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45 Public Speaking Topics and Ideas

October 4, 2018 - Helen Hooper

Do you enjoy standing up in front of a large audience and making a speech? Or do you get so nervous that you forget what you were going to tell the audience about?

If the answer to the second question is “yes,” then you’re not alone. Many people, including well-known entrepreneurs, politicians, and actors, aren’t fans of public speaking. For example, did you know that Richard Branson is among them? Yes, one of the best entrepreneurs in history has a real far of public speaking!

“I loathe making speeches, and always have,”  Branson admitted  in one of the interviews. “Over the years, however, I have become much more practiced at giving speeches, though it still makes me a bit nervous.”

Richard Branson giving a public speech

“Fortunately, the fear of public speaking shouldn’t be an insurmountable obstacle for you with some learning and practice,” says Gordon Stevens, a motivational coach. “The more you develop your skills, the more confident you’ll feel during your speeches.”

Moreover, having strong public skills can greatly boost your career and improve your position in the labor market.  Warren Buffet stated  “you can improve your value by 50 percent just by learning communication skills – public speaking”

So, whether you’re looking for topics for your next public speech or just for practice, take a look at these 45 ideas, including tips on how to choose the best ones for your purpose.

Public speaking topics

Category: science.

1. Why humans should colonize mars

Let’s be honest here, humans are endangered species because all of us live only on one planet. Colonizing mars increases the chance of long-term survival of humankind and has many other benefits, so it’s definitely a great topic to talk about.

2. When will AI exceed human performance?

It’s one of the most discussed topics in science right now because AI has been developing at an amazing speed in the recent years. So, there are tons of quality materials to retrieve information from, such as  this article from cornell university .

3. What is the future of commercial space flight?

Elon musk has recently announced the name of the first space tourist who will orbit the moon several times on SpaceX’s most advanced spacecraft, the BFR. When do you think this will happen?

4. Should nanotechnology research continue?

With all the risks and ethical issues that nanotechnology research is facing now, it could be an interesting topic to discuss.

5. Should we bring extinct species back from the dead?

Animal cloning is becoming more common, so cloning extinct species appears to be a matter of time. But should we really bring back animals like mammoths? What would we do with them if we succeed?

6. Potential for super greenhouse effect on earth

Global warming is the real thing, and governments around the world are starting to take this issue seriously. But where are we on our way to triggering a runaway greenhouse effect that turned our neighboring planet Venus into a hellish world?

7. What is gene therapy?

For example, could we use it to prevent diseases and conditions?

8. Why whales should not be hunted for food

Also an interesting topic that touches upon one of the most relevant issues in environmental health.

9. Stephen Hawking’s contributions to science

One of the greatest minds in history, Stephen Hawking, passed away recently, so it would be great to share his main contributions to science.

10. When will the next solar superflare hit earth?

The scientists know it’s coming, but can we make some predictions?

Category: self-development and self-help topics

11. How can you improve public speaking skills?

Why not, right?

12. What leadership style is the most suitable for your personality?

There are a number of leadership styles, so finding out which one suits you is an interesting idea.

13. How to get a fresh start after a breakup / divorce?

14. Why you should become a freelancer

15. Why being lazy isn’t always a bad thing

16. What Richard Branson recommends to everyone to make everyday a success

Here are  some materials  for you to start researching.

17. Why you should visit at least 5 countries by the time you’re 30

18. Gluten isn’t bad for health

19. Scientific evidence on why you shouldn’t skip your breakfast

20. Why success if often an extreme tolerance for failure (Jeff Bezos experience)

Jeff Bezos is an excellent example of a person who  thinks of a failure as a chance to learn .

Category: society

21. Do professional athletes make too much money?

22. Why the your country should promote legal immigration

23. Is it possible to eliminate poverty in every country in the world?

24. The internet should be free for everyone

25. Why punishing children for bullying others isn’t a solution

This conversation article  has some good ideas on that for you to explore.

26. The U.S. should encourage the spirit of volunteerism

27. Society should make monopolies illegal

28. Is our society too dependent on technology?

29. Why we need to support local businesses

30. Being gay: choice or nature?

31. Cell phone use while driving should be banned in all U.S. states.

Category: workplace

32. How to spot a toxic employee?

33. Give 5 reasons why we should abolish tipping restaurant servers

This Huffington Post article  will be of great help to you on this topic.

34. Why the minimum wage should be raised?

35. Top reasons why best employees invest in employee wellness programs

36. The best ways to increase employee engagement for better performance

37. Should age discrimination be a criminal offence?

38. All internships should be paid internships

39. The minimum age for unsupervised driving should be raised to 18

40. LGBT workers are protected from workplace discrimination.

Category: controversial

41. Airline passengers should sacrifice their privacy for the sake of flight safety

42. Your government should promote conservation

43. Your government should make animal testing illegal

44. The use of the internet by teens should be limited

45. The internet contributes to media bias

How to choose a public speaking topic?

Check out these quick tips for picking a great topic:

  • Choose a topic that you’re fairly familiar with or have an interest in. This might help you to include some personal experience as a bonus to your speech.
  • Know your audience. Your topic should always resemble the interests of your audience, otherwise they could find it boring. In this case, you’ll be wasting yours and their time.
  • Pick up a hot topic that describes a current event, place, or process.

Read this article for additional information on  choosing a public speaking topic .

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communication skills topics for speech

112 Persuasive Speech Topics That Are Actually Engaging

What’s covered:, how to pick an awesome persuasive speech topic, 112 engaging persuasive speech topics, tips for preparing your persuasive speech.

Writing a stellar persuasive speech requires a carefully crafted argument that will resonate with your audience to sway them to your side. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start.

When it comes time to select a topic for your persuasive speech, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options to choose from—or your brain may be drawing a completely blank slate. If you’re having trouble thinking of the perfect topic, don’t worry. We’re here to help!

In this post, we’re sharing how to choose the perfect persuasive speech topic and tips to prepare for your speech. Plus, you’ll find 112 persuasive speech topics that you can take directly from us or use as creative inspiration for your own ideas!

Choose Something You’re Passionate About

It’s much easier to write, research, and deliver a speech about a cause you care about. Even if it’s challenging to find a topic that completely sparks your interest, try to choose a topic that aligns with your passions.

However, keep in mind that not everyone has the same interests as you. Try to choose a general topic to grab the attention of the majority of your audience, but one that’s specific enough to keep them engaged.

For example, suppose you’re giving a persuasive speech about book censorship. In that case, it’s probably too niche to talk about why “To Kill a Mockingbird” shouldn’t be censored (even if it’s your favorite book), and it’s too broad to talk about media censorship in general.

Steer Clear of Cliches

Have you already heard a persuasive speech topic presented dozens of times? If so, it’s probably not an excellent choice for your speech—even if it’s an issue you’re incredibly passionate about.

Although polarizing topics like abortion and climate control are important to discuss, they aren’t great persuasive speech topics. Most people have already formed an opinion on these topics, which will either cause them to tune out or have a negative impression of your speech.

Instead, choose topics that are fresh, unique, and new. If your audience has never heard your idea presented before, they will be more open to your argument and engaged in your speech.

Have a Clear Side of Opposition

For a persuasive speech to be engaging, there must be a clear side of opposition. To help determine the arguability of your topic, ask yourself: “If I presented my viewpoint on this topic to a group of peers, would someone disagree with me?” If the answer is yes, then you’ve chosen a great topic!

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for what it takes to choose a great persuasive speech topic, here are over one hundred options for you to choose from.

  • Should high school athletes get tested for steroids?
  • Should schools be required to have physical education courses?
  • Should sports grades in school depend on things like athletic ability?
  • What sport should be added to or removed from the Olympics?
  • Should college athletes be able to make money off of their merchandise?
  • Should sports teams be able to recruit young athletes without a college degree?
  • Should we consider video gamers as professional athletes?
  • Is cheerleading considered a sport?
  • Should parents allow their kids to play contact sports?
  • Should professional female athletes be paid the same as professional male athletes?
  • Should college be free at the undergraduate level?
  • Is the traditional college experience obsolete?
  • Should you choose a major based on your interests or your potential salary?
  • Should high school students have to meet a required number of service hours before graduating?
  • Should teachers earn more or less based on how their students perform on standardized tests?
  • Are private high schools more effective than public high schools?
  • Should there be a minimum number of attendance days required to graduate?
  • Are GPAs harmful or helpful?
  • Should schools be required to teach about standardized testing?
  • Should Greek Life be banned in the United States?
  • Should schools offer science classes explicitly about mental health?
  • Should students be able to bring their cell phones to school?
  • Should all public restrooms be all-gender?
  • Should undocumented immigrants have the same employment and education opportunities as citizens?
  • Should everyone be paid a living wage regardless of their employment status?
  • Should supremacist groups be able to hold public events?
  • Should guns be allowed in public places?
  • Should the national drinking age be lowered?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Should the government raise or lower the retirement age?
  • Should the government be able to control the population?
  • Is the death penalty ethical?


  • Should stores charge customers for plastic bags?
  • Should breeding animals (dogs, cats, etc.) be illegal?
  • Is it okay to have exotic animals as pets?
  • Should people be fined for not recycling?
  • Should compost bins become mandatory for restaurants?
  • Should electric vehicles have their own transportation infrastructure?
  • Would heavier fining policies reduce corporations’ emissions?
  • Should hunting be encouraged or illegal?
  • Should reusable diapers replace disposable diapers?

Science & Technology

  • Is paper media more reliable than digital news sources?
  • Should automated/self-driving cars be legalized?
  • Should schools be required to provide laptops to all students?
  • Should software companies be able to have pre-downloaded programs and applications on devices?
  • Should drones be allowed in military warfare?
  • Should scientists invest more or less money into cancer research?
  • Should cloning be illegal?
  • Should societies colonize other planets?
  • Should there be legal oversight over the development of technology?

Social Media

  • Should there be an age limit on social media?
  • Should cyberbullying have the same repercussions as in-person bullying?
  • Are online relationships as valuable as in-person relationships?
  • Does “cancel culture” have a positive or negative impact on societies?
  • Are social media platforms reliable information or news sources?
  • Should social media be censored?
  • Does social media create an unrealistic standard of beauty?
  • Is regular social media usage damaging to real-life interactions?
  • Is social media distorting democracy?
  • How many branches of government should there be?
  • Who is the best/worst president of all time?
  • How long should judges serve in the U.S. Supreme Court?
  • Should a more significant portion of the U.S. budget be contributed towards education?
  • Should the government invest in rapid transcontinental transportation infrastructure?
  • Should airport screening be more or less stringent?
  • Should the electoral college be dismantled?
  • Should the U.S. have open borders?
  • Should the government spend more or less money on space exploration?
  • Should students sing Christmas carols, say the pledge of allegiance, or perform other tangentially religious activities?
  • Should nuns and priests become genderless roles?
  • Should schools and other public buildings have prayer rooms?
  • Should animal sacrifice be legal if it occurs in a religious context?
  • Should countries be allowed to impose a national religion on their citizens?
  • Should the church be separated from the state?
  • Does freedom of religion positively or negatively affect societies?

Parenting & Family

  • Is it better to have children at a younger or older age?
  • Is it better for children to go to daycare or stay home with their parents?
  • Does birth order affect personality?
  • Should parents or the school system teach their kids about sex?
  • Are family traditions important?
  • Should parents smoke or drink around young children?
  • Should “spanking” children be illegal?
  • Should parents use swear words in front of their children?
  • Should parents allow their children to play violent video games?


  • Should all actors be paid the same regardless of gender or ethnicity?
  • Should all award shows be based on popular vote?
  • Who should be responsible for paying taxes on prize money, the game show staff or the contestants?
  • Should movies and television shows have ethnicity and gender quotas?
  • Should newspapers and magazines move to a completely online format?
  • Should streaming services like Netflix and Hulu be free for students?
  • Is the movie rating system still effective?
  • Should celebrities have more privacy rights?

Arts & Humanities

  • Are libraries becoming obsolete?
  • Should all schools have mandatory art or music courses in their curriculum?
  • Should offensive language be censored from classic literary works?
  • Is it ethical for museums to keep indigenous artifacts?
  • Should digital designs be considered an art form? 
  • Should abstract art be considered an art form?
  • Is music therapy effective?
  • Should tattoos be regarded as “professional dress” for work?
  • Should schools place greater emphasis on the arts programs?
  • Should euthanasia be allowed in hospitals and other clinical settings?
  • Should the government support and implement universal healthcare?
  • Would obesity rates lower if the government intervened to make healthy foods more affordable?
  • Should teenagers be given access to birth control pills without parental consent?
  • Should food allergies be considered a disease?
  • Should health insurance cover homeopathic medicine?
  • Is using painkillers healthy?
  • Should genetically modified foods be banned?
  • Should there be a tax on unhealthy foods?
  • Should tobacco products be banned from the country?
  • Should the birth control pill be free for everyone?

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you can  use CollegeVine’s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original persuasive speech ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

Do Your Research

A great persuasive speech is supported with plenty of well-researched facts and evidence. So before you begin the writing process, research both sides of the topic you’re presenting in-depth to gain a well-rounded perspective of the topic.

Understand Your Audience

It’s critical to understand your audience to deliver a great persuasive speech. After all, you are trying to convince them that your viewpoint is correct. Before writing your speech, consider the facts and information that your audience may already know, and think about the beliefs and concerns they may have about your topic. Then, address these concerns in your speech, and be mindful to include fresh, new information.

Have Someone Read Your Speech

Once you have finished writing your speech, have someone read it to check for areas of strength and improvement. You can use CollegeVine’s free essay review tool to get feedback on your speech from a peer!

Practice Makes Perfect

After completing your final draft, the key to success is to practice. Present your speech out loud in front of a mirror, your family, friends, and basically, anyone who will listen. Not only will the feedback of others help you to make your speech better, but you’ll become more confident in your presentation skills and may even be able to commit your speech to memory.

Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to write a powerful, unique persuasive speech. With the perfect topic, plenty of practice, and a boost of self-confidence, we know you’ll impress your audience with a remarkable speech!

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60 Interesting Public Speaking Topics to Engage Your Audience


If you’re the type of person who gets head spinningly, palms-sweaty nervous when asked to make a public speech, you’re certainly not alone. As intimating and intimidating as it may seem, it’s true that having the ability to confidently stand in front of an audience and deliver a speech can be a super useful tool. Not only could it bring you better marks in school, it’ll also come in handy in future job applications, leadership positions, and even in everyday conversation. Now that you’re serious about conquering public speaking , the next step is knowing what to say. We’ve got your back on this one. Here’s a list of 60 interesting public speaking topics which promise to keep your audience engaged and eager to hear what you have to say. Customize them however you please, add more information and ideas of your own, and let your ideas do the talking! Let’s get going!

Interesting Public Speaking Topics

Public speaking provides a unique opportunity for speakers to share their opinions, experiences, and knowledge in an interesting way. Interesting public speaking topics can range from controversial to informative, from historical to present day, from fun to serious. When selecting a topic , it’s important to consider the interests of your audience as well as what you can provide appropriate supporting information on. Controversial or opinion-based topics can be engaging, but it’s important that all sides of the argument are presented fairly and no one in the audience is disparaged or excluded. Additionally, providing both sides of an argument here helps inform your audience and may even expose them to different perspectives. Informative topics are great for teaching audiences about specific subjects or movements, while delivering the information in an entertaining and interesting way. Explain how each piece fits into the bigger picture and build suspense throughout your talk. Additionally, if you have personal stories associated with the topic, by all means include them; these stories help make your presentation more memorable and engaging for your audience. Historical topics provide excellent fodder for a public speaking engagement; beyond teaching about specific events that occurred in our past, you can also shed light on important dates in history or major events of the past century. Providing context helps bring to life lessons from those points in time that still influence us today. Current events are also great platforms for public speaking – highlighting what is happening now provides a powerful connection between speaker and audience as everyone is probably equally (or almost equally) knowledgeable about it—and if not? You get to teach them! When presenting current events as your topic, make sure you use up-to-date sources and highlight any compliance changes or other political matters that could affect your audience directly. Now let’s move on to discuss current events as an interesting public speaking topic…

Current Events

When it comes to public speaking, current events make for a highly engaging topics. Depending on the agenda and purpose of the speech, current events can be used either to inform and educate the audience or to galvanize support and motivate action. When dealing with current events, speakers should strive to remain impartial while bringing forth both sides of the argument. For example, if the event is to discuss international trade policy in light of recent tariffs disputes between major trading partners, speakers should present both advantages and disadvantages of increased tariffs. Understanding the core issue at hand without commenting on the efficacy of each side’s policies is key in order to maintain an impartial outlook. Similarly, when addressing a complex social issue like discrimination against minority groups or income equality, it is important to provide a sober and nuanced overview of the issue while ensuring that all sides are properly represented. Naturally, as certain issues become particularly salient in the public debate , more detailed analysis may be necessary in order to provide a full account of the situation. With that said, presenters must always exercise caution when discussing hot-button topics so as not to alienate any portion of their audience. Finally, speakers may choose to conclude their discussion by proposing a plan for action or connecting their topic with wider implications for society. As such, choosing current events as one’s topic allows for an opportunity to create real change that can have tangible benefits for members of their audience. With this potential impact in mind, let us now explore creative ideas that are just as interesting but offer a different approach.

10 Current Events Topics

  • COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on society, economy, and healthcare systems
  • Climate change and environmental issues, including wildfires, hurricanes, and rising sea levels
  • Global politics and international relations, including tensions between countries and geopolitical conflicts
  • Technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence, automation, and the future of work
  • Social justice movements, including Black Lives Matter and #MeToo, and their impact on society
  • Mental health and wellbeing, including the effects of the pandemic on mental health and access to mental health services
  • Education and the challenges of remote learning and hybrid learning models
  • Immigration and refugee crises, including the global response and the impact on individuals and communities
  • Economic inequality and the wealth gap, including the effects of the pandemic on job losses and income disparities
  • The role of media and technology in shaping public opinion and discourse, including issues of censorship and misinformation.

Fun Public Speaking Topics

Public speaking can be an incredibly effective method of communication and expressing ideas to an audience. When selecting a topic for a public speaking event, it is important to choose one that will be engaging, exciting and entertaining . Fun public speaking topics are a great way to captivate your audience’s attention. Some fun topics popular today include conspiracy theories, humorous anecdotes and weird trivia questions. In addition to topics that can evoke laughter, you could opt for a conversation-like approach by selecting topics tailored towards discussing or debating current events or pop culture trends. This type of discussion creates a sense of involvement amongst your listeners, as they are likely to have their own opinions on the subject matter at hand. Knowing the interests of your audience makes it easier to pick one of these types of interesting conversation starters. Yet another type of enjoyable public speaking topic is one related to personal experience. By sharing stories from your own life you can create a connection with your audience because they realize you are not only knowledgeable about academic subjects but also about human experiences. For example, you could talk about how traveling abroad changed your perspective or how volunteer work with animals opened up new opportunities in your life. No matter what route you take, having a fun element in each speech encourages conversations , making it more engaging for the listener.

Here are 10 fun topics for public speaking:

  • The science of laughter and how it can improve mental and physical health
  • The history of popular board games and how they have evolved over time
  • The art of cake decorating and how to create beautiful and delicious desserts
  • The world of cosplay and the art of creating intricate costumes
  • The benefits of travel and tips for planning the perfect vacation
  • The world of online gaming and the rise of esports
  • The history of memes and how they have impacted popular culture
  • The art of mixology and how to make creative cocktails at home
  • The joys and challenges of pet ownership and the benefits of having a furry friend
  • The world of improv comedy and how to master the art of improvisation.

These fun public speaking topics spark imagination and interest from all those involved in the discussion. While brainstorming ideas, it is important to keep in mind that the topic should contain enough material to elaborate upon while maintaining a lighthearted spirit; balance is key!

Controversial Public Speaking Topics

Controversial public speaking topics can be excellent ways to engage your audience and spark a lively discussion. It is best to keep the language used respectful, as well as being mindful of the makeup of the audience you are presenting to. Popular controversial public speaking topics range from opinions about current events and politics, religion, gender roles and LGBTQ issues, amongst other things. When debating each side of the argument, it is important to make sure that one doesn’t invalidate or insult the opposing views.

Here are 10 controversial public speaking topics:

  • Gun control and the right to bear arms
  • Abortion and reproductive rights
  • Capital punishment and the death penalty
  • Immigration policy and border control
  • Affirmative action and equal opportunity employment
  • LGBTQ+ rights and marriage equality
  • The legalization of marijuana and other drugs
  • Animal rights and animal testing
  • Freedom of speech and hate speech laws
  • Climate change and the role of humans in causing and combating it.

No matter which topic you decide to explore, controversial public speaking topics provide a great opportunity for learning experiences. With great research beforehand, ambitious speakers can use these occasions to inform their audiences in meaningful ways. Moving on to the next section, motivational public speaking topics have become increasingly popular within the last several years. This type of speech aims to inspire its audience by inciting positive feelings and emotions while promoting an inspiring idea or action plan.

Key Points to Remember

Controversial public speaking topics can be engaging to an audience, but the language used should remain respectful regardless of opinions held. Popular topics include current events, politics, religion, gender roles, and LGBTQ issues. When debating both sides of a controversial argument, it is important not to insult or invalidate another viewpoint. Controversial public speaking gives speakers a great opportunity to enhance learning experiences with thorough research and information .

Motivational Public Speaking Topics

Motivation is a powerful tool that can influence and inspire people to realize their potential and reach unseen levels of success. When applied effectively, motivational public speaking topics can be incredibly impactful and help an audience take action on ideas they can implement in their daily life. The key to delivering an effective motivational talk is to focus on the idea of progress. Talk about how something good can be accomplished over time if dedication and hard work are continually applied. Present stories of real-life successes, as well as struggles, to illustrate these points and increase the audience’s engagement level. Make sure to inject positive energy into your speech by outlining strategies the audience can use to stay motivated while achieving their goals. By presenting topics in a motivational manner, you can help ensure that members of your audience feel encouraged, empowered, and inspired. If you are debating a controversial topic, make sure to present both sides of the argument within the same motivating framework.

Here are 10 motivational public speaking topics:

  • Overcoming obstacles and achieving success
  • Finding purpose and meaning in life
  • Building self-confidence and self-esteem
  • The power of perseverance and determination
  • Mindfulness and living in the present moment
  • Overcoming fear and taking risks
  • The importance of setting and achieving goals
  • Turning setbacks into opportunities for growth
  • Developing a positive mindset and attitude
  • The benefits of gratitude and appreciation in life.

Keeping these important principles in mind will allow you to deliver a compelling motivational presentation that helps your audience believe in themselves and develop clear directions for taking action. Taking the right steps today will bring better results tomorrow — this is a concept worth discussing during your talk.

Historical Topics for Public Speaking

History is a rich and complex tapestry of events, ideas, and movements that have shaped the world we live in today. Exploring historical topics can help us gain a deeper understanding of our collective past, and shed light on the challenges and triumphs of human experience. From the fall of the Roman Empire to the Civil Rights Movement, there are countless historical topics that continue to fascinate and inspire us. In this list, we explore ten historical topics that offer a glimpse into the great events and movements that have shaped our world.

Here are 10 historical topics to talk about:

  • The fall of the Roman Empire and its impact on European civilization
  • The French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
  • The Industrial Revolution and its impact on society, economy, and technology
  • The American Revolution and the birth of the United States of America
  • The Renaissance and its impact on art, science, and culture
  • The colonization of the Americas and the impact on indigenous populations
  • The World Wars and their impact on global politics and international relations
  • The Age of Exploration and the impact of European colonization on the world
  • The Civil Rights Movement and the fight for racial equality in the United States
  • The Cold War and the global tension between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Persuasive Speech Topics

Persuasive speeches are designed to convince the audience to take a particular action, adopt a certain viewpoint, or support a specific idea. These speeches can be powerful tools for effecting change and promoting important causes. From protecting the environment to advocating for social justice, persuasive speech topics cover a wide range of issues that are relevant to our world today. In this list, we explore ten persuasive speech topics that can inspire and motivate audiences to take action and make a positive impact on the world around us.

Here are 10 persuasive speech topics:

  • The importance of recycling and reducing waste to protect the environment
  • The benefits of meditation and mindfulness for mental health and well-being
  • The need for stricter gun control laws to reduce gun violence
  • The importance of early childhood education for future success
  • The benefits of a plant-based diet for health and the environment
  • The need to address income inequality through progressive taxation
  • The importance of access to affordable healthcare for all individuals
  • The need for comprehensive sex education in schools
  • The benefits of renewable energy sources for a sustainable future
  • The need for increased support for mental health resources and services

Public speaking is not always an easy task. Whether you are presenting a persuasive or informative speech, it can be difficult to keep your audience interested and engaged. In order to do this, it is essential to choose the appropriate public speaking topics. The fifty-plus interesting public speakings topics suggested in this article can provide plenty of inspiration and help you deliver a powerful message to your audience. Whether you take a light-hearted approach or focus on a more serious subject matter, picking the right public speaking topics can make all the difference. Larger philosophical questions may prove intimidating and impractical as public speaking topics, while trivial conversation starters may bore your audience before they even start listening. To get the most out of your speeches, it is important to pick a topic that walks the line between engaging your listeners without making them uncomfortable or unsure of how to respond. It is also imperative that you develop solid argumentation and presentation skills if you want to succeed in public speaking. An entertaining speech must still provide solid facts and evidence while at the same time grabbing the attention of your listeners. A good balance between interesting content and persuasive rhetoric should help make any speech successful.

Responses to Frequently Asked Questions

What are some creative public speaking topics.

Creative public speaking topics can range from the exploration of current trends, to unique takes on traditional topics. For example, if discussing the current state of education, one could focus on the trend of more expensive tuition for higher education and dive into the implications this has for students and the job market, or discuss emergent strategies for providing greater access to educational opportunities in economically disadvantaged areas. Additionally, one could explore the current technology landscape and how it will shape future generations, or investigate developments in artificial intelligence that are redefining our understanding of what “intelligence” means. One could also take a more artful approach to public speaking and open up a dialogue about the power of creativity in solving problems or elicit discussion around empathy as a form of communication. Ultimately, creative public speaking topics are limited only by creative thought and provide an exciting opportunity for speakers to present inspiring ideas in entertaining ways.

What are some tips for choosing public speaking topics?

Some tips for choosing public speaking topics include: 1. Choose topics that are relevant to your audience. Make sure the topic is of interest to them and will keep their attention. 2. Research the topic thoroughly before speaking. Knowing the subject matter well will make it easier to engage your audience. 3. Select a topic that is both challenging and interesting. While choosing a subject that people might be familiar with can be safe, make sure it is still engaging and stimulating. 4. Avoid topics that are too controversial or sensitive. Refrain from such topics as they could lead to arguments or displeasing reactions amongst the audience members. 5. Expand on popular material but don’t plagiarize other speakers’ ideas. People like new concepts and appreciate hearing new information so challenge yourself to come up with something original!

151 Best Public Speaking Topics In 2021

Thu Oct 21, 2021

Do you love giving a speech in front of a large group of people or simply feel nervous about it? Sometimes, the lack of preparation and planning a good speech may cause the latter. With today's fast-paced environment, you will have to step up on stage to deliver a speech at some time in your life. Writing a compelling and insightful speech necessitates the selection of a suitable topic, extensive research. It will need the creation of individual ideas to communicate everything fact and opinion. It might be difficult to select a suitable speech topic for your speech . But don't worry, the work has been done for you! This blog provides a list of popular English speaking themes as well as some useful tips and methods. Be ready to effectively communicate your views and suggestions in front of the public. Table Of Contents:

List Of Best Speech Topics For Public Speaking

1-minute speech topics.

  • 2-Minute Speech Topics

Unique Speech Topics

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  • Speech Topics On Social Issues

Speech Topics On Greatest Leaders

Speech topics on education, speech topics on health, frequently asked questions.

Speeches are entirely about the speaker's own ideas. It should not be duplicated from another source. It ultimately boils down to what the speaker believes about any particular issue. Examine the following collection of English Speaking Ideas on various current topics and themes.

communication skills topics for speech

A 2-minute speech is an excellent method to start into public speaking and is often utilised in the classroom. It's brief. It's quick.

To make things easier for yourself, choose a topic that fascinates you and about which you can speak passionately.

  • Public Smoking
  • Bar Hours of Operation
  • Confirmed Alien Sightings
  • The Rape Culture
  • Indian Reservation Casinos
  • Marijuana Legalization
  • Making Prostitution Legal
  • The Dangers of Cosmetic Surgery
  • Adoption Across Cultures
  • What Causes Men to Have Affairs?
  • What Is the Importance of Reading?
  • Homelessness in the United States
  • Reducing the Legal Drinking Age
  • General Education Courses (20)
  • Is Online Dating Dangerous or Safe?
  • How to Speak English in America
  • Getting Your Pets Spayed/Neutered
  • Are Video Games Beneficial to Your Health?

Choosing new and exciting unique speech themes for your public speaking skills is vital. It can also help with any other special event that necessitates developing your own exceptional experiences. Read through these ideas and choose just the ones that are unique to you.

  • Seniors are no longer able to adopt children.
  • TV commercials are not works of art.
  • Allow students to use social media at school.
  • Cash will be phased out.
  • Music has the ability to heal.
  • Historic structures must be protected.
  • There should be a one-car-per-family regulation.
  • Marriage should be permitted only after the age of 25.
  • Parents who home educate their children should first have to pass examinations.
  • The Bermuda Triangle is not a work of fiction.
  • Medication has no effect on hyperactive youngsters.
  • It is possible to survive without internet access.
  • Leadership cannot be learned.
  • Married couples should engage in extramarital relationships.
  • Modern art just requires ambition.

Almost always, you will be required to present one or more compelling speeches throughout your career.

Unless the topic is appropriate, no matter how good your material or delivery is, you will fail to make an impression. As a result, when making this decision, one must use extreme caution and wisdom. Here are some interesting topics to choose from, especially if it’s your first on stage.

  • Reality television is a source of exploitation.
  • Reality programmes are far from authentic.
  • Computer-based learning is the most efficient.
  • Gamification and virtual reality are the educational technologies of the future.
  • Juvenile criminality is tolerated.
  • Prostitution need to be legalised.
  • To conserve endangered species, severe fines should be imposed.
  • Pollution of the environment is a worldwide issue.
  • The developed world is to blame for global warming.
  • Is Pink appropriate for men
  • Eco-fashion is the way of the future.
  • Fashion shows one's actual self.
  • Travel introduces fresh experiences.
  • Travel broadens your horizons.
  • Rhetorical learning is less essential than personal experience.

If you don't have much time to prepare or research , it's necessary to adhere to what you know. This will greatly reduce your burden because you already know the majority of what there is to know.

Here are some simple and easy speech topics on popular topics.

  • There are less professional ads in schools.
  • Why are single-gender public schools preferable than co-ed?
  • From cradle to finish, schools should educate students on healthy nutrition.
  • Students who engage in cyberbullying should be expelled from school.
  • Before getting married, you should live together.
  • Higher education is a basic requirement for success in today's world.
  • French fries and drinks should not be served in schools.
  • Students who study online are more likely to cheat.
  • Classic literature should be reserved for college students alone.
  • Every kid at every school should be required to wear a uniform.
  • After completing a basic education, students should be put in trade schools.
  • Exam results provide little insight into a student's skills.
  • History textbooks do not always tell the entire storey.
  • It is critical for students to learn about all global faiths in school.
  • Homeschooling outperforms formal education.

For public speaking , consider environmental speech themes and essay writing on many elements of our ecology.

Do you want to write about sustainability in the environment? These suggestions will serve to enliven your imagination.

  • The dangers of oil spills in the water.
  • Recycling should be made compulsory.
  • Why is it necessary to save oil?
  • Why should we use reusable bags?
  • Why should palm oil be banned?
  • Mining should be prohibited in environmentally vulnerable regions.
  • Disposable diapers pollute the environment.
  • In deciding how a person will turn out, the environment is more significant than heredity.
  • The dangers of drilling for oil in Alaska.
  • Fishing restrictions are required to protect the ecosystem.
  • Endangered species must be protected.
  • We need to put more money into alternate fuels.
  • Endangered oceans ought to be protected.
  • We should work for a paperless society.
  • Conserve the world's resources.
  • Rain forests must be safeguarded.

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  • The massive list of 51 English speaking tips
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Speech Topics on Social Issues

When working on a speech that asks you to write about a societal topic, you must be neutral in your research and writing. The topic you choose should be related to and relevant to the societal issue addressed in your speech. Here are a few issues that will have a bigger influence in terms of social affairs.

  • The notion that all individuals are equal
  • The statistics on homelessness in the United States are accurate. Fashion is the biggest cause of kid misbehaviour.
  • Corporate corruption is a major factor of poor economies in many countries.
  • Never take your right to privacy for granted.
  • People are not killed by firearms. People kill one other, and the meaning of beauty pageants is muddled.
  • The prevalence of spoiled children has increased as a result of media violence.
  • The world's biggest population has lost its cultural identity.
  • There is an urgent need to put an end to the maiming and abuse of schoolgirls.
  • China's one-child policy is justifiable.
  • In current culture, correct tipping etiquette and procedures
  • Unemployment, a growing crisis
  • The Importance of the Right to an Education
  • Child trafficking as an unspoken issue

The capacity to lead is extremely powerful since it allows you to influence the future and control the behaviour of others.

Choose a theme for your speech that focuses on the notion of leadership. By delving into this subject and expanding on it in your speech, you may not only increase your personal understanding of what makes a successful leader. However, also communicate your insights with your listening crowd. Pick on the topics below to exemplify leadership.

  • Jacinda Adern
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Winston Churchill
  • Martin Luther King Jr
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Mother Teresa
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • George Washington
  • Julias Caesar
  • Franklin D Roosevelt
  • Francoise Hollande
  • Pope Francis
  • Akbar the Great

Education is a human right to which everyone is entitled. When individuals differ on what is good and wrong with education, problems occur. As a part of public speaking, education becomes an important topic to address the audience about.

The topics listed below are ones that everyone working in or with education must deal with at some time.

  • The value of education in advancing one's career
  • Outside the classroom, there is a lesson to be learned.
  • The Advantages of E-Learning
  • E-learning vs. traditional classroom instruction
  • What will the future of education look like?
  • Is it appropriate for instructors and students to connect on social media?
  • Should homework be assigned in schools?
  • How to Achieve Academic Success in College Through Online Learning
  • Which is the better measure of success: theory or practise?
  • Various modes of learning and teaching
  • Before being admitted to school, one should undergo a psychological evaluation.
  • Do you believe it should be permissible for students to drop out before reaching the age of 18?
  • Should life skills classes be required in schools?
  • Should public universities be free?
  • Should laptops take the role of textbooks?

Today, public health speeches are required so that people may concentrate on promoting and safeguarding community health. It is critical to implant the concept of well-being in broad groups of people, with a focus on wellness.

Here is a list of compelling and instructive health and wellness speech themes. These are certainly, also for the purpose of enhancing your own thinking and that of others.

  • Diet beverages are frequently not diet at all, while ordinary beverages are not quite regular.
  • Going barefoot in the summer is beneficial to your feet.
  • Take a test to determine whether you are susceptible to any hazardous diseases or viruses.
  • Why you shouldn't work too hard if you have diabetes.
  • Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day for several reasons.
  • Fast food establishments should provide healthier choices.
  • Do you believe that sex education should be taught in schools?
  • People who live in cities will die younger.
  • Excessive salt consumption is harmful to one's health.
  • Consumption of meat should be decreased.
  • People should be more concerned about their sleep.
  • Why should you become an organ donor?
  • Why should we utilise homoeopathic remedies?
  • Why are vaccinations beneficial?
  • Are e-cigarettes preferable to cigarettes?

1. What are the 4 types of public speeches?

To master public speaking, you must first distinguish between four styles of public speaking:

  • Ceremonial Speaking
  • Demonstrative Speaking
  • Informative Speaking
  • Persuasive Speaking

2. What do you say in a 2-minute public speech?

Prepare your 2–3 main points ahead of time, and keep in mind that a successful presentation would include:

  • Captivating start, such as a strong quotation or questions that pique your audience's attention.
  • Introduction, major body, and conclusion are all well-structured.
  • A strong conclusion that will stay with the viewers.

3. What is the best topic for students?

The Best Speech Topics for Students:

  • Noise Pollution
  • Women Empowerment
  • Environment Pollution
  • Health and Wellness

4. What are the 7 elements of public speaking?

The 7 aspects of public speaking are:

  • The speaker
  • The message
  • The channel
  • The listener
  • The feedback
  • The interference
  • The circumstance

5. How do you practice impromptu speaking?

You may practise spontaneous speeches in two ways:

  • You're on your own. Every day, pick a different random topic and talk out about it.
  • Speak in front of a group. The greatest method to master spontaneous speaking is to practise in front of a group and receive expert criticism.

People are generally encouraged to talk about a current issue in order to help them become better public speakers. They are also required to acquire the skill of expressing themselves in front of an audience. Choosing the appropriate topic before you begin practising your speech may make all the difference. It is a method of keeping your audience engaged and from being bored. You may also choose one about which you are enthusiastic so that you can express it properly. When considering these persuasive English speech ideas, ensure you keep it interesting, engaging, short, and clear. Do you think we left something out? Or do you have a topic that you believe is significant and would want to add? Please mention them in the comments section below!

communication skills topics for speech


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10 Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills

Few are immune to the fear of public speaking. Marjorie North offers 10 tips for speakers to calm the nerves and deliverable memorable orations.

Marjorie North

Snakes? Fine. Flying? No problem. Public speaking? Yikes! Just thinking about public speaking — routinely described as one of the greatest (and most common) fears — can make your palms sweat. But there are many ways to tackle this anxiety and learn to deliver a memorable speech.

In part one of this series,  Mastering the Basics of Communication , I shared strategies to improve how you communicate. In part two, How to Communicate More Effectively in the Workplace , I examined how to apply these techniques as you interact with colleagues and supervisors in the workplace. For the third and final part of this series, I’m providing you with public speaking tips that will help reduce your anxiety, dispel myths, and improve your performance.

Here Are My 10 Tips for Public Speaking:

1. nervousness is normal. practice and prepare.

All people feel some physiological reactions like pounding hearts and trembling hands. Do not associate these feelings with the sense that you will perform poorly or make a fool of yourself. Some nerves are good. The adrenaline rush that makes you sweat also makes you more alert and ready to give your best performance.

The best way to overcome anxiety is to prepare, prepare, and prepare some more. Take the time to go over your notes several times. Once you have become comfortable with the material, practice — a lot. Videotape yourself, or get a friend to critique your performance.

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2. Know Your Audience. Your Speech Is About Them, Not You.

Before you begin to craft your message, consider who the message is intended for. Learn as much about your listeners as you can. This will help you determine your choice of words, level of information, organization pattern, and motivational statement.

3. Organize Your Material in the Most Effective Manner to Attain Your Purpose.

Create the framework for your speech. Write down the topic, general purpose, specific purpose, central idea, and main points. Make sure to grab the audience’s attention in the first 30 seconds.

4. Watch for Feedback and Adapt to It.

Keep the focus on the audience. Gauge their reactions, adjust your message, and stay flexible. Delivering a canned speech will guarantee that you lose the attention of or confuse even the most devoted listeners.

5. Let Your Personality Come Through.

Be yourself, don’t become a talking head — in any type of communication. You will establish better credibility if your personality shines through, and your audience will trust what you have to say if they can see you as a real person.

6. Use Humor, Tell Stories, and Use Effective Language.

Inject a funny anecdote in your presentation, and you will certainly grab your audience’s attention. Audiences generally like a personal touch in a speech. A story can provide that.

7. Don’t Read Unless You Have to. Work from an Outline.

Reading from a script or slide fractures the interpersonal connection. By maintaining eye contact with the audience, you keep the focus on yourself and your message. A brief outline can serve to jog your memory and keep you on task.

8. Use Your Voice and Hands Effectively. Omit Nervous Gestures.

Nonverbal communication carries most of the message. Good delivery does not call attention to itself, but instead conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly and without distraction.

9. Grab Attention at the Beginning, and Close with a Dynamic End.

Do you enjoy hearing a speech start with “Today I’m going to talk to you about X”? Most people don’t. Instead, use a startling statistic, an interesting anecdote, or concise quotation. Conclude your speech with a summary and a strong statement that your audience is sure to remember.

10. Use Audiovisual Aids Wisely.

Too many can break the direct connection to the audience, so use them sparingly. They should enhance or clarify your content, or capture and maintain your audience’s attention.

Practice Does Not Make Perfect

Good communication is never perfect, and nobody expects you to be perfect. However, putting in the requisite time to prepare will help you deliver a better speech. You may not be able to shake your nerves entirely, but you can learn to minimize them.

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About the Author

North is a consultant for political candidates, physicians, and lawyers, and runs a private practice specializing in public speaking, and executive communication skills. Previously, she was the clinical director in the department of speech and language pathology and audiology at Northeastern University.

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11.1 Informative Speeches

Learning objectives.

  • Identify common topic categories for informative speeches.
  • Identify strategies for researching and supporting informative speeches.
  • Explain the different methods of informing.
  • Employ strategies for effective informative speaking, including avoiding persuasion, avoiding information overload, and engaging the audience.

Many people would rather go see an impassioned political speech or a comedic monologue than a lecture. Although informative speaking may not be the most exciting form of public speaking, it is the most common. Reports, lectures, training seminars, and demonstrations are all examples of informative speaking. That means you are more likely to give and listen to informative speeches in a variety of contexts. Some organizations, like consulting firms, and career fields, like training and development, are solely aimed at conveying information. College alumni have reported that out of many different speech skills, informative speaking is most important (Verderber, 1991). Since your exposure to informative speaking is inevitable, why not learn how to be a better producer and consumer of informative messages?

Creating an Informative Speech

As you’ll recall from Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” , speaking to inform is one of the three possible general purposes for public speaking. The goal of informative speaking is to teach an audience something using objective factual information. Interestingly, informative speaking is a newcomer in the world of public speaking theorizing and instruction, which began thousands of years ago with the ancient Greeks (Olbricht, 1968). Ancient philosophers and statesmen like Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian conceived of public speaking as rhetoric, which is inherently persuasive. During that time, and until the 1800s, almost all speaking was argumentative. Teaching and instruction were performed as debates, and even fields like science and medicine relied on argumentative reasoning instead of factual claims.


Until the 1800s, even scientific fields and medicine relied on teaching that was based on debate and argument rather than the informative-based instruction that is used today.

Monash University – Surgery Workshop 2012 – CC BY-NC 2.0.

While most instruction is now verbal, for most of modern history, people learned by doing rather than listening, as apprenticeships were much more common than classroom-based instruction. So what facilitated the change from argumentative and demonstrative teaching to verbal and informative teaching? One reason for this change was the democratization of information. Technical information used to be jealously protected by individuals, families, or guilds. Now society generally believes that information should be shared and made available to all. The increasing complexity of fields of knowledge and professions also increased the need for informative speaking. Now one must learn a history or backstory before actually engaging with a subject or trade. Finally, much of the information that has built up over time has become commonly accepted; therefore much of the history or background information isn’t disputed and can now be shared in an informative rather than argumentative way.

Choosing an Informative Speech Topic

Being a successful informative speaker starts with choosing a topic that can engage and educate the audience. Your topic choices may be influenced by the level at which you are speaking. Informative speaking usually happens at one of three levels: formal, vocational, and impromptu (Verderber, 1991). Formal informative speeches occur when an audience has assembled specifically to hear what you have to say. Being invited to speak to a group during a professional meeting, a civic gathering, or a celebration gala brings with it high expectations. Only people who have accomplished or achieved much are asked to serve as keynote speakers, and they usually speak about these experiences. Many more people deliver informative speeches at the vocational level, as part of their careers. Teachers like me spend many hours lecturing, which is a common form of informative speaking. In addition, human resources professionals give presentations about changes in policy and provide training for new employees, technicians in factories convey machine specifications and safety procedures, and servers describe how a dish is prepared in their restaurant. Last, we all convey information daily in our regular interactions. When we give a freshman directions to a campus building, summarize the latest episode of American Idol for our friend who missed it, or explain a local custom to an international student, we are engaging in impromptu informative speaking.

Whether at the formal, vocational, or impromptu level, informative speeches can emerge from a range of categories, which include objects, people, events, processes, concepts, and issues. An extended speech at the formal level may include subject matter from several of these categories, while a speech at the vocational level may convey detailed information about a process, concept, or issue relevant to a specific career.


Subjects of informative speaking at the vocational level usually relate to a speaker’s professional experience or expertise.

Peter Long – Business Meeting – CC BY 2.0.

Since we don’t have time to research or organize content for impromptu informative speaking, these speeches may provide a less detailed summary of a topic within one of these categories. A broad informative speech topic could be tailored to fit any of these categories. As you draft your specific purpose and thesis statements, think about which category or categories will help you achieve your speech goals, and then use it or them to guide your research. Table 11.1 “Sample Informative Speech Topics by Category” includes an example of how a broad informative subject area like renewable energy can be adapted to each category as well as additional sample topics.

Table 11.1 Sample Informative Speech Topics by Category

Speeches about objects convey information about any nonhuman material things. Mechanical objects, animals, plants, and fictional objects are all suitable topics of investigation. Given that this is such a broad category, strive to pick an object that your audience may not be familiar with or highlight novel relevant and interesting facts about a familiar object.

Speeches about people focus on real or fictional individuals who are living or dead. These speeches require in-depth biographical research; an encyclopedia entry is not sufficient. Introduce a new person to the audience or share little-known or surprising information about a person we already know. Although we may already be familiar with the accomplishments of historical figures and leaders, audiences often enjoy learning the “personal side” of their lives.

Speeches about concepts are less concrete than speeches about objects or people, as they focus on ideas or notions that may be abstract or multifaceted. A concept can be familiar to us, like equality, or could literally be a foreign concept like qi (or chi ), which is the Chinese conception of the energy that flows through our bodies. Use the strategies discussed in this book for making content relevant and proxemic to your audience to help make abstract concepts more concrete.

Speeches about events focus on past occasions or ongoing occurrences. A particular day in history, an annual observation, or a seldom occurring event can each serve as interesting informative topics. As with speeches about people, it’s important to provide a backstory for the event, but avoid rehashing commonly known information.

Informative speeches about processes provide a step-by-step account of a procedure or natural occurrence. Speakers may walk an audience through, or demonstrate, a series of actions that take place to complete a procedure, such as making homemade cheese. Speakers can also present information about naturally occurring processes like cell division or fermentation.


Informative speeches about processes provide steps of a procedure, such as how to make homemade cheese.

Joel Kramer – curdle – CC BY 2.0.

Last, informative speeches about issues provide objective and balanced information about a disputed subject or a matter of concern for society. It is important that speakers view themselves as objective reporters rather than commentators to avoid tipping the balance of the speech from informative to persuasive. Rather than advocating for a particular position, the speaker should seek to teach or raise the awareness of the audience.

Researching an Informative Speech Topic

Having sharp research skills is a fundamental part of being a good informative speaker. Since informative speaking is supposed to convey factual information, speakers should take care to find sources that are objective, balanced, and credible. Periodicals, books, newspapers, and credible websites can all be useful sources for informative speeches, and you can use the guidelines for evaluating supporting materials discussed in Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” to determine the best information to include in your speech. Aside from finding credible and objective sources, informative speakers also need to take time to find engaging information. This is where sharp research skills are needed to cut through all the typical information that comes up in the research process to find novel information. Novel information is atypical or unexpected, but it takes more skill and effort to locate. Even seemingly boring informative speech topics like the history of coupons can be brought to life with information that defies the audience’s expectations. A student recently delivered an engaging speech about coupons by informing us that coupons have been around for 125 years, are most frequently used by wealthier and more educated households, and that a coupon fraud committed by an Italian American businessman named Charles Ponzi was the basis for the term Ponzi scheme , which is still commonly used today.

As a teacher, I can attest to the challenges of keeping an audience engaged during an informative presentation. While it’s frustrating to look out at my audience of students and see glazed-over eyes peering back at me, I also know that it is my responsibility to choose interesting information and convey it in a way that’s engaging. Even though the core content of what I teach hasn’t change dramatically over the years, I constantly challenge myself to bring that core information to life through application and example. As we learned earlier, finding proxemic and relevant information and examples is typically a good way to be engaging. The basic information may not change quickly, but the way people use it and the way it relates to our lives changes. Finding current, relevant examples and finding novel information are both difficult, since you, as the researcher, probably don’t know this information exists.

Here is where good research skills become necessary to be a good informative speaker. Using advice from Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” should help you begin to navigate through the seas of information to find hidden treasure that excites you and will in turn excite your audience.


To avoid boring an audience, effective informative speakers possess good research skills and the ability to translate information to be engaging and relevant for an audience.

Niall Kennedy – Sleep – CC BY-NC 2.0.

As was mentioned earlier, the goal for informative speaking is to teach your audience. An audience is much more likely to remain engaged when they are actively learning. This is like a balancing act. You want your audience to be challenged enough by the information you are presenting to be interested, but not so challenged that they become overwhelmed and shut down. You should take care to consider how much information your audience already knows about a topic. Be aware that speakers who are very familiar with their speech topic tend to overestimate their audience’s knowledge about the topic. It’s better to engage your topic at a level slightly below your audience’s knowledge level than above. Most people won’t be bored by a brief review, but many people become lost and give up listening if they can’t connect to the information right away or feel it’s over their heads.

A good informative speech leaves the audience thinking long after the speech is done. Try to include some practical “takeaways” in your speech. I’ve learned many interesting and useful things from the informative speeches my students have done. Some of the takeaways are more like trivia information that is interesting to share—for example, how prohibition led to the creation of NASCAR. Other takeaways are more practical and useful—for example, how to get wine stains out of clothing and carpet or explanations of various types of student financial aid.

Organizing and Supporting an Informative Speech

You can already see that informing isn’t as easy as we may initially think. To effectively teach, a speaker must present quality information in an organized and accessible way. Once you have chosen an informative speech topic and put your research skills to the test in order to locate novel and engaging information, it’s time to organize and support your speech.

Organizational Patterns

Three organizational patterns that are particularly useful for informative speaking are topical, chronological, and spatial. As you’ll recall, to organize a speech topically, you break a larger topic down into logical subdivisions. An informative speech about labor unions could focus on unions in three different areas of employment, three historically significant strikes, or three significant legal/legislative decisions. Speeches organized chronologically trace the development of a topic or overview the steps in a process. An informative speech could trace the rise of the economic crisis in Greece or explain the steps in creating a home compost pile. Speeches organized spatially convey the layout or physical characteristics of a location or concept. An informative speech about the layout of a fire station or an astrology wheel would follow a spatial organization pattern.

Methods of Informing

Types of and strategies for incorporating supporting material into speeches are discussed in Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” , but there are some specific ways to go about developing ideas within informative speeches. Speakers often inform an audience using definitions, descriptions, demonstrations, and explanations. It is likely that a speaker will combine these methods of informing within one speech, but a speech can also be primarily organized using one of these methods.

Informing through Definition

Informing through definition entails defining concepts clearly and concisely and is an important skill for informative speaking. There are several ways a speaker can inform through definition: synonyms and antonyms, use or function, example, and etymology (Verderber, 1991). Defining a concept using a synonym or an antonym is a short and effective way to convey meaning. Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings, and antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. In a speech about how to effectively inform an audience, I would claim that using concrete words helps keep an audience engaged. I could enhance your understanding of what concrete means by defining it with synonyms like tangible and relatable . Or I could define concrete using antonyms like abstract and theoretical .

Identifying the use or function of an object, item, or idea is also a short way of defining. We may think we already know the use and function of most of the things we interact with regularly. This is true in obvious cases like cars, elevators, and smartphones. But there are many objects and ideas that we may rely on and interact with but not know the use or function. For example, QR codes (or quick response codes) are popping up in magazines, at airports, and even on t-shirts (Vuong, 2011). Many people may notice them but not know what they do. As a speaker, you could define QR codes by their function by informing the audience that QR codes allow businesses, organizations, and individuals to get information to consumers/receivers through a barcode-like format that can be easily scanned by most smartphones.


An informative speaker could teach audience members about QR codes by defining them based on their use or function.

Douglas Muth – My QR Code – CC BY-SA 2.0.

A speaker can also define a topic using examples, which are cited cases that are representative of a larger concept. In an informative speech about anachronisms in movies and literature, a speaker might provide the following examples: the film Titanic shows people on lifeboats using flashlights to look for survivors from the sunken ship (such flashlights weren’t invented until two years later) (The Past in Pictures, 2012); Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar includes a reference to a clock, even though no mechanical clocks existed during Caesar’s time (Scholasticus K., 2012). Examples are a good way to repackage information that’s already been presented to help an audience retain and understand the content of a speech. Later we’ll learn more about how repackaging information enhances informative speaking.

Etymology refers to the history of a word. Defining by etymology entails providing an overview of how a word came to its current meaning. The Oxford English Dictionary is the best source for finding etymology and often contains interesting facts that can be presented as novel information to better engage your audience. For example, the word assassin , which refers to a person who intentionally murders another, literally means “hashish-eater” and comes from the Arabic word hashshashin . The current meaning emerged during the Crusades as a result of the practices of a sect of Muslims who would get high on hashish before killing Christian leaders—in essence, assassinating them (Oxford English Dictionary Online, 2012).

Informing through Description

As the saying goes, “Pictures are worth a thousand words.” Informing through description entails creating verbal pictures for your audience. Description is also an important part of informative speeches that use a spatial organizational pattern, since you need to convey the layout of a space or concept. Good descriptions are based on good observations, as they convey what is taken in through the senses and answer these type of questions: What did that look like? Smell like? Sound like? Feel like? Taste like? If descriptions are vivid and well written, they can actually invoke a sensory reaction in your audience. Just as your mouth probably begins to salivate when I suggest that you imagine biting into a fresh, bright yellow, freshly cut, juicy lemon wedge, so can your audience be transported to a setting or situation through your descriptions. I once had a student set up his speech about the history of streaking by using the following description: “Imagine that you are walking across campus to your evening class. You look up to see a parade of hundreds upon hundreds of your naked peers jogging by wearing little more than shoes.”

Informing through Demonstration

When informing through demonstration , a speaker gives verbal directions about how to do something while also physically demonstrating the steps. Early morning infomercials are good examples of demonstrative speaking, even though they are also trying to persuade us to buy their “miracle product.” Whether straightforward or complex, it’s crucial that a speaker be familiar with the content of their speech and the physical steps necessary for the demonstration. Speaking while completing a task requires advanced psycho-motor skills that most people can’t wing and therefore need to practice. Tasks suddenly become much more difficult than we expect when we have an audience. Have you ever had to type while people are reading along with you? Even though we type all the time, even one extra set of eyes seems to make our fingers more clumsy than usual.

Television chefs are excellent examples of speakers who frequently inform through demonstration. While many of them make the process of speaking while cooking look effortless, it took much practice over many years to make viewers think it is effortless.


Television chefs inform through demonstration. Although they make it seem easy, it is complex and difficult.

Gordonramsaysubmissions – gordon ramsay 7 – CC BY 2.0.

Part of this practice also involves meeting time limits. Since television segments are limited and chefs may be demonstrating and speaking live, they have to be able to adapt as needed. Demonstration speeches are notorious for going over time, especially if speakers haven’t practiced with their visual aids / props. Be prepared to condense or edit as needed to meet your time limit. The reality competition show The Next Food Network Star captures these difficulties, as many experienced cooks who have the content knowledge and know how to physically complete their tasks fall apart when faced with a camera challenge because they just assumed they could speak and cook at the same time.

Tips for Demonstration Speeches

  • Include personal stories and connections to the topic, in addition to the “how-to” information, to help engage your audience.
  • Ask for audience volunteers (if appropriate) to make the demonstration more interactive.
  • Include a question-and-answer period at the end (if possible) so audience members can ask questions and seek clarification.
  • Follow an orderly progression. Do not skip around or backtrack when reviewing the steps.
  • Use clear signposts like first , second , and third .
  • Use orienting material like internal previews and reviews, and transitions.
  • Group steps together in categories, if needed, to help make the information more digestible.
  • Assess the nonverbal feedback of your audience. Review or slow down if audience members look lost or confused.
  • Practice with your visual aids / props many times. Things suddenly become more difficult and complicated than you expect when an audience is present.
  • Practice for time and have contingency plans if you need to edit some information out to avoid going over your time limit.

Informing through Explanation

Informing through explanation entails sharing how something works, how something came to be, or why something happened. This method of informing may be useful when a topic is too complex or abstract to demonstrate. When presenting complex information make sure to break the topic up into manageable units, avoid information overload, and include examples that make the content relevant to the audience. Informing through explanation works well with speeches about processes, events, and issues. For example, a speaker could explain the context surrounding the Lincoln-Douglas debates or the process that takes place during presidential primaries.

“Getting Plugged In”

TED Talks as a Model of Effective Informative Speaking

Over the past few years, I have heard more and more public speaking teachers mention their use of TED speeches in their classes. What started in 1984 as a conference to gather people involved in Technology, Entertainment, and Design has now turned into a worldwide phenomenon that is known for its excellent speeches and presentations, many of which are informative in nature. [1] The motto of TED is “Ideas worth spreading,” which is in keeping with the role that we should occupy as informative speakers. We should choose topics that are worth speaking about and then work to present them in such a way that audience members leave with “take-away” information that is informative and useful. TED fits in with the purpose of the “Getting Plugged In” feature in this book because it has been technology focused from the start. For example, Andrew Blum’s speech focuses on the infrastructure of the Internet, and Pranav Mistry’s speech focuses on a new technology he developed that allows for more interaction between the physical world and the world of data. Even speakers who don’t focus on technology still skillfully use technology in their presentations, as is the case with David Gallo’s speech about exotic underwater life. Here are links to all these speeches:

  • Andrew Blum’s speech: What Is the Internet, Really?
  • Pranav Mistry’s speech: The Thrilling Potential of Sixth Sense Technology.
  • David Gallo’s speech: Underwater Astonishments.
  • What can you learn from the TED model and/or TED speakers that will help you be a better informative speaker?
  • In what innovative and/or informative ways do the speakers reference or incorporate technology in their speeches?

Effective Informative Speaking

There are several challenges to overcome to be an effective informative speaker. They include avoiding persuasion, avoiding information overload, and engaging your audience.

Avoiding Persuasion

We should avoid thinking of informing and persuading as dichotomous, meaning that it’s either one or the other. It’s more accurate to think of informing and persuading as two poles on a continuum, as in Figure 11.1 “Continuum of Informing and Persuading” (Olbricht, 1968). Most persuasive speeches rely on some degree of informing to substantiate the reasoning. And informative speeches, although meant to secure the understanding of an audience, may influence audience members’ beliefs, attitudes, values, or behaviors.

Figure 11.1 Continuum of Informing and Persuading


Speakers can look to three areas to help determine if their speech is more informative or persuasive: speaker purpose, function of information, and audience perception (Verderber, 1991). First, for informative speaking, a speaker’s purpose should be to create understanding by sharing objective, factual information. Specific purpose and thesis statements help establish a speaker’s goal and purpose and can serve as useful reference points to keep a speech on track. When reviewing your specific purpose and thesis statement, look for words like should / shouldn’t , good / bad , and right / wrong , as these often indicate a persuasive slant in the speech.

Second, information should function to clarify and explain in an informative speech. Supporting materials shouldn’t function to prove a thesis or to provide reasons for an audience to accept the thesis, as they do in persuasive speeches. Although informative messages can end up influencing the thoughts or behaviors of audience members, that shouldn’t be the goal.

Third, an audience’s perception of the information and the speaker helps determine whether a speech is classified as informative or persuasive. The audience must perceive that the information being presented is not controversial or disputed, which will lead audience members to view the information as factual. The audience must also accept the speaker as a credible source of information. Being prepared, citing credible sources, and engaging the audience help establish a speaker’s credibility. Last, an audience must perceive the speaker to be trustworthy and not have a hidden agenda. Avoiding persuasion is a common challenge for informative speakers, but it is something to consider, as violating the speaking occasion may be perceived as unethical by the audience. Be aware of the overall tone of your speech by reviewing your specific purpose and thesis to make sure your speech isn’t tipping from informative to persuasive.


Words like should / shouldn’t , good / bad , and right / wrong in a specific purpose and/or thesis statement often indicate that the speaker’s purpose is tipping from informative to persuasive.

Hans Splinter – balance – CC BY-ND 2.0.

Avoiding Information Overload

Many informative speakers have a tendency to pack a ten-minute speech with as much information as possible. This can result in information overload , which is a barrier to effective listening that occurs when a speech contains more information than an audience can process. Editing can be a difficult task, but it’s an important skill to hone, because you will be editing more than you think. Whether it’s reading through an e-mail before you send it, condensing a report down to an executive summary, or figuring out how to fit a client’s message on the front page of a brochure, you will have to learn how to discern what information is best to keep and what can be thrown out. In speaking, being a discerning editor is useful because it helps avoid information overload. While a receiver may not be attracted to a brochure that’s covered in text, they could take the time to read it, and reread it, if necessary. Audience members cannot conduct their own review while listening to a speaker live. Unlike readers, audience members can’t review words over and over (Verderber, 1991). Therefore competent speakers, especially informative speakers who are trying to teach their audience something, should adapt their message to a listening audience. To help avoid information overload, adapt your message to make it more listenable.

Although the results vary, research shows that people only remember a portion of a message days or even hours after receiving it (Janusik, 2012). If you spend 100 percent of your speech introducing new information, you have wasted approximately 30 percent of your time and your audience’s time. Information overload is a barrier to effective listening, and as good speakers, we should be aware of the limitations of listening and compensate for that in our speech preparation and presentation. I recommend that my students follow a guideline that suggests spending no more than 30 percent of your speech introducing new material and 70 percent of your speech repackaging that information. I specifically use the word repackaging and not repeating . Simply repeating the same information would also be a barrier to effective listening, since people would just get bored. Repackaging will help ensure that your audience retains most of the key information in the speech. Even if they don’t remember every example, they will remember the main underlying point.

Avoiding information overload requires a speaker to be a good translator of information. To be a good translator, you can compare an unfamiliar concept with something familiar, give examples from real life, connect your information to current events or popular culture, or supplement supporting material like statistics with related translations of that information. These are just some of the strategies a good speaker can use. While translating information is important for any oral presentation, it is especially important when conveying technical information. Being able to translate complex or technical information for a lay audience leads to more effective informing, because the audience feels like they are being addressed on their level and don’t feel lost or “talked down to.” The History Channel show The Universe provides excellent examples of informative speakers who act as good translators. The scientists and experts featured on the show are masters of translating technical information, like physics, into concrete examples that most people can relate to based on their everyday experiences.


Comparing the turbulent formation of the solar system to the collisions of bumper bars and spinning rides at an amusement park makes the content more concrete.

Alexander Svensson – Ferris Wheel – CC BY 2.0.

Following the guidelines established in Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” for organizing a speech can also help a speaker avoid information overload. Good speakers build in repetition and redundancy to make their content more memorable and their speech more consumable. Preview statements, section transitions, and review statements are some examples of orienting material that helps focus an audience’s attention and facilitates the process of informing (Verderber, 1991).

Engaging Your Audience

As a speaker, you are competing for the attention of your audience against other internal and external stimuli. Getting an audience engaged and then keeping their attention is a challenge for any speaker, but it can be especially difficult when speaking to inform. As was discussed earlier, once you are in the professional world, you will most likely be speaking informatively about topics related to your experience and expertise. Some speakers fall into the trap of thinking that their content knowledge is enough to sustain them through an informative speech or that their position in an organization means that an audience will listen to them and appreciate their information despite their delivery. Content expertise is not enough to be an effective speaker. A person must also have speaking expertise (Verderber, 1991). Effective speakers, even renowned experts, must still translate their wealth of content knowledge into information that is suited for oral transmission, audience centered, and well organized. I’m sure we’re all familiar with the stereotype of the absentminded professor or the genius who thinks elegantly in his or her head but can’t convey that same elegance verbally. Having well-researched and organized supporting material is an important part of effective informative speaking, but having good content is not enough.

Audience members are more likely to stay engaged with a speaker they view as credible. So complementing good supporting material with a practiced and fluent delivery increases credibility and audience engagement. In addition, as we discussed earlier, good informative speakers act as translators of information. Repackaging information into concrete familiar examples is also a strategy for making your speech more engaging. Understanding relies on being able to apply incoming information to life experiences.

Repackaging information is also a good way to appeal to different learning styles, as you can present the same content in various ways, which helps reiterate a point. While this strategy is useful with any speech, since the goal of informing is teaching, it makes sense to include a focus on learning within your audience adaptation. There are three main learning styles that help determine how people most effectively receive and process information: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (Fleming, 2012). Visual learners respond well to information presented via visual aids, so repackage information using text, graphics, charts and other media. Public speaking is a good way to present information for auditory learners who process information well when they hear it. Kinesthetic learners are tactile; they like to learn through movement and “doing.” Asking for volunteers to help with a demonstration, if appropriate, is a way to involve kinesthetic learners in your speech. You can also have an interactive review activity at the end of a speech, much like many teachers incorporate an activity after a lesson to reinforce the material.

“Getting Real”

Technical Speaking

People who work in technical fields, like engineers and information technology professionals, often think they will be spared the task of public speaking. This is not the case, however, and there is actually a branch of communication studies that addresses public speaking matters for “techies.” The field of technical communication focuses on how messages can be translated from expert to lay audiences. I actually taught a public speaking class for engineering students, and they basically had to deliver speeches about the things they were working on in a way that I could understand. I ended up learning a lot more about jet propulsion and hybrid car engines than I ever expected!

Have you ever been completely lost when reading an instruction manual for some new product you purchased? Have you ever had difficulty following the instructions of someone who was trying to help you with a technical matter? If so, you’ve experienced some of the challenges associated with technical speaking. There are many careers where technical speaking skills are needed. According to the Society for Technical Communication, communicating about specialized or technical topics, communicating by using technology, and providing instructions about how to do something are all examples of technical speaking (Society for Technical Communication, 2012). People with technical speaking skills offer much to organizations and businesses. They help make information more useable and accessible to customers, clients, and employees. They can help reduce costs to a business by reducing unnecessary work that results from misunderstandings of instructions, by providing clear information that allows customers to use products without training or technical support and by making general information put out by a company more user friendly. Technical speakers are dedicated to producing messages that are concise, clear, and coherent (Society for Technical Communication, 2012). Such skills are used in the following careers: technical writers and editors, technical illustrators, visual designers, web designers, customer service representatives, salespeople, spokespeople, and many more.

  • What communication skills that you’ve learned about in the book so far do you think would be important for a technical speaker?
  • Identify instances in which you have engaged in technical speaking or received information from a technical speaker. Based on what you have learned in this chapter, were the speakers effective or not, and why?

Sample Informative Speech

Title: Going Green in the World of Education

General purpose: To inform

Specific purpose: By the end of my speech, the audience will be able to describe some ways in which schools are going green.

Thesis statement: The green movement has transformed school buildings, how teachers teach, and the environment in which students learn.


Attention getter: Did you know that attending or working at a green school can lead students and teachers to have less health problems? Did you know that allowing more daylight into school buildings increases academic performance and can lessen attention and concentration challenges? Well, the research I will cite in my speech supports both of these claims, and these are just two of the many reasons why more schools, both grade schools and colleges, are going green.

Introduction of topic: Today, I’m going to inform you about the green movement that is affecting many schools.

Credibility and relevance: Because of my own desire to go into the field of education, I decided to research how schools are going green in the United States. But it’s not just current and/or future teachers that will be affected by this trend. As students at Eastern Illinois University, you are already asked to make “greener” choices. Whether it’s the little signs in the dorm rooms that ask you to turn off your lights when you leave the room, the reusable water bottles that were given out on move-in day, or even our new Renewable Energy Center, the list goes on and on. Additionally, younger people in our lives, whether they be future children or younger siblings or relatives, will likely be affected by this continuing trend.

Preview statement: In order to better understand what makes a “green school,” we need to learn about how K–12 schools are going green, how college campuses are going green, and how these changes affect students and teachers.

Transition: I’ll begin with how K–12 schools are going green.

  • In order to garner support for green initiatives, the article recommends that local leaders like superintendents, mayors, and college administrators become involved in the green movement.
  • Once local leaders are involved, the community, students, parents, faculty, and staff can be involved by serving on a task force, hosting a summit or conference, and implementing lessons about sustainability into everyday conversations and school curriculum.
  • The US Green Building Council’s website also includes a tool kit with a lot of information about how to “green” existing schools.
  • For example, Fossil Ridge High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, was built in 2006 and received LEED certification because it has automatic light sensors to conserve electricity and uses wind energy to offset nonrenewable energy use.
  • To conserve water, the school uses a pond for irrigation, has artificial turf on athletic fields, and installed low-flow toilets and faucets.
  • According to the 2006 report by certified energy manager Gregory Kats titled “Greening America’s Schools,” a LEED certified school uses 30–50 percent less energy, 30 percent less water, and reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 40 percent compared to a conventional school.
  • Many new building materials, carpeting, and furniture contain chemicals that are released into the air, which reduces indoor air quality.
  • So green schools purposefully purchase materials that are low in these chemicals.
  • Natural light and fresh air have also been shown to promote a healthier learning environment, so green buildings allow more daylight in and include functioning windows.

Transition: As you can see, K–12 schools are becoming greener; college campuses are also starting to go green.

  • According to the Sturm College of Law’s website, the building was designed to use 40 percent less energy than a conventional building through the use of movement-sensor lighting; high-performance insulation in the walls, floors, and roof; and infrared sensors on water faucets and toilets.
  • Electric car recharging stations were also included in the parking garage, and the building has extra bike racks and even showers that students and faculty can use to freshen up if they bike or walk to school or work.
  • Some of the dining halls on campus have gone “trayless,” which according to a 2009 article by Calder in the journal Independent School has the potential to dramatically reduce the amount of water and chemical use, since there are no longer trays to wash, and also helps reduce food waste since people take less food without a tray.
  • The Renewable Energy Center uses slow-burn technology to use wood chips that are a byproduct of the lumber industry that would normally be discarded.
  • This helps reduce our dependency on our old coal-fired power plant, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The project was the first known power plant to be registered with the US Green Building Council and is on track to receive LEED certification.

Transition: All these efforts to go green in K–12 schools and on college campuses will obviously affect students and teachers at the schools.

  • Many schools are literally going green by including more green spaces such as recreation areas, gardens, and greenhouses, which according to a 2010 article in the Journal of Environmental Education by University of Colorado professor Susan Strife has been shown to benefit a child’s cognitive skills, especially in the areas of increased concentration and attention capacity.
  • Additionally, the report I cited earlier, “Greening America’s Schools,” states that the improved air quality in green schools can lead to a 38 percent reduction in asthma incidents and that students in “green schools” had 51 percent less chance of catching a cold or the flu compared to children in conventional schools.
  • The report “Greening America’s Schools” notes that a recent synthesis of fifty-three studies found that more daylight in the school building leads to higher academic achievement.
  • The report also provides data that show how the healthier environment in green schools leads to better attendance and that in Washington, DC, and Chicago, schools improved their performance on standardized tests by 3–4 percent.
  • According to the article in Education Week that I cited earlier, the Sustainability Education Clearinghouse is a free online tool that provides K–12 educators with the ability to share sustainability-oriented lesson ideas.
  • The Center for Green Schools also provides resources for all levels of teachers, from kindergarten to college, that can be used in the classroom.
  • The report “Greening America’s Schools” claims that the overall improved working environment that a green school provides leads to higher teacher retention and less teacher turnover.
  • Just as students see health benefits from green schools, so do teachers, as the same report shows that teachers in these schools get sick less, resulting in a decrease of sick days by 7 percent.

Transition to conclusion and summary of importance: In summary, the going-green era has impacted every aspect of education in our school systems.

Review of main points: From K–12 schools to college campuses like ours, to the students and teachers in the schools, the green movement is changing the way we think about education and our environment.

Closing statement: As Glenn Cook, the editor in chief of the American School Board Journal , states on the Center for Green Schools’s website, “The green schools movement is the biggest thing to happen to education since the introduction of technology to the classroom.”

Ash, K. (2011). “Green schools” benefit budgets and students, report says. Education Week , 30 (32), 10.

Calder, W. (2009). Go green, save green. Independent School , 68 (4), 90–93.

The Center for Green Schools. (n.d.). K–12: How. Retrieved from

Eastern Illinois University. (n.d.). Renewable Energy Center. Retrieved from

Kats, G. (2006). Greening America’s schools: Costs and benefits. A Capital E Report. Retrieved from

Strife, S. (2010). Reflecting on environmental education: Where is our place in the green movement? Journal of Environmental Education , 41 (3), 179–191. doi:10.1080/00958960903295233

Sturm College of Law. (n.d.). About DU law: Building green. Retrieved from

USGBC. (n.d.). About us. US Green Building Council . Retrieved from

Key Takeaways

  • Getting integrated: Informative speaking is likely the type of public speaking we will most often deliver and be audience to in our lives. Informative speaking is an important part of academic, professional, personal, and civic contexts.
  • Informative speeches teach an audience through objective factual information and can emerge from one or more of the following categories: objects, people, concepts, events, processes, and issues.
  • Effective informative speaking requires good research skills, as speakers must include novel information, relevant and proxemic examples, and “take-away” information that audience members will find engaging and useful.

The four primary methods of informing are through definition, description, demonstration, or explanation.

  • Informing through definition entails defining concepts clearly and concisely using synonyms and antonyms, use or function, example, or etymology.
  • Informing through description entails creating detailed verbal pictures for your audience.
  • Informing through demonstration entails sharing verbal directions about how to do something while also physically demonstrating the steps.
  • Informing through explanation entails sharing how something works, how something came to be, or why something happened.
  • An effective informative speaker should avoid persuasion by reviewing the language used in the specific purpose and thesis statements, using objective supporting material, and appearing trustworthy to the audience.
  • An effective informative speaker should avoid information overload by repackaging information and building in repetition and orienting material like reviews and previews.
  • An effective informative speaker engages the audience by translating information into relevant and concrete examples that appeal to different learning styles.
  • Getting integrated: How might you use informative speaking in each of the following contexts: academic, professional, personal, and civic?
  • Brainstorm potential topics for your informative speech and identify which topic category each idea falls into. Are there any risks of persuading for the topics you listed? If so, how can you avoid persuasion if you choose that topic?
  • Of the four methods of informing (through definition, description, demonstration, or explanation), which do you think is most effective for you? Why?

Fleming, N., “The VARK Helpsheets,” accessed March 6, 2012, .

Janusik, L., “Listening Facts,” accessed March 6, 2012, .

Olbricht, T. H., Informative Speaking (Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1968), 1–12.

Oxford English Dictionary Online, accessed March 6, 2012, .

The Past in Pictures, “Teaching Using Movies: Anachronisms!” accessed March 6, 2012,!.htm .

Scholasticus K, “Anachronism Examples in Literature,” February 2, 2012, accessed March 6, 2012, .

Society for Technical Communication, “Defining Technical Communication,” accessed March 6, 2012, .

Verderber, R., Essentials of Informative Speaking: Theory and Contexts (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1991), 3.

Vuong, A., “Wanna Read That QR Code? Get the Smartphone App,” The Denver Post , April 18, 2011, accessed March 6, 2012, .

  • “About TED,” accessed October 23, 2012, . ↵

Communication in the Real World Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Body Language and Nonverbal Communication

Improving emotional intelligence (eq), conflict resolution skills.

  • Empathy: How to Feel and Respond to the Emotions of Others

Anger Management: Help for Anger Issues

Managing conflict with humor.

  • The 5 Love Languages and Their Influence on Relationships
  • Gaslighting: Turning Off the Gas on Your Gaslighter
  • Online Therapy: Is it Right for You?
  • Mental Health
  • Health & Wellness
  • Children & Family
  • Relationships

Are you or someone you know in crisis?

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Grief & Loss
  • Personality Disorders
  • PTSD & Trauma
  • Schizophrenia
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  • Exercise & Fitness
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  • Communication
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  • Healthy Aging
  • Aging Issues
  • Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia
  • Senior Housing
  • End of Life
  • Meet Our Team

What is effective communication?

Tips for improving your communication skills.

  • Tip 1: Understand the barriers to effective communication

Tip 2: Become an engaged listener

Tip 3: pay attention to nonverbal signals, tip 4: keep stress in check, tip 5: assert yourself, effective communication improving your interpersonal skills.

Want better communication skills? These tips will help you avoid misunderstandings, grasp the real meaning of what’s being communicated, and greatly improve your work and personal relationships.

communication skills topics for speech

Effective communication is about more than just exchanging information. It’s about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. As well as being able to clearly convey a message, you need to also listen in a way that gains the full meaning of what’s being said and makes the other person feel heard and understood.

Effective communication sounds like it should be instinctive. But all too often, when we try to communicate with others something goes astray. We say one thing, the other person hears something else, and misunderstandings, frustration, and conflicts ensue. This can cause problems in your home, school, and work relationships.

But by learning effective communication skills, you can deepen your connections to others, build greater trust and respect, and improve teamwork, problem solving, and your overall social and emotional health

Whether you’re trying to improve communication with your romantic partner, kids, boss, or coworkers, learning the following communication skills can help strengthen your interpersonal relationships.

Tip 1: Understand what’s stopping you from communicating well

Common barriers to effective communication include:

Stress and out-of-control emotion.  When you’re stressed or emotionally overwhelmed, you’re more likely to misread other people, send confusing or off-putting nonverbal signals, and lapse into unhealthy knee-jerk patterns of behavior. To avoid conflict and misunderstandings, you can learn how to quickly calm down before continuing a conversation.

Lack of focus.  You can’t communicate effectively when you’re multitasking. If you’re checking your phone , planning what you’re going to say next, or daydreaming, you’re almost certain to miss nonverbal cues in the conversation. To communicate effectively, you need to avoid distractions and stay focused.

Inconsistent body language.  Nonverbal communication should reinforce what is being said, not contradict it. If you say one thing, but your body language says something else, your listener will likely feel that you’re being dishonest. For example, you can’t say “yes” while shaking your head no.

[Read: Nonverbal Communication and Body Language]

Negative body language.  If you disagree with or dislike what’s being said, you might use negative body language to rebuff the other person’s message, such as crossing your arms, avoiding eye contact, or tapping your feet. You don’t have to agree with, or even like what’s being said, but to communicate effectively and not put the other person on the defensive, it’s important to avoid sending negative signals.

When communicating with others, we often focus on what we should say. However, effective communication is less about talking and more about listening. Listening well means not just understanding the words or the information being communicated, but also understanding the emotions the speaker is trying to convey.

There’s a big difference between engaged listening and simply hearing. When you really listen—when you’re engaged with what’s being said—you’ll hear the subtle intonations in someone’s voice that tell you how that person is feeling and the emotions they’re trying to communicate. When you’re an engaged listener, not only will you better understand the other person, you’ll also make that person feel heard and understood, which can help build a stronger, deeper connection between you.

By communicating in this way, you’ll also experience a process that  lowers stress and supports physical and emotional well-being. If the person you’re talking to is calm, for example, listening in an engaged way will help to calm you, too. Similarly, if the person is agitated, you can help calm them by listening in an attentive way and making the person feel understood.

If your goal is to fully understand and connect with the other person, listening in an engaged way will often come naturally. If it doesn’t, try the following tips. The more you practice them, the more satisfying and rewarding your interactions with others will become.

Tips for becoming an engaged listener

Focus fully on the speaker.  You can’t listen in an engaged way if you’re  constantly checking your phone or thinking about something else. You need to stay focused on the moment-to-moment experience in order to pick up the subtle nuances and important nonverbal cues in a conversation. If you find it hard to concentrate on some speakers, try repeating their words over in your head—it’ll reinforce their message and help you stay focused.

Favor your right ear.  As strange as it sounds, the left side of the brain contains the primary processing centers for both speech comprehension and emotions. Since the left side of the brain is connected to the right side of the body, favoring your right ear can help you better detect the emotional nuances of what someone is saying.

Avoid interrupting or trying to redirect the conversation to your concerns.  By saying something like, “If you think that’s bad, let me tell you what happened to me.” Listening is not the same as waiting for your turn to talk. You can’t concentrate on what someone’s saying if you’re forming what you’re going to say next. Often, the speaker can read your facial expressions and know that your mind’s elsewhere.

Show your interest in what’s being said.  Nod occasionally, smile at the person, and make sure your posture is open and inviting. Encourage the speaker to continue with small verbal comments like “yes” or “uh huh.”

Try to set aside judgment.  In order to communicate effectively with someone, you don’t have to like them or agree with their ideas, values, or opinions. However, you do need to set aside your judgment and withhold blame and criticism in order to fully understand them. The most difficult communication, when successfully executed, can often lead to an unlikely connection with someone.

[Read: Improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ)]

Provide feedback. If there seems to be a disconnect, reflect what has been said by paraphrasing. “What I’m hearing is,” or “Sounds like you are saying,” are great ways to reflect back. Don’t simply repeat what the speaker has said verbatim, though—you’ll sound insincere or unintelligent. Instead, express what the speaker’s words mean to you. Ask questions to clarify certain points: “What do you mean when you say…” or “Is this what you mean?”

Hear the emotion behind the words . It’s the higher frequencies of human speech that impart emotion. You can become more attuned to these frequencies—and thus better able to understand what others are really saying—by exercising the tiny muscles of your middle ear (the smallest in the body). You can do this by singing, playing a wind instrument, or listening to certain types of high-frequency music (a Mozart symphony or violin concerto, for example, rather than low-frequency rock, pop, or hip-hop).

The way you look, listen, move, and react to another person tells them more about how you’re feeling than words alone ever can. Nonverbal communication, or body language, includes facial expressions, body movement and gestures, eye contact, posture, the tone of your voice, and even your muscle tension and breathing.

Developing the ability to understand and use nonverbal communication can help you connect with others, express what you really mean, navigate challenging situations, and build better relationships at home and work.

  • You can enhance effective communication by using open body language—arms uncrossed, standing with an open stance or sitting on the edge of your seat, and maintaining eye contact with the person you’re talking to.
  • You can also use body language to emphasize or enhance your verbal message—patting a friend on the back while complimenting him on his success, for example, or pounding your fists to underline your message.

Improve how you  read nonverbal communication

Be aware of individual differences. People from different countries and cultures tend to use different nonverbal communication gestures, so it’s important to take age, culture, religion, gender, and emotional state into account when reading body language signals. An American teen, a grieving widow, and an Asian businessman, for example, are likely to use nonverbal signals differently.

Look at nonverbal communication signals as a group. Don’t read too much into a single gesture or nonverbal cue. Consider all of the nonverbal signals you receive, from eye contact to tone of voice to body language. Anyone can slip up occasionally and let eye contact go, for example, or briefly cross their arms without meaning to. Consider the signals as a whole to get a better “read” on a person.

Improve how you  deliver nonverbal communication

Use nonverbal signals that match up with your words rather than contradict them. If you say one thing, but your body language says something else, your listener will feel confused or suspect that you’re being dishonest. For example, sitting with your arms crossed and shaking your head doesn’t match words telling the other person that you agree with what they’re saying.

Adjust your nonverbal signals according to the context. The tone of your voice, for example, should be different when you’re addressing a child than when you’re addressing a group of adults. Similarly, take into account the emotional state and cultural background of the person you’re interacting with.

Avoid negative body language. Instead, use body language to convey positive feelings, even when you’re not actually experiencing them. If you’re nervous about a situation—a job interview, important presentation, or first date, for example—you can use positive body language to signal confidence, even though you’re not feeling it. Instead of tentatively entering a room with your head down, eyes averted, and sliding into a chair, try standing tall with your shoulders back, smiling and maintaining eye contact, and delivering a firm handshake. It will make you feel more self-confident and help to put the other person at ease.

How many times have you felt stressed during a disagreement with your spouse, kids, boss, friends, or coworkers and then said or done something you later regretted? If you can quickly relieve stress and return to a calm state, you’ll not only avoid such regrets, but in many cases you’ll also help to calm the other person as well. It’s only when you’re in a calm, relaxed state that you’ll be able to know whether the situation requires a response, or whether the other person’s signals indicate it would be better to remain silent.

In situations such as a job interview, business presentation, high-pressure meeting, or introduction to a loved one’s family, for example, it’s important to manage your emotions, think on your feet, and effectively communicate under pressure.

Communicate effectively by staying calm under pressure

Use stalling tactics to give yourself time to think. Ask for a question to be repeated or for clarification of a statement before you respond.

Pause to collect your thoughts. Silence isn’t necessarily a bad thing—pausing can make you seem more in control than rushing your response.

Make one point and provide an example or supporting piece of information. If your response is too long or you waffle about a number of points, you risk losing the listener’s interest. Follow one point with an example and then gauge the listener’s reaction to tell if you should make a second point.

Deliver your words clearly. In many cases, how you say something can be as important as what you say. Speak clearly, maintain an even tone, and make eye contact. Keep your body language relaxed and open.

Wrap up with a summary and then stop. Summarize your response and then stop talking, even if it leaves a silence in the room. You don’t have to fill the silence by continuing to talk.

Quick stress relief for effective communication

When a conversation starts to get heated, you need something quick and immediate to bring down the emotional intensity. By learning to quickly reduce stress in the moment, you can safely take stock of any strong emotions you’re experiencing, regulate your feelings, and behave appropriately.

Recognize when you’re becoming stressed. Your body will let you know if you’re stressed as you communicate. Are your muscles or stomach tight? Are your hands clenched? Is your breath shallow? Are you “forgetting” to breathe?

Take a moment to calm down before deciding to continue a conversation or postpone it.

Bring your senses to the rescue. The best way to rapidly and reliably relieve stress is through the senses—sight, sound, touch, taste, smell—or movement. For example, you could pop a peppermint in your mouth, squeeze a stress ball in your pocket, take a few deep breaths, clench and relax your muscles, or simply recall a soothing, sensory-rich image. Each person responds differently to sensory input, so you need to find a coping mechanism that is soothing to you.

[Read: Quick Stress Relief]

Look for humor in the situation. When used appropriately, humor is a great way to relieve stress when communicating . When you or those around you start taking things too seriously, find a way to lighten the mood by sharing a joke or an amusing story.

Be willing to compromise. Sometimes, if you can both bend a little, you’ll be able to find a happy middle ground that reduces the stress levels for everyone concerned. If you realize that the other person cares much more about an issue than you do, compromise may be easier for you and a good investment for the future of the relationship.

Agree to disagree, if necessary, and take time away from the situation so everyone can calm down. Go for a stroll outside if possible, or spend a few minutes meditating. Physical movement or finding a quiet place to regain your balance can quickly reduce stress.

Find your space for healing and growth

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Direct, assertive expression makes for clear communication and can help boost your self-esteem and decision-making skills. Being assertive means expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs in an open and honest way, while standing up for yourself and respecting others. It does NOT mean being hostile, aggressive, or demanding. Effective communication is always about understanding the other person, not about winning an argument or forcing your opinions on others.

To improve your assertiveness

Value yourself and your options. They are as important as anyone else’s.

Know your needs and wants. Learn to express them without infringing on the rights of others.

Express negative thoughts in a positive way. It’s  okay to be angry , but you must remain respectful as well.

Receive feedback positively. Accept compliments graciously, learn from your mistakes, ask for help when needed.

Learn to say “no.” Know your limits and don’t let others take advantage of you. Look for alternatives so everyone feels good about the outcome.

Developing assertive communication techniques

Empathetic assertion conveys sensitivity to the other person. First, recognize the other person’s situation or feelings, then state your needs or opinion. “I know you’ve been very busy at work, but I want you to make time for us as well.”

Escalating assertion can be employed when your first attempts are not successful. You become increasingly firm as time progresses, which may include outlining consequences if your needs are not met. For example, “If you don’t abide by the contract, I’ll be forced to pursue legal action.”

Practice assertiveness in lower risk situations to help build up your confidence. Or ask friends or family if you can practice assertiveness techniques on them first.

More Information

  • Effective Communication: Improving Your Social Skills - Communicate more effectively, improve your conversation skills, and become more assertive. (AnxietyCanada)
  • Core Listening Skills - How to be a better listener. (
  • Effective Communication - How to communicate in groups using nonverbal communication and active listening techniques. (University of Maine)
  • Some Common Communication Mistakes - And how to avoid them. (
  • 3aPPa3 – When cognitive demand increases, does the right ear have an advantage? – Danielle Sacchinell | . (n.d.). Retrieved May 22, 2022, from Link
  • How to Behave More Assertively . (n.d.). 10. Weger, H., Castle Bell, G., Minei, E. M., & Robinson, M. C. (2014). The Relative Effectiveness of Active Listening in Initial Interactions.  International Journal of Listening , 28(1), 13–31. Link

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65 Toastmasters Speech Topics

communication skills topics for speech

Delivering a speech can be a daunting task, but with the right topic and preparation, you can make it a rewarding experience. To help you get started, here are 65 Toastmasters Speech Topics to choose from. From humorous stories to heartfelt reflections, these topics will help you find the perfect fit for your next presentation.

  • A Memorable Travel Experience and the Lessons Learned
  • Overcoming a Personal Challenge or Obstacle
  • Memorable Events From Your Childhood
  • A Time When You Had to Adapt to a New Situation
  • Memorable Experiences With a Friend or Loved One
  • A Time When You Had to Make an Important Decision
  • Lessons You Learned the Hard Way
  • A Memorable Failure and What You Learned From It
  • A Memorable Experience Volunteering or Giving Back to the Community
  • A Time When You Had to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Memorable Experiences With a Mentor or Role Model
  • A Time When You Had to Confront a Fear or Phobia
  • Memorable Experiences That Changed Your Perspective on Life
  • Memorable Experience That Taught You a Valuable Lesson
  • A Time When You Had to Overcome a Personal Weakness or Flaw
  • Memorable Experiences That Helped You Discover a Hidden Talent or Passion
  • A Time When You Had to Deal With a Difficult Person or Situation
  • Memorable Experiences That Helped You Grow as a Person
  • A Time When You Had to Overcome Adversity or Challenge
  • A Memorable Experience That Taught You the Importance of Perseverance
  • A Time When You Had to Make a Difficult Choice
  • The Power of Positive Thinking and How It Can Change Your Life
  • A Time When You Had to Believe in Yourself
  • A Memorable Experience That Taught You the Value of Compassion
  • A Time When You Had to Put Others Before Yourself
  • The Power of Gratitude and How It Can Transform Your Life
  • A Time When You Had to Make a Difficult Sacrifice
  • The Power of Kindness and How It Can Create Positive Change
  • A Time When You Had to Overcome a Setback or Failure
  • The Power of Self-Belief and How It Can Help You Reach Your Goals
  • The Importance of Self-Care and How It Can Improve Your Mental and Physical Well-being
  • The Power of Mindfulness and How It Can Help You Manage Stress and Anxiety
  • The Importance of Taking Risks and Following Your Dreams
  • The Power of Generosity and How It Can Help You Create Lasting Connections
  • Value of Self-Awareness and How It Can Help You Reach Your Potential
  • The Power of Positive Self-Talk and How It Can Help You Overcome Challenges
  • Value of Taking Time for Yourself and How It Can Help You Recharge and Refresh
  • The Importance of Setting Goals and How It Can Help You Achieve Success
  • Humility and How It Can Help You Reach Your Goals
  • Memorable Experiences That Helped You Appreciate the Little Things in Life
  • The Most Important Lesson You Learned From a Family Member
  • Memorable Experiences That Deepened Your Understanding of a Different Culture
  • A Time When You Had to Overcome a Fear
  • How You Became an Advocate for Something You Believe In
  • A Time When You Had to Make a Difficult Decision
  • A Memorable Experience That Taught You the Value of Compromise
  • A Time When You Had to Rely on Your Inner Strength
  • A Time When You Had to Take a Stand Against Injustice
  • The Most Important Lesson You Learned From a Role Model
  • A Time When You Had to Make a Difficult Choice Between Two Good Options
  • A Memorable Experience That Helped You Overcome a Difficult Situation
  • A Time When You Had to Take a Stand Against a Task You Disagreed With
  • Time When You Had to Make a Difficult Choice Despite What Others Thought
  • A Memorable Encounter With a Stranger
  • A Time When You Were Able to Help Someone or Make a Positive Impact in Some Way
  • A Memorable Experience You Had While Traveling or Living Abroad
  • A Time When You Faced a Significant Change or Transition in Your Life and How You Adapted
  • Memorable Event or Experience From Your Time in a Creative Pursuit, Such as Writing, Painting, or Music
  • A Time When You Had to Overcome a Fear or Phobia
  • The Impact of Social Entrepreneurship
  • The Impact of Positive Psychology
  • The Benefits of Living Sustainably
  • The Impact of Volunteerism
  • The Benefits of Living in the Moment
  • The Power of Intuition

In conclusion, these Toastmasters speech topics are designed to help you become a better public speaker. Whether you are looking to sharpen your rhetoric skills or just want to have fun and practice your communication skills, these topics can provide you with an excellent opportunity to do so.

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English Speech Topics for Students


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 2, 2024

english speech topics for students

Writing an exciting and thoughtful speech requires selecting a good topic, researching it thoroughly, and forming individual opinions to express the same. School students are usually asked to speak on a contemporary topic to help them become good public speakers as well as learn the art of expressing oneself in front of an audience. While many speech competitions often allot topics beforehand, you might also have heard of extempore where topics are given on the spot for speech. This blog brings you a list of common English speech topics as well as some helpful tips and tricks that can assist you in effectively expressing your thoughts and opinions in front of an audience. Before starting, we would like to give you one piece of advice: you can also Humanize AI to humanize these topics for better readability and human touch, if required. Let’s begin!

Checkout our 200+ Essay Topics for Students in English

This Blog Includes:

List of best english speech topics for students, 1-minute speech topics, 2-minute speech topics, 3-minute speech topics, easy topics for speech in english, english speech topics on environment, english speech topics on technology, english speech topics on independence day, english speech topics on diwali, english speech topics on corruption, english speech topics on feminism, english speech topics on mother’s day, english speaking topics on capitalism, engish speech topics on gandhi jayanti, english speech topics on reading, english speech topics on communism, english speech topics on deforestation, english speech topics on social issues, english speech topics on important days & events, english speech topics on greatest leaders in india & around the world, english speech topics on indian culture, english speech topics on proverbs, english speech topics on human rights, english speech topics on education, english speech topics on the importance of water, miscellaneous speech topics, types of persuasive speech topics, tips for writing and speaking a speech.

Speeches are all about one’s thoughts. It should not be copied from somewhere. It is all about what the speaker thinks of any given topic. However, take a look at the following list of English Speech topics on different contemporary issues as well as concepts.

  • The Best Day of My Life
  • Social Media: Bane or Boon?
  • Pros and Cons of Online Learning
  • Benefits of Yoga
  • If I had a Superpower
  • I wish I were ______
  • Human Rights
  • Environment Conservation
  • Women Should Rule the World!
  • The Best Lesson I Have Learned
  • Paperbacks vs E-books
  • How to Tackle a Bad Habit
  • My Favorite Pastime/Hobby
  • Why should every citizen vote?
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Is it real or not?
  • Importance of Reading
  • Importance of Books in Our Life
  • My Favorite Fictional Character
  • Introverts vs Extroverts
  • Lessons to Learn from Sports
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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  • I mportance of Kindness
  • Is there Value in Homework?
  • Things I learned in Lockdown
  • How can food be recycled?
  • Should Art be a part of the school curriculum?
  • Should schools teach sign language?
  • Women make better presidents/prime ministers
  • Why books are better than movies?
  • Life was better when technology was simple
  • Impact of technology on our health
  • Should children’s reality shows be banned?
  • Learning in the Wake of COVID-19
  • Hard Work vs Smart Work
  • What Makes Learning Fun?
  • The Coolest Inventions You’ve Seen
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Importance of AI in Education
  • Importance of Extracurricular Activities
  • Should exams be banned?
  • How to Tackle Bullying in Schools?

  • Speech about dreams
  • Speech about life
  • Speech on time
  • Speech on discipline
  • Speech on happiness
  • Speech on kindness
  • Speech on value of time
  • Speech on health and fitness
  • Speech on Doctor
  • Speech on Nurse
  • Graduation Day Speech
  • World Health Day Speech
  • Sex Education Speech
  • Importance of Education
  • Is it beneficial to learn a Second Language?
  • Music has healing power
  • Success in life
  • Self Confidence
  • 18th birthday
  • Love is more powerful than hate
  • Social Impact of Covid-19
  • How can Online Learning be Fun?
  • Make Public Transport Free
  • Should violent video games be banned?
  • Speech on Learning

Exploring English Speech Topics? You must also take a look at Extempore Topics !

  • Climate Change
  • Ozone Layer Depletion
  • Reducing Water Levels
  • Deforestation
  • Global Warming
  • Waste Management
  • Water-Saving Techniques
  • Reducing the Green Cover of Earth
  • Endangered species need protection
  • Importance of fishing regulations
  • Importance of investing in alternative fuels
  • Impact of ocean acidification on marine organisms
  • The misuse of the term “sustainable development” by environmentalists
  • Microbial benefits
  • E-Waste Management
  • Natural Disasters and their impact on economic growth
  • Energy alternatives – Only solution to the environmental damage
  • Extinction of rare species
  • World Environment Day
  • Disaster Management
  • Over and Improper Use of Natural Resources
  • Air, Water and Soil Pollution
  • Efficiency of Recycling

Also Read: How to Write Dialogue: Format, Tips and Examples

  • Technology and Mental Health
  • Privacy in the Digital Age: Navigating the Challenges of Data Collection and Surveillance
  • The Impact of Technology on Society
  • Artificial Intelligence: The New Normal
  • The Role of Social Media in Communication and Social Interactions
  • Sustainable Technology: Innovations for a Greener Future
  • The Rise of E-commerce
  • Gaming Technology: Entertainment, ESports and Interactive Experiences
  • The Digital Divide: Bridging the Gap for Equal Access to Technology
  • The Ethical Dilemmas of Emerging Technologies

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  • The Journey of Independence Day
  • The Significance of Independence Day
  • Indian Independence Day
  • Remembering the Founding Fathers
  • The Spirit of Independence
  • Independence Day and Volunteering
  • Independence Day Speeches
  • India’s Road to Freedom
  • Independence Day and National Identity
  • Independence Day in the Digital Age
  • Independence Day and Women’s Empowerment
  • Diwali: The Festival of Lights and Its Significance in Hindu Culture
  • Diwali and the Victory of Good Over Evil
  • Diwali and the Art of Giving
  • Diwali and the Spirit of Forgiveness
  • Diwali and Cultural Exchanges
  • Diwali and the Essence of Joy
  • Diwali and Social Responsibility
  • Diwali and Artistic Expressions
  • The Rituals and Traditions of Diwali
  • Diwali and the Symbolism of Light
  • The Economic Consequence of Corruption
  • Corruption and International Aid
  • Media and Corruption
  • Fighting Corruption
  • Corruption in Politics
  • The Role of Transparency and Accountability in Curbing Corruption
  • The Role of Technology in Combating Corruption
  • Whistleblowing and Protecting Mechanism
  • Corruption in Business and Corporate Practices
  • Understanding Feminism
  • The Future of Feminism
  • Feminism and Parenting
  • Feminism and Online Activism
  • Feminism and Environmental Activism
  • Feminism and Reproductive Rights
  • The Gender Pay Gap: Examining Inequalities in the Workplace
  • Feminism and its Evolution
  • Feminism and Body Positivity
  • Feminism and Media Representation: Encouraging Authentic and Diverse Portrayals of Women
  • Expressing Gratitude and Love to Mothers
  • The Influence of Mothers in Shaping Our Values and Beliefs
  • Motherhood and Education
  • Mother’s Day and Volunteerism
  • Mother-Daughter Relationship
  • The Role of Mothers in Shaping Society
  • Mother’s Day Crafts and DIY Gifts
  • Learned Lessons from Mothers
  • Mother’s Day Around the World: Cultural Traditions and Celebrations
  • Capitalism: An Introduction to the Economic System and its Principles
  • The Future of Capitalism
  • Pros and Cons of Capitalism
  • Capitalism and Globalisation
  • Capitalism and Consumerism
  • Capitalism and Financial Crisis: Undertaking the Risk and Mitigation Measures
  • Capitalism and Environmental Sustainability
  • Capitalism and the Role of Government
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Capitalism
  • Capitalism and the Digital Economy
  • Mahatma Gandhi: The Father of the Nation and His Ideals
  • Remembering Gandhi: Reflecting On His Life and Legacy
  • Gandhi’s Influence on the Indian Independence Movement
  • Satyagraha: The Power of Truth and Nonviolent Resistance
  • Gandhi’s Philosophy of Swaraj
  • The Role of Women in Gandhi’s Freedom Struggle
  • Gandhi’s Teaching on Education and Moral Values
  • Gandhi’s Lasting Legacy
  • Gandhi’s Vision for a Just and Inclusive Society
  • The Relevance of Gandhi’s Principles in Today’s World
  • The Influence of Reading on Emotional Intelligence and Empathy
  • Reading and Mental Health
  • Benefits of Reading
  • Reading and Empowerment
  • The Role of Reading in Academic Success and Lifelong Learning
  • Promoting a Reading Culture: Encouraging Reading Habits in Society
  • Reading Biographies and Memoirs
  • Reading and Social Connections
  • The Joy of Reading: Escaping Into the Different Worlds and Characters
  • Reading and Personal Identity
  • The Current State of Communism
  • Communism: An Introduction to the Ideology and Its Historical Context
  • The Evolution of Communist Movements
  • The Role of the State in a Communist Society
  • The Fall of Communist Regimes
  • Communism and Religious Freedom
  • Communism and Gender Equality
  • Communism and Workers’ Rights
  • The Criticisms of Communism
  • Deforestation: Causes, Consequences and Global Impact
  • Deforestation and Climate Change
  • Deforestation and Carbon Sequestration
  • Deforestation and Individual Actions
  • Deforestation and Wildlife Trafficking
  • Deforestation and Sustainable Development
  • Deforestation and Indigenous Communities
  • Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss
  • Deforestation and Forest Fires
  • The Importance of Forests

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  • Women Empowerment
  • Education of Girl Child
  • Unemployment
  • Casteism 
  • Reservation
  • Importance of Maintaining Hygiene
  • Child Labour
  • Social Distancing
  • Organ Donation
  • Importance of the Right to Education
  • Child Trafficking
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Struggles of Immigrants
  • Impact of Globalisation
  • Adult education
  • Independence Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • World Cancer Day
  • World Population Day
  • World Health Day
  • Ambedkar Jayanti
  • Gandhi Jayanti
  • Human Rights Day
  • Zero Discrimination Day
  • Women’s Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Anti-Terrorism Day
  • Hindi Diwas 

Check out this list of all the important national and international days in 202 4 !

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Raja Rammohan Roy
  • George Washington
  • Albert Einstein
  • APJ Abdul Kalam
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Kailash Satyarthi
  • Diversity in India
  • Speech on Holi
  • The Role of Yoga and Meditation in Indian Culture and Its Global Impact
  • The Importance of Traditional Indian Clothing
  • Indian Folklore
  • Indian Festivals
  • The Art of Indian Dance
  • Traditional Indian Medicine (Ayurveda)
  • Indian Epics and Mythology
  • Social Customs and Etiquettes in Indian Society
  • Indian Sports and Games

Also Read: Speech on Indian Culture

  • Honesty is the best policy
  • When there’s a will, there is a way
  • Actions speak louder than words
  • Knowledge is Power
  • Ignorance is Bliss
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover
  • Hard work is the key to success

Explore these proverbs & their meanings through this blog on Difficult Phrases !

  • The Role of International Organisations in Promoting and Protecting Human Rights
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Milestone in Human History
  • Gender Equality: Breaking Barriers and Empowering Women
  • Ensuring a Safe and Sustainable Environment for the Next Generation
  • The Right to Education: Empowering Minds
  • Bridging the Gap Between the Rich and Poor
  • Human Rights and Armed Conflicts
  • Global Fight to Combat Human Trafficking
  • Human Rights and Climate Change
  • Religious Freedom: Tolerance and Coexistence in a Diverse Society

To know what to mention in such speech topics, explore the Great Personalities in the World !

  • Importance of teacher in your life
  • SAT scores for college application
  • Student bullies should be expelled
  • Consequences of cheating in exams
  • Homeschooling is better than normal schooling
  • Importance of value education
  • Importance of sports and physical exercises
  • Schools vs colleges
  • What is the difference between a school, college and university in the USA?

Check Out: Synonyms List

  • The Water-Energy Nexus
  • The Essence of Water: Exploring the Live-giving Properties of H2O
  • Water as a Driver of Economic Growth and Prosperity
  • Water Security: Ensuring Equal Access and Quality for All
  • Water and Agriculture
  • The Role of Water in Ecosystems
  • Water and Blue Economy
  • Water Diplomacy: Promoting Collaboration for Transboundary Water Management
  • Water and Cultural Significance: Exploring Symbolisms and Rituals
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH): Foundational for Human Health and Dignity
  • Article 370
  • Women rights
  • The Constitution of India
  • Youth of India
  • Culture of India
  • Importance of Unity
  • Generation Gap
  • Importance of Value Education
  • Old Age Homes
  • Family Values
  • Leadership skills
  • Rise of Smart Classes
  • Grading System
  • Importance of Practical Education
  • Benefits of Co-Education
  • Importance of Co-Curricular Activities
  • The uselessness of Power-Point Presentations
  • Rise of Technology
  • Excessive usage of the Internet
  • Speech on Fear
  • Speech on Dependence on Technology
  • Importance of Social Media
  • Speech on India of My Dreams
  • Indian Education System
  • Speech on My India

While exploring persuasive English speech topics, you must make sure that they are stimulating, engaging, concise and clear. There are three main types of Persuasive Speech topics which are:

1. Factual Persuasive Speech : These topics include facts, figures and statistics to thoroughly analyse the given topic and assess whether it’s true or false.

2. Policy Persuasive Speech : Discussing policies, laws and reforms, these speech topics critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of the given policy or law and suggest the improvements that can be made.

3. Value Persuasive Speech : Mainly focusing on social or political issues, these speech topics present the critique and argument of whether certain actions are morally right or not.

While speaking on a particular topic, there are certain things that you must keep in mind to make your speech expressive and effective. Let’s take a look at some useful topics that help you in acing any topic you are speaking on.

tips for writing and speaking

  • Always research the topic. If you are participating in an extempore, then make sure to go through the common and popular topics as well as the unconventional ones that you might get. Preparation is the key to delivering an impressive speech. For inspiration, look up various speech examples to see how effective speakers engage their audience
  • Whether you are given a topic on the spot or you are prepared for the speech, it is always pivotal that you seem interested in speaking about it. Relate the given issues to your own life and this will help you in giving it your twist.
  • Pay extra attention to your body language and enunciation. While a gesticulative approach will make you seem outward, having timid body language can cause a wrong impression.
  • Ponder upon the different viewpoints on a topic . Try to present a holistic view of the given topic but don’t forget to present your opinion on it as well. Along with this, don’t try to take sides unless the topic demands you to.
  • Involve your audience, if possible. This way, you will be able to interact with the people and it will also be useful in fighting the fear of public speaking.
  • Don’t mug up a speech. It becomes evident when someone just speaks on a topic continuously and the audience might realise that you have memorized it or you might forget a certain part which will let the whole speech fade away from your brain.
  • Instead, make notes about the topic in your mind, remember certain keywords and try to maintain a particular flow in your speech.
  • Incorporate humour in your speech in a way that you do not offend anyone or overdo it but get a positive reaction from the audience. Humour is a great way of lightening the mood as well as ensuring the whole speech is interactive and engaging.
  • When you need more specialized assistance, a  US essay writing service  can be a valuable resource for crafting your speech.

While preparing for English Speech topics, you must also check out IELTS Speaking Topics !

Juvenile delinquency is acceptable. Prostitution should be legal. Underage driving should be punishable by law. Beauty pageants for children should be banned. Prisoner’s right to vote. Voting rights should not be universal. Guns should be banned from college campuses.

A three-minute speech is undoubtedly a wonderful starting point for public speaking. This is because you need to communicate with your audience more effectively when you just have a short amount of time. In addition, the speech ought to be concise, pertinent, and clear.

Life is the gift of God in the form of trust that we will make it meaningful in whatever we can. We are all unique individuals. No one is born like you and no one will ever be, so cherish your individuality. Many times, I come across people accusing God of things that they don’t have. They always cursing their lives.

 2-minute speeches are  short and crisp speeches of about 260-350 words .

Related Reads

Thus, we hope that this list helps you in preparing for different English speech topics. Gearing up for IELTS ? Sign up for an online demo session with our experts at Leverage Edu and we will assist you in preparing for its different sections as well as improving your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills to ensure that you ace the exam with flying colours!

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10 Killer Demonstration Speech Ideas to Wow Your Audience

  • The Speaker Lab
  • May 15, 2024

Table of Contents

No matter whether you’re hitting the books, climbing the corporate ladder, or just keen on boosting your way with words, mastering a killer demonstration speech can really change the game. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 10 outstanding demonstration speech topics. Each one is designed not just to impress but also create moments your audience won’t forget anytime soon.

But what exactly is a demonstration speech? Simply put, it’s a type of informative speech that teaches your audience how to do something step by step. From mastering a new skill to understanding a complex process, demonstration speeches are all about breaking things down in an easy-to-follow manner. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can become a demonstration speech pro!

10 Great Demonstration Speech Ideas

If you’re looking for some engaging demonstration speech topics, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a high school student or a seasoned public speaker, these ideas will get your creative juices flowing. Let’s take a look.

  • How to make a perfect cup of coffee
  • The art of folding origami
  • Mastering the perfect golf swing
  • Creating a delicious summer salad
  • Tips for taking better photos with your cell phone
  • The science behind paper airplanes
  • Protecting yourself from identity theft
  • Choosing the right running shoes for your feet
  • DIY hair dye techniques
  • How to complete some basic yoga exercises

Remember, the key to a great demonstration speech is to choose a topic that you’re passionate about and that will engage your audience. Whether you’re demonstrating a practical skill or sharing a fun hobby, your enthusiasm will shine through and make your speech a hit.

So go ahead and pick a topic that speaks to you. With a little creativity and preparation, you’ll be ready to wow your audience and deliver a demonstration speech that’s both informative and entertaining.

What Is a Demonstration Speech?

If you’ve ever watched a TED Talk or attended a conference, chances are you’ve seen a demonstration speech in action. A demonstration speech is a type of informative speech that walks the audience through a process or task, step by step.

The goal? To teach the audience how to do something new, whether it’s making a recipe, using a product, or mastering a skill. Demonstration speeches are all about breaking down complex ideas into easy-to-follow steps, using visual aids like props, charts, and videos to drive the message home.

Benefits of Giving a Demonstration Speech

So why give a demonstration speech? For starters, it’s a fantastic way to share your expertise and help others learn something valuable. But the benefits don’t stop there. Just imagine doing the following:

  • Showing the members of your team how to navigate new software
  • Teaching students how to perform a procedure, solve a problem or use a piece of equipment
  • Highlighting the benefits of using a product for your target audience
  • Proving the effectiveness of a procedure or product in comparison to another
  • Pitching a sellable good or service for production or investment to company leaders and other decision-makers

Whether you’re in sales, education, or leadership, being able to clearly explain and demonstrate ideas is a valuable skill that can open up new opportunities and help you make a real impact.

How to Give a Demonstration Speech

Ready to dive in? Here are a few tips for giving a killer demonstration speech:

  • Choose a topic you’re passionate about and know inside out. Your enthusiasm will be contagious.
  • Break the process down into clear, logical steps. Think about what your audience needs to know and in what order.
  • Use visual aids to clarify and reinforce your message. Props, images, and videos can make abstract ideas concrete.
  • Practice, practice, practice. The more comfortable you are with your material, the more engaging and natural your delivery will be.
  • Engage your audience by asking questions, encouraging participation, and leaving time for Q&A. Make it a conversation, not a lecture.

Remember, a great demonstration speech is all about empowering your audience with new knowledge and skills. So don’t just tell them—show them how it’s done.

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Choosing a Demonstration Speech Topic

Now that you know the power of a great demonstration speech, you might be wondering: what should I talk about? The possibilities are endless, but the key is to choose a topic that you’re passionate about and that will resonate with your audience.

Your Interests

First and foremost, your demonstration speech topic should be something you’re genuinely interested in and excited to share with others. After all, if you’re not passionate about the subject, how can you expect your audience to be?

Think about your hobbies, skills, and areas of expertise. What do you love to do in your free time? What are you known for among your friends and family? Chances are, there’s a demonstration speech topic hiding in there somewhere.

Time Constraint

Of course, passion alone isn’t enough. You also need to consider the practical constraints of your speech, like time. How much time do you have to prepare and deliver your demonstration? If you only have a few minutes, you’ll want to choose a topic that can be explained concisely, with a few key steps or takeaways. If you have more time, you can dive deeper into the details and nuances of your subject.

Audience Engagement

Finally, think about what will engage and benefit your audience. What problems are they trying to solve? What skills do they need to learn? In addition, what interests and values do they share?

The best demonstration speech topics are those that are both personally meaningful to you and relevant to your audience. So don’t be afraid to get creative and think outside the box. Whether you’re teaching your coworkers how to use a new software program or showing your friends how to make your famous chili recipe, the key is to choose a topic that you’re excited about and that will leave your audience feeling inspired and empowered.

How to Structure Your Demonstration Speech

You’ve chosen your demonstration speech topic, and you’re ready to start preparing. But how do you even plan a demonstration speech? The key is structure. Structuring your speech is key to delivering a clear, engaging presentation that your audience will remember. Consider the following steps as you outline your speech.

Begin with “Why”

Before you dive into the details of your demonstration, take a moment to explain why your topic matters. What problem does it solve? How will it benefit your audience? By starting with the “why,” you’ll capture your listeners’ attention and make them eager to learn more.

Outline the Process

Once you’ve established the importance of your topic, it’s time to outline the process you’ll be demonstrating. Break it down into clear, logical steps that your audience can follow along with. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms that might confuse your listeners. Alternatively, choose just one or two terms that you can explain briefly without having to go too in-depth.

Progress Through Each Step

As you move through your demonstration, take your time and explain each step thoroughly. Use visual aids like props, diagrams, or slides to help illustrate your points. And don’t be afraid to pause and check in with your audience to make sure they’re following along.

Invite Questions

After you’ve completed your demonstration, open the floor for questions. This is a great opportunity to engage with your audience and clarify any points that may have been unclear. Be prepared to answer questions thoughtfully and provide additional resources if needed.

Summarize and Conclude

Finally, wrap up your speech by summarizing the key points you covered and reiterating the importance of your topic. Leave your audience with a clear call to action, whether it’s to try out the skill you demonstrated or to learn more about the subject.

By following this simple structure, you’ll be well on your way to delivering a polished, effective demonstration speech. Remember to practice, stay focused, and have fun, and your passion and enthusiasm are sure to shine through.

Tips for Delivering an Effective Demonstration Speech

You’ve picked your demonstration speech topic, outlined the key points, and practiced your delivery. However, there are still a few more things you can do to really make your speech shine. Engaging your audience, for instance, and delivering a memorable, impactful presentation are two great ways to really drive your speech home.

Use Visuals to Guide Your Speech

Visual aids are an essential element of any great demonstration speech. They help illustrate your points, break up the monotony of straight talking, and give your audience something to focus on. But don’t just throw together a bunch of random images and call it a day. Your visuals should be carefully chosen to support and enhance your message.

Start by considering what type of visual aid would work best for your topic. Are you demonstrating a step-by-step process? A series of photos or diagrams might be the way to go. Explaining a complex concept? An infographic or chart could help simplify things. Trying to evoke an emotional response? A short video clip might do the trick.

Whatever you choose, make sure your visuals are high-quality, easy to see and understand, and flow logically with your speech. Practice integrating them smoothly into your presentation so they feel like a natural part of your talk, not an awkward interruption.

Engage Your Audience

No one wants to sit through a dry, boring lecture. To keep your audience interested and invested, you need to actively engage them throughout your speech. One simple way to do this is by asking questions. Pose a thought-provoking query at the beginning to get them thinking, or ask for a show of hands to gauge their experience with your topic.

You can also use humor, storytelling, and real-life examples to make your speech more relatable and memorable. Share a funny anecdote about a time you struggled with the task you’re demonstrating, or explain how this skill helped you succeed in a challenging situation. The more your audience can see themselves in your speech, the more engaged they’ll be.

Provide Additional Resources

Your speech is just the beginning. To truly empower your audience to put your teachings into practice, provide them with additional resources they can refer to later. This might include a handout with key takeaways and step-by-step instructions, a list of recommended tools or products, or links to helpful articles or videos.

You can also invite your audience to connect with you after the speech if they have additional questions or want to learn more. Provide your contact information or social media handles, and encourage them to reach out. By offering ongoing support and resources, you show that you’re truly invested in their success.

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Demonstration Speech Topics for Specific Settings

Now that you know how to choose and deliver a great demonstration speech topic, let’s explore some specific ideas for different settings. Whether you’re speaking in a business meeting, a classroom, or a community event, there’s a perfect topic out there for you.

Business Topics

Demonstration speeches are a common fixture in many business settings, from team meetings to industry conferences. These talks tend to focus on practical skills and strategies that can help attendees do their jobs better or advance their careers. Some potential topics include:

  • How to use a new software program or tool
  • Tips for effective time management and productivity
  • Strategies for networking and building professional relationships
  • Techniques for delivering persuasive presentations or sales pitches
  • Best practices for remote teamwork and communication

When choosing a business-related demonstration speech topic, consider your audience’s needs and goals. What challenges are they facing in their work? What skills or knowledge would help them succeed? By addressing these questions, you can deliver a talk that’s truly valuable and relevant to your listeners.

Health and Fitness Topics

Health and fitness are popular subjects for demonstration speeches, as many people are eager to learn new ways to improve their physical and mental wellbeing. These talks can range from practical how-tos to more inspirational and motivational content. Some ideas to consider:

  • Demonstrating proper form for common exercises like squats or push-ups
  • Sharing healthy meal prep ideas and recipes
  • Teaching stress-reduction techniques like meditation or deep breathing
  • Offering tips for staying motivated and consistent with a fitness routine
  • Exploring the benefits of alternative therapies like acupuncture or massage

When giving a health or fitness-related speech, it’s important to remember that everyone’s needs and abilities are different. Avoid making blanket statements or promises, and always encourage your audience to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new regimen.

Student-Friendly Topics

Demonstration speeches are a great way for students to practice their public speaking skills while sharing knowledge with their peers. These talks can cover a wide range of subjects, from academic skills to personal hobbies and interests. Here are a few ideas:

  • How to create an effective study schedule and stick to it
  • Tips for researching and writing a great paper
  • Strategies for managing stress and anxiety during exams
  • Demonstrating a favorite art or craft project
  • Teaching a useful life skill like basic car maintenance or sewing

When choosing a topic for a student demonstration speech, consider what would be most useful and engaging for your classmates. What skills or knowledge do you have that others might benefit from? What topics are currently relevant or interesting to your peer group? By selecting a subject that resonates with your audience, you’ll be more likely to deliver an impactful and memorable speech.

FAQs on Demonstration Speeches

What is a demonstration speech.

A demo speech shows how to do something. It guides the audience through the steps, making complex tasks simple.

What does demonstrate speech mean?

Demonstrate speech means using words and visuals to teach or show how a process works from start to finish.

What can I demonstrate in 5 minutes?

In 5 minutes, you could teach someone basic origami, mix a cocktail, or even change a tire—quick skills work best.

Which of the following is an example of a demonstration speech?

An example would be showing how to prepare your favorite summer salad step by step in front of an audience.

Nailing an impressive demo speech means finding a subject that lights up your crowd, laying out each step in simple terms, and presenting everything with energy and confidence. By following the tips and ideas we’ve explored, you’ll be well on your way to creating a memorable and impactful demonstration speech.

If you’re still feeling nervous, just remember—sharpening your skills takes consistent effort. The more you hone your demonstration speech skills, the more natural and effective your delivery will become. So jump on in, the world’s waiting for what you’ve got to say.

  • Last Updated: May 9, 2024

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49 Communication Activities, Exercises & Games

Communication games and activities

Read on to learn about how important communication is in a relationship and how you can work on improving your communication skills.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Positive Communication Exercises (PDF) for free . These science-based tools will help you and those you work with build better social skills and better connect with others.

This Article Contains:

What are communication activities, exercises, and games, the role of communication in a relationship, how can we develop better communication skills, 18 communication games and activities for adults, 17 exercises to help improve communication in a relationship, the importance of communication in the family unit, 14 family therapy activities for communication, a take-home message.

The resources in this piece include tips, techniques, exercises, games, and other activities that give you the opportunity to learn more about effective communication, help guide your interactions with others, and improve your communication skills.

Some might feel like a chore you need to cross off your to-do list while others may make you forget you’re not just having fun with your family , but actually boosting vital life skills; however, they all have one thing in common: they will help you become a better, more effective, and more positive communicator with those who mean the most to you.

But what’s the deal with these activities, exercises, and therapy games ? Are they really that important or impactful? Do we really need to work on communicating when it seems like we’re pretty good at it already?

Communication in relationships

Check out this quote from Stephen R. Covey and take a minute to think about how vital communication really is.

The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are. And if our words and our actions come from superficial human relations techniques rather than from our own inner core, others will sense that duplicity. We simply won’t be able to create and sustain the foundation necessary for effective interdependence.

Stephen R. Covey

As Covey notes, communication is the foundation of all of our relationships , forming the basis of our interactions and feelings about one another.

According to Australia’s Better Health Channel, communication is “ the transfer of information from one place to another ” and within relationships, it “ allows you to explain to someone else what you are experiencing and what your needs are ” (Victoria Department of Health & Human Services, n.d.).

When communication is good, we feel good about our relationships. Dr. Susan Heitler (2010) puts it this way:

When people say, ‘We have a great relationship,’ what they often mean is how they feel when they talk with one another. They mean, ‘I feel positive toward that person when we interact. I send and I receive positive vibes with them.’

Besides making our relationships easier, there are also relationship-boosting benefits to good communication:

  • Effective communication shows respect and value of the other person.
  • It helps us to better understand each other; not all communication is about understanding—some are intended to fight, dismiss, invalidate, undermine, etc.—but it should be!
  • It makes us feel more comfortable with each other and encourages even more healthy and effective communication (Abass, n.d.).

communication skills topics for speech

Download 3 Communication Exercises (PDF)

These detailed, science-based exercises will equip you or your clients with tools to improve communication skills and enjoy more positive social interactions with others.

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Fortunately, all it takes to develop better communication skills is a commitment to do so and a little bit of effort.

These tips from Australia’s Better Health Channel can help guide you toward better communication with your partner or spouse (these tips can also apply to any other relationship in your life with a little tweaking):

  • Set aside time to talk without interruption from other people or distractions like phones, computers or television.
  • Think about what you want to say.
  • Be clear about what you want to communicate.
  • Make your message clear, so that your partner hears it accurately and understands what you mean.
  • Talk about what is happening and how it affects you.
  • Talk about what you want, need and feel – use ‘I’ statements such as ‘I need’, ‘I want’ and ‘I feel’.
  • Accept responsibility for your own feelings.
  • Listen to your partner. Put aside your own thoughts for the time being and try to understand their intentions, feelings, needs and wants (this is called empathy ).
  • Share positive feelings with your partner, such as what you appreciate and admire about them, and how important they are to you.
  • Be aware of your tone of voice.
  • Negotiate and remember that you don’t have to be right all the time. If the issue you are having is not that important, sometimes let the issue go, or agree to disagree (Victoria Department of Health & Human Services, n.d.).

If you’re experiencing high levels of conflict in your relationship(s), the Better Health Channel has some specific recommendations for you:

  • Avoid using the silent treatment.
  • Don’t jump to conclusions. Find out all the facts rather than guessing at motives.
  • Discuss what actually happened. Don’t judge.
  • Learn to understand each other, not to defeat each other.
  • Talk using the future and present tense, not the past tense.
  • Concentrate on the major problem, and don’t get distracted by other minor problems.
  • Talk about the problems that hurt your or your partner’s feelings, then move on to problems about differences in opinions.
  • Use ‘I feel’ statements, not ‘You are’ statements (Victoria Department of Health & Human Services, n.d.).

8 Tips on How to Teach Communication Skills

Teaching Communication

This useful framework comes from Alice Stott at Edutopia (2018):

  • Physical: How a speaker uses their body language, facial expressions, and voice.
  • Linguistic: The speaker’s use of language, including their understanding of formality and rhetorical devices.
  • Cognitive: The content of what a speaker says and their ability to build on, challenge, question, and summarize others’ ideas.
  • Social and emotional : How well a speaker listens, includes others, and responds to their audience (Stott, 2018).

Once you have a good framework for understanding communication, try these 8 ways to foster effective communication in your children or students:

  • Teach your kids empathy so they can get a sense of what the other person is thinking and feeling.
  • Teach your kids conversation skills with techniques like puppets and video modeling, which they can then apply in exercises and activities.
  • Establish listening and speaking procedures in the classroom or at home (e.g., Dr. Allen Mendler’s SLANT strategy : Sit up straight, Listen, Answer and ask questions, Nod to show interest, Track the speaker; Mendler, 2013).
  • Teach respectful vocabulary and remind students that being “cold” (passive) or “hot” (angry) will probably result in less understanding and more conflict.
  • Teach the power of pausing (e.g., encourage them to pause, think, and ask questions like “What do you mean by that?” and “Why?”).
  • Have your kids practice speaking and listening in natural settings (e.g., outside of the home and classroom).
  • Encourage introspection in your children; it will help them understand themselves better as well as those around them.
  • Practice taking turns with a talking stick or a ball, teaching your children that they can speak when they have the object but they are expected to listen when others are talking (Stanfield, 2017).

One of the most effective ways to avoid unnecessary disputes is to practice non-violent communication (NVC). According to Rosenberg (1999), non-violent communication methods can serve us in three ways:

  • It can increase your ability to live with choice, meaning, and connection
  • It helps connect empathically with yourself and others to have more satisfying relationships
  • It shares resources so everyone is able to benefit

In an effort to exemplify the various forms that communication can take, we want to share some key differences between passive, assertive, and aggressive communication styles.

  • Specifically, a passive communicator prioritizes the needs of others, even at their own expense. This often leads to being taken advantage of and having their own needs disregarded by others as well.
  • An assertive communicator mirrors the values of NVC, which is what we should aim for. This communication style emphasizes the importance of all parties’ needs and is defined by confidence and the willingness to compromise
  • Aggressive communication, also referred to as violent communication, disregards any other parties involved and consists of constant disrespect, interrupting, and domination.

Now that you are familiar with these types of communication styles, it’s time to analyze how you convey your thoughts to others (and if there is any room for improvement).

communication skills topics for speech

If you’re looking for some concrete ways to build communication skills in adults, you’ve come to the right place. Below are 18 games, activities, and exercises that you can use to help adults develop more effective listening and communication skills.

5 Communication Activities for Adults

To get started improving your (or your team’s, or your student’s) communication skills, give these 5 activities a try.

1. Card Pieces

This exercise from the team at MindTools is a good way to help participants develop more empathy, consider other perspectives, build their communication and negotiation skills.

First, make sure you have enough people for at least three teams of two, enough playing cards to give out between 4 and 6 cards to each person, and 15 minutes to spare.

Here’s how the activity works:

  • Cut each playing card into half diagonally, then in half diagonally again, so you have four triangular pieces for each card.
  • Mix all the pieces together and put equal numbers of cards into as many envelopes as you have teams.
  • Divide people up into teams of three or four. You need at least three teams. If you’re short of people, teams of two will work just as well.
  • Give each team an envelope of playing card pieces.
  • Each team has three minutes to sort its pieces, determine which ones it needs to make complete cards, and develop a bargaining strategy.
  • After three minutes, allow the teams to start bartering for pieces. People can barter on their own or collectively with their team. Give the teams eight minutes to barter.
  • When the time is up, count each team’s completed cards. Whichever team has the most cards wins the round.

Afterward, you can use these questions to guide discussion on the exercise:

  • Which negotiation strategies worked? Which didn’t?
  • What could they have done better?
  • What other skills, such as active listening or empathy, did they need to use?

2. Listen and Draw

This game is easy to play but not so easy to “win.” It requires participants’ full attention and active listening.

Gather your group of participants together and hand out a piece of paper and a pen or pencil to each player. Tell them you will give them verbal instructions on drawing an object, one step at a time.

For example, you might give them instructions like:

  • Draw a square, measuring 5 inches on each side.
  • Draw a circle within the square, such that it fits exactly in the middle of the square.
  • Intersect 2 lines through the circle, dividing the circle into 4 equal parts.

As the exercise continues, it will get progressively harder; one misstep could mean that every following instruction is misinterpreted or misapplied. Participants will need to listen carefully to ensure their drawing comes out accurately. Once the instructions have all been read, compare drawings and decide who won.

For added engagement, decide in advance on what the finished product is supposed to represent (e.g., a spiderweb, a tree).

3. Communication Origami

This is a great exercise to help people understand that we all hear and interpret things differently, even if we are given the exact same information.

Here’s how it works:

  • Give one sheet of standard-sized paper (8.5 x 11 inches) to each participant.
  • Tell your participants that you will be giving them step-by-step instructions on how to fold their piece of paper into an origami shape.
  • Inform your participants that they must keep their eyes and mouths closed as they follow instructions; they are not allowed to look at the paper or ask any clarifying questions.
  • Give the group your instructions on how to fold the paper into the origami shape of your choice.
  • Once the instructions have all been given, have everyone open their eyes and compare their shape with the intended shape.

You will likely find that each shape is a little bit different! To hit the point home, refer to these discussion points and questions:

  • Make the point that each paper looks different even though you have given the same instructions to everybody. What does this mean?
  • Ask the group if you think the results would have been better if they kept their eyes open or were allowed to ask questions.
  • Communicating clearly is not easy, we all interpret the information we get differently that’s why it’s very important to ask questions and confirm understanding to ensure the communicated message is not distorted.

4. Guess the Emotion

Another useful exercise from the Training Course Material website is called “ Guess the Emotion .” As you might expect, it involves acting out and guessing emotions. This helps all participants practice empathy and better understand their coworkers or group members’ reactions.

Follow these instructions to play this engaging game:

  • Divide the group into two teams.
  • Place on a table (or put in a box) a packet of cards, each of which has a particular emotion typed on it
  • Have a participant from Group A take the top card from the table and act out (pantomime) the emotion for his/her group. This is to be done in a fixed time limit (such as a minute or two).
  • If the emotion is guessed correctly by Group A, they receive ten points.
  • Now have a participant from Group B act out an emotion; award points as appropriate.
  • Rotate the acting opportunities between the two groups.
  • After 20 to 30 minutes of acting and guessing, call time and announce the winning team based on its point total.

If you have a particularly competitive group, consider giving a prize to the winning team!

5. The Guessing Game

Finally, another fun and engaging game that can boost communication skills: “ The Guessing Game. ” You will probably recognize this game, as it’s similar to what many people know as “ Twenty Questions ,” except there is no hard limit on the number of questions you can ask.

To start, separate the group into two teams of equal (or roughly equal) size. Instruct one player from each team to leave the room for one minute and come up with a common object that can be found in most offices (e.g., a stapler, a printer, a whiteboard).

When this person returns, their teammates will try to guess what the object is by asking only “Yes or No” questions (i.e., questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”). The team can ask as many questions as they need to figure it out, but remind them that they’re in competition with the other team. If there’s time, you can have multiple rounds for added competition between the teams.

Take the last 10 minutes or so to discuss and debrief. Use the following points and questions to guide it:

  • Tell the group that obviously it took a long time and effort for us to find out the object in each round, but what if we didn’t have time and only had one question to ask to find out the object, what would that question be?
  • The question would be “What is the object?” which is an open-ended question.
  • Open-ended questions are an excellent way to save time and energy and help you get to the information you need fast, however, closed questions can also be very useful in some instances to confirm your understanding or to help you control the conversation with an overly talkative person/customer.

5 Listening Activities for Adults

If you’re intent on improving listening skills, in particular, you have lots of options; give these 5 activities a try.

1. Telephone Exercise

This classic exercise from Becky Norman (2018) at Sift’s Training Zone illustrates why listening is such an important skill, and why we shouldn’t ignore any opportunities to improve it.

Split your group into two even lines. At opposite ends of each line, whisper a phrase or short sentence to the person on the end and tell them to pass it on using only whispers, one person at a time. They can only repeat the phrase or sentence once.

While participants are busy passing the message along to the next person in line, play music or engage them in conversation to create some white noise. This will make it a bit more difficult but it will mimic real-life conditions, where distractions abound.

When the messages have made it to the end of each line, have the last person to receive the message in each line report out on what they heard. Next, have the first person to receive the message in each line report the original message and compare it to the final message received.

2. Stop Listening Exercise

This exercise , also from Becky Norman’s piece (2018), will show participants the emotional consequences of not listening and—hopefully—encourage them to practice better listening skills.

Split your group into two smaller groups of equal size and take one group outside the room. Tell them that they are instructed to stop listening to their partner after about 30 seconds, and to be open in showing their disinterest. Tell the other group to think of something that they are passionate about and be prepared to tell their soon-to-be partner a meaningful or personally relevant story about this topic.

Bring the other group back in, put all the participants into pairs, and tell them to get started. Observe the behavior from the listeners and the reactions from the speakers until you’re sure each speaker has picked up on what’s happening. Stop the conversations at this point and explain the instructions that were given to each group.

Facilitate a group discussion on the importance of listening, how to use active listening, and what indicates that someone is truly listening.

3. Listener and Talker Activity

The “Listener and Talker” activity is another good activity for showing the importance of active listening and giving participants a chance to practice their skills.

Divide your group into pairs, with one partner assigned to the talker role and the other assigned to the listener role. The talker’s job is to describe what he or she wants from a vacation without specifying a destination. The listener’s job is to listen attentively to what is being said (and what is not being said) and to demonstrate their listening through their behavior.

After a few minutes of active listening, the listener should summarize the three or main criteria the talker is considering when it comes to enjoying their vacation. Finally, the listener should try to sell the talker on a destination for their vacation. After a quick debrief on how well the listener listened, the two should switch roles and try the exercise again.

This exercise gives each participant a chance to practice talking about their wants and needs, as well as an opportunity to engage in active listening and use the knowledge they gained to understand and relate to the speaker.

4. Memory Test Activity

This great activity from is called the “Memory Test” activity.

  • Tell participants that you are going to read them a list of words to test their memory.
  • Instruct them to listen carefully, as they cannot write down any of the words. Tell them you will test them later to see how many of the words they can remember.
  • When you finish reading the list of words, distract your participants by talking about something else for at least one full minute.
  • Once you have finished talking, have each participant write down as many words as they can remember from the list.

You (and your participants) will find that it’s pretty difficult to remember a list of somewhat-random words, especially when there is a break in time and another discussion in between hearing them and recalling them! Relate this to real-life listening by emphasizing the importance of paying attention to people when they are speaking to you, especially if it’s an important conversation.

5. Just Listen Activity

This activity comes from the folks at and offers participants a chance to communicate their feelings and provide a recap or rephrasing of another person’s feelings on a subject.

To get started, you will need an even number of people to pair off (or prepare to partner with one yourself) and eight index cards per pair. These index cards should have one topic written on each card; try to make sure the topics are interesting but not too controversial, as you don’t want listeners to dislike the speakers if they disagree with their viewpoint (e.g., you should probably avoid politics and religion).

Use these instructions to conduct the activity:

  • Have the team members sit down in their pairs.
  • Give each pair eight of the index cards.
  • Instruct one partner to choose a random card and then speak for three minutes on how he or she feels about the topic.
  • Instruct the other partner to stay quiet while the first partner talks, just listening instead of speaking.
  • After the three minutes is up, the listener has one minute to recap what the speaker said (not agree, disagree, or debate, just recap).
  • Have each pair switch roles and repeat the exercise so both partners get a chance to speak and to listen.

After each participant has played both roles, end the activity and guide a discussion with the following questions:

  • How did speakers feel about their partners’ ability to listen with an open mind? Did their partners’ body language communicate how they felt about what was being said?
  • How did listeners feel about not being able to speak about their own views on the topic? How well were they able to keep an open mind? How well did they listen?
  • How well did the listening partners summarize the speakers’ opinions? Did they get better as the exercise progressed?
  • How can they use the lessons from this exercise at work?

You will find this activity at this link , exercise #4.

6 Nonverbal Communication Activities for Adults

Nonverbal communication activities for adults

Nonverbal communication is just as important as verbal communication, if not more so!

Use these 6 activities to practice reading and “speaking” effective nonverbal messages.

1. Power of Body Language

This activity from will help your participants work on their body language skills.

  • Tell the participants that you are going to give them a series of instructions and you want them to follow them as fast as they can.
  • Put your hand to your nose.
  • Clap your hands.
  • Touch your shoulder.
  • Stamp your foot.
  • Cross your arms.
  • Put your hand to your mouth (but while saying this one, put your hand to your nose).
  • Observe how many participants copied what you did instead of what you said.

Share this observation with your group and lead a discussion on how body language can influence our understanding and our reactions. It can reinforce what we hear or it can interfere with the verbal communication we receive. The more aware we are of this possibility, the better communicators we become. It’s vital to keep your own body language in mind, just as it’s vital to notice and understand others’ body language.

2. Clap and Follow

The “Clap and Follow” activity is a great way to practice using your body in conjunction with verbal communication.

It works like this:

  • Tell your group that this is a game that requires their full concentration.
  • When they hear one clap from the leader (you), tell them this means they should stand up.
  • When they hear two claps from the leader, they should hop once in place.
  • When they hear three claps, they should rub their belly.
  • When they hear four claps, they should do a 360-degree turn on the spot.
  • When they hear five claps, they should pat their head.
  • Begin the activity! Start with one clap, then two claps, and so on until you have given the group each instruction once.
  • Now, mix it up! Switch between the five different instructions and begin to pick up the pace. This is when the eliminations begin.
  • Each time a participant engages in the wrong activity, eliminate them from the game. Continue until there is one clear winner.

If you have a competitive group, you may want to bring a prize to ensure active engagement with the exercise. It will give participants a chance to practice nonverbal communication in a fun context.

3. Wordless Acting

This activity from Grace Fleming (2018) at ThoughtCo will show your participants how much we “speak” with our body language and facial expressions.

Here are the instructions:

  • Separate your group into pairs.
  • Assign one participant in each pair to be Partner A and the other to be Partner B.
  • Give each participant a copy of the script (copied below).
  • Instruct Participant A to read his or her lines out loud, but instruct Participant B to communicate his or her lines in a nonverbal way.
  • Provide Participant B with a secret emotional distraction written on a piece of paper (e.g., Participant B is in a rush, is really bored, or is feeling guilty).
  • Have each pair work through the script.
  • After each pair has finished working through the script, have the “A” participants guess what emotion their partner was feeling.

This is the script you will give each participant:

A: Have you seen my book? I can’t remember where I put it. B: Which one? A: The murder mystery. The one you borrowed. B: Is this it? A: No. It’s the one you borrowed. B: I did not! A: Maybe it’s under the chair. Can you look? B: Okay—just give me a minute. A: How long are you going to be? B: Geez, why so impatient? I hate when you get bossy. A: Forget it. I’ll find it myself. B: Wait—I found it!

After the activity, guide a discussion on how much information we can pick up from nonverbal communication and how important it is to regulate our bodies and our facial expressions when communicating, even if we’re also using verbal communication.

4. We Have to Move Now!

Another great exercise from Grace Fleming (2018) is called “We Have to Move Now!” and it will help your participants learn how to express and detect several different emotions.

These are the instructions for this activity:

  • Cut several strips of paper.
  • On each strip of paper, write down a mood, feeling, or disposition, like guilty, happy, suspicious, paranoid, insulted, or insecure.
  • Fold the strips of paper so you can’t see what is written on it and place them in a bowl or jar. These are your prompts.
  • Have each participant take a prompt from the bowl or jar and read the exact same sentence to the class, but with the emotion the prompt specifies.
  • The sentence everybody will read is: “We all need to gather our possessions and move to another building as soon as possible.”
  • Have the participants guess the emotion of each reader by writing down what they think the speaker is feeling (or what they are supposed to be feeling).

After each participant has had a chance to read the sentence based on one of the prompts, run through the emotions displayed and see how many each participant guessed correctly. Finally, lead a debriefing discussion on how things like tone and body language can impact the way a message is received.

5. Stack the Deck

All you’ll need for this exercise is a deck of playing cards, a blindfold for each participant, and some space to move around.

Here’s how “Stack the Deck” works:

  • Shuffle the deck of cards and hand one out to each participant.
  • Instruct the participants to keep their cards a secret; no one should see the suit or color of another participant’s card.
  • Tell the participants that they will not be allowed to talk at all during this exercise.
  • Instruct your participants to assemble into four groups according to their suit (hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades), but using only nonverbal communication.
  • If you have the time and your participants have the inclination, try blindfolding each participant and giving the same instructions—it makes it much more difficult and more time-consuming!
  • Once participants have all gathered into one of the four groups, have them line up according to their rank (Ace is the lowest, King is the highest); again, they cannot speak or show their cards to anyone during this part of the exercise.
  • The group that lines up in the right order first wins!

As always, you can offer a prize to the winning team to motivate your participants.

This exercise will show how difficult it is to communicate without words, but it will also show your participants that it is not only possible, it gets easier as they start to pick up on one another’s nonverbal cues.

You can find this exercise at this link (Activity #3).

6. Silent Movie

Finally, facilitate this activity to really drive home the importance of effective nonverbal communication.

Divide your participants into two groups. For the first half of the activity, one group will be screenwriters and the other group will be actors. In the second half, the two groups will switch roles.

Instruct the screenwriters to write a silent movie, but to keep these things in mind:

  • Silent movies tell a story without words. It’s important to start the scene with the actor doing an obvious task, like cleaning the house or rowing a boat.
  • The scene must be interrupted when a second actor (or several actors) enter the scene, and their arrival should have a big impact. The character(s) could be anyone (or anything), including burglars, salesmen, children, or even animals.
  • A physical commotion must occur.
  • The problem that is caused by the commotion must be resolved by the end of the scene.

Give the screenwriters time to write out their script, then have the actors perform the script. Once the scene is finished, have the groups switch roles.

The communication game – Asgar Hussain

2 Communication Group Activities

Other great activities for group communication include the “Square Talk” and “Follow All Instructions” activities.

1. Square Talk Activity

For this activity , you will need one blindfold for each participant, one long piece of rope for each team (teams should be composed of around 5 participants each), and 25 minutes.

Follow these steps to give this activity a try:

  • Divide your group of participants into groups of about 5 each.
  • Clear the room so you have as much space as possible.
  • Blindfold each participant and tell them their objective: to make a square from a rope (i.e., stand in the shape of a square with their team).
  • Disorientate each participant by moving them a bit, spinning them around, etc.
  • All team members are blindfolded and must remain so for the duration of the activity.
  • The rope you are holding is approximately ___ feet in length.
  • The role you are holding is knotted together to form a circle; it must not be undone.
  • You must not let go of the rope.
  • You will be told when you have 5 minutes remaining.
  • Allow the teams to work on the activity and inform them when they have 5 minutes left.

Once the teams have given this activity their best shot, use these 5 discussion questions to review the importance of good group communication:

  • Do you feel as a group you communicated effectively?
  • During the Activity, what communication skills did you use effectively?
  • During the activity, what communication skills could you have used to improve performance?
  • How important is communication in the workplace? Why?
  • What key points have you learned about communication from this activity, that you wish to apply in the workplace?

2. Follow All Instructions Activity

This activity from is a great one for young people, but it can be used with participants of all ages. All you’ll need is a set of instructions for each participant.

  • Write all of your teams initials at the top right-hand corner of this sheet.
  • Write your first name on your sheet of paper.
  • Write the total of 3 + 16 + 32 + 64 here: __________________
  • Underline instruction 1 above.
  • Check the time by your watch with that of one of your neighbor’s.
  • Write down the difference in time between the two watches at the foot of this page.
  • Draw three circles in the left-hand margin.
  • Put a tick in each of the circles mentioned in 6.
  • Sign your signature at the foot of the page.
  • On the back of the page, divide 50 by 12.5.
  • When you get to this point in the test, stand up, then sit down and continue with the next item.
  • If you have carefully followed all these instructions, call out ‘I have’.
  • On the reverse of this page, draw quickly what you think an upright bicycle looks like from overhead.
  • Check your answer to Item 9, multiply it by 5 and write the result in the left-hand margin opposite this item.
  • Write the 5th, 10th, 9th and 20th letters of the alphabet here: ___________________
  • Punch three holes with your pen here: o o o
  • If you think you are the first person to get this far, call out ‘I’m in the lead’.
  • Underline all the even digits on the left-hand side of the page.
  • Draw triangles around the holes you punched in Item 15.
  • Now you’ve finished reading all the instructions, obey only 1, 2, 20 & 21.
  • Stand up and say, “We’re the greatest team in the World!”

As you can see, the instructions include lots of silly directives (e.g., “When you get to this point in the test, stand up, then sit down and continue with the next item.”) that will identify who is following the directions and who is not—but the person that stands is actually the one not following directions!

The first and only verbal instruction you will give participants is to read all the written instructions first before engaging in any of the directives. The first person to complete the list will be declared the winner of the activity. You can offer a prize to the winner if you think the group would be motivated by it.

This exercise is a fun way to see who is paying attention and who is skipping the most vital instruction—to read everything before acting.

Communication in Relationships

7 Communication Games for Couples

Defeating Divorce shares the following three games aimed at improving communication in a romantic relationship.

This game is goal-directed, meaning the couple is working towards a common goal, and that goal requires effective communication.

  • The couple sits back to back with an identical set of building blocks in front of each of them.
  • One partner uses their blocks to create some sort of building or structure.
  • The builder partner then relays a series of instructions to the other partner to help him or her build the exact same structure.
  • The listener partner must try to build the same structure based on the speaker partner’s instructions.

This game takes some serious teamwork and good communication, and it can be repeated as needed to help a couple build their skills.

2. Minefield

“Minefield” is a physical game that will not only get both partners up and moving, but it will also require a great deal of trust and communication to complete the challenge.

You will need a blindfold for one partner, some space to navigate, and some objects with which you can create a minefield or obstacle course. Once the course is ready to go, blindfold one partner and bring them into the room.

The challenge here is for the non-blindfolded partner to guide the blindfolded partner through the obstacle course using only verbal communication. The couple will only succeed if the blindfolded partner has trust in their partner and the non-blindfolded partner is an effective verbal communicator.

Feelings of frustration are common in this game, but it can be a great way to highlight issues in communication or, alternately, highlight the couple’s communication strengths.

3. Give Me a Hand

This game is another one that can be frustrating for the couple but ultimately provides a great opportunity to build effective communication skills and unite the two in a common goal.

In this game, the couple will be given a seemingly easy task to complete, such as buttoning a shirt or tying a shoe, but with a catch—each partner will have one arm tied behind their back. The couple will find that the lack of one arm makes the task much more difficult than they might expect!

To complete the task, the couple will need to communicate effectively and coordinate their movements. It will be tough, but immensely satisfying to successfully complete this challenge!

4. Twenty Questions Times Two

If you remember the game “Twenty Questions”, you’ll recognize this game. It can be used to help couples communicate, share important details, and strengthen their connection.

Here’s how:

  • The couple should schedule some time alone, without distractions.
  • Before playing the game, each partner should come up with a list of 20 detailed personal questions to ask the other partner. The couple should feel free to get creative here!
  • Both partners take turns asking each other one question at a time.
  • When they’ve finished asking each other their questions, they should reverse them! Instead of asking questions like, “What is your favorite color?” each partner will ask, “What is my favorite color?”

This fun twist on a familiar game will result in greater knowledge and understanding of your spouse and, hopefully, better communication skills.

5. Eye-to-Eye

This game is a good way for couples to work on communicating and improving their connection, and all you need is your eyes!

Here’s how to do it:

  • The couple sits facing each other, close enough to hold hands.
  • Each partner looks directly into the other partner’s eyes.
  • Each partner should take a minute to notice the feelings they are experiencing at this point.
  • One partner begins talking about something simple and easy to discuss, like what happened that day, what they had for lunch, or something they are grateful for.
  • The other partner reciprocates with a similar conversation, all while holding eye contact.
  • The couple continues sharing things one at a time until each partner has shared at least three or four times.
  • The couple discusses what the experience was like.

Many people find this game uncomfortable at first, but with practice, it can greatly enhance your sense of intimacy with your partner.

6. The Top Three

Similar to the “three good things” exercise, this game’s aim is to boost a couple’s gratitude for one another and give them both a chance to practice expressing it. Couples should schedule a time for this game every day, but the good news is that it doesn’t take long—just a few minutes will do.

To play “The Top Three”, couples should follow these instructions:

  • At the end of each day, take some time to reflect on your day. Think about what your partner has done for you today.
  • Take turns sharing those three things with your partner and tell them what each thing meant to you.
  • Don’t forget to say “thank you” or otherwise verbally express your gratitude to your partner!

This game gets couples to practice vocalizing their appreciation and expressing gratitude, two things that are not necessarily in everyone’s daily communications but can have a big impact on a relationship.

7. Make a Playdate

Playdates are not just for kids or puppies—they are a great idea for couples as well! A play date is not your average, regularly scheduled programming sort of date, but something that is different, spontaneous, unique, and/or just plain fun!

Here are the three ground rules for the playdate:

  • It has to be something for just the couple to do and they cannot include the kids or discuss mundane things like chores or bills.
  • It has to be something that requires both partners to be present in the moment; think sailing, rock climbing, or dance lessons rather than seeing a movie or going out to dinner.
  • The couple should take turns picking the activity and try to surprise their partner with something new.

Planning this date will not only make it easier to feel connected and closer to one another, but it also provides couples with an opportunity to communicate their love for one another through their actions. Depending on the date activity, it can also provide some much-needed time for the couple to talk.

5 Exercises and Activities for Married Couples

These exercises , also from Defeating Divorce, are not just for married couples, but for anyone in a committed relationship.

1. Fireside Chats

This communication exercise is based on President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “fireside chats,” in which he addressed the American people with the intention of making it feel as if he was speaking directly into their living room, carrying on a calm and rational discussion of important issues.

The intention of this exercise for couples is similar: to make the couple feel more connected, more aware of what is going on in each other’s lives, and to maintain a pulse on how the relationship is going.

The two partners should schedule a 15 to 30-minute “fireside chat” each week to practice their ability to speak calmly, respectfully, and effectively about important and relevant issues. They should minimize the chances of distraction (turn off the TV, put their phones on silent, etc.) and focus only on one another for these chats.

What the couple discusses is up to them, but if there are salient relationship issues, this is a good time to talk about them. If the issues are very serious, it may be a good idea to start out this exercise talking about less intense, less emotional topics before moving on to the problem areas.

2. High-Low Activity

The high-low activity also aims to help couples feel more connected and in touch with one another, which requires measured and thoughtful communication. Engaging in this exercise daily will give the couple a chance to practice their communication skills on a regular basis, as well as their active listening skills.

Here’s how the exercise works:

  • Wait until the end of the day (e.g., at the end of dinner, around bedtime) to put it into practice.
  • The couple will then “check-in” with each other about the other’s day.
  • Each partner will ask the other to share their “high” of the day or the best part of their day.
  • Next, each partner will ask the other to share their “low” of the day or the worst or most disappointing part of their day.
  • As one partner is sharing, the other should practice active listening techniques, conveying their empathy and understanding to their partner.

This simple activity will result in a more intimate and understanding relationship between the two partners, all for just a few minutes a day.

3. Listening Without Words

If a couple wants to practice both their verbal and nonverbal communication, this is a great way to do it. The “Listening Without Words” activity allows each partner to apply both verbal and nonverbal communication skills, as it involves switching between only speaking and only listening.

This is how to practice it:

  • The couple will schedule some time for themselves without kids, work, or other responsibilities interrupting them.
  • They set a timer for somewhere between 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Until the timer goes off, one partner acts as the speaker and the other acts as the listener. The speaker will talk about any subject they’d like to talk about.
  • While the speaker talks, the listener will attempt to show the speaker compassion, empathy, and understanding through nonverbal communication only (e.g., smiling, nodding, taking their partner’s hand).
  • When the timer goes off, the partners will have a chance to process what they experienced and discuss any thoughts or feelings that came up.
  • Finally, the partners switch roles and repeat the exercise.

This exercise is a great way to boost your bond and your skills at the same time.

4. Eye See You

Similar to a previous exercise (“Eye-to-Eye”), this exercise relies heavily on eye contact; however, unlike the previous exercise, this one does not allow talking until the end.

Here’s how to give it a try:

  • The couple should be in a quiet and relaxing environment, with as few distractions as possible.
  • They sit in two chairs facing one another, near to one another but not touching.
  • The couple sets a timer for five minutes and settles in their respective seats, making and holding eye contact with one another. They will hold eye contact but refrain from speaking or touching until the timer goes off.
  • Both partners should be encouraged to note any thoughts, feelings, or sensations that come bubbling up during these five minutes.
  • Once the timer goes off, the two should try to guess what the other person was thinking and feeling during the five minutes. Once they have a chance to guess, they should discuss these things that bubbled to the surface as they maintained eye contact.

It might surprise some people to hear what their partner was thinking and feeling during the activity, but a strong relationship depends on understanding and empathizing with one another, making communication like this a necessity.

5. Send Me a Postcard

Although we’ve mostly focused on verbal communication and communications via body language, facial expressions, and touch, there is another form that we haven’t mentioned: written communication. This activity guides the couple in developing more effective written communication skills.

Both partners should have two blank postcards and something to write with for this exercise. On one postcard, each partner will write down a message to the other partner communicating a frustration, a feeling, or a desire. They should take a few minutes to create a thoughtful message to their partner.

Once they have their postcard ready to “mail” each partner will deliver their message to their partner without any verbal communication. They will both read their partner’s message and take a few moments to process. When they feel ready, they will use their remaining blank postcard to craft a response to their partner’s message.

When both partners have finished writing their response, they will deliver those messages to one another as well. After they have both read the response postcards, the couple can debrief and discuss their messages to one another.

5 Communication Exercises for Couples Therapy

If you’re hungry for more couples’ communication exercises, maybe these five exercises will hit the spot!

1. Active Listening

Active listening is not the easiest skill to master, but it is an important one to develop. This exercise from marriage counseling expert Racheal Tasker will give you a chance to practice it with the person closest to you.

The next time you and your partner are talking about something important or sensitive, put these tips and techniques into practice:

  • The speaker should remain focused on a single thought or idea.
  • The listener should listen attentively to the speaker, concentrating on understanding their perspective and attempting to gain new insights into their thoughts and feelings.
  • The speaker and listener should switch roles after a while to allow each to practice both types of communication.
  • Both partners should practice speaking and listening with patience and love, allowing their feelings for their partner to guide them toward true understanding rather than just reacting (Tasker, n.d.).

2. Sharing Emotions Freely

It can be tough to be truly open with our emotions, but it’s vital for effective communication and a healthy relationship. Try this exercise to work on this skill.

The couple should agree to try this exercise together and follow these instructions:

  • Decide on a specific time and place to put this exercise into practice.
  • Let your partner know what you need to feel safe sharing your feelings, and listen to what your partner needs to feel safe sharing his or her feelings.
  • Be sure to also ask your partner what would make him or her feel more comfortable as you share your feelings, as it can be just as difficult to hear as it is to share.
  • Share with your partner! If it helps, use a timer to limit how much sharing can occur and to ensure equal time to share feelings.
  • Listen to what your partner tells you and discuss what, if any, concrete steps you can take based on the information you’ve both shared. Commit to using the information you gained to improve your communication skills and your relationship in general (Tasker, n.d.).

3. Use Positive Language

Another great exercise from Racheal Tasker is focused on using positive language with one another. It can be surprisingly easy to slide into a pattern of mostly neutral or even negative language with your partner, but you can use this exercise to counter that tendency.

Here’s what to do:

  • Commit to using positive language when you communicate with your partner.
  • Ask your partner to make the same commitment to positive language.
  • Avoid being overly critical or negative when communicating with your partner.
  • Use a positive and encouraging tone when you speak to your partner.
  • Keep an eye on the words you use; try to incorporate words like “love”, “feel”, “appreciate”, and ditch words like “fault”, “never”, and “hate” (e.g., “I hate it when you do X!”).

As partners continue to practice this exercise on a regular basis, they will find that their communication style grows more positive with less effort, and their relationship will flourish (Tasker, n.d.).

4. Take a Trip Together

There’s nothing like traveling with someone to work on your communication skills! Making a trip successful requires tons of communication, coordination, and clear expectations, but it can also open you up to fun new experiences and relaxation. To practice communicating with your partner, try planning and taking a trip together.

Plan your trip with a focus on doing things you both like, going to a place you’d both like to visit, and trying new food, activities, and other experiences together. Getting out of your routine and into a novel environment can do wonders for your communication—not to mention your overall mood.

Use some of the other tips and techniques mentioned in this article when you are planning your trip and while you are enjoying your trip; you’re sure to see some improvements to your communication with your partner (Tasker, n.d.).

You can find this exercise at this link , second exercise from the bottom.

5. I Feel (Blank)

The final exercise from Tasker is called “I Feel _____” and it’s a simple one.

We often have trouble sharing our feelings, even (or especially) with those we are closest to. A great way to work on communicating your feelings more often—and more effectively—is to practice saying “I feel (blank).”

The next time you are experiencing strong emotions or discussing a sensitive or difficult subject with your partner, try beginning your sentences with “I feel…” and continue from there. So, if you’re upset with your partner for forgetting about an important appointment or canceling plans at the last minute, instead of saying “You don’t respect my time,” try “I feel like you don’t respect my time.”

Framing your discussion in this manner—as a statement of your feelings rather than a personal attack or blaming session—is not only conducive to greater understanding, it also shows your partner that you care about having a constructive conversation and that your intentions are not to hurt them but to help them see from your perspective.

Communication in the family

According to researchers Peterson and Green (2009), family communication is so important because:

“…it enables members to express their needs, wants, and concerns to each other. Open and honest communication creates an atmosphere that allows family members to express their differences as well as love and admiration for one another.”

The benefits of high-quality communication make spending time on improving the way family members relate to one another a task that is well worth the time spent on it. If you’re interested in working on your communication skills as a family, give the following activities and exercises a try.

These 14 activities are great tools to use in family therapy, but you can also try them at home.

4 Group Exercises for the Family

These four group exercises are a great introduction to communication skill-building as a family. They’re fun, engaging, and good for all ages!

1. What If?

The best time to work on communication skills is when families take the time to just sit and relax together. This simple game is a great way to do that, allowing families to improve how they communicate with one another while laughing together and putting their imagination to good use.

You will need strips of paper, a pencil or pen for each family member, and two bowls.

  • Get two slips of paper and something to write with for each family member.
  • On the first slip, have each family member write a question off the top of his or her head; it can be silly, serious, or anywhere in between. Put all the questions in one of the bowls and give them a good mix.
  • On the second slip of paper, have each family member write an answer to the question they came up with. Place these slips in the second bowl and mix them up.
  • Pass each bowl around the room and have each family member take one question slip and one answer slip.
  • Have each family member read the question and the answer that they have in their hand. The questions and answers might fit well together or they may result in absurd combinations!
  • Continue the game with two more slips of blank paper. It may take a few rounds for everyone to get the hang of the game, but family members will get more comfortable with the game and enjoy it more as they go along.

Use the following questions to guide your discussion as a family:

  • Did the activity spark your imagination?
  • Why did the questions and answers get funnier after several rounds?

2. Expressing Individuality

Although families usually share values, norms, and beliefs, that doesn’t mean all family members will see things the same way. It can be hard for some family members to communicate their thoughts and feelings when they feel like the odd one out or a “black sheep” in the family.

To make sure your family is a safe space for everyone to share their thoughts and feelings, give the “Expressing Individuality” activity a try. It will help each family member understand that they are a valuable part of the family and that they are always free to share their unique perspective.

You’ll need about an hour for this activity, 15 minutes to make the dough and 45 minutes for the activity itself. Use one of the recipes below to make your own play dough as a family.

If you want to make reusable play dough, mix together:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup water (add food coloring to water if you want colored clay)
  • 1 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1 tablespoon oil

After mixing these ingredients together, put over low heat and stir slowly. When the dough has formed into a small ball, remove it from the heat and knead while still warm. Store the clay in a sealed container.

If you plan on baking your designs at the end of this activity to preserve them, mix together:

  • ½ cup water
  • Food coloring (if desired—you can also paint the figures after you bake them)

Follow these instructions to encourage each family member to express their individuality:

  • If you love Boy Scouts, you may want to mold the image of a person sitting on a log by a campfire.
  • If you received an award as the “Employee of the Month,” you may want to mold the image of something that represents hard work, or dependability.
  • If friendliness is a personal characteristic that you value, you may want to mold a face with a pleasant smile, or if you have a great love for animals, you may want to mold several of your favorite animals.
  • After creating your unique design, you can preserve it by placing it on a cookie sheet and baking it in the oven on warm for several hours (until hard). This will harden the clay hard so that it maintains its shape. If you did not use food coloring to color the clay, or if you like to paint, you could paint the hardened figure. Once everyone has completed a mold, display these molds in the home.

To continue working on communicating your individuality as a family, ask these questions and discuss your answers together:

  • Why did you choose to make what you did?
  • What does it mean to you?

If the idea of creating a figure out of play dough doesn’t appeal to you, you can also try these two alternatives:

  • You could draw pictures using plain white paper and colored pencils/crayons. Drawing may allow you to express more ideas than if you use clay. Make sure that you do not place an emphasis on artistic abilities. It is okay to draw simple stick figures that represent people or other objects.
  • You could cut pictures out of old magazines and paste them on a poster board. After each person has completed a mold, picture, or collage, allow each family member to explain how their collage, picture or mold represents them.

3. Hints of Anger

Anger is a normal human emotion, and we will all get angry at some point. Instead of trying to avoid or deny anger, it’s vital that families learn how to manage their anger and communicate it to others in a healthy way. This activity will help family members identify their anger cues (the signs that indicate they are getting angry) and help them regulate their emotions to ensure they don’t say or do something they will regret.

Here’s how to do this activity as a family:

  • Tell family members to think about a time when they were angry or upset, and consider how they felt.
  • Were your hands relaxed or clenched in a fist?
  • Was your heart rate normal or beating fast?
  • Were your muscles relaxed or tight with tension?
  • What kind of thoughts was going through your head?
  • As a family, discuss any discrepancies between what you think about your anger cues and what other family members think.
  • How did your body feel during this period of time?
  • In which scenario did you feel more comfortable, angry, or happy?
  • Discuss the importance of knowing when you are getting upset and might need to take a break and think.

After the activity, discuss these questions as a family:

  • Why is it important to recognize the signs that you are angry?
  • Why is it important to control your anger?
  • What do you feel like specifically, when you are upset?
  • What are the things you are going to do to manage your anger so it does not hurt your family relationships?
  • Can recognizing anger cues help in managing your anger?

4. Family Meetings

Family meetings are a good idea for a lot of reasons, but yet another benefit of these get-togethers is the potential for building and developing better communication skills as a family. Regular family meetings can help family members learn how to:

  • Make joint decisions
  • Plan together
  • Accept responsibility
  • Show concern for others
  • Spend some quality time together

Pick one night of the week when your family can consistently get together for a weekly family meeting that lasts 30 to 60 minutes, and make sure it’s scheduled on everyone’s calendar.

Here’s how to conduct good family meetings:

  • Set a regular time. Setting a regular time and place gives the family council a position of importance and results in it becoming a permanent part of family operations. If everyone knows that the family is meeting together regularly, they find that most problems can wait a few days to be discussed. For this reason, some families like weekly meetings.
  • Use an agenda. Post a paper during the week where family members can list concerns they want brought up (possibly, the message center). Discuss things in the order listed. This also reduces problems between meetings when parents can say, “List it on the agenda and we’ll discuss it at the meeting.”
  • Attendance is voluntary . All members of the family are invited to attend — but attendance is voluntary. However, if a member is not present, he/she is still expected to abide by any decisions made by the family council.
  • Each person has an equal voice . Everyone should be encouraged to contribute ideas and suggestions. All members must be treated the same, regardless of age. Using the steps of negotiation to (1) introduce the problem, (2) discuss solutions, and (3) vote on a solution. This gives everyone a chance to be involved. Councils do not always run smoothly. Teenagers are often suspicious that the new program is just another way for parents to gain compliance with their demands. In the first council meetings, rebelliousness may be exhibited to deliberately test whether parents are sincere about including them in family decision-making.
  • Use rules of order . If participation is to be equal, then some type of order must be maintained. If a person has the right to express himself, then he also has the right to be heard — which implies that others have the obligation to listen. Rules of order help this situation.
  • Rotate chairmanship . If the same person conducts all meetings, that person eventually begins to assume an air of superiority. To help maintain a feeling of equality, family members should take turns conducting the councils. This allows each person to experience the privileges and the responsibilities of this position.
  • Accentuate solutions . Family council should not be “just a gripe session” — a time to get together and complain. In order to prevent this, you may decide that the person presenting a problem must also suggest one possible solution. Family members could then discuss alternate solutions or modify the one presented. In practice, some solutions do not work as well as anticipated. As family members begin to live with a decision, they may decide it needs to be changed. This change, however, must wait until the next regular meeting. Children soon recognize a need for better solutions and they learn by experience to make wiser choices. When family council is held regularly, each member learns to project ahead and anticipate problems. When this occurs, the emphasis at council meetings shifts from problem-solving to problem prevention and planning. Family council can also be a time to plan fun things like vacations or family outings. Families can talk about different places to visit and how they want to spend the time available.
  • Decide on the authority level . The family council can be the final authority for the family, or a family can have a modified version of decision making. For it to be effective, however, most decisions made by the council need to be binding. If parents always overrule the council, children will soon lose interest.
  • Keep a record . There sometimes develops a difference of opinions as to who conducted the last meeting, what matters were discussed, and what plans were agreed upon. For this reason, a secretary to record minutes is most helpful. The secretary can rotate with each meeting.

After your first family meeting, discuss these questions as a family:

  • How did your first family meeting go?
  • What about the meeting was good? What was bad?
  • What do you want to incorporate in future meetings?

4 Active Listening Exercises

Active listening is a vital part of communication and can greatly improve relationships between family members. These four active listening exercises are a great way to boost your skills.

1. Precision Communication

Another activity that can help your family build and continue to develop good communication skills is called “Precision Communication.” It’s focused on active listening, which is a vital part of communication and conducive to better understanding and stronger, healthier relationships.

Here’s how to put this activity into practice:

  • Set up a maze in your home using furniture, such as kitchen chairs or other pieces of furniture that can act as a barrier.
  • Tie string or yarn between the furniture to create a clear path through the maze.
  • Select a family member that will try to walk through the maze blindfolded. This person must not see the maze prior to being blindfolded.
  • Have someone give voice instructions so the family member can be directed through the maze.

This activity’s aim is to see if the family member giving instructions can help the blindfolded family member get through the maze without bumping into the furniture, walls, or string. This means that not only must the speaking family member communicate clear and detailed instructions, but the blindfolded family member must also use their active listening skills to receive the instructions and implement them effectively.

Use these discussion questions to debrief and maximize this learning opportunity:

  • Why was clear detailed communication necessary for this exercise?
  • How important was it to listen carefully to the one giving instructions? Why?
  • What were some of the difficulties associated with helping a family member complete this exercise?
  • Using some of the ideas from this exercise, how can you, as a family, improve your communication skills?

If you want more from this activity, try this follow-up:

Draw a simple picture or pattern on a piece of paper. Without letting family members see the diagram, tell them what they need to do to make a copy of your picture that matches as closely as possible. After giving detailed instructions, see how accurately the pictures match up.

2. End of the Word—Beginning of the Next

This is a fun game on the Encourage Play website that can keep your kids actively engaged in building their listening skills.

Here’s how to play:

  • One person (probably an adult) starts the game by giving out one word—it can be any word, it just needs to be one that every family member knows how to spell.
  • The next family member must listen to the word the previous person said, then come up with a word that starts with the letter the last word ended with.

This is an easy game to play since you don’t need any materials, just a few minutes and the ability to hear one another! That makes it a great game for car rides, waiting in restaurants, or standing in a long line. To make it more challenging, give it a bit of complexity by limiting the words to a category, like animals or cities.

3. Red Light Green Light

Another exercise from the Encourage Play website is a familiar one. It’s based on the classic “Red Light, Green Light” game in which the leader gives instructions by color: saying “red light” means stop and saying “green light” means go.

To make the game a bit more challenging and really emphasize the importance of active listening, incorporate these three variations to the game:

  • Different colors refer to different types of movement; for example, yellow light could mean skipping, purple light could mean crab walking, and blue light could mean hopping.
  • Pretend to be a different animal for different colors (yellow = lion, green = bunny, purple = frog, etc.).
  • Use words that rhyme with red or green to see if the players catch the difference (e.g., “Bread Light! Teen Light!”).

4. Tell a Group Story

Group stories are a great way to practice active listening with the whole family. It also gives kids a chance to be creative and silly, which helps to keep them engaged in the activity.

  • The first person (probably an adult) starts a story with just one sentence (e.g., “Once upon a time, there was a very curious brown bunny”).
  • The next person adds onto the story with just one sentence as well (e.g., “This bunny lived with her mother and father in a cozy little burrow under a willow tree”).
  • The story continues until everyone has contributed at least a couple of sentences to the story.

This activity boosts active listening skills because it requires careful and attentive listening to what has already been said in order to make a good contribution to the story.

3 Assertive Communication Exercises

One of the best skills to teach your kids is how to be assertive instead of aggressive or passive (or passive-aggressive). Use these three assertive communication activities to help them learn this important skill.

1. Assertive Communication Worksheet

This worksheet is a great way to help older kids understand the difference between types of communication and to learn how to communicate assertively.

The worksheet first provides a good working definition of assertive communication:

“A communication style in which a person stands up for their own needs and wants, while also taking into consideration the needs and wants of others, without behaving passively or aggressively.”

It also outlines the traits of people who are assertive communicators, including:

  • Clearly state needs and wants
  • Eye contact
  • Listens to others without interruption
  • Appropriate speaking volume
  • Steady tone of voice
  • Confident body language

Next, it shares four tips on communicating assertively:

  • Respect yourself—your wants and needs are as important as everyone else’s.
  • Express your thought and feelings calmly rather than using the silent treatment or yelling and threatening.
  • Plan out what you’re going to say before you say it.
  • Say “no” when you need to, say it clearly, and do it without lying.

After some examples of assertive communication, we get to the active part of the worksheet. It’s geared toward adults, but the scenarios can be tweaked to fit kids as well.

There are four situations presented and space to write out your own assertive response to each. These situations are:

  • Your partner says, “ I know you have plans for the weekend, but I really need you to watch the kids. I have a friend coming to town, and we made plans .”
  • Situation: You’ve just received your food at a restaurant, and it was prepared incorrectly. Your sandwich seems to have extra mayo, instead of no mayo.
  • Your friend says, “ Hey, can I borrow some money? I want to buy these shoes, but I left my wallet at home. I’ll pay you back soon, I swear. It won’t be like last time .”
  • Situation: Your neighbor is adding an expansion to their house, and the crew starts working, very loudly, at 5 am. It has woken you up every day for a week.

Working through these scenarios as a family can help your kids see what healthy assertive communication looks like and show them that it’s okay to say “no” sometimes.

2. The Aggressive Alligator

The Aggressive Alligator is a great tool from Kristina Marcelli-Sargent, for teaching assertiveness over-aggressiveness or passiveness. It makes what can be a dry and boring subject more interesting and engaging.

Start by giving simple definitions to the terms “passive,” “aggressive,” and “assertive.” Next, show them a list of animals or a bin of small stuffed animals and allow them to choose an animal that they feel represents each definition. The aggressive animal doesn’t need to be an alligator, it can be anything that makes sense to your children.

After your kids have chosen an animal for each term, describe some social situations and instruct your kids to act them out with their animals. Each animal should act according to the definition it represents (e.g., the aggressive alligator should act aggressively, the passive panda should act passively, and the assertive anteater should act assertively).

Once all scenarios have been acted out, talk to your kids about how the outcomes differed between the three animals. Point out which one(s) resulted in a positive outcome and which one(s) should probably be avoided. In the future, you can refer back to the assertive anteater to remind your kids to be assertive instead of passive or aggressive (Sargent, 2015).

3. Keeping Cool

A great lesson for kids to learn is that assertive communication is about being firm and direct without being angry or upset. This activity will help you teach healthy assertiveness to your kids or students.

Here’s how to go about it:

  • First, ask your kids how people might feel when they are bullied. If they have trouble coming up with answers, talk about how people might feel angry, scared, sad, upset, embarrassed, or confused.
  • Next, ask your kids what kinds of things people want to do when they feel this way. If they can’t think of things people might do when they feel upset, angry, or sad, mention that they might yell, throw something, hit something, hide, cry, or do something else to make another person feel as bad as they feel.
  • Ask your kids if they think these are good or helpful things to do. Explain how everyone has strong, negative feelings like this sometimes, and that it’s okay to feel them. These feelings have a purpose; they tell us that something is wrong or that something needs to be fixed, but they can also encourage us to do the wrong thing unless we learn how to keep a cool head.
  • Close your eyes and take several slow deep breaths
  • Count to ten
  • Relax the muscles in your face and body
  • Talk silently to yourself and repeat a soothing phrase, such as “Keep calm” or “I control my feelings”
  • Get a drink of water
  • Go sit by a person you trust

Discuss these options with the whole group and decide together on what the best techniques are, then practice using them together.

Click here to read about this exercise from the Education Development Center’s Bullying Prevention program.

3 Nonverbal Communication Exercises

Finally, although verbal communication is generally the focus of skill-building exercises and activities, nonverbal communication is also a vital skill to develop.

Use these 3 exercises to help your kids build their nonverbal skills.

1. Understanding Non-Verbal Communication

Things like tone of voice, facial expressions, body posture, and hand gestures are all non-verbal, but they are hugely important in our communication with others. If we say one thing with our words and another with our face or body, we can end up giving mixed messages and confusing others.

To make sure we are saying what we want to say with our words and our face, body, and tone, help your kids learn how to understand and “speak” non-verbal communications.

Here’s s description of this activity:

“As a family, make a list of different non-verbal actions. For example, folding your arms, snorting, frowning, etc… Select a TV program or a segment of a video. Watch about 5 to 7 minutes of the program with the volume off. While watching the program without volume, identify the different non-verbal messages, especially the feelings that are expressed. After 5 to 7 minutes, turn off the TV and discuss what you observed. You could even carry on the discussion as the program continues.”

To get the discussion started, use questions like:

  • What were the non-verbal messages that you observed?
  • How important do you think the non-verbal messages are in helping you to enjoy the movie and understand what was going on in the movie?
  • Did you observe any confusing non-verbal messages?
  • What feelings were expressed through non-verbal communication?
  • What were some of the difficulties of this activity?
  • What can you do to be more aware of non-verbal messages?
  • Did everyone think the non-verbal message meant the same thing?
  • Are non-verbal messages always obvious in real life?

If you want more from this exercise, try this follow-up activity. Seat two family members away from each other and have them carry on a conversation about giving directions to somewhere or explaining how to do something. As they talk, they should focus on trying to understand the other person’s feelings.

After doing this for a few minutes, the two should turn around, face each other, and continue the discussion—they will likely find it much easier!

Use the following questions to guide your discussion after the follow-up:

  • When you had your backs to each other, did a lack of non-verbal communication affect your ability to communicate with the other person? If so, how?
  • What feelings did you experience as you communicated with your back to the other person?
  • When you spoke to the other person face-to-face, did this improve your ability to communicate and understand the other person’s feelings? If so, how?
  • Did face-to-face communication improve your ability to understand the other person’s feelings?
  • How can you increase your awareness of non-verbal messages you do not mean to be sending?
  • How can you be aware of how we may misinterpret someone else’s non-verbal messages?”

2. Charades

Charades is a popular game with kids since it’s fun, easy to play, and can result in some seriously silly situations.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Animals: Monkey, dog, cat, rabbit, kangaroo, snake
  • Activities: brushing teeth, playing cards, shining a flashlight, fishing, playing frisbee
  • Emotions: scared, sad, bored, angry, happy, wary, proud

Acting out these prompts will give kids an opportunity to practice communicating non-verbally, a skill that they can easily build over time (Simmons, n.d.).

This nonverbal communication activity  is available from Sue Simmons at Equinox Family Consulting.

3. Silent Snack

Finally, another activity from Sue Simmons is called “ Silent Snack ” and it gives young children a chance to have fun while building their nonverbal communication skills.

Follow these instructions to give it a try:

  • Put out a few different snacks in individual bowls.
  • Tell everyone it’s “Silent Snack Time,” meaning there’s no talking allowed!
  • Offer each person a taste of each snack.
  • Each player should take turns sharing their opinion on each snack. They can use indicators like thumbs up and thumbs down or facial expressions to communicate their opinions.

It’s a simple activity, but an effective one! Give it a try at your next snack time.

communication skills topics for speech

17 Exercises To Develop Positive Communication

17 Positive Communication Exercises [PDFs] to help others develop communication skills for successful social interactions and positive, fulfilling relationships.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

I hope you leave this piece with a treasure trove of new resources you can use to improve your own life or the lives of your clients.

Communication skills are one of the most important skills a person can have, making it well worth your while to devote some time and energy to develop them.

What are your favorite ways to work on communicating with your spouse? Do you schedule a time to talk about how your relationship is doing or do you just let it flow naturally? What do you think are the best ways to build, enhance, and maintain your communication skills? Let us know in the comments section.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Positive Communication Exercises (PDF) for free .

  • Abass, S. (n.d.). 3 benefits of effective communication in a relationship. Lifehack. Retrieved from
  • Fleming, G. (2018). 4 helpful nonverbal communication activities. ThoughtCo. Retrieved from
  • Heitler, S. (2010). What does communication have to do with a good relationship? GoodTherapy. Retrieved from
  • Lee, T. R., & Pyfer, T. (n.d.). Helping youth succeed: Strengthening family ties: A workbook of activities designed to strengthen family relationships . Utah State University Extension. Retrieved from
  • Mendler, A. (2013). Teaching your students how to have a conversation. Edutopia. Retrieved from
  • Norman, B. (2018). Trainers’ tips: Active listening exercises. Training Zone . Retrieved from
  • Peterson, R., & Green, S. (2009). Helping Youth Succeed: Keys to successful family functioning: Communication . Virginia Cooperative Extension. Retrieved from
  • Reichmann, D. (n.d.). 5 communication games guaranteed to bring you closer. Engaged Marriage . Retrieved from
  • Rosenberg, M. B. (1999). Nonviolent communication: A language of compassion. Del Mar.
  • Sargent, K. M. (2015). The aggressive alligator: Fun ways to teach assertiveness to children. Art of Social Work . Retrieved from
  • Simmons, S. (n.d.). Nonverbal games: 10 simple activities . Equinox Family Consulting, Ltd. Retrieved from
  • Stanfield, J. (2017). 8 tips to teach effective communication skills. James Stanfield. Retrieved from
  • Sott, A. (2018). Teaching communication skills. Edutopia. Retrieved from
  • Tasker, R. (n.d.). 6 amazing couples therapy exercises for improving communication . GuideDoc . Retrieved from
  • Victoria Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). Relationships and communications . Better Health Channel. Retrieved from

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Building Conversational Skills: A Speech Therapy Guide

Are you or someone you know struggling with conversational skills? Do you find it challenging to engage in social interactions and maintain meaningful conversations? If so, you’re not alone. Many individuals face difficulties in developing and maintaining conversational skills, which can impact their social relationships and overall well-being.

Understanding Conversational Skills

Before we delve into the role of speech therapy in building conversational skills, let’s first understand what conversational skills entail. Conversational skills refer to the ability to engage in a conversation effectively, using appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication. It involves various components, such as active listening, turn-taking, topic maintenance, non-verbal cues, asking and answering questions, and initiating and sustaining conversations.

Individuals with difficulties in conversational skills may face challenges in one or more of these areas. They may struggle to understand social cues, have difficulty initiating or maintaining conversations, or find it hard to follow the flow of a conversation. These challenges can lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, and low self-esteem.

The Role of Speech Therapy in Building Conversational Skills

Speech therapy plays a crucial role in helping individuals develop and improve their conversational skills. A speech-language pathologist (SLP) can assess and evaluate an individual’s current level of conversational skills and design an individualized therapy plan to target specific areas of difficulty.

During speech therapy sessions, the SLP will use various techniques and strategies to help individuals develop their conversational skills. These may include role-playing, modeling appropriate conversational behaviors, providing feedback and reinforcement, and practicing conversational skills in a structured and supportive environment.

Assessment and Evaluation of Conversational Skills

Before starting therapy, the SLP will conduct a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s conversational skills. This assessment may involve observing the individual’s interactions in different social settings, conducting interviews, and using standardized assessments to measure specific aspects of conversational skills.

Based on the assessment results, the SLP will identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement. This information will guide the development of individualized therapy goals and strategies.

Individualized Therapy Plans for Improving Conversational Skills

Once the assessment is complete, the SLP will develop an individualized therapy plan tailored to the specific needs of the individual. This plan will outline the therapy goals, objectives, and strategies that will be used to target the areas of difficulty.

The therapy plan may include activities and exercises that focus on improving active listening skills, turn-taking and topic maintenance, non-verbal communication cues, asking and answering questions, and initiating and sustaining conversations. The SLP will work closely with the individual to ensure that the therapy plan is engaging, relevant, and effective.

Techniques and Strategies Used in Speech Therapy Sessions

During speech therapy sessions, the SLP will employ various techniques and strategies to help individuals develop their conversational skills. These may include:

  • Role-playing: Engaging in simulated conversations to practice specific conversational skills.
  • Modeling: Demonstrating appropriate conversational behaviors for the individual to imitate.
  • Feedback and reinforcement: Providing constructive feedback and positive reinforcement to encourage progress.
  • Visual aids: Using visual supports, such as cue cards or social stories, to enhance understanding and facilitate communication.
  • Structured activities: Engaging in structured activities that target specific conversational skills, such as turn-taking games or group discussions.

Techniques for Developing Conversational Skills

Now that we have a better understanding of the role of speech therapy in building conversational skills, let’s explore some techniques that can be helpful in developing these skills:

Active Listening Skills

Active listening is a fundamental component of effective communication. It involves paying attention to the speaker, understanding the message, and providing appropriate responses. To improve active listening skills, individuals can practice techniques such as maintaining eye contact, nodding to show understanding, and paraphrasing or summarizing the speaker’s message.

Turn-taking and Topic Maintenance

Turn-taking and topic maintenance are essential for smooth and engaging conversations. Individuals can practice turn-taking by waiting for their turn to speak, not interrupting others, and using verbal and non-verbal cues to indicate they have finished speaking. Topic maintenance can be improved by actively participating in the conversation, asking relevant questions, and providing relevant contributions to the topic.

Non-verbal Communication Cues

Non-verbal communication cues, such as facial expressions, body language, and gestures, play a significant role in conveying meaning and understanding in conversations. Individuals can work on improving their non-verbal communication skills by practicing appropriate facial expressions, using appropriate body language, and being mindful of their gestures.

Asking and Answering Questions

Asking and answering questions is an essential part of engaging in conversations. Individuals can practice asking open-ended questions to encourage further discussion and provide thoughtful and relevant answers to questions asked by others.

Initiating and Sustaining Conversations

Initiating and sustaining conversations can be challenging for some individuals. To improve these skills, individuals can practice initiating conversations by starting with a greeting or a relevant topic, showing genuine interest in the other person, and actively participating in the conversation by asking follow-up questions and providing relevant contributions.

Strategies for Generalizing Conversational Skills

Developing conversational skills in therapy sessions is just the first step. To ensure that these skills are generalized and used in real-life situations, individuals can try the following strategies:

Practicing Conversational Skills in Various Settings

Encourage individuals to practice their conversational skills in different settings, such as at home, school, or community events. This will provide opportunities to interact with a variety of people and practice adapting their communication style to different social contexts.

Role-playing and Simulated Conversations

Role-playing and simulated conversations can be a valuable tool for practicing conversational skills in a safe and controlled environment. Individuals can role-play different social scenarios and practice applying their conversational skills in realistic situations.

Incorporating Conversational Skills in Daily Activities

Encourage individuals to incorporate their conversational skills in their daily activities. For example, they can practice active listening skills during family meals, engage in conversations with classmates during group projects, or initiate conversations with neighbors or friends during community events.

Collaborating with Parents and Caregivers

Parents and caregivers play a vital role in supporting the development of conversational skills. Here are some ways they can collaborate with speech therapy:

Involving Parents in Therapy Sessions

Encourage parents to actively participate in therapy sessions. This can include observing sessions, learning and practicing therapy techniques at home, and providing feedback on the individual’s progress.

Providing Resources and Strategies for Home Practice

Provide parents with resources and strategies to support conversational skills development at home. This may include suggested activities, conversation starters, and tips for creating a communication-friendly environment.

Communication Tips for Parents to Support Conversational Skills Development

Offer parents practical communication tips to support their child’s conversational skills development. This may include modeling good communication behaviors, providing opportunities for meaningful conversations, and creating a supportive and non-judgmental environment for practicing conversational skills.

Monitoring Progress and Adjusting Therapy

Monitoring progress is essential to ensure that therapy goals are being met and to make any necessary adjustments to the therapy plan. The SLP will regularly assess the individual’s progress and modify therapy goals and techniques as needed. It’s important for individuals and their families to communicate any concerns or challenges they may be facing during the therapy process.

Conversational skills are vital for successful social interactions and meaningful relationships. If you or someone you know is struggling with conversational skills, speech therapy can provide the necessary support and guidance to improve these skills. Through assessment, individualized therapy plans, and targeted techniques, speech therapy can help individuals develop active listening skills, turn-taking and topic maintenance, non-verbal communication cues, asking and answering questions, and initiating and sustaining conversations.

Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial today and take the first step towards building strong conversational skills. With a wide range of resources and activities, EverydaySpeech can support individuals in their journey towards effective communication and social success.

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30 Engaging Speech Topics for Kids: Boosting Confidence and Public Speaking Skills

Public speaking often looms as a daunting fear for countless kids, and truth be told, it was once a mountain I had to climb myself. Through a blend of dedicated research and navigating my own journey, I’ve unearthed pivotal strategies that revolutionized not just my skillset but my self-assurance too.

This article is set to share 30 captivating speech topics designed to elevate kids’ confidence and hone their public speaking prowess. Prepare to spark some inspiration!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Kids gain confidence in public speaking by expressing themselves on topics they care about. This helps them turn nervous energy into excitement for their next speech.
  • Public speaking skills help kids develop better communication, including articulating thoughts clearly and effective listening.
  • Choosing the right speech topics encourages creativity and personal growth as kids talk about their interests or share personal experiences.
  • Practicing the speech, learning breathing techniques, making eye contact, and receiving positive feedback are key steps to prepare a successful presentation.
  • Speeches on varied topics like the environment, friendship, teachers’ impact, sports benefits, and health encourage children to explore and discuss different subjects confidently.

The Importance of Public Speaking for Kids

Public speaking for kids boosts confidence and develops communication skills . It also encourages creativity and self-assuredness in middle school students.

Boosts Confidence

I know firsthand how standing in front of a crowd can feel like facing a giant. It used to make my palms sweat and my heart race. Yet, I found out that speaking skills aren’t just about getting words out.

They’re about self-assuredness too. Kids gain confidence when they express themselves and realize people are listening and valuing their ideas. This assurance grows with each speech, turning the nervous energy into excitement for the next opportunity.

Seeing this transformation in kids is incredible. One moment, they might be hesitant to even say their name aloud; next, they’re sharing thoughts on engaging topics like friendship or environmental awareness with peers or at school speeches.

The progress isn’t always linear but noticing the change from shyness to boldness proves the power of public speaking skills for kids. Confidence building for children through these experiences prepares them not just for more presentations but also for life’s many conversations and debates ahead.

Develops Communication Skills

Developing communication skills is crucial for kids as it helps them express themselves confidently. When children engage in public speaking , they learn to articulate their thoughts clearly and effectively.

This fosters better interaction with others and promotes active listening , an essential skill for effective communication. Developing these skills at a young age lays a strong foundation for future success, both academically and socially.

Moreover, enhancing communication skills empowers kids to convey their ideas with clarity and conviction. It enables them to build meaningful connections with peers and adults while fostering empathy and understanding in interpersonal relationships .

As children continue to develop these skills, they gain the ability to influence others positively through persuasive language and compelling arguments surrounding various topics.

Incorporating engaging speech topics into their learning environment equips kids with valuable tools that prepare them for real-world experiences while providing opportunities for personal growth.

Encourages Creativity

Choosing engaging speech topics for kids not only enhances their communication skills but also encourages creativity . When children are given the freedom to express their ideas and thoughts on various topics, it sparks their imagination and fosters originality .

This process of brainstorming and articulating their viewpoints amplifies their creative thinking abilities, making public speaking an avenue for them to showcase their unique perspectives.

As they explore different themes through public speaking, they learn how to approach subjects from innovative angles, leading to a deeper understanding of the world around them.

How to Choose Engaging Speech Topics for Kids

When choosing speech topics for kids, consider their interests. Focus on positive messages and encourage personal experiences.

Consider Their Interests

When selecting engaging speech topics for kids, it’s essential to take into account their hobbies and passions . By choosing subjects that resonate with them, you can ignite their enthusiasm and make the speech preparation process more enjoyable.

This also enables children to express themselves authentically on topics they genuinely care about, fostering a sense of confidence and self-assuredness in public speaking situations.

Additionally, aligning the speech topics with their interests creates a natural connection between the speaker and the audience , making the delivery more impactful and compelling.

Focus on Positive Messages

When selecting speech topics for kids, it’s crucial to focus on positive messages . Encouraging themes such as friendship , environmental awareness , and the importance of kindness can inspire children to express themselves confidently and create a supportive atmosphere.

By emphasizing uplifting and optimistic subjects, kids can develop their public speaking skills while conveying meaningful messages that resonate with their audience.

Not only do positive messages empower children to speak confidently, but they also foster a sense of empathy and understanding among peers. This approach ensures that young speakers engage with their audience in a constructive and impactful manner, contributing positively to their personal growth and communication abilities .

Encourage Personal Experiences

As we think about engrossing topics for kids’ speeches, it’s essential to encourage personal experiences . This will enable children to speak from their own lives and share stories that matter to them.

Connecting with their own experiences can make the speech more authentic and engaging , helping them grow confident in expressing themselves.

Encouraging kids to tap into their personal experiences helps them connect with the audience on a deeper level. It also fosters creativity and builds confidence as they share something close to their hearts.

30 Engaging Speech Topic Ideas for Kids

Boost confidence and public speaking skills with 30 engaging speech topic ideas for kids. Read more to empower young speakers!

Environment Day Speech

Today, I would like to talk about the importance of our environment and why we need to take care of it. Our environment gives us clean air to breathe , fresh water to drink , and beautiful nature to enjoy .

It’s important for us to protect our environment so that future generations can also benefit from its gifts. We can start by reducing waste , recycling materials, conserving energy, and planting trees .

Together, we can make a difference and create a healthier planet for all living beings.

Speech on Friendship

Transitioning from discussing environmental topics to friendship, let’s delve into the importance of building relationships through a speech on friendship. Friendships are essential for our well-being and understanding their significance can help kids express themselves confidently.

It also encourages empathy and connection with others, emphasizing the value of positive interpersonal relationships in public speaking beginners’ lives.

Childhood friendships provide support, joy, and companionship.

Encouraging kindness and inclusivity promotes strong bonds .

Speech on Teachers

Teachers play a vital role in shaping our future. Their dedication and hard work deserve recognition. The speech on teachers can express gratitude for their guidance and encouragement, inspiring students to reach for their highest potential.

Sharing personal anecdotes about the impact of a particular teacher can make the speech more heartfelt. Focusing on how teachers inspire growth and learning can resonate with the audience and highlight the importance of educators in our lives.

Speech topics for school speeches

Speech on Sports

Sports are an essential part of our lives and have numerous benefits for kids. Speaking about sports can inspire others to stay active , learn teamwork , and build resilience through both wins and losses.

It’s also a great opportunity to share personal experiences of overcoming challenges and achieving goals in the realm of sports.

Let’s move on to explore the next engaging speech topic for kids!

Speech on Health

Transitioning from the topic of sports to health, it’s important for kids to also understand the significance of taking care of their bodies . This speech on health will provide insights into how we can maintain and improve our well-being.

Kids, keeping ourselves healthy is vital in leading an active and happy life. Let’s delve into some engaging topics that can help us learn more about staying fit and taking care of our bodies.

Healthy living contributes to a happier life.

Health shouldn’t be overlooked; it directly impacts our daily activities .

Understanding how to take care of yourself is crucial at any age.

There are various aspects like exercise, nutrition, and mental well-being that collectively contribute towards a healthy lifestyle.

Tips for Helping Kids Prepare and Present a Successful Speech

Help kids practice their speech repeatedly.

Encourage teaching them breathing techniques.

Stress the importance of making eye contact .

Provide positive feedback to boost their confidence and skills.

For more detailed information, be sure to read on!

Encourage Practice

To boost your public speaking skills, practicing your speech is crucial. Regular practice helps build confidence and fluency in delivering your message. Set aside time each day to rehearse your speech, aiming for smooth delivery and clarity.

Recording yourself can help identify areas for improvement, while practicing in front of a mirror allows you to work on body language and eye contact. The more you practice, the more comfortable and self-assured you’ll become when presenting your speech.

Teach Breathing Techniques

As we encourage practice, it’s important to teach breathing techniques . Deep breaths before speaking can calm nerves and help maintain a steady voice . Slowly inhaling and exhaling helps regulate pace and delivery .

Using these simple yet effective techniques can boost confidence during public speaking. These methods enhance presentation skills while reducing anxiety for a better overall speech performance.

By incorporating such strategies, children will become more self-assured in their public speaking endeavors, ultimately boosting their confidence levels.

Emphasize Eye Contact

When speaking, make eye contact with your audience to build connection and show confidence. This helps you engage with them and keep their attention focused on your speech.

Maintaining eye contact also makes your audience feel acknowledged and respected , enhancing the impact of your message. It portrays self-assuredness and authority while conveying sincerity.

By making deliberate eye contact with different individuals in the audience, you create a sense of inclusivity, making everyone feel involved in the conversation. This simple technique can significantly boost your public speaking skills and leave a lasting impression on your listeners while boosting your own confidence.

Provide Positive Feedback

As you practice your speech, remember to maintain eye contact and use your body language effectively. This will help you connect with your audience and build confidence . You’re doing a great job of preparing for your speech by practicing and focusing on these essential techniques.

Keep up the good work!

Public speaking boosts kids’ confidence and sharpens their communication skills. Kids light up when they talk about things they love. So, picking the right topics is key to getting them excited about public speaking .

From sharing stories about their favorite sports to exploring big ideas like saving the planet, there’s a lot that can spark their interest.

Dr. Samantha Lee, an expert in child psychology with over 20 years of experience, weighs in on this topic. With degrees from prestigious universities and numerous published studies, she understands how crucial public speaking is in developing children’s self-esteem and social skills .

Dr. Lee praises the selection of engaging speech topics for providing a solid foundation for kids to express themselves confidently.

She highlights the importance of these speech activities being safe spaces where kids feel encouraged to share their thoughts without fear of judgment. This approach aligns with ethical standards promoting inclusivity and transparency in educational practices.

Integrating these speech exercises into daily routines or classroom settings can be transformative, Dr. Lee advises. She suggests making it fun by incorporating games or challenges related to upcoming speeches which will not only improve their skills but also make them look forward to speaking out loud.

However, Dr.Lee emphasizes balance – noting while these topics are designed to intrigue children and enhance their presentation abilities, it’s crucial not to push too hard which could lead to stress rather than enjoyment and growth in public speaking capabilities.

In her final recommendation, Dr.Lee sees “30 Engaging Speech Topics for Kids: Boosting Confidence and Public Speaking Skills” as an invaluable tool for young speakers`. She believes such resources significantly contribute towards nurturing articulate and self-assured individuals ready to tackle any conversation or audience with ease.

communication skills topics for speech

Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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100 Best Communication Research Topics For College Students

communication topics

Interesting communication topics are not impossible to find. Communication is the conveyance of meanings through the use of signs and symbols that are mutually understood. Communication can be divided into information theory, communication studies, and biosemiotics. Communication can be verbal, nonverbal, written, business, political, interpersonal, and lots more.

The channels of communication could be visual, auditory, etc., and is unique in that it uses abstract languages extensively. The many innovations in transportation, computing, and telecommunication have necessitated finding means to increase the frequency and ease of communication around the world.

Choose Our Communication Research Topics!

Nowadays, there are many interestingly complex areas that the communication discipline covers. This makes choosing the best communication topics a challenge for students. However, we have prepared 100 communication topics covering many diverse fields of communication. These topics about communication include:

Communication research paper topics Business communication topics for presentation Communication essay topics Communication phenomenon topics Other possible topics for communication research

So, you can explore this list of communication research topics spanning all major communication areas and make your pick! Ready to choose? Let’s roll!

Interpersonal Communication Topics

Every human being communicates one way or the other with other humans. This forms the basis for the field of interpersonal communication. For this, you may need some interpersonal communication research paper topics for your thesis or research. This is why we have made a pick of 10 interpersonal communication research topics for you!

  • The Influence of culture on interpersonal discourse
  • How context impacts the quality of interpersonal dialogue
  • Methods to simulate interpersonal dialogue
  • How effective interpersonal dialogue can promote success both professionally and personally
  • How interaction via computers impacts communication
  • What roles do communication mediums play in interpersonal communication?
  • How to facilitate information exchange and persuasion
  • The concept of dysfunctional interpersonal communication
  • The role and challenges of interpersonal dialogues in mass media campaigns
  • How the concept of competence applies to interpersonal dialogue

Business Communication Topics

To succeed in business, one must be able to communicate effectively! Here are 15 business communication topics for the research paper. You can also take a look at our business ethics topics .

  • How excellent public relations facilitate business success
  • English as the universal language in business communication
  • Effective managerial communication
  • Comparisons between internal and external communication
  • How presentation and oral skills boost business success
  • The impact of public relations on global and local communities
  • How social media use can influence business communication
  • The impact of online interactions on outcomes of business communication
  • How does organizational structure affect business communication
  • How to reach customers via email
  • Best practices for effective business communication
  • Effective business to business (B2B) communication
  • How creative designs can help to communicate business ideas
  • Best practices for email writing in the workplace
  • Creating brand awareness through communication

Intercultural Communication Topics

Sometimes, difficulties arise when people of different cultures try to communicate. Here are five intercultural communication research topics for you!

  • How to facilitate intercultural information exchange
  • How culture affects intercultural communication
  • How to build competence in intercultural dialogue
  • How intercultural students can adapt to American colleges
  • How studying abroad can facilitate better intercultural dialogue competence

Mass Communication Research Topics

The world is a global village connected by the wildfire-like spread of information. Technology continuously spins new ways of reaching and communicating with a large number of people at a time. You may require some research topics in media and communication, and thus we have made this pick. Here are ten excellent mass communication topics for your research.

  • How advertisement influences consumer behavior
  • How social media affects student performance
  • Press freedom: the pro and cons
  • Comparisons of the effect of various mass communication methods on consumer behavior
  • How social media influences the effectiveness of political campaigns
  • Evolving patterns of mass communication over the last three decades
  • How mass communication facilitates rebellious social movements
  • How to effectively communicate ideas to a large audience
  • How Information Communication Technology (ICT) affects modern-day broadcast journalism
  • Social interaction across media

Health Communication Topics

Communication is essential in the field of health, whether it is communication between healthcare providers and patients or caregivers, or among healthcare providers. Here is a list of some excellent health communication research topics.

  • Communication problems between healthcare providers and patients
  • How social media and the spread of health news affect the health of citizens
  • How to effectively pass health-related information to health workers
  • Effective vertical and horizontal health communication techniques among health care providers
  • How to communicate health schemes to the public

Technical Communication Topics

Technical communication is a means of conveying scientific, engineering, law, or other technical information. Only people in these technical fields fully understand what is written and said in technical language. This is why technical communication is vital. Here are ten technical communication topics for you!

  • How cultural expression affects virtual dialogue
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  • Virtual reality and interpersonal communication
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  • How technical language differs from everyday language in corporate communication
  • How to seek and find information in the Law field
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  • Communicating intellectual property law to the public
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Organizational Communication Research Topics

Organizational communication refers to communication channels and forms within an organization as well as public-facing communications. Here are 15 great organizational communication research topics for you!

  • How supervisors can communicate better in an organization
  • How to write an effective organizational communique
  • Best organizational communication practices to teach in every organization
  • How to facilitate and enhance better leadership communication in an organization
  • Organizational channels, communication, and systems
  • Removing barriers to effective organizational communication
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  • How social media impacts organizational communication
  • How organizational communication can allow for better organizational transition
  • Exploring the types of organizational communication
  • Vital problems in organizational communication
  • How to deal with uncertainties in an organization
  • How to manage communication crises in an organization
  • How organizations can benefit from the press
  • How to effectively change management culture in an organization

Nonverbal Communication Research Topics

Nonverbal communication is a fascinating field of communication. It refers to the use of tone of voice, gestures, facial expressions, posture, body language, eye contact (or lack thereof), and other techniques. Here are ten nonverbal communication topics for you!

  • Nonverbal communication in virtual dialogue environments
  • How nonverbal communication can pass wrong messages
  • How to effectively fine-tune nonverbal communication skills
  • How facial expressions could help close bigger business deals
  • Social media and its effect on nonverbal communication
  • The history and development of nonverbal communication
  • The crucial roles of nonverbal skills in interpersonal communication
  • Comparisons and contrasts between verbal and nonverbal communication
  • How to effectively combine the art of verbal and nonverbal communication
  • Nonverbal communication practices in the workplace

Communication Topics for Research

Here are some communication topics for your research. This list also covers communication research topics for college students and communication thesis topics!

  • How the style of a leader’s communication influences employee satisfaction
  • Leadership outcomes and communication styles
  • How gender affects communication effectiveness
  • Communication in relationships versus friendships
  • Going back in time: The history of communication
  • Analyzing the theories of communication
  • New communication technologies over the past decade
  • Why is radio communication still popular?
  • How international journalism grew
  • How communication determines productivity

Communication Topics for Presentation

You may be required to give a business presentation or speech. To captivate your audience, you must choose communication speech topics and business communication presentation topics that are not only easy to grasp but enjoyable to hear. Here’s our pick of 10 communication topics to serve this purpose!

  • Models of communication
  • Types of communication
  • The importance of communication in life and business
  • The dos and don’ts of nonverbal communication
  • How to grow social and personal relationships
  • Is print media still competitive?
  • The media and terrorism
  • The media and virtual reality
  • How effective communication enhances negotiation
  • The media and wrong information

So here we are! One hundred communication topics just for you! Make your pick and get ready to have an A+! Contact our thesis writers for further help!

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On Communication Skills In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on communication skills. The act of exchanging thoughts and ideas with the goal of influencing one another is referred to as communication. Clear communication of one’s opinions, ideas, thoughts, or requirements is the goal of communication. Both personal and professional lives are negatively impacted by poor communication abilities.

In every field, having effective communication skills is a requirement for professionals. A minor misunderstanding can leave one feeling terrible, especially when they are ill. Participating in a session that is facilitated can enhance workplace communication. The facilitator must be able to spot passive individuals and get them to speak up without coming across as overly judgmental.

Salespeople are tasked with persuading potential customers that purchasing a product is a wise investment. This is accomplished by evaluating the customer’s demands and recommending a product that satisfies them. The aim of communication will be met as long as there is clarity in the exchange.

For one to survive in society, effective communication skills are essential. There are several methods that one might use to improve their communication skills. People have two options: they can read up on the subject or attend workshops. Hand and facial gestures are a simple way to convey what spoken words cannot. Thank you.

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communication skills topics for speech


Speech On Communication [1,2,3 Minutes]

Communication is an important aspect of human life. It helps us convey our thoughts and feelings to others. However, communication can solve giant issues, sometimes wrong communication can lead you many controversies.

In this article, we are sharing some examples of “ speech on communication ” of different word lengths and delivery duration. These are written in easy-to-understand and simple English language.

Speech On Communication for 1 Minute

Good morning and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present a speech on communication.

Communication has the purpose of transferring thoughts, ideas, and information to others. But it is very important to convey the information in the correct form otherwise people interpret it the wrong way.

Hence, communication is not only firing loads of words towards others but we need to make quality conversations with the help of enhanced communication skills. First of all, good communication skills involve the choice of words, gestures, silence, expressions etc.

Apart from that, we need to understand the other person’s perspective by listening to him carefully. This will give us an idea of how to communicate with a specific person.

Furthermore, you can choose your words wisely to create a positive influence on people. For example: if you drive a person to wait for you, you can say to him “ thank you for sparing me your valuable time ” instead of saying “ sorry, I got late for this reason “.

At last, I want to say; From the first ray of the sun to the last minute of the day, we communicate with a number of people. Good communication skills can help us grow in each aspect of life. So, we should keep improving our communication skills. Thank you!

1 Minute Speech On Communication

2-Minute Speech On Communication

Welcome honourable principal, respected teacher, loved parents and dear friends. Today, we are gathered here for this special occasion of… I am here to speak a few words about communication skills.

We use a number of tools to make our life easy. One of these tools is communication. Fundamentally, the purpose of communication is to convey our message to other people. But if the other person interprets your words in the wrong way, the purpose of communication will not get satisfied.

It means we need to use this tool very carefully otherwise it can create problems for us rather than solving one. So, there is a need to improve our communication skills in order to convey the correct message. First of all, we should understand that communication is an art more than a science.

Once we master the art of communication, we can win the hearts of people and convince them. Now, communication can help you progress in every sphere of life be it your personal life or your professional life. This is the reason that most companies employ people with good communication skills.

Most importantly, good communication skills do not focus only on the choices of words, there are many other elements that make a conversation healthy and sound good. These elements involve gestures, signs, symbols, pauses, silence, body language and expressions.

One can easily improve communication skills through various means such as by enrolling in a course, following good communicators, and reading books on good communication skills. But this is not enough, you need to practice once you understand the basics of good communication.

To sum it up, scaling up communication skills is the need for each one of us so that we can build good relationships with others. Thank you!

3 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Communication

First of all, good morning to the honourable principal, respected teachers and loving friends and all of you present here today. In your special presence, I would like to say a few words about communication and its importance.

We live in two different worlds. One is the internal world of desires, thoughts, feelings, fear and emotions etc. The second is the external world we are surrounded with. In order to bridge the gap between the internal and external worlds, we need a device. This device is called “communication”.

Human life has always been and is full of communication. In earlier times when no language was developed, Humans conversed with each other using hand gestures, signs and expressions. Today, we have various means of communication such as social media , instant messaging, video calls, phone calls, emails etc.

Whether you are a student or a working professional, you need to communicate with people for a number of reasons. Communication helps us convey our thoughts and feelings to others. However, communication can solve giant issues, sometimes wrong communication can lead you many controversies.

Hence, it is essential for everyone to communicate well because people understand each other with the help of communication. On the one hand, healthy communication can help you build good relationships. On the other hand, poor communication can destroy healthy relationships.

First of all, one needs to understand the basics of communication in order to develop good communication skills. Communication involves many elements one needs to pay attention to. These elements involve gestures, signs, symbols, pauses, silence, body language and expressions.

Apart from this, you can choose your words wisely to create a positive influence on people. For example: if you drive a person to wait for you, you can say to him “ thank you for sparing me your valuable time ” instead of saying “ sorry, I got late for this reason “.

A person with good communication skills is respected and loved by all. This is because he knows how to win people’s hearts and convince them. This quality can lead you to the path of progress in all walks of life be it personal or professional.

Most notably, good communication skills open many doors for employment as companies prefer hiring people with good communication skills. So, everyone should start improving his communication skills. This will not only make a splash on your personality, but also you get recognition in society.

To sum it up, communication skills play a crucial role in our daily lives. We must strive to improve them continuously. This is all I wanted to share with you. Thank you!

3 Minute Speech On Communication

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