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¿Qué es el software de presentación y cómo puede mejorar tus presentaciones?

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¿Cuál es la definición del software de presentación?

El ** software de presentación ** es una herramienta informática que permite crear, editar y mostrar presentaciones multimedia, a menudo utilizadas para fines educativos o empresariales. Generalmente, las presentaciones se componen de una serie de diapositivas que contienen texto, imágenes, gráficos y vídeos, entre otros elementos, que se organizan de una manera lógica y estructurada para transmitir un mensaje concreto al espectador. Además, este tipo de software suele incluir funciones para añadir efectos visuales, como transiciones y animaciones, así como la posibilidad de incorporar notas, comentarios o preguntas para el público. Ejemplos de software de presentación populares son Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides y Prezi.

¿Cuáles son los programas de presentación disponibles? Escríbelo en español solamente.

Hay varios programas de presentación disponibles que podrías utilizar para crear presentaciones profesionales. Algunos de los más populares son:

– Microsoft PowerPoint: Este programa es uno de los más utilizados en todo el mundo. Ofrece una gran cantidad de plantillas y herramientas para la creación de presentaciones impresionantes.

– Google Slides: Este programa es parte de la suite de aplicaciones de Google Drive, ofrece una amplia variedad de plantillas gratuitas y permite a los usuarios trabajar en línea con otras personas en tiempo real.

– Prezi: Este programa se enfoca en la creación de presentaciones dinámicas y atractivas, utilizando una interfaz no lineal que permite al usuario moverse libremente entre diferentes secciones de la presentación.

– Keynote : Este programa es exclusivo para los usuarios de Mac, es un software muy útil para crear presentaciones con diseño llamativo y elegante.

– LibreOffice Impress: Esta aplicación es gratuita y un buen alternativa a PowerPoint, con la capacidad de crear presentaciones animadas y personalizables.

En resumen, cada programa de presentación tiene sus propias características y ventajas. Los usuarios pueden elegir el que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades y habilidades para crear presentaciones poderosas e impresionantes.

¿Cuál es el sustituto de PowerPoint?

Existen varias alternativas a PowerPoint dentro del mundo del software, aunque algunas de las más populares y destacadas son:

1. Prezi: esta herramienta permite crear presentaciones más dinámicas e interactivas que las diapositivas tradicionales, ya que trabaja con una estructura visual en la que se pueden mover y conectar diferentes elementos. Además, ofrece una amplia variedad de plantillas predefinidas y opciones de personalización.

2. Google Slides: es una alternativa gratuita a PowerPoint que se encuentra integrada dentro de la suite de herramientas de Google. Permite trabajar en línea y en tiempo real con otros usuarios, cuenta con una gran variedad de plantillas y ofrece la posibilidad de insertar videos y otros archivos multimedia.

3. Keynote: es el programa de presentaciones de Apple, y está disponible tanto para Mac como para iOS. Ofrece una gran calidad gráfica y una amplia variedad de efectos y transiciones, aunque su compatibilidad con otras plataformas puede ser limitada.

En definitiva, existen diversas alternativas a PowerPoint que pueden adaptarse mejor a las necesidades de cada usuario, dependiendo de los recursos disponibles, las preferencias personales y los objetivos de la presentación.

¿De qué tipo de software se trata PowerPoint?

En el contexto de Software para todo , PowerPoint es un programa de presentaciones desarrollado por Microsoft. Es un software que permite crear diapositivas con texto, imágenes, gráficos y otros elementos multimedia para realizar presentaciones visuales. Es ampliamente utilizado en entornos empresariales, académicos y de entretenimiento. Además, cuenta con una gran cantidad de herramientas y opciones para personalizar las presentaciones. Es una herramienta muy útil para exponer ideas y proyectos de manera clara y visualmente atractiva.

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software paqueteria

Beneficios de utilizar software para paquetería en tu empresa

El software para paquetería ofrece una serie de ventajas que pueden tener un impacto positivo en tu empresa. Algunos de los beneficios más destacados son:

  • Automatización de procesos : El software de paquetería permite automatizar tareas como la gestión de inventario, el seguimiento de envíos y la generación de etiquetas, lo que ahorra tiempo y reduce errores humanos.
  • Mejora de la eficiencia: Al agilizar los procesos logísticos, el software para paquetería ayuda a optimizar la gestión de los pedidos y reduce los tiempos de entrega, lo que se traduce en una mayor satisfacción del cliente .
  • Reducción de costos : Al automatizar tareas y optimizar la logística, el software de paquetería puede contribuir a reducir los costos operativos de tu empresa, tanto en materiales como en mano de obra.

Características clave a tener en cuenta al elegir software para paquetería

A la hora de seleccionar un software de paquetería para tu empresa, es importante considerar algunas características clave que te permitirán aprovechar al máximo esta herramienta:

  • Gestión de inventario: Asegúrate de que el software incluya funcionalidades para llevar un control preciso de tu inventario, permitiéndote conocer en tiempo real la disponibilidad de productos.
  • Integraciones: Verifica si el software se integra con otros sistemas que utilizas en tu empresa, como plataformas de comercio electrónico o sistemas de gestión empresarial , para facilitar la sincronización de datos .
  • Seguimiento de envíos: El software debe proporcionar herramientas para rastrear los envíos y brindar a tus clientes información actualizada sobre el estado de sus paquetes.

Recomendaciones para implementar software de paquetería de manera eficiente

Para garantizar una implementación eficiente del software de paquetería en tu empresa, toma en cuenta las siguientes recomendaciones:

  • Evaluación de necesidades: Analiza detalladamente los requerimientos de tu empresa y las funcionalidades que necesitas del software de paquetería, para elegir la opción más adecuada.
  • Capacitación del personal: Asegúrate de que tu equipo esté debidamente capacitado para utilizar el software y aprovechar al máximo todas sus funcionalidades, optimizando así su rendimiento.
  • Soporte técnico : Verifica que el proveedor del software ofrezca un buen servicio de soporte técnico, para resolver cualquier duda o inconveniente que puedas tener durante el uso del sistema.

Las mejores aplicaciones para formatear un USB fácilmente en tu computadora

memoria usb

¿Cuál es el programa más recomendado para formatear una unidad USB?

En el contexto de Software para todo , el programa más recomendado para formatear una unidad USB es el Formateador de USB HP (HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool). Este programa es uno de los más populares y confiables en la tarea de formatear unidades USB y cuenta con una interfaz intuitiva y fácil de usar .

Además, el Formateador de USB HP permite formatear unidades USB con sistemas de archivos FAT, FAT32 y NTFS, y también cuenta con opciones avanzadas para formatear discos duros externos.

Es importante tener en cuenta que formatear una unidad USB eliminará todos los datos de la unidad, por lo que se debe hacer una copia de seguridad de toda la información importante antes de proceder con el proceso de formateo.

¿Cómo puedo formatear una memoria USB desde mi teléfono móvil?

No es posible formatear una memoria USB desde un teléfono móvil.

Para formatear una memoria USB necesitas conectarla a un ordenador. El proceso de formateo borrará todos los datos en la memoria USB, por lo que es importante hacer una copia de seguridad de cualquier archivo importante antes de formatear.

El proceso de formatear una memoria USB en un ordenador dependerá del sistema operativo que estés utilizando. En Windows , puedes formatear una memoria USB yendo a «Mi PC» o «Este equipo», haciendo clic derecho en la unidad USB y seleccionando «Formatear».

En MacOS , puedes formatear una memoria USB abriendo la aplicación «Utilidad de Discos», seleccionando la unidad USB y haciendo clic en «Borrar».

En Linux , puedes formatear una memoria USB usando comandos en la terminal como «mkfs.vfat» para formatear en formato FAT32 o «mkfs.ext4» para formatear en formato EXT4.

Recuerda realizar el formateo con precaución, ya que esto borrará todo el contenido de la memoria USB.

¿Cuál es el proceso para realizar un formateo completo de una memoria USB?

Para realizar un formateo completo de una memoria USB en el contexto de Software para todo, debes seguir los siguientes pasos:

1. Conectar la memoria USB al ordenador. 2. Abrir el explorador de archivos y buscar la unidad correspondiente a la memoria USB. 3. Hacer clic con el botón derecho del ratón sobre la unidad y seleccionar «Formatear» en el menú desplegable. 4. En la ventana que aparece, seleccionar el sistema de archivos que deseas utilizar (NTFS o FAT32). 5. Activar la opción de «Formato rápido» si deseas que el proceso de formateo sea más rápido (esto no elimina completamente los datos almacenados en la memoria USB). 6. Hacer clic en «Iniciar» para empezar el proceso de formateo. 7. Esperar a que el proceso de formateo se complete. Este proceso puede tomar varios minutos dependiendo del tamaño de la memoria USB.

Es importante tener en cuenta que el formateo completo eliminara todos los datos almacenados en la memoria USB, por lo que es recomendable hacer una copia de seguridad de los archivos importantes antes de iniciar el proceso de formateo.

¿Qué programa es el mejor para realizar un formateo a bajo nivel?

El formateo a bajo nivel se refiere a un proceso de eliminación completa de todos los datos en un disco duro o unidad de almacenamiento.

Los programas más recomendados para realizar un formateo a bajo nivel son aquellos ofrecidos directamente por los fabricantes de discos duros, como SeaTools de Seagate o Data Lifeguard Diagnostic de Western Digital. Estos programas son los más confiables, ya que están diseñados específicamente para funcionar con los discos duros de la marca correspondiente.

Es importante tener en cuenta que el formateo a bajo nivel es un proceso potencialmente peligroso que puede dañar permanentemente el disco duro si no se realiza correctamente. Por lo tanto, se recomienda encarecidamente seguir las instrucciones cuidadosamente y hacer una copia de seguridad de todos los datos importantes antes de proceder.

En resumen, para realizar un formateo a bajo nivel, lo mejor es utilizar el software proporcionado por el fabricante del disco duro y tener precaución durante todo el proceso.

Cómo quitar la protección contra escritura de USB: Consejos y trucos

proteccion escritura

¿Cómo puedo eliminar la protección contra escritura de una memoria USB?

Para eliminar la protección contra escritura de una memoria USB en el contexto de Software para todo puedes seguir estos pasos:

1. Verificar si la memoria USB tiene un interruptor de protección contra escritura: Algunas memorias USB tienen un interruptor físico que bloquea la capacidad de escribir en la unidad. Verifica si tu memoria USB cuenta con esta característica y verifica que el interruptor esté en la posición correcta.

2. Usar el Editor del registro de Windows : Puedes intentar usar el Editor del Registro de Windows para eliminar la protección contra escritura de la unidad. Para hacer esto, sigue los siguientes pasos:

– Conecta la memoria USB a tu computadora. – Presiona las teclas «Win + R» para abrir el cuadro de diálogo Ejecutar. – En el cuadro de diálogo, escribe «regedit» (sin comillas) y presiona Enter. – En el Editor del Registro, navega hasta la siguiente ubicación: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlStorageDevicePolicies – Si la clave StorageDevicePolicies no existe, haz clic derecho en Control y selecciona «Nuevo» > «Clave». Nombra esta clave StorageDevicePolicies. – Dentro de StorageDevicePolicies, haz clic derecho en un área vacía y selecciona «Nuevo» > «Valor DWORD de 32 bits». – Nombra este valor como «WriteProtect» (sin comillas). – Haz doble clic en el valor WriteProtect y cambia los datos del valor a «0» (cero). – Haz clic en Aceptar y cierra el Editor del Registro.

3. Usar software de terceros : Si los dos métodos anteriores no funcionan, puedes probar con algún software de terceros diseñado para eliminar la protección contra escritura de las unidades USB. Hay muchas opciones disponibles en línea que puedes descargar y usar para este propósito, aunque siempre es importante tener precaución al descargar software de Internet y asegurarte de que sea seguro y confiable.

Recuerda que trabajar con el registro de Windows puede ser peligroso si no se tiene experiencia previa, por lo que se recomienda hacer una copia de seguridad del registro antes de realizar cambios.

¿En qué consiste la protección contra escritura en una memoria USB?

La protección contra escritura en una memoria USB es una función que permite bloquear la posibilidad de guardar, modificar o eliminar archivos almacenados en ella. Esta función se utiliza para evitar la pérdida accidental de datos importantes o para proteger archivos confidenciales que no deben ser modificados.

En términos técnicos, la protección contra escritura es un bit de control que se encuentra en el firmware de la memoria USB. Su objetivo es impedir que se escriba información en la memoria o que se modifiquen los datos ya almacenados.

Para activar la protección contra escritura, es necesario modificar la configuración de la memoria USB a través de un software específico. En general, las memorias USB tienen un interruptor físico que permite activar o desactivar la protección contra escritura.

Es importante destacar que la protección contra escritura no es infalible y que puede ser vulnerada por ciertos tipos de malware o por errores del sistema operativo . Por esta razón, siempre es recomendable realizar copias de seguridad de los datos importantes almacenados en una memoria USB protegida con esta función.

¿Qué significa cuando el disco está protegido contra escritura?

Cuando un disco está protegido contra escritura , significa que no se pueden realizar cambios en su contenido. Esto puede ocurrir en discos duros, unidades flash USB u otros dispositivos de almacenamiento. La protección contra escritura puede deberse a varias razones, como problemas de hardware, virus informáticos o configuraciones de seguridad.

Si un disco está protegido contra escritura, no se pueden modificar, eliminar o agregar archivos al mismo. Incluso si intentas guardar cambios en un archivo existente, recibirás un mensaje de error indicando que el disco está protegido contra escritura.

Para solucionar este problema, debes desactivar la protección contra escritura del disco. Esto se puede hacer a través del uso de software de terceros o mediante la manipulación de la configuración del dispositivo. Es importante tener en cuenta que, si bien la protección contra escritura puede ayudar a proteger la información en el dispositivo, también puede ser una molestia si necesitas realizar cambios en el mismo.

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Presentations that move audiences

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Best presentation software of 2024

Make perfect slides for speeches and talks

Best overall

Best for branding, best for marketing, best for themes, best for media, best unique.

  • How we test

The best presentation software makes it simple and easy to create, manage, and share slideshow presentations.

A person setting up files to import into Powerpoint.

1. Best overall 2. Best for branding 3. Best for marketing 4. Best for themes 5. Best for media 6. Best unique 7. FAQs 8. How we test

Presentation software runs at the heart of business sales, management, and development, so it's important to ensure you have the best presentation software for your needs. This is especially when looking to share ideas, concepts, and workflows, and the ability to present these in a simple and understandable way is essential.

However, while presentation software has been traditionally limited to text and images, it has widened its ability to work with different media such as video and audio . 

Therefore it's important for the best presentation software to not simply be easy and simple to use, but also be able to support additional media so that presentations can be more engaging, lively, and ultimately serve their purpose in educating and updating their intended audience.

Below we've listed the best presentation software currently on the market.

We've also listed the best free presentation software .

The best office software in the world is: Microsoft 365

<a href="" data-link-merchant="SkimLinks -"" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> The best office software in the world is: Microsoft 365 There are many different office software suites out there, but Microsoft Office remains the original and best, offering an unsurpassed range of features and functionality that rivals just can't match.

Even better, <a href="" data-link-merchant="SkimLinks -"" data-link-merchant="SkimLinks -"" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Microsoft 365 - previously branded as Office 365 - is a cloud-based solution which means you can use it on any computer, mobile device, or smartphone, without having to worry about compatibility. All your files are saved in the cloud and synced between devices, so you can begin work on a document at home or in the office, then continue working on it on the go.

<a href="" data-link-merchant="SkimLinks -"" data-link-merchant="SkimLinks -"" data-link-merchant="SkimLinks -"" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> You can sign up to Microsoft 365 here .

The best presentation software of 2024 in full:

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

Microsoft PowerPoint website screenshot

1. PowerPoint

Our expert review:

Reasons to buy

For most people, Microsoft 's PowerPoint remains the original and best of all the presentation software platforms out there. While other companies have managed to catch up and offer rival products worthy of consideration, the fact is that PowerPoint's familiar interface and ubiquitous availability means it remains a favorite for the majority of people.

On the one hand, it's long been a staple of the hugely popular Microsoft Office suite, meaning that for most users this is going to be the first - and last - presentation software they are going to need to use.

Additionally, Microsoft has made PowerPoint, along with their other office products, available as free apps (with limited functionality) on both iOS and Android for mobile use, meaning it's even harder to avoid them. And this is before we even consider the inclusion of PowerPoint in Microsoft's cloud-based Microsoft 365.

It does everything necessary that you'd expect of presentation software, allowing you to add text and media to a series of slides, to accompany a talk and other presentations. There are easy-to-use templates included to help spice things up a little, but even a general user with little experience of it is likely to find themselves able to use PowerPoint without much trouble at all.

Overall, it's hard to go wrong with PowerPoint, and although Microsoft 365 has a nominal cost, the apps are free to use even if they do have more limited functionality.

Read our full Microsoft PowerPoint review .

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CustomShow website screenshot

2. CustomShow

Reasons to avoid.

Branding says a lot about a business, and it’s something firms need to get right from day one – from a good logo to a suitable font. CustomShow is business presentation software that puts all these elements of branding first.

Using the system, you can design and present customized, branded presentations that reflect your company and the products you offer, featuring the aforementioned logo and custom fonts. As well as this, you get a slide library and analytics to ensure your presentations are a success.

What’s more, you can import presentations into the software, and use it to tweak them further. There’s also integration with SalesForce , and because the platform is cloud-based, you can access your presentations on computers, tablets, and smartphones. 

Considering the focus on branding, this offering could be good for marketing and sales teams, and it's used by major companies such as HBO and CBS Interactive.

ClearSlide website screenshot

3. ClearSlide

Just like CustomShow, ClearSlide has a niche focus for companies. The platform is targeted at firms looking to generate successful marketing campaigns, pushing sales via presentations (and more), not least through a range of analytics and metrics to work for sales and marketing.

With the product, you can upload a range of files, including PowerPoint, Keynote, PDF, and Excel. ClearSlide is integrated with other platforms, including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Salesforce.

This system is pretty complex and may offer too many irrelevant features for some businesses, but you can create customized content that reflects your company and the message you’re trying to get out to customers. There are also some good metrics and analysis features, and you can sign up for a free trial before making any decisions.

The real strength of ClearSlide comes from its focus on sales and marketing data, not least being able to track user engagement alongside other metrics.

Haiku Deck website screenshot

4. Haiku Deck

Any presentation app will allow you to personalize your slides to at least some extent, but Haiku Deck goes one step further than the competition. It comes with a wide range of themes suited to different needs, and you also get access to 40 million free images from the Creative Commons collection.

When it comes to creating a presentation, you have the option to do so on the web, which means your presentation is accessible across a range of mobile devices as well as desktops. Regardless of the device used, you’re able to select from a variety of different fonts, layouts, and filters to make the perfect presentation.

The great thing about these various customization options is that they’re categorized into different industries and use cases. For instance, you’ll find themes for teaching, cooking, real estate, and startups. Most of the features require you to be online, but hopefully, you’ll have a sturdy net connection wherever you go.

SlideDog website screenshot

5. SlideDog

It’s all too easy to end up creating a presentation that’s unappealing, and the last thing you want to do is make the audience fall asleep. SlideDog lets you combine almost any type of media to create a rich presentation that’s sure to keep the viewers’ peepers open, avoiding the ‘cookie cutter’ look that makes presentations seem dull.

Marketed as a web-based multimedia presentation tool, it gives you the ability to combine PowerPoint presentations, graphics, PDF files, Prezi presentations, web pages, pictures, videos, and movie clips. You can drag these into custom playlists and display them to your audience with ease.

You’re able to remotely control your presentations and playlists from your smartphone, the web, or a secondary computer, and there’s also the option to share slides in real-time. Audience members can even view your slide from their own devices by clicking a link. That’s a handy feature if you’re looking to create an immersive presentation experience.

SlideDog is probably the cheapest of the presentation software featured, with a free account that will cover the essential features. However, for live sharing and premium support, you need to upgrade.

Read our full SlideDog review .

Prezi website screenshot

Prezi is one of the more unique presentation tools. Instead of presenting your graphics and text in a slide-to-slide format, you can create highly visual and interactive presentation canvases with the goal of “emphasizing the relationship between the ideas”.

Presentations can also be tailored to the specific audience, as this is a flexible platform that’s capable of skipping ahead, or veering off into a side topic, without having to flip through all the slides to get to a particular bit.

For business users, there are a variety of handy tools available. By downloading Prezi , you can build and edit presentations with your colleagues in real-time, which is perfect for companies with teams based around the globe.

When you have created a presentation you’re happy with, you can present it live (in HD) and send a direct link to viewers. There are some analysis tools here, too – you can see who’s accessed your presentation, which parts of it, and for how long. The app is available for Mac and Windows devices.

Read our full Prezi review .

Other presentation software to consider

Google Slides  is part of the Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) office platform intended as an online alternative to Microsoft Office. It may seem a little limited by comparison to PowerPoint, but as it's browser-based that means cross-platform compatibility. Additionally, it allows for collaborative work, and Google Slides really works well here. On top of the fact that it integrates with the rest of the Google Workspace apps, not least Google Drive, and you have a contender. 

Zoho Show  is another of the many, many tools and apps that Zoho has made available for business use. It also operates in the cloud so it's accessible to any device with a browser, and it also allows for collaborative work. You can also easily share the link for users to download, or provide a live presentation online. The updated version has a simpler and easier to use interface and comes with a free version and a paid-for one with expanded features.

Evernote  is normally thought of as just note-taking software, but it does provide the option to create a presentation you can share online or with an audience. In that regard, it's a little more limited than the other options in not being dedicated presentation software. However, as an easy and handy way to pull together a presentation quickly, it could serve as a backup or last-minute option, especially if Evernote is already being commonly used by you.

LibreOffice Impress  is part of the open-source suite offered as a free alternative to Microsoft Office, and comes with a powerful array of tools and editing options for your presentation, not least working with 3D images. It's supported by a large community, so it's easy to find an array of additional templates. If there is a limitation it's that it's software you download and install rather than web-based, but any presentations created should be easily portable to the web if needed.

Adobe Spark  does things a bit differently, as rather than just use images it's geared toward video as well. This makes for potentially more powerful multimedia presentations, especially as Adobe also has a big selection of photos and images available for its users. There is a free tier for core features but requires a subscription for custom branding, personalized themes, and support.

Slides  comes with a lot of features in an easy-to-use interface, and involves setting up presentations using drag and drop into an existing grid. It's also internet-based so there's no software to download, and it only requires a browser to use and access. 

Presentation software FAQs

Which presentation software is best for you.

When deciding which presentation software to download and use, first consider what your actual needs are, as sometimes free platforms may only provide basic options, so if you need to use advanced tools you may find a paid platform is much more worthwhile. Additionally, free and budget software options can sometimes prove limited when it comes to the variety of tools available, while higher-end software can really cater for every need, so do ensure you have a good idea of which features you think you may require for your presentation needs.

How we tested the best presentation software

To test for the best presentation software we first set up an account with the relevant software platform, whether as a download or as an online service. We then tested the service to see how the software could be used for different purposes and in different situations. The aim was to push each software platform to see how useful its basic tools were and also how easy it was to get to grips with any more advanced tools.

Read how we test, rate, and review products on TechRadar .

We've also featured the best alternatives to Microsoft Office .

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Nicholas Fearn is a freelance technology journalist and copywriter from the Welsh valleys. His work has appeared in publications such as the FT, the Independent, the Daily Telegraph, The Next Web, T3, Android Central, Computer Weekly, and many others. He also happens to be a diehard Mariah Carey fan!

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presentation software que es

7 Golden Benefits of Presentation Software in 2023

7 beneficios dorados del software de presentación en 2023


Sr. vu • Agosto 11 2023 • 7 min leer

¿Cuáles son las beneficios del software de presentación ? ¿Qué es el software de presentación? Encontrar a alguien que no se haya presentado en la escuela o el trabajo es escaso, ya sea un argumento de venta, una charla TED o un proyecto de química, las diapositivas y las exhibiciones siempre han sido una parte importante de nuestro crecimiento académico y profesional.

Como ocurre con la mayoría de las cosas, la forma en que hacemos las presentaciones ha sufrido un importante cambio de imagen. No importa qué tipo de presentación lo que está haciendo, ya sea en un entorno remoto o híbrido, la importancia y los beneficios del software de presentación son innegables.

Si está buscando características, usos y desafíos del software de presentación, ¡este artículo es para usted!

Índice del contenido

Cambios en el campo del software de presentación, 7 beneficios del software de presentación, 3 contras del software de presentación.

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Consejos para un mejor compromiso

Además de los beneficios del software de presentación, veamos lo siguiente:

  • Guía completa de presentación interactiva
  • Tipos de software de presentación.
  • Tutoriales de Ahaslides

Alternative Text

Empiece en segundos.

Obtenga plantillas gratuitas para su próxima presentación interactiva. ¡Regístrese gratis y tome lo que quiera de la biblioteca de plantillas!

PowerPoint y presentaciones han sido sinónimos durante décadas. Esto no quiere decir que las indicaciones no existieran antes de PowerPoint; había pizarras, pizarras blancas, carteles dibujados a mano, rotafolios y diapositivas para todos los propósitos.

Sin embargo, el auge de la tecnología ayudó gradualmente a las empresas a reemplazar las diapositivas dibujadas a mano con diapositivas generadas por computadora, lo que finalmente condujo a PowerPoint, una de las piezas de software de presentación más populares de todos los tiempos. Han pasado años desde que PowerPoint revolucionó el juego, y ahora hay muchas alternativas evolucionando la industria a su manera.

PowerPoint y software similar permiten al presentador crear una plataforma de diapositivas digitalizadas con texto y gráficos editables. Luego, el presentador puede presentar ese paquete de diapositivas a la audiencia, ya sea directamente frente a ellos o virtualmente a través de Zoom y otro software para compartir pantalla.

A presentation about Ecduadorian coffee beans on PowerPoint

Entonces, ¿estás listo para dar el paso a un software de presentación moderno? No te preocupes; ¡no es tan intimidante como crees!

Comience por ver algunos de los beneficios del software de presentación que ha sido un verdadero cambio de juego para los presentadores y presentaciones de todo el mundo.

#1 – Son herramientas visuales atractivas

¿Sabías que el 60% de las personas prefieren una presentación lleno de visuales , mientras que el 40% de las personas dicen que es absolutamente necesario que estén incluidos? Las diapositivas con mucho texto son reliquias de dinosaurios de presentación; la nueva forma son los gráficos.

El software de presentación le brinda muchas oportunidades para ilustrar su tema con la ayuda de señales visuales, como...

  • Animaciones
  • Transiciones entre diapositivas
  • Antecedentes

Esta elección de elementos es un tesoro para los presentadores tradicionales. Realmente pueden ayudarlo a captar la atención de su audiencia cuando está dando su presentación, y son una gran ayuda cuando se trata de contar una historia efectiva en su presentación.

3 types of presentation previews made on Visme

#2 – Son fáciles de usar

La mayoría del software de presentación es relativamente fácil de aprender y usar. Las herramientas se diseñaron originalmente para imitar la forma en que un presentador tradicional presenta sus diapositivas; con el tiempo, se han vuelto más y más intuitivos.

Por supuesto, con las amplias opciones de personalización que ofrecen, existe la posibilidad de que los presentadores novatos se sientan abrumados. Aún así, cada herramienta suele tener una abundante sección de ayuda y un equipo de servicio al cliente contactable para combatir eso, así como comunidades de otros presentadores que están listos para ayudar con cualquier problema.

#3 – Tienen plantillas

Es un estándar hoy en día que las herramientas de presentación vengan con varias plantillas listas para usar. Por lo general, estas plantillas son unas pocas diapositivas muy bien diseñadas que se ven fantásticas; ¡tu único trabajo es reemplazar el texto y quizás agregar tus imágenes!

Estos eliminan la necesidad de crear sus plantillas de presentación desde cero y pueden ahorrarle noches enteras agonizando por cada elemento dentro de su presentación.

Algunos programas de presentación establecidos tienen más de 10,000 plantillas para elegir, todas basadas en temas ligeramente diferentes. Puede estar bastante seguro de que si está buscando una plantilla en su nicho, la encontrará en la biblioteca de plantillas de algunos de los grandes nombres en software de presentación .

#4 - Beneficios del software de presentación: son interactivos

Bueno no todos de ellos, pero los mejores son!

An presentación interactiva crea un diálogo bidireccional entre el presentador y su audiencia al permitirle al presentador crear preguntas en su presentación y permitir que la audiencia realmente las responda.

Por lo general, la audiencia únete la presentación y responder a las preguntas directamente desde sus teléfonos. Estas preguntas pueden ser en forma de encuesta, nube de palabras, preguntas y respuestas y más, y mostrarán las respuestas de la audiencia de manera visual para que todos las vean.

presentation software que es

La interactividad es definitivamente uno de los mayores beneficios del software de presentación, y una de las herramientas gratuitas más importantes en el juego de presentación interactiva es AhaDiapositivas . AhaSlides te permite crear una presentación llena de diapositivas interactivas; ¡su audiencia simplemente se une, contribuye con sus ideas y se mantiene comprometida durante todo el programa!

# 5 – Trabajan de forma remota

Imagine tratar de presentar algo a una audiencia de todo el mundo si no hice utilizar software de presentación. Lo único que puede hacer es mostrar sus diapositivas A4 a la cámara y esperar que todos puedan leerlas.

El software de presentación hace que todo el proceso de transmisión de diapositivas a su audiencia en línea so más fácil. Simplemente comparte tu pantalla y presenta tu presentación a través del software. Mientras habla, su audiencia podrá verlo a usted y a su presentación completamente, ¡haciéndolo como en la vida real!

Algunas herramientas de presentación permiten que la audiencia tome la iniciativa, lo que significa que cualquiera puede leer y avanzar a través de las diapositivas sin necesidad del presentador. Esta es una excelente manera de poner a disposición del público los tradicionales 'folletos de presentación' dondequiera que se encuentren.

#6 – Son Multimedia

Además de ser visualmente atractivo, la capacidad de agregar multimedia a nuestras presentaciones las hace súper emocionantes tanto para usted como para su audiencia.

3 cosas pueden elevar su presentación sin fin...

Cada uno de estos se puede integrar directamente como diapositivas dentro de la presentación y no requiere que salte entre plataformas mientras intenta entrar en su flujo. Ayudan a estimular los sentidos de su audiencia y los mantienen involucrados y en sintonía con el presentador.

Hay varios tipos de software de presentación que le permiten acceder a grandes bibliotecas de GIF, video y sonido y colocarlos directamente en su presentación. ¡Hoy en día, no tienes que descargar nada en absoluto!

Using audio in a presentation - one of the benefits of using presentation software.

#7 – Son colaborativos

El software de presentación más avanzado es colaborativo para un entorno de trabajo remoto fluido.

Permiten que varias personas trabajen en una presentación simultáneamente y permiten que los miembros individuales se envíen las representaciones entre sí para editarlas en su propio tiempo.

No solo eso, sino que algunas de las plataformas de presentación interactiva incluso le permiten colaborar con su moderador, quien puede asegurarse de que las preguntas que recibe en una sesión de preguntas y respuestas sean lo suficientemente sabrosas.

Se desarrollaron características colaborativas para ayudar a crear y presentar presentaciones de equipo más eficazmente.

A pesar de todos los beneficios del software de presentación, tienen sus inconvenientes. También debe tener en cuenta algunos desafíos cuando utiliza el software de presentación para su próxima presentación.

  • Ir por la borda: el error más común de los presentadores con su presentación es para incluir demasiados efectos multimedia . Es bastante fácil volverse experimental cuando se le presenta una amplia gama de opciones, y puede terminar ahogando una diapositiva con demasiados resultados, animaciones y personalizaciones de fuentes. Esto diluye el propósito principal de su presentación: captar la atención de la audiencia y ayudarlos a comprender su tema.
  • abarrotar – Del mismo modo, cuando puedes hacer que todo sea pequeño, puedes experimentar la tentación de empaque sus diapositivas con información . Pero lejos de llenar a tu audiencia con más información, se vuelve mucho más difícil para ellos quitarle algo significativo. No solo eso; Las diapositivas con mucho contenido también agotan la atención de su audiencia, lo que eventualmente hace que sea más difícil lograr que miren sus diapositivas en primer lugar. Es mejor incluir sus pensamientos principales como encabezados o viñetas en el declive y describirlos en detalle a lo largo de su discurso. Él Regla 10-20-30 puede ayudar con esto.
  • Problemas tecnológicos – El miedo a los luditas en todas partes – ¿Qué pasa si mi computadora falla? Bueno, es una preocupación válida; las computadoras han sido golpeadas muchas veces antes, y muchos otros problemas tecnológicos inexplicables han surgido en los peores momentos posibles. Podría ser una conexión a Internet inestable, un enlace que no funciona o un archivo que podrías haber jurado adjuntar. Es fácil ponerse nervioso, por lo que le recomendamos que tenga un software de copia de seguridad y una copia de seguridad de sus notas para una transición sin problemas si algo sale mal.

Ahora que conoce los pros y los contras del software de presentación, será infinitamente accesible para crear una presentación convincente para su próxima audiencia. Hasta que lo haga, compruebe la variedad de plantillas interactivas disponibles en AhaSlides y utilícelos de forma gratuita para crear su próxima presentación llena de energía.

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Más de AhaSlides

What is 7x7? The Golden Rule For Your PowerPoint Presentation in 2024

12 Best Presentation Software for 2024

By Krystle Wong , Jan 12, 2024

12 Best Presentation Software

Whether you’re a student, professional or entrepreneur, having access to the right presentation tools can make all the difference.

When you craft a well-executed presentation , your message becomes more memorable. You’re not just sharing information; you’re weaving a story, painting a picture and leaving a lasting impact on your audience’s minds. 

We’re living in the age of information overload, where attention spans are shorter than ever. A good presentation slide takes this into account, breaking down complex information into bite-sized chunks. It guides your audience through a logical flow, allowing them to digest information effortlessly and retain key points without feeling overwhelmed.

To help you stay ahead of the game, I’ve compiled a list of the 12 best software for presentations. These PowerPoint alternatives offer a combination of user-friendly interfaces, stunning visuals, collaboration features and innovative functionalities that will take your presentations to the next level. 

Let’s dive in and explore these top presentation software picks!

1. Venngage 


Allow me to be a little bit biased here but my top pick is none other than, you guessed it — Venngage! Venngage goes beyond just presentations to focus on data visualization and transforming complex information into visually appealing and engaging visuals. 

One of the standout features of Venngage as a presentation software is the extensive library of infographic elements. Gain access to a wide range of pre-designed elements such as icons, charts, maps as well as illustrations to simplify the process of creating data-driven and visually appealing presentations.

You don’t have to be a pro when designing with Venngage. Venngage’s drag-and-drop interface allows you to customize your presentations by simply dragging and dropping elements onto the canvas. You can tweak sizes, colors and layouts with ease, making your presentations visually cohesive and personalized, even if you’re not a design wizard. 

Just so you know, some of our features and templates are free to use and some require a small monthly fee. Sign-up is completely free, as is access to Venngage’s online drag-and-drop editor. Here’s how Venngage’s presentation maker can become your secret weapon in the quest for presentation success.

Vast selection of templates

Venngage boasts an extensive library of professionally designed templates, catering to a wide range of industries and presentation purposes. Whether you’re creating a marketing report, educational presentation or business pitch, Venngage’s presentation tool offers templates that provide a solid foundation for your designs. 

Save 20+ hours of designing with Venngage’s fully customizable, pre-designed infographic templates. These presentation templates provide a good foundation with well-structured layouts and visually appealing aesthetics. 

Presentation templates

Data visualization made easy

Venngage simplifies the process of data visualization, making it accessible to users of all backgrounds. With a few clicks, you can transform dull statistics into visually engaging charts and graphs that tell a compelling story.

Data visualization

Seamless real-time in-editor collaboration tools

Venngage brings teamwork to the next level with our seamless collaboration tools designed to foster collaboration across teams, departments and the entire organization. Whether you’re in the same room or across the globe, Venngage enables real-time collaboration that makes working together becomes a breeze. 

Consistently brand your designs with smart Autobrand features

Effortlessly infuse your presentation slides with your brand’s colors, fonts and logos with Venngage’s My Brand Kit . Upload your brand assets and create engaging presentations by applying your branding to any template you create on Venngage.

Who is it for

Marketers, designers, educators and businesses that require data-driven and visually appealing presentations.

Key features 

Infographic elements, data visualization tools, collaboration options, customizable templates.

Create your first 5 designs with Venngage for free and upgrade to a premium or business plan for $10 USD/month per user and $24 USD/month per user to enjoy premium features. For larger teams who need extra support, controls and security, the enterprise plan starts from $499 USD/month for 10+ seats.

Additionally, there are also plans available for classrooms priced at $99 USD/year for up to 35 students per instructor. Non profit organizations can also apply for a nonprofit discount to any Venngage plan.

2. Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint

Source: Screenshot from Microsoft PowerPoint

Even with dozens of presentation software and tools out there, PowerPoint presentations have stood the test of time as one of the best presentation software. In fact, 89% of people still use PowerPoint presentations over competitor services . 

Whether you’re a student, teacher, business professional or just a creative soul, PowerPoint’s user-friendly interface allows both beginners and experienced users to create presentations with ease.

PowerPoint delivers captivating and engaging presentations through its advanced animation and transition effects. You can create interactive PowerPoint presentations by captivating your audience and guiding them through your content with seamless transitions and eye-catching animations. 

Seamless integration with other Microsoft Office tools is another significant advantage of PowerPoint as a presentation software. As part of the Microsoft Office suite, PowerPoint effortlessly integrates with other familiar applications such as Word and Excel. This integration allows you to incorporate charts, graphs and written content from these tools directly into your presentation. 

However, collaboration features in PowerPoint can be somewhat limited compared to dedicated collaboration platforms. While you can share and co-edit presentations with others, the collaboration options may not be as robust as those offered by specialized presentation tools.

Suitable for individuals, students, educators and businesses of all sizes.

Customizable templates, multimedia support, extensive slide editing options, robust animations and transitions.

You can subscribe to PowerPoint as part of your Microsoft 365 subscription with various plans tailored for businesses, ranging from $6 to $22 USD/month. Additionally, there is also the option to purchase an unbundled PowerPoint account separately, priced at $159.99 USD.

3. Google Slides

Google Slides

Source: Screenshot from Google Slides

Unlike PowerPoint which requires file sharing and manual syncing for teamwork, Google Slides enables real-time collaboration and easy access from any device with an internet connection. 

Google Slides shines in its seamless collaboration capabilities. Multiple users can work on the same presentation simultaneously, enabling real-time editing and fostering efficient teamwork. The integrated commenting feature on Google Slides allows for shared feedback and discussions, enhancing collaboration even further.

Google Slides’ cloud-based storage and auto-saving feature ensures that your work is constantly saved, minimizing the risk of losing progress or important changes. No more panicking over unsaved slides and changes. 

But that also means that Google Slides heavily relies on an internet connection for full functionality and access is more limited compared to desktop-based software. Although an offline mode is available, Google Slides has certain limitations and may not provide the same level of functionality as when connected to the internet.

Templates and customization features-wise, Google Slides also have fewer design options compared to other presentation tools. This may limit the level of visual creativity and flexibility for those seeking intricate designs or specialized effects.

Ideal for remote teams, educators, students and anyone looking for easy collaboration and access from any device.

Real-time collaboration, shared commenting, offline mode and built-in sharing options.

Google Slides is accessible to all individuals with a Google account at no cost, providing all users with access to its full range of features. However, for businesses and teams looking for additional organizational capabilities, there are subscription plans available ranging from $6 to $18 USD/month.

4. Keynote (for Mac users)


Source: Screenshot from Keynote

For Apple users, Keynote is a presentation tool designed exclusively for your Apple devices and is available on macOS, iOS and iPadOS. Keynote is known for its sleek and intuitive interface, reflecting Apple’s design aesthetics. 

It offers visually appealing templates, animations, and transitions, allowing users to create polished and modern-looking presentations. Keynote users can seamlessly incorporate images, videos, audio files and interactive elements into their presentations. The presentation software also includes a wide range of animations and transitions, enabling smooth and cinematic effects that bring slides to life.

Keynote presentations is known for its seamless integration within the Apple ecosystem. It works effortlessly with other Apple applications, allowing users to combine different elements and data from various sources. Presentations created in Keynote can be easily shared and accessed across Apple devices, ensuring a consistent experience for both the presenter and the audience.

Additionally, Keynote as a presentation software offers collaborative editing capabilities, enabling multiple users to work on the same presentation simultaneously. Users can share their presentations with others, who can then provide feedback, make edits and contribute to the project in real-time.

That said, since Keynote is exclusively designed for Apple devices, it may not be accessible or fully compatible with non-Apple platforms. Hence, sharing presentations created in Keynote with users on different platforms may require exporting or converting the files to a compatible format, which can lead to potential formatting issues or loss of certain features.

Mac users, creatives, professionals, educators and anyone who wants visually stunning presentations.

Elegant templates, advanced multimedia options, cinematic transitions and collaborative editing.

Keynote is available for free on Apple devices, including macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. As it comes pre-installed with these devices, users can access and use Keynote without any additional cost.


Source: Screenshot from Prezi

Known for its distinctive zooming presentation style, Prezi revolutionizes the way you create presentations by offering a visually engaging and non-linear approach. 

One of Prezi’s renowned features is its unique zooming and transition effects, allowing presenters to navigate through a virtual canvas seamlessly. This dynamic presentation style enhances engagement by creating a sense of movement and spatial relationship between ideas.

Moreover, Prezi offers cloud-based collaboration, making it easy for multiple users to collaborate on a presentation in real-time. This feature facilitates seamless teamwork, enabling users to collectively develop and refine their presentations regardless of their physical locations.

Prezi presentations also include interactive elements, such as embedded videos, images and hyperlinks. Utilizing these elements would allow presenters to create interactive presentations and engage their audience on a deeper level.

However, Prezi has a steeper learning curve compared to more traditional presentation tools. Users may require some time and practice to become proficient in navigating the canvas, creating smooth transitions and effectively utilizing all of Prezi’s features.

Creative professionals, educators and individuals who want to create visually captivating and non-linear presentations.

Zooming presentation style, interactive elements, cloud-based collaboration and reusable templates.

For individuals & business professionals

Basics: Create and share up to 5 visual projects for free

Standard: Starting at $5 USD/month

Plus: Starting at $12 USD/month

Premium: Starting at $16 USD/month

Teams: Starting at $19 USD/month per user (billed annually)

For Students & Educators

EDU Plus: Starting at $3/month

EDU Pro: Starting at $4/month

EDU Teams: Enquiry required with Prezi sales team


Source: Screenshot from Canva

One of the great things about Canva as a presentation tool is its user-friendly interface, which makes it super easy to use even if you’re not a design pro. You can simply drag and drop elements to create your presentation slides without breaking a sweat.

Canva’s vast collection of pre-designed templates caters to various purposes and occasions. The availability of these templates allows users to jumpstart their design projects with professional-looking layouts, saving valuable time and effort.

For businesses or educational institutions working on group projects or marketing campaigns, Canva also offers collaboration features that enhance teamwork and co-creation. Users can invite team members or clients to collaborate on a design project, enabling real-time feedback and efficient design processes. 

While Canva does offer some basic slide transition effects, the range and customization options for transitions may be limited compared to dedicated presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote. 

Individuals, students, small businesses and startups seeking professional-looking marketing materials and presentations.

Extensive template options, intuitive drag-and-drop interface, ability to share presentations as downloadable files or online links and built-in multimedia support for adding videos , images, and audio to slides.

The free version of Canva provides a wide range of features and resources, with the only limitations being the use of premium resources that can be acquired either through separate purchases or by subscribing to the Canva Pro plan. The Canva Pro plan is available for $12.99 USD per month or $119.99 USD per year.

For collaborative purposes, Canva Teams is available at a price of $14.99 USD per month, with an additional charge of $14.99 USD per month for every team member beyond the initial five.

7. Adobe Express

Adobe Express

Source: Screenshot from Adobe Express

As part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, Adobe Express is a presentation software that offers a simplified and user-friendly interface. With its intuitive interface, Adobe Express allows users to create visually stunning presentations with ease. Users can access both design professionals and individuals without extensive design experience.

One of the notable advantages of Adobe Express is its seamless integration with other Adobe products, such as Photoshop and Illustrator. This integration enables users to leverage the power of these industry-standard design tools within their presentations, providing access to advanced design features and a vast library of high-quality assets. 

Adobe Express is also great for creating interactive presentations. Its extensive multimedia support, allowing users to incorporate videos, audio files and interactive elements to keep your audience engaged.

That being said,  some of its advanced features may require familiarity with other Adobe tools, which can be challenging for beginners who are not already familiar with the Adobe Creative Cloud ecosystem.

Designers, creative professionals, individuals and businesses seeking professional-grade presentation design.

Professional design options, multimedia support, easy integration with other Adobe products and cloud-based collaboration.

While the free version for Adobe Express includes all the core features, users can gain access to premium templates and features when they upgrade to the Premium subscription for $9.99 USD/month. 

For businesses and teams, Adobe provides tailored plans that include additional features like collaboration tools, centralized license management and enterprise-level support. The pricing for these plans depends on the number of licenses and the specific needs of the organization. It’s best to consult with Adobe or their authorized resellers to get accurate pricing information for business plans.

8. Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck

Source: Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is all about visual storytelling, offering a simple and minimalist approach to designing presentations. With its clean and minimalist templates, Haiku Deck makes it a breeze to create presentations that focus on eye-catching images.

Haiku Deck is a user-friendly presentation software that offers a straightforward and intuitive interface. It’s designed to be easily accessible on both computers and mobile devices, giving you the flexibility to create quick and practical presentations on the go.

Plus, the presentation tool seamlessly integrates with image search engines, making it a piece of cake to find and add high-quality visuals that enhance the overall look and feel of your presentation.

However,if you’re looking for advanced features like complex animations or interactive elements, you might not find them here. While the clean and minimalist templates are gorgeous, they don’t offer as much flexibility for customization.

Educators, individuals and professionals who appreciate the power of visual storytelling and minimalist design.

Image-focused templates, easy-to-use interface, cloud-based collaboration and seamless image search integration.

Haiku Deck offers a free trial that allows you to experience the software with one presentation. If you decide to upgrade, they have different pricing plans available. Additionally, Haiku Deck also offers special pricing to qualifying nonprofit organizations, students and educators.

The Pro plans are available at $9.99 per month with annual billing or $19.99 per month with monthly billing. For those seeking advanced features, the Premium plans are priced at $29.99 per month.

presentation software que es

Source: Screenshot from Ludus

Ludus brings together the best of both worlds by offering the traditional slide deck format along with interactive and multimedia elements that take presentations to a whole new level.

The presentation software is rich in multimedia capabilities, allowing users to seamlessly integrate videos, audio and elements to create interactive presentations that captivate the audience.

Ludus offers unique presentation tools that enable users to incorporate interactive elements like clickable buttons, hover effects and embedded web content, enabling a more dynamic and engaging presentation experience. 

This makes Ludus a great choice for designers, creatives, marketing professionals, and anyone who wants to create interactive and visually appealing presentations that leave a lasting impression. Collaboration is another area where Ludus excels. The software offers collaborative editing, allowing multiple users to edit presentations simultaneously. 

However, it’s worth mentioning that Ludus has relatively limited templates compared to some other presentation software options. While the customization options are vast, users might find themselves starting from scratch or investing more time in creating the initial design. Additionally, for individuals new to the platform, there might be a learning curve involved in fully harnessing all of Ludus’ features and capabilities.

Designers, creatives, marketing professionals and anyone looking for interactive and visually appealing presentations.

Interactive and multimedia elements, collaborative editing, extensive design customization, real-time comments and feedback.

Ludus offers a starting price of $14.99 USD/month per user for teams consisting of 1-15 members with all features included. For larger teams requiring additional licenses, Ludus encourages reaching out for more information on pricing. It’s worth noting that Ludus provides a 30-day free trial, allowing users to explore the platform and its features before committing to a subscription.

10. Slidebean


Source: Screenshot from Slidebean

Slidebean offers a unique approach to slide design by automating the process and simplifying the creation of well-designed presentations. With its automation features, Slidebean streamlines the design process, saving users valuable time and effort.

The highlight of Slidebean is its automated slide design functionality. Using artificial intelligence (AI), the software generates visually appealing slide layouts based on the content provided. Slidebean also offers collaboration options, allowing multiple team members to work on a presentation simultaneously. 

Another advantage of Slidebean is its AI-powered content suggestions. The software intelligently analyzes the presentation content and provides helpful suggestions for improving the messaging and overall flow. This feature ensures that users can effectively communicate their ideas and engage their audience. 

Unlike Ludus, Slidebean may not cater to users who prefer extensive customization and control over their slide layouts. Certain advanced features are only available in premium plans, which may require an upgrade for those seeking more advanced functionality.

Startups, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and individuals who want to create polished presentations quickly.

Automated design, content suggestions, collaboration tools and pitch deck-specific templates.

The free version offers limited functionalities, but it provides a sufficient opportunity to experience Slidebean’s capabilities and understand its workflow. However, to export your presentation and access advanced features, upgrading to a higher plan is necessary. 

The all-access plan is available at $228 USD/year, while additional services such as startup expert consultations and pitch deck and financial model services are available for separate purchase. 


Source: Screenshot from aims to simplify the process of creating visually stunning and professional-looking slides with minimal effort. One of the notable strengths of the presentation software is its collection of smart templates and design suggestions. 

Their templates are intelligently designed to provide visually appealing layouts, saving users valuable time and effort in creating presentations. Unlike other types of presentation software, the platform leverages AI-powered technology to offer layout optimization, ensuring that slide elements are positioned optimally for maximum impact. also offers time-saving features that streamline the presentation creation process. The software automatically adjusts the layout and formatting as users add or modify content, eliminating the need for manual adjustments. 

As the software provides smart templates and design suggestions, customization options may be somewhat limited. Users may find that certain design elements or layout adjustments are not as flexible as they would like. 

Individuals, startups and professionals who want visually impressive presentations without extensive design skills.

Smart templates, automated design suggestions, AI-powered layout optimization and easy slide customization. provides two subscription options for users. The Pro plan is available at a monthly cost of $12 USD /month, while the Team plan is priced at $40 USD/month. Both plans are billed annually. You can also subscribe to the monthly subscription for ad hoc projects and gain access to all pro features for $45 USD/month (billed monthly). 

There is a 14-day free trial period that allows users to thoroughly test and explore the features and capabilities of the tool before committing to a subscription.


Source: Screenshot from Pitch

Pitch is a modern video presentation maker that stands out with its collaborative and iterative approach to presentation creation.

One of the key strengths of Pitch lies in its collaborative features. The presentation software provides robust collaboration tools that allow team members to work together in real-time. This makes it easy for users to collaborate on presentation content, provide feedback and make revisions collectively.

Pitch boasts an extensive slide library, offering a wide range of professionally designed templates to choose from. These templates serve as a foundation for creating visually stunning presentations while providing a starting point that saves time and ensures a polished look.

The availability of diverse templates caters to different industries, topics and presentation styles, allowing users to create presentations for their needs.

Seamless integration with project management tools is another advantage of Pitch. The software integrates well with popular project management platforms, enabling users to streamline their workflow by syncing tasks, deadlines and other project-related information with their presentations. 

For teams, startups and businesses that value collaboration, feedback and the ability to iterate on their presentations

Collaboration tools, version control, project management integration and template library.

Users can create unlimited presentations and enjoy the starter plan for free or upgrade to Pro for $8 USD/month, billed annually. 

There you have it — the top 12 best presentation tools for the year! Whether you value simplicity, collaboration, automation, design versatility or data visualization, these presentation software examples have a solution out there for your future presentations.

Got your mind set on your to-go presentation software? Great! Now it’s time to start creating your slides and ace that presentation. 

  • Presentation Design

The 10 Best Presentation Software for 2023: Complete Guide

There are literally hundreds of presentation software tools in the market today and keeping track is getting increasingly hard. Most of them have been optimized for a specific purpose or type of user from a wide range of possibilities, and it's very likely that THE ideal tool for you is actually one that you've never heard of.

We've created this best presentation software list to shed some light and to give you a comprehensive presentation software list to ensure you make the right call in the platform you select. This article is the result of several weeks of research and review of 50+ presentation tools currently available on the web.

What is a presentation software?

A presentation software is defined as an application built to display information in the form of a slide show. Any presentation tool must have three fundamental functions:

  • ‍ A text editor: to input the contents of the presentation.
  • ‍ An import function: to insert and manipulate images and other content.
  • ‍A slide-show or presenter mode: that displays the content in a nice, formatted way, sometimes synced in real time with the presenter across devices.

Slide shows often consist of a combination of text, video, images and charts. Their primary function is displaying clear, readable and summarized data to an audience.

Most presentations are shared and presented on a larger screen or through a digital projector. In rare occasions, slide presentations are printed out as a replacement for text documents, but this is a really inefficient way to review data, that Garr Reynolds calls ‘ PresDocs ’ (Garr Reynolds is the author of Presentation Zen, one of the most important go-to reference for successful presentations).

Related Read: What Makes Up the Best Presentation Templates?

What makes a good presentation tool?

The functions and results of presentation programs have evolved significantly in the past decades, since the original launch of ‘Presenter’ (the PowerPoint predecessor) in 1984. In 1987 PowerPoint 1.0 was released for the Macintosh and it started a revolution in the way we prepare and consume content in meetings.

For the purposes of this article we are going to classify all presentation tools using 3 variables that we consider extremely important:

Ease of use: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This rating looks at the learning curve, or time required to learn to use the platform. An easy to use interface is fundamentally important to ensure that users feel confortable working with the platform and doesn’t require complex training to take advantage of its features. This also accounts for the average time it takes to build a presentation.

Customization: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The ability to customize a presentation to the smallest details. This varies depending on the number of advanced features in the platform, like the ability to set different transitions to each slide, the ability to add customized elements or to design/code the final outcome of the slides to the last font size and color code.

Final result: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This indicator looks at the outcome of a finished presentation, assuming the user is an average person with basic design skills and intermediate knowledge on the tool itself.

Best PowerPoint Alternatives (Death by Power Point)

As we mentioned before, PowerPoint is the most used presentation builder in the market today. It is distributed by Microsoft as part of their Office Suite, which is estimated to have over 500 million users worldwide. Microsoft has also revealed that approximately 35 Million presentations are delivered every single day, that’s a staggering 400 presentations per second.

presentation software que es

But still, PowerPoint’s popularity has decreased significantly in the past few years. Their boring presentation templates, the large learning curve and complexity as well as the terrible slides many users end up making have started the Death to PowerPoint movement.

What presentation software is better than PowerPoint?

For this section, we summarize the top PowerPoint alternatives and examples, that is, presentation tools that work in a fairly similar manner and that provide similar (but significantly better) results. If you are an avid PowerPoint user, then migrating to these platforms should be rather easy for you.

Best 10 presentation software alternative list for 2023

(Updated December 2022)

  • Keynote presentation
  • Google Slides


Ease of use: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ - Fantastic!

Customization: ★ ★ ★ ★ - Very Good

Final result: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ - Fantastic!

presentation software que es

Slidebean is an online presentation tool that uses artificial intelligence to design beautiful slides. Simply add content blocks to your presentation without worrying about formatting. Slidebean’s AI finds the best possible design for every element on your slide. This level of automation allows you to create a professional looking presentation in a fraction of the time it normally takes on PowerPoint.

When comparing it to PowerPoint, Slidebean’s interface is much easier to learn and work with, and it lets you create fantastic looking presentations really fast. The platform is web based and allows you to export to both PowerPoint and PDF format. It also lets you track viewer interactions and activity from people you share your slides with!

Slidebean also has a unique advantage which is a rich gallery of presentation outline templates. These are pre-filled decks that work for numerous purposes, like business proposals, classroom decks, thesis presentations and even startup pitch decks : all you need to do is import them and fill in your content.

You can sign up free for Slidebean here


2- apple keynote.

Ease of use: ★ ★ ★ - OK

Customization: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ - Fantastic!

Final result: ★ ★ ★ ★ - Very Good

presentation software que es

Keynote is what PowerPoint should have been all along. Apple's version of the popular presentation tool has improved significantly in the last few years, and has recently included a cloud version that works on any browser on any computer (as long as you have at least one Apple device).

Keynote is basically an improved PowerPoint, it offers the same approach to creating slides, but offers nice and clean customizable templates, a simple interface and great details like smart guides.

The biggest issue with Keynote is the long learning process that it requires. Similar to Microsoft's tool, you'll need to sit down for a few hours to learn to use the platform, and another larger set of hours to make a professional presentation.

More info about Apple Keynote is available here

Final result: ★ ★ ★ - OK

Visme is a web based platform for building presentations. Their familiar interface is similar to PowerPoint, but they have successfully simplified a complex UI to a nicer and more understandable navigation. Still, you'll need to spend a few hours to get a good grasp of where all the customization options can be found.

presentation software que es

The platform offers an interesting (but certainly limited) gallery of images, but they succeed at delivering beautiful infographic elements (which they call ‘Charts and Graphs’) that you can use to add some color and make your slides much more dynamic.

You can read more about them here . ‍


Customization: ★ ★ - Passable

presentation software que es

Google's version of PowerPoint is hosted as part of the Google Apps suite, that you can access from Google Drive or from Google Apps for Work. Sadly, their presentation builder feels like a limited version of PowerPoint, with less features, limited fonts and very little customization options.

Still, Google's platform is available for free, has a lot of integrations and probably one of the best online collaboration systems out there. Checking it out is easy, just visit your Google Drive.

You can find a more detailed review here .


Ease of use: ★ ★ - Passable

Customization: ★ ★ ★ - OK

presentation software que es

Flowvella is available on the Mac App Store as a desktop application. It provides a simple interface (certainly cleaner than Microsoft PowerPoint and somewhat similar to Apple Keynote) and some very nice design templates, which set good grounds so you can start building a nice looking set of slides on top of them. This is by far their biggest strength! If you want to start from scratch, however, you might feel a little lost creating something that looks good.

We found, however, that the oversimplified interface makes some basic options hard to find, like changing the color of a shape. Also, while running as a desktop app it still requires an Internet connection to download some elements, which can lead to a slower performance than a 100% desktop tool.

Update: We also read recently that they launched a tvOS app for the new AppleTV, making them, as far as we know, the first presentation tool to leverage the new platform.

You can find more details here .

Customization: ★ ★ ★ -

presentation software que es

Pitch offers an innovative solution for fast-paced teams looking to quickly create effective, stylish presentations. With a combination of productivity features and design elements, Pitch makes it easy to get professional results—quickly

You can find more information about them here .

Final result: ★ ★ ★ ★ - Very Good!

presentation software que es

The premise of Canva is an ‘amazingly easy graphic design software'. It lets you create anything from print design to banners and presentations. They provide an easy to use interface with a huge selection of pre-built designs that you can modify to your liking.

These pre-built elements let you quickly draft a nice presentation even if you have no design skills, but it does require you to drag and drop and arrange the content of your slide, which can become time consuming.

Canva has been gaining significant popularity in the last few years, especially after they hired Guy Kawasaki as a Chief Evangelist. Their platform is beautiful, you can find more about them here .


Ease of use: ★ ★ ★ ★ - Very Good

presentation software que es

Haiku Deck launched as an iPad app in 2011. They made a big bet towards mobile productivity and came up with a solid iPad application that allowed you to create slides in less time than the then-only alternative of Keynote for iOS.

Haiku Deck has a nice set of custom templates that you can use as a guideline for your slides, and their content input system is clear and easy to learn.

Still, we believe their approach that focused on mobile devices could only take them so far and they've since been working on a web version of their platform that works for any computer. As we mentioned, the personal computer continues to be a much more efficient productivity platform.

presentation software que es

'Slides' is a nice website that lets you create and share presentations online. Formerly slides(dot)io and slid(dot)es, they finally settled for slides(dot)com. This startup was founded by Hakim El Hattab and Owen Bossola in Stockholm, Sweden, and it makes use of the reveal.js framework that we mentioned above.

Slides has a nice web interface that encourages you to create a nice and clean presentations, however, it still depends on the user’s ability to manipulate the elements and arrange them in a nice style. Still, their pre-defined formats and their grid system help guide you to a better result.

The platform also allows for custom HTML and CSS coding, which lets experienced users with coding skills, customize their templates even further.

Some more info about them here .

Ease of use: ★ - Bad

presentation software que es

Prezi has been around for years and they have had a huge head start compared to any other online presentation tool out there. Their unique zoom styling makes it immediately obvious to the audience that they are looking at a Prezi deck.

Prezi has the advantage of allowing you to create really stunning interactive presentations if you know how to leverage their zoomable, infinite canvas. However, this can become a double edge sword if users overuse the feature and come up with a presentation that is literally capable of making people dizzy.

Still, Prezi's biggest weakness is on its ease of use. There's a long learning curve towards dominating their interface and even if you do, you need to be a designer to make a great presentation on the platform.

This is a huge company that is not going away anytime soon. With 50+ million users, they have proven the world wants and needs a PowerPoint alternative, and we have huge respect for them for doing so.

More information about them here .

‍Which one to pick?

In the world of presentation software, there's a big bunch to pick from. It's kind of like a crowded market with lots of options. And guess what? The best one for you might not even be on your radar.

Our list is here to help you out. We've put together this bunch of presentation software choices after digging into over 50 of them on the internet. We're here to give you the scoop on what's out there, so you can pick the one that suits you best.

Now, remember, presentation software is like your helper to make cool slideshows. These slideshows could be for showing stuff to people, like at school or work. These helpers, or software, should be good at a few things: putting words and pictures on slides, making things look nice, and showing your stuff in a cool way on a screen.

The options we've found have different things they're good at. Some use fancy computer thinking (AI) to make your slides look great without you doing much. Others let you customize your slides a lot, which is nice if you want them to look exactly like you want. And finally, how your slides look when you're done is super important too.

Picking the right presentation tool is a bit like picking the best tool for a job. You wouldn't use a hammer to write a story, right? So, whether you want something easy, something that lets you be creative, or something that gives you good results, our list has got you covered. Your choice will help you make cool presentations that people will remember. Our recommendation is to give Slidebean a try, but is up to you to consider the options. So, pick smart and happy presenting.

Try Slidebean

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Check out our list of the top free presentation websites that offer unique features and design options. Discover the best platform for your next presentation now.

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This presentation software list is the result of weeks of research of 50+ presentation tools currently available online. It'll help you compare and decide.

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¿Qué es el software de presentación PowerPoint?

El software de presentación PowerPoint® es un producto de Microsoft® que se utiliza para crear presentaciones y presentaciones de diapositivas. La primera versión del software de presentación PowerPoint® fue desarrollada a finales de 1984 por Robert Gaskins y Dennis Austin, y vendida a través de su empresa, Forethought Inc. Esta primera versión se desarrolló para la computadora Macintosh y estaba destinada a usuarios comerciales. Microsoft® compró Forethought en 1987 y comenzó a desarrollar más el software de presentación de PowerPoint® en ese momento.

Los principales usuarios de este software son el personal comercial y de ventas, los profesores y los formadores. El software PowerPoint® ahora está incluido en el producto Microsoft® Office, como una de las herramientas de productividad empresarial. Este software es relativamente fácil de usar y está diseñado para proporcionar al usuario novato una herramienta de presentación profesional a un costo mínimo.

Hay tres funciones principales dentro del software de presentación PowerPoint®: creación, edición y presentación. La funcionalidad proporcionada en esta herramienta interactúa sin problemas con todas las demás aplicaciones de Microsoft Office®. Esto le da al usuario la capacidad de copiar y pegar texto e imágenes de otros documentos e incorporarlos rápidamente a una presentación.

Hay dos métodos para crear una nueva presentación: utilizar una plantilla existente o trabajar desde una página en blanco. Eche un vistazo a las plantillas para ver si hay alguna que sea similar a sus requisitos. Observe el formato del texto, el diseño de la información y la imagen de fondo. El texto real en sí es muy fácil de cambiar, pero usar una plantilla es un gran ahorro de tiempo.

Trabajando desde una página en blanco, el usuario es libre de diseñar el diseño de cada parte de la presentación para cumplir con su visión. Este enfoque es más productivo para las personas que tienen experiencia en la creación de presentaciones y saben exactamente cómo quieren que se vea. Hay opciones de diseño y formato diseñadas para facilitar este proceso. La edición con el software de presentación PowerPoint® es muy simple, ya que las opciones disponibles son estándar con cualquier herramienta en la suite de Microsoft Office®. El usuario puede cambiar el formato de cualquier texto, crear imágenes de fondo, agregar o eliminar animaciones y crear enlaces a Internet. La sección de presentación o presentación de diapositivas incluye opciones para una presentación cronometrada, donde las diapositivas están configuradas para moverse a intervalos específicos. Esto elimina la necesidad de avanzar manualmente la diapositiva. Sin embargo, el presentador debe mantener su discurso sincronizado con la presentación de diapositivas en la pantalla. La mayoría de los presentadores practican la sincronización con anticipación, por lo que pueden desarrollar un ritmo cómodo.

¿Qué es una presentación de PowerPoint empresarial?

¿qué es una presentación de powerpoint en línea, ¿cómo elijo la mejor clase de powerpoint, ¿qué es una presentación de powerpoint de ventas, resumen de privacidad.

presentation software que es

Meet SlideDog . Freedom to Present.

Create seamless playlists from your favorite presentation media

Windows Installer. Version 2.3.6. System Requirements

Uniquely Designed Presentations

Why limit yourself to one presentation medium when you can combine PowerPoints, Prezis, PDFs, and many more elements into one easy-to-create playlist. With SlideDog, you never have to switch between different programs during your presentation.

Seamless Playback

No conversion, no downgrade, no surprises. All your elements show in their original formats, and display just like you’d expect them to. Once the playlist is loaded, your content plays back as though it’s just one seamless file.

Live Sharing

Want to share the slides live? Do a quick poll or remotely control the presentation through your phone? We got you covered! Your audience can access the live sharing from iOS, Android and Web.

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SlideDog comes with a powerful playlist. You can drag-and-drop most multimedia and presentation files straight to the playlist and you are ready to present.

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Seamless playlist at your fingertips

You can drop all types of file formats used for your presentation into a simple playlist – then hit play.

Make your presentations truly interactive .

Engage your audience with interactive polls; solicit questions or comment your slides, and collect feedback on your presentations.

Engage participants by adding a live chat or discussion. Receive questions and comments from the audience and respond to whom you want, when you want.

Audience Feedback

How did your presentation go? Was your audience engaged? Is there something you can do better? Get anonymous feedback using your own questionnaire.

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Events, Conferences & Meetings

Seamless transition between presenters and files.

Present professionally and integrate your reports.

Non-profits & Churches

Present all your media without interruptions.

Teachers & Educational

Engage your students with interactive polls.

Switch presentation files on the fly.

And many more..

Build for presenters by presenters .

Enhancing presenters since 2012. You’re in good company. Join thousands of businesses and individuals that present with SlideDog – from individual educators, AV professionals and pastors to large corporations.

Our customers

From small businesses, conferences, churches to big corporations, they are what inspire us.

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"Found a slide show viewing program that SHOULD eliminate awkward pauses in the worship service #slidedog #superexcited" BRITTA SPITZER (@SPITBRITT)
"Just stumbled across @TheSlideDog Looks like a great tool for the classroom-anxious to try it out. #slidedog #presentationtool" ROBIN (@RSENETA)
"SlideDog: a very useful tool for conferences or meetings! #science" BART ROGIERS (@ROGIERSBART)
"Slidedog – an Excellent free presentation combine tool (join ppt and prezi etc together)" RALPH HOLLAND (@RALPHHOLLAND)
"Folks giving job talks, give @TheSlideDog a try. I created a new presentation last week and I really liked it. Integrated PPT, Web, YouTube & Prezi" ROBERT PETERSON (@ROBERT_PETERSON)
"SlideDog has saved my ass on shows." NATHAN LIVELY (@NATHANDOFRANGO)

Choose your plan

Download the Free version with no strings attached, or go Pro and take your presentations and audience to the next level.

Cancel at any time.

Renews annually at $79 (20% discount).

Includes upgrades until version 3.0.0

We offer custom pricing for larger organizations. Get in touch with us and we will figure out something that works for you.

Can I transfer my SlideDog Pro licence from one PC to another?

Yes. You can deactivate your license at any time and reactivate it on another PC. Each license key contains two activations, allowing you to run SlideDog Pro on two computers simultaneously. For volume purchases and discounts see the quantity field when ordering in the SlideDog store.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Simply follow the link contained in the email you received when you first made your order. This link is also found in each of the renewal notification emails. Your subscription will revert to the Free version when the current billing period expires.

Will I receive free upgrades and premium support as a Pro user?

You will receive free upgrades and premium support (guaranteed answers from our support team) as long as your subscription period is active. If you do not renew your license after the subscription period, you can still keep using the Free version.

How do I order the Pro version of SlideDog?

You can order a Pro license by signing up for a plan on the Pricing page. Your payment will be processed immediately and you’ll receive your license key by e-mail within a couple of minutes. You can start using SlideDog and activate the license from within the application.

Start Presenting with SlideDog Today

Don’t limit yourself to a single presentation format. With SlideDog Free you can start presenting seamlessly today.

Download the Remote & Live Sharing App!

Remotely control your presentations, chat and answer polls.

Download SlideDog App for iOS


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    WPS Presentation. WPS Presentation es parte de una suite de oficina gratuita que también incluye Writer y Spreadsheets. Si eliges esta opción, encontrarás que es muy comparable con el software de productividad de oficina más popular, como MS Office. Incluso con la versión gratuita obtienes 1G de almacenamiento basado en la nube.

  9. The Best Presentation Software

    The Best Slideshow Creation Apps. The slideshow format is the classic presentation option, and the best two apps in this category are Microsoft PowerPoint and Apple Keynote, which is a part of the ...

  10. Presentations and videos with engaging visuals for hybrid teams

    Welcome to Prezi, the presentation software that uses motion, zoom, and spatial relationships to bring your ideas to life and make you a great presenter. Products. Videos. Presentations. ... and reuse presentations from our extensive content library. Get started. Real creative freedom. Open Canvas. Create, organize, and move freely on an open ...

  11. ¿Qué es Google Slides? Genial Software para Presentaciones Online

    Google Slides. Google Slides es una herramienta de presentación que permite hacer presentaciones online gratis, aunque también puedes trabajar sin conexión. Google comenzó a ofrecer un programa de presentaciones para Google Docs en 2007. El software para presentaciones online gratis de Google se llama Google Slides desde 2012.

  12. Best presentation software of 2024

    Best presentation software of 2024. The best presentation software makes it simple and easy to create, manage, and share slideshow presentations. 1. Best overall 2. Best for branding 3. Best for ...

  13. 15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

    You need high-quality business presentation software to take your slides to the next level. Some of the best presentation software include Visme, Haiku Deck, Prezi, Microsoft Powerpoint, Canva and Google Slides. In this comparison guide, we'll analyze each of these tools and many more to understand what the difference is between them so you ...

  14. 7 beneficios dorados del software de presentación en 2023

    Hay varios tipos de software de presentación que le permiten acceder a grandes bibliotecas de GIF, video y sonido y colocarlos directamente en su presentación. ¡Hoy en día, no tienes que descargar nada en absoluto! Beneficios del software de presentación: una pregunta de prueba de audio como parte de una presentación en AhaSlides.

  15. Google Slides: Presentation Slideshow Maker

    Present like a pro, directly from Google Meet. Access all of your Slides and Meet controls in one place, and enjoy smoother high resolution presentations. Premium feature. This feature is available on some Google Workspace and Google Workspace plans.

  16. Presentaciones y diapositivas personalizadas

    No partas de una página en blanco. El software de presentación de Canva tiene miles de plantillas gratuitas de Presentación Mágica para ayudar a que plasmes más rápido y a la perfección todas las ideas que tienes. Además, puedes personalizar las diapositivas con una gran variedad de imágenes, vídeos, elementos gráficos y otros ...

  17. 12 Best Presentation Software for 2024

    4. Keynote (for Mac users) Source: Screenshot from Keynote. For Apple users, Keynote is a presentation tool designed exclusively for your Apple devices and is available on macOS, iOS and iPadOS. Keynote is known for its sleek and intuitive interface, reflecting Apple's design aesthetics.

  18. The 10 Best Presentation Software for 2023: Complete Guide

    The biggest issue with Keynote is the long learning process that it requires. Similar to Microsoft's tool, you'll need to sit down for a few hours to learn to use the platform, and another larger set of hours to make a professional presentation. More info about Apple Keynote is available here. 3- VISME.

  19. Los 15 mejores programas de presentaciones interactivas y diapositivas

    4. Libre Office Impress. LibreOffice Impress forma parte del conjunto de productividad LibreOffice, que incluye una versión descargable para Mac. LibreOffice es un software gratuito de código abierto desarrollado a partir de otro conjunto de productividad de software de código abierto: OpenOffice.Debido a que LibreOffice Impress es gratis, es una buena opción para startups de negocios y ...

  20. ¿Qué es el software de presentación PowerPoint?

    El software PowerPoint® ahora está incluido en el producto Microsoft® Office, como una de las herramientas de productividad empresarial. Este software es relativamente fácil de usar y está diseñado para proporcionar al usuario novato una herramienta de presentación profesional a un costo mínimo. Hay tres funciones principales dentro del ...

  21. SlideDog: Powerful Presentation Software

    Download the Remote & Live Sharing App! Remotely control your presentations, chat and answer polls. A presenter's best friend. SlideDog is a presentation software that seamlessly lets you switch between presentation files, interact with your audience and present like a professional.

  22. Ludus

    Ludus is more than just a presentation tool. It's a creative platform that lets you add any kind of content from anywhere, customize your slides with powerful design features, and collaborate with your team or clients in real time. Discover how Ludus can help you tell the perfect story.

  23. Präsentationen Software: Die 15 besten Tools 2022

    Es sind sowohl Desktop- als auch Cloud-Versionen von PowerPoint verfügbar. Verfügbar zum Erstellen auf mehreren Geräten. Sie können die mobilen PowerPoint-Apps sowohl für Android- als auch für iOS-Geräte herunterladen. Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit. Es ist möglich, Ihre Präsentation für bestimmte Personen freizugeben. Brand Kit