Masters Thesis

The difference between screwing around and science is writing it down. -- adam savage, before writing.

  • Discuss your MS topic with your advisor.
  • Iterate on the topic until your advisor approves of the topic, scope, and plan.
  • Identify review and submission deadlines with your advisor.
  • In collaboration with your advisor, identify a second reader.
  • Send a polite email to the second reader asking if they would be willing and proposing a review timeline.
  • Create a GitHub repository where you will keep your thesis document.
  • A UIUC MS thesis LaTeX template can be found at:
  • Create a Zotero folder in paper-dev to hold your references (YYYY-lastname-ms).
  • Review the graduate college format guidelines
  • Be aware of various resources like the thesis deposit checklist .

Rules of the MS Thesis

There are many rules. From the grad handbook:

The thesis should be a creative work of potential use to the nuclear, plasma, and radiological engineering community. The scope should permit completion within a reasonable time frame. The thesis must be deposited with the Graduate College Thesis Office. Publication is encouraged.

Review Process

The review process includes a series of major approvals:

  • Basic grammatical review & approval (e.g. by undergrad)
  • Approval by your advisor
  • Approval by the second reader
  • Approval by the department head
  • Approval by the graduate college

Review Deadlines

It is best to work backward from the final deadline aiming to give at least two weeks to your second reader and to the department head.

Fall Example

An ideal fall, with a deposit deadline of December 11 might (ideally) look like this.

Spring Example

An ideal spring, with a deposit deadline of April 26 might (ideally) look like this.

Writing and Advisor Review

The process can be either whole or piecemeal. In Prof. Huff’s experience, it is best to enable chapter-by-chapter review of your thesis by your advisor. A great way to do this with Prof. Huff is the following workflow:

  • Note the ms-thesis-template in the arfc github org.
  • Create a GitHub respository in your own GitHub user space (ideally, usetemplate).
  • Work on this document in your repository. Feel free to use feature branches and merge into master, or just commit directly to master as you go.
  • You need to give Prof. Huff collaborator permission on this repository to allow issue assignment.
  • At some point, you decide that a part of your masters thesis is ready for Prof. Huff’s review (e.g. the literature review chapter)
  • (optional) Tag the repository at that state. (e.g. ch1-draft-1)
  • Create an issue like “Huff Review Chapter 1” and assign Prof. Huff to that issue. Note the repository tag in the issue description and include a built pdf in the issue.
  • Prof. Huff will, within a week or two, conduct a review on the pdf .
  • When Prof. Huff has completed the review, she will close the issue you assigned to her and will open one or more NEW issues, assigned to you, detailing the changes which must be made.
  • Respond to the review issues via discussion on the github issue and ideally submit a PR that handles those issues. Prof. Huff can review your solutions to those issues by reviewing pull requests, and/or by evaluating your progress in later stages of review. But, all PRs and issues should have a built pdf linked in their description.

When Prof. Huff approves of the thesis, you should email the thesis to your second reader with Prof. Huff CC’d.

Review by the second reader

Both the thesis advisor and the second reader should be given at least two weeks, or up to a month with the document.

After Writing

  • Add yourself to the degree list.
  • Get the TDA form from Kristie.
  • Get Prof. Huff, the 2nd reader, and the NPRE department head to sign the TDA form.
  • File your thesis with the graduate school.
  • Complete any other degree-related beurocracy.
  • Add the thesis to ideals.
  • Add the thesis to Zotero

Two ARFC Graduate Students Recognized with ANS Scholarships

Gyu tae park recognized for outstanding undergraduate research, bae presents poster at global 2017, andrei rykhlevskii recognized with ans scholarship, jin whan bae recognized for outstanding undergraduate research, kathryn mummah rakes in awards, new group members join arfc, huff featured in npre news, arfc and ergs receive neup r&d award, huff plans to join npre.

How to Git your PhD thesis on GitHub

20 Jun 2020 - fubar - Sreekar Guddeti

We will work with GitHub’s repository hosting service to have a remote repository for our PhD thesis

Git is a version control system usually used for software. However it can also be used for versioning any document set. We will see how git can be used to version a PhD thesis. Versioning a PhD thesis is not only useful as a backup option but also can give an overview of how the thesis gets shaped over the course of time. Also since thesis writing is a highly non linear phenomenon, git provides tools to track the non linear development. We will work with GitHub’s repository hosting service to have a remote repository for our PhD thesis. It is a good idea to git your thesis as a private repository . GitHub private repository provides unlimited storage as long as the file sizes do not exceed 100MB size limit .

The following are the steps to have a Git repository for the PhD thesis

  • Setup Git on linux

Setup a private repository on GitHub

Clone the remote repository.

  • Quick walkthrough
  • Detailed description

General references on Git , The Git Parable , Add an existing repository to GitHub ,  LaTeX template

Add a .gitignore file that tells git to exclude a set of files from version control. Set the .gitignore file type to TeX . Create a private repository.


Now that a remote repository is created on GitHub, we need to clone it on a local computer to work with it. Get the URL of the remote repository and use git clone <url to remote repo>

Basic Snapshotting Quick walkthrough

Now that we have a local copy of the remote repository myTestThesis to work with, we will describe a typical workflow for basic snapshotting involving

  • Creating/modifying files of the repository - nano newfile.tex
  • staging files to git tracking system - git add *
  • committing files to commit history - git commit -m "<my message>"
  • pushing the commits to the remote repo - git push origin master
  • go to step 1

Basic Snapshotting Detailed description

Creating/modifying files of the repository.

The local copy of the repository is created in myTestThesis . Now change into the directory and list the files including the hidden files

The hidden folder .git holds all the information about the commit history of the repository. The hidden file .gitignore contains instructions to exclude files from getting versioned. A preliminary scan of the contents of .gitignore shows what kind of files are omitted, usually the .aux (auxiliary), .log , etc files generated during a typical LaTeX compilation. We do not want to version them as they are not part of the source code, they are output of compilation.

Copy the contents of the LaTeX template to the local repository myTestThesis .

As new files are added to the local repository myTestThesis , they hold the status of untracked files . The status of every file is given the git status command

The  generated pdf files after LaTeX compilation also need to be excluded from tracking as pdf files are binary files. Binary files are not suitable for gitting . Included generated pdf files can bloat the repo.

To avoid this modify the .gitignore file to exclude specifically the pdf file Change the line

to the following line

After this modification, if you check the status of the repository again using git status , you will observe that the main pdf file is ignored from tracking, however the .gitignore file shows up as modified . This is because the .gitignore file was already being tracked by git as we cloned it from the remote repository. Now that we modified it, the status of the .gitignore file has changed to modified.

Note that git is aware of other pdf files like IISc_Logo.pdf . This is intended as some of our figures are .pdf files and they are not likely to change. If you want to completely all pdf files, add *.pdf line in the .gitignore file.

Staging the files to git tracking system

The untracked and modified files need to be staged. To stage the files use git add <filename> for each file or git add * for staging all the files at one go.

Check the status of the repository and see if the files are staged

You will see that .gitignore is not staged for commit. This is because git add command does not add hidden files. You need to manually add the file

Committing the files to commit history

Now that all the files are staged , they can be committed to the commit history using git commit -m "<A message>" . A message is needed to summarize what the commit is all about

Check the log of the commit history

git log gives the summary of the commit history. To check if the commit has been logged into the commit history. The log is a list of 7 character hexadecimal SHA strings (the actual length is 40 character but with --oneline a shortened version is printed) and the commit message

Push the commit to the remote repository

The above commit has updated the commit history of the local repository. However we need to update the commit history of the remote repository as well. This is called pushing the commit to the remote repository. The remote repository is called the origin and the branch on which the commits are adding up is the master branch. To push a commit, the branches on the local and remote need to be same. To push the commit, we use git push command

You can check  if the commit has been pushed to the remote repository either by running git status at the local repository or checking at GitHub if the files have been committed

Iterate over the workflow

Repeat the workflow when you want to add content to the remote repository

In summary we have used many git commands in the process of git workflow to write the PhD thesis. Let us list the commands

In addition to the above mentioned git commands, some other commands are also useful like git diff , git rm . More on these at Git’s basic snapshotting commands

In the current article, we assumed .Tex source files for our thesis. However there are other workflows like using Scientific Markdown and Git to write the PhD thesis. Git + Scientific Markdown workflow for PhD thesis

The CLTL pages

The CLTL pages

Master thesis template.

The MA template is intended for both the Text Mining Master and the Linguistics Research Master. It provides a LaTeX template, an example pdf for reference, and tips on bibliography management.

University of Zurich Master Thesis Template

University of Zurich Master Thesis Template (Universität Zürich Masterarbeit Vorlage) in RMarkdown and Latex in accordance to Bestimmungen zur Masterarbeit an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universtät Zürich (UZH).

View the Project on GitHub maehr/uzh-ma-thesis

  • Download ZIP File
  • Download TAR Ball
  • View On GitHub

University of Zurich Master Thesis Template (Universität Zürich Masterarbeit Vorlage) in RMarkdown and Latex in accordance to Bestimmungen zur Masterarbeit an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universtät Zürich (UZH) .

Preview of this template

Getting Started

Download or clone this repository to your computer.


Install all prerequisites

  • RStudio (or knitr and all its dependencies)

or use this Homebrew command brew install r && brew cask install rstudio mactex on OSX.

Use with RStudio

knitr in RStudio

  • Open ma-thesis.Rproj with RStudio
  • Change ma-thesis.Rmd according to The R Markdown Cheatsheet .
  • Render a PDF with a click on Knit to PDF

Use with R command line

This project is maintained by @maehr . Please understand that we won’t be able to provide individual support via email. We also believe that help is much more valuable if it’s shared publicly, so that more people can benefit from it.

No changes are currently planned.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository .

  • Moritz Mähr - Initial work - maehr

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Master Thesis

An educational programming environment for teaching the principles of machine learning using lego mindstorms.

To complete my master’s degree at the University of Applied Sciences, I wrote my master’s thesis titled An Educational Programming Environment for Teaching the Principles of Machine Learning using LEGO MINDSTORMS .

The German education system is on the verge of raising a generation of digital illiterates. We are in desperate need of up-to-date and motivating teaching content and tools for computer science education to make prevailing topics such as artificial intelligence more accessible to the general public.

The underlying work seeks to tackle these problems. It depicts the current state of research of the interdisciplinary field of educational sciences and machine learning still in its infancy and proposes new learning objectives for teaching machine learning in high school classrooms. In the scope of this work, a state-of-the-art visual programming environment is developed, including an interface for solving tasks created specifically for the use of machine learning with LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 to match current trends and efforts in computer science education. This thesis is completed by gathering practical insights through diverse workshops. The results of these workshops make a strong case for the underlying work being effective in giving a well rounded introduction to the world of machine learning.

  • Full text of thesis
  • GitHub repository of the visual programming environment called µanthánō
  • GitHub repository of Python scripts for the EV3
  • Workshop Material (in German)

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A LaTeX template for thesis, dissertations and similar monograph-like documents

View the Project on GitHub joaomlourenco/novathesis

  • Download ZIP File
  • Download TAR Ball
  • View On GitHub

GitHub Workflow Status (with branch)

Table of Contents =================

With a Local LaTeX Installation

With a remote cloud-based service, problems and difficulties, suggestions, bugs and feature requests, word templates.

Star History Chart

If you choose to use this project, please:

  • Give it a star by clicking the (⭐️) at the top right of the project’s page .
  • Make a small donation ( pay me a beer! )
  • Cite the NOVAthesis manual in your thesis/dissertation (e.g., in the acknowledgments) with \cite{novathesis-manual} (the correct bibliographic reference will be added automatically).

The “ novathesis ” LaTeX template is an Open Source project for writing thesis, dissertations, and other monograph-like documents, which…

  • Just select the School, provide the cover info, your chapters with text… and you’re done!
  • It’s LaTeX! What would you expect?! 😉
  • E.g., multiple chapter styles, multiple font styles, automatic book spine generation, …
  • Currently supports +20 Schools, drawing the covers and typesetting the text according to the rules of each School.

This work is licensed under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c. To view a copy of this license, visit the LaTeX project public license .

Getting Started

See below for alternatives to a local LaTeX installation

See “ minimal installation ” for instructions on how to build/use a minimal installation of LaTeX (<100 MB vs. 5GB for tex-live), which is just enough to compile the template successfully

  • Windows: install TeX-Live or MikTeX .
  • Linux: install TeX-Live or MikTeX .
  • macOS: install MacTeX (a macOS version of TeX-Live ) or MikTeX .
  • Cloning the GitHub repository with git clone --depth=1 ; or
  • Downloading the latest version from the GitHub repository as a Zip file
  • The main file is named “ template.tex ”.
  • Either load it in your favorite LaTeX text editor or compile it in the terminal with latexmk -shell-escape -file-line-error -pdf template . If you use a LaTeX text editor, please notice that the NOVAthesis template uses biber and not bibtex to process the bibliography, which means that most probably you have to open the Editor Preferences and somewhere (depends on the Editor) change bibtex to biber .
  • If Murphy is elsewhere, LaTeX will create the file “ template.pdf ”, which you may open with your favorite PDF viewer.
  • Edit the files in the “ Config ” folder:
  • See 3. above.
  • You’re done with a beautifully formatted thesis/dissertation! 😃

See above for using a local installation of LaTeX

NOVAthesis v6.10.10 is available as an Overleaf template . Just select open as template and follow from step 3 above !

  • Download the latest version from the GitHub repository as a Zip file .
  • Login to your favorite LaTeX cloud service. I recommend Overleaf but there are alternatives (these instructions apply to Overleaf and you’ll have to adapt for other providers).
  • In the menu select New project -> Upload project
  • Upload the zip with all the “novathesis” files.
  • Select “ template.tex ” as the main file.
  • Follow from step 3 above


  • Install LaTeX in your computer and use a the template locally !
  • Opt for a hassle free solution and buy a (student) plan in Overleaf .

Getting Help

Check the wiki and have some hope! :smile:

If you couldn’t find what you were looking for, ask for help in:

  • The GitHub Discussions page (only EN please) at
  • The Facebook page (PT or EN) at
  • The Reddit novathesis community at r/novathesis .
  • You may also give a look at the novathesis blog at .

Please don’t try to contact me directly for questions or support, by email or any other channel! I will not answer such requests… The GitHub Discussions page and the Facebook page are the right places to ask for help and support!

  • Do you have a suggestion? Please add it to the wiki and help other users!
  • Did you find a bug? Please open an issue . Thanks!
  • Would you like to request a new feature (or support of a new School)? Please open an issue . Thanks!

List of Supported Schools

  • NOVA School for Science and Technology (FCT-NOVA)
  • PhD in Information Management
  • Master in Geographical Information Systems and Science
  • Master in Statistics and Information Management
  • Master in Information Management
  • Master in Geospatial Technologies
  • Master in Data Science and Advanced Analytics
  • Masters in Geospatial Technologies
  • National School of Public Heath (ENSP-NOVA)
  • Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais (FCSH-NOVA)
  • Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biologica Antonio Xavier (ITQB-NOVA)
  • Instituto Superior Técnico (IST-ULISBOA)
  • Faculdade de Ciências (FC-ULISBOA)
  • Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária (FMV-ULISBOA)
  • Escola de Arquitetura (EA-UMIMHO)
  • Escola de Ciências (EC-UMIMHO)
  • Escola de Direito (ED-UMIMHO)
  • Escola de Economia e Gestão (EEG-UMIMHO)
  • Escolha de Engenharia (EE-UMIMHO)
  • Escola de Medicina (EM-UMIMHO)
  • Escola de Psicologia (EP-UMIMHO)
  • Escola Superior de Enfermagem (ESE-UMIMHO)
  • Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS-UMIMHO)
  • Instituto de Educação (IE-UMIMHO)
  • Instituto de Letras e Ciências Humanas (ILCH-UMIMHO)
  • Instituto de Investigação em Biomateriais, Biodegradáveis e Biomiméticos (I3Bs-UMIMHO)

Departamento de Engenharia Informática e Sistemas de Informação (ULHT-DEISI)

<!– * ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Escola de Tecnologia e Arquitectura (ETA-ISCTE-IUL) NOTE: this template is outdated (there are new covers/specifications) –>

  • Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL-IPL)

Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

  • Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Barreiro (ESTB-IPS)
  • Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (ESEP)

Although the template goes far beyond the cover… some covers from the supported schools are is display below.

These are not official templates for FCT-NOVA nor any other School, although we have done our best to make it fully compliant to each School regulations for thesis/dissertation presentation.

All contributors , both sporadic and regular, are welcome. :) Please contact me to join the team.

If you are here looking for the (deprecated) Word templates (not maintained anymore), please go to this other repository .

Masters Thesis

Masters Thesis

  • Copy SSH clone URL [email protected]:tuni-official/thesis-templates/masters-thesis.git
  • Copy HTTPS clone URL


  1. master-thesis · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Add this topic to your repo. To associate your repository with the master-thesis topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  2. masters-thesis · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Add this topic to your repo. To associate your repository with the masters-thesis topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  3. msc-thesis · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Add this topic to your repo. To associate your repository with the msc-thesis topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  4. Is it advisable to put entire source of my thesis up on GitHub?

    Yes, it's a very good idea to use an online repository with a versioning system to write your Masters thesis. It offers a nice automatic backup, you can easily sync from different locations (office, home), and (this is mostly true for papers rather than a thesis) you can easily collaborate with people outside of your university (i.e. who wouldn ...

  5. master-thesis · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects. ... Master's thesis about autonomous navigation of a drone in indoor environments carried out to obtain the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science Engineering (University of Liège, academic ...

  6. master-thesis · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 330 million projects. ... Code for my master's thesis "Investigating Approaches for Hierarchical Research Field Classification of Scholarly Articles".

  7. master-thesis-template · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Add this topic to your repo. To associate your repository with the master-thesis-template topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  8. Masters Thesis

    Rules of the MS Thesis. There are many rules. From the grad handbook: The thesis should be a creative work of potential use to the nuclear, plasma, and radiological engineering community. The scope should permit completion within a reasonable time frame. The thesis must be deposited with the Graduate College Thesis Office.

  9. How to Git your PhD thesis on GitHub

    Setup a private repository on GitHub. Add a .gitignore file that tells git to exclude a set of files from version control. Set the .gitignore file type to TeX.Create a private repository. Clone the remote repository. Now that a remote repository is created on GitHub, we need to clone it on a local computer to work with it. Get the URL of the remote repository and use git clone <url to remote repo>

  10. Using code from github for own thesis

    For my master thesis I should write a simulation program, and compare the results with the results I get from commercial programs. Now I found a already existing script with exact the data I need on github which does all the background work for me, and I can modify it for my specific purposes. The script is already based on a public available ...

  11. Master's thesis / dissertation using RSTUDIO & GITHUB

    This is the introduction video. Explaining the use of tools for the master thesis. Github, Oxforddown, R programming. R is still the most widely used tool by...

  12. Master Thesis template · The CLTL pages

    Master Thesis template The MA template is intended for both the Text Mining Master and the Linguistics Research Master. It provides a LaTeX template, an example pdf for reference, and tips on bibliography management.

  13. University of Zurich Master Thesis Template

    View On GitHub; University of Zurich Master Thesis Template. University of Zurich Master Thesis Template (Universität Zürich Masterarbeit Vorlage) in RMarkdown and Latex in accordance to Bestimmungen zur Masterarbeit an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universtät Zürich (UZH). Getting Started. Download or clone this repository to your ...

  14. Master Thesis

    This thesis is completed by gathering practical insights through diverse workshops. The results of these workshops make a strong case for the underlying work being effective in giving a well rounded introduction to the world of machine learning. Links. Full text of thesis; GitHub repository of the visual programming environment called µanthánō

  15. masters-thesis · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Add this topic to your repo. To associate your repository with the masters-thesis topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  16. GitHub

    This is my graduation thesis. Contribute to hanzomaster/thesis development by creating an account on GitHub.

  17. Master's thesis / dissertation using RSTUDIO & GITHUB

    This is the main video of our thesis. Explaining the template for the master thesis. Our code: more info: https:...

  18. | A LaTeX template for thesis, dissertations and similar ...

    About. The " novathesis " LaTeX template is an Open Source project for writing thesis, dissertations, and other monograph-like documents, which…. Is very easy to use for the LaTeX beginners: Just select the School, provide the cover info, your chapters with text… and you're done! Is flexible and adaptable for the LaTeX experts:

  19. MIT Theses

    MIT's DSpace contains more than 58,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800's. Theses in this collection have been scanned by the MIT Libraries or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. Since 2004 all new Masters and Ph.D. theses are scanned and added to this collection after degrees are awarded.

  20. citations

    GitHub and ZENODO have partnered together to upload code for a DOI under a flexible license. Obtaining a DOI for your code should be as simple as following the instructions on the GitHub Guide to Making Your Code Citable. Here's an overview of the instructions: Choose your repository; Login to ZENODO; Pick the repository you want to archive

  21. TUNI Official / Thesis templates / Masters Thesis · GitLab

    Tampere University Bachelor's and Master's thesis template in the fields of technology. template master's thesis LaTeX. + 1 more. 37 Commits. 2 Branches. 21 Tags. README. LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c. CHANGELOG.

  22. Planning to use latex with git to write my thesis. Is this a ...

    Fellow phd thesis sufferer here…overall I think you're on the right path. I'm using GitHub repos for each part of the thesis (using subfiles for ensuring consistency within the document). Then I'm mirroring the file structure in a nextcloud (self hosted dropbox running daily snapshots) for everything not raw text.

  23. Master's thesis finished

    Master's thesis finished - Thank you. Personal Project Showcase. Hi everyone! A few months ago I defended my Master Thesis on Big Data and got the maximum grade of 10.0 with honors. I want to thank this subreddit for the help and advice received in one of my previous posts. Also, if you want to build something similar and you think the project ...