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Topmodel, Modelchefin, Weltstar

Heidi Klum: vom schönen Mädchen aus Bergisch Gladbach zum erfolgreichen Supermodel und Weltstar. Sie zählt zu den bestverdienenden Models der Welt, moderiert TV-Sendungen wie "Germany's Next Topmodel" und "Project Runway" und ist nebenbei als Schauspielerin, Sängerin, Werbeikone, Unternehmerin und Autorin erfolgreich - und das sowohl in Deutschland als auch in den USA. Im August 2019 heiratete Heidi Klum auf Capri den Tokio-Hotel-Gitarristen Tom Kaulitz , womit sie abermals für Schlagzeilen sorgte. Zu Ehren ihres 50. Geburtstags findet am 1. Juni 2023 der Heidi-Klum-Tag auf ProSieben statt.

Heidi Klum: Kindheit und Start der Modelkarriere

Heidi Klum wird am 1. Juni 1973 in Bergisch Gladbach geboren, wo sie auch ihre Kindheit und Jugend verbringt. Ihr Vater Günther Klum war mitunter für die Produktion des berühmten Duftklassikers 4711 verantwortlich. Die Schule schließt sie mit dem Abitur ab, doch bereits davor startet Heidi ihre Modelkarriere.


Die Lieblings-Düfte der Promis

Lieblings-Parfums der Stars: Heidi Klum, Selena Gomez und Zendaya lieben diese Düfte

Du wünschst dir ein bisschen mehr Glamour im Alltag? Ob Armani, Bulgari oder Chanel - mit den Lieblingsdüften der Celebrities kannst du ganz einfach Star-Appeal versprühen! GNTM-Chefin Heidi Klum etwa setzt auf einen Klassiker, der Eleganz und Sinnlichkeit ausstrahlt.

1992 gewinnt Heidi in der Show "Gottschalk Late Night" von Thomas Gottschalk den Wettbewerb Model '92, der vom Frauenmagazin "Petra" sowie von einer Modelagentur aus New York ins Leben gerufen und in der Late Night Show realisiert wurde. Bei diesem Contest kann Heidi sich gegen 25.000 Mitbewerberinnen durchsetzen und bekommt mit gerade einmal 19 Jahren einen Modelvertrag der Agentur "Metropolitan" in New York. Kurz darauf zieht das junge Neu-Model schließlich in die USA, wo ihre Karriere Fahrt aufnimmt.

Zu sehen bei

Alle Infos zu "Germany's Next Topmodel" Image

Heidi Klum bei "Germany's Next Topmodel" 2023

Auch 2023 sucht Heidi Klum nach Deutschlands nächstem Topmodel. Am 16. Februar startet "Germany's Next Topmodel" in die 18. Staffel. Auch in diesem Jahr wird Heidi Klum von prominenten Gastjuror:innen unterstützt. Wie Heidi bereits in einem Instagram Post verkündete, sind diese Stars 2023 mit dabei: Alessandra Ambrosio , Anna Dello Russo, Ashley Graham , Brian Bowen Smith, Christian Cowan, Coco Rocha, die Elevator Boys , Elle Macpherson , Karolína Kurková , Elsa Hosk , Kerstin Schneider, Kilian Kerner, Nikeata Thompson , Peter Dundas, Philipp Plein , Rankin, Rebecca Mir , Sheryl Nields, Sofía Vergara , Stefanie Giesinger , Thomas Hayo , Vicky Lawton, Winnie Harlow & Yannik Zamboni.

Heidi Klum feiert am 1. Juni 2023 ihren 50. Geburtstag

Am 1. Juni steht für Heidi Klum ein besonders wichtiges Ereignis an: Sie wird 50 Jahre alt! Nachdem sie es in den vergangenen Jahren eher ruhiger an ihrem Geburtstag angehen ließ, wünscht sie sich nun eine große Party von ihrem Mann Tom Kaulitz . "Ich habe meinem Mann gesagt, dass er sich besser darum kümmert, dass es gut wird", verrät sie im Interview bei der " Jennifer Hudson Show" . Auch bei ProSieben wird Heidi Klums Geburtstag gebührend gefeiert: Am 1. Juni findet zu Ehren des Supermodels ein Heidi-Klum-Tag statt. Live im TV und auf Joyn sind ab 13:10 Uhr die drei spannendsten Umstylings aus den vergangenen 18 Staffeln zu sehen. Danach folgt ab 19:10 Uhr eine Doku mit dem Titel " Happy Birthday, Heidi! ", in der die wichtigsten Momente ihres bisherigen Lebens beleuchtet werden.  Um 20:15 Uhr geht es dann wie gewohnt mit der neuen GNTM-Folge weiter. 

Alle Infos zu Heidis Geburtstag gibt es hier: 

Happy Birthday, Heidi - Heidi Klum wird 50. Jahre: ProSieben widmet Modelchefin einen kompletten Heidi-Tag

Supermodel Heidi Klum wurde 50

Happy Birthday, Heidi! ProSieben widmete Heidi Klum ein großes Special vor GNTM

Anlässlich ihres 50. Geburtstags widmete ProSieben den 1. Juni Supermodel Heidi Klum. Neben mehreren Best-of-Folgen von "Germany's Next Topmodel" lief eine Sondersendung zu Heidi Klums bewegtem Leben als Topmodel. Alle Einzelheiten erfährst du hier.

Heidis Aufstieg zum Supermodel der 90er

Mit ihrer sportlichen Figur ist Heidi Klum wie gemacht für Modeljobs in New York. Schnell wird sie für zahlreiche Aufträge gebucht. Darunter ihr Engagement für "Victoria's Secret", wo sie 1997 bei ihrem Auftritt in der Victoria's-Secret-Show das amerikanische Publikum verzaubert. Aus der bis dahin noch recht unbekannten Heidi Klum wird "The Body" - ein Spitzname, den die Medien dem schönen Model aufgrund ihrer Traummaße verpassen. 1998 ziert Heidi das Cover der Swimsuit-Ausgabe des bekannten US-Magazins "Sports Illustrated" - und spätestens jetzt kennt jeder ihren Namen. Im gleichen Jahr wird sie vom Magazin zur Sexiest Woman of the Year in Amerika gewählt. Schnell wird klar: Mit Heidi Klum ist ein neues Supermodel geboren. In der Modewelt wird der Name "Heidi Klum" mit Pünktlichkeit, Disziplin und unermüdlichem Einsatz gleichgesetzt.

Videos zu Heidi Klum

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Heidi Klum: Mega-Dekolleté im transparenten Negligé

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GNTM-Umstyling: Die krassesten Typveränderungen der Models

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Das sagt Heidi Klum zu "neuer Liebe" von Bill Kaulitz

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Bäckerei-Chefin statt Model: Diese GNTM-Siegerinnen machen heute etwas anderes

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XXL-Dekolleté: Heidi Klum sorgt für Hingucker bei Oscar-Party

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Leni Klum teilt zu Seals Geburtstag süße Schnappschüsse

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Das sind die erfolgreichsten GNTM-Siegerinnen

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Im Kleinen Schwarzen: Heidi Klum zieht alle Blicke auf sich

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Königliche Premiere bei GNTM: Dieser Kandidat ist ein waschechter Prinz!

heidi klum biography deutsch

"So intensiv": Tom Kaulitz schwärmt von seiner Heidi

Obwohl Heidi Klum nicht auf den großen Fashionshows in Paris oder Mailand läuft, etwas, dass ihr der deutsche Modezar Karl Lagerfeld  zum Vorwurf machte, wird sie zu einem der bestbezahlten Models weltweit. Unter anderem ziert sie regelmäßig die Cover der populärsten Modezeitschriften wie "Vogue" oder "Elle".

Außerdem wird Heidi Klum zum Werbegesicht von großen Firmen, von Volkswagen bis Birkenstock. 2004 beginnt sie ihre Karriere als Moderatorin, Jurorin und Produzentin von "Project Runway" in den USA, eine Show, in der talentierte Nachwuchsdesigner und -designerinnen gesucht werden. Für ihre Moderation erhält Heidi Klum 2013 und 2014 den Creative Arts Emmy Award. Zudem nahm das Supermodel von 2013-2019 bei "America's Got Talent" in der Jury Platz. Für alle Fans der Show dann die Überraschung: 2020 verkündete die Talentshow von Heidi Klum als Jurorin.

Heidi Klums Zwei-Millionen-Beine und der Start von "Project Runway"

Für großes Interesse in der Öffentlichkeit sorgt Heidi im September 2004, als bekannt wird, dass ein Versicherungsunternehmen den Wert ihrer Beine auf zwei Millionen US-Dollar beziffert - die wohl teuersten Beine des Showgeschäfts.

Wahnsinn, in diesem sexy Video zeigt uns Heidi Klum ihre langen, makellosen Beine

Heidi Klum und ihre langen, makellosen Beine

Wow, Heidi Klum begeistert einfach jeden Tag aufs neue mit ihren tollen Looks. In einem sexy Instagram-Video zeigt sie ihren Fans ihre langen, makellosen Beine. Eigentlich geht es in dem Clip um ihre Schuhe, aber auf die achtet hier eher niemand!

Im selben Jahr startet die Realityshow "Project Runway", an deren Entwicklung Heidi beteiligt ist und für die sie die Moderation und Jury-Arbeit übernimmt. Schnell entwickelt sich das Reality-Format zu einem Kritikerliebling und kann mittlerweile bereits auf 16 Staffeln zurückblicken. "Project Runway" wurde bereits sechsmal in der Kategorie "Beste Reality Show" für einen Emmy nominiert und bekam 2007 den prestigeträchtigen Peabody Award verliehen. Heidi wird des Weiteren dreimal in der Kategorie "Beste Reality Show Moderation" für einen Emmy nominiert und moderiert die 60. Emmy-Preisverleihung, gemeinsam mit den anderen Nominierten in ihrer Kategorie. 2013 wird sie schließlich für ihre Arbeit an "Project Runway" mit einem Emmy belohnt.

 "Germany's Next Topmodel", Film und Fernsehen

2006 bekommt Heidi ihre eigene Erfolgssendung " Germany's Next Topmodel " - oder wie die Fans gerne abkürzen: GNTM. Bis heute sucht die Modelchefin mit Unterstützung ihrer Gastjuroren und -jurorinnen nach Deutschlands nächstem Topmodel. An Heidis Seite nahmen bereits Persönlichkeiten aus der Fashionwelt wie  Wolfgang Joop , Michael Michalsky , Thomas Hayo und Alessandra Ambrosio  Platz. Viele Gewinnerinnen sind inzwischen bekannte Namen in der Modewelt. Darunter Stefanie Giesinger , Sara Nuru und  Lena Gercke , Siegerin der 1. Staffel. Sie ist mittlerweile Komoderatorin von " The Voice of Germany " und hat ihre eigene Marke auf den Markt gebracht. 

Neben "Germany's Next Topmodel" arbeitet die talentierte Businessfrau Heidi Klum auch an anderen Projekten. So verkörpert sie sich in diversen Rollen im Fernsehen sowie im Kino und in Videospielen selbst, darunter im EA-Game "James Bond 007 - Alles oder nichts" und bei "Ella - Verflixt & zauberhaft". In der Sitcom "Chaos City" (mit Charlie Sheen  und Heather Locklear) bezirzte sie sieben Folgen lang den Hauptdarsteller Michael J. Fox (bekannt aus der Filmreihe "Zurück in die Zukunft").

Weitere Gastrollen in TV-Serien hat sie in "Sex and the City" (mit Sarah Jessica Parker  und  Kim Cattrall ), "Desperate Housewives" (mit Teri Hatcher  und  Eva Longoria ) und "How I Met Your Mother" (mit Neil Patrick Harris  und Josh Radnor ). Im Kino darf Heidi Klum unter anderem in "Der Teufel trägt Prada" (2006; mit Anne Hathaway  und  Meryl Streep ), "The Life and Death of Peter Sellers" (2004; mit Geoffrey Rush und  Charlize Theron ) sowie "Zoolander" (2001; mit Ben Stiller  und Milla Jovovich ) über die Leinwand fegen.

News zu Heidi Klum


Frisuren für lange Haare: So stylst du Heidi Klums Trend-Looks nach

Heidi Jeans

Dark Denim-Trend: Heidi Klum trägt diesen besonderen Jeans-Look im Frühjahr 2024


Heidi Klums Beauty-Secret: Sie setzt auf diese Anti-Aging-Pflege und Kosmetik aus der Drogerie

Heidi Sneaker

Heidi Klums flache Lieblings-Schuhe: Sie trägt diese 5 Trend-Modelle für coole Alltags-Looks

Stella und Linus beim Unterwasser-Shooting in Woche elf: Es knistert!

Vorschau auf Folge 11: Hochzeit unter Wasser! Das erwartet dich am Donnerstag


Heidi Klums Lieblings-Kleider: So trägt das Topmodel Turtleneck-Dresses im Frühjahr 2024

Heidi Bluem

Floral Dresses sind 204 angesagt! So lässig tragen Heidi Klum und Co. Blumenkleider im Frühjahr

403285315, 423323623, 427788256

Die Looks von Heidi Klum: Sie schwört auf diese Fashion-Tricks für lässige Outfits im Alltag

Heidi Klum im Schlangen- und Tigerprint

Animal-Trend 2024: So mutig kombiniert Heidi Klum Schlangen- und Tiger-Muster bei GNTM

Heidi Klum rockt das Minikleid

Zeig her deine Beine! So stylst du den Mini-Dress-Trend von Heidi Klum im Frühjahr 2024 nach

Auch in anderen projekten erfolgreich.

Bevor sie ihre Modelkarriere startete, wollte Heidi eigentlich eine Ausbildung als Modedesignerin beginnen. Zwar kam dann alles anders, doch Heidi hat sich ihre Liebe zum Design über die Jahre hinweg erhalten. So spiegelt sich diese Leidenschaft in zahlreichen Design-Kooperationen wie einer Schuhlinie und einer Bekleidungskollektion wider. Auch zwei Schwangerschaftsmodelinien verwirklicht Heidi, genauso wie eine Sportmoden- und Sneakers-Kollektion und eine Hautpflegeserie.

Das Model erweist sich zudem als exzellente Geschäftsfrau, als sie ihre eigene Produktionsfirma gründet. Die Heidi Klum GmbH sitzt in Bergisch Gladbach und stellt unter anderem Heidis Parfümmarke und zahlreiche Accessoires her.

Neben ihren zahlreichen Model- und TV-Jobs engagiert sich Heidi Klum sozial. Unter anderem sammelt sie im Namen der amfAR-Stiftung Spenden für die Aidshilfe.

Das deutsche Topmodel als Geschäftsfrau und Weltstar

Weltweit ziert Heidi die Coverseiten beinahe jedes Modemagazins. Im Juni 2009 widmet die deutsche "Vogue" dem Model sogar eine spezielle "Heidi-Ausgabe". 2008 gilt Heidi laut der Forbes-Liste "The World’s 15 Top-Earning Models" als eines der bestbezahlten Models der Welt.

Darüber hinaus ist die vierfache Mutter das Werbegesicht für zahlreiche Unternehmen. 14 Jahre lang ist Heidi ein Victoria's-Secret-Engel und tritt in zahlreichen Kampagnen sowie auf der jährlichen Victoria's-Secret-Fashionshow auf, die sie fünf Jahre lang auch moderiert. 2013 und 2015 erhält sie einen Bambi in der Kategorie "Fashion".

Als Fashion-Expertin präsentiert die Bergisch-Gladbacherin zudem nicht nur Mode oder fördert die Nachwuchstalente der Branche, sie nimmt auch selbst den Stift in die Hand, um Outfits zu entwerfen. Eine Sportlinie, die Kleinkinder-Kollektion Truly Scrumptious sowie ihre eigene Unterwäschelinie Heidi Klum Intimates sind das Resultat. Außerdem ist die schöne 49-Jährige Testimonial für mehrere eigene Parfums und diverse Kosmetikprodukte.

Heidi Klum und Tom Kaulitz heiraten auf Capri

Nachdem ihre erste Ehe mit Starfriseur Ric Pipino 2002 nach fünf Jahren geschieden wird, bekommt Heidi ihre erste Tochter Leni mit Rennsport-Mogul Flavio Briatore . 2005 heiratet sie Soul-Sänger Seal , mit dem sie die drei gemeinsamen Kinder Henry, Johan und Lou hat. Seal adoptierte Heidis Tochter Leni, das Patchwork-Glück schien perfekt. Seal und Heidi zelebrierten ihre Liebe gerne mit jährlich wiederkehrenden Ehegelübden, die immer unter einem anderen Motto standen. Doch dann der Schock: Das Traumpaar gibt allerdings 2012 die Trennung bekannt. Kurze Zeit später macht das Model seine Beziehung zu ihrem Bodyguard Martin Kirsten öffentlich. Anfang 2014 endet aber auch diese Liebe. Im Februar des gleichen Jahres wird die "Germany's Next Topmodel"-Chefin häufig an der Seite des Kunsthändlers Vito Schnabel gesehen, der schon bald als neuer Mann an Heidis Seite gilt…zumindest bis 2017.

Im Mai 2018 zeigt sich Heidi Klum ganz offiziell mit den 16 Jahre jüngeren Gitarristen Tom Kaulitz von der Band Tokio Hotel. Am 24. Dezember 2018 feiert Heidi Klum Verlobung mit ihrem Liebsten, die Hochzeit folgt dann am 3. August 2019 auf der Insel Capri - getraut werden sie von Toms Bruder Bill Kaulitz .   


Fünftes Kind mit Tom Kaulitz? Heidi Klum spricht über Babypläne

Im Interview mit Sängerin Jennifer Hudson packt Topmodel Heidi Klum über ihre Familienplanung aus. Arbeiten sie und Ehemann Tom Kaulitz etwa gerade an einem Baby?

Leni Klum bei "Germany's Next Topmodel"

Immer wieder wurde spekuliert, wann und ob Heidi Klums älteste Tochter Leni bei "Germany's Next Topmodel" zu sehen sein würde. In Staffel 16 war es dann so weit. Gleich in Folge 1 holte die Modelchefin ihre Tochter auf die Bühne. "Meine Tochter kann auch Sign Language", erzählt das Topmodel stolz. 2021 unterhält sich Tochter Leni auf diese Weise kurz mit GNTM-Kandidatin Maria, die von Geburt an gehörlos ist. Auch in der 17. Staffel der Modelshow ist ihre Tochter dabei - diesmal sogar als Gastjurorin im Halbfinale der Show. Sie gab den Models Tipps für das bevorstehende Fotoshoot - und Leni weiß, wovon sie spricht. Denn die Amerikanerin steht mittlerweile selbst mitten im Modelleben und kann bereits einige namhafte Aufträge verbuchen. Ob sie auch in der kommenden Staffel von "Germany's Next Topmodel" an der Seite ihrer Mutter stehen wird, wird sich im Frühjahr 2023 zeigen.


Überraschung bei GNTM: Leni Klum ist als Gastjurorin mit dabei!

In der aktuellen GNTM-Folge, in der es um den Einzug ins Finale geht, gibt Leni Klum den Models Tipps für das Fotoshooting und sitzt beim anschließenden Entscheidungs-Walk mit in der Jury.

"Chai Tea With Heidi": Kollaboration mit Rap-Legende Snoop Dogg

Sogar musikalisch macht die Modelchefin von sich reden. Denn den offiziellen Opener-Song der 17. Staffel von "Germany's Next Topmodel" singt Heidi selbst. Gemeinsam mit dem US-amerikanischen Rapper Snoop Dogg hat sie den Titel "Chai Tea With Heidi" aufgenommen. Nicht ihr erstes musikalisches Abenteuer. Heidi liebt die Musik und nahm bereits 2006 den Weihnachtssong "Wonderland" auf und gemeinsam mit ihrem damaligen Mann Seal singen die beiden den von ihm geschrieben Song "Wedding Day", der 2007 auf seinem Album "System" released wurde.

Heidi und Halloween - ihre verrückten Kostüme

Kaum eine andere Party ist so berühmt (und berüchtigt) wie die Halloween-Sause von Heidi Klum! Seit dem Jahr 2000 feiert die GNTM-Chefin jedes Jahr ihre ausladende Feier - mit Außnahme der durch die Covid-19-Pandemie entfallenen Partys 2020 und 2021. Auch 2012 gab es keine Halloweenparty wie sonst, da Hurricane Sandy wütete. Doch Heidi wäre nicht Heidi, wenn sie nicht ein Ass im Ärmel hätte: kurzerhand gab es einfach eine Grusel-Weihnachtsfeier und die Gastgeberin erschien im aufwändigen Kleopatrakostüm, dessen Highlight (wortwörtlich) ihr mit unzähligen funklenden Steinchen bedecktes Gesicht war. Zu ihrer ersten Party im Jahr 2000 kam Heidi noch vergleichsweise normal verkleidet, mit einer Art Wednesday Addams -Perücke, blassem Make-up und Lack-Minidress. Jahr für Jahr legte das Topmodel dann drauf, ihre Verkleidungen wurden immer aufwändiger, schauriger und verrückter - und ein jährliches Highlight für ihre Fans. Besonders süß: Ehemann Tom Kaulitz macht beim Spaß mit und präsentiert sich liebend gerne im passenden Kostüm zu seiner Liebsten. So waren die beiden als Fiona und Shrek oder Alien-Cyborg und Astronaut oder zuletzt 2022 als Wurm (Heidi) und Angler (Tom) zu sehen. Aber auch alleine begeistert Heidi mit ihren Schauer-Looks zu Halloween: Highlights  darunter ihr Jessica-Rabbit-Look von 2015, 2013 als betagte Oma oder 2009 zum zehnjährigen Partyjubiläum als Krähe.

Nicht nur die Liebe zum Detail, sondern auch ihre unerwarteten Kostüme machen die Klum-Looks so einzigartig. Über ihre Idee, ein Wurm zu werden erzählte sie "Page Six", dass sie zunächst eigentlich eine Pflanze werden wollte: "Dann bin ich irgendwie von der Pflanze zum Regenwurm gekommen. Ich habe versucht, über den Tellerrand zu schauen und mir andere Dinge einfallen zu lassen."

Thomas Gottschalk Image

Thomas Gottschalk

Leni Klum Image

Tom Kaulitz

Lena Gercke Image

Lena Gercke

Bill Kaulitz Image

Bill Kaulitz

Stefanie Giesinger Image

Stefanie Giesinger

Snoop Dogg Image

Wolfgang Joop

Tyra Banks Image

Karl Lagerfeld

Sarah Jessica Parker Image

Sarah Jessica Parker

Seal  Image

Cobie Smulders

Flavio Briatore Image

Flavio Briatore

Eva Longoria Image

Eva Longoria

.css-zvlo5g{font-weight:700;}.css-zvlo5g strong{font-weight:700;} wie groß ist heidi klum, wann hat heidi klum geburtstag, wie viele kinder hat heidi klum.

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Heidi Klums Modelkarriere begann in ihrer Heimatstadt Bergisch Gladbach. 1992 gewann sie in Gottschalks Late Night Show den Contest Model '92. Kurz darauf zog sie in die USA, wo sie schnell für einige Jobs gebucht wurde, unter anderem für das bekannte Unterwäschelabel Victoria's Secret. Nach Ihrem Auftritt in der Victoria's Secret Show 1997 wurde aus der bis dahin noch relativ unbekannten Heidi Klum „The Body“. Weitere Aufmerksamkeit erfuhr sie, als sie 1998 das Cover der berühmten Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Ausgabe zierte. Nachdem Heidi in einigen Film- und TV-Produktionen auftrat, wurde auch Hollywood auf sie aufmerksam. Zu ihren Produktionen zählen Gastrollen bei Studio 54, Chaos City, Cursed, Blow Dry, Zoolander, Sex and the City, Malcolm mittendrin, James Bond 007 – Alles oder nichts, Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie, Ella – Verflixt & zauberhaft, The Life and Death of Peter Sellers, Der Teufel trägt Prada, Perfect Stranger, How I Met Your Mother, Desperate Housewives, Seriously Funny Kids sowie Parks and Recreation. 2011 lieh sie im Animationsfilm „Das Rotkäppchen Ultimatum“ der Heidi ihre Stimme.

Im Jahr 2004 arbeitete sie an der Entwicklung des von Kritikern gelobten Formats „Projekt Runway“ mit, in dem sie auch in der Jury sitzt und die Moderation übernimmt. Derzeit in der 13. Staffel, wurde „Projekt Runway“ bereits sechsmal in der Kategorie „Beste Reality Show“ für den Emmy nominiert und bekam 2007 den prestigeträchtigen Peabody Award verliehen. Außerdem wurde Heidi dreimal in der Kategorie „Beste Reality Show Moderation“ für den Emmy nominiert und hat die 60. Emmy-Preisverleihung gemeinsam mit den anderen Nominierten in ihrer Kategorie co-moderiert. Darüber hinaus co-produziert und moderiert Heidi die Sendung „Germany’s Next Topmodel by Heidi Klum“, die derzeit in der zehnten Staffel läuft und regelmäßig sehr gute Quoten in Deutschland erzielt. Im Laufe ihrer Karriere hat sich Heidi auch in weiteren Projekten engagiert. Eine jahrelange Liebe zum Design in vielerlei Formen hat sich in vielen Design-Kooperationen wie einer Schmucklinie, einer Schuhlinie für Birkenstock und einer Bekleidungskollektion für Jordache niedergeschlagen. Im Februar 2010 stellte Heidi ihre beiden Schwangerschaftsmode-Linien „ Loved by Heidi Klum “ für die Marke Destination Maternity und „ Lavish by Heidi Klum “ für die Marke Pea in a Pod vor. Kurz danach arbeitete sie mit New Balance zusammen, um eine Sportmoden- und Sneakers-Kollektion zu entwerfen, die den Komfort und die Funktionalität von Sportmode mit Heidis modischen Schnitten und luxuriösen Materialien kombiniert. Die „Heidi Klum für New Balance“-Kollektion wird exklusiv über Amazon.com vertrieben. Im Juni 2011 stellte Heidi außerdem noch die „HK by Heidi Klum“-Schuhkollektion auf Amazon.com vor.

Des Weiteren ist Heidi Autorin des Buchs „Body of Knowledge: 8 Rules of Model Behavior“ und hat zusammen mit Guthy-Renker die Hautpflegeserie „Heidi Klum’s In An Instant“ ins Leben gerufen. Doch trotz all dieser Projekte ist Heidi immer noch eines der großen Topmodels der Modebranche. Sie hat weltweit das Cover beinahe jedes Modemagazins geziert, darunter InStyle, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Town & Country, W, Allure, GQ, Arena, Citizen K, Grazia, Lucky, Jane, Glamour, Self, und Harper’s Bazaar. Im Juni 2009 erschien eine Ausgabe der deutschen Vogue, die die „Heidi-Ausgabe“ getauft wurde. Des Weiteren erschien sie auf dem Titel der „100 Berühmtheiten“-Ausgabe des Forbes Magazins im Jahr 2008. Heidi hat mit vielen der besten Fotografen der Welt gearbeitet, darunter Sante D’Orazio, Patrick Demarchelier, Gilles Bensimon, Bruce Weber, Matthew Rolston, Arthur Elgort, Walter Chin, Robert Erdmann, Michael Thompson, Mark Seliger, Peter Lindbergh und Steven Meisel. Im Jahre 2009 publizierte der Verlag teNeues den Bildband „ Heidilicious “, der eine große Auswahl an Aufnahmen des bekannten Fotografen Rankin zeigt.

Heidi ist in Werbekampagnen der Firmen McDonald’s, Diet Coke (seit zwei Jahren ist sie auch Sprecherin für die Red Dress/Herzgesundheitskampagne des Unternehmens), Volkswagen, H&M, Nike, Ann Taylor, Dannon, Thomas Wylde, American Express, Target, Express, Liz Claiborne, Lenscrafters, Siemens, Givenchy, Nine West, INC, Finesse, Braun und im prestigeträchtigen Pirelli-Kalender zu sehen gewesen. Für 14 Jahre war sie ein „Engel“ der weltweit bekannten Unterwäsche-Marke Victoria’s Secret, trat in den Kampagnen und auf der jährlichen Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show auf, die sie in fünf Jahren auch moderierte. Im Jahre 2010 wurde Heidi vom Internet-Unternehmen AOL eingeladen, eine Online-Präsenz für die moderne Frau zu schaffen. „ Heidi Klum on AOL “ ging im Mai 2011 online und bietet exklusive Inhalte, Videos und Blogs von Heidi und einem Expertenteam zu den unterschiedlichsten Themengebieten von Mode und Schönheit über Kindererziehung bis hin zu Partyplanung. Als Jurymitglied bei "America's Got Talent" ist Heidi seit 2013 im Einsatz. Heidi modelt und designt weiterhin, während sie neue Formate fürs Fernsehen entwickelt und für „Heidi Klum on AOL“ schreibt. Ihre Freizeit verbringt Heidi mit ihrer Familie.

heidi klum biography deutsch

Heidi Klum

wurde am 1. Juni 1973 geboren

Heidi Samuel ist ein deutsch-US-amerikanisches Model und Unternehmerin, die neben ihrer Anfang der 1990er begonnenen Model-Karriere u. a. als Moderatorin der Casting-Sendung „Germany's Next Topmodel“ (seit 2006) bekannt ist. Sie wurde am 1. Juni 1973 in Bergisch Gladbach geboren. 2024 feiert Klum ihren 51. Geburtstag .

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  • Deutscher USA-Emigrant (1993)
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Steckbrief von heidi klum, zeitliche einordnung, kind der 1970er: klum und ihre zeitgenossen.

Heidi Klum wird in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts geboren. Sie kommt 1973 zur Zeit des in West und Ost geteilten Deutschlands als Kind der Generation X zur Welt. Bekannte Zeitgenossen ihrer Altersklasse sind Barbara Schöneberger (1974) und Bastian Pastewka (1972). Ihre Kindheit und Jugend erlebt Klum in den 1970er- und 1980er-Jahren.


Zeitleiste: stationen und ereignisse im leben von heidi klum, worte über klum.

Karl Lagerfeld

»Ich kenne sie nicht. Claudia (Schiffer) kennt die auch nicht. Die war nie in Paris, die kennen wir nicht.«


Schon gewusst.

Heidi Klum wurde im selben Jahr wie Tyra Banks  geboren.

Fragen und Fakten über Heidi Klum

In welchem Jahr wurde Heidi Klum geboren? Klum wurde vor 51 Jahren in den 1970er-Jahren im Jahr 1973 geboren.

Wie alt ist Heidi Klum? Heidi Klum ist 50 Jahre alt und wird in diesem Jahr 51. Sie kam vor genau 18.590 Tagen zur Welt. Bis zu ihrem nächsten Geburtstag sind es noch 38 Tage.

Wann hat Klum Geburtstag? Heidi Klum hat im Sommer am 1. Juni Geburtstag. Sie wurde an einem Freitag geboren. In diesem Jahr fällt ihr Geburtstag auf einen Samstag.

Welches Sternzeichen hat Klum? Heidi Klum wurde im westlichen Tierkreiszeichen Zwillinge geboren. Nach dem chinesischen Horoskop kam sie im Jahr des Büffels (Element Wasser) zur Welt.

Wo wurde Heidi Klum geboren? Klum wurde in Deutschland geboren. Sie kam in Bergisch Gladbach zur Welt.

Wie groß ist Klum? Heidi Klum hat eine Körpergröße von etwa 1,76 Meter.

Bergisch Gladbach – Deutschland

Karte des Geburtsortes von Heidi Klum

Klum im Web

  • Twitter: @heidiklum – Offizielles Profil von Heidi Klum
  • Wikipedia: Heidi Klum in der freien Enzyklopädie

Personen-Ranking: 10.0 / 10

Das Ranking von Heidi Klum auf geboren.am wird berechnet aus Faktoren wie Relevanz, Bekanntheit und Popularität. Bewertung ermittelt von geboren.am , 2024

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Thematisch mit heidi klum verwandte persönlichkeiten.


Der 1. Juni: Wer hat zusammen mit Heidi Klum Geburtstag?


Berühmte Persönlichkeiten aus dem Jahrgang 1973: Wer wurde im Jahr 1973 geboren?

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How supermodel Heidi Klum built a multimillion-euro empire

As Heidi Klum turns 50, we look at how her impressive career has allowed the German-born supermodel to become a global star and powerful businesswoman.

Working both in her native Germany and in the United States, Heidi Klum is one of the world's most successful celebrities. Her impressive career as a model has allowed her to venture into lucrative business and entertainment projects, and she shows no signs of slowing down as she turns 50 on Thursday.

"There aren't many world stars coming from Germany with that level of fame. It's Angela Merkel and Heidi," Thomas Hayo, a fashion photographer and one of Klum's judges on "Germany's Next Topmodel" (GNTM), told Forbes magazine.

Since 2006, millions of mainly young female viewers have been watching Klum host GNTM on the commercial broadcaster ProSieben. The reality TV show is based on the original "America's Next Top Model," which her friend and fellow model Tyra Banks started in New York City in 2004. The German version of the show is currently the longest-airing "Top Model" adaptation.

As the central figure of the show, Klum makes it clear when she disapproves of a candidate's efforts, but will show her beaming, signature smile when a model performs well.

Praise and criticism

"I think most of the German people honor and admire Heidi's professionalism and huge success. They are proud of our only worldwide TV star," the fashion designer Michael Michalsky, who was on the judging panel of the show from 2016 to 2019, told DW in 2018.

"Heidi Klum has the image in Germany of the smart businesswoman. She's both self-confident and witty: the perfect host for 'Germany's Next Topmodel.' She represents success and discipline," said Franziska Frosch, deputy editor-in-chief of ELLE Germany . Klum embodies the stereotype of the self-made woman, Frosch said. "If you believe Heidi Klum, it's not so much a gift from heaven that makes you attractive, but rather the result of hard work, self-control and personal evolution," Frosch added.

Klum's TV show is also widely criticized.

In a 2022 video, popular German YouTuber Rezo examined several cases of abuse, bullying, manipulation and misrepresentation on the show to back his claims that GNTM is "toxic and harmful."

Following the release of the video, Klum indirectly responded to it at the end of the 2022 finale: "Unfortunately I will have to disappoint you, but we're going to continue exactly as before." 

The 31-minute YouTube clip has been watched 4.2 million times. 

A gossip magazine favorite

It's not just Klum's professional projects that the German media scrutinize. "Despite all her perfection, her turbulent love life surely makes her entertaining and approachable. Again and again, her presence in the tabloids certainly generates sales," Frosch said.

To this day, Klum's love life is a theme of constant fascination. In 2018, she made public her relationship with Tokio Hotel guitarist Tom Kaulitz, who is now aged 33. They married at the beginning of 2019.

Before Kaulitz, Klum was dating Vito Schnabel, an art curator 13 years her junior. 

In the past, she was married to the singer Seal, with whom she shares three biological children; the musician also adopted Klum's first child.

The American Heidi

Klum had her start in 1992 through a German modelling competition, landing on the covers of the international editions of fashion magazines. She caught the American public's eye when she appeared on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue in 1998, and became the first German model in the prestigious lineup of the Victoria's Secret Angels.

Klum leads a true trans-Atlantic life. When she isn't working on GNTM or on her fashion lines, she acts as a judge on  US TV shows.

From 2004 to 2017, she served on the panel of "Project Runway," a cult hit reality TV series, where budding fashion designers compete against each other in a series of weekly challenges. She also has a producer credit on the show.

Klum was one of the original judges since the inception of the show, with "Auf Wiedersehen" serving as her famous catchphrase to bid farewell to the losing contestants. Similar to her GNTM persona, she is direct with her criticism and earnest, yet exudes warmth and encouragement.

Up until 2017, Harvey Weinstein was an executive producer for the show, and Klum opened up about how he lost that credit since the sexual harassment and assault accusations surfaced. "I truly admire these brave women who are coming forward to share their stories because change cannot come unless there is a dialogue and people are held accountable," Klum told People magazine.

Klum has also regularly participated in determining the fate of contestants on various "America's Got Talent" shows. including "America's Got Talent: All-Stars" in 2023. As one of the judges on the panel, Klum's down-to-earth and girl-next-door personality comes through when delivering her feedback.

'Do we have an expiration date?'

With her feet firmly planted on both sides of the Atlantic and jet-setting around the world, Klum remains a force in fashion and media, while also balancing motherhood with her busy life. For her birthday, the 50-year-old supermodel still flaunts her forever-young figure on the red carpets of the world.

As she once told Ellen Degeneres: "I always think there are a lot of women my age, 50, 60, 70. What? Do we have an expiration date? Can we not also still feel sexy? I feel sexy."

According to her legion of international fans, she definitely still is.

This article was updated from a previous profile for Heidi Klum's 50th birthday on June 1, 2023.

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Heidi Klum is a German supermodel turned television personality known for her appearances on popular TV shows like 'Project Runway' and 'America's Got Talent.'

heidi klum smiles at the camera, she wears a lime green sequin top


Who Is Heidi Klum?

German-born supermodel Heidi Klum started her modeling career at the age of 18. She landed work with Victoria's Secret after moving to New York, en route to achieving supermodel status with her appearance on the cover of the 1998 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. Klum has since expanded her brand as a media personality, thanks to her stints as the host and one of the judges of Project Runway and as a judge on America's Got Talent .

Early Life and Career

Klum was born on June 1, 1973, in Bergisch-Gladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. She started her modeling career at the age of 18 after winning a contest in her native Germany. Before this win, Klum had planned on becoming a designer.

After later moving to New York, Klum eventually landed work with the lingerie company Victoria's Secret, which helped raise her profile in the modeling world. Soon she appeared on the cover of the 1998 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, an honor coveted by many models. While her hourglass shape was not a fit for the runways, Klum became a fashion favorite, appearing in such magazines as Vogue , Elle , Marie Claire and Harper's Bazaar .

Movies and TV Shows

'project runway'.

On the professional front, Klum helped develop a competitive reality television series about fashion designers called Project Runway . She became the show's host, alongside fashion consultant Tim Gunn, and served as one of the executive producers. Premiering in December 2004, Project Runway soon became a huge hit, garnering a string of Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Reality Competition Program. Klum herself won an Emmy in 2013 under the Outstanding Host for a Reality or Reality-Competition Program category. In September 2018, she announced she was leaving Project Runway after 16 seasons.

'Germany's Next Topmodel' and 'America's Got Talent'

Not long after the launch of Project Runway , Klum began her run as host of the reality show Germany's Next Topmodel . In March 2013, it was announced that Klum would begin serving as a judge on the popular talent show America's Got Talent , joining former Spice Girl Melanie Brown and controversial radio/talk show host Howard Stern for the 2013 season. The popular talent-competition show, created by Simon Cowell , was hosted by Nick Cannon up until 2017, with Tyra Banks replacing him. The following year Klum bid farewell to AGT after six seasons.

'Making the Cut'

In March 2020, Klum re-teamed with Gunn for the debut of Amazon's Making the Cut , a Project Runway -esque series in which contestants jet to exotic locales with the hope of creating the "next global fashion brand" and claiming a $1 million cash prize. Along with showcasing the familiar banter between its co-hosts, the show featured Naomi Campbell and Nicole Richie as two of its judges.

Fashion Lines

Klum has also achieved her early dreams of becoming a designer with her own jewelry line, lingerie line and a series of shoes she created for Birkenstock. Additionally, she has helped with a clothing line for Jordache Jeans and has served as a spokesmodel for the company.

Personal Life

In 1997, Klum married famed hairstylist Ric Pipino, but the couple divorced in 2002. In 2003, Klum became pregnant with her first child by boyfriend Flavio Briatore, an Italian racecar team manager. But the couple split up shortly before the baby was born, and Klum became involved with British singer Seal . On May 4, 2004, she gave birth to her daughter Leni.

Shortly after the launch of Project Runway in 2004, Klum's life took another interesting turn. Her boyfriend Seal proposed to her on top of a glacier in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. They married in May 2005 and welcomed son Henry Gunther Ademola Dashtu Samuel on September 12. Klum stunned many by returning to modeling in less than two months after her son's arrival, looking fabulous as part of the nationally televised Victoria's Secret fashion show.

Klum and Seal expanded their family with one more son, Johan, on November 26, 2006, and their first daughter, Lou, born on October 9, 2009. It was announced in January 2012 that Seal and Klum were separating after nearly seven years of marriage. Klum officially filed for divorce from Seal in April 2012 (it was finalized in 2014) and not long after, she began dating her bodyguard Martin Kristen. She and Kristen ended their relationship in 2014.

Klum dated Vito Schnabel from 2014 to 2017 and began dating Tokio Hotel guitarist Tom Kaulitz in 2018. Klum and Kaulitz got engaged in December 2018 and were married in Capri, Italy, in August 2019.


  • Birth date: June 1, 1973
  • Birth City: Bergisch-Gladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Birth Country: Germany
  • Best Known For: Heidi Klum is a German supermodel turned television personality known for her appearances on popular TV shows like 'Project Runway' and 'America's Got Talent.'
  • Astrological Sign: Gemini
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Heidi Klum - Biography

The supermodel's disarming nature and pragmatic joie de vivre have proved considerable assets when it comes to navigating the spotlight.

Heidi Klum attends the "La Passion De Dodin Bouffant" red carpet during the 76th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals on May 24, 2023 in Cannes, France

Heidi Klum, born on June 1, 1973, in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, is a multifaceted personality known for her work as a model, television host, producer, and businesswoman. Her journey into the limelight began when she won a modelling contest in Germany at the age of 18. This victory led to a contract with Metropolitan Models New York, marking the start of her international modelling career.

Heidi Klum's career:

Klum quickly became one of the most recognised models globally, gracing the covers of numerous magazines including the prestigious Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. She gained further prominence as a Victoria's Secret Angel, a position that cemented her status as a top model. Her distinctive looks and charisma not only made her a favourite in the fashion industry but also opened doors to other ventures.

In television, Klum became widely known as the host and executive producer of Project Runwa y, a reality TV show that focuses on fashion design. Her work on the show earned her an Emmy nomination, highlighting her versatility and talent beyond modeling. She also served as a judge on America's Got Talent , showcasing her ability to connect with a wide audience and her keen eye for talent.

Klum's business acumen is evident in her various entrepreneurial ventures. She has launched her own lines of clothing, jewelry, and fragrances, successfully translating her fashion sense into commercial products. Additionally, she has been involved in several charitable organizations, using her fame to raise awareness and funds for various causes. Heidi Klum's impact on the entertainment and fashion industries is significant. Her transition from a model to a television personality and businesswoman illustrates her adaptability and drive. Her continued success in various fields makes her a role model for aspiring models and entrepreneurs alike.

Heidi Klum's personal life and relationships:

Heidi Klum is a mother to four children, which has been an integral part of her identity both in and out of the spotlight. Klum's first child, a daughter named Helene (Leni), was born in May 2004. Leni's biological father is Italian businessman Flavio Briatore, but she was raised by Klum and her then-partner, the musician Seal . Klum and Seal, who married in 2005, went on to have three more children together: two sons, Henry and Johan, and another daughter, Lou. The couple's relationship was highly publicized, noted for their yearly vow renewal ceremonies. However, they announced their separation in 2012, and their divorce was finalised in 2014.

Following her separation from Seal, Klum was involved in several relationships. She dated her bodyguard, Martin Kirsten, for a while and later had a relationship with art dealer Vito Schnabel. In 2018, Klum announced her engagement to Tom Kaulitz, a guitarist for the band Tokio Hotel. The couple married in February 2019.

As a mother, Klum was known to be fiercely protective of her children's privacy. She occasionally shares glimpses of her family life on social media, but typically keeps her children's faces out of the public eye until her eldest, Leni, began modelling. Klum has spoken about the challenges and joys of motherhood, emphasising the importance of balancing her demanding career with her role as a parent.

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IMDbPro Starmeter See rank

Heidi Klum at an event for The Back-up Plan (2010)

  • Contact info
  • 3 wins & 45 nominations total

Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn in Resortwear (2021)

  • 2004–2017 • 229 eps

Minnie Driver, Vivica A. Fox, Anne Hathaway, Heidi Klum, Jim Carter, Hugh Dancy, Parminder Nagra, and Aidan McArdle in Ella Enchanted (2004)

  • Victoria's Secret Party Host

Heidi Klum in Germany's Next Topmodel (2006)

  • executive producer

Making the Cut (2020)

  • 20 episodes

Heidi Klum, Bill Kaulitz, and Conchita Wurst in Queen of Drags (2019)

  • 229 episodes

Project Runway: Threads (2014)

  • 28 episodes

Project Runway: All-Star Challenge (2009)

  • Isabell Klett

John Cleese, Alec Baldwin, Michael Madsen, Anjelica Huston, Heidi Klum, James Franco, Laurie Holden, Jeremy Renner, and Omar Sy in Arctic Dogs (2019)

  • Bertha (voice)

Kendall Jenner in Love Advent (2011)

  • Heidi (voice)

Adam Scott, Rashida Jones, Jim O'Heir, Nick Offerman, Amy Poehler, Chris Pratt, Retta, Aziz Ansari, and Aubrey Plaza in Parks and Recreation (2009)

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Glenn Close, David Ogden Stiers, Cory Edwards, Bill Hader, Hayden Panettiere, Amy Poehler, and Patrick Warburton in Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (2011)

  • Ursula Andress

"Design Your Heart Out" from "Project Runway"

Personal details

  • Heidi Klum - TheMoviesz.com
  • Heidi Kaulitz
  • 5′ 9″ (1.75 m)
  • June 1 , 1973
  • Bergisch Gladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  • Spouses Tom Kaulitz February 2019 - present
  • Children Johan Samuel
  • Parents Erna Klum
  • Other works TV commercial for Haribo Yogurt Gums
  • 14 Interviews
  • 22 Articles
  • 33 Pictorials
  • 704 Magazine Cover Photos

Did you know

  • Trivia Rescued her son, Henry, and two nannies from a dangerous riptide on Oahu on March 31, 2013.
  • Quotes I'm very lucky. As I get a lot of role because of my name as a model and I probably wouldn't have got them without it. You have to make the best of your situation.
  • Project Runway ( 2004 ) $1,350,000 /yr. (2007) + $350,000/yr as executive producer
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  • When was Heidi Klum born?
  • Where was Heidi Klum born?

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Heidi Klum Biography

Model and television show host

Born June 1, 1973, in Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany; daughter of Gunther (a cosmetics company executive) and Erna (a hairdresser) Klum; married Ric Pipino (a hairdresser), 1997 (divorced, c. 2002); married Seal (a British pop star), May 10, 2005; children: Leni (with Italian businessman Flavio Briatore), Henry Gunther Ademola Dashtu Samuel (with Seal).

Addresses: Agent —William Morris Agency, One William Morris Place, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Contact —IMG Models, 304 Park Ave. S., Penthouse N., New York, NY 10010. Home —Los Angeles; London; New York. Publicist —Full Picture, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 412, West Hollywood, CA 90048.

Won German national modeling contest in her late teens; did catalog work for J.C. Penney, Chadwick's and Newport News, early 1990s; runway model for Victoria's Secret, 1990s—; landed on cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition, 1998; appeared on cover of Vogue, Marie Claire, Arena, Elle, GQ , and other prominent fashion magazines, late 1990s—; made television guest appearance debut on Spin City , 1998; made film debut in Zoolander , 2001; host of television reality show, Project Runway , 2004—.

Awards: Named one of People magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People, " 2001.

Most supermodels begin to fade away in their 30s, but German knockout Heidi Klum was just getting started. With an entrepreneurial eye, Klum used her cover girl status to make a brand name of herself and has successfully launched her own fragrance, clothing, and jewelry lines, as well as a footwear line through Birkenstock. In 2004, Klum's fashion-driven reality television show, Project Runway , hit the air and secured an Emmy nomination, ensuring Klum will not disappear from the limelight anytime soon.

The youngest of two children, Klum (pronounced Kloom) was born on June 1, 1973, in Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany. Klum's mother, Erna, worked as a hairdresser, while her father, Gunther, was an executive with a large German cosmetics company. Kloom watched her father work hard to achieve success in his career, and she adopted a similar style. "My father was always early out of the house and coming home late, " Klum recalled in an interview with Sara Vilkomerson, which was published in the Ottawa Citizen. "I saw that in order to make money—we didn't have a lot, but we did do things like go on holiday—I understood it was because my father worked so hard."

As a teenager, Klum became interested in fashion and at 18 she was accepted into a design school in Dusseldorf, Germany. Klum never considered modeling until one day, while thumbing through a magazine with a friend, she noticed an advertisement for a modeling contest sponsored by Petra magazine and a New York modeling agency. At the urging of her friend, Klum decided to enter the contest and the two sent off some Polaroids. Five months later, contest officials notified Klum that she had made the first-round cut in the national contest. In the end, Klum stood out above the field of 30, 000 entrants and won the title of "Ms. Model 1992."

Winning the contest garnered Klum instant notoriety and the chance to sign with a modeling agency, which sent her to Paris and Milan, though her career failed to ignite. Standing five-feet-nine-inches tall and with a curvy frame, Klum did not fit in with the angular, waif-like models that were popular in the early 1990s. Agency staffers kept tabs on her body measurements and suggested she lose weight. Frustrated, Klum asked to be relocated and ended up in the United States, where she picked up catalog work for J.C. Penney, Chadwick's and Newport News. Klum, however, yearned to appear on the runway so she switched agencies and told her new agency she wanted to try for a spot with the lingerie company Victoria's Secret. The agency did not think it was a good fit and initially refused, but Klum would not give up. "You can't wait for things to come to you, especially in this business, " Klum told the Ottawa Citizen 's Vilkomerson.

Victoria's Secret hired Klum and she made a splash strutting down the runways wearing jewel-studded bras. This work led to a 1997 appearance on Late Show with David Letterman , where she surprised the audience with her yodeling. Afterward, Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition editor Elaine D'Farley received a copy of the show. Although D'Farley knew that Klum lacked the portfolio and experience of the models Sports Illustrated typically used, she decided to take a chance on Klum. Viewing the tape, D'Farley caught a glimpse of Klum's alluring charm, which she figured would translate well into photographs. Not only did Klum get invited to the shoot, the green-eyed blonde ended up on the cover of the 1998 swimsuit edition and quickly became one of the profession's top-earning models. She ended up on the covers of Vogue, Marie Claire, Arena, Elle and GQ.

In 1997 Klum married celebrity hairdresser Ric Pipino, who was 18 years her senior. The marriage lasted five years. After her divorce, Klum dated Italy's Renault Formula One race team boss Flavio Briatore. After they split, Klum gave birth to their daughter, Leni, in May of 2004. Klum later married British singer-songwriter Seal and they welcomed the birth of their son, Henry Gunther Ademola Dashtu Samuel, on September 12, 2005.

Klum believes this relationship will endure. "Seal and I are a great couple because we're very attracted to each other, " Klum told Cindy Pearlman in the Chicago Sun-Times. "We compliment each other. I'm Speedy Gonzales. I do a million things at once. Seal likes to focus. He puts everything into talking to the baby or brushing Leni's hair…. This man takes his time to love. I love that about him."

Though Klum still models, she has other interests. She has her own line of perfume and swimsuits and a line of jewelry for Mouawad, which raked in millions its first year. Klum also designed a line of Birkenstocks made from frayed denim, pony hair, and jewels, hoping the "punk" shoes would appeal to a broader audience. Unlike many celebrities, Klum will not endorse a product unless she has been involved in its development. "I need to have complete control over how something is going to look if my name is going to be attached to it, " she told the Daily Telegraph 's Bryony Gordon.

Klum's popularity earned her appearances on episodes of Spin City and Sex in the City. She also made it to the big screen, with small roles in 2001's Zoolander and Blow Dry , as well as 2004's Ella Enchanted. It was on television, however, as host of Project Runway , that Klum really hit her screen stride. The highly popular reality television show debuted on Bravo in December of 2004, earning an Emmy nomination as well as second-season renewal.

The show features up-and-coming fashion designers competing for money—and recognition—to help launch their own lines. Host Klum puts the contestants through the paces in what can only be described as a fashion design boot camp. One of Klum's favorite exploits is the "clothes off your back" challenge, where contestants are asked to make a new outfit from whatever they are wearing at the moment.

Klum also published a book, Heidi Klum's Body of Knowledge: 8 Rules of Model Behavior (to Help You Take Off on the Runway of Life). One message Klum drives home in the book is that people should never give up on their dreams. Speaking to Redbook' s Jennifer Graham, Klum related the story of how her modeling agency told her she would never do magazines but she refused to listen. "My book's message is about trying different things and not being afraid of getting pushed back sometimes. It's about being creative to get ahead."

Selected writings

(With Alexandra Postman) Heidi Klum's Body of Knowledge: 8 Rules of Model Behavior (to Help You Take Off on the Runway of Life) , Crown, 2004.

Chicago Sun-Times , November 27, 2005, p. 2.

Daily News (New York), December 7, 2005, p. 103.

Daily Telegraph (London, England), February 6, 2003, p. 19.

Ottawa Citizen , March 12, 2005, p. I7.

People , May 14, 2001, p. 140.

Redbook , February 2005, p. 90.

— Lisa Frick

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Heidi Klum is a German-born supermodel, television host, entrepreneur, and actress who has made a significant impact on the fashion and entertainment industries. She is well-known for being the first German model to be selected as a Victoria’s Secret Angel and for being on the cover of the 1998 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.

Heidi klum’s bio, age.

Heidi Klum was born on June 1, 1973, in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. She is the daughter of Erna Klum, a hairdresser, and Günther Klum, a cosmetics company executive.

Educational Background

Heidi Klum did her early education at the Comprehensive School Paffrath in Bergisch Gladbach, West Germany. She attended a fashion school in Germany and graduated from there.

Heidi Klum’s modeling career began in the early 1990s when she won a national modeling contest in Germany. She gained recognition as a Victoria’s Secret Angel, becoming one of the brand’s most recognizable faces and establishing her status as a high-profile model. Her annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show appearances brought her to international celebrity.

Heidi Klum’s career also expanded beyond the runway. She began a new career in 2004 as the host and executive producer of the reality television show “Project Runway.” The show, which focused on fashion design competitions, became a massive hit. Klum earned widespread praise for her hosting skills and her role in discovering new talent in the fashion world. For these roles, she was nominated for an Emmy in 2008 and was awarded the prize in 2013 for Outstanding Host for a Reality or Reality-Competition Program. Her involvement with “Project Runway” lasted 16 seasons making it one of the longest-running fashion-related reality shows.

She appeared in a number of advertisements for McDonald’s, Volkswagen, and other brands as a spokesmodel for Dannon and H&M. Klum was named the doll’s official ambassador on the occasion of Barbie’s 50th birthday in 2009.

Klum moved into acting after her popularity as a TV anchor. She appeared in various films and TV shows, showcasing her versatility as a performer. Her roles included appearances in “Zoolander 2,” “Blow Dry,” and “How I Met Your Mother.”

Heidi Klum’s entrepreneurial spirit inspired her to create her own brand empire. She launched a successful swimwear collection and a line of fragrances, establishing her status as a fashion icon. Furthermore, Klum’s debut in lingerie resulted in the launch of the Heidi Klum Intimates collection, which offers stylish and classy undergarments.

In addition to her career achievements, Klum is renowned for her charity work. She has supported various charitable organizations, including amfAR (The Foundation for AIDS Research) and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

Heidi Klum’s career has spanned several decades, during which she has become an internationally recognized figure synonymous with beauty, fashion, and entertainment.

Who is Heidi Klum dating?

Heidi Klum has been in a relationship with Tom Kaulitz.

What is Heidi Klum’s Net Worth?

Heidi Klum’s Net Worth is estimated to be $200 million as of 2023.

Body Measurement

  • Height: 5 feet 9 inches
  • Weight: 62 kg
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Eye color: Hazel

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Learn Biography

Heidi Klum Biography

Heidi Klum is a German-American model, television host, actress, and businesswoman. With a successful career in modeling, she has also explored her talents in acting, appearing in films and television sitcoms. As a designer, she has launched maternity lines and a jewelry collection. Additionally, she has proven her skills as an entrepreneur and singer. Beyond her professional endeavors, Klum is a dedicated philanthropist, serving as an ambassador for various charitable organizations and using her singing talents to raise money for humanitarian causes.

Quick Facts

  • German Celebrities Born In June Age: 50 Years, 50 Year Old Females
  • Family: Spouse/Ex-: Ric Pipino (m. 1997–2002), Seal (m. 2005–2012), father: Günther Klum, mother: Erna, children: Helene Boshoven Samuel, Henry Günther Ademola Dashtu Samuel, Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel, Lou Sulola Samuel
  • Born Country: Germany
  • Height: 5’9″ (175 cm), 5’9″ Females
  • Ancestry: German American

Childhood & Early Life

Heidi Klum was born on June 1, 1973 in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany to Gunther Klum, an executive for a cosmetics company, and Erna, a hairdresser. When she was 18, persuaded by her friend, she submitted her photos for ‘Model 92’, a national model contest hosted by ‘Petra’, a young woman’s magazine. To her great surprise, she won the competition that offered her a modelling contract worth $300,000. She graduated from Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste (Städelschule), a fine arts academy in Frankfurt.

In 1993, she moved to New York, in pursuit of a career as a model. The next year, her appearance on the cover page of Mirabella magazine catapulted her into public attention and earned her more modelling opportunities. In the subsequent years, she became the cover model for magazines like ‘Marie Claire’, ‘ELLE’, and ‘Vogue’. Her major breakthrough came on February 20, 1998 with her swimsuit appearance that was featured on the cover of the illustrious weekly magazine, ‘Sports Illustrated’. This gave her recognition as one of the topmost models. In 1999, she was offered the chance to model for Victoria’s Secret, the largest American lingerie retailer. This gave her worldwide recognition and ranked her with ‘Angels’, the model line of Victoria’s Secret who participate in annual television shows. She pursued a career in Hollywood and made appearances in television sitcoms in the United States and Germany. In 2001, she appeared in ‘Blow Dry’, a comedy film starring Alan Rickman and Natasha Richardson. She started her business venture in 2002 and released her swimsuit calendars in the United States and Europe. In 2004, she managed to get roles in films like ‘Ella Enchanted’ and ‘The Life and Death of Peter Sellers’. The same year, she became the executive producer and hostess for ‘Project Runway’, the reality television show for design competition. In 2006, she started hosting ‘Germany’s Next Top model’, a German television show that offered the contestants the chance to win a contract with the IMG Models agency. She has also tried her hand in singing by releasing the single, ‘Wonderland’, the same year.

Major Works

Her first single ‘Wonderland’, released in November 2006, written as television advertisements for Douglas, the retailer, was a great success. It reached No.13 on the German singles chart. She has been very successful in her design ventures. She has designed shoes for Birkenstock, jewelry for Mouawad, a clothing line for Jordache, and makeup for Victoria’s Secret as part of their ‘Very Sexy Makeup Collection’, titled ‘The Heidi Klum Collection’. She also has two fragrances, called ‘Heidi Klum’ and ‘Me’.

Awards & Achievements

In 2013, she won the Emmy Award for her outstanding performance as a host for ‘Project Runaway’, a reality television show.

Personal Life & Legacy

On September 6, 1997, she married Ric Pipino, the famous stylist and hairdresser. The couple got divorced in November 2002. She then had a relationship with Flavio Briatore, the MD of the Formula 1 team of Renault. The couple got separated in January 2004, before the birth of their child Leni. She fell in love with singer Seal and married him on May 10, 2005. The couple has two sons, Henry Gunther Ademola Dashtu Samuel and Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel, and a daughter named Lou Sulola Samuel. After seven years of happy married life, the couple got divorced in April 2012. After the divorce, Klum started dating Martin Kristen, her bodyguard, and was in a relationship with him until early 2014. Since February 2014, she has been dating Vito Schnabel, son of artist and filmmaker Julian Schnabel.

  • This contemporary German-American model is also a good painter. She has dedicated her painting, ‘Dog with Butterflies’, to honor the rescue operation done by dogs in the aftermath of the September 11 attack.
  • This model and host of the television show, ‘Project Runaway’, is also a great designer who has designed collections for Mouawad jewelry and Birkenstock shoes.
  • Victoria’s Secret sells a make-up range, ‘The Heidi Collection’, named after this famous model.

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Home » Biography » Personalities » Models » Heidi Klum Biography: Husband, Age, Children, Movies, Height, Family, TV Shows

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Heidi Klum Biography: Husband, Age, Children, Movies, Height, Family, TV Shows

heidi klum biography deutsch

Heidi Klum Kaulitz  (born June 1, 1973), known for her versatile talents as a German-American model, television host, producer, and businesswoman, gained prominence when she graced the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 1998.

Notably, she was the first German model to attain the prestigious title of Victoria’s Secret Angel . Throughout her illustrious career,  Heidi Klum , also recognized as  Heidi Klum Kaulitz , has demonstrated remarkable proficiency in various domains.

From her early strides in modeling to her successful ventures in television hosting and entrepreneurship,  Heidi Klum  has consistently showcased her diverse skill set and unwavering commitment. 

Early Life & Education

Heidi Klum , the internationally recognized German-American model and television personality, was born on June 1, 1973. Her birthplace was Bergisch Gladbach, a quaint town near Cologne in West Germany. 

Heidi Klum  was fortunate to have been nurtured by her loving parents,  Günther Klum  and  Erna Klum . Alongside her upbringing was her brother,  Michael Klum , with whom she shared many childhood memories. 

To receive her education,  Heidi  joined the  Integrierte Gesamtschule Paffrath  in Bergisch Gladbach, where she completed high school.

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Heidi Klum  embarked on her modeling journey in Germany at 18, where she clinched victory in a national model competition. This achievement propelled her into the global spotlight, particularly after gracing the revered Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover in 1998.

Her rise to fame surged further as she ascended to the coveted status of a Victoria’s Secret Angel, a role she embodied for an impressive 13-year tenure. In this capacity,  Klum  mesmerized audiences worldwide by appearing in the brand’s iconic catwalk shows and captivating advertising campaigns.

Beyond her Victoria’s Secret reign,  Heidi Klum ‘s runway presence extended to renowned fashion houses such as Dior and Versace, solidifying her stature as a prominent figure in the fashion realm.

Transitioning seamlessly into television,  Heidi Klum  assumed the roles of host and judge on acclaimed reality series like  Project Runway  and  Germany’s Next Topmodel . Additionally, she has lent her expertise as a judge on  America’s Got Talent  since 2013.

Awards & Nominations

Primetime emmy awards.

  • Win: 2013 – Outstanding Host for a Reality or Reality-Competition Program (Project Runway)
  • 2008, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 – Outstanding Host for a Reality or Reality-Competition Program (Project Runway)
  • 2017, 2018 – Outstanding Reality-Competition Program (Project Runway)

Gold Derby TV Awards

  • 2011, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 – Reality Host (Project Runway, Making the Cut)
  • 2019 – Reality Host of the Decade (Project Runway)

Other Awards

  • Peabody Award: 2008 – Project Runway (first-ever reality show to receive the award)
  • Crystal Cross Award: 2014 – American Red Cross (for charity work, particularly after Hurricane Sandy)
  • Deutscher Fernsehpreis: Nomination – Best Entertainment Show (Germany’s TV award)
  • Teen Choice Award: Nomination – Choice TV: Personality

Social Media

  • Instagram: @heidiklum
  • Twitter: @heidiklum

Personal Life

Heidi Klum , at the age of 50, has had several significant relationships throughout her life. Her first marriage was to stylist  Ric Pipino , which lasted five years until their divorce in 2002. 

Subsequently, she entered into a relationship with  Flavio Briatore  before finding love with singer  Seal .  Klum  and  Seal  married in 2005 and welcomed three children:  Leni Olumi Klum ,  Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel , and  Henry Günther Ademola Dashtu Samuel .

Their marriage, characterized by annual vow renewals, ended in separation in 2012 and finalized in divorce in 2014.  Heidi Klum  then found happiness with German guitarist  Tom Kaulitz , whom she married in 2019, and they have remained happily together since.

Heidi Klum  has been romantically linked to individuals like  Vito Schnabel ,  Martin Kirsten ,  Jay Kay ,  Flavio Briatore , and  Anthony Kiedis . Additionally, she had an encounter with  Nick Cannon  in 2015.

Heidi Klum , a multi-talented individual, is widely recognized as a German-American model, television personality, businesswoman, fashion designer, singer, and actress. With her diverse skills and talents,  Heidi  has accumulated an estimated net worth of $160 million.


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    Heidi Klum (2019) Heidi Klum (* 1.Juni 1973 in Bergisch Gladbach, bürgerlich von 2009 bis 2012 Heidi Samuel, seit 2019 Heidi Kaulitz) ist ein deutsches Model.Seit 2008 besitzt sie auch die US-amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft.Sie arbeitet als Jurorin, Moderatorin bzw. Produzentin der Castingshows Germany's Next Topmodel, Queen of Drags und America's Got Talent.

  2. Heidi Klum

    Heidi Klum (pronounced [ˈhaɪdiː ˈklʊm]; born 1 June 1973) is a German-American model, television host, producer, and businesswoman. She appeared on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 1998 and was the first German model to become a Victoria's Secret Angel.. Following a successful modeling career, Klum became the host and a judge of Germany's Next Topmodel and the reality ...

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  4. Bio

    Bio - Heidi Klum. Heidi Klums Modelkarriere begann in ihrer Heimatstadt Bergisch Gladbach. 1992 gewann sie in Gottschalks Late Night Show den Contest Model '92. Kurz darauf zog sie in die USA, wo sie schnell für einige Jobs gebucht wurde, unter anderem für das bekannte Unterwäschelabel Victoria's Secret. Nach Ihrem Auftritt in der Victoria's ...

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    Heidi Klum was born in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany on June 1, 1973. Her mother, Erna, was a hairdresser. Her father, Günther Klum, was a cosmetics company executive. Heidi's father had earlier been a production manager for the 4711 perfume company. She grew up in her birthplace of Bergisch Gladbach, a city of about 100,000 residents only six ...

  7. Heidi Klum

    Heidi Klum (born June 1, 1973, Bergisch Gladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia, West Germany) German American supermodel, television personality, and businesswoman who hosted Germany's Next Topmodel and Project Runway. In 1992, while living near Cologne with her father, a cosmetics company executive, and mother, a hairdresser, 18-year-old Klum ...

  8. Deutsche Biographie

    Citation Klum, Heidi, Index entry in: Deutsche Biographie, https://www.deutsche-biographie.de/pnd129797219.html [19.04.2024].

  9. Heidi Klum

    Heidi Klum. Producer: Project Runway. Heidi Klum was born in Bergisch Gladbach, a small city near Cologne, Germany, in 1973. Her career as a top fashion model and swimsuit star began almost by accident when, on a lark, she submitted photos to a model competition hosted by Petra, a young woman's magazine. Klum won the competition, and signed with Metropolitan, the German modeling agency. After ...

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    They married in May 2005 and welcomed son Henry Gunther Ademola Dashtu Samuel on September 12. Klum stunned many by returning to modeling in less than two months after her son's arrival, looking ...

  12. Heidi Klum

    Heidi Klum, born on June 1, 1973, in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, is a multifaceted personality known for her work as a model, television host, producer, and businesswoman. Her journey into the ...

  13. Heidi Klum

    Biography. Heidi was born in Bergisch Gladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Her father was a company leader and her mother was a hair stylist. [6] She won a modelling competition. She beat over 25,000 other people. She got $300,000 from it, and modeled in the United States. [7] She has been on the cover of many magazines.

  14. Heidi Klum

    Heidi Klum. Producer: Project Runway. Heidi Klum was born in Bergisch Gladbach, a small city near Cologne, Germany, in 1973. Her career as a top fashion model and swimsuit star began almost by accident when, on a lark, she submitted photos to a model competition hosted by Petra, a young woman's magazine. Klum won the competition, and signed with Metropolitan, the German modeling agency.

  15. Heidi Klum Biography

    Heidi Klum was born on June 1, 1973 in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany to Gunther Klum, an executive for a cosmetics company and Erna, a hairdresser. When she was 18, persuaded by her friend, she submitted her photos for 'Model 92', a national model contest hosted by 'Petra', a young woman's magazine.

  16. Heidi Klum Biography

    Heidi Klum Biography ; Heidi Klum Biography. Model and television show host Born June 1, 1973, in Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany; daughter of Gunther (a cosmetics company executive) and Erna (a hairdresser) Klum; married Ric Pipino (a hairdresser), 1997 (divorced, c. 2002); married Seal (a British pop star), May 10, 2005; children: Leni (with ...

  17. Heidi Klum

    Heidi Klum began a new career in 2004 as the host and executive producer of the reality television show "Project Runway." The show, which focused on fashion design competitions, became a massive hit. ... Heidi Klum's Bio, Age. Heidi Klum was born on June 1, 1973, in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. She is the daughter of Erna Klum, a hairdresser ...

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    Heidi Klum was born on June 1, 1973 in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany to Gunther Klum, an executive for a cosmetics company, and Erna, a hairdresser. When she was 18, persuaded by her friend, she submitted her photos for 'Model 92', a national model contest hosted by 'Petra', a young woman's magazine.

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    Biography. Heidi Klum Kaulitz (born June 1, 1973), known for her versatile talents as a German-American model, television host, producer, and businesswoman, gained prominence when she graced the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 1998.. Notably, she was the first German model to attain the prestigious title of Victoria's Secret Angel.

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