WordPress Book

By mid-2010, one theme was still a GPL holdout: Thesis, from DIYThemes. Created by theme designer Chris Pearson and blogger Brian Clark, Thesis was popular as a feature-heavy framework — it gave users many more options than most WordPress themes. Users can customize every element of their website via the user interface. On the original about page, Chris states Thesis’ aim : “I wanted a framework that had it all — killer typography, a dynamically resizable layout, intelligent code, airtight optimization, and tons of flexibility.” Tech blogs featured Thesis and high profile bloggers, including Matt Cutts , Chris Brogan , and Darren Rowse adopted it.

Chris Pearson was well-respected in the community; he’d already developed Cutline and PressRow before moving into the premium theme market with Thesis. A mid-2009 ThemeShaper post recalls Thesis’ influence as “The Pearson Principle”: “Bloggers want powerfully simple design on an equally robust framework.” With themes such as Revolution and Premium News, theme developers were already creating feature-rich themes, and Thesis cemented that approach, ushering in the era of the theme framework [footnote]The term “theme framework” is often used to refer to different things. In some instances, a theme framework is a base, or “starter” theme that a developer can build from. In other cases, it’s a drop-in code library that facilitates development. But it’s also used in marketing to users, when a theme framework is a feature-heavy theme with multiple options.[/footnote]. Chris called this approach “ubiquitous design.” A theme wasn’t simply a website skin, it was a tool to build your website. It took another four years before theme developers stopped packing themes with options and started moving features into plugins.

While theme vendors adopted the GPL, Thesis held out. Discussions between DIYThemes and Automattic went nowhere and relationships fractured. In June 2009, Brian and Toni were in discussions when a blogger’s comment thread was hijacked . A long debate about Thesis and the GPL ensued. Matt urged people to move away from Thesis, saying “if you care about the philosophical underpinnings of WordPress please consider putting your support behind something that isn’t hostile to WordPress’ core freedoms and GPL license.”

In July 2010, the WordPress/Thesis debate reignited after Chris Pearson’s interview on Mixergy . In it, Chris shares Thesis’ revenue figures, putting a conservative estimate at 1.2 million dollars within 16 to 18 months.

Just over a week later, Matt and Chris took to Twitter . Matt was unhappy about Chris flaunting revenue and the GPL — violating WordPress’ license. Cutting remarks ensued until Andrew Warner from Mixergy set up an impromptu, live debate to discuss the issues . The hour-long discussion airs both sides of the argument. Matt argues that Thesis is built on GPL software — WordPress — and must honor the license. Matt suggests that Chris is disrespectful of all WordPress authors and that he’s breaking the law. Chris said adopting the GPL meant giving up his rights and losing piracy protection. He argues that “what I’ve done stands alone outside of WordPress completely,” and that Thesis “does not inherit anything from WordPress.” The argument descends into a rambling discussion of economics, and the conversation ends when Matt threatens to sue Chris if he refuses to comply with the GPL.

Matt, Automattic, and WordPress took public action against Thesis following the interview. Matt offered to buy Thesis users an alternative premium theme , consultants using Thesis were removed from the Code Poet directory of WordPress consultants , and Chris Pearson’s other themes — Cutline and PressRow — were removed from WordPress.com .

Matt wasn’t the only one in the WordPress community to come out swinging against Thesis. Other lead and core developers wrote about their GPL / Thesis stance. Ryan Boren wrote , “where do I stand as one of the primary copyright holders of WordPress? I’d like to see the PHP parts of themes retain the GPL. Aside from preserving the spirit of WordPress, respecting the open source ecosystem in which it thrives, and avoiding questionable legal ground, retaining the GPL is practical.” Mark Jaquith noted that WordPress themes don’t sit on top of, they’re interdependent on WordPress :

…in multiple different places, with multiple interdependencies. This forms a web of shared data structures and code all contained within a shared memory space. If you followed the code execution for Thesis as it jumped between WordPress core code and Thesis-specific code, you’d get a headache, because you’d be jumping back and forth literally hundreds of times.

Even developers who believed themes aren’t derivative of WordPress declared Thesis derivative. Developer Drew Blas wrote a script comparing every line of WordPress and Thesis . His script revealed several instances of Thesis code taken from WordPress. Core developer Andrew Nacin pointed out that Thesis’ own inline documentation declared: “This function is mostly copy pasta from WP ( wp-includes/media.php ), but with minor alteration to play more nicely with our styling.”

A former employee of DIYThemes left a comment on Matt’s blog :

check out Thesis’ handling of comments ( thesis/lib/classes/comments.php ). Large chunks of it are ripped right from WordPress. I know they are… because I’m the one who did the ripping. Whether I informed Chris of that or not doesn’t matter because I no longer have any of our old chat logs to prove one way or another, but suffice it to say the latest public release of Thesis (and numerous versions before hand) contain obviously GPL code. Whether those portions get rewritten in the impending 3.0 release, I don’t know… but for Chris to claim that he was responsible for and devised all of Thesis at 13:33 or so in the debate… Well, he was lying to you, either intentionally or not.

On July 22, — not even a week after the initial Mixergy interview — Chris Pearson announced that Thesis would be released under a split license. The public furor, compounded by pressure from inside DIYThemes, forced Chris to capitulate. Brian Clark drafted the license , shortly before leaving DIYThemes, citing “completely different opinions about the direction of the development of Thesis, the running of the company, and our relationship with the WordPress community.” When Thesis 2 launched in 2012, it had a new, proprietary license.

The debate around Thesis and the GPL had far-reaching implications for everyone involved. Prominent blogs moved away from Thesis . Brian Gardner’s Genesis theme became a popular choice. Thesis and Chris Pearson became less prominent in the community, focusing instead on cultivating and building a large customer base. The debacle also proved that WordPress will go to court to defend flagrant license abuse. There was, for a while, a relative calm in the community around the GPL. WordPress.org supported commercial theme sellers whose themes were 100% GPL and tolerated those that packaged their themes with two licenses. It would be another four years before the community found itself in another GPL argument on the four freedoms, this time between WordPress and Envato.

Thesis WordPress Theme

DIYthemes Thesis WordPress Theme

Thesis WordPress Theme By DIYthemes, Theme Type: Blogging, Minimal, Multi-Purpose , free trial: available The Thesis Theme for WordPress is a high-quality template system that you can use to improve your site immediately.

Thesis boasts the strongest SEO of any theme on the market today thanks to its expertly-coded HTML + CSS + PHP framework. Not only that, Thesis also contains additional options that will allow you to fine-tune each and every page of your site. The days of worrying about your in-site SEO are over—with Thesis , your strategy is “just add killer content.”

Not a coder? Not a problem. The Thesis option panels allow you to command your site with ease, while Thesis does all of the heavy lifting behind the scenes. You’ve never had this much control over your site before, and this is precisely what makes Thesis indispensable to critical webmasters all over the globe.

The difference is in the details. You may not know it, but typography and visual clarity are two of the most important aspects of your site. Properly setting type on the web is an exercise in mathematical precision, and this is not an area where you want to compromise. After all, typography is the primary vehicle for the most important thing on your site—your content!

What about customizations and design changes? Thesis contains a futureproof customization system that allows you to produce unique designs, all while keeping your changes isolated to just two key files! And thanks to a revolutionary layout generator (with 1, 2, and 3-column layout combinations) and pinpoint font controls, testing tons of different layout variants has never been easier!

In addition to our in-house support staff, there are also tons of amazingly talented users who help newbies and veterans alike in our forums. On top of that, we’re ratcheting up the support with the addition of video tutorials, so now you’ll be able to do more with Thesis than ever before!

Thesis Theme General Features

Theme options, thesis theme other features.

  • jQuery Integration
  • integrated Advertising Management
  • Square Corner
  • Widget Ready
  • Threaded Comments
  • Color: Gray , Yellow , White ,
  • Layout: Three Columns , / Right Sidebar , Fixed Layout ,

Thesis Related Themes

briefcase theme

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MAP Your Path To GROW Your Business

Thesis WordPress Theme Review – Why We Use It

Thesis Theme for WordPress:  Options Galore and a Helpful Support Community

Almost every blog I comment on that belongs to my favorite bloggers uses Thesis. It is the first theme I recommend to small businesses and clients and there is only one other theme I even suggest they consider: the Genesis Framework.


Thesis and Genesis are different.  I prefer Thesis for my blogs and believe you might want to consider Genesis for a more product oriented blog.

We Recommend Serious Bloggers and Businesses Use ONLY Either Thesis Or  StudioPress Genesis for their blogs.

If you want to know more about Genesis or to compare the Genesis Framework to Thesis use these links:

  • WordPress: StudioPress Genesis Framework
  • See Ron Cripps’ @AffiliateXFiles WP Genesis Review
  • See Kristi Hines @Kikolani Thesis vs Genesis – Comparing Premium WordPress Themes

Both of these themes are on my AAA Recommended Brands list that is linked from the top of the center column on every page of this blog and they are the only two I would seriously recommend anyone consider.

Why I NEVER Recommend Using Free WordPress Themes:

I’ll let these other experts explain the myriad reasons (that means too many to count!) for avoiding free WordPress Themes:

  • ReadWriteWeb: The Hidden Dangers of Free WordPress Themes by Audrey Waters
  • WPMU.org: Why You Should Never Search For Free WordPress Themes in Google or Anywhere Else By Siobhan McKeown


Less down time (and tech support can be really expensive).

Whenever WordPress or a plugin gets updated there is a risk that the new version will not be compatible with WordPress,  your theme, or one of the plugins you’re using.

The more plugins you run and the more advanced your skills the higher the risk of conflicts.

There is an entire team behind Thesis that makes sure commonly used plugins are compatible and continue to be compatible BEFORE they roll out a new version.

They know when WordPress is going to be updated and they ensure that Thesis and common plugins are still going to work as expected. That means our blogs running Thesis will keep running.

Use a free theme and the next WordPress update may take you down – or worse – take the entire server you are on down – along with dozens of other sites.

Your hosting company will be VERY UNHAPPY and the first thing they will do is delete all your plugins. Hostgator has been known to flat out tell bloggers they can’t reinstall CommentLuv because they blamed it for a problem.

Hosting companies don’t want to diagnose the problem – they just want to make it go away. They are far more likely to tell you not to run your favorite plugins than to assist you in figuring out where the conflict is or even let you do it yourself because they don’t want to risk your blog taking down the server. They may want to charge you for tech support which could run into $100s or $1000s.

Running the Thesis Theme on your WordPress install = priceless peace of mind, tons of hours and aggravation saved, and a blog that stays online.

I have NEVER in ANY blog had a Thesis update cause a problem. I am NOT saying that could never happen because anything humans do is not infallable – but the team behind Thesis is super-sharp and they test thoroughly BEFORE our blogs are exposed to potential conflicts. That is priceless.

Free Themes Can Be Used for Nefarious Purposes Such as Including Security Exploits, replacing YOUR links with someone else’s affiliate links or linking your blog to bad neighborhoods and getting you banned.


Advanced themes like Thesis manage much of what goes on behind the scenes in a blog such as no-following unimportant links, how comments are displayed and how the blog operates and is laid out.


Thesis automatically formats your blog for different devices, monitor sizes and browsers. You need your blog (or what looks like a static site but is actually running on WordPress using Thesis) to display perfectly on EVERY visitors screen.

If you don’t use Thesis someone should be testing every resolution, browser, monitor size, device – that is a nightmare I don’t even want to think about – and because the Thesis Team does this so well I don’t have to worry about it!


Thesis automatically formats your blog for every device so you don’t have to use something else to make that happen.

I know Thesis does this well because when I’m in direct contact with someone I ask them what they are using and how well this blog displays and navigates on THEIR device. In every case they say the formatting is fine, they can navigate the site, and read and leave comments.


Thesis has built in SEO fields that allow you to optimize every page and post individually. This eliminates the need for plugins like All-in-one-SEO, Platimum SEO, etc. that are really necessary if you use a less advanced theme and want as much organic traffic as possible.


Thesis has exceptional people who provide tech support, a strong community who helps each other in their forum, and with almost all of our favorite collaborators using Thesis if you run into trouble we can help you get it fixed -fast!

I have asked for assistance for a blogger who accidentally broke something or got hacked or couldn’t get into their WP install and tagged a few people on Twitter and had 3-4 bloggers IMMEDIATELY offer to drop everything and assist!

I can’t guarantee that will always happen because even we have to eat and sleep sometime, but the odds are good other bloggers will come to your aid and if you’re running Thesis they will more easily be able to assist you.

If you are considering upgrading your theme we highly recommend Thesis .


Thesis allows you to use ONE theme but make every site totally unique.  This blog, our golf store blog , our gift store blog , and thousands of other blogs use Thesis and no two look alike.

If you aren’t a designer or don’t have the time or desire to learn to customize Thesis do what we do – get a talented Thesis savvy blogger to do it for you! 

We know many bloggers who can do basic Thesis customization and if you need a real designer for a fancy custom graphic like the one in the image below, click that image to see what the best all-around WordPress expert we know and Thesis Skins provider Derek Semmler   can do for you.

Since we’re on the subject you might be interested in checking out all the cool blogs that are based on Thesis. Here are two galleries you can visit to see more customized Thesis themes:

  • Thesis WordPress Theme Showcase Gallery – Almost 200 sites – all very different – based on Thesis
  • Thesis Gallery Showcase – Here are 46 featured sites (some are on both lists).
  • Official Thesis Web Site – Disclaimer: This link contains OUR affiliate link as does the yellow ad in the left column of our blog.


Most of the major blogs about blogging that we frequent have selected it as “ THE ” Theme to use including these:

  • Kristi Hines – @KristiHines 12 12 12 / @Kikolani 52 52 52 – Kristi knows and uses both Thesis and Genesis and has Thesis running on Kikolani.com – see her posts on Getting Started with Thesis (which covers how to actually hand code AND use Thesis), her three part series on WordPress Thesis Theme Customization , and her Thesis versus Genesis comparison .
  • Kimberly Castleberry @AskKim WordPress Thesis 2.0 Release 
  • Michael Gray – @GrayWolf – GrayWolf’s Wolf-Howl SEO Blog – His Take on the Benefits of Thesis


  • ProBlogger interview with Chris Pearson about Thesis


The ONLY bloggers I have ever run across who do NOT like Thesis are those who are programmers and like to write their own code to control every aspect of their blogs. If that isn’t you, you can skip this section.

  • WassupBlog – My First Impression of the Thesis Theme + Thesis Theme is Just Not Flexible Enough


  • SugarRae – @SugarRae 49 49 49 49 49 – Review of the Thesis WordPress Theme
  • PremiumThemesReview – Thesis WordPress Theme Review
  • Binary Turf @BinaryTurf 11 11 11 11 11 – Thesis WordPress Theme – A Critical Take
  • Logos for WebSites – Recommends Thesis WordPress Template
  • I’m sure I’ve forgotten some in my niche so if I forgot you don’t stress – just let me know and I’ll add your link


  • 4 Great Ways to Customize a Thesis Theme


If you have or plan to build many blogs get the developer’s license. If you only need it for one blog now, buy the personal license. You can always upgrade later.

If you plan to have someone else install your blog for you, obtain your license to use Thesis through them. You pay them and they pay DIYThemes for an additional blog under their developer’s license.


[DISCLAIMER: The links to Thesis in this post are affiliate links. Any blogger using Thesis probably has an affiliate link to Thesis so if decide to buy it you can support your favorite blogger by clicking on the link in their blog just before you buy. It does not cost you any more money to do this and bloggers are using it because it is that good – not because they might receive a commission.  ]

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Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager. View all posts by Gail Gardner

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WordHerd WordPress Migration

WordHerd WordPress Migration

Website Migration Services

Thesis WordPress Theme – Mastering Custom Hooks and Functions in Thesis

Thesis is a really versatile theme. It may be custom-made very simply utilizing what builders name “Thesis Hooks.”

Thesis Hooks can change each a part of your WordPress weblog. On this WordPress tutorial, I’ll present you how you can modify your Navigation Menu.

You’ve in all probability observed that the default set up all the time has the Navigation Menu on prime of the default display. You’ll be able to change the default location through the use of Thesis hooks. Through the use of Thesis Hooks, you possibly can transfer the Navigation menu to seem under the weblog title and weblog description.

So, let’s get began with utilizing customized hooks and features within the Thesis theme for WordPress.

Comply with theses steps:

  • Entry the Consumer Information
  • Discover the help web page
  • Click on on Thesis Default Hook Utilization
  • Entry the Member’s Space
  • Discover, click on, and skim the web page referred to as “Learn how to Customise Like a Professional with Thesis Hooks”
  • Entry the hyperlink “Make Your Header Show Above your Navigation Menu”
  • Discover the suitable code, and replica it
  • Return to your WordPress weblog
  • Paste the code within the entry field in Customized File Editor

Thesis Default Hook Utilization:

Go forward and entry the Thesis Theme Member’s Space to get began. On this web page, you possibly can entry details about Thesis Hooks and which precise hooks are wanted to realize totally different seems on Thesis. Usually talking, every perform requires a pair of codes. The primary code is known as the perform. The second code is known as the hook. It’s essential enter each of those codes in an effort to construct a customized perform in Thesis.

Discover the web page referred to as “The right way to Customise Like a Professional with Thesis Hooks.” There, you will see that a tutorial together with actual examples. Go forward and click on on the hyperlink to entry the tutorial. Be happy to learn by means of all the web page.

Subsequent, discover the hyperlink referred to as “Make Your Header Show Above your Navigation Menu.” Discover the code, after which copy it. Subsequent, return to your WordPress weblog. You’ll paste this code in your Customized File Editor.

Allow your Thesis hook features by altering WordPress settings:

  • Discover the Thesis Choices tab
  • Click on on Customized File Editor
  • Choose the custom_functions choice
  • Click on on Edit Chosen File
  • Entry WordPress utilizing FTP
  • Click on on wp-content
  • Click on on Themes
  • Click on on Thesis
  • Click on on Customized
  • Entry the custom_functions.php web page
  • Proper click on the hyperlink
  • Select File Permissions
  • Change the permissions to 777
  • Click on on OK

The subsequent step is to seek out the Thesis Choices tab. Click on on Customized File Editor. Then, from the drop-down menu, you’ll be able to both choose customized.css, format.css, or custom_functions. For this objective, you must choose the custom_functions class. Then, click on on Edit Chosen File. With a purpose to run custom_function, you want to arrange the right file permissions in your WordPress weblog.

Entry your WordPress website utilizing an FTP software. Then, click on on wp-content. Click on on Themes. Then, click on on Thesis. Subsequent, click on on Customized. You will notice the custom_functions.php web page. Proper click on this hyperlink, after which select File Permissions. Change the permissions to 777 after which click on on OK.

Transfer the Navigation Menu through the use of Thesis Hooks

  • Return to Member’s Space
  • Take away the Thesis Navigation menu utilizing thesis_hook_before_header
  • Copy the code
  • Return to Thesis Customized File Editor
  • Discover entry field, paste the copied code
  • Click on on Save
  • Refresh the web page to confirm settings

For now, let’s return to the Members Space code once more. With a purpose to make the Navigation Menu transfer from the highest to the beneath the header, there are two units of actions that must be accomplished. The primary is a take away motion, which is to take away the Thesis Navigation menu from the present location of thesis_hook_before_header.

The second motion is so as to add the motion again into the suitable space on Thesis Hooks. Copy this code, after which return to the Thesis Customized File Editor. As soon as you’re on the Thesis Customized File Editor web page, you will notice feedback and notes that seem by default. These feedback and notes present you learn how to add customized hooks, or customized features. Discover the entry field, and paste the copied code precisely because it appeared within the Members Space instance. Then, click on the Save button.

After you could have clicked save, it is going to affirm the modifications. Refresh the web page. Now, check out the modifications. You possibly can see that the Navigation Menu now seems earlier than the header and beneath the weblog title and outline.

Take away the Thesis Attribution Hyperlink utilizing Thesis Hooks

  • Click on on the hyperlink “Get Sensible with the Thesis WordPress Theme from DIY Themes”
  • Return to Member’s Space to entry the code format to take away a perform
  • Discover the precise Thesis attribution code hyperlink
  • Return to File Editor
  • Paste the copied perform
  • Return to Help Space
  • Click on on Consumer Information
  • Discover Thesis Default Hook Utilization
  • Discover and click on on the pair of codes referred to as Thesis Attribution
  • Copy the perform
  • Paste the perform into the entry field
  • Copy the hook
  • Paste the hook into the entry field alongside the perform copy

Within the subsequent instance, let’s talk about eradicating the Thesis attribution hyperlink. If you wish to take away the default Thesis attribution hyperlink, click on on the hyperlink that reads, “Get Sensible with the Thesis WordPress Theme from DIY Themes.” Return to the Member’s Space to seek out the code format to take away a perform. Discover the code for the Thesis attribution hyperlink. Copy the code, after which return to File Editor. Proper under the physique of textual content, go forward and paste the copied perform.

Subsequent, discover the right hook identify and the right perform to finish the method.

Now, return to the Help Space. Click on on Consumer Information. Then, search for Thesis Default Hook Utilization. Upon getting accessed the web page, you’ll discover a helpful instance as to the pair of codes which might be wanted to make this modification work. Click on on the codes, after which discover the one referred to as Thesis Attribution.

Subsequent, copy the perform. Then, paste the perform within the entry field. Now, copy the hook. You’ll paste the hook into the entry field alongside the perform copy. Click on on Save. Then, you’ll be prompted with a affirmation message. To verify the modifications, refresh the web page and the footer ought to be gone.

Through the use of Thesis Hooks, you possibly can nearly customise Thesis nevertheless you need. For those who want further assist, you need to use on-line help boards and the consumer information. The boards are lively with a whole lot of superior WordPress and Thesis customers. Utilizing the out there assets is useful in case you run into any customization points utilizing Thesis Hooks for WordPress.

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Focus WordPress Theme

Focus is the world’s fastest and smartest WordPress Theme .

It’s also the only WordPress Theme designed for the way internet behavior has changed in the age of social media.

I built it because WordPress websites are fundamentally broken—they’re slow, clunky, hard to manage, and grossly overcomplicated.

It’s time for a generational change. It’s time for Focus.

WordPress sites are slow. Focus makes your site fast .

Because it runs on my Thesis platform, Focus inherits optimizations and performance benefits no other WordPress Theme can match:

  • perfect HTML enhanced with structured data
  • the most optimized CSS that has ever existed
  • darn-near-magical design and display options

Data-driven for Easier Management 📊

Typical WordPress Themes run on files , and this means the bulk of your customizations will involve futzing with files and code.

Focus runs on data , which enables you to make changes through a simple UI instead of messing with files, code, or needing to hire a developer to perform otherwise-intuitive modifications.

You can quite literally do more with Focus, and you can do it faster!

Smarter Design Customizations 🧠

Focus is built on the Golden Ratio Typography design system , which gives it serious superpowers.

When you make a change—to a primary font size, for example—Focus smartly adjusts everything else in your design to accommodate this change. It’s basically AI for your design!

Designed for the Social Media Age 🤳

“Modern” WordPress Themes have it all wrong. They’re still designed for the previous era where blogs reigned and people actually browsed websites.

In the social media age, nobody does this anymore. We browse social media and occasionally click through to websites, but we don’t really browse sites anymore.

In other words, when we visit websites, we are looking for specific information . If the website doesn’t deliver quickly and clearly, we’ll leave and return to the dopamine-friendly social media environment.

Focus is designed around the transactions that take place in the social media age. When you visit a website, you want an immediate payoff for what you hoped to find.

But if the site is slow, busy, or otherwise gets in your way, you’re out of there!

Focus delivers clear results on all devices , which means your site will look great and work perfectly no matter how a person gets there.

Slow sites suck. Focus makes yours fast.

  • blazing speed that delights visitors
  • responsive and consistent design on all devices
  • optimized for both search engines and people
  • highly customizable without wrecking performance
  • easy to manage over time

Check out Focus →

© Chris Pearson 2005-2024. All rights reserved.

Get access to the best collection of 87 Beautiful WordPress themes for the price of one! 10% OFF GET IT NOW 10% OFF

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Thesis theme WordPress

Thesis theme WordPress

Thesis theme WordPress by Chris Pearson. A website framework so flexible and extensible that you will never have to change your theme again. Seriously. Check out the Site Options and the Design Options to begin your Thesis experience! [ver. 1.8]

Last updated 2024-05-06


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WP template Thesis - magnuswrenninge.com


Thesis WordPress template - michaelchandra.com


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Elegant Themes

wordpress thesis theme

Thesis Reviews: Pricing and Features

thesis theme


  • Customer support

Pros & Cons

  • Price Comparison

Key Features

  • Market Overview
  • Alternative
  • Geographic Adaption
  • Comparison Table

Manage by :  Brian | Category : WordPress ,  | The score for this software has increased over the past month.

4 Reasons to buy

  • Friendly customer service
  • Compared to others the price is reasonable
  • Best for Customer support
  • 100% of users say they would recommend Thesis

1 Reasons not to buy

  • Lack of features compared to other solution in this category

Thesis Pricing Overview

  • Pricing Model: One time license, Subscription

That is the average price for a solution in this field and Thesis is on the lower end so price wise it’s a great offer.

Compare Thesis to Similar Solutions


Ranking & Positions

Best wordpress theme frameworks.

    # 14 position out of 15 items

Best WordPress Themes Providers

    # 21 position out of 21 items

SoftwareFindr Market Radar

The SoftwareFindr Radar compares all solutions on our platform in your chosen category and tries to segment them to give you a visual representation of the market. All the solutions are compared two-dimensionally which takes into account their FindrScore which is given based on numerous data points and research frequency. The average FindrScore for products like Thesis is 83 which we’ve used as a threshold to only show the top 10 solutions.

The SoftwareFindr Radar compares all solutions on our platform in your chosen category and tries to segment them to give you a visual representation of the market. All the solutions are compared two-dimensionally which takes into account their FindrScore which is given based on numerous data points and research frequency. The average FindrScore for products like Thesis is 73 which we’ve used as a threshold to only show the top 10 solutions.

The SoftwareFindr Radar compares all solutions on our platform in your chosen category and tries to segment them to give you a visual representation of the market. All the solutions are compared two-dimensionally which takes into account their FindrScore which is given based on numerous data points and research frequency. The average FindrScore for products like Thesis is 47 which we’ve used as a threshold to only show the top 10 solutions.

Alternatives to Thesis

Headway Theme

Not quite satisfied with Thesis? No worries, users who research this solution also look at Gantry . The cheapest alternatives we found in our system are Gantry which users are having a positive experience with. For a detailed breakdown, click here to see the best Thesis alternatives.

Adaptation by Geography

What support does this vendor offer.

wordpress thesis theme

Looking at data gathered on our platform the industry average for this category is 73.87 % satisfaction rate which means Thesis is above this industry average

For users keen on having an advanced WordPress theme framework that allows more freedom to customize layout, designs, and functions, Thesis is definitely a good choice to consider. If you don’t know how to write code, you don’t need to worry because there is a drag and drop layout tool plus a visual template editor enabling users to have a good time building the site. Just like the other top WordPress Theme Frameworks, Thesis is packed with a lot of features.

One of the key highlights for this theme framework are Boxes which resemble template plugins that allow you to add numerous features such as Facebook Like Boxes, integration for Newsletters as well as other exciting features. Also, you can get to focus on topography which allows you to have full control over your fonts. Thesis API helps developers to realize the maximum benefit of coding as well as a simple integration of facilities such as Google Webmaster Tools.

Thesis is a good choice for developers looking for an advanced theme. With a price tag of $197 for the Professional license, this theme framework is costly compared to its counterparts especially if you only need basic services. Fortunately, there is plenty of unlimited support plus an active community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. is thesis good for beginners, q. how much does thesis cost, q. what type of support can i expect with thesis, q. are there any coupons for thesis, q. can i try thesis for free, q. are there any free alternative to thesis, q. is thesis the best wordpress theme framework , q. which is better thesis or themeforest.

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10 Best “Thesis Theme” Alternatives For WordPress Sites

Istiak Rayhan

wordpress thesis theme

Thesis Theme (DIYThemes) used to be the best WordPress theme until the year 2012. The theme launched on March 29, 2008, since then the theme got enormous popularity for its wonderful performance. It seemed even more promising when Thesis 2.0 was released.

But Thesis 2.0 came with no proper documentation. A lot of existing users failed to migrate to the new version. And there were a lot of other issues.

On top of that, Thesis 2.0 was contradicting with each WordPress updates. Even it was not compatible with the most popular SEO plugin – Yoast SEO.

Eventually, Thesis Themes started losing its reputation. And the theme has not been updated for a long. That’s why we no longer recommend Thesis Themes.

The good news is, there are some alternatives out there. Here I’ll be sharing a list of 10 Best Thesis Themes Alternatives.

Without spending no more time, let’s get started into the details.

wordpress thesis theme

Divi is the ultimate WordPress Theme by Elegant Themes that comes with a dynamic page builder. It’s a multi-dimensional theme that can be used for almost every type of site.

There are a bunch of extended features which can be handled by a non-tech savvy user. I can guarantee you that you would be impressed by using this theme.

The most prominent aspect of the Divi Theme is its Visual Page Builder. By using the builder, you can design your site the way you want it without writing any code.

The theme comes with 46 content elements and 20 layouts which allow you to get ready and create your website immediately. This makes the theme completely unique and more comprehensive in terms of user experience.

  • Plenty Of Features And Functionalities.
  • Beautiful From End Editing Options.
  • Versatile 46 Content Modules.
  • Feature-rich Back-end Editor.
  • An Easy Undo/redo Facility.
  • Drag & Drop Facility.
  • Easy To Use Theme Options Panel.
  • Real-time Design And Responsive Customization.
  • 20-row Types, And 3 Section Types.
  • Advanced Design Settings.

The documentation of the theme is incredible that makes it more comprehensive for its users. It almost covers every aspect of its features.

If you are going to buy Divi Theme , here are some discounts for you.

2. GeneratePress

wordpress thesis theme

GeneratePress is one of the fastest WordPress themes . This multi-purpose theme is a great choice for both blog and business website. It was built with Speed, SEO, and Usability in mind.

The theme has already got a huge popularity in WordPress community. Currently, it has over half a million downloads, 200,000+ active installation with over 700 five star ratings.

We are currently using this theme on this blog (WPLeaders.com) and the theme makes our site insanely faster. The theme is only 30 KB in size that would make any site faster. Here is the speed status of our website:

Let’s see some amazing features of GeneratePress.

  • Lightweight & Super Fast.
  • Lots Of Options For Customization.
  • Modular Designs.
  • Responsive Outlook.
  • Impressive Integration With WordPress.
  • Translation Ready Website.
  • Lots Of Hooks And Filters.
  • Dedicated Support From The Developer.
  • Secure And Stable.
  • SEO Friendly.
  • Page Builders Friendly.

In the past, it was needed to build a website using GeneratePress from a blank canvas which was something very tricky for the casual users. Therefore, later in 2018, the theme added 25+ pre-built demo sites.

It’s pretty easy to use the GeneratePress theme. And that makes it one of the top-rated themes.

3. Authority Pro by StudioPress

wordpress thesis theme

After the sad downfall of Thesis Theme, a lot of users migrated to StudioPress. At that time, StudioPress themes were the best alternative for Thesis Theme Users.

It has a lot of amazing themes. One of their best creation is Authority Pro.

It’s a clean and minimal theme designed by Rafal Tomal. The theme is aimed to help you put the full extent of your expertise on display.

Authority Pro is designed in such a way that you can easily show and demonstrate your expertise. The theme is super-fast. And it will help you to move your business forward with a smooth visual look.

  • Custom Header Logo/images.
  • Schema And Accessibility-ready.
  • Navigation Options.
  • Ultimate Color Options.
  • Woocommerce Ready.
  • Google Fonts Facility.
  • SEO Settings.
  • Mobile Responsive.
  • Sticky Post.
  • Featured Images.
  • Html Markup Facility.
  • Supports Three Menus.
  • Unique Archive Page Description.
  • Pricing Table Template.
  • Book Cover Templates
  • Easy Product Promotion Facility.

4. Schema by MyThemeShop

wordpress thesis theme

Schema is a fast loading and SEO friendly WordPress theme. It is the most popular WordPress theme of MyThemeShop. It has built in Rich Snippet tools which will help you improve CTR.

The theme is clearly coded with HTML5 and CSS3. And it was built in keeping mind of User experience and SEO.

Schema is compatible with the most common browsers including old versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc. And comes with a responsive design that supports all devices.

  • Fully Responsive With Mobile-friendly Attire.
  • Built-in Support System.
  • Rich Snippets.
  • Woocommerce Compatible With Built-in Shop Layout.
  • Affiliate Ready And Advertisement Friendly Environment Design.
  • Powerful Admin Panel.
  • Translation Support.
  • Cross Browser Compatible.
  • Three Design Layouts.
  • Built-in Typography And Customization Options.

This theme is a good choice for bloggers.

wordpress thesis theme

X Theme (by Theme.co) is one of the best selling themes on ThemeForest. It has been sold more than 190,000 times within a short period of time. And you will find it on the top list of Themeforest every week.

This theme comes up with a handful number of extensions which are made by Theme.co themselves.

And users can update these extensions with free of cost.

Now let’s take a look at the features that come with X-theme:

  • Multiple Design Patterns.
  • Support Cornerstone Page Builder Tool.
  • Visual Page Builder Plugin.
  • Customizable The Front-end.
  • One Page Homepages.
  • Multiple Free Extensions.
  • Woocommerce-ready With Four Store Layouts.
  • bbPress And Buddypress Ready Theme.
  • Multiple Contents And Navigation Options.
  • Over 600 Google Fonts Facility.

Undoubtedly, X- Theme is a great theme which can present you more than you’d expect. I really like the way the theme looks and feels.

wordpress thesis theme

Avada is the best selling WordPress theme of all times on the Themeforest. The theme is created by ThemeFusion, a US based web design team founded by two freelancer Muhammad Haris and Luke Beck.

After launching Avada in 2012, the theme got a popularity and since then it has been constantly the best selling WordPress theme on ThemeForest.

It’s known to almost all the WordPress community that Avada is a well known as the witch army knife of WordPress themes. The theme has gained the popularity because of its huge number of features.

Let’s take a look at the features of Avada Theme:

  • Unlimited Design Pattern.
  • Fully Responsive Outlook.
  • Fully Compatible With bbPress And Woocommerce Platform.
  • Built-in Styles For Different Online Form Like Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Wpml.
  • Font Awesome Vector Icon Fonts.
  • Organized Documentation And Support.
  • One Page Parallax And Custom Background.
  • Speed Optimizer.
  • 275+ Premade Page Templates.
  • CSS3 Animations Support.
  • GDPR And Privacy Support.
  • Revolution Slider Option Included.
  • Simple Demo Importer.

Usually, the theme costs $60 and there will have a 6 months support from the developer.

wordpress thesis theme

Ultra is a feature-rich multi-purpose WordPress theme from Themify.me. If anyone wants to create a fashionable and modern website with WordPress, then this theme is a great option.

The theme is used to create a wide range of websites in a fashionable manner. Most importantly the theme covers multiple demo design layouts. For instance, you can have Themify demo, Agency demo, E-commerce demo, Fitness demo, Lawyer demo, Restaurant demo, Wedding demo etc.

You can easily create a custom website with Ultra theme without any coding knowledge. The theme is prepared with groups of useful features.

  • Pre-built Website Skins And Demos.
  • Import Demo Contents.
  • Themify Builder Page Builder Tool.
  • Theme Customizer.
  • 60+ Pre-designed Layouts.
  • Library Portfolio Templates Available.
  • Rendering 6 Archive Content Layouts.
  • Custom Widgets Facility.
  • Mega Menu Option.

Ultra Theme can provide you with a great outlook in displaying your website. The theme is one of the robust themes for the designers and developers. The code quality of the theme is very high, clean and stable.

wordpress thesis theme

If you want a theme which is very simple and customizable, you should try Astra Theme. The theme is developed by the Brainstorm Force, the same company who created Convert Pro , Schema Pro , etc.

Astra is designed and developed in such a way that meets all the criterion to be a user-friendly theme. The theme is fast, minimal and fully customizable. It can be used for multiple purposes like a blog, business website, portfolio, and WooCommerce storefront. Moreover, you can also use the theme for food and restaurants, resume, biography, niche-based websites and many other purposes.

The theme difference in terms of its a wide range of features. Some of the core features of the Astra theme are listed below:

  • Demo Import Features Available.
  • Fast Loading Performance.
  • WooCommerce Ready.
  • Properly Documented.
  • Dedicated Support.
  • Translation And RTL Ready.
  • Created For Page Builder.
  • Unlimited Layouts.
  • Page Builders Compatibility.
  • Widget Ready.

Astra has developed meticulously and crafted amazingly for multiple purposes.  The theme poses everything that you need to create a beautiful website in WordPress.

wordpress thesis theme

OceanWP is a free multi-purpose theme which is lightweight and highly extendable. You can create almost any type of website using the theme. The theme works for any page builder and fully customizable.

The beautiful page design and enough functionality make you run any kind of website. OceanWP has become one of the fast-growing free WordPress themes used by both hobbyist and developers.

What makes the theme unique is its features. The theme has some innovative features that make the product different from others. Now take a look at the features of the theme at a glance:

  • Responsive Design With Mobile-friendly Attire.
  • Support All Popular Page Builders.
  • Menu Icon Integration.
  • Lightning Fast Loading.
  • E-commerce Ready.
  • Advanced Mega Menu.
  • RTL Support.
  • Free Template.

OceanWP is the feature-rich free theme that is available to use in almost any kind of purpose. You can choose the theme for serving your purposes. This could be a great option for you.

10. Highend

wordpress thesis theme

The Highend is a multipurpose theme which can enable you to create a website easily. If you looking for building a website which is for WooCommerce website, then I would probably suggest you choose the Highend theme.

The theme is fully responsive which aims to create a professional website in a short possible time without any hassle. Highend theme focuses on creating an easy flow for online product selling-store.

Its ultimate color options and different layouts make the theme outstanding in terms of visual outlook. Highend comes with many different unique features for you to create a beautiful website. Here are some features of the theme given below:

  • Multiple Blog Layouts.
  • Customizable Portfolio.
  • Unique Maintenance Support.
  • bbPress Compatible With Creating The Forum.
  • 2d And 3d Animation Supported.
  • Mega Menus Facility.
  • More Than 1600 Icons And 630 Icons.
  • Fully Responsive And Retina Ready.
  • Woocommerce And Widgets Integrated.
  • Drag And Drop Editor.
  • Translation Ready.
  • Documentation And Support.

These are the versatile features of the Highend theme. This could be a simple solution for serving your purpose.

Hope this post helped you to choose the right WordPress theme.

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Did you know?

  • This entire website is built on the Focus WordPress Theme
  • The product boxes above were created with Focus Cards
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  2. About Thesis, the world's first million-dollar WordPress Theme

    Thesis. , the world's first million-dollar WordPress Theme. F rom March 29, 2008, through October 1, 2012, Thesis ruled the world—it was used by celebrities, influencers, and everyone else in between. In addition to becoming the first million-dollar WordPress Theme, Thesis introduced transformative concepts to the WordPress ecosystem ...

  3. Understanding And Customizing Thesis Theme For WordPress

    Here are the steps to follow: Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to "Appearance" > "Themes". Click the "Add New" button at the top of the page. Click the "Upload Theme" button at the top of the page. Choose the Thesis Theme ZIP file from your computer and click "Install Now". Wait for the process to complete.

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    Top 5 Thesis WordPress Themes for 2024. 1. Thesis. The Thesis theme is a popular choice among students and researchers due to its flexibility and powerful customization options. It offers a drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to easily create unique layouts without any coding knowledge.

  5. WordPress Themes by Chris Pearson

    The Art of WordPress Theme Design. S ince 2006, I've been on a mission to improve and perfect the WordPress theming process. This journey continues today with my two flagship projects— Thesis, which is a WordPress Theme engine, and Focus, which is a Thesis Skin. What's a Thesis Skin, you ask? Well…. With traditional WordPress Themes ...

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    The WordPress Thesis Theme is a powerful and user-friendly theme framework that allows beginners to create professional-looking websites without any coding knowledge. With its easy customization options, SEO-friendly design, and responsive layout , the Thesis Theme is a great choice for anyone looking to build a successful website.

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    Thesis WordPress Theme Advantages. Clean code and minimalistic design. Search Engine friendly and optimized. Make easy theme customizations without touching any code. Streamlines with custom child themes. Relatively cheap developer license. Thesis WordPress Theme Disadvantages. Cost. Plain and simple default design.

  8. Thesis

    By mid-2010, one theme was still a GPL holdout: Thesis, from DIYThemes. Created by theme designer Chris Pearson and blogger Brian Clark, Thesis was popular as a feature-heavy framework -- it gave users many more options than most WordPress themes. Users can customize every element of their website via the user interface. On the original…

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    The Thesis Theme for WordPress is a powerful and versatile theme framework that allows users to create stunning websites without any coding knowledge. With its extensive customization options and SEO optimization features, it's an ideal choice for beginners and experienced web developers alike.

  11. Thesis Docs

    Developing with Thesis. Our high-octane API documentation for developers will help you achieve anything you want with Thesis. API. Code Repository. Development and Testing Tools. Thesis Changelog. Thesis Documentation Sitemap. Learn how to build and maintain your site with Thesis, a design and template management system for WordPress.

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    Thesis WordPress Theme Showcase Gallery - Almost 200 sites - all very different - based on Thesis Thesis Gallery Showcase - Here are 46 featured sites (some are on both lists). Official Thesis Web Site - Disclaimer: This link contains OUR affiliate link as does the yellow ad in the left column of our blog.

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    Installing Thesis can be confusing. Make sure you get it right. This tutorial will show you how.

  14. Thesis WordPress Theme

    Thesis is a really versatile theme. It may be custom-made very simply utilizing what builders name "Thesis Hooks." Thesis Hooks can change each a part of your WordPress weblog. On this WordPress tutorial, I'll present you how you can modify your Navigation Menu. You've in all probability observed that the default set up all the […]

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  17. Thesis WordPress Theme Club Review 2024

    Looking at data gathered on our platform the industry average for this category is 73.87 % satisfaction rate which means Thesis is above this industry average. For users keen on having an advanced WordPress theme framework that allows more freedom to customize layout, designs, and functions, Thesis is definitely a good choice to consider.

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    Step 3: Install the Theme. To install the Thesis WordPress theme, log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to "Appearance" > "Themes". Click on the "Add New" button at the top of the page, then click on the "Upload Theme" button. Choose the Thesis theme file that you downloaded earlier and click on the "Install Now" button.

  20. 10 Best "Thesis Theme" Alternatives For WordPress Sites

    Thesis Theme (DIYThemes) used to be the best WordPress theme until the year 2012. The theme launched on March 29, 2008, since then the theme got enormous popularity for its wonderful performance. It seemed even more promising when Thesis 2.0 was released.

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    Price: Free ($49+ for single and $99+ for unlimited sites) Qi Theme is the ultimate free WordPress theme with a whopping collection of 100 demos. You can use it for anything - blogs, portfolios, business sites and eCommerce. Yes, it's one of the more impressive free theme solutions we stumbled across.

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