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क्रिस्टोफर रिव्यू: मामूट्टी की कॉप थ्रिलर में कोई ख़ास मज़ा नहीं है, बस कैरेक्टर्स की एक लंबी लिस्ट है

एक ऐसी फिल्म, जिसमें महिलाओं को न्याय से वंचित करना उसका मुख्य विषय है, उसमें क्रिस्टोफर उनके अस्तित्व के प्रति असभ्य व्यवहार करता है..

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कानून को अपने हाथ में लेने की अवधारणा को कई फिल्मों में फिर से दिखाया गया है. मामूट्टी की क्रिस्टोफर फिल्म, निर्देशक बी. उन्नीकृष्णन का लेखक उदयकृष्ण के साथ दूसरा कोलैबोरेशन, उस संबंध में अलग नहीं है.

क्रिस्टोफर एक एक्शन थ्रिलर है जो ‘एक सतर्क पुलिस वाले की जीवनी’ को दस्तावेजीकरण करने का दावा करती है. लेकिन भयावह मुठभेड़ हत्याओं को ग्राफिक रूप में परेशान करने वाले तरीके से फिल्माया गया है जिसे देखना चुनौतीपूर्ण साबित हो सकता है.

मामूट्टी, जो क्रिस्टोफर नाम के एक पुलिस अधिकारी की भूमिका निभाते हैं, किसी को भी अचानक गोली मार देते हैं क्योंकि उनका मानना है कि सिस्टम त्रुटिपूर्ण है और बड़े पैमाने पर बदलाव की जरूरत है. वह एक एनकाउंटर स्पेशलिस्ट हैं, जो महिलाओं के खिलाफ अपराध की रोकथाम विभाग (डीपीसीएडब्लू) के प्रमुख भी हैं. हर बार जब उन्हें लगता है कि यौन उत्पीड़न के आरोपी व्यक्ति को सजा नहीं मिलेगी, तो वह मोर्चा संभालते हैं और उन्हें मार गिराते हैं. फिल्म के शरूआत के आधे घंटे के भीतर, वह एक महिला के साथ बलात्कार और हत्या के आरोपी चार युवकों को गोली मार देते हैं. इसके तुरंत बाद, ‘मुठभेड़’ की जांच के लिए एक समिति गठित की जाती है.

अधिकांश फ्रेम, चाहे प्लॉट की आवश्यकता हो या नहीं, मामूट्टी पर केंद्रित हैं. कई निर्देशक अपने प्रमुख पुरुषों के स्टारडम के शिकार हो जाते हैं और उन्नीकृष्णन इसी तरह दिग्गज स्टार पर भरोसा करते हैं, भले ही कहानी खिड़की से बाहर फेंक दी गई हो.

जहां फिल्म का पहला भाग एक अच्छे थ्रिलर की झलक पेश करता है, वहीं दूसरा भाग काफी हद तक अनुमानित है. यह अभी भी ठीक होता अगर कहानी पूरी तरह से औसत दर्जे की नहीं होती और क्रियान्वयन घटिया होता.

अच्छी पत्रकारिता मायने रखती है, संकटकाल में तो और भी अधिक

दिप्रिंट आपके लिए ले कर आता है कहानियां जो आपको पढ़नी चाहिए, वो भी वहां से जहां वे हो रही हैं

हम इसे तभी जारी रख सकते हैं अगर आप हमारी रिपोर्टिंग, लेखन और तस्वीरों के लिए हमारा सहयोग करें.

अभी सब्सक्राइब करें

महिला कैरेक्टर- आईपीएस अधिकारी सुलेखा (अमाला पॉल), कार्यकर्ता अमीना (ऐश्वर्या लक्ष्मी), और गृह सचिव बीना (स्नेहा) – टोकन सेवा के लिए कम हो जाती हैं. क्रिस्टोफर महिलाओं का आदमी है, वो ऐसा नहीं है जो महिला पात्रों को चमकने में मदद करता है. चरित्र-चित्रण को भूल जाइए, फिल्म उन्हें पहला मौका मिलने पर उनसे छुटकारा पा लेती है. एक ऐसी फिल्म, जिसमें महिलाओं को न्याय से वंचित करना उसका मुख्य विषय है, उसमें क्रिस्टोफर उनके अस्तित्व के प्रति असभ्य व्यवहार करता है.

महिलाओं के खिलाफ अपराध और कस्टडी में हत्याएं फिल्म का एक सतत खाका है. एक पड़ाव के बाद, आप मुठभेड़ों की संख्या का ट्रैक खो सकते हैं. लेकिन पलक झपकते ही इस तरह के चरम उपाय करने की प्रेरणा अंत तक अस्पष्ट रहती है.

मलयालम सुपरस्टार की पिछली रिलीज़ – रोर्स्चच् और नानपकल नेराथु मयक्कम – के अनुसार मामूट्टी ने अप्रत्याशित और रोमांचक कहानियों के साथ अपने प्रशंसकों को चौंकाने की आदत विकसित की है। लेकिन क्रिस्टोफर वह मजेदार सरप्राइज नहीं है जिसकी कोई उम्मीद करेगा.

यह भी पढ़ें:  अगले 10 साल में भारत 6.5% की आर्थिक वृद्धि तभी हासिल कर सकता है जब कुछ प्रमुख नीतिगत बदलाव करे

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christopher movie review in hindi

Christopher movie review: A wake-up call after three lovely Mammootty starrers…

… lest Puzhu, Rorschach and Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam caused anyone to assume that the Big M is now fully committed to original thinkers making out-of-the-box films.

Christopher movie review: A wake-up call after three lovely Mammootty starrers…

Cast: Mammootty, Amala Paul, Sneha, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Vinay Rai, Shine Tom Chacko, Remya Suresh, Siddique, Vinitha Koshy, Jinu Joseph, Deepak Parambol

Director: Unnikrishnan B.

Language: Malayalam

The past year has felt like bliss for anyone who remains invested in Mammootty’s continuing potential for brilliance and has lamented the number of formulaic, over-the-top, men-centric, regressive, anti-women films crowding his filmography in the past three decades. The back-to-back release of Ratheena’s Puzhu , Nisam Basheer’s Rorschach and Lijo Jose Pellissery’s Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam held out the hope that at long last, the Big M has fully committed himself to original thinkers making out-of-the-box cinema. The hope shone bright even though women artistes who look young enough to be his daughters were cast as wife and sister to the male lead in each of these films too. The hope came from their themes and under-statedness.

Like the primary character in Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam who wakes from a slumber to enter a whole new reality, this week serves as a wake-up call for optimists among Mammukka-gazers. How else does one describe the new film Christopher ?

Directed by Unnikrishnan B., written by Udaykrishna and starring Mammootty as a policeman for the millionth time in his career, Christopher is not only packed with clichés and established formulae, it is also an all-out ode to extra-judicial executions and police vigilantism. A celebration of encounter killings by police personnel is not new to commercial Indian cinema, but this film goes several steps ahead of most. Here, the titular hero is not merely a hot head or an honest individual frustrated with a corrupt, inefficient system that does not deliver justice. He is the toast of the media, the citizenry and the filmmaker. The entire Kerala police force – apart from a few individuals – seems to collaborate with him to finish off criminals. And ultimately (not that this film deserves a spoiler alert, but here you go: spoiler alert for the rest of the paragraph) we realise that he has the support of even the top echelons of the government. So confident is he of this backing that at one point he goes so far as to shoot a criminal in an open space in the presence of the police while a large media contingent watches. (Spoiler alert ends)

Christopher is a saviour of women. Characters in the film who condemn his conduct are either criminals, or corrupt politicians, police and bureaucrats, or later change their minds about him. The only person who fits none of the above slots is a lone figure on a TV news channel debate, but he barely gets a few seconds of screen time.

This is not to say that the public in India has never salaamed town square justice. The most widely reported of such recent episodes came after the rape and murder of a veterinarian in Hyderabad in 2019. When the accused were shot dead shortly thereafter by the police who claimed that they did so in self-defence, the din of congratulations on the social media was deafening. Voices of reason were shushed for pointing out that a thorough investigation had not yet been conducted, the dead men’s guilt had not been proven and privileged folk on SM were celebrating only because the accused came from socio-economic backgrounds that ensured they would not be counted as “one of us”. Christopher is not a true-to-life chronicle of this reality, it is a member of the mob. And in its bid for populist appeal, it gets its leading man to do what even famed ‘encounter specialists’ in the real world do not.

Mammukka’s Christopher does not just zero in on “the other” who have no one but activists to speak for them: the faceless poor, nameless tribals, members of various marginalised groups. He does not necessarily bother to hide his crimes. Unlike the actual public, the public in this film display no hypocrisy – they cheer Christopher equally whether the person who he exterminates is poor, middle class or rich, well-known or obscure.

Through all this of course, as is the case with all police dramas starring Mammootty, his swag is never disrupted. Loud signature tune accompanying his entry on screen each time – check. Slow motion exit from vehicles – check. Impeccable wardrobe – check. Since small mercies are all that can be expected from such cinema, I guess I am grateful that he is not incessantly shown walking into the camera in slow motion in Christopher , nor does the camera constantly zoom in on his shoes, sunglasses and pants as it has in numerous films before this one.

It goes without saying that the actor playing the central character’s ex-wife in this film (Sneha) looks as if she could well be Mammootty’s child. Women dot the narrative possibly to avoid accusations that there are no women of worth in the storyline. A fine talent like Aishwarya Lekshmi is wasted in a marginal part. Amala Paul, however, has as significant a role as a human being who is not Mammootty can possibly have in a Mammootty cop saga. Of course her existence in the script too revolves around Him. Still, another small mercy, I guess: Christopher does not erase women completely unlike others of its ilk. And while we are listing those, here’s yet another: Christopher is not screamingly loud and bombastic like the director’s last film, Aaraattu starring Mohanlal, nor crass like the one before that, Kodathi Samaksham Balan Vakeel starring Dileep. Imagine how bad a situation must be if these are the best things that can be said about a film.

One of the nice developments of the past year has been that Mammootty is camouflaging his age a little less than he earlier was. In this film he even has a touch of white in his hair and moustache. There is of course a double standard in increasingly acknowledging your advancing years yet denying space to your female contemporaries to star as your lover and sibling in films. Well, at least this baby step is a relief. Regrettably it comes in a film revisiting a tired, tried and tested template. Christopher is dull. Even Mammootty seems to think so – that could be one logical explanation for why his expression barely changes throughout the film.

But seriously… while Mammootty’s character has a painful past, the effort to portray the man’s pain and emotional weariness comes across more as the actor’s own fatigue and boredom. I get it, Mammukka. I almost dozed off while watching Christopher .

Rating: 0.5 (out of 5 stars)  

This review was first published in February 2023 when Christopher was released in theatres. The film is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.  

Anna M.M. Vetticad is an award-winning journalist and author of The Adventures of an Intrepid Film Critic. She specialises in the intersection of cinema with feminist and other socio-political concerns. Twitter: @annavetticad, Instagram: @annammvetticad, Facebook: AnnaMMVetticadOfficial

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Christopher Movie Review: Mammootty’s cop vigilante film is old wine in a broken bottle

Director b unnikrishnan and writer udaykrishna have put together christopher, which was touted as a crime thriller. unfortunately, the story and screenplay of this film are poorly written, as is the character of the hero, says our review..

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  • Mammootty plays a vigilante cop in this film.
  • The film becomes very predictable after the first 30 minutes.
  • This is B Unnikrishnan and Udaykrishna's third film together as a team.

Directed by B Unnikrishnan and written by Udaykrishna, Christopher, seems to be inspired from Kamal Haasan’s recent Vikram and Hollywood’s The Equalizer franchise, where a cop becomes a vigilante and delivers justice by taking the law into his own hands. Mammootty, starring as Christopher Anthony in this film, is a cop vigilante too, with a specific purpose of delivering justice to women in society. We also meet Sitaram Trimurthi (Vinay Rai), who ends up becoming Christopher’s arch nemesis and, in fact, this is how the film starts.

Senior IPS official Christopher is suspended due to several encounter killings and fellow police officer ACP Sulekha (Amala Paul) is asked to conduct an investigation by the Kerala Chief Minister (Siddique) and Home Secretary Beena Mariam (Sneha). As Sulekha starts to investigate Christopher, we discover the biography of this vigilante cop, which is also the tagline of the film. Though society is with Christopher and believes he has delivered justice to those women who were brutally raped and murdered, is that right? Is Christopher justified in these encounter killings or is he a murderer? What is the motivation behind these encounter killings?

B Unnikrishnan and Udaykrishna seem to lack creativity as far as this story is concerned and while it is touted as an action thriller, it is not. The story of this film is not new to Indian cinema or even Malayalam cinema. The story of vigilante cop Christopher is similar to any other - the protagonist goes through severe emotional trauma as a child due to a horrendous event and this manifests in a different form as he grows older. The vigilante hero takes the law into his own hands, but he is a do-gooder rather than a destructive force in society. And society in turn celebrates whatever the vigilante hero does and doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong, because they see the police as being inefficient and corrupt.

The story just unfolds itself pretty much in the first half an hour and becomes very predictable. There is no hook to engage the audience nor any twist and turn that leaves us surprised. The villain also doesn’t offer anything to the viewer and is quite cliched.

READ I Bheeshma Parvam to Paappan, a look at the top 10 Malayalam films in 2022 at Kerala box office

When Malayalam star Mammootty is part of a film, one expects fireworks in terms of the screenplay, the performances and story. This role was a cakewalk for Mammootty because he had a stoic expression throughout the film – except in one scene where he shed a few tears. He didn’t have to really put on his acting hat for this role, since there was hardly anything for him to do except be stylish, swagger around and shoot some guys. It is disappointing that a performer of his caliber and talent has been wasted in such a flat role.

As for the other actors, there are so many well-known ones in this film, including Vinay Rai, Amala Paul, Sneha, Siddique, Asihwarya Lekshmi, Sarath Kumar, Shine Tom Chacko and Dileep Pothan. Many of them have pretty insignificant roles except for Amala Paul and Sneha, to an extent. Vinay Rai made his debut in Malayalam with his film and one hopes he doesn’t end up getting stereotyped as the baddie in future Malayalam films, as he has in Tamil cinema.

The BGM by Justin Varghese gets too jarring at times and it seems to revolve around elevating Mammootty's star image every time he comes on screen. Cinematographer Faiz Siddiq’s visuals are OK, as is the editing. Had the script been better and the movie's run time shorter, Christopher would have been far more entertaining.

Rating: 2.5 stars on 5 Published By: Latha Srinivasan Published On: Feb 9, 2023 --- ENDS --- ALSOP READ | Mammootty’s Christopher cleared with UA certificate, to hit screens on Feb 9


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'Christopher' movie review: Unnikrishnan-Udayakrishna deliver a pretty engaging thriller

Princy Alexander

Mammootty's phenomenal return in 2022 were marked by some hit films, including 'Bheeshma Parvam' and 'Rorschach'. His willingness to tap and reinvent on his style, has made him even more appealing to his fans today. In 'Christopher' too, which is Mammootty's second outing with director B Unnikrishnan, this style has not been compromised. However, 'Christopher' is not that type of stylish film that depends solely on the heroics of the actor. The subject itself is quite serious and reflects on today's times as it revolves around a vigilante cop who investigates a series of crimes involving women.

He has a tragic backstory that makes him very impatient with criminals, especially those who commit heinous crimes on women. Though many hail him as a hero, an inquiry by police officer Sulekha (Amala Paul) is launched to rein in on his vigilante ways. The movie moves forward in this direction. Though he can be ruthless, Christopher does not wield his gun at every occasion. He is calculative, yet meticulous and in control of the situation, just like a daring cop would be. Mammootty infuses life into this character, though there is nothing really challenging for him to do, except in a few action scenes. The rest, including the emotions that he displays, comes easily to him.

Some of the dialogues, like 'Thokkinte Munbil Enthu Trimurthi, Kaanji Valichal Unda Kayarum' (What significance does Trimurthi have in front of a gun), is mass and reminds you of Neyyatinkara Gopan's mass dialogue 'Nenu Chaala Dangerous' in 'Aaraattu', which was also written by Udayakrishna.

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The first half of the movie, like any decent investigation thriller, is really engaging. More than the suspense, the writer Udayakrishna has focused on building a good narrative by connecting all the dots. To an extent, this makes the film quite predictable, especially since by then, we are aware of the type of criminals under Christopher's radar.

Since the situations and characters have been fleshed out quite well, we won't complain. The slow motion scenes and the repetitive pattern of the crimes, which were included in the second half, results in a lag. Too many characters and scenes did impact the smooth flow of the film at times, though the makers balanced it with some impressive twists.

christopher movie review in hindi

Unnikrishnan and Udayakrishna's previous work 'Aarattu', which featured Mohanlal in the lead, had not really gone down well with the audience, but this time, they have managed to pull off a pretty decent thriller, that is quite relatable to the audience. A mother's emotion when her daughter is raped and killed and a father's helplessness when their daughter becomes a victim of an acid attack, touches you profoundly.

The performances by all the main characters, including Amala Paul, Sneha, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Vinay Rai, Remya Suresh, Nitin Thomas are also spot on. This is Tamil actor Vinay Rai's debut in Mollywood and he manages to play an effective villain in the movie.

Christopher's entry and the BGM used to elevate the scene bears a slight resemblance to Sethurama Iyer's iconic entry in the CBI series. The music by Justin Varghese complements the movie in many places, though at times, the background score seemed complicated for the scene.

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'Christopher' movie review: Vigilante thriller benefits from much-welcome restraint

Mammootty in 'Christopher'.

It’s a relief when a B Unnikrishnan film, that too one scripted by Udayakrishna, turns out to be... not bad! Considering the last film of the former, and the last two films of the latter, I went into Christopher with zero expectations, but I’m glad to report that the film sees both names return to form. Perhaps not having any expectations contributed to my appreciation of it, warts and all.

At its core, Christopher embodies the spirit of many vintage vigilante films, such as Death Wish, some of the notable (for the right and wrong reasons) titles from Malayalam that starred Mammootty in the 80s, or Shaji Kailas’ early work. This means the slightly unsubtle aspects that accompany many a superstar-driven thriller can be found in Christopher too. But one has to see this film for what it is—a commercial entertainer—but, unlike with Aaraattu, the makers don’t use tags like ‘unrealistic entertainment’ as an excuse here to mask its flaws or go overboard with the material. Its sensibilities were apparent from the promos.

Mammootty plays Christopher, the head of a department that handles crimes against women. A deeply traumatising personal tragedy shaped his origin story. So it’s fitting the film opens with him sitting next to a hospital bed, distraught at the state of a survivor of sexual violence, and later exacting retribution for her and her murdered female friend.

And since this is not the only instance of rape in the film, the trigger warning goes without saying. The multiple depictions, one of which recalls the haunting Nirbhaya incident, are upsetting; thankfully, they are brief, not needlessly prolonged or shot with an exploitative gaze—issues in the Malayalam films of the 80s and 90s. In terms of its violent content, Christopher, which is fittingly rated U/A, is closer in tone to Gautham Menon’s Vettaiyadu Vilayadu. I saw a woman with a kid sitting next to me, and I’m not sure bringing the child to a film with the constant threat of sexual violence in the air was a good idea.

As for the adult viewers, I have to add that whatever we see in the film is relatively tame compared to the extreme content on most violent shows and movies, even the popular ones, that air on major OTT platforms today. It occasionally feels like Christopher is relentless in its focus on only one kind of crime—and it makes sense given its protagonist’s past—but it also seeks justice for other forms of violence against women.

That said, having a character like Christopher helps because he becomes a vessel through whom we can vicariously vent our anger at society’s ills. The legal maxim “Justice delayed is justice denied” is the foundation upon which the film is built. The vigilante cop gets celebrated on social media and television channels. The movie makes it clear whose side it is on and whether it’s right or not depends from person to person. You could start debates on this, but sometimes films can be all about entertainment and entertainment only—and, of course, catharsis!

However, I wish the paybacks carried more punch instead of a quick bullet in the back, considering the brutality the victims suffer. But I guess it wouldn’t be possible to realise everything on screen when catering to a wide-scale audience.  Mammootty, who has had considerable experience playing the saviour in numerous films, is apt for the part of a seasoned, brooding police official whose path would’ve been on the other side of the law had it not been for the timely benevolence and mentorship of a veteran cop (Sarath Kumar in a flashback cameo). The makers bring a lot of admirable restraint to this character. I couldn’t help but remember Mammootty’s iconic GK from New Delhi (1987). Christopher is rarely prone to outbursts, but at the same time, he is not above saying cheesy lines like, “I’m the Samhara Murthy (lord of destruction)” while talking to a villain who also has a ‘Murthy’ in his name.

Out of the principal female characters, Amala Paul stands out as a cop with her own traumatic past. She imbues her character with the right amount of style and dignity. Aishwarya Lekshmi doesn’t get to do much but becomes a character pivotal to Christopher’s journey later. Sneha, as an IAS officer, delivers the weakest performance.

Shine Tom Chacko plays a corrupt cop whose personality mirrors the jittery, restless actor during his recent interviews. But he gets a couple of funny lines that moderately amused the audience.One of my minor gripes about the film is that it falters a bit when it tries to bring in mass elements, which proves ineffective. It is at its best during the quieter, more contemplative moments. The slightly repetitive slow motion, speed-cranking, and background score intrusion to make the character look cool wears you down after a point.

I liked some neat touches in the character detailing, though, such as the comforting tap on the arm—which Christopher inherited from Sarath Kumar’s character—when interacting with a survivor. I also appreciated the anamorphic canvas (as seen in Lucifer), which helps lend a sense of scale owing to this format’s ability to accommodate more details which wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.

Christopher once again proves that the thriller genre is B Unnikrishnan’s strong forte —his most restrained and engaging film since Villain, even if not all of it satisfies. With Aaraattu, I was exhausted after the first 90 mins. That’s not the case with Christopher, which retained my undivided attention for its entirety.

Film: Christopher Director: B Unnikrishnan Cast: Mammootty, Amala Paul, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Sneha, Shine Tom Chacko

Rating: 3/5 stars

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Absolutely no one wants to see a series of gory rape scenes spread throughout the movie

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P ARUN 13 389 days ago

Awesome movie

User 171 413 days ago

User pt 414 days ago.

Very nice movie, and wonderful actions, totally it's amazing

User Sasi 34 414 days ago

Awesome Movie..Whatever I have read reviews in this platform tht is from Mammooty haters.Only real moviefans doesn&rsquo;t write like this utter waste reviews.This is the movie the viewers should watch.Recent trends of rapes, investigations and conclusions everything&rsquo;s has included in this film &hellip;Communist thy won&rsquo;t entertain this type of movie which is affecting their teams&hellip;Tht is the reason it doesn&rsquo;t come as blockbuster..Anyway hats of mammokka and Unnikrishnan sir.The boys/Mens can&rsquo;t understand the pain/motive of this movie.(I&rsquo;m not sure and not everyone too��).TRUTH IS JUST CONSTRUST.Review from the bottom of the heart..Love it and watch it&hellip;<br/>Tq

Nnowshad Nowshad 427 days ago

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Christopher: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast

  • Release Date 9 February 2023
  • Language Malayalam
  • Genre Action, Drama, Thriller
  • Duration 2h 30min
  • Cast Aishwarya Lekshmi, Mammootty, Amala Paul, Sneha, Dileesh Pothan, R. Sarathkumar, Shine Tom Chacko, Siddique, Remya Suresh, Vinay Rai, Jinu Joseph, Kalesh Kalakkodu, Nitin Thomas
  • Director B. Unnikrishnan
  • Writer Udaykrishnan
  • Cinematography Faiz Siddik
  • Music Justin Varghese
  • Producer Aroma Mohan
  • Production RD Illuminations
  • Certificate U/A

About Christopher Movie (2023)

Christopher (Mammootty) is a maverick vigilante cop who is forced to cross the limits of the law when the system fails. He weaves across the past and present, while navigating the motives and moral bruises that shape his actions.

Christopher Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings

Christopher Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings


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Christopher Malayalam Movie

Christopher is a 2023 Indian movie directed by B. Unnikrishnan starring Mammootty, Vinay Rai, Sneha and Amala Paul. Music for the Movie is composed by Justin Varghese.

Director: B. Unnikrishnan Production Company: R. D. Illuminations Music Director: Justin Varghese Sound Designer: Nithin Lukose Cinematographer: Faiz Siddik Editor: Manoj Art Designer: Shaji Naduvil Screenplay Writer: Udayakrishna Action Choregraphers: Supreme Sundar, Mafia Sasi , Vicky

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Christopher OTT release: When, where to watch Mammootty starrer online

The ott release date for mammootty-starrer christopher has been revealed. know when and where to watch this mammootty starrer online in malayalam, tamil, telugu and hindi..

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Christopher is a Malayalam-language crime-drama film released in theaters on February 9. Athough the makers of the film have not released the official box office collection figures, it has done fairly well on the big screen. The film stars megastar Mammootty in the titular role and it is all set to release on OTT platforms after its box office run.

Alongside Mammootty, Christopher stars Amala Paul, Sneha, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Vinay Rai, Shine Tom Chacko, and Remya Suresh in important roles.

If you want to watch the film, you should know that its OTT release date in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi has been revealed. Know where to watch the Christopher OTT release online.

Christopher: Plot

The film is a crime-action thriller that takes place in the state of Kerala. It revolves around Christopher, portrayed by Mammootty, who is a cop that takes matters into his own hands when the justice system fails to help those in need. The captivating storyline jumps back and forth between past and present events, gradually uncovering shocking secrets and motivations that drive Christopher's behaviour and moral struggles.

Now just a month after its theatrical release, Christopher is taking the OTT route and will be releasing on OTT streaming platforms.

Christopher OTT release

Christopher will premiere on Amazon Prime Video in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi on March 9. In anticipation of the OTT release, the Twitter account of Amazon Prime Video India tweeted, “When the system fails, you gotta step up to take charge! #ChristopherOnPrime, Mar 9 available in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi”

You can watch it online from the comfort of your home as long as you have a subscription to the platform. The best way to do that is by choosing the Rs. 1499 per year plan of the Amazon Prime Video. You get Amazon Prime, Prime Video and Amazon Music subscription, all combined with this plan.

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सिनेमा, एक ऐसी दुनिया जहां हर शुक्रवार को 'भगवान' बदल जाते हैं। अपने फेवरेट एक्‍टर, एक्‍ट्रेस और डायरेक्‍टर्स की फिल्‍मों रेटिंग पर रखें नजर। किसी फिल्‍म में क्‍या अच्‍छा है और क्‍या बुरा, 'मूवी रिव्‍यू' में जानिए बिना किसी पक्ष-विपक्ष के सटीक एनालिस‍िस, हमारे सबसे बेहतरीन फिल्‍म समीक्षकों की नजर से।

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Ruslaan Movie Review: Aayush Sharma Packs In Kicks & Punches In A Spy Thriller With Hits & Misses

The movie takes time to build up in the first 45 minutes, but we're kept hooked on the mystery surrounding a terrorist named kasim..

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Star Cast: Aayush Sharma, Jagapathi Babu, Sushrii Mishraa, Vidya Malavade

Director: Karan L Butani

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What’s Good: The spy action thriller doesn’t delve on hatred

What’s Bad: The story’s pace

Loo Break: Whenever you feel the narrative isn’t progressing much

Watch or Not?: If you want to see Aayush Sharma in action

Language: Hindi

Available On: Theatrical release

Runtime: 139 Minutes

The story begins in 2004, when a young Ruslaan watches his parents die before his eyes. His father is accused of conspiring in a bomb blast at a school in Mumbai. Ruslaan is adopted by ATS Chief Sameer Singh (Jagapathi Babu), who leads the encounter mission that killed his father. As a grown-up, Ruslaan (Aayush Sharma) works as a spy for RAW, where Mantra (Vidya Malvade) is his reporting officer. Ruslaan wants to prove that a terrorist’s son is not a terrorist and would do anything to protect his nation. However, things go wrong for him when everyone around him starts doubting his intentions. Will he prove his innocence?

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Ruslaan Movie Review: Script Analysis

The story is written by Shiva, and the screenplay for Karan Lalit Butani’s directorial is penned by Yunus Sajawal, Mohit Srivastava, and Kavin Dave. Amidst the slow-motion fight scenes, we’re constantly reminded that Ruslaan is a true fighter, and loyal to his nation. We learn that Pakistan and China are planning something big that will harm Indians. So, Ruslaan is assigned the mission to gather as much information as possible. Ruslaan’s adoptive father doesn’t want him to join any services, so he secretly works for RAW.

The movie takes time to build up in the first 45 minutes, but we’re kept hooked on the mystery surrounding a terrorist named Kasim. Everyone addresses him as a “ghost” because no one has seen him, but he ensures the job is done. Kasim is a big threat to India. But even the mystery fizzles out due to the slow storytelling, until the lift sequence. The lift fight sequence, where Ruslaan fights to save his friend, is action-packed and entertaining. It’s after this scene that the first twist arrives in the movie.

The interval block is intriguing. It is packed with fast-paced action and suspense, leaving you curious about how Ruslaan will prove his innocence, especially to his father/ATS Chief Sameer Singh. The story again slows down in the second half. From Mumbai, the plot shifts to Azerbaijan, which seldom makes the story intriguing. The writers have thrown easy “challenges” at our protagonist, and he escapes them quickly every time.

Towards the climax, we’re again left wondering about Kasim’s identity. The makers managed to startle me when they revealed Kasim’s real identity. However, the twist makes you question the logic, considering the prominence of this man in the story. The makers tried to make the climax emotional, but struggled a bit. The dialogues regarding patriotism felt clichéd, while the humour fell flat.

Ruslaan Movie Review: Star Performance

Aayush Sharma, as Ruslaan, packs many kicks and punches in the action thriller. The fight scenes featuring him are choreographed well, but they’re not extraordinary. Sushrii Shreya Mishraa plays Sharma’s love interest and pivotal character. The actress supports the story well; however, the romance looks forced. Jagapathi Babu and Vidya Malavade deliver good performances.

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Ruslaan Movie Review: Direction, Music

The story about showing how a terrorist’s son isn’t a terrorist must have sounded like a good idea on paper, but the execution is subpar. However, what I liked about Karan Lalit Butani’s directorial is that it doesn’t go into Pakistan-bashing mode, which often happens in movies where India is under threat. There are no jingoism and preachy deshbhakti discussions that sometimes make movies of this genre appear superficial. The director was aware of Aayush Sharma’s strengths and utilized him well for action scenes.

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The movie’s background music is sometimes bothersome, but the songs are okay. The good thing is that the songs are used in the first half, and we’re saved from the typical route of the hero and heroine romancing to a romantic track in a foreign location while on a crucial mission.

Ruslaan Movie Review: The Last Word

Overall, Ruslaan would have been a solid spy thriller if the pace had been faster and the runtime had been shorter. But the mystery keeps you hooked. The second half felt relatively shallow.

Three Stars!

Ruslaan Trailer

Ruslaan releases on 26th April, 2024.

Share with us your experience of watching Ruslaan.

For more recommendations, read our Silence 2 Review here .

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christopher movie review in hindi

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christopher movie review in hindi

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Challengers Movie Review

Challengers Movie Review: Luca Guadagnino Cements Zendaya As A Mature Film Star In This Steamy Sports Film

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Zendaya, Mike Faist, and Josh O'Connor in Challengers (2024)

Tashi, a former tennis prodigy turned coach, turned her husband into a champion. But to overcome a losing streak, he needs to face his ex-best friend and Tashi's ex-boyfriend. Tashi, a former tennis prodigy turned coach, turned her husband into a champion. But to overcome a losing streak, he needs to face his ex-best friend and Tashi's ex-boyfriend. Tashi, a former tennis prodigy turned coach, turned her husband into a champion. But to overcome a losing streak, he needs to face his ex-best friend and Tashi's ex-boyfriend.

  • Luca Guadagnino
  • Justin Kuritzkes
  • Josh O'Connor
  • 79 User reviews
  • 135 Critic reviews
  • 83 Metascore
  • 1 nomination

Official Trailer

  • Tashi Donaldson

Mike Faist

  • Art Donaldson

Josh O'Connor

  • Patrick Zweig
  • Umpire (New Rochelle Final)

Bryan Doo

  • Art's Physiotherapist

Shane T Harris

  • Art's Security Guard
  • (as a different name)
  • Tashi's Mother
  • Line Judge (New Rochelle Final)
  • TV Sports Commentator (Atlanta 2019)

A.J. Lister

  • Leo Du Marier

Doria Bramante

  • Woman With Headset (Atlanta 2019)

Christine Dye

  • Motel Front Desk Clerk
  • Motel Husband

Kevin Collins

  • New Rochelle Parking Lot Guard
  • USTA Official …
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Taking On "Challengers"

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Did you know

  • Trivia To prepare for her role, Zendaya spent three months with pro tennis player-turned-coach, Brad Gilbert .

Tashi Donaldson : I'm taking such good care of my little white boys.

  • Connections Referenced in OWV Updates: The Seventh OWV Awards - Last Update of 2022 (2022)
  • Soundtracks Time Will Crawl Written and performed by David Bowie

User reviews 79

  • PedroPires90
  • Apr 22, 2024
  • When will Challengers be released? Powered by Alexa
  • April 26, 2024 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official Site
  • Những Kẻ Thách Đấu
  • Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
  • Pascal Pictures
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 11 minutes
  • Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Atmos

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Zendaya, Mike Faist, and Josh O'Connor in Challengers (2024)

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'Kraven the Hunter' pushed to December 2024

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  1. क्रिस्टोफर रिव्यू: मामूट्टी की कॉप थ्रिलर में कोई ख़ास मज़ा नहीं है, बस

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  2. Christopher (2023)

    Christopher: Directed by B. Unnikrishnan. With Mammootty, Vinay Rai, Shine Tom Chacko, Jinu Joseph. A maverick cop is forced to work outside the limits of law, when the system fails.The story weaves across the past and present while revealing the motives that shape his actions.

  3. Christopher (film)

    Christopher is an 2023 Indian Malayalam-language vigilante action thriller film directed and produced by B. Unnikrishnan from a story and script by Udaykrishna. It stars an ensemble cast including Mammootty, Amala Paul and Aishwarya Lekshmi.The film marks the debut of Vinay Rai.The film revolves around the life journey of ADGP Christopher Antony, who uses vigilantism and police encounters to ...

  4. Christopher movie review: A wake-up call after three lovely Mammootty

    A celebration of encounter killings by police personnel is not new to commercial Indian cinema, but this film goes several steps ahead of most. Here, the titular hero is not merely a hot head or an honest individual frustrated with a corrupt, inefficient system that does not deliver justice. He is the toast of the media, the citizenry and the ...

  5. Christopher movie review: Unnikrishnan and Udaykrishna take a step

    Christopher is the head of the Division for Preventing Crime Against Women (DPCAW) and an encounter specialist. As the tagline of the movie suggests, he is a vigilante cop who proudly takes the law into his own hands when he feels like the accused persons in rape/assault cases are likely to go unpunished owing to their financial background and other factors.

  6. Christopher Movie Review: Mammootty's cop vigilante film is old wine in

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  7. 'Christopher' movie review: Mammootty's film is a long, poorly-scripted

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  8. 'Christopher' movie review: Unnikrishnan-Udayakrishna deliver a pretty

    The subject itself is quite serious and reflects on today's times as it revolves around a vigilante cop who investigates a series of crimes involving.christopher movie review. mammotty-unnikrishnan film. christopher movie. christopher release date. b unnikrishnan. mammootty new movie. mammootty poster. vinay rai movies. mollywood. mammootty movies

  9. 'Christopher' movie review: Vigilante thriller benefits from much

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  10. Christopher Movie Review: Typical cop movie showcasing a stylish

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  11. Christopher Movie Review: Even If We Call This One Mammootty Fan

    Christopher Movie Review: Script Analysis. Police officers going out of their way to serve justice to the voiceless is a genre Hindi cinema has juiced out in the commercial space.

  12. Christopher Movie Review: Typical cop movie showcasing a stylish

    Times Of India. The Times of India, , Feb 9, 2023, 05.57 PM IST Critic's Rating: 3.0/5. Story: Christopher is a vigilante cop fighting crimes against women. Review: Mammootty starrer Christopher ...

  13. Christopher Movie: Showtimes, Review, Songs, Trailer, Posters, News

    Christopher Movie Review & Showtimes: Find details of Christopher along with its showtimes, movie review, trailer, teaser, full video songs, showtimes and cast. Mammootty,Amala Paul,Aishwarya ...

  14. Christopher Movie (2023)

    About Christopher Movie (2023) Christopher (Mammootty) is a maverick vigilante cop who is forced to cross the limits of the law when the system fails. He weaves across the past and present, while navigating the motives and moral bruises that shape his actions.

  15. 'Christopher' Twitter review: Check out what netizens are saying about

    Finally the most anticipated Mammootty - B Unnikrishnan's investigative thriller 'Christopher' is out in the theatres and social media is now flooded with early reviews for the movie.

  16. Christopher (2023)

    Christopher Malayalam Movie. Christopher is a 2023 Indian movie directed by B. Unnikrishnan starring Mammootty, Vinay Rai, Sneha and Amala Paul. Music for the Movie is composed by Justin Varghese. The movie does not recognise that a police encounter is a bad thing, because it only proves the failure of the judicial system to deliver its duties.

  17. Christopher OTT release: When, where to watch Mammootty starrer online

    Christopher will premiere on Amazon Prime Video in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi on March 9. In anticipation of the OTT release, the Twitter account of Amazon Prime Video India tweeted, "When the system fails, you gotta step up to take charge! #ChristopherOnPrime, Mar 9 available in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi".

  18. Mammootty-starrer Christopher gets OTT release date

    1x 1.5x 1.8x. Malayalam action thriller Christopher, starring Mammootty in the lead role, is all set for its digital debut. The film, which released in theatres on February 9, will soon start streaming on Amazon Prime Video. The streaming platform announced the OTT release date of Christopher along with a poster of the film.

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  20. Christopher Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed

    Watch the full video to get interesting facts and review of south indian malayalam film Christopher | box office collection | hindi dubbed version updates | ...

  21. Christopher (2023)

    Kindly refresh the page for more entertainment. Christopher (2023), Action Drama Thriller released in Malayalam language in theatre near you in hyderabad. Know about Film reviews, lead cast & crew, photos & video gallery on BookMyShow.

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    Movie Reviews in Hindi: लेटेस्ट Bollywood, Hollywood, Indian Regional Languages फिल्मो की समीक्षा. पढ़े मूवी रिव्यु नवभारत टाइम्स. बॉलीवुड फिल्मो की समीक्षा हिंदी में पढ़े और हॉलीवुड मूवीज़ के ...

  23. Prime Video: Christopher

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    Language: Hindi. Available On: Theatrical release. Runtime: 139 Minutes. User Rating: The story begins in 2004, when a young Ruslaan watches his parents die before his eyes. His father is accused ...

  25. Challengers (2024)

    Challengers: Directed by Luca Guadagnino. With Zendaya, Mike Faist, Josh O'Connor, Darnell Appling. Tashi, a former tennis prodigy turned coach, turned her husband into a champion. But to overcome a losing streak, he needs to face his ex-best friend and Tashi's ex-boyfriend.

  26. 'Kraven the Hunter' pushed to December 2024

    'Kraven the Hunter' with Aaron Taylor-Johnson premieres December 13, 2024, while 'Karate Kid' shifted to May 30. 'They Listen' slated for August 30. Directed by J C Chandor and Chris Weitz ...