed the MLA format essay title, let's explore what the APA student title page includes:

  • The paper title
  • Author names
  • Institutional affiliation where the author carried out the study
  • Name and number of the course
  • Professor name
  • Page number

The title of an essay format instructions:

  • double-spaced
  • 1" margins
  • 12-point Times New Roman
  • According to APA, your title should be targeted and brief, without unnecessary words or abbreviations

How to Choose a Good Title for an Essay: Important Qualities

Nobody will read a dull headline. Your title should grab your audience's attention and encourage them to read the rest of the work. As it is one of the initial things readers see, having a strong attention grabber is essential when writing an essay from scratch. To fully understand how to come up with a title for essay that is strong and exciting, let's consider a few following factors:

Employ a Catchy Hook - Usually, the title of essay format follows a similar basic structure, especially if they are used for an academic article. The hook serves as a unique component that attracts the reader. It's a captivating statement informing others about the topic of the essay. You can also explore several types of sentences with examples that can help you develop the ideal hook structure.

Consider Topic Keywords - These are essential terms or expressions pertinent to your subject and help your reader understand the focus and body of your article. These focus keywords should serve as a brief, one- to two-word article summary. You can choose some terms from the research topic your instructor gave you, but after your thesis statement is formed, this is where you should hunt for ideas.

Use a Colon - A colon is frequently used in academic titles to separate concepts and sentences. The standard procedure is to place a clever remark or brief quotation before the colon. Although these beginning words offer flavor, they can be overdone. Because of this, some individuals find using the colon to be repugnant. Therefore be careful not to misuse this method.

Ask a Question - To write essay title that is strong, consider asking a question. But, use it with caution because posing a question will make your tone less formal. As long as the question is suitably phrased to meet the subject of your essay, feel free to employ it. Always check to see if the title question still applies to your points in the essay's body. The thesis statement should be appropriately reflected as well.

Find Inspirational Quotes - There is no formula for selecting essay titles from the textual content. You may get playful and choose any quotation, proverb, or catchphrase that applies to your particular publication and works as a title. You may also create a great essay title using well-known expressions or idioms. Doing so will help your readers relate to and feel more comfortable discussing your subject.

How to Title an Essay headline

Here are other rules for how to create a good title:

  • Title every section of writing: In the process of writing, create interesting subheadings to give your paragraphs an identity. Also, they make your text look ordered and clear. 
  • The title must bear the theme of the text: choose a title that summarizes the essay. 
  • Capitalize all words with certain exceptions: Capitalize the first letter of every word in the title, but do not capitalize pronouns, articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
  • Avoid underlining the title: Since topics come in boldface, underlining it will amount to overemphasis. Some authorities say that if you must underline it, do not bolden it.
  • Review the final version of the title: Do not forget to do a quick review of the final version of the title—check for grammar, structure, spelling and so on. Re-read it to determine if the title has given justice to the essay. Confirm if the topic is catchy enough to attract your reader’s attention. 
  • When using a colon in your title, follow the rules: Since we are dealing with punctuation rules here, let us talk about the colon – when you have two eye-catching topics, separate them with a colon.

Student’s Guide on How to Come Up with a Title for an Essay

Titling an essay can be easy, but there are a few core principles to be taken into account. The following tips will help you stay on track and avoid any common pitfalls.

Essay Goes First

Never start with a title! If you write it before the rest of the text, it will be based on it, and it should be vice versa. Writing an essay before choosing a heading will give you a clear understanding of what should make sense to the reader. Re-read the finished paper several times to decide on the title. The last thing to create is a title - such strategy will give more time to spend on crafting an essay outline, conducting research, or writing the paper itself.

How to Title an Essay, Complete Guide 2

What are you writing about? What is the style of your paper, and is it an academic essay or a free-form essay like a narrative essay? If the topic of your essay is “Do people who commit heinous crimes deserve the death penalty?” your title should not be humorous; it should be strict and to the point.

If your topic is “Why do people like watching funny cat videos?”, feel free to craft a funny title. Determine the tone of your essay and base your title on it—in consideration with the essay’s topic.

The tone can be:

  • Serious - “The implications of global warming”
  • Funny - “How cats and dogs love their masters”
  • Amiable - “Ways to fight depression”
  • Persuasive - “Why positive thinking is a must have skill for every person”
  • Informative - “Ten rules for creating a chemical at home”

The main goal of a title is to name its paper. There is no need to tell an entire story in the title, or provide any useless details. Sum up your paper in a few words! Another way to do this is to sum up your thesis statement, as it represents the main idea of your essay. Take your thesis and squeeze it into 3-4 words. Imagine that you are creating a title for your favourite newspaper or a slogan for Coca-Cola.

Don’t use fancy words! Take 2-3 main words (keywords), put them together, and stop wasting your time. Avoid jargon and abbreviations.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is something that can help any student and young writer reap benefits. While working on a title, detect the words related to the central idea of the paper. Type the words into the search field of Google and add the word “quote.” A search engine will show numerous web pages with in-text quotations that could be useful. Select the fragment you like. It is possible to learn how to make a creative title for an essay in this way.

Discover several more tips from experts:

  • Never forget the “What,” “Who,” “When,” “How,” “Why,” and “Where” questions (if you start with one of these questions, your title has a chance of getting noticed);
  • Come up with an unexpected image not related to the selected topic;
  • Sometimes, starting with a lie increases the chances of a title being able to catch an eye;
  • Review our catchy essay title examples.

Need Some Help With Your Essay's Title?

Feel free to contact EssayPro and we will provide you with a writing help at a moment’s notice. With the years of essay writing experience, titling becomes second nature, so you no longer need to worry about having a catchy headline on your paper.

Essay Title Examples: Bad vs Good

The strongest essay titles condense lengthy essays into concise statements. When wondering how to make an essay title, think carefully about your stylistic choices and essay format to produce an excellent one. Our dissertation help has provided essay title examples to let you understand the difference between good and bad ones more vividly.

bad good essay titles

Bad Essay Title Examples

As we discussed how to create an essay title and the specific elements that go into it, you should have a clear idea of how important it is to craft a strong title. In contrast, first, look at weak essay title ideas that can break your paper. This should serve as an example of why your heading should not be like this:

Ex 1: ' How Television Has Changed Our World ' - too vast and not informative

Ex 2: 'The Ara Pacis Augustae' - unclear for those who don't know Latin

Ex 3: 'The Most Poisonous Frog' - does not provide any insight

Ex 4: 'A Brief History of Subcultures and How They Manifest Themselves in a Constantly Changing Socio-Economic Environment' - too long and complicated

Ex 5: 'The Little Mermaid 29 Years Later: Selling a Harmful Sexist Message Through a Naughty Image' - inappropriate language

Good Essay Title Examples

Now that you know what a bad essay title looks like, let's explore good essay title examples as their substitutes. Examine the following essay title format styles that will give you a clear understanding.

Ex 1: ' The Electronic Babysitter: A Social History of Uses of the Television' - gives an exact description of what the essay will be about

Ex 2: ' The Modern Historical Significance of the Ara Pacis Augustae to the City of Rome' - here, the reader can understand what they will be reading about

Ex 3: ' A Deadly Beauty: The Evolution of Skin Coloration and Toxicity of the Poisonous Dart Frog' - clear, informative, and on-point.

Ex 4: 'Reconsidering Counterculture in Contemporary Society' - informative enough and brief

Ex 5: 'The Projection of Gender Stereotypes in The Little Mermaid' - employs appropriate language

Catchy Essay Title Ideas

You now understand that long, complicated headlines do not accurately convey the paper's main idea. Take ample time to consider the word choice before tilting your work. How do you create good essay titles? Think creatively and with common sense. But meanwhile, for your convenience, we compiled title ideas for essays you may use as inspiration.

Persuasive Essay Titles

  • Why Receiving College Education is Important: Examining Long-term Benefits
  • Face-to-Face Courses Cannot Be Replaced by Online Learning
  • An MBA Does Not Ensure Corporate Success.
  • Every Company Should Adopt a Green Strategy.
  • Energy Drinks Represent a Lucrative Market Segment.
  • Aircraft, Excess Weight Charges, Need to be Prohibited.
  • Patients' Life Shouldn't be Put to Death by Nurses.
  • Google Glasses May Increase the Number of Auto Accidents.
  • All of the Conventional Malls Will Soon be Replaced By Online Shopping
  • How Do Team-building Exercises Contribute to the Development of Inventions?
  • Illegal immigrants are entitled to remain in the US.

Academic Essay Titles

  • Several English Dialects: The Link Between Various Cultures
  • Instagram: A social media innovation
  • Is it possible to reverse drug-induced brain damage, and if so, how?
  • What the Future Holds for Humans in the Light of Artificial Intelligence
  • The Story of Two Nations after Decades of Conflict: North and South Korea
  • Video Games and Their Learning Context in Schools
  • Free Wi-Fi: Strategies for Enhancing the City's Economy

Strong Research Paper Titles

  • Digital World Cybersecurity
  • E-business to Provide New Paths for Booksellers
  • Outsourcing for Large Businesses
  • Preparing for College Costs for High School Students
  • What News Reporters Should Do in the Digital Age and How to Do It: Examples
  • The Transformative Power of Music: How Heavy Metal Impacted My Life

Best Essay Titles for College Students

  • The Possible Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence for Humans
  • The Potential for Time Travel in Virtual Reality
  • What Role Has Mathematics Played in Human History?
  • How to Succeed in the Real Estate Industry
  • E-Commerce: An Empire of Virtual Businesses Worth Millions of Dollars
  • How to Achieve Financial Independence in the Digital Age Without Opening a Real Business

More Creative Titles for Essays

  • When getting rewarded for their grades, would kids do better left alone?
  • How Does Fake News Impact the Mainstream press?
  • Homelessness in Contemporary Society: A Dilemma
  • What News Reporters' Best Job Is in the Digital Age and How to Uphold It
  • Elon Musk: Brilliant Mind or Insane Person?
  • Positives and Negatives of Employing a Smoker
  • Do We Employ the Appropriate Student Success Metrics?

Professional Academic Help

Now that you know how to make a good title for an essay, you should also understand that you should approach the task as a process. While composing your essay title, you must condense your whole thesis and point of discussion into a single, concise, yet powerful sentence. If you have time before your deadline, give it some thought and don't hurry.

Don't forget that you can always rely on our professional academic assistance, whether you need a reflection paper , ideas for a strong essay title, or any other academic papers. Consider the following words - write my essay for me - magic keywords for delegating your most complex tasks to our skilled writers!

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Can an Essay Title be a Question? How to Write Good Titles

  • by Joseph Kenas
  • January 16, 2024
  • Writing Tips

Can an Essay Title be a Question

Coming up with a good essay title can be an issue for many students. This is because students are required to come up with a creative and catchy title that summarizes everything that is going to be discussed within the paper. 

Essay titles can take various forms depending on the contents of your essay and the perspective you want to create in regards to your readers. What do you want them to think about while reading the rest of your paper? 

Can an Essay Title be a Question?

Most students want to use creative essay titles but sometimes lack creativity. One of them is using questions. If you have an essay that you are sure it thesis is arguable in two ways, then using a question for your essay is a creative idea. But is it possible?

An essay title can be a question if it is well-framed to suit the topic that one is writing about. The question should be relevant to the arguments made in the essay and reflective of the thesis that the writer proposes to prove.

However, if the essay is more argumentative or persuasive, it is advisable to use a statement that summarizes the thesis.

While good essay titles usually take the form of a phrase, they can also be in the form of a question. However, when an essay title is in the form of a question, make sure that the question is relevant to the essay’s contents. 

Example of a title

As aforementioned, essay titles, be they phrases or questions, should summarize the main ideas of your study.

They should contain the fewest possible words that effectively and adequately describe the purpose and/or contents of your essay.

The title is read first by the reader and it is the text that is read the most. 

As such, it should be concise to avoid including too much unnecessary information.

On the other hand, if the title is too short, it will be too general. This is because it will not narrow down the scope of your study.

Therefore, if you follow the required parameters when coming up with an essay title, you are good to go even when the title is in the form of a question. That being said, it is important to understand how to write good essay titles. 

How to Write Good Essay Titles

1. use relevant keywords.

The first step in writing good essay titles is to find the correct or appropriate keywords that describe what your essay is all about.

At times, your instructor can provide research questions that you are required to adhere to. You can use some of the keywords here.

writing a title

However, the best method of finding the appropriate keywords is through your thesis statement.

How come this is the case?

Well, it is advisable to title your essay after you have written the essay.

As such, you will come up with a better topic based on the content.

You will also have the main claim of your paper or the thesis statement of your paper. 

If you have already written your thesis statement in the last sentence of your research paper, you can select the keywords and include them in your title. You can even format the title as a question as long as it communicates the keywords. 

2. Focus your Title to the topic

The second step in coming up with a good title for your essay is to focus on it. This should come after you have decided on the keywords to be included. This can be found in the introduction part. Read how to start an essay well and know the way to get off to a good start.

You should include further detail that instantly communicates to the reader what the essay will be about. The title should be in line with the rest of the essay.

For example, the title “Decriminalizing Marijuana” is not focused. However, if you rewrite it into “The Social Impact of Decriminalizing Marijuana”, the title will be more focused. 

3. Format the Title well

When formatting the title, make sure that you capitalize the keywords. However, some words do not need to be capitalized unless they begin the title or appear after a colon within the title.


Those words include articles ( a, an, the ), prepositions ( with, of, in, besides ), coordinating conjunctions ( and, for, but, nor, so, or, yet ), and the word  to  in infinitives ( to be, to love ).  

You can transform a phrase title into a question if you feel experimental.

For example, if the title is “The Social Impact of Decriminalizing Marijuana”, it can be rewritten in question form like: “Decriminalizing Marijuana:

Does it have a Social Impact?” or “Does Decriminalizing Marijuana have a Social Impact?”

Also, it is good to remember that some titles may be written in italics if they meet certain criteria. Read such criteria in our guide on how some essay titles can be italicized to learn more about how it is done.

In summary, when writing essay titles, write the title after you have written the essay, base the title on your thesis, create short and precise titles that are focused, avoid abbreviations and jargon, and avoid negative themes if possible. 

Unique Examples of College Essay Titles

  • Does Decriminalizing Marijuana have a Social Impact?
  • An evaluation of how antioxidants work in our bodies?
  • Is there an association between viewing violence on television and the display of violent acts?
  • What motivational climate should a coach employ to achieve optimal performance in athletes?
  • How does the X hormone affect human behavior?
  • What role did economics play in the unification of Germany from 1834 to 1871?
  • How does the sugar concentration affect the refractive index of water?
  • What factors influence the location of industries in country/city X?

Argumentative Essay Title Examples

  • Marriage is becoming old-fashioned
  • Money is the key to happiness
  • Consumerism is negative
  • Social media is changing how we communicate
  • Education is the key to reduce crime
  • Parents should choose the careers for their children
  • Brexit is a mistake.
  • There is no other life in the universe

can title of essay be a question

Joseph is a freelance journalist and a part-time writer with a particular interest in the gig economy. He writes about schooling, college life, and changing trends in education. When not writing, Joseph is hiking or playing chess.

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Writing an effective title

Writers often omit or underuse the helpful tool that is an essay title. Feeling stuck, writers may give up on generating a title, or merely label their essays by assignment sequence (“Paper #2”) or task (“Rogerian Argument”). An absent or non-specific title is a missed opportunity: titles help writers prepare readers to understand and believe the paper that is to follow.

Remember the functions of a title.

As composition and rhetoric scholars Maxine Hairston and Michael Keene explain,

a good title does several things: First, it predicts content. Second, it catches the reader’s interest. Third, it reflects the tone or slant of the piece of writing. Fourth, it contains keywords that will make it easy to access by a computer search. (73)

Keeping these functions in mind will help a writer choose a specific and meaningful title, not a mere label.

Think of title-writing as a process, and allow yourself to stretch your thinking during that process.

Like any piece of writing, an effective title does not appear in one magic moment; it takes brainstorming and revising. Richard Leahy's “Twenty Titles for the Writer” exercise helps writers slow down and engage in the process of title-writing.

Although it can feel painstaking and a little silly, actually doing all the steps of Leahy’s exercise takes your thinking in new directions, and almost always guarantees an interesting and effective title. (Of course, how you use the exercise is up to you.) “Twenty Titles for the Writer” is below.  

Twenty Titles for the Writer

1. Copy out of your draft a sentence that could serve as a title.

2. Write a sentence that's not in the draft to use as a title.

3. Write a title that is a question beginning with What, Who, When, or Where.

4. Write a title that is a question beginning with How or Why.

5. Write a title that is a question beginning with Is/Are, Do/Does, or Will.

6. Pick out of the essay some concrete image—something the reader can hear, see, taste, smell, or feel—to use as a title.

7. Pick another concrete image out of the essay. Look for an image that is a bit unusual or surprising.

8. Write a title beginning with an -ing verb (like “Creating a Good Title”).

9. Write a title beginning with On (like “On the Titles of Essays”).

10. Write a title that is a lie about the essay. (You probably won't use this one, but it might stimulate your thinking.)

11. Write a one-word title—the most obvious one possible.

12. Write a less obvious one-word title.

13. Write a two-word title.

14. Write a three-word title.

15. Write a four-word title.

16. Write a five-word title.

17. Think of a familiar saying, or the title of a book, song, or movie, that might fit your essay.

18. Take the title you just wrote and twist it by changing a word or creating a pun on it.

19. Do the same with another saying or title of a book, song, or movie.

20. Find two titles you've written so far that you might use together in a double title. Join them together with a colon [ : ].

Hairston, Maxine, and Michael Keene. Successful Writing . 5th ed. New York: Norton, 2003.

Title exercise adapted from Richard Leahy's “ Twenty Titles for the Writer .” College Composition and Communication 43.4 (1992): 516–519. JSTOR. University Libraries, U of Minnesota. 19 July 2007 <>.

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Can an Essay Title Be a Question: How Do You Write an Interesting Essay Title

Most essay titles are indeed statements or declarative sentences. However, it is also true that sometimes writers want to catch their readers’ attention by asking questions. And there is nothing wrong because, in writing, everything is possible, and going against the norm sometimes pays handsomely.

But what is the generally accepted view on if an essay title can be a question? If you are unsure of the answer, this article explores deeply to satisfactorily answer the question and help you gain more insights into aspects relating to essay titles.

Let’s jump in and know can an essay title be a question.

Can an Essay Title Be a Question

It is perfectly okay for an essay title to be a question. In fact, many opine that such essays get more readers because they will want to know the answer and therefore become interested in reading your piece. However, it must be perfectly framed, thought-provoking, and engaging.

Also, it is crucial to ensure that whatever you ask is something you can answer in your paper. Having a question as a title has two main advantages;

First, it makes your essay more interesting and captivating for readers. If readers see the title as a question, they will be curious about what your answer is going to be. This is especially true if the question is captivating and outside the norm. And when they come across the answer, they will look for more articles you’ve written because they see you have answers to most of their questions.

Also see:  Can You Use a Rhetorical Question as a Title for an Essay

Secondly, when you ask questions in your essay title, you show that you are open-minded and willing to provide a perspective on an issue. This makes readers want to see and read this perspective and see if it adds to their knowledge gap. Therefore, it is normal to have a question as a title.

Can You Start an Essay With a Question

You can indeed use a question as the first sentence of your essay. In fact, it’s a great way to grab the reader’s attention and keep them engaged. But if you decide to go this route, there are some specific guidelines you need to follow to ensure your opening question is effective.

Additionally, when you ask a question, you invite your readers to participate in the conversation. A conversational essay is when you’re writing an essay and want your readers to participate in the discussion about your topic. Therefore, starting your essay with a question is advisable because it gets people to think about what they’re reading rather than just skimming over it without paying attention.

While there are no hard-and-fast rules about what questions work best for starting an essay, there are tips to ensure your question isn’t too broad or vague. Here are a   few techniques to follow;

  • Ask a question that interests you and your readers and not just one that interests you alone
  • Make sure it’s relevant to the rest of your essay and not just something casual or irrelevant
  • Make sure your answer will be equally enjoyable. That way, everyone stays engaged until the end

What Is a Good Title for an Essay?

Many factors define a good essay title.  

Good titles are captivating, drawing you in with curiosity and setting the stage for what’s to come. A good title is often a question that provokes thought and makes readers want to know more. It’s also essential to ensure your title accurately reflects the content of your essay.

Further, a good title for an essay needs to be a topic that is engaging and interesting. A good title should not be vague, but it should also be broad enough to cover all aspects of the subject.  

A good title should be clear, concise, and descriptive. For example, “Is the Death Penalty Justified?” tells readers what they’re getting into before they even start reading. It also gives them an idea of your stance on the issue.  

In contrast, “My Opinion on the Death Penalty” doesn’t give much away about what you think about it until you get past the first paragraph or two of your opening sentence. This makes it harder for readers to decide whether or not they want to read further because they don’t know where you stand on the topic or why you think so strongly about it one way or another.

However, such a topic may be ideal for established individuals everyone looks up to on societal matters. Therefore, sometimes, titles may work differently for various writers, but the bottom line is that they should be enticing and at least give a hint about your essay.

Additionally, an essay title should be unique and memorable. This means the title should not just be another title talking about already known stuff. Even though you might write bout something known, the title should provide unique insights on the topic. Also, it should be memorable and ring a bell in a reader’s mind even after closing the article.

How Do You Write an Interesting Essay Title

The following are some of the best tips for writing an interesting title.

Be creative and original

To make your essay title stand out, use a different word order. An excellent example is “How to Write an Interesting Essay Title,” which tells you what to do. On the contrary, a title like “How to Write an Interesting Essay Title: 5 Tips.” is more creative.

Another option for creating a unique essay title is using a different point of view. For example, instead of “5 Tips for Writing an Interesting Essay Title,” write something like “Five Tips for Making Your Essay Titles More Captivating.” This will help readers see that you’re giving them helpful advice on how they can improve their writing skills.

Use adjectives

Adjectives are often used in titles because they help to paint a picture for your reader without giving away too much information about the content of your paper. For example, you can have a title on the role of women in society during the 18th century by using a title like; “Empowering Women During the 18th Century.”

This phrase tells readers that they’ll learn about how women were treated during this period and their role in society at large.

Go the unconventional way

One way to make your title enjoyable and for readers to want to open it is to break some rules. Rather than use conventional titling methods, you can become creative and create a unique one.

For example, don’t use common words in your title. A title like “The Evolution of the Internet” is boring and unoriginal. Instead, try “The Internet – A Blessing or a Curse?” This way, your audience will be curious about your opinion and want to read your paper.

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Forging good titles in academic writing

Published on March 20, 2015 by Shane Bryson . Revised on July 23, 2023.

The title is the first thing your reader will see, and most readers will make their first judgements of your work based on it. For this reason, it’s important to think about your titles carefully.

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Table of contents

Informative, striking, appropriate, title templates, writing effective headings, other interesting articles, informative title.

Your title should, above all else, convey the topic of your paper. In other words, no matter how witty, clever, original, or otherwise appealing your title may be, it fails if it is not informative.

Decide whether you’ve given a sense of the paper’s topic and claims by comparing your title’s content to the most important aspect(s) of your dissertation statement or hypothesis and conclusions.

Striking title

A striking title is one that entices your audience to read, so know your audience’s tastes.

The analogy of cultivating sexual attraction in a prospective mate is useful here: some audiences will be enticed by a title’s edginess (as with, for example, V. Alneng’s “‘What the Fuck is a Vietnam?’ Touristic Phantasms and the Popcolonization of [the] Vietnam [War],” published in Critique on Anthropology ); others will almost always prefer a more straightforward title (as with J.C. Henderson’s “War as a tourist attraction: The case of Vietnam,” published in the International Journal of Tourism Research ).

You should be able to gauge how edgy your title can be by the tone of your discipline or the publication you’re submitting to, and your main concern should be forming a title that appeals to your readers’ specific tastes.

Consider also that a title that highlights the paper’s fresh insights will often be striking.

An endocrinologist, for example, might become very excited upon seeing the collaboratively authored article “Comparison of the effects on glycaemic control and β-cell function in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients of treatment with exenatide, insulin or pioglitazone: A multicentre randomized parallel-group trial,” published in 2015 in the Journal of Internal Medicine .

This rather long title is more acceptable in the sciences, where what readers tend to find provocative in a title is the degree to which it reveals the paper’s specifics.

Appropriate title

Ensuring that your title is appropriate in a way of making sure not only that your audience understands it, but also that its appeal contributes to its meaning. To make sure the title will be understood, you need to consider how familiar your research topic will be to your audience.

In an academic essay, you can use highly technical terms in your title, but generally avoid terms that the average well-read person in your discipline might not know.

In any writing that has a broad audience, titles need to avoid language that is too sophisticated; a news article, for example, should be easily understood by all.

As a second consideration of appropriateness, make sure that your title does not entice without substance.

The title of Alneng’s paper, for example, does not use “fuck” merely to shock and therefore entice the reader; the uncommon use of a swearword here helps convey the topic of the article: more or less vulgar representations of Vietnam.

The same is true for other striking titles, such as Nancy Tuana’s “Coming to Understand: Orgasm and the Epistemology of Ignorance,” published in Hypatia .

The title’s sexually charged play on words (“coming to understand”) hooks the audience, but is not merely a hook. The pun is directly relevant to the essay’s argument, which is that sexual pleasure offers an important form of knowledge.

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can title of essay be a question

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  • Use key terms. Find words that your audience can easily identify as markers of the topic matter. These will include, for example, terms that convey the field of research, central concepts, or subjects of study.
  • Identify the context (sometimes called “the location”). By context, I mean the source or the setting of the discussion, depending on discipline. In a history paper this might be a certain century or era; in literary studies a certain book or author; and in the sciences an organism or compound.

The following is a list of title formats, with examples of each. I’ve given the names of the publications in brackets to give a sense of how different disciplines treat titles.

Note that these are not mutually exclusive patterns (i.e. it’s possible to have various combinations; e.g. General & interesting: Informative & specific). Note also that this is not meant to be an exhaustive list.

  • Striking: Informative – The Specter of Wall Street: “Bartleby, the Scrivener” and the Language of Commodities ( American Literature )
  • Informative: Striking – Carbon capture and storage: How green can black be? ( Science )
  • General: Specific – The issues of the sixties: An exploratory study in the dynamics of public opinion ( Public Opinion Quarterly )
  • “Quotation”: Discussion (social studies) – “I’d rather not talk about it”: Adolescents’ and young adults’ use of topic avoidance in stepfamilies ( Journal of Applied Communication Research )
  • “Quotation”: Discussion (literary studies) – “I Would Prefer Not To”: Giorgio Agamben, Bartleby and the Potentiality of the Law ( Law and Critique )
  • Simple and precise – Methodological issues in the use of Tsimshian oral Traditions (Adawx) in Archaeology ( Canadian Journal of Archaeology )
  • Topic: Method – Mortality in sleep apnea patients: A multivariate analysis of risk factors ( Sleep )
  • Topic: Significance – LC3 binds externalized cardiolipin on injured mitochondria to signal mitophagy in neurons: Implications for Parkinson disease ( Autophagy )
  • Technical and very specific – Single-shot quantum nondemolition measurement of a quantum-dot electron spin using cavity exciton-polaritons ( Physical Review )

Although similar, headings are not the same as titles. Headings head paragraphs and help structure a document. Effective headings make your paper easily scannable.

Common high level headings in dissertations and research papers are “Methods”, “Research results”, and “Discussion”. Lower level headings are often more descriptive.

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Bryson, S. (2023, July 23). Forging good titles in academic writing. Scribbr. Retrieved April 2, 2024, from

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Shane Bryson

Shane Bryson

Shane finished his master's degree in English literature in 2013 and has been working as a writing tutor and editor since 2009. He began proofreading and editing essays with Scribbr in early summer, 2014.

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How To Write An Essay

How To Title An Essay

Barbara P

Learn How to Title an Essay Like a Professional Writer

15 min read

Published on: Mar 1, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

how to title an essay

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A title is the one thing that makes your essay and all academic papers impressive. This is because it is the first thing that a reader looks at and decides whether to give your essay a shot or not. 

Naturally, things with amusing and interesting titles tend to be more read-worthy.  A right and accurate title can either make your essay a success or a complete disaster. 

It might sound easy to give a title to your essay, but it can be daunting in reality. Creating a title is an art, and not everybody knows how to do it. 

This writing guide is provided to know how important it is to give a correct title to your writing and polish your writing skills. 

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What is an Essay Title

An essay title is the name or label given to an essay, which provides a brief summary of the main topic or theme of the essay.

It should be catchy, informative, and relevant to the content of the essay, while also giving readers an idea of what to expect from the writing. 

A good essay title should capture the reader's attention and make them interested in reading the essay.

Purpose and Importance of Essay Title

A title holds great importance in essay writing. It can easily make or break the quality of your work. 

Choosing a title that interests the audience and motivates them to read your essay. This is because they are intrigued, it serves as fertile land to present your knowledge, ideas, writing skills, and critical thinking.   

Qualities of an Essay Title

When coming up with the topic or title for your essays, keep in mind that it should contain the following qualities: 

  • Eye-catching and unique: The title should be eye-catching and unique to grab the reader’s attention.
  • Based on facts: A good title is always believable and based on facts. Especially for writing essay types and papers that stand on facts and logic should have believable titles. 
  • Audience-appropriate: Readability is key. Using fancy and bombastic vocabulary that is not common for the audience will affect the readership. 
  • Tone: A great essay title is always written in an active voice. 
  • Brief and Short: The title should be brief and to the point. Avoid dragging titles into long sentences. 
  • To-the-Point: An essay title should be accurate and clearly present the main theme of the essay. This will allow the reader to know what to expect from the document. 

Components of an Essay Title

Just as all formal writings have an outline to follow, a good essay title is constructed using a formula as well. Keep in mind that the shorter, the better. A title must not exceed 10 to 12 words.

The components of an essay title include

  • An attention-grabbing and catchy hook
  • Tone sets the overall mood or attitude conveyed by the title.
  • The focus keyword - the “where” and “when” in your essay. 

Once you know the importance and elements of an essay title, you are more likely to create a better title.

How to Title an Essay?

Almost all essay writers find it tricky to make an appropriate title for their essays. However, writing a title is not only based on good writing skills. You need to know the basics of creating it. 

A good and effective essay title can be created by taking the following steps:

1. First Write an Essay 

It will be extremely beneficial and easy to create a title once you have written an entire essay.

After writing your essay, you will be clear about what title suits your content the most. Complete your essay and then start reading it.

This will give you a clearer picture of how to address the essay properly.

Deciding on a topic or a title can be time taking. Another advantage of writing a title at the end is that it saves a lot of your time. 

Also, the wrong topic makes it difficult for you to choose the best essay title.  

Struggling with getting started with your essay? Check out this helpful guide on how to write an essay !

2. Use your Thesis Statement

There is another reason you should leave your title for an end.  An effective title provides a reason for the readers to read your essay. The best part to find a reason is in the thesis statement in the introduction of your essay. 

You can always get a title from a thesis statement or by using a part of that argument in the title. 

3. Popular Phrases

Catchphrases and cliches that go with the theme of your essay can be used as the titles as well. When popular phrases are appropriate and interesting, they make effective puns. 

Play with the cliches and twist them to create something of your own. Be creative and innovative for your titles as much as you can. 

4. Consider the Tone

Another trick to creating an effective title for your essay is to consider the essay’s tone and come up with something related to it. 

If the tone and subject of your essay are serious and sad, never make the mistake of addressing your title in an informal and fun way.  

Do not try to go off the wall in such cases. The tone of your essay and the title have a strong connection to a good essay. 

5. Use a Central Idea or a Quote 

It is not mandatory but an easy way to create a title that uses a central idea. You can use a quote as the title of your essay topic. 

If the purpose is served correctly, even song lyrics work the best sometimes. 

6. Summary in Three Words

The most common and basic technique is to get a title from the summary of your essay. 

A writer can summarize the entire essay or the central idea and thesis statement in three words and write a title. 

This can be a title by putting it in a headline, inserting a colon, and stating the purpose of your essay. 

7. Movie Titles in an Essay 

A movie title can also be used as a title in an essay.

There are some basic ways to do that. A writer can highlight the title, use a capital letter for the first letter of the movie title, and italicize its font. 

Another technique is by creating a sentence structure and using a movie title in it. You can use quotation marks as well as the underlining tool. However, title the essay according to the field of study and don’t make it irrelevant. 

Mistakes to Avoid While Giving a Title to Your Essay

Here are some tips to keep in mind when crafting effective essay titles to avoid common mistakes:

  • Positive themes

Avoid writing about sensitive, unethical, or immoral topics, such as drugs, prostitution, or murder.

  • Personal information

Your personal negative experiences should not be included in your essay. However, you can still include lessons learned from those experiences in a professional manner.

  • Relevant Questions

Make sure to ask questions that are relevant to your field of study to ensure you choose an appropriate topic.

  • Professional tone

Keep your essay professional and avoid including personal information or experiences that are not relevant. Your readers are not interested in your personal life.

  • Understanding requirements

It's important to understand your professor's requirements to avoid choosing the wrong topic and wasting time and effort.

  • Neutral perspective

Avoid taking an offensive approach in your essay and steer clear of controversial topics such as religion, abortion, and politics.

How to Title an Essay in Different Formats?

All academic essays require a format through which the writer shapes his document. This format varies from academic level to level and institution as well. The format styles include MLA, APA, Chicago, and Harvard. 

MLA, APA, and Chicago are the most common formats that are usually used. If you are writing an essay choosing a specific format, all of the parts should be drafted accordingly. 

From titling an essay to drawing a conclusion, the writer must follow the format properly to create a strong essay. 

How to Title an Essay in MLA Format?

No matter which essay format you are using to shape your argumentative essay, descriptive essay, etc. The qualities of the title and components remain the same.

Although the formatting of the title may differ. For an MLA style , format your essay title in the following pattern:

  • On the cover page of your essay, using double spacing, write your name in the upper left corner
  • Along with your name, present your instructor’s name, the course title, and the date. 
  • Double-space a line and using centered alignment, provide the essay title in font size 12 pt. 
  • Do not bold or italicize the title.
  • Capitalize important words only and not the articles in the title. 

How to Format an Essay in APA Format?

If you are writing an essay in APA style, you might be wondering how to title an essay in apa format. 

Simply use the following guidelines to format your title and make your writing process easy: 

  • Type the title in upper and lowercase letters
  • Use centered alignment on the upper half of the page and write the title
  • The title in APA style should not exceed more than 12 words
  • Avoid using abbreviations and irrelevant words 
  • The title should be presented in a line or two and not more than that
  • Use double spacing between the lines 
  • Beneath the title, write your name and the institutional affiliation.

How to Title an Essay Chicago Style 

To create an appropriate final version of the title for your essay in Chicago style, you should follow certain guidelines.

  • Use a heading level 2 (H2) for your title
  • Center the title on the page and use title case capitalization
  • Keep the title informative and concise, aiming for no more than 12-15 words
  • Consider including relevant keywords to make your essay easier to find
  • Avoid using slang or informal language in your title
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation

How to Choose a Good Title for an Essay 

Choosing a good title for an essay is crucial as it sets the tone and theme for the reader. 

Here are some important qualities to consider when selecting a title:

  • Informative: A good title should give the reader an idea of what the essay is about. It should be concise and clearly convey the main topic or argument of the essay.
  • Catchy and Memorable: A title that is catchy and memorable can grab the reader's attention and make them more likely to read the essay. Consider using wordplay, puns, or alliteration to make your title stand out.
  • Unique: A title that is unique and original can make your essay stand out from others. Avoid using generic or cliché titles that have been overused.
  • Accurate: A title should accurately reflect the content of the essay. Avoid using sensational or misleading titles that do not accurately convey the main point or argument of the essay.
  • Relevant: A title should be relevant to the current times or issues. Especially in subjects like current events, social or political issues, and scientific research.
  • Reflective of Tone: The title should also reflect the tone of the essay. If the essay is humorous, the title should be as well. If the essay is serious or academic, the title should reflect that.

Essay Title Examples

Just like the tone of every essay differs, the title also differs from each type of essay. For example, movie titles can only be used for informal writing and narrative essays. 

Some examples of essay titles are provided below.

Here are some more examples of essay titles.

Tips to Draft an Essay Title

Titles for Different Types of Essay

How To Title An Essay About A Book

Bad vs Good Essay Title Examples - H3

Tips for Crafting an Outstanding Title 

Here are some tips for crafting an outstanding title:

  • Brainstorm: Begin by brainstorming a list of potential titles for your essay or paper. Write down as many ideas as you can think of, even if they seem silly or irrelevant at first.
  • Be Specific: A good title should be specific and accurate. It should give the reader an idea of what the essay is about. Avoid vague or general titles that don't provide any useful information.
  • Use Keywords: Including keywords in your title can make it easier for readers to find your work in searches. Consider what words or phrases a person might use to search for your topic and incorporate them into your title.
  • Be Creative: A creative and unique title can make your work stand out from others. Consider using wordplay, puns, alliteration, or metaphors to create a memorable and attention-grabbing title.
  • Keep It Short and Sweet: While a title should be specific and informative, it should also be concise. Try to keep your title under 10-12 words, as longer titles can be difficult to read and remember.

For more tips, you can check out this video:

The success of your overall essay is not just based on how well you presented the argument and conducted research to gather the information. A title plays a vital role as well. 

Creative titles are like the icing on the cake. Nobody will want to read it when it will not appeal to them. 

Make your college essay and paper flawless, as they are the only thing that will get you scores in academics. So, you have to know what mistakes to avoid and what to do when title the essay.   

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to use a question or a statement as my essay title.

Whether to use a question or a statement as your essay title depends on the content and purpose of your essay.

Using a question can be effective if your essay is exploratory and seeks to answer a specific question. On the other hand, using a statement can be more appropriate if your essay has a clear argument or thesis statement.

Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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can title of essay be a question

Can a Title of an Essay Be a Question? An Expert Answer


Your essay title is a crucial part of your academic writing. It could either improve or degrade the quality of your paper, depending on how you write it. An excellent title is a representation of what is in your essay; it shows the instructor that you’re a creative student. So, you should think about your topic carefully before you write it.

Is it a good idea to write an essay title as a question? While no rule prevents you from doing so, you should write it the right way. If you can’t do it yourself, you can always turn to the essay service for help. Of course, be aware that you have to shake your wallet for this. There are quality characteristics the title should meet to be considered good. It should be:

How to Use a Question as an Essay Title

Now that you know you can title your essay with a question, the next step is comprehending how to do it like a pro. Are you struggling with writing your essay titles as questions? Here’re tips that you should follow regardless of the type of title you’re writing:

Only Use Questions When It’s Necessary

You shouldn’t use questions in your titles all the time. Only use them when they make your academic essay more intriguing. For instance, use argumentative questions where you intend to take a given point of view. For example, you can pose a question like, “Is Social Media Good for Teenagers?”

When you’re composing a persuasive essay, a question may not work as a title. This is because, in such tasks, you only want the reader to see one perspective of the subject matter. However, use questions as titles for narrative essays to invite readers to your narration world.

Avoid Titles That Require “Yes” or “No” Answers

yes or No

Titles that require “yes” or “no” answers are boring. You should write a topic that makes the reader curious to proceed and read the rest of the paper to find answers. In simple terms, don’t make your titles obvious.

Take an example of a title like “Is the Government Responsible for Creating Employment Opportunities?” Of course, such a title attracts an obvious answer which is “Yes.” However, you can make this same title sound better by editing it to “How Can the Government Increase Employment Opportunities for the Youth?” In this case, the reader would want to find out more about the policies you’ve explained the government can use to reduce youth unemployment.

Make Your Title Specific

Broad titles aren’t good for your essay. It’s difficult to cover all the issues in the subject exhaustively. You should make them as specific as possible if you want your work to stand out.

“How should I make my titles specific as I write my essays ?” A broad title is something like “What Are the Effects of the Internet?” Such a title has too many issues to address, and one academic essay may not exhaustively deal with them. A more specific title in such a case is a topic like “How Does Social Media increase the Cases of Depression among the Youth?”

Format Your Title as Required

Irrespective of the type of title you’re writing, proper formatting is a critical requirement. For example, you should include a question mark at the end of a question title. You should also capitalize the first letter of every word except the short prepositions and articles. Avoid using any other punctuation marks that don’t suit the situation.

How to Compose Good Essay Titles


In most cases, it’s the title of the essay that the professor reads first before proceeding to the rest of your work. It gives the instructor the first impression of the type of student you are. With an intriguing title coupled with excellent content, you’re more likely to record an impressive grade. So work on your college essay titles for your papers to stand out.

Some students struggle with coming up with good essay titles. It could be because they aren’t creative enough or they’re in a hurry when writing these titles. Fortunately, there are effective strategies for composing that impressive essay title.

Write the Title After You Complete the Essay

Experts often recommend that you should think about your essay topic before you begin writing. While the idea is to ensure you write relevant content, it’s not always the best practice. As you begin writing, have an idea of what you’re going to discuss in your essay. Then revise your title later.

How do you ensure you create an excellent title at the end? Read and revise your essay to clearly understand what the piece is about. When you’re sure that’s your final piece, it’s now time to revise the topic. Write good essay titles that are related to the content of your paper.

Brainstorm for Impressive Titles

In some cases, you may be in a hurry to write to complete your research paper fast and submit it for grading. So, you may pick anything you think about to finish the work. But, in such instances, you end up with a title that may not impress your instructor. So, fight the urge to write a title hurriedly.

Don’t pick the first title that comes to mind. Instead, take time to think about an excellent title, talk to your friends, and even read titles of essays with the same themes as yours. Next, create 3 to 4 probable titles. Then make an essay outline to see what will result in a great essay. Then pick the best from your list.

Relate Your Title to Your Thesis Statement


A good essay title motivates your professor to read the rest of the content in your essay. You don’t want a situation where your title is completely different from your thesis statement. That could be an indication that you’re an incompetent essay writer. So, ensure the title is related to what you have in your thesis statement.

Work on the Tone of the Essay Topic

In the course of your college education, you’re bound to write different types of essays. For instance, you’ll have argumentative, narrative, and analytical essays. These papers address different issues in society.

You should ensure your essay title reflects the seriousness of the issue it addresses. For instance, the title of an argumentative essay on drug use should sound more serious compared to that of a narrative article on the best day of your life. Always stick to the theme and understand the audience.

Keep the Essay Title Short and Simple

Some students think that writing a good title means having a long one. On the contrary, long titles are difficult for readers to understand. If you find you have a title that is too long, you should consider revising it while only including the most crucial keywords. However, ensure the title gives your instructor a clear idea of what is in the essay. If you need help with these, check  https://uk. html .

Moreover, complex words aren’t good for titles. Instead of making you sound intelligent, they confuse readers. Your goal as you write your title is to pass a clear message. Be as straightforward as possible as you write your titles. So avoid using abbreviations in your titles.

Good Essay Title: What’s Good and What’s Bad

First, a fantastic title is related to the content of the essay. If you’re writing on an issue of youth unemployment, for instance, ensure your title states so. Avoid writing different titles as that confuses the reader.

Your essay title should also focus on a given area. In simple terms, you should avoid topics that are too broad. For example, avoid discussing unemployment as a whole. Instead, your title can be about the effects of unemployment among the youth.

A superb title is also interesting and debatable. You don’t want a boring topic that sounds like you aren’t a creative student.

Writing Question Essay Titles: How to Do It Properly

At times, it isn’t easy to write titles as questions. However, you shouldn’t struggle. Instead, begin by thinking about different titles. Then, write them down and pick the one you feel suits your specific essay writing situation.

Other reputable writers might also offer ideas on how to write these titles. Read their content and compare it with the content. You can use titles related to what these authors have where you’re also writing on similar subjects.

Online spaces may also give you good ideas on what to use as your titles. Check what people are currently talking about. You can turn such issues into your essay topics. Spaces like paper writing service websites have good content for you.

Mistakes to Avoid When Composing Essay Titles

Firstly, avoid writing topics that are too broad. Always be specific and focused on standing a chance of scoring a top grade.


Secondly, don’t include filler words in your title. Use as few words as possible to make your title clearer. Besides, avoid jargon and abbreviations when writing essay titles.

Singing Off

You can write creative essay titles as questions. But you should take time to read the essay prompt before you write the title. That way, you’ll write an appropriate title. Remember, your question title should be clear, focused, engaging, and debatable.

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How to Write a Strong Title for an Argumentative Essay

Last Updated: June 4, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Diane Stubbs . Diane Stubbs is a Secondary English Teacher with over 22 years of experience teaching all high school grade levels and AP courses. She specializes in secondary education, classroom management, and educational technology. Diane earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Delaware and a Master of Education from Wesley College. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 164,931 times.

In most cases, a title for an essay is only required for college papers. A title for an argumentative essay isn't much different than a title for any other essay. You need to present what your essay is about in phrase form, as well as provide a hook to encourage the reader to read your essay. One main difference is you also need to make sure you establish your stance on the subject, so the reader knows where your argument is headed from the beginning. In order to create a strong title, you should write your essay before coming up with a title for it.

Summarizing Your Ideas

Step 1 Start brainstorming.

  • Also, read through your paper. Start making notes on the main ideas. If you organized your paper well, you should have the paper divided into several main ideas.
  • Write down any ideas you have about what you think should go in your title.

Step 2 Summarize your content.

  • In most cases, your thesis, or a version of it, is the best summary for the essay. The thesis should be stated at the end of your introduction, and perhaps restated at the beginning of your conclusion as well.
  • Try to get it down to one sentence if possible, such as, "Soup is significantly more flavorful when made with stock than when made with water."

Step 3 Make a list of keywords and phrases.

  • For instance, if you wrote a paper on why soup is better when made with stock than water, think about what words are essential to that paper.
  • Your list of keywords might include "soup," "stock," and "flavor," as an example.

Creating a Title

Step 1 Think about your audience and tone.

  • Also, think about the tone of your essay. If it's lighthearted, a lighthearted title will fit. For instance, an essay on stock and chicken soup lends itself to lightheartedness.
  • However, if your essay is very serious, stick to a serious title. For instance, if you're trying to convince people that poverty needs to end, that's a pretty serious topic and needs a serious title.

Step 2 Pull a sentence out.

  • Read over your paper. You can use this opportunity to proofread while you look for a good sentence.
  • Write out any sentence that may work. For instance, one sentence that might work is "Soup is delicious, but it is even more delicious when made with stock."
  • Shorten it up to work as a title: "Soup Is More Flavorful With Stock."

Step 3 Try a question.

  • For instance, you could write, "Why Does Stock Make Soup So Flavorful?" That establishes your topic, as well as invites your reader into your paper.
  • Just be sure you are answering the question you propose.
  • Choose a different question than the one you used for your hook, if applicable.

Step 4 Make it playful.

  • Come up with something that is contrasting or surprising. A concrete image works well, meaning something that invokes the senses. For instance, you could write something like "The Flavor of Boiled Chicken Bones Is the Best for Soup."
  • People don't necessarily think bones are tasty, but they are used to create your flavorful broth. Therefore, it's a bit surprising, but it plays into your essay.
  • Try to create a title that is both short and sweet.

Step 5 Make a pun or use a famous saying.

  • As an example, a pun you could use would be "Use Your Backbone to Make Soup." "Backbone" is a play both on the fact that you're using stock (made from bones) and that you need to use your backbone to stand up for stock.
  • As for a saying, you could use something like "Chicken Soup: Only the Opiate of the Masses If Made With Stock." "Opiate of the masses" is a reference to Karl Marx and will attract attention.

Finessing Your Title

Step 1 Give it some time.

  • That is, move words around to see if you can make a better statement.
  • Try mixing and matching among titles that you like. Pick the parts you like best.

Step 2 Be specific.

  • For instance, if you are discussing a specific type of soup, add that in: "Chicken Stock Makes the Best Chicken Soup."
  • If you are specifically talking about homemade stock, add that in "Homemade Chicken Stock Makes the Best Chicken Soup."
  • If possible, try to give the reader just an idea of which side you plan to argue in favor of in the essay.

Step 3 Use a subtitle.

  • The most common method is putting the creative part first as the main title, followed by the informative part in the subtitle. However, you can do it either way.
  • For example, you could write: "Use Your Backbone: Why You Should Advocate for Stock in Soup."
  • If the titles are on the same line, separate them by a colon. If not, you don't need the colon.

Step 4 Check for keywords.

  • Compare your title to the list you made earlier.

Step 5 Ensure you've covered your topic.

  • In the case of an argumentative essay, that not only means that you've presented what your topic is but also what your stance on that topic is.
  • Try it out on a parent. Ask her what she thinks the paper is about from your title.

Step 6 Skip abbreviations.

  • The exception to this rule is very common abbreviations or abbreviations that are appropriate for your audience.
  • For instance, using "HIV" probably wouldn't confuse your readers.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • It can be helpful to look up titles of articles and essays for reference. Check major websites or networks for examples of effective titles. Remember to avoid “clickbait,” though! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Can Essay Titles Be Questions? A Comprehensive Guide

Essay writing is essential to academic life, and students often seek essay writing help when tasked with producing various essays on different subjects. One of the most critical aspects of essay writing is creating an engaging and thought-provoking title. Many students wonder if essay titles can be in the form of questions. While the traditional format of essay titles is a statement, questions can be a powerful way to grab the reader’s attention and set the tone for the essay. Still on a hunt to figure out ‘can essay titles be questions?’ Just keep on reading!

Table of Contents

Can I Use a Question as the Title for My Essay?

Yes, you can do that. In fact, it depends on the type of essay you are writing. Let’s learn how to use question titles in different types of essays.

College Essay 

Having a question as your title for a college essay is a smart move because it allows you to showcase your problem-solving skills in greater detail to the admission officers. 

For example, if you’re writing about why you picked a major or job path, you can title your essay “Why I Chose [Major/Career Path]”. It tells readers what your essay is about and makes them curious about why you made that decision. 

Similarly, if your essay is about a life-changing experience, you can title it “How [Experience/Event] Changed My Life”. This shows the event’s emotional importance and makes the reader interested in hearing your story.

Persuasive Essay

You can use a question as the title of your  persuasive essay . It’s a great way to catch readers’ attention. For instance, if you believe primary education must be free for all, your title might be “Should Primary Education Be Free for Everyone? This title will make the reader want to know more about your position.

Ensure the question you have used is relevant to your essay. Plus, it’s important to answer the question in your essay and provide convincing arguments to support your point of view.

Argumentative Essay 

If you’re  writing an argumentative essay  with two sides, you can use a question as the title. This helps guide readers to your introduction and makes them think about your argument. However, if you only have one side, your title should show what you believe instead of asking a question. Using a question is okay, but it doesn’t always work well.

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Analytical Essay 

When writing an analytical essay, avoiding using a question as the title is best. This is because a question can limit the analysis’s focus and weaken the essay. Instead, it’s usually better to use a statement of the problem or the solution that the essay will analyze. While there may be some cases where using a question as the title works well, most analytical essays generally need a clear and specific statement to guide the analysis. 

Top Tips for Crafting Effective Question-Based Essay Titles

Dos and Donts of Using Questions in Essay Titles

The title must not limit the essay’s scope, even if it is a question. It should be comprehensive enough to give the reader a good understanding of the topic. 

Ensure the title is attractive; it is the first thing your readers will check out. Hence, you need to make it count. 

Leave writing the title of your essay till the end. The arguments in your paper will allow you to develop a good title. 

Five Types of Questions that Can be Used as Essay Titles: 

Depending on the topic and purpose of the essay, many potential essay titles can be posed as questions. Here are some examples:

Philosophical Questions

Check out these big questions about life and morality. What is the point of existing, and is there a right or wrong regarding how we act?

Problem Solvers 

How can we cut down on carbon emissions to help fight global warming? What can we do to make healthcare more accessible in rural areas?

 These are queries about things that happened in the past and what effect they had. For example, “What led to World War II?” Or “What was the result of the Civil Rights Movement on American culture?”


These queries get you to think about your life, perspectives, and principles. Like, what’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far? Or how has your upbringing impacted how you see the world?

Focused Questions

Questions that are specific and zero in on one aspect of a subject. Like “What are the economic advantages of investing in renewable energy?” or “How do social media algorithms affect political polarization?” – are great for getting to the heart of the matter.

Advantages of Using Questions as Essay Titles

It can work as a powerful way of engaging the reader. 

It can help the writer to focus their ideas. 

Questions are thought-provoking and can stimulate the readers’ curiosity. 

Disadvantages of using Questions as Essay Titles

The question may be too vague or open-ended, leaving the reader unsure what to expect from the essay.

Another concern is that the question may be too limiting, constraining the writer’s ability to explore the topic fully.

10 Examples of Essay Titles to Help You Score Good

Now that you have the answer to ‘can essay titles be questions.’ Here are some examples of the same: 

Why Should We Ban the Use of Plastic?

Why should education be Free for all?

Is Skill Acquisition better than higher education?

Should we allow the wildlife trade?

Is war the ultimate price for lasting peace?

Why should transgender people be given more rights?

What have I learned from my miserable times?

How has social media changed the way we communicate?

Is Artificial Intelligence a threat to human employment?

What are the pros and cons of tuition-free education?

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Using a question as the title of an essay can make readers interested and help the writer stay focused on the main topic. However, the question needs to be specific enough to give the essay a clear direction while also leaving room for further exploration and analysis. By exploring professional essay writers online, you can order now to write a question essay title that is both engaging and informative. Hopefully this article was helpful in clearing out your confusion so you won’t have to search ‘can essay titles be questions?’ again.

To ensure that your essay title question is effective, make sure it is specific, engaging, and relevant to the topic of your essay. Avoid using broad or vague questions, and focus on crafting a question that will spark the reader's curiosity and make them want to read more.

A good essay title should be clear, catchy, and relevant to the topic. It should give the reader an idea of what to expect from the essay and entice them to keep reading. The title should be short and to the point, avoiding overused phrases. It's also important that it reflects the tone of the essay. Whether it is formal or creative, the title should be a good fit for the style of the essay.

Yes, an essay title can have a comma. However, it's important to use it appropriately and only when it adds to the clarity and readability of the title. The comma should not be used simply for the sake of adding punctuation. It's recommended to follow standard rules of grammar and punctuation while also considering the overall tone and style of the essay title.

Yes, essay titles in the form of a question can work for most types of essays, including persuasive, argumentative, expository, and analytical essays. However, you should always make sure the title is relevant to the topic and purpose of the essay.

An effective question title for essay should be:

Clear and Concise

Thought Provoking

Relevant to the Essay Topic

Engaging the Reader’s Attention

Not be difficult to understand

Not Make Use of Technical Language

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Q: Can a research paper title be a question?

For example “Why has Boeing 737 Ethiopian airlines crashed without intervention?”

Asked on 05 Jun, 2019

Ideally, the title of your research paper should be more informative so that it attracts the attention of the readers. It should provide more information about your research and the main outcome that you have achieved. It is not advisable to have a question as the title of your paper as it is the first thing readers will see about your paper. The aim of conducting research is to find answers and having a question in your title may not be attractive to the readers. However, there is no specific guideline about this and you may find a number of published articles that have questions as their titles.

However, the example you have provided is not really a good title for a research paper because it does not state what your research has achieved with regard to this question. In order to create an effective title for your paper, you should make sure that it captures the essence of your research and engages the reader’s interest, making him/her want to read further.

 The following aspects can be kept in mind when deciding a suitable title for your research paper:

  • The purpose of the research
  • The scope of research
  • The narrative tone or the type of research the paper aims to describe
  • The methods used

Related reading:

  • 3 Basic tips on writing a good research paper title
  • How do I know if the title of my paper is appropriate?
  • 5 Simple steps to write a good research paper title

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Answered by Editage Insights on 18 Jun, 2019

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How to Title an Argumentative Essay

November 17, 2023

Identifying the Purpose of the Essay

Before you can create a compelling title for your argumentative essay, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of its purpose. Is your goal to persuade readers to adopt a certain viewpoint, criticize an existing argument, or propose a solution to a problem? Determining the purpose will help you in crafting a title that aligns with your intentions.

The purpose of your essay will guide the tone, language, and overall approach you take. Are you aiming to be informative, provocative, or authoritative? Identifying the purpose will also help you in selecting the most suitable words and phrases to convey your message effectively. By defining the purpose upfront, you can develop a concise and powerful title that grabs readers’ attention and gives them a glimpse of your argumentative stance.

Analyzing the Target Audience

To create an impactful title for your argumentative essay, it is essential to have a deep understanding of your target audience. Consider their interests, knowledge level, beliefs, and values. By analyzing the target audience, you can tailor the title in a way that resonates with them and captures their attention. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Knowledge level: Are your readers familiar with the topic, or is it relatively new to them? This will determine whether you need to use technical terms or simplify the language in the title.
  • Demographics: Consider the age, education level, and cultural background of your audience. This information can help you choose the right tone and style for the title.
  • Values and beliefs: What are the prevailing beliefs or opinions of your target audience regarding the subject? Craft a title that connects with their existing viewpoint or challenges it in a thought-provoking manner.
  • Emotional appeal: Identify the emotions you want to evoke in your readers — curiosity, surprise, concern, or a desire for change. Incorporating emotional triggers in the title can generate interest and engagement.
  • Priorities and interests: Determine the key concerns or priorities of your audience related to the topic. Highlighting these aspects in the title will grab their attention and make your essay more relevant to their interests.

Analyzing your target audience allows you to tailor your title to their specific needs, making it more compelling and effective in capturing their attention and sparking their interest in your argumentative essay.

Strategies for Creating an Effective Title

Crafting an effective title for your argumentative essay is crucial to grab readers’ attention and convey the essence of your argument. Here are some strategies to consider when creating your title:

  • Be concise and clear: Keep your title brief and to the point, avoiding any unnecessary words or phrases. Aim for clarity so that readers can quickly understand the main focus of your essay.
  • Be specific: Instead of using generic terms, be specific in your title to give readers a clear idea of what your essay is about. Specific titles tend to be more attention-grabbing and engaging.
  • Use compelling language: Capture readers’ interest by using powerful and persuasive language in your title. Strong verbs, impactful adjectives, or intriguing phrases can help make your title more enticing.
  • Consider a question or a statement: Pose a thought-provoking question or make a bold statement in your title to pique readers’ curiosity and encourage them to delve into your argumentative essay.
  • Use a unique angle: Stand out from the crowd by approaching your title from a unique angle. Find a fresh perspective or highlight an unusual aspect of your argument to intrigue your audience.

By implementing these strategies, you can create an effective title that not only accurately represents your argumentative essay but also captures readers’ attention and compels them to explore your ideas further.

Using Keywords and Key Phrases

Including relevant keywords and key phrases in your title can help increase your argumentative essay’s visibility and attract readers who are interested in its topic. Begin by considering the words or phrases that are central to your argument. These could be technical terms, concepts, or keywords that you expect readers to search for.

Once you have identified these keywords and phrases, you can then experiment with different combinations until you find a title that accurately represents your argument while also utilizing these terms. Keep in mind that the goal is not to stuff as many keywords as possible into your title, but to use them in a way that is natural and helps communicate the essence of your essay’s argument.

Using keywords and key phrases can also help readers quickly recognize what your essay is about, making it more likely for them to click on and read further. Incorporating them into your title can help boost your essay’s online visibility and attract the right audience to your argumentative essay.

Focusing on Clarity and Conciseness

When creating a title for your argumentative essay, it is vital to prioritize clarity and conciseness. Your title should immediately convey the main idea of your essay without causing confusion or leaving room for misinterpretation. Here are some tips to ensure clarity and conciseness in your title:

  • Avoid ambiguity: Make sure your title is specific and unambiguous, leaving no room for multiple interpretations. Ambiguous titles can confuse readers and diminish their interest.
  • Cut out unnecessary words: Keep your title concise by eliminating any unnecessary words. Each word should serve a purpose in conveying your argument, and brevity helps to maintain reader engagement.
  • Use straightforward language: Use clear and accessible language in your title, ensuring that it is easily understood by a wide range of readers. Avoid jargon or technical terms that might alienate or confuse your audience.
  • Organize the title effectively: Structure your title in a way that clearly presents the main focus or argument of your essay. Use keywords or key phrases strategically to capture the essence of your argument.
  • Proofread and revise: After crafting a draft title, review and revise it to ensure clarity and conciseness. Proofreading helps to identify any potential confusion, ambiguity, or redundancy that could be eliminated.

By focusing on clarity and conciseness, your title will effectively communicate the main idea of your argumentative essay, intrigue readers, and encourage them to explore your content further.

Highlighting the Argumentative Nature of the Essay

When titling your argumentative essay, it is essential to emphasize its argumentative nature in order to set clear expectations for readers. By incorporating the keyword “title an argumentative essay” into your title, you can effectively convey the purpose and nature of your essay. Here are some strategies to highlight the argumentative aspect:

  • Include words like “debate,” “persuasion,” or “controversy” to signal that your essay presents differing viewpoints and aims to persuade readers.
  • Use strong and assertive language that showcases the clash of ideas inherent in an argumentative essay. Words like “challenging,” “contradictory,” or “disputable” can help emphasize the opposing viewpoints central to your argument.
  • Reflect the topic and stance: Incorporate words that clearly represent the topic of your essay. For instance, if your essay argues for stricter gun control laws, consider using phrases like “advocating for change” or “evaluating gun policy.”
  • Consider using a question format: Pose an intriguing question that highlights the contentious nature of your argument. This can spark curiosity and engage readers from the outset.

By selecting a title that highlights the argumentative nature of your essay, while incorporating the keyword “title an argumentative essay,” you can capture readers’ attention and convey the persuasive and contentious essence of your writing.

Averting Misleading Titles

When crafting a title for your argumentative essay, it is crucial to avoid misleading titles that may give readers a false impression of your essay’s content. Misleading titles can lead to confusion, disappointment, and a lack of trust from your audience. Here are some tips to avoid misleading titles:

  • Stay true to your argument: Ensure that your title accurately reflects the main argument of your essay. Don’t exaggerate or make claims that are not supported by your content.
  • Avoid clickbait tactics: While it may be tempting to use sensational or exaggerated phrases to attract attention, it is essential to maintain integrity in your title. Misleading readers for the sake of gaining clicks will harm your credibility.
  • Be specific and precise: Clearly convey the core argument and scope of your essay in the title. This will help readers understand what they can expect from your essay and avoid any misconceptions.
  • Consider the tone: The tone of your title should align with the tone of your essay. If your essay takes a serious and analytical approach, a title with a lighthearted or sensational tone may mislead readers.

By being honest, specific, and precise in your title, you can ensure that it accurately represents your argumentative essay’s content and avoids misleading your audience. This will not only cultivate trust but also attract the right readers who are genuinely interested in engaging with your argument.

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How To Use A Question As An Essay Title: Solid Advice

Many students ask whether it’s possible to use an interrogative sentence in an essay title. A great number of already published books and other papers prove that it’s absolutely normal practice. Another concern of students is the issue of appropriate punctuation, namely whether they need to put a question mark at the end. Again, judging from the other papers and experts’ answers it should be there. The following tips will provide more details on how to use a question to entitle your essay.

  • Know when it should be used.

If you’re writing a personal or narrative essay to complete your task at , you may want its title to sound more intriguing. In this case, you can write it in the form of a question. Make sure your reader will get an extensive response to it in the text. However, you should know that even serious papers use questions for their headings.

  • Write it properly.

Make sure your essay heading is catchy and consistent with a general tone. It should also predict content and contain keywords. Start with Who, What, When, Where; How or Why; Is/Are, Do/Does, or Will.

Your title is the first thing that your readers will see, so your task is to get their attention just by that one sentence. For this, you can employ an anecdotal element, a play on words, or a quotation. These are excellent attention grabbers.

  • Set a tone.

First of all, think about your topic and your audience. If the subject matter of your narration is a particular fact or historical event, you should devise a clear and straightforward question. If it’s more informal, you may set a more playful tone.

Divide it into two parts and join them by a colon. The first part should contain an answer to the question asked in the second one. An example can be: “Persuasive, expository and analytical essays: What are their distinctive features?”. Another pattern can comprise of the main part and a descriptive subtitle. You can write a sophisticated statement in the first part and then ask a down-to-earth question. Although, the tone in the two parts can be different, together they can form a great hook. Your readers would like to find out how two unalike parts are presented in your paper.

  • Don’t make it obvious.

Make the answer unpredictable. After reading your title, readers may guess what it will be about. You shouldn’t reveal everything from the start; instead, make the answer seem dubious for a bit. However, make sure you cover the promised topic in the body.

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Can Essay Titles be Questions? (Tips to Write a Good Essay Title)

by William Christie · January 4, 2023

For writing an essay a student is required to come up with a title that makes the reader clear the summary of the essay content and what the essay is about. Creating a title that makes the reader clear about the essay content is much more important. But a lot of students have an issue thinking of a good title for the essay. Many of you get confused about whether the titles can be questioned or not.

Quick Takeaways There is no doubt that you can not add questions to the title of the essay. However, it depends upon what type of essay are you writing. Following are the ways by which you can write a good essay title- 1. Keywords should be relevant 2.The title should focus on the topic 3.  Formatting of the title

However, you must read till the end so that you get a better understanding of if the essay titles be questioned and also how to write a good essay title.

Can Essay Titles be Questions? (Tips to Write a Good Essay Title)

Table of Contents

Can essay titles be questions?

The easy way to write an essay title is by questioning . But the question that is used as tile should be relevant and must be reflective of the content written in the essay and support them. If the essay that is going to explain by the student is argumentative then the student should not write it as a question. Also if you are making a video essay then also you have to think about what type of video essay it is. They need to write the title that defines the whole essay in that one title. The student before writing the essay title should make sure of a few things such as:

  • The title of the essay should be relevant to the essay content and should define or summarize the whole article.
  • Ensure the title contains the minimum number of possible words to describe the content of the essay.
  • Thinking of writing a title containing a few words doesn’t mean that the title is too short and the reader is not able to understand what the essay is about. Thus you must make sure that the r eaders do not lose interest in the essay to read the essay.

Can Essay Titles be Questions? (Tips to Write a Good Essay Title)

How to write a good essay title?

Following are the ways by which you can write a good essay title-

1. Keywords should be relevant:

Writing an essay title will be when the student writes the title at the end after writing the whole essay content which will help to write the relevant essay title. The essay contest will suggest you the keywords that you can use while writing the essay title.

2. The title should focus on the topic:

After deciding on the relevant keyword for the essay the next step is to write the title of the essay that is focused on the topic.

3. Formatting of the title:

After writing the title the next step is to format the title of the essay and it is done in the following ways:

  • the keywords used must be written in capital letters. Also, you should not try to capitalize the thesis .
  • After writing the colon write the first word in capital.
  • The words don’t need to write in capital such as a, an, the, with, of, in, besides, and, for, but, nor, so, etc
  • Also when the student has written a title that includes the book of an author, that book should be written in italic form.

Can Essay Titles be Questions? (Tips to Write a Good Essay Title)

Features include in the title of the essay:

The following feature should be included in the title of the essay making the essay title look effective and relevant to the reader:

1. Attractive:

The reader is always attracted to a title that does not look boring. so make sure of writing the title.

2. Believable:

The title should be relevant in order to write a title that looks attractive doesn’t mean writing a title that is irrelevant to the topic. Therefore you must add a relevant topic.

3. Easy to read:

The title written by the student must be easy to understand and read making the reader clear from the start only what the essay content contains.

4. Active voice:

A title in which the verbs are used should not be written in the passive voice . It should be written in active voice only.

Try to make the title of the essay, short, which explains the essay a long title may create confusion or make the reader get bored while reading it.

6. Accurate:

The student should conclude the tile at the end of writing the essay. The use of the common keyword used in the essay will make the essay title look accurate. An inaccurate title of the essay will not be able to attract the reader to read the essay.

If a student is not able to write the title of the essay a short title then it s suggested to write the title as asking a question. But not in the case of an argumentative essay . for writing a good title of the essay the student should find the keywords that are involved in the essay content making the reader to summarize the essay content by reading the title of the essay. the title of the essay should not contain unnecessary terms that will make the reader get confused and boring.

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Can A Title Of An Essay Be A Question?

  • Post on Feburary 16, 2023
  • By Oliver Jack


Yes, the title of an essay can be a question if it is well-structured or placed in a title in the correct order. It is preferred to use a question-based essay title if the essay can have an interrogative or narrative thesis statement. So the students who worry about can a title of an essay be a question or not should relax now. Use a question-based essay title without any doubt.

It is one of the best practices in essay writing. To know more about using interrogative thesis or essay titles read the article to the end. You can also ask for write my thesis for me and get professional help from us.

The Correct Way To Use An Interrogative Title

Question-based essay titles are best performing among all kinds. It is somehow a bit difficult to handle an interrogative title. Let's follow the correct way to use a question as a title:

  • Know the correct placement
  • Don’t keep it so obvious
  • Use captivating vocabulary
  • Use the punctuation correctly
  • Use Active Voice
  • The title should be well formatted

How To Make A Good Question Title?

When you are clear about can a title of an essay be a question, you need to know how would you make a good question title for your essay. Make sure that your interrogative essay title fulfills the following characteristics:

A good essay title is the first part that readers encounter. This is why it is kept engaging, interesting, and exactly according to readers’ interest. It is called the attention grabber of the essay. This can be done using power words, anecdotal elements, or other attention-seeking phrases. You can play with the words to make them more appealing to read.

A good question essay title interrogates a fact. It is based on truth and reality. An inaccurate essay title delivering false information is never acceptable to professors. It is always believable and relatable to the reader.

Short & Accurate

Always try to keep the essay title short, accurate, and to the point. Keeping it short should not mean generalizing it and neglecting the main focus or theme of the essay. Be specific and address the thesis in your statement.


A perfect essay title is not restricted and bound to a single idea of the writer. It should be an open-ended statement that is flexible and open to multiple opinions. It can easily absorb a number of ideas from different readers.

Suitable Tone

Writing style or tone depends on the nature of the topic of an essay. If the essay is narrative or informational, go for a formal tone in the essay title. However, if it is more towards the descriptive side, opt for the informal and playful tone for the title.

These were some of the helpful and proven tips and best characteristics of a good question essay title. You can implement these to generate a perfect title for your essay. However, some students do not have time or find it difficult to use a question in an essay title. Do not worry, We have a team of expert essay writers who are always ready to help you in generating perfect essay titles and complete essays. Contact our professionals and get an impressive essay title in no time.

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We believe “can a title of an essay be a question” is not your query anymore. Though making a good question is still a concern. If you often wonder “is there anyone who can write my essay for me ?”, your wait is over. Contact us right away and entrust us with your overburdened essay writing assignments. We are always here to help you.

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Choose Good Titles for Essays and Make Them Sound Great


Good titles for essays act like an attractive factor that draws readers to have an interest. The first step to enjoying the luxury of being the best selling author is the ability to develop attention-capturing and curiosity-arousing titles. People have desisted from reading reviews or summaries written on books and essays when buying them.

Instead, they closely examine the creative titles that will make it to their reading list. Books are also subjected to the same style of choosing when scouting for the next read. Writing an essay can be challenging but assigning a title should not be as difficult. A poorly written paper with a good title will attract more attention than a well written one with a boring title.

Why Are Titles Important in Essays?

The functionality and importance of good essay titles are synonymous to that of a door. Its attractiveness is what will motivate you to find out what lies inside the house. It also gives a sneak peek on what you are more likely to interact with when reading that particular essay. Great essays usually have creative titles that do not allow you to stop your reading at the cover page.

The title of an essay is the single most crucial factor that determines the impression of the reader towards an essay. Much thought should be given when coming up with one. There are many instances when great titles have been shoved aside falling victim to morale killing variants. Sometimes the little time you have only allowed you to glance at the heading.

It is during these times that the significance of a heading is clearly portrayed. The next time you are making a good title remember it is of utmost importance and should be given enough thought. This is because it greatly determines the reception the essay will receive based on it foreshadows what is in the essay.

How to Format the Title of An Essay?

After getting the heading for essays, you need to know how to format them to look catchy and in place. Read on to get an insight into what to consider.

Exactly how long should an essay title be?

The length of essay titles is a topic that has been largely contested by authors. Though a consensus on the exact number of words has never been reached, proposals have been put forward on the approximate number. It is proposed that a typical essay title should contain between 3-15 words. This largely depends on the niche the essay is addressing.

With college essays, for instance, paper titles should give sufficient information about the research paper without revealing too much information. It should also not be too short and ambiguous. Its length should be long enough to capture the reader’s attention while preparing what awaits in the essay.

Can A Title Be A Question For Essays?

There are many styles employed in the structuring of essay titles. Different authors will use whichever style that befits their article and is conversational. They prefer to remain in their comfort zones and use conventional statement titles. In fact, the format is left for you to determine.

The heading could be expressed in numbers, questions or even alphanumeric order, depending on the written  types of essay . In rare instances, it will be pictorial. When using a question as your title, then the essay should be engineered such that it answers or attempts to answer it. Questions are effective and form good catchy titles to trigger curiosity.

What Are the Main Components of Good Titles for Essay?

  • Catchy hook

A paper name is an ambassador to readers. It should communicate or cast a positive picture of the essay. This is best achieved by capturing the reader’s attention through its creativity. The first thing an essay wants is to get noticed.

Catchy headings for an essay will make a composition stand out and compel the readers to read it to completion.

  • Topic keyword

This is the “what” of your essay. It identifies the component your dissertation will be exploring. Topic keywords should be captured in good paper titles to shed more light and introduce the reader into the essay.

Usually, it should be a general term that best describes what the author is putting across in the essay. This will ensure readers have an idea of what the essay is all about just by a glance at the title.

  • Active voice  

If your title contains verbs, consider putting them in active rather than passive voice. Active voice tends to relate with the readers directly engaging them on what they want to know. The best combination is expressing your title in an active voice in a question form. This makes the readers identify more with the essay and aspire to explore your opinions on the same.

  • Focus keyword

Unlike the topic keyword which describes the center of focus of your paper, the focus keyword describes the extent to which the topic keyword will be addressed. It predicts the limits and boundaries how the essay addresses the topic.

A perfect example of a good title for an essay is “the effects of global warming.” In this label, the topic keyword is global warming, but the essay will be limited to its effects.

What Are the Steps for Making Good Titles for Essays?

There are is no logical, sequential order authors should follow to arrive to the most creative and captivating title. However, there are some guidelines that could make sure you end up with the best one. The steps below describe  how to write analytical essays  titles effectively.

  • Reversed law order

The first step to writing an effective title is writing it last. Write your essay draft first then revise it before deciding on the label. This is because essays often change in the course of revision. Therefore, your heading may not necessarily reflect what is in the essay. The best thing is to name it last to avoid tilting your essay.

When you are out of creativity when making a title, consider seeking external motivation through the work of other authors. Reading the labels of other essays written in your niche will inspire thoughts leading to the conception of a perfect title for your essay.

  • Identify your target audience

Knowing your audience is instrumental in coming up with a title that will net a huge demographic of readers. If you are writing a formal paper like a college essay, titles have to be as formal as the setting in which they will be reviewed. But for fiction and story-telling compositions, the heading can have a pun or slang included to relate with the target audience.

Some Personal Statement Essay Examples

Personal statement essays are written to describe a person, and yes, they too need to be labeled. Some of the best examples of titles written for personal statements have been outlined below.

  • Excellent Marriage Life
  • Battling Depression
  • Healthy Living
  • Career Trajectory

Compare and Contrast Essay Title Examples

This type of paper seeks to bring out the comparisons between two aspects mostly in a bid to identify the superior one. It is synonymous to argumentative where the contrasting view of a subject is discussed.  Most  argumentative essay topics  tend to have a similar naming style as compare and contrast titles shown below.

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  • Facebook or Myspace: Which Social Media Network Is More User-Friendly?
  • Books Against Movies: Why Reading Is Preferred

Reflective Essays Title Examples

A reflective essay is an academic paper that describes the personal experiences the author has had. Some interesting titles for essays of this type include:

  • Smelling a Rare Flower
  • Unwinding the Spring
  • Staring at tThe Morning Sunrise

Final Thoughts

Considering the importance of the heading in an essay, its construction has to be given utmost attention. It is the creativity channeled into coming up with a heading that will rank a well-written article among the best. Authors should identify the right title styles for their essays.

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  2. Can an essay title be a question and does it need punctuation?

    So as you can see, questions can serve as effective essay titles. Unless your instructor's particular rules or style guide explicitly disallows it, you should have no trouble with a question mark ...

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    Keep it simple, short, and punchy. Be creative. Be specific. Use active verbs. Include a number if possible. Avoid abbreviations. Essay writing can sometimes be daunting for many students, especially those doing it for the first time. But it can be more challenging when it comes to writing the title. The title can mean the difference between ...


    4. Write a title that is a question beginning with How or Why. 5. Write a title that is a question beginning with Is/Are, Do/Does, or Will. 6. Pick out of the essay some concrete image—something the reader can hear, see, taste, smell, or feel—to use as a title. 7. Pick another concrete image out of the essay.

  5. How to Title an Essay: Tips and Examples

    Ask a Question - To write essay title that is strong, consider asking a question. But, use it with caution because posing a question will make your tone less formal. ... In contrast, first, look at weak essay title ideas that can break your paper. This should serve as an example of why your heading should not be like this: Ex 1: 'How Television ...

  6. Can an Essay Title be a Question? How to Write Good Titles

    An essay title can be a question if it is well-framed to suit the topic that one is writing about. The question should be relevant to the arguments made in the essay and reflective of the thesis that the writer proposes to prove. However, if the essay is more argumentative or persuasive, it is advisable to use a statement that summarizes the thesis.

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    4. Write a title that is a question beginning with How or Why. 5. Write a title that is a question beginning with Is/Are, Do/Does, or Will. 6. Pick out of the essay some concrete image—something the reader can hear, see, taste, smell, or feel—to use as a title. 7. Pick another concrete image out of the essay.

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    Can an Essay Title Be a Question. It is perfectly okay for an essay title to be a question. In fact, many opine that such essays get more readers because they will want to know the answer and therefore become interested in reading your piece. However, it must be perfectly framed, thought-provoking, and engaging.

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    Writing effective headings. Although similar, headings are not the same as titles. Headings head paragraphs and help structure a document. Effective headings make your paper easily scannable. Common high level headings in dissertations and research papers are "Methods", "Research results", and "Discussion". Lower level headings are ...

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    The most common and basic technique is to get a title from the summary of your essay. A writer can summarize the entire essay or the central idea and thesis statement in three words and write a title. This can be a title by putting it in a headline, inserting a colon, and stating the purpose of your essay. 7.

  11. APA Style 6th Edition Blog: Five Steps to a Great Title

    If your attempts to create a summarizing title have produced a five-line manifesto, try to pare it down to the essentials. Keep in mind that 12 words is a guideline, not a hard ceiling. A great title includes only words that contribute meaning. Phrases such as "A Study of," "An Experimental Investigation of," or "The Results of" are ...

  12. How to Title an Essay: Tips and Examples

    To create an effective title, consider the following tips: Brainstorm Ideas: Begin by brainstorming keywords, phrases, and concepts related to your essay topic. Explore different angles and perspectives that encapsulate the essence of your argument or analysis. Consider the Audience: Reflect on your target audience and their interests ...

  13. Can a Title of an Essay Be a Question? An Expert Answer

    Instead, your title can be about the effects of unemployment among the youth. A superb title is also interesting and debatable. You don't want a boring topic that sounds like you aren't a creative student. Writing Question Essay Titles: How to Do It Properly. At times, it isn't easy to write titles as questions. However, you shouldn't ...

  14. PDF Writing a Great Title

    Writing a Great Title. • A title contributes to the argument developed in the rest of the essay. By identifying the topic, argument, and method of the essay, a strong title begins the work of informing and/or convincing readers. • A strong title indicates to your instructor/marker that you have understood the question and the concepts.

  15. How to Write a Strong Title for an Argumentative Essay: 14 Steps

    Try to create a title that is both short and sweet. 5. Make a pun or use a famous saying. One way you can lead into your essay is to play with your words. For instance, make a pun. Another way is to use a famous quote, poem, or song to lead into your title.

  16. Can Essay Titles Be Questions? Click To Clear The Confusion

    Conclusion. Using a question as the title of an essay can make readers interested and help the writer stay focused on the main topic. However, the question needs to be specific enough to give the essay a clear direction while also leaving room for further exploration and analysis. By exploring professional essay writers online, you can order ...

  17. Can a research paper title be a question?

    1 Answer to this question. Answer: Ideally, the title of your research paper should be more informative so that it attracts the attention of the readers. It should provide more information about your research and the main outcome that you have achieved. It is not advisable to have a question as the title of your paper as it is the first thing ...

  18. How to Title an Argumentative Essay

    Organize the title effectively: Structure your title in a way that clearly presents the main focus or argument of your essay. Use keywords or key phrases strategically to capture the essence of your argument. Proofread and revise: After crafting a draft title, review and revise it to ensure clarity and conciseness.

  19. academic writing

    As an article in the APA Style Blog explains, a title should not be a question: A great title gives away the ending. If your title is in the form of a yes-no question, try rephrasing it so that the question is answered or the answer at least alluded to. This primes the reader for deeper comprehension.

  20. Can section headings be questions for APA format?

    It would be perfectly acceptable to change 'What is Lyme disease?' to 'Lyme Disease: A Definition'. Do not, however, put a period/full stop after a Level 1 heading ('What Is Lyme Disease.'), or leave a question mark off the question-form heading ('What Is Lyme Disease'). Note also the convention of using Title Case for APA headings.

  21. Using A Question As A Title For Your Essay: Things To Know

    How To Use A Question As An Essay Title: Solid Advice. Many students ask whether it's possible to use an interrogative sentence in an essay title. A great number of already published books and other papers prove that it's absolutely normal practice. Another concern of students is the issue of appropriate punctuation, namely whether they ...

  22. Can Essay Titles be Questions? (Tips to Write a Good Essay Title)

    Creating a title that makes the reader clear about the essay content is much more important. But a lot of students have an issue thinking of a good title for the essay. So this article will let you know a few tips for Writing a good essay title that can also be a question.

  23. Can A Title Of An Essay Be A Question?

    By Oliver Jack. Yes, the title of an essay can be a question if it is well-structured or placed in a title in the correct order. It is preferred to use a question-based essay title if the essay can have an interrogative or narrative thesis statement. So the students who worry about can a title of an essay be a question or not should relax now.

  24. Choose Good Titles for Essays and Make Them Sound Great

    Can A Title Be A Question For Essays? There are many styles employed in the structuring of essay titles. Different authors will use whichever style that befits their article and is conversational. They prefer to remain in their comfort zones and use conventional statement titles. In fact, the format is left for you to determine.