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Social Welfare Essays (Examples)

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Unsure if my catholic social teachings in the 21st century thesis statement is focused enough. would you give feedback.

Original Thesis Statement: Catholic Social teachings in the 21st century Feedback: While the original thesis statement is a broad topic, it is not focused enough to provide a clear direction for a 1000-word essay. Here are a few suggestions to help narrow and refine the thesis statement: Consider Specific Aspects of Catholic Social Teachings: Catholic Social teachings cover a wide range of issues, including economic justice, social welfare, environmental stewardship, and human rights. Focus on a specific aspect of these teachings that is relevant to the 21st century. Examine Contemporary Challenges: The 21st century presents unique challenges that Catholic Social teachings can address. Identify a....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on policy?

1. The impact of economic policy on income inequality 2. The effectiveness of gun control policies in reducing violence 3. The role of government in regulating technology and privacy 4. The implications of education policy on student success and equity 5. The benefits and drawbacks of implementing a universal basic income policy 6. The impact of climate change policies on the economy and environment 7. The role of immigration policies in shaping cultural diversity and economic growth 8. The importance of healthcare policy in addressing healthcare access and affordability 9. The debates surrounding criminal justice reform and policies on sentencing and rehabilitation 10. The challenges and opportunities of implementing....

is america already great by extension canada

No, America being great does not automatically mean that Canada is also great. Each country has its own strengths and weaknesses, and can be great in different ways. It is important to judge a country's greatness based on its own individual accomplishments and attributes. It's also worth noting that greatness can be subjective and can vary based on what criteria you use to measure it. Some may argue that America's economic power and global influence make it great, while others may prioritize Canada's social welfare systems and quality of life. Additionally, the relationship between the two countries is complex and intertwined in....

Is there anything in the news related to drug trafficking in italu that would make a good essay subject?

Drug Trafficking in Italy: A Complex and Evolving Problem Introduction Italy, located at the crossroads of the Mediterranean Sea, has long been a strategic transit route for drug trafficking from producing countries to consumer markets in Northern Europe and beyond. In recent years, the country has faced significant challenges in combating drug trafficking, with organized crime groups playing a major role in the illicit trade. This essay will explore the current state of drug trafficking in Italy, examining its impact on society, the efforts of law enforcement to combat it, and the need for comprehensive strategies to address this complex problem. The Role....

Social Welfare Policy Has Always Been a

SOCIAL WELFAE POLICY has always been a controversial subject in the United States because of the difference between its perceived and real benefits. Usually public is unable to decide who are social welfare programs designed for and whether they actually benefit the target population. The government on its part fails to convince the public of the benefits and advantages of having various social welfare programs running in the country. Some historians and analysts have attacked the social welfare policy and termed it government's weapon against the able-bodied poor. Katz (1989) contends that the "the core of most welfare reform in America since the early nineteenth-century," has been the assault against the "able-bodied poor" -- a crusade to "define, locate and purge them from the roles of relief." (Katz, 18) Thus social welfare policy becomes an unlikely target of controversy and public uproar. The problem is grounded in vaguely defined and….

Blanche D. Coll: Safety Net: Welfare and Social Security, 1929-1979 Rutgers University Press. New Brunswick, NJ. 1995

Gerard Dumenil; Dominique Levy: THE ECONOMICS OF U.S. IMPERIALISM AT THE TURN OF THE 21st CENTURY: Retrieved Online at ( http://www.ucm.es/info/ec/jec9/pdf/P1%20-%20Dum%E9nil,%20G%E9rard%20y%20L%E9vy,%20Dominique%20 (2).pdf.

Gupta, Gunja San, Black and "dangerous"? African-American working poor perspectives on juvenile reform and welfare in Victorian New York, 1840-1890. The Journal of Negro History; 3/22/2001;

K.T. Fann; Donald C. Hodges; Readings in U.S. Imperialism P. Sargent Boston. 1971

Social Welfare and Society the Brutality of

Social Welfare and Society The Brutality of Laissez Faire Capitalism and the Minimal Welfare State. For Chapter 5, the main point is that the U.S. went through a period of rapid industrialization and urbanization in the Gilded Age of 1870-1900 that was downright brutal in its treatment of immigrant workers, blacks and Native Americans. In this era, which resembles out own in many ways, racism was endemic, political corruption was common, and inequality in wealth and incomes was extreme. All of this is very similar to what has been happening in the U.S. For the last thirty years, which could well be thought of as a Second Gilded Age. Of course, in the late-19th Century only a very "primitive welfare state" existed with "a minimal set of poorhouses and mental institutions," as well as public hospitals and charities funded by religious organizations (Jansson, 2009, p. 159). In the cities, corrupt political machines….

Progressivism was an urban, middle class reform movement of the late-19tha and early-20th Centuries that did attempt to deal with the social and economic problems of the United States in a limited way, almost always through regulations on the state and local levels. In many ways, the origins of social work as a modern profession and the welfare state can be traced back to this era, particularly to the work of Jane Addams at Hull house in Chicago and other urban reformers. Addams also supported national health insurance, public housing, old-age pensions and social security at the federal level, although these did not come about until the New Deal of the 1930s and Great Society of the 1960s (Jansson, p. 201). Early social workers like Addams soon came to understand that there was an "ethic of mutual assistance" in immigrant and ethnic communities that still exists today, and this was often the only form of welfare and social security that they had (Jansson, p. 169). This has changed little today with Latino and Asian communities in contemporary urban centers. In the post-1965 period, the U.S. again became the favorite destination for millions of refugees and economic migrants from poor countries, as it had been in the years 1880-1920. They again faced the same low wages and miserable housing and health care conditions that the earlier immigrants had, and also had no "right to safety net programs and protections that other working Americans receive" (Jansson, p. 200). Since the Progressive Era welfare state was more concerned with regulation of capitalism than social welfare and entitlement programs, present-day social workers "need to be familiar with the regulatory side of the American welfare state," especially regulations of wages, hours, workers' compensation, public health, food and drug safety and housing conditions, all of which had their origin in the Progressive Era (Jansson, p. 207).

Jansson, B.S. (2009). The Reluctant Welfare State: Engaging History to Advance Social Work Practice in Contemporary Society, 6th Edition. Cengage Learning.

Social Welfare Is the Idea

This view seeks to develop a better community instead of providing services in order to alleviate problems. The dual perspective is a structure that attempts to discuss the different social complexities which affect an individual outlook toward their community. This structure entails three main parts which centers on the individual, surrounded by their immediate family, called the nurturing system, and finally the sustaining system which surrounds all. The individual learns their values, beliefs, traditions, and customs from their family, or nurturing system, but these must somehow fit into the values, beliefs, traditions, and customs of the sustaining system. And as the sustaining system is represented by the dominant society in which the individual exists, there can sometimes be a conflict between the values of the nurturing system and those of the sustaining system. When an individual's values, beliefs, etc., which they learned from their nurturing system, are not the same as….

Netting, E., Kettner, P., and McMurtry, S. (2008). Social Work Macro Practice (4th ed.).

Boston: Pearson. Print.

Social Welfare in the Social

People may often be unaware of the cultural influences in their lives. They may think they are highly individualistic and original thinkers only to realize later that they are nothing like that and are actually heavily influenced by cultural beliefs. For example every culture finds itself superior to others and this is called ethnocentrism. People in the east actually believe they are far superior to those in the west because of the boundaries they maintain and respect. However in the west, people may think they are better off than those in the east because they have more freedom. It is so unfortunate that even the so-called wise and intelligent people among us can be blindly controlled by ethnocentrism. For example in one Oprah Winfrey show, she commented against the practice of arranged marriages in the east and said, "we should be grateful that we were born in American where we can….

Social Welfare in the US

Social Welfare Explain how Christianity has strongly influenced U.S. social welfare history. Social welfare maintains the well-being of individuals in the society. Poor people are affected by different circumstances like poverty and need assistance from volunteers as Christians and the government. In the 1700s, Christians was visiting various homes of the poor people and giving them items like food and water. They could also provide other necessary items like clothes. There were efforts in England that helped to shape the social welfare of United States by addressing poverty. Christians initiated the efforts and the government assisted them later to advance the support. One of the efforts was the Speenhamland Act of 1795. The Act helped in the provision of minimum wages to the employees and even their families. The government would assist in paying some part of the wages if the employers were unable to pay all costs. The act was later. What….

Karger, H., & Stoesz, D. (2010). American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach. Allyn & Bacon.

Zastrow, C. (2013). Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare. Cengage Learning

Social Welfare Policy

Social elfare Policy All nation states have some sort of social welfare policy. Social welfare may be defined as the explicit and implicit terms by which the state and its citizenry establish a network of relations with one another. (Blau & Abramovitz, 2003) Citizens may be said to owe the state certain things, like taxes, military service when called for, obedience to the law of the state, and in return the state provides them with everything from proper removal of their trash on a local level, social security payments on a federal level, and protection from insurgent powers in the form of community policing and a standing army. Some states assume a large burden for their citizens in their social contracts, such as Sweden, which offers its citizens a virtual 'cradle to grave' system of social welfare protections. However, in financial terms the citizens pay dearly for it, in the form of….

Blau, Joel & Mimi Abramovitz. (2003) The Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Social Welfare Policy Impacts Ageism

" And a seven-year time limit was set for the states to approve so that the amendment could be ratified, and in 1982, it was found that it could not be approved because the number fell three short of the 38 needed for approval. Why did the EA fail so miserably? What must be done to win? A eport issued by the U.S. Civil ights Commission stated that the EA would provide the constitutional guarantee of full citizenship for women, and would also treat men and women equally under the law, but this type of protection for women is yet to materialize. (The Struggle for the Equal ights Amendment) In the same way, when Scotland's First Minister Henry McLeish failed to provide free long-term care for his state's elderly, his entire administration came under threat. The Minister had in fact hinted that he would implement Sutherland's various recommendations on this care,….

ADS Draft Multicultural Policy culturally appropriate aged care" Retrieved at  http://ageing.nsw.uca.org.au/policies/multicultural.htm . Accessed on 7 August, 2005

Age" Retrieved at  http://www.indiana.edu/~rcapub/v18n2/p4.html . Accessed on 7 August, 2005

APA Policy Statements on Lesbian and Gay Issues" Retrieved at http://www.apa.org/pi/statemen.html. Accessed on 8 August, 2005

Art History Club, Ageism" Retrieved at http://www.arthistoryclub.com/art_history/AgeismAccessed on 7 August, 2005

Social Welfare and the Safety Net

individuals and families kept more of their income instead of having it taxed to support social programs, would this be prudent public policy? Explain your answer. The answer to this question is 'it depends.' Many social programs orchestrated by the federal government are more efficient than what some individuals could provide for themselves such as education. Also, while some upper-middle class families might be able to better provide some of the social services provided by the government for themselves like access to recreational areas if they were taxed less, very poor people would not have sufficient income to do so. Of course, the very 'poorest of the poor' who are barely taxed at all because their incomes were so low would be hurt the worst by this policy, as they would lose the safety net that protects them. Q2. Should there be an expectation for individuals to act in their own….

Haynes, K. & Mickelson, J. (2010). Affecting change: Social workers in the political arena.

(7th ed.). New York, NY: Allyn Bacon.

Karger, H. & Stoesz, D. (2013). American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach (7th ed.).

Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon.

Social Welfare History and Current Strategies

History Of Social Policy When social welfare began Social welfare has a tumultuous history, with the authorities traditionally attempting to implement legislations aimed at improving society as a whole while also keeping control over diverse communities. By going back to the early sixteenth century and observing how the Crown attempted to issue measures that would assist the population in recovering from difficult times, one can easily comprehend how the state concentrated on helping the masses. Social welfare is most probably several millennia old, but it would be difficult to address its condition in early times because of the limited information on the topic. Why social welfare began With conditions in 1927 being critical in the East Anglican region of Britain, the Crown was in charge of operating a plan that would provide the masses with resources meant to assist them recover from a period of famine. By dealing with this topic, one….

When Why and Where Were the First Social Welfare Policies Launched

Social elfare -- Its Origins and Contributions hen did social welfare begin as a policy to help those who were struggling to find enough food, or suffering from a blight -- or otherwise in need of a lift from government? hy was social welfare initially launched -- and what groups or individuals were pivotal and ultimately influential as regards the social welfare movement? These questions will be addressed and critiqued in this paper utilizing the available scholarly literature. hen Social elfare Began Four hundred and eighty seven years ago in a section of Great Britain known as the East Anglian region, farmers were subjected to terrible crop failures -- due to pounding, unending rains -- and these conditions resulted in famine, according to a peer-reviewed article in Accounting History Review (Bisman, 2012). In response to this crisis in 1527, the British Crown appointed "commissioners" to conduct surveys of certain population groups within the….

Works Cited

Aja, A., Bustillo, D., Darity, W., and Hamilton, D. (2013). Jobs Instead of Austerity: A Bold

Policy Proposal for Economic Justice. Social Research, 80(3), 781-790.

Bisman, J.E. (2012). Budgeting for famine in Tudor England, 1527-1528: social and policy perspectives. Accounting History Review, 22(2), 105-126.

Gunnarsson, E. (2009). The welfare state, the individual and the need for care: older people's views. International Journal of Social Welfare, 18(3), 252-259.

TANF Program Social Welfare TANF

However, there have been both positive and negative outcomes from these changes. Some of the positive changes are: reduced welfare caseloads, they have increase unemployment / income levels for the recipients' and it improves family security. While some of the negative outcomes would include:: low wages, dead end jobs, difficulty obtaining health / child care and inconsistent performance from social workers. This is significant, because it shows how the law has made an impact upon reducing the overall amounts of waste. Like any change there will be obvious positive and negatives outcomes. In the case of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, these changes would impact the way various social services are provided, to low income individuals and families. ibliography Types of Poverty. (n.d.). Haki Kazi.org. Retrieved from http://www.hakikazi.org/zwp/types_of_poverty.htm Types of Poverty. (2007). Society Forward. Retrieved from http://societyforward.blogspot.com/2007/08/7-types-of-poverty.html Anderson, S. (2004). Difficulties After Leaving TANF. Social Work. 49 (2), pg. 185. Grogger,….


Types of Poverty. (n.d.). Haki Kazi.org. Retrieved from  http://www.hakikazi.org/zwp/types_of_poverty.htm 

Types of Poverty. (2007). Society Forward. Retrieved from  http://societyforward.blogspot.com/2007/08/7-types-of-poverty.html 

Anderson, S. (2004). Difficulties After Leaving TANF. Social Work. 49 (2), pg. 185.

Grogger, J. (n.d). Conflicting Benefits. Rand. Retrieved from  http://www.rand.org/publications/randreview/issues/rr.12.02/benefits.html

State of Social Welfare in Africa

POLITICAL ECONOMY ANALYSIS & IMPLICATIONS FO SOCIAL POTECTION POLICY & POGAMS IN AFICA SOCIAL POTECTION POLICY AND POGAMMES IN AFICA Analysis and Implications for Social Protection Policy and Programs in Africa Analysis and Implications for Social Protection Policy and Programs in Africa the role of the welfare state The perception of welfare state requires the government to promote and protect the social well-being of citizens and their economic situation. This is guided by the doctrine of public responsibility, capital sharing, and equal opportunity. The general term covers a wide variety of social and economic organization. Social welfare is an imprecise and encompassing term. In most cases, it is defined in terms of interventions and organized activities or some other elements that suggest programs and policies aimed at improving the well-being of individuals at risk and responding to recognized social problems. (Handa, Devereux, and Webb, 2011) have shown that the concept of social welfare and….

Atkinson, A.B. (1995). "Incomes and the Welfare State. Cambridge" Cambridge University Press

Bender, K., Kaltenborn, M. & Pfeiderer, C. (2013). "Social Protection in Developing Countries: Reforming Systems" Routledge

Berg, A & Ostry, J.D (2011). Inequality and Unsustainable Growth: Two Sides of the Same Coin?" IMF Staff Discussion Note SDN/11/08, International Monetary Fund

Bradley, D., Huber, E., Moller, S., Nielson, F. & Stephens, J.D. (2003) "Determinants of relative poverty in advanced capitalist democracies" American Sociological Review 68:3:

British Social Welfare and Elizabethan

Last year, 76 minors were homicide victims." The child has lost her life and the government is now trying to take actions to revamp the system. Under the new system, Children's Trusts will be set up "at the local level to bring experts - psychologists, social workers, education officials - together, with a local director ultimately accountable." There may appear to be few similarities between EPL and current social welfare policy but when we closely study their impact, we fail to accept the notion that a lot has changed. EPL was ineffective in controlling child-related problems. Children were subjected to cruel working conditions, they had hardly any proper means of nutrition and overseers probably did not care much about them. The same is true today. While there are protection agencies, social workers and others working for welfare of children, there is little if any improvement in their condition especially in the….

1. Mark Rice-Oxley, Child-abuse tragedy spurs British overhaul of social services; the government unveiled a plan last week to keep better records on children and streamline the bureaucracy.(WORLD) the Christian Science Monitor; 9/16/2003

2. Bliss (1908), "Elizabethan Poor Laws" pp. 918-920.

the history of american'social welfare

United States is a country of settlers, anti-immigrant sentiment has permeated public discourse and is damaging the social fabric of the nation. Early anti-immigrant sentiment is symbolized most powerfully by the Nativist movement, which closely resembled white supremacy (Committee on US-Latin American Relations, 2014). What fueled anti-immigrant sentiment included fears of losing jobs and other conflict theory perspectives showing how immigrants are perceived of as threats to the existing social order (Social Work Speaks). The NASW Policy Statement supports the rights of immigrants and refugees to live without discrimination. Committee on US-Latin American Nations (2014). Similar Anti-immigrant rhetoric used throughout US history. Retrieved online: https://cuslar.org/2014/10/23/similar-anti-immigrant-rhetoric-used-throughout-u-s-history/ NASW Policy Statement Social Work Speaks The pre-Civil War/antebellum era was tumultuous, with a series of failed political compromises leading to a breakdown of morals and ethics. At the same time, there were reform movements most notably the abolitionist movement, that took root as a response to the breakdown….

Why the Rich as Well as the Poor Benefit From Social Welfare Programs

benefiting from U.S. social welfare funds? Is it just the poor, or are other groups also receiving financial benefits from the U.S. Treasury? This paper delves into those issues and provides credible resources to ferret out the real facts. Not for people in poverty exclusively: After pointing out that the Reagan Administration's conservative agenda created an "historic shift" in welfare benefits, journalist Mimi Abramovitz reports that subsequent to the Reagan cuts social welfare programs in fact dole out more taxpayer money to "middle and upper classes" than to poor people (Abramovitz, 2001). The federal government (in 2000) spent $235.9 billion on assistance programs for those in the low income bracket, and yet some $793.9 billion of taxpayer money went to programs that "do not use poverty or need as a criteria…" (Abramovitz, 299). Moreover, the Social Security (and other social insurance programs) "grants" increase with inflation, allowing the purchasing power….

Abramovitz, M. (2001). Everyone Is Still on Welfare: The Role of Redistribution in Social

Policy. Social Work, 46(4), 297-307.

Ahmad, F., and Iverson, S. (2013). The State of Women of Color in the United States. Center for American Progress. Retrieved October 2, 2014, from http://wwwamericanprogress.org.

Lawler, J. (2013). The Hidden Welfare State Is Regressive. The Mark-Up. Retrieved


SOCIAL WELFAE POLICY has always been a controversial subject in the United States because of the difference between its perceived and real benefits. Usually public is unable to decide…

Dissertation or Thesis complete

Social Welfare and Society The Brutality of Laissez Faire Capitalism and the Minimal Welfare State. For Chapter 5, the main point is that the U.S. went through a period of rapid…

This view seeks to develop a better community instead of providing services in order to alleviate problems. The dual perspective is a structure that attempts to discuss the different…

People may often be unaware of the cultural influences in their lives. They may think they are highly individualistic and original thinkers only to realize later that they are…

Article Review

Social Welfare Explain how Christianity has strongly influenced U.S. social welfare history. Social welfare maintains the well-being of individuals in the society. Poor people are affected by different circumstances like poverty…

Social elfare Policy All nation states have some sort of social welfare policy. Social welfare may be defined as the explicit and implicit terms by which the state and its…

" And a seven-year time limit was set for the states to approve so that the amendment could be ratified, and in 1982, it was found that it could…

individuals and families kept more of their income instead of having it taxed to support social programs, would this be prudent public policy? Explain your answer. The answer to…

History Of Social Policy When social welfare began Social welfare has a tumultuous history, with the authorities traditionally attempting to implement legislations aimed at improving society as a whole while…

Social elfare -- Its Origins and Contributions hen did social welfare begin as a policy to help those who were struggling to find enough food, or suffering from a blight…

Research Paper

Family and Marriage

However, there have been both positive and negative outcomes from these changes. Some of the positive changes are: reduced welfare caseloads, they have increase unemployment / income levels…


Last year, 76 minors were homicide victims." The child has lost her life and the government is now trying to take actions to revamp the system. Under the new…

Sociology - Counseling

United States is a country of settlers, anti-immigrant sentiment has permeated public discourse and is damaging the social fabric of the nation. Early anti-immigrant sentiment is symbolized most powerfully…

benefiting from U.S. social welfare funds? Is it just the poor, or are other groups also receiving financial benefits from the U.S. Treasury? This paper delves into those…


  1. Social Welfare Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Social welfare maintains the well-being of individuals in the society. Poor people are affected by different circumstances like poverty and need assistance from volunteers as Christians and the government. In the 1700s, Christians was visiting various homes of the poor people and giving them items like food and water.