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essay - Meaning in nepali

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Definitions and Meaning of essay in English

assay , attempt , seek , try

  • "He sought to improve himself"
  • "He tried to shake off his fears"
  • "She always seeks to do good in the world"
  • "The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"
  • "The police attempted to stop the thief"

examine , prove , test , test , try out , try

  • "Test this recipe"
  • "This approach has been tried with good results"

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Translation of "essay" into Nepali

निबन्ध is the translation of "essay" into Nepali. Sample translated sentence: An essay published by the Media Awareness Network entitled “Violence in Media Entertainment” observes: “The notion of violence as a means of problem solving is reinforced by entertainment in which both villains and heroes resort to violence on a continual basis.” ↔ मिडिया अवेरनेस नेटवर्क-द्वारा प्रकाशित “सञ्चार मनोरञ्जनमा हिंसा” विषयक एउटा निबन्धमा यस्तो बताइएको छ: “हिंसालाई समस्या समाधानको माध्यम ठानिने धारणालाई मनोरञ्जनमा अझै जोड दिइन्छ जसमा खलनायक र नायक दुवैले बारम्बार हिंसाको सहारा लिन्छन्।”

A written composition of moderate length exploring a particular issue or subject. [..]

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meaning of essay in nepali

Nepali is a Indo-Aryan language spoken by about 17 million people, primarily in Nepal and by significant communities in other parts of South Asia. It is the official language of Nepal and is written in the Devanagari script. Nepali has a complex grammar, with a system of noun and verb inflections, and it is known for its rich vocabulary, with many loanwords from Sanskrit and other languages.

English is a West Germanic language of the Indo-European language family, with its earliest forms spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England. It is the most widely spoken language in the world today, with approximately 1.5 billion people speaking it as a native language. English is also the official language of many countries, such as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. English is also commonly used as a lingua franca in other countries, such as India, Pakistan, and South Africa.

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मेरो देश नेपाल बारे निबन्ध | Essay on my country nepal in nepali

मेरो देश नेपाल बारे निबन्ध | essay on my country nepal in nepali , मेरो देश नेपाल बारे निबन्ध (१५० शब्दहरु ) mero desh essay in nepali language, मेरो देश को बारेमा निबन्ध 200 शब्दमा essay on my country in nepali in 200, मेरो देश नेपाल बारे निबन्ध (२५० शब्दहरु ) mero desh nepal essay in nepali, मेरो देश को बारेमा निबन्ध 300 शब्दमा essay on my country in nepali in 300, मेरो देश नेपाल बारे निबन्ध ( ५०० शब्दहरु) essay on my country nepal in nepali in 500 words, recommended posts, post a comment.

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Nepali Essay Topics Lists | Nibandha Lekhan

Nepali essay topics, nibandha lekhan

Here I have put some Nepali essays (nibandha) which are frequently asked in exams:

Here are your tips to write an essay.

Here is the topic list of Nepali Essay :

1 नेपाल

2 मेरो देश

3 सगरमाथा

4 मेरो देश मेरो गौरव

5 नेपालको राष्ट्रिय झण्डा

6 नेपालको राष्ट्रिय जनवार

7 तिज

8 दशैँ

9 तिहार

10 होली

11 नेपाली चाडपर्वहरु

12 नेपालको सस्कृति

13 पुस्तकालय

14 गाउँले जीवन

15 सहरिया जीवन

16 शिक्षाको महत्व

17 मेरि आमा

18 मेरो बुबा

19 मेरो परिवार

20 मेरो मिल्ने साथी

21 मेरो विद्यालय

22 मेरो घर

23 मेरो गाउँ

24 पानीको महत्व

25 हाम्रो स्वास्थ्य

26 स्वास्थ्य नै धन हो

27 वाताबरण

28 विधार्थी जीवन

29 अनुशासन

30 विधार्थी जीवनमा अनुशासनको महत्व

31 भ्रष्टाचार

32 लोकतन्त्र

33 प्राविधिक शिक्षाको महत्व

34 विज्ञान र प्रबिधि

35 संचार प्रविधि

36 सरस्वती पुजा

37 गाईको बारेमा निबन्ध

38 कुकुर बारेमा निबन्ध

39 महिला हिंसा

40 मेरो जन्मस्थान

41 फूलबारी

42 इन्टरनेट

43 मोबाइल

44 टेलिभिजन

45 फुटवल

46 क्रिकेट

47 मेरो जीवनको लक्ष्य

48 नेपालको विकाशमा पर्यटनको महत्व

49 प्राकृतिक स्रोतहरु

50 मनपर्ने खेल

51 मनपर्ने खानेकुरा

52 नेपालको राजनीतिक अवस्था

53 वायु प्रदूषण

54 नेपालको भौगोलिक अवस्था

Also read:   मेरो विद्यालय।

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• Nepalgo : Nepali course & vocabulary by topics

• Nepalese Linguistics : online journal about the languages of Nepal, published by the Linguistic society of Nepal

• The sounds of the English language and Nepali Language by Rajan Kumar Kandel, in Anusheelan research journal (2010)

• The effects of English in the Nepali hinterlands : career gains and identity loss , by Ashok Raj Khati, in Nelta (2013)

• Why English is not a foreign language in Nepal by Ram Ashish Giri, in Journal of world languages (2014)

• Motion events in Nepali by Krishna Parajuli, thesis (2021)

• Négociation des ressources langagières dans les échanges conversationnels népali-anglais by Julian Vasseur, thesis (2021)

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• Basic course in Nepali spoken by Tika Karki & Chij Shrestha

• Descriptive grammar of Nepali by Jayaraj Acharya (1991)

• Course in Nepali by David Matthews (1998)

• Colloquial Nepali : learning guide by George Gordon Rogers (1950) (Latin alphabet)

• Grammar of the Népalese language by James Alexander Ayton (1820)

• books & papers about the Nepali language: Google books | Internet archive | Wikipedia

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• NepaliSong : Nepali songs to listen

• Text from the Nepali translated version of Alice's adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll), annoted corpus, by Netra Prasad Paudyal (2014)

• In search of the oldest Nepalese manuscript by Kengo Harimoto, in Rivista degli studi orientali (2011)

• WordProject : translation of the Bible into Nepali

सबै व्यक्ति हरू जन्मजात स्वतन्त्र हुन ती सबैको समान अधिकार र महत्व छ। निजहरूमा विचार शक्ति र सद्धिचार भएकोले निजहरूले आपसमा भातृत्वको भावना बाट व्यवहार गर्नु पर्छ।

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51+ Nepali Essay Topics Lists | Nibandha Topics

Hello Dear Students, Are you searching for Nepali Essay Topics to write an essay and submit to your teacher? If so, you are in the right place. You can scroll below to list the Nepali Essay or Nibadha Topics Lists.

An essay can be short or long. It depends on the level of the student. A lower-level student is asked short and a higher-level student is asked for long essays. Essay writing skill helps the teacher to measure a student’s writing skill of a student.

Basically, there are three parts to an essay introduction, body, and conclusion. In the first introduction part, a student needs to write a basic introduction about an essay topic, explain detail in the body part, then write a summary and suggestions in the last conclusion part.

Nibandh topics

Lists of Nepali Essay Topics

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  • Press (Ctrl + G) together to toggle (switch) between English and Nepali language.
  • Any text you type on the above text area is automatically saved on your computer for a week. This is useful in the event of a crash or sudden shutdown of your computer.
  • Easily copy or download Nepali text on your computer or mobile devices.
  • You can insert special characters (e.g. ।, ॐ, ॥, ॰) and many other Nepali characters by clicking on the help button - which is located just below the bottom right corner of the typing text area.
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Nepali is spoken by more than 17 million speakers in Nepal, Bhutan, Burma and neighboring parts of India. Originally known as "Khas Kura", it was historically the language of the Khasa kingdom which once ruled the foothills of Himalayas.

Nepali is written with the Devanagari alphabet , developed from the Brahmi script in the 11th century AD. It contains 36 consonants and 12 vowels . In addition, it has its own representations of numbers that follow the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.

  • 12 Vowels:  अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ, अं, अँ
  • 36 Consonants:  क, ख, ग, घ, ङ, च, छ, ज, झ, ञ, ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण, त, थ, द, ध, न, प, फ, ब, भ, म, य, र, ल, व, श, ष, स, ह, क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ
  • Full Stop (पूर्ण बिराम):  ।
  • Numbers in Nepali (नेपालीमा अंकहरू) :  १, २, ३, ४, ५, ६, ७, ८, ९, ०

To give you an example, if you type in "Namaste" it will be converted to "नमस्ते" .

Additionally, you will get a list of matching words on the dropdown menu when you press backspace or click on the word.

Our Nepali transliteration also supports fuzzy phonetic mapping. This means you just type in the best guess of pronunciation in Latin letters and our tool will convert it into a closely matching Nepali word.

Nepali transliteration is a process of phonetically converting similar-sounding characters and words from English to Nepali. For Example, you can type in " Tapai kasto cha? " in Latin to get " तपाईंलाई कस्तो छ? ".

You can use our online Nepali input tool to transliterate unlimited Nepali words for FREE. Our online software is supported on both desktop and mobile devices such as Apple iPhone , Xiaomi Redmi Note , Samsung and more.

Nepali translation is a process of converting word or sentence from one language to Nepali and vice versa. For instance, typing " Nepal is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. " in English will be translated into " नेपाल भगवान बुद्धको जन्मस्थल हो। ".

Our site uses machine translation powered by Google. You can use our online software to translate English to Nepali , Nepali to English , Hindi to Nepali , Nepali to Hindi and many other languages for FREE.

Additionally, you can seek help from a professional translator for accurate translation. Use this link to order a professional translation by a human translator.

Nepali Unicode is a set of unique numeric values that is assigned to display Nepali characters , letters, digits and symbols. You can view the complete set of Nepali Unicode Character Code charts by visiting The Unicode Consortium .

1. Nepalese languages

O nce in Nepal , communities remained completely isolated by steep valleys, high mountains and by thick forest, leading to the evolution of many distinct languages, given as 92 in the 2001 census but now put by ethnologue at 124 distinct living languages . This increase in number seems mostly related to distinguishing dialects within larger groups previously thought to belong to a single linguistic community. Ethnologue’s linguistic map for Nepal , reproduced in Figure 1 , shows the hot spot of languages scattered across the country.

The Linguistic Map of Nepal

Fig 1. The Linguistic Map of Nepal.

If we take Trosterud’s suggestion that at least those languages with more than 16,000 speakers should be written, we find that we should expect all languages down to and including Dhimal should be written; this is 28 languages, just under one third of the languages, in line with the proportion in the population of world languages as a whole. Table 3, lists these 28 languages plus two others, with relevant characteristics extracted from Ethnologue. Note that 8 of them have much larger populations across the border in India, with one of these, Maithili, the second largest language of Nepal. This leaves 20 Nepalese languages, only one of which, Nepali , is used in written form in all walks of life and can be considered fully literate; however most of them have at least some limited use in writing.

2. Nepalese writing

However only four of these purely Nepalese languages have any significant tradition of being written:

Ethnologue only reports limited literacy for Newari and Limbu, not surprising since these languages were suppressed by successive Nepalese governments from the late 18th century onwards until 1990. While the writing of Limbu and Lepcha was probably only ever used for special cultural and religious texts, Newar writing was used for a wide range of purposes until the overthrow of their regime by the Gorkhas in the mid 18th century.

Note that cross border languages, and particularly Maithili and Bhojpuri, also have their own mature literature and may be written in their own distinctive script; for Maithili the script is known as Mithilakshar or Tirhuta, for Bhojpuri it is Kaithi.

Indic writing including Devanagari and Bengali has been printed in movable type since around 1800, with the type evolving and being simplified over the centuries. When computers became used for writing and publishing, the encoding of Devanagari and other Indic scripts was undertaken in India, leading to the Indian Script Code for Information Interchange – ISCII. Work had been proposed to include Devanagari within the then established standard for computers, ISO 8859, as part 12, but this work was abandoned expecting to adopt ISCII’s codes into ISO 8859. However ISO 8859 was in turn superseded by Unicode, which included a code block for Devanagari and other major Indic scripts from the start, with the code blocks adapted from a 1988 version of ISCII. One significant difference between ISCII and Unicode was that in ISCII all the scripts of India had been unified within a single table, with the different scripts selected by appropriate font, whereas in Unicode these were dis-unified into separate code blocks.

The encoding of Limbu was added to the Unicode Standard in April 2003 with the release of version 4.0. Limbu was introduced to the standardisation process by McGowan and Everson in 1999, and a proposal was written jointly by Boyd Michaelovsky and Michael Everson in 2002. Michaelovsky is a linguist who has done considerable field research among the Limbu in Nepal learning about their writing in context, appealing in the proposal to both examples of writing and to the phonology of the spoken language. Even so there have been some discussions since then about missing characters, and in 2011 Pandey proposed two additional composite characters, though there is a case for introducing the virama instead.

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essay on my country Nepal

Essay on My Country Nepal For Students

If there is a country’s flag that stands out among all other countries it is the flag of Nepal . Our flag is very unique and cannot be compared to other countries’ flags due to its shape. It also has a hidden meaning behind it which represents the country’s peace-loving and friendly nature, bravery, and immortal history.

My country Nepal is situated between two countries, India and China. Although it is sandwiched between international powers, conflicts have not happened between any, and peace remains. Nepal is a country of various castes and cultures. In other words, it is like a beautiful garden of flowers with people of different ethnicities and backgrounds.

My country Nepal is not only unique for its flag but also its geographical terrain, the variety of castes and cultures you can find, and the rich history of it. It is the land of various great places and important figures that people know far and wide. The temperature here spans from cool to hot and is a heaven for residing in.

There are about 126 castes in Nepal each with its own rich history and culture which makes Nepal a rich place for culture. Some dating back to the millenniums. Not only that, our country is very rich in its geographical terrain. From the lowest point of just 70 Meters from sea level to the world’s highest peak Mt. Everest (8848.86 meters) , we have temperature scales that vary from place to place. It is divided into three regions, Terai, Hilly, and Himalayas each according to their altitude and geographical differences.

Himalayan regions have high and mighty Himalayas that are breathtaking to look at. Out of the world’s top 10 highest peaks, 8 of them fall in my country. It is already a great pride to have come from such a country. The diverse flora and fauna, beautiful landscapes, lush and green jungles, historical and religious places in Nepal are enough to gather the attention of foreigners and locals too. People from all over the world pay thousands of dollars just to see our country’s snow-capped mountains, rivers, cliffs, waterfalls, other beautiful landscapes, the rich flora and fauna, and sites of great religious and historical importance. It just doesn’t end there.

📌 Read –   Essay on the Importance of English Language

Our country ranks in the top 5 for the richest in water resources. With just a small country with an area of 1,47,181 sq kilometers, it has the potential to fuel hydropower worth 2% of the entire world. It may look small in number but taking our country’s small area in context, it is a potential incomparable to all. The Terai region holds fertile land and smooth flowing waters that are excellent for farming and cultivating.

Nepal is also known as an agricultural country where 60% of the people here follow agriculture as their work. Our country also has huge historical importance. Gautama Buddha the founder and preacher of Buddhism which is practiced worldwide was also born in Nepal. Buddhism is known to preach peace and non-violence and to love everyone. King Janak is also an important figure who holds great importance to communities in Nepal.

Other personalities include Bhrikuti, Araniko, etc. Our country is also known for its bravery. Our country never has to celebrate Independence day as we were never under the rule of any other. We stood and fought against the Britans and other Mongol countries. Brave Gorkhalis were united after a long struggle and fought their way to preserve their country. The courage and bravery of Nepali people are also know world wide. Many brave Gorkhalis went to fight under countries in world wars and won various colors and medals. This brought our country so much respect that we even enjoy it for granted to date.

Although our country’s history, culture, terrains, and achievements make anyone feel proud, the power struggle for the politicians, previous kings, and presidents have made the country weak and fall in the developing country category. Our rich natural resources have not been utilized and we have fallen way behind. Corruption is widely prevalent in our country and the loans we have taken from other countries are in a large number. The amount of food and other materialistic consumption has made Nepal import more and export less.

Our country is poor but the people here are rich. This is because of the corruption and the illegal working/trading that has been done. The government has not made significant progress and the people aren’t responsible. Although I feel proud to be A Nepali, the condition of my country makes me feel bad. People should feel responsible and carry out their duties and not just complain about the government.

The government too should implement proper policies and rules and enforce them accordingly. Utilization of our natural resources should be done in an effective way and social evils such as discrimination according to castes and genders, other superstitions should be slowly removed. Centralized development should stop and we should control the people moving out to other countries with their skills that are wasted abroad. This way we can slowly develop our country.

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28 thoughts on “ essay on my country nepal for students ”.

meaning of essay in nepali

Thank you so much sir for helpful essay.

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Thanks a lot sir .😊👨 its give to get new ideas😊

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It’s my humble request to you.that plz write an essay on my country,my paradise.🙏

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Thankyou for your essay. It really helped me.

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Thank you so much sir for helpful essay.Actually I was searching for essay on my country and luckily found ….

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meaning of essay in nepali

You are great sir 😚✌️🤞🙏

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I really like your essay it helps me to get new ideas and thoughts 😃💕💕💕💕 Thanks for your nice essay.

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Thank for your kind words we appreciate it 😉

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Hi I am new user

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Thank you Alot sir ❤

Your Welcome 😉

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Thank yuh sir. For the great essay. This helps us for getting ideas to write an essay

Thank you so much for such amazing compliment 😊

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Am proud to be nepali ❤️❤️❤️🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵 so I knew about the history of our country it’s like a story ❤️❤️🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵

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Call for Proposals: UNDP Nepal’s Leave No One Behind (LNOB) Initiative 2024

March 29, 2024.

cover image of proposal call for LONB


In line with the Constitution of Nepal 2015 and international commitment, gender equality and social inclusion is at the forefront of the national agenda, and the Government of Nepal highlights the need for further efforts to improve the status of women, Dalits, Madhesis, Muslims, Indigenous peoples/Nationalities, gender and sexual minorities, Minority groups, persons with disability, people from geographically excluded regions, senior citizens, and the poor. With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN member states pledged to ensure “no one will be left behind” and to endeavor to “reach the furthest behind first”. In practice, this means taking explicit action to end extreme poverty, curb inequalities, exclusion, deprivation, confront discrimination and fast-track progress for the furthest behind.  People get left behind when they lack the choices and opportunities to participate in and benefit from development progress. Five key factors are identified for anyone to be left behind: 

(i)    discrimination (biases, exclusion or mistreatment that people face based on one or more aspects of their identity - for example gender, caste, ethnicity, age, class, disability, sexual orientation) (ii)    geography (who endures isolation, vulnerability, missing or inferior public services, transportation, internet or other infrastructure)  (iii)    governance (where people face disadvantage due to ineffective, unjust, unaccountable or unresponsive global, national and/or sub-national institutions) (iv)    socio-economic status (who faces deprivations or disadvantages in terms of income, life expectancy and educational attainment, less chances to be healthy, be nourished or educated)  (v)    shock and fragility (who is more exposed and/or vulnerable to setbacks due to the impacts of climate change, natural hazards, violence, conflict, displacement, economic, political, or social shocks, etc.

Call for Action

I)    Sustainable and inclusive economic growth   Proposals on women and marginalized communities’ economic empowerment, green jobs, media mobilization/sensitization, technical skills development, vulnerable people access enhancement on banking and financial literacy, digitalization, tourism sector, and many other innovative ideas on the theme.

II)    Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights   Policy reform and implementation on governance, rule of law, justice and human rights, advocacy on GESI issues in policies, policy dialogues, GESI friendly case investigation, civic engagment and participation,  inclusive grievance handling system, business and human rights, human rights due diligence, women and marginalized groups’ participation in decision making, interventions to confront the drivers that leave people behind across the SDGs and many other innovative ideas on the theme.

III)    Environmental Sustainability, Climate and Disaster Resilience Addressing GESI issues in energy, and climate change, disaster preparedness disability inclusive interventions, GESI in emergency preparedness, GESI sensitization on energy and climate related issues, inclusive productive energy use, and many other innovate ideas on the theme. Karnali province will be the preferred area for this intervention.

IV)    Innovative standalone intervention on LNOB and GESI   With this, innovative standalone intervention on GESI such as sensitization on GBV, behaviour change on GESI, engagement of men and boys/privileged groups for GESI/LNOB, mental health, psychosocial counselling linking with GESI, harmful social practices, unpaid care work, disability, indigenous rights and dedicated program for key affected people, examine why people are left behind or empower the people who are left behind  related proposals are highly welcomed.

Proposed Time Schedule For Proposal Submission

Duration of the project .

The duration of each project will be up to six months. The projects should be tentatively planned to start by May 2024 and completed by November 2024. 

Required documents to be submitted with the proposal

•    Organization Profile •    Rules and Regulation of the Organization •    Social Welfare Council (SWC) Registration •    District Administration Office (DAO) Registration •    Permanent Account Number (PAN) Registration •    Latest Tax Clearance Certificate •    Latest Audit Report •    Policy on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), Prevention on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA),     Child Safeguarding, etc.

(Note: Proposal and budget breakdown format is attached in annex. Applicants must use the same format for the proposal submission .)

Acceptance of the proposal

UNDP reserves the right to accept or reject any proposals submitted by the Applicant without providing any reasons/justifications for their decision. The Applicant's proposal is subject to evaluation by UNDP, and they have the authority to decide based on their judgment and criteria.  Furthermore, if necessary, the Applicant may be requested to make modifications to the proposal and present it again for approval. UNDP can request changes or seek additional information from the Applicant to ensure that the proposal aligns with their requirements and expectations. It is essential for the Applicant to be responsive to UNDP’s requests, make necessary adjustments, and present a revised proposal promptly for further consideration and potential approval. 

The proposals should be submitted with all required documents at [email protected]  

Note: Proposals from Province and Local level NGOs are encouraged to apply

What does it mean to leave no one behind?  

Proposal Template LNOB

Budget Breakdown LNOB

XLSX (15kb)

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Argument meaning in nepali, meaning of "argument".

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Other word with "Argument"

  • wing, feather, side, defence, helper, (argument) side ,
  • to melt, to dissolve, (person) to be pale and emaciated, to be tired, to get exhausted, to be zapped, (argument) to be convinced ,
  • argumentative, logical, reasonable ,
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  • to argue, to discuss, to have an argument, to hold a discussion, to hold talks ,
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What to Know About Holi, India’s Most Colorful Tradition

The ancient festival has Hindu roots, but growing numbers worldwide are taking part in the celebration, which features bonfires, singing, dancing, prayer, feasting and clouds of pigmented powder.

Celebrants are covered in red and pink hues outside a temple.

By John Yoon and Hari Kumar

A rainbow haze swirls through India, where raucous laughter rings out as friends and strangers douse one another with fists full of pigmented powder. It is time for the ancient Hindu tradition of Holi, an annual celebration of spring.

In 2024, crimson, emerald, indigo and saffron clouds will hover over the country on March 25 for one of its most vibrant, joyful and colorful festivals.

“Playing Holi,” as Indians say, has spread far beyond India’s borders.

The revelry starts at sundown.

Holi (pronounced “holy”), also known as the “festival of colors,” starts on the evening of the full moon during the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna, which falls around February or March.

It begins with the kindling of bonfires. People gather around the flames to sing, dance and pray for an evening ritual called Holika Dahan, which re-enacts the demise of a Hindu demoness, Holika.

All sorts of things are thrown into the fires, like wood, leaves and food, in a symbolic purge of evil and triumph of good.

From Delhi, Archie Singhal, 24, visits her family in Gujarat the day before Holi, when the fire is lit in the evening. The next morning, she prepares for the bursts of powder, called gulal, by applying oil on her body so the colors don’t stick to her skin. She puts on old clothes she doesn’t mind tossing.

Why the colors?

Holi’s roots are in Hinduism. The god Krishna, cursed by a demon with blue skin, complained to his mother, asking why his love interest Radha is fair while he is not. His mother, Yashoda, playfully suggests that he paint Radha’s face with any colors he wishes. So Krishna smears color on her so they look alike.

Holi is in part a celebration of the love between Krishna and Radha that looks past differences. Today, some of the gulal used during Holi is synthetic. But the colors traditionally come from natural ingredients, such as dried flowers, turmeric, dried leaves, grapes, berries, beetroot and tea.

“There is an environment of freedom,” Ms. Singhal said, adding that she doesn’t hesitate to throw colors on her younger brother, parents, aunts, uncles and neighbors.

Everyone takes part.

The ancient Hindu festival eschews the religious, societal, caste and political divisions that underpin India’s often sectarian society . Hindu or not, anybody can be splashed with brightly colored dust, or even eggs and beer.

Some partake in worship, called puja, offering prayers to the gods. For others, Holi is a celebration of community. The festival gets everyone involved — including innocent passers-by.

“People forget their misunderstandings or enmity during this occasion and again become friends,” said Ratikanta Singh, 63, who writes, sometimes about Holi, in Assam, in northeastern India.

There’s a feast.

When not throwing around gulal, friends, families and neighbors partake in a buffet of traditional dishes and drinks. They include gujiya, dumpling-like fried sweets filled with dried fruits and nuts; dahi vada, deep-fried lentil fritters served with yogurt; and kanji, a traditional drink made by fermenting carrots in water and spices.

Some celebrate Holi with thandai, a light green concoction of milk, rose petals, cardamom, almonds, fennel seeds and other ingredients. For thousands of years, the drink has sometimes been laced with bhang, or crushed marijuana leaves, which add to the mood of revelry.

Holi has ancient roots.

Holi has been documented for centuries in Hindu texts. The tradition is observed by people young and old, particularly in Northern India and Nepal, where the stories behind the festival originated.

Holi also marks the harvesting of crops with the arrival of spring in India, where more than half of the population lives in rural areas.

Traditions vary across India.

Holi celebrations are as diverse as the Indian subcontinent. They are particularly wild in North India, considered the birthplace of the Hindu god Krishna, where celebrations can last more than a week.

In Mathura, a northern city where Krishna is said to have been born, people recreate a Hindu story in which Krishna visits Radha to romance her, and her cowherd friends, taking offense at his advances, drive him out with sticks.

In the eastern state of Odisha, people hold a dayslong festival called Dola Purnima . Grand processions of people shouldering richly decorated carriages with idols of Hindu gods are a large part of the festivities there. The processions are full of drumbeats, songs, colorful powder and flower petals thrown into the air.

In southern India, where Holi is not celebrated as widely, many temples carry out religious rites. In the Kudumbi tribal community, in the southwest, temples cut areca palms and transport their trunks to the shrine in a ritual that symbolizes the victory good over evil.

It’s not just in India.

Holi is celebrated around the world, wherever the Indian diaspora has gone. More than 32 million Indians and people of Indian origin are overseas, most in the United States, where 4.4 million reside, according to the Indian government.

It is also widely enjoyed in countries as varied as Fiji, Mauritius, South Africa, Britain and other parts of Europe.

Holi is known as Phagwah in the Indian communities of the Caribbean, including in Guyana , Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.

The festival has also been used by the Indian government to project soft power and reshape its image as part of its “ Incredible India ” tourism campaign.

On Holi, “the world is a global village,” said Shubham Sachdeva, 29, from an eastern Delhi suburb, who added that his friends in the United States were celebrating Holi with their roommates whether they were Indian or not. “All this brings the world close to each other.”

An earlier version of a picture caption with this article misstated the location of a Holika Dahan celebration. It was in Durban, South Africa, not India.

How we handle corrections

John Yoon is a Times reporter based in Seoul who covers breaking and trending news. More about John Yoon

Hari Kumar covers India, based out of New Delhi. He has been a journalist for more than two decades. More about Hari Kumar

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  • The Case for Marrying an Older Man

A woman’s life is all work and little rest. An age gap relationship can help.

meaning of essay in nepali

In the summer, in the south of France, my husband and I like to play, rather badly, the lottery. We take long, scorching walks to the village — gratuitous beauty, gratuitous heat — kicking up dust and languid debates over how we’d spend such an influx. I purchase scratch-offs, jackpot tickets, scraping the former with euro coins in restaurants too fine for that. I never cash them in, nor do I check the winning numbers. For I already won something like the lotto, with its gifts and its curses, when he married me.

He is ten years older than I am. I chose him on purpose, not by chance. As far as life decisions go, on balance, I recommend it.

When I was 20 and a junior at Harvard College, a series of great ironies began to mock me. I could study all I wanted, prove myself as exceptional as I liked, and still my fiercest advantage remained so universal it deflated my other plans. My youth. The newness of my face and body. Compellingly effortless; cruelly fleeting. I shared it with the average, idle young woman shrugging down the street. The thought, when it descended on me, jolted my perspective, the way a falling leaf can make you look up: I could diligently craft an ideal existence, over years and years of sleepless nights and industry. Or I could just marry it early.

So naturally I began to lug a heavy suitcase of books each Saturday to the Harvard Business School to work on my Nabokov paper. In one cavernous, well-appointed room sat approximately 50 of the planet’s most suitable bachelors. I had high breasts, most of my eggs, plausible deniability when it came to purity, a flush ponytail, a pep in my step that had yet to run out. Apologies to Progress, but older men still desired those things.

I could not understand why my female classmates did not join me, given their intelligence. Each time I reconsidered the project, it struck me as more reasonable. Why ignore our youth when it amounted to a superpower? Why assume the burdens of womanhood, its too-quick-to-vanish upper hand, but not its brief benefits at least? Perhaps it came easier to avoid the topic wholesale than to accept that women really do have a tragically short window of power, and reason enough to take advantage of that fact while they can. As for me, I liked history, Victorian novels, knew of imminent female pitfalls from all the books I’d read: vampiric boyfriends; labor, at the office and in the hospital, expected simultaneously; a decline in status as we aged, like a looming eclipse. I’d have disliked being called calculating, but I had, like all women, a calculator in my head. I thought it silly to ignore its answers when they pointed to an unfairness for which we really ought to have been preparing.

I was competitive by nature, an English-literature student with all the corresponding major ambitions and minor prospects (Great American novel; email job). A little Bovarist , frantic for new places and ideas; to travel here, to travel there, to be in the room where things happened. I resented the callow boys in my class, who lusted after a particular, socially sanctioned type on campus: thin and sexless, emotionally detached and socially connected, the opposite of me. Restless one Saturday night, I slipped on a red dress and snuck into a graduate-school event, coiling an HDMI cord around my wrist as proof of some technical duty. I danced. I drank for free, until one of the organizers asked me to leave. I called and climbed into an Uber. Then I promptly climbed out of it. For there he was, emerging from the revolving doors. Brown eyes, curved lips, immaculate jacket. I went to him, asked him for a cigarette. A date, days later. A second one, where I discovered he was a person, potentially my favorite kind: funny, clear-eyed, brilliant, on intimate terms with the universe.

I used to love men like men love women — that is, not very well, and with a hunger driven only by my own inadequacies. Not him. In those early days, I spoke fondly of my family, stocked the fridge with his favorite pasta, folded his clothes more neatly than I ever have since. I wrote his mother a thank-you note for hosting me in his native France, something befitting a daughter-in-law. It worked; I meant it. After graduation and my fellowship at Oxford, I stayed in Europe for his career and married him at 23.

Of course I just fell in love. Romances have a setting; I had only intervened to place myself well. Mainly, I spotted the precise trouble of being a woman ahead of time, tried to surf it instead of letting it drown me on principle. I had grown bored of discussions of fair and unfair, equal or unequal , and preferred instead to consider a thing called ease.

The reception of a particular age-gap relationship depends on its obviousness. The greater and more visible the difference in years and status between a man and a woman, the more it strikes others as transactional. Transactional thinking in relationships is both as American as it gets and the least kosher subject in the American romantic lexicon. When a 50-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman walk down the street, the questions form themselves inside of you; they make you feel cynical and obscene: How good of a deal is that? Which party is getting the better one? Would I take it? He is older. Income rises with age, so we assume he has money, at least relative to her; at minimum, more connections and experience. She has supple skin. Energy. Sex. Maybe she gets a Birkin. Maybe he gets a baby long after his prime. The sight of their entwined hands throws a lucid light on the calculations each of us makes, in love, to varying degrees of denial. You could get married in the most romantic place in the world, like I did, and you would still have to sign a contract.

Twenty and 30 is not like 30 and 40; some freshness to my features back then, some clumsiness in my bearing, warped our decade, in the eyes of others, to an uncrossable gulf. Perhaps this explains the anger we felt directed at us at the start of our relationship. People seemed to take us very, very personally. I recall a hellish car ride with a friend of his who began to castigate me in the backseat, in tones so low that only I could hear him. He told me, You wanted a rich boyfriend. You chased and snuck into parties . He spared me the insult of gold digger, but he drew, with other words, the outline for it. Most offended were the single older women, my husband’s classmates. They discussed me in the bathroom at parties when I was in the stall. What does he see in her? What do they talk about? They were concerned about me. They wielded their concern like a bludgeon. They paraphrased without meaning to my favorite line from Nabokov’s Lolita : “You took advantage of my disadvantage,” suspecting me of some weakness he in turn mined. It did not disturb them, so much, to consider that all relationships were trades. The trouble was the trade I’d made struck them as a bad one.

The truth is you can fall in love with someone for all sorts of reasons, tiny transactions, pluses and minuses, whose sum is your affection for each other, your loyalty, your commitment. The way someone picks up your favorite croissant. Their habit of listening hard. What they do for you on your anniversary and your reciprocal gesture, wrapped thoughtfully. The serenity they inspire; your happiness, enlivening it. When someone says they feel unappreciated, what they really mean is you’re in debt to them.

When I think of same-age, same-stage relationships, what I tend to picture is a woman who is doing too much for too little.

I’m 27 now, and most women my age have “partners.” These days, girls become partners quite young. A partner is supposed to be a modern answer to the oppression of marriage, the terrible feeling of someone looming over you, head of a household to which you can only ever be the neck. Necks are vulnerable. The problem with a partner, however, is if you’re equal in all things, you compromise in all things. And men are too skilled at taking .

There is a boy out there who knows how to floss because my friend taught him. Now he kisses college girls with fresh breath. A boy married to my friend who doesn’t know how to pack his own suitcase. She “likes to do it for him.” A million boys who know how to touch a woman, who go to therapy because they were pushed, who learned fidelity, boundaries, decency, manners, to use a top sheet and act humanely beneath it, to call their mothers, match colors, bring flowers to a funeral and inhale, exhale in the face of rage, because some girl, some girl we know, some girl they probably don’t speak to and will never, ever credit, took the time to teach him. All while she was working, raising herself, clawing up the cliff-face of adulthood. Hauling him at her own expense.

I find a post on Reddit where five thousand men try to define “ a woman’s touch .” They describe raised flower beds, blankets, photographs of their loved ones, not hers, sprouting on the mantel overnight. Candles, coasters, side tables. Someone remembering to take lint out of the dryer. To give compliments. I wonder what these women are getting back. I imagine them like Cinderella’s mice, scurrying around, their sole proof of life their contributions to a more central character. On occasion I meet a nice couple, who grew up together. They know each other with a fraternalism tender and alien to me.  But I think of all my friends who failed at this, were failed at this, and I think, No, absolutely not, too risky . Riskier, sometimes, than an age gap.

My younger brother is in his early 20s, handsome, successful, but in many ways: an endearing disaster. By his age, I had long since wisened up. He leaves his clothes in the dryer, takes out a single shirt, steams it for three minutes. His towel on the floor, for someone else to retrieve. His lovely, same-age girlfriend is aching to fix these tendencies, among others. She is capable beyond words. Statistically, they will not end up together. He moved into his first place recently, and she, the girlfriend, supplied him with a long, detailed list of things he needed for his apartment: sheets, towels, hangers, a colander, which made me laugh. She picked out his couch. I will bet you anything she will fix his laundry habits, and if so, they will impress the next girl. If they break up, she will never see that couch again, and he will forget its story. I tell her when I visit because I like her, though I get in trouble for it: You shouldn’t do so much for him, not for someone who is not stuck with you, not for any boy, not even for my wonderful brother.

Too much work had left my husband, by 30, jaded and uninspired. He’d burned out — but I could reenchant things. I danced at restaurants when they played a song I liked. I turned grocery shopping into an adventure, pleased by what I provided. Ambitious, hungry, he needed someone smart enough to sustain his interest, but flexible enough in her habits to build them around his hours. I could. I do: read myself occupied, make myself free, materialize beside him when he calls for me. In exchange, I left a lucrative but deadening spreadsheet job to write full-time, without having to live like a writer. I learned to cook, a little, and decorate, somewhat poorly. Mostly I get to read, to walk central London and Miami and think in delicious circles, to work hard, when necessary, for free, and write stories for far less than minimum wage when I tally all the hours I take to write them.

At 20, I had felt daunted by the project of becoming my ideal self, couldn’t imagine doing it in tandem with someone, two raw lumps of clay trying to mold one another and only sullying things worse. I’d go on dates with boys my age and leave with the impression they were telling me not about themselves but some person who didn’t exist yet and on whom I was meant to bet regardless. My husband struck me instead as so finished, formed. Analyzable for compatibility. He bore the traces of other women who’d improved him, small but crucial basics like use a coaster ; listen, don’t give advice. Young egos mellow into patience and generosity.

My husband isn’t my partner. He’s my mentor, my lover, and, only in certain contexts, my friend. I’ll never forget it, how he showed me around our first place like he was introducing me to myself: This is the wine you’ll drink, where you’ll keep your clothes, we vacation here, this is the other language we’ll speak, you’ll learn it, and I did. Adulthood seemed a series of exhausting obligations. But his logistics ran so smoothly that he simply tacked mine on. I moved into his flat, onto his level, drag and drop, cleaner thrice a week, bills automatic. By opting out of partnership in my 20s, I granted myself a kind of compartmentalized, liberating selfishness none of my friends have managed. I am the work in progress, the party we worry about, a surprising dominance. When I searched for my first job, at 21, we combined our efforts, for my sake. He had wisdom to impart, contacts with whom he arranged coffees; we spent an afternoon, laughing, drawing up earnest lists of my pros and cons (highly sociable; sloppy math). Meanwhile, I took calls from a dear friend who had a boyfriend her age. Both savagely ambitious, hyperclose and entwined in each other’s projects. If each was a start-up , the other was the first hire, an intense dedication I found riveting. Yet every time she called me, I hung up with the distinct feeling that too much was happening at the same time: both learning to please a boss; to forge more adult relationships with their families; to pay bills and taxes and hang prints on the wall. Neither had any advice to give and certainly no stability. I pictured a three-legged race, two people tied together and hobbling toward every milestone.

I don’t fool myself. My marriage has its cons. There are only so many times one can say “thank you” — for splendid scenes, fine dinners — before the phrase starts to grate. I live in an apartment whose rent he pays and that shapes the freedom with which I can ever be angry with him. He doesn’t have to hold it over my head. It just floats there, complicating usual shorthands to explain dissatisfaction like, You aren’t being supportive lately . It’s a Frenchism to say, “Take a decision,” and from time to time I joke: from whom? Occasionally I find myself in some fabulous country at some fabulous party and I think what a long way I have traveled, like a lucky cloud, and it is frightening to think of oneself as vapor.

Mostly I worry that if he ever betrayed me and I had to move on, I would survive, but would find in my humor, preferences, the way I make coffee or the bed nothing that he did not teach, change, mold, recompose, stamp with his initials, the way Renaissance painters hid in their paintings their faces among a crowd. I wonder if when they looked at their paintings, they saw their own faces first. But this is the wrong question, if our aim is happiness. Like the other question on which I’m expected to dwell: Who is in charge, the man who drives or the woman who put him there so she could enjoy herself? I sit in the car, in the painting it would have taken me a corporate job and 20 years to paint alone, and my concern over who has the upper hand becomes as distant as the horizon, the one he and I made so wide for me.

To be a woman is to race against the clock, in several ways, until there is nothing left to be but run ragged.

We try to put it off, but it will hit us at some point: that we live in a world in which our power has a different shape from that of men, a different distribution of advantage, ours a funnel and theirs an expanding cone. A woman at 20 rarely has to earn her welcome; a boy at 20 will be turned away at the door. A woman at 30 may find a younger woman has taken her seat; a man at 30 will have invited her. I think back to the women in the bathroom, my husband’s classmates. What was my relationship if not an inconvertible sign of this unfairness? What was I doing, in marrying older, if not endorsing it? I had taken advantage of their disadvantage. I had preempted my own. After all, principled women are meant to defy unfairness, to show some integrity or denial, not plan around it, like I had. These were driven women, successful, beautiful, capable. I merely possessed the one thing they had already lost. In getting ahead of the problem, had I pushed them down? If I hadn’t, would it really have made any difference?

When we decided we wanted to be equal to men, we got on men’s time. We worked when they worked, retired when they retired, had to squeeze pregnancy, children, menopause somewhere impossibly in the margins. I have a friend, in her late 20s, who wears a mood ring; these days it is often red, flickering in the air like a siren when she explains her predicament to me. She has raised her fair share of same-age boyfriends. She has put her head down, worked laboriously alongside them, too. At last she is beginning to reap the dividends, earning the income to finally enjoy herself. But it is now, exactly at this precipice of freedom and pleasure, that a time problem comes closing in. If she would like to have children before 35, she must begin her next profession, motherhood, rather soon, compromising inevitably her original one. The same-age partner, equally unsettled in his career, will take only the minimum time off, she guesses, or else pay some cost which will come back to bite her. Everything unfailingly does. If she freezes her eggs to buy time, the decision and its logistics will burden her singly — and perhaps it will not work. Overlay the years a woman is supposed to establish herself in her career and her fertility window and it’s a perfect, miserable circle. By midlife women report feeling invisible, undervalued; it is a telling cliché, that after all this, some husbands leave for a younger girl. So when is her time, exactly? For leisure, ease, liberty? There is no brand of feminism which achieved female rest. If women’s problem in the ’50s was a paralyzing malaise, now it is that they are too active, too capable, never permitted a vacation they didn’t plan. It’s not that our efforts to have it all were fated for failure. They simply weren’t imaginative enough.

For me, my relationship, with its age gap, has alleviated this rush , permitted me to massage the clock, shift its hands to my benefit. Very soon, we will decide to have children, and I don’t panic over last gasps of fun, because I took so many big breaths of it early: on the holidays of someone who had worked a decade longer than I had, in beautiful places when I was young and beautiful, a symmetry I recommend. If such a thing as maternal energy exists, mine was never depleted. I spent the last nearly seven years supported more than I support and I am still not as old as my husband was when he met me. When I have a child, I will expect more help from him than I would if he were younger, for what does professional tenure earn you if not the right to set more limits on work demands — or, if not, to secure some child care, at the very least? When I return to work after maternal upheaval, he will aid me, as he’s always had, with his ability to put himself aside, as younger men are rarely able.

Above all, the great gift of my marriage is flexibility. A chance to live my life before I become responsible for someone else’s — a lover’s, or a child’s. A chance to write. A chance at a destiny that doesn’t adhere rigidly to the routines and timelines of men, but lends itself instead to roomy accommodation, to the very fluidity Betty Friedan dreamed of in 1963 in The Feminine Mystique , but we’ve largely forgotten: some career or style of life that “permits year-to-year variation — a full-time paid job in one community, part-time in another, exercise of the professional skill in serious volunteer work or a period of study during pregnancy or early motherhood when a full-time job is not feasible.” Some things are just not feasible in our current structures. Somewhere along the way we stopped admitting that, and all we did was make women feel like personal failures. I dream of new structures, a world in which women have entry-level jobs in their 30s; alternate avenues for promotion; corporate ladders with balconies on which they can stand still, have a smoke, take a break, make a baby, enjoy themselves, before they keep climbing. Perhaps men long for this in their own way. Actually I am sure of that.

Once, when we first fell in love, I put my head in his lap on a long car ride; I remember his hands on my face, the sun, the twisting turns of a mountain road, surprising and not surprising us like our romance, and his voice, telling me that it was his biggest regret that I was so young, he feared he would lose me. Last week, we looked back at old photos and agreed we’d given each other our respective best years. Sometimes real equality is not so obvious, sometimes it takes turns, sometimes it takes almost a decade to reveal itself.

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    Description. In line with the Constitution of Nepal 2015 and international commitment, gender equality and social inclusion is at the forefront of the national agenda, and the Government of Nepal highlights the need for further efforts to improve the status of women, Dalits, Madhesis, Muslims, Indigenous peoples/Nationalities, gender and sexual minorities, Minority groups, persons with ...

  25. Argument meaning in Nepali

    to melt, to dissolve, (person) to be pale and emaciated, to be tired, to get exhausted, to be zapped, (argument) to be convinced, argumentative, logical, reasonable, muffler, scarf, useless argument, to argue, to discuss, to have an argument, to hold a discussion, to hold talks, useless argument, useless argument.

  26. What to Know About Holi, India's Most Colorful Tradition

    The ancient festival has Hindu roots, but growing numbers worldwide are taking part in the celebration, which features bonfires, singing, dancing, prayer, feasting and clouds of pigmented powder.

  27. Age Gap Relationships: The Case for Marrying an Older Man

    The reception of a particular age-gap relationship depends on its obviousness. The greater and more visible the difference in years and status between a man and a woman, the more it strikes others as transactional. Transactional thinking in relationships is both as American as it gets and the least kosher subject in the American romantic lexicon.