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Albert Einstein

By: Editors

Updated: May 16, 2019 | Original: October 27, 2009

Albert EinsteinPortrait of physicist Albert Einstein, sitting at a table holding a pipe, circa 1933. (Photo by Lambert/Keystone/Getty Images)

The German-born physicist Albert Einstein developed the first of his groundbreaking theories while working as a clerk in the Swiss patent office in Bern. After making his name with four scientific articles published in 1905, he went on to win worldwide fame for his general theory of relativity and a Nobel Prize in 1921 for his explanation of the phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect. An outspoken pacifist who was publicly identified with the Zionist movement, Einstein emigrated from Germany to the United States when the Nazis took power before World War II. He lived and worked in Princeton, New Jersey, for the remainder of his life.

Einstein’s Early Life (1879-1904)

Born on March 14, 1879, in the southern German city of Ulm, Albert Einstein grew up in a middle-class Jewish family in Munich. As a child, Einstein became fascinated by music (he played the violin), mathematics and science. He dropped out of school in 1894 and moved to Switzerland, where he resumed his schooling and later gained admission to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic Institute in Zurich. In 1896, he renounced his German citizenship, and remained officially stateless before becoming a Swiss citizen in 1901.

Did you know? Almost immediately after Albert Einstein learned of the atomic bomb's use in Japan, he became an advocate for nuclear disarmament. He formed the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists and backed Manhattan Project scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer in his opposition to the hydrogen bomb.

While at Zurich Polytechnic, Einstein fell in love with his fellow student Mileva Maric, but his parents opposed the match and he lacked the money to marry. The couple had an illegitimate daughter, Lieserl, born in early 1902, of whom little is known. After finding a position as a clerk at the Swiss patent office in Bern, Einstein married Maric in 1903; they would have two more children, Hans Albert (born 1904) and Eduard (born 1910).

Einstein’s Miracle Year (1905)

While working at the patent office, Einstein did some of the most creative work of his life, producing no fewer than four groundbreaking articles in 1905 alone. In the first paper, he applied the quantum theory (developed by German physicist Max Planck) to light in order to explain the phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect, by which a material will emit electrically charged particles when hit by light. The second article contained Einstein’s experimental proof of the existence of atoms, which he got by analyzing the phenomenon of Brownian motion, in which tiny particles were suspended in water.

In the third and most famous article, titled “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies,” Einstein confronted the apparent contradiction between two principal theories of physics: Isaac Newton’s concepts of absolute space and time and James Clerk Maxwell’s idea that the speed of light was a constant. To do this, Einstein introduced his special theory of relativity, which held that the laws of physics are the same even for objects moving in different inertial frames (i.e. at constant speeds relative to each other), and that the speed of light is a constant in all inertial frames. A fourth paper concerned the fundamental relationship between mass and energy, concepts viewed previously as completely separate. Einstein’s famous equation E = mc2 (where “c” was the constant speed of light) expressed this relationship.

From Zurich to Berlin (1906-1932)

Einstein continued working at the patent office until 1909, when he finally found a full-time academic post at the University of Zurich. In 1913, he arrived at the University of Berlin, where he was made director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics. The move coincided with the beginning of Einstein’s romantic relationship with a cousin of his, Elsa Lowenthal, whom he would eventually marry after divorcing Mileva. In 1915, Einstein published the general theory of relativity, which he considered his masterwork. This theory found that gravity, as well as motion, can affect time and space. According to Einstein’s equivalence principle–which held that gravity’s pull in one direction is equivalent to an acceleration of speed in the opposite direction–if light is bent by acceleration, it must also be bent by gravity. In 1919, two expeditions sent to perform experiments during a solar eclipse found that light rays from distant stars were deflected or bent by the gravity of the sun in just the way Einstein had predicted.

The general theory of relativity was the first major theory of gravity since Newton’s, more than 250 years before, and the results made a tremendous splash worldwide, with the London Times proclaiming a “Revolution in Science” and a “New Theory of the Universe.” Einstein began touring the world, speaking in front of crowds of thousands in the United States, Britain, France and Japan. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for his work on the photoelectric effect, as his work on relativity remained controversial at the time. Einstein soon began building on his theories to form a new science of cosmology, which held that the universe was dynamic instead of static, and was capable of expanding and contracting.

Einstein Moves to the United States (1933-39)

A longtime pacifist and a Jew, Einstein became the target of hostility in Weimar Germany, where many citizens were suffering plummeting economic fortunes in the aftermath of defeat in the Great War. In December 1932, a month before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, Einstein made the decision to emigrate to the United States, where he took a position at the newly founded Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey . He would never again enter the country of his birth.

By the time Einstein’s wife Elsa died in 1936, he had been involved for more than a decade with his efforts to find a unified field theory, which would incorporate all the laws of the universe, and those of physics, into a single framework. In the process, Einstein became increasingly isolated from many of his colleagues, who were focused mainly on the quantum theory and its implications, rather than on relativity.

Einstein’s Later Life (1939-1955)

In the late 1930s, Einstein’s theories, including his equation E=mc2, helped form the basis of the development of the atomic bomb. In 1939, at the urging of the Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard, Einstein wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt advising him to approve funding for the development of uranium before Germany could gain the upper hand. Einstein, who became a U.S. citizen in 1940 but retained his Swiss citizenship, was never asked to participate in the resulting Manhattan Project , as the U.S. government suspected his socialist and pacifist views. In 1952, Einstein declined an offer extended by David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s premier, to become president of Israel .

Throughout the last years of his life, Einstein continued his quest for a unified field theory. Though he published an article on the theory in Scientific American in 1950, it remained unfinished when he died, of an aortic aneurysm, five years later. In the decades following his death, Einstein’s reputation and stature in the world of physics only grew, as physicists began to unravel the mystery of the so-called “strong force” (the missing piece of his unified field theory) and space satellites further verified the principles of his cosmology.

biography albert einstein wikipedia

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Originally stolen by the doctor trusted to perform his autopsy, scientists over the decades have examined the brain of Albert Einstein to try and determine what made this seemingly normal man tick.

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Albert Einstein

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  • Swapnil Das

Einstein in 1921, at age 42.

Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist, whose contributions to quantum mechanics , statistical mechanics , and his development of special relativity and general relativity , shaped almost every field of physics as it stands today. His approach to solving difficult problems by using thought experiments (or gedankenexperiments ) became a critical part of the physicist's mental tool box. As a public figure, he played an important role in the surge of interest in physics after World War II and was an advocate for peace.\(^{[1]}\)

The Miracle Year

Quantum mechanics, general relativity, involvement with nuclear weapons.

In 1905, at the age of 26, while working as a clerk at a Swiss patent office, Einstein published four papers that would completely revolutionize physics. The work was so impressive that historians call 1905 Einstein's annus mirabilis, or "miracle year."

Brownian motion: a speck of pollen (yellow dot) getting moved by molecules of water (black dots)

Brownian Motion

The first was a theoretical explanation of Brownian motion . Brownian motion is the random motion of a small object (such as a speck of pollen) while suspended in a fluid (such as water). Einstein demonstrated that this motion was the result of many tiny molecules colliding with the pollen. At the time, physicists suspected that matter was made of discrete atoms and molecules, but there was little direct evidence for their existence. While Einstein didn’t win the Nobel Prize for this work, Jean Perrin did win the Nobel Prize in 1926 for his experimental verification of Einstein’s model.

Photoelectric Effect

When light hits a metal, it can cause a current to flow, a phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect . However, light below a certain frequency cannot cause current to flow, no matter how much of it you shine on the metal. This was in stark contrast with classical mechanics, which would predict that the total energy of the beam of light was all that mattered to making electricity flow. It shouldn't have mattered what frequency the light had so long as there was enough of it.

Einstein came up with the idea of photons, or individual packets of light with discrete quantities of energy, to explain these effects. Each photon has an energy \(E = h\nu\), where \(h\) is Planck's constant and \(\nu\) is the frequency of light. The electrons are kicked off of the atoms to which they are bound by individual photons. If no individual photon has high enough energy, no electrons will be kicked off, regardless of how many photons there are.

The photoelectric effect is the observation that many metals emit electrons when light shines upon them. Electrons emitted in this manner can be called photoelectrons.

The work function of an element is the minimum energy needed to remove an electron from the solid element. The work function for rubidium is \(\SI[per-mode=symbol]{208.4}{\kilo\joule\per\mole}\).

What is the minimum amount of energy needed to eject a single electron from the surface of rubidium metal?

\(\) Details and Assumptions:

  • \(N_A = 6.022 \times 10^{23} \si{\mole}.\)
  • \(h = 6.63 \times 10^{-34}\si{\joule\second}.\)
  • \(c = 3 \times 10^8\si[per-mode=symbol]{\meter\per\second}.\)

Special Relativity

The fact that the electromagnetic field can produce waves was discovered in 1865 by James Clerk Maxwell. It was thought that since electromagnetic waves are waves, they must be waves in a medium in the same way that air is a medium for sound waves. This hypothetical medium was known as the ether. If this were true, the speed of light would depend on an observer's speed relative to the ether. However, rigorous experimentation had shown that light moved at the same speed for all observers. Einstein developed thought experiments based on this premise. He considered what different observers moving at different velocities would measure when examining the same beam of light. Since the velocity of the light is fixed for both, he concluded that the distances and time intervals each observer measured must be different. Furthermore, whether or not two events appear simultaneous depend on the relative velocity of the observer.

He originally called his idea the principle of relativity, but after discussing the idea with his math professor Hermann Minkowski, he realized that the core of the idea was actually invariance. While lengths of space and durations of time vary for different observers, they vary in a way such that a quantity known as the interval, which measures both space and time, remains invariant. Minkowski once said that special relativity "...came as such a tremendous surprise, for in his student days Einstein had been a lazy dog. He never bothered about mathematics at all."\(^\text{[2]}\)

Mass-Energy Equivalence

Einstein's most famous formula (and arguably the most famous formula in physics) is \(E = mc^2\). This states that objects at rest have energy simply by virtue of their mass. Einstein came up with it by considering how observers moving at different velocities relative to each other would measure energy and momentum, much in the same way that he came up with special relativity by considering how observers would measure time and space. He stated that a particular combination of energy and momentum will always be equal to \(mc^2\).

When a massive particle collides with its corresponding antiparticle, they annihilate, producing photons with energy equal to their rest mass energy.

Imagine that you had \(1\text{ g}\) of hydrogen and \(1\text{ g}\) of anti-hydrogen. How much energy would you release if you let them collide? Express your answer as an order of magnitude. (That is, give \(k,\) when your answer is of the form \(a \times 10^k\) joules.)

For comparison, the atomic bomb detonated over Nagasaki released \(8.8 \times 10^{13}\text{ J}\).

Despite playing a large role in formulating quantum mechanics, Einstein was famously uncomfortable with some of its implications. He once wrote to his colleague Max Born that "...quantum mechanics is certainly imposing. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory says a lot, but does not really bring us any closer to the secret of the 'old one.' I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not throw dice."\(^\text{[3]}\) Physicists and philosophers still debate today whether Einstein's intuition was correct, though the six decades following his death have solidified quantum mechanics as a deeply important and wide-reaching physical theory.

Bose-Einstein Condensates Plot of velocities as a gas transitions into a Bose-Einstein condensate

A Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter unique to bosons at low energy, in which all the bosons are in nearly the same state, and their positions and velocities become highly correlated to each other. Satreyenda Bose developed the idea for photons (which are one variety of boson), and Einstein extended it to the more general case. The experimental realization of Bose-Einstein condensates won Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl Wiemann, and Eric Cornell the Nobel Prize in 2001.

Einstein developed a thought experiment involving an observer in an elevator falling at constant acceleration. The person in the elevator shouldn't be able to tell what acceleration they are falling at. Since everything inside the elevator is accelerating at the same rate, relative to each other it is just as though none of them are accelerating at all. This is called the principle of equivalence. Einstein realized that accounting for this principle would require an extension of special relativity, and spent from 1907 to 1915 developing a general theory that would account for this by allowing spacetime to be curved. This curvature is caused by the presence of massive objects, which in turn move in response to the curvature of spacetime. This relation is described by the Einstein field equations, the central mathematical formulas behind general relativity.

Einstein lacked the necessary mathematical background to formalize his insights, and went to mathematician David Hilbert for help. After they met, both Hilbert and Einstein worked independently on developing the field equations. Hilbert actually submitted a paper containing the equations 12 days before Einstein submitted his. Fortunately, Hilbert did not dispute that Einstein had done most of the work developing the physical theory.\(^\text{[4]}\)

Gravitational Waves An exaggerated simulation of waves in the fabric of spacetime. Image credit: NASA

In 1916, Einstein realized that his field equations implied the existence of a new type of wave. Two massive objects rotating around each other would create periodic ripples in spacetime, otherwise known as gravitational waves . In 1936, he nearly changed his mind and wrote a paper claiming that gravitational waves couldn't exist, but fortunately a reviewer found his math mistake. The search for gravitational waves culminated on February 11, 2016, when two groups published a paper demonstrating direct observation of waves from a binary black hole merger.\(^\text{[5]}\)

An Einstein-Rosen Bridge, formed from "pasting together" two black holes In 1935, Einstein also helped develop the notion of an Einstein-Rosen bridge, more commonly known as a wormhole. A wormhole is an interesting topological feature of spacetime that would allow one to take a "shortcut" through the universe. The specific type of wormhole that Einstein proposed later turned out to be infeasible, as the wormhole would close off faster than light could make it from one side to the other.\(^\text{[6]}\) However, wormholes in general and other nontrivial topological features of spacetime are still of interest today.

Much of Einstein's later career was spent attempting to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity into a single unified field theory , or theory of everything. Describing quantum gravity fully is still an unsolved problem, though string theory is one popular and promising line of research.

Einstein was critical to the development of the atomic bomb. As a pacificist, he was opposed to the bomb, but he was also concerned about the possibility that Nazi scientists might make it before the Allies could.\(^\text{[7]}\) Leo Szilard convinced him to sign a letter to President Roosevelt asking Roosevelt to fund a nuclear research program.\(^\text{[8]}\) That program eventually became the Manhattan Project, which would go on to develop the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Einstein himself did not actually work on the development of the bomb.

During the Cold War, Einstein was an outspoken critic of nuclear weapons, teaming together with mathematician Bertrand Russell and other preeminent physicists to write the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, a powerful plea to the scientific and lay community to find a way to achieve peaceful resolution without resorting to nuclear war.\(^\text{[1]}\)

The letter was published posthumously. Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955.

[1] Russell, Bertrand; Einstein, Albert. The Russell-Einstein Manifesto. Retrieved from on February 22, 2016.

[2] Isaacson, Walter. Einstein, His Life and Universe . 2007.

[3] Einstein, Albert. Letter to Max Born. December 4, 1926. Published in The Born-Einstein Letters , translated by Irene Born. Retrieved from on February 22, 2016.

[4] Retrieve on February 22, 2016.

[5] Cho, A. Gravitational waves, Einstein's ripples in spacetime, spotted for first time . Science . February 11, 2016. Retrieved on February 21, 2016.

[6] Fuller, Robert and Wheeler, John. Causality and Multiply Connected Spacetime . Physical Review 128, Retrieved on February 21, 2016.

[7] Isaacson, Walter. Chain Reaction: From Einstein to the Atomic Bomb. Discover Magazine. March 18, 2008. Retrieved from on February 22, 2016.

[8] Szilard, Leo; Einstein, Albert. Letter to President Roosevelt. August 2, 1939. Retrieved from on February 22, 2016.

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Albert Einstein: Biography, facts and impact on science

A brief biography of Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 - April 18, 1955), the scientist whose theories changed the way we think about the universe.

A black and white photograph of Albert Einstein wearing a suit and sitting at his desk

  • Einstein's birthday and education

Einstein's wives and children

How einstein changed physics.

  • Later years and death

Gravitational waves and relativity

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Albert Einstein was a German-American physicist and probably the most well-known scientist of the 20th century. He is famous for his theory of relativity , a pillar of modern physics that describes the dynamics of light and extremely massive entities, as well as his work in quantum mechanics , which focuses on the subatomic realm. 

Albert Einstein's birthday and education

Einstein was born in Ulm, in the German state of Württemberg, on March 14, 1879, according to a biography from the Nobel Prize organization . His family moved to Munich six weeks later, and in 1885, when he was 6 years old, he began attending Petersschule, a Catholic elementary school.

Contrary to popular belief, Einstein was a good student. "Yesterday Albert received his grades, he was again number one, and his report card was brilliant," his mother once wrote to her sister, according to a German website dedicated to Einstein's legacy. But when he later switched to the Luitpold grammar school, young Einstein chafed under the school's authoritarian attitude, and his teacher once said of him, "never will he get anywhere."

In 1896, at age 17, Einstein entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. A few years later, he gained his diploma and acquired Swiss citizenship but was unable to find a teaching post. So he accepted a position as a technical assistant in the Swiss patent office. 

Related: 10 discoveries that prove Einstein was right about the universe — and 1 that proves him wrong

Einstein married Mileva Maric, his longtime love and former student, in 1903. A year prior, they had a child out of wedlock, who was discovered by scholars only in the 1980s, when private letters revealed her existence. The daughter, called Lieserl in the letters, may have been mentally challenged and either died young or was adopted when she was a year old. Einstein had two other children with Maric, Hans Albert and Eduard, born in 1904 and 1910, respectively.

Einstein divorced Maric in 1919 and soon married his cousin Elsa Löwenthal, with whom he had been in a relationship since 1912.

Einstein obtained his doctorate in physics in 1905 — a year that's often known as his annus mirabilis ("year of miracles" in Latin), according to the Library of Congress . That year, he published four groundbreaking papers of significant importance in physics.

The first incorporated the idea that light could come in discrete particles called photons. This theory describes the photoelectric effect , the concept that underpins modern solar power. The second explained Brownian motion, or the random motion of particles or molecules. Einstein looked at the case of a dust mote moving randomly on the surface of water and suggested that water is made up of tiny, vibrating molecules that kick the dust back and forth. 

The final two papers outlined his theory of special relativity, which showed how observers moving at different speeds would agree about the speed of light, which was a constant. These papers also introduced the equation E = mc^2, showing the equivalence between mass and energy. That finding is perhaps the most widely known aspect of Einstein's work. (In this infamous equation, E stands for energy, m represents mass and c is the constant speed of light).

In 1915, Einstein published four papers outlining his theory of general relativity, which updated Isaac Newton's laws of gravity by explaining that the force of gravity arose because massive objects warp the fabric of space-time. The theory was validated in 1919, when British astronomer Arthur Eddington observed stars at the edge of the sun during a solar eclipse and was able to show that their light was bent by the sun's gravitational well, causing shifts in their perceived positions.

Related: 8 Ways you can see Einstein's theory of relativity in real life

In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize in physics for his work on the photoelectric effect, though the committee members also mentioned his "services to Theoretical Physics" when presenting their award. The decision to give Einstein the award was controversial because the brilliant physicist was a Jew and a pacifist. Anti-Semitism was on the rise and relativity was not yet seen as a proven theory, according to an article from The Guardian .

Einstein was a professor at the University of Berlin for a time but fled Germany with Löwenthal in 1933, during the rise of Adolf Hitler. He renounced his German citizenship and moved to the United States to become a professor of theoretical physics at Princeton, becoming a U.S. citizen in 1940.

During this era, other researchers were creating a revolution by reformulating the rules of the smallest known entities in existence. The laws of quantum mechanics had been worked out by a group led by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr , and Einstein was intimately involved with their efforts.

Bohr and Einstein famously clashed over quantum mechanics. Bohr and his cohorts proposed that quantum particles behaved according to probabilistic laws, which Einstein found unacceptable, quipping that " God does not play dice with the universe ." Bohr's views eventually came to dominate much of contemporary thinking about quantum mechanics.

This autographed photo of Albert Einstein with his tongue out was sold at auction for $125,000.

Einstein's later years and death

After he retired in 1945, Einstein spent most of his later years trying to unify gravity with electromagnetism in what's known as a unified field theory . Einstein died of a burst blood vessel near his heart on April 18, 1955, never unifying these forces.

Einstein's body was cremated and his ashes were spread in an undisclosed location, according to the American Museum of Natural History . But a doctor performed an unauthorized craniotomy before this and removed and saved Einstein's brain. 

The brain has been the subject of many tests over the decades, which suggested that it had extra folding in the gray matter, the site of conscious thinking. In particular, there were more folds in the frontal lobes, which have been tied to abstract thought and planning. However, drawing any conclusions about intelligence based on a single specimen is problematic. 

Related: Where is Einstein's brain?

In addition to his incredible legacy regarding relativity and quantum mechanics, Einstein conducted lesser-known research into a refrigeration method that required no motors, moving parts or coolant. He was also a tireless anti-war advocate, helping found the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists , an organization dedicated to warning the public about the dangers of nuclear weapons . 

Einstein's theories concerning relativity have so far held up spectacularly as a predictive models. Astronomers have found that, as the legendary physicist anticipated, the light of distant objects is lensed by massive, closer entities, a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing, which has helped our understanding of the universe's evolution. The James Webb Space Telescope , launched in Dec. 2021, has utilized gravitational lensing on numerous occasions to detect light emitted near the dawn of time , dating to just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang.

In 2016, the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory also announced the first-ever direct detection of gravitational waves , created when massive neutron stars and black holes merge and generate ripples in the fabric of space-time. Further research published in 2023 found that the entire universe may be rippling with a faint "gravitational wave background," emitted by ancient, colliding black holes.

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Albert Einstein on the Nobel Prize website. Flip through digitized versions of Einstein's published and unpublished manuscripts at Einstein Archives Online. Learn about The Einstein Memorial at the National Academy of Sciences building in Washington, D.C. 

This article was last updated on March 11, 2024 by Live Science editor Brandon Specktor to include new information about how Einstein's theories have been validated by modern experiments.

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Adam Mann

Adam Mann is a freelance journalist with over a decade of experience, specializing in astronomy and physics stories. He has a bachelor's degree in astrophysics from UC Berkeley. His work has appeared in the New Yorker, New York Times, National Geographic, Wall Street Journal, Wired, Nature, Science, and many other places. He lives in Oakland, California, where he enjoys riding his bike. 

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Biography of Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist

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Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879–April 18, 1955), a German-born theoretical physicist who lived during the 20th century, revolutionized scientific thought. Having developed the Theory of Relativity, Einstein opened the door for the development of atomic power and the creation of the atomic bomb.

Einstein is best known for his 1905 general theory of relativity, E=mc 2 , which posits that energy (E) equals mass (m) times the speed of light (c) squared. But his influence went far beyond that theory. Einstein's theories also changed thinking about how the planets revolve around the sun. For his scientific contributions, Einstein also won the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics.

Einstein also was forced to flee Nazi Germany after the rise of Adolf Hitler . It's no exaggeration to say that his theories indirectly helped lead the Allies to victory over the Axis powers in World War II, particularly the defeat of Japan.

Fast Facts: Albert Einstein

  • Known For : The General Theory of Relativity, E=mc 2 , which led to the development of the atomic bomb and atomic power.
  • Born : March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Kingdom of Württemberg, German Empire
  • Parents : Hermann Einstein and Pauline Koch
  • Died : April 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey
  • Education : Swiss Federal Polytechnic (1896–1900, B.A., 1900; University of Zurich, Ph.D., 1905)
  • Published Works : On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light, On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, Does an Object’s Inertia Depend on Its Energy Content?
  • Awards and Honors : Barnard Medal (1920), Nobel Prize in Physics (1921), Matteucci Medal (1921), Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society (1926), Max Planck Medal (1929), Time Person of the Century (1999)
  • Spouses : Mileva Marić (m. 1903–1919), Elsa Löwenthal (m. 1919–1936)
  • Children : Lieserl, Hans Albert Einstein, Eduard
  • Notable Quote : "Try and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of nature and you will find that, behind all the discernible concatenations, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable."

Early Life and Education

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany to Jewish parents, Hermann and Pauline Einstein. A year later, Hermann Einstein's business failed and he moved his family to Munich to start a new electric business with his brother Jakob. In Munich, Albert's sister Maja was born in 1881. Only two years apart in age, Albert adored his sister and they had a close relationship with each other their whole lives.

Although Einstein is now considered the epitome of genius, in the first two decades of his life, many people thought Einstein was the exact opposite. Right after Einstein was born, relatives were concerned with Einstein's pointy head. Then, when Einstein didn't talk until he was 3 years old, his parents worried something was wrong with him.

Einstein also failed to impress his teachers. From elementary school through college, his teachers and professors thought he was lazy, sloppy, and insubordinate. Many of his teachers thought he would never amount to anything.

When Einstein was 15 years old, his father's new business had failed and the Einstein family moved to Italy. At first, Albert remained behind in Germany to finish high school, but he was soon unhappy with that arrangement and left school to rejoin his family.

Rather than finish high school, Einstein decided to apply directly to the prestigious Polytechnic Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. Although he failed the entrance exam on the first try, he spent a year studying at a local high school and retook the entrance exam in October 1896 and passed.

Once at the Polytechnic, Einstein again did not like school. Believing that his professors only taught old science, Einstein would often skip class, preferring to stay home and read about the newest in scientific theory. When he did attend class, Einstein would often make it obvious that he found the class dull.

Some last-minute studying allowed Einstein to graduate in 1900. However, once out of school, Einstein was unable to find a job because none of his teachers liked him enough to write him a recommendation letter.

For nearly two years, Einstein worked at short-term jobs until a friend was able to help him get a job as a patent clerk at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. Finally, with a job and some stability, Einstein was able to marry his college sweetheart, Mileva Maric, whom his parents strongly disapproved.

The couple went on to have two sons: Hans Albert (born 1904) and Eduard (born 1910).

Einstein the Patent Clerk

For seven years, Einstein worked six days a week as a patent clerk. He was responsible for examining the blueprints of other people's inventions and then determining whether they were feasible. If they were, Einstein had to ensure that no one else had already been given a patent for the same idea.

Somehow, between his very busy work and family life, Einstein not only found time to earn a doctorate from the University of Zurich (awarded 1905) but found time to think. It was while working at the patent office that Einstein made his most influential discoveries.

Influential Theories

In 1905, while working at the patent office, Einstein wrote five scientific papers, which were all published in the Annalen der Physik ( Annals of Physics , a major physics journal). Three of these were published together in September 1905.

In one paper, Einstein theorized that light must not just travel in waves but existed as particles, which explained the photoelectric effect. Einstein himself described this particular theory as "revolutionary." This was also the theory for which Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

In another paper, Einstein tackled the mystery of why pollen never settled to the bottom of a glass of water but rather, kept moving (Brownian motion). By declaring that the pollen was being moved by water molecules, Einstein solved a longstanding, scientific mystery and proved the existence of molecules.

His third paper described Einstein's "Special Theory of Relativity," in which Einstein revealed that space and time are not absolutes. The only thing that is constant, Einstein stated, is the speed of light; the rest of space and time are all based on the position of the observer.

Not only are space and time not absolutes, Einstein discovered that energy and mass, once thought completely distinct items, were actually interchangeable. In his E=mc 2  equation (E=energy, m=mass, and c=speed of light), Einstein created a simple formula to describe the relationship between energy and mass. This formula reveals that a very small amount of mass can be converted into a huge amount of energy, leading to the later invention of the atomic bomb.

Einstein was only 26 years old when these articles were published and already he had done more for science than any individual since Sir Isaac Newton.

Scientists Take Notice

In 1909, four years after his theories were first published, Einstein was finally offered a teaching position. Einstein enjoyed being a teacher at the University of Zurich. He had found traditional schooling as he grew up extremely limiting and thus he wanted to be a different kind of teacher. Arriving at school unkempt, with hair uncombed and his clothes too baggy, Einstein soon became known as much for his appearance as his teaching style.

As Einstein's fame within the scientific community grew, offers for new, better positions began to pour in. Within only a few years, Einstein worked at the University of Zurich ( Switzerland ), then the German University in Prague (Czech Republic), and then went back to Zurich for the Polytechnic Institute.

The frequent moves, the numerous conferences that Einstein attended, and preoccupation of Einstein with science left Mileva (Einstein's wife) feeling both neglected and lonely. When Einstein was offered a professorship at the University of Berlin in 1913, she didn't want to go. Einstein accepted the position anyway.

Not long after arriving in Berlin, Mileva and Albert separated. Realizing the marriage could not be salvaged, Mileva took the kids back to Zurich. They officially divorced in 1919.

Achieves Worldwide Fame

During  World War I , Einstein stayed in Berlin and worked diligently on new theories. He worked like a man obsessed. With Mileva gone, he often forgot to eat and sleep.

In 1917, the stress eventually took its toll and he collapsed. Diagnosed with gallstones, Einstein was told to rest. During his recuperation, Einstein's cousin Elsa helped nurse him back to health. The two became very close and when Albert's divorce was finalized, Albert and Elsa married.

It was during this time that Einstein revealed his General Theory of Relativity, which considered the effects of acceleration and gravity on time and space. If Einstein's theory was correct, then the gravity of the sun would bend light from stars.

In 1919, Einstein's General Theory of Relativity could be tested during a solar eclipse. In May 1919, two British astronomers (Arthur Eddington and Sir Frances Dyson) were able to put together an expedition that observed the  solar eclipse  and documented the bent light. In November 1919, their findings were announced publicly.

After having suffered monumental bloodshed during World War I, people around the world were craving news that went beyond their country's borders. Einstein became a worldwide celebrity overnight.

It wasn't just his revolutionary theories; it was Einstein's general persona that appealed to the masses. Einstein's disheveled hair, poorly fitting clothes, doe-like eyes, and witty charm endeared him to the average person. He was a genius, but he was an approachable one.

Instantly famous, Einstein was hounded by reporters and photographers wherever he went. He was given honorary degrees and asked to visit countries around the world. Albert and Elsa took trips to the United States, Japan, Palestine (now Israel), South America, and throughout Europe.

Becomes an Enemy of the State

Although Einstein spent the 1920s traveling and making special appearances, these took away from the time he could work on his scientific theories. By the early 1930s, finding time for science wasn't his only problem.

The political climate in Germany was changing drastically. When Adolf Hitler took power in 1933, Einstein was luckily visiting the United States (he never returned to Germany). The Nazis promptly declared Einstein an enemy of the state, ransacked his house, and burned his books.

As death threats began, Einstein finalized his plans to take a position at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey. He arrived at Princeton on Oct. 17, 1933.

Einstein suffered a personal loss when Elsa died on Dec. 20, 1936. Three years later, Einstein's sister Maja fled from  Mussolini's Italy and came to live with Einstein in Princeton. She stayed until her death in 1951.

Until the Nazis took power in Germany, Einstein had been a devoted pacifist for his entire life. However, with the harrowing tales coming out of Nazi-occupied Europe, Einstein reevaluated his pacifist ideals. In the case of the Nazis, Einstein realized they needed to be stopped, even if that meant using military might to do so.

The Atomic Bomb

In July 1939, scientists Leo Szilard and Eugene Wigner visited Einstein to discuss the possibility that Germany was working on building an atomic bomb.

The ramifications of Germany building such a destructive weapon prompted Einstein to write a letter to  President Franklin D. Roosevelt  to warn him about this potentially massive weapon. In response, Roosevelt established the  Manhattan Project , a collection of U.S. scientists urged to beat Germany to the construction of a working atomic bomb.

Even though Einstein's letter prompted the Manhattan Project, Einstein himself never worked on constructing the atomic bomb.

Later Years and Death

From 1922 until the end of his life, Einstein worked on finding a "unified field theory." Believing that "God does not play dice," Einstein searched for a single, unified theory that could combine all the fundamental forces of physics between elementary particles. Einstein never found it.

In the years after World War II , Einstein advocated for a world government and for civil rights. In 1952, after the death of Israel's first President Chaim Weizmann , Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel. Realizing that he was not good at politics and too aged to start something new, Einstein declined the offer.

On April 12, 1955, Einstein collapsed at his home. Just six days later, on April 18, 1955, Einstein died when the aneurysm he had been living with for several years finally burst. He was 76 years old.

Resources and Further Reading

  • “ The Year Of Albert Einstein. ” , Smithsonian Institution, 1 June 2005.
  • “ Albert Einstein. ” , A&E Networks Television, 14 Feb. 2019.
  • Kuepper, Hans-Josef. “ The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein. ”  Albert Einstein - Honours, Prizes and Awards.
  • Albert Einstein Printables
  • The Life and Work of Albert Einstein
  • Ancestry of Albert Einstein
  • Biography: Albert Einstein
  • 10 Things You Don't Know About Albert Einstein
  • Einstein's Theory of Relativity
  • Leo Szilard, Creator of Manhattan Project, Opposed Use of Atomic Bomb
  • Erwin Schrödinger and the Schrödinger's Cat Thought Experiment
  • Most Influential Scientists of the 20th Century
  • Max Planck Formulates Quantum Theory
  • Edward Teller and the Hydrogen Bomb
  • James Clerk Maxwell, Master of Electromagnetism
  • Introduction to the Major Laws of Physics
  • Heinrich Hertz, Scientist Who Proved Existence of Electromagnetic Waves
  • Georges-Henri Lemaitre and the Birth of the Universe
  • Biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer, Director of the Manhattan Project

Albert Einstein

The embodiment of genius and the pre-eminent scientist of the modern age, his theories and discoveries have profoundly affected the way people view and understand the world and their place in it. Einstein was also known as a philosopher and humanist who was keenly interested in and concerned about the affairs of the world.

His sagacious, wise, and humorous quotations, letters, and articles are widely used throughout popular culture as well as in historical and academic works. Einstein’s name and image are instantly recognizable everywhere in the world.

Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and the most famous scientist in human history. He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics, alongside quantum mechanics. He is perhaps best known in popular culture for his mass/energy equivalence formula E=mc2. In 1921 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his “services to theoretical physics”, and in particular his discovery of the photoelectric effect, a pivotal step in the evolution of quantum theory.

Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879. As a child, he exhibited an extraordinary curiosity for and understanding of the mysteries of science. The young Einstein also took music lessons, playing both violin and piano; stoking a passion for music that he maintained throughout his life. Moving first to Italy and then Switzerland, the young prodigy graduated from high school in 1896.

In 1905, while working as a patent clerk in Bern, Switzerland, Einstein had what came to be known as his “Annus Mirabilis” (miracle year). It was during this time that the young physicist obtained his Doctorate degree and published four of his most influential research papers, including the Special Theory of Relativity, the Photoelectric Effect, Brownian Motion, and Mass/Energy Equivalence, and his worldwide fame was assured. In 1915, Einstein completed his General Theory of Relativity, and brought to the world a fuller understanding of the interaction of space, time and gravity.

The practical applications of Einstein’s theories include the development of everyday and indispensable items such as Televisions, Remote Controls, Digital Cameras, and GPS tracking systems.

In 1999 Albert Einstein was recognized by TIME Magazine as the “Person of the Century”. Einstein’s intellect, along with his wise and passionate dedication to the causes of social justice and pacifism, left humanity with a fuller understanding of its place in the universe and with pioneering moral guidance for future generations.

Albert Einstein’s Role in the Atomic Bomb Was the “One Great Mistake in My Life”

Einstein and his colleague Leo Szilard played a crucial role in encouraging the United States to create an atomic bomb.

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Although acquainted with physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer , Einstein never worked on the Manhattan Project that led to the development of nuclear weapons, nor was he aware of plans to drop the bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But Einstein and his colleague Leo Szilard played a crucial role in encouraging President Franklin D. Roosevelt to pursue the bomb in the first place.

A Startling Visit from a Friend

leo szilard wearing a suit and tie, sitting at a table, and speaking to someone off camera

It all started with a visit by Szilard, a Hungarian-German physicist who previously studied with Einstein in the 1920s. Their research led to the creation of a refrigerator pump that required no moving parts, resulting in what is most commonly called the Einstein refrigerator, according to Genius in the Shadows , a Szilard biography by William Lanouette.

After their collaboration, Szilard conceived the idea of a nuclear “chain reaction” while working in London in 1933. The next year, he convinced the British government to make his chain reaction patent a military secret, according to Lanouette, successfully forestalling a nuclear arms race with Adolf Hitler , who by then was the Chancellor of Germany.

However, after scientists in Germany experimentally split the uranium atom in 1938, Szilard became deeply concerned about idea of Hitler obtaining an atomic bomb first and began raising alarm bells among his personal connections. In Lanouette’s words, he “worked frantically to start the very arms race he had feared.”

In 1939, Szilard visited his old friend Einstein, stunning the fellow physicist by describing the nuclear chain reaction concept. “I haven’t thought of that at all,” Einstein admitted, according to Lanouette. Einstein immediately agreed to warn his friends in the Belgian Royal Family that Nazi Germany might have eyes on the Belgian Congo, which contained the world’s largest uranium supply.

But after that initial meeting, Szilard became convinced that U.S. officials should be warned about Germany’s intentions as well. Szilard and Einstein met for a second time three weeks later, discussing how to get word to President Roosevelt and starting work on one of the most impactful and historic letters in the 20 th century.

The Einstein-Szilard Letter

Through friends, Szilard met with Alexander Sachs, a Wall Street banker with access to the White House. Sachs said he had already spoken with Roosevelt about uranium but that the government decided not to pursue uranium research because Columbia University physicists had told them the prospects of an atomic bomb were minimal, according to The New World 1939/1946: A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission .

albert einstein and leo szilard sitting at a table, looking over a letter

Sachs felt Roosevelt might be persuaded by someone of Einstein’s reputation, according to the book. Einstein—who was also encouraged by Hungarian physicists, including refugees Eugene Wigner and Edward Teller— sent a letter dated August 2, 1939, urging Roosevelt about the possibility that Nazi Germany could develop an atomic bomb.

“In the course of the last four months it has been made probable… that it may become possible to set up a nuclear chain reaction in a large mass of uranium by which vast amounts of power and large quantities of new radium-like elements would be generated,” the letter read . “Now it appears almost certain that this could be achieved in the immediate future.”

Warning that this phenomenon could also lead to the construction of particularly devastating bombs, Einstein encouraged Roosevelt to consider a similar program in the United States and urged him to make contact with physicists working on chain reactions in the United States, according to the letter.

Preoccupied with events in Europe, Roosevelt didn’t respond for nearly two months, making the physicists fear he wasn’t taking the threat of nuclear warfare seriously, according to the U.S. Department of Energy . On the contrary, however, Roosevelt felt Hitler achieving unilateral possession of such powerful bombs would pose a grave risk to the nation.

The Letter Spurs Action

franklin roosevelt wearing a suit and tie, sitting at a table, signing a piece of paper with a pen

Roosevelt wrote back to Einstein on October 19, 1939, informing him about the establishment of a committee of civilian and military representatives to study uranium, according to the Energy Department. Although this was only the first of many such steps and decisions along the way, this committee was ultimately the catalyst for the Manhattan Project.

In 1940, Einstein sent Roosevelt two more letters on March 7 and April 25, recommending additional work on nuclear research, according to An Einstein Encyclopedia by Alice Calaprice and others. He wrote again on March 25, 1945, expressing his growing fears about the possible misuse of uranium, but it wasn’t delivered before Roosevelt’s death a little more than two weeks later.

The more famous 1939 letter, however, came to be known as the Einstein-Szilard letter and is widely considered to be the key stimulus for the United States developing the atomic bomb, according to Lanouette.

Einstein never worked on the Manhattan Project and had no prior knowledge of plans to use the atomic bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. A pacifist who despised war, Einstein came to deeply regret his role in the development of the bomb, later saying : “Had I known that the Germans would not succeed in developing an atomic bomb, I would have done nothing.”

Einstein harbored these regrets for this rest of his life. In 1954, one year before his death, Einstein discussed the matter in a letter to his friend, chemist Linus Pauling. Although he cited the fear of Germany developing a bomb as a partial justification, he nevertheless described his letter to Roosevelt as the “one great mistake in my life.”

Einstein Appears in the 2023 Oppenheimer Movie

Oppenheimer , now available for rent or purchase on Prime Video and Apple TV+ , is directed and written by Christopher Nolan . Cillian Murphy stars as J. Robert Oppenheimer , and Tom Conti portrays Albert Einstein . Other cast members include Emily Blunt , Matt Damon , Robert Downey Jr. , Florence Pugh , Rami Malek , Josh Hartnett, Casey Affleck, and Kenneth Branagh.

Headshot of Colin McEvoy

Colin McEvoy joined the staff in 2023, and before that had spent 16 years as a journalist, writer, and communications professional. He is the author of two true crime books: Love Me or Else and Fatal Jealousy . He is also an avid film buff, reader, and lover of great stories.

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  1. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein ( / ˈaɪnstaɪn / EYEN-styne; [4] German: [ˈalbɛɐt ˈʔaɪnʃtaɪn] ⓘ; 14 March 1879 - 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist who is widely held to be one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time. Best known for developing the theory of relativity, Einstein also made important ...

  2. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein (born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Württemberg, Germany—died April 18, 1955, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.) was a German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.

  3. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be ...

  4. Albert Einstein: Biography, Physicist, Nobel Prize Winner

    Physicist Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity and won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. Read about his inventions, IQ, wives, death, and more.

  5. Albert Einstein

    Einstein's Early Life (1879-1904) Born on March 14, 1879, in the southern German city of Ulm, Albert Einstein grew up in a middle-class Jewish family in Munich.

  6. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who is widely held to be one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time. Best known for developing the theory of relativity, Einstein also made important contributions to quantum mechanics, and was thus a central figure in the revolutionary reshaping of the scientific understanding of nature that modern physics ...

  7. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921. Born: 14 March 1879, Ulm, Germany. Died: 18 April 1955, Princeton, NJ, USA. Affiliation at the time of the award: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut (now Max-Planck-Institut) für Physik, Berlin, Germany. Prize motivation: "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the ...

  8. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein - Physics, Relativity, Nobel Prize: After graduation in 1900, Einstein faced one of the greatest crises in his life. Because he studied advanced subjects on his own, he often cut classes; this earned him the animosity of some professors, especially Heinrich Weber. Unfortunately, Einstein asked Weber for a letter of recommendation.

  9. Subtle is the Lord

    Subtle is the Lord: The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein is a biography of Albert Einstein written by Abraham Pais.First published in 1982 by Oxford University Press, the book is one of the most acclaimed biographies of the scientist. This was not the first popular biography of Einstein, but it was the first to focus on his scientific research as opposed to his life as a popular figure.

  10. General relativity

    Definition and basic properties. General relativity is a metric theory of gravitation. At its core are Einstein's equations, which describe the relation between the geometry of a four-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian manifold representing spacetime, and the energy-momentum contained in that spacetime. [46]

  11. Albert Einstein Facts

    Facts. Born. March 14, 1879 • Ulm • Germany. Died. April 18, 1955 (aged 76) • Princeton • New Jersey. Awards And Honors. Copley Medal (1925) • Nobel Prize (1921) Subjects Of Study. Brownian motion • E=mc 2 • Einstein's mass-energy relation • gravitation • gravitational wave • light • mass-energy equivalence ...

  12. Albert Einstein

    Einstein in 1921, at age 42. Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist, whose contributions to quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and his development of special relativity and general relativity, shaped almost every field of physics as it stands today. His approach to solving difficult problems by using thought experiments (or ...

  13. Albert Einstein: Biography, facts and impact on science

    Albert Einstein's birthday and education. Einstein was born in Ulm, in the German state of Württemberg, on March 14, 1879, according to a biography from the Nobel Prize organization. His family ...

  14. Biography of Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist

    Jennifer Rosenberg. Updated on August 26, 2019. Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879-April 18, 1955), a German-born theoretical physicist who lived during the 20th century, revolutionized scientific thought. Having developed the Theory of Relativity, Einstein opened the door for the development of atomic power and the creation of the atomic bomb.

  15. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein was one of the greatest geniuses in the history of science. His theories, or ideas, led to new ways of thinking about the universe .

  16. Albert Einstein

    Einstein at the age of three in 1882 Einstein in 1893, age 14. Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, [2] in the Kingdom of Württemberg in the German Empire, on 14 March 1879 into a family of secular Ashkenazi Jews. [18] [19] His parents were Hermann Einstein, a salesman and engineer, and Pauline Koch.In 1880, the family moved to Munich, where Einstein's father and his uncle Jakob founded ...

  17. Albert Einstein and his discoveries

    Albert Einstein, (born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Württemberg, Ger.—died April 18, 1955, Princeton, N.J., U.S.), German-born Swiss-U.S. scientist.Born to a Jewish family in Germany, he grew up in Munich, and in 1894 he moved to Aarau, Switz. He attended a technical school in Zürich (graduating in 1900) and during this period renounced his German citizenship; stateless for some years, he became a ...

  18. Biography

    Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and the most famous scientist in human history. He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics, alongside quantum mechanics. He is perhaps best known in popular culture for his mass/energy equivalence formula E=mc2. In 1921 he received the Nobel Prize in ...

  19. Albert Einstein Regretted His Role in the Atomic Bomb's ...

    A pacifist who despised war, Einstein came to deeply regret his role in the development of the bomb, later saying: "Had I known that the Germans would not succeed in developing an atomic bomb, I ...

  20. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein ( / ˈaɪnstaɪn / EYEN-styne; [4] Jerman: [ˈalbɛɐ̯t ˈʔaɪnʃtaɪn] ⓘ; 14 Maret 1879 - 18 April 1955) adalah fisikawan teoretis kelahiran Jerman, [5] secara luas diakui sebagai salah seorang ilmuwan terhebat sepanjang masa. Einstein terkenal atas pengembangan teori relativitas, tetapi ia juga membuat konstribusi ...

  21. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein (pronuncia italiana [ˈalbert ˈainstain] [1]; tedesca [ˈalbɛɐ̯t ˈaɪnʃtaɪn]; Ulma, 14 marzo 1879 - Princeton, 18 aprile 1955) è stato un fisico tedesco naturalizzato svizzero e statunitense . Generalmente considerato il più importante fisico del XX secolo, è conosciuto al grande pubblico anche per la formula dell ...

  22. Punto de vista religioso y filosófico de Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein, 1921. Las opiniones religiosas de Albert Einstein han sido ampliamente estudiadas y a menudo malinterpretadas. [1] Albert Einstein afirmó "Creo en el Dios de Spinoza". [2] No creía en un Dios personal que se ocupara de los destinos y las acciones de los seres humanos, opinión que calificó de ingenua. [3] Aclaró, sin embargo, que "no soy ateo", [4] prefiriendo llamarse a ...

  23. Albert Einstein

    Alemaniako Alderdi Demokratikoa. Albert Einstein ( Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Alemania, 1879ko martxoaren 14a - Princeton, New Jersey, AEB, 1955eko apirilaren 18a) alemaniar-suitzar-estatubatuar fisikari [1] eta matematikari nabaria izan zen, inoizko zientzialari handienetariko bat.

  24. Άλμπερτ Αϊνστάιν

    δεδομένα. Ο Άλμπερτ Αϊνστάιν ( γερμανική γλώσσα: Albert Einstein, ορθός τονισμός Άινσταϊν, Ουλμ, 14 Μαρτίου 1879 - Πρίνστον, 18 Απριλίου 1955) ήταν Γερμανός φυσικός εβραϊκής καταγωγής, ο οποίος βραβεύτηκε ...

  25. Alfred Einstein

    Alfred Einstein (December 30, 1880 - February 13, 1952) was a German-American musicologist and music editor. He was born in Munich and fled Nazi Germany after Hitler's Machtergreifung, arriving in the United States by 1939.He is best known for being the editor of the first major revision of the Köchel catalogue, which was published in 1936.The Köchel catalogue is the extensive catalogue of ...