The Side Effects of Education: Understanding Perspectives

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As I mentioned in my last post , I am currently reading Yong Zhao’s new book, What Works May Hurt - Side Effects in Education . The general premise is that education, unlike the medical profession, never considers the unintended side effects of a treatment or program. In chapters two and three of the book, Zhao (2018) describes the side effects of two widely adopted programs: Reading First and Direct Instruction . He presents evidence in support and against their adoption as well as discussion of the long-term side effects. Could early gains in literacy made through the Reading First program lead to a long-term consequence of students inherently disliking reading? Could increases in basic skills resulting from Direct Instruction come at a cost to creativity and creative problem solving? Could over-emphasis on “scientifically-based” programs devalue more complex interventions?

I was wrestling with that last question, and writing a very different post, when I became distracted by a second book: Ted Dintersmith’s What Schools Could Be . Within many education circles, the reception has been overwhelmingly positive. Dintersmith gives voice to the stories that many in the education world long to hear as both validation and support. He speaks out against the dangers of institutionalized practices such as standardized tests, while promoting ideas such as Competency-Based Learning, and warning that the traditional paradigm of school fails to encourage innovation.

Whereas Zhao (2018) discusses side effects from a researcher’s perspective, Dintersmith paints pictures of what could (or should) be for the general public, intimating some of these side effects without calling them such. For these reasons, I found myself perplexed and distracted by two articles challenging Dintersmith’s work. First, the Seattle Education blog vehemently objected to the entire premise of the book and discredited Dintersmith as a Silicon Valley elite. On the other hand, educator Benjamin Doxtador wrote a lengthy response not only addressing What Schools Could Be but also Most Likely to Succeed - an earlier book that Dintersmith co-authored with Harvard professor Tony Wagner. In a well-cited thought-piece, Doxtador raised questions, provided additional historical context, and challenged some of the broader generalizations. In reading these two articles, I started to think about another side effect that may not be considered in the education world: the issue of adhering to a single lens.

During my first term as a doctoral student, we studied Disciplinary Approaches to Education. The course taught us to build “lenses” through which to analyze problems in context. We learned how historians seek to understand meaning in context based on events of the past, but economists examine situations as models of scarcity, supply and demand, or inputs and outputs. Sociologists employ large datasets to study the impact of systems such as race, gender, or socioeconomic status; though anthropologists look at the cultures, norms, and beliefs of groups or individuals through qualitative methods and ethnographies.

Any book, whether it be Zhao’s or Dintersmith’s, presents a lens. As a researcher, Zhao seeks to understand problems through methodology. Both Dintersmith and Wagner tend to take an economic perspective. They cite the changing demands of the labor market; the World Economic Forum reports of valued skills in the Fourth Industrial Revolution ; as well as the rising implications of artificial intelligence, machine learning, or robotics and see creativity as a scarcity. This then frames their books as one of supply and demand - how to increase the supply of creative problem-solvers in a world that demands more of them.

On the other hand, consider author Larry Cuban. He offers a historical perspective to explain how the past manifests in the present. In his 1995 book, Tinkering Towards Utopia , he explains that change in education is both incremental and cyclical; and yet, change that does not conform to the established “grammar of school” is often rejected. In his recent book, The Flight of a Butterfly or the Path of a Bullet? , he observed over 40 Silicon Valley classrooms known for their “innovation” with technology but observed only one classroom that truly demonstrated a change in practice away from a traditional model of school. As such, he would argue that the entrenched mental models of what constitutes “real school” continues to exist despite advances in technology and calls for change.

Pick a different topic: teens and technology. Jean Twenge takes a sociological perspective to understand today’s students in her book iGen . Using data from a nationally representative survey as well as interviews, she describes generational differences emerging as a result of the influx of digital devices. However, both the methodological approach and the use of detailed ethnographies distinguishes the writings - and the conclusions - of anthropologist danah boyd from that of Twenge. In It’s Complicated! , boyd provides detailed accounts and rich descriptions of the networked lives of teens. Neither Twenge’s sociological perspective nor boyd’s ethnography is “right” or “wrong.” The books just present the problem from different perspectives.

This debate illustrates my issue: that we need to consider the side effects of a single lens or - even a single book - before allowing it to shape our perceptions. When we look at education through only one lens, we only get one perspective of the system. From that angle, it might appear as a confluence of events, a situation of supply and demand, or a challenge of competing norms and beliefs. However, if we look at problems of practice through multiple lenses, we might get a better sense not only of what could be possible but also - as Zhao would warn - the consequences that we never intended.

boyd, d. (2014). I t’s complicated: The social lives of networked teens . New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Cuban, L. (2018). The flight of a butterfly or the path of a bullet?: Using technology to transform teaching and learning . Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

Twenge, J. M. (2017). IGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of U s. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Tyack, D. B., & Cuban, L. (1995). Tinkering toward utopia: A century of public school reform . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Wagner, T. & Dintersmith, T. (2016). Most likely to succeed: Preparing our kids for the innovation era . New York, NY: Scribner.

Zhao, Y. (2018). What works may hurt - Side Effects in Education . New York: Teachers College Press.

The opinions expressed in EdTech Researcher are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.

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Lack of Education: 11 Lifelong Effects

Quick answer: the effects of lack of education.

Lack of education has serious effects on everyone, not only people who are under-educated. People who lack education have trouble getting ahead in life, have worse health and are poorer than the well-educated. Major effects of lack of education include: poor health, lack of a voice, shorter lifespan, unemployment, exploitation and gender inequality.


lifelong effects of lack of education

Across the world, 264.3 million school children, adolescents and youth are not in school. We’re getting more of these children into school, but there’s still a long way to go.

These children who are under-educated will likely suffer from long-term side effects that may limit their quality of life. There are 11 major effects of lack of education that cause real worry to us all.

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The 11 Lifelong Effects of Lack of Education

1. poor health.

Healthcare of the general population is a major reason education is important .

Primary education is important for learning about personal health and hygiene. Education is how health professionals and governments communicate important information to society.

In other words, a person’s education level is a key social determinant of their health outcomes .

Poor health and hygiene is a serious issue in societies where large amounts of the population lack an education.

Important basic health that is taught at school includes:

  • Pregnancy and prenatal care;
  • Basic hygiene like cleaning teeth and washing hands; and
  • Sexual health.

According to the UNHCR , simply educating all girls to a secondary school level would decrease worldwide deaths from pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria by 49%.

Case Study: Lack of Education During the Ebola Crisis

This became a huge problem during the 2014-15 Ebola crisis in West Africa. During the crisis, there was a huge amount of misinformation about how the disease was spreading. Many people used old wive’s tales and folklore to understand the disease rather than scientific knowledge.

To remedy this, there was a need for a huge public information campaign to educate the masses on how diseases spread. One of the major things to do was teach people how to bury the dead appropriately to prevent the spread of the disease.

Case Study: HIV/AIDS in Uganda

The Borgen Project reports that highly educated people in Uganda are 75% less likely to suffer from HIV/AIDS than uneducated people. If a Ugandan completes primary school, they’re 50% less likely to suffer from HIV/AIDS.

>>>Related Post: 27 Points on the Importance of Education

2. Lack of a Voice

People who are undereducated do not have the skills or confidence to speak up for themselves.

This is a part of the reason many women remain oppressed in the developing world. Girls who are undereducated are married young – often still as children – and forced into domestic chores rather than education.

These women find it very hard to speak up about their own situation and find ways to improve their lives. They can’t find jobs, are reliant on their husbands’ incomes, and often can’t read or write which prevents them from self-educating.

>>>In-Depth: 45 Facts on the Importance of Reading

3. Shorter Lifespan

Less educated people don’t live as long as more educated people, the International Monetary Fund’s Fiscal Monitor Report shows. According to the report, less educated men statistically live between 4 and 14 years less than their well educated counterparts.

Here’s a graph from the IMF on these startling figures.

  • The smallest gap is in Italy, where educated men live 4 years longer than uneducated men. 
  • The largest gap is in Hungary, where the gap is 14 years.

According to the IMF, this shortened lifespan for the poor has a drag effect on national productivity. So in effect, we all suffer when the poor get sick and die.

4. A Poverty Trap

Poverty Trap: The inability to escape poverty due to lack of resources.

Children of poorer people are more likely to be poor themselves. This is often known as the intergenerational poverty trap .

One of the only ways to escape the poverty trap is through education. If you’re not educated, you are not likely to escape.

Here’s the facts.

While the exact figures are disputed, higher education appears to lead to higher incomes:

  • According to the Borgen Project , each year of education beyond grades 3 and 4 increases a woman’s earning potential by 20%. 
  • This South African study finds wages only see significant growth beyond a Grade 11 education. 
  • This Brookings Institute study funds one year of education leads to a 10% growth in earnings.

And the problem isn’t only lack of education. It’s also the quality of education. 

A report from the University of Stellenbosch found that children in South Africa who attend poorer public schools suffer from low teacher quality and lack of resources. This can keep children in poverty despite the fact that they attended school.

Related Article: How Can Health Influence Learning?

5. Unemployment

Everywhere in the world, jobs are given out to the most qualified people.

Educational credentials are one major way in which employers choose between job applicants. If you don’t have that high school diploma or university degree, chances are you’ll drop to the bottom of the pile.

The OECD found that across all OECD nations: 

  • 83% of people with a university degree are employed;
  • 74% of people with an upper secondary or non-university postsecondary education (e.g. a trade qualification) are employed;
  • 56% of people without an upper secondary education are employed.

6. Exploitation

People who have not been educated may have to resort to terrible types of work just to survive. In a world of limited jobs, those with an education get first pickings of the safer and more secure work.

Girls in the third world who lack education are some of the most vulnerable. According to the UNHCR , these girls are likely to find themselves doing jobs like:

  • Prostitution;
  • Sweatshop labor;
  • Domestic Labor;
  • Being married off as child brides.

Case Study: Syrian Civil War

UNICEF reports that many Syrian children are lured into fighting for the government in the civil war. These children – rather than going to school – need to work to feed their families. The US$400 per month soldier salary is often their only option due to their lack of skills.

Similarly, Syrian children who flee to Turkey end up working in sweatshops earning $10 a day to feed their families. According to The Guardian , sexual and physical abuse takes place in these sweatshops regularly.

7. Gender Inequality

Gender inequality can be a massive barrier to education for women.

Countries where women are less educated continue to perpetuate gender inequalities from one generation to the next.

Women who are less educated tend to have babies at a younger age. According to the United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative , each year a girl is out of school increases national fertility rates by 10 percent.

Women who have children after receiving a secondary school education tend to have healthier babies. The UNGEI argues that these women’s higher levels of education means “they will know how to properly care for” their babies.

Furthermore, women with a lower education are less likely to raise their voice when it comes to political and community issues that affect them.

Education is also a space where gender stereotypes are challenged, which may also lead to decreased gender inequality. If girls and boys are educated side-by-side, such stereotypes may also disintegrate.

Read Also: Types of Stereotypes

8. A Brake on Economic Growth

Countries that have a more educated population will have more sustainable economic growth over the long term than those with a less educated population.

This is particularly evident now that we live in a globalized world.

Nations are competing against each other for economic dominance. If a nation is more educated, the nation’s productivity is higher and its workers are more innovative. The nation attracts higher-paying jobs in growth industries.

By contrast, nations that are poorer have to attract lower-paying industries such as manufacturing. While many third-world countries can grow their economies rapidly by lowering labor standards and attracting industry, there is a cap on this growth.

That’s why China is investing so heavily in tech and education. They know that if they want to continue to grow at a rapid rate, they need to transition to the high-paying industries of the future.

9. Inability to make smart political decisions

If too many people in a society lack the ability to think critically about the big challenges of the future, we won’t collectively make smart political decisions.

Education is about more than money. We need to educate our society so they can make democratic decisions like: 

  • Who should I vote for in the next election? 
  • Is climate change action important?
  • Is it good for me that my taxes are spent on foreign aid?

A politically uninformed society may lack the knowledge to make smart decisions. Or, they might be easily duped by a smooth-talking populist.

Perhaps this is why one-sentence slogans tend to win out in our political discourse. The logic here is simple: dumb it down for the dumbies out there. Don’t treat them like adults. Don’t have an informed debate.

As Alex Lickerman argues:

“The solutions our political leaders seek for our most pressing problems are largely determined by which are most popular. And which are most popular is largely determined by our population’s ability to understand the problems”

10. It’s harder to raise children

If you lack an education yourself, raising children becomes more difficult. And not just because you’re more likely to be poor.

Issues uneducated parents face include:

  • Not knowing how to seek help or teach yourself about raising children;
  • Inability to help your children with their homework;
  • You’re statistically more likely to be poor;
  • You’ll expose your children to less words.

According to the American Psychological Association , this means:

  • Children of uneducated parents are behind their peers in cognitive capacity and literacy and numeracy levels;
  • Your children will have less financial literacy (they won’t be able to handle money as well);
  • Your children will struggle getting the right information about attending college.

11. Your job is about to disappear due to automation

Automation is coming. We have already seen many millions of jobs disappear over the past few decades due to the introduction of robots. Think of factory lines or – closer to home – automated cashiers at the supermarket.

These are just the beginning. As artificial intelligence comes closer to reality, chances are that more and more low-skilled jobs will come off the market.

Think about the United States: manufacturing jobs have been on the decline for decades. The next big thing to go is truck driving as safe driverless trucks hit the road in the coming years.

The Hill argues: “the largest shares of jobs that can be potentially lost belong to low-skill individuals who do low-income jobs”.

Whether new jobs in new industries will emerge to replace the old ones is debatable. But the new jobs will likely require some form of education!

Final Thoughts

Students: If you’re using this information for an essay or speech on the topic, don’t forget to cite the sources I’ve linked to.

Now that you’ve got the right information, here’s 7 tips on how to start your essay .

>>>You might also like: How to make an Essay Shorter >>>You might also like: How to use Quotes in an Essay >>>You might also like: The Editing Tips for Growing your Grades by 13%


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Please Give an Essay on Adverse Effects of Education

The moral impact Education exacerbates the level of moral values of a child. He instils a form of competitiveness that borders on unhealthy relationships. From the moment they are admitted to school, children are anchored in an attitude that personal achievements are everything. They are taught that brands and trophies are all you need to lead a successful life. The how and the why are not so important, just catch up on what - that's what a child is taught. And that's what he grows when he learns. Society has sunk too deep into this mud to get out now - it's a custom, a tradition to teach our children to come to class and not less. It does not create a healthy adult, but a competitive animal of our grandchildren.

Social Responsibility Education kills our sense of empathy. If you are an Indian pedestrian and you are crushed by a car, it will not be the owner of the car who will rush to help you. It will not be the manager of this restaurant in the Haute or the award-winning secretary of "Mills and sons" who saw you being crushed by the glass doors - no. It would be the local tea vendor, the rickshaw driver, and the security guards who lacked educational qualifications to hold high positions that would rush to help you. It is not the fault of the rich and well educated that they are incapable of empathy, but it is the fault of education. Modern education systems teach children to think for themselves - and only on themselves! 

Lack of wisdom   

The Modern education system involves turning a pile of waste into a small mind. He expects a student to complete huge portions and that's what students do - but in a wrong way. Rote's memory is emphasized rather than creative. This is one of the saddest aspects of modern society - we have knowledge but no wisdom to use it.         


The pandemic has had devastating impacts on learning. What will it take to help students catch up?

Subscribe to the brown center on education policy newsletter, megan kuhfeld , megan kuhfeld senior research scientist - nwea @megankuhfeld jim soland , jim soland assistant professor, school of education and human development - university of virginia, affiliated research fellow - nwea @jsoland karyn lewis , and karyn lewis director, center for school and student progress - nwea @karynlew emily morton emily morton research scientist - nwea @emily_r_morton.

March 3, 2022

As we reach the two-year mark of the initial wave of pandemic-induced school shutdowns, academic normalcy remains out of reach for many students, educators, and parents. In addition to surging COVID-19 cases at the end of 2021, schools have faced severe staff shortages , high rates of absenteeism and quarantines , and rolling school closures . Furthermore, students and educators continue to struggle with mental health challenges , higher rates of violence and misbehavior , and concerns about lost instructional time .

As we outline in our new research study released in January, the cumulative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ academic achievement has been large. We tracked changes in math and reading test scores across the first two years of the pandemic using data from 5.4 million U.S. students in grades 3-8. We focused on test scores from immediately before the pandemic (fall 2019), following the initial onset (fall 2020), and more than one year into pandemic disruptions (fall 2021).

Average fall 2021 math test scores in grades 3-8 were 0.20-0.27 standard deviations (SDs) lower relative to same-grade peers in fall 2019, while reading test scores were 0.09-0.18 SDs lower. This is a sizable drop. For context, the math drops are significantly larger than estimated impacts from other large-scale school disruptions, such as after Hurricane Katrina—math scores dropped 0.17 SDs in one year for New Orleans evacuees .

Even more concerning, test-score gaps between students in low-poverty and high-poverty elementary schools grew by approximately 20% in math (corresponding to 0.20 SDs) and 15% in reading (0.13 SDs), primarily during the 2020-21 school year. Further, achievement tended to drop more between fall 2020 and 2021 than between fall 2019 and 2020 (both overall and differentially by school poverty), indicating that disruptions to learning have continued to negatively impact students well past the initial hits following the spring 2020 school closures.

These numbers are alarming and potentially demoralizing, especially given the heroic efforts of students to learn and educators to teach in incredibly trying times. From our perspective, these test-score drops in no way indicate that these students represent a “ lost generation ” or that we should give up hope. Most of us have never lived through a pandemic, and there is so much we don’t know about students’ capacity for resiliency in these circumstances and what a timeline for recovery will look like. Nor are we suggesting that teachers are somehow at fault given the achievement drops that occurred between 2020 and 2021; rather, educators had difficult jobs before the pandemic, and now are contending with huge new challenges, many outside their control.

Clearly, however, there’s work to do. School districts and states are currently making important decisions about which interventions and strategies to implement to mitigate the learning declines during the last two years. Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) investments from the American Rescue Plan provided nearly $200 billion to public schools to spend on COVID-19-related needs. Of that sum, $22 billion is dedicated specifically to addressing learning loss using “evidence-based interventions” focused on the “ disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups. ” Reviews of district and state spending plans (see Future Ed , EduRecoveryHub , and RAND’s American School District Panel for more details) indicate that districts are spending their ESSER dollars designated for academic recovery on a wide variety of strategies, with summer learning, tutoring, after-school programs, and extended school-day and school-year initiatives rising to the top.

Comparing the negative impacts from learning disruptions to the positive impacts from interventions

To help contextualize the magnitude of the impacts of COVID-19, we situate test-score drops during the pandemic relative to the test-score gains associated with common interventions being employed by districts as part of pandemic recovery efforts. If we assume that such interventions will continue to be as successful in a COVID-19 school environment, can we expect that these strategies will be effective enough to help students catch up? To answer this question, we draw from recent reviews of research on high-dosage tutoring , summer learning programs , reductions in class size , and extending the school day (specifically for literacy instruction) . We report effect sizes for each intervention specific to a grade span and subject wherever possible (e.g., tutoring has been found to have larger effects in elementary math than in reading).

Figure 1 shows the standardized drops in math test scores between students testing in fall 2019 and fall 2021 (separately by elementary and middle school grades) relative to the average effect size of various educational interventions. The average effect size for math tutoring matches or exceeds the average COVID-19 score drop in math. Research on tutoring indicates that it often works best in younger grades, and when provided by a teacher rather than, say, a parent. Further, some of the tutoring programs that produce the biggest effects can be quite intensive (and likely expensive), including having full-time tutors supporting all students (not just those needing remediation) in one-on-one settings during the school day. Meanwhile, the average effect of reducing class size is negative but not significant, with high variability in the impact across different studies. Summer programs in math have been found to be effective (average effect size of .10 SDs), though these programs in isolation likely would not eliminate the COVID-19 test-score drops.

Figure 1: Math COVID-19 test-score drops compared to the effect sizes of various educational interventions

Figure 1 – Math COVID-19 test-score drops compared to the effect sizes of various educational interventions

Source: COVID-19 score drops are pulled from Kuhfeld et al. (2022) Table 5; reduction-in-class-size results are from pg. 10 of Figles et al. (2018) Table 2; summer program results are pulled from Lynch et al (2021) Table 2; and tutoring estimates are pulled from Nictow et al (2020) Table 3B. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals are shown with vertical lines on each bar.

Notes: Kuhfeld et al. and Nictow et al. reported effect sizes separately by grade span; Figles et al. and Lynch et al. report an overall effect size across elementary and middle grades. We were unable to find a rigorous study that reported effect sizes for extending the school day/year on math performance. Nictow et al. and Kraft & Falken (2021) also note large variations in tutoring effects depending on the type of tutor, with larger effects for teacher and paraprofessional tutoring programs than for nonprofessional and parent tutoring. Class-size reductions included in the Figles meta-analysis ranged from a minimum of one to minimum of eight students per class.

Figure 2 displays a similar comparison using effect sizes from reading interventions. The average effect of tutoring programs on reading achievement is larger than the effects found for the other interventions, though summer reading programs and class size reduction both produced average effect sizes in the ballpark of the COVID-19 reading score drops.

Figure 2: Reading COVID-19 test-score drops compared to the effect sizes of various educational interventions

Figure 2 – Reading COVID-19 test-score drops compared to the effect sizes of various educational interventions

Source: COVID-19 score drops are pulled from Kuhfeld et al. (2022) Table 5; extended-school-day results are from Figlio et al. (2018) Table 2; reduction-in-class-size results are from pg. 10 of Figles et al. (2018) ; summer program results are pulled from Kim & Quinn (2013) Table 3; and tutoring estimates are pulled from Nictow et al (2020) Table 3B. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals are shown with vertical lines on each bar.

Notes: While Kuhfeld et al. and Nictow et al. reported effect sizes separately by grade span, Figlio et al. and Kim & Quinn report an overall effect size across elementary and middle grades. Class-size reductions included in the Figles meta-analysis ranged from a minimum of one to minimum of eight students per class.

There are some limitations of drawing on research conducted prior to the pandemic to understand our ability to address the COVID-19 test-score drops. First, these studies were conducted under conditions that are very different from what schools currently face, and it is an open question whether the effectiveness of these interventions during the pandemic will be as consistent as they were before the pandemic. Second, we have little evidence and guidance about the efficacy of these interventions at the unprecedented scale that they are now being considered. For example, many school districts are expanding summer learning programs, but school districts have struggled to find staff interested in teaching summer school to meet the increased demand. Finally, given the widening test-score gaps between low- and high-poverty schools, it’s uncertain whether these interventions can actually combat the range of new challenges educators are facing in order to narrow these gaps. That is, students could catch up overall, yet the pandemic might still have lasting, negative effects on educational equality in this country.

Given that the current initiatives are unlikely to be implemented consistently across (and sometimes within) districts, timely feedback on the effects of initiatives and any needed adjustments will be crucial to districts’ success. The Road to COVID Recovery project and the National Student Support Accelerator are two such large-scale evaluation studies that aim to produce this type of evidence while providing resources for districts to track and evaluate their own programming. Additionally, a growing number of resources have been produced with recommendations on how to best implement recovery programs, including scaling up tutoring , summer learning programs , and expanded learning time .

Ultimately, there is much work to be done, and the challenges for students, educators, and parents are considerable. But this may be a moment when decades of educational reform, intervention, and research pay off. Relying on what we have learned could show the way forward.

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Essay on adverse effects of education

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Adverse effects of Education- Education is important for our personal development, Education helps us to develop our minds for the betterment of ourselves. It is important as most of us earn a livelihood from it. Education helps us to gain knowledge and it leads to living a meaningful life. In this fast world, we don't even realize how important education is. But education has its own benefits in this age and days the competition in academics is rising. Children have the burden of scoring good marks. It creates competition against other students, It helps them to perform better in academics. Many children face the problem of stress, anxiety, and depression because they have the pressure of scoring a good mark. There is a creation of competition against many students. Because they cannot keep up with the pressure, some children fall ill due to which they are unable to score good marks. Learning is the basic purpose of education. It creates a sense of thoughts in our minds. It is like a medication for our Body. Children who always study have adverse effects on their health as they have so much expectation from their parents which is harmful to their health as it takes away their youth. Youth is meant to be studying, playing, dancing, and singing, etc. Children should balance their time between playing and studying. They both have adverse effects on their health. Parents should not pressure their children to score better, they should motivate their achievements and counsel them to improve their mistakes. There should be a friendly relationship between parents and children. The basic purpose of education is to provide knowledge and a learned person.

Deependra Verma

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Iowa guard Caitlin Clark (22) celebrates after defeating LSU in an Elite Eight round college basketball game during the NCAA Tournament, Monday, April 1, 2024, in Albany, N.Y. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

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FILE - Northwestern head coach Pat Fitzgerald stands on the sideline during the first half of an NCAA college football game against Michigan, Oct. 23, 2021, in Ann Arbor, Mich. A judge Tuesday, April 2, 2024, denied Northwestern's motion to dismiss former coach Fitzgerald's $130 million lawsuit against the school claiming he was wrongly fired in the wake of a hazing scandal. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File)

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Milwaukee Brewers' Jackson Chourio hits an RBI single during the second inning of a baseball game against the Minnesota Twins Tuesday, April 2, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

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A Texas Rangers trainer, left, looks over Josh Jung after he was hit by a foul ball against the Tampa Bay Rays during the ninth inning of a baseball game Monday, April 1, 2024, in St. Petersburg, Fla. Jung left the game and was replaced by a pinch hitter. (AP Photo/Steve Nesius)

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FILE - John Textor, a U.S. digital entrepreneur, attends a press conference to announce Textor's takeover of the club, in Decines, near Lyon, central France, Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Brazilian club Palmeiras filed a complaint against John Textor at the country’s top sports court on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 after the American executive made allegations of match-fixing.(AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani, File)

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Everton's Dominic Calvert-Lewin celebrates scoring their side's first goal during the English Premier League soccer match between Newcastle United and Everton at St. James' Park, in Newcastle, England, Tuesday, April 2, 2024. (Owen Humphreys/PA via AP)

Newcastle draws 1-1 with Everton after late Calvert-Lewin penalty

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Everton's Dominic Calvert-Lewin celebrates after scoring their side's first goal during the English Premier League soccer match between Newcastle United and Everton at St. James' Park, in Newcastle, England, Tuesday, April 2, 2024. (Owen Humphreys/PA via AP)

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Kaiserslautern's Almamy Toure, right, celebrates with Jean Zimmer after scoring their side's second goal during the German Soccer Cup semifinal soccer match between 1. FC Saarbrucken and 1. FC Kaiserslautern at Ludwigspark Stadium in Saarbrucken, Germany, Tuesday, April 2, 2024. (Uwe Anspach/dpa via AP)

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Nottingham Forest's Morgan Gibbs-White celebrates scoring their side's third goal during the English Premier League soccer match between Nottingham Forest and Fulham at the City Ground, in Nottingham, England, Tuesday, April 2, 2024. (Bradley Collyer/PA via AP)

Nottingham Forest beats Fulham 3-1 to move away from relegation zone

FILE - North Carolina State's DJ Burns Jr. (30) dumps confetti on head coach Kevin Keatts following an Elite Eight college basketball game against Duke in the NCAA Tournament in Dallas, Sunday, March 31, 2024. N.C. State’s men’s basketball team is in the Final Four for the first time since 1983, while the Wolfpack women are in the Final Four for the first time since 1998. (AP Photo/LM Otero, File)

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FILE - Brighton's Danny Welbeck, second right, celebrates after scoring his side's second goal during the English Premier League soccer match between Brighton and Hove Albion and Leeds United at the Falmer stadium in Brighton, England, Saturday, May 1, 2021. Premier League club Brighton posted an after-tax profit of 122.8 million pounds ($154.4 million) for the 2022-23 season on Tuesday, April 2, 2204. (John Sibley/Pool Photo via AP, File)

Premier League club Brighton posts profit of $154 million

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Danielle Collins holds the Butch Buchholz trophy after defeating Elena Rybakina, of Kazakhstan, in the women's singles final of the Miami Open tennis tournament, Saturday, March 30, 2024, in Miami Gardens, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

Top-seed Jessica Pegula rallies from a set down and beat Amanda Anisimova at the Charleston Open

Brentford's Yehor Yarmolyuk, right vies for the ball with Manchester United's Victor Lindelof during the English Premier League soccer match between Brentford and Manchester United at the Gtech Community Stadium in London, Saturday, March 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Ian Walton)

Man United defenders Martinez and Lindelof ruled out for at least a month because of injuries

Milwaukee Brewers radio announcer Bob Uecker acknowledges the crowd before the second inning of a baseball game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the Minnesota Twins Tuesday, April 2, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

Brewers fans celebrate their ‘Mr. Baseball,’ Bob Uecker, who continues to broadcast games at 90

Dodgers claim outfielder taylor trammell from seattle.

FILE - Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce (87) waves after the NFL Super Bowl 58 football game against the San Francisco 49ers Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024, in Las Vegas. Kelce will bring his highly successful music festival called Kelce Jam back to Kansas City. The second annual one-day event held on May 18 will be hosted by the superstar tight end of the Chiefs and headlined by Lil Wayne, 2 Chainz, Diplo and local legend Tech N9ne. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II, File)

Travis Kelce brings back music festival in Kansas City with Lil Wayne, 2 Chainz, Diplo as headliners

Arizona Diamondbacks' Emmanuel Rivera gets a fist-bump from a teammate in the dugout prior to a spring training baseball game against the Milwaukee Brewers, Sunday, March 3, 2024, in Scottsdale, Ariz. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

Marlins acquire infielder Emmanuel Rivera from Diamondbacks for cash

FILE - New Zealand's Sam Whitelock, left, eyes to eye with South Africa's Kwagga Smith during a Rugby Championship match between the All Blacks and South Africa in Wellington, New Zealand, Saturday, July 27, 2019. All Blacks lock Whitelock will retire from all rugby at the end of the current European season, aged 35 and after a record 153 tests for New Zealand. Whitelock’s decision came amid speculation of a recall to the New Zealand team. (AP Photo/Ross Setford, File)

Most-capped All Black international Sam Whitelock to retire from all rugby

In a photo provided by Fair Grounds Race Course, Behemah Star with J.A. Guerrero aboard, front, turns for home and goes on to win the Star Guitar Stakes horse race at Fair Grounds Race Course in New Orleans, Sunday, March 24, 2024. (Jan Brubaker/Hodges Photography via AP)

9 additional 3-year-olds are eligible to race in Triple Crown series after late payments

Tuesday’s transactions.

FILE - Louisville head coach Chris Mack directs his team during an NCAA college basketball intrasquad scrimmage in Louisville, Ky., Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021. College of Charleston has hired former Louisville coach Chris Mack as its men's coach after its last coach in Pat Kelsey left to take the Cardinals job last week. Athletic director Matt Roberts said Tuesday, April 2, 2024, that Mack agreed to a five-year contract to take over the program. (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley, File)

Charleston hires ex-Louisville coach Chris Mack to take over for new Cardinals coach Pat Kelsey

FILE - James Madison guard Hevynne Bristow (3) and Stony Brook guard Shamarla King (15) chase down the ball during the first half of an NCAA college basketball game in the first round of the WBIT in Harrisonburg, Va., Thursday, March 21, 2024. The surging interest in women's college basketball prompted the NCAA to double down on its investment last summer by backing the inaugural Women's Basketball Invitation Tournament. (Daniel Lin/Daily News-Record via AP, File)

NCAA investment in a second women’s basketball tournament emerges as a big hit in Indy

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The Top 10 Websites to Keep Tabs on the Latest Sports News

Looking to keep on top of the latest sports news? Gone are the days of the newspaper page at the back; check out these top websites.

Whether you're a die-hard fan of a certain team or just like to keep up with the latest sports news, there are plenty of great websites to help you stay up-to-date. From real-time scores to exclusive interviews and in-depth features about your favorite games, these top websites will ensure you never miss a beat.

1. Bleacher Report

Bleacher Report is a one-stop destination for sports enthusiasts. Whether you're looking for the latest news or video highlights of a game you missed, this website has you covered.

With coverage of everything from NFL games to F1 races and more, there's something for every sports fan on the site.

And because Bleacher Report is constantly updated, it can be your go-to source for the latest news and information. In addition to plenty of verified news stories and analyses, the website reports rumors and speculations, keeping fans in the loop about potential developments.

ESPN, one of the most recognized and trusted sports media platforms, is a great option for sports fans looking to keep up with the latest news and insights about their favorite games. The website covers developments across various sports, including the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, tennis, boxing, college sports, and more.

You can also stream live games through the website if you have an ESPN+ subscription, which costs $9.99 per month. A unique feature of ESPN is that you can change your country of residence through the website, thus allowing you to receive news and stories that are tailored to specific regions.

3. Yahoo Sports

Featuring sports news and speculations, fantasy league updates , videos, and podcasts, Yahoo Sports is a great option for fans. The platform covers numerous sporting events and games, including the NFL, MLB, tennis, NHL, boxing, cycling, and more.

The website is also extremely well organized, with each dedicated sports page featuring specific articles, scores, schedules, rankings, stats, and more. This allows you to discover information relevant to a game or sports team of your choosing.

4. Sports Illustrated

Fans looking to stay up-to-date on the latest pro and college sports news, schedules, and speculations won’t be disappointed with Sports Illustrated. The platform offers extensive coverage for NBA matches , NFL games, and other sporting events.

There’s also a fantasy sports section, with regularly updated rankings, daily projections, season projections, and lineup generators. You can also purchase tickets to sporting events and games through Sports Illustrated’s website.

5. Deadspin

Deadspin is a popular choice for sports enthusiasts thanks to its unfiltered and often humorous take on everything sports-related.

The platform covers various sports, including baseball, football, basketball, soccer, and golf, among others. The perspectives and stories listed on the website are usually provocative and insightful, offering a refreshing alternative to what’s published by traditional media outlets .

For sports fans seeking a mix of insightful analysis and engaging content, Deadspin’s videos are a must-watch.

6. Fox Sports

Fox Sports makes it easy for you to keep on top of the latest sports news with its insightful features, breaking news updates, and engaging videos. Not only can fans conveniently keep track of schedules for both ongoing and upcoming matches through the website, but they can also check out the scores of games that are being played.

Covering a range of sports, including the NFL, FIFA Women’s World Cup, MLB, NASCAR, PGA, and more, Fox Sports caters to diverse interests and is a great choice for sports enthusiasts.

7. NBC Sports

NBC Sports is a one-stop shop for sports fans thanks to its coverage of a range of sporting events. The platform features the latest headlines and updates about current and upcoming games, so sports fans never have to miss a beat.

From the NFL and MLB to NASCAR, golf, tennis, and even dog shows, NBC Sports ensures that no sporting event goes unnoticed. You can also track player-specific updates through the website.

For an even more immersive and engaging experience, NBC Sports offers video highlights and podcasts for fans looking to delve deeper into their favorite sports.

8. The Athletic

The Athletic is a highly regarded website among sports fans thanks to its exhaustive coverage. The website covers news and stories on the NBA , NFL, MLB, NHL, NCAAF, fantasy football, MMA, and more.

The platform prioritizes the reader’s convenience, and this is evident in its user-friendly design. For instance, readers who are only looking for quick updates can find the latest headlines on the right pane of the site without having to navigate to specific pages on the website.

It’s, however, worth noting that The Athletic requires a monthly subscription (priced at $1.99 per month). That said, sports enthusiasts who seek top-notch reporting and exclusive coverage that delves beyond surface-level information will find the price well worth it.

9. SB Nation

SB Nation is a go-to platform for fans seeking the latest news on their favorite sports franchises. In addition to live scores and news updates, you’ll also find engaging articles about the lives of your favorite sports stars and immersive videos on the site.

While the platform initially only focused on the Oakland Athletics, it has since expanded to cover other teams that compete in the MLB and other sports like the NBA, NFL, CBB, CFB, golf, and WNBA, among others.

10. USA Today

USA Today offers the latest sports news, live scores, schedules, comprehensive stats, and more for a range of sports, including the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, college football, and tennis, among others.

The website also features image slideshows and videos for sports fans who want to rewatch glimpses of key moments from their favorite games.

Whether you’re looking to just read the headlines or explore in-depth analyses shared by sports experts, this website is a good option.

Stay Up-to-Date While on the Go

Thanks to the numerous mobile apps available, it's easy to stay up-to-date on the latest sports news even while you’re on the go. Many of these apps allow you to get live scores and highlights, watch clips of recent games, and browse articles and interviews with just a few taps on your smartphone.

So, make sure to do your research and download reputable apps that will help you stay on top of all the latest happenings in the world of sports.

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Caitlin Clark

Caitlin Clark's Best Pass vs. LSU Might Have Come After the Final Buzzer

Iowa Hawkeyes star Caitlin Clark threw a heartwarming pass to her brother after the Elite Eight win against LSU.

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Indiana Pacers guard Tyrese Haliburton (0) shoots the ball from the free throw line.

Luka Doncic Compares Caitlin Clark to One of NBA's Best Players

The Dallas Mavericks star was mesmerized by Clark's performance on Monday night in the Elite Eight.

Indiana Pacers guard Tyrese Haliburton (0) shoots the ball from the free throw line.

NBA Games Have Been Better Since the Scoring Dip

No matter the catalyst, the reduced foul rate has made for more entertaining basketball.

QB Kirk Cousins looks on during a practice

Falcons, Raiders, Bears Among Most Improved Teams After NFL Free Agency

Christian Wilkins, Keenan Allen and Kirk Cousins are among the best signings during this early period, and the Commanders, Titans and Steelers aren’t too far behind.

USC quarterback Caleb Williams answers questions from the media during the NFL scouting combine.

Despite Dazzling at Pro Day, Caleb Williams Won’t Get Ahead of Himself

The former Heisman Trophy winner put on a show in front of top-level NFL personnel Wednesday, but he made sure to note it’s still only a possibility he’s selected with the No. 1 pick.

College Basketball

Mar 18, 2024; Los Angeles, California, USA; Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James (23) reacts against the Atlanta Hawks in the second half at Arena.

LeBron James Hails Duquesne for First NCAA Tournament Win Since 1969

The Lakers star had plenty of praise for his former high school coach.

Lanier during SMU’s 62-59 loss to No. 15 Memphis on Jan. 7, 2024.

SMU Fires Coach Rob Lanier Ahead of ACC Move, per Report

Samford's Jermaine Marshall smiles while speaking with the media

Samford’s Jermaine Marshall Puts Kansas on Blast With Bold NCAA Tournament Prediction


#11 NC State vs. #6 Texas Tech Prediction, Expert Picks & Odds Today, 3/21

Mar 31, 2023; Dallas, TX, USA; Virginia Tech Hokies center Elizabeth Kitley (33) blocks a shot LSU Lady Tigers forward Angel Reese (10) in the second half in semifinals of the women’s Final Four of the 2023 NCAA Tournament at American Airlines Center.

VT All-American Elizabeth Kitley Out for NCAA Tournament

Philadelphia Eagles' Saquon Barkley

Saquon Barkley Told the Kelce Brothers Why His Dad Would Root Against Him in One Super Bowl Matchup

The Eagles star recently revealed his father's unwavering loyalties.

Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow warms up before a game.

Top-Paid Players at Every Position After NFL Free Agency

J.J. McCarthy walks off the field smiling

Mailbag: Vikings’ Quarterback Target Must Warrant a Trade Up

Tennessee Titans wide receiver Calvin Ridley

The 10 Most Likely Busts of 2024 NFL Free Agency

Jason Kelce looks over his shoulder as he sits down in an Eagles uniform

Jason Kelce’s Eagles Legacy Goes Beyond Classification

College football.

Confetti lays on the basketball floor after the North Carolina State Wolfpack defeat the North Carolina Tar Heels for the ACC Conference Championship at Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C., on March 16, 2024.

Everyone Is to Blame for Slowly Killing College Sports

The NCAA is powerless to keep conference realignment from happening as more and more schools seek out larger paydays.

Clemson football players prepare to run down the hill into the stadium

SI:AM | A New Threat to NCAA Conference Stability

The logo of the Clemson Tigers is seen on a football helmet during the second half of the game between the Boston College Eagles and the Clemson Tigers at Alumni Stadium.

Clemson’s Lawsuit Turns Up the Heat on an ACC Already in Hot Water

A general view of the College Football Playoff logo on a case on the Washington Huskies sideline before the 2024 Sugar Bowl college football playoff semifinal game between the Texas Longhorns and the Washington Huskies at Caesars Superdome in New Orleans, Jan. 1, 2024.

CFP Expansion Discussions are Not Rooted in Competition But in Money

USC quarterback Caleb Williams talks to the media during the 2024 NFL Combine at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis on March 1, 2024.

NFL Combine: Caleb Williams Opens Up Amid Speculation

Fantasy football.


Fantasy Football 2024: Updated Player Rankings by Position

After two weeks of NFL free agency, here’s an early look at how things have changed since the end of last season.

Chargers quarterback Justin Herbert throws a pass during a game.

10 Players Whose Fantasy Stock Went Down Without Changing Teams

Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Drake London

10 Players Whose Fantasy Stock Went Up Without Changing Teams

Chicago White Sox DH Eloy Jimenez

Fantasy Baseball 2024: Five Hitters That Could Be Late-Round Sleepers

UConn head coach Dan Hurley

UConn, South Carolina Favored to Win Men’s, Women’s National Titles

Shohei Ohtani, left, with his translator Ippei Mizuhara at an introductory press conference for the Dodgers

Edwin Diaz’s Trumpet-Blaring Entrance Song is Back, and It’s Better Than Ever

New York Mets relief pitcher Edwin Díaz brought back his iconic entrance to the mound on Monday night at Citi Field against the Detroit Tigers. The famous trump

Shohei Ohtani, left, with his translator Ippei Mizuhara at an introductory press conference for the Dodgers

Shohei Ohtani’s Translator Fired Amid Accusations of Theft of ‘Millions of Dollars’

Orioles' Gunnar Henderson slides into home during ALDS Game 2 vs. the Rangers.

Gunnar Henderson-Powered Orioles Are a Legit World Series Threat

Shohei Ohtani cover cropped

Shohei Ohtani Is an Icon Among Us

Closeup of Blake Snell delivering a pitch

SI:AM | Reigning Cy Young Winner Blake Snell Finally Finds a Home


Will Milwaukee’s Big Moves Pay Off?

The Bucks went all in on Damian Lillard then fired their new coach when they had the NBA’s second-best record. Their window to figure things out is getting tighter and tighter.

Warriors’ Stephen Curry defends Knicks’ Jalen Brunson.

NBA Power Rankings: Knicks Surge Into Top 10 As L.A. Teams Falter

Denver Nuggets center Nikola Jokic.

NBA MVP Rankings: Another Week of Brilliance From Nikola Jokić

Los Angeles Lakers guard D'Angelo Russell (1) shoots against Los Angeles Clippers forward P.J. Tucker (17) during the first half at Arena in Los Angeles on Feb. 28, 2024.

Lakers Need D’Angelo Russell to Reverse Disappointing Playoffs History

Denver Nuggets guard Jamal Murray (27) takes a shot over Miami Heat forward Caleb Martin (16) during the first half at Kaseya Center in Miami, Florida, on March 13, 2024.

Nuggets Are Putting Their Foot on the Gas

Golf Pride's new Reverse Taper putter grips

Getting a Grip on a More Comfortable Putting Stroke

Tiger Woods waits during the second round of the 2024 Genesis Invitational at Riviera Country Club iin Pacific Palisades, Calif.

A ‘Very Engaged’ Tiger Woods Hosted PGA Tour/PIF Bahamas Meeting and Played Golf With Yasir Al-Rumayyan

Sam Burns is pictured during the final day of the 2023 WGC-Dell Match Play.

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Rory McIlroy, Viktor Hovland, Scottie Scheffler, Tiger Woods and Jordan Spieth (pictured left to right) are high on the SI Golf top 36 equity shares list.

SI Golf Ranks Its Top 36 PGA Tour Players Who Should Get Equity Shares

Rory McIlroy prepares for a shot on the 9th tee during the final round of the 2024 Players Championship at TPC Sawgrass  in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.

Fact or Fiction: This is Rory McIlroy’s Best Chance to Win a Green Jacket

Brian Harman is pictured watching a shot during the final round of the 2024 Players Championship at TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.

TV Times: How to Watch the Valspar Championship, LPGA in California

Jon Rahm of Spain celebrates on the 18th green after winning the 2023 Masters at Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Ga.

Masters Champion Jon Rahm Expects to Be Nervous Early in the Week, Then All Business at Augusta

Sam Burns

Power Rankings: Take Precision Over Distance at Valspar Championship

Lampson during the Dash’s 4-0 loss to the Portland Thorns on June 12, 2022.

NWSL’s Houston Dash Fire Assistant Coach for Alleged Relationship With Player, per Report

Tyler Adams playing for the U.S.

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Mohamed Salah wins PFA Player of the Year

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Mar 16, 2024; Chicago, Illinois, USA; Chicago Fire FC midfielder Kellyn Acosta (23) celebrates with forward Hugo Cuypers (9) after scoring a goal against CF Montreal on a long kick during the second half at Soldier Field.

Chicago Fire Win MLS Game With Nonsensical Last-Second Goal From Midfield

Patrick and Brittany Mahomes celebrate a goal by the Kansas City Current.

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Inter Miami forward Lionel Messi, left, celebrates his goal against Nashville SC with teammates during the first half of the Leagues Cup championship soccer match Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023, in Nashville, Tenn. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)

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Inter Milan vs. Atletico Madrid Predictions: Champions League Today, 3/13

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Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 3.22.54 PM

Northwestern Safety Transfer Jaheem Joseph Signs with West Virginia

Florida State Seminoles quarterback Jordan Travis (13) passes to his teammate. The Florida State Seminoles defeated the Virginia Tech Hokies 39-17 at Doak Campbell Stadium on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023.

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Conner Weigman

'He's Still Battling': Mike Elko Provides Update On Texas A&M QB Conner Weigman

Chicago Bulls forward DeMar DeRozan (11) shoots over Houston Rockets guard Fred VanVleet (5) during the second half at United Center.

Chicago Bulls vs. Houston Rockets - GAME DAY PREVIEW

Mark Daigneault

NBA Betting: Thunder HC Mark Daigneault is Strong Favorite For Coach of the Year

Luka Doncic, Dallas Mavericks

Luka Doncic: Mavs Winning Games They 'Wouldn't Have Won' Before Trade Deadline

Odell Beckham Jr.

Odell Beckham Jr. Fits what the Dolphins Offense is Missing

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McNeese State basketball players practice before the NCAA tournament

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Confetti lays on the basketball floor after the North Carolina State Wolfpack defeat the North Carolina Tar Heels for the ACC Conference Championship at Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C., on March 16, 2024.

Virginia’s First Four Embarrassment Was Completely Avoidable


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Carlos Alcaraz with the championship trophy after defeating Daniil Medvedev in the men’s final of the BNP Paribas Open at Indian Wells.

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Kansas guard Kevin McCullar Jr. (15) claps during warmups before the Big 12 basketball game against Texas Tech, Monday, Feb. 12, 2024, at United Supermarkets Arena.

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General view of Centre Court at Wimbledon during the Carlos Alcaraz and Novak Djokovic men’s singles final.

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UConn Huskies center Donovan Clingan (32) reacts after timeout is called as they take on the Villanova Wildcats in the second half at Harry A. Gampel Pavilion in Storrs, Connecticut, on Feb. 24, 2024.

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The Secrets of the World’s Greatest Freediver

With only a single breath, Alexey Molchanov, history’s most daring freediver, is reaching improbable depths—and discovering a new kind of enlightenment as he conquers one of the world’s wildest sports.

Daniel Riley GQ Sep 2021 30 min Permalink

Sports Travel

I Had a Chance to Travel Anywhere. Why Did I Pick Spokane?

Increasingly worn down by the pandemic, a dad goes to a baseball game.

Jon Mooallem New York Times Magazine Sep 2021 Permalink

History Sports

The Cowboy and the King

Can a cowboy become the greatest polo player of all time?

Alvin Townley Truly*Adventurous Sep 2021 10 min Permalink

Crime Sports

Courtney’s Story

Three years ago, college football was rocked by a domestic violence scandal that ended with Ohio State firing assistant coach Zach Smith and suspending head coach Urban Meyer. Both men have since reinvented their images and careers. But what about Courtney Smith, the woman who said she had been abused for years by Smith while he coached at Ohio State? This is her story.

Diana Moskovitz Defector Sep 2021 Permalink

The Enduring Legacy of a Mike Piazza Home Run

The Atlanta Braves-New York Mets game from Sept. 21, 2001, remains a historic moment of grief, mourning, and hope after 9/11.

Ryan Hockensmith ESPN Sep 2021 20 min Permalink

This Crazy Feeling of Infinity

When the Arlee Warriors cleared an astonishing path to the state basketball championship, they brought healing to the community.

Abe Streep Esquire Aug 2021 30 min Permalink

The Grandmaster Diet

How to lose weight while barely moving.

Aishwarya Kumar ESPN Sep 2019 25 min Permalink

"I Found Your Mom"

Paul Wulff, a college football coach, was only 12 when his mother vanished from their family home. After 41 years of searching, he finally has been able to piece together some details of a mystery that upended both his life and family.

Kyle Bonagura , Adam Rittenberg ESPN Aug 2021 20 min Permalink

The Strange 19th-Century Sport that Was Cooler than Football

Pedestrianism was a sport of epic rivalries, eyewatering salaries, feverish nationalism, eccentric personalities and six-day, 450-mile walks.

Zaria Gorvett BBC Jul 2021 Permalink

Simone Biles Would Like to Thank Herself

A profile of the gymnast.

Dvora Meyers Vice Aug 2020 30 min Permalink

Hou Yifan and the Wait for Chess’s First Woman World Champion

For years, Hou was the only woman who stood a chance against the very best. But she had her own ambitions.

Louisa Thomas New Yorker Jul 2021 25 min Permalink

The Fire That Forged Giannis Antetokounmpo

On the early NBA days of the league’s newest champion.

Excerpted from Giannis: The Improbable Rise of an NBA MVP .

Mirin Fader The Ringer Jul 2021 30 min Permalink

Why Are So Many Outdoorsy People Terrible With Money?

When I was 27, I quit my job to travel and ski-bum, and by that point I had managed to save a small sum that could float me for a year. I called it my fuck-you money, because if I was ever in a situation I didn’t like—stuck in a job or with a boyfriend I wanted to leave—I could say fuck you and go. Living in ski towns is how I learned the dirtbag lifestyle, and to my surprise I took to it naturally and with enthusiasm.

Gloria Liu Outside Jul 2021 Permalink

Trey Mancini's Remarkable Return

How the Baltimore Orioles first baseman overcame stage 3 colon cancer.

Kevin Van Valkenburg ESPN Jul 2021 30 min Permalink

best sports articles websites

Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu

On the retirement of Ted Williams.

John Updike New Yorker Oct 1960 25 min Permalink

In Awe of Simone Biles' Greatness, With My Daughter and 25,000 Others

The author and his daughter make a pilgrimage to witness greatness.

Kevin Van Valkenburg ESPN Jun 2021 10 min Permalink

The Greatest Boat Race Ever Dreamed Up Over Beers

An ocean race from the Olympic Peninsula to Alaska, with no motors allowed.

Abe Streep Outside Oct 2015 20 min Permalink

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best sports articles websites

Karn Sharma Biography: Age, Stats, Career, IPL Journey – All Details

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Top 14 best sports websites changing the face of sports.

best sports websites - KreedOn

Table of Contents

In the early days obviously, the internet didn’t exist. People had newspapers as the only means to get news and information. But with significant technological advancements, the news was getting circulated through television and later through the internet. Further, when the Internet became popular, various sports websites were launched so that people could follow daily updates. Now, today’s generation is more than ever depended on these websites and they’ll continue their dominance. Nevertheless, over the years many sports news websites have been launched and are way too popular. Hence, here are the top 14 best sports websites:

Complete list of top 14 best sports websites

Best sports websites: espn.

ESPN - Best sports websites - KreedOn

In November 2021, is ranked first as the most visited Sports website. The typical amount of time people spend on the website is 9 minutes, and they view 3.52 pages per visit. was debuted in 1993, and there is almost no other spot for a sport that competes with this. The site’s Alexa rank is 81, and its US rank is 16. It has gained enormous popularity on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The site receives millions of visitors each week and is popular among all types of sports fans.

Best Sports Websites: Yahoo! Sports

Yahoo Sports- Best Sports Websites - KreedOn

Yahoo Sports, one of India’s top ten sports websites, was founded on December 8, 1997. It gets the majority of its data from STATS, has a team website for almost every North American sport, and employs a diverse range of authors. It has an Alexa rank of 4, while in the United States it has a rank of 5. The site displays live game scores, headlines, and investigations into all types of sports; most recently, on January 29, 2016, it launched the Vertical subsection for NBA news.

Best Sports Websites: BleacherReport

BleacherReport: Best Sports Websites - KreedOn

This site was founded in 2007 by sports enthusiasts with the goal of providing all kinds of information to their visitors. Dave Finocchio is the CEO of this fantastic website, and Rory:Brown is the president. BleacherReport is immensely popular among sports fans, with millions of visitors each month. Fans can also request that their needs be met, and if the website does not already have the information that a fan is looking for, they will create it; simply put, it will create whatever its visitors require. It has an Alexa ranking of 275, while it has a ranking of 90 in the United States.

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Best Sports Websites: Sports Illustrated

Sports Illustrated - Best Sports Websites - KreedOn

Time Warner, owner of the Sports website Sports Illustrated which deals with all types of sports news such as live scores, breaking news, and sports investigations. It receives approximately twenty million visits per month and has approximately 3.5 million viewers on Magazine. The site is indeed mainstream among sports fans, with an Alexa rank of 1068 and a Quantcast rank of 121. It provides information about all types of sports and is popular among its fans on social media.

Best Sports Websites: EspnCric Info

EspnCric Info - best sports websites - KreedOn

The introduction of ESPNCric Info proves how much popularity this sport has. ESPN Cric Info is India’s most popular sports website during the cricket season. It is the world’s most popular cricket website, as well as one of the top 5 single-sport websites. You can check the live updates of cricket matches as well as the game results on this website. It also features articles written by some of the best players on the planet and cricket writers, as well as live ball-by-ball reportage of all Test and one-day international cricket matches. 

best sports websites- Marca- KreedOn

Marca is one of the biggest sports news websites in Spain and is widely known in Europe. Unidad Editorial owns a national daily sports newspaper in Spain. The newspaper is chiefly involved with football, specifically the daily activities of Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, and Atlético Madrid. As of 2007, it had a daily reader base of over 2,500,000, the highest in Spain for a daily paper, and far more than half of all sports audiences. It is considered one of the most trusted and reliable sources for all football updates. Other small sports news websites primarily follow this sports website. 

NCB Sports is an American sports news website, also known as the National Broadcasting Company. Its president is Jon Miller, who also created NHL Winter classics and the National Dog show. It is a widely known website on the Internet that is responsible for sports news and all types of pastime information. Its Alexa ranking is 1059, while its ranking in the United States is 255. In eBizMBA and Quantcast rankings, the site competes with well-known sports news websites. It receives approximately 19 million visitors per month.

Fox Sports - Websites

Fox Sports was founded in 1994 and provides information on a variety of sports, including football, motorsport, tennis, golf, cricket, and wrestling. Its primary focus is on National League matches, and it is a division of Fox Broadcasting Station that excels in the news. It is far too prominent on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It is very popular and unique among people because its live coverage and analysis of the sport are free or off-the-hook, and it also receives millions of visitors per month and counting.

Sky Sports - KreedOn

If you need an all-round sports website, then Sky Sports is the perfect website to look for. A great fit for sports fans, Sky Sports was launched on March 25, 1990, and is acquired by Sky plc. It is a sports television network group that provides information about different sports such as football , cricket, basketball , hockey, WWE, Rugby, tennis, golf , boxing, and so on. The website is also very popular on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Because of its impulsive sports news, the website is very considerate for visitors who enjoy betting.

best sports articles websites

CBS Sports Network is an American pay television network operated by Viacom’s CBS Entertainment Group. When it first debuted in 2002 as the National College Sports Network, it was a multi-platform media company that included its primary website,, as well as a network of websites run by the athletic departments of 215 colleges and universities. The service was rebranded as CBS Sports Network in February 2011 in order to reconfigure it as a major sports service. The network maintains a strong emphasis on college sports, as well as coverage of lower divisions and happenings.

Goal is one of the best sports news websites for all the football fans out there. The website was founded and created in 2004 by Chicco Merighi and Gianluigi Longinotti-Buitoni. The goal is a global organization football news website that is available in 19 translations, with 38 nationwide versions and 600 contributors. It is currently controlled by Integrated Media Company (IMC), a segment of TPG Capital. The goal was named Best Sports News Site at The Drum Online Media Awards in 2017.


BBC Sport is the BBC’s sports division, offering nationwide sports news on BBC TV, radio, and online. The BBC owns the television rights to many sports in the United Kingdom, broadcasting them live or alongside top-end analysis programmes such as Match of the Day, Test Match Special, Ski Sunday, Today at Wimbledon, and previously Grandstand. The BBC Sport website has also been updated with results, analysis, and coverage. Its headquarters is based at MediaCityUK in Salford, Greater Manchester, UK, and its current director are Barbara Slater.

KreedOn is a football news platform powered by innovation that creates Internet content in multiple football leagues. Yuval Larom, Asaf Peled, and Gilad Beiman founded as FTBpro in late 2011. 90min has created and maintains an online platform that publishes football-related content for desktop and mobile devices, with editorials that include video, text, listicles, slideshows, social round-ups, and interactive polls. The content is available in ten different languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Turkish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Thai, and Indonesian. 


best sports websites: -KreedOn

Onefootball offers everything that makes every football fan’s heart pound. They provide you with the best football experience possible across numerous platforms. They have you covered no matter where you are in the world. Day in and day out. They are the most popular online media platform for young football fans, with 100 million active users worldwide. Onefootball was founded in 2008 and became one of the first 1,000 apps in the Apple App Store. It provides scores, news, rumours about transfers, live streaming, match highlights, video features, and much more!

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The Ultimate List of 40+ Popular Sports Blogs and Websites

sports blogs and websites

"Sports do not build character. They reveal it." — John Wooden, basketball coach

For any true sports fan, nothing gets the competitive juices flowing like diving into some thought-provoking blogs and websites about your favorite teams, athletes, and leagues.

If you're looking for insider analysis, epic game recaps, or just a few laughs, sports blogs and websites are a must-read for staying in the know.

For those of us who live and die with our favorite teams, the real test doesn't end when the final buzzer sounds. It's in the hours and days afterward when we take to Twitter and Reddit to celebrate victories or debate close calls.

Where do you go to sound off on the latest trade rumors, argue over MVP selections, or find your people to enjoy epic highlight reels with?

That's where this list of top sports blogs and sites comes in.

🚀 How We Picked Best Sports Blogs

First off, we looked for top sports blogs that covered everything from the big leagues to your favorite college teams. Had to have variety for all kinds of fans.

We also peeped for blogs that dropped fresh articles all the time. None of that outdated shit - you sports heads need constant updates.

Engagement was mad important too. Leave it to you dudes to spot the blogs with the sickest commenting. Tight communities are where the real talks happen.

Design-wise, clean pages you can focus on reading was key. Can't have flashy nonsense distracting from the sports deets.

🤝 Why You Should Trust Us

We've been blogging for a long time and our blog is always full of cool articles. We know what it takes to make a website interesting.

At Code Supply Co, we make great WordPress themes that lots of blogs use every day. We've helped many different blogs become popular.

We have a lot of experience with writing blogs and helping people set them up. We've learned all the ways to get readers and start talks.

We really love doing this and know how to pick the best sports blogs out there!

1. BetZillion sports blog offers an unparalleled wealth of knowledge in the realm of sports. Whether you're new to betting or a seasoned enthusiast, we offer expert insights, strategies, and engaging content. Stay updated on industry trends and enjoy diverse topics from game strategies to global sports analysis. BetZillion's team of experts provides only proven and high-quality content, which is why they took first place in our top sports blogs.

They go beyond just predictions too. There are guides explaining the ins and outs of different types of bets like parlay bets or props bets if you want to mix it up from the regular game winners. What makes it one of the top sports blogs is that you can check out their odds comparison section to shop around and make sure you're getting the best price available for your picks.

2. 🥇 Our Favorite - ESPN

ESPN sports blog

You can't have a sports blog list without including the big dogs. First up, ESPN - the worldwide leader that started it all. Even if you just need a score update in a pinch, it's hard to beat their nothing-but-sports approach. But what sets ESPN apart is the unique writing from top contributors like Wright Thompson and Mina Kimes - those guys know how to take you behind the scenes.

Why is ESPN Our Favorite Sports Blog?

They cover literally every league and team, so this is one of the sports blogs that suits everyone. No matter what your favorite sport is, ESPN's got you covered with constant updates. The insights are best in the game too. These dudes got connections everywhere so you know the rumors and behind-the-scenes scoops are on point.

3. Bleacher Report

Bleacher Report sports blog

Bleacher Report

While their hot take-heavy headlines can rub some the wrong way, their roster of in-depth features truly delivers. This is one of the coolest sports websites if you just wanna know what happened last night in the NFL or what trades your favorite NBA team just made.

Ex-NBA star Kendrick Perkins gives an unvarnished look at the league you won't get on broadcast TV. Gilbert Arenas' wild playing days stories are obligatory reading. Joe Tansey's deep statistical analyses take football sabermetrics to new heights. They also have a great app to get highlights and alerts at a moment's notice.

4. Deadspin

Deadspin sports blog

When it comes to one-of-a-kind sports commentary, Deadspin really sets the bar. Have you read some of the owner takedowns they've published over the years? It's like the writers have no fear, and we love it. And their fan interaction features! Some of the stuff they recount just has us in stitches.

Speaking of varied interests, they hit all the leagues - even stuff like surf competitions or hot dog-eating records. It's always a total mystery of what you'll find but it's never boring. This is one of the best sports websites if you want a more alternative take. This is the spot.

5. BBC Sport

BBC Sport blog

One of the best sports blogs, BBC Sport, has been putting US sites on notice with how they cover more than just the Premier League. Their worldwide soccer coverage is top-notch, going way deeper than mainstream American places. These guys really know how to find a niche for a blog .

And don't even get us started on the quirky stats analysis they do, this is one of the top sports websites for analytical staff. These guys will find correlations between weather patterns and home-field advantage like no one else. Or break down how full moons actually may impact scoring trends over time - seriously!

6. Yahoo Sports

Yahoo Sports blog

Yahoo Sports

For a site that's been around forever because it is one of the best sports blogs. They keep finding ways to stay relevant in my feeds. I gotta give their app props - really well designed for getting quick score alerts or notifs about breaking news.

This website is among those sports blogs that have come such a long way. A few years ago it was pretty much just rewrites of AP stories. But now their top sports bloggers interview guys like Pete Thamel breaking stuff and features from established stars like Dan Wetzel.

Fantasy integration is top-notch too if you're into that. No other place has stats and lineup tools as comprehensively integrated right into their mobile site and desktop experience as these guys. They are truly one of the best sports websites.

7. SkySports

SkySports blog

Their game blogs are prime. Post-game analysis and fan reactions got you covered long after the final whistle blows. And preview content gets you right about the upcoming tilts as well, making it one of the top sports blogs out there.

Then it's not just reading material - videos, and visuals keep fans engaged across all kinds of formats. Animated graphics teach abstract schemes straight up. Clips are right there so you never miss the sickest highlights or full highlights. They have pretty cool quizzes and free contests, so it's downtime interactive too. Community areas let every club and league spar forever more.

8. SBNation

SBNation sports blog

SBNation, one of the best sports blogs, covers major professional sports leagues like the NFL, NBA, MLB, as well as college football and basketball. You'll find niche sports like soccer, MMA, boxing and more, too. They have the top sports bloggers who cover different perspectives.

They have dedicated sites for every pro team too. So you can slide through and find all the Lakers chatter or whatever team you support. The fans definitely be vibrant in the comment sections. Honestly for how much ground they cover across so many sports, it's impressive how they make it all feel connected too.

9. NBCSports

NBCSports blog

This is one of the biggest sports websites. You can easily bounce around to check scores for the NFL, MLB, NBA games or get the rundown on what's happening in the NHL, Premier League, NASCAR, college ball, and more.

They make it simple to find standings, schedules, team news, and anything else you need to know about your favorite sports. You can also stream some live games right there on the site, so you don't miss any of the action. Or if you missed a game, this is one of the top sports blogs with highlights and lowlights so you're not behind on what went down.

10. The Guardian Sport

The Guardian Sport blog

The Guardian Sport

They've got you covered on all the major sports like soccer, American football, basketball, baseball, hockey, golf, rugby and more. You can easily bounce between sports to check scores, results and standings. They also have in-depth articles breaking down what's been going on recently in major leagues and tournaments. Handy videos, guides, and interactive graphics help explain stuff too.

Their crew of writers and columnists are always dishing out the latest sports gossip. Other sites' news also gets aggregated so you know what's up. If you want, you can even sign up for weekly newsletters to get the highlights sent to you. What makes it one of the top sports blogs, is off-field topics like politics in sports, business/economics, social issues, controversies and more.

11. CBSSports

CBSSports blog

This is one of the best options of sports blogs , if you're looking for all things sports in one spot. It's easy to bounce around between sports for scores, standings, player stats and the latest team scoops. They also have in-depth articles breaking down games and what's going down in different seasons. So this is definitely one of the best sports blogs to check out.

You can play a bunch of free fantasy sports games there, or pay for some premium leagues too. Plus they have CBS Sports HQ streaming 24/7 with sports talk and highlights. Pretty cool videos too. It's not just major pros - they report on college ball, MMA, boxing, the Olympics and more sports too. Experts also have podcasts if you want to geek out on sports stuff.

12. FiveThirtyEight Sports

FiveThirtyEight Sports blog

FiveThirtyEight Sports

This sports blog use stats and numbers to predict games, seasons and whole tournaments. It's pretty cool to see them break down what's really going on under the surface. Their top sports bloggers analyze things a bit differently than your typical sports site. Everything is super stats-driven. They cover all the major pro leagues like NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL.

You can check out their projections and see how they think stuff is gonna play out. Even college ball gets the stats treatment, with rankings, odds, and analyses of big conferences and teams. International tournaments like the World Cup too. If you like getting deeper than the box scores and want to understand the stats and data that drive sports, this is one of the best sports blogs for it.

13. MLB Trade Rumors

MLB Trade Rumors sports blog

MLB Trade Rumors

A lot of their stuff is about trades obviously, since that's in the name. But you can also find plenty of free agent signing updates and injury news too. The writers do a great job of staying on top of who's scouting who between teams and what contract negotiations are looking like.

They've also got you covered with stuff like arbitration cases and option decisions so you know who's locked up where. It's super useful for keeping track of all the roster construction stuff across the league.

When big news breaks, they're always on it with alerts too. So if a surprise trade goes down or a big free agent finally signs, MLBTR will have the deets faster than just about anywhere.

14. Awful Announcing

Awful Announcing sports blog

Awful Announcing

Awful Announcing is the sports blog to get all the inside info on what's happening behind the scenes in sports media. They do a great job keeping us fans in the know. They break news on announcer signings, tell us about new shows in the works, and give the lowdown on hot topics like increasing diversity. It's like our own personal connection to the industry, that's why it deserves .

Even better, they do it with a fun, lighthearted spirit. Sure, they'll point out flubs or bad broadcasts now and then. But generally it's in a playful way to make us smile, not dump on anyone. This is one of the popular sports blogs that pokes fun at goofs but also provides interesting insider scoops.

15. FOX Sports Digital

FOX Sports Digital sports blog

FOX Sports Digital

It is one of the sports blogs that give you scores, schedules, odds and an incredible depth of sports coverage. On the site, visitors can get live scores and game updates for all major North American sports leagues like the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NASCAR and more. Detailed team pages have stats, rosters and news all in one place.

This is one of the sports websites that also boast a wide variety of original sports shows and programming available to stream on demand. Popular FOX analyst shows like Undisputed with Skip Bayless and The Herd with Colin Cowherd offer compelling debate and discussion.

16. Uni Watch

Uni Watch sports blog

This is one of the biggest sports websites for university sports. You'll find tons of interesting articles diving into the history of different uniforms and inspirational stories about iconic designs. This is one of the most popular sports blogs where you can learn about upcoming tributes or throwbacks teams have planned.

Some days it's exciting news like a fresh concept jersey, other times it's remembering classic looks from the past. Either way, it always puts a smile on my face. Paul has such a gift for seeing the heart in the details and sharing that. If you join their Uni-Watch Plus community, you enter this whole other dimension too. It's so encouraging to connect with others as passionate as you.

17. The Telegraph Sport

The Telegraph Sport blog

The Telegraph Sport

If you're a fellow sports fan in the UK looking for some great sports content, check this out. Their website is top-notch. Whatever your favorite sport is, they've got you covered. Football, rugby, cricket, Formula 1 - all the big leagues are there. It's so inspiring to follow world-class athletes and your hometown teams. Their live blogs really draw in.

They have insightful articles. Some of their columnists are truly gifted writers who motivate fans with their passion and knowledge. It's really uplifting reading different perspectives. This is one of the sports blogs examples if you want to keep up with what's happening in UK and international sports.

18. FanGraphs

FanGraphs sports blog

You'll find basically any number you could want. Traditional statsand metrics like WAR, FIP, wOBA and more. You can compare players, teams, and leaders in different seasons. There are also predictive stats like projections and prospect content.

In addition to the huge database of numbers, FanGraphs contributors like Eno Sarris, Alex Chamberlain, and others write fascinating analysis pieces daily. From prospects to MLB trends, they provide knowledgeable perspectives you won't find elsewhere. The site also has great fantasy tools if that's your thing. You can check projections, lineup trackers, injuries reports and more. And RotoGraphs delivers daily articles specifically for fantasy fans.

19. Defector

Defector sports blog

This is a one-of-a-kind sports site that mixes hard-hitting journalism with irreverent commentary you won't find elsewhere. The writers aren't afraid to ruffle feathers and call things as they see them. This is one of the best sports blogs from which you can expect hot sports takes with plenty of personality.

Behind-the-scenes insights are also there for you. Long-time sports journalists give a candid look at the business with surprising stories fans don't always see. If you want sports coverage that isn't afraid to get a little rowdy and offers deeper perspectives, this, among other sports blogs, is worth checking out.

20. sports blog

This site is among the top sports blogs that have everything you need to follow all the big leagues up North. As soon as you get to the homepage you'll see highlights of what's popping off in hockey, football, baseball and more.

They got sick coverage of all the main sports too. Sections for each league where you can peep dope articles and live stats updates as games are happening. You can stream games right there, which makes it one of the best sports websites. Catch your local NHL squad or tune in to a national baseball matchup seamlessly. The streams are super easy to pull up.

21. The Sporting News

The Sporting News sports blog

The Sporting News

They got you covered on whatever your jam is - football, basketball, baseball, hockey, it's all there. Homepage puts the big stories right in your face so you always know what's happening. If you were looking for sports websites with diverse content, we found it for you.

Then you can dive deeper into each sport's section for more bites. Stats, videos, live scores - it's easy to follow your squads close. Don't forget they also hold it down on boxing, soccer, racing and golf too. So no matter if you're into the big leagues or more niche stuff, SN can be counted as one of these top sports websites for any purpose.

22. Mgoblog

Mgoblog sports blog

If you're a hard Michigan sports fan, this is the spot for you. They been holding it down covering U of M football, basketball and hockey for over 15 years. While going through dozens of popular sports blogs, we got instantly interested in this site.

The film breakdowns and stats are next-level - stuff you won't find anywhere else. And they stay on top of recruiting updates and season previews too. From game breakdowns to recruiting news, and from fan diaries to podcasts, the blog serves as the heartbeat of the Michigan Wolverines fandom. So, this is one of the sports blogs examples that focuses on a specific niche.

23. Sports Illustrated

Sports Illustrated sports blog

Sports Illustrated

They cover everything from the big ball leagues to the niche sports. They always got their finger on the pulse, which makes it one of the most popular sports blogs out there. The homepage lays it all out - you see the biggest headlines and videos popping off right away. Easy way to get a feel for what's good.

Then you can dive into specific sports sections. More in-depth write-ups, stats, scores - keep close tabs on your squads. Their long-form content is very cool too. Behind-the-scenes features, oral histories, investigative joints. Really worth checking out.

24. Bleeding Green Nation

Bleeding Green Nation sports blog

Bleeding Green Nation

BGN is among the Philadelphia Eagles news and discussion specialized sports blogs. These Birds fans cover their squad with intense passion and analysis. The site lays it all out - you got your latest stories, rumors, highlights and news breaking down the front page.

Dive into the specific sections for deeper discussions on rookies, free agency, the draft and more. Their stable of writers really knows their stuff too, so it is one of the sports websites with top-quality content. In-depth film breakdowns, stats nerdery, you name it. Always educating fans on the X's and O's.

25. Golden State of Mind

Golden State of Mind sports blog

Golden State of Mind

This blog is the premier crunchy for all things Golden State Warriors. As one of the most iconic teams in the NBA, the Warriors have a long and rich history and a bright future. We included this website on our list of best sports websites for a reason, so be sure you won't miss a beat with it.

If you're looking for in-depth game analyses, updates on player movements, or insights into the team's strategies, the Golden State of Mind has it all. The blog is more than just news and scores; it's a whole community.

26. The Sports Economist

The Sports Economist sports blog

The Sports Economist

This is one of the sports blogs that lays it all out there. Any key you need to know about sports news and analytics. They analyze the numbers behind the games we love. If you were looking for sports blogs take are about analyzing and studying various economics and business aspects related to sports, this is the best option for you.

The blog shares the latest expert investigations. Deeper dives into leagues, sports, gambling and more just a click away in the sections. The writing squad at TSE knows their job - insightful econ breakdowns and stat crunching to help you see the games different. Always schooling readers on the business beneath the buckets.

SLAM sports blog

SLAM lays it out when it comes to basketball coverage. This spot has you covered on all things NBA, WNBA, college hoops and more. Quality interviews and profiles that give fans insight beyond the stats are always there. Always educating heads on and off the court.

SLAM also keeps cooking up content through other channels. Informative podcasts, videos and galleries for any hardwood head. Count this as one of the top sports websites that focus on basketball culture beyond just the game - including shoes, fashion, music and lifestyle.

28. Front Office Sports

Front Office Sports blog

Front Office Sports

FOS gives insights into the business and business personalities behind the games. You can find deep analytics and exclusives into revenue streams, stadium deals, league expansion, and more. Always helping readers understand the money moves. So whether it’s learning about new sponsorships or TV contracts, FOS has you covered with cutting-edge info. Business never stops!

So if you like hearin' about the business behind the scores, then check out Front Office Sports. This is one of the sports blogs with lots of interesting reads on how the bigwigs in sports are playing the game.

29. Niners Nation

Niners Nation sports blog

Niners Nation

So, this is also one of the popular sports blogs dedicated to a specific niche. Nines Nation is a blog and fan community dedicated to the San Francisco 49ers. They break down the latest 49ers signings, trades, injuries and other news updates on the team. There are match preview and discussion threads for each game to analyze opponents and make predictions. Live game blogs too.

Writers give in-depth tactical and statistical analysis of the team, players, coaches and front office. What's even better, the fan post section allows 49ers fans to start their own discussions on topics and get community feedback.

30. For The Win

For The Win sports blog

For The Win

FTW focuses on the fun, viral and pop culture side of sports. It's not just stats and scores - they deliver entertaining sports stories fans want to read. As the most popular US sport, the NFL gets a lot of coverage. Articles on viral fan moments, quirky player stories, offseason fun, and other stuff.

While sports are likely covered here, their focus seems most tuned into the sports driving youth culture and social chatter. This is the type of motivational blogs . So, this one is among the most popular sports blogs that's fun to read.

31. The Athletic

The Athletic sports blog

The Athletic

Expect some deep dives and serious sports content from them. This is also one of the sports blogs that got juicy behind-the-scenes stories, in-depth player profiles, and the kind of content that'll make you the smartest person in your fantasy league.

They've got the big national stories, sure, but they're also all about that hometown love. Your local team? They're on it. Whether you're an NBA junkie, an NFL fanatic, or even into college sports, The Athletic's got something for you.

32. Pro Football Focus

Pro Football Focus sports blog

Pro Football Focus

This blog is kind of like that friend who's just obsessed with football and knows every tiny detail about it – in the best way possible. If you're into stats, PFF is your jam. They break down every. single. play. in the NFL and college football. Like, who even does that? PFF, that's who.

If you're looking to crush it in your fantasy football league, PFF's insights might just be your secret weapon. They've got all the stats and analysis to help you draft and manage your dream team, so it's like those top sports blogs examples that always got uour back.

33. McCovey Chronicles

McCovey Chronicles sports blog

McCovey Chronicles

If you're a San Francisco Giants fan, you probably know this is THE place to be. There are not so many sports blogs like this. This one has got that passionate, die-hard fan vibe. It's like watching the game with your best buds and just nerding out on all things Giants.

Dissecting the latest game, speculating on trades, or debating which player had the best 'stache in the '80s, they cover it all. The articles? Full of personality, humor, and sometimes a dash of salt.

34. YardBarker

YardBarker sports blog

This is the type of sports blogs that cover everyting you need. If you're into football, basketball, baseball, or hockey – even golf and racing – this blog’s got you. Ever wanted to know who's feuding with whom or which athlete just launched a new shoe line? YardBarker's got the lowdown. They blend the worlds of sports, pop culture, and a sprinkle of drama, making it more than just scores and stats.

Let's be honest, half of the internet's joy is in the memes, right? YardBarker gets that. They've got a pretty solid meme game, adding some humor to your daily sports digest. When it's time to get serious, they've got some top-notch analysis and in-depth pieces that'll make you feel like a sports guru in no time.

35. FanSided

FanSided sports blog

First off, FanSided isn't just a blog; it's like this massive network of fans by fans, for fans. Imagine a party where everyone's wearing different jerseys but still sharing the same grill. That's FanSided.

One of the best bits? The voice. It's not like those stuffy, all-business sports write-ups. FanSided feels like you're chatting with a buddy who's equally obsessed with dissecting last night's game. But here's the real MVP move: FanSided’s all about building a community. Their platform feels like a global fan club. So, it's not just reading articles; it's being part of a fandom.

36. The Score

The Score sports blog

So, ever had that friend who's like a walking sports encyclopedia, always updated with every score, stat, and scandal? If that buddy were a sports blog, it’d be The Score. It’s sleek, techy, and super mobile-friendly. It's like the smartphone of sports blogs – always in your pocket and crazy fast with updates.

Basketball, football, hockey, name it. All covered. They serve up the latest news, analysis, and everything in-between. Imagine your news feed and sports chat group had a baby; that’s what their content feels like. There are not so many sports blogs this insightful!

37. TalkSport

TalkSport blog

Welcome to TalkSport, one of the best sports sites for those who just can't get enough of the sporting world. This isn't a small-town gossip column. TalkSport goes global, covering everything from the Premier League's wild weekends to the latest MMA throwdowns across the pond.

It's called TalkSport for a reason! Their audio content is on top. Radio shows, interviews, and tidbits, all ready for your earbuds. It's like having a 24/7 sports radio station in your pocket.

38. ClutchPoints

ClutchPoints sports blog


If you missed the game, no sweat! This is one of the ultimate sports blogs that got your back with those highlight reels. They make you feel like you were front row at the stadium.

This isn’t just a surface-level talk. ClutchPoints gets into the nitty-gritty of games, offering in-depth analyses that’ll make you the wisest owl in your sports group chat. Their app? A must-have for any sports fans. Live scores, play-by-play breakdowns, and news updates in real-time. It's like having a mini sports command center in your pocket.

39. The Cold Wire

The Cold Wire sports blog

The Cold Wire

Some cool content here! From football tackles to basketball dunks to baseball homers, they've got every base (and basket and end zone) covered. Sports blogs like this are a rare find, trust us.

No fluff, no fillers. The Cold Wire serves up hot takes and cold-hard facts in a straightforward style. You want the lowdown without the runaround? This is your spot. It's where candid thoughts meet professional analysis. Agree or disagree, but you're guaranteed an authentic viewpoint.

40. EssentiallySports

EssentiallySports blog


While some blogs focus on one region, EssentiallySports is like your globe-trotting friend who’s got stories from every corner. NBA? Check. EPL? Check. Cricket? Why not. You know those nights when you fall into a Wikipedia rabbit hole? That's the vibe here. They don't just scratch the surface; they dive deep, exploring angles you didn’t even know you were curious about.

One thing’s for sure: their community is something else. Everyone's got a take, and they're all about that fan interaction. This is the inspirational example of how to start a blog that creates a strong community.

41. The Big Lead

The Big Lead sports blog

The Big Lead

The Big Lead? More Like The Big Deal! When you're craving sports, pop culture, and media chatter all rolled into one dynamite package, The Big Lead is among the popular sports blogs you want to check out.

While some blogs stay in their lane, The Big Lead is all about merging highways. Sports? It's here. Entertainment? Of course. Hot takes on media happenings? Oh, you know it! With their mix of in-depth articles, quick hits, and fiery takes, your reading list is sorted. And there might be a spicy debate or two you'll want to jump into.

Wrapping Up 🚀

Now that we've sorted out some of the coolest sports blogs on the block for you, it's your turn to explore and find the right fit.

Don't be the last one to know about that epic game-winning shot or the latest trade rumors. Hit these sports blogs, get lost in the content, and be the sports guru among your friends.

Sergey Sedykh photo

Founder of Code Supply Co., with 7 year experience in building WordPress blogs and magazines. More than 20k blogs were built using the Code Supply Co. premium themes.

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Last updated : March 1, 2024

* Some websites ranked in the list above may contain adult content, please use caution when visiting unknown sites.

Most Visited Sports Websites Ranking Analysis for February 2024 is ranked number 1 as the most popular website in the Sports category in February 2024. The average amount of time that users spend on the website is 00:09:05 minutes, and they see, on average, 3.56 pages per visit. Pages per visit is a popular engagement metric that is calculated by dividing the total number of website views by the total number of visitors. The bounce rate for is 43.29%, meaning that 43.29% of visitors leave the website after viewing just one page. and are 2nd and 3rd on the list. In terms of user engagement, has an average visit duration of 00:08:07 minutes, an average pages per visit of 3.91, and a bounce rate of 37.93%. Similarly,’s average visit duration is 00:05:37 minutes, its average pages per visit is 3.51, and its bounce rate is 48.47%. is a top Sports website that ranks in 4th place. On average, visitors remain on-site for 00:08:38 minutes and 37.45% of those visits bounce after viewing just one page. In addition, the average website pages viewed per visit is 3.25.

Number five on our list is, a top Sports website. Visitors see 2.84 pages per visit and spend 00:05:21 minutes on the website. The bounce rate for is 49.03%.

Come again next month for the updated website ranking & traffic analysis of the most visited Sports websites!

FAQs About The Top Sports Websites

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Question: What are the top 5 most popular Sports websites in the world? Answer: The top 5 most popular Sports websites in the world in February 2024 are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ranking the top 32 prospects for the 2024 NHL draft

best sports articles websites

The NHL regular season is nearly done, meaning many teams and their fan bases have started to follow the top prospects in the 2024 draft class more carefully. The San Jose Sharks , Chicago Blackhawks , Anaheim Ducks and Columbus Blue Jackets are at the bottom of the league standings, and their fans have been getting excited about Macklin Celebrini for months.

But there is more than Macklin Celebrini in this draft class, and while it might not have the depth of previous years, there is plenty of talent available -- and quite a few players expected to have impactful NHL careers.

One area where this draft stands out behind Celebrini is on defense. According to my model, which is explained below, this is the deepest draft on defense since 2012. That draft produced Morgan Rielly , Hampus Lindholm , Matt Dumba and Jacob Trouba in the top 10, and middle-round gems like Jaccob Slavin , Adam Pelech , Colton Parayko and Shayne Gostisbehere .

A draft does not need to have a collection of superstars to be a deep draft. While the 2024 class may lack potential firepower like the 2015 group featuring Connor McDavid and Jack Eichel , there are plenty of potential impact players on the back end to be excited about.

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College basketball transfer portal 2024: Ranking top 50 players as ex-FAU C Vladislav Goldin hits the market

Here are the best transfers in the portal so far during college basketball's 2024 offseason.

NCAA Basketball: Big Ten Conference Tournament First Round-Penn State vs Michigan

Vladislav Goldin became the latest high-caliber big man to hit college basketball's transfer free agent market on Monday, when the former FAU star announced that he is entering the transfer portal and testing the NBA Draft waters. Goldin developed into one of the country's top post players during his three seasons at FAU under coach Dusty May, who is now at Michigan.

Goldin began his career at Texas Tech, appearing in 10 games as a freshman before transferring to FAU and becoming a mainstay in the starting lineup as the Owls evolved into a national force. The 7-foot-1 Russian averaged a career-best 15.7 points on 67.3% shooting in 2023-24 as FAU finished 25-9 with a first-round NCAA Tournament loss to Northwestern.

Among the other high-caliber post players in the portal are Clifford Omoruyi from Rutgers, Jevon Porter from Pepperdine, Maxine Raynaud from Stanford and Brandon Garrison from Oklahoma State, just to name a few. Collectively, the group makes for a strong contingent of big men who will be on the move this offseason.

The spring portal window opened on March 18 and will remain open until May 1. However, players who have entered the portal by then don't face a firm deadline on when they must commit. Additionally, graduate transfers and players impacted by coaching changes that occur after May 1 will be able to transfer after the deadline.

As players enter the portal, we will rank the best of them here. The rankings will be updated regularly as players either enter the portal or announce their intentions to enter the portal.

Check out the latest transfer portal updates from 247Sports

1. Tucker DeVries

Old school: Drake  | New school: West Virginia

DeVries won Missouri Valley Conference Player of the Year twice during three seasons while playing for his father, Darian DeVries. The 6-foot-7 wing averaged 21.6 points, 6.7 rebounds and 3.7 assists per game in 2023-24. He's a career 35.9% 3-point shooter and dynamic offensive threat. DeVries is following his father, who accepted the West Virginia job. 

2. Zeke Mayo

Old school: South Dakota State  |  New school: Kansas

Mayo earned Summit League Player of the Year after averaging 18.8 points, 5.7 rebounds and 3.5 assists for a South Dakota State team that won the conference. He's a career 38.8% 3-point shooter and scored 19 points on just 11 shots against Iowa State's vicious defense in an NCAA Tournament loss. There is a strong recent track record of Summit League Players of the Year transferring up. Max Abmas was the leading scorer for Texas this season after winning the award twice in his career at Oral Roberts. Baylor Scheierman has also been a star at Creighton the past two seasons after winning Summit League POTY at SDSU in 2022.

3. AJ Storr

Old school: Wisconsin

Storr provided a significant jolt of offense for Wisconsin in the 2023-24 season, averaging 16.8 points. The 6-foot-6 wing is a multi-level scorer with the size needed to finish in the paint and around the rim. If surrounded with other dynamic playmakers who can share the offensive burden, it should allow Storr increase his efficiency after he shot 43.4% from the floor for the Badgers.

4. Vladislav Goldin

Old school: FAU

Goldin averaged 15.7 points, 6.9 rebounds and 1.6 blocks per game on an insanely efficient 67.3% shooting from the floor for FAU in 2023-24. The 7-foot-1 Russian is a rugged and seasoned veteran who impacts both ends of the floor but is a particularly strong asset on offense, despite the fact that he's never attempted a 3-pointer.

5. Clifford Omoruyi

Old school: Rutgers

Entering the first round of the NCAA Tournament, Omoruyi's 93 blocks ranked fourth nationally. The 6-foot-11 center is an elite rim protector with consecutive Big Ten All-Defense honors. Omoruyi also averaged double figures in each of the last three seasons and posted 29 double-doubles in his four years with Rutgers. He can't do much away from the rim offensively but is excellent defensively.

6.  Jevon Porter

Old school:   Pepperdine

Porter ranked as a top-100 prospect in the Class of 2022 and earned honorable mention All-WCC honors this season while averaging 16.2 points, 5.9 rebounds and one block per game. The 6-foot-11 younger brother of Denver Nuggets star Michael Porter Jr. is a career 32.5% 3-point shooter and could get high-major interest because of his size, pedigree and flashes of perimeter shooting.

7. Kevin Miller

Old school: Wake Forest

Miller averaged 15.6 points, 3.5 assists and 1.4 steals while starting all 35 games for Wake Forest in 2023-24. The 6-foot guard is a career 36.5% 3-point shooter and hit 84.5% of his free throws for the Demon Deacons. He's been prone to turnovers but is an offensive spark plug with a proven body of work in a major conference.

8. Tony Perkins

Old school:   Iowa

Perkins averaged 14 points, 4.6 assists and 1.6 steals while starting all 34 games for Iowa as a senior. Following 126 career appearances for the Hawkeyes, he should make a significant impact at his next destination. Though just a career 31.7% 3-point shooter, Perkins is a physical guard at 6-foot-4 who can attack the basket. He also rated as Iowa's top defender in the 2023-24 season, per .

9. Meechie Johnson

Old school:   South Carolina  | New school: Ohio State

Johnson wasn't necessarily South Carolina's best all-around player. But the 6-foot-2 guard did lead the Gamecocks in scoring at 14.1 points per game in 2023-24 during his second season in the program. Johnson began his career at Ohio State and will have one season of eligibility remaining as he returns to his home state to finish out his career with the Buckeyes.

10. Darlinstone Dubar

Old school: Hofstra

Dubar is a 6-foot-6 wing who averaged 17.8 points and 6.8 rebounds on 39.9% 3-point shooting for a 20-win Hofstra team. He began his career at Iowa State , starting seven games for the Cyclones in 2020-21. As a fifth-year player with a proven shot and good size, he'll have opportunities to return to a major conference. Alabama guard Aaron Estrada is a recent example of a quality high-major player to come through Hofstra.

11. Maxime Raynaud

Old school: Stanford

Raynaud was named the Pac-12's most improved player after nearly doubling his scoring average to 15.5 points per game as a junior. The seven-footer collected 9.6 rebounds per game and hit 36.1% of his 3-pointers on 61 attempts. The drawback is how limited he is defensively for a player of his size (0.8 blocks per game in 29.1 minutes).

12. BJ Freeman

Old school: Milwaukee

Freeman was a busy man the past two years at Milwaukee, leading a pair of 20-win teams in scoring. In 2023-24, he also led the Panthers in rebounds (6.6), assists (4.1) and steals (1.1). At 6-foot-6, he's both a good solo shot creator and can facilitate for others His results against high-major opposition were mixed in a limited sample size over the past two years, but Freeman is definitely someone who can help a good team.

13. Kobe Johnson

Old school: USC

Johnson stood out as an elite defender for USC, collecting 2.2 steals per game and rating as one of the top players on that side of the ball in the Pac-12. The 6-foot-5 wing also scored 10.9 points per game in 2023-24. Though just a career 32.9% 3-point shooter, Johnson has some chops as a distributor and will be a plug-and-play veteran at his next stop.

14. Tyrin Lawrence

Old school: Vanderbilt

Lawrence is a 6-foot-4 guard with 105 career appearances for an SEC program under his belt. Though just a career 28.7% 3-point shooter, he's a good defender and averaged better than 13 points per game the past two seasons. He is the type of seasoned veteran with a track record of production who could provide reliable minutes for a good high-major program.

15.  Brandon Garrison

Old school:  Oklahoma State

Garrison showed glimpses of why he was a top-50 prospect and McDonald's All-American in the Class of 2023 during his freshman season at Oklahoma State. There are offensive strides to be made, but Garrison blocked 1.5 shots per game in just 22.7 minutes and has three seasons of eligibility remaining to continue realizing his potential.

16. Cade Tyson

Old school: Belmont

Tyson is a career 44.6% 3-point shooter on 287 attempts over two seasons with Belmont. At 6-foot-7 with a demonstrated outside stroke, he could be an impact player for a high-major program. How Tyson will translate defensively to a higher level is likely the biggest question mark here. 

17. Jalen Blackmon

Old school: Stetson

Blackmon turned heads nationally with his 43-point outburst in the ASUN Tournament title game. The 6-foot-3 guard hit 38.1% of his 3-pointers on 8.3 attempts per game in the 2023-24 season and is a career 90.6% free-throw shooter. The Indiana native has only one season of eligibility remaining but has proven himself worthy of a shot to shine on the sport's big stage.

18. Gibson Jimerson

Old school: Saint Louis

Shooters like Jimerson don't come around often. The 6-foot-5 wing hit 39.5% of his 789 long-range attempts over five seasons for Saint Louis. He's got one season left to play and should be heavily pursued after demonstrating one of college basketball's most consistent outside strokes in an unparalleled sample size.

19. Jacob Crews

Old school:   UT Martin  | New school: Missouri

Crews shot 41.4% from 3-point range on 6.7 attempts per game as a junior for a UT Martin team that won a share of the OVC regular-season title. He also yanked down 8.2 rebounds per game for the Skyhawks. There are questions about his defense, but at 6-7 and with a good shooting stroke, he is big pickup for Missouri. The Tigers are coming off a winless SEC campaign and need help.

20. Dug McDaniel

Old school: Michigan

McDaniel averaged 16.3 points and 4.7 assists while shooting 36.8% from 3-point range on 5.8 attempts for a bad Michigan team. The 5-11 guard also rated as the Wolverines' top defender, per Although his offensive numbers dipped against Big Ten foes, the former four-star prospect will help a team needing to upgrade its guard play.

21. Malik Mack

Old school: Harvard  

Mack's efficiency dipped down the stretch, but it was still a phenomenal freshman season for the 6-foot-1 guard, who averaged 17.2 points and 4.8 assists per game. The Ivy League Rookie of the Year finished with 18 points and six assists at Boston College and scored 27 at Indiana during the first month of his college career. It was an impressive peek at what he's capable of against high-major opposition.

22. Myles Rice

Old school: Washington State

Rice defeated cancer and helped lead Washington State to its first NCAA Tournament since 2008. With coach Kyle Smith off to Stanford, it was no surprise to see Rice hit the portal. The 6-foot-2 guard averaged 14.8 points, 3.8 assists and 1.6 steals for the Cougars and should have three seasons of eligibility remaining. He needs to improve his 3-point shot (27.5% on 3.7 attempts per game) and bulk up. But there is a lot to like about his trajectory.

23. Kanaan Carlyle

Old school:   Stanford

Carlyle averaged 11.5 points and 2.7 assists per game in his freshman season at Stanford after ranking as a four-star prospect in the Class of 2023. His best games came against  Arizona  and  Washington State , which were both NCAA Tournament teams. With three seasons of eligibility remaining and a proven body of work at the high-major level, there is some upside here.

24. Otega Oweh

Old school:  Oklahoma  

Oweh's production and efficiency dropped dramatically during the grind of Big 12 play after his sophomore season began with tantalizing glimpses of offensive promise. But while his game remains a work in progress, the 6-foot-5 wing is already a great defender. With two years left to play, Oweh is worth a swing for a team in need of perimeter defense.

25. J'Vonne Hadley

Old school: Colorado

Though only a role player on a team oozing talent, the 6-foot-6 wing did a lot for the Buffaloes, averaging 11.6 points, six rebounds and 2.4 assists. He attempted just 1.3 shots from 3-point range but hit 41.7% of them, and he was efficient inside the arc (56.5%). How he might translate into a larger role is tough to project, but the combination of size and skill make him intriguing.

26. Koren Johnson

Old school: Washington

Johnson earned Pac-12 Sixth Man of the Year honors while averaging 11.1 points, 2.7 assists and 1.2 steals for Washington. The 6-foot-2 guard is a career 35.1% 3-point shooter over his two seasons and also rates as a good defender for his size. 

27. Malik Dia

Old school:   Belmont

Dia shined as a dynamic frontcourt player in his sophomore season at Belmont after playing sparingly during his freshman season at Vanderbilt . He averaged 16.9 points and 5.8 boards for the Bruins while shooting 34.1% from 3-point range. He's 6-9 and has surprising athleticism for a player with such a big frame. His game needs refining, but Dia's upside is clear.

28. Terrence Edwards

Old school: James Madison

Edwards was the leading scorer at 17.2 points per game for a James Madison team that finished 32-4 with a trip to the second round of the NCAA Tournament. The 6-foot-6 guard also dished out 3.4 assists for the Dukes after making significant productivity strides in all four years he was at JMU.

29. Ja'Kobi Gillespie  

Old school:  Belmont | New school: Maryland

Belmont was at its best with Gillespie on the floor; he averaged 17.2 points, 4.2 assists and 2.2 steals for the Bruins. The 6-foot guard is on the smaller side but shot a ridiculous 66% inside the arc and a solid 38.7% beyond it. With two seasons of eligibility remaining, he's a good addition for a Maryland team that needs help in the backcourt.

30. Skyy Clark

Old school: Louisville

After spending one season at Illinois , Clark transferred to Louisville and led the moribund Cardinals in scoring during the 2023-24 season at 13.2 points per game. His career 1:1 assist-turnover ratio is unappealing, but if the former top-40 prospect can find the right fit, he could still shine.

31. Houston Mallette

Old school:  Pepperdine | New school: Alabama

Mallette is a career 37.5% 3-point shooter on 512 attempts over three seasons at Pepperdine. The 6-foot-5 guard upped his mark to a career-best 41.5% in 2023-24 and had big games against quality foes like Indiana State and UNLV . Alabama wasted little time snatching up Mallette. His combination of size and shooting ability should make him a natural fit with the Crimson Tide.

32. Saint Thomas

Old school: Northern Colorado

Northern Colorado produced a gem last cycle in Dalton Knecht . Can it come through again? Thomas is a vastly different player but nonetheless intriguing. At 6-foot-7, he averaged 19.7 points, 4.2 assists and 1.7 steals while making 57.2% of his 2-pointers and 33% of his 3s in 2023-24. The dynamic forward began his career at Loyola Chicago and has just one season left to play.

33. Danny Wolf

Old school: Yale

Wolf averaged 14.1 points, 9.7 rebounds and 1.3 blocks for a Yale team that reached the second round of the 2024 NCAA Tournament. He is more fluid, nimble and versatile than a typical seven-footer. Wolf can attack defenders off the dribble, hit 3-pointers or post up. He has two seasons left, and his rare combination of size and tools make him one of this offseason's most interesting transfer prospects.

34. Bensley Joseph

Old school: Miami

Joseph played a key role on Miami's Final Four team in 2023 and upped his contributions to 9.6 points and 3.4 assists per game as a starter in 2023-24. The 6-foot-1 guard is a career 37.9% 3-point shooter and has one season left to play.

35. Michael Ajayi

Old school: Pepperdine | New school: Gonzaga

Ajayi is 6-foot-7 and hit 47% of his 3-pointers on 2.5 attempts per game while averaging 17.2 points in his lone season at Pepperdine. While Ajayi was a rebounding force for the Waves with 9.9 per game, his defense is a question mark. He should be a natural fit at Gonzaga as the Bulldogs seek to build a deeper roster after struggling with depth in 2023-24.

36. Frankie Collins

Old school: Arizona State  

Collins is only a career 30.8% 3-point shooter, but he is an excellent perimeter defender. The 6-foot-1 guard led the Pac-12 in steals at 2.6 per game during his second season at Arizona State. The former Michigan guard has one season of eligibility remaining.

37. Dain Dainja

Old school: Illinois

As a burly big man, Dainja wasn't a great fit in Illinois' five-out offensive system. He played just 10.8 minutes per game during the 2023-24 season but was productive when on the floor. The 6-foot-9 bruiser is an effective scorer in the paint, and he's a good rebounder and rim protector. He will be a difference-maker in the right scheme.

38. Frankie Fidler

Old school: Omaha

Fidler finished second in the Summit League in scoring at 20.1 points per game. The 6-foot-7 forward hit 35.6% of his 3-point attempts in 2023-24 and was effective against Big 12 foes TCU and Texas Tech . Max Abmas ( Oral Roberts to Texas ) and Grant Nelson ( North Dakota State to Alabama) are recent examples of players from this league transferring up and playing big roles for good teams.

39. Riley Kugel

Old school: Florida  | New school: Kansas

Kugel is an interesting prospect with good tools and NBA upside; however, the 6-foot-5 wing regressed as a sophomore while shooting just 31.2% from 3-point range. If he can push that closer to 40% and cut back on his turnovers, then Kugel could blossom into an impact 3-and-D player.

40. Andrej Stojakovic

Stojakovic averaged 7.8 points and 3.4 rebounds in 22.3 minutes per game as a freshman at Stanford after ranking as a top-25 prospect in the Class of 2023, per 247Sports. He hit just 32.7% of his 3-pointers and was not an impact defender. But with three seasons left to play, he'll have time to realize the potential that made him a McDonald's All-American.

41. Micah Peavy

Old school: TCU

Peavy rated as TCU's top defender each of the past three seasons, per . The 6-foot-7 wing is just a career 26.7% 3-point shooter. But for a team in need of a versatile, veteran defensive presence, he will make a significant impact.

42. Sean Pedulla

Old school: Virginia Tech

Pedulla was a mainstay in the Virginia Tech rotation for the past three seasons and led the Hokies in scoring during the 2023-24 campaign at 16.4 points per game. He is a career 35.5% 3-point shooter and dished out 4.6 assists per game during his junior year. The 6-foot-1 guard struggled with turnovers in 2023-24 (3.3 per game) but has enough offensive game to garner significant interest.

43.  Adou Thiero

Old school: Kentucky

Kentucky's most effective defensive lineups often featured Thiero. The tenacious 6-foot-6 wing guards and rebounds with a voracious appetite and can score attacking the rim. He's just a career 32.3% 3-point shooter and doesn't have a refined offensive game. Still, his 80% free-throw shooting mark in 2023-24 portends promise, and he could shine if given a greater and more consistent role.

44. PJ Haggerty

Old school: Tulsa

Haggerty averaged 21.2 points on 54% shooting inside the arc for Tulsa in 2023-24. What separates the 6-foot-3 guard from some of the other volume scorers in the portal is that he has three seasons left to play. Instead of merely serving as a one-year rental, he could potentially develop into a three-year rotational mainstay. And if he develops his 3-point shot, he could be a high-level college star.

45. Clark Slajchert

Old school: Penn

Slajchert shot 42.2% from 3-point range on 6.1 attempts per game in 2023-24 while averaging 18 points per game. At 6-foot-1, adapting to the defensive demands of the high-major level could be a challenge. But his offensive game will be attractive to major programs in need of perimeter firepower.

46. Sincere Parker

Parker is the definition of instant offense. The 6-3 guard averaged 15.9 points per game in just 20.7 minutes per contest off the bench for Saint Louis while shooting 42.6% from 3-point range. He went for 30 or more three games in a row during one February stretch of A-10 play. That should make him interesting to high-major programs.

47. Isaac McBride

Old school: Oral Roberts

McBride helped fill the scoring void at Oral Roberts that Max Abmas left behind upon transferring to Texas. The 6-foot-1 guard averaged 19.1 points per game on 39.4% 3-point shooting for ORU in the 2023-24 season. He showed glimpses of promise as a freshman at Vanderbilt in 2020-21 and now could be ready for another crack at the high-major level.

48. Jordan Sears

Old school: UT Martin

Looking for a bucket? Sears has you covered. The 5-foot-11 guard ranked ninth nationally in points per game at 21.6 after making 43.2% of his 3-pointers on 5.5 attempts per game for UT Martin. He also dished out 4.5 assists and rated as the Skyhawks' top defender, per . How it might translate to a tougher conference is difficult to decipher, but he's worth a look for teams needing some scoring punch.

49.  Amari Williams

Old school:   Drexel

Williams earned CAA Defensive Player of the Year for a third straight season while averaging 1.8 blocks per game. The 6-foot-10 rim protector rated among the top-100 defenders in all of college basketball following the conclusion of conference tournament play, per He also scored 12.2 points and grabbed 7.8 rebounds for a 20-win Dragons team.

50. Tre White

White began his career at USC before transferring to Louisville and averaging 12.3 points and 5.9 rebounds as a sophomore. At 6-foot-7, his size and versatility as a dynamic forward are intriguing. If White can improve his career 29.9% 3-point shooting mark, the former top-50 prospect could be a major asset for a good team.

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Women's NCAA tournament 2024: How to watch the Elite Eight games tonight

The women's elite eight games continue tonight..

The madness of the women’s NCAA tournament continues this Monday with more Elite Eight games. The Elite Eight featured the four top seeds against four No. 3 seeds. No. 1 Iowa vs. No. 3 LSU and No. 1 Southern California vs. No. 3 UConn both tip off tonight. How’s your bracket faring? The women’s Elite Eight round tips off this afternoon starting with Iowa vs. LSU at 7:15 p.m. on ESPN. Are you ready to watch? Here’s everything you need to know about how to watch the women's Elite Eight games of March Madness, including the full schedule for the NCAA tournament, how to watch games for free and more. And if you're looking for ways to watch the men's March Madness tournament , we've got you covered there, too.

How to watch the Elite Eight March Madness games:

Sling tv orange & blue + sports extra, watch abc, espn, tnt, tbs, trutv.

Date: Monday, Apr. 1

TV Channel: ESPN

Streaming: Sling Orange & Blue

When do the Elite Eight games start?

The women’s NCAA tournament continues with the Elite Eight round this Sunday, Mar. 31, tipping off with South Carolina vs. Oregon State.

March Madness Elite Eight schedule:

Sunday, Mar. 31

(1) South Carolina vs. (3) Oregon State

(1) Texas vs. (3) NC State

Monday, Apr. 1

(1) Iowa vs. (3) LSU: 7:15 p.m. (ESPN)

(1) Southern California vs. (3) UConn: 9:15 p.m. (ESPN)

March Madness channel:

The remaining Elite Eight games of the women's tournament will air on ESPN. Games for the women's NCAA tournament will air across ESPN, ABC, ESPN2, ESPNU and ESPNews.

The men's NCAA March Madness tournament will air live across a combination of CBS, TBS, TNT and truTV. If you don't currently get all those channels, here's what we recommend:

For live local channels like CBS or ABC, we recommend looking into an old school TV antenna , or signing up for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME , which includes access to live CBS coverage.

For access to games on TBS, TNT and truTV, HBO's Max is currently still offering its sports add-on (B/R Sports) free for subscribers of any Max tier.

If you only want to add one subscription to your arsenal, some live TV streaming services offer all the channels you'll need to keep up with March Madness, like DirecTV , Sling's Orange & Blue plan and YouTube TV.

How to watch the women's Sweet 16 March Madness games:

Watch espn, abc, tnt, tbs, trutv and espn2.

Starting at $30 for your first month, Sling TV's Orange & Blue plan offers ABC, ESPN, TNT, TBS, TruTV, ESPN and ESPN2 — AKA nearly every channel you'll need to watch both men's and women's March Madness (along with 30+ other channels). A Sling subscription also includes 50 hours of free DVR storage, so if you’re worried about missing any of the NCAA action, you can always record games.

For the women's NCAA tournament, you'll need access to ESPNU and ESPNews, which you can get with Sling's $11/monthly Sports Extra add-on.

  • Almost every game for the men's and women's tournament
  • No games on CBS

DirecTV Choice

Watch cbs, abc, tnt, tbs, trutv, espn, espn2, max + b/r sports, stream live games on tbs, tnt and trutv, paramount+ with showtime, stream live games on cbs, march madness schedule 2024:.

March 19-20: First Four games in Dayton, Ohio

March 21-22: First round games at various locations

March 23-24: Second round games at various locations

March 28-29: Sweet 16 games at various locations

March 30-31: Elite Eight games at various locations

April 6: Final Four games at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona

April 8: NCAA Championship Game at Start Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona

More ways to watch March Madness 2024:

Watch cbs, abc, espn, espn2, hulu + live tv, watch cbs, abc, espn, tnt, tbs, trutv plus get espn+, recommended stories, iowa beats lsu, uconn upends usc to advance to final four.

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With Flau'jae Johnson finding her rhythm, LSU primed and ready for Iowa rematch in Elite Eight

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March Madness: Men's and women's NCAA tournament brackets revealed on Selection Sunday

Selection Sunday is here.

March Madness: Only 116 brackets are still perfect after Thursday's games

About 96% of brackets had Kentucky advancing out of the first round on Thursday night.

March Madness: There are 0 perfect NCAA tournament brackets left after Colorado, Yale upsets on Friday

Most of the women's brackets were already busted midway through the first day of games, too.

March Madness: Most popular bet for NCAA men's tournament winner? Of course it's UConn

Everyone seems to think UConn will win it all this season.

March Madness: 5 teams that can upend South Carolina's perfect season

The undefeated Gamecocks head into the NCAA tournament as the top seed, and the odds-on favorite to win the title.

March Madness: Who Yahoo users are picking in their NCAA tournament brackets

UConn is leading the way on the men's side, while the women's bracket is coming down to just two teams this season.

NCAA bracket time: Printable March Madness tournament brackets for the 2024 men's and women's tourneys

The NCAA men's tournament field is set, and it's time to start filling out your bracket.

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Larry Lucchino, Top Executive at Three M.L.B. Teams, Dies at 78

He oversaw design of new ballparks for the Baltimore Orioles and San Diego Padres, as well as renovations for Fenway Park with the Boston Red Sox.

Standing in a stadium concourse, he wears a red Boston baseball cap and a rust-colored jacket over a yellow shirt as he waves with his right hand and smiles.

By Richard Sandomir

Larry Lucchino, who as a top executive with the Baltimore Orioles and San Diego Padres oversaw the design of modern stadiums that evoke their surroundings — Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Baltimore and Petco Park in San Diego — and who as president of the Boston Red Sox helped to preserve Fenway Park for generations, died on Tuesday at his home in Brookline, Mass. He was 78.

His family announced the death but did not give a cause. He had been treated for cancer three times.

Mr. Lucchino became president of the Red Sox in 2002 with the ascension of new ownership, led by John Henry, the principal owner of the Red Sox, and Tom Werner. In Mr. Lucchino’s 14 years with the team, the Red Sox won three World Series titles — the first of which, in 2004, broke an 86-year drought — and reached the postseason seven times. He oversaw improvements to Fenway Park that included installing seats above the Green Monster, the 37-foot-high left field wall, expanding crowded concourses and creating new concession areas.

Rather than replacing it with a new stadium, Mr. Lucchino envisioned a renovation that would keep Fenway, which opened in 1912, viable for decades.

“Have you learned nothing?” Mr. Lucchino said to Charles Steinberg, another Red Sox executive, as quoted in a profile in The Sports Business Journal in 2021 . “You can’t destroy the Mona Lisa. You preserve the Mona Lisa.”

Mr. Lucchino’s combative, competitive personality played into the rivalry between the Red Sox and the New York Yankees. In 2002, after the Yankees signed the Japanese slugger Hideki Matsui and the Cuban pitcher Jose Contreras within a few days, Mr. Lucchino told The New York Times, “ The evil empire extends its tentacles even into Latin America.”

The moniker stuck — even as Boston’s success in the coming years exceeded that of the Yankees. A year later, Mr. Lucchino further described the Yankees-Red Sox dynamic:

“It’s white hot,” he told The Times . “It’s a rivalry on the field, it’s a rivalry in the press, it’s a rivalry in the front office, it’s a rivalry among the fan base.”

The feeling was mutual.

Interviewed by The New York Times in 2007, Hank Steinbrenner, a son of the Yankees’ principal owner at the time, George Steinbrenner, said of the Red Sox , “If it wasn’t for the rivalry with us, they’d be just another team.”

Lawrence Lucchino was born on Sept. 6, 1945, in Pittsburgh. His father, Dominic, was a bar owner who later worked for the Pennsylvania court system. His mother, Rose (Rizzo) Lucchino, was a secretary and an accounting clerk.

Mr. Lucchino played second base on his high school baseball team, which won a city championship in Pittsburgh. At Princeton, he was a guard on the basketball team — the star of which was Bill Bradley — that made it to the Final Four of the 1965 N.C.A.A. men’s tournament before losing in the semifinals to the University of Michigan. Mr. Lucchino earned a bachelor’s degree from Princeton in history in 1967.

He graduated from Yale Law School in 1971 and two years later joined the House Judiciary Committee as a staff lawyer, where he worked on the Watergate impeachment inquiry of President Richard M. Nixon. One of his colleagues was Hillary Clinton.

In 1974, Mr. Lucchino was hired by the powerful Washington law firm Williams and Connolly. Over the next 14 years, he became a partner at the firm as well as an executive of the Orioles and the Washington Redskins (now the Commanders) because Edward Bennett Williams, the celebrated trial lawyer who led the firm, owned interests in both teams.

“My career in baseball is a result of him, the opportunity he gave me, and the faith he had in me,” Mr. Lucchino told The Boston Globe in 2002.

After Mr. Williams’s death in 1988 , Mr. Lucchino officially became the Orioles’ president. In that role, he oversaw development of Oriole Park at Camden Yards, which opened in 1992 with brick and steel aesthetics and asymmetrical field dimensions reminiscent of early 20th-century ballparks like Forbes Field, the home of the Pittsburgh Pirates, which he had gone to as a boy. The old B & O Railroad warehouse became a unique backdrop beyond right field.

Camden Yards is credited with inspiring other M.L.B. teams to build idiosyncratic ballparks, often in downtown settings.

Mr. Lucchino worked on the Camden Yards, Petco and Fenway projects with Janet Marie Smith, who served as an Orioles and Red Sox executive and a consultant to the Padres. She described Mr. Lucchino as a strong-willed personality who cajoled architects and others to create the best results.

“He was always challenging everyone,” Ms. Smith said in a phone interview. “He’d say, ‘This is mediocre, we’re not settling for it.’” She added that he had disdained using the word “stadium” — which evoked the round, concrete facilities built in the 1960s and ’70s that housed baseball and football teams — “and he would fine you $1 if you said the ‘S-word.’”

Mr. Lucchino left the Orioles in late 1993 shortly after the team was purchased by Peter Angelos, who died last month . The next year, Mr. Lucchino was part of a group that unsuccessfully bid for his hometown Pirates. But in late December of 1994, he pivoted to become the president and a minority owner of the Padres. It was not a great time to buy a team: The players’ union was in the midst of a strike that had wiped out the postseason.

“The team was at the bottom of the hill,” Mr. Lucchino told The Sports Business Journal. “We had the worst attendance, the worst imagery, the worst revenue, the worst won-loss record. Probably the worst uniforms. It couldn’t have been any worse.”

The team improved on the field under his direction — it reached the World Series in 1998, but was swept by the Yankees — however, he was probably best known for his development work on Petco Park, which opened in 2004, three years after he left the team.

“He felt that Petco needed context, that it needed to be something about San Diego,” Ms. Smith said.

Petco’s features include a granite exterior; an old brick building that was incorporated into the interior of left field; a mini-park beyond the outfield with a small baseball diamond and a statue of the Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn, and spectacular views of San Diego Harbor from the upper deck.

Mr. Lucchino resigned from the Padres to go to the Red Sox, where he helped to engineer a renaissance. One of his early hires, Theo Epstein, then 28, became the youngest general manager in baseball history and the architect of a roster overhaul that won the World Series in 2004 and 2007. (Mr. Epstein later moved to the Chicago Cubs organization, where he crafted their 2016 World Series-winning team.)

Mr. Lucchino is survived by his brother, Frank. His marriage to Stacey Johnson ended in divorce.

For his final baseball move, Mr. Lucchino went to the minor leagues. After leaving the Red Sox in 2015, he and other investors bought the Pawtucket Red Sox, in Rhode Island, the organization’s top minor league team. After the state’s failure to pass a stadium financing package, he moved the team to Worcester, Mass., where Polar Park opened in 2021.

Late last year, Mr. Lucchino sold the team — referred to as the WooSox — to Diamond Baseball Holdings, part of a private equity firm that owns 30 minor league teams in the United States and Canada.

“At 78, and after 44 years in baseball,” he said in a news release , “I believe it’s time to have a succession plan, one that assures a commitment to baseball and a commitment to Worcester.”

Richard Sandomir is an obituaries writer. He previously wrote about sports media and sports business. He is also the author of several books, including “The Pride of the Yankees: Lou Gehrig, Gary Cooper and the Making of a Classic.” More about Richard Sandomir

Pfn identifies steelers as best fit for wr michael gallup, share this article.

So far this offseason, the Pittsburgh Steelers have traded away their top wide receiver Diontae Johnson and signed three veterans to replace him. But I’m not sure anyone views Van Jefferson or Quez Watkins as starters in this offense and Cordarrelle Patterson is as much a running back and kick returner as anything else.

The free-agent market for wide receivers isn’t nearly as robust as it was at the start of free agency but there are still some names who could have an impact on the new-look Steelers offense. The one we all hear about is former Cincinnati Bengals receiver Tyler Boyd but Pro Football Network targeted a different receiver as the best fit for the Steelers and that’s former Dallas Cowboys pass catcher Michael Gallup.

Michael Gallup hasn’t been the same player since tearing his ACL in 2022 but has a 1,000-yard campaign (2019) on his ledger. The 6’1″, 200-pounder can give the Steelers more size on the perimeter and wouldn’t prevent them from drafting an early-round WR. Gallup has drawn free agent interest from the Panthers and Ravens since being released by the Dallas Cowboys in early March.

At this point, it’s Boyd or nobody for us. We would much rather see Pittsburgh draft a player in the second or third round of the 2024 NFL draft than roll the dice on a player who has lost a step or two since his ACL injury.

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AP Board Solutions

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 3A The Journey

AP State Board Syllabus  AP SSC 10th Class English Textbook Solutions Chapter 3A The Journey Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 3A The Journey

10th class english chapter 3a the journey textbook questions and answers.

Look at the picture and read the following excerpt from the diary of a 72-year-old man. Answer the questions that follow.

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 3A The Journey 1

As I sit here alone and waiting I gaze at people passing me by. I try to smile and reach out to them But no one notices; no one waits. They look to me like I am nothing Are they afraid to be seen saying “Hi” to an old man like me?

Question 1. What is the excerpt about? Answer: The excerpt is about an old man’s inner feelings. He feels sorry for himself. Through this excerpt, he tries to tell the readers about his pathetic condition. He feels that he is totally neglected.

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 3A The Journey

Question 2. How do people respond to the old man’s smile? Answer: When the old man tries to smile and reach out to others, no one notices and no one waits. They look to him like he is nothing. The old man feels that they are afraid to be seen saying “Hi” to an old man like him.

Question 3. How should old people be treated so that they do not feel neglected? Answer: The old people should be treated equally. They should be respected and treated with honour. They should not be bullied or laughed at. We should share our feelings with them. We should give value to their feelings. We should obey them and try to follow their pieces of advice. If we treat the old people as mentioned above, they don’t feel neglected.

I. Answer the following questions.

Question 1. ‘After spending a leisurely Sunday at home, the very thought of returning to work on Monday is tiring.’ Do you agree? Have you ever felt so? Answer: Yes, 1 agree to the above statement. After spending a leisurely holiday at home, the very thought of returning to work on the next day is tiring to anyone. I have felt so many a time. I felt so after Dussehra holidays, Pongal holidays and summer vacation previously. It would be a difficult day for me going to school on the very first day after the holidays are over.

Question 2. The last sentence of the first paragraph and the first sentence of the second paragraph appear to contradict each other. What could be the reason for the change in the decision? Answer: The last sentence of the first paragraph says that the author didn’t want to go but the first sentence of the second paragraph says that the author decided to go finally. Both the sentences contradict each other. At first he didn’t want to go as he had got married. He didn’t want to leave behind his newly-wed wife. But, when he remembered his increased responsibilities because of his marriage and his debts, he decided to return to work.

Question 3. ‘Why did the author get into debt? Think of some possible reasons. Answer: The author felt that he had got into debt after his marriage. The possible reasons are : i) The author might have met his marriage expenses. ii) He spent leisurely at home for about six months without going to work. iii) The increased expenses for the new couple. iv) The author might have bought new furniture. v) He might have bought a new flat. vi) He might have bought a number of sarees for his newly-wed wife. vii) He might have spent money carelessly. viii) He might have given money to his old parents.

Question 4. Why was the author reluctant to carry his own luggage? What would you do if you were in the author’s place? Answer: The author was reluctant to carry his own luggage as he had the feeling that if he carried the luggage, the whole world would laugh at him. He thought that his education had made him shun physical labour. In fact, the author looked for someone’s help. He felt that his guilt, shame, self-consciousness and pride might have stopped him from carrying the luggage. If I were in the author’s place, I would not do like he did. I would myself carry the luggage without looking for others’ help.

Question 5. The author feared that the whole world would laugh at him if he carried the trunk. Was the fear imaginary or real? Give reasons for your answer. Answer: The author feared that the whole world would laugh at him if he carried the trunk. I think his fear was imaginary. No one laughs at us when we do our work. In fact, carrying the trunk should not have been such a worry for him. For a young man like the author it should not have been an issue to carry his luggage on his back. Actually the others will praise his modesty, if he carries his luggage himself.

Question 6. Choose one sentence from the story that best expresses the author’s false prestige. Support your answer with details from the story. Answer: “Somehow, I had the feeling that if 1 carried the luggage, my father and my people, in fact the whole world would laugh at me and I would be belittled,” – this sentence expresses the author’s false prestige. He thought that his education had made him avoid physical labour. As a government officer, he didn’t accept the idea of people seeing him carry his own luggage. He was of the opinion that it was through him that his parents had earned a greater degree of admiration and respect from the villagers. He felt that his father would not like to see him carrying a trunk on his back and would be very hurt if he did so. These are all the facts which show the author’s false prestige.

Question 7. What does the phrase ‘opposite directions’ in the last sentence suggest? Answer: When the bus started moving, the author saw his father gradually receding into the distance. The author felt that their journeys started in two opposite directions, with him seated in the luxurious seat of a bus and father walking back with tired legs on the pebble-strewn road. The phrase ‘opposite directions’ suggests that both their directions were different. Actually, the son and the father had to travel in opposite directions to reach their destinations. In the other sense, the writer’s way was a luxurious one as he was an educated one and a government officer. He didn’t need to lead such a hard and laborious life like his father used to lead. When compared with his life, his father’s life was much harder one.

Question 8. How was the story told? Were the events narrated in the order in which they had happened? Spot the sentences where the course of narration changed its direc¬tions. How effective was it? Answer: ‘The Journey’ is a beautiful narrative by Yeshe Dorjee Thongchi. Most of the events were narrated in the order in which they had happened. Here and there we find that the narration changed its directions. The sentences where the course of narration changed its directions: a) “I did not have much to carry byway of luggage – just a trunk. Ours is a hilly terrain Here the author tried to give the reason. Then he explained the purpose of his coming to his place. Thus, the course of narration was changed. b) “Nobody had time to spare for me. In fact, carrying the trunk should not have been such a worry” The course of narration was changed after the first sentence when the author tried to tell us about his inner feelings. c) “We were walking up a narrow hilly road and neither of us uttered a word as if we were strangers who spoke different languages. I did not know what was going on in his mind.” When we observe the two sentences given above, the first one changed its direc¬tion when the author tried to present his thoughts. d) “Father wanted to say something but the bus started moving.” Later the narrative was changed its course when the author tried to think about his way in comparison with his father’s. A reader could understand very well about the author’s inner thoughts by this way of narration. He too would try to think in his own way imagining that if he were in the author’s place. Thus it was effective in provoking the thoughts.

II. Write the number of the paragraph that gives the stated information in each of the following sentences.

1. The author enjoyed his married life. Answer: Paragraph 1 (The first paragraph)

2. The author tried to convince himself that he had not done anything wrong. Answer: Paragraph 11.

3. The author was ashamed of making his father carry his trunk. Answer: Paragraph 10.

4. The author looks at himself and his father as two travellers taking two different roads. Answer: Paragraph 16 (The last paragraph).

III. The following statements are false. Correct them.

1. The author offered to carry the trunk for some time. 2. The author could decide on whether to allow his father to carry the trunk or not. 3. The author took unpaid leave. 4. The father was not happy with the old shoes his son gave him. Answer: Corrections:

  • The author didn’t carry the trunk at all throughout the story. His father carried it all the way.
  • The author decided that it would be better to let his father carry the trunk.
  • The author initially thought of taking unpaid leave but later he decided against it.
  • The father was happy with the old shoes his son gave him. His face lit up with content-ment when he noticed the author taking out his pair of shoes from the trunk.

I. Look at these words from the story :

1. newly-wed wife 2. bus stop 3. forehead

They are all compound words. A compound word is a union of two or more words to convey a unit idea or special meaning that is not as clearly or quickly conveyed by separated words. As shown above, compound words may be hyphenated, written open (as separate words), or written solid (closed). The use of compounding in English is an evolving process. As expressions become more popular or adopt special meanings, they follow a gradual evolution from two or more separate or hyphenated words to single words.

The words in the first, second and third columns are called ‘open compounds’, ‘hyphenated compounds’ and ‘closed compounds’ respectively. In this unit we focus on hyphenated compounds.

A hyphenated compound is a combination of words joined by a hyphen or hyphens. Here, the hyphen aids understanding and readability and ensures correct pronunciation. Words are hyphenated mainly to express the idea of a unit and to avoid ambiguity.

A. Pick out all the compound words from the story and group them under the head-ings as explained above.

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 3A The Journey 2

Own Sentences: 1. a) He can easily lift a 20-kilo chest. b) My father gave me a 20-rupee note. c) We ordered a 20-inch cake tin and it has just been delivered.

2. a) Mr. Prakash came to his native place along with his newly-wedded wife. b) The newly-formed association held an important meeting yesterday. c) Theirs is a newly-constructed building. d) The scientists declared that it was a newly-discovered particle- e) The CM has visited the flood-hit area.

3. a) They served the home-made wine in the party. b) The officials listed out the flood-hit villages. c) I have to walk over pebble-strewn road to reach the temple. d) They are kind-hearted people; they have made their contribution in building this hospital. e) Mr. Rajan is a well-mannered man; he always tries to be friendly with others.

4. a) Mr. Ravi Teja was offered a white-collar job. b) Mr. Bharat is a pink-card holder, who is eligible to take all the fair-price goods. c) Yesterday, they formed a new-trade union.

C. Fill in the blanks with the missing parts of compound words.

Kedarnath lived in Uttarakhand. Due to heavy rains, his village was hit by floods. His newly ____(1) ____ house fell down and he became ______(2)_____ less. The Chief Minister visited all the _____ (3) ____ hit villages and announced immediate help. However, Kedarnath lost his self ____(4) ____ and tried to commit suicide by jumping into the flooded river. Some brave and ____(5) ____ hearted people rescued him risking their lives. They told their stories too. Someone had lost his ____(6) ____ wedded wife, and someone else had lost all his family members. One of them offered him a ____(7) ____ collar job. It required him to carry rice bags. But he could not carry even a 20 ____(8) ____ bag, so he asked for a ____(9) ____ job. But no such jobs were available. One of them suggested ____(10) ____ employment scheme. But Kedarnath had no money. One day as he was walking on the pebble ____(11) ____ road, he found some ____(12) ____ plated idols and jewellery in a box. Answer:

  • built (newly-built)
  • home (homeless)
  • flood (flood-hit)
  • confidence (self-confidence)
  • kind (kind-hearted)
  • newly (newly-wedded)
  • blue (blue-collar)
  • kilo (20-kilo)
  • white-collar
  • self (self-employment)
  • strewn (pebble-strewn)
  • gold (gold-plated)

II. Look at the word ‘dilly-dally from the text. This is a reduplicative word. The words super-duper and bye bye are also reduplicative words. But they belong to different categories shown below: 1. Duplicative type : Here, the first part of the word is repeated without any change. e.g.: bye bye

2. Alliterative type : Here, the two parts have the same consonants but different vowels. e.g. : dilly-dally, chit-chat

3. Rhyming type : Here, the second word starts with a different consonant but rhymes with the first part. e.g. : super-duper

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 3A The Journey 3

Reduplicatives are used in a variety of ways. Some simply imitate sounds: ding- dong, bow-wow. Some suggest alternative movements: flip-flop, ping-pong. And some intensify meaning: teeny-weeny(very small), tip-top(very good).

Find the meanings of the words you like and use them in your own sentences. You will find similar words in your language too. For example, in Telugu, we have words like chi-chi, pho-pho, kaadu-kaadu, tara-tama, taado-pedo, pilla-jella, auto-ito. Give some examples from your language. Don’t they sound musical?

Reduplicative Words in Telugu

B. Answer each of the following questions using a reduplicative word.

1. What does the clock say? ____________________ 2. What does the school bell say? ____________________ 3. How does the rain drop? ____________________ 4. What does the dog say? ____________________ 5. How do you laugh? ____________________ Answer:

  • pitter-patter

I. In this story the author used past perfect tense (had + past participle) in many sentences. If you observe the following sentences from the story and the rules given under them, you will understand why and how the past perfect tense is used.’

1. It was 10.20 My father had already left, (para 6) Answer: When an action takes place before a point of time in the past, the action is expressed in the past perfect tense. (Sometimes the point of time can be understood from the earlier sentences and other contextual clues.)

2. Finally we reached Dirang. The bus from Tawang had not yet reached Dirang. (para 11) Answer: When two actions in the past are clearly separated by time, the earlier action is expressed in the past perfect tense.

3. I quickly sat down on a rock. My father laughed at my plight, (para 7) Answer: When two actions in the past happen simultaneously, both of them are expressed in the past tense.

4. a) Sunitha never saw a bear before she was transferred to Maredumilli. (not from the story) b) Shindh closed the doors because she heard loud noises from outside. c) I never met him after I left India. Answer: Normally, when the time relation is unambiguous, (by the use of before, after, because, etc.), the simple past (past perfect is optional) is used to refer to both past actions.

Comment on the use of the simple past tense/past perfect tense (as illustrated above) in the following sentences. Identify the tense and give reasons for the use of the tense used.

1. I had come home this time round for a special purpose: to get married. My parents had arranged my marriage according to the customs of our tribal society. Answer: In both the sentences, the part perfect tense is used as those two actions had already completed before his narration, (had come, had arranged)

2. Time flew, and five months into my marriage I realized it. Answer: In the above sentence both the verbs are in the simple past tense as the time relation is unambiguous and those two occur in the past simultaneously.

3. But after some dilly-dallying I finally decided against it because marriage had increased my responsibilities and I had got into debt. Answer: “Marriage had increased my responsibilities and 1 had got into debt.” – These two actions occurred before “I finally decided against it.” Hence, in the earlier two actions the past perfect tense is used while the simple past tense is used in the latter.

4. On my way home from the bus stop my trunk had been carried by a porter, (para 3) Answer: The above action occurred before his narrating the story. Hence, the past perfect tense (had been carried) is used.

5. A large crowd gathered at our place the day I was to leave. People had come to wish me luck, (para 6) Answer: A large crowd gathered at our place the day I was to leave. → In this sentence the simple past tense is used as it occurred later.

People had come to wish me luck. → In this sentence the past perfect tense is used as it occurred earlier.

People had come and then the large crowd gathered. Hence, the two tenses are used.

6. Father was quiet for some time. He thoughtfully looked at the sun for a moment, and then his eyes fell on the can of home-made wine that I was carrying, (para 9) Answer: The actions in the above sentences occurred in the past simultaneously. Hence, the simple past tense is used in all the actions except the last part of the second sentence. ” ……….. that I was carrying.” Here the past continuous tense is used as it was going on at the time of narrating.

7. I gave him the can of wine. He poured himself a mug and handed me the can. He drank all of it at one go. He then arranged the belt that was attached to the trunk carefully on his forehead. (para 10) Answer: All the actions are in the simple past tense as they all occurred in the past simultaneously and also the time relation is unambiguous.

8. I had never got used to physical labour having stayed in hostels right from my childhood. (para 11) Answer: “I had never get used to …………” Here the past perfect tense is used as the author while narrating, went intq the past and told. Hence, the past perfect tense is used.

9. His feet had developed cracks and somehow resembled those of an elephant. (para 14) Answer: When two actions in the past are clearly separated by time, the earlier action is expressed in the past perfect tense. “His feet had developed cracks” …. This action took place before “his feet resembled those of an elephant.” Hence, the earlier action is expressed in the past perfect tense and the latter is expressed in the simple past, (had developed, resembled)

10. I noticed this for the first time. 1 hadn’t noticed that the road was uneven, (para 14) Answer: “I noticed this for the first time.” Here the simple past tense is used as it is the author’s narration. “I hadn’t noticed that …….. ” This action might have occurred if the author did it but this action didn’t take place. Hence, the past perfect tense (+ not) is used. ” the road was uneven.” The condition of the road was mentioned here. It was the condition of the road when he narrated. Hence, the simple past tense is used.

11. I checked my wallet and saw I still had around Rs.40 with me. (para 14) Answer: Both the actions in the above sentences occurred in the past simultaneously. Hence, the simple past tense is used in both the contexts.

12. I then took out my pair of leather shoes from the trunk, and noticed my father’s face lighting up with contentment, (para 15) Answer: The above two actions occurred in the past simultaneously and the time relation is unambiguous. Hence, the simple past tense is used, (took, noticed)

13. I saw that the road we had come by looked like a giant motionless rope, (para 16) Answer: “I saw that ” — Here the past tense is used to refer to the past action as it is the writer’s narration. ” ………… we had come by looked …………” — Here the past perfect tense is used as this action had completed before his narration. ” …………… looked like a giant motion rope.” — Here the simple past tense is used to refer to the action as it is the writer’s narration.

14. He stopped his business after he became old. Answer: In this sentence both the verbs ‘stopped’ and ‘became’ are in the past tense as the time is unambiguous.

15. I never ate ‘haleem’ before I visited Hyderabad. Answer: In this sentence the verbs ’ate’ and ‘visited’ are in the past tense as the time is unambiguous.

II. Adverbial Clauses

Study the following examples from the story. 1. As I had to do a bit of catching up , I walked fast. 2. As I was going to take my first sip. 1 heard father’s voice. 3. He decided to go to his work place because he got into debts.

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 3A The Journey 5

Combine the pairs of sentences by using the words given in brackets. 1. There was nobody in the village to carry the author’s luggage. Everbody was engaged in some important work, (because) 2. The roads were not good. He preferred less luggage, (as) 3. He wanted to stay at home for some more days. He wanted to apply for leave, (since) 4. You may not attend the class. You don’t want to come again, (if) 5. The boy was about to come down the stairs. Then it crumbled down, (when) Answer:

  • There was nobody in the village to carry the author’s luggage because everybody was engaged in some important work.
  • As the roads were not good, he preferred less luggage.
  • Since he wanted to stay at home for some more days, he wanted to apply for leave.
  • If you want to come again, you have to attend the class.
  • Whan the boy was about to come down the stairs, it crumbled down.

More about Adverbial Clauses :

1. Adverbial Clauses of Time : Adverbial Clauses of Time are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions when-ever, since, after, before, while, as, etc. e.d.: 1) As Bayaji came home, his children returned. 2) As soon as the bell rang, the children came out crying. 3) While Sachin was batting, there was a heavy noise all over the stadium.

2. Adverbial Clauses of Place : Adverbial Clauses of Place are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions where and whereas. e.g.: 1) You can go wherever you like. 2) I want to live where you live.

3. Adverbial Clauses of Reason : Adverbial Clauses of Reason are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions because, that, as, since. e.g.: 1) Because he was ill, he didn’t come. 2) He was very happy that his son had passed. 3) As she was absent from school, the teacher punished her.

4. Adverbial Clauses of Manner : Adverbial Clauses of Manner are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions like, as, as if. e.g.: 1) He finished the work as she requested. 2) He is acting like he doesn’t like her. 3) They talked as if they had read.

5. Adverbial Clauses of Purpose : Adverbial Clauses of Purpose are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions so that, in order that and lest e.g.: 1) Work hard lest you should fail. 2) We eat so that we may live. 3) Sunlight is needed in order that the process of photosynthesis takes place.

6. Adverbial Clauses of Condition : Adverbial Clauses of Condition are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions if, whether, unless. e.g.: 1) Unless you work harder, you will fail. 2) If I go to Hyderabad, I will meet your brother. 3) She was uncertain whether to stay or leave.

7. Adverbial Clauses of Consequence : Adverbial Clauses of Consequence are introduced by the subordinating conjunction that. e.g.: 1) She is such a kind man that all love him. 2) She speaks in such a low voice that nobody can hear her.

8. Adverbial Clauses of Comparison : Adverbial Clauses of Comparison of Degree are introduced by the subordinating conjunction than, or by the Relative Adverb as …. as. e.g.: 1) She is younger than he. 2) He is as stupid as he is lazy.

9. Adverbial Clauses of Concession : Adverbial Clauses of Concession are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions though, although, even if. e.g.: 1) Though he is poor he is honest. 2) Even if it rains 1 shall come. 3) He passed in first division although he didn’t work hard.

I. In the story ‘The Journey’ the author says “…. my education had made me shun physical labour”. This is an adverse effect of education. Now write an essay on ‘The Adverse Effects of Education’. Here are some points: Effect on • doing some work that involves physical labour • dress/fashion • family relationships • giving respect to elders • the treatment of illiterate people Answer:

The Adverse Effects of Education

It is a well-known fact that education plays a vital role in bringing up both economically and socially. It is thought that education helps people in so many ways. Highly educated people are enjoying the status in the present day society. People with high education attain a good job, more money and many other benefits. A literate person can show the right path to others. We usually think of the benefits of education only but we should not ignore the adverse effects of education.

When the pupils spend all their time in reading and writing, there is no scope for them to do any other work. They don’t find time even to play games. Their education makes them physically weak. They are unable to do any work that involves physical labour. “A sound mind in a sound body” is a proverb. Both the sound mind and the sound body are needed if one desires to be successful. When we are helathy, we can perform our functions regularly and properly. Today, most of the pupils stay in hostels right from their childhood. Hence, they never get the chance to do physical labour. One’s physical labour will make oneself both physically and mentally strong. But today’s education system doesn’t allow the pupils to do physical labour. And the other thing is that the educated people think that others will laugh at them if they do any kind of physical labour. They think that theirs is an important position in the society. Doing their own things is the point of prestige for them. Their false prestige makes them think in a wrong way.

The second point is their dress sense. The persons with high education try to wear fashionable dresses which are different from other ones. As far as the educated Indians are concerned, they give more value to the western culture. They try to adapt the foreigners’ culture. They never think of our culture and traditions. They think that only illiterate people wear such kind of dresses which reflect our culture. In their view, they will be degraded if they don’t wear modern dresses. This thought only leads to other social problems. The young women’s dress sense will cause them a threat. They think that they are superior to the uneducated ones and behave arrogantly.

Another important point is how education affects the family relations. When a person completes his education, he starts thinking that he is greater than the other uneducated members of his family. He wants to show his dominance. If he gets employment, he doesn’t find time to spend with them. He always thinks about earning money. He gives importance to money only. He doesn’t show any love and affection even for his parents. Thus, one’s education leads to the absence of human relationships.

Most of the literates don’t give any respect to elders. As Indians, we generally have faith in our values, traditions and culture. What we have learnt from our ancestors is that we should give utmost respect to our elders. At present, we witness a different scenario. Some educated persons think that there is no use of elders. They forget the sacrifices made by them. They ill-treat their family members who are illiterates. This will lead to the destruction of family relationships.

No doubt, there are so many advantages with the education one gets. But one’s education makes one senseless. The educated persons must not move away from physical labour. They must do some work that involves physical labour. They should take care about their dress. They should not deviate from our traditional way of dressing. They should maintain good family relationships. They should respect elders. They should treat the illiterate people with courtesy. Then only their education is meaningful.

II. Summarising

A few guidelines and tips to summarize a text are given below. Read them carefully. Then read the essay ‘On Umbrella Morals’ and summarize it.

Guidelines and tips to summarize a text

To summarize is to condense a text to its main points and to do so in your own words. To include every detail is neither necessary nor desirable. In order to write a good summary, you may have to gather minor points or components of an argument from different places in the text in order to summarize the text in an organized way. A point made in the beginning of an essay and then one made toward the end may need to be grouped together in your summary to concisely convey the argument that the author is making.

Here are a few key points:

  • Read the article carefully – as many times as you require!
  • Begin your summary by mentioning the author and title. The publication and date may also be mentioned.
  • Summarize in your own words in third person using simple present tense.
  • Use transition words (however, moreover, then, also, etc.).
  • Avoid unnecessary details and direct quotes.
  • Do not give your own opinion.
  • Keep it within the word limit given or one third of the original text.
  • Prefer short and simple sentences.
  • Be consistent with the tense.
  • Check for grammar and punctuation errors.

Read the following essay.

On Umbrella Morals

-Alfred George Gardiner

A sharp shower came on as I walked along the street, but 1 did not put up my umbrella. The truth is I couldn’t put up my umbrella. The frame would not work for one thing, and even if it had worked, I would not have put the thing up, because it was falling to pieces and I would be the laughing stock. The fact is, the umbrella is not my umbrella at all. It is the umbrella of some person who I hope will read these lines: He has got my silk umbrella. I have got the cotton one he left in exchange. I imagine him walking along the street under my umbrella, and throwing a scornful glance at the fellow who was carrying his ugly thing. I dare say the rascal laughed silently as he eyed the fool with his cotton umbrella. He is one of those people who have what I may call an umbrella conscience.

I hope you know the sort of person I mean. He would never put his hand in another’s pocket, or forge a cheque or rob a cashbox —not even if he had the chance. But he will swap umbrellas, or forget to return a book, or take a rise out of the railway company. In fact he is a thoroughly honest man who allows his honesty the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he takes your umbrella at random from the barber’s stand. He knows he can’t get a worse one than his own. He may get a better one. He doesn’t look at it very closely until he is well on his way. Then, “Dear me! I’ve taken the wrong umbrella,” he says, with an air of surprise, for he likes really to feel that he has made a mistake. “Ah, well, it’s no use going back now. He’d be gone. And I’ve left him mine! “It is thus that we play hide-and-seek with our own conscience. It is not enough not to be found out by others; we refuse to be found out by ourselves. Quite impeccable people, people who ordinarily seem unspotted from the world, are afflicted with umbrella morals.

It was a well-known preacher who was found dead in a first-class railway carriage with a third-class ticket in his pocket. And as for books, who has any morals where they are concerned? I remember some years ago the library of a famous divine and literary critic, who had died, being old. It was a splendid library of rare books, chiefly concerned with seventeenth-century writers, about whom he was a distinguished authority. Multitudes of the books had the marks of libraries all over the country. He had borrowed them and never found a convenient opportunity of returning them. They clung to him like pre-cedents to law. Yet he was a holy man and preached admirable sermons, as I can bear witness. And, if you press me on the point, I shall have to own that it is hard to part with a book you have come to love.

It is possible, of course, that the gentleman who took my silk umbrella did really make a mistake. Perhaps if he knew the owner, he would return it with his compliments. After my experience to-day, I think I will engrave my name on my umbrella. But not on that baggy thing standing in the corner. I do not care who relieves me of that. It is anybody’s for the taking.

Study Skills

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 3A The Journey 6

i) 1. How could I allow my old father to carry my trunk? 2. What would people think? 3. What would they say? 4. It was improper for me to let father carry the luggage. 5. It was through me that they (my parents) had earned a greater degree of admiration and respect from the villagers. 6. He was stronger and more skilled than I in these matters.

ii) 1. His education had made him shun physical labour. 2. His father, his people, and the whole world would laugh at him and he would be belittled. 3. His father would not like him to see him carrying a trunk on his back.

iii) I would myself carry my luggage. I wouldn’t make my father carry it. iv) The author’s action is inhuman. He is thankless and selfish. v) The author is ungrateful. He doesn’t show any respect, love, and affection for his father.

Listen to the story and answer the questions that follow.

Once there was a very rich man. His name was Dhanaraju. He had two sons, Ganiraju and Pothuraju. Ganiraju was hard working and obedient. He always helped his father in the fields. But Pothuraju was lazy. He never went to fields. He was disobedient to his father. He always wanted to lead a free, lavish life, so one day he said to his father, “Father, give me my share of property.” The father was heart-broken. He divided the property between his two sons. Pothuraju left home with his share. He went to a distant land, made a lot of friends and soon spent all his property lavishly on friends, food and drinks. All his friends left him.

At that time, there was a famine and Pothuraju had no work and food. None of his friends gave him food or money. He took up the job of feeding pigs. Sometimes, he had to eat the food kept for the pigs. He was very sad about his condition. He soon began to think of his father and his brother. He said to himself, “In my father’s house, even the servants have enough food. They get good shelter too. But here, I am struggling for food and shelter. I will go back to my father. 1 will beg him to take me as his servant.” So decided, the dishonest son set out for his father’s house. In the meantime, his father was always thinking of his second son. He would sit near the windows. He would look out at the road, expecting his son to return home.

One day Dhanaraju saw his son coming at a distance. He rah out of the house in great joy and hugged his son. His son knelt down. He said, “Father, 1 am not fit to be your son. Take me as your servant.”

I. Read the statements given below and mark True or False against each of them.

1. Pothuraju went to far-off lands to enjoy free life. 2. Ganiraju asked his father to give his share of property. 3. Pothuraju had a lavish life from the beginning. 4. Dhanaraju did not care about Pothuraju. Answer: 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False

II. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the story you have just listened to? a) A Rich Son b) Repentance c) Two Sons Answer: (b) Repentance

The Journey Summary in English

The Journey’ is an excellent piece of work written by Yeshe Dorjee Thongchi, a prominent Assamese writer and it is translated into English by D.P. Nath. The author was a government officer. He came to his village to get married. His parents had arranged his marriage, according to the customs of their tribal society. After spending six months at home, he was preparing to return to his place of work. But he didn’t want to leave behind his newly-wed wife. He thought of extending his leave too. But his responsibilities made him decide to go.

As theirs is a hilly terrain, without any motorable roads, the author always prefers to carry less luggage. Now, his problem was that he needed someone to carry his luggage as his education had made him avoid physical labour. Since most of the villagers were busy in the fields, he couldn’t find even one who could help him carry the trunk to the bus stop. Finally, the writer’s father told him that he would see him off at Dirang. He didn’t want to allow his old father to carry his trunk and so he protested. But his father decided to carry the chest to the bus stop. On the day of his departure, a large crowd gathered to wish him luck and the author left for Dirang at 10 : 20. His father had already left and he had to walk fast to catch up his father. He was very tired when he caught up with his father. He sat on a rock to rest for a while. His father drank all the wine given by him and resumed carrying the luggage on his back. The author followed his father. Neither of them spoke a word as if they were strangers. The author thought that it was improper for him to let his father carry the luggage. Although he wanted to tell his father that he would like to carry the trunk himself, he couldn’t do so because of his guilt, shame and pride. He felt that the whole world would laugh at him if he did so.

The author knew that his father had provided for his education. He thought that it was through him that his parents had earned admiration and respect from the villagers. He knew that he was physically useless in spite of his youth and strength. He concluded that it would be better to let his father carry the luggage and followed him silently After resting at two places for tiffin, they reached Dirang finally. They entered a tea shop and started sipping tea. His father asked him if he had a pair of old shoes. Then the author looked at his father’s bare feet and noticed that they were full of cracks. He noticed this for the first time. He offered his father money but he refused to take. Instead, he wanted the author’s old pair. So, the author gave him the hunting boots he was wearing. His father filled with satisfaction when he saw the author taking out his pair of leather shoes from the trunk. His father wanted to say something to him but the bus started moving. Finally the author realized that both their ways were different – his way was a luxurious one while his father’s was a difficult one.

The Journey Glossary

lethargy (n) : the state of not having any energy or enthusiasm for doing things creeps (v) : develops very slowly terrain (n) : a particular type of land extend (v) : to continue for a longer period of time dilly-dallying (v) : taking a long time to do something, go somewhere or make a decision debt (n) : a sum of money that a person or organization owes shun (v) : to avoid something or somebody chest (n) : a large strong box see off (phr.v.) : to go to an airport, station, etc. to say goodbye to someone protest (v) : to say that one strongly disagrees with dissuade (v) : to convince somebody not to do something catch up (phr.v.) : to come from behind and reach someone in front of you by going faster plight (n) : a difficult and sad situation utter (v) : to say something guilt (n) : the unhappy feelings caused by knowing that you have done something wrong self-consciousness (n) : feelings of nervousness about what other people think of you belittle (v) : to make someone or something seem small or unimportant hardly (adv) : almost not sip (n) : a very small amount of a drink pebbles (n) : small smooth stones bare feet (n.phrase) : the feet without chappals or shoes contentment (n) : a feeling of happiness or satisfaction recede (v) : move back from a previous position further and further until it disappears weary (adj) : very tired pebble-strewn road (n.phrase) : the road over which pebbles are scattered

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Adverse Effects of Education


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Life is a struggle, sometimes you have to lose something in order to get something, but it’s always your choice to consider what you want or need the most. If education improves people’s life style and social environment, it also affects our lives in an undesirable way. I know education is essential in almost every aspect of our lives, but do we really want it to entirely take our place? That is, should we give priority to education only and put everything else behind? People see education from different aspects, but one thing about education that everyone agrees on is that it has done so much, socially and politically, for us. Considering all the improvements and differences that education has made, we are unable to see what it has done to us. Today we see education simply as academic success but that’s not all there is about education. Being yourself, valuing your culture and identity, and remaining in family are the key issues that we should consider when thinking of getting education. The more we are trying hard to achieve academic success, the more we are starting to grow apart from our love ones and it is changing everyone in certain way.

According to Jimmy Santiago Baca in, “Working in The Dark,” “Only by action, by moving out into the world and confronting and challenging the obstacles, could one learn anything worth knowing.” Usually we have to go out in the world in order to get education and even face lots of problems, but don’t you think sometimes it becomes dilemma for us that we have to chose education over our family or family over education, because there are so few people who get education by not going to school. I am aware of the fact that not all the people have to suffer through these things because who doesn’t want to get education and still remain in culture and family? But it doesn’t always happen this way. Things change, people change. The way we live and where we live does affect us in some way. Sometimes you need to go far away from family and live with different people to get education but it doesn’t mean that we should start seeing ourselves the way others want us to. Although education is of a great importance in everybody’s life, it can make people challenge their cultural values and create and unsatisfied relationship with their loved ones.

Despite the fact that education improves people socially and helps them succeed, it distances us from our family and makes us question our cultural values. You cannot force someone to study and neither can you stop him or her if they want to. Everybody wants their children to get good education but nobody wants them to be so obsessed with study that they don’t even think about anything else besides studying. I know high education requires more time and really hard work, but it’s not the same with kids. Some kids achieve so much at a very young age, which is so impressive, and this constant success changes them, making them so preoccupied with reading books and novels, but later they realize that they have missed all the other things in their lives that they shouldn’t have. According to Richard Rodriguez in the article, “The Achievement of Desire,” “A primary reason for my success in the classroom was that I couldn’t forget that schooling was changing me and separating me from the life I enjoyed before becoming a student.”

It is useful to read books and get something out of them but it doesn’t mean that you should be a bookworm. Some people call getting high education at a very young age a success and therefore making kids choose study over everything, but I think kids or anyone should also enjoy other things at the same time by not avoiding to spend time with their family and friends as well as interacting with other activities like sports. Because by not doing this, not only you grow separate from your culture but you also form a different world of your own in which you act different and live different, making yourself look unique in everything. Because after having a little success, one does not want anything that makes him or her less perfect. Therefore end up feeling so complex that suddenly you feel that may be your culture or family members are not perfect according to you and you see them as others do. But that’s not a real education.

Education is like a sea; you can never get enough of it. While education is very important to us, the ways people educate themselves have enormous effects on their cultural lives. Once you educate yourself academically, cultural values and your background don’t seem that important to you as you consider yourself in high society. Kids who come from other countries learn new things and after a while living here, they adapt another culture. They even feel ashamed speaking their own language and they try to get rid of the accent. Sometimes they even feel ashamed and embarrassed of their parents by their lack of education. It feels bad to hear things like this; after all it is all because of your parents. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t because of our parents, Mr. Rodriguez wouldn’t have gone to school and achieved so much success if his parents wouldn’t have paid for him. So we should never grow apart from our families and parents. When we came from India we knew what our culture is and why we came here.

My parents also want us to get education and be someone as everybody’s parents do, so my dad allows us to have anything and do anything as long as it is not out of culture and concerns studying. But after living here for a couple of months, my brother found a girlfriend, which my culture doesn’t allow. When we found out, we tried to stop him because they were both disobeying our culture. But he took advantage of going to college and kept seeing her. Still my dad allowed him to go to college because he wants us to make a career but instead he chose her and ran away. So I think even if you manage to achieve so much academic success, you should never forget where you come from and who you are. Take advantage of education and opportunities that you get by educating yourself, but don’t let it challenge you your identity and your community. Education will definitely make your life better but it is not going to change your identity and culture or should it?

Although education get you some fame and make you wealthy, it can affect your personal life in an unfavorable way. As you become successful in life, your responsibilities also rise and sometimes it becomes hard to make sure that all the responsibilities have been taken care of. Because as well having responsibilities toward your intellectual aspect, you also have some responsibilities toward your family and friends. Some kids, who are dedicated to their studies and are always studying, sometimes fail to fulfill their parents’ desires. Mr. Rodriguez agrees, “Scholarship boy: good student, troubled son.” Endowed children, who are highly interested in study, are most likely to act a little different and sometimes weird. Being an intelligent scholarship student doesn’t mean that you should always read recommended books and totally neglect other aspects of your life. If parents want their kids to study hard and support them, which is a good thing, they definitely don’t want you to abandon other good things in life. As we see today, many kids who are flawed are most likely to be rich.

Is this because their parents are highly educated and they hold highly paid jobs? Therefore they don’t have much time to spend with their kids to teach them valuable lessons? For example, although George Bush, president of United States, has benefited himself and his family from his education in an enormous way but do you think he has a satisfied relationship with his daughters after what they have done? And is this because they are rich and highly educated? Do you think his daughter would have been better if they had not been so rich and famous? Mr. Baca agrees, “If I had not left our village, if I had stayed all these years with my grandmother, I could have been a better man than I am today.” Although Baca had learned in prison, but I don’t think he would have even gone to prison if he had stayed with his family. You learn so many good things just by living with your family; you feel their and your culture’s importance. The same with a celebrity like Bill Clinton, don’t you think his character was more important then him being the president of U.S.A? Could his education save him from questioning his position? How did it impact his family life even though he was very successful academically? There are so many ways of learning if you really want to learn, going to private schools or getting degrees is not the only way.

According to Malcolm X in the article, “Learning to Read,” “I don’t think anybody ever got more out of going to prison than I did.” If you really want to learn you can do that anywhere but if one doesn’t want to learn he or she wouldn’t be able to learn even by going to some expensive school. Sometimes your inspiration should come from within otherwise you’ll be doing something you are not interested in but someone else is. Education is not a bad thing if we think of it as something to help others, making your family proud of you, having a career and making a difference in the world, but there are so few people who understand the actual meaning of education. But we should never chose education over our family, considering education or more importance than our culture and family. Some people study to make their lives easier and better whereas some people study to help and improve other people’s lives and others simply study to learn something they are interested in. Being academically successful isn’t always considered successful in life, valuing your cultural, family and moral character are the most important things when thinking of success. After all our parents do want us to educate ourselves and support us in making a career so why avoid them and see them as obstacle on the way of your success.

Everything has two sides, positive and negative. Usually we tend to look at the positive side of education, which is important, but there are also negative effects of education, which we don’t think too often. Not that we should see education as a bad thing but we should definitely consider the way we educate ourselves. Everybody wants to have their children a better life and career, but not everyone can afford this. Parents support their kids in getting education the way no one does, they are the one who won’t be jealous if you’d be successful. So we should never let our parents down in any way, instead thank them for what they did to help us getting education and make our lives better. Parents are the role models of their kids; they are the one who we look up to. So they should also teach their children the important lessons of life like how to value your cultural beliefs and giving them the real education first.

Since education is most important in today’s lives, kids should definitely educate themselves and make a career but they should never forget their culture and family neither should they disobey them. Study hard but don’t be someone to question your identity. Educate yourselves in way people will respect you. Don’t be embarrassed or feel ashamed by their lack of education, at least they know the value of culture and family. And nobody is perfect, but if education can empower people and make a difference in the world we should definitely make the most of it. There is always an opportunity cost in everything that’s why we should educate ourselves so we can make the best choice. Education has done so much for us and is still doing but don’t neglect the fact that it has also done something to us— spacing us out from our cultural life, making us question our identity, and changing the way we look at things.

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  3. Write a short essay on Benefits of Education

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  1. write an essay on 'The Adverse Effects of Education'

    The Adverse Effects of Education. It is a well-known fact that education plays a vital role in bringing up both economically and socially. It is thought that education helps people in so many ways. Highly educated people are enjoying the status in the present day society. People with high education attain a good job, more money and many other ...

  2. Free Essay: Adverse Effects of Education

    Adverse Effects of Education. Life is a struggle, sometimes you have to lose something in order to get something, but it's always your choice to consider what you want or need the most. If education improves people's life style and social environment, it also affects our lives in an undesirable way.

  3. The Side Effects of Education: Research and Practice

    The Side Effects of Education: Research and Practice. By Beth Holland — September 12, 2018 6 min read. Beth Holland. Beth Holland is a doctoral candidate at Johns Hopkins University and an ...

  4. Essay on adverse affects of education

    Answers (1) ADVERSE EFFECTS OF EDUCATION. Education is important for personal development. Education rears us to become a fine human being and a culturally acceptable person. Education is important as most of us earn our livelihood from it. Education is important as we gain the knowledge necessary in leading a meaningful life.

  5. The Side Effects of Education: Understanding Perspectives

    The general premise is that education, unlike the medical profession, never considers the unintended side effects of a treatment or program. In chapters two and three of the book, Zhao (2018 ...

  6. Lack of Education: 11 Lifelong Effects (2024)

    The 11 Lifelong Effects of Lack of Education. 1. Poor Health. Healthcare of the general population is a major reason education is important. Primary education is important for learning about personal health and hygiene. Education is how health professionals and governments communicate important information to society.

  7. Positive and negative effects of education

    Education helps fight this problem and make a society see the path of progress. As Nelson Mandela said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.". Negative Effects of Education. • Moral Impact. Education is worsening the level of moral values a child has.

  8. Please Give an Essay on Adverse Effects of Education

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  9. Adverse Effects of Education

    Summary Of The Perils Of Higher Education. In the article The Perils of Higher Education, Kolter focuses on four unhealthy habits that typical college students partake in. The four unhealthy habits are, sleep deprivation, unhealthy diet, smoking, and excessive alcohol. This discussion will focus on one of the four unhealthy habits, which will ...

  10. The pandemic has had devastating impacts on learning. What ...

    Notes: While Kuhfeld et al. and Nictow et al. reported effect sizes separately by grade span, Figlio et al. and Kim & Quinn report an overall effect size across elementary and middle grades. Class ...

  11. Adverse Effects of Education Essay Example

    Adverse Effects of Education Essay. Life Is a struggle, sometimes you have to lose something in order to get something, but it's always your choice to consider what you want or need the most. If education improves people's life style and social environment, it also affects our lives in an undesirable way. I know education Is essential In ...

  12. Essay on adverse effects of education

    Answers (1) Adverse effects of Education- Education is important for our personal development, Education helps us to develop our minds for the betterment of ourselves. It is important as most of us earn a livelihood from it. Education helps us to gain knowledge and it leads to living a meaningful life.

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    The Side Effects of Education: Research and Practice. Share article; In the early 1900s, Edward Thorndike emerged as the educational leader of the day (Lagemann, 1989). As a behav

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    Adverse Effects of Education: Education is much important in our life. We should keep on gaining our knowledge. Knowledge is very much important for us to lead our life. Some people think that girls don't need to be educated. But it is false, even girl child should be educated to lead her life. Education is much important as it helps us to ...

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    Anyone who lives here, without prejudice, has the right to pursue an education in any field and to any level they wish. A solid, basic education, followed by a specific, career orientated, college education, is the cornerstone of the American way of life; the first major step toward achieving the American dream.

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