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Sicher hast Du während Deiner Schulzeit schon einmal einen Aufsatz schreiben müssen. Auf Englisch heißt Aufsatz übersetzt essay . Mit dieser Aufsatzart sind verschiedene formale Vorgaben verbunden, die Du beachten musst. Diese Vorgaben können variieren, je nachdem, welche Essay - Arten Du bearbeitest. So gibt es zum Beispiel das Argumentative Essay oder das Opinion Essay . Ein Unterschied der beiden Arten von Essays verlangt zum Beispiel immer eine Pro und Contra Gegenüberstellung. 

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Sicher hast Du während Deiner Schulzeit schon einmal einen Aufsatz schreiben müssen. Auf Englisch heißt Aufsatz übersetzt essay . Mit dieser Aufsatzart sind verschiedene formale Vorgaben verbunden, die Du beachten musst. Diese Vorgaben können variieren, je nachdem, welche Essay - Arten Du bearbeitest. So gibt es zum Beispiel das Argumentative Essay oder das Opinion Essay . Ein Unterschied der beiden Arten von Essays verlangt zum Beispiel immer eine Pro und Contra Gegenüberstellung.

Doch welche Unterschiede und Arten gibt es noch? Und gibt es dennoch einen allgemeinen Aufbau oder zumindest Formulierungen , die Dir beim Essay Schreiben auf Englisch helfen können?

Composition & material based writing vs. Essay Englisch

Im Englischunterricht wirst Du verschiedensten Textsorten begegnen, unter anderem dem Essay. In der folgenden Tabelle siehst Du zum ersten Verständnis, was die Begriffe "Essay", "Composition" und "Material based Writing" (deutsch: "materialgestütztes Schreiben") voneinander abgrenzt.

Aufsatz (englisch: essay ) kann bei der Übersetzung der Begriffe verwirrend sein, da Du unter dem deutschen Begriff "Aufsatz" alle Texte fallen, die Du mit formalen Vorgaben schreibst. Bedenke aber, dass im Englischunterricht die Definition von Essay spezifischer ist.

Allgemein kannst Du ein Essay im Englischen wie in der nachfolgenden Definition definieren:

Ein Essay ist ein Aufsatz zu einem bestimmten Thema. In ihm legst Du Deine persönliche Meinung dar und unterstützt sie mit Fachlektüre , bzw. Fakten/Argumenten .

Häufig sollen Essays Denkanstöße geben, dabei kannst Du im Englischen zwischen vier verschiedenen Essay-Arten wählen.

Mehr zum Thema material based texts findest Du im Schulfach Deutsch in der StudySmarter-App unter der Bezeichnung "Materialgestütztes Schreiben".

Argumentative Essay schreiben – Englisch

Das Essay, das Dir beim Schreiben in der Schule auf Englisch vermutlich am meisten begegnet, ist das argumentative Essay (englisch für "argumentativer Aufsatz"). Beim argumentativen Essay Schreiben musst Du im Englischen auf folgendes achten:

  • klare Definition eines Themas
  • Pro und Contra müssen vorkommen
  • Essay ist sachlich und auf Fakten und Belege gestützt

Typische Aufgabenstellungen für einen argumentativen Essay auf Englisch sind:

Opinion Essay schreiben – Englisch

Neben argumentativen Essays, wirst Du vielleicht auch einen sogenannten Opinion Essay auf Englisch schreiben müssen. Diese Art des Essays (englisch für "Aufsatz") kennst Du vielleicht aus Zeitungen oder Zeitschriften: Du präsentierst Deine Meinung (englisch: opinion ). Anders als beim argumentativen Essay, kannst Du beim Schreiben eines Opinion Essays auch nur Pro oder Contra beleuchten.

Aufgabenstellungen eines Opinion Essays können im Englischunterricht diese sein:

Opinion Essays findest Du auch manchmal unter der Bezeichnung "Comment". Schau Dir in der Erklärung " Comment schreiben Englisch " an, was diese Textart ausmacht und wie Du sie am besten verfassen kannst!

Weitere Essay-Arten

Neben Opinion Essays und Argumentative Essays gibt es noch weitere Essay-Arten, die Dir in Englisch begegnen können. Die folgende Tabelle gibt Dir einen Überblick über die weiteren Essay-Arten und Bezeichnungen auf Englisch.

Egal, um welche Arten von Essays es sich handelt, Du schreibst ein Essay (englisch für "Aufsatz") immer im Simple Present .

Englisch Essay – Themen & Vorbereitung

Die Themen und Deine Vorbereitung, um ein Englisch-Essay zu schreiben, hängt vom Kontext ab.

Im Abitur sind beliebte Themen, zu denen Du ein Englisch-Essay schreiben musst, diese:

  • Making a Difference
  • Gender Issues
  • Environmental Issues
  • Media Usage

Übrigens, zu diesen und mehr Themen findest Du in der StudySmarter-App Erklärungen und Pro- und Contra-Listen im Themenbereich " Group Discussion Topics ". Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Lernen!

Hast Du ein Thema gefunden, worüber Du Dein Essay auf Englisch schreiben möchtest, besteht Deine Vorbereitung aus zwei Schritten:

  • Recherche: Nutze Lehrmaterial, Fachtexte, Gespräche mit Expert*innen und Bekannten und natürlich das Internet.
  • Notizen: Schreibe Schlüsselwörter auf und nutze Mindmaps

In der Erklärung "Notes" findest Du mehr zum Schreiben von Notizen!

Essay schreiben Englisch – Pro-Contra-Liste

Möchtest Du zum Beispiel ein Argumentative Essay schreiben auf Englisch, solltest Du außerdem eine Pro-Contra-Liste erstellen. In dieser führst Du auf einer Seite Argumente auf, die für Dein Thema/die These sprechen. Auf der anderen Seite stehen Argumente, die gegen die These sprechen. Eine klassische Pro-Contra-Liste für ein Englisch-Essay sieht so aus:

Die Pro-Contra-Liste beim Schreiben eines Essay auf Englisch kann Dir dabei helfen, eine Seite zu finden, für die Du argumentieren möchtest. Meist entspricht dies der Seite, für die Du mehr und stärkere Argumente findest.

Essay schreiben Englisch – Aufbau

Grob gesagt, musst Du Dich beim Essay Schreiben auf Englisch an diesen Aufbau halten:

  • Einleitung (englisch: introduction )
  • Hauptteil (englisch: main body )
  • Schluss (englisch: conclusion )

Du kannst Dir für Deinen Aufbau auch schon eine erste Gliederung (englisch: outline ) erstellen, um einen roten Faden zu erzeugen. Nutze die folgende Tabelle, als Mustervorlage, um eine outline zu erstellen:

Die Gründe (englisch: reasons ) beim Essay Schreiben auf Englisch sind immer gleich aufgebaut, dazu erfährst Du weiter unten noch mehr.

Essay schreiben Englisch – Einleitung

Vor der Einleitung musst Du in der Regel eine Überschrift für Dein Essay (englisch für "Aufsatz") auf Englisch schreiben. Deine Einleitung des Essays beinhaltet dann:

  • Bezug auf aktuelle Themen, Ereignisse oder Erkenntnisse
  • Ziel: Aufmerksamkeit der Leserschaft auf das Essay lenken
  • Was ist Dein Thema?
  • Was behauptest Du in Bezug auf das Thema bzw. was möchtest Du beweisen?

Im gesamten Essay ist es wichtig, sich immer wieder auf die Hauptthese zu beziehen. Dadurch ergibt sich ein roter Faden für die Leser*innen.

Du hast Schwierigkeiten, eine Überschrift für Dein Essen zu finden? Kein Problem, Du kannst auch etwas Platz am Anfang lassen und die Überschrift am Ende Deines Essays verfassen. Meistens hast Du dann einen besseren Überblick darüber, was Dein Essay aussagt.

Essay Englisch Einleitung Beispiel

Um die Theorie etwas verständlicher zu machen, findest Du hier für das Essay Schreiben auf Englisch ein Beispiel für eine Einleitung. Das Beispielthema des Essays (englisch für "Aufsatz") ist "Warum ein Hund ein gutes Haustier ist".

Why dogs make great pets

Dogs are among the most liked pets. Well over 76 million dogs were a part of US residents' households in 2018. In this essay, I wish to share reasons for how dogs make such great pets and why every household – with the time, money and space to spare – should consider getting a dog .

I want to discuss this topic because I think our family life would improve by having a dog.

Diese Einleitung des Englisch-Essays beinhaltet:

  • eine Überschrift ( Why dogs make great pets )
  • eine Begründung für die Themenwahl (Du möchtest Deine Familie davon überzeugen, sich einen Hund zuzulegen)
  • eine These (hier kursiv)

Essay schreiben Englisch – Formulierungen Einleitung

Mit folgenden Formulierungen beim Essay Sschreiben auf Englisch kannst Du die Einleitung Deines Essays (englisch für "Aufsatz") beginnen:

Essay schreiben Englisch – Hauptteil

Nach der Einleitung kommt beim Essay Schreiben auf Englisch der "Hauptteil" (englisch: body , main part ). Der Hauptteil Deines Englisch-Essay beinhaltet Folgendes:

  • subjektive Meinung (optional)

Gliedere Deinen Hauptteil beim Essay Schreiben auf Englisch am besten in Absätze oder sogenannte Paragraphs.

Paragraph schreiben Englisch

Ein Argument stellt in der Regel einen Paragraph beim Schreiben auf Englisch dar. Argumente und somit Paragraphs bestehen immer aus:

Du kannst die einzelnen Absätze auch mit Unterüberschriften betiteln, falls Dein Essay (englisch für "Aufsatz") mehrere Seiten einnimmt. Achte beim Schreiben der einzelnen Paragraphs bzw. Argumente aber auch immer darauf, dass sie sinnvoll aufeinander aufbauen.

Deine Argumente sortierst Du im Hauptteil vom Schwächsten zum Stärksten. Wenn Dein Hauptteil mit dem stärksten Argument schließt, kannst Du die Lesenden gegen Ende von Deinem Standpunkt zu überzeugen.

Essay Englisch – Beispiel Hauptteil

Im Folgenden findest Du ein Beispiel eines Hauptteils für ein Essay auf Englisch zu dem obigen Hunde-Beispiel.

Der hier gezeigte Hauptteil beinhaltet der Übersicht wegen nur ein Argument. Bei einem vollständigen Essay würdest Du aber mehrere Argumente aufzeigen und ausführen.

The most important aspect to consider in this matter is the overall happiness and well-being of everyone involved.

It has been proven that people who own a dog live longer. This is because they tend to be more active than the average person because their dog encourages them to go outside every day. The presence of a dog lowers the stress levels of those surrounding due to the extra exercise and its general loving nature. A study of Washington State University showed that just ten minutes of petting a dog dramatically lowers cortisol – a hormone that indicates stress.

I remember my mother telling me about the first dog she ever got. She was a university student who had recently split up with her long term partner and had a difficult time staying on top of uni work as well as her personal life. She decided to get a dog: The dog would need a routine that she needed to stick to as well. Getting a dog made her think about other things than university, thus reducing her stress. I can personally attest to the happiness a dog adds to everyone's lives because even seeing a dog out on the street lifts my mood instantly.

Dieser Hauptteil beinhaltet:

  • ein Argument/eine These: Hunde machen Menschen um sie herum glücklicher (1. Absatz)
  • einen Fakt, der das Argument untermauert: Statistiken darüber, dass das Streicheln von Hunden Stresshormone abbaut (2. Absatz)
  • ein Beispiel, das das Argument greifbarer macht (3. Absatz)

Essay schreiben Englisch – Formulierungen Hauptteil

Mit folgenden Formulierungen kannst Du den Hauptteil beim Schreiben Deines Essays auf Englisch ergänzen:

Mehr solcher Verbindungsworte findest Du in der Erklärung " Connectives Englisch ".

Essay Englisch – Schluss

Am Ende schreibst Du den "Schluss" ( conclusion) , der Dein Englisch-Essay zusammenfasst . Außerdem erklärst Du in ein paar Sätzen Dein Fazit. Du formulierst also Deine These aus der Einleitung erneut – entweder wiederholst Du diese bestätigte These oder Du formulierst sie neu, wenn Du zu einem anderen Ergebnis gekommen bist.

Essay Englisch Beispieltext – Schluss

Im Folgenden findest Du einen Schluss für das Essay Schreiben auf Englisch für das obige Beispiel:

All in all, dogs do not only make loveable but also health enhancing pets. I think I showed the need for a dog in every household that has the capacity to house one and would thus urge any family member of mine reading this to consider adding one to our family again.

Dieser Schluss beinhaltet:

  • eine Zusammenfassung des wichtigsten Inhalts (erster Satz)
  • ein Fazit, das aus dem Essay gezogen werden kann (zweiter Satz)

Essay Schreiben – Formulierungen für den Schluss

Mit folgenden Formulierungen kannst Du das Fazit beim Essay Schreiben auf Englisch einleiten:

Essay schreiben Englisch - Das Wichtigste

  • Englisch-Essay – Definition : Ein Essay in Englisch ist ein Aufsatz zu einem bestimmten Thema, der Deine persönliche Meinung unterstützt und begründet.
  • pro und contra müssen gegeben werden
  • sachliche Auseinandersetzung mit Thema
  • pro oder contra können gegeben werden
  • Meinungsbasiertes Essay
  • Essay schreiben Englisch – Einleitung : Hinführen zu Thema, These aufstellen
  • Paragraph schreiben Englisch – Aufbau: Behauptung, Beleg, Beispiel
  • Schluss : Fazit
  • The topic of ... is ever present ...
  • Furthermore ...
  • All in all ...

Ein Essay ist eine schriftliche Ausarbeitung zu einem bestimmten Thema. In einem Essay legst Du Deine persönliche Meinung dar und unterstützt sie mit Fachlektüre, Gründen und Argumenten.

Ein Essay kannst Du in vier Schritten verfassen:

Vorbereitung : Sammle genug Informationen über Dein Thema und erstelle eine Gliederung zum Aufbau des Essay schreiben auf Englisch.

Introduction : Formuliere Deine These und leite das Thema ansprechend für Deine Leser*innen ein in der Einleitung beim Essay schreiben auf Englisch.

Body : Erläutere Deine Argumente und unterstütze sie mit Beispielen.

Conclusion : Fasse Deine Argumente zusammen und schreibe ein Fazit.

Deine Einleitung beim Essay schreiben auf Englisch kannst Du z. B. mit In this essay I wish to show beginnen, Deinen Hauptteil mit Connectives wie Furthermore oder However runder machen, Dein Fazit mit All in all einleiten.

In der Schule werden meistens beim Essay schreiben auf Englisch argumentative Essays von Dir gefordert, in denen Du Deine Meinung mit überzeugenden Argumenten darstellen sollst. Ansonsten gibt es noch beschreibende, erzählende und Übersichtsessays.

Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Essay schreiben Englisch

--> wie schreibt man ein essay auf englisch .

Ein Essay auf Englisch schreibt man, indem man eine These vorträgt, diese im weiteren Verlauf mit Argumenten und Gründen entweder bestärkt oder entwertet und abschließend im Fazit festhältt, ob die These standhielt oder umformuliert werden muss. 

--> Wie schreibe ich einen guten Essay?

Einen guten Essay schreibst Du, indem Du Dich gezielt mit dem Thema auseinandersetzt und stichhaltige Thesen vorträgst. Für ein gutes Essay ist außerdem ein roter Faden und eine nachvollziehbare Struktur wichtig. 

--> Wie schreibt man ein Essay auf Englisch – Einleitung? 

Die Einleitung in einem Essay auf Englisch schreibt man, indem man eine kurze Erklärung gibt, warum man das Thema gewählt hat und was das Ziel bzw. die These des Essays ist.

--> Wie schreibt man eine Composition?

Wie man eine Composition schreibt, ist von der Aufgabenstellung abhängig. Eine Composition hat jedoch immer eine Einleitung, einen Hauptteil und einen Schluss. 

--> Wie schreibt man ein Argumentative Essay?

Ein Argumentative Essay schreibt man mit Einleitung, Hauptteil und Schluss. Im Hauptteil eines argumentative Essays gibt man Pro und Contra Punkte und schreibt man sachlich und faktenbasiert. 

--> Was ist ein Essay – Englisch?

Ein Essay in Englisch ist ein Aufsatz zu einem bestimmten Thema, der Deine persönliche Meinung unterstützt und begründet.

--> Was heißt "schreiben" auf Englisch?

"Schreiben" auf Englisch heißt to write .

--> In welcher Zeitform schreibt man ein Essay – Englisch?

Ein Essay auf Englisch schreibt man in der Zeitform Simple Present. 

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Zu welchem Schritt des Schreibens eines Essays gehört diese Aufgabenstellung?Sammle genug Informationen über dein Thema und erstelle eine Gliederung.

Zu welchem Schritt des Schreibens eines Essays gehört diese Aufgabenstellung?Formuliere deine These und sprich deine Leser*innen an 

Zu welchem Schritt des Schreibens eines Essays gehört diese Aufgabenstellung?Erläutere deine Argumente, von schwächstem zu stärkstem.


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Zu welchem Schritt des Schreibens eines Essays gehört diese Aufgabenstellung?

Sammle genug Informationen über dein Thema und erstelle eine Gliederung.

Formuliere deine These und sprich deine Leser*innen an 


Erläutere deine Argumente, von schwächstem zu stärkstem.

Fasse deine Argumente zusammen und schreibe ein Fazit.

Definiere Essay. 

Ein Essay (der sowohl auf Deutsch, als auch auf Englisch Essay heißt), ist eine schriftliche Ausarbeitung zu einem bestimmten Thema. In ihm legst du deine persönliche Meinung dar und unterstützt sie mit Fachlektüre, bzw. Fakten/Argumenten. 

Wo kannst du Gründe für die These deines Essays finden? 

  • Lehrmaterial  und Fachtexte
  • Gespräche mit Expert*innen und Bekannten
  • im  Internet


  • Englische Texte schreiben

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Argumentative Essays in English

An essay is an argument which leads the reader from the beginning (introduction) to the end (conclusion.) It has to be objective and logical.

There are three parts:

  • Introduction
  • Arguments – Pros – Cons

1. Introduction

  • Some people/children say/think ...
  • It's a fact that ...
  • You often hear people say ...
  • It is widely believed that ...

2. Arguments

  • Another argument for/against ...
  • They argue that ... because ...
  • They claim that ...
  • They also say ...

3. Conclusion

  • I think that ...
  • My opinion is ... because ...
  • Looking at the arguments I would say ...

4. How do I start?

Before you start to write your argumentative essay, collect arguments and bring them in a logical order.

5. What steps are important?

5.1. introduction.

Start with an interesting beginning. Do not name arguments and do not make the introduction too long. You can include your own experience to the title of the essay.

5.2. Arguments

Arrange your arguments in a logical order. Put the most important argument at the end. Explain each argument. Do not make sentences too complicated.

5.3. Conclusion

Your personal conclusion should include your opinion, but can also be objective, depending on the title. Do not name new arguments. Look back over the argument in the essay and show the reader that you have reached an ending.

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Essay schreiben: How to write an essay?

Was ist ein essay , wie schreibe ich ein essay .

Ein Essay ist ein Text, in dem sich der Autor mit einem literarischen oder wissenschaftlichen Thema auseinandersetzt. Dabei wird eine bestimmte Fragestellung auf kurze , aber anspruchsvolle Weise behandelt und subjektiv reflektiert . In einem Essay werden weniger neue Fakten beschrieben, sondern bereits bekannte Erkenntnisse aus einer anderen Perspektive beleuchtet. Essays dienen allerdings nicht dazu, den Leser von einer bestimmten Meinung zu überzeugen, sondern neue Denkanstöße zu einem speziellen Thema zu liefern. 

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Bevor du dein Essay verfasst, solltest du dich gut über das Thema informieren. Die wichtigsten Schlüsselbegriffe und ihre Verbindung zueinander kannst du beispielsweise in einer Mindmap verdeutlichen.

In einer Mindmap kannst du deine Ideen in Form von Schlüsselbegriffen thematisch ordnen und in Unterthemen vorstrukturieren. Dabei steht das Hauptthema in der Mitte und die damit verknüpften Unterthemen und Aspekte werden drum herum angeordnet. 

Beispiel für den Aufbau einer Mindmap

Wenn du genügend Informationen gesammelt hast, solltest du eine Gliederung ( outline ) für dein Essay anfertigen. Diese Outline  hilft dir, deine Argumente zu strukturieren und du kannst dich beim Schreiben daran orientieren. Eine Outline könntest du zum Beispiel so gestalten:

Beispiel für eine Gliederung für ein Essay

Introduction - Einleitung

In der Einleitung ( introduction ) deines Essays solltest du die Wahl deines Themas begründen und die Einleitung besonders ansprechend gestalten. Der Leser sollte durch deine Einleitung dazu motiviert werden, dein Essay zu lesen. Du kannst den Leser zum Beispiel mit aktuellen Erkenntnissen oder einer themenbezogenen Anekdote neugierig machen.

Der zweite wichtige Bestandteil der Einleitung umfasst die  These ( thesis ). Du stellst eine Behauptung auf, die du in deinem Essay begründest. Achte dabei darauf, dass du dich in deinem Essay immer auf diese Hauptthese beziehst. Dein Essay hat so einen sogenannten ,, roten Faden ", denn für den Leser sollte eine eindeutige, gedankliche Struktur erkennbar sein. Es ist manchmal nicht so einfach, eine aussagekräftige These zu finden. Nimm dir dafür genügend Zeit und überlege dir, ob du die These gut begründen kannst. Hier haben wir dir noch einmal zusammengefasst, was du in der Einleitung beachten musst:

  • für Leser ansprechend gestalten 
  • Thema begründen 
  • These aufstellen 
  • überlegen, wie du die These begründen willst 

Body - Hauptteil

Im Hauptteil ( body ) deines Essays bringst du Argumente vor, mit denen du deine These begründest . Du darfst hier subjektiv bewertend deine eigene Position verteidigen sowie andere Standpunkte widerlegen. Am besten gelingt dir das, indem du deine eigene Ansicht gut begründest und deine Argumente mit Beispielen bekräftigst. Um dabei nicht den Bezug zur These zu verlieren, orientierst du dich an deiner vorher angefertigten Gliederung. 

In jedem Absatz behandelst du ein Argument. Der sogenannte topic sentence  leitet einen Absatz ein und grenzt ihn thematisch ab. Er ist sozusagen die These für jeden Absatz. Nach dem topic sentence  folgen dann Fakten und Beispiele , die deine Ansicht untermauern. So gehst du dann in jedem Absatz vor. Folgende Aspekte sind wichtig für den Hauptteil:

  • Argumente, um These zu begründen 
  • jeden Absatz durch topic sentence einleiten
  • Bezug zur These nicht verlieren

Conclusion - Schluss

Im Schlussteil ( conclusion ) fasst du deine Argumentation noch einmal kurz zusammen und ziehst ein Fazit . Das bedeutet, dass du deine These aus der Einleitung neu formulierst . Du kannst aufgrund deiner Erläuterungen zu einem etwas anderen Ergebnis kommen, als zu dem, das du vorher in deiner These vorausgesagt hast. In dem Fall solltest du deine These im Schluss leicht abändern. Merke dir für den Schlussteil:

  • These aus der Einleitung im Schlussteil aufgreifen
  • These umformulieren und eventuell leicht abändern 

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Im Hauptteil ( body ) deines Essays bringst du die Argumente an, um deine These zu begründen.

Jeder Absatz wird durch einen topic sentence eingeleitet.

Ein Essay ist in seiner Form relativ frei und es ist möglich, neue Gedanken an jeder Stelle anzubringen.

Beim Schreiben eines Essays geht es darum, eine These zu begründen.

Der Autor versucht durch das Schreiben eines Essays, den Leser von seiner Ansicht zu überzeugen.

Der Leser eines Essays soll neue Denkanstöße bzw. neue Perspektiven aufgezeigt bekommen.

Ein Essay ist ein langer, umfassender Text.

Ein Essay ist ein kurzer, aber anspruchsvoller Text.

In einem Essay reflektiert der Autor bekannte Erkenntnisse subjektiv.

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Essay – examples & model answers | B2 First (FCE)


FCE Essay Examples:  Topic (Environment) 

Example exam task:, example answer (grade: 3), example answer:.

I think that my country has problems with pollution to the environment like all other countries. This problem is normal for Russia. We have big problems with transport because there are too much cars in our country. And because of that we have problems with atmospeer, air in my city and in all Russia is really dirty and sometimes I can’t make a sigh because it smells around me and of course around that cars on the road. I’ve heard about tradition of one country. They don’t go anywhere by car one day a month or a year, they just use bycicle or their feet. I think it could be very good if we had a tradition like that.

So, what about the rivers and the seas? Yeah, there are some really good and clean rivers and seas where you can go, but there are not many of them. Once I saw the river OB in my city, it was about two years ago but I stil remember that in some places it was not blue, it was green or purple I didn’t really understand because it had different colours.

I don’t know what should we do. Maybe we should just open our eyes and look what we did. But Russian people don’t care about the world around them many people care only about themselves an that’s all.

So, the best idea is look around and try to do something good for our planet and for us and our children.


Practice, write & improve, examiners comments & grade:, example answer (grade: 3-4).

To begin with pollution and damage to the environment is the most serious and difficult problem for countries of all over the world. Scientists of different countries predict a global ecocatastrophe if people won’t change their attitude to our planet.

First of all a huge damage to the environment brings a transport. People can’t imagine their living without cars, buses, trains, ships and planes. But it’s an open secret that one of disadvantage of these accustomed things is harmful exhaust. Needless to say that use of environment friendly engines helps us to save atmosphere from pollution.

In addition to this our rivers and seas are in not less danger situation. It’s a fact of common knowledge that numerous factories and plants pour off their waste to ponds. Obviously that cleaning manufacturing water helps to avoid extinction of ocean residents.

Apart from this I’m inclined to believe that every person can and must contribute to solving this important problem. Doing a little steps for protection our environment every day we will be able to save our Earth. And it’s a task of each of us.

Model Answer (Grade: 5)


If we surf the web looking for pollution and environmental catastrophes, we will find out that every country in the world suffers them. This is a natural consequence of the struggle between development and environment.

If a country decided to live isolated from the rest of the world, living on what it can naturally grow and produce, it surely wouldn’t be highly polluted. But we all want exotic food and technological items from all over the world, so we have to pay the price.

Investing on electrical transport would benefit the environment a lot. Even more if this electricity came from a natural source of energy like wind, rivers and solar boards. It’s difficult to achieve this because petrol companies will fight against these actions.

We also have to take care of our rivers and seas. We all have heard about factories throwing highly toxic substances to rivers, without minimizing their poisoning effects. A really strict law should be applied to fine these factories and make them change their policy.

But what about ourselves? We also can do a lot! If, when possible, we bought larger packs of food, we would be producing less rubbish. And this is only an example!

FCE Essay Examples: Topic (Fashion) 

In today’s world, the fashion industry has a strong importance in people’s lives. The fashion industry say to the society what to wear and creates new types of clothes all the time.

Some people claim that the fashion industry has a bad effect on people’s lives, they say that the fashion industry creates clothes that the society has to wear. Furthermore, the clothes’ price is extremely high and people, who can’t afford it, should not be in the society.

In the other hand, the fashion industry guide the people to be in a good appearance, because, nowadays, the appearance of the person is more important than the person itself.

In my opinion, the fashion industry doesn’t has a bad influence on people’s lives. It’s something which was created to help people what to wear.

Example Answer (Grade: 4)

Fashion industry is very a discussed subject nowadays: they create and design new clothes everyday in order to satisfy some people needs.

There are many people who claim that the fashion industry is important and good for society. According to them, this industry design beautiful clothes and thanks to that every person can wear shirts, trousers or any acessory which is on today’s fashion.

On the other hand, the fashion industry in some people opinion, controls the market of clothes and because of that they can’t wear what they want to. In addition, the industry can increase the price of clothes, forcing people who don’t want to be “oldfashioned” to buy and pay a large amount of money to keep “beautiful”.

In my opinion, we can’t let the fashion industry decide what we must or musn’t wear. We shouldn’t judge people for its appearance,because that is not important. We must wear whatever we like, want and feel confortable with.

The society we live today is characterised by technology in constant development, fast speed processes, information travelling and getting to people at a blink of an eye and a complex web of social networking. In this context, the fashion industry is becoming increasingly important and having a more and more paramount role in our lives.

On one hand, the fashion industry is undeniably a source of profit and income. It hires millions of people all over the world and generates millions of dollars every year. Furthermore, such profitable business is also believed to be able to spread and make known the culture of a people, encouraging and enhancing a better understanding of each other.

Nevertheless, for those who are neither impressed nor motivated by numbers and figures, the fashion industry is seen as one which segregates people, isolating those who not fit their laws and commands. It is stated that people place too much importance on appearance and the material, world, sadly true, and the fashion industry just spurs on such situation. Moreover, not only are the costs of fashion item unrealistically high, it is thought to be a money better spent on more pressing issues, such as poverty and hunger.

I do believe that the fashion industry, as it is today, has a harmful effect, because it values a minority of people in detriment to the majority. However, it has such a wide reach that, it put into a good use, it can save lives.

FCE Essay Examples: Topic (Languages) 

“There are more reasons to learn a foreign language than to pass a test”

Everything around us revolves around language(s), it is the most important thing in our lives. Society would just not function without it. They are It is our future and I would personaly love to learn as many as I possibly can.

Not everything in life is done because it is necessary. Learning a new language can be a lot of fun. Many people only do it as a hoby, or their knowledge is something that brings them pride and pleasure.

Secondly, we have people who do it simply to challenge themselves. Truly I believe that having a great outcome that stems from your hard work and dedication to learn something new is a wonderful way to challenge prove your ability to yourself and others. Then there is travelling. It is very important to be able to understand and have a conversation with someone abroad, unless you would like to get lost or worse.

To conclude, I think that learning a new language is an amazing thing no matter why you do it. It is always better to do things out of enjoyment, but even if you do it for a test, that knowledge will always be useful.

Learning a a foreign languages is very important nowadays. English, in particular, is essential because it allows is spoken all over the world. That’s the reason why we start studying it from the age of six years old. Going abroad and being able to speak to native people is very satisfying and that’s why I want to improve my knowledge about foreign languages.

I decided to take this exam to know how high my level of English is, but also because I need this certification to go abroad next summer. I really want to come back to Cornwall, an amazing region in the South-West of England. I’ve been there twice with my family, but now I want to go alone. Only being there to England I can really improve my English comprehension and speaking skills.

Fortunately I can will have some English lessons which taught in English at university and I can’t wait for it because it will be an interesting challenge for me. Studying foreign languages is essential to live and to travel. It isn’t simple and I surely have to challenge myself everyday, but the result is so satisfying that we I can’t do without it.

FCE Essay Example: Topic (History) 

A very common topic that is being discussed nowadays is wether schools should teach subjects that some may consider useless later in life. A clear example is history, since it is quite difficult to learn and does not help us in day-to-day activities.

However, many people do not realize the importance of it or that it affects our lives today. For example, our political system would not be this way if it weren’t for the Ancient Greeks, numerous politicians and wars who helped shape democracy and our constitution. Yet it is still thought that it’s useless.

In addition, it is very important that we never forget about our past since we must know where we were standing years ago. Moreover, there are some things, such as World War II, that we have to remember to prevent them from happening again. We should also know where we we were standing a century ago: our origins, our identity. The more you learn about your ethnicity, the better.

All in all, I think that it is extremely important to learn about one’s own country’s history. Anyone who gets the chance to do this should not waste it, since they are very fortunate to have this opportunity

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How to write an essay in English

By ielts expert, 29 june 2023 - 16:00.

How to write an essay in English, blog image

Many students say writing is the worst part of their English, but it’s often just a case of confidence. With practice, and the tips in this post, you can gain the confidence you need to maximise your English and really show it off. This post will look at the three stages of writing - planning, writing the text and reading it back.

If you are preparing for an exam, please be aware that for the latest information on exam format you should always go straight to the source – IELTS website . You can practice free online IELTS Academic Writing tests or General Training Writing tests . You can also practice writing your answer by downloading an IELTS Writing Answer Sheet .

Planning is an integral part of your writing. You might say “I don’t plan”, but somewhere in your subconscious, you do! By raising your awareness of your own planning process you can improve enormously. As a teacher, I see many students who plan and many who don’t. In general, the students that plan produce much better work, so if you are in the “no plan” camp, you should at least experiment with some of the ideas coming up.

Planning 1: Address the question

If you are writing for a class assignment or an exam, it is crucial that you address the question given. Adequate planning (five minutes is better than nothing) will keep you on track. 

Start by breaking the question down into its parts. There will usually be two or three aspects to the question. You want not only to cover all aspects of the question, but also make it obvious to your teacher or the examiner that you have done so, and the best way to demonstrate this is to give each aspect its own paragraph.

Planning 2: Brainstorm vocabulary as well as ideas

Once you have identified your paragraphs, think about what vocabulary you have at your disposal. Perhaps you would like to write one paragraph from a particular angle, but when you start planning you might find there are holes in your vocabulary and you are better able to write from a different angle. Choose ideas which best overlap with what you can clearly state in English.

Planning 3: Write chunks of language

Even with all the vocabulary in the world, some ideas are complex to express in writing. Causality, speculation and hypothetical scenarios are all abstract concepts which make it more challenging to say exactly what you want, but these are also an opportunity to push your English ability to the max and show your grammatical range. 

Sound out in your head how you will make your arguments, and when you get stuck, try writing this part down in your plan. It might be a whole sentence of just a clause. This will help you decide if you have enough English ability to get across a really impressive idea, or if you need to simplify your thoughts in order to remain clear to the reader.

Writing the text 1: Use your plan!

I have seen many students write logical, competent plans that address the question, only to go off on a random tangent when they start writing! 

Of course, you might change some things as you go along, for example if you have a new idea, but keeping an eye on your plan will prevent you from getting distracted and bring you back to the question you must answer. It will also keep you aware of how you are doing for word count and time.

Writing the text 2: Write your introduction last

You should at least consider this idea. The purpose of an introduction is to tell the reader what they are going to read, so how can you write the introduction when you haven’t written the content yet?

Introductions are fiddly to write on a blank canvas, but much easier when we already have the content written in front of us.

If you are writing on paper, it is still possible to write the introduction last - you just need to leave a few lines for it.

Writing the text 3: Make sure your introduction and conclusion match

Your introduction and conclusion should also match the content of your main body paragraphs. This might seem obvious, but I wish I had a euro for every time I have seen an introduction passionately in favour of something followed by body paragraphs and a conclusion that were passionately against.

This problem can be avoided by writing your conclusion last, as suggested above. It will also be avoided by planning, and thinking a little more deeply how you feel about the question before you start. When I say a little more deeply, I’m talking about a minute or so, not hours.

Writing the text 4: Use linkers

Linkers are often misunderstood as simply a way of showing “formal English” but in fact, we use linkers all the time, even when chatting with friends. We use them in speech and in writing to indicate “I’m going to add to what was just said,”  “I’m going to contradict what was just said,” and generally to help the listener or reader understand where we are going next.

After writing the text

This is another area where many students are very reluctant - you need to read what you wrote! 

Check for spelling errors, missing third person s, capital letters, whatever errors you are prone to make… and if you don’t know what errors you are prone to make, it’s because you aren’t checking your writing, so you need to start today! You can be the expert on your own writing strengths and weaknesses, and this will just make you better and better.

Moreover, you should read back your text because it’s enjoyable to see how skillfully you put your ideas down and how convincing your arguments are. You did it! Well done! Enjoy the moment with some positivity!

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Argumentation Englisch

Du bist auf der Suche nach Tipps und Tricks, wie du eine gelungene Argumentation in Englisch schreibst? Hier zeigen wir dir Schritt für Schritt, wie du zum Argumentations-Champion wirst! Schau dir doch direkt unser Video an!

Was ist eine argumentation?

Argumentation englisch – vorbereitung, argumentation englisch – aufbau, tipps und tricks , argumentation im essay.

Eine argumentation ist eine Aufsatzform, in der du deine Meinung zu einem vorgegebenen Thema ausdrückst. In dieser persönlichen Stellungnahme versuchst du, die Leser durch aussagekräftige Argumente zu überzeugen.   

Wichtig ist, dass du in allen drei Teilen deiner argumentation (introduction – main part – conclusion)   sachlich  bleibst und deine Meinung geschickt mit  Beispielen  untermauerst.

Einfach drauf loszuschreiben ist bei einer argumentation keine besonders gute Idee. Bevor du mit deinem Aufsatz beginnst, solltest du dich erst mal mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen.  

Die Aufgabenstellung verrät dir, zu welchem Thema du deine Meinung vorstellen sollst. Im nächsten Schritt sammelst du wichtige Aspekte , Schlüsselbegriffe   und allerlei  Beispiele  passend zum Thema.

Nachdem du ein paar aussagekräftige Argumente und Beispiele gesammelt hast, kannst du nun damit loslegen, deinen Text zu strukturieren.  

Der Aufbau einer argumentation ist immer gleich. Dein Aufsatz besteht immer aus drei Teilen , die du durch Absätze voneinander trennst.  

1. Introduction (Einleitung) 2. Main Part (Hauptteil) 3. Conclusion  (Fazit/Schluss)  

Du beginnst jede argumentation mit einer Einleitung , der sogenannten introduction .   Darin führst du zum Thema hin und versuchst, das Interesse der Leser zu wecken.  

Du kannst darin etwa betonen, warum das Thema eine wichtige Rolle spielt.  Dafür eignen sich folgende Satzanfänge:

Der main part ( Hauptteil ) ist das Herzstück deines Aufsatzes. Darin stellst du in der Regel 2-3 Argumente vor. Die Struktur eines Arguments ist dabei immer gleich: 

  • Behauptung (topic sentence): Am Anfang eines Absatzes stellst du zunächst eine Behauptung auf.
  • Erklärung : Du erklärst und begründest den  topic sentence  anschließend in 2-3 Sätzen.
  • Beispiel : Jetzt fehlt nur noch eine Art „Beweis“ für dein Argument. Diesen lieferst du mithilfe eines Beispiels aus deinem Alltag, den Medien oder sogar einer Studie.

Argumentation Englisch – Beispiel: Spending a school year abroad will help every student to improve their language skills . If you move to another country, you are surrounded by a new language all the time. Talking with your new friends there and spending time with them is the best way to become fluent in a language .  For example, when a student spends one year in an American high school, he not only speaks English in class, but also after school with his friends and host family. This automatically improves his English . 

Wichtig: Du ordnest deine Argumente nach aufsteigender Wichtigkeit an. Du beginnst mit dem schwächsten und beendest den main part mit dem stärksten Argument.  Das gelingt dir beispielsweise so:

Zu guter Letzt rundest du deine argumentation mit einer persönlichen Schlussfolgerung (conclusion) ab. Das heißt, du fasst deine Meinung in einem Fazit zusammen.  Diese Bindewörter können dir dabei helfen: 

Wichtig : Im Schluss fügst du keine neuen Argumente mehr hinzu!

  • Tipp 1 : Denke an das  KISS-Prinzip (Keep it short & simple) bei einer argumentation ! Komme also schnell auf den Punkt und schreibe keine Schachtelsätze.
  • Tipp 2 : Linking words  machen deine Argumente und Übergänge logischer und übersichtlicher.  
  • Tipp 3 : Vermeide  short forms ( Abkürzungen ) wie  doesn’t oder haven’t . Stattdessen schreibst du does not oder  have not.
  • Tipp 4 : Verzichte auf Umgangssprache ! Du möchtest schließlich sachlich und  überzeugend klingen.  

Nun kannst du den Stift zücken und alle Leser von deiner Meinung überzeugen. Eine argumentation findest du übrigens auch in einem Essay wieder, nur in einer freieren Form. Was genau einen gelungenen  Essay in Englisch ausmacht und wie du ihn schreibst, erklären wir dir hier !

Zum Video: Essay Englisch

Beliebte Inhalte aus dem Bereich Textarten Englisch

  • Discussion Englisch Dauer: 04:27
  • Englische Texte Dauer: 04:52
  • Englisch Texte schreiben Dauer: 04:22

Weitere Inhalte: Textarten Englisch

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Essay Writing

Ms parrot: essay chef.

View the video, then try the essay exercises to test your knowledge! Watch the whole story, or see sections of the story below. All the videos have captions that you can view on YouTube.

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To view the individual chapters of the above video, you can either click the 'PLAYLIST' menu item in the above YouTube video and select the chapter from there, or, you can click one of the links below and view the individual video on YouTube.

  • Essay Chef - Introduction
  • Essay Chef - The cooking show
  • Essay Chef - Teaching
  • Exercise 1: Introductions
  • Exercise 2: Conclusions
  • Exercise 3: Voice
  • Exercise 4: Paraphrasing
  • Exercise 5: Referencing
  • Exercise 6: Academic Integrity

Download the transcript of the video or download the exercises in PDF format or as a Word document .

Essays in different academic cultures Teachers' notes

Essay structure

Essays help you discover more about a topic and write a reasoned analysis of the issues in question, using a range of external sources to support your position.

An essay is a highly structured piece of writing with follow a typical pattern:

Writing a good essay can be compared to baking a cake—if you do not mix the right ingredients in the right quantities or order, and do not follow the required processes, then the end result will not be what you hoped for! There is no set model for an essay, but the English for Uni website presents one popular way to do it. The following example is based around a 1000 word discussion essay. To read about essays in greater detail, download this PDF or Word document .


It is important for you to analyse your topic and title very carefully in order to understand the specific aim of the question. To do this, you need to break down the question. Most essay questions will contain these three elements:

Content/Topic words give the subject of the essay. Limiting/Focus words provide a narrower scope for the essay. Directive or Instructional words tell you how to approach the essay. Look at these sample essay titles from A) Economics and B) Nutrition:

A) Outline (directive or instructional word) the impacts (limiting word) of states (limiting word) and markets (limiting word) in today's (limiting word) globalised world economy (content words). B) "Chocolate (content word) is a healthy food (limiting words)". Discuss (directive or instructional word).

In example B, answering the question fully involves looking closely at the directive word Discuss and analysing its exact meaning.

Discuss: Present various points and consider the different sides. A discussion is usually longer than an explanation, as you need to present evidence and state which argument is more persuasive.

So, in your essay entitled:

“Chocolate is a healthy food”. Discuss.”

you would need to:

  • consider a number of points in relation to the title
  • balance your points between supporting and opposing positions
  • consider which of the positions is the most persuasive and explain why

You also need to consider the length of your essay. In a 2000 word essay you can cover more points than in a 1000 word one! This example is based on a 1000 word essay.

In relation to Content words your focus is clear: chocolate!

In relation to Limiting words, you need to consider what healthy food actually means. A good way to expand your vocabulary is to look at the Academic Word List (developed by Averil Coxhead at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand). The uefap website also has very useful lists of words found in particular subjects, such as mathematics, business and health science.

Directive or Instructional words

There are a number of directive words, or instructional words as they are sometimes called, which  tell you what to do in your essay. Some common directive words include:


Brainstorming means producing ideas related to a theme. You can write the ideas down in any order.

Here is a possible brainstorm for the chocolate essay, done in the form of a mind map:

Brainstorming mind map

Text description of the above image.

Note that the central focus (the essay question) has several boxes linked to it which represent the writer’s first ideas. Other boxes area then added. A brainstorm like this is organic; it does not necessarily stop growing. You can add, remove or reorganise it as you wish. If you like to put more system into your brainstorm, use a step-based model such as the following:

Step 1 Time yourself for the first draft of your mind map Set a fixed time for this drafting from your base topic/question and stick to it.

Step 2 Look critically at your draft Which ideas could you develop or remove? Is there a balance of ideas?

Step 3 Think about ordering Which issues might you tackle first in your essay and why?

Step 4 Anticipate readers’ needs Are there any words and/or phrases that might need explaining? If so, when is the best time in the essay to do this?

Step 5 Move Reflect upon your brainstorming. Once you are happy with your brainstorm you can use it to plan your essay.

Researching for your essay

Once you have done some brainstorming, it’s time to get researching!

Remember that an academic essay requires academic sources.

Finding what you want takes time and effort. The best place to start (assuming you haven’t already been given a prescribed reading list!) is by using an academic database. If you are not sure how to use a database, then book an appointment with your subject librarian at your institution.

Another option is to use an internet academic search engine such as Google Scholar. N.B. Make sure you are logged in to the library at your educational institution, so that you can use the full database capacities linked to Google Scholar.

You need to enter keywords to begin with. For the chocolate essay, one of the first associations we thought of was chocolate and mood. If we enter these words into Google Scholar it will look like this:

Google scholar search with "chocolate mood" as the search term.

This will take you to a webpage which lists a number of relevant articles, like this:

Chocolate and mood Google scholar search results page showing the title, and below the description Cited by (number of times cited), related articles etc.

The first two articles have been cited 90 times and 103 times respectively, suggesting that they might be good sources for your essay. The links to the right indicate that you can access the articles through your university website.

If you think an article looks promising, click on the link and look at the abstract:

Abstract example showing download PDF link (press this if you want to download the full text), Recommended article links and the title of the article followed by the abstract. Reading the abstract helps you decide if the article is useful or not.

Read the abstract and ask yourself if the content of the article is likely to be relevant to your essay.

a) If yes, click on the PDF. This will take you to the full article which you can then skim read quickly to decide if it is relevant. b) If no, then you have a choice. Either click on the links to other related articles or go back to Google Scholar and then choose another article to skim read.

If you do not find what you are looking for, then you need to change your keywords search.

When you have found what you think might be useful, make a note in your plan at the appropriate place.

Do the same thing for all the points that need academic references to support them.

Remember that during your research you might discover new issues and perspectives that you hadn’t considered before, so your original plan might be quite different from the final one!

Planning your essay

Once you have brainstormed your ideas and done some initial research, start putting them into a logical order as part of the essay planning process. Brainstorming helps you to see what you know about the topic. Researching will give you more depth. Brainstorming, researching and planning are cyclical, which means that each process helps the other processes and you might want to do each process more than once.

Researching diagram: Brainstorming > researching > planning > brainstorming and so on in that pattern.

Here is the brainstorm for the chocolate essay again, which you can use to develop the planning process:

Read the text version of the brainstorming mind map .

Planning or a plan?

In the first instance, it is important to distinguish between planning and a plan . Planning is an ongoing process, from when you receive the essay title to when you submit your final draft. A plan is a physical outline of the way you intend to conceptualise, structure and present your ideas.

Plans can be structured/restructured at any time during the planning process.

At this point it is time to write your first plan. However, do not stop doing research yet. Why not?

Planning diagram: A plan helps you to put your ideas into a form which gives you a clear direction for your reading. Once you have written your ideas up into a plan, you are beginning to give a structure to the essay writing process in order to make your argument more coherent. You might surprise yourself by discovering you know more about the subject matter than you thought. This can help build your confidence.

Remember that a plan is just that—a plan. It can be modified after you do more research; you might discover some different perspectives or issues you hadn’t previously anticipated.

Example: Developing an essay plan after research (linear style)

Title:  “Chocolate is a healthy food.” Discuss.

Introduction Context for paper – popularity of chocolate. Issue – whether chocolate is a healthy food is questionable. Thesis – chocolate may be enjoyable but not healthy. Scope – (only 4 aspects are covered here to keep the example short)

Main body Paragraph 1 with possible sources Ways in which chocolate can impact positively on mood. ‘Feel good effect’ - Parker, Parker and Brotchie (2006), Scholey and Owen (2013), Macht and Dettmer (2006) and Macht and Mueller (2007).

Is the chocolate and improved mood scenario measurable/transient? Parker, Parker and Brotchie (2006) – chocolate mood effects do not last. Macht and Dettmer (2006) – anticipation effect and more studies needed.

Paragraph 2 Possible benefits of chocolate on cardiovascular health – how much/what type(s) of chocolate have benefit? (Sources needed to help answer these questions.) Problems with measuring correlation between chocolate consumption and cardiovascular health. (Sources needed to help answer this.)

Paragraph 3 Chocolate best viewed as a food or a drug? Indulgence or addiction – are the boundaries unclear? (See what external sources have to say on this) Medication elements of chocolate? (Readings needed around this issue.)

Paragraph 4 The correlation between chocolate and obesity. (Definition of obesity needed.) What does the literature say in relation to other causal factors?

Conclusion Summary of four arguments presented. Chocolate is not a healthy food, but it is enjoyable nevertheless.

Example: Developed essay plan (linear style)

Main body Paragraph 1 Ways in which chocolate can impact positively on mood. ‘Feel good effect’-Parker, Parker and Brotchie (2006), Scholey and Owen (2013), Macht and Dettmer (2006) and Macht and Mueller (2007)

Is the chocolate and improved mood scenario measurable/transient? Parker, Parker and Brotchie (2006) chocolate mood effects do not last. Macht and Dettmer (2006) – anticipation effect and more studies needed.

Paragraph 2 Possible benefits of chocolate on cardiovascular health – how much/what type(s) of chocolate have benefit? Can provide heart-friendly flavanols (Hannum, Schmitz, & Keen, 2002) – helps with blood clotting and is anti-inflammatory (Schramm et al., 2001) Maximising benefits of chocolate lies in minimising fat levels (Hannum, Schmitz, & Keen, 2002). Current processes destroy flavanols (Hannum, Schmitz, & Keen, 2002). Note the change of focus from the original idea (correlation between chocolate consumption and cardiovascular health) due to the lack of research data available.

Paragraph 3 Chocolate best viewed as a food or a drug? Indulgence or addiction – are the boundaries unclear? Chocolate contains some biologically active ingredients, but in small amounts (Bruinsma & Taren, 1999). ‘Chocolate addicts’ – negative correlation: chocolate consumption and mood (Macdiramid & Hetherington, 1995) but chocolate cravings sensory rather than addictive (Bruinsma & Taren,1999). Medication elements of chocolate? Used in relation to magnesium deficiency in women (Pennington, 2000 in Steinberg et al., 2003). Findings concur with Abraham and Lubran (1981) who found a correlation between magnesium deficiency and nervous tension in women. Note the narrow focus of medical benefits (i.e. only considering magnesium) due to the short length of the essay.

Paragraph 4 The correlation between chocolate and obesity. No specific correlation found in literature (Beckett, 2008; Lambert, 2009). Note the findings show that there is no clear relationship between chocolate and obesity – an issue flagged in the introduction. Typified by Mellor’s (2013) findings – adults showed no weight increase after chocolate controlled diet. Lambert (2009) exemplified that chocolate consumption alone unlikely to precipitate obesity. ‘Chocoholic’ more likely to consume other sweet foods and less likely to exercise as much as others. Chocolate consumption thus marginal in causes of obesity.

Conclusion Summary of four arguments presented Chocolate is not a healthy food, but it is enjoyable nevertheless.

Writing your conclusion

It might seem strange to think about writing your conclusion before you write the body of your essay, but unless you know where you are going you can easily lose direction. Also, the conclusion is the last thing the reader actually reads, so it needs to be memorable.

There are a number of questions you should ask yourself, such as:

How will everything finish? What are you aiming for? What final impression do you want your readers to have?

Your conclusion ties your essay together. It should normally:

  • Begin with a link to the preceding paragraph.
  • Restate your thesis and summarise your principal points.
  • End with a broad statement relating to the significance of your argument.

So, our chocolate essay conclusion should mirror this pattern.

The conclusion should not just repeat the ideas from the introduction. The introduction includes the background to the essay, the important issues and a thesis statement. The introduction leads your reader into the essay. The conclusion reminds your reader of the main points made in your essay and leaves your reader with a final impression and ideas to think about later.

Chocolate essay conclusion

The following conclusion has three parts.

(A) The first sentence links the conclusion to the discussion in the previous paragraph. (B) The following sentences restate the main points and reaffirm the thesis. (C) The last sentence is a broad statement relating to the significance of the argument.

(A) Obesity and chocolate consumption seemingly have no proven correlations. (B) Yet, in this essay, many chocolate focused arguments have been presented, including the transient effect of chocolate on mood and evidence that it is as likely to create feelings of guilt as of well-being.  Another possible positive dimension to chocolate is a correlation with cardiovascular health. Yet the potential benefits of flavanols in chocolate are currently offset by the high fat/carbohydrate content of most forms of chocolate. Whether chocolate is a food or a drug is also unclear. The literature outlines the chemical properties of chocolate which could help explain some addictive type behaviour, particularly in regards to nervous tension in women, but also there is a strong research focus on chocolate as a sensory-based indulgence. (C) It can therefore be said that chocolate is not a healthy food, but can be enjoyed as part of a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle.

Writing the body paragraphs

At the heart of your essay lie your body paragraphs. Typically, a body paragraph will follow the format below.

N.B. Paragraphs should be balanced – keep to the ‘no less than 3 sentences per paragraph’ rule.

Remember to link all the points in your paragraph to the idea in the topic sentence. One way to check if you have done this is to write keywords in the margin for each sentence. If your keywords are related to the topic sentence, your paragraph is good. If there are ideas that are not related, you should remove them.

In the following example, the unrelated ideas are highlighted in red:

These unrelated ideas can be removed to make a more coherent paragraph:

It has been claimed that chocolate is a healthy food, but in fact it contains a lot of sugar, which can be unhealthy. For example, sugar can cause tooth decay, which can lead to dental problems in later life. Too much sugar can also lead to obesity, which is a serious health risk. In addition, sugar contains a high amount of fructose, which is bad for the liver. The amount of sugar contained in chocolate means, therefore, that chocolate, particularly milk and white chocolate, may not be healthy.

You can then add examples and references to make your paragraph stronger.

Here is an example:

Essay writing: example paragraph

View the text description of the above body paragraph example .

Writing your introduction

Once you have drafted your main body paragraphs and your conclusion, it is time to draft your introduction.

Writing your introduction last means you are more likely to have a tighter fit between the introduction, main body and conclusion because you already know what your essay will be about.

Let us have another look at the functions of an introduction:

B ackground statement — where you set the context for your essay I ssue(s) — where you outline the specific issues that are relevant to your essay. T hesis — where you state your position in relation to the issues. S cope — where you outline what exactly is going to be covered in relation to your argument.

The thesis and scope are sometimes combined to form one or more sentences known as a thesis statement . The thesis statement often comes at the end of the introduction, although it can be written earlier.

Sometimes an essay will begin with a direct quote to draw readers into the essay.

Sometimes, particularly in very short essays, the essay will begin with an issue rather than a background statement.

Essays also sometimes begin with an issue, outline the scope and then move on to end the introduction with the thesis statement.

It is important to remember that there is not a fixed ordering for the introduction, though the BITS/BIST patterning is a very common one, which is why it is modelled for you as an example.

Example introduction

“Chocolate is a healthy food”. Discuss.

Writing references for your essay

When you are writing an essay you will need to include references to external academic sources.

Why do you need to reference?

  • To show respect for other people's ideas and work
  • To clearly identify information coming from another source
  • To distinguish an external source from your interpretation or your own findings
  • To support your own arguments, thus giving you more credibility
  • To show evidence of wide (and understood) reading
  • To avoid being accused of plagiarism, which includes copying another’s work, paraphrasing or summarising without acknowledgement, colluding with others and presenting either identical or very similar essays

What does referencing include?

A. In-text citations, which can take three forms:

  • Paraphrasing, where you keep the original author’s ideas intact, but just change the wording
  • Summarising, where you summarise the whole of the author’s work, rather than one particular aspect
  • Direct quoting, where you take a word-for-word copy of a short extract from the original author’s work, and include it in your essay, making use of quotation marks and page number
  • All of these need a reference in the text.

B. A reference list at the end of your essay, which includes details such as:

  • Date of publication
  • Publisher and place of publication (for books)
  • Journal name, volume and issue (for journals)
  • Internet address or doi (digital object identifier) for electronic sources

Referencing is integral to academic essay writing and shouldn’t be viewed as an ‘add-on’. When you are referencing, always use a referencing guide to help you ensure 100% accuracy.

Normally, when writing an essay at university you will be expected to use only academic sources. The following learning guide on source credibility will help you to determine whether an external source is academic or not.

The chocolate essay uses the American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing, which is easy to distinguish from the Harvard Author-Date System, as the format is different:

When you are writing an essay and including external sources, more often than not you want the reader to focus on what is said rather than who is saying it. In that case the information comes before the author. For example:

Information before author's names:  Chocolate, processed accordingly, can be a provider of significant quantities of heart-friendly flavanols (Hannum, Schmitz, & Keen, 2002), which help in delaying blood clotting and reducing inflammation (Schramm et al., 2001).

Such citations are called information-centred citations.

When the focus is more on who is saying it then the citation is written like this:

Aurthors' names before information: ...Macdiarmid and Hetherington (1995) found that self-determined 'chocolate addicts' reported a negative correlation between chocolate consumption and mood, perhaps indicative of addictive or compulsive type behaviour.

Such citations are called author-centred citations.

Try and achieve a balance between both types of in text-references in your essay writing.

Reference list

In the APA style of referencing, the reference list has certain conventions that you must also follow. Here are some examples from the chocolate essay:

Writing references APA style explained

Text description of the APA style of referencing example above.

Don’t make referencing something you do just as an editing or proofreading activity. Include your in-text citations and reference list as part of your first draft.

An excellent website to help with your APA referencing is the APA Interactive tool at Massey University.

Redrafting your essay

Leave yourself enough time to look at your essay more than once. For a 1000 word essay you need at least three days to redraft your essay.

Always save each draft as a separate file; then you can see how your essay develops and improves.

Here are the sorts of questions you should ask yourself:

Redrafting your essay diagram

View a text version of the redrafting your essay diagram above.

You can also look at other checklists such as this one on editing your own work .

Let’s see how the writer of the chocolate essay redrafted their original introduction:

First draft example

View the text version of the redrafted essay .

Now compare the above with the final draft:

Since Spanish explorers brought back chocolate from the new world, chocolate consumption has become a worldwide phenomenon.  At first, chocolate, a derivative of the cacao bean, was consumed as a drink, only later achieving mass popularity in tablet or bar form. However, chocolate’s inherent popularity does not equate to it possessing healthy properties, as suggested by the title. The realities of chocolate are more down to earth; a number of these realities will be addressed in this essay. Chocolate has chemical properties that can influence mood and there is possible evidence for some positive impacts of chocolate on cardiovascular health. Yet, such positive attributes are counterbalanced somewhat by the argument that, in some instances, chocolate can be viewed as a drug rather than a food. Moreover, there is the possibility of some correlation between over-consumption of chocolate and obesity. Thus, it will be argued that despite chocolate’s positive effect in some cases on mood and the cardiovascular system it has also been linked to addiction and obesity.

Take your time and be careful when redrafting—it will be worth it!

Incorporating your own voice

How do you write in an academic way?

Voice diagram. Writing in an academic way: Being critical and analytical, making use of subject-specific language, being precise in meaning, citing sources to support your position and remaining as objective as possible.

Your lecturers will want to hear your ‘voice’ as they read your essay.

Imagine your essay as a kind of story. You are the principal storyteller, the internal voice of the writer, leading the reader through to your conclusion.

During the story, there are different voices that appear from time to time. These are the external voices (citations) that add substance to your story, providing detail and support for what you are saying and sometimes even giving an alternative perspective. The external voices can be divided into two categories in your essay: the direct external voice of an author (through a direct quote) and the indirect external voice of an author (through a paraphrase).

The reader needs to know at all times whose voice they are hearing. Is it your internal voice or the external voice of other authors?

You might wonder how you can include your own voice and still sound academic when you are writing about a subject area in which you have little (or no) knowledge. Including your voice does not mean that you should say ‘I think’ or ‘in my opinion’.

Here are some examples of the critical/analytical language that you can use as your own internal voice when you present other people’s ideas:

Let’s look at one of the paragraphs from the chocolate essay to see how the text is an interplay of the internal voice of the writer and the external voices of other authors. The internal voice of the writer is colour-coded in yellow; the indirect external voices of other authors (i.e. paraphrases) are coded in grey; and the direct external voices of other authors (i.e.  quotations) are coded in blue.

Voices highlighted in different colours to detail each voice type.

View a text version of the voice explanation above.

This is a balanced paragraph. The writer sets the scene at the beginning of the topic sentence and also links together all of the sentences, using their own voice to lead into content which is provided by the external voices.

Look at the same paragraph re-written, with the amount of the writer’s voice substantially reduced:

Voices: re-written paragraph

View a text version of the above re-written paragraph .

Here the writer is not ‘in charge’ of the paragraph, and it reads a little like a list. That is something your lecturers do not want to see.

When you are drafting your paragraphs, use a colour-coding system like the one used here. It will help you ensure your academic voice is clear!

When you get more confident in using external sources, you will gradually expand the language of your critical internal voice. The Phrasebank website at Manchester University provides examples of some more expressions to use when assessing external sources.

Proofreading and editing your essay

Editing focuses on the big picture elements such as overall structure, appropriate paragraphing and whether the question has been answered.

Proofreading has a micro-focus on the details of your essay, such as formatting, grammar and punctuation.

Everybody has their own personal style of editing and proofreading. You need to focus on the types of errors you commonly make by looking at the marker’s comments on your previous work.

Some people proofread alone; some get other people involved. Having others involved is a really good idea.

Fresh eyes can help you find things you might not otherwise have seen.

Here are some things to consider when proofreading and editing:

Proofreading diagram

View a text version of the above proofreading and editing your essay considerations.

The Purdue OWL website has even more detail on the proofreading process.

Submitting on time

Students regularly underestimate the time it takes to write an essay, in particular the planning and researching stages.

Before you begin your essay, have a look at the Massey University assignment planning calculator . You might be surprised how long the whole process takes!

As you can see from the assignment planning calculator, if you only start your essay a few days before the due date, you will have to do things too quickly.

If you think of the essay/cake analogy, you need time to mix all the ingredients properly, or the end result will not be what you want to share with others!

To write a 1000 word essay, ideally you should allow yourself about 3 weeks.

Let’s have a look at how an essay time management ‘cake’ could be divided into slices:

Writing an essay time management 'cake'

View a text description of the writing an essay time management 'cake' .

You can see that the biggest part of your time is spent on the planning/research elements and redrafting/editing/proofreading elements, which together should comprise around 60% of your time.

Have a look at another model to see what you also need to consider:

Time management: Work to a timetable, prioritise your tasks, follow a study strategy, know your best study times, make use of time fragments, organise your place of study, avoid procrastination, divide big tasks up into smaller ones, allow for time out, look after yourself.

Essay example

Here is the final version of the chocolate essay. You can also download a PDF version of the chocolate essay .

“Chocolate is a healthy food.” Discuss.

Since Spanish explorers brought back chocolate from the new world, chocolate consumption has become a worldwide phenomenon. At first, chocolate, a derivative of the cacao bean, was consumed as a drink, only later achieving mass popularity in tablet or bar form. However, chocolate’s inherent popularity does not equate to it possessing healthy properties, as suggested by the title. The realities of chocolate are more down to earth; a number of these realities will be addressed in this essay. Chocolate has chemical properties that can influence mood and there is possible evidence for some positive impacts of chocolate on cardiovascular health. Yet, such positive attributes are counterbalanced somewhat by the argument that, in some instances, chocolate can be viewed as a drug rather than a food. Moreover, there is the possibility of some correlation between over-consumption of chocolate and obesity. Thus, it will be argued that despite chocolate’s positive effect in some cases on mood and the cardiovascular system it has also been linked to addiction and obesity.

Consumption of chocolate is something that many enjoy, and there is evidence (Parker, Parker, & Brotchie, 2006) that high carbohydrate foods such as chocolate do have a ‘feel good’ effect. Moreover, Scholey and Owen (2013) in a systematic review of the literature in the field point to several studies, such as Macht and Dettmer (2006) and Macht and Mueller (2007), which appear to confirm this effect. Yet, as Parker, Parker and Brotchie (2006, p. 150) note, the mood effects of chocolate "are as ephemeral as holding a chocolate in one’s mouth". In addition, mood is something that is difficult to isolate and quantify, and aside from the study by Macht and Dettmer (2006) there appears to be little research on any longer term mood affecting influences of chocolate. Another point is raised by Macht and Dettmer (2006), whose study found that positive responses to chocolate correlated more with anticipation and temporary sensory pleasure, whereas guilt was also a statistically significant factor for many, for whom the ‘feel-good’ effect would be minimalised. As these authors stress, “temporal tracking of [both] positive and negative emotions” (p.335) before and after consuming chocolate in future studies could help in further understanding the ‘feel good’ effect and more negative emotions.

Another possible positive influence of chocolate is upon cardiovascular health. Chocolate, processed accordingly, can be a provider of significant quantities of heart-friendly flavanols (Hannum, Schmitz, & Keen, 2002) which help in delaying blood clotting and reducing inflammation (Schramm et al., 2001). Such attributes of flavanols in chocolate need to be considered in the context of chocolate’s other components – approximately 30% fat, 61% carbohydrate, 6% protein and 3% liquid and minerals (Hannum, Schmitz, & Keen, 2002). The key to maximising the benefits of flavanols in chocolate appears to lie in the level of fats present. Cocoa, which is simply chocolate minus the fat, is the most obvious candidate for maximising heart health, but as Hannum, Schmitz and Keen (2002) note, most cocoa products are made through an alkali process which destroys many flavanols. Optimal maximisation of the flavanols involves such compounds being present in cocoa and chocolate products at levels where they are biologically active (Ariefdjohan & Savaiano, 2005).

The biological makeup of chocolate is also relevant in determining whether chocolate is better viewed as a food or a drug, but the boundaries between indulgence and addictive behaviour are unclear. Chocolate contains some biologically active elements including methylxanthines, and cannabinoid-like unsaturated fatty acids (Bruinsma & Taren, 1999) which could represent a neurochemical dependency potential for chocolate, yet are present in exceedingly small amounts.  Interestingly, and linked to chocolate and mood, Macdiarmid and Hetherington (1995) claim their study found that “self-identified chocolate ‘addicts’” reported  a negative correlation between chocolate consumption and mood. This is perhaps indicative of addictive or compulsive type behaviour. However, as Bruinsma and Taren (1999) note, eating chocolate can represent a sensory reward based, luxurious indulgence, based around texture, aroma and flavour anticipation, rather than a neurochemically induced craving. Yet, it has been argued that chocolate is sometimes used as a form of self-medication, particularly in relation to magnesium deficiency. A study by Pennington (2000 in Steinberg, Bearden, & Keen 2003) noted that women do not generally meet US guidelines for trace elements, including magnesium. This correlates with earlier studies by Abraham and Lubran (1981), who found a high correlation between magnesium deficiency and nervous tension in women. Thus, tension-related chocolate cravings could be a biological entity fuelled by magnesium deficiency. Overall, however, it would appear that the proportion of people using chocolate as a drug rather than a food based sensory indulgence is small, though further research might prove enlightening.

A final point to consider in relation to chocolate is the perception that chocolate is linked to obesity. A person is defined as being obese when their Body Mass Index is greater than 30. The literature on chocolate and obesity has clearly demonstrated that there are no specific correlations between the two variables (Beckett, 2008; Lambert, 2009). This is typified by the findings of Mellor (2013), who found that, over a period of eight weeks of eating 45 grams of chocolate per day, a group of adults demonstrated no significant weight increase. As Lambert (2009) notes, chocolate consumption alone is not likely to cause obesity, unless large amounts of other calorie dense foods are consumed and this calorie dense intake is greater than needed for bodily function, bearing in mind levels of activity. The stereotypical ‘chocoholic’ seems more likely to consume many other sweet foods and be less likely to take exercise than other people, so chocolate consumption is only one possible variable when considering the causes of obesity.

Obesity and chocolate consumption seemingly have no proven correlations. Yet, in this essay, many chocolate focused arguments have been presented, including the transient effect of chocolate on mood and the fact that it is as likely to create feelings of guilt as of well-being. Another possible positive dimension to chocolate is a correlation with cardiovascular health. Yet the potential benefits of flavanols in chocolate are currently offset by the high fat/carbohydrate content of most forms of chocolate. Whether chocolate is a food or a drug is also unclear. The literature outlines the chemical properties of chocolate which could help explain some addictive type behaviour, particularly in regards to nervous tension in women, but there is also a strong research focus on chocolate as a sensory-based indulgence. It can therefore be said that chocolate is not a healthy food, but can be enjoyed as part of a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle.

(Word count: 1087. This is within 10% of the word limit, which is usually acceptable. Check this with your lecturer if you are in any doubt.)

Abraham, G. E., & Lubran, M. M. (1981). Serum and red cell magnesium levels in patients with premenstrual tension. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 34 (11), 2364-2366. Retrieved from

Ariefdjohan, M. W., & Savaiano, D. A. (2005). Chocolate and cardiovascular health: Is it too good to be true? Nutrition Reviews , 63 (12), 427-430. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2005.tb00118.x

Beckett, S. T. (2000). The science of chocolate . Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry.

Bruinsma, K., & Taren, D. L. (1999). Chocolate: Food or drug? Journal of the American Dietetic Association , 99 (10), 1249-12. doi: 10.1016/S0002-8223(99)00307-7

Hannum, S. M., Schmitz, H. H., & Keen, C. L. (2002). Chocolate: A heart-healthy food? Show me the science! Nutrition Today , 37 (3), 103-109. Retrieved from…

Lambert, J. P. (2009). Nutrition and health aspects of chocolate. In S. Beckett (Ed.), Industrial chocolate manufacture and use , (4th ed., pp. 623-635). London: Wiley Blackwell. Retrieved from

Macht, M., & Dettmer, D. (2006). Everyday mood and emotions after eating a chocolate bar or an apple. Appetite , 46 (3), 332-336. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2006.01.014

Macht, M., & Mueller, J. (2007). Immediate effects of chocolate on experimentally induced mood states. Appetite , 49 (3), 667-674. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2007.05.004

Macdiarmid, J. I., & Hetherington, M. M. (1995). Mood modulation by food: An exploration of affect and cravings in ‘chocolate addicts’. British Journal of Clinical Psychology , 34 (1), 129-138. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8260.1995.tb01445.x

Mellor, D. D. (2013). The effects of polyphenol rich chocolate on cardiovascular risk and glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus (Doctoral dissertation, University of Hull, UK). Retrieved from

Parker, G., Parker, I., & Brotchie, H. (2006). Mood state effects of chocolate. Journal of Affective Disorders , 92 (2), 149-159. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2006.02.007

Scholey, A., & Owen, L. (2013). Effects of chocolate on cognitive function and mood: a systematic review. Nutrition reviews , 71 (10), 665-681. doi:10.1111/nure.12065

Schramm, D. D., Wang, J. F., Holt, R. R., Ensunsa, J. L., Gonsalves, J. L., Lazarus, S. A., Schmitz, H. H., German, J. Bruce, & Keen, C. L. (2001). Chocolate procyanidins decrease the leukotriene-prostacyclin ratio in humans and human aortic endothelial cells. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 73 (1), 36-40. Retrieved from

Steinberg, F. M., Bearden, M. M., & Keen, C. L. (2003). Cocoa and chocolate flavonoids: Implications for cardiovascular health. Journal of the American Dietetic Association , 103 (2), 215-223. doi: 10.1053/jada.2003.50028

Academic integrity and plagiarism

‘Integrity’ relates to ‘honesty’, and academic integrity involves writing in an honest way, so that no one will think you are claiming that words or ideas from someone else are your own. This is very important in academic writing in western countries, and if you do not do this you might be accused of plagiarism, which is a serious offence at university.

Plagiarism means using someone else’s words, ideas or diagrams without acknowledgement.

Of course, when we write an essay we need to refer to other people’s ideas. We gave some of the reasons for this before:

Being a good writer involves using other people’s ideas to support your work. However, you should never forget to say where these ideas come from, even if you don’t quote the person’s exact words.

Include a reference in the text, where the words or ideas appear, and in a reference list at the end of the essay.

All the references in the text must appear in the reference list, and all the references in the list must also appear in the text.

There is a short video clip on plagiarism here and a wonderful Plagiarism Carol video here (click on ‘captions’ to get subtitles in English).

Another word connected to academic integrity is collusion .

Collusion means that you work with someone else and submit the same or very similar assignments without your lecturer’s permission.

For example, if you and a friend work together on an essay and then submit identical or very similar versions of the essay, one under your name and one under your friend’s name, that is collusion . However, if you are doing a group work assignment and your lecturer has asked you to work together and submit the assignment jointly, that is not collusion . Collusion, like plagiarism, has an element of dishonesty in it. People who collude do so secretly, as they know that the lecturer would not be happy.

People make genuine mistakes, so lecturers are usually very happy to advise you if you ask them.

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Writing a compare / contrast essay.

essay beispiel englisch

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When you compare two things, you show what they have in common, and when you contrast things, you show their differences.

Compare and contrast essays are one of the most common essays a student will encounter. You will be answering a specific question, "How do these two things compare,", or "What makes them different?" Sometimes you might be asked to do both. This makes them fairly easy to complete.

There are several ways to write this type of essay. The most important thing to remember is structure .

Choosing what to write about

You have to identify two things that are linked in some way, there should be similarities as well as differences. Don't try to compare chalk and cheese.

Make sure the topics you choose are something you're interested in, and preferably knowledgeable about, or at least something you can research easily.

For example: You could write about two ideas, events, jobs, people, or organisations. The list is endless.

How to start

Once you've decided on two things, try writing a list of what they have in common and what is different about them. If lists aren't your thing try using a Venn diagram to illustrate your points. Once you've done this look at your list and think about what is important, interesting and what you've learnt.

If you struggle here, you might want to consider a different theme.

You can start your essay with a question, a relevant quotation, or an anecdote that leads you into the body of the essay.

You need to introduce the two things you will be writing about, and give the reader an idea of why you are comparing them.

How to continue

You can structure the main part of the essay in a couple of ways.

1. Split the topics and discuss them separately:-

  • In the first section, discuss the first topic without mentioning the second one.
  • Then start a new section and discuss the second topic, only alluding to the first one if necessary.
  • Once you've analysed both topics independently, bring them together in the third section.

2. Compare the topics together:-

  • Write about how your two topics are different.
  • Write about how your two topics are similar.
  • Try to find at least 3 things that are similar and 3 things that are different.

Whichever style you choose don't forget to support your arguments, include examples that prove the similarities and/or differences exist, and provide evidence or sources for any position you take. Don't just regurgitate your list of similarities and differences, it should be interesting and informative.

In your conclusion avoid repeating things that you have already discussed, but summarise the most important similarities and differences. Think about what you want the reader to remember and what the reader can learn from the ideas you've presented.

Don't forget to tidy it up and proofread it before presenting it to the world (see narrative essays ). Make sure everything flows and make any necessary changes to the sequence.

Writing Compare / Contrast Essays in Class

  • Some topics ask only for comparison, others only for contrast, and others for both. The clue is in the title you're given.
  • Conclusion writing is important.
  • When you're writing for a class you know you've got at least one reader who'll have to read everything - your teacher.
  • You might be given a choice of particular topics, try to choose something you're passionate about.
  • You might be given a topic to write about. Try to stick to the point, make sure you don't ramble off topic.
  • Use appropriate links and connections between paragraphs to make your point.
  • When writing is done in the class you shouldn't need to go beyond a few hundred words. Only write what is necessary and make sure you use those words effectively, don't use long-winded terms where one word will do.
  • You'll be under a time constraint too, which is why you should practise lots so that it becomes less of an effort.

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  • Einen Essay auf Englisch schreiben

Einen Essay auf Englisch schreiben | Übersicht und Beispiele

Veröffentlicht am 9. Juni 2021 von Lea Genau . Aktualisiert am 23. November 2023.

Sowohl in der Schule als auch an der Hochschule ist es möglich, einen Essay auf Englisch zu schreiben.

In einem Essay auf Englisch gibst du auf ca. 5–10 Seiten deinen persönlichen Standpunkt zu einem Thema in englischer Sprache wieder. Deine subjektive Meinung sollte durch ausreichend Fachlektüre begründet sein.


Was du über einen essay auf englisch wissen musst, essay englisch aufbau, 1. introduction, 3. conclusion, essay outline erstellen mit beispiel, häufig gestellte fragen.

Einen Essay auf Englisch schreibst du entweder an der Schule oder an der Hochschule.

Einen Essay auf Englisch verfasst du dabei in der Regel in Form von Pro- und Kontra-Argumenten. Diese Art des Essays wird argumentativer Essay genannt.

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essay beispiel englisch

Zu deiner Korrektur

Der Aufbau eines Essays auf Englisch unterscheidet sich kaum von einem Essay auf Deutsch . Ebenso wie im Deutschen gliedert sich ein englischer Essay in Einleitung ( introduction ), Hauptteil ( body ) und Schluss ( conclusion ).

Gliederung Essay Englisch:

  • Introduction

In der Essay Einleitung führst du in das Thema des Essays ein.

Dazu kannst deine persönlichen oder allgemeine Erfahrungen im Umgang mit diesem Thema wiedergeben. Es bietet sich an, konträre Meinungen als Position A und Position B einander gegenüberzustellen. So machst du bereits in der Einleitung klar, dass es verschiedene Ansichten gibt, über die diskutiert werden kann und sollte.

In der Introduction ist es wichtig, deinen Standpunkt durch das Ausformulieren einer These zu verdeutlichen. Diese These (engl. thesis statement ) begründest du im Hauptteil (engl. body ) deines Essays. Nimm dir genügend Zeit, um eine aussagekräftige These zu finden, da dein weiterer Essay auf dieser These aufbaut.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

Im Hauptteil deines Essays findet die eigentliche Diskussion statt.

Wenn du einen argumentativen Essay schreibst, gibst du Pro- und Kontra-Argumente zu der These wieder, die du in der Einleitung aufgestellt hast.

Jedes Argument beginnst du mit einem neuen Absatz. Zwischenüberschriften gibt es in einem Essay auf Englisch nicht, du solltest jedoch sogenannte topic sentences verwenden.

Topic sentences stehen zum Beginn von jedem Absatz und stellen heraus, worum es in diesem Absatz deines Essays inhaltlich geht.

Aufbau Topic Sentence:

  • Das Thema des Absatzes
  • Der zentrale Punkt des Absatzes

Es ist wichtig, dich im Hauptteil deines Bodys immer wieder auf die in der Einleitung formulierte These zu beziehen. So erreichst du, dass die Lesenden eine klare gedankliche Struktur in deinem Essay erkennen können.

Wir haben dir Beispiele für nützliche Verknüpfungswörter ( linking words ) erstellt, mit denen du einzelne Abschnitte oder auch Argumente im Hauptteil deines Essays verbinden kannst.

A common frustration for teachers is students’ use of Wikipedia as a source in their writing. Its prevalence among students is not exaggerated; a survey found that the vast majority of the students surveyed used Wikipedia (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). An article in The Guardian stresses a common objection to its use: “a reliance on Wikipedia can discourage students from engaging with genuine academic writing” (Coomer, 2013). Teachers are clearly not mistaken in viewing Wikipedia usage as ubiquitous among their students; but the claim that it discourages engagement with academic sources requires further investigation. This point is treated as self-evident by many teachers, but Wikipedia itself explicitly encourages students to look into other sources. Its articles often provide references to academic publications and include warning notes where citations are missing; the site’s own guidelines for research make clear that it should be used as a starting point, emphasizing that users should always “read the references and check whether they really do support what the article says” (“Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia,” 2020). Indeed, for many students, Wikipedia is their first encounter with the concepts of citation and referencing. The use of Wikipedia therefore has a positive side that merits deeper consideration than it often receives.

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essay beispiel englisch

Im Schlussteil ( conclusion ) fasst du deine Argumentation zusammen und ziehst ein Fazit. Neue Argumente sollten im Schlussteil nicht genannt werden.

Es ist möglich, dass deine anfängliche These aus der Einleitung sich durch das Essayschreiben leicht verändert hat. In diesem Fall kannst du deine These im Schlussteil reformulieren.

Außerdem kannst du am Schluss deines Essays offen gebliebene Fragen benennen und Lösungen anbieten.

Essay Englisch Beispielformulierungen: Conclusion

  • Considering this result, it is reasonable to conclude that …
  • In summary….

The internet has had a major positive impact on the world of education; occasional pitfalls aside, its value is evident in numerous applications. The future of teaching lies in the possibilities the internet opens up for communication, research, and interactivity. As the popularity of distance learning shows, students value the flexibility and accessibility offered by digital education, and educators should fully embrace these advantages. The internet’s dangers, real and imaginary, have been documented exhaustively by skeptics, but the internet is here to stay; it is time to focus seriously on its potential for good.

Es bietet sich an, eine Gliederung zu erstellen, wenn du deinen Essay auf Englisch schreibst. Die Gliederung eines Essays auf Englisch nennt sich Essay Outline.

Eine Essay Outline erstellst du, bevor du deinen Essay auf Englisch schreibst. In der Outline planst du den Aufbau deines Essays , an dem du dich während des Schreibens jederzeit orientieren kannst.

Für jeden Punkt deiner Essay Outline nutzt du Stichworte, die dir beim Essayschreiben dabei helfen, deine Argumente zu formulieren.

Wir geben dir ein Essay-Beispiel für die häufigste Art des Essays auf Englisch, den argumentativen Essay.

  • Importance of the internet
  • Concerns about internet use
  • Thesis statement: Internet use a net positive
  • Data exploring this effect
  • Analysis indicating it is overstated
  • Students’ reading levels over time
  • Why this data is questionable
  • Video media
  • Interactive media
  • Speed and simplicity of online research
  • Questions about reliability (transitioning into next topic)
  • Evidence indicating its ubiquity
  • Claims that it discourages engagement with academic writing
  • Evidence that Wikipedia warns students not to cite it
  • Argument that it introduces students to citation
  • Summary of key points
  • Value of digital education for students
  • Need for optimism to embrace advantages of the internet

Einen Essay auf Englisch schreibst du meist in Form eines argumentativen Essays. In einem argumentativen Essay gibst du Pro- und Kontra-Argumente zu einer These wieder.

In einem Essay auf Englisch darfst du deine eigene Meinung in der 1. Person Singular schildern.

Einen Essay auf Englisch kannst du mithilfe von verschiedenen Formulierungen schreiben.

  • The spread of … has a world-changing effect, not least for …
  • Research shows that …
  • Considering this result, it is reasonable to …

Verschiedene Formulierungen, nützliche Verbindungswörter und weitere nützliche Tipps für Einleitung, Hauptteil und Schluss findest du im Artikel zum Essay auf Englisch .

Der Aufbau eines Essays auf Englisch unterscheidet sich kaum von einem Essay auf Deutsch . Er gliedert sich in 3 Teile.

Essay Englisch Aufbau:

  • Introduction: Einleitung
  • Body: Hauptteil
  • Conclusion: Schlussteil

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Ein perfektes essay beispiel, der aufbau eines essays einfach erklärt, einen essay schreiben in 4 schritten.

Oxford House

  • Writing an effective essay: Cambridge B2 First

Escribir una redacción eficaz para el Cambridge B2 First | Oxford House Barcelona

  • Posted on 28/02/2018
  • Categories: Blog
  • Tags: B2 First , C1 Advanced , C2 Proficiency , Cambridge CAE Certificate of Advanced English , Cambridge CPE Certificate of Proficiency in English , Cambridge Exams , Cambridge FCE First Certificate of English , Learn English

Students take language certifications like the Cambridge B2 First qualification for lots of different reasons. You might do it to motivate yourself to improve your language abilities, to prove your level of English to an employer, or even to achieve an ambition like travelling around the world and going to live in an English-speaking country.

The Cambridge B2 First exam includes a two-part writing section, which can be daunting for some people. So if you’re thinking about taking an exam like this, we have some top tips to help you write an excellent exam essay.

Most of the advice in this article can also be applied to any exam where you have to write an essay, such as the C1 Advanced, C2 Proficiency or IELTS .

Writing test structure

Before we get into the details, let’s take a look at the structure of the writing paper. You have 80 minutes to write two texts – and it will go quickly!

The first part is the essay; the second part is an article, email, letter, report, or review.

You will be given the essay title and two ideas or prompts . It’s essential that you include both of these ideas in your essay, as well as another relevant idea that you have to come up with yourself .

You have to write 140-190 words in each part and it shouldn’t take you more than 40 minutes per answer .

Writing an essay in three steps

Take a look at this example from a sample paper and then think about how you would answer it in an exam:

Essay title:

Some parents teach their children at home rather than sending them to school. Is this a good or a bad thing for the children?

  • 1. having a parent as a teacher
  • 2. making friends
  • 3. …..

Question taken from (Cambridge Assessment English, Feb 2018).

What could the third idea be? Stop reading, grab a pen and write down some ideas! Keep them general, but relevant. When you’ve finished, scroll down to the bottom of the page to see some of our ideas * .

Step One: plan it (10 minutes)

Step One: Plan | Writing an effective essay for the Cambridge B2 First | Oxford House Barcelona

That’s what my old history teacher used to tell me. I hate to admit it, but he was right! If you don’t usually plan before you start writing, you really need to get into the habit . Ten minutes may seem a lot, but the more time you spend planning, the clearer your ideas will be and the quicker the writing process will be.

A good place to start is to brainstorm keywords and phrases related to the topic.

Brainstorming Keywords | Writing an effective essay for the Cambridge B2 First | Oxford House Barcelona

Next, you should think about how you’re going to begin ( the introduction ), how you’re going to connect the three main ideas ( the body ) and how you’re going to finish ( the conclusion ). If you know where you’re headed , you’re much less likely to get lost along the way!

Step Two: write it (25 minutes)

OK, you’ve got our plan – you’re good to go ! It’s important to know what the examiners are looking for. The mark you get for the essay is based on the following four aspects :

Content: Have you included all three ideas? Remember, all content should be 100% relevant to the topic, so don’t go off on a tangent !

Communicative achievement: Is the style or tone of your essay appropriate? It should be neutral and quite formal, so avoid contractions (e.g. it’s, don’t, they’ll) and first person pronouns (e.g. I, me, my, we, us, our).

Organisation: Does your essay follow a logical order? To help your writing flow , try to include linking words. Here’s a website with some examples.

Language: Have you used a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures? Don’t always write the first word that comes to mind – look for synonyms . Using some complex structures (e.g. different verb tenses, passives, inversion) will boost your marks, but be sure to use them correctly!

Step Three: check it (5 minutes)

This final step is essential. It’s your chance to read (and re-read) your essay to identify any mistakes. No matter how careful you’ve been, there are probably a few things that you can improve. Check for spellings. Check for plurals. Check for verb agreement . Basically, check everything!

5 quick tips to improve your proofreading

  • Keep a list of (your) frequent mistakes, so you know what to look out for
  • Read it slowly
  • Use your finger to guide your eyes
  • Correct one thing at a time (e.g. only punctuation, then only spelling)
  • Focus on the little words (pronouns, articles, prepositions, etc.)

Still not sure if this is the right exam for you?

There are many benefits of earning an English certification, but before you decide to do so, it’s very important to check your English level . This will help you select the right exam course and make sure you don’t waste time completing one that’s too hard or too easy for you.

If you decide to do an exam preparation course with us, one of our trained level testers will work with you to assess your level. But, if you can’t wait until then, here’s a multiple-choice test for you to complete to give you some idea.

This article also outlines the differences between the Cambridge and IELTS exams to help you decide which exam is for you.

Glossary for Language Learners

Find the following words in the article and then write down any new ones you didn’t know.

Daunting (adj): something that worries you because it might seem difficult to do.

Prompts (n): something serving to suggest or remind.

To come up with (pv): to think of something such as an idea or a plan.

To get into the habit (exp): to begin to do something regularly or often.

Headed (adj): destined for.

You’re good to go! (exp): you’re ready!

To go off on a tangent (exp): to start doing, discussing, or thinking about something completely different.

To flow (v): to proceed smoothly and continuously.

adj = adjective

pv = phrasal verb

exp = expression

*Example ideas: ‘group work’, ‘bullying’, ‘class sizes’, ‘working parents’, ‘free curriculum’

Pass your Cambridge Exam with Oxford House Barcelona

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So you’ve decided to take the ! Formerly known as FCE or the First Certificate, this is by far most popular exam. Whe... Read More

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Useful Expressions For Negotia

A lot of our global business is conducted in English. So, there’s a strong chance you may have to learn how to negotia... Read More

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Passing C1 Advanced Part 8: Re

If you’re wondering how to do Part 8 of the Reading and Use of English paper, you’re in the right place! After s... Read More

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The Difference Between IELTS G

You’ve probably heard of . It’s the world’s leading test for study, work and migration after all. And as the world... Read More

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Passing C1 Advanced Part 7: Re

Welcome to Part 7 of the Reading and Use of English paper. This task is a bit like a jigsaw puzzle. One where you have ... Read More

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The Benefits Of Learning Engli

Who said learning English was just for the young? You're never too old to learn something new. There are plenty of benef... Read More

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So, you’re preparing to take the . You’ve been studying for each of the four sections; reading, writing, speaking an... Read More

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6 Reels Accounts to Learn Engl

Are you looking for ways to learn English during the summer holidays? We’ve got you covered – Instagram Reels is a n... Read More

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Passing Cambridge C1 Advanced

Well done you! You’ve made it to Part 6 of the Reading and Use of English exam. Not long to go now – just three mor... Read More

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8 Resources To Help Beginner E

Learning a new language is hard, but fun. If you are learning English but need some help, our monthly course is what y... Read More

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5 Famous Speeches To Help you

Everyone likes listening to inspiring speeches. Gifted speakers have a way of making people want to listen and take acti... Read More

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How To Write A B2 First Formal

Dear reader… We sincerely hope you enjoyed our previous blog posts about the Writing section of the B2 First. As promi... Read More

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4 Conditionals In English And

Conditionals? Is that something you use after shampooing your hair? Not quite. You may have heard your English teacher t... Read More

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After racing through the first four parts of the Cambridge English Reading and Use of English paper, you’ve managed t... Read More

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7 Of The Best Apps For Learnin

There are roughly 170,000 words in use in the English language. Thankfully, most native English speakers only have a voc... Read More

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How to write a B2 First inform

You're probably very familiar with sending emails (and sometimes letters) in your first language. But how about in Engli... Read More

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How can I teach my kids Englis

Keep kids’ minds sharp over the Easter holidays with some entertaining, educational activities in English. There are l... Read More

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How Roxana went from Beginner

Roxana Milanes is twenty five and from Cuba. She began English classes back in May 2019 at Oxford House, and since then ... Read More

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4 Future Tenses In English And

“Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one.” - Doc Brown, Back to the future. Just like the and... Read More

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10 Business Idioms For The Wor

Business idioms are used throughout the workplace. In meetings, conversations and even whilst making at the coffee mac... Read More

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5 Tips For Reading The News In

We spend hours consuming the news. With one click of a button we have access to thousands of news stories all on our pho... Read More

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How To Write a Report: Cambrid

Imagine the scene. It’s exam day. You’re nearly at the end of your . You’ve just finished writing Part 1 - , and n... Read More

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8 English Words You Need For 2

Back in December 2019, we sat down and attempted to make a list of . No one could have predicted the year that was about... Read More

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5 Christmas Movies On Netflix

Christmas movies are one of the best things about the holiday season. They’re fun, they get you in the mood for the ho... Read More

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MigraCode: An Inspiring New Pa

Oxford House are extremely proud to announce our partnership with MigraCode - a Barcelona-based charity which trains ref... Read More

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The Ultimate Guide To Video Co

The age of telecommunication is well and truly here. Most of our business meetings now take place via video conferencing... Read More

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6 Pronunciation Mistakes Spani

One of the biggest challenges for Spanish speakers when learning English is pronunciation. Often it’s a struggle to pr... Read More

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6 Ways You Can Learn English w

“Alexa, what exactly are you?” Alexa is a virtual AI assistant owned by Amazon. She is voice-activated - like Sir... Read More

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Passing Cambridge C1 Advanced:

Okay, take a deep breath. We’re about to enter the danger zone of the Cambridge exam - Reading and Use of English Par... Read More

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What’s new at Oxford House f

Welcome to the new school year! It’s great to have you back. We’d like to remind you that , and classes are all st... Read More

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European Languages Day: Where

The 26th of September is . It’s a day to celebrate Europe’s rich linguistic diversity and show the importance of lan... Read More

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Back To School: 9 Tips For Lan

It’s the start of a new academic term and new courses are about to begin. This is the perfect opportunity to set your ... Read More

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How to Maximise Your Online Co

If there’s one good thing to come out of this year, it’s that learning a language has never been so easy or accessib... Read More

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How To Learn English With TikT

Are you bored of Facebook? Tired of Instagram? Don’t feel part of the Twitter generation? Perhaps what you’re lookin... Read More

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A Brief Guide To Different Bri

It’s a fact! The UK is obsessed with the way people talk. And with , it’s no surprise why. That’s right, accents a... Read More

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Study English This Summer At O

Summer is here! And more than ever, we’re in need of a bit of sunshine. But with travel restrictions still in place, m... Read More

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5 Reasons To Learn English Out

As Barcelona and the rest of Spain enters the ‘new normality’, it’s time to plan ahead for the summer. Kids and te... Read More

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5 Free Online Resources For Ca

Are you preparing for a Cambridge English qualification? Have you devoured all of your past papers and need some extra e... Read More

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6 Different Uses Of The Word �

The word ‘get’ is one of the most common and versatile verbs in English. It can be used in lots of different ways, a... Read More

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What Are The 4 Present Tenses

There are three main verb tenses in English - , the present and the future - which each have various forms and uses. Tod... Read More

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5 Of The Best Netflix Series T

On average, Netflix subscribers spend streaming their favourite content. With so many binge-worthy series out there, it... Read More

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Continue Studying Online At Ox

Due to the ongoing emergency lockdown measures imposed by the Spanish Government . We don’t know when we will be a... Read More

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Five Ways To celebrate Sant Jo

The feast of Sant Jordi is one of Barcelona’s most popular and enduring celebrations. Sant Jordi is the patron saint o... Read More

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What’s It Like To Study Onli

Educational institutions all over the world have shut their doors. From nurseries to universities, business schools to l... Read More

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6 Benefits of Learning English

Whatever your new year’s resolution was this year, it probably didn’t involve staying at home all day. For many of u... Read More

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9 Tips For Studying A Language

With the recent outbreak of Covid-19, many of us may have to gather our books and study from home. Schools are clos... Read More

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10 Ways To Learn English At Ho

Being stuck inside can make you feel like you’re going crazy. But why not use this time to your advantage, and work on... Read More

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Important Information –

Dear students, Due to the recent emergency measures from the Government concerning COVID-19, Oxford House premises wi... Read More

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7 Books You Should Read To Imp

Reading is one of the best ways to practice English. It’s fun, relaxing and helps you improve your comprehension skill... Read More

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Your Guide To Moving To The US

So that’s it! It’s decided, you’re moving to the USA. It’s time to hike the soaring mountains, listen to country... Read More

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How to write a C1 Advanced Ess

The is an excellent qualification to aim for if you’re thinking of studying or working abroad. It’s recognised by u... Read More

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Small Talk For Business Englis

Like it or not, small talk is an important part of business. Whether it’s in a lift, at a conference, in a meeting roo... Read More

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English Vocabulary For Going O

It’s time for that famous celebration of love and romance - Valentine’s Day! It is inspired by the sad story of Sain... Read More

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IELTS: Writing Part 2 –

When it comes to exams, preparation is the key to success - and the IELTS Writing Paper Part 2 is no exception! It is wo... Read More

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5 Unmissable Events at Oxford

At Oxford House, we know learning a language extends beyond the classroom. It’s important to practise your skills in m... Read More

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Am I ready for the C1 Advanced

Congratulations! You’ve passed your Cambridge B2 First exam. It was a hard road but you did it. Now what’s next? Som... Read More

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Ireland is known as the Emerald Isle. When you see its lush green landscape and breathtaking views, it’s easy to see w... Read More

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How SMART Goals Can Help You I

New year, new you. As one year ends and another begins, many of us like to set ourselves goals in order to make our live... Read More

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15 New English Words You Need

Each year new words enter the English language. Some are added to dictionaries like . Others are old words that are give... Read More

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Our Year In Review: Top 10 Blo

2019 went by in a flash - and what a year it’s been! We’re just as excited to be looking back on the past 12 months ... Read More

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Telephone Interviews In Englis

Telephone interviews in English can seem scary. Employers often use them to filter-out candidates before the face-to-fa... Read More

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How to Write a Great Article i

Writing in your only language can be a challenge, but writing in another language can be a complete nightmare ! Where do... Read More

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A Black Friday Guide to Shoppi

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. Traditionally, it signals the start of the Christmas shopping period. Expect... Read More

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Passing C1 Advanced: Part 3 Re

The (CAE) is a high-level qualification, designed to show that candidates are confident and flexible language users who... Read More

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AI Translators: The Future Of

Many people believe that artificial intelligence (AI) translators are surpassing human translators in their ability to a... Read More

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8 Of The Best Apps For Learnin

Apps are a great tool for learning English. They are quick, easy to access and fun. It’s almost like having a mini cla... Read More

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6 Ways To Improve Your Speakin

There are four linguistic skills that you utilise when learning a new language: reading, writing speaking and listening.... Read More

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So, you’ve moved onto Part 3, and after completing Part 2 it’s probably a welcome relief to be given some help with ... Read More

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8 Resources To Build Your Busi

Whether it’s in meetings, telephone conversations or networking events, you’ll find specific vocabulary and buzzword... Read More

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5 Ways to Become a Better Lear

It’s time for some back-to-school motivation. The new school year is about to start and everyone is feeling refreshed ... Read More

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Our 10 Favourite YouTubers To

Haven’t you heard? Nobody is watching the TV anymore - 2019 is the year of the YouTuber! If you’re an English langu... Read More

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So, you’ve completed the of your Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE). Now it’s time to sit back and enjoy the rest of the e... Read More

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The Secret French Words Hidden

“The problem with the French is that they have no word for entrepreneur.” This phrase was attributed to George W. B... Read More

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The Ultimate Guide To Gràcia

The Gràcia Festival, or , is an annual celebration taking place in the lovely, bohemian neighbourhood of Gràcia in upt... Read More

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5 Things To Do In Barcelona In

Barcelona residents will often tell you than nothing happens in August. It’s too hot and everyone escapes to little vi... Read More

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4 Past Tenses and When to Use

Do you have difficulty with the past tenses in English? Do you know the difference between the past simple and past perf... Read More

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How To Write A Review: Cambrid

Students who are taking their B2 First Certificate exam (FCE) will be asked to do two pieces of writing within an 80 min... Read More

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8 Hidden Benefits of Being Bil

Unless you were raised to be bilingual, speaking two languages can require years of study and hard work. Even once you�... Read More

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7 Films to Practise Your Engli

What’s better than watching a fantastic, original-language movie in a theatre? Watching a fantastic, original-language... Read More

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The 10 Best Instagram Accounts

Ever wonder how much time you spend on your phone a day? According to the latest studies, the average person spends on ... Read More

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Challenge Yourself This Summer

Here comes the sun! That’s right, summer is on its way and, for many, that means a chance to take a well-deserved brea... Read More

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You’ve done the hard part and finally registered for your , congratulations! Now all you need to do is pass it! H... Read More

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These 5 Soft Skills Will Boost

Everyone is talking about soft skills. They are the personal traits that allow you to be mentally elastic, to adapt to n... Read More

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Which English Exam Is Right Fo

Are you struggling to decide which English language exam to take? You’re not alone: with so many different options on ... Read More

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Passing C2 Proficiency: A Guid

We’re sure you’ve done a great job answering the questions for of your . But now you’re faced with a completely d... Read More

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Sant Jordi – Dragons, Bo

Imagine you have woken up in Barcelona for the first time in your life. You walk outside and you notice something unusua... Read More

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5 Ways To Improve Your Listeni

Have you ever put on an English radio station or podcast and gone to sleep, hoping that when you wake up in the morning ... Read More

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The Simple Guide To Communicat

What’s the most challenging thing about going on holiday in an English speaking country? Twenty years ago you might ha... Read More

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Stop Making These 7 Grammar Mi

No matter how long you've been learning a language, you're likely to make a mistake every once in a while. The big ones ... Read More

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How To Pass Your First Job Int

Passing a job interview in a language that’s not your mother tongue is always a challenge – but however daunting i... Read More

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5 Ways To Practise Your Speaki

“How many languages do you speak?” This is what we ask when we want to know about someone’s language skills... Read More

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You have survived the Use of English section of your , but now you are faced with a long text full of strange language, ... Read More

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Improve Your English Accent Wi

Turn on a radio anywhere in the world and it won’t take long before you’re listening to an English song. And, if you... Read More

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10 English Expressions To Fall

It’s nearly Valentine’s day and love is in the air at Oxford House. We’ll soon be surrounded by heart-shaped ballo... Read More

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7 Graded Readers To Help You P

Graded readers are adaptations of famous stories, or original books aimed at language learners. They are written to help... Read More

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6 Tools To Take Your Writing T

Written language is as important today as it has ever been. Whether you want to prepare for an , to respond to or it’... Read More

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EF Report: Do Spanish Schools

The new year is here and many of us will be making promises about improving our language skills in 2019. However, how ma... Read More

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Our 10 Most Popular Blog Posts

It’s been a whirlwind 2018. We’ve made so many amazing memories - from our twentieth-anniversary party to some enter... Read More

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Time For A Career Change? Here

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get a job in an international company? Perhaps you’ve thought about tr... Read More

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Eaquals Accreditation: A Big S

We are delighted to be going through the final stages of our accreditation, which will help us provide the best languag... Read More

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A Guide To The Cambridge Engli

Making the decision to do a Cambridge English language qualification can be intimidating. Whether you’re taking it bec... Read More

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8 Top Tips To Get The Most Out

A language exchange (or Intercambio in Spanish) is an excellent way to practise English outside of the classroom. The a... Read More

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The Haunted History And Terrib

The nights are drawing in and the leaves are falling from the trees. As our minds turn to the cold and frosty winter nig... Read More

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Why Oxford House Is More Than

If you’re a student at , you’ll know it is far more than just a language academy. It’s a place to socialise, make ... Read More

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10 Crazy Things You Probably D

From funny bananas, super long words and excitable foxes, our latest infographic explores 10 intriguing facts about the ... Read More

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Meet our Director of Studies &

If you’ve been studying at Oxford House for a while there’s a good chance that you’ll recognise Judy - with her bi... Read More

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Which English Course Is Right

The new school year is about to begin and many of you are probably thinking that it’s about time to take the plunge an... Read More

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5 Ways To Get Over The Holiday

We head off on vacation full of excitement and joy. It’s a time to explore somewhere new, relax and spend time with ou... Read More

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10 Essential Aussie Expression

Learning English is difficult! With its irregular verbs, tricky pronunciation and even harder spelling, lots of students... Read More

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5 Great Apps To Give Your Engl

The next time you’re walking down the street, in a waiting room, or on public transport in Barcelona take a look aroun... Read More

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Here’s Why You Should Move T

Many students have aspirations to move abroad. This might be for a number of reasons such as to find a new job, to impro... Read More

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Improving Your Pronunciation W

What do English, Maori, Vietnamese and Zulu have in common? Along with another , they all use the . If your first la... Read More

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How To Improve Your English Us

Netflix has changed the way we spend our free time. We don’t have to wait a week for a new episode of our favourite TV... Read More

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Oxford House Community: Meet O

The year has flown by and we are already into the second week of our summer intensive courses. Today we look back at th... Read More

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6 Amazing Events to Make It an

Things are hotting up in Barcelona. There’s so much to see and do during the summer months that it’s hard to know wh... Read More

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How to Improve Your English Ov

The long summer holiday is almost here and we’ve got some top tips on how you can keep up your English over the summer... Read More

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World Cup Vocabulary: Let’s

Football, football, football: the whole world is going crazy for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar! The beautiful game i... Read More

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The 10 Characteristics Of A �

Learning a second language has a lot in common with learning to play an instrument or sport. They all require frequent p... Read More

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Catch Your Child’s Imaginati

Imagine, for a moment, taking a cooking class in a language you didn’t know - it could be Japanese, Greek, Russian. It... Read More

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Exam Day Tips: The Written Pap

Exams are nerve-wracking. Between going to class, studying at home and worrying about the results, it’s easy to forget... Read More

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10 Reasons to Study English at

Learning a second language, for many people, is one of the best decisions they ever make. Travel, work, culture, educati... Read More

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Shadowing: A New Way to Improv

Speech shadowing is an advanced language learning technique. The idea is simple: you listen to someone speaking and you ... Read More

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The Best Websites to Help Your

Our children learn English at school from a young age - with some even starting basic language classes from as early as ... Read More

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15 Useful English Expressions

When was the last time you painted the town red or saw a flying pig? We wouldn’t be surprised if you are scratchin... Read More

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Help Your Teens Practise Engli

Teenagers today are definitely part of the smartphone generation and many parents are concerned about the amount of time... Read More

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IELTS: Writing Part 1 –

Are you taking an IELTS exam soon? Feeling nervous about the writing paper? Read this article for some top tips and usef... Read More

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Business skills: How to delive

Love them or hate them, at some point we all have to give a business presentation. Occasionally we have to deliver them ... Read More

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10 phrasal verbs to help you b

A lot of students think English is easy to learn - that is until they encounter phrasal verbs! We are sure you have hear... Read More

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6 Unbelievably British Easter

Have you heard of these fascinating British Easter traditions? Great Britain is an ancient island, full of superstition... Read More

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Guide to getting top marks in

Your is coming to an end and exam day is fast approaching. It’s about time to make sure you are prepared for what man... Read More

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Have you ever wondered where English words come from? There are a whopping 171,476 words in the . From aardvark to zyzz... Read More

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5 Powerful Tools to Perfect Yo

Foreign accent and understanding When you meet someone new, what’s the first thing you notice? Is it how they look?... Read More

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Essential Ski Vocabulary [Info

Are you a ski-fanatic that spends all week dreaming about white-capped peaks, fluffy snow and hearty mountain food? ... Read More

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5 Tips to Get the Best Out of

Quizlet, Duolingo, Busuu...there are lots of apps on the market nowadays to help you learn and improve your English. But... Read More

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10 False Friends in English an

Is English really that difficult? English is a Germanic language, which means it has lots of similarities with Germa... Read More

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How to Improve your English wi

If you’ve been studying English for a long time, you’ve probably tried lots of different ways of learning the langua... Read More

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Myths and Mysteries of the Eng

Learning another language as an adult can be frustrating. We’re problem-solvers. We look for patterns in language and ... Read More

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10 Ways to Improve your Englis

Every year is the same. We promise ourselves to eat more healthily, exercise more and save money. It all seems very easy... Read More

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10 English words you need for

Languages are constantly on the move and English is no exception! As technology, culture and politics evolve, we’re fa... Read More

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Catalan Christmas Vs British C

All countries are proud of their quirky traditions and this is no more evident than . In South Africa they eat deep-fri... Read More

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9 Ideas To Kickstart Your Read

You’ve heard about the four skills: reading, writing, and . Some might be more important to you than others. Although... Read More

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How to Write the Perfect Busin

Business is all about communication. Whether it’s colleagues, clients or suppliers, we spend a big chunk of our workin... Read More

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10 Phrasal Verbs You Should Le

Why are phrasal verbs so frustrating? It’s like they’ve been sent from the devil to destroy the morale of English la... Read More

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How to Ace the Cambridge Speak

Exams are terrifying! The big day is here and after all that studying and hard work, it’s finally time to show what y... Read More

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7 Podcasts To Improve Your Lis

Speaking in a foreign language is hard work. Language learners have to think about pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary... Read More

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IELTS: Your Ticket to the Worl

Have you ever thought about dropping everything to go travelling around the world? Today, more and more people are quit... Read More

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6 Language Hacks to Learn Engl

It’s October and you’ve just signed up for an English course. Maybe you want to pass an official exam. Maybe you nee... Read More

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5 Reasons to Learn English in

Learning English is more fun when you do it in a fantastic location like Barcelona. Find out why we think this is the pe... Read More

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FAQ Cambridge courses and Exam

  Is it better to do the paper-based or the computer-based exam? We recommend the computer-based exam to our stud... Read More

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Cambridge English Exams or IEL

What exactly is the difference between an IELTS exam and a Cambridge English exam such as the First (FCE) or Advanced (C... Read More

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100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay

By: Author Sophia

Posted on Last updated: October 25, 2023

Sharing is caring!

How to Write a Great Essay in English! This lesson provides 100+ useful words, transition words and expressions used in writing an essay. Let’s take a look!

The secret to a successful essay doesn’t just lie in the clever things you talk about and the way you structure your points.

Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay

Overview of an essay.

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay

Useful Phrases for Proficiency Essays

Developing the argument

  • The first aspect to point out is that…
  • Let us start by considering the facts.
  • The novel portrays, deals with, revolves around…
  • Central to the novel is…
  • The character of xxx embodies/ epitomizes…

The other side of the argument

  • It would also be interesting to see…
  • One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle.
  • Equally relevant to the issue are the questions of…
  • The arguments we have presented… suggest that…/ prove that…/ would indicate that…
  • From these arguments one must…/ could…/ might… conclude that…
  • All of this points to the conclusion that…
  • To conclude…

Ordering elements

  • Firstly,…/ Secondly,…/ Finally,… (note the comma after all these introductory words.)
  • As a final point…
  • On the one hand, …. on the other hand…
  • If on the one hand it can be said that… the same is not true for…
  • The first argument suggests that… whilst the second suggests that…
  • There are at least xxx points to highlight.

Adding elements

  • Furthermore, one should not forget that…
  • In addition to…
  • Moreover…
  • It is important to add that…

Accepting other points of view

  • Nevertheless, one should accept that…
  • However, we also agree that…

Personal opinion

  • We/I personally believe that…
  • Our/My own point of view is that…
  • It is my contention that…
  • I am convinced that…
  • My own opinion is…

Others’ opinions

  • According to some critics… Critics:
  • believe that
  • suggest that
  • are convinced that
  • point out that
  • emphasize that
  • contend that
  • go as far as to say that
  • argue for this

Introducing examples

  • For example…
  • For instance…
  • To illustrate this point…

Introducing facts

  • It is… true that…/ clear that…/ noticeable that…
  • One should note here that…

Saying what you think is true

  • This leads us to believe that…
  • It is very possible that…
  • In view of these facts, it is quite likely that…
  • Doubtless,…
  • One cannot deny that…
  • It is (very) clear from these observations that…
  • All the same, it is possible that…
  • It is difficult to believe that…

Accepting other points to a certain degree

  • One can agree up to a certain point with…
  • Certainly,… However,…
  • It cannot be denied that…

Emphasizing particular points

  • The last example highlights the fact that…
  • Not only… but also…
  • We would even go so far as to say that…

Moderating, agreeing, disagreeing

  • By and large…
  • Perhaps we should also point out the fact that…
  • It would be unfair not to mention the fact that…
  • One must admit that…
  • We cannot ignore the fact that…
  • One cannot possibly accept the fact that…


  • From these facts, one may conclude that…
  • That is why, in our opinion, …
  • Which seems to confirm the idea that…
  • Thus,…/ Therefore,…
  • Some critics suggest…, whereas others…
  • Compared to…
  • On the one hand, there is the firm belief that… On the other hand, many people are convinced that…

How to Write a Great Essay | Image 1

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay 1

How to Write a Great Essay | Image 2

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay 2

Phrases For Balanced Arguments


  • It is often said that…
  • It is undeniable that…
  • It is a well-known fact that…
  • One of the most striking features of this text is…
  • The first thing that needs to be said is…
  • First of all, let us try to analyze…
  • One argument in support of…
  • We must distinguish carefully between…
  • The second reason for…
  • An important aspect of the text is…
  • It is worth stating at this point that…
  • On the other hand, we can observe that…
  • The other side of the coin is, however, that…
  • Another way of looking at this question is to…
  • What conclusions can be drawn from all this?
  • The most satisfactory conclusion that we can come to is…
  • To sum up… we are convinced that…/ …we believe that…/ …we have to accept that…

How to Write a Great Essay | Image 3

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay 3

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Nur Syuhadah Zainuddin

Friday 19th of August 2022

thank u so much its really usefull


Wednesday 3rd of August 2022

He or she who masters the English language rules the world!

Friday 25th of March 2022

Thank you so so much, this helped me in my essays with A+

Theophilus Muzvidziwa

Friday 11th of March 2022

Monday 21st of February 2022

Tips on Writing Essay in English (51 Examples)

Essay Writing Examples and General Essay Topics: We are going to learn every basic detail on, how to write an effective essay in English? The proper explanation is given with examples. Before the end of the post see the 51 General essay topics for school students.

Also given at the end of the article short essay examples and related topics for school and college students.

After reading this article you will be aware of the types of essay and how you can structure your own essay to make it meaningful?

Essay Writing

[su_box title=”What is Essay Writing?” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]The word essay means “attempt”. It is an attempt at giving expression to one’s ideas on a given topic. It is a piece of composition on any subject which is lies within the orbit of experience of a person.

It is an art or for some people, it comes natural, but a person who is not so gifted can acquire proficiency in it by good and constant practice.[/su_box]

Must Read: Short Moral Stories for Kids Students 

A good essay is always divided into a paragraph which is so arranged as to form connected piece, make sure your audience will easily grasp it.

Basic Points to Essay Writing

  • Always write with a neat and legible hand, write short and simple sentences.
  • Difficult words and Flowery language should be avoided. Don’t introduce too many proverbs and quotations.
  • Do not exceed the limit set by examiner, few words more or less, however, do not make much difference.
  • Don’t repeat a same point again and again because constant repetition will spoil the beauty of your composition.
  • An essay should be divided into paragraphs so that the reader will find it easy to understand.

What are the important elements of writing an essay? OR Characteristics of a good essay. We can learn here by a simple 4 step process; see the following infographic.

Essay Writing Examples

The following are Characteristics of good essay. A meaningful essay must contain the point given, explained in a simple language that is easily understood by laymen.

An essay must be written in a connected way, developing one theme with a definite purpose. It must ignore all those things which are irrelevant to the theme.

It is a mistake to bring in the matter which is of no use on the subject merely to increase the volume.

At the same time, the subject may be treated in a variety of ways and from a different point of view.

The topic of the essay should be treated in a logical and orderly manner so as to form one connected piece, divide it into paragraphs. It should not contain causal and stray reflections jotted down as they come.

  • Brevity and Style

An essay should be neither is too long nor too short. The writing should be simple, direct and clear. The language should not be verbose and involved.

It should present a complete idea of the subject and should give all the information that a general reader requires.

  • The Personal touch

The essay should reveal the writer’s own views and opinion or the essay will be colourless. A personal touch will make it lively and looks natural.

The reader should find it interesting to go through. Devoid of embellishments and flashes, and a dull and high sounding word usage which is difficult to comprehend will fail to appeal.

ALSO READ : Short Essay Topics of about 200-300 words

Classification of Essay

Generally speaking, there are five kinds of essays and describe them in detail.

  • Descriptive Essays – They describe a place, natural scenes, persons, animals, town, cities, village etc.; The Postman; The Golden Temple; The Sunset; The Village well etc.
  • Narrative Essays – They give an account of a story, an event, the life of a person etc.; as, The Ramayana; The Battle of Plassey; A journey by train; etc.
  • Reflective Essays – They consist of the considered thoughts of the writer on a given subject or of arguments for and against the subject; as, My aim in life, Honesty is the Best Policy, Thrift, Education, Prosperity brings friends and adversity tries them etc.
  • Imaginative Essays – In imaginative essays, the writer is called to place himself in imagination in a position of which he has had no experience. Such a subject as ‘If I were a minister’, or ‘The Autobiography of an earthen pot’, would call for imagination in dialling upon the topic.
  • Expository or Explanatory Essays – They consist of exposition or explanation of such subject such as Parliament, The press, Silk-weaving, Farming, Gravitation, Astronomy, Prose styles, The Genius of Tagore, The Dramas of Shakespeare, etc.

Preparation for Essay Writing in English

Essay Writing Topics

One of the chief difficulties a student face in essay writing is the lack of material. So it requires much forethought to write a good essay.

The writer should think over the subject for a while and note down all the points and ideas that strike him about it on a piece of paper.

Then he/she should construct a mental picture of the whole structure and see where each idea would fit in logically in the best manner possible.

He should arrange the ideas accordingly under different headings. Let each principle idea have one paragraph and the ideas which are subsidiary to the principal, be arranged under it. The Skeleton of the essay would thus be built up.

Now the writer should fill the skeleton with flesh and muscles by weaving in the ideas into sentences and the essay will be ready in a finished form.

After completion, the essay should be carefully revised, correcting all grammatical mistakes and punctuation. It is a person with an imaginative turn of mind who can write a good essay.

51 General Essay Topics

You can explore the following best essay writing topics , you get to know how to start an essay? What to include in the body of the essay? and How to finish an essay in a meaningful way?

I have described important points on writing an effective essay with essay writing examples above. Explained different types of essay and end of the post I have listed ample examples of essay writing topics that may help in structuring your own essay in a consolidated manner.

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J. Harshit specializes in content writing and storytelling. Writing compelling essays, Letters, & more that engage, inform, and inspire is something he enjoys.

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English that goes straight to the heart

Essay Examples

An essay is a piece of writing that revolves around a particular theme and contains the academic opinions of the person writing it.

An essay can perform one or more of the following functions:

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  • Analyses and critically evaluates a topic
  • Presents the writer‘s argument for or against an idea
  • Describes something
  • Narrates a story
  • Persuades the reader

To write a good essay you need an Introduction, a Body (Supporting Paragraphs), and a Conclusion. In this post, we have added the top 20 Essay Examples.

Essay Examples

Essay Examples #1

Essay on my family (500+ words).

Family is the place where you learn your first lesson in life. Your family members are the only assets that will remain with you forever. Whatever the circumstances, family members are always there for each other to support us. Good values and good morals are always taught in a family.

In the family, we are prepared to respect our elders and love younger ones. We learn lessons consistently from our family, about honesty, dependability, kindness and so on. Although I am a student in my final year, my family always treats me like a child but always provides me with a sensation of so much love and care.

My family is the best family for me. I live in a nuclear family of five members. My father is a teacher. He is the man who heads and leads our family. He brings the family into reality. My father is my hero as he predicts the need of the time and raises his family by bearing all the responsibilities and discharging all the duties for giving a required shape. I respect him for his great deeds.

My father does not force me to go for a career his choice. He does not want that his son should follow only his profession. He wants that his son should go according to his own choice, suitability, and capability. But my father desires his son should go for a better future.

My mother is a housewife as well as a beautician. She is a lovely woman. My mother is everything to me. She is the one who understands me best and most closely. My mother is my co-partner in everyday work and different issues.

My mother was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She is my mother, who shapes me, to become a nobleman through her great, insightful, and elegant activities. My mother motivates me to learn by consenting to the activities which are important for character building and improvement. My mother creates an environment for me to learn enough in a natural manner.

My grandmother is the cutest person of all. In light of her, everybody has to get up early in the morning. She is fond of making sweet dishes and we love what she does. She is a focused woman and because of her everything needs to be in order.

My brother, who is elder than me, is the tallest. He is a Youtuber and is fond of cooking. He loves to play cricket and is a gadget freak. He doesn’t study much but is very sweet and gentlemanly.

I love my family because they are the jewels of my life. They work hard so that we can get anything we desire makes me love and respect my parents considerably more. We play games every night and discuss various topics to spend some quality time together.

I give deep respect and pay the highest regard to my family not just because they are my family, but for their unmatched and incredible sacrifices for me.

Also, Read 6 Types of Essay

Essay Examples #2

Essay on my father (500+ words).

My father is the man who heads and leads our family. He brings the family into reality. But in a real sense, my father predicts the need of the time and raises his family by bearing all the responsibilities and discharging all the duties for giving a required shape. I respect him for his great deeds.

My father is financially weak but fulfils my genuine requirements and guarantees that I should not be a survivor of feelings of inadequacy. My poor father does not hesitate to sweat heavily to enhance his earnings for my sake. He eats a little less but does not think twice about taking care of mine.

My father does not force me to go for a career of my papa’s choice. He does not want that his son should follow only his profession. He wants that his son should go according to his own choice, suitability, and capability. The tradition of specific jobs running in the family is literally dying. A doctor is not wanting his son to be a doctor, a professor is avoiding his profession for his children, an army officer is not forcing his son to join the defence forces, and so on. But my father desires his son should go for a better future.

My Father is a mature and agreeable individual who assists me make important decisions. Like most doting fathers, he plays a very important role in my life helping me build my career as well as resolve my everyday issues too. When I am looking for help and guidance against the odds, I, first of all, approached my father who comes forward leaving all his personal priorities and doing the needful. My father is a person who works tirelessly and makes countless penances to figure out my issues.

My father goes with me in all the activities ensuring my correct moves. He really looks at my problem and moulds me by giving lectures in the series in order to form a lovely sense in my mind. His concern is for my better career. My father is mature enough, knowledgeable, and very much aware of my cutting-edge needs, evaluates my inclination as well as decision, and does all-out efforts to develop me for accomplishing my objective.

My father is educated and has a logical vision. Today, my father has transformed into a trendy dad. His thinking is new which suits the time. He takes full advantage of his knowledge and modernization in raising me suitably and making me capable and confident to confront the competitive life that is prevailing today.

My father as an ideal father makes all efforts to meet my necessities. He would rather not leave any lacuna which may affect my development and career-building process.

We celebrate Father’s Day every year on 19 June to strengthen the relationship and remind a father of the sacrifices he endured towards his kids when they were in need.

It is very important that we should give deep respect and pay the highest regard to our fathers.

Essay Examples #3

Essay on my mother (500+ words).

The moment a child is born, the mother is born as well. When a child gets a sense, it looks up at its mother and starts to follow the mother’s movements. The mind of a child is generally very sharp. It copies the activities of the mother eagerly. Mother takes all the care of her kid from all points like health, dress, diet, entertainment, education, sports, and development of competitive aptitude. The mother attracts the kid through love and affection.

We can describe motherhood in terms of sacrifice. My mother ignores her comforts and works hard for good food, wear, and education for me. It is a natural and noteworthy quality that is wholly found in a mother. My mother bears the responsibility of motherhood not only from a young age, but she remains a trusted adviser throughout my life. It is very important that we should give deep respect and pay the highest regard to our mothers not just because they are mothers, but for their unmatched motherhood and incredible sacrifices towards us.

My mother is everything to me. She is the one who understands me best and most closely. My mother is my co-partner in everyday work and different issues. Sometimes my mother takes on a tremendous amount of responsibility and works under tension, when I need her, to take up its battle, both personally and professionally, to accomplish the troublesome objective in my work or business. We should owe our mothers for their everything.

There is an extraordinary job the mother does in influencing the kid. The foundation made by my mother through affection, persistence, discipline, direction, and tears permits me to cruise upon my ocean. It is my mother, who shapes me, to become a nobleman through her great, insightful, and elegant activities. My mother motivates me to learn by consenting to the activities which are important for character building and improvement. My mother creates an environment for me to learn enough in a natural manner.

Sometimes my mother uses specific hard measures to discipline me and teach me valuable lessons. She denounces me by denying me food. She forbids me to indulge in undesirable activities. Sometimes, she makes the dreaded beating with the rod. She shows her dismay. She warns of the carefulness. But I know, she is very soft from the inside. She is a well-wisher of mine. Her only point is that she needs her child free from inadequacies.

There are some cases when the children especially the individuals who are not depending on their parents and are working away, have forgotten their mothers. They don’t go home for quite a long time but their mothers still pray with all their hearts that they stay blissful and happy. She will ever remain a well-wisher of her children regardless of the circumstances.

It is very important that we should give deep respect and pay the highest regard to our mothers not just because they are mothers, but for their unmatched motherhood and incredible sacrifices towards us.

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Essay Examples #4

Balanced diet essay (500+ words).

People eat junk foods and other unhealthy food items only for taste. They don’t even have time to nourish their bodies with the required diet. A healthy and balanced diet reduces stress and promotes healthy life without suffering. Thus, it stands out of utmost importance to individuals to examine the significance of a healthy body.

A diet that contains all kinds of necessary ingredients in almost the required quantity is called the “Balanced Diet”. A Balanced diet is one that helps to maintain or improve overall health. We should consume a balanced diet consisting of essential nutrition: liquids, adequate proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and calories. We must eat fresh fruits, salad, green leafy vegetables, milk, egg, yoghurt, etc. on time in order to maintain a healthy body.

Among the minerals, we require chiefly iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and small quantities of iodine, copper, etc. They are found in green vegetables and most fruits, Vitamins have a number of kinds like A, B, C, D, etc. Vitamin A is found in fish oil, butter, carrot, papaya, etc., and Vitamin B is found in green leafy vegetables, wheat grain, etc. Vitamin C is found in green chilli, green vegetables, amla, lemon, and citric fruits. Vitamin D is found in the first oil, butter, and rays of the sun. We also need Vitamins E and K for our health. Milk is perhaps the only single item that can be called a balanced diet in itself.

Animal protein is found in meats, poultry, and fish. The white of an egg also contains protein. Another kind of protein is found in milk (casein), cheese, curd, pulses, soybean, dry fruits, etc. Fat is found in butter, pork, coconut, all edible oils, cod liver oil, the yolk of an egg, etc.

We should eat only fresh, well-washed and well-cooked food articles which are free from dust and flies. Fried foods and foods containing excess fat, spices, and chillis are harmful. Roadside eating should be avoided. We should take the last meal two or three hours before going to bed. There should be a good time gap between two meals so that the food gets digested in our stomachs.

A healthy body also needs some daily physical activities, proper rest and sleep neatness, a healthy environment, fresh air, and water, personal hygiene, etc. Also, we should drink more water at least 7-8 glasses of water. It balances blood pressure and supplies vital nutrients exceptionally quickly to the body. A fit and healthy individual turns out to be more resistant to infections and diseases.

Wealth matters, but, is not as important as health. Spending lots of money on junk food in five-star hotels or on other entertainment sources like watching films for a day and so on has no advantages other than self-satisfaction. Being physically and mentally healthy helps an individual to be socially and financially healthy as well.

Also, Read Academic Essay

Essay Examples #5

Health is wealth essay (500+ words).

The greatest wealth is our own health. A healthy body can earn great wealth but a wealthy person cannot earn great health.

Man is a reasonable creature. His predominance over different creatures lies in his superior mind. As a matter of fact, man has been able to control nature due to his highly developed brain. But man needs to keep his body and mind fit and healthy. It is said that “A healthy man is a wealthy one”. Regular exercise helps us to keep fit and simultaneously keep an alarm in mind. Good and sound well-being would guarantee an agile and active mind. Just as an individual’s state of mind and feelings are reflected in an individual’s health, a body that is feeble and ill-suited plays devastation on an individual’s psychological prosperity.

Recent studies have shown that the increased stress of the present speedy life is leading to various medical conditions. Major among those are heart and neurological problems. Good health assists an individual to keep a positive attitude toward work and life in general.

Regardless of anything else difficulties and obstacles, we go over, life is intended to be positive and cheerful. To enjoy and appreciate the wonderful things of life we need the energy and zest for life. This can happen only when the body is healthy enough to take on the difficulties of life.

An untalented man can also deal with his occupation through the excellence of his good health. We see a number of people having good physiques working on the farm the entire day by putting their energy into earning bread for themselves and their family members. It gives them mental satisfaction and a night of sound sleep during the night. Not only that a physically strong and intelligent man can stretch out better help to society and gain appreciation from individuals.

We realize that there is value in good health, so it ought to be improved. There are areas where people are badly suffering for want of healthcare centres. The hospitals in many rural areas are running without doctors and medicines. There are people who are suffering from multiple diseases or injuries but are not getting treatment, in the absence of proper medical facilities. The poor people can not afford the treatment after going to big cities. The treatment of major diseases in private hospitals is beyond their reach.

The medic.. facility alone can not solve the issue. There is a requirement for awareness among people for carrying out regular physical exercises to have sound health and efficiency to work. People who are cautious and aware of their health join Gymnasium and Yoga camps. The inspiration will intrigue others to follow these good frameworks for making them disease free and enabling them to enjoy robust health.

If a person can figure out how to free his mind of unhealthy and negative thoughts like self-indulgence, he can stir up the will to improve his body. That will free him of most illnesses that are of psychological origin. When he is on the way to good health, he will encounter a superior mind.

Also, Read Examples of Personal Essay

Essay Examples #6

Importance of history as a subject essay (500 words).

History is a very important and interesting subject. Those who are keen to know about the past events and heroism of great people, generally opt for history. History gives curiosities about the noble deeds of noble people who could make themselves fit to be chosen, by the excellence of their remarkable performance, for a record in the books of history. Such people and their acts, through which they could show wonder, always rouse others to follow. The study of history influences one’s character.

No doubt, the present generation has become materialistic as a result of modern science and very few students are going to study history. Their goal has changed. They are keener to earn more and more money for enjoying lavishly rather than philosophizing about historic events.

The study of history is very important to know about the major events which have happened within the nation and the world. An educated man ought to be aware of significant events of the past. The study of history makes a man savvy on various additional matters like religion, legislative issues, sociology, literature, economics, foreign policies, unity, freedom, trade, commerce, geographical aspects, and various indigenous and foreign races. A number of wars, victories, and treaties, which happened in the past inside the nation and outside, have been kept in the books of history. The reader of history knows all about these occurrences exhaustively after he goes through them.

History features differently. We know from history that in the past this world was a turning chunk of fire and a fragment of the Sun. It solidified after so many years and turned out to be increasingly cool step by step. Then life appeared with creatures, other living things, and plants. They were followed by apes and remote ancestors of man. There are countless different realities and happenings that are contained in the books of history.

History must be studied for many important reasons. Its study increases our understanding of caste, religion, tradition, and customs. Its study clarifies that all were man-made. The fundamental point behind it was to make a framework for work, feeling, and civilization in society. There is no religious sanctity attached to anyone. It is changing with the difference in time.

The study of history teaches us the lesson of courage, determination, and hope. A man may be feeble, however throughout ages, he has struggled against heavy odds and never looked back. He faced many disastrous wars and revolutions, yet, he has advanced. The study of history uncovers us the heroism of the man who empowered him to accomplish so much in different fields.

Now you realize the Importance of History as a Subject. Let us encourage the study of history in our country with a positive and helpful point. Let us arrange the study of history to give courage and strength to our childhood empowering them to grasp the element in it for making good use in building up a strong and prosperous country.

Also, Read Examples of Informative Essay

Essay Examples #7

Value of sports and games essay (500+ words).

Sports and games are as important as food, education, and other essential things for children. Games and sports are significant means of entertainment. Nowadays students are busy with their studies. They have a ton of books and various subjects to study. They need some change, which can be given by sports. The outdoor games and sports revive the students and make them able to regain their lost energy. Sports and games produce mental freshness and the students take an interest to concentrate on studying more.

Sports and games are also extremely valuable for good health. The outdoor games are more helpful, where the students share the company of nature and inhale fresh air. They get a lot of physical exercise while playing games outside on the playground. It keeps them physically and mentally fit. Sports and games make the students dynamic which is vital at that age.

Sports and games teach students the value of discipline, collaboration, leadership, judgment, courage, and determination to win. These things also assist the students to develop their traits of personality, which is very important for developing a talented person.

Sports and games teach them the requirement of sacrifice, discipline, elegance, liberality, and solidness, which enable them to effectively lead life. These characteristics in a man carry superfineness to act effectivity regardless of the circumstance and the task they come across. Citizens with such potential can contribute a lot to society and the country to which they belong.

Games likewise give an outlet to excess fat and weight and keep the students solid and dynamic. This aspect is crucial to keep the students healthy. Sports activities are the best means to utilize time in a positive way. They do not waste their time loitering and going on undesirable activities.

We see that the majority of the great athletes are from western and other developed countries. The reasons are obvious. They play games and sports right from childhood and primary school. India is progressing rapidly. We are now capable of affording expenditure on sports activities right from primary standard to empower us to improve the image of the country in sports.

That can be possible only when the children are provided opportunities right from the beginning. If required sports can be made a compulsory subject and marks can be added to the result, which will attract the students towards hard work with an interest in succeeding in sports. That will make an equation to create an ever-increasing number of athletes. The Government and the school administration have to ensure adequate sports facilities in all the schools and colleges. That will inspire the students to take part with a more prominent interest.

It is very clear that games and sports have extraordinary value in life. The games should be played keeping their nobility in mind. The nobility of the games should be maintained. There is a need to create a sports atmosphere in all the schools and colleges for attracting a maximum number of students to take part in the events.

Essay Examples #8

Essay on science and technology (500+ words).

This is the age of science and technology. Its benefits have arisen as a significant determinant of the wealth and power of the nation. The development of science and technology has significant ramifications on the management of the future pattern of social and economic growth.

In a fast-changing world, the fate of the country can be moulded through our ability to harness modern science and technology, which is a road to boost the development programs of the country.

Rapid technological advances have reduced the dependency on natural resources or the factors in proportion to it. Man is performing precisely by machines with a regular improvement in his work because of quick technological changes by virtue of scientific advancement all around the world.

The foremost important aspect that the world is perceiving today is consistent endeavours to consolidate the gains of science for improving the human condition. Scientific discoveries have to be converted by human efforts into technological innovation which have to be developed to achieve significant improvement in the human condition.

Our agricultural scientists have proactively made an exceptional commitment to giving new innovations for growing the crop with scientific methods, which have developed our national economy and human welfare by empowering ourselves completely independent in food grains. This could be accomplished through related technology and scientific methods by providing machines and developing quality seeds, fertilizers, and insecticides, which are suited to bringing a green revolution to the field of agriculture.

We have accomplished desired scientific and technological advancement and have succeeded in boosting various important national activities like information and telecommunication, television, meteorological services, medical advancement, industrial development, nuclear research, Space Research Oceanographic Research, etc.

Over the years a strong science and technology infrastructure base has been established for giving modern shape to world industries. It covers a chain of laboratories, specialized centres, various academic and research institutes, training centres, and useful development programs, which continuously provide skill, technically trained manpower, and technological support to industries for better execution.

Science has advanced a great deal in the field of medical care. New technology has given a compelling medical care framework at a reasonable cost. The new technology that medical science has invented provides the system, under which critical cases can be handled Confidently for saving human life. Medical research has been carried out, broadly on nutrition, tuberculosis, reproduction, child care, leprosy, drugs, communicable diseases, cholera, and malaria, which has an extremely certain result. Man is in a position today where he can undertake to treat these dreaded diseases according to the new invention which has given an established method of treatment and care.

If we look at the global scenario, the modern world is moving exceptionally fast. There are rapid scientific and technological changes that are occurring in a steady progression. Our country, as a global competitor, in the race of becoming a world power, needs to accomplish more in the area of Science and Technology emphasizing it as its foremost national priority in order to accomplish its objective.

Also, Read Summarizing an Essay

Essay Examples #9

Essay on co education (500 words).

Co-education is a system of education in which boys and girls study together in a common school or college. Co-education was not prevalent in ancient times. It is a groundbreaking thought. The parents supported the case for adequate education for the children irrespective of their sex. The countrymen realized that the boys and girls have to move together and shoulder to shoulder in every walk of life in the free world. They started educating their children in co-educational institutions.

Co-education has various advantages. It is useful in producing a sensation of solidarity and a feeling of equivalent obligation among boys and girls. When young boys and girls come closer to each other, they take more care in understanding each other. That helps in creating a friendly atmosphere between the two. The boys and the girls partake in their joint exercises consistently in schools and universities.

Co-education assists in carrying out a change in society according to the need of modern times. Young boys and girls get the opportunity to blend in with one another frankly and conveniently. They act together on different events and occasions in society. They demonstrate examples of cooperation before individuals, which inspires and produces a healthy spirit of working among the masses.

Co-education produces good citizens who have sufficient quality and development in them. That is a direct result of acquiring various experiences of good and terrible nature during their student life in coeducational institutions. This sort of value in an individual separates him respectably during his further course of life. Such citizens are mostly successful in their work because of their characteristic potentiality and maturity.

Ours is a male-overwhelmed society. There is a sensation of mediocrity among women. There is a need to educate the public opinion that the rights of women and men are equal and that they have an equal role to play in society. Their aim and interest are one, and both the men and the women possess the equal ability to act. The aim should be to remove the feeling of an inferiority complex and bring oneness between the two. That will generate confidence in the female community and will give great working strength to the country.

Co-education is the only answer to this issue. When the boys and the girls live and study together for a long time, the disparity of gender goes off and the feeling of equality is seen apparently among them. By prudence of this improvement, both the young boys and the young girls speed up their working with their equivalent and joint endeavours during their life and accomplish their objectives all the more without any problem.

In a democratic country, women are similarly valuable and can work side by side with men. We can not disregard the significance of women in the current circumstances. As a matter of fact, we need to give equal responsibility to women for taking our country ahead smoothly and making its dream of becoming a world power come true.

Essay Examples #10

Essay on disaster management (500+ words).

Numerous disasters are striking the people and the properties, which are causing great loss and we merely watch helplessly in the absence of prior management planning. Every government is spending immense cash on different issues, yet it is uninterested in chalking out the necessities against anticipated disasters.

Poor disaster management fails in handling the situation during it the happening. That could be checked or the outcomes diminished with earlier preparation and effective disaster management. That management can be trustworthy, which consists of certain essential norms like good training, the latest types of equipment, allocation of responsibilities, alertness, drill to tackle the situation on short notice, fast communication system, economic arrangements, and order of precedence depending upon the situation, security arrangements, adequate medical cover, rehabilitation where applicable and standing orders for essential services like transport, food and supplies, medicines and so on.

There is a necessity to set up teams independently for each anticipated disaster as per the preparation and capacity of the individuals for empowering them to tackle the situation with skill.

The disasters, which are generally occurring are either natural causes or accidental.

Disasters, which are caused due to natural reasons are always wide-ranging and more terrible. It needs greater arrangements by setting up an appropriate establishment and infrastructure. On the other hand, disasters which are caused accidentally need limited arrangements, but the time factor is more important to executing rescue operations in it.

Various other accidental occurrences have been occurring in our nation bringing about enormous disasters. These are chiefly accidents of aeroplanes and buses, blasts in mines, explosions due to mishandling of ammunition scraps, accidents while dealing the nuclear substances and during their disposal, hijacking, etc. There is a necessity to set up disaster management forces, which can manage the circumstances and salvage men and materials as timely as possible.

If we look at developed countries like America, Britain, France, etc, they have previously presented a different subject on disaster management in schools and universities with the aim to train and equip the students for handling emergency situations. There is a necessity to follow a similar arrangement of schooling in other countries for empowering the country to prepare every single resident to face and battle difficulties effectively during any sort of disaster.

As a matter of fact, the students ought to be prepared by training, drill, or practice for growing more certainty to deal with the circumstances in the genuine term on the ground. It is vital in the present life to have precautionary measures and adequate disaster management forces for tackling emergency situations when disasters are on increase due to the virtual effect of the advancement of science.

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Essay Examples #1 1

My native place.

My parents hail from a small village in Kerala which is nestled among mountains in a scenic district of the state. Every year, I visit my native place with my family. It is a trip that I look forward to all year. My father books the ticket two months in advance as it is difficult to procure reservations on short notice. Although I have lived in the city all my life, I feel that I never belonged to it. I have always felt at home in the quaint mountain village that is far removed from the hustle and bustle of city life.

It takes us 18 hours by train to reach the railway station that is closest to my village. The journey is usually gruelling in the summers but very pleasant in the winters and the monsoons. We plan our trip in the summer months since we get a two-month vacation in April. To beat the heat, we travel by air-conditioned coaches every year. We board the train at noon and we reach our destination at 6 am the next day.

The morning air is heavy with the scent of flowers and wet foliage. The temple bells start ringing at 6:30 am and the sound of bhajans fills the air. The village is only a 20-minute rickshaw ride away from the station. When we enter my grandmother‘s house, we are welcomed by her diminutive figure holding a lamp. According to her, it is auspicious to welcome loved ones by lighting the lamp at the altar of God. The moment we set foot into the house, we are filled with a sense of nostalgia and love. After a sumptuous yet simple breakfast, we relax with our family in the courtyard.

The cool mountain air is laden with scents of the rustic countryside. From afar, we hear the sounds of birds. My sister and I make paper boats and run to the little babbling brook that flows southwards. We set the boats on the water and watch them bob up and down. Far away from the world of video games and television, we seek fun in a world of simplicity.

The house itself has a personality. Simple, two-storeyed, made of stone walls and a thatched roof, the house is an old friend who warmly embraces you every time you meet. The rooms are small but well-maintained. On the ground floor is a room that my grandmother uses for storing condiments and grains. It is illuminated with a single light bulb and an old-fashioned lock-and-key style door. In its corner is a small bed. The calming silence of the room soothes my ears and transports me into a magical place. I feel weightless. The smell of spices envelops me.

On many occasions, I have spent hours sprawled on that bed reading a book or listening to music. If I ever have to pick a favourite place, then I have no doubt this would be it. When twilight descends on the little hamlet, large clusters of stars start appearing in the sky. Such a sight is never seen in the city as the lights obscure the stars that appear in the sky. My grandmother lights the lamp again and we all gather around her to say our evening prayers. After enjoying her simple, rustic yet delicious meal, we retire for the night.

Sometimes when I am upset, I think of my quaint little house in the village, my grandmother‘s warm embrace, and the small room that smells of spices. They immediately help me put my worries away and bring a smile to my face.

Essay Examples #12

Conquering my fear.

I am a fairly brave person. I can confidently say that I am the go-to girl if somebody wants to flick a bug away from his or her collar or pacify a growling dog. Sometimes, I have stayed up late at night trying to calm the frayed nerves of a friend a week before the exams. Is there anything that a fairly brave person like me is frightened of? I am afraid, (pun intended) the answer is yes.

From a very young age, I was frightened of water. Picnics on river banks were nightmares. Never did I appreciate the beauty of a setting sun without dreading the rolling waves that crashed against the shore. In clinical terms, I was aquaphobic – someone who had a pathological fear of water bodies.

Was I happy about it? Of course not! I didn’t want to be the one sitting plastic chair when my family enjoyed a game of throwing a ball in the pool. This summer, I swore to myself that I will conquer this irrational fear at any cost. To put my plan into motion, I joined a swimming class. I told my instructor wasn‘t like the other students who have no trouble getting into the water. The fundamental challenge in coaching me is that I had to be coaxed into the water first.

Thankfully, the instructor was a patient person who took me seriously. He asked me to take my time and come back when I had figured out the reason for my fear. It took me a while but I went back when I found out that my phobia stemmed from my fear of drowning. As a child, I was pushed into the water and survived the scary drowning experience. He smiled and said, “Now that you know the reason, let me introduce you to your adversary.” I was about to perform the most daring act of my life, stepping into the pool.

I took my first step and found myself shivering. I immediately retreated. My instructor said benevolently, “Enough for today. Let‘s take baby steps.” The next day I took two steps. Just when I felt the urge to run back, I told myself, “It‘s just water. It will not harm you.” I stayed in the water for full 10 minutes. I repeated the feat the day after and this time, I waded deeper into the water. I never thought I would see this day; here I was, standing in the pool with water that came up to my chest. Across the pool, I heard my instructor applauding.

In the weeks that followed, I was already preparing for my swimming lessons. In a matter of months, I could say that I tamed my bête noir and had become a decent swimmer. I surprised my family by diving into the pool during a family picnic. I could finally see the beauty of the setting sun without worrying about missing my step and falling headfirst into the sea. For me, the greatest victory was challenging the limitations of my own mind and conquering my worst fears.

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Essay Examples #13

How to optimise your time as a student.

It is generally believed that students have a lot of free time. They can afford to spend their time without a care in the world and have the liberty to live as they please. Nothing can be further from the truth. Childhood and adolescence are not simply about whiling away time with immature pursuits; those years play a fundamental role in building one‘s ambitions and shaping one‘s career. Students have to juggle their studies along with their social and familial commitments. Some students are naturally attuned to using their time wisely, but some may not be blessed with those skills. To optimize one‘s time, students should discipline themselves by incorporating some time-saving tips.

Being organized is the cardinal rule in saving time. It simplifies one‘s life. Being a student involves extensive perusal and note-making. Students also take down notes in class which is dictated by their teachers. The lazy ones do not keep a track of where these notes are. As the exams are near, such students may find themselves in a chaotic situation. The diligent ones can access all their notes and use them with ease. To save time, students should start by adopting small practices. They could maintain separate notebooks for different subjects and organize notes in a folder that is labelled according to date and subject.

Keeping the right company also matters. Good fruits when left with spoilt ones turn rotten themselves. Similarly, the company of lazy, insincere people can turn any diligent student bad. Good habits, like bad ones, rub off on others. So, students should make a conscious effort to avoid falling into bad company. They should seek out the ones who could instil more discipline into their lives.

Focus on understanding the basics of every subject. The bedrock of the subject lies in its basics. Without it, education will not have a strong foundation. Knowing the basics also helps students in grasping difficult concepts easily. Therefore, students intent on saving time should go back to their textbooks. Prioritizing tasks can help students save time if they are on a tight deadline. Create a timetable by prioritizing the difficult subjects so that more time can be spent on them.

Following these basic rules can help students optimize their time. They needn‘t fret about balancing studies with recreation if they were to make some smart choices.

Essay Examples #14

The process of digestion.

Your digestive system is one of the most wondrous processes in your body. It is uniquely designed to convert your food into nutrients that are needed for your body‘s functioning. If not for the process of digestion, the human body would be deprived of nutrients and may slowly degenerate. Let us learn how it works.

The food which you eat is broken down partially in the mouth. Your saliva aids in the process by making it pliable and breaking down the starch. Your teeth grind the food into a fine paste-like consistency. From the mouth, the food travels through the pharynx to the oesophagus.

The oesophagus is a muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach. The food reaches the stomach using systematic contractions called peristalsis. These contractions facilitate the movement of the food.

Your stomach is the next destination of the food. It is a pouch-like organ that processes food. Here, the food is completely broken down. Powerful muscles of the stomach along with strong gastric juices blend the food into a paste-like consistency. From the stomach, the paste-like mixture moves further down into the small intestine. It has three parts—duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. It is coiled inside the abdominal cavity and can be about 20 feet in length. In the small intestine, the process of breaking down food is continued. Your pancreas and liver supply enzymes and bile, respectively.

Bile helps in the digestion of fat and eliminates the waste products in the blood. Through peristalsis, the food is moved and mixed with the digestive juices. The duodenum breaks down the food, while the jejunum and ileum absorb all the nutrients and release them into the bloodstream. Your colon is a 5-6-foot-long tube that connects the caecum to the rectum. It absorbs all the water in the stools and releases debris and bacteria into the rectum. The residue is passed into the anus, from where it is eliminated as faeces.

In the complicated procedure, all the digestive organs work in unison each fulfilling its duty with precision. Even if one of these procedures fails, your body may stop functioning properly. Such is the beauty of digestion.

Essay Examples #15

Ajji’s treats.

Appetizing foods are those that appeal both to the eyes and the palate. You may have seen on television how great chefs go to any lengths to make sure that the carefully crafted food is aesthetically presented to taste. They meticulously measure the colour, feel, smell, and dimensions of the food when they mount it onto the plate. Whenever I watch such shows, I am reminded of Ajji who had the ability to give any seasoned chef a run for his money.

She never bothered to follow any of the fastidious rules of modern-day chefs or appealingly presented her culinary creations. She did not believe in fussing over how food was presented, but she did believe in how food was cooked.

Ajji‘s food was not attractive to look at. The laddoos were sometimes not round enough. Lumps and chunks would be barely holding onto one other in a hastily crafted sphere. Her Puran polis reminded me of the map of Europe. The dal curry looked pallid without any garnishing. My heart did ache at the sight of rosy basundi served in ugly plastic bowls. Her food was definitely not meant for someone who feasted with his eyes; it was meant to be enjoyed with the soul.

The haphazardly made laddoos were made with so much love that we would not let a crumb go to waste. Her golden Puran polis with jagged edges was filled with a delicious mixture that would melt in your mouth. The fragrance of her pallid dal curry was welcomed into the homes of the neighbours. We joked that the neighbours would be full by the aroma alone.

On special occasions, she made basundi by stirring the milk meticulously for hours. Even though it was served in ugly bowls, we would never pass a chance to enjoy it. Today she is not with us and neither are her recipes. As a token of her love for me, she bequeathed her personal cookbook to me. No matter how well I try to recreate her laddoos, I can never make them look as beautifully lumpy as she did.

Essay Examples #16

How education enriched me.

The importance of education for men and women cannot be understated. It plays a crucial role in the personal development of an individual and enriches the socio-economical fabric of society. Today, education is necessary for success, and each individual is pitched against the other in a bid to outperform one another. Education is something that can give a person the necessary edge over others. It is definitely an instrument of social progress.

Education does not merely end with sending children to school. It is a fire that has to be stoked repeatedly. I was born to intelligent parents who understood the importance of imparting education to children. They not only sent me to a very good school but also whetted my interest in a variety of subjects by buying books and educational toys for me. Games such as Scrabble, Taboo, math puzzles, and the Rubik’s Cube stimulated my brain cells and strengthened my intellectual faculties.

My childhood was spent reading books of all kinds. Exposure to classical works of literature enriched my knowledge of the language. Thanks to my extensive reading, I also possess a very vibrant vocabulary. Encyclopedias on subjects like science and geography made me aware of the basic scientific principles and cultures of people all around the world. History made me realize how human follies can change the course of our progress. Historical figures like Gandhi and Martin Luther King made me understand that social change can be brought about without the need to shed blood.

Math introduced me to the mesmerizing world of numbers. It challenged my mind and made it sharper. Physics, Chemistry, and Biology helped me understand the laws governing the physical world around me. It made me appreciate the universe more. I often ponder how the world as we know it came into being. Though I am left without answers most of the time, I feel fortunate enough to have a mind that can question its own existence. I can weigh my actions morally and assess the repercussions of my words thanks to my education.

Without the benison of education, my life would have been no better than that of an animal. Apart from providing us with the knowledge to get by in life, it makes us rise above our primal tendencies. It expands our worldview and makes us more civilized. Educated people can become the driving force in the success of a nation. Education has made me what I am today. I am thankful that I, unlike many of my countrymen, have been fortunate enough to receive it.

Essay Examples #17

Who are we.

I have always thought about the nature of my existence. What am I? What is my identity? Made of flesh, blood, and a complex system of internal organs, is my body my identity? My countenance expresses my various moods and emotions, is my face my identity? Are my thoughts that make me who I am? We are much more than what we perceive ourselves to be. We need to move beyond the obvious to ponder upon the truth of our existence. Ask yourself, ‘Who am I?’

The Upanishads state, ‘Aham Bhrahmasmi’, meaning ‘I am Brahman’. The term Brahman here does not refer to the caste; it refers to the ultimate truth that underlies all the phenomena in the universe. According to the Vedas, the real self is not the body or the mind. Beyond the realms of the body and the mind is the soul. The soul represents our consciousness; consciousness is nothing but the awareness of the self by the self. It does not arise out of our material interactions.

Physically, we are composed of various elements—oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, etc. These elements constitute our bodies. If so, we are our bodies. What role does consciousness play in our identity?

Consciousness is a difficult term to define or understand. It cannot be explained with the help of numbers or explained with words. We identify ourselves with materials because they pleasure our physical selves. We form attachments for our need to be loved. We form ties that we cannot break free from. This further wedges a gap between us and our consciousness and we lose ourselves in the maze of worldliness.

We should never get distracted from our quest to uncover mysteries about ourselves. Only then will we realize our purpose in the vast system of planets, stars, life, and galaxies.

Essay Examples #18

Next to love, sympathy is the most divine passion.

The word ‘Sympathy’ is derived from the Greek prefix ‘syn’ or ‘sym’ which means together or joint and the root word ‘pathy’ which means to feel. Therefore, sympathy means to have a fellow feeling towards another living thing. It is characterized by the ability to understand the suffering of others and feel sorry for their plight. It is a trait that makes us distinctly human. It sets man apart from the beast; the civilized apart from the uncivilized; and the kind apart from the cruel.

The feeling of sympathy has a role to play in human society. It facilitates bonding between human beings and makes the burden of suffering lighter. Sympathy makes us extend a helping hand to someone in need and fosters a feeling of fellowship. Often the kind words of a stranger, a reassuring embrace of a friend and the patient ears of a dear one take the sting away from our pain.

Sympathy also ensures harmony in society. Apart from the role it plays in abating somebody‘s pain, sympathy also acts as a deterrent against crimes. It prevents us from wrongdoing through the voice of our conscience. Lack of sympathy is the foremost trait of a criminal.

The ability to shed a tear for someone is seen as a sign of weakness by a shallow society. But the perpetrators of this belief often forget that the strongest of individuals sometimes yearn for sympathy. Only hearts as cold as a stone would be devoid of this beautiful emotion since sympathy is a celebration of everything that makes us human.

Essay Examples #19

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

The proverb in its literal sense may seem counterintuitive. Why in the world would anybody want to keep their enemies closer than they keep their friends? The answer to this can be sought in the figurative implications of the proverb. The quote ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer is sometimes attributed to Nicolo Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and even to Don Corleone, the protagonist of the novel The Godfather.

In the heart of the proverb lies the message that one can learn more from enemies than one does from friends. There are many reasons why this proverb holds water.

First, you can learn a lot from someone whom you despise. The best wisdom does not necessarily come from being with friends. A friend is someone who is agreeable and who does not become an obstacle or a threat to your ambitions. Chances are that you and your friend share a similar worldview. He or she is an extension of your own self.

An enemy, on the contrary, is someone who you don’t trust and who is aiming for the same things as you are. They are your opposites. Their ideas, beliefs, and worldviews may be in stark contrast with your own. By observing them, you can get a fresh perspective on a situation that you may not receive from your friends.

To outwit your enemies, you should pay close attention to their moves. This can help you stay ahead of them all the time. Keeping them at close quarters helps you in determining their motives. This helps you in anticipating all their moves.

Your enemy may have a lot of weaknesses that he does not like to bring to the fore. On the outside, he may seem like a formidable foe, but on the inside, he may be hiding some flaws which he does not wish to show the world. Knowing your enemy‘s weakness is the biggest instrument in anybody’s arsenal.

Sometimes, unexpectedly, you may find that your enemy may not be the ‘scheming’ and ‘evil’ villain you have imagined him to be. You may be surprised to find that he shares some of your values as well. An enemy may cease to be an enemy and you may learn to empathize with him/her. Hence, to be successful, you should be able to exploit your friendships and gain wisdom by observing your enemies.

Essay Examples #20

The lazy tiger.

Once upon a time, there lived a tiger. His mother named him Mkali, which means fierce. But that was a misnomer because Mkali was a lazy little cat. Nothing in the jungle could excite him. His mother Jasiri was an expert hunter. She had single-handedly provided for the entire ambush once when food was scarce in the jungle. She had also taught her other children how to prey on hippopotamuses and how to tackle prey with antlers. She was very well respected in the Tiger community and had held the title of ‘Tigress Extraordinaire’.

The carnivores of the jungle sniggered when they spoke of her perpetually sleepy son. “How could he be born to Jasiri?” the Hyena Cheka said. Tiririka the python added, “That boy wouldn’t swat a fly if it were to be sitting on his nose all day.” Mkali was never bothered. He loved his life; lazing around the river all day, returning home for dinner, feasting on the prey his mother had painstakingly caught and then sleeping on the thickest branch of his favourite tree.

One day, the unthinkable happened. Jasiri had cornered a water buffalo and was preparing to strike it down in one swift move. Suddenly, the beast swung its head goring her grievously. Her den was at a distance so she had to drag herself all the way. Mkali wondered why his mother didn’t call him for supper that day.

Once he entered the den, he saw his mother moaning in pain. She said, “Son, I think I am going to die. I don’t know how you would feed yourself.” Mkali’s eyes welled up. He was aware of his prodigal ways, but he didn‘t want to let his mother die thinking that her son could not provide for himself.

Something changed in him that day. He walked to a nearby pool and looked at his own reflection. He saw in himself a fierce tiger who had finally realized his life‘s purpose. He had to make his mother proud.

Mkali started providing for his ailing mother. He hunted small animals first. He then graduated to preying on larger animals such as sambars. He gathered medicinal herbs and ground them. Jasiri’s wounds were very deep, but with Mkali’s loving care she could walk again. The other animals were dumbfounded by his metamorphosis. Jasiri, on the other hand, was proud that her son proved everyone wrong.


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Veröffentlicht am 31. Mai 2021 von Lea Genau . Aktualisiert am 13. Februar 2023.

Ein Essay enthält immer die eigene Meinung der oder des Verfassenden zu einer bestimmten Fragestellung bzw. Thematik. In der Regel sind Essays zwischen 5 und 10 Seiten lang. 

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Im Gegensatz zum Aufbau einer Hausarbeit hat ein Essay keine feste Gliederung. Die einzelnen Abschnitte werden lediglich durch Absätze getrennt. In einem Essay verwendest du kein Inhaltsverzeichnis oder einzelne Kapitel, ein Essay-Deckblatt solltest du jedoch gestalten.

Das musst du für den Aufbau eines Essays beachten: 

  • Einleitung : Essay-Thema vorstellen & zentrale These und/oder Fragestellung benennen 
  • Hauptteil : Gedanken strukturiert vorstellen (meist Pro- & Kontra- Argumente)
  • Schluss : Eigene Meinung verdeutlichen & Lösungen anbieten 

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Es ist wichtig, in der Essay-Einleitung in das Thema des Essays einzuführen. Du stellst die Fragestellung deines Essays vor und kannst deine These(n) vorstellen. 

Du kannst deine eigenen und/oder allgemeine Erfahrungen zum Thema des Essays  schildern. Außerdem kannst du bereits in der Essay-Einleitung darauf hinweisen, dass es zu diesem Thema verschiedene Meinungen gibt. 

Thema : Die Nutzung von Internetquellen in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten

Die Nutzung von Internetquellen in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten ist ein viel diskutiertes Thema. Es gibt keine einheitliche Meinung dazu, ob Internetquellen in Hausarbeiten erlaubt sein sollten oder nicht. Viele Stimmen sprechen sich eindeutig dagegen aus , andere appellieren für den Beitrag des Internets zur Bildung.

Auch meine Meinung bezüglich der Internetnutzung für Bildungszwecke war lange Zeit zwiegespalten. Meine Unentschlossenheit lag vor allem an einem Phänomen: dem Druck der Kritiker. Negative Meinungen gegen die Nutzung von Internetquellen führen dazu, dass wir uns beinahe dafür schämen, Internetquellen in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten zu verwenden. Aber ist das wirklich so schlimm? Wenn wir ehrlich sind, spielt sich ein Großteil unseres Lebens im 21. Jahrhundert online ab und wir verwenden ständig Suchmaschinen, um schnell an sichere Informationen zu gelangen.

Vielleicht kommt es daher in der heutigen Zeit vielmehr darauf an, welche Internetquellen wir verwenden und vor allem, wie wir mit diesen umgehen. Es ist ein Umdenken in der Bereitschaft und dem Mut zur Angabe von Internetquellen notwendig. Eine Internetquelle sollte genauso selbstverständlich angegeben werden können wie eine Primär- oder Sekundärquelle.

Im Hauptteil des Essays kommt es darauf an, deine Gedanken sinnvoll zu strukturieren und mit Beispielen zu belegen. In jedem gelungenen Essay sollte der Zusammenhang zwischen den einzelnen Argumenten, die du für oder gegen eine diskutierte These einsetzt, zu erkennen sein.

Für jedes neue Argument nutzt du dabei in der Regel einen neuen Absatz. Kapitel gibt es in einem Essay nicht.

Die häufigste Art des Essays, den du in der Schule oder an der Hochschule schreibst, ist der argumentative Essay. Hier stellst du Pro- und Kontra-Argumente zum Thema bzw. zur Fragestellung deines Essays einander gegenüber und argumentierst für eine der beiden Positionen.

Jede Behauptung , die du in einem Essay aufstellst, muss mit einer Begründung und einem Beleg bestätigt werden. Nur dann wird die Behauptung zu einem glaubwürdigen Argument. 

Viele junge Menschen haben zunehmend weniger Lust, Fachliteratur zu lesen , da sie auch durch das Internet schnell an zuverlässige Informationen gelangen können. Besonders die Verwendung von Online-Fachlexika klettert steil nach oben . Im Jahr 2019 war jede sechste Literaturangabe in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten eine Internetquelle. Diese Tatsache zeigt deutlich, dass Internetquellen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Bildung leisten und es keine Lösung sein kann, sie einfach nicht zu verwenden.

Internetquellen in wissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen zu verwenden, wird jedoch vor allem von Lehrenden häufig kritisch gesehen. Das Bestreben, im Internet abgerufene Quellen korrekt anzugeben, sei nach wie vor geringer als bei schriftlich vorliegender Literatur. Dieses Phänomen lässt sich an Fachliteratur bestätigen, die online zur Verfügung gestellt wird; diese wird seltener korrekt zitiert als das physisch vorliegende Buch. Studierende kennen mit Sicherheit das Phänomen: Es geht uns deutlich leichter von der Hand, einen Internetlink in ein Literaturverzeichnis zu kopieren und zu denken, wir hätten die Quelle korrekt zitiert. Internetquellen schauen wir uns vor Abgabe der Arbeit weniger genau an, als Primär- und Sekundärquellen. Woran liegt das? Wie können wir Studierenden das verhindern?

Am Schluss des Essays kommt es darauf an, nicht bloß deine zentralen Argumente aus dem Hauptteil zusammenzufassen. Anhand deiner Erkenntnisse bekräftigst du deine Meinung abschließend und ziehst ein Fazit. 

Für offene Fragen oder Problematiken bietest du Lösungsvorschläge an. 

Dass Internetquellen heutzutage ein fester Platz in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten eingeräumt werden muss, steht außer Frage. In einem Zeitalter, in dem wir uns die meisten Informationen aus dem Internet beschaffen, kann die Wissenschaft dessen Nutzen nicht leugnen. Um die Kritiker zufriedenzustellen, sollte in Schulen und Hochschulen unbedingt der richtige Umgang mit Internetquellen geschult werden. Hierzu bieten sich Unterrichtseinheiten im Deutschunterricht oder Übungsseminare an Hochschulen an, in denen gezeigt wird, was eine gute Internetquelle ausmacht und wie diese korrekt zitiert wird.

Damit du ein vollständiges Essay-Beispiel lesen kannst, haben wir dir ein Essay-Muster herausgesucht. Mögliche Essay-Themen unterschieden sich je nach Schulfach oder Studiengang. 

Das folgende Essay Beispiel belegte im Zuge der österreichischen Philosophieolympiade den ersten Platz. Das Essay-Muster zeigt vor allem , wie Perspektivwechsel und der Gebrauch rhetorischer Mittel in einem Essay funktionieren. 

Um dir abschließend die wichtigsten Aspekte zu verdeutlichen, die für das Essay schreiben wichtig sind, haben wir dir eine Checkliste erstellt. 

  • Eigene Gedanken und Meinung in Einleitung, Hauptteil und Schluss deutlich herausstellen.
  • Kreativer Einsatz der Sprache durch rhetorische Mittel: Rhetorische Fragen , Metaphern etc. sind erlaubt.
  • Beispiele und Perspektivwechsel verwenden, um die Lesenden anzusprechen: → Ich-Perspektive  – neutral – Wir-Perspektive  

Wenn du einen Essay schreibst, musst du deine eigene Meinung herausstellen und treffend formulieren.

Beispiele für die Einleitung, den Hauptteil und den Schluss des Essays findest du im Artikel zum Essay Beispiel . Außerdem geben wir dir ein vollständiges Essay Beispiel.

Ein Essay hat im Gegensatz zu einer Hausarbeit keine feste Gliederung und enthält kein Inhaltsverzeichnis. Lediglich ein Essay-Deckblatt ist vorhanden.

Der Aufbau des Essays in 3 Teilen:

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  • Philipp Hauer
  • Wörterlexikon

Englisch: Wendungen, Phrasen und Vokabeln für einen besseren Stil

Eine Zusammenstellung von Philipp Hauer vom 16.01.2008. Update: 20.03.2012. ©

'British' Englisch: England (Flagge, Big Ben)

  • Nützliche Ausdrücke
  • Aufzählen von Ideen, Fakten und Gründen
  • Bezugnahme zu den Argumenten des Autors
  • Formulierung der eigenen Meinung  
  • Nützliche Satzverknüpfungspartikel
  • Hilfreiche Ausdrücke und Wendungen

Stilistische Aufwertung mit Adverben

Alternative formulierungen und synonyme.

'American' Englisch: Amerika (Flagge, Golden Gate Bridge)

40% der Gesamtnote - so viel wiegt die "Sprachliche Angemessenheit" bei einer Klausur in der gymnasialen Oberstufe. Rechnet man noch die 20% für die "Sprachliche Richtigkeit" dazu, so wird die Note maßgeblich vom korrekten und eleganten Umgang mit der Sprache Englisch bestimmt. Daher ist ein guter Stil nicht nur für das allgemeine Sprachverständnis wichtig, sondern bringt auch handfeste Notenpunkte.

Die Vokabeln, Wendungen, Phrasen und Ausdrücke in den folgenden Zusammenstellungen doppeln sich. Das ist insofern gewollt, als dass die Ausdrücke unter verschieden Gesichtspunkten sortiert sind und - Wiederholen einprägt!

I. Nützliche Ausdrücke

Useful expressions.

II. Wortschatzliste für Comprehension and Comment

Ii.1 aufzählen von ideen, fakten und gründen.

Enumerating ideas, facts and reasons.

II.2 Bezugnahme zu den Argumenten des Autors

Referring to the author’s arguments in a text.

  • the author is of the opinion that
  • in his opinion/view/he bases his arguments on

Mit Hilfe dieser Tabelle ist man nun in der glücklichen Lage, dass überstrapazierte und schwammige Wort " think " zu vermeiden.

II.3 Formulierung der eigenen Meinung

Expressing your own view.

Nützliche Satzverknüpfungspartikel

Useful particle for sentence association.

Hilfreiche Ausdrücke und Wendungen

Usefull expressions and phrases.

Viele der folgenden Wendungen wurden schon einmal oben genannt, jedoch hier eine knappe Auswahl übersichtlich sortiert.

Stylistic revaluation with adverbs.

Alternative wording and synonyms.

Ein guter Stil zeichnet sich besonders durch Wortvielfalt und einen großen Wortschatz aus. Daher ist es immer gut, Alternativen für oft genutzte Wendungen und Wörter zu kennen. Bei der folgenden Tabelle ist jedoch zubeachten, dass es sich nicht immer um 100%ig gleichbedeutende Phrasen handelt, jedoch kann oft die Alternative genutzt werden, ohne dabei die ursprüngliche Aussageabsicht komplett zu verlieren. Sie sollten folglich mit Bedacht und Know-How genutzt werden.


Hier eine lange Tabelle voller nützlicher Vokabeln. Auch hierbei gilt: Genau überlegen, in welchen Zusammenhang man sie anwendet, besonders da viele engliche Wörter Verb, Adjektiv und/oder Substantiv zugleich seien können. Bei Unsicherheiten empfehle ich immer ein Blick ins Wörterbuch .

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