
Essay on Responsible Use Of Social Media For Students

Students are often asked to write an essay on Responsible Use Of Social Media For Students in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Responsible Use Of Social Media For Students


Social media is like a big city where we can meet friends, learn new things, and share ideas. But just like a big city, it can also have some risks. So, it’s important for students to use social media responsibly.

Understanding Privacy

Privacy is like a fence that keeps our personal stuff safe. On social media, we must set this fence high. This means not sharing things like our address, school name, or phone number. We should also keep our accounts private and only accept friend requests from people we know.

Respecting Others

Social media is a place where we should treat others kindly, just like in real life. We should not post mean comments or share embarrassing photos of others. If we see someone being bullied, we should tell an adult.

Limiting Screen Time

Just like we shouldn’t eat too much candy, we should also limit our time on social media. Spending too much time can distract us from our studies and outdoor play. Setting a time limit can help us balance our day.

Using social media responsibly means protecting our privacy, respecting others, and limiting our screen time. By doing these things, we can enjoy social media safely and use it to learn and grow.

250 Words Essay on Responsible Use Of Social Media For Students

Social media is a powerful tool that connects people across the world. It is a fun way to share ideas, make friends, and learn new things. But, just like any tool, it should be used responsibly. This is especially true for students.

Use Time Wisely

One of the key parts of using social media responsibly is time management. Students should not spend too much time on social media. It can distract from school work and other important tasks. Setting a time limit for daily social media use can help students stay focused.

Privacy Matters

Privacy is another important aspect. Students should be careful about what they share online. Personal information, like home addresses or phone numbers, should never be posted on social media. It’s also a good idea to use privacy settings to control who can see what you post.

Be Kind Online

Being kind and respectful online is just as important as being kind in person. Students should avoid posting mean or hurtful comments. If someone is being unkind, it’s best to ignore them or report the behavior to an adult.

Lastly, students should be aware that not everything they see on social media is true. It’s important to check facts before believing or sharing information. This helps prevent the spread of false news or rumors.

In conclusion, using social media responsibly means managing time well, protecting privacy, being kind, and checking facts. By doing these things, students can enjoy social media safely and responsibly.

500 Words Essay on Responsible Use Of Social Media For Students

Social media is like a big meeting place where people from all over the world gather to share ideas, thoughts, and experiences. It’s a place where students can learn new things, make friends, and express themselves. But, like any other place, it has rules that people need to follow to keep it safe and enjoyable for everyone. This essay will discuss the responsible use of social media for students.

Understanding Social Media

Social media includes websites and apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. These platforms let us post pictures, videos, and text for others to see. We can also comment on other people’s posts and have conversations with them. It’s a fun and easy way to connect with friends and family, even if they live far away. But, we need to be careful about how we use it.

Safe Sharing

Sharing is a big part of social media. We share our thoughts, our feelings, and our experiences. But not everything is meant to be shared. Some things are private and should stay that way. For example, it’s not a good idea to share your home address, phone number, or other personal information. This can put you at risk. Also, think before you share pictures or videos. Once something is on the internet, it’s hard to take it back. So, make sure it’s something you’re okay with everyone seeing.

Respectful Communication

Social media is a place for conversation. It’s important to remember that the people you’re talking to are real people, even if you can’t see them. That means we should treat them with respect, just like we would in person. Don’t say things that are mean or hurtful. If someone else is being disrespectful, it’s okay to report them or block them. You don’t have to put up with bad behavior.

Time Management

Social media can be a lot of fun, but it can also take up a lot of time. It’s easy to lose track of time when we’re scrolling through posts or chatting with friends. But there are other important things in life too, like schoolwork, hobbies, and spending time with family. It’s important to find a balance. Set limits for how much time you spend on social media each day. And make sure to take breaks. Your eyes and your brain will thank you.

Using social media responsibly means being safe, respectful, and mindful of our time. It’s about understanding the power of our words and actions online. It’s about making good choices and standing up for what’s right. So, let’s use social media in a way that makes the world a better place, not just for us, but for everyone.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Scrolling with intention: the well-being revolution in social media.

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For many people around the world, social media has become an integral part of daily life. Young adults, in particular, use it most frequently. The Datareportal April 2023 global overview shows that 60% of people worldwide use social media, there were 150 million new internet users in the last 12 months, and there are currently 4.80 billion social media users worldwide. On average, 2 hours and 40 minutes daily are spent on social media.

Responsible social media usage is essential to maintaining mental and emotional health. Research continually demonstrates that using social media excessively can harm psychological well-being and increase conditions like stress, anxiety, and depression. On the positive side, social media usage done responsibly can enhance connections, increase self-esteem, and improve a sense of belonging. 

Have you taken a moment to consider the effects of your continuous scrolling on social media? Is there a more deliberate and satisfying approach to navigating the world of likes, shares, and fleeting content? This article will explore how social media affects your well-being and includes practical tips and ethical guidelines on using social media responsibly. 

The impact of social media on well-being

Problematic use of social media has the potential to negatively impact the mental health of an individual. Feelings of inadequacy, envy, and low self-esteem can result from continuously being exposed to carefully chosen and idealized depictions of other people’s lives. Anxiety and feelings of social comparison can worsen the constant search for likes and approval. 

Read more: Does Social Media Make You Happy or Depressed?  

Another worrying problem is cyberbullying since social media creates a forum for hostility and harassment on the internet. Its addicting qualities, the never-ending scrolling, and constant notifications also interfere with sleep cycles and heighten feelings of loneliness . Furthermore, the pressure to uphold an online image that conforms to social norms may cause a rift between a person’s online and offline identities, escalating feelings of isolation. 

In general, social media provides connectivity, but its negative effects on mental health need to be carefully considered and moderated. 

Excessive social media use and mental health issues

Social media and well-being research conducted in 2023 aimed to explore how social media affects young people’s mental health . The results revealed that likes, comments, and followers mattered most to respondents. 

This creates the potential for comparison, envy, and the constant need for validation in an individual, negatively impacting their psychological well-being. Factors influencing feelings and entertainment were crucial, while more pressing concerns like privacy were not deemed as important. 

The study concludes that social media can be both good and bad for mental health, depending on how it’s used and which features are involved. So, young people need to be aware of potential risks and use social media responsibly. 

Another survey in 2022 discovered a significant association between the use of Facebook and a decline in mental health among students. Having access to Facebook at the college level was linked to a 7% rise in severe depression and a 20% increase in anxiety disorders. This shows how irresponsible and excessive use can deteriorate your mental health.

Benefits of responsible social media use

While excessive social media use has its fair share of problems, nobody can deny the benefits they bring to the table. Being responsible on social media has many advantages. For a more balanced view, here are some examples of the benefits of responsible social media use:

Fostering connections

Responsible social media use not only makes individual lives better but also helps create meaningful connections on a larger scale. When people use platforms thoughtfully, they can develop and reinforce both personal and professional relationships. Sharing experiences, ideas, and accomplishments considerately allows people to connect with others who share similar interests, forming a supportive online community. 

Responsible social media use promotes empathy, understanding, and open communication, facilitating connections beyond physical distances. Actively engaging in positive online conversations and contributing to a culture of respect and kindness enables users to build an environment where connections thrive and benefit an individual’s mental health.

Sharing positive experiences

Using social media responsibly isn’t just about avoiding problems; it’s also about sharing good things. When you post about your achievements, happy moments, or stories that inspire you, you can make others feel good, too. 

This helps create a more positive and connected community on the internet. So, being responsible on social media means not only watching out for ourselves but also making the online world a more uplifting and friendly space.

Personal growth

Being responsible on social media can help you grow. When you use social media wisely, focus on the right content, and connect with people who share valuable information, you’ll be exposed to a wealth of knowledge, experiences, opinions, and inspiring stories. 

Social media has become a personal development and self-growth platform where you can find educational content and connect with individuals who inspire you. By sharing your experiences responsibly, you not only promote yourself but also contribute to a positive online environment. 

When used responsibly, social media can be a tool for self-discovery, empowerment, and continuous improvement, transforming your online presence into a source of inspiration and personal development. 

How to balance social media use for well-being

In today’s world, balanced use of social media is very important for your well-being. While social media platforms provide opportunities for forging connections, sharing information, and building communities, overuse can have negative psychological and emotional effects. 

You must maintain a healthy balance by setting boundaries and dedicating time to in-person social engagement. Spend time with your friends and family, do things you enjoy, and take a break from your devices. By paying attention to the time we spend on social media, we can enjoy its benefits and protect our psychological well-being.

Importance of self-awareness

Understanding oneself is the key to maintaining a healthy relationship with social media and overall well-being. Self-awareness allows people to become aware of their limitations, triggers, and emotional responses to online interactions. By understanding your personal values, priorities, and well-being goals, people can make informed decisions about when and how to use social media. 

Read more: Yes, Social Media Productivity is a Thing  

Comparing yourself to others online can impact your mental health negatively, being self-aware helps you avoid that. Finally, by cultivating self-awareness, people can navigate the environment clearly and ensure that social media enriches their lifestyle rather than getting in the way of their well-being.

Importance of setting boundaries

Setting boundaries when using social media to improve your psychological well-being is important, especially in deciding what time is spent on social media and what content you watch. Limiting online content this way helps prevent the negative effects of excessive screen time, such as stress and fatigue. 

Setting limits on social media also allows you to spend your time doing things that you enjoy offline, like spending time with friends and family. Boundaries can also prevent mental stress and psychological well-being by reducing comparison, jealousy, and the need for constant validation from online interactions.

Accepting and being mindful of one’s digital limitations contributes positively to an individual’s overall well-being.

Read more: Digital Detox: Striking a Balance Between Virtual Real-Life Identity for Improved Well-Being  

Using social media ethically

To protect your well-being and online relationships, it is important to exercise ethical behaviors when browsing the broad social media landscape. Following some of these guidelines will help you have a better interaction with social media:

  • Limit screen time : Limit social media use to avoid excessive screen time, reducing stress, sleep issues, mental health concerns, work-life imbalance, and social comparison.
  • Be mindful of content : Opt for uplifting content; unfollow or mute accounts promoting negativity or unrealistic standards.
  • Balance online and offline life : Maintain a healthy balance between online and offline activities. Invest time in face-to-face relationships, hobbies, and real-life moments.
  • Respect and maintain privacy : Respect privacy by seeking consent before sharing personal info or images. Be mindful of friends and family boundaries in your posts and prioritize your privacy.
  • Verify information : Verify information before sharing to prevent misinformation. Contribute to a positive online environment with reliable and credible content.
  • Practice empathy : Show empathy online, recognizing diverse perspectives. Avoid hurtful comments, and aim for a supportive online community.
  • Take breaks : Take breaks from social media for mental well-being. Use the time for activities that bring joy and relaxation.
  • Promote positivity : Promote positivity online by sharing uplifting content, supporting others, and celebrating achievements to build a sense of community, not competition.

By following these guidelines, individuals can utilize social media in a manner that conforms to ethical standards, contributing to a beneficial impact on their overall health and well-being.

Read more: Altruism in the Digital Age: Examining Prosocial Behavior in Social Media  

Teaching responsible social media use to children

In today’s age, social media has a huge impact on children. Beyond safety concerns, teaching them to use social media responsibly is important for shaping their future. 

Healthy habits prepare them to make informed decisions. As children are highly impressionable, they learn quickly, and your teachings will help them in their personal development and academic growth. 

Teaching children to use social media responsibly is pivotal for their well-being. Here are the steps parents can take: 

  • Open communication : Encourage open dialogue on social media with kids. Create a safe space for them to share experiences and concerns without judgment.
  • Set age-appropriate boundaries : Set clear guidelines for children’s social media use based on age and maturity. Stress the importance of a balanced approach to online and offline activities.
  • Educate on privacy : Educate kids on privacy settings and online risks. Make it a habit of regularly reviewing and adjusting privacy settings.
  • Model responsible behavior : Lead by example in responsible social media use. Demonstrate positive and respectful online behavior.
  • Teach critical thinking : Help children with critical thinking skills for online information. Teach them to question and verify before sharing or believing content.
  • Discuss cyberbullying : Discuss cyberbullying and its impact, and encourage reporting. Emphasize kindness and empathy in online interactions.
  • Limit screen time : Establish reasonable social media time limits to avoid overuse. Encourage a healthy balance of offline activities such as outdoor play, arts and crafts, board games, etc.
  • Monitor content : Monitor your children’s social media content regularly. Discuss appropriate content and highlight the consequences of sharing or consuming certain material.
  • Encourage positive interactions : Guide children to use social media positively by supporting friends, sharing achievements, and contributing to a positive online community.

Parents play a pivotal role in fostering responsible and mindful online conduct through active involvement and the implementation of thoughtful measures, positively impacting their children’s well-being.

Read more: How to Help Children Develop Healthy Screen Time  

In conclusion

Advocating for the responsible use of social media is not solely an individual duty but a collective effort. Users must maintain a careful balance in their online engagements, establish limits, and prioritize real-life experiences. Meanwhile, everyone must collectively strive for healthier and safer social media spaces by restricting forming safe habits, encouraging online content moderation, and taking care of each other’s emotional well-being.

Additionally, parents play a crucial role in molding the social media habits of the next generation, emphasizing open communication, implementing age-appropriate boundaries, and modeling responsible behavior. 

The advantages of responsible social media usage go beyond personal well-being, resulting in positive connections, uplifting content, and personal development. Through a collective commitment to ethical guidelines and the promotion of responsible practices, both individuals and families can contribute to a healthier online environment that nurtures everyone.

If you would like to see more resources on balance in the digital environment, check out the Wellbeing Science Labs. The lab uses the research of the Institute for Life Management Science to produce courses, certifications, podcasts, videos, and other tools. Visit the Wellbeing Science Labs today.

wellbeing science labs

Photo by rawpixel.com on Freepik

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Social Media Use and Its Connection to Mental Health: A Systematic Review

Fazida karim.

1 Psychology, California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychology, Fairfield, USA

2 Business & Management, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, MYS

Azeezat A Oyewande

3 Family Medicine, California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychology, Fairfield, USA

4 Family Medicine, Lagos State Health Service Commission/Alimosho General Hospital, Lagos, NGA

Lamis F Abdalla

5 Internal Medicine, California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychology, Fairfield, USA

Reem Chaudhry Ehsanullah

Safeera khan.

Social media are responsible for aggravating mental health problems. This systematic study summarizes the effects of social network usage on mental health. Fifty papers were shortlisted from google scholar databases, and after the application of various inclusion and exclusion criteria, 16 papers were chosen and all papers were evaluated for quality. Eight papers were cross-sectional studies, three were longitudinal studies, two were qualitative studies, and others were systematic reviews. Findings were classified into two outcomes of mental health: anxiety and depression. Social media activity such as time spent to have a positive effect on the mental health domain. However, due to the cross-sectional design and methodological limitations of sampling, there are considerable differences. The structure of social media influences on mental health needs to be further analyzed through qualitative research and vertical cohort studies.

Introduction and background

Human beings are social creatures that require the companionship of others to make progress in life. Thus, being socially connected with other people can relieve stress, anxiety, and sadness, but lack of social connection can pose serious risks to mental health [ 1 ].

Social media

Social media has recently become part of people's daily activities; many of them spend hours each day on Messenger, Instagram, Facebook, and other popular social media. Thus, many researchers and scholars study the impact of social media and applications on various aspects of people’s lives [ 2 ]. Moreover, the number of social media users worldwide in 2019 is 3.484 billion, up 9% year-on-year [ 3 - 5 ]. A statistic in Figure  1  shows the gender distribution of social media audiences worldwide as of January 2020, sorted by platform. It was found that only 38% of Twitter users were male but 61% were using Snapchat. In contrast, females were more likely to use LinkedIn and Facebook. There is no denying that social media has now become an important part of many people's lives. Social media has many positive and enjoyable benefits, but it can also lead to mental health problems. Previous research found that age did not have an effect but gender did; females were much more likely to experience mental health than males [ 6 , 7 ].

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Object name is cureus-0012-00000008627-i01.jpg

Impact on mental health

Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which people understand their abilities, solve everyday life problems, work well, and make a significant contribution to the lives of their communities [ 8 ]. There is debated presently going on regarding the benefits and negative impacts of social media on mental health [ 9 , 10 ]. Social networking is a crucial element in protecting our mental health. Both the quantity and quality of social relationships affect mental health, health behavior, physical health, and mortality risk [ 9 ]. The Displaced Behavior Theory may help explain why social media shows a connection with mental health. According to the theory, people who spend more time in sedentary behaviors such as social media use have less time for face-to-face social interaction, both of which have been proven to be protective against mental disorders [ 11 , 12 ]. On the other hand, social theories found how social media use affects mental health by influencing how people view, maintain, and interact with their social network [ 13 ]. A number of studies have been conducted on the impacts of social media, and it has been indicated that the prolonged use of social media platforms such as Facebook may be related to negative signs and symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress [ 10 - 15 ]. Furthermore, social media can create a lot of pressure to create the stereotype that others want to see and also being as popular as others.

The need for a systematic review

Systematic studies can quantitatively and qualitatively identify, aggregate, and evaluate all accessible data to generate a warm and accurate response to the research questions involved [ 4 ]. In addition, many existing systematic studies related to mental health studies have been conducted worldwide. However, only a limited number of studies are integrated with social media and conducted in the context of social science because the available literature heavily focused on medical science [ 6 ]. Because social media is a relatively new phenomenon, the potential links between their use and mental health have not been widely investigated.

This paper attempt to systematically review all the relevant literature with the aim of filling the gap by examining social media impact on mental health, which is sedentary behavior, which, if in excess, raises the risk of health problems [ 7 , 9 , 12 ]. This study is important because it provides information on the extent of the focus of peer review literature, which can assist the researchers in delivering a prospect with the aim of understanding the future attention related to climate change strategies that require scholarly attention. This study is very useful because it provides information on the extent to which peer review literature can assist researchers in presenting prospects with a view to understanding future concerns related to mental health strategies that require scientific attention. The development of the current systematic review is based on the main research question: how does social media affect mental health?

Research strategy

The research was conducted to identify studies analyzing the role of social media on mental health. Google Scholar was used as our main database to find the relevant articles. Keywords that were used for the search were: (1) “social media”, (2) “mental health”, (3) “social media” AND “mental health”, (4) “social networking” AND “mental health”, and (5) “social networking” OR “social media” AND “mental health” (Table  1 ).

Out of the results in Table  1 , a total of 50 articles relevant to the research question were selected. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, duplicate papers were removed, and, finally, a total of 28 articles were selected for review (Figure  2 ).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is cureus-0012-00000008627-i02.jpg

PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Peer-reviewed, full-text research papers from the past five years were included in the review. All selected articles were in English language and any non-peer-reviewed and duplicate papers were excluded from finally selected articles.

Of the 16 selected research papers, there were a research focus on adults, gender, and preadolescents [ 10 - 19 ]. In the design, there were qualitative and quantitative studies [ 15 , 16 ]. There were three systematic reviews and one thematic analysis that explored the better or worse of using social media among adolescents [ 20 - 23 ]. In addition, eight were cross-sectional studies and only three were longitudinal studies [ 24 - 29 ].The meta-analyses included studies published beyond the last five years in this population. Table  2  presents a selection of studies from the review.

IGU, internet gaming disorder; PSMU, problematic social media use

This study has attempted to systematically analyze the existing literature on the effect of social media use on mental health. Although the results of the study were not completely consistent, this review found a general association between social media use and mental health issues. Although there is positive evidence for a link between social media and mental health, the opposite has been reported.

For example, a previous study found no relationship between the amount of time spent on social media and depression or between social media-related activities, such as the number of online friends and the number of “selfies”, and depression [ 29 ]. Similarly, Neira and Barber found that while higher investment in social media (e.g. active social media use) predicted adolescents’ depressive symptoms, no relationship was found between the frequency of social media use and depressed mood [ 28 ].

In the 16 studies, anxiety and depression were the most commonly measured outcome. The prominent risk factors for anxiety and depression emerging from this study comprised time spent, activity, and addiction to social media. In today's world, anxiety is one of the basic mental health problems. People liked and commented on their uploaded photos and videos. In today's age, everyone is immune to the social media context. Some teens experience anxiety from social media related to fear of loss, which causes teens to try to respond and check all their friends' messages and messages on a regular basis.

On the contrary, depression is one of the unintended significances of unnecessary use of social media. In detail, depression is limited not only to Facebooks but also to other social networking sites, which causes psychological problems. A new study found that individuals who are involved in social media, games, texts, mobile phones, etc. are more likely to experience depression.

The previous study found a 70% increase in self-reported depressive symptoms among the group using social media. The other social media influence that causes depression is sexual fun [ 12 ]. The intimacy fun happens when social media promotes putting on a facade that highlights the fun and excitement but does not tell us much about where we are struggling in our daily lives at a deeper level [ 28 ]. Another study revealed that depression and time spent on Facebook by adolescents are positively correlated [ 22 ]. More importantly, symptoms of major depression have been found among the individuals who spent most of their time in online activities and performing image management on social networking sites [ 14 ].

Another study assessed gender differences in associations between social media use and mental health. Females were found to be more addicted to social media as compared with males [ 26 ]. Passive activity in social media use such as reading posts is more strongly associated with depression than doing active use like making posts [ 23 ]. Other important findings of this review suggest that other factors such as interpersonal trust and family functioning may have a greater influence on the symptoms of depression than the frequency of social media use [ 28 , 29 ].

Limitation and suggestion

The limitations and suggestions were identified by the evidence involved in the study and review process. Previously, 7 of the 16 studies were cross-sectional and slightly failed to determine the causal relationship between the variables of interest. Given the evidence from cross-sectional studies, it is not possible to conclude that the use of social networks causes mental health problems. Only three longitudinal studies examined the causal relationship between social media and mental health, which is hard to examine if the mental health problem appeared more pronounced in those who use social media more compared with those who use it less or do not use at all [ 19 , 20 , 24 ]. Next, despite the fact that the proposed relationship between social media and mental health is complex, a few studies investigated mediating factors that may contribute or exacerbate this relationship. Further investigations are required to clarify the underlying factors that help examine why social media has a negative impact on some peoples’ mental health, whereas it has no or positive effect on others’ mental health.


Social media is a new study that is rapidly growing and gaining popularity. Thus, there are many unexplored and unexpected constructive answers associated with it. Lately, studies have found that using social media platforms can have a detrimental effect on the psychological health of its users. However, the extent to which the use of social media impacts the public is yet to be determined. This systematic review has found that social media envy can affect the level of anxiety and depression in individuals. In addition, other potential causes of anxiety and depression have been identified, which require further exploration.

The importance of such findings is to facilitate further research on social media and mental health. In addition, the information obtained from this study can be helpful not only to medical professionals but also to social science research. The findings of this study suggest that potential causal factors from social media can be considered when cooperating with patients who have been diagnosed with anxiety or depression. Also, if the results from this study were used to explore more relationships with another construct, this could potentially enhance the findings to reduce anxiety and depression rates and prevent suicide rates from occurring.

The content published in Cureus is the result of clinical experience and/or research by independent individuals or organizations. Cureus is not responsible for the scientific accuracy or reliability of data or conclusions published herein. All content published within Cureus is intended only for educational, research and reference purposes. Additionally, articles published within Cureus should not be deemed a suitable substitute for the advice of a qualified health care professional. Do not disregard or avoid professional medical advice due to content published within Cureus.

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Social Media

Social Media/Media Literacy: Responsible Use

Here are some ways you can support the youth in your life to engage in responsible social media use:.

  • Help youth to build up empathy and perspective-taking skills both offline and online. This can empower them to practice good decision-making online, for example taking time to consider how something they post online might be hurtful, respectfully sharing a difference of opinion in a comment, etc.

Talk about safety and privacy online, and ways that youth can protect themselves

  • Privacy, including their social media account settings, as well as their process for who gets access to their page/who doesn’t. Have conversations about what their process is for accepting/not accepting friend requests, etc. These explicit conversations can increase awareness about the importance of privacy, and also support/strengthen good decision-making.
  • They can always block/unfriend, and also report, individuals who make you uncomfortable.  For example, individuals who make inappropriate sexual comments, are aggressive, or bullying them.
  • Be mindful of what they share in terms of personal information (e.g., sensitive information that if on a piece of paper you lost offline you would be concerned about someone else finding). Also, excessively sharing things like location tags, especially for places like your house, places you frequent often, etc.)
  • The permanence of a social media/internet record. While things can be deleted, once posted, there are ways for comments, images, etc. that we post to follow us in the long-term. Once posted, we have no control over where they may end up. For example, sexually explicit images/videos, harassing comments, compromising information about yourself or another person, etc., have consequences socially, legally, etc.
  • Taking online relationships with individuals that they don’t know offline. While most youth are not interacting with individuals they don’t know offline (e.g., research suggests that most youth use social media to keep up with friendships/relationships that exist offline), sometimes, youth connect with peers on social media who share similar interests (e.g., gaming community, etc.). An adult needs to be involved if these relationships are taken offline to ensure safety.

Encourage balanced use of social media:

  • Support practices of “unplugging”, “digital detox”,  or taking time away from social media where you don’t access any social media. For example evening hours/bedtime, as well as periodic “unplugging” for longer durations (e.g., weekends or a certain number of days).
  • Help youth to have greater awareness and control of their social media consumption. For example, removing social media apps from your smartphone and only accessing them from a computer can help with regulating access because it’s often not as easily accessible as refreshing on your smartphone. There are also apps available that help with managing time limits regarding social media access.

Encourage youth to maintain offline relationships.

Support self-esteem nurtured through offline activities and interests., be aware of cyberbullying and some of the potential signs of who might be bullying or getting bullied online including sudden changes in their use of social media., encourage positive aspects of social media such as connecting with like-minded peers around a special/niche interest, open up conversations about challenges with use, cyberbullying, etc. that may be coming., what not to do.

  • Follow youth online without their consent/knowledge. For instance, if youth has social media page/account that is public (i.e., doesn’t require a “request” before people can view content), don’t spend time on their page/account without letting them know. Doing so creates situations where you might learn something about them that they were not ready to share with you, or it creates a monitoring/prying/trust issue that may weaken your relationship.
  • Agree to connect with youth via social media without consideration of what your page/account and activity on social media look like. While some social media allows for settings where you can filter your page out by group so that certain people only see certain content on your page or to share content with subsets of people, it’s important to consider what type of image you’re presenting online.
  • Share pictures/videos, etc. of youth or other identifying content on your social media without getting their consent (along with parent/guardian).
  • Model how not to get caught up in excessive social media use or constant checking when spending time with them.
  • Dismiss or minimize concerns they raise about experiences on social media, no matter how benign the concerns may seem. Instances of cyberbullying may start off with something that appears minor before escalating.

Where to get help

The bigger picture.

24% of teens go online “almost constantly,” facilitated by the widespread availability of smartphones.

Aided by the convenience and constant access provided by mobile devices, especially smartphones, 92% of teens report going online daily — including 24% who say they go online “almost constantly,” according to a new study from Pew Research Center. More than half (56%) of teens — defined in this report as those ages 13 to 17 — go online several times a day, and 12% report once-a-day use. Just 6% of teens report going online weekly, and 2% go online less often.

Much of this frenzy of access is facilitated by mobile devices. Nearly three-quarters of teens have or have access to a smartphone and 30% have a basic phone, while just 12% of teens 13 to 17 say they have no cell phone of any type. African-American teens are the most likely of any group of teens to have a smartphone, with 85% having access to one, compared with 71% of both white and Hispanic teens. These phones and other mobile devices have become a primary driver of teen internet use: Fully 91% of teens go online from mobile devices at least occasionally. Among these “mobile teens,” 94% go online daily or more often. By comparison, teens who don’t access the internet via mobile devices tend to go online less frequently. Some 68% go online at least daily.

African-American and Hispanic youth report more frequent internet use than white teens. Among African-American teens, 34% report going online “almost constantly” as do 32% of Hispanic teens, while 19% of white teens go online that often.

essay about responsible social media use

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How to Be Responsible Using Social Media as a Student

We all use social media every day and have a level of responsibility as users. Here's some advice for students to learn responsible social media practices.

by Sydney Mathew CollegeXpress Student Writer

Last Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Originally Posted: May 14, 2022

Social media is a tool that has many advantages, allowing you to directly communicate with a large audience, be a member of an ever-present online community, stay connected with friends and family, develop your interests, meet new people, and explore your own identity and opinions. However, if not used safely and responsibly, social media has many disadvantages—and potential consequences. That’s why you should keep these important rules in mind as you navigate your way through the world of social media.

Make sure your pages represent you

Think of social media as a résumé of your character. Do your pages and profiles showcase your passions, hobbies, and friends? Many peers or those you may network with will use social media to get to know you better, so you want to make sure your presence is an accurate representation of yourself. Don’t be overly fake, lie about yourself, or share things that don’t represent your beliefs—this isn’t a true representation of you. 

Never post anything that paints you in a bad light

This is arguably one of the most important social media tips: Don’t post anything that can be used as evidence of unlawful activity. This can lead to you getting in serious trouble with your current or future school and the police. An easy rule is to imagine what a parent, employer, teacher, or grandparent would think about what you’re about to post. Even if you post as “private,” it’s important to remember that nothing is really private in our online world—things can be screenshot and shared in an instant.  

Related: How to Prepare Your Social Media for the Job Search

Stay in control of your content feed

Unfollow and stay away from other social accounts that spread false news, bully others, post insensitive content, or make you feel bad about yourself. Take charge of the media that you are taking in. You want to use social media to uplift your life, stay informed, and connect with your friends. Only follow accounts that are a safe space and promote your growth as an individual. 

Manage your time wisely

The digital world is an easy place to get lost in. Be mindful of how long you’re simply scrolling, especially if you’re not actually getting anything out of it. Set limits on how long you should be on social media apps. Turn off your notifications so it’s less distracting when you have things to get done. Your apps shouldn’t become a roadblock preventing you from completing your daily tasks. This tip is important since it’s so easy to get sucked into TikTok video after TikTok video. 

Related: How to Manage Your Time Intentionally as a Student

Understand the policies

Many schools and workplaces have policies about social media usage. It’s important to understand and adhere to the rules of your institution. Also, be sure to follow the rules of the specific social media platform you’re using. As you’re setting up your account, read through everything (yes, even the fine print) so you understand what rules you need to follow and what you’re consenting to. Go through the privacy settings and change the default setting to something more applicable to you. Also, try to avoid third-party applications. These are often unreliable and are simply used to gather your personal information. 

Keep yourself safe from strangers

Be wary and cautious when following or interacting with people you don’t know on the internet. Even if their profile is friendly or they’re a well-known person on the platform, you don’t know who is truly behind the screen. When conversing with “friends” online, don’t expose any private information. Never meet with a new online friend in person; chances are they are not who they say they are. And don’t respond to any of their requests you’re not comfortable with. 

Related: How to Stay Safe on Your College Campus

Don’t post everything

Do not post about your every move, location, school, town, etc. This information can be used against you. It’s important to maintain a level of privacy between you, your followers, and the digital world. Being careful about what you post and who you interact with keeps you safe from identity theft, privacy infiltration, stalking, and more. The best thing you can do is to keep your accounts private and only let people you know follow you. 

Keep your parents in the loop

Although most of us don’t want our parents seeing everything we’re doing, friend your parents on social media. This will hold you accountable for the content you post and interact with. Plus, having an adult perspective is beneficial as you make decisions about your social media usage. Additionally, this will keep you safer as well as strengthen your relationship and trust with your parents. 

Related: Top 8 College Topics to Discuss With Your Student Today

Social media is an integral part of the average teenager’s daily life. With the endless communication, entertainment, and information these platforms provide, it’s very hard to disconnect from the online world. When using social media, it’s important to remember what Spider-Man taught us: With great power comes great responsibility. With the digital world at your fingertips, it’s vital that you follow these rules to remain safe. 

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About Sydney Mathew

Sydney Ann Mathew is a student at Shadow Creek High School in Texas. She’s an academically successful student, participating and holding office positions in a variety of organizations and clubs. At the age of nine, Sydney won first place in a city-wide invention competition. Her invention currently has a “patent pending” status and is in the process of being approved. Sydney enjoys attending church and singing in the youth choir. She volunteers in her local neighborhood community and was instrumental in starting a chapter of Color Cycle, a national recycling initiative, at her elementary school. In her spare time, Sydney enjoys spending time with family and friends, dancing, and playing basketball, volleyball, and the piano. She also writes and uses poetry to convey her emotions and feelings. After high school, she plans to pursue a career in business.

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essay about responsible social media use

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How to use social media wisely and mindfully, it's time to be clear about how social media affects our relationships and well-being—and what our intentions are each time we log on..

It was no one other than Facebook’s former vice president for user growth, Chamath Palihapitiya, who advised people to take a “hard break” from social media. “We have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works,” he said recently .

His comments echoed those of Facebook founding president Sean Parker . Social media provides a “social validation feedback loop (‘a little dopamine hit…because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post’),” he said. “That’s exactly the thing a hacker like myself would come up with because you’re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology.”

Are their fears overblown? What is social media doing to us as individuals and as a society?

essay about responsible social media use

Since over 70 percent of American teens and adults are on Facebook and over 1.2 billion users visit the site daily—with the average person spending over 90 minutes a day on all social media platforms combined—it’s vital that we gain wisdom about the social media genie, because it’s not going back into the bottle. Our wish to connect with others and express ourselves may indeed come with unwanted side effects.

The problems with social media

Social media is, of course, far from being all bad. There are often tangible benefits that follow from social media use. Many of us log on to social media for a sense of belonging, self-expression, curiosity, or a desire to connect. Apps like Facebook and Twitter allow us to stay in touch with geographically dispersed family and friends, communicate with like-minded others around our interests, and join with an online community to advocate for causes dear to our hearts.

Honestly sharing about ourselves online can enhance our feelings of well-being and online social support, at least in the short term. Facebook communities can help break down the stigma and negative stereotypes of illness, while social media, in general, can “serve as a spring board” for the “more reclusive…into greater social integration,” one study suggested.

But Parker and Palihapitiya are on to something when they talk about the addictive and socially corrosive qualities of social media. Facebook “addiction” (yes, there’s a test for this) looks similar on an MRI scan in some ways to substance abuse and gambling addictions. Some users even go to extremes to chase the highs of likes and followers. Twenty-six-year-old Wu Yongning recently fell to his death in pursuit of selfies precariously taken atop skyscrapers.

Facebook can also exacerbate envy . Envy is nothing if not corrosive of the social fabric, turning friendship into rivalry, hostility, and grudges. Social media tugs at us to view each other’s “highlight reels,” and all too often, we feel ourselves lacking by comparison. This can fuel personal growth, if we can turn envy into admiration, inspiration, and self-compassion ; but, instead, it often causes us to feel dissatisfied with ourselves and others.

For example, a 2013 study by Ethan Kross and colleagues showed quite definitively that the more time young adults spent on Facebook, the worse off they felt. Participants were texted five times daily for two weeks to answer questions about their well-being, direct social contact, and Facebook use. The people who spent more time on Facebook felt significantly worse later on, even after controlling for other factors such as depression and loneliness. 

Interestingly, those spending significant time on Facebook, but also engaging in moderate or high levels of direct social contact, still reported worsening well-being. The authors hypothesized that the comparisons and negative emotions triggered by Facebook were carried into real-world contact, perhaps damaging the healing power of in-person relationships.

More recently, Holly Shakya and Nicholas Christakis studied 5,208 adult Facebook users over two years, measuring life satisfaction and mental and physical health over time. All these outcomes were worse with greater Facebook use, and the way people used Facebook (e.g., passive or active use, liking, clicking, or posting) didn’t seem to matter.

“Exposure to the carefully curated images from others’ lives leads to negative self-comparison, and the sheer quantity of social media interaction may detract from more meaningful real-life experiences,” the researchers concluded.

How to rein in social media overuse

So, what can we do to manage the downsides of social media? One idea is to log out of Facebook completely and take that “hard break.” Researcher Morten Tromholt of Denmark found that after taking a one-week break from Facebook, people had higher life satisfaction and positive emotions compared to people who stayed connected. The effect was especially pronounced for “heavy Facebook users, passive Facebook users, and users who tend to envy others on Facebook.”

We can also become more mindful and curious about social media’s effects on our minds and hearts, weighing the good and bad. We should ask ourselves how social media makes us feel and behave, and decide whether we need to limit our exposure to social media altogether (by logging out or deactivating our accounts) or simply modify our social media environment. Some people I’ve spoken with find ways of cleaning up their newsfeeds—from hiding everyone but their closest friends to “liking” only reputable news, information, and entertainment sources.

Knowing how social media affects our relationships, we might limit social media interactions to those that support real-world relationships. Instead of lurking or passively scrolling through a never-ending bevy of posts, we can stop to ask ourselves important questions, like What are my intentions? and What is this online realm doing to me and my relationships?

We each have to come to our own individual decisions about social media use, based on our own personal experience. Grounding ourselves in the research helps us weigh the good and bad and make those decisions. Though the genie is out of the bottle, we may find, as Shakya and Christakis put it, that “online social interactions are no substitute for the real thing,” and that in-person, healthy relationships are vital to society and our own individual well-being. We would do well to remember that truth and not put all our eggs in the social media basket.

About the Author

Ravi Chandra

Ravi Chandra

Ravi Chandra is a psychiatrist, writer, and compassion educator in San Francisco, and a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. Here’s his linktree .

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Teens and social media use: What's the impact?

Social media is a term for internet sites and apps that you can use to share content you've created. Social media also lets you respond to content that others post. That can include pictures, text, reactions or comments on posts by others, and links to information.

Online sharing within social media sites helps many people stay in touch with friends or connect with new ones. And that may be more important for teenagers than other age groups. Friendships help teens feel supported and play a role in forming their identities. So, it's only natural to wonder how social media use might affect teens.

Social media is a big part of daily life for lots of teenagers.

How big? A 2022 survey of 13- to 17-year-olds offers a clue. Based on about 1,300 responses, the survey found that 35% of teens use at least one of five social media platforms more than several times a day. The five social media platforms are: YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

Social media doesn't affect all teens the same way. Use of social media is linked with healthy and unhealthy effects on mental health. These effects vary from one teenager to another. Social media effects on mental health depend on things such as:

  • What a teen sees and does online.
  • The amount of time spent online.
  • Psychological factors, such as maturity level and any preexisting mental health conditions.
  • Personal life circumstances, including cultural, social and economic factors.

Here are the general pros and cons of teen social media use, along with tips for parents.

Healthy social media

Social media lets teens create online identities, chat with others and build social networks. These networks can provide teens with support from other people who have hobbies or experiences in common. This type of support especially may help teens who:

  • Lack social support offline or are lonely.
  • Are going through a stressful time.
  • Belong to groups that often get marginalized, such as racial minorities, the LGBTQ community and those who are differently abled.
  • Have long-term medical conditions.

Sometimes, social media platforms help teens:

  • Express themselves.
  • Connect with other teens locally and across long distances.
  • Learn how other teens cope with challenging life situations and mental health conditions.
  • View or take part in moderated chat forums that encourage talking openly about topics such as mental health.
  • Ask for help or seek healthcare for symptoms of mental health conditions.

These healthy effects of social media can help teens in general. They also may help teens who are prone to depression stay connected to others. And social media that's humorous or distracting may help a struggling teen cope with a challenging day.

Unhealthy social media

Social media use may have negative effects on some teens. It might:

  • Distract from homework, exercise and family activities.
  • Disrupt sleep.
  • Lead to information that is biased or not correct.
  • Become a means to spread rumors or share too much personal information.
  • Lead some teens to form views about other people's lives or bodies that aren't realistic.
  • Expose some teens to online predators, who might try to exploit or extort them.
  • Expose some teens to cyberbullying, which can raise the risk of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

What's more, certain content related to risk-taking, and negative posts or interactions on social media, have been linked with self-harm and rarely, death.

The risks of social media use are linked with various factors. One may be how much time teens spend on these platforms.

In a study focusing on 12- to 15-year-olds in the United States, spending three hours a day using social media was linked to a higher risk of mental health concerns. That study was based on data collected in 2013 and 2014 from more than 6,500 participants.

Another study looked at data on more than 12,000 teens in England between the ages of 13 to 16. The researchers found that using social media more than three times a day predicted poor mental health and well-being in teens.

But not all research has found a link between time spent on social media and mental health risks in teens.

How teens use social media also might determine its impact. For instance, viewing certain types of content may raise some teens' mental health risks. This could include content that depicts:

  • Illegal acts.
  • Self-harm or harm to other people.
  • Encouragement of habits tied to eating disorders, such as purging or restrictive eating.

These types of content may be even more risky for teens who already have a mental health condition. Being exposed to discrimination, hate or cyberbullying on social media also can raise the risk of anxiety or depression.

What teens share about themselves on social media also matters.

With the teenage brain, it's common to make a choice before thinking it through. So, teens might post something when they're angry or upset, and regret it later. That's known as stress posting.

Teens who post content also are at risk of sharing sexual photos or highly personal stories. This can lead to teens being bullied, harassed or even blackmailed.

Protecting your teen

You can take steps to help your teens use social media responsibly and limit some of the possible negative effects.

Use these tips:

Set rules and limits as needed. This helps prevent social media from getting in the way of activities, sleep, meals or homework.

For example, you could make a rule about not using social media until homework is done. Or you could set a daily time limit for social media use.

You also could choose to keep social media off-limits during certain times. These times might include during family meals and an hour before bed.

Set an example by following these rules yourself. And let your teen know what the consequences will be if your rules aren't followed.

  • Manage any challenging behaviors. If your teen's social media use starts to challenge your rules or your sense of what's appropriate, talk with your teen about it. You also could connect with parents of your teen's friends or take a look at your teen's internet history.
  • Turn on privacy settings. This can help keep your teen from sharing personal information or data that your teen didn't mean to share. Each of your teen's social media accounts likely has privacy setting that can be changed.

Monitor your teen's accounts. The American Psychological Association recommends you regularly review your child's social media use during the early teen years.

One way to monitor is to follow or "friend" your child's social accounts. As your teen gets older, you can choose to monitor your teen's social media less. Your teen's maturity level can help guide your decision.

Have regular talks with your teen about social media. These talks give you chances to ask how social media has been making your teen feel. Encourage your teen to let you know if something online worries or bothers your teen.

Regular talks offer you chances to give your child advice about social media too. For example, you can teach your teen to question whether content is accurate. You also can explain that social media is full of images about beauty and lifestyle that are not realistic.

  • Be a role model for your teen. You might want to tell your child about your own social media habits. That can help you set a good example and keep your regular talks from being one-sided.

Explain what's not OK. Remind your teen that it's hurtful to gossip, spread rumors, bully or harm someone's reputation — online or otherwise.

Also remind your teen not to share personal information with strangers online. This includes people's addresses, telephone numbers, passwords, and bank or credit card numbers.

  • Encourage face-to-face contact with friends. This is even more important for teens prone to social anxiety.

Talk to your child's healthcare professional if you think your teen has symptoms of anxiety, depression or other mental health concerns related to social media use. Also talk with your child's care professional if your teen has any of the following symptoms:

  • Uses social media even when wanting to stop.
  • Uses it so much that school, sleep, activities or relationships suffer.
  • Often spends more time on social platforms than you intended.
  • Lies in order to use social media.

Your teen might be referred to a mental healthcare professional who can help.

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  • Hagan JF, et al., eds. Promoting the healthy and safe use of social media. In: Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents. 4th ed. https://publications.aap.org/pediatriccare. American Academy of Pediatrics; 2017. Accessed Oct. 3, 2023.
  • Social media can help connect: Research-based tips from pediatricians for families. Center of Excellence on Social Media and Youth Mental Health. https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/media-and-children/center-of-excellence-on-social-media-and-youth-mental-health/. Accessed Oct. 3, 2023.
  • Health advisory on social media use in adolescence. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/topics/social-media-internet/health-advisory-adolescent-social-media-use. Accessed Oct. 3, 2023.
  • Social media and teens. American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. https://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Families_and_Youth/Facts_for_Families/FFF-Guide/Social-Media-and-Teens-100.aspx. Accessed Oct. 3, 2023.
  • Social media and youth mental health: The U.S. surgeon general's advisory. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.hhs.gov/surgeongeneral/priorities/youth-mental-health/social-media/index.html. Accessed Oct. 3, 2023.
  • Teens, social media and technology 2022. Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2022/08/10/teens-social-media-and-technology-2022/. Accessed Oct. 3, 2023.
  • Popat A, et al. Exploring adolescents' perspectives on social media and mental health and well-being — A qualitative literature review. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2023; doi:10.1177/13591045221092884.
  • Valkenburg PM, et al. Social media use and its impact on adolescent mental health: An umbrella review of the evidence. Current Opinion in Psychology. 2022; doi:10.1016/j.copsyc.2021.08.017.
  • Berger MN, et al. Social media use and health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2022; doi:10.2196/38449.
  • Self-Harm. Pediatric Patient Education. https://publications.aap.org/patiented. Accessed Oct. 3, 2023.
  • Liu M, et al. Time spent on social media and risk of depression in adolescents: A dose-response meta-analysis. 2022; doi:10.3390/ijerph19095164.
  • Coyne SM, et al. Does time spent using social media impact mental health? An eight year longitudinal study. Computers in Human Behavior. 2020; doi:10.1016/j.chb.2019.106160.
  • Viner RM, et al. Roles of cyberbullying, sleep, and physical activity in mediating the effects of social media use on mental health and wellbeing among young people in England: A secondary analysis of longitudinal data. The Lancet. Child & Adolescent Health. 2019; doi:10.1016/S2352-4642(19)30186-5.
  • Riehm KE, et al. Associations between time spent using social media and internalizing and externalizing problems among US youth. JAMA Psychiatry. 2019; doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.2325.
  • Hoge E, et al. Digital media, anxiety, and depression in children. Pediatrics. 2017; doi:10.1542/peds.2016-1758G.
  • How to help kids navigate friendships and peer relationships. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/topics/parenting/navigating-friendships. Accessed Oct. 24, 2023.
  • Hoecker JL (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. Oct. 31, 2023.
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This is great info, thanks for giving me some ideas on how to start a dialogue with my teen!

Parent VIP Member

Josh's presentation about social media was unbelievably fantastic. Our students learned so much about what kids should and shouldn't be doing. The fact that it is such a thoughtful process made it all worthwhile.

Director of College Advising

Educator Webinar Attendee

This webinar is a very helpful eye-opener on the apps that are popular with my students.

Horror stories about teens and social media often include some serious consequences, like missed job opportunities or college rejections. But if students learn to use social media responsibly and in a safe way, it can have some big benefits by helping them connect, share, and learn. So how do you teach your teens to be good digital citizens without lecturing them?

We asked 25 experts for tips to teach kids how to stay safe, positive , and responsible online.

1. You’re in control of your feed. Recognize what’s unhealthy and hit that unfollow button

Lisa Honold, Director of the Center for Online Safety

Lisa Honold headshot

Remember, you’re in charge of your content. You can use social media to uplift your life, connect with friends, create content, and entertain. Or you can get used by it when it sucks you in, and then you feel bad afterward. It’s healthy to manage your feed and unfollow/delete accounts that are consistently false news, negative, mean, rude, or bullying. If you notice you feel anxious or irritated after spending time on a certain app or account, that’s your body’s signal that you should spend less time there. It’s not healthy.

After all, the app’s goal is to hook you and make you want to spend more time there. They do that by suggesting the next video or account to follow, through pop up notifications and sounds, through bright colors and buttons. And it’s not just you, teens, who are struggling. Adults have a hard time too. Ideally, you could have an open conversation with your parents about your family using social media more mindfully.

2. Find a purpose to your screen time so that it doesn’t become a pastime

‍ Josh Ochs, Founder of SmartSocial.com

Josh Ochs headshot

Brainstorm 2-3 things you want to be known for when people look you up online. This exercise will help you find your screen time purpose so that social media doesn’t become a pastime. Once you know what you want to be known for, it’s easier to decide whether your Instagram post or YouTube comment is going to help you achieve your goals (or hurt your digital footprint).

The majority of your social media posts should be about the 2-3 things you want to be known for. It’s okay to be silly on social media as long as you keep your posts are positive and full of gratitude.

3. Highlight your best self and turn all social media platforms into a living/breathing portfolio

Chad Dorman, Founder, Leonard Andrew Consulting

Chad Dorman headshot

Social media is a living resume that showcases your character. The things that make you authentically YOU? Awards you’ve won? The things you are passionate about? You definitely want to make sure that these are the content pieces that you’re presenting on the Internet for all to see.

You’re already geared towards documenting just about every moment of your life on social, so don’t miss out on an opportunity to share your latest A+ paper or your creation from art class. Showcasing you who are, as well as your activities and interests, is something that colleges are looking for. Make sure to impress them! They want more than just transcripts and an academic ace – they want someone who shows passion, who is authentic, and who will contribute positively to their campus. Post positively, publish proudly!

4. With great power, comes great responsibility

‍ Meredith Essalat, Principal, Author of The Overly Honest Teacher

Meredith Essalat headshot

If students are old enough to have their own social media account, then they are old enough to understand the risks and responsibilities that come with this. I always discuss the perils and risks of social media and other online forums directly with my students. When they chose to make a TikTok at recess and film it in their school uniforms, we talked about voyeurism and the danger that comes from letting their location be known. When they goaded a group of neighboring students into fighting on campus by posting mean comments on an Instagram post, we talked about the impact of language and the ramifications that result in inciting violence.

I teach my students about the vacancy of online anonymity and being certain that the persona they are putting out on social media jives with who they are and how they want the world to know them.

5. Social media abstinence isn’t the way, planning is key

Jennifer Walden, Director of Operations, Wikilawn

As the mom of a tween, I’ve really had to strategize on the best ways to keep her safe. Just telling her she can’t use social media isn’t a solution, as much as I wish it was. It’s the primary means of communication and social validation for her age group, and when all of her friends are using it but she isn’t, that becomes an even bigger issue.

That said, I do worry not just about predators and the usual dangers, but about her posting things she shouldn’t, and the potential for her to be bullied relentlessly. She and I have discussed several instances of cyberbullying, making a plan for what to do if it ever happens to her. She knows to disengage and come talk to me or her dad. The worst thing she can do is shut herself away and let everything they’re saying just exist in an echo chamber.

6. Never post criminal activities

David Reischer, Attorney & CEO of LegalAdvice.com

David Reischer headshot

The most important tip for tweens and teens when using social media is not to post anything that is evidence of unlawful activity. Tweens and teens may not have an appreciation that posting some types of content can be unlawful. Posts that are defamatory, incite violence, or include hate speech are just some examples of posts that can land a young person in trouble.

Posting criminal activities or conspiring with other social media members to riot, protest or loot can also be used as evidence against a tween or teen. A young person that is passionate about social justice or other political cause is permitted to post on social media under the First Amendment Right to Free Speech but there needs to be a consideration when a posting might cross over into a criminal act. Be careful out there on the Internet. Posting unlawful messages or evidence of unlawful conduct can land a tween or teen in hot water.

7. Research apps before you trust them

‍ Ben Taylor, Founder of Home Working Club ‍ My number one tip for parents is to research things before you trust them. The ultimate research tool is right there in your hands in the form of a web browser. That means you can check if a news report is factually correct before you share it, find out if a new app is actually out to scam you, and determine whether that fun new photo game is actually harvesting your personal details. It only takes seconds to check these things out, so don’t just use social media blindly. It doesn’t take much extra time and effort to stay much safer online.

8. Be aware of the content you’re consuming, and what that content seems to want from you

‍ Melanie Squire, Founder of and Therapist with Freedom Counseling

Melanie Squire headshot

Social media can certainly offers numerous benefits, but as a therapist, I have more and more parents expressing concern that digital technology is affecting the emotion and social lives of their children. Most youth and young adults are quick to defend their socially networked lives, claiming that social media helps them feel more connected to their friends and provides critical support during difficult times. These benefits are why it’s so important to educate new social media users about healthy habits.

Use social media to supplement real world interests:

Do you like Hiking? Follow pages that educate you about the activity, and share information about hikes near you.

Is makeup your thing? Find how-tos that you can emulate, and use in your everyday life. Social media is about building communities of interest, but being a part of a community that encourages action of its members is better than one offering passive interactions.

Ask yourself, why do you like a page, or social community?

Do the communities you’re a part of make you want to learn more or participate offline?

Can you have non-digital conversations about these topics? Certainly some forms of social content are for entertainment or important to staying informed.

Not every interaction needs to be pushing you to take some real world action. However, it is important to be aware of the content you’re consuming, and what that content seems to want from you.

9. Focus on what you really enjoy to avoid overuse

‍ Jakub Kliszczak, Marketing Specialist at CrazyCall

Jakub Kliszczak headshot

Oftentimes, people have all of the available apps on their phones. Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , LinkedIn , TikTok , Snapchat , and more. This leads to a constant stream of social media binging – you start with one app to switch to another to switch to another and the cycle continues. Ask yourself what type of content do you really enjoy. Do you care about what your friends post on Facebook? Or do you prefer visual content on Instagram? Maybe you enjoy the more professional content from LinkedIn.

Answer that question and limit your usage to just one or two social media platforms. Surely, you won’t stop using social media but you’ll limit the time you spend on your phone.

10. Think twice before posting on social media

‍ Chane Steiner, CEO of Crediful

Chane Steiner headshot

Start with a conversation and remind your students that whatever they put out there will never go away. Even if they delete it. Even if they unshare it or ask for it to be taken down. The internet moves so quickly that by the time you realize you don’t want it out there, it’s already too late. So think twice before posting something. Are you comfortable living with that choice forever?

Urge your kids to think about what the person seeing it will feel or think. Will their post start a fight? Are they hurting someone? Are they negatively impacting someone’s life? Have your students think about what it would feel like if someone did that to them. If it would make them feel bad, it’s probably not okay.

Finally, it’s important for tweens and teens to understand that they are not as anonymous as they think. The internet leaves a trail everywhere for everyone. If that makes them uncomfortable, they probably shouldn’t be doing what they’re doing.

11. Social media can showcase a student’s aptitude

Natalie Bidnick Andreas, Digital Strategy Consultant

Natalie Bidnick Andreas headshot

‍ Don’t avoid having a social media footprint. Parents may “outlaw” certain platforms due to their potential to cause harm, but my research shows that not existing at all online can actually be more detrimental to a student’s future college applications and job prospects. Instead, parents should counsel their children to see social media as a public tool – their “calling card” into the world.

Platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram can showcase a student’s aptitude in sports, creative projects, travel, academic pursuits, and overall communication skills. Students can certainly still post pictures of the homecoming dance and the football game, but space should also be dedicated to their passions. It’s not about being fake – it’s more about showcasing a student’s favorite aspects of life.

If parents are apprehensive about their child’s participation in social media, I recommend working through the “front yard test” as a family. Everything posted on social media should pass the “front yard test”; that is, it should be appropriate enough to put on a large sign in the front yard or other public community space. Parents can ask their children: “How would you feel if all your future teachers and bosses saw this post on our front lawn?” If the child would feel ashamed, it’s not fit to post.

The “front yard test” exercise gets students thinking ahead to college and beyond. After all, no matter how “anonymous” they may try to be online, future schools and employers will be able to access their digital footprint. It’s up to each child and their family to plan ahead and to post accordingly.

12. Follow your children on social media

‍ Betsy Furler, Author and Speaker

Betsy Furler headshot

‍ Responsible use of social media is critical for students today. Students need to be aware that what they post on social media may be available online forever. If they don’t want their grandparents, teachers, or future employers to see something, it shouldn’t be online.

The easiest method of staying safe and responsible online is for parents to follow their children online. This ensures oversight in case there is an issue, as well as a “check and balance” of content.

13. Go through the terms of service with your children

Amy Vernon, Adjunct Professor at New York University ‍ Parents can teach their children digital safety by going through a site’s terms of service, line-by-line, and explaining it to them. Consider reading it verbatim and then explain what each clause means. At the end, explain that if they accepted the terms, they need to abide by these rules, or their accounts could be deleted.

It makes an impression and encourages students to ask a lot of questions. Students will be much more thoughtful about how they use social media and how they behave online.

14. Logging time spent on social media can be eye opening

‍ Dr. Tim Elmore, Growing Leaders

Tim Elmore headshot

‍ Ask to meet and talk about the influence and the hours consumed by social media. Often, logging in the hours a teen spends online can be eye-opening for them. Many spend the equivalent of a full-time job staring at a screen.

You can also do the following:

  • Ask to scroll through their posts with them.
  • ~~This could be awkward, but actually sit with them and look at the posts uploaded both by them and to them. Discuss what you see together.
  • Interpret the tone and content of the posts and what it suggests about their character.
  • ~~This may feel cheesy or cliché, but ask what someone looking at their posts might conclude if they didn’t know them.
  • Discuss how employers, coaches, instructors or mentors might view their sites.
  • ~~Next, talk about how students (grads) have lost their chance at a job because an employer viewed their social media posts.
  • Ask them if they have ever noticed an attitude change in themselves after reading or posting on social media.
  • ~~This requires transparency, but discuss how you, or they, can experience a negative attitude or impulsive reactions online.
  • Suggest they follow this rule: I will only post what I want my reputation to be ten years from now.
  • Finally, give them the long view: What impact does this post have or what reputation will this post give me a decade from now?

15. Start a discussion early on

Varda Meyers Epstein, Kars4Kids

Varda Meyers Epstein headshot

‍ If you teach your teens the following points early on, they will develop responsible social media habits:

Never take over another person’s thread to drive home a point. Don’t go ad hominem when you disagree with someone; always remain respectful and calm. Thank and tag people when you share something they shared first. If you don’t have something nice to say, it’s best not to say it. Vet friend requests carefully – if you can’t see enough information to make an informed decision, it’s best to decline the request and mark it as spam. Don’t share anything you wouldn’t want your mom to see and don’t overshare.

16. Teach accountability

Tom Kersting, Valley Family Counseling

Tom Kersting headshot

‍ It starts with parents. Parents must first ask the following question: Is my child ready for a smartphone and social media? Don’t worry if the other kids your children’s age have access to smartphones and social media. Instead focus on your intuition.

Inform your child that there will be consequences right away if there are any social media mishaps. This means taking access away and following through with the rules that were agreed upon. Accountability is the key; it’s how kids learn.

Students must be educated by the school with regards to digital citizenship and there must be consequences if rules are violated. This sends a strong message that social media must be used responsibly.

17. Encourage students to use technology meaningfully

Troy Dvorak, Psychology Professor

Toyr Dvorak headshot

‍ I encourage my college students to text, tweet, and post information they learn during class when we take periodic class breaks. Teachers can create blogs and Facebook pages for their classes and offer credit to students who participate meaningfully. I also encourage students to follow people and organizations relevant to their major. The use of technology in classrooms is ubiquitous now so, rather than police it, teachers should have students make great use of it. If you keep them busy using technology for learning, they don’t have time to use it for other things during class.

18. Remind teens that nothing is private online

Dave Delaney, Futureforth

Dave Delaney headshot

‍ First and foremost, never put anything online you don’t want your educators, future employers, peers, and parents to see. Deleted items can still live on servers. People can take screenshots of posts. Private accounts can be hacked. Nothing is 100% private online.

Students should actively grow and nurture their network on social media. Take time to get to know people and find ways to serve them.

19. Guide students on how to use social media effectively

Kristen Moon, Moon Prep

Kristen Moon headshot

‍ The college admissions process is competitive enough; students need be cautious to not sabotage themselves. Students need to assume that any picture, post, or tweet that is posted will be seen by the admissions officer at their dream college. Teach students to only put material out there that can benefit them. Students should create a LinkedIn page that is interactive and shows pictures and videos of their accomplishments, interests, and passions. Include the LinkedIn profile URL with the college application. This is a great way for students to make their resume come to life and show how they are using social media responsively and productively.

20. Students shouldn’t count on anonymity

‍ Patrick Fogarty, Valley Stream 30

Patrick Fogarty headshot

‍ As simple as it sounds, if students wouldn’t say it in person, they shouldn’t type it. Students can’t count on a veil of anonymity on Twitter or any other social network. If someone wants to find out who you are, they will. Encourage students (and everyone else) to schedule their tweets using an app like HootSuite or Buffer, so they can type out whatever they want to say, then schedule it to send in an hour or two. That way, students have plenty of time to reconsider their posts before they go public.

21. Advise students to THINK about what they are going to post

‍ Matthew Nance, Kiwanis International

Matthew Nance headshot

‍ T – is it Truthful H – does it Help? I – does it Inspire? N – is it Nice or Necessary? K – is it Kind?

Is their post truthful? Does their post/tweet reflect the true nature of the situation? Is their post only telling one side of the story? Does the post misrepresent the situation or leave out details that matter?

Is the post helpful? Does their post/tweet help someone else understand something? Is the post helping their audience understand how they feel? Is the post helping someone get information?

Is the post inspiring? Does the post/tweet encourage and lift up others? Does the post inspire someone to take action? Does the post inspire the reader to be their best self?

Is the post nice or necessary? Does the post/tweet respect others? Is the post an opinion otherwise not being expressed? Does the post put others down? Does the post support others? Does the post serve those who are reading it?

A single tweet or post may not meet all of these criterion. For example, a student might be tweeting in support of their favorite team or wishing someone happy birthday. These tweets may not qualify as a perfect “THINK” post, but they do not violate any of the above questions. Therefore, no harm, no foul.

22. Understand the pros and cons of social media MoniQue Hoffman 12 Easy Tips for Using Social Media Responsibly MoniQue Hoffman MoniQue Hoffman, QtheBrand, @QtheBrand Students have more control over their future than they think when it comes to using social media. It’s important to understand how social media could make or break future educational or professional opportunities. Each student should complete a series of exercises that allow them to define who they are, who they are not, and what their biggest fear is when it comes to being misunderstood or misinterpreted. Analyzing past posts against their answers should put things into perspective for the student. Over time, the pros and cons to being socially responsible on social media become very clear.

23. Become a source of useful information

‍ Ilena Di Toro, Just Movie Posters

Ilena Di Toro headshot

‍ When using social media, be a source that gives useful information to others, not a drain that wastes other’s time. Students can either post an infinite number of selfies, gossip messages, or, worse, hate messages, which drains the viewer. Conversely, they can post pictures of achievements (sports or hobbies) or articles from websites, broadcast, or print media, which are useful sources of information for the viewer. Providing helpful information online benefits the reader and it also boosts your reputation as somewhat of an “expert”.

24. Manage what is posted online

‍ Dan Konzen, University of Phoenix

Dan Konzen headshot

‍ Practicing responsible social media is very simple. Students can easily build a strong, professional online brand by managing what is posted about them online:

Perform a search on yourself to see what your online brand looks like. Start by googling your name and where you’re from. Go back and clean up what you can, making sure to remove any inappropriate posts and pictures from you or about you. Keep head shots as professional as possible, especially on sites like LinkedIn, which can be easily found by future employers. Create an alert to see what is posted about you online and on social media in the future. Ultimately, students should think about what is posted online as a digital face tattoo; even if it is removed, it still leaves a scar.

25. Urge students to question their content before they post

‍ Johnna Ithier, SpeakLIFE

‍ ‍ Urge students to ask themselves the following questions before they post anything online:

  • Is the post TRUE or a rumor?
  • Is the post HELPFUL or harmful?
  • Is the post INFORMATIONAL or gossip?
  • Is the post NEEDED or irrelevant?
  • Is the post KIND or harsh?

If the post is not any of these things, or you have to question it, you probably shouldn’t post it. Once you hit send, post, etc… the message is no longer yours and the receiver can do anything they want with the message.

A lot of responsibility comes with using the internet. Parents and educators should take a proactive approach and help kids find positive ways to use social media before they get their first digital device or social media account. Establishing digital boundaries and open communication from the start could help prevent them from posting something that could cost them a dream opportunity in the future.

Before giving your student access to social media, parents can:

  • Download each app and review the Terms of Service
  • Start a discussion early on and consider using a Social Media Agreement
  • Inform students that there will be consequences right away if there are any social media mishaps
  • Remind teens that nothing is private online
  • Urge students to question each piece of content before they post it

‍ Once your students are active on social media, parents can:

  • Follow them on all of their social networks
  • Encourage students to post content that showcases their aptitude
  • Consider setting time limits
  • Become a trusted resource for students when they have questions or feel uncomfortable about content they see on social media
  • Stay involved and ask students what they are doing and who they are chatting with

Additional Resources

To learn more about video games visit our video games guide: Pros and Cons of Video Games

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“25 Easy Tips for Using Social Media Responsibly” SmartSocial, 7 July 2020, https://smartsocial.com/post/using-social-media-responsibly.

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Can YouTube Help A Student’s Online Reputation?

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Open Education for a Better World

Responsible Use of Social Media

Social networks are one of the major modes of communication today and although their basic idea is built on the concept of connecting with friends and family; the impact of these websites have far outweighed their initial uses. These are forums where people can find friends and adversaries; get connected with like-minded individuals and lead the world to change in both positive and negative ways. The world has become very small due to the advent of these forums and levels of connectivity which was hitherto undreamt of; has suddenly reached everyone’s fingertips. People are still coming to terms with the vastness of the internet and getting used to knowing everything about everyone through these websites. In the meantime, the private corporations which built these social media are regularly collecting large amounts of personal data from unsuspecting users around the globe. This vast amount of data is then used for two things – firstly, to tailor content according to each user’s individual taste. The algorithms are set to understand the liking and disliking of every user and machine learning helps to improve on the advertisements and recommendations individually. Secondly, from all the files leaked by Edward Snowden in 2013, we now know Facebook, Amazon, Google and others work with the world’s governments in providing them with all this personal data so they can snoop on everyone under the guise of terrorism prevention.

This course will be designed to create digitally aware citizens who can utilize social media in a positive way and stay safe from addiction and breaches of privacy in the modern world.

The project is divided into three modules:

Module 1: Our Secrets, Their Secrets The first part explores the area of Social Media Intelligence or SOCMINT. The surveillance and collection of user’s personal information on social media and monitoring their posts and data to predict future behaviors and manipulate them for marketing and profit. This breach in privacy is possible because users are readily giving away their data unsuspectingly. So, the first part will guide students to: 1. Be aware of what they’re making public and limit the websites from monitoring personal data. 2. Be aware of the policies of social media sites and how to block cookies and extensions to ensure no additional information is given out. 3. Engage in Security and Privacy Check-ups provided by Google, Facebook and the like. 4. Familiarize themselves with all account settings, especially group settings so no potentially sensitive information is shared among a large crowd without realization. 5. Be aware that privacy has to be spread among friends and family too so they don’t make mistakes by sharing personal information without their knowledge.

Module 2: Eat, Breathe and Drink Content This will consist of the meaning, symptoms, causes and effects of social media addiction and how it has become an all-pervading problem in the modern world. The increase in sharing personal pictures of moments with friends brings into fore new disorders which include the likes of “FoMO” or Fear of Missing Out (added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2014). This leads to people going through a constant fear that something is happening and they’re missing out. Similar cases of “Cybersickness”, “Facebook Depression”, “Online Gaming Addiction” etcetera have become rampant. This part will cover: 1. The negative effects on mental health of addicted users and the categories of disorders that have newly developed because of this. 2. The negative effects on physical health of addicted users and how one can slowly destroy their body by getting consumed more and more. 3. How to overcome the obsessive need of checking social media constantly, avoiding selfie deaths, handling and reporting cyber bullying and ways to survive in the cut throat world of cowards hiding in anonymity behind their screens with evil intentions.

Module 3: Becoming Digital Celebrities The third part will cover the positive side of social media. Social media, if used properly; can become a powerful tool for performing democracy. It gives everyone a chance to voice their opinions and start direct dialogue with big corporations and government officials. An individual can harness social media to popularize his art, craft or skill without needing to get discovered by anyone. This part in the course will show students how to: 1. Customize and create content that attracts more viewers. Sharing is easy but one has to make a user click on the content and make sure he gets the important information at a glance. This will be possible by customizing and reformatting a single content for different social media. 2. Use social media to showcase their talents and connect with people or businesses to advance their careers. How to create free websites, create and manage Facebook groups, free blogs and pages to share content among potential audience will be shown. 3. Connecting with like-minded people, groups and such to get important messages across peers and spreading awareness about social issues. If one can generate a movement to ban single use plastics across the world; it might prove to be incredibly more effective than any government speech or conference. This will start with understanding various hashtag activism movements that have empowered people through social media in the past.

Sayantan Mukherjee, OE4BW mentee

Sayantan Mukherjee

Sayantan Mukherjee is a teacher and professional video editor based in Kolkata, India. He has edited numerous feature length documentary films, short films and corporate films. He is a part of the organization "Bichitra Pathshala" where he regularly mentors’ students and teachers of schools and institutions on how to integrate technology and cinema into their teaching/learning designs. He is a technical consultant for various institutions and has been around the country for Vigyan Prasar- the Science Communication Department of the Government of India; exposing the uses of moving image and internet in a classroom situation. He is the visiting faculty of video editing in Aliah University and teaches B.Sc. students of Media Science how to craft their own films on the editing table. He works for EMMRC, St. Xavier's College as anchor and editor for numerous MOOC programmes made under the Swayam platform for UGC, India.

essay about responsible social media use

Subha Das Mollick

A media teacher and a documentary filmmaker, Subha Das Mollick has made more than 50 documentary films on a variety of subjects, most of which have been aired on the national television. A post graduate in Physics, she switched over to media after more than ten years of teaching Physics at the undergraduate level. She has been the head of the Film Studies and Mass Communication Dept. at the St. Xavier's College, Kolkata and nurtured the twin departments at their stages of infancy. She has also been the head of the Media Science Department at iLEAD Institute. She has been the principal instructor for two online courses on the SWAYAM Platform. Presently she is a visiting faculty at Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, Viswa Bharati University and at Aliah University. As the founder secretary of Bichitra Pathshala, she has been developing the pedagogy for effective use of moving images in teaching learning designs.  Her recent independent productions “Calcutta Sonata” and “Dwelling in Travelling” have been critically acclaimed in the festival circuit and bagged some prestigious awards.

essay about responsible social media use

Andrea Niosi

Andrea Niosi is a Marketing Instructor in the School of Business at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia, Canada.

People’s Responsibility in the Social Media World and Its Effects on the Reputation Research Paper

Risks associated with using social media, practices of good use of social media.

Social media has developed to become one of the largest and popular platforms in the cyber world. However, this rapid growth has brought many challenges on the use of the social media platforms. This is because social media portrays users and their characters over the internet.

This allows for sharing of many aspects of their lives appropriate, offensive, tormenting and useful. Through social media, there is sharing of messages, photos, videos and documents easily. Technology is indispensable with easy access to internet enabled mobile phones, digital cameras, smart phones and web enabled video cameras used in everyday life. With the sharing of such personal information on the internet, various vulnerabilities to reputation are inevitable.

Technology has greatly advanced with the possibility of people creating and modifying tasteless images and videos online using easily available software. Employers can also obtain personal information by doing profile search on employee profiles for recruitment purposes. This can be damaging to employee-employer relations and life at large. Content posted online is permanent since it is available for reference.

Social media offers a dangerous platform where people can create false profiles and enter chat rooms with unreal names. It is important to think before making commitments to the online associations and relationships or posting images, videos and content. Some aspects of private life need to be kept confidential, not for the whole world to know through social media platforms. The available social media platforms include Face-book, twitter, MySpace, meet-up, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Instagram and Flickr.

We are responsible on social media for whatever content we decide to share irrespective of the perspective. Hiding or using a wrong identity does not help since the computer or web enabled device has a unique ID that identifies it online. Authorities can be able to trace the source and origins of the material posted online and hold them accountable. Social media are vital in peoples lives as they use it for business, hating on others, bullying, offend others, network and share information.

The way people interact, communicate, do business and learn has undergone a revolution by social media. This presents risks in security, privacy, legal, intellectual property, and employment practices (Merril & Latham, 2011). The risks can be classified as reputational, operational and legal.

Reputation: The risks associated with the reputation on social media equal or surpass the benefits because social media spans millions of users globally thus offering an uncharted risk. Spreading of wrong and damaging information on social media can lead to expensive damage control procedures which may not be successful.

An example is the case of Sarah Jones, the former Bengals cheerleader. The dirty dot com website posted false information about Jones alleging that she had sex with each Bengals player. It further alleged that she had sexually transmitted infections. The author of the website acted in malice and irresponsible disregard.

Another example is a prank video of a tainted sandwich posted by employees of a pizza delivery on YouTube. The video drew a lot of interest online and the reputation of the pizza delivery store dented to negative. The CEO had to address the issue on YouTube, but the damage was inevitable since searches for the pizza online returned the funny video. Posting such false, embarrassing and defamatory information damages the reputation of the individual or institution involved.

Employment risks: Companies and recruitment firms use social media to collect information about employees and potential recruits (Stenzel& Nesdahl, 2011). Online information guides decisions about hiring by managers. Offences committed on social media by people inform decisions about them. Companies allowing employees to use social media tend to monitor their online activities.

Security risks: There are potential security risks posed by social media platforms and their activities. Malware, spyware and viruses, can be downloaded to the computer or web enabled device from social sites. Phishing and click-jacking can also occur on social websites. Furthermore, sharing of personal and credit card information can lead to fraud in terms of identity theft.

The security of minors using social websites is also at stake because pedophiles use such platforms to lure unsuspecting users using fake profiles. There is the acquisition of personal information like usernames, passwords and bank information through spoofed websites.

Intellectual property risk: Information and media exchanged on social media may have intellectual property predicament. This is because such information may belong to others or a company hence subject to copyright and other contractual obligations. Access and sharing of such information is illegal and restricted.

Privacy risk: With the ability to interact with virtually the whole world online, privacy is a big challenge (Stenzel& Nesdahl, 2011). This is because shared content, images, materials and videos can be accessed almost by everyone. Most people ignore privacy while using social media. A survey on teens using social media indicated that most of them were not even aware of the privacy options setting.

Graph search available on most social media platforms allows users, and advertisers to search personal information shared online. There are three main security categories on internet privacy. The first one is public where shared information is accessible to anyone and searchable via search engines.

Followers and friends only allow access of personal information by approved friends and followers. Locked shuts down all privacy settings and express authorization have to be sought case by case by each user. It is imperative to observe the terms of service and familiarize with privacy settings of the social platform.

Building a good reputation is through good deeds and can vanish with only one negative action. The speed at which content can spread on social media further complicates this. With the possibility to capture screenshots, copy paste and other editing provisions, an errant private post easily becomes public. Knowing how to protect the privacy on social media is vital and can be achieved by practicing the following good practices.

Avoid posting any content that may be inappropriate for your mother to view. Parents are more conservative on their family values and ethics (Merrill, 2013). The parental love decreases with mistakes like an errant and offending post that may have unending effects.

Restrain from posting content that may be unsuitable for your employer or prospective employer to view. Envision a situation where there is the presentation of your online portfolio in an interview. Since employers and future employers’ access social media, it is fundamental to evaluate every online posting.

Clearly identify your weak and danger zones. If there is a temperamental problem, it is good to make decisions early and decide on handling each situation. Avoid posting content while high on emotions like anger, ecstatic, boredom, sad or happy since such states have chemical inhibitors blocking rational thinking.

Confirm every message and content before sending and avoid reading negative content as it may trigger posting of negative content. Avoid creating profiles on websites that host negative material as any content on these sites is searchable.

Practice staying off social media during periods when tired, bored or time for performing other tasks. Avoid living at the mercy of social media and the web enabled devices. Ensure to log out of social media accounts before leaving the computer or cyber.

Theories on responsible use of social media

There is research on responsible use of social media. These theories tend to assess the effects of social media on groups, individual and companies (Joosten, 2012). Social media had revolutionized the way of doing business and marketing by providing networking and advertising avenues. The social responsibility theory provides for free press with no censorship while at the same time subject the content to media obligation. The theory lies between libertarian and authoritarian tendencies as it grants media freedom on one side and external regulations and controls on the other (Siebert, Schramm & Peterson, 1984).

Always be safe and cautious while using social media to avoid posting something that can your reputation, privacy and name Encountering a wrong group or influence online may affect ones reputation. The internet and social media can either build your reputation or break it (Joosten, 2012).

Being responsible in postings upholds credibility thus evaluate and assess the content, videos, photos and text before posting. Edited videos and Photo-shopped items can damage credibility especially for the person in the images or video. Responsible social media training is necessary since most crises result from inappropriate responses, bad content, slow response, irresponsible procedures and lack of verification.

Joosten, T. (2012). Social media for educators: Strategies and best practices . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Merril T. & Latham K, (2011), The Business Benefits May Be Enormous, But Can the Risks –Reputational, Legal, Operational –Be Mitigated? Web.

Merrill, S. (2013). The passionate mom: Dare to parent in today’s world . Nashville, Tenn: Thomas Nelson.

Siebert, F. S., Schramm, W., & Peterson, T. (1984). Four theories of the press: The authoritarian, libertarian, social responsibility, and Soviet communist concepts of what the press should be and do . Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Stenzel, P., & Nesdahl, M. (2011). Who’s in your social network?: Understanding the risks associated with modern media and social networking and how it can impact your character and relationships . Ventura, Calif: Regal.

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IvyPanda. (2019, December 22). People’s Responsibility in the Social Media World and Its Effects on the Reputation. https://ivypanda.com/essays/peoples-responsibility-in-the-social-media-world-and-its-effects-on-the-reputation/

"People’s Responsibility in the Social Media World and Its Effects on the Reputation." IvyPanda , 22 Dec. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/peoples-responsibility-in-the-social-media-world-and-its-effects-on-the-reputation/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'People’s Responsibility in the Social Media World and Its Effects on the Reputation'. 22 December.

IvyPanda . 2019. "People’s Responsibility in the Social Media World and Its Effects on the Reputation." December 22, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/peoples-responsibility-in-the-social-media-world-and-its-effects-on-the-reputation/.

1. IvyPanda . "People’s Responsibility in the Social Media World and Its Effects on the Reputation." December 22, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/peoples-responsibility-in-the-social-media-world-and-its-effects-on-the-reputation/.


IvyPanda . "People’s Responsibility in the Social Media World and Its Effects on the Reputation." December 22, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/peoples-responsibility-in-the-social-media-world-and-its-effects-on-the-reputation/.

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Nine tips for healthy social media use

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The majority of U.S. college students spend hours each day on social media platforms, which can impact mental health and overall well-being.

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Scrolling. Liking. Commenting. Click-click-clicking. The majority of U.S. college students spend hours each day on social media platforms and are never far from their digital devices. In this era of constant online engagement, students’ identities, experiences, and mental health are significantly impacted by social media use.

In response to this, MindHandHeart created a list of tips to use social media in a healthy, positive way, in partnership with Student Mental Health and Counseling Services at MIT Medical, the Division of Student Life , and Active Minds at MIT .

Former president of Active Minds and current graduate student Tarun Kamath contributed to the list of tips and reflects on its creation, saying: “Social media can shape a student's self-image and perception of the world, and can have an enormous influence on one's mental health. Active Minds is always looking for ways in which to improve student mental health and, by disseminating this information, we hope that students may shape their social media habits such that it enhances, rather than detracts from, their daily lives.”

Complementing this list of tips, MindHandHeart and the Division of Student Life hosted study breaks in every undergraduate residence on the topic of social media and mental health in spring 2019. Students met for dinner and watched the film “Eighth Grade,” which touches on themes of social media overuse, anxiety, and growing up in today’s digital age.

In fall 2019, MindHandHeart and the Communications Forum hosted a dialogue on social media and mental health featuring Bo Burnham, comedian and director of “Eighth Grade,” and Jonny Sun, comedic author and MIT PhD candidate. Over 600 people crowded into 26-100 to hear Burnham and Sun discuss how the digital world is shaping young peoples’ identities and experiences. Both Burnham and Sun rose to fame through social media platforms and have been open about their struggles with mental health. A recap of the event by MIT Admissions Blogger and first-year student Cami M. is available on the MIT Admissions Blog .

Read through our list of tips below and consider how they might apply to your own social media use.

1. Support a healthy online community. Before you comment, let your words pass through three gates: At the first gate, ask yourself “Is it true?” At the second gate ask, “Is it necessary?” At the third gate ask, “Is it kind?” (Inspired by a quote from Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet.)

2. Live in the moment. Photos and videos have their place, but awareness of the present moment is crucial to your connections and experiences! A recent study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology by Tamira et.al. reports that media usage could even change or reduce memories of life events. So capture that amazing sunset, but don’t forget to enjoy it, too.

3. Link instead of compare. Comparing yourself to other people can make you unhappy in the long run, whereas making genuine connections with others can enhance your overall well-being. If you are on social media for a few minutes, mindfully ask yourself, “Am I comparing? Or linking?” Take a moment to do something that links you — reach out to an old friend or elder relative and send them something to brighten their day.

4. Follow people and things that bring you joy. A lot of social media content is highly curated and may represent lifestyles and attitudes that don’t exist. To account for this, consider limiting the number of people you follow on social media. This could mean only following those who are close to you, make you feel good, and will be there when you need them.

5. Keep things IRL (In Real Life). If social media is causing you any stress, consider deleting apps such as Facebook and Instagram from your phone so that you don’t have easy access to them. Prioritize time spent with friends and family over time spent scrolling through social media.

6. Start your day intentionally. As easy as it is to pick up your phone and start scrolling from your bed, it may not be the healthiest way to begin your day, as you cannot control what you’re going to see. Seeing something negative could potentially contribute negative subconscious thoughts that put one at risk for unhealthy patterns, according to research conducted by Marcus Raichle at Washington University in St. Louis. Try starting with meditation, prayer, stretching, or positive affirmations instead. These alternatives are likely to support a healthier internal monologue.

7. Make events accessible. If you’re planning an event, be sure there are other ways for people to RSVP who aren’t on Facebook or other social media platforms.

8. Take a break and support others in doing so. If a friend is struggling with social media overuse and wants to take a break from it or use blocking apps, support them and don’t make fun of them. Join them in the break, if possible.

9. Don’t struggle alone. If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, attention problems, or any other deeper issue related to social media overuse, make an appointment to talk with someone who can help you feel better again. MIT offers an array of peer, group, and counseling services. Visit resources.mit.edu/resources/personal-support to learn more.

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  • Active Minds at MIT
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Feb 15, 2023

6 Example Essays on Social Media | Advantages, Effects, and Outlines

Got an essay assignment about the effects of social media we got you covered check out our examples and outlines below.

Social media has become one of our society's most prominent ways of communication and information sharing in a very short time. It has changed how we communicate and has given us a platform to express our views and opinions and connect with others. It keeps us informed about the world around us. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have brought individuals from all over the world together, breaking down geographical borders and fostering a genuinely global community.

However, social media comes with its difficulties. With the rise of misinformation, cyberbullying, and privacy problems, it's critical to utilize these platforms properly and be aware of the risks. Students in the academic world are frequently assigned essays about the impact of social media on numerous elements of our lives, such as relationships, politics, and culture. These essays necessitate a thorough comprehension of the subject matter, critical thinking, and the ability to synthesize and convey information clearly and succinctly.

But where do you begin? It can be challenging to know where to start with so much information available. Jenni.ai comes in handy here. Jenni.ai is an AI application built exclusively for students to help them write essays more quickly and easily. Jenni.ai provides students with inspiration and assistance on how to approach their essays with its enormous database of sample essays on a variety of themes, including social media. Jenni.ai is the solution you've been looking for if you're experiencing writer's block or need assistance getting started.

So, whether you're a student looking to better your essay writing skills or want to remain up to date on the latest social media advancements, Jenni.ai is here to help. Jenni.ai is the ideal tool for helping you write your finest essay ever, thanks to its simple design, an extensive database of example essays, and cutting-edge AI technology. So, why delay? Sign up for a free trial of Jenni.ai today and begin exploring the worlds of social networking and essay writing!

Want to learn how to write an argumentative essay? Check out these inspiring examples!

We will provide various examples of social media essays so you may get a feel for the genre.

6 Examples of Social Media Essays

Here are 6 examples of Social Media Essays:

The Impact of Social Media on Relationships and Communication


The way we share information and build relationships has evolved as a direct result of the prevalence of social media in our daily lives. The influence of social media on interpersonal connections and conversation is a hot topic. Although social media has many positive effects, such as bringing people together regardless of physical proximity and making communication quicker and more accessible, it also has a dark side that can affect interpersonal connections and dialogue.

Positive Effects:

Connecting People Across Distances

One of social media's most significant benefits is its ability to connect individuals across long distances. People can use social media platforms to interact and stay in touch with friends and family far away. People can now maintain intimate relationships with those they care about, even when physically separated.

Improved Communication Speed and Efficiency

Additionally, the proliferation of social media sites has accelerated and simplified communication. Thanks to instant messaging, users can have short, timely conversations rather than lengthy ones via email. Furthermore, social media facilitates group communication, such as with classmates or employees, by providing a unified forum for such activities.

Negative Effects:

Decreased Face-to-Face Communication

The decline in in-person interaction is one of social media's most pernicious consequences on interpersonal connections and dialogue. People's reliance on digital communication over in-person contact has increased along with the popularity of social media. Face-to-face interaction has suffered as a result, which has adverse effects on interpersonal relationships and the development of social skills.

Decreased Emotional Intimacy

Another adverse effect of social media on relationships and communication is decreased emotional intimacy. Digital communication lacks the nonverbal cues and facial expressions critical in building emotional connections with others. This can make it more difficult for people to develop close and meaningful relationships, leading to increased loneliness and isolation.

Increased Conflict and Miscommunication

Finally, social media can also lead to increased conflict and miscommunication. The anonymity and distance provided by digital communication can lead to misunderstandings and hurtful comments that might not have been made face-to-face. Additionally, social media can provide a platform for cyberbullying , which can have severe consequences for the victim's mental health and well-being.


In conclusion, the impact of social media on relationships and communication is a complex issue with both positive and negative effects. While social media platforms offer many benefits, such as connecting people across distances and enabling faster and more accessible communication, they also have a dark side that can negatively affect relationships and communication. It is up to individuals to use social media responsibly and to prioritize in-person communication in their relationships and interactions with others.

The Role of Social Media in the Spread of Misinformation and Fake News

Social media has revolutionized the way information is shared and disseminated. However, the ease and speed at which data can be spread on social media also make it a powerful tool for spreading misinformation and fake news. Misinformation and fake news can seriously affect public opinion, influence political decisions, and even cause harm to individuals and communities.

The Pervasiveness of Misinformation and Fake News on Social Media

Misinformation and fake news are prevalent on social media platforms, where they can spread quickly and reach a large audience. This is partly due to the way social media algorithms work, which prioritizes content likely to generate engagement, such as sensational or controversial stories. As a result, false information can spread rapidly and be widely shared before it is fact-checked or debunked.

The Influence of Social Media on Public Opinion

Social media can significantly impact public opinion, as people are likelier to believe the information they see shared by their friends and followers. This can lead to a self-reinforcing cycle, where misinformation and fake news are spread and reinforced, even in the face of evidence to the contrary.

The Challenge of Correcting Misinformation and Fake News

Correcting misinformation and fake news on social media can be a challenging task. This is partly due to the speed at which false information can spread and the difficulty of reaching the same audience exposed to the wrong information in the first place. Additionally, some individuals may be resistant to accepting correction, primarily if the incorrect information supports their beliefs or biases.

In conclusion, the function of social media in disseminating misinformation and fake news is complex and urgent. While social media has revolutionized the sharing of information, it has also made it simpler for false information to propagate and be widely believed. Individuals must be accountable for the information they share and consume, and social media firms must take measures to prevent the spread of disinformation and fake news on their platforms.

The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health and Well-Being

Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with billions of people around the world using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay connected with others and access information. However, while social media has many benefits, it can also negatively affect mental health and well-being.

Comparison and Low Self-Esteem

One of the key ways that social media can affect mental health is by promoting feelings of comparison and low self-esteem. People often present a curated version of their lives on social media, highlighting their successes and hiding their struggles. This can lead others to compare themselves unfavorably, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment

Another way that social media can negatively impact mental health is through cyberbullying and online harassment. Social media provides a platform for anonymous individuals to harass and abuse others, leading to feelings of anxiety, fear, and depression.

Social Isolation

Despite its name, social media can also contribute to feelings of isolation. At the same time, people may have many online friends but need more meaningful in-person connections and support. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.

Addiction and Overuse

Finally, social media can be addictive, leading to overuse and negatively impacting mental health and well-being. People may spend hours each day scrolling through their feeds, neglecting other important areas of their lives, such as work, family, and self-care.

In sum, social media has positive and negative consequences on one's psychological and emotional well-being. Realizing this, and taking measures like reducing one's social media use, reaching out to loved ones for help, and prioritizing one's well-being, are crucial. In addition, it's vital that social media giants take ownership of their platforms and actively encourage excellent mental health and well-being.

The Use of Social Media in Political Activism and Social Movements

Social media has recently become increasingly crucial in political action and social movements. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have given people new ways to express themselves, organize protests, and raise awareness about social and political issues.

Raising Awareness and Mobilizing Action

One of the most important uses of social media in political activity and social movements has been to raise awareness about important issues and mobilize action. Hashtags such as #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter, for example, have brought attention to sexual harassment and racial injustice, respectively. Similarly, social media has been used to organize protests and other political actions, allowing people to band together and express themselves on a bigger scale.

Connecting with like-minded individuals

A second method in that social media has been utilized in political activity and social movements is to unite like-minded individuals. Through social media, individuals can join online groups, share knowledge and resources, and work with others to accomplish shared objectives. This has been especially significant for geographically scattered individuals or those without access to traditional means of political organizing.

Challenges and Limitations

As a vehicle for political action and social movements, social media has faced many obstacles and restrictions despite its many advantages. For instance, the propagation of misinformation and fake news on social media can impede attempts to disseminate accurate and reliable information. In addition, social media corporations have been condemned for censorship and insufficient protection of user rights.

In conclusion, social media has emerged as a potent instrument for political activism and social movements, giving voice to previously unheard communities and galvanizing support for change. Social media presents many opportunities for communication and collaboration. Still, users and institutions must be conscious of the risks and limitations of these tools to promote their responsible and productive usage.

The Potential Privacy Concerns Raised by Social Media Use and Data Collection Practices

With billions of users each day on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, social media has ingrained itself into every aspect of our lives. While these platforms offer a straightforward method to communicate with others and exchange information, they also raise significant concerns over data collecting and privacy. This article will examine the possible privacy issues posed by social media use and data-gathering techniques.

Data Collection and Sharing

The gathering and sharing of personal data are significant privacy issues brought up by social media use. Social networking sites gather user data, including details about their relationships, hobbies, and routines. This information is made available to third-party businesses for various uses, such as marketing and advertising. This can lead to serious concerns about who has access to and uses our personal information.

Lack of Control Over Personal Information

The absence of user control over personal information is a significant privacy issue brought up by social media usage. Social media makes it challenging to limit who has access to and how data is utilized once it has been posted. Sensitive information may end up being extensively disseminated and may be used maliciously as a result.

Personalized Marketing

Social media companies utilize the information they gather about users to target them with adverts relevant to their interests and usage patterns. Although this could be useful, it might also cause consumers to worry about their privacy since they might feel that their personal information is being used without their permission. Furthermore, there are issues with the integrity of the data being used to target users and the possibility of prejudice based on individual traits.

Government Surveillance

Using social media might spark worries about government surveillance. There are significant concerns regarding privacy and free expression when governments in some nations utilize social media platforms to follow and monitor residents.

In conclusion, social media use raises significant concerns regarding data collecting and privacy. While these platforms make it easy to interact with people and exchange information, they also gather a lot of personal information, which raises questions about who may access it and how it will be used. Users should be aware of these privacy issues and take precautions to safeguard their personal information, such as exercising caution when choosing what details to disclose on social media and keeping their information sharing with other firms to a minimum.

The Ethical and Privacy Concerns Surrounding Social Media Use And Data Collection

Our use of social media to communicate with loved ones, acquire information, and even conduct business has become a crucial part of our everyday lives. The extensive use of social media does, however, raise some ethical and privacy issues that must be resolved. The influence of social media use and data collecting on user rights, the accountability of social media businesses, and the need for improved regulation are all topics that will be covered in this article.

Effect on Individual Privacy:

Social networking sites gather tons of personal data from their users, including delicate information like search history, location data, and even health data. Each user's detailed profile may be created with this data and sold to advertising or used for other reasons. Concerns regarding the privacy of personal information might arise because social media businesses can use this data to target users with customized adverts.

Additionally, individuals might need to know how much their personal information is being gathered and exploited. Data breaches or the unauthorized sharing of personal information with other parties may result in instances where sensitive information is exposed. Users should be aware of the privacy rules of social media firms and take precautions to secure their data.

Responsibility of Social Media Companies:

Social media firms should ensure that they responsibly and ethically gather and use user information. This entails establishing strong security measures to safeguard sensitive information and ensuring users are informed of what information is being collected and how it is used.

Many social media businesses, nevertheless, have come under fire for not upholding these obligations. For instance, the Cambridge Analytica incident highlighted how Facebook users' personal information was exploited for political objectives without their knowledge. This demonstrates the necessity of social media corporations being held responsible for their deeds and ensuring that they are safeguarding the security and privacy of their users.

Better Regulation Is Needed

There is a need for tighter regulation in this field, given the effect, social media has on individual privacy as well as the obligations of social media firms. The creation of laws and regulations that ensure social media companies are gathering and using user information ethically and responsibly, as well as making sure users are aware of their rights and have the ability to control the information that is being collected about them, are all part of this.

Additionally, legislation should ensure that social media businesses are held responsible for their behavior, for example, by levying fines for data breaches or the unauthorized use of personal data. This will provide social media businesses with a significant incentive to prioritize their users' privacy and security and ensure they are upholding their obligations.

In conclusion, social media has fundamentally changed how we engage and communicate with one another, but this increased convenience also raises several ethical and privacy issues. Essential concerns that need to be addressed include the effect of social media on individual privacy, the accountability of social media businesses, and the requirement for greater regulation to safeguard user rights. We can make everyone's online experience safer and more secure by looking more closely at these issues.

In conclusion, social media is a complex and multifaceted topic that has recently captured the world's attention. With its ever-growing influence on our lives, it's no surprise that it has become a popular subject for students to explore in their writing. Whether you are writing an argumentative essay on the impact of social media on privacy, a persuasive essay on the role of social media in politics, or a descriptive essay on the changes social media has brought to the way we communicate, there are countless angles to approach this subject.

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How can you be more responsible on social media? Here are some tips

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How can you be more responsible on social media? Here are some tips

CONFUSING PLATFORMS. The CIVID-19 forced senior citizens indoors, where they had to ask the help of younger members of the family for tasks, like shopping and bill payments, that they had formerly done.

MANILA, Philippines – Now that the internet is widely accessible to most people, how can we be more responsible on social media? What can people do to promote a safe community on social media? 

In the third session of MovePH’s media and information literacy training series, experts highlighted that digital citizens must know and exercise their rights and responsibilities online. This is to help promote a safe and responsible digital environment. The webinar featured World Bank consultant Bernice Soriano and content creator Mona Magno-Veluz (also known on TikTok as Mighty Magulang).

Here are some ways for people to be responsible digital citizens.

1. Know your digital rights

Not all social media users are aware of their digital rights. Soriano emphasized that a citizen’s rights offline should also apply online. 

“Digital technology should provide ways to exercise human rights. But what happens usually, these are being violated online…I think a lot of women, LGBTQIA, [and] other marginalized communities would actually echo these. It’s always been said that just because you were bashed online–then it’s okay because it’s just online… No, your rights were still violated and that shouldn’t happen,” Soriano said in a mix of Filipino and English. 

Given the lack of or limited laws on digital rights, hatred, anger, and shaming tend to get normalized on social media. This especially applies to how we usually perceive cyberbullying and online violence as passive and harmless. 

To learn more about digital rights and how we can help translate these into action in our communities, here are some resources you can check: 

  • United Nations Secretary Roadmap for Digital Cooperation 
  • Declaration of European Digital Rights and Principles 
  • Philippine Declaration on Internet Rights and Principles

2 . Be mindful of how you use social media

Responsible digital citizens are savvy social media users. According to Soriano, responsible digital citizens are encouraged to educate and empower people by creating, consuming, and sharing content. This can be done simply by helping a family member protect their social media accounts, or it can be as complex as utilizing social media to spark movements and advocacies to reach more people.

“You have a lot of information available to you. The web, the internet is there. We consume a lot of information, but what’s key is [to] apply the literacy skills to know which information I need, to apply critical thinking, and eventually be able to act as a person that can make good judgment,” Soriano said.

Veluz echoed this, citing how false information is at times created faster than the ability of the platforms to react. Thus, the need for social media users to be careful about what they share and how they interact with posts online. 

“If you keep watching accounts that propagate fake news so that you can get angry and leave nasty comments, you are being anger-baited and you are helping drive up their social media relevance. So, the lesson to that is to just stay calm,” Veluz said in a mix of Filipino and English. 

People should know what issues to prioritize, and what are the things that should be left ignored. When dealing with conversations online, Veluz suggested practicing a three-strike rule: leave a conversation after three exchanges of debates to avoid further flooding and engaging with internet trolls. 

“No matter our purpose for being in social media, we must be upstanding social media citizens…Social media should be a reflection of our values and issues that matter to us,” she added.

3. Engage meaningfully

Disinformation breeds hatred and violence. With heightened conflict on social media, online citizens can easily act like internet trolls without being aware of it, especially when they come across posts that are different from their views. 

“We cannot confuse the right to speak with being right. We cannot confuse opinions with facts,” Veluz said.

To sustain a healthy discourse online, citizens should be open to facts and criticism. As opinions should be grounded on facts, people should not be shamed for changing their opinions on certain things, especially when they find better information and evidence on something they once believed in.

Veluz added that it is important for us to be careful in our approach when dealing with disinformation. 

“We have to periodically review our tactics to engage people. We have to pivot when the results are telling us that whatever we are doing is not working. We have to continuously innovate on how to share lights, because the darkness will be doing exactly the same thing,” she added.

4. Practice empathy

Empathy can go a long way and is one of the key factors to building trust, persuade, and sustain meaningful relationships with the people around you. 

When correcting a relative or friend, Veluz shared that her personal technique is to ask questions politely to understand where they are coming from. By doing that, you are not making it appear as if you are better or smarter than someone else. It is important to acknowledge what they know before you slowly guide them towards the correct information.

On top of that, she also advised the current generation to break the chain of name-calling, bashing, or speaking without sense or reason as it may only hinder people from listening to you.

“I want to believe that people I talk to online and even offline are capable of compassion and kindness, even if we do not always agree…I always tell my kids never write anything down or say anything online if you cannot say those exact words to that person’s face,” Veluz said. 

“As a genealogist, I always tell people that 100 years from now, our social media presence will be the primary evidence on what kind of human beings we were,” she added.

The five-part media and information literacy series aims to bring together teachers, students, and leaders who will learn – and talk about – how to be critical and discerning online. This was launched by the #FactsFirstPH initiative , through Rappler’s civic engagement arm MovePH, along with 25 participating schools and organizations in the Philippines.

Participants may register for the media and information literacy series here for free . – Rappler.com

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Essay on Social Media for School Students and Children

500+ words essay on social media.

Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days because of its user-friendly features. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more are giving people a chance to connect with each other across distances. In other words, the whole world is at our fingertips all thanks to social media. The youth is especially one of the most dominant users of social media. All this makes you wonder that something so powerful and with such a massive reach cannot be all good. Like how there are always two sides to a coin, the same goes for social media. Subsequently, different people have different opinions on this debatable topic. So, in this essay on Social Media, we will see the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

Essay on Social Media

Advantages of Social Media

When we look at the positive aspect of social media, we find numerous advantages. The most important being a great device for education . All the information one requires is just a click away. Students can educate themselves on various topics using social media.

Moreover, live lectures are now possible because of social media. You can attend a lecture happening in America while sitting in India.

Furthermore, as more and more people are distancing themselves from newspapers, they are depending on social media for news. You are always updated on the latest happenings of the world through it. A person becomes more socially aware of the issues of the world.

In addition, it strengthens bonds with your loved ones. Distance is not a barrier anymore because of social media. For instance, you can easily communicate with your friends and relatives overseas.

Most importantly, it also provides a great platform for young budding artists to showcase their talent for free. You can get great opportunities for employment through social media too.

Another advantage definitely benefits companies who wish to promote their brands. Social media has become a hub for advertising and offers you great opportunities for connecting with the customer.

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Disadvantages of Social Media

Despite having such unique advantages, social media is considered to be one of the most harmful elements of society. If the use of social media is not monitored, it can lead to grave consequences.

essay about responsible social media use

Thus, the sharing on social media especially by children must be monitored at all times. Next up is the addition of social media which is quite common amongst the youth.

This addiction hampers with the academic performance of a student as they waste their time on social media instead of studying. Social media also creates communal rifts. Fake news is spread with the use of it, which poisons the mind of peace-loving citizens.

In short, surely social media has both advantages and disadvantages. But, it all depends on the user at the end. The youth must particularly create a balance between their academic performances, physical activities, and social media. Excess use of anything is harmful and the same thing applies to social media. Therefore, we must strive to live a satisfying life with the right balance.

essay about responsible social media use

FAQs on Social Media

Q.1 Is social media beneficial? If yes, then how?

A.1 Social media is quite beneficial. Social Media offers information, news, educational material, a platform for talented youth and brands.

Q.2 What is a disadvantage of Social Media?

A.2 Social media invades your privacy. It makes you addicted and causes health problems. It also results in cyberbullying and scams as well as communal hatred.

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Persuasive Essay Writing

Persuasive Essay About Social Media

Cathy A.

Learn How to Write a Persuasive Essay About Social Media With Examples

Published on: Jan 26, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

Persuasive Essay About Social Media

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Are you looking to learn how to write a persuasive essay about social media? 

Perfect, you've come to the right place!

From navigating the power of hashtags to analyzing changes in public opinion, these examples will help guide you on your journey. 

Whether you’re a seasoned pro at writing persuasive essays or just a starter, look at these examples to be inspired.

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Brief Overview of Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay persuades the reader or audience to take a particular stance on an issue. It is used to present an opinion on any subject, and it typically takes the form of an academic essay. It includes evidence and facts supporting its arguments.

The writer must use facts and reliable sources to back up his or her claims.

It is also important that the essay should be well-structured. It should have clear arguments and a logical flow from one point to another.

Learn more about crafting perfect persuasive essays with the help of our detailed guide.

Persuasive Essay Examples About Social Media

Are you a student unsure how to write persuasive essays successfully? Well, never fear! 

We've got examples of some amazing persuasive essays about social media that will surely give you inspiration. Let’s take a look at a short persuasive essay example: 

Check these FREE downloadable samples of persuasive essays! 

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Examples of Argumentative Essay about Social Media

To help get your creative juices flowing, look at these example argumentative essays about social media below!

Argumentative essay about social media advantages and disadvantages

Argumentative essay about social media addiction

For more examples of persuasive essays, check out our blog on persuasive essay examples .

How Can You Write a Persuasive Essay About Social Media?      

A persuasive essay about social media can be an interesting and challenging task.

Understanding what makes a persuasive essay unique and how to craft arguments that effectively communicate your point of view is important. 

These are a few steps you should follow before writing an effective persuasive essay on social media.

Step 1: Decide Your Stance

First, you must decide on your stance regarding the issue at hand. Are you for or against the use of social media? Are you in support of social media?

After you decide your stance, move on to the research process.

Step 2: Conduct Due Research

Once you have established your position, you must research the topic and develop an argument that supports your stance. 

Make sure to include facts, statistics, and examples to back up your points.

Step 3: Outline Your Essay

Create a structured persuasive essay outline before delving into detailed writing. This roadmap will help organize your thoughts, ensuring a logical flow of arguments. Outline your introduction, key points, counterarguments, and conclusion.

Step 4: Craft Your Introduction 

The introduction should provide context, state the thesis statement , and grab the reader's attention. It precedes deciding your stance and initiates the overall writing process.

Read this free PDF to learn more about crafting essays on social media!

Persuasive essay about social media introduction

Step 5: Write the Body

Organize your arguments logically in the body of the essay. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point, supported by research and addressing counterarguments. This follows the introduction and precedes maintaining a persuasive tone.

Step 6: Address All Counterarguments

It is important to anticipate potential counterarguments from those who oppose your stance. 

Take time to address these points directly and provide evidence for why your opinion is more valid.

Step 7: Maintain a Persuasive Tone

To maintain your audience's attention, it is important to write in a confident and persuasive tone throughout the essay. 

Use strong language that will make readers take notice of your words. 

Check out this video on persuasive writing tones and styles.

Step 8: Conclude Your Essay

Finally, end your essay with a memorable conclusion that will leave your audience with something to think about. 

With these important steps taken into account, you can create an effective persuasive essay about social media!

Step 9: Revise and Edit

After completing your initial draft, take time to revise and edit your essay. Ensure clarity, coherence, and the effective flow of arguments. This step follows the conclusion of your essay and precedes the final check for overall effectiveness.

Persuasive Essay About Social Media Writing Tips

Here are some additional writing tips to refine your persuasive essay on social media.

  • Highlight Numbers: Use facts and numbers to show how important social media is.
  • Tell Stories: Share real stories to help people connect with the impact of social media.
  • Use Pictures: Add charts or pictures to make your essay more interesting and easy to understand.
  • Answer Questions: Think about what people might disagree with and explain why your ideas are better.
  • Talk About What's Right: Explain why it's important to use social media in a good and fair way.

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Social Media Persuasive Essay Topics

Take a look at these creative and enticing persuasive essay topics. Choose from one of them or get inspiration from these topics.

  • Should social media platforms be held accountable for cyberbullying?
  • Should age restrictions be stricter for social media access to protect younger users from its negative effects?
  • Should social media companies be mandated to prioritize user privacy over targeted advertising?
  • Should schools integrate mandatory education on the pitfalls of social media for students?
  • Should governments regulate the amount of time users spend on social media to prevent addiction?
  • Should social media influencers face stricter guidelines for promoting unrealistic body standards?
  • Should there be more transparency about how algorithms on social media platforms amplify divisive content?
  • Should employers be allowed to consider an applicant's social media profiles during the hiring process?
  • Should there be penalties for social networking sites that propagate false information?
  • Should there be a limit on the amount of personal data social media platforms can collect from users?

Check out some more interesting persuasive essay topics to get inspiration for your next essay.

Wrapping up, 

Learning how to write persuasive essays about social media matters in today's digital world is crucial whether you are a high school student or a college student. These examples guide us in exploring both the good and bad sides of social media's impact. 

We hope this persuasive blog on social media has given you a few new ideas to consider when persuading your audience.

But if you are struggling with your essay assignment do not hesitate to seek professional help. At CollegeEssay.org , our writing experts can help you get started on any type of essay. 

With our professional persuasive essay writing service , you can be confident that your paper will be written in utmost detail.

So don't wait any longer! Just ask us ' write my essay ' today and let us help you make the most of your writing experience!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some good persuasive essay topics.

Good persuasive essay topics can include topics related to social media, such as 

  • whether or not it should be regulated more heavily,
  • the impact of social media on society, 
  • how social media has changed our daily lives.

How do you write an introduction for social media essay?

You should start by briefly explaining what the essay will cover and why it is important. 

You should also provide brief background information about the topic and what caused you to choose it for your essay.

What is a good title for a social media essay?

A good title for a social media essay could be "The Impact of Social Media on Society" or "Social Media: Regulation and Responsibility." 

These titles indicate the content that will be discussed in the essay while still being interesting and thought-provoking.

Cathy A. (Marketing, Literature)

For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously.

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essay about responsible social media use

The Media And Its Responsibilities

The role of the media is to inform the public and hold those in power accountable. But what happens when the media fails to do its job?

There have been many instances where the media has failed to live up to its responsibilities. One recent example is the 2016 presidential election. Many people believe that the media did not do enough to vet candidates and allowed fake news to proliferate. As a result, democracy was undermined and trust in the media eroded.

The media must take responsibility for its actions and ensure that it is fulfilling its role in society. only then can it hope to regain the trust of the people.

In today’s world, ‘The Social Responsibility of the Media in Today’s Context.’ The job and duty of the media is to preserve truth, honesty, and social responsibility. My aim with this essay is to present a definition of social responsibility as well as numerous case studies demonstrating how it may be misused in impractical journalism techniques. By gaining a deeper understanding of what social responsibility means in the context of media, one may better craft legislation that is effective while also having the potential to enhance the function of media in society.

The paper starts with a brief introduction to the concept of social responsibility. It then looks at how different media outlets have approached social responsibility in their reporting. The paper concludes with some thoughts on the future of social responsibility in the media.

The first question that must be answered is, what is social responsibility? Social responsibility has been defined as “the duty of an individual or organization to act in a way that promotes the welfare of society as a whole”. In other words, it is the ethical obligation of individuals and organizations to consider the impact of their actions on others, and to act in a way that is beneficial to society.

There are many different ways in which media outlets can be socially responsible in their reporting. One way is by ensuring that the information they report is accurate and trustworthy. This can be done by fact-checking their sources, and being transparent about any errors that are made.

Another way is by considering the potential impact of their reporting on vulnerable groups, and taking steps to avoid causing harm. For example, media outlets may choose to avoid publishing images or stories that could potentially trigger negative mental health reactions in people who are struggling with anxiety or depression.

Some media outlets have been criticized for not living up to their social responsibility obligations. One high-profile example is the British tabloid newspaper The Sun, which was accused of sensationalizing a story about a missing child in order to sell more copies. The Sun was also criticized for publishing an offensive article about the Hillsborough disaster, in which 96 people were killed.

Despite the criticisms, many media outlets are committed to social responsibility and continue to work hard to ensure that their reporting is fair, accurate, and respectful of people’s rights and dignity. As the world becomes increasingly connected, it is important that media outlets uphold these standards in order to maintain public trust.

Looking to the future, it is clear that social responsibility will continue to be an important consideration for media outlets around the world. With new technologies emerging all the time, there will always be new ways for media outlets to interact with their audiences. It is up to each individual outlet to decide how they want to use these technologies, and whether they want to use them in a way that is socially responsible.

As the world changes, so too will the concept of social responsibility. What is considered to be socially responsible behaviour today may not be seen as such in the future. It is important for media outlets to stay up-to-date with changing social norms and expectations, and to adjust their reporting accordingly.

The media plays a vital role in society and it is important that it continues to act responsibly. By doing so, it can help to ensure that trust in the media remains high, and that people continue to value its role in holding power to account and informing the public.

The present paper strives to suggest how the media should go beyond short-term objectives while covering violence, conflict, and bloodshed in order to connect communities, foster unity, and stimulate development and peace. Citizens, as well as media practitioners, must aim to make Indian media more real, impartial, truthful, dispassionate, and last but not least socially responsible. The news media is straying from its own ethical standards.

The need of the hour is to make media accountable and responsible. The media reportings have a great impact on individuals and communities. While reporting, the media should not fall prey to sensationalism. The stories should be told keeping in mind the sensitivity of the people who would be reading or watching it. The reports should also help in bringing about a change for the betterment of society.

The media has a great responsibility toward society. It should work towards creating awareness and educating people about various issues affecting them. It should also play a role in promoting harmony and understanding among different sections of society. The media should strive to build a strong and cohesive society where everyone feels secure and empowered.

It has evolved into a money-making industry that is unwilling to bear its social responsibilities these days. It’s time for society to take a stand, and we’re all here today to talk, debate, and reach an agreement. We may not be able to fix everything everyone agrees with, but it will be a good start in improving the media’s sensitivity to people’s demands and duties related to media.

The media has a great responsibility to uphold and protect the society it sources its information from. It is a two-way street the media needs the society for news and content, while the society relies on the media to be informed about what is happening in the world. This relationship is essential for a healthy democracy, as an informed citizenry is necessary for making decisions about the country and participating in elections.

The problem arises when the media becomes more concerned with making money than with fulfilling its social responsibilities. This can happen in a number of ways. For example, clickbait headlines and fake news are designed to get people to click on links and share articles, regardless of whether or not the information is accurate. This creates a problem for the society, as people are not getting accurate information from the media sources they trust.

Another way that the media can fail in its social responsibilities is by pandering to special interests instead of reporting on stories that are in the public interest. For example, if a news organization is owned by a corporation, that corporation may pressure the news organization to downplay or ignore stories that cast it in a negative light. This kind of censorship is harmful to democracy, as it means that people are not getting the full story about what is happening in their world.

The solution to this problem is for the media to be more transparent about its finances and ownership, and to make sure that it is reporting stories in an unbiased way. The media also needs to be more responsive to the needs of the society, and to make sure that it is fulfilling its social responsibilities. Only then can we hope to have a healthy democracy.

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This essay about the social responsibility of business examines the debate between maximizing profits versus broader ethical obligations to society. It references Milton Friedman’s argument that a company’s main duty is to its shareholders through profit maximization. However, it also considers the evolving expectations of stakeholders, including employees, communities, and the environment, suggesting that companies have responsibilities beyond just generating profits. The piece highlights the shift towards a more holistic view of corporate responsibility, arguing that addressing social and environmental issues can contribute to long-term business success. It concludes that in today’s complex global context, businesses must balance financial objectives with the well-being of society and the planet to remain viable and trusted entities.


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    New media and social communication. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA: A REFLECTION. ON RECENT EVENTS IN NIGERIA. Emmanuel Nyong INYANG, Essien Oku ESSIEN. PhD, Cross River University of ...

  14. Responsible Use of Social Media

    1. Customize and create content that attracts more viewers. Sharing is easy but one has to make a user click on the content and make sure he gets the important information at a glance. This will be possible by customizing and reformatting a single content for different social media. 2.

  15. People's Responsibility in the Social Media World and its ...

    Theories on responsible use of social media. There is research on responsible use of social media. These theories tend to assess the effects of social media on groups, individual and companies (Joosten, 2012). Social media had revolutionized the way of doing business and marketing by providing networking and advertising avenues.

  16. Nine tips for healthy social media use

    5. Keep things IRL (In Real Life). If social media is causing you any stress, consider deleting apps such as Facebook and Instagram from your phone so that you don't have easy access to them. Prioritize time spent with friends and family over time spent scrolling through social media.

  17. 6 Example Essays on Social Media

    Additionally, legislation should ensure that social media businesses are held responsible for their behavior, for example, by levying fines for data breaches or the unauthorized use of personal data. This will provide social media businesses with a significant incentive to prioritize their users' privacy and security and ensure they are ...

  18. How can you be more responsible on social media? Here are ...

    Here are some ways for people to be responsible digital citizens. 1. Know your digital rights. Not all social media users are aware of their digital rights. Soriano emphasized that a citizen's ...

  19. 10 Ways To Use Social Media More Responsibly

    Social Media has revolutionized our lives and the ways we connect. There are many benefits from the mass adoption of social media. Families and friends can connect so much more easily. Important people, messages, and stories can gain awareness at lightning speed. Individuals can build and create like never before. Businesses can connect with their targeted audience, quickly and more cost ...

  20. Essay on Social Media

    Advantages of Social Media. When we look at the positive aspect of social media, we find numerous advantages. The most important being a great device for education. All the information one requires is just a click away. Students can educate themselves on various topics using social media. Moreover, live lectures are now possible because of ...

  21. Persuasive Essay About Social Media: Examples to Guide You

    Step 4: Craft Your Introduction. The introduction should provide context, state the thesis statement, and grab the reader's attention. It precedes deciding your stance and initiates the overall writing process. Read this free PDF to learn more about crafting essays on social media!

  22. "The Social Media: Being a Responsible User"

    1) "Don't share the information that is not supposed to be shared.". Yes! Social media is a way for everybody to open up and connect with people. However you must not share too much and ...

  23. The Media And Its Responsibilities

    The media must take responsibility for its actions and ensure that it is fulfilling its role in society. only then can it hope to regain the trust of the people. In today's world, 'The Social Responsibility of the Media in Today's Context.'. The job and duty of the media is to preserve truth, honesty, and social responsibility.

  24. The Social Responsibility of Business

    The Social Responsibility of Business. The contention surrounding "the societal obligation of commerce is to augment its earnings" has ignited substantial discourse among economists, corporate executives, and moral philosophers alike. This viewpoint, famously expounded by economist Milton Friedman during the 1970s, posits that a firm's ...

  25. How Texas will use AI to grade this year's STAAR tests

    Texas will use computers to grade written answers on this year's STAAR tests. The state will save more than $15 million by using technology similar to ChatGPT to give initial scores, reducing ...