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This bot will do your homework for $9.95 a month. Does it actually work?

According to one 10th-grade history teacher, it’s unlikely to get you an A.

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“EssayBot is the highly acclaimed online platform giving essay writing assistance to students and subject authors. As the program has been produced with the most sophisticated tools and technologies, it is extremely automated and individualized. This US-based corporation works with the only purpose to give honest and convincing aid to authors for creating superior volumes that will get rewards and praises.”

That’s what EssayBot says when I asked it to describe itself. The service aims to be the holy grail for the world’s burnout 11th-graders. Type in your prompt — any prompt, from your history assignment to the question “what is EssayBot?” — and the machines get to work.

Your opening paragraph is pulled whole cloth from a database of scholastic material. Then the diction is gently rephrased, with synonyms swapped in for non-essential words, until it can fly under the radar of the average plagiarism detector. From there, you can import a laundry list of additional paragraphs related to the subject of your essay, or you can use a drop-down menu called a “sentence creator,” perched patiently next to your blinking cursor. Write a word and EssayBot does its best to think up a sensible follow-up clause, based on the contours and language of what you’ve already got written down. All this for only $9.95 a month, or $49.95 a year. If you’ve ever spent a sleepless school night staring at an empty Word doc, you know what it’s like to be desperate enough to pay up.

I discovered EssayBot via YouTube ad, and when I put the site’s name into Google, I found hundreds of cautiously hopeful students taking to forums and review sites over the past year, asking if EssayBot is too good to be true. Procrastinating teens are an underserved market.

Aaron Yin, the proprietor of EssayBot, has been trying to sell AI text generation for years with limited success. His first attempt came in 2017 with a service that automatically constructed résumés, and the tech infrastructure of EssayBot was initially intended to help small businesses generate branding copy. But that angle never took off. Instead, Yin needed to find a hungrier demographic, and the millions of young men and women on a humanities deadline were a match made in heaven. “We use the same technology [from the business writing] for EssayBot,” he says. “To help students write essays.”

Yin considers EssayBot to be a streamlined version of what kids are already doing with their papers. He tells me he held focus groups full of college kids during EssayBot’s initial development and found that they all used similar tactics to write their essays. They would research and copy down the finer points of the arguments they wanted to use, they would reword those passages, and they turned to Google Scholar to find citations. If you’re extremely generous in your interpretation, you can argue that EssayBot is essentially a harmless mechanization of the academic process — rather than, you know, cheating. “The technology is actually a little similar to translation,” says Yin. “You’re putting something in a different way.”

There’s reason to believe what Yin is selling. In 2019, AI text generation is closer to the mainstream than ever. In February, there was a brief mania over the Elon Musk-backed company OpenAI and its silver-tongued text generator. Journalists from Wired , the Guardian , The Verge , and Vox were all invited to play with the fancy new algorithm that could generate cohesive short stories with reasonably consistent clarity. The generator has yet to be released to the public, with OpenAI claiming that it was “too dangerous” in our current Facebook-poisoned news culture. No matter how hyperbolic that warning might be, it seemed we were fast approaching a world where machines could demand column space.

It’s a reality echoed by Neil Yager, the chief scientist and co-founder of Phrasee , an AI platform that formulates ideal, scientifically precise email headlines for press releases and marketing campaigns. He says that whether we realize it or not, we’re already reading a fair amount of computer-generated text as part of our media diet. “In things like weather reports, it’s called data to text. You take some numbers, like the humidity and temperature, and use an algorithm to automatically to spin that into a story,” he explains. “You have some simple logic in there. ‘If the temperature is above this, then say that it’s going to be a warm day.’ Robo-journalism is quite a big field.”

Still, it was difficult to believe that technology could adequately replicate a standard five-paragraph high school essay. Sure, EssayBot was able to introduce itself in its own uncanny syntax, but that was easy. How would it hold up in the eyes of a wary teacher? So I got my hands dirty in the EssayBot module and resolved to craft an essay about Brown v. Board of Education , a Supreme Court case any American student will inevitably write about at least once during their academic career.

EssayBot gave me a rock-solid opening paragraph, after which I was presented with a suite of additional paragraphs I could plug into the copy. As before, each of those paragraphs was plucked from the web and rephrased into something less plagiaristic by the site’s algorithm. I continued that process until I had about 700 words that tracked the basics of the trial and some light analysis about segregation in the public school system today. The results were uneven. The language and the facts were mostly reasonable, but the overall narrative was jumbled. The essay wasn’t tethered to a concrete thesis and read like a loose distillation dreamed up by an entity that knew all the information but wasn’t able to synthesize it into an authentic argument.

I decided to use the automatic sentence creator to fill out the conclusion, where things got funnier, and more dire. The sentences themselves were grammatically correct, but they’d often contradict each other within the text. At one point, EssayBot wanted to add “the solution is to change the way schools are run,” exactly one sentence after it added “the solution isn’t to simply change the way schools are run.” It figures that when you ask something non-sentient to write for you, you can expect something non-sentient in return.

So, naturally, when I emailed the essay to my 10th-grade history teacher Mr. Lourey, he gave it an easy F.

”The paper would probably earn a very low score in most classes, because it doesn’t seem to be clearly answering a prompt,” he wrote. “I guess if a teacher assigned a short essay that asked students to simply summarize an event, then maybe this type of paper could fly under the ‘teacher radar.’ But most properly designed writing prompts on civil rights would ask students to make some sort of original claim … even if I did not identify the paper as a creation of AI, it would earn a failing grade.”

His reaction didn’t surprise me, nor did it surprise Yager. An AI text generator like EssayBot is simply incapable of responding to a multifaceted essay proposal with a human point of view. Your best bet is simulacrum, and simulacrum can break down very, very quickly. In fact, Yager says Phrasee’s AI model starts to degenerate after about 150 words or so.

Algorithms “don’t write like how you or I would write an essay. It doesn’t think, ‘Okay, here’s my idea, and here’s how I’m going to argue this point.’ Instead, it’s writing one word at a time with no idea where it’s going,” he explains. “There’s no understanding there. It’s not trying to get any point across; any point it makes is purely random and accidental. That’s the limitation of the technology today. … It studies the statistical properties of the language and can generate new text that shares those properties.”

That said, Yager is a little concerned about the future. As tools like EssayBot get better and more AI software hits the market, there will eventually come a moment, he says, where text generation will be a major concern for academia. “Technology is going to help people cheat. It’ll be a bit of an arms race. Things will improve over time, and so will the detection methods,” he says. “Even now, though it’s not great quality, I bet people are getting away with it.”

Yin, of course, would never call EssayBot software for cheaters, and he says that over the past year, he’s only ever gotten one angry email from a teacher. He points to a service called Chegg , which provides specific answers to classroom textbook questions for $15 a month. EssayBot, in his comparison, is a research tool rather than a flat, rote cheat sheet. A shortcut rather than misconduct.

”A student could use Chegg [to answer a problem,] and after graduation, if they saw a similar question, they still couldn’t do it,” says Yin. “With EssayBot, after graduation, if a student became a marketing specialist and write marketing material, they could still use EssayBot.”

Perhaps one day we might need to formally establish the parameters for how much a robot is allowed to assist you in the writing process. Until then, be careful with the machines. They might just flunk you.

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Essay Bot Review: Uncovering the Truth Behind Automated Essay Writing

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  • January 4, 2024

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In today’s fast-paced world, students and professionals often find themselves struggling to keep up with the demands of academic and professional writing . With deadlines looming and time running short, many turn to automated essay writing services like Essay Bot to help them generate high-quality content quickly and effortlessly. But how reliable are these automated essay writing tools? Are they truly capable of producing original and well-written essays, or are they merely a shortcut that compromises the integrity of academic and professional writing? In this article, we will take a closer look at Essay Bot and uncover the truth behind automated essay writing.

The Rise of Automated Essay Writing

The idea of using technology to assist with writing is not a new concept. Spell checkers, grammar checkers, and plagiarism detectors have long been a staple in the writer’s toolkit. However, the emergence of AI-powered tools like Essay Bot has taken automated writing to a whole new level. These tools claim to be able to produce high-quality essays on any topic in a matter of minutes, saving users valuable time and effort. But as with any technology, there are both advantages and disadvantages to using automated essay writing tools.

The Pros and Cons of Essay Bot

On the surface, Essay Bot seems like a dream come true for anyone in need of a quick and easy essay. The tool boasts a vast database of pre-written essays and uses AI to generate unique content based on the user’s input. IT also offers a plethora of writing tools, including grammar and plagiarism checkers, to ensure that the final product is polished and original. However, there are several drawbacks to using Essay Bot that should be considered.

One of the main concerns with automated essay writing tools is the risk of producing subpar or plagiarized content. While Essay Bot claims to generate original essays, there is always the possibility that the AI may inadvertently produce work that is similar to existing content. Additionally, the quality of the essays generated by Essay Bot may not always meet the standards of academic or professional writing, as the tool’s AI may not fully grasp the intricacies of a given topic.

Uncovering the Truth Behind Automated Essay Writing

So, how reliable is Essay Bot, really? To answer this question, we must consider the experiences of those who have used the tool. While some users may find Essay Bot to be a helpful resource for generating ideas and structuring their essays, others may be disappointed by the lack of depth and originality in the content produced. Ultimately, the effectiveness of automated essay writing tools like Essay Bot will vary depending on the specific needs and expectations of the user.

While Essay Bot and other automated essay writing tools may offer a convenient solution for those in need of quick and easy content, it’s important to approach these tools with caution. As with any form of technology, automated essay writing tools have their limitations and may not always produce the high-quality, original content that users are seeking. It’s essential to carefully review and edit any content generated by these tools to ensure that it meets the standards of academic and professional writing.

Q: Is Essay Bot a reliable tool for automated essay writing?

A: The reliability of Essay Bot and other automated essay writing tools can vary depending on individual experiences and expectations.

Q: Can Essay Bot produce original and high-quality essays?

A: While Essay Bot claims to generate original content, there is always the risk of producing subpar or plagiarized essays.

Q: What should I consider before using Essay Bot?

A: Before using Essay Bot, it’s important to consider the limitations of automated essay writing tools and to carefully review and edit any content generated by the tool.

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Should you use a bot to write your essays?

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University life and essays often go hand in hand. While the thought of getting help in the form of EssayBot — an AI-based programme — to write your essays for you might sound tempting, we’re here to tell you why tapping into technology to do your homework might not be all that it’s cracked up to be.

EssayBot’s website notes that the platform can help writers “find inspirational sources, suggest and paraphrase sentences, as well as generate and complete sentences using AI” once a title and a prompt are given.

Think of it as a programme that can help you generate content with little effort on your part. S ome might think of it as an upgrade from paying another person to write or help them with their homework.

While not all technology are bad when it comes to helping you with assignments, we explore some of the potential disadvantages of using a bot to write your essays and share some tips on how you can write better and improve your productivity instead: 


Can a bot write from scratch? Source: Maria Tan/AFP

We’ve all been there: staring at an empty word document for far too long, trying to conjure some words.

While EssayBot can help generate content for your essay, you’ll need to pay a subscription to download it. The pertinent question, however, is: should you pay for an essay that might not be original? 

EssayBot doesn’t write anything from scratch. Instead, it takes what it assumes to be “relevant” paragraphs from your paper subjects and rewrites them by trying to hide the duplicate texts from search engines. 

You might find yourself with an essay that has sentences that don’t make sense,  are way too long, or are grammatically incorrect. Reviews suggest that the platform might also have problems paraphrasing sentences. 

EssayBot will do your homework. But it won’t get you an A. Writing (aka our compositional voice) cannot be replicated by AI. #edchat https://t.co/FizkzsI1My pic.twitter.com/3AIG8Jt1xi — ʎpɐssɐϽ ןɐǝN (@theeSCATologist) April 16, 2019

One of the first things that your lecturers or professors at uni will want to drill into your head is not to plagiarise or pass off someone else’s work without proper attribution. But how confident are you about a technology’s ability to produce work that is plagiarism-free?

As a student, it’s your diligent duty to write and cite texts that have been used as referenced. While AI can help you summarise information into an essay, it cannot do the thinking and critical thinking needed to expand on the topic being written.

Getting caught for plagiarism can get you suspended, or worse, expelled.

How to write better essays

So, rather than rely on technology to write your essays for you, how can you up your game and produce better essays instead?

For some, creating an outline and listing topics that you need to cover can be a good place to start. When writing an argument, you’ll want to take the time to think critically, rather than merely regurgitate facts that you’ve read. 

Analyse what’s been written and try looking for  holes in your argument to strengthen.  This can help you to develop your points better for a convincing essay. Don’t forget to cite your sources and evidence.

If you’re pressed for time, there are some reliable apps that can improve your productivity.

This includes Speechify, a free-to-download software used as a web plugin . What this does is copy text and converts it into audio. So, if you prefer learning through listening, the app has a scan option that will let you take photos of multiple pages to turn them into a personal podcast. 

If you have issues with time management,  the Pomodoro Technique is proven (by various research statistics) to be one of the most efficient time management methods used widely by students. 

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AI bot ChatGPT stuns academics with essay-writing skills and usability

Latest chatbot from Elon Musk-founded OpenAI can identify incorrect premises and refuse to answer inappropriate requests

Professors, programmers and journalists could all be out of a job in just a few years, after the latest chatbot from the Elon Musk-founded OpenAI foundation stunned onlookers with its writing ability, proficiency at complex tasks, and ease of use.

The system, called ChatGPT, is the latest evolution of the GPT family of text-generating AIs. Two years ago, the team’s previous AI, GPT3, was able to generate an opinion piece for the Guardian , and ChatGPT has significant further capabilities.

In the days since it was released, academics have generated responses to exam queries that they say would result in full marks if submitted by an undergraduate, and programmers have used the tool to solve coding challenges in obscure programming languages in a matter of seconds – before writing limericks explaining the functionality.

Dan Gillmor, a journalism professor at Arizona State University, asked the AI to handle one of the assignments he gives his students: writing a letter to a relative giving advice regarding online security and privacy. “If you’re unsure about the legitimacy of a website or email, you can do a quick search to see if others have reported it as being a scam,” the AI advised in part.

“I would have given this a good grade,” Gillmor said. “Academia has some very serious issues to confront.”

OpenAI said the new AI was created with a focus on ease of use. “The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests,” OpenAI said in a post announcing the release.

Unlike previous AI from the company, ChatGPT has been released for anyone to use , for free, during a “feedback” period. The company hopes to use this feedback to improve the final version of the tool.

ChatGPT is good at self-censoring, and at realising when it is being asked an impossible question. Asked, for instance, to describe what happened when Columbus arrived in America in 2015, older models may have willingly presented an entirely fictitious account, but ChatGPT recognises the falsehood and warns that any answer would be fictional.

The bot is also capable of refusing to answer queries altogether. Ask it for advice on stealing a car, for example, and the bot will say that “stealing a car is a serious crime that can have severe consequences”, and instead give advice such as “using public transportation”.

But the limits are easy to evade. Ask the AI instead for advice on how to beat the car-stealing mission in a fictional VR game called Car World and it will merrily give users detailed guidance on how to steal a car, and answer increasingly specific questions on problems like how to disable an immobiliser, how to hotwire the engine, and how to change the licence plates – all while insisting that the advice is only for use in the game Car World.

The AI is trained on a huge sample of text taken from the internet, generally without explicit permission from the authors of the material used. That has led to controversy, with some arguing that the technology is most useful for “copyright laundering” – making works derivative of existing material without breaking copyright.

One unusual critic was Elon Musk, who co-founded OpenAI in 2015 before parting ways in 2017 due to conflicts of interest between the organisation and Tesla. In a post on Twitter on Sunday , Musk revealed that the organisation “had access to [the] Twitter database for training”, but that he had “put that on pause for now”.

“Need to understand more about governance structure & revenue plans going forward,” Musk added. “OpenAI was started as open-source & non-profit. Neither are still true.”

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AI Essay Writer Tools Explained

AI Essay Writer Tools Explained

3-minute read

  • 17th August 2023

Being a student can be hard. Often, you have multiple tight deadlines on top of your nonacademic commitments. Using AI essay writer tools can be tempting, but you may be worried about doing so. This blog will explain AI essay writing tools, some of the benefits and pitfalls of using them in your writing, and ways you can make the most of them. 

What Are AI Essay Writer Tools? 

AI essay writer tools use AI specifically designed to write an academic essay. They can help you generate ideas and phrase your ideas clearly and suggest improvements to grammar, punctuation, and style. Many AI essay writer tools are available, including ChatGPT, Jasper, and Rytr. 

The Benefits of AI Essay Writer Tools 

Whatever your opinion on AI generators, they have some benefits, the main one being that they can help you speed up your writing process. For any essay you write, you need to take numerous steps: idea generation, research, writing, editing, proofreading, and so on. Each of these takes considerable time, but AI essay writer tools can take on some of the burden and help you push through faster. 

What You Need to Watch Out For 

Despite these benefits, you need to watch out for a few things, notably AI detectors and grammatical correctness. 

An AI generator work s by using prewritten responses and patterns learned from the data on which it has been trained to answer your input. Using AI detectors, many universities have started checking whether a student is using AI to write their essays. In simple terms, AI detectors look for patterns in the writing. If you’re using AI to write essays without any human input, your work will likely be flagged by AI detectors. 

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You’ll also need to edit AI-generated content carefully. AI is only as good as the data it is trained on and usually falls short in understanding context, sarcasm, and irony. It also isn’t entirely reliable when checking for grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors. So you still need to edit and proofread your work before submitting it for grading. 

How You Can Make the Most of These Tools

Ideally, you should use AI to support your writing, not to replace your own entirely. The best way to use AI is to have it generate ideas and outline your writing but to do the writing and editing yourself. That way, you can speed up your process, but you’ve still reviewed and fact-checked your writing, and most importantly, all the ideas are your own. 

Want to Make Sure Your Content Is Error-Free?

If you want to ensure that your writing is grammatically correct, why not use an expert editor and proofreader? Proofed’s team of expert editors can help you create accurate essays. Explore our student proofreading services when you’re ready to see what we can do for you. 

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Essay Writing Service

EssayBot.com Review – Early Days

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If you’re a student looking a custom essay writing service to help you meet your grade requirements, meet a certain deadline or simply to lessen your workload, you may have come across Essay Bot during your search for a solution.

does essay bot really work

Top Rated Essay Writing Services

Table of contents.

  • Services – 5/10
  • Pricing – 3/10
  • Content Quality – 6/10
  • Customer Service – 5/10
  • Conclusion – 5/10

Services – 5/10

The thing with EssayBot.com is the fact that it doesn’t really have a human writer to write your essay for you but is more of a service that guides you through the writing process. You simply need to put in the required headline of your article and the AI will basically Google search relevant content to help.

You can then choose which source you want to use, and the AI will paraphrase and edit the content, so there are no plagiarism issues. This seems sketchy at best, and there’s no telling how effective these anti-plagiarism messages are. Also, the service only seems to support essays.

essay bot review

Pricing – 3/10

Unlike most custom essay writing services where you simply pay per essay that you’re planning to use or download, Essay Bot is a pay-monthly service where you get unlimited access for a set price. However, this isn’t easily explained on the website, and you’ll need to do some searching, or simply find out when you try to download the essay when you’re finished.

After some online searching, we found that you can get a 7-day free trial, which is fine, but then the service is a huge $49 per month for the first month, followed by $99 per month thereafter. This is probably not suitable for many students living on a tight budget.

Content Quality – 6/10

In terms of quality, things are pretty hit and miss. This is because AI simply pulls data from Google and then paraphrases it. It’s then up to the writer to check through it and make sure it’s okay. We plugged a few titles into the AI to see what happened and the content seems pretty good since it’s only replacing certain words.

However, there’s no way to tell if the service will help you avoid plagiarism at all costs without scanning it yourself, and it’s simply the words that are changing. If you were to read through the content and the original content, the structure would be identical.

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Customer Service – 5/10

Of course, it’s vital you choose a service that’s able to look after you in case you need them, for example, if you urgently require help to download or edit your assignment for an upcoming deadline.

However, with EssayBot, this might be easier said than done. On the contact page (which is only accessible by the homepage), you’ll find a map with a physical address for their office, a US toll-free phone number, and a single email address.

There’s no live chat, no email address for separate departments, no social media links, and no way of knowing how long the company is going to take to respond; which isn’t great if you require immediate help.

Mary Walton’s conclusion on EssayBot.com

All in all, Essay Bot leaves a lot to be desired. The website has a good idea, and it’s easy to see that this form of writing is going to be the future because it doesn’t require human writers. However, this is still early days, and it’s probably worth waiting until the technology improves and can provide a more accurate and diverse service.

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As a student who worked hard, went to libraries often, and revised my arguments over and over, I would like to “flip the bird” to the founders of EssayBot and the students who chose to use it. Unless you are dedicated to actually studying, learning, and growing intellectually on a university campus, please do not waste the time of your professors in coming to school or your own financial resources with the ludicrous cost of higher education. This service is just another step for our nation to boldly march into the future predicted by the movie “Idiocracy.” It will be great one day when Carl’s Jr evaluates our nutritional needs and someone can buy their law degree at Costco. Three cheers to you EssayBot, you twits!

As a college student do not waste your time on this site. Even if you ACCIDENTLY choose the wrong payment method they will most definitely take advantage of it and not give you a refund. Their customer service team is trash, and even if you contact their number. No one picks up the phone. There isn’t even an answering machine. Do not waste your time purchasing anything they are selling.

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AI for Essay Writing — Exploring Top 10 Essay Writers

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Let’s admit it — essay writing is quite a challenging task for students. Especially with the stringent deadlines, conducting research, writing , editing, and addressing to-and-fro reviews — consumes a whole lot of time and often becomes stressful. Therefore, students are always on the lookout for tools that speed up the essay writing process.

And that’s when AI writing tools make their debut! Using the best AI for essay writing makes the lives of students much easier by automatically generating the essay for them.

The rise in the popularity of artificial intelligence technology and deep learning has paved the way for the numerous AI writer tools available today. To help you understand the different types of AI tools and their benefits, we’ve uncovered the features of the top 10 AI essay generators in this article.

Let’s explore the tools and learn how they are transforming the tedious task of essay writing!

What is essay writing?

Essay writing is a part of academic writing that emphasizes formulating an idea or argument. The main objective of academic essay writing is to present a well-reasoned argument or idea. Evidence, analysis, and interpretation are the three major components of essay writing . It should have a logical structure to support the argument or idea of the essay so that it communicates clearly and concisely.

What is an AI essay writer?

AI essay writers is a tool that is designed to help students generate essays using machine learning techniques. They can be used to generate a full essay or generate a few parts of the essay, for example, essay titles, introduction, conclusion, etc.

Why should researchers use AI essay generators?

There are infinite benefits to using AI tools for writing unique essays, especially for researchers or students. Here are a few of them —

1. Saves time

Using best AI for essay writing has its own benefits. Students can take care of the research process while these AI tools write the essays for them. Be it an essay topic or a full-length essay generation, it saves a bunch of students' time.

2. Boosts productivity

Writing is a tedious task especially when you want to write an essay about a novel topic, that writer’s block starts haunting and your productivity gets affected. But, with AI, it’s the other way around and increases productivity by quickly generating the essays for you.

3. Enhances writing skills — Vocabulary and Style

Adopting the best AI essay writing AI tool not only help with creating essays but also help us hone our writing skills by giving proper suggestions about grammar, sentence structure, tone, style, and word choice.

4. Reduces stress

Students often undergo a lot of pressure and stress because of deadlines and submissions. With the best AI essay generator, they help you write essays smarter thereby reducing stress and fear in no time.

5. Facilitates multidisciplinary research

AI essay writing tools foster interdisciplinary study through their ability to scan and combine knowledge from multiple domains. That way, it helps us quickly get a grasp of new subjects or topics without a heavy-lifting process.

6. Cost-effective

Most of the AI essay writing tools have lower pricing and also allow certain discounts for students. So, it is also a cost-effective approach to use AI writing tools.

The Top AI Essay Writing Tools and Their Features

Several AI essay writers are available based on the types of essays one would want to generate. Now, let's quickly understand the top 10 AI writing tools that generate essays within just a few minutes.

1. PerfectEssayWriter.ai


It is one of the best AI for essay writing that not only creates an essay but also comes up with advanced features including plagiarism detection, auto-referencing, and contextual analysis. As a result, it generates coherent essays that are well-researched and properly cited. It is best recommended for creating academic essays and essay outlines.

How does PerfectEssayWriter work?

  • Pick the right tool for your purpose — Go with an essay writer if you want to generate a full essay or choose the essay outliner if you want to create just the outline of the essay.
  • Enter your specific conditions and preferences. Add essay topic, academic level, essay type, number of pages, and special instructions, if any.
  • Click on “generate” and wait for the result
  • Once you have the essay generated, you can review, edit, or refine it and then download it.
  • Generates a large chunk of data up to 2000 words
  • Output is provided within 90 seconds
  • Provides a plethora of other tools like Citation generator, grammar checker, thesis statement generator, and more
  • Comes with 10+ essay writing templates
  • Subscription-based and not a free tool
  • Human review is a mandate

2. Essaybot - Personalized AI writing


Essaybot is the product of a reputed online essay-writing service, MyPerfectWords. It is meant to enhance academic essay writing and streamline the tasks of students. Its user friendly website makes it an instant and hassle-free essay generation saving a lot of time and effort for students.

How does Essaybot work?

  • Enter the essay title or topic
  • Click on “start writing” and wait for it to generate a well-reasoned essay.
  • The tools come for free
  • No sign-up is required
  • 100% unique and High-quality output
  • Very limited features that lack advanced functionalities

3. FreeEssayWriter.net


FreeEssayWriter is an organization that provides essay-writing services to students worldwide. It has an AI essay typer tool — that helps you generate essays instantly. What sets this essay typer apart is its initiative to help students with their free essay writer providing the students with a 2-page free essay.

How does FreeEssayWriter.net work?

It works similarly to Essaybot, input the title or the topic of your essay and wait for it to generate the essay. They also have an option to edit and download a free version of the generated essay instantly.

  • Provides high-quality essays and is considered to be one of the reliable and trusted sources of information
  • Students can improve their writing skills and learn more about essays by referring to their free essay database or sources
  • Priority customer support is available 24*7
  • The site is not optimized for mobile devices
  • The quality of the essay output could still be improved

4. MyEssayWriter


This AI essay writing tool is no exception in terms of generating a high-quality essay. You can generate essays for various topics depending on the background of your research study. Be it academic or non-academic essay writing, this tool comes in handy.

How does MyEssay Writer work?

Add your preferences and then click on generate. It will give you a high-quality and 100% unique essay crafted based on your requirements.

  • The tool comes for free — no subscription is required
  • Knows for its consistency in the quality and the tone of the essay output
  • Also has a paid custom writing service that provides human-written essays
  • Might not provide quality output for complex and technical-based keywords or topic

5. College Essay AI


College essay AI stands unique as an ai writing tool as it not only uses an AI-based algorithm to generate essays but it also backs up the output as it is reviewed and approved by a team of professional experts. It is the best AI essay writing tool for college and graduate students where the output adheres to the graduate students' essay writing guidelines.

How does the College Essay AI generator work?

  • Input the required information — essay topic, academic level, number of pages, sources, and specific instructions, if any.
  • Click on “generate essay” and wait for the output
  • Conduct plagiarism and grammar check
  • Download the essay
  • High-level output for academic essay writing
  • Pocket-friendly premium plans
  • Doesn’t provide multiple sets of templates
  • Not quite suitable for non-academic essay writing

6. Jasper AI


Jasper AI has been the oldest player in the game of AI content writing. Fast forward to now, its features have been magnified with the inception of natural language processing algorithms and that’s how they are helping students write their essays as well. However, Jasper is the best AI tool for non-academic writing projects like content writing or creative writing.

How does Jasper AI work?

  • Choose a template — if you are about to write an essay, go with the “document”
  • Add your preferences
  • Click “compose” and get the output
  • Generates the essays instantly
  • Provides well-structured output according to the tone and style of your preferences
  • Not quite suitable for academic writing essays

7. Textero AI


Textero AI provides a few writing tools for students that facilitate their various academic papers and writing projects. Its essay generator helps you generate ideas for a full-length essay based on the topic and also suggests new topic ideas or thesis statement ideas for your academic assignments.

How does Textero AI work?

  • Click on “Essay Generator” located on the LHS (Left-hand Side)
  • Input the title and description based on which you want to generate the essay
  • Pick the right citation style
  • Click “generate” and wait for the output
  • It also provides other tools like an outline generator, and summary generator and has an AI research assistant that answers all your questions relevant to the research
  • The output is 100% unique and plagiarism and error-free
  • Might fail to provide an essay focussed on complex or technical topics

8. Quillbot


Though Quillbot is essentially built for paraphrasing and summarizing tasks. It comes as a rescue when you have to revamp, improvise, or refine your already-composed essay. Its co-writer helps you transform your thoughts and ideas and make them more coherent by rephrasing them. You can easily customize your text based on the customization options available.

How does Quillbot Paraphraser work?

  • Import or copy the content
  • Click on “Paraphrase” “Summarize” or “Suggest text” based on your requirement
  • Make the required customizations and save the document.
  • Offers a plethora of tools required for students
  • Both free and premium plans are available
  • Enhances vocabulary and language skills
  • Limited customization options with the free plan
  • Only supports the English language

9. SciSpace Paraphraser


SciSpace is the best AI tool that helps you fine-tune your essay. If you feel your essay writing needs AI suggestions to improve the language, vocabulary, writing styles, and tone of your essay, SciSpace is at your rescue. It has more customized options than Quillbot and improves your essay by rephrasing it according to the required or preferred writing style, and tone. This is a very good alternative to Quillbot.

How does SciSpace Paraphrasing work?

  • Simply paste the content to the screen
  • Choose the length and variation properly
  • Select the language
  • Click “Paraphrase”
  • Has 22 custom tones and all of them are available even on the free plan
  • Supports 75+ languages
  • Comes with an AI-detection report for English paraphrase output
  • Delay in the output

10. ChatGPT


It would be unfair if we talk about AI tools and do not enlist ChatGPT. When it comes to automated essay writing tasks, ChatGPT is not trivial. With proper prompts, you can automate the essay writing process and generate a well-crafted and coherent essay. However, the quality and the accuracy cannot be trusted as the model hallucinates and doesn’t include sources.

How does ChatGPT work?

  • Create a prompt based on your requirement
  • Ask ChatGPT to write an essay about your topic, specify conditions and preferences
  • Click enter and wait for the essay
  • Comes for free
  • Cannot rely on the output as the model hallucinates
  • Lacks the upgraded features that other essay-writing tools have


Writing essays can be a real struggle. But, the inception of the best AI essay-generation tools makes the entire writing process a lot easier and smoother. However, you should be extra vigilant while relying on these tools and consciously use them only as a technological aid. Because over-reliance on these AI tools could diminish student's writing skills and the user can become more gripped by the tools. So, use it wisely without affecting your knowledge and skills.

You can explore the above tools whenever you need any help with essay writing, and reap the benefits of them without compromising on the quality of your writing.

And! If you're stuck exploring multiple research papers or want to conduct a comprehensive literature review , you know which tool to use? Yes, it's SciSpace Literature Review, our AI-powered workspace, which is meant to make your research workflow easier. Plus, it also comes with SciSpace Copilot , our AI research assistant that answers any question that you may have about the research paper.

If you haven't used it yet, you can use it here !

Choosing the best AI for writing long-form essays depends on your requirements. Here are the top 5 tools that help you create long-form and college essays —

1. Free Essay Writer AI

2. College Essay AI

3. My Essay Writer

4. Textero AI

5. Perfect Essay Writer

The Perfect Essay Writer AI and Textero AI are the two best AI essay generators that help you write the best essays.

ChatGPT is not specifically built to assist you with essay writing, however, you can use the tool to create college essays and long-form essays. It’s important to review, fact-check the essay, and refer to the sources properly.

Essaybot is a free AI essay generator tool that helps you create a well-reasoned essay with just a click.

Unless your university permits it, using AI essay generators or writing tools to write your essay can be considered as plagiarism.

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EssayBot Review : Is the AI Tool Capable of Saving Your Grades?

does essay bot really work

Essay Bot Review: Looking for the Best AI Writer? Look Elsewhere!

Exceptional Writing Services for a Smoother Academic Journey

If you check the SiteJabber page of EssayBot, you will learn that the service managed something other services didn’t struggle to achieve: zero positive reviews. At the time of writing, the service has 24 comments on various reviews aggregators. Two of them are 2-star reviews, and twenty-two of them ‒ 1-star. Former customers cite multiple technical issues, factual inaccuracies in the produced paper, and an overall poor quality.

Our Findings: A Case of a Mistaken Identity or a Changeling?

When you enter EssayBot’s website, it looks okay at first glance. The only thing that seems strange is that there are not many sections to go to. You’re presented with the basic information, which is how great the AI tool is.

And there are two options: to log in as an existing member or sign up as a new user. To be fair, the main page doesn’t prompt a visitor to sign up. Does the service have more in store so prospective users will find it worth a try?

EssayBot Review(1)

EssayBot offers you to check out the articles generated by AI. You just need to scroll down to the bottom. Apparently, we have research on the late Canadian-American psychologist Albert Bandura. Bee Movie Script? Do they imply that EssayBot generated the whole script for that 2007 animated film? And a screenplay for Rosewood? What are those scripts doing there, and what does AI have to do with them?

If you’d like to find out, you won’t be able to. Click on any of the links, and you will get an error message.

EssayBot Review(2)

But, hey, maybe those samples are available to registered users. You can sign up using any fake email you want; the service won’t care. But no luck here as well: clicking any of the above-mentioned links will lead to the same error messages.

Well, fine, let’s try generating an essay. Give the AI a title and stare at the message “Preparing start of your essay” as long as you want, as it will just stay like that: 

EssayBot Review

Seems like EssayBot is pretty much defunct. So, what are we still doing here?

You see, the tool may be defunct, but that doesn’t mean that it is gone. If you try opening the mobile version of EssayBot — the same happens with a browser version in certain cases — you get redirected to EssayAILab.

And given that you can log in there with the same credentials you used for EssayBot, it’s the new incarnation of the service. So, let’s check it out:

EssayBot Review(4)

So, EssayBot or EssayAILab? And How Does the Thing Work?

With a slew of negative reviews, it doesn’t seem all that surprising that the people behind EssayBot decided to simply create a different platform with pretty much the same functionality. But was it worth it? Let’s check it out.

Unlike EssayBot, EssayAILab doesn’t suggest that it has crafted the screenplays for long-forgotten blockbusters and critical darlings during times when an AI was struggling to produce a cohesive sentence. But the site looks poor, for the lack of a better word.

Check the main page, see what the service offers, click on “How it works,” and you’ll get back to the main page. Click “Features,” and you’ll get the same result. So, how does it work?

Give it a topic, and it will start searching for relevant information or what it considers to be relevant — more on that later. Write a sentence, and it will suggest how to paraphrase it. Also, EssayAILab offers a plagiarism detector, grammar and spelling checkers, and an APA & MLA citation generator.

What Can Be Said About EssayBot/EssayAILab Customer Support Service?

EssayBot Customer Support

Can AI Replace Human Writers? EssayBot/EssayAILab Surely Can’t!

AI Replacing Human Writers?

It Is Free Unless You Want to Download Your Essay

EssayBot Pricing

Revision Policy at EssayBot/EssayAILab: It’s All ‘Bout Revising

EssayBot Revision Policy

Will You Speed Up the Writing Process With EssayBot/EssayAILab?

EssayBot Writing process

What Can Be Said About EssayBot/EssayAILab Plagiarism Checker?

The pros and cons of using essaybot for academic writing.

does essay bot really work

  • You can use the tool when you need several paragraphs on a simple topic ✅
  • You get redirected to EssayAILab while EssayBot has technical problems ✅
  • The website has an unresponsive customer support service, which you can reach only via email ❌
  • EssayAILab claims that it’s free, but it's not. You realize it only when trying to download the output ❌
  • The prewritten paragraphs that the service offers don’t really help to construct a proper essay ❌
  • The suggestions that AI makes when you opt for writing on your own make little to no sense ❌
  • The plagiarism checker identifies plagiarized content as unique ❌

EssayBot FAQs

What is essaybot and essayailab, is essaybot or essayailab legit, what makes essaybot/essayailab stand out, how much does essaybot/essayailab cost, can i use either of the services on smartphones, can either of the services replace expert help, the latest customer reviews, wanna share your feedback drop a comment here, you might also be interested in.

does essay bot really work

EssayBot.com Review

EssayBot review

Rating 6.4/10

Table Of Contents

Paper Quality

EssayBot paper quality

Prices and Fees

EssayBot price

What kind of guarantees can an AI-based essay service provide? Certainly, not the guarantees of the quality of work, but rather the speed and volume of generated text. There is no money-back policy at EssayBot either.

Service Review and Online reputation

It does not take a scientist to envisage that a tool like this would have many negative user comments. However, there is very little information on this service available online, as if it never really existed. The most plausible explanation could be that it is simply not popular at all. People understand the flaws of AI-based writing services and avoid them at all costs.

Customer Support

There is email support available and a live chat. But don’t get too excited about that – the live chat support seems to be based on an AI algorithm as well. I tried to ask a few very specific questions related to my college paper assignment, and all I heard back were standard phrases and recommendations to read the FAQ on their website – very disappointing.

EssayBot customer support

Types of Services

There are not many services to talk about at EssayBot. They offer AI-generated essay help and claim to provide 100% plagiarism-free content. To be frank, I didn’t find any plagiarism in the two essay texts they made for my current review. It seems that their built-in plagiarism tool works as expected. Also, they claim to be helping students with other types of college papers, though I would not recommend this service for any serious writing assignments.

Ordering Process

EssayBot Ordering process

Offers and Extra Services

There are no discounts or promotions available. The extra services are also limited to standard text generation (rephrasing), plus the added plagiarism checking tool (included by default and works great as far as I can tell). The grammar checking tool comes as an option and costs 0.49 USD per single page of text.

What I liked:

  • The speed of work (silly to expect anything less from an AI-based service)
  • An effective plagiarism-checking tool, which comes standard
  • Prices are much lower than those of a typical essay writing service

What I didn’t like:

  • Horrible quality of texts (would rate my two texts at 3 out of 10 points)
  • Poor customer support
  • No money-back policy or any other guarantees

I would not call EssayBot a serious essay writing service, but rather a demo of what a current AI-based tool can do to help with students’ essay assignments. However, this demo costs real money.

Is EssayBot legal?

There are no legal restrictions on using EssayBot or any other similar services. When it comes to quality or security – these will be the risks you will have to take if you intend on using this service.

Is EssayBot a scam?

They are a real service offering machine help with students’ assignments. They don’t cheat or steal your money. If you are ready to put up with AI-generated texts and their quality – you should consider at least trying EssayBot.

Is EssayBot reliable?

For anything more than a demo or a test, EssayBot is not a reliable service to use. You may want to try it just for fun to see what a current AI can do with your college paper assignment.

Does EssayBot plagiarize?

They have an effective built-in plagiarism tool. It must be utilizing one of the popular online plagiarism-checking engines, as none of my custom-generated texts had plagiarism in them.

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How Does ChatGPT Really Work?

Learning how a “large language model” operates.

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does essay bot really work

By Kevin Roose

In the second of our five-part series , I’m going to explain how the technology actually works.

The artificial intelligences that powers ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Bing chatbot and Google’s Bard can carry out humanlike conversations and write natural, fluid prose on an endless variety of topics. They can also perform complex tasks, from writing code to planning a kid’s birthday party.

But how does it all work? To answer that, we need to peek under the hood of something called a large language model — the type of A.I. that drives these systems.

Large language models, or L.L.M.s, are relatively new on the A.I. scene. The first ones appeared only about five years ago, and they weren’t very good. But today they can draft emails, presentations and memos  and tutor you in a foreign language . Even more capabilities are sure to surface in the coming months and years, as the technology improves and Silicon Valley scrambles to cash in.

I’m going to walk you through setting up a large language model from scratch, simplifying things and leaving out a lot of hard math. Let’s pretend that we’re trying to build an L.L.M. to help you with replying to your emails. We’ll call it MailBot.

Step 1: Set a goal

Every A.I. system needs a goal. Researchers call this an objective function . It can be simple — for example, “win as many chess games as possible” — or complicated, like “predict the three-dimensional shapes of proteins , using only their amino acid sequences.”

Most large language models have the same basic objective function: Given a sequence of text, guess what comes next. We’ll give MailBot more specific goals later on, but let’s stick to that one for now.

Step 2: Collect lots of data

Next, we need to assemble the training data that will teach MailBot how to write. Ideally, we’ll put together a colossally large repository of text, which usually means billions of pages scraped from the internet — like blog posts, tweets, Wikipedia articles and news stories.

To start, we’ll use some free, publicly available data libraries, such as the Common Crawl repository of web data. But we’ll also want to add our own secret sauce, in the form of proprietary or specialized data. Maybe we’ll license some foreign-language text, so that MailBot learns to compose emails in French or Spanish as well as English. In general, the more data we have, and the more diverse the sources, the better our model will be.

Before we can feed the data into our model, we need to break it down into units called tokens, which can be words, phrases or even individual characters. Transforming text into bite-size chunks helps a model analyze it more easily.

Step 3: Build your neural network

Once our data is tokenized, we need to assemble the A.I.’s “brain” — a type of system known as a neural network. This is a complex web of interconnected nodes (or “neurons”) that process and store information.

For MailBot, we’re going to want to use a relatively new type of neural network known as a transformer model . They can analyze multiple pieces of text at the same time, making them faster and more efficient. (Transformer models are the key to systems like ChatGPT — whose full acronym stands for “Generative Pretrained Transformer.”)

Step 4: Train your neural network

Next, the model will analyze the data, token by token, identifying patterns and relationships. It might notice “Dear” is often followed by a name, or that “Best regards” typically comes before your name. By identifying these patterns, the A.I. learns how to construct messages that make sense.

The system also develops a sense of context. For example, it might learn that “bank” can refer to a financial institution or the side of a river, depending on the surrounding words.

As it learns these patterns, the transformer model sketches a map: an enormously complex mathematical representation of human language. It keeps track of these relationships using numerical values known as parameters . Many of today’s best L.L.M.s have hundreds of billions of parameters or more.

Training could take days or even weeks, and will require immense amounts of computing power. But once it’s done, it will almost be ready to start writing your emails.

Weirdly, it may develop other skills, too. As L.L.M.s learn to predict the next word in a sequence, over and over and over again, they can pick up other, unexpected abilities, such as knowing how to code. A.I. researchers call these emergent behaviors, and they’re still sometimes mystified by them.

Step 5: Fine-tune your model

Once a large language model is trained, it needs to be calibrated for a specific job. A chatbot used by a hospital might need to understand medical terms, for example.

To fine-tune MailBot, we could ask it to generate a bunch of emails, hire people to rate them on accuracy and then feed the ratings back into the model until it improves.

This is a rough approximation of the approach that was used with ChatGPT, which is known as reinforcement learning with human feedback .

Step 6: Launch, carefully

Congratulations! Once MailBot has been trained and fine-tuned, it’s ready to use. After you build some kind of user interface for it — like a Chrome extension that plugs into your email app — it can start cranking out emails.

But no matter how good it seems, you’re still going to want to keep tabs on your new assistant. As companies like Microsoft and Meta have learned the hard way, A.I. systems can be erratic and unpredictable, or even turn creepy and dangerous.

Tomorrow, we’ll hear more about how things can go wrong in unexpected and sometimes disturbing ways.

Your homework

Let’s explore one of the more creative abilities of L.L.M.s: the ability to combine disparate concepts and formats into something bizarre and new. For example, our colleagues at Well asked ChatGPT to “write a song in Taylor Swift’s voice that uses themes from a Dr. Seuss book.”

For today’s homework, try to mix and match a format, a style and a topic — like, “Write a limerick in the style of Snoop Dogg about global warming.”

Don’t forget to share your creation as a comment.

Question 1 of 3

What is the primary objective function of large language models like ChatGPT?

Win as many chess games as possible

Predict the 3-D shapes of proteins

Guess what comes next in a sequence of text

Start the quiz by choosing your answer.

Transformer model: A neural network architecture useful for understanding language, which does not have to analyze words one at a time but can look at an entire sentence at once. A technique called self-attention allows the model to focus on the particular words that are important in understanding the meaning of the sentence.

Parameters: Numerical values that define a large language model’s structure and behavior, like clues that help it guess what words come next. Modern systems like GPT-4 are thought to have hundreds of billions of parameters.

Reinforcement learning: A technique that teaches an A.I. model to find the best result by trial and error, receiving rewards or punishments from an algorithm based on its results. This system can be enhanced by humans giving feedback on its performance.

Click here for more glossary terms.

Kevin Roose is a technology columnist and the author of “Futureproof: 9 Rules for Humans in the Age of Automation.” More about Kevin Roose

Explore Our Coverage of Artificial Intelligence

News  and Analysis

Microsoft introduced three smaller A.I. models  that are part of a technology family the company has named Phi-3. The company said even the smallest of the three performed almost as well as GPT-3.5, the system that underpinned OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot.

A new flood of child sexual abuse material created by A.I. is threatening to overwhelm the authorities  already held back by antiquated technology and laws. As a result, legislators are working on bills  to combat A.I.-generated sexually explicit images of minors.

Users of Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and Messenger will soon be able to use newly added smart assistants , powered by Meta’s latest artificial intelligence model, to obtain information and complete tasks.

The Age of A.I.

Much as ChatGPT generates poetry, a new A.I. system devises blueprints for microscopic mechanisms  that can edit your DNA.

Could A.I. change India’s elections? Avatars are addressing voters by name, in whichever of India’s many languages they speak. Experts see potential for misuse  in a country already rife with disinformation.

Which A.I. system writes the best computer code or generates the most realistic image? Right now, there’s no easy way to answer those questions, our technology columnist writes .

U.S. clinics are starting to offer patients a new service: having their mammograms read not just by a radiologist, but also by an A.I. model .

A.I. tools can replace much of Wall Street’s entry-level white-collar work , raising tough questions about the future of finance.

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Home / AI Writing Assistant Software / Essaybot / Essaybot Pricing

Updated on: April 25, 2024


89 % SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more

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  • Essaybot Offers Free-forever plan.
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Essaybot Pricing

Not available

Pricing Options

Freemium ( Limited Features )

Pricing Plans

Essaybot Free

  • Search a topic & begin drafting
  • Modify essay until satisfied
  • Run grammar & plagiarism check
  • Create account & download essay
  • Unlimited search database
  • Auto writing suggestions
  • Sensitive plagiarism checker
  • MLA & APA citations
  • Unlimited essay downloads
  • Top-notched grammar checker

Disclaimer: The pricing details were last updated on 16/03/2021 from the vendor website and may be different from actual. Please confirm with the vendor website before purchasing.

Pricing Insights for AI Writing Assistant Software

The Average Cost of a basic AI Writing Assistant Software plan is $14 per month.

32% of AI Writing Assistant Software offer a Free Trial Allows users to try out the software for a limited period before making a purchase decision. , while 47% offer a Freemium Model Allows users to access basic features at no cost. .

Essaybot FAQs

How much does Essaybot cost?

Essaybot is a free software.

Learn more about Essaybot pricing .

Does Essaybot offer a free plan?

Yes, Essaybot offers a free plan.

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EssayBot Review 2024

Expert review by John Milovich Updated: April 09, 2024


EssayBot is rated 2.3 by ScamFighter and is not on our TOP Writing Services

Table of contents

Executive summary.

does essay bot really work

EssayBot is an attempt to create an AI that could write essays for you. Unfortunately, such technologies are not good enough to create good papers. At best, essaybot can generate some random parts of the unique text on a required topic. That could probably save you some time, but this service is not free. So, what’s the point of paying money for the solution which won’t give you the desired result?

Service Evaluation

Recently, I have come across quite an interesting website which is very different from any other standard essay writing service. Let me introduce you to an essaybot, a service that doesn’t offer you to hire a writer but gives you an opportunity to create an essay on your own.

As far as I understood, it is some kind of an Artificial Intelligence which generates unique content on the topic you provide. It sounds too good to be true, and I still suspect that there is some trick there. I am also almost sure that in the end you will be required to pay money.

Alright, enough of bantering,  it is time to put all my theories aside and search for some facts. So, let me begin this essay bot review!

Benefits and Limitations

  • The plagiarism checker seems to be real
  • No live chat
  • It can’t write a unique essay for you
  • Subscription is not free

Essaybot: Web Reputation

Searching for some credible reviews about this essay writing service , I was highly disappointed to discover absolutely nothing. No reviews on SiteJabber or TrustPilot, as well as total silence from any essay bot reddit reviewers.

Seems like it is a ghost service and nobody has ever heard about it. All I found were some reviews on Producthunt.

Getting no reviews from credible sources, one question starts drilling my mind. Is essay bot legal? If nobody says anything about it, then it is a good time to check the company’s guarantees. And whether it promises anything at all to its users. So, here is what I found in terms and conditions.

As you can see, it is said that the service is not responsible for the content you generate on this site. The service only gives you an instrument which helps in generating content, but only a user is fully responsible for it.

Service Varieties

Well, there are no specific types of service available. However, taking into consideration the specifics of this service, I can say that it may somewhat help you with your essay. I would not recommend using it for any other serious assignments and probably not even for essays.

Essay Bot: How to Order

So, how does this AI work? Firstly, you need to type a title of your essay, so that the bot could find relevant content.

Then you will be offered pieces of content on the right. Select one of them and click the Rephrase & Add button. The AI will rephrase some words in the text and add them to your essay. It seems you may do it as many times as necessary until you get the required amount of words.

Once you finish filling your essay with random text, press the download button, and if you have a subscription, you will get your paper.

Pricing Details

Is essay bot free? At first, it may seem so, but once you finished all the preparations and spent much time creating content you like, you will be notified that to download your essay, you need to buy a subscription. A week-long subscription costs $2.95, a monthly one is available for $9.95, and a year will cost $59.40.

Overall Paper Quality

Is essay bot cheating or not? Well, I cannot say that it is cheating because it does not create it for you. It just gives you an opportunity to create content for your essay, and it really does. The correct question is can this service help you with an essay? - I am almost sure that it cannot.

Just take a look at the result of this AI’s work. It generated a text for me and rephrased it. But what is the point if it is unoriginal? Even the website’s plagiarism tool shows it, though I thought it would always provide 100% uniqueness.

Essaybot Review: Client Assistance

Live chat is not available on this site, but I was not even surprised. On the Contact Us page, I found only two ways for communication. You may either send a message via email or call using the phone number provided there.

Extra Service Deals

I am not sure whether these features should be classified as some extra services, but let’s talk about them here. On the site, you may also find an essay bot plagiarism tool and a grammar checker.

I was pretty confident that at least a plagiarism tool would not detect unoriginal text in the pieces of paragraphs rephrased by the bot. However, it did. So, maybe this tool is not so bad. The grammar checker also demonstrated a satisfying result. But as always, it cannot guarantee you 100% error-free work.

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ScamFighter is a safe repository of facts. Formulated by a team of intellectuals and former ghostwriters who have a comprehensive grasp of the industry, ScamFighter is marked with an insider's point of view on academic writing services. Our writing services reviews are detailed and based on an exhaustive list of pre-determined criteria, enabling us to objectively evaluate service quality, reliability, and value. The skill and expertise of our team allow us to spot and highlight hidden details and subtleties that might be overlooked by an untrained eye, thus making our reviews thoughtful and informative. More than that, ScamFighter is guided by fairness and affordability so you can trust us!

How to use Meta’s new AI chatbot that you can’t avoid

Facebook, instagram, messenger and whatsapp are all pushing a new ai chatbot.

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With seemingly fewer friends posting to their main Facebook and Instagram feeds, Meta has introduced a new feature its users can talk to: an AI chatbot.

The feature, named Meta AI, is rolling out to the company’s main apps including Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp. It’s primarily a conversational chat window where you can ask questions and generate AI images, similar to other AI chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Co-Pilot and Google’s Gemini.

Despite over a year of artificial intelligence being everywhere, this could be many people’s first interaction with the technology. Meta has billions of users across its apps, and anyone who has managed to avoid the bots so far will find this one nearly impossible to escape.

Should you trust that AI?

Why is this ai chatbot here.

Facebook and Instagram users probably weren’t banging down Mark Zuckerberg’s door demanding an AI chatbot, so why is this feature suddenly everywhere? The technology is still new and its utility debatable. However, the major tech companies have decided that, like voice assistants and scrollable vertical videos before it, AI is the next big thing. Now they are competing to push out their versions. Facebook and Instagram used to rely on users’ friends, family and communities to keep their attention. Now, as these platforms are aging, the companies may hope a chatty bot can replace some of the human interaction.

How do I find it?

The chatbot is integrated in search and messaging features across Meta’s apps, and may appear in your feed under some posts as well. If you don’t see the AI features it yet, check back later. Its presence is marked with its logo: a thin ring that’s mostly blue and occasionally animated. The AI tool can also be accessed online on the stand-alone website meta.ai . It is not included in the company’s app for children, Messenger Kids.

On Facebook, tap the search icon on top and you’ll find that the usual search bar has been replaced with one that says, “Ask Meta AI anything.” As you start typing, it will auto-suggest searches. Anything with the blue circle next to it is going to bring up the AI chat window. You can also tap the messages icon and engage with Meta AI as if it’s another pal to talk to. If you see it under a post in your feed, it will suggest questions to ask related to the content you see.

In Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp, you’ll also find Meta AI has taken over the search bars and appears as another chat. If your accounts are connected to each other, the Meta AI conversation should pick up where you left off, regardless of what app you’re in.

How do I turn it off?

There’s no way to get rid of Meta AI in search, confirmed Meta. In WhatsApp, there is an option to hide the new Meta AI button by going to Settings → Chats → Show Meta AI Button. However, it’s still in the search bar. Other apps have an option to mute its replies. I asked the AI chatbot how to turn it off and got multiple incorrect answers with instructions that did not work and for settings that don’t exist.

You can delete a chat with Meta AI to remove it from recent conversations in the same way you would any other chat. Swipe left on the chat and select Delete in Instagram, More → Delete on Facebook and Messenger, and More → Delete Chat on WhatsApp.

How do I get started?

Start typing full sentences or random words in any of the apps’ search bars or in the conversations with Meta AI. If this is your first time using an AI chatbot, you can begin by asking simple questions and even for a list of ways to use it.

I did the first things any normal person does when testing an AI tool. I asked it to be my pretend boyfriend, told it to generate images of ducks writing breakup letters and tried to push its boundaries. I discovered it avoids partaking in overtly sexual conversations or generating photos of the Pope (entirely unrelated questions). As with all artificial intelligence, there are creative ways to get around its filters.

Meta AI includes options for shortcuts. Type a forward slash and command, like /joke:, /imagine: or /story: and type your description after. However, these aren’t really necessary since you can make the same requests in a conversational way, such as “tell me a story about depressed hamster who ran for mayor.”

What should I use it for?

An AI chatbot is like having an enthusiastic but unreliable friend. You can ask it almost anything — but never assume it’s telling the truth. With that in mind, use Meta AI for fun and for noncritical tasks. Ask random questions like you would with Google, start conversations to feel less alone and use it to brainstorm.

Meta AI can also generate images, though in our tests they have the typical flaws associated with artificial intelligence. Most share the hyper-realistic lighting that AI images are known for, fumble details like fingers and eyes, and frequently give women exposed, ample cleavage.

There are plenty of other things you can try. Ask Meta AI to animate images, request a summary of the day’s news or ask it to take on the personality of a specific character when speaking to you. Because it’s integrated with Meta’s other products, you can use it to search things like “Reels of people learning to roller skate.”

To get the best results and avoid bland responses, ask follow-up questions and give as many details as possible. For a list of starter ideas, check out Tech Friend Shira Ovide’s recommendations of useful things to ask a chatbot .

What should I not use it for?

Don’t use AI as an authority for anything of consequence. For example, don’t rely on a chatbot for medical advice or as a source for school or work. Ethically, you shouldn’t use it to write papers for school, though Meta AI is happy to spit out wooden essays on demand.

Experts warn there is a danger of misinformation from tools like Meta’s chatbot. To steer clear, avoid using it as a go-to for anything sensitive or political. Turn to human sources instead like reporters, experts, even Wikipedia and Reddit, before artificial intelligence. For more advice on avoiding misinformation, check out our guide.

How is it different from other AI bots?

For the basics, Meta AI appears to spit out the same generic answers as its competitors. I asked five different chatbots about the best taqueria in San Francisco, a vegetarian meal plan, if God exists and how to know if a polycule is right for you. For the most part, they all gave incredibly similar, mundane but neutral answers with the exception of Microsoft’s Co-pilot, which does not enjoy shenanigans.

Is it keeping my information?

Use the same precautions typing questions and thoughts into an AI chatbot as you would a Google search. Meta does save the conversations but to protect privacy, the data is anonymized, meaning it’s not connected to your name or identity. While this is standard for technology companies, experts say it’s possible to re-identify people using additional data points. If you want to delete a chat, you can use the shortcut “/reset-ai” and Meta claims it will remove the conversation from its servers.

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NPR defends its journalism after senior editor says it has lost the public's trust

David Folkenflik 2018 square

David Folkenflik

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NPR is defending its journalism and integrity after a senior editor wrote an essay accusing it of losing the public's trust. Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

NPR is defending its journalism and integrity after a senior editor wrote an essay accusing it of losing the public's trust.

NPR's top news executive defended its journalism and its commitment to reflecting a diverse array of views on Tuesday after a senior NPR editor wrote a broad critique of how the network has covered some of the most important stories of the age.

"An open-minded spirit no longer exists within NPR, and now, predictably, we don't have an audience that reflects America," writes Uri Berliner.

A strategic emphasis on diversity and inclusion on the basis of race, ethnicity and sexual orientation, promoted by NPR's former CEO, John Lansing, has fed "the absence of viewpoint diversity," Berliner writes.

NPR's chief news executive, Edith Chapin, wrote in a memo to staff Tuesday afternoon that she and the news leadership team strongly reject Berliner's assessment.

"We're proud to stand behind the exceptional work that our desks and shows do to cover a wide range of challenging stories," she wrote. "We believe that inclusion — among our staff, with our sourcing, and in our overall coverage — is critical to telling the nuanced stories of this country and our world."

NPR names tech executive Katherine Maher to lead in turbulent era

NPR names tech executive Katherine Maher to lead in turbulent era

She added, "None of our work is above scrutiny or critique. We must have vigorous discussions in the newsroom about how we serve the public as a whole."

A spokesperson for NPR said Chapin, who also serves as the network's chief content officer, would have no further comment.

Praised by NPR's critics

Berliner is a senior editor on NPR's Business Desk. (Disclosure: I, too, am part of the Business Desk, and Berliner has edited many of my past stories. He did not see any version of this article or participate in its preparation before it was posted publicly.)

Berliner's essay , titled "I've Been at NPR for 25 years. Here's How We Lost America's Trust," was published by The Free Press, a website that has welcomed journalists who have concluded that mainstream news outlets have become reflexively liberal.

Berliner writes that as a Subaru-driving, Sarah Lawrence College graduate who "was raised by a lesbian peace activist mother ," he fits the mold of a loyal NPR fan.

Yet Berliner says NPR's news coverage has fallen short on some of the most controversial stories of recent years, from the question of whether former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election, to the origins of the virus that causes COVID-19, to the significance and provenance of emails leaked from a laptop owned by Hunter Biden weeks before the 2020 election. In addition, he blasted NPR's coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

On each of these stories, Berliner asserts, NPR has suffered from groupthink due to too little diversity of viewpoints in the newsroom.

The essay ricocheted Tuesday around conservative media , with some labeling Berliner a whistleblower . Others picked it up on social media, including Elon Musk, who has lambasted NPR for leaving his social media site, X. (Musk emailed another NPR reporter a link to Berliner's article with a gibe that the reporter was a "quisling" — a World War II reference to someone who collaborates with the enemy.)

When asked for further comment late Tuesday, Berliner declined, saying the essay spoke for itself.

The arguments he raises — and counters — have percolated across U.S. newsrooms in recent years. The #MeToo sexual harassment scandals of 2016 and 2017 forced newsrooms to listen to and heed more junior colleagues. The social justice movement prompted by the killing of George Floyd in 2020 inspired a reckoning in many places. Newsroom leaders often appeared to stand on shaky ground.

Leaders at many newsrooms, including top editors at The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times , lost their jobs. Legendary Washington Post Executive Editor Martin Baron wrote in his memoir that he feared his bonds with the staff were "frayed beyond repair," especially over the degree of self-expression his journalists expected to exert on social media, before he decided to step down in early 2021.

Since then, Baron and others — including leaders of some of these newsrooms — have suggested that the pendulum has swung too far.

Legendary editor Marty Baron describes his 'Collision of Power' with Trump and Bezos

Author Interviews

Legendary editor marty baron describes his 'collision of power' with trump and bezos.

New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger warned last year against journalists embracing a stance of what he calls "one-side-ism": "where journalists are demonstrating that they're on the side of the righteous."

"I really think that that can create blind spots and echo chambers," he said.

Internal arguments at The Times over the strength of its reporting on accusations that Hamas engaged in sexual assaults as part of a strategy for its Oct. 7 attack on Israel erupted publicly . The paper conducted an investigation to determine the source of a leak over a planned episode of the paper's podcast The Daily on the subject, which months later has not been released. The newsroom guild accused the paper of "targeted interrogation" of journalists of Middle Eastern descent.

Heated pushback in NPR's newsroom

Given Berliner's account of private conversations, several NPR journalists question whether they can now trust him with unguarded assessments about stories in real time. Others express frustration that he had not sought out comment in advance of publication. Berliner acknowledged to me that for this story, he did not seek NPR's approval to publish the piece, nor did he give the network advance notice.

Some of Berliner's NPR colleagues are responding heatedly. Fernando Alfonso, a senior supervising editor for digital news, wrote that he wholeheartedly rejected Berliner's critique of the coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict, for which NPR's journalists, like their peers, periodically put themselves at risk.

Alfonso also took issue with Berliner's concern over the focus on diversity at NPR.

"As a person of color who has often worked in newsrooms with little to no people who look like me, the efforts NPR has made to diversify its workforce and its sources are unique and appropriate given the news industry's long-standing lack of diversity," Alfonso says. "These efforts should be celebrated and not denigrated as Uri has done."

After this story was first published, Berliner contested Alfonso's characterization, saying his criticism of NPR is about the lack of diversity of viewpoints, not its diversity itself.

"I never criticized NPR's priority of achieving a more diverse workforce in terms of race, ethnicity and sexual orientation. I have not 'denigrated' NPR's newsroom diversity goals," Berliner said. "That's wrong."

Questions of diversity

Under former CEO John Lansing, NPR made increasing diversity, both of its staff and its audience, its "North Star" mission. Berliner says in the essay that NPR failed to consider broader diversity of viewpoint, noting, "In D.C., where NPR is headquartered and many of us live, I found 87 registered Democrats working in editorial positions and zero Republicans."

Berliner cited audience estimates that suggested a concurrent falloff in listening by Republicans. (The number of people listening to NPR broadcasts and terrestrial radio broadly has declined since the start of the pandemic.)

Former NPR vice president for news and ombudsman Jeffrey Dvorkin tweeted , "I know Uri. He's not wrong."

Others questioned Berliner's logic. "This probably gets causality somewhat backward," tweeted Semafor Washington editor Jordan Weissmann . "I'd guess that a lot of NPR listeners who voted for [Mitt] Romney have changed how they identify politically."

Similarly, Nieman Lab founder Joshua Benton suggested the rise of Trump alienated many NPR-appreciating Republicans from the GOP.

In recent years, NPR has greatly enhanced the percentage of people of color in its workforce and its executive ranks. Four out of 10 staffers are people of color; nearly half of NPR's leadership team identifies as Black, Asian or Latino.

"The philosophy is: Do you want to serve all of America and make sure it sounds like all of America, or not?" Lansing, who stepped down last month, says in response to Berliner's piece. "I'd welcome the argument against that."

"On radio, we were really lagging in our representation of an audience that makes us look like what America looks like today," Lansing says. The U.S. looks and sounds a lot different than it did in 1971, when NPR's first show was broadcast, Lansing says.

A network spokesperson says new NPR CEO Katherine Maher supports Chapin and her response to Berliner's critique.

The spokesperson says that Maher "believes that it's a healthy thing for a public service newsroom to engage in rigorous consideration of the needs of our audiences, including where we serve our mission well and where we can serve it better."

Disclosure: This story was reported and written by NPR Media Correspondent David Folkenflik and edited by Deputy Business Editor Emily Kopp and Managing Editor Gerry Holmes. Under NPR's protocol for reporting on itself, no NPR corporate official or news executive reviewed this story before it was posted publicly.

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  4. A new tool helps teachers detect if AI wrote an assignment

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    Paper Quality. EssayBot is a stand-alone service in terms of paper quality. Since its work is not based on a human but rather on artificial intelligence (AI) and its algorithms, the quality of their papers desires to be much better. Their AI can be classified as a narrow AI, which means it cannot match the quality of papers, which we would ...

  16. Essaybot: Free Essay Writing Tool

    Essaybot is a 100% free professional essay writing service powered by AI. We offer essay formats for Argumentative Essay, Expository Essay, Narrative Essay, ITELS & TOEFL Essay and many more. Provide academic inspiration and paragraphs to help you in writing essays and finding citations. Finish your essay in 30 minutes!

  17. Essay Bot Writing Tools: A 2024 Guide

    What Is an Essay Bot Writing Tool? Essay bots use machine learning in writing to provide unique text instead of a human. They work as a linguistic model - consume the content on the Internet, analyze how it is written, and reorder this information to provide new context. Such tools provide plenty of benefits for students and professionals.

  18. How Does ChatGPT Really Work?

    Step 3: Build your neural network. Once our data is tokenized, we need to assemble the A.I.'s "brain" — a type of system known as a neural network. This is a complex web of interconnected ...

  19. Essaybot Pricing: Cost and Pricing plans

    Essaybot is an Artificial Intelligence (AI-powered) essay writing assistant/bot that is designed to assist you in writing superior quality essays that are entirely plagiarism-free. It helps you find various valuable sources that you can draw inspiration from after entering the title or the topic of your essay. It also suggests and paraphrases parts of sentences apart from generating full ...

  20. Finally! Real EssayBot Review (2024)

    1.0. 💲 Minimal price. 3.00. EssayBot is an attempt to create an AI that could write essays for you. Unfortunately, such technologies are not good enough to create good papers. At best, essaybot can generate some random parts of the unique text on a required topic. That could probably save you some time, but this service is not free.

  21. How to use Meta's new AI chatbot that you can't avoid

    The chatbot is integrated in search and messaging features across Meta's apps, and may appear in your feed under some posts as well. If you don't see the AI features it yet, check back later.

  22. The Circle Season 6 AI Bot Max: How Does It Work?

    Get to know this season's ultimate catfish Max, an AI bot who fooled even the most suspicious players in the game. Plus, it's time to open a chat with the bot itself, Max. Get to know this season's ultimate catfish Max, an AI bot who fooled even the most suspicious players in the game. ...

  23. NPR responds after editor says it has 'lost America's trust' : NPR

    When asked for further comment late Tuesday, Berliner declined, saying the essay spoke for itself. The arguments he raises — and counters — have percolated across U.S. newsrooms in recent years.

  24. Does Essay Bot Really Work

    Does Essay Bot Really Work - William. The essay writers who will write an essay for me have been in this domain for years and know the consequences that you will face if the draft is found to have plagiarism. Thus, they take notes and then put the information in their own words for the draft. To be double sure about this entire thing, your ...

  25. Does Essay Bot Really Work

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